National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016


A warm welcome to all the Hesabika Convention delegates! A special welcome to our guests from outside the country. This convention becomes the fourth of FOCUS ’s flagship Conventions. However, Hesabika comes about as a unique convention owing to the need it addresses and the urgency it deserves: FOCUS Kenya has over the years (since 1973) nurtured more than 100,000 Christians from the Christian Unions. These graduates are found in every sector Mr. George Ogalo of the society, majority in very influential positions. While we rejoice at this outcome over the years, the current spread and levels of corruption, the trap of negative ethnicity, the levels of poverty among a majority of Kenyans, and the untamed politics outrightly challenge our theology and practice of Christian faith. They make a mockery of the claim that Kenya is 82% Christian, even when history attests to Christian values playing a major role in social transformation when Christians choose to stand up and be counted. It is out of this reality and our Christian mandate that a significant number of Kenyans are gathered in this convention to focus on national social transformation. I believe that this Convention will begin to validate the many Christians in the market place as a source of light and as a practical voice of God for social transformation. The prevailing notion that the voice of God is confined to the clergy and to Sunday worship needs to be 2 addressed radically so that Christian influence can get into the streets and marketplaces where the individual Christian in the private and public sector operates. We also hope that this Convention will catalyze Christian organizations and Kenyans of goodwill to create synergy in order to mitigate the concerns we have for our nation. This is the essence of the models of transformation and the exhibitions happening in this Convention. At a time when the Christian Unions in Kenya are graduating nearly 10,000 students every year, there is need to prepare and harness this potential force of influence for the greater good of God’s purpose for the nations. We are delighted that in the 2016-2020 Strategic Plan of FOCUS, Integral Missions and Social Transformation is already flagged as a Strategic Priority Area. Hesabika Convention therefore becomes one major strategy to catalyze a movement in which Christians (students and graduates) will begin to claim their God-given responsibility to be the light and salt of their world (Mathew 5:13). The university and college environment by itself requires redemption so that our young people do not succumb to the greed, divisions, and corruption that characterize our society. We trust God that from the biblical reflections, and the models of transformation engaged in this Convention, there shall arise a critical number of Christians who manifest a deep sense of calling and a purpose for their nation. In order to translate the concerns we have into action, we must in the spirit of Christ commit to sacrificial patriotism. It is therefore a great joy to see this convention actualized after much prayer and intense planning. May this Convention inspire and bear the fruits of national impact, for God and his people. And may Christians in this country lead from the front. Once again, Welcome na Tuhesabike!

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016

Hesabika Planning Committee Chairman’s Message

Message from the Chair, HESABIKA Planning Committee

There are not many people living in Kenya today who are not concerned about the direction our nation is heading. We watch our TV screens and listen to radios in horror as we hear story after story of bad news especially about impunity, greed, corruption and theft of the country’s resources. Kenya has become a very unequal society of a few billionaires and millions living from hand to mouth. A few of the elite have now made a hobby out of stealing billions Dr. Joshua Wathanga from public resources and routinely getting away with it. But mere analysis and concern and a few couch solutions of how we get out this mess will not change anything.

Change, if it will come to Kenya, will not come from out there. To keep hoping that, if only we had issue-based political parties, or less selfless parliamentarians and MCAs or more honest police and lawyers, is pure escapism. When you enter a room and you find it dark, you don’t blame the darkness but you ask, ‘where is the light?’ When you eat tasteless food, you don’t blame the food, but you ask, ‘where is the salt?’ Equally, when you see a society that is in darkness and is morally bankrupt, you don’t blame the society or its politicians, police, or its lawyers; you ask yourself, where are the Christians? 3 Transformation has to start with each one of us, especially those attending this convention, people who claim to be servants of the God who ‘so loved the world that He gave His only Son’! Aren’t there enough of us who have been transformed by Christ and who can be agents of transformation for our land? Sociologists argue about what proportion of the population is required to change a culture and the direction of a nation. Those percentages are usually in the range of 3-5%, but this is miniscule for a nation that prides itself to be 82% Christian with between 7,000-10,000 of Christians graduating from the Christian Unions of its universities and colleges.

John Wesley is quoted to have said, ‘Give me one hundred preachers who fear nothing but sin and desire nothing but God, and I care not whether they be clergymen or laymen, they alone will shake the gates of Hell and set up the kingdom of Heaven upon Earth’. HESABIKA calls upon each one of us, to be counted among the ‘one hundred’ who are prepared to stand up and be counted and be agents of God’s transformation for our beloved land and continent.

I thank especially my fellow Planning Committee members for allowing God to use them as they worked even through extreme pressure over the last six months or so since HESABIKA was born. We thank the leadership of FOCUS for giving us the honor to serve the movement, the nation and God in putting together this convention. We are humbled by those who gave financially to support the HESABIKA initiatives for believing in this movement enough to put their money into it. We are grateful for the support and encouragement of many FOCUS Associates, some of whom are church pastors, corporate leaders, politicians and public officials. All these give us hope that this country can be changed, one person at a time, for good and for God. Tuhesabike!

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016


FOCUS National Director...... 2 Hesabika Planning Committee Chairman’s Message...... 3 Hesabika Handbook General Information ...... 5 List of Sponsors and Exhibitors for Hesabika Convention...... 6 About FOCUS Kenya...... 9 Plenary Speakers...... 13 Workshop Facilitators...... 18 Songs...... 61 Note Pad...... 66


Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016

Hesabika handbook General Information

Background According to the recent Youth Survey done in Kenya, almost half of the country’s youth admire people who have made money regardless of how they did it, while a slightly lower figure do not mind receiving a bribe or paying one to get things done. It appears that in Kenya one does not have to toil hard to become wealthy and that the sole purpose of public office is an opportunity for corruption and national plunder. 52 years, and counting, in our life as a nation, we continue to see accelerating evidence of broken walls in our national ethics and moral decay in society. At the same time, the country is said to be over 80% Christian and our churches are full and seemingly thriving; same for our schools and universities. Christian Unions in Kenyan universities now produce nearly 10,000 graduates every year, and many of these, over the years, have taken responsible positions in every sector of the economy and public life. While FOCUS ministry has had a huge impact and influence in the ministry of the church in Kenya and abroad, and in the lives of individual Christians and their families, the same seems to be missing or hardly noticeable in Kenya’s political and socio-economic realms? Why is corruption continuing unabated when we have Christians in influential positions-private and public arena? Where is the influence of Christians in today’s politics? What of influence in professional circles such as medicine, legal profession, construction industry, teaching profession, alarming affront against the family institution through deviant sexuality? Despite of all the above, delegates who attended the 2015 FOCUS Associates Annual Easter Retreat whose theme was ‘Christian Professionals Shaping Societal Values’ felt that it was time to do something radically different in order to make a much bigger impact for godly transformation of our country. It was felt that the matter should be treated with urgency as it may be prudent for us to come up with strategies that could impact on the outcome of 5 the General Elections as well as the need to stem the tide of growing moral decadence in society. It is clear that personal piety alone does not translate to public morality and as a result, Hesabika initiative was birthed. Hesabika is a Kiswahili word for ‘Stand Up, Be Counted’ and aims at inspiring and challenging Christians to ‘Translate Concern into Action for Societal Transformation. Hesabika National Convention is an initiative that aims to bring together Christians in the marketplace, private sector and public life and as well our organizational partners for a time of Biblical reflection, prayer and sharing of practical models and testimonies of social transformation in Kenya and elsewhere. For your information and ease in locating various rooms and facilities during the convention, a map is included in this handbook. We also have FOCUS Staff who have Pink badges who could assist in case you are not able to locate the rooms and facilities. There will be signage around the University to help the delegates identify the key facilities. Catering Meals will be served in the tents outside the plenary hall (on the right hand side) with four serving points and also in the restaurant adjacent to the Amphitheatre for the speakers. Cafeteria system will be used in all the stations. Only the delegates with name tags will be admitted into the catering areas and served at the presentation of the meals card. The card has indications of all the conference meals per day. We shall be guided by the ushers on the sitting arrangement for ease of catering especially during lunch due to time constrain. Kindly cooporate with them to facilitate efficiency. Delegates are encouraged to eat as fast as possible to give room to the others to feed. There will be containers to help collect the dirty/used utensils as delegates leave the catering areas. Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016 For all the delegates who may require special meals out of medical concerns, kindly leave such details on the registration desk for ease of facilitation. Meals times: • Lunch: 1.00-2.00pm • Mid-morning O’clock tea: 11.00 -11.30am • Evening O’clock tea: 5.30pm Ushers We have a team of the convention ushers who will be available to guide, assist and direct delegates throughout the convention period. Kindly, cooperate with them and follow instructions they give especially in the plenary hall and in the feeding areas. They will be in clear identification badges as ushers. In the plenary hall, a section will be reserved for speakers and other conference guests from time to time especially during the opening session on the day one of the convention. Medical services Hesabika organisers will provide for consultations and treatment of minor ailments through a team of Convention medical team. The team will be available from 1.00-2.30pm and any other time in case of an emergency. However, liaise with the ushers in case of any other medical issues that need attention beyond the time allocated. Canteen Those who would wish to buy items or soft drinks, may get them from the students centre canteen or from the shops or the shopping mall around the University. 6 Workshops Concerning the workshops for each day being offered at the convention, kindly see the section under workshops for detailed description. Security for Hesabika Convention Hesabika planning team together with the Kenyatta University will provide adequate security for all delegates and their vehicles. Delegates Parking: All the vehicles will be parked at the Bishop’s Square just before the Business Centre entrance to the left. Kindly cooperate with the ushers for efficiency. The parking at the Amphitheatre will be in use and therefore not available. Transport of delegates from the gate The planning team will avail Kenyatta University Shuttles which will pick the delegates from the gate to the Amphitheatre from 7.30 to 8.30 am each day. Those who will miss the bus on time basis will be required to walk to the venue. Accommodation Hesabika convention is a day conference and therefore the delegates are expected to plan for their accommodation in good time for the two or three nights (depending on one’s travel arrangements). However the speakers who cannot commute are being taken care of by the convention planning team. There are different hotels and hostels around the University at different rates which are available by request. Kenyatta University also has a guest house that is available by booking.

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016 Hesabika Follow up The convention follow up team will seek to run with the convention way forward in various ways: • Hesabika covenant which will be signed at the convention by the delegates. • Workshop commitment form which will be filled by the delegates during the workshops. • Professional groups: Existing and those that will be newly formed at the convention. • Working groups from various counties. • Hesabika Campaigns • Students’ Social action groups through the Christian Unions. Exhibitions In the convention, we have a wide variety of products and services showcased by the different exhibitors. This provides a great opportunity to learn from what these organisation have achieved and are doing for the nation and in the kingdom of God. Do make maximum use of the facility by visiting the tents for more information, details and opportunities. Please note that just like the other items in the programme, this should be done during the time allocated. See the list of exhibitors provided in this handbook. Information specific to international delegates • Time zones 7 is in +3GMT zone, kindly synchronise your watches when you arrive. • Internet connection This information will be communicated during the conference. In case of any assistance in the use of your devices, kindly contact the planning team or the international delegates’ incharge. Feel free to raise any concerns with them. For personal security, kindly keep your badge on at all times. In case of any local movement away from the convention venue, kindly alert your team leaders and liaise with the staff incharge and the planning team. The planning team, will be pleased to help you make the best out of the convention. Enjoy your stay in Kenya! Special offering. We shall have time to give a special offering during Hesabika on Monday nd2 (in the morning) which will be directed to the follow up program of the initiative. We kindly request all the delegates to come prepared for the same.

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016

List of Sponsors and Exhibitors for Hesabika Convention

Sponsors Gold Exhibitors and Partners • KPMG 1. The Scripture Union of Kenya • Tearfund 2. The Brooke East Africa • Cooperative Bank 3. Kenya Christian Professional Forum • Kenya Commercial Bank 4. Hope FM • SMEP Micro finance Bank Platinum Exhibitors and Partners • World Vision 1. Life in Abudance 2. • Riva Petroleum Accelerated Christian Education • Eclof Kenya Other Exhibitors and Partners 1. Sheepfold Ministries • KenGen International Silver Exhibitors and Partners 2. iServe Africa 1. Bible Translation and Literacy 3. Leadership Institute of Kenya East Africa 4. Caring Friends Ministries 5. The Dove Africa 2. iWay Africa 8 6. Christian Medical and Dental 3. International Leadership Association University and International 7. Arba Publishers Leadership Foundation 8. FB Suma

Recommended Books From FOCUS Literature Department

When the Sparrows Fell When the When The Sparrows Fell @350/= Remembering the Victims of the Garissa University College Terror Attack Sparrows Fell The tragic events of 2nd April 2015 in Garissa University College; the death of dozens of young people; the snuffing off It is one year since the tragic events at the Garissa University College of so many hopes and aspirations of individuals and communities, must not be quickly forgotten. One week after the attack, the Garissa University College Christian Union chairman said: “But then, what next? We Kenyans are good at forgetting things. Will this also be forgotten? Today we are mourning deeply, but will what happened to our brothers when terrorists snuffed out 148 lives and left many injured and and sisters in Garissa also be soon forgotten? Remembering the Victims of the Garissa University College Terror Attack

W traumatised. This book is a commemoration of those who left us, a The grieving process must progress so that the student

survivors, families who lost their kin, and the entire nation h e actually move on. However, such progress can only be truly n t h e achieved with a healthy appreciation of the past, a considered appraisal of the present and an informed march into the

S p a r cerebration of those who survived as they live out their lives with their future. That is what When the Sparrows Fell is about. o

A Publication of w s F FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIAN UNIONS testimonies that good will always triumph over evil. Let your heart be

succinctly captures Christian suffering in e

“When the Sparrows Fell” l our day, narrating the horror that young college students went through for being perceived to be Christians. Those who survived warmed by the brave stories of those who have literally been to hell’s bear the marks of Christ, and the story of their journey to recovery is the silver lining with which their suffering has gifted posterity. I recommend it wholeheartedly to all readers. Canon Peter Karanja Compiled by LUCAS OWAKO General Secretary, National Council of Churches of Kenya gate and lived to testify of the goodness of the Lord.

FOCUS Daily Devotional Volume 1 & 2 @200 Each Delve into the Word of God everyday through our daily devotionals Vol. 1 - tailored to cover the whole Bible in 3 years. Each volume covers 120 days based on the books of the Bible, thereby giving you an overview of each chapter, key lessons, a memory verse and how to apply the Scriptures in your life.

A FOCUS Kenya Devotional Guide (A 120 Days Course) Determined to cover the Bible in 3 years? Then this is a must have aid that will keep you guided throughout your endeavor.

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016


The Fellowship of Christian Unions [FOCUS-KENYA] is a national movement of Christian Unions in Universities and Colleges in Kenya. It is the umbrella body that links and networks Christian Unions in institutions of Higher Learning in Kenya and Associates (Graduates) involvement in society. Currently, FOCUS is working with over 144 Christian Unions in Kenya, 82 of which are registered with 33,792 students. The vision of FOCUS is Christian Students and Associates (Graduates) impacting Institutions of Higher Learning, the Church and Society. The mission of FOCUS is to reach and equip Students in institutions of higher learning and Associates (Graduates) for effective Christian living. To realize this mission, FOCUS-Kenya has identified 6 Strategic Priority Areas, as outlined in the current Strategic Plan 2016-2020, namely; • Evangelism • Discipleship • Leadership Development • Integral Mission & Social Transformation • Partnerships with Universities, Churches & Other Organizations • Organizational Effectiveness. The identity, organizational culture and character of FOCUS-Kenya is defined by five (5) core values, namely Faithfulness to the Holy Scriptures, Integrity, Excellence, Student-centeredness and Teamwork. FOCUS-Kenya is a full associate member of the National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK), and an affiliate to the Evangelical Alliance of Kenya (EAK) and the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES). As an organization, FOCUS has been in existence for 43 years since 1973, when it was registered in Kenya. The foundations were laid in the mid-1950s, when the Christian student movement 9 began in Africa, culminating with the formation of Pan-African Fellowship of Evangelical Students in 1958. In order to coordinate the embryonic work of establishing evangelical national movements, the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) seconded Dr. Alonzo Fairbanks to PAFES as the pioneering Travelling Secretary in 1960. In 1962-1964, he was joined by David Holmes, a lecturer at University of Legon, who helped to establish the early students work initiatives in East Africa, based in Nairobi. During this period, Christian lecturers and graduates based in Makerere, University College, Nairobi and Dar es Salaam provided invaluable moral, physical and financial support to the Fellowship. Such individuals include Prof. George Kinoti, Dr. Edward Kizza and Prof. Stephen Talitwala, who became the pillars of the emerging student work in the university and colleges. Eventually in 1966, the late Arch Bishop David Gitari, then a graduate teacher, was appointed as the first African Travelling Secretary for PAFES, and later succeeded by Daniel Kyanda from 1968 – 1971. By 1972, out of students’ initiative, PAFES East Africa transitioned to Fellowship of Christian Unions, and the stage was now set for the regional movement to consolidate into indigenous national movements. And so in 1973, Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS) was registered as an organization in Kenya, with Rev. John Gichinga as the General Secretary, with a mandate traversing the whole of East, Central and Southern Africa. Since then, FOCUS has gone through many organizational growth milestones under the leadership of the successive General Secretaries (now National Director), namely, Dr. Joshua Wathanga (1986-1992); Bishop Dr. David Oginde (1992-1997); Rev. Dr. Karita Mbagara (interim in 1997); Dr. Timothy Wachira (1998-2003); Martin Karanja (2004-2006); Simon Masibo (2007-2015), and currently George Ogalo, deputised by Simon Kande. In view of the changes in the country and realities of ministry expansion, the work of FOCUS is now organized under 7 regions (Northern Nairobi, Southern Nairobi, Mt. Kenya, Central Rift, North Rift, Western and Pwani), with the oversight of the National Governing Council (NGC) and a Regional Council (RC) in each region.

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016 Growing through four decades from 5 CUs in 1973 to over 150 in 2016, and from 2 staff- workers to 69, FOCUS-Kenya has risen from a fledgling fellowship into an unstoppable movement that is making tremendous godly impact in diverse sectors in Kenya – institutions of higher learning, churches, the marketplace, and wider society. From the humble beginnings in the university and college Christian Unions, God has raised great agents of transformation who have continued to witness for Christ as church leaders, bankers, the media, corporate governance, public institutions at national and county levels, entrepreneurship, as school teachers and university lecturers among others. As a result of this, the influence of God’s Kingdom is spreading and being felt through individual FOCUS Associates, who are standing up to be counted as faithful witnesses of Christ everywhere. In order to realize its vision, FOCUS runs many programmes geared towards nurture and capacity-building: Bible Study – at small group level, based on books of the Bible and various topical issues STEM Programme – a 1 year ministry internship program for fresh graduates. Commission Conference – a triennial missions mobilization and capacity-building convention Ezra Conference – a discipleship and Bible training conference National Leadership Summit (NLS) – a triennial conference for top leaders across the Christian Unions Hesabika – an initiative for mobilizing Christian social action Vuka-FiT – a programme for equipping final years students for life beyond campus Anza-FYT – a programme aimed at the orientation of first year students to campus life

10 Shahidi Forum – an annual public lecture forum addressing emerging contemporary issues Chastity Campaign – a behaviour-change initiative to mobilize students for sexual purity commitment After graduation, FOCUS provides a platform for the graduates to connect with other graduates nationwide through involvement in the 22 FOCUS Associate Branches in all the 7 regions as follows: • Nothern Nairobi: Kitui, Thika, Kahawa Sukari • Southern Nairobi: Nairobi, Machakos • Western: Kisumu, Kakamega, Kisii, Bungoma • Pwani: Mombasa, Malindi, Kilifi • Mt. Kenya: Kirinyaga, Chuka, Embu, Nyeri • Central Rift: Nakuru, Naivasha, Nyahururu • North Rift: Eldoret, Kitale, Kapenguria Besides its affiliations, FOCUS has also developed partnerships with various organizations with a view to raising support, enhancing its ministry and institutional capacities, and net- working geared towards realization of its mission and vision. Some of these include, Global Project (USA), NKSS (Norway), Windle Trust, Hand in Hand, Christian Medical & Dental Association (CMDA), among others. As FOCUS turns 43 in September 2016, the success story of what God has been doing through the FOCUS-Kenya student movement will continue to be told through the trans- formed lives of thousands of graduates, who having been raised, nurtured and equipped through the student ministry are making a difference for Christ in Kenya and beyond.

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016 FOCUS Bible Study Guides Series

Pursuing Purity THE �y�����y�yy��yyy���yyy�yy��y�y��yy BIBLE IN �y�yyy�yyyyyy��y��y �yy�yyyyyy�yyyyyyyyyy�yyyyyyyy�yy���yyy�yy��yPursuing FOCUS Purityyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyy y��yyy �yy y��yy �yy yy�y�y �yyy �yy yy��y�y yyy �y�yy y�y y�yyyy�yyy�y Pursuing �yy�y�yy���y�y��y�yyy��y�yyy�yy��yy�y�yyyyy�yyyy��yy�y�yyyy�yy�yyyy�y��yy�y yy�yyyyyy��yy�yyy�yy�yyy���yyyyy�yyyyyyy�yyyyyyy�y��yy�y�y�yyyyy�yyyyyy yyyyyy�yy �yy y���y��yyy yy�y �y�y���y�yy �yy�y �yyyy�yyyyy y�y�y��yy�y yyyyy�yyyyyy�y�yyy�y�yy�yy�yyyyyyyyyyyyyy�yy��yyy��yyyyyyyyyyy�y�y��y�yy��yyy �yy�y�yy�yyy y�y �yyyyyy ��yyy �yyy��y yyy yy�yyy�y��y y��y�y yy�y �y���yyyyy �yy Purity yyy���yyyy��yyyy�y�yyyy�y�y��yyy�yyyy�y�y�yyyyyy�y�yyyyy��yyyyyyyy�yyyyyy�y yyyy�yy�yy yyy ���yyy y�yyy y�yyyy �y��yy�yyy �yy�y�y�yyy �y�y yyyy �yyyy �y�yy �yyyyyyy�y�yyyyy�yyy�y�yyyy�yy�yyyyy�yyyy�y��yyy���y�yyyyyyy�yyyyyyyy �yyyyy�y yyyy�yy�yyy �yy yy�y��yyy�y y�y��y�yy��yy�y�y ��yyy �yyy yy�y�y��yy yyyyyyy y y�yy yyy��y yy��yy �yy�yyyyyyy yyy y�y�yyy�yyy y�y yyyy ��yy�yyy y�y yyyy �y��y �y��yy�yyyy�yyy�yyy�y�yyy��yyy�yyy�y�yy�y�yy�yyy�yyy�y�y�y�yy�yyyy�yy�yyy�y�yy �yyy�yyyy�yyy��yyy�yyyyyyy�y�yyyyyy��yyyyyyy�yyyy��y�yy�yyyyyy��y�y�yy�y yy�yyyy�y�yy�yyy�yy�yyyyyy��y��yyyyy�yyyy�yyyyyyy�y�yy�y�yy�yy


THE LAW OF THE LORD Studying It, Practicing It, Teaching It. Ezra 7:10

9 Studies on Sexual Purity Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS) Preparing God’s People for Works of Service �yy��yyy�y�y��yyyyyyy�y�y�����yyyy


Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya)

National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016

Plenary Speakers

Speaker Profiles Dr Vinoth Ramachandra, is from Sri Lanka and holds both bachelors and doctoral degrees in nuclear engineering from the University of London. Instead of pursuing an academic career, he returned to Sri Lanka in 1980 and helped to develop a Christian university ministry in that country. In 1987 he was invited to serve as the South Asian Regional Secretary for the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES), a post he held until 2001. Vinoth currently serves on the IFES Senior Leadership Team as Secretary for Dialogue & Social Engagement. His multi- faceted ministry includes promoting the vision among students and professors of a holistic engagement with the university; giving public lectures and participating in dialogue Dr. Vinoth Ramachandra, events in universities; and helping Christian students and graduates think and respond as Christians to some of the The Bible Expositor social, cultural and political challenges they face in their national contexts throughout the world.

Bishop Dr. David Oginde is the Presiding Bishop of Christ is the Answer Ministries (CITAM), a Church ministry focused on reaching the urban communities in Kenya, Africa, and the rest of the world, with over 45,000 members. 13 He holds a PhD in Organizational Leadership from the School of Business and Leadership, Regent University, USA, having graduated with a Masters in Leadership degree from the Pan Africa Christian University, Nairobi. Prior to this he had graduated with a Bachelor of Architecture degree from the University of Nairobi. He had previously attended Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (Trinity International University) in Illinois, USA, where he undertook his Biblical Studies. Bishop Oginde also serves as the Chancellor and chair of the Bishop Dr. David Oginde Governing Council for Pan Africa University. He is also a member of the Board of Biblica Kenya and President of the When Death Is Better Than Life Pentecostal Assemblies of Africa. He is the Vice chair of the Evangelical Alliance of Kenya. Bishop Oginde was the FOCUS General Secretary from 1992 to 1997. He is also actively involved in leadership training, motivational speaking and Biblical teaching. He has led several training workshops and seminars on various aspects of leadership both locally and internationally. He has authored and co-authored several books and has published several journal articles. David is married to Nancy and they have two children, Joyce and Chris.

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016

Plenary Speakers

Speaker Profiles Mr. Makome is a Managing Director & Chief Business Officer at Kenya Commercial Bank and an Associate at IFS School of Finance. Prior to joining KCB, he was the Managing Director, Equity Bank Tanzania. Other previously held roles include: Gener- al Manager, Equity Bank Limited; Executive Director, Bank of Africa (BOA), Uganda and Regional Head, Consumer Banking Operations for Africa, Standard Chartered Bank. He holds a Masters in Organizational Leadership from the Inter- national Leadership University, Nairobi, Kenya a BSc in En- gineering from the University of Nairobi and is an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Bankers, London, UK (ACIB). He has over 20 years experience in Banking Institutions and 10 years in executive management in strategic leadership and Mr. Sam Makome business development. Being Light: A Superior Way He is married to Faith and they have 2 sons.

The Rt. Rev. Dr. D. Zac Niringiye is a theologian, pastor, Bible teacher, organizational development consultant and a peace 14 and social justice activist. He took an early retirement from his work as Assistant Bishop of the Diocese of Kampala in 2012 to focus his energies on the work of peace and social- political justice in Uganda. Prior to that, he was Regional Director of the Church Mission Society’s work in Africa and spent 20 years of ministry among students in Uganda and all over English- and Portuguese-speaking Africa. He is now a Fellow in the Faculty of Social Sciences at Uganda Christian University, leading a project on Religion, Culture and Public life. Dr Niringiye holds an honours Physics degree from Makerere Rt. Rev. Dr David Zac Niringiye University, a Masters degree in Theology from Wheaton College, USA, and a PhD in Theology and Mission History Thriving Churches - Thriving from Edinburgh University. He has written widely on theology, injustice: The crisis of Christian leadership and mission. He has also been instrumental in the community in contemporary Africa founding of many organisations and ministries, including: the Evangelical Fellowship of Uganda, Kampala Evangelical School of Theology (KEST), Aclaim Africa (a leading leadership and management consulting firm) and Relate Communications, the publishers of Relate magazine. He is also a marriage and family life Counsellor. Born in Bufumbira, Kisoro District, Bishop Zac is married to Theodora, an HIV/AIDS, trauma, marriage and family counsellor with Relate Communications and Wakisa Ministries, and they have three children – Joshua, Grace and Abigail.

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016

Plenary Speakers

Patrick is a Zimbabwean who is resident in Johannesburg, South Africa. He is the CEO and founder of Crossover Trans- formation, an organization focused on accelerating business and economic growth by putting together new relational and transactional economic structures (www.crossovertransfor- He also serves as the African Coordinator of Unashamedly Ethical – a movement with the objective of mobilizing people across the world to stand up against cor- ruption and commit to lives of ethics, values and clean living (’s passion is in devel- oping and working with leaders and organizations that are committed to unlocking the vast economic potential of Africa by building new sustainable systems of inclusive wealth cre- ation and prosperity that will benefit of all Africans. All of the Mr. Patrick Kuwana principles he works with are biblically based and Holy Spirit Doing Business in Tough Economic inspired with the ultimate aim of pointing people to Christ so Times that Christ can point them to the Father. Prior to starting Crossover, Mr Kuwana was in the IT industry and held several executive positions at HP, Oracle Corpora- tion and Computer Science Corporation. In 2005 he stepped into the entrepreneurship environment and was involved in several start-ups. He is also part of the Transformational Leadership team at USA based FSH Group.

15 Dr. Pipim is a US-based Ghanaian author, inspirational speaker, leadership trainer, and an advocate for youth empowerment. He was trained in engineering and systematic theology, and has authored more than twenty books. They include his bestselling works Patience in the Midst of Trials and Afflictions, Hope Through the Dark, Six More Chances, and Healed Wounds but Ugly Scars. Dr. Pipim currently directs two Centers for Leadership Development known as EAGLES (Empowerment & Advisory Group for Leadership, Excellence, & Service) and ANANSE (African Network & Advisory for Needed Services & Excellence). www. He also serves as a special consultant on Bible projects. He has previously served as a Director for Public Campus Ministries, serving students, faculty, and staff at the Dr. Samuel Koranteng-Pipim, University of Michigan. He has spoken extensively around Grassroots Youth Can Make A the world at events for youth, students, young professionals, Difference and religious & civic leaders. His published works on Africa include The Transformed Mind, Africa Must Think, and The African Giant. His most recent work is My Song in the Night: MCards to Inspire, Encourage, & Challenge.

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016

Plenary Speakers

Tomi serves as the Programs Director and Africa Coordinator for EAGLESonline. With backgrounds in Law, International Development, International Business, and Leadership, she has used her voice and pen on behalf of individuals, communities, and the Africa continent for positive change. Over the last fifteen years, she has crisscrossed borders, using her organizational and leadership skills to initiate and implement various initiatives that have helped transformed various communities in Africa. She is a global nomad to physical and virtual spaces, from where she gains practical wisdom and balance to maintain sensitivity to real life trials and triumphs. Her passion is reading, writing, teaching, and effecting positive social change. Originally from Nigeria, she is currently based in California, USA. Tomi Daniel One Person Can Make A Difference

Rev. Odede is the Senior Pastor of Nairobi Baptist Church. Previously, he served in the same position at Christ is the 16 Answer Ministries (CITAM), Valley Road, CITAM Woodley and CITAM Karen.

He graduated from Kenyatta University (Kenya), Trinity International University (USA) and Bethany International University (Singapore). He worked with the Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS) for 13 years. This included pioneering and directing the Commission Conference, which is currently a major students Missions Conference in Africa. He then served with the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES), covering the Eastern and the Horn of Africa in the English and Portuguese Speaking Africa. Rev. Calisto Odede The Game Changers Rev. Odede has travelled to many countries conducting Bible Exposition and leadership training, and has been a featured speaker at numerous conferences and missions conventions, including being a Bible expositor at the Lausanne III Congress, Capetown 2010, Keswick Convention (UK), New Horizon (Northern Ireland) and Urbana Missions Convention (USA), among many others.

Calisto and his wife, Elizabeth, have three sons: Victor, Benson and Michael.

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016


Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016 Workshop Facilitators Mr. Peter Waiyaki Business Ethics Peter is an advocate of the High Court of Professional and Business Ethics – Kenya and a partner at the firm of Mboya

April 2016 April 2016 It Is Possible Wangong’u & Waiyaki Advocates, a th leading corporate and commercial law “You are Kenyan and you live in firm in Kenya, where he is responsible Kenya. Do not pretend you do not for Strategy & Development. know how things are done”. That is an exhortation and reprimand we He is an accomplished legal practitioner hear every so often as clients try to ranked as a Top Commercial Lawyer by Chambers Global encourage us to push their work Directory and IFLR 1000 over several years. through the registries or the courts

Day 1: Saturday, 30 1: Saturday, Day Peter has previously worked as the founding Chief Executive in Kenya. “Push” here is not that of the Central Depository & Settlement Corporation Limited innocent. in Kenya overseeing the implementation of the automation In the face of so much corruption of the clearing, delivery and settlement processes in respect and pressure to join the bandwagon, of Securities listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange, and is it still possible to be ethical in as Deputy General Counsel of Kenya Airways Limited. He is business and the professions? What heavily involved in capital markets transactions and advisory would it take? Are there individuals work and counts among his clients the Securities Exchange, standing up to corruption? What the Central Depository, investment banks, fund managers and principles can help each one of us to stock brokers. do their part, as individuals, in the fight against unethical professional and business conduct? Dr Nelson Gitonga Business Ethics 18 Dr. Gitonga is a leading health professional Professional Services – Local & in Kenya and East Africa with over 23 years’ Global Perspectives experience. He is the founder and CEO of Insight Health Advisors, a health management advisory firm. His practice covers health systems strengthening, PPP's, health policy/ regulatory reforms, demand-side healthcare financing (public and private health insurance, vouchers and micro- insurance), market interventions and facilitation in healthcare, and health infrastructure & technology development. In the past 15 years he has been involved in efforts to bring together the public and private health sectors to address health systems and service delivery gaps in Eastern and Southern Africa. He supports capacity development in health management and has been a part-time lecturer at the Strathmore Business School and University of Nairobi - UNITID program where he has facilitated programs such as managing healthcare businesses, systems thinking in health, health insurance and healthcare quality. Dr. Gitonga holds an MBChB from the University of Nairobi, PG April 2016 April 2016

th Diplomas in Health Systems Management from the University of London, Galilee International Management Institute (Israel) and National Insurance Academy (India). Dr. Gitonga has served in various Christian leadership and ministry positions in FOCUS Kenya and the Church. He is a former elder at CITAM Valley Road and former member and Chair of the FOCUS Governing Council. Day 1: Saturday, 30 1: Saturday, Day

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016

Eng. Peter Njagi is one of Kenya’s Business Ethics established entrepreneurs. Eng. Njagi is a Civil Engineer by profession, holds an Economic and Social MBA in Finance and is a member of Transformation through Business Institution of Engineers of Kenya. Peter

has received several awards including a April 2016 Head of State Commendation; Elder of th the Burning Spear (E.B.S) from H.E. the President of the republic of Kenya for outstanding contribution to the economy and support to society. He was also an Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year awards finalist for East Africa in November 2011. Eng. Njagi is a committed Christian and engages in Day 1: Saturday, 30 1: Saturday, Day activities that seek to spread the gospel of Christ. Summary of Business interests include Riva Petroleum Dealers Ltd. - Managing Director, Hand in Hand East Africa Ltd. - Managing Director , Jamu Homes Ltd. - Managing Director, Key 3 Investments – Director, Briken (E.A) Ltd. – Director, South Lake Developers – Director His voluntary and service involvement include IFES International – Honorary Vice President, Biblica International – Investment Committee Member, FOCUS Holdings Ltd. - Board member, Nakuru Christian Professionals Association - Board member/ Trustee, University of Eldoret – Vice-Chairman (Council), Supplycor Ltd –Board member, Petroleum Industry Association of Kenya- Chairman.

Mr. Patrick Kuwana 19 Business Ethics Patrick is a Zimbabwean who is resident Business Ethics in Johannesburg, South Africa. He is the CEO and founder of Crossover The scourge of corruption has Transformation, an organization focused become like a devastating cancer on accelerating business and economic killing the future of coming growth by putting together new relational generations. Corruption has become and transactional economic structures the world’s greatest weapon of mass ( He also serves as the destruction with Africa losing at African Coordinator of Unashamedly Ethical – a movement least $50 billion a year to illicit with the objective of mobilizing people across the world to stand practices mainly due to the collusion up against corruption and commit to lives of ethics, values and within the business and government clean living ( Patrick’s passion sectors. Is this really the only way to is in developing and working with leaders and organizations do business? Can business still be that are committed to unlocking the vast economic potential of ethical and prosper? Africa by building new sustainable systems of inclusive wealth creation and prosperity that will benefit of all Africans. All of the principles he works with are biblically based and Holy Spirit inspired with the ultimate aim of pointing people to Christ so

that Christ can point them to the Father. April 2016 th Prior to starting Crossover, Mr Kuwana was in the IT industry and held several executive positions at HP, Oracle Corporation and Computer Science Corporation. In 2005 he stepped into the entrepreneurship environment and was involved in several start-ups. He is also part of the Transformational Leadership team at USA based FSH Group. Day 1: Saturday, 30 1: Saturday, Day

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016

Rev. Mathew Okeyo Children Rev. Okeyo is an ordained minister of Raising Godly Child in Godless Africa Inland Church with extensive Society experience of leadership both in the Church and Para-church Organization, April 2016 April 2016 Do we want good children or godly th and is currently CEO of AICCAD an children? This question lies at the NGO owned by Africa Inland Church. heart of our true desire for our The NGO works with children, youth children. In the midst of a secular and women. Before then, he served for 13 years with Scripture society, it is easy to leave God out Union of Kenya as National Coordinator Family Ministry where of the training of our children. For he acted as the National Director for 6 months. any child to be a “good” child, he/ she must be raised by God’s truth. Rev. Okeyo is a trained HIV/AIDS educator by HIVHOPE Day 1: Saturday, 30 1: Saturday, Day It is now time to change the course International. He has facilitated a girl child empowerment of history through our own families. symposium where emerging issues facing the girl child and To do this, I will point out three how to engage the community in girl child empowerment have principles for this workshop that is: been engaged. He has organized successful family seminars for church leaders and their spouses. He has facilitated family and God’s principles for raising children parenting seminars in several churches around the country. He from Deuteronomy 6. trained more than 800 primary school teachers in Nyanza on Reflections on Family Devotions. life skills and HIV/AIDS prevention program to several school The Spiritual Nurturing of children teachers and facilitated parenting training for SOS Eldoret village parents, Compassion International and World Vision Kenya. He established AIC Sondu local church and served as the first chaplain of Kapkoiga Girls High School in Uasin Gishu. Pastor Mary Mumo Children Pastor Mumo is currently the Africa 20 Region Director for New Praise Support Children and family ministry Society. She has previously worked as Families are being subjected to an Advocacy Consultant for Holistic greater stresses and strains than Nurture to Children and an Advocacy ever before. They are buffeted Director for the African Region with by bewildering technological Compassion International – East and and socio-economic changes Southern Africa. from without and confusions, doubts, and anxieties from within. She has lectured and worked as a Dean of Students at Scott Family members are questioning Christian University and Africa International University traditional patterns of belief and respectively. As an Associate Pastor for Children Ministry in behaviour and seeking newer and Nairobi Baptist Church. Pastor Mumo has worked in Scripture deeper meanings and forms of Union as both Training Secretary and Country Director for expression to safeguard the family. Children’s ministry in Zambia and as the Acting General Despite these unsettling conditions, Secretary at Scripture Union Kenya. the family remains the most Pastor Mumo is currently pursuing her PhD at Kenyatta intensely intimate and influential University. She is a holder of a Masters of Theology (MTh in relationship in the lives of its Historical Theology) from Aberdeen University, Scotland, a members. Masters of Arts in Missions (MA in Missions) from Africa International University in Kenya and a Bachelor of Theology April 2016 April 2016

th (B.Th) from Theological Cllege of Central Africa in Ndola, Zambia She has also acquired certification by the Church of Scotland in Child Protection since 1997. She is the author of Bible Club Lesson materials for Primary School Christian Fellowship – Printed by SU Zambia and has

Day 1: Saturday, 30 1: Saturday, Day written several articles for Christian magazines and journals.

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016

Mr. Lee Karuri Construction Industry Lee is a leading Architect, business leader Christian Influence in and an entrepreneur who has passion for Construction Ethics Kenya as well as Africa’s economic and socio development. April 2016 April 2016 He is a Director of Dimensions Architects th and Interior Designers. He currently serves as Chairman of Home Afrika, a leading Real Estate Development Company listed in the Nairobi Securities Exchange. He also chairs Resorts and Cities Limited, a company developing Golf Resorts in Kenya. He has participated actively in the last 14 years as a member of key organizations that champion Kenya’s Economic 30 1: Saturday, Day Development agenda. These include the Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA) where he has served as Chairman. He currently serves as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of KEPSA Foundation. Lee also served as a member of the National Steering Committee of Vision 2030. In addition, he served as a member of the National Committee that developed the Economic Recovery Strategy (ERS) that was the basis of Kenya’s growth and development agenda between 2003 and 2007. On community service, he champions socio transformation and empowerment agenda in Kenya. To this end, he chairs the Governing Council of the Africa International University based in Nairobi. He also serves as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Parklands Baptist Church where he attends with his family. 21 In addition, Lee, his wife Consolata and their children founded Mwangaza Trust which supports vulnerable individuals and families in education, food security, economic empowerment and spiritual growth. Dr. Vinoth Ramachandra Engaging the University Dr Vinoth Ramachandra, is from Sri Lanka and holds both bachelors and Being a Witness for Christ in the doctoral degrees in nuclear engineering Academic World from the University of London. Instead of pursuing an academic career, he returned to Sri Lanka in 1980 and helped to develop a Christian university ministry in that country. In 1987 he was invited to serve as the South Asian Regional Secretary for the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES), a post he held until 2001. Vinoth currently serves on the IFES Senior Leadership Team as Secretary for Dialogue & Social Engagement. His multi- April 2016 April 2016

faceted ministry includes promoting the vision among students th and professors of a holistic engagement with the university; giving public lectures and participating in dialogue events in universities; and helping Christian students and graduates think and respond as Christians to some of the social, cultural and political challenges they face in their national contexts throughout the world. Day 1: Saturday, 30 1: Saturday, Day

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016

Prof. George Kinoti Engaging the University Prof. Kinoti was a Professor of Zoology Being a Witness for Christ in the at the University of Nairobi where for Academic World many years he served as Chairman of his department, Dean of the Faculty of April 2016 April 2016 For nearly sixty years I have had the th Science and a member of the Governing great privilege of being a witness for University Council. His research and Christ in the academic world – first, teaching interests were in the organisms as a student and then as a teacher and which cause diseases like Bilharzia and Malaria. He has served a leader. I will share my experience on Daystar University Council and he is currently a member and some biblical principles that of Daystar Company which is the sponsor of the University. have guided and sustained me in a Professor Kinoti is a Trustee of FOCUS Kenya and he has been world of intellectual problems and active in students Ministry since he was an undergraduate Day 1: Saturday, 30 1: Saturday, Day ethical challenges. student. He is a graduate of Makerere University College and the University of London.

Dr. Raphael Kinoti Environment and Conservation Raphael is the National Director for A Creation In Crisis: The Christian Rocha Kenya, a Christian Biodiversity Response conservation organization. He holds a Bachelors in Veterinary Medicine from What is the status of environment the University of Nairobi and a Masters in Kenya and what are the trends degree in Development studies from and drivers for the changing St. Paul’s University. He has 15 years’ environment? We need to experience in community development work in veterinary 22 understand the Christian mandate. medicine and surgery, peace building and conflict resolution, The session will highlight Christians conservation agriculture and biodiversity conservation. He is who in their small ways are married with three children. promoting care for creation. These examples will be meant to challenge action.

Mr. Barrett Horne Influencing Culture Mr. Horne was a long time staff with Engages a tool called SenseMaker Intervasity Fellowship, Canada. He that has utility in helping a worked with IFES as Regional Secretary community and/or an organization for Central Asia. gain deep insights into the patterns He lives in Canada in the Yukon Region. of its culture (relative to any area of He is honorary Vice-president of concern, including corruption) with International Fellowship of Evangelical a view to discovering how to move Students. the community in constructive April 2016 April 2016

th directions. Day 1: Saturday, 30 1: Saturday, Day

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016

Mr. Ken Munyi Information Technology Ken is iWay Africa’s Managing Director Information and Communication in Kenya but also oversees the Group’s Technology Tanzania outfit. iWayAfrica is Africa’s Leading Corporate Data Provider present Personal Journey April 2016 in more than 44 markets in Africa. th The Unexpected detour: From Ken is an IT, Finance and Administration Economics to IT Management professional with over Principles 10 years of international experience. He studied Accountancy Keep first things first. (CPA), Economics and Sociology in undergraduate studies and working on his MBA in Quality Management at the University Manage distractions, fear God only. of Leicester UK. Resist pornography and pseudo Ken has passion in leadership and also committed to the 30 1: Saturday, Day personality allure. development of youth. He is serving at the Fellowship of Why chase the wind? Christian Unions (FOCUS) as the Chair of the National Governing Council. Sober in the whirlwind of constant change, E Growth and E Reach. He provides leadership at Telecommunications Service Providers Association of Kenya (TESPOK), a professional, non-profit Harnessing the strength and organization representing the interests of Telecommunication opportunities of IT in growth. service providers in Kenya where he sits in the Board as a Outreach Unsocial Media? Director and Member of the Finance Committee. Social or Anti-Social? Ken is married to Ruth and they have 3 children.

23 Dr Timothy Wachira Organizational Leadership Dr. Timothy Wachira is the Vice -Chancellor of Daystar University. He Institutional Development and has a doctoral degree in Public Health Organizational Leadership from University of Nairobi, with an Institutions appoint Chief Executive undergraduate in veterinary medicine Officers with the expectation that from the same university. He has they have the skills and commitment previously served as the Vice Chancellor to deliver on the objectives and St Paul’s University in 2004 to 2010. He has served as a General vision of the institution. The Secretary of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS), CEO on the other hand must Senior Medical Research Scientist, African Medical Research have the integrity of judgment to Foundation (AMREF), Lecturer University Nairobi and a determine whether they match the senior Research Scientist Kenya Agricultural Research Institute required skills and whether their (KARI). He serves as a Board Member in several boards in commitment is aligned to the course Kenya that include the Higher Education Loans Board, Biblica of the institution. And on this - the Kenya and FOCUS. extent to which their faith and work Dr. Wachira is married to Emma and they have 2 grown up sons. are integrated, is put to test. April 2016 April 2016 th Day 1: Saturday, 30 1: Saturday, Day

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016

Mrs. Valentine Gitoho Organizational Development Valentine is a financial and management My Identity, His Identity professional with over 35 years’ experience in Africa and Asia with The higher one goes in leadership, profits and non-profits including Price it is very easy to get into an April 2016 April 2016 Waterhouse, Diners Club Africa/ Diners th organizational culture that leads Finance, the World Bank and the World to a loss in one’s Christian identity. Council of Churches. How then does one maintain their Christian identity and bring She is the Founder and the first Executive Director of the African credibility beyond self? “Apart from Council for Accreditation and Accountability (AfCAA) Ltd, Me, you can do Nothing.” whose vision is to unlock Africa’s potential through adherence to Biblical Standards. AfCAA seeks to enhance public trust through working with Churches, Christian Non-profits and Day 1: Saturday, 30 1: Saturday, Day Christian-owned businesses, through awareness raising, advocacy and accreditation. She is the Founder of LEEDS Foundation which engages Christians in the church, marketplace and government in the fulfillment of their God-given visions and missions. AfCAA is one of its initiatives. Valentine has over twenty years’ board experience in profit and nonprofits both nationally and internationally. She is a speaker on diverse personal and organizational development topics undergirded by Biblical principles. Valentine is married and they have two adult children.

24 Rob Loe Education Dr Robert Loe is Education Research Design and Management Director of the Relational Schools Project. of Education as a Tool for He studied English and Education policy Transformation at Cambridge University, graduating in 2001. Having held a range of leadership roles in schools in East Anglia, and most recently as Assistant Principal, he has years of expertise within the field. Robert is co-author and editor of ‘The Relational Teacher’, a book which accompanies a documentary film of the same name which he also produced. April 2016 April 2016 th Day 1: Saturday, 30 1: Saturday, Day

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016

Prof Henry Thairu Education Prof Thairu is at present the Chairman, ICT In Education Commission for University Education. He is the former Vice Chancellor of Inoorero University (IU) (2008-2013)

which had positioned itself as the April 2016 Enterprise University of Kenya. He is th the former Managing Director of JKUAT Enterprises LTD, a company wholly owned by Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (2005-2006). He has been the Deputy Vice Chancellor in charge of Academic Affairs at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) from February 1994 to April 2005. He is

the former Chairman of the Board of Management that runs the 30 1: Saturday, Day Kenya Education Network (KENET) and its secretariat ( 1999- 2008). He is former Chairman of the Board of Kenya Industrial Property Institute (KIPI) (2007-2010) and former Chairman of National Council of Science and Technology. He is the former Chairman Radiation Protection Board (RPB) after six years of service (2009-2015). He is the former Chairman (2012-2015) of Kenya ICT Board Innovation Grants Committee. He is also the former Chairman of the KEPSA Higher Education, Science and Technology Sector Board (2010-2014). He was a member of Higher Education Task Force (TAHEST) which developed the three bills which were enacted in 2012. He is the current Chairman of Karen Community Church.

Hon. Chris Kinyanjui 25 Leadership in County Governments Chris holds an LLM, Master of Law in Devolution, County Governments International Economic Law, from the and the People: Promises, University of South Africa, a Diploma Opportunities and Threats in Legal Practice from the Kenya School of Law, and LLB, Bachelor of Laws, from the University of Nairobi. He has been an Advocate for 14 years standing having been admitted to the Roll of Advocates of the High Court of Kenya on June 2, 2002. He has at least fourteen (14) years’ experience in offering legal and technical advice and managing Civil Society Organizations and Government at senior management levels. Since June 2014, he holds the position of the Clerk of the County Assembly of Murang’a with the mandate of (a) offering legal and procedural advice to the Assembly (b) Legislative Drafting, the Accounting and Authorized Officer, the Secretary to the County Assembly Service Board and Chief Executive Officer of the Assembly. He leads and manages a Legislature with 50 April 2016 April 2016

Honorable Members of the County Assembly and 60 members th of staff. While he headed the Governance and Social Services Programmes at the National Council of Churches of Kenya from 2005-2014, he delivered programmes including civic education, voter education, election observation, peace building, conflict management, legislative drafting and legislative advocacy. Day 1: Saturday, 30 1: Saturday, Day

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016

Mr. Harrison Mungai Mentorship Harrison is the founder and team leader Christian Mentorship of an indigenous Christian organization called iServe Africa whose work is April 2016 April 2016 Mentorship has gained currency in th all about mentorship - raising the the last few years in Kenya but in next generation of leaders for Africa. reality it is a very old and very African This is done mainly by running an method of passing on values. What apprenticeship programme for fresh does it really mean to mentor and graduates who then go on to be agents of transformation in the to be mentored? Is it spending one marketplace, mission fields, government and civil society. A day per year in your former school good number also end up in ministry. motivating students? Is it chatting Day 1: Saturday, 30 1: Saturday, Day about any topic with an older person Besides the apprenticeship programme, the Organization without any clear objective? In an also runs a discipleship programme for school leavers and age of so much misinformation, international gap year and short term mission teams. He is also mentorship is critical for shaping involved in grassroots pastor training through the Utumishi the values and attitudes of the next (Bible handling) and Uongozi (Biblical Servant Leadership) generation. How can we exploit this courses which run for 10 weeks each. iServe Africa also very African educational approach? publishes a quarterly Christian Magazine called Conversation How can we do it well? How do we which speaks to the emerging issues in our context. seek it? This workshop will address Harrison is married to Rhodah Wangui and have three boys. this and more questions. He is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Divinity, Theology option at the Africa International University.

Mrs. Janet Mawiyoo Mentorship Janet is the Chief Executive Officer of 26 How to become an effective KCDF (Kenya Community Development Christian Mentor for long term Foundation), an organization that impact promotes sustainable development of communities for social justice, through but in terms of topic and looking at local institution building, policy the brief to talk around Mentorship, influencing, resource mobilization, and I hope to explore what it is, what it partnerships and collaborations. takes to be one, key qualities one needs to develop to be useful as a Janet has been in the development sector, primarily with the mentor and ways to help a mentee nonprofit sector for over 30 years, having spent about 14 years get empowered to move from being with Action Aid International in both Kenya and Tanzania. that to a friend…it works both ways. Janet is a team builder, development a fundraiser, and a very Hence one becomes a better friend/ experienced individual on governance matters especially as they mentor as you also get feedback relate to emerging African institutions, as well as a mentor to about your life and friendship. many young women seeking to balance their work and personal lives. Janet is a certified Organization Development consultant, with a Masters in Development Administration and Management (MA-Econ) from the University of Manchester (UK), and a post graduate diploma in Organization Development Consultancy April 2016 April 2016

th from the Swiss Institute of Applied Psychology, Switzerland. She serves in a couple of non-profit Boards including Trust Africa which is a Pan African philanthropic organization, the African Philanthropy Network, (she is past Chair), she chairs Viwango a CSO certification body, and is a member of the INGO Accountability Charter Board (UK), a Director of the KCDF Investment Holdings, among others. She is married and has two adult children. Day 1: Saturday, 30 1: Saturday, Day

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016

Rev. Dr. Richard Mutura Peace and Reconciliation Dr. Mutura holds a Doctor of Philosophy Overcoming Violent Extremism in Biblical Studies from Africa in Meru-Isiolo Counties — A International University, a Master of Arts Practical Approach Degree in Biblical Studies from same University and a Bachelor of Education April 2016 The world today is faced by an degree from Kenyatta University. He is th existential threat posed by Violent an expert in Biblical Hebrew and Koine Extremism that casts a shadow Greek. His research interests are in social-rhetorics, socialization in spatial terms. To defeat violent and social identification of individuals and societies as well as extremism, in its various forms, ethnicity and ethnic group dynamics from a biblical perspective. we need to together constitute a His robust research interests in Africa has seen Stellenbosch community of actors and learners University in South Africa, appoint him as Research Associate. to combat violent extremism. We Currently he is engaged in a Comparative Research Network, 30 1: Saturday, Day need a comprehensive strategy together with scholars drawn from six Universities Kenya and between communities, and nations Uganda, investigating the relationships between Religion, Power that brings together our resources and Spirituality in Kenya and Uganda. He is the Head of Bible and knowledge to counter the and Theology Department at Pan Africa Christian University. ideology of extremism using soft He is also a board member of an International NGO advocating power before resulting to hard for the rights of children. power if need be. As such, we shall share our experience in managing He is married to Hellen and they are blessed with two daughters. resource-based violence in its various manifestations in Isiolo- Meru Counties.

Mr. Kibinge wa Muturi police Service Superintendent Kibinge wa Muturi is the Making a Difference for Christ in Service Chaplain for the Kenya Police 27 the Police Service Service and the National Chairman of the Christian Police Association The police service remains one of of Kenya. He is also the Executive the most unreached categories in Director of Pan Africa Christian Police our society. Many Christians in the Associations Conference (PACPAC) and police service live isolated, lonely the Africa Regional Director for the International Conference of and largely undernourished lives Police Chaplains (ICPC). He also serves as the Kenya-Country and are neither encouraged nor Director for the Pointman Leadership Institute, USA. well equipped to provide needed Christian witness to their colleagues. Superintendent Kibinge has authored several books among But thank God for a Christian police them, the Christian Police, Principles of Christian Police officer who took a stand, leading to Ministry and Starting a Police Chaplaincy Program, besides co- a spiritual awakening that started editing with FOCUS a Bible Study Guide on, Challenges Facing in Nairobi, Kenya, spreading across Christians in Law Enforcement. Upon graduation from the the country, around the African Kenya Police College, he was posted to serve at Central Police continent and the world at large. Station, Nairobi, where he started a fellowship aimed at reaching Many Christian police officers have out to police officers and their families with the Gospel of Jesus now become increasingly aware of Christ. their unique ministry that they have Superintendent Kibinge is a holder of a Masters degree in and which only they can undertake Strategic Leadership and Security Management from Kenyatta April 2016 within their profession. University, a Master Level Certification from the International th Conference of Police Chaplains, Florida, USA, a Masters degree in Communication Studies from the University of Nairobi and a graduate of the Pan Africa Christian University, Nairobi, in Bible and Theology. He is married to Tabitha and they are blessed with two sons. Day 1: Saturday, 30 1: Saturday, Day

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016

Mr. Kiragu Wachira Public Policy Mr. Kiragu is an advocate of the High Engaging and Influencing Public Court and is the Principal Consultant at Policy the consultancy firm: Public Policy and Management Consulting. He holds an Public policy entails decision making April 2016 April 2016 MSc in Public Policy and Management th on how the society is governed, from University of London, LLM organized, how relationships are (International Economic Law) from governed, how resources are shared University of South Africa, a Post Graduate Diploma in and managed and what institutions Legislative Drafting from Athabasca University, Canada, a Post are involved in governance. Some Graduate Diploma in Management Practice from University of of the principles influencing Cape Town, Bachelors of Laws (LL.B) Degree from University engagement in public policy process of Nairobi and is a Certified Public Secretary of Kenya (CPS-K). include: Day 1: Saturday, 30 1: Saturday, Day Currently, Mr. Wachira is pursuing a BSc degree in International Desire and commitment to see Development at London School of Economics, UK. common good in society according Kiragu has consulted for public sector organizations on strategic to Ps. 24:1 management, public policy process, public sector management, Understanding that change with Constitution implementation, public finance, devolution, legal long term effect comes through reforms and legislative drafting. He has also consulted for patiently influencing high-levelprivate sector and non-state actors on public policy process, decision-making process as inspired international trade law, project evaluation, constitutional law by Nehemiah & Esther. and process, private sector development and devolution. Finding personal calling and mission He is married to Isabel and they have 2 daughters. as a professional then aligning and integrating them.


Mr. David Waweru Publishing David has broad experience in business Publishing: A Strategy for Social and enterprise development and is Change and Transformation the Founder and CEO of WordAlive Publishers based in Nairobi, Kenya. He is a Director of the state corporation Kenya Copyright Board; Education Sector Board Director at the Kenya Private Sector Alliance; and Chairman of the Kenya Publishers Association. David has conducted training in East Africa and in other countries such as Nigeria, USA, South Africa, Australia, Hong Kong and Singapore. He has had experience as a consultant in Organizational Development and Change Management in both the public and private sectors. David holds an MBA degree from Curtin Graduate School of Business, Curtin University, Western Australia and is the author of the book, Champion: Achieving with Excellence. His articles on

April 2016 April 2016 business, leadership and education have been published widely

th in leading newspapers and international magazines. Day 1: Saturday, 30 1: Saturday, Day

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016

Mr. Martin Karanja Publishing Martin is a Leadership and Management Publishing your mind to move Consultant and Publisher who prior Society to a desired position. to this has worked in top organization positions, for the last 10 years as a CEO Who is a Publisher/ what is in the NGO and also in the business April 2016 publishing? th sector. Martin is a Certified Orgnization What role does publishing play in Performance Index (OPI) assessor influencing society? working with corporate Kenyan companies; grading them Challenges and Opportunities in for the annual company of the year awards (COYA). He has using Publishing to make an impact. participated in training and developing several organization leaders from various African countries to develop strategic Models and examples of people God plans.

has used. 30 1: Saturday, Day As a consultant with the Quest in Leadership Center, Martin Possible avenues for action. facilitated KCDF (Kenya Community Development Foundation) World Bank project that trained 200 community youth leaders from all over Kenya on Peaceful Methods of Conflict Resolution and Transformational Leadership Practice in 2008 and 2009 – an initiative designed to respond and counter what happened during the 2007 Post Election Violence. Martin is the founder and Director of ARBA Publications Ltd which has published various local and international authors. He is a former General Secretary of FOCUS Kenya and currently chairs the board of the Kenya Student Christian Fellowship (KSCF), an organization that is in partnership with the Ministry of Education, to provide spiritual guidance in schools.


Mrs. Katindi Njonjo Poverty Mitigation Katindi Sivi-Njonjo is the founder and Poverty Mitigation/Eradication & lead consultant at Long View Consult, Inequality a socio-economic research, policy analysis, training and foresight firm that The session will advance the case works with individuals, companies and that income inequalities (i.e. governments to understand possible unequal access to money) are not futures that may occur in order to inherently unChristian or unjust strategically help prepare for an uncertain and rapidly changing (e.g. the story of the 10 talents). world. However, economic inequalities (i.e. the unequal access to resources and Prior to that, she had served in national and international essential services) that prevent poor research and policy analysis think tanks. Ms. Katindi has people from producing enough pioneered research and authored publications in various policy wealth to sustain themselves is areas such as in the extractives sector, inequality and youth inherently wrong as it materializes demographics. the upper class, vulgarizes our Ms. Katindi serves on various boards. She is a PhD candidate middle class and brutalizes the

at Regent University and holds an MSc in Organizational April 2016 lower class. Development, a BA in International Relations and has training th in Rural and Community Development, Scenarios Planning and Gender Budgeting. Day 1: Saturday, 30 1: Saturday, Day

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016

Professor Daniel Mugendi Environment Prof. Mugendi is a renowned scholar, researcher, consultant and higher Being an Agent of Action for education administrator. He has Societal Transformation made significant contributions in the

April 2016 April 2016 The education sector in Kenya is area of agro-ecosystems research and th today facing a myriad of challenges management as well as the development that have threatened to compromise of University education in Kenya. the quality of education offered at our institutions of learning Currently, Prof. Mugendi is the Principal of Embu University right from basic education level to College – a Constituent College of the University of Nairobi. higher education institutions. These In addition he also holds the following positions; Chairman challenges range from examinations of the Board of Directors, Cytonn Investments Ltd, Board of Governors, Kirege Secondary School, Chuka, Tharaka Day 1: Saturday, 30 1: Saturday, Day cheating and irregularities to management issues. This means that Nithi County and the Lead Expert for Environmental Impact there is need for sound leadership Assessment/Audit. and good governance in our He began his professional career as a researcher with the Kenya institutions to ensure that quality is Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI) before moving to Kenyatta attained and maintained. University (KU) where he rose through the ranks of academic The session will share on six (6) and professional leadership. He has previously served as the principles that have guided and Chairman of the Department of Environmental Foundations - enabled me to bring an impact in KU, Dean of the School of Environmental Studies and Human the higher education management Sciences- KU and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Finance, Planning field. These are principles that cut and Development) at Kenyatta University. across in life and which each one of Prof. Mugendi has authored many books (23) and chapters in us should strive embrace if we are books (62) and published many scholarly articles (53) in his field going to be effective in our respective in both national and international journals and continues to assignments and as we deliver on the lecture, supervise postgraduate students and conduct research 30 talents that God has given unto us. in Forestry, Agriculture and Natural Resource Management.

Mr. Waihiga Mwaura Media Waihiga is a media personality and an anchor with Citizen TV. He is the chair Christian Influence in the Media of intermedia fellowship. April 2016 April 2016 th Day 1: Saturday, 30 1: Saturday, Day

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016

Dr. Oliver Kisaka Church Engagement in Society Dr. Kisaka, who until January 2015 Church Engagement in Societal served a Deputy General Secretary Issues of the National Council of Churches of Kenya, is currently the Managing Christians in Kenya have been Consultant of SolaGratia Associates, an discussing the matter of bad

organization that seeks to partner with 2016 May governance and the increased st churches, organizations, institutions, incidence of socio-economic and and families to strengthen effective Christianity in Kenya political mal-practice since the early through discipleship for effective citizenship. 1990s. Paradoxically, higher numbers of Christians, greater concern and Oliver holds a PhD in the multi-disciplinary area of Church commitment to make a difference and state from Middlesex University, UK, through the Oxford

seem to have been overwhelmed by Centre for Mission Studies, a Master of Arts in Biblical and 1 2: Sunday, Day the challenge of other corrupting Theological Studies from Africa International University and influences. The published narrative a Bachelor of Education in Maths/ Physics from Kenyatta in academia and in political practice University. Prior to working with the NCCK for twelve years, is that Christianity is more a cause of Oliver worked in different capacities at FOCUS for 13 years. problems than solutions. As a result, Oliver also has two and a half years’ experience of teaching in believers in politics and other fields Kenya’s public schools as a graduate teacher from mid- 1987 of specialization, tend to operate to 1989. Oliver is in the process of developing materials that below the radar if only to survive facilitate Christian’s discipleship for effectiveness in public life. and take care of their families. Last year, he published a book towards this end titled ‘The Grace of Giving’. The Church needs to face the fact of citizenship, clarify its meaning Oliver is married to Lynette and they have two grown daughters. for Christians and together develop Biblically sound ways of effective activity. 31

Amb. Peter Gitau Comunity Transformation Peter is the former Ambassador of Kenya to Namibia and Angola. He oversaw Community Transformation the signing of Bilateral Air Service Through International Relations Agreement (BASA), Joint Commission of Cooperation (JCC), between Kenya and Angola resulting to the appointments and posting of Ambassadors and opening of an Angolan Mission in Kenya and Kenya’s Mission to Angola. During the last year, he facilitated a tailor made leadership course for Managers of Family Bank Kenya offered by Daystar University Kenya. He has for the first time in Kenya together with Clergy, Community Elders and Kenyans for Peace led the “I forgive Initiative” that brought together over 400 victims of the post-election violence for prayer and sending a forgiveness message to all Kenyans. May 2016 2016 May

He has more than 20 years working experience in International st Development. He is passionate about people’s participation and empowerment as an agent of true transformation. He is married to Anne and blessed with three daughters. Day 2, Sunday: 1 2, Sunday: Day

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016

Dr. & Mrs. Ken & Jackie N. Marangu Community Transformation Dr Marangu is married to Jacqueline Community Transformation and they are blessed with three children. through Wealth Creation the way Kenneth is passionate about Wealth God intended Creation, the way God intended it. He Is it possible to facilitate Community believes that he is called to build; He May 2016 2016 May Transformation through Wealth invests his time in building people in the st Creation? area of Wealth Creation, in addition to building houses. What does God says about creating wealth and how this can result in a He has been a motivational speaker for the last 10 years, transformed community? specializing in training and coaching on personal financial management, entrepreneurship and wealth creation. Together A “call to action” steps that begins

Day 2: Sunday, 1 2: Sunday, Day with his wife Jacqueline, they have impacted people’s way of with the exploration of the common thinking regarding money and finance. They do this through the wealth creation mistakes that Wealth Enhancement Business Academy, “Weba International Christians make and how to rectify Limited”. them in a Godly manner. Kenneth holds a DBA, Doctorate in Business Administration and Identify the individual and collective Entrepreneurship (PhD), in addition to various certifications in role that can be played to transform research, value chain development, wealth creation and business the community through this God development. He has a wealth of experience having worked given vehicle. for the last 18 years with various financial and development institutions, such as Plan international, USAID, Kenya Women Finance Trust, Faulu Microfinance Bank, and MESPT. The couple is currently running a wealth creation program titled “Money Reloaded!”, an experiential and practical experience that takes participants through personal wealth creation 32 strategies and personal financial management principles that have been used the world over. The program was launched following the couple’s step by step journey and research of how to get out of the rat race.

Mrs. Gladys Wathanga Community Transformation Gladys is married to Dr .Joshua Equipping The Local Church For Wathanga and they have 2 grown-up Community Transformation" young men aged 25 and 27. Tearfund Experience She works for Tearfund UK as the Kenya God called and equipped the church Country Representative. not to minister to its members only, but to reach out and minister in a wholistic way to needy people who are outside the church. The mission of the church is to declare and demonstrate the gospel (Matt.28:18,19; Matt.22:37-39) to a sinful and a suffering world unto the building of the Kingdom of God. May 2016 2016 May

st There is always the tendency for the local church to be inward looking thereby concentrating its programs on its members. Day 2: Sunday, 1 2: Sunday, Day

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016

Mr. Solomon Nabie Community Transformation Solomon is the Founder and Director of IcFEM Mission since June 1995. Understanding Community He is a Board Member: Kimabole Transformation Secondary School and Moi Girls’ (IcFEM Mission Model) Kamusinga. He has served as the

Chairman of: Kimilili Constituency 2016 May

The formation of the New st Community of God (Kingdom Bursary Fund for 10 years. He is also the of God) – the story and impact Chairman Kimilili Court Users Sub-Committee and a Member of IcFEM in transforming of the Kimilili and Bungoma North Sub-county Probation Case communities. Committee. Solomon worked as a Research Assistant with Kenya

Agricultural Research in North Rift Region based at Kitale 1 2: Sunday, Day National Agricultural Research Station from 1990 to 1995. He also served as a Technical Teacher of Biology and Agriculture, Hono Secondary School Siaya district between 1987 and 1989. Recognition: USAID Champion for Change. Publication: A Christian Response to the poor-Oxford Centre for Mission Studies UK 2004. Solomon is married with five adult children.

Dr. Florence Muindi Community Transformation A native to Kenya, Dr. Muindi is a medical When Faith intersects with doctor by training and has pioneered a 33 Community Development transformational development model of proven impact. Dr. Muindi has played an A journey and experience in integral role in not only establishing this the pursuit of transformational model but leading its implementation development among the poor and in 12 countries in Africa and two in the the vulnerable that is sustained Caribbean. She is a graduate of University of Nairobi Medical and of impact. The pilot for this School (1989). ministry began in Narok, Kenya, then on to Ethiopia. It has grown Additionally, Dr. Muindi received training in Switzerland and to an international organization Belgium in specialized public health interventions and holds with programs now established a diploma in Urban Poor Theology from Fuller Seminary. in 12 countries in Africa and two She regularly speaks publicly about community development countries in the Caribbean with through the local church, empowerment of the vulnerable and networks globally. In 2015, this work transformational transformation. She is married to Festus are served 65,000 people and continues blessed with two grown sons. Above all, Dr. Muindi is a servant to multiply. A recent evaluation of and follower of Christ. this work reported conclusively, this model has sustained impact at national levels. The session will highlight this journey over the last 20 years and what principles May 2016 2016 May mark sustained community st transformation worthy of Christ. Day 2: Sunday, 1 2: Sunday, Day

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016

Mr. & Mrs. Wallace and Mary Kamau Community Transformation Mary, Executive Director and founder Holistic Ministry Among the of Missions of Hope International, holds Disadvantaged Communities a Bachelors degree in Sociology from Kenyatta University and a Master of Arts in Leadership (MAL) from Pan Africa

May 2016 2016 May Christian University. st Rev. Wallace Kamau, Director and founder of MOHI, is a Certified Public Accountant. He holds a Bachelors degree in Commerce – Finance option from the University of Nairobi and is currently pursuing a Masters degree in Leadership at Pan Africa Christian University. Following God’s call on his life, Wallace resigned from his corporate job to Day 2: Sunday, 1 2: Sunday, Day minister in the slums. In addition to being a Director of MOHI, he also serves as a pastor and overseer with Outreach Hope churches. As a couple, they realized that God could use them in reaching people in the Mathare slum. Their vision was very clear: to serve the needs of orphaned and vulnerable children. Mrs. Kamau began working with a community in Mathare by opening a nursery school in 2000 with 50 children called Mathare Family Hope Centre. Before long the community had learned about the Center, and it grew rapidly. Today, MOHI serves more than 13,000 children in 19 different communities in Nairobi, Machakos, Turkana and Tana River Counties. MOHI’s four strategic areas of holistic ministry are: (1) education; (2) health; (3) business development; and (4) spiritual development. 34 Wallace and Mary have three children.

Mr. Nick Wasunna Community Transformation Nicholas has worked in and around Understanding Power Authority the overseas development and and Influence. humanitarian industry for over 18 years having travelled and worked in Communities in themselves are many emergency situations especially made up of diverse and complex in Africa. Nick is driven by his love for relationships and influences. The humanity and an understanding that ability to comprehend and effectively in combination with the efforts of others, we can all make a work with the relationships world of difference in our society. Nick holds a BSc (Hons) in and power dynamics within Agriculture and the Environment (University of London), a communities remains a key area for MA in Rural Development (University of Sussex) and a MBA bringing about transformation. (University of Liverpool). Nick currently works for the United The role of individuals andNations, UNICEF, as an Emergency Specialist covering East and organizations in effectivelySouthern Africa and has previously worked with World Vision addressing power, authority and International for many years. influence remains a key driver for As a passionate fan of sports, especially rugby, Nick has worked community transformation. How with young people to introduce them to rugby and fashion a May 2016 2016 May

st then does the Christian and the sense of team work and life skills. Nick is also a public speaker Church use power dynamics to and is involved in his local church in the Men’s Ministry which bringing about transformation? includes mentoring young men who are at significant cross roads in life. Nick is married to Maryline and they have three children. Day 2: Sunday, 1 2: Sunday, Day

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016

Mr. & Mrs. Wallace and Mary Kamau Prof. Paul Mbugua Community Transformation Mary, Executive Director and founder Disability Prof. Mbugua is an Associate Professor Holistic Ministry Among the of Missions of Hope International, holds in Plant Sciences at Kenyatta University Disadvantaged Communities a Bachelors degree in Sociology from Engaging Society on Disability where he has taught for 27 years. He Kenyatta University and a Master of Arts Matters is a holder of B.Ed. degree in Science in Leadership (MAL) from Pan Africa This track will cover Prof. Mbugua’s of Nairobi University, M.Sc. degree in Plant Taxonomy of Kenyatta University Christian University. personal testimony from childhood 2016 May st Rev. Wallace Kamau, Director and days – coping mechanisms adopted and a PhD. in Plant Taxonomy and founder of MOHI, is a Certified Public Accountant. He holds to get over the disability barriers Biosystematics from Reading University – England. a Bachelors degree in Commerce – Finance option from the versus schooling. The community He has lived with physical disability for 60 years. With a sense University of Nairobi and is currently pursuing a Masters degree support accorded to the family, of the vulnerability of persons with disabilities, he has been a in Leadership at Pan Africa Christian University. Following the school and church roles. students’ mentor and in 2012 he was awarded a Malaika Award God’s call on his life, Wallace resigned from his corporate job to The importance of Education in for his championing and facilitating education for persons with minister in the slums. In addition to being a Director of MOHI, impacting the community through disabilities. 1 2: Sunday, Day teaching Primary, Secondary and he also serves as a pastor and overseer with Outreach Hope He has been an appointee of the Vice Chancellor Kenyatta churches. University institutions. The offices currently held with reference to University to be the Director, Directorate of Disability Services As a couple, they realized that God could use them in reaching Disability and Academia. Is there a (DODS) whose mandate has been to mainstream disability in people in the Mathare slum. Their vision was very clear: to serve future for the Disabled in Kenya? all University’s spheres of operation. the needs of orphaned and vulnerable children. Mrs. Kamau Prof. Mbugua is married to Elizabeth and they have two adult began working with a community in Mathare by opening a sons. nursery school in 2000 with 50 children called Mathare Family Hope Centre. Before long the community had learned about the Center, and it grew rapidly. Today, MOHI serves more than 13,000 children in 19 different communities in Nairobi, Machakos, Turkana and Tana River Counties. MOHI’s four strategic areas of holistic ministry are: (1) education; (2) health; Mr. Njonjo Mue (3) business development; and (4) spiritual development. Justice Mr. Njonjo is a human rights lawyer Wallace and Mary have three children. and transitional justice expert. He has 35 Christian Influence in the Justice previously worked as Head of Advocacy System for the Kenya National Commission Mr. Nick Wasunna on Human Rights and Africa Deputy Community Transformation Nicholas has worked in and around Director of the International Centre the overseas development and for Transitional Justice (ICTJ). He is Understanding Power Authority currently a Senior Advisor to Kenyans for Peace with Truth and Influence. humanitarian industry for over 18 years having travelled and worked in and Justice (KPTJ) and serves as Chairman of the Governing Communities in themselves are many emergency situations especially Council of the Kenyan Section of the International Commission made up of diverse and complex in Africa. Nick is driven by his love for of Jurists. Njonjo received his LLB at the University of Nairobi, relationships and influences. The humanity and an understanding that and studied law at the University of Oxford where he was a ability to comprehend and effectively in combination with the efforts of others, we can all make a Rhodes Scholar. He also holds an MA in Theology from the work with the relationships world of difference in our society. Nick holds a BSc (Hons) in Nairobi International School of Theology. Most recently, he has and power dynamics within Agriculture and the Environment (University of London), a contributed to the NIV God’s Justice Bible published by Biblica. communities remains a key area for MA in Rural Development (University of Sussex) and a MBA He holds several leadership awards including the Jurist of the bringing about transformation. (University of Liverpool). Nick currently works for the United Year Award which he received in 2000. The role of individuals andNations, UNICEF, as an Emergency Specialist covering East and organizations in effectivelySouthern Africa and has previously worked with World Vision addressing power, authority and International for many years. influence remains a key driver for As a passionate fan of sports, especially rugby, Nick has worked community transformation. How with young people to introduce them to rugby and fashion a May 2016 2016 May then does the Christian and the sense of team work and life skills. Nick is also a public speaker st Church use power dynamics to and is involved in his local church in the Men’s Ministry which bringing about transformation? includes mentoring young men who are at significant cross roads in life. Nick is married to Maryline and they have three children. Day 2: Sunday, 1 2: Sunday, Day

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016

Wamuyu Mahinda Enterpreneurship Wamuyu is the founder and CEO of Youth Entrepreneurship The Youth Banner. The first phase of Wamuyu’s profession started over 20 Entrepreneurship is an important years ago with her involvement in the driver of economic growth and job Kenya Girl Guides Association. Over creation: it creates new the years, she rose to the top of this May 2016 2016 May st Companies and jobs, opens up new Organization, eventually becoming its markets, improves productivity and Chief Commissioner before she was elected into the World creates wealth. An entrepreneurial Board of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts Associations. This, among mindset therefore enhances a young other occupations geared towards youth empowerment, has person's employability. given Wamuyu a unique and intimate understanding of the challenges facing youth today. She clearly sees the gaps in the Youth Entrepreneurship like so Day 2: Sunday, 1 2: Sunday, Day current interventions designed to help young people climb out many other areas, requires a long- of poverty. From her point of view, merely waving the banner of term approach and a entrepreneurship at young people is not enough to get them to strong belief in young people's jump into the deep end; rather what will make them succeed is capability. To achieve this, there is a the presence of an appropriate support structure combined with need to encourage young people to innovative delivery of skills that youth can identify with. instill a spirit of entrepreneurship at Wamuyu was awarded the prestigious Ashoka Fellowship in the earliest opportunity. 2010 in recognition for her role in catalyzing entrepreneurship As trainers, coaches, mentors, among Kenya’s rural and urban youth. She is a holder of an parents (as Kenyans) we need to MBA from the University of Nairobi and is married with three inculcate values in youth that result children, two girls and a boy. in sustainable business development. We must recognize the important role of entrepreneurship and enterprises in combating youth 36 unemployment and ask ourselves – what is my role? What can I do?

Mr. Eric Kimani Enterpreneurship Eric holds a LLB (Hons) - University of London and Diploma in Law from Enduring Success of Persistent Kenya School of Law. Fellow of Certified Entrepreneurs Public Accountant (FCPAK), Certified Explaining God’s Abundance Public Secretary (CPSK) and Advocate of the High Court of Kenya. The abundance versus scarcity paradigm explained What then must we do to access He is a business leader, Entrepreneur and Philanthropist with God’s favor? extensive experience in the management of organizational change and emerging technology. He is an author, motivational What biblical perspectives can I and inspirational speaker. Founder of Palmhouse Dairies share from my failures and successes Limited, Mukore Academy, Central Business School, Githunguri and what does it take? Business Park and Harvest Consulting Limited. He is a Non-Executive Director of both I&M Bank Ltd and Kibo Fund (a Private Equity Fund based in Mauritius). He is a May 2016 2016 May

st former CEO/MD at Sameer Africa and KTDA and also served as Finance Director at Williamson Tea and Dormans Coffee. He has previously been a director at Sasini Tea and Coffee as well as Kenya Association of Manufacturers. He is married with three children Day 2: Sunday, 1 2: Sunday, Day

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016

Ms. Florence Musiime Enterpreneurship Florence Muli-Musiime holds a PhD from the University of Edinburgh with In Leadership, Responsibility and substantive professional experience at Personal Wealth Creation: Is there national, regional and international Space for an Ethical Stand levels. She has held senior positions at the African Medical and Research May 2016 2016 May

Foundation (AMREF), UNHABITAT st and the Rockefeller Foundation. She is also the immediate former Council Chair and the outgoing Chancellor of Daystar University. Besides her professional career, Florence has also been involved in advocacy for children’s rights and is a founding member of the African Network for the Prevention

and Protection against Child Abuse and Neglect (ANPPCAN). 1 2: Sunday, Day Florence has a strong commitment to health equity and the rights and wellbeing of women and children.

