Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)
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Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 6-26-1930 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle) Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1930). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 1474. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/1474 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. BIGHT BULLOCH '11ME! AND SfA'I'ESBORO NEWS Paul Edward Blitch, of Pembroke, Social the viaited friends here Sunday. Happenings for M,ss TinY Lee Alderman viaited In �eek . Claxton TWI) PHONES: 100 AND 2158.B.. during the week end The Kime 1_. Temples, of Augusta, IS VIS- Alousu' Theater First Section relatives Jesse of itlng here thIs week Waters, Waynesboro. spent Hurnilton Arden, of Guyton. was a First Section MISS Aldlna Cone has returned MOTION PICTURES Sunday In the ciby VISItor here tiunng the week from SEE and HEAR! SEE and HEAR! a of some time In IS v... m Lee stay Augusta. Mrs. Linwood Talton trng Walter Sewell. of Atlanta. was I STATESBORO,GEORGIA PAGES ONE TO EIGHT J. H Brett, of was a Atlanta WIth relatives a VISItor here dur-ing the week end. Savannah, PAGES ONE TO BIGHT , VISItor here tfie week end A MUSICAL COMEDY BULLOCH during Frank DeLeach was a buainess VlS- Masters H P Jones and John Eg- TIMES J. D McDougald, of IS itor In Macon last week bert Jones last week In Savannah. spent Atlanta -- (STATESBORO NEW�TATESBORO spending Borne trme here WIth rela- EAGLE) Misses Sonia and Dorothy Fine. of MI. and Mrs. L E. Tyson Saturday. Monday. Tuesday. June Bulloch Times, Established 1892 spent tives 21,23,2� were Stateshoro Consolidated 17 ' 1917. Savannah, VISItors here Tues- Sunday WIth Iriends In Allendale, S C. News, E.tabllshed 1901 January Elwin of STATESBORO, Smith, Atlanta, IS - Statesboro Eagle, Establiahed GA., THURSDAy, JUNE 26, 1930 day. Hubert Crouse left dunng the week VISIting 1917-Consolidated December 9, 1910. his father, D. C. for "SUNNY SIDE UP". MIsses SallIe and Nannie for Atlanta, where he Smith, several Beasley has accepted a I were days, With and Charles Farrell. visitors In Savannah the POSItIon, Janet Gaynot Songs, story and dialogue by De Sylva, Brown during MISS FIRE DEPARTMENT �eek. Tom I Madge Cobb. who has been Kennedy. of Waycross, visited & Henderson, and directed by David Butler. This gorgeous entertainment is the HOOVER TARIFF IS EDITORS at Zebulon is at musical MEETING Miss Lucile hIS teaching ' home for the TO STAGE DANCE DORMAN:S FRIENDS Edwards, of Claxton, sister, Mrs. Henry Howell, during supreme achievement of stage and screen. All singing, all talking and dancing. CONTRACf IS IEf was the week-end the week, summer. ��g�-:��fRk�T guest of Mrs. J. who see this will no doubt be able to that �eople C. Mr. and Mrs. picture say they have Been the best picture AN ADDED Announcement is made that the Miller. Mrs T, F. Brannen is Edgar Jones, of Sa- BURDEN IS WEU ATIENDED vIsItIng her II GIVEN A FULL DAY have to move were this You'll find this to be a heaven of with Stateahoro fire .department will watermel�ns begun FOR A, LeWIS Mrs vannllh, visitora here during the year. delight the sheet of spon ROAD PAVING Hursey spent the week daughter. Claude In to Barfield, seven.th (lOT F an old-time market from Bulloch eounty during end week end, songs. Smart and a musical With a �ngels TON ill E R BUYS IN square dance at the In Savannah With hiS R Americus bright, delight, sunbeam chorus of 100 dancing dolls. S TAT E S B 0 R 0 IS the A brother. on the HOST TO CELEBRATION present week and several carloads telephone m_ge at t_ E. , M,.s Geraldme Averitt WORLD'S HIGHEST MARKETS ,sorarmory night of July 4th, be ANNIVERSARy\ Hursey. Edgar McCroan has returned spent last All singing and dancing: "Turn On the Heat;" start to VISITORS AT o'clock this aftemoon from strut; wiggle and wobble and at 9 AT IS MARKED BY THRILLING will go forwam today and temorrow. from PIMe week at Pembroke With her WHICH ARE MADE HIGHER. ginning Plenty of musrc LUNCHBO� Mrs. Legree of COUSin, warm .o'clock. J ABCKEL Donaldson, at Ea. Kennedy. Jackson- Emory Univeraity, where he has been up the hut for papa; it's thirty below. that you'll hear are: "I'm a HOTEL_ SERIES OF While the melons art! of "'"e and