The Egyptian Gods Egypt and the Middle East

The Egyptian Gods

Egyptian Religion of many beliefs. of the ancient Egyptians was a mixture The religion who taught that the sky was a goddess named was a very At other times, it was believed the sky stretched over the earth. be gods represented the moon. Mixing conflicting large cow. Six different these I the Egyptians. To them, liefs is àalled syncretism. This did not bother nature. different beliefs were all valid ways of describing

A Land of Many Gods Egyptian gods took many forms. From earliest or . He was times the most important god was Re, I by all Egyp the god of the Sun. Re was worshipped in certain cities tians. Other gods were worshipped only the official The Sun God Ra or regions. In the Old Kingdom, he became worshipped over 2,000 different god of the nation. However, the Egyptians was portrayed as a fal gods. The most common forms were animals. He had the head of a jackal. Other.. con. was the judge of the dead. was the goddess of childbirth. , gods combined parts of many animals. Tawert of a hippopotamus, , and Her body was made up of the body parts were often kept and worshipped lioness Live animals associated with gods god Sobek. They were worshippE For example, represented the of Crocodilopolis. When they cI. .and lived a life of luxury in the temple pool placed in tombs like humans. they were made into mummies. They were into gods. The phart. Horus, the Sometimes the Egyptians turned real people or great men were so’ God of Light were worshipped while still alive. A few died. For example, the builder liked that they were worshipped after they a god of wisdom. of the very first pyramid, lmhotep, was considered

Worshipping to temples. These Most ancient Egyptians had only limited access They might only see the were places where the gods were worshipped. bring out the images and carry statues at festival time. The priests would However, the Egyptian people them around the city on their shoulders. or goddess by owning small could always express their devotion to a god was decorated with the face amulets or statueffes. Sometimes furniture image of , one of the gods of a god or goddess. For example, the or children’s cradles. Also, of the family, was placed on eating utensils for people who wanted to make there were parts of the temples aside gods were called upon to grant special appeals to the gods. Sometimes, Sobek was the go’ image of Hor-pa-khered was special requests. Water poured over the . Crocodiles poisonous bites and stings. feared, they were:: believed to have special power to cure shipped as gods.

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