Dr. Paul Mills Public Policy Dr Paul Mills, Senior Economist for the IMF based in London Fiscal and Economic Angle


Mr. Mundara Muturi Literacy Mr. Muturi is the Africa Area Director Transforming Marginalised for Wycliffe Global Alliance and Communities previously worked with Bible Translation & Literacy (BTL). Wycliffe Global For various reasons, including Alliance is an alliance of organizations theological ones, over the last 50 involved in Bible translation and literacy years the Church has neglected movement globally. investment in education and literacy as a primary strategy of societal He is married to Rahab and they have two adult daughters. transformation and spiritual growth. Some Kenyan communities have literacy levels as low as 15% - 25% of the population. Literacy is a change agent and contributes greatly to community transformation. Literacy contributes positively to the holistic transformation of communities. 2016 May st “In the 21st century, the best anti- poverty programme around is a world-class education”. – President Obama, 2009 Day 2: Sunday, 1 2: Sunday, Day

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016

Prof. Abraham Waithima Scholarship and Public Policy Prof. Waithima holds a PhD in Scholarship and Public Policy Economics from the University of Cape Town in South Africa and is an The professionals we encounter Associate Professor of Economics at in the Bible were ordinary people Daystar University. Prof Waithima has who carried out their duties with a keen interest in researches that involve May 2016 2016 May

st excellence. As they excelled in their individual or household choices and the duties they helped shape policy. determination and evaluation of the impact of social as well as Joseph excelled in planning to the economic interventions. He has consulted for TJRC/UNDP, extent that he was put in charge of FHI360, MESPT, and Australian Council for Educational strategic grain reserves in Egypt. Research among others. He is part of a team that is completing Daniel, through his devotion to God a three-year research project in Marigat towards the fight

Day 2: Sunday, 1 2: Sunday, Day caused the king to issue a decree that against Leishmaniasis. Through the team’s research findings, throughout his kingdom, the God of the community around Marigat have found a way of protecting Daniel was to be feared and revered. themselves from contracting the disease. Prof Waithima has Paul’s mastery of philosophy authored books, book chapters and journal articles. He is the attracted the attention of Areopagus Chairman of Daystar Ethics Review Board and a member of the who gave him another appointment Ethics Review Board of Nairobi Hospital. He is also the Vice after he had presented and defended Chairman of Private University Research Consortium of Kenya his faith. Each Christian is called by (PURCK). Prof. Waithima is the Director for the Institute of God to live a life of excellence to the Leadership and Professional Development at Daystar University extent that one is able to contribute and a member of the deacon board for CITAM. to public policy.

Mrs. Nancy Gachoka Influencing Politics & Governance Nancy is married to Duncan, and mother of four adult children. Currently 38 Integrating Faith and Work in the area of Politics and Governance. a PhD Student (Social Transformation) Tangaza College of Catholic University Many Christians fear working of East Africa. Holds a MBA in Social in the arena of politics and (the Entreprenuership Tangaza College/ related area) in government. There Catholic University of Milan BA (1991) is genuine concern that Politics is a Daystar University “dirty game” as a former Attorney General in Kenya observed, and that Serving as an Executive Board Member of Scripture Union government service is polluted by Kenya, Conference Speaker and Active Member of CITAM corruption. Parklands. Can Christians afford to avoid these She founded an NGO in 1993, and worked as a Consultant among areas where all decisions that affect NGOs and FBOs in Community Participatory Development, our Society are made and effected? and empowerment of self-help groups over 20years. Parliament makes Bills that run She planned to vie for political position in 2007. Served 6years this country, allocates all the funds as Board member of Tobacco Control in Ministry of Health. from our taxes. The Governors and (2009-2015) and served 3 years as National Vice Chair of a Members of County Assemblies do political party in the run up to 2013 elections. the same. Worked in the office of Muranga County Women Rep. office Daniel and Joseph worked in since 2014, Employed as Affirmative Action Social Development such systems with Integrity and Fund Manager for Murang’a County to implement programs

May 2016 2016 May Excellence. We can take our since October 2015. She is currently the Chair of Murang’a st influence. We need every Christian Dotas Development Forum, building capacity among the rural soldier to step out. poor and has been appointed into the National Committee on STAND UP AND BE COUNTED. Citizen Participation in Security. My primary school teachers emphasized “Leave a place better than you found it!” Day 2: Sunday, 1 2: Sunday, Day

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016

Rev. Dr. Mwaya wa Kitavi Education & Teaching Rev. Dr. Kitavi, holds a Ph.D. in Educational Management from Engaging God’s World Through Potchefstroom University (South Africa), Education and Teaching: A Masters degree in Teaching (Calvin Christian Vision of Faith, College) and a Masters in Theological Learning and Living

Studies (Calvin Theological Seminary) 2016 May Learning is a spiritual calling, both in USA. Currently, he is the Africa st properly done, it attaches us to God. Director of Ministries, Christian Reformed World Missions, Approaching the topic of education Eastern and Southern Africa Region, an international mission and teaching from different angles agency for the Christian Reformed Church in North America this workshop will show that in the (CRCNA). In addition, he chairs the Theological Education course of transmitting knowledge in Africa (TEA) Conference, Directs the Global Prayer and stimulating the intellect, Christ Safari (GPS) and is the Deputy Director of World Reformed 1 2: Sunday, Day centered learning also helps people Fellowship-Africa. An ordained minister of the Word in the to correctly see the world as God’s Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA), Dr. creation, to see providence in wa Kitavi has done extensive training and preaching both locally history in history, to handle securar and globally. He has a wide international experience working knowledge critically, to develop good in both private corporations and Christian Organizations. He judgement and ultimately to serve has worked with United States Department of Labor as Director faithfully and more respectively in of Education and Training and as Africa Director, Bible League God’s kingdom (Plantinga, 2002). International. He is an International Educator having taught in Kenya, United States and South Africa, Primary, Secondary and College level.

Rev. Edward Buri Youth Ministry Edward Buri is a gifted and passionate Youth Transforming the preacher and teacher, and presently the 39 Community Youth Pastor at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Nairobi Kenya. The whole community needs to awaken to the reality that youth He holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree comprises the majority of our from the University of Nairobi. He also population today. The majority has masters in Divinity and master cannot be marginalised or silenced. in arts, both from the renowned Princeton Seminary. While The majority too must notstudying in Princeton, he received prestigious awards for his marginalise or silence the rest of the scholarly excellence. demographic. The responsibility at His articles and commentaries on contemporary national and hand is converting the numbers into global issues are published regularly in leading newspapers tangible value. The way to achieve in Kenya. Buri also authors an inspiring weekly electronic this is by asking and answering the devotional, the Weekly faith booster. He is also the author of the question: How do young people tap book, Love : The Christian Signature. into their statistical superiority to He is the Director of Wima Consultants, a firm constituted with create a community of abundance? a focus on incultating values in public and private institutions It is this process of continually for the construction of integrity in Africa. asking and answering this question that youth begin to convert their He is an adjunct lecturer in Daystar University in Kenya and The numbers into tangible impacts in Presbyterian University of East Africa and for the community. May 2016 2016 May st Day 2: Sunday, 1 2: Sunday, Day

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016

Mr. Simon Masibo Youth Ministry Simon Masibo is serving as the Associates Transforming the Community Regional Secretary for Leadership through Students Ministry Development and Discipleship with the International Fellowship of Evangelical Globally over the years, Christian Students (IFES) in the English and students in the universities have Portuguese Speaking Africa (EPSA) May 2016 2016 May

st been agents of transformation Region. He previously served with in various spheres of the society. FOCUS Kenya for over twenty years, as National Director (8 Investing in the youth is securing years), Students Ministry Director and Regional Coordinator a better and sustainable tomorrow. among other roles. He has a Master of Arts degree in Biblical Youth (ages 15-34) in Kenya form Studies from the Africa International University, Kenya, and a 35% of the population and what we Bachelors of Education Science in Mathematics from Egerton

Day 2: Sunday, 1 2: Sunday, Day do or don’t with this bulging group University, Kenya. will determine the outlook of the country years to come. The youth Simon has vast experience working with the youth in Kenya and are energetic, impressionable, and in Africa. He is passionate about Youth Ministry and strongly full of dreams and are at the prime of believes that the youth are a strategic group in the society life when in the university. If we are worth investing in. Everything should be done to invest in serious about anchoring our country nurturing and developing the youth, to be rightly positioned to on firm and secure foundations, meaningfully participate in societal transformation. Simon is then we have to channel sufficient married to Dr. Peninah Masibo and they have two sons, Lowell resources in developing and and Shawn. nurturing the youth.

Mrs. Emma Wachira Youth Transformation Emma is the founder and CEO of Lifeskills Promoters (LISP), an Empowering the Youth with life organization that seeks to empower the 40 skills for societal transformation youth and communities with life skills. She is married to Dr. Timothy Wachira and they have two adult sons.

Samuel Koranteng-Pipim, Ph.D. Youth Transformation is a US-based Ghanaian author, inspirational speaker, leadership trainer, Grass-roots Youth can Make a and an advocate for youth empowerment. Difference He was trained in engineering and systematic theology, and has authored more than twenty books. They include his bestselling works Patience in the Midst of Trials and Afflictions, Hope Through the Dark, Six More Chances, and Healed Wounds but Ugly Scars. Dr. Pipim currently directs two Centers for Leadership Development known as EAGLES (Empowerment & Advisory Group for Leadership, Excellence, & Service) and ANANSE (African Network & Advisory for Needed Services & Excellence). www. He also serves as a special consultant on Bible projects. He has previously served as a Director for Public May 2016 2016 May

st Campus Ministries, serving students, faculty, and staff at the University of Michigan. He has spoken extensively around the world at events for youth, students, young professionals, and religious & civic leaders. His published works on Africa include The Transformed Mind, Africa Must Think, and The African Giant. His most recent work is My Song in the Night:

Day 2: Sunday, 1 2: Sunday, Day MCards to Inspire, Encourage, & Challenge.

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016

Daniel Tomi Societal Transformation Serves as the Programs Director and Africa Coordinator for EAGLES online. One Person Can Make a With backgrounds in Law, International Difference Development, International Business, and Leadership, she has used her voice

and pen on behalf of individuals, 2016 May communities, and the Africa continent st for positive change. Over the last fifteen years, she has crisscrossed borders, using her organizational and leadership skills to initiate and implement various initiatives that have helped transformed various communities in Africa. She is a global nomad to physical and virtual spaces, from where she

gains practical wisdom and balance to maintain sensitivity to 1 2: Sunday, Day real life trials and triumphs. Her passion is reading, writing, teaching, and effecting positive social change. Originally from Nigeria, she is currently based in California, USA.

Dr. Arbogast Kemoli Akidiva Corruption Dr. Akidiva is the Lead Consultant and Partner, Conscientia Consulting LLP; A companion of Thieves a Govening Council Member of the Mater Misericodea Hospital; and an Adjunct Senior Lecturer at Strathmore University. He is an Educationist and Governance Specialist with over 30 years’ experience in the Public Service. He has vast knowledge and practical experience in Educational Praxis; Policy and Strategic 41 Studies; Curriculum and Instruction; Communication Studies; Development, Production and Dissemination of Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials in Good Governance, Anti-Corruption, Ethics and Integrity. He worked with the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) and its predecessor the Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission (KACC) from 2005 t0 2013 variously as the Principal Officer Education, Coordinator, Preventive Services; Acting Assistant Director, Preventive Services Directorate, and Officer-in- Charge, Mombasa Regional Office. During his tour of duty with the Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission, he offered strategic leadership and management that gave rise to various education programmes, production of responsive IEC Materials, Radio programmes and Scripture based Anti-Corruption Study Guide entitled Integrity: A Weapon against Corruption. He actively participated in a number of National Policy Committees. He is an Associate