Point, •• Fay Lanier. Songs Dreamer, and callers Will be provided. The SPORTS. good nounc'l' that the ville. IS her III pub- contraet ... Fla, VIsiting mother. Mra school are said to Aren't We All?" "You Find the Time, I'll Fmd the Place," Side Atlanta, June24,::Southern farm- I lic is invited to WIth the color, they he gonerally been let for the E. J Foss I Mrs. Lawton Brannen, of Metter, "Sunny Up, "You've Got toda,. panna '" Eugene Jones. who has been ers will no \ partlcl��te G. in mferior when the 16 mil... of Me receive rehef from the Re- firemen In the festiVities (D. B., Savannah News) That was a cut, laekmg that bright road In Mi.s VISited her sister, Mra. J. P Picking Petals Off of Daisys," "Turn On the Heat," "If I Had a Picture of of the "full" day Alfred Dor- BalIoeh Marlon Jones 18 Ing In IS attend-, Foy, dur Talking county on the viSIting her Tech, Atlanta, at home for publican tariff bill color which is necessary to insure Swainsboro ...... the week. You" and to recently passed,' evening. June n man hIS The aunt, Mra. Frank the summer "It's Great Be Necked." This great show, runs for three Statesboro, Go, 23.-After gave friends here yesterday I price I. Jones, at Wlnston- days, Saturday, rather It adds to the best prices. $354.854.66. and the Mr and Mrs, Thomas already heavy delicious luncheon at the Jaeckel Ho- the contracto," are Salem, N. C Mrs. W. H. Evans. of Monday and And word "full" 18 used In its ��================ the Call1pbell and Mrs J. ling Tuesday. economic burden of Southern Si":,mon. SylvaDla, were VISitors tel tendered them the Construction Co. Mr. and Mrs F. I A here during by Stateaboro fullest sense-It Columbus. Ga. Wllhams spent were VISItors In Savannah .. ture, Eugene a�l�ul-: was a day filled with �ranan the week end. Talmadge, 59'843 ENROUED Chamber of Commerce. the members with her "College P. G. ' Sunday father, Joshua Ev- during the week Coquette" WALKER, Mgr. "Such Men Are til' of commission-I action and a crowd Dangerous" agriculture, declares, adding of the tilled with rations COUNTY ���M_� Harold A"eritt retumed Monday I First Diatrict Preas Association CENSUS I that the new law creates a If else is Hinton reorganized, revived and anythlllg needed to make a TOO MANY Booth leCt for week In as LIGHTS Tuesday At- Savannah the guest that cannot last long. condition', IN ST'ATE' SCHOOLS revit;ahzed lanta where Springs, Ark. the organizatIOn With the election to- full cccasicn=-well-c- he will spend several Mrs Henry Olhff "The SHOWS INCREASE M��ll���_�lq�l�ma�d��_b���==============�===============�==============;�Mrs. Dew Groover motored to Sa- E, T. was a business " cotton farmer of the Mr. and Mrd. E, A. Youngblood CAMPING PARTY South' SENIOR day of the As we days Oft busineas. John Donaldson ofl Smith and Mary CLASSES FOR PAST following officera: said It was a bIg time for AI- left vannah for the vtsttor In Savannah buys in the AND Monday Ruth Lanier Thursday day. Saturday, Enjoying a hlghest market III the Robert E. L TRAFFIC LAWS Mrs J. A spent last week In At- camping party at the" YEAR HAD MORE Majors, ClaxtoJ En- COUNTY SHOWS GAIN OF of IS for, THAN 12,000 fred and hia friends when 364 MIller, 6taxton, Birmingham, Ala. where he has ac- Mrs, CCCII Kennedy was among the of VISited world," say. Mr. "and the I D�rman Ianta on buainess George Parrish, Jesup, Hodges landing last week were Misses Talmadge, terprise, Paul AND spending some time WIth a MEMBERS. president; R.trden. STATESBORO 169 IN I'AST )ler son, J cepted pOSItIOn VISitors III Savannah the tariff law everybody from Bulloch MOTORIST. FOLLOWING ORIGIN. Mrs D during week. hIS parents, Mr and Mrs. H, S Par- Sara Mae and present makes that market' Glennville county and C. ?hller and C. McDollgald IS Smith, Menzie Cum- Sentinel. vice-president. TEN YEARS. AL family Misses Lucy Mae Brannen and 1 VISIting MIke Donaldson left for Then the ROUTE, FAILED TO BBTrBa Mrs Monday rish, Monday Bertie Mae and higher he must sell his and D G. neighbnring counties, even 08 far Mr and Mrs W Elfz-, Jesse McDougald In Anderson mmg, Reta Lee, and pro-I Athens, Ga. June 25 -Enrollment BIckers, Savannah OF E anti abeth Sorr-ier motored to ' Mormng I3PEED 1775. McDougald Jucksonville, Fla. to VISIt his mother J E who IS an Em- ducts in the lowest market III the MISS Savannah'S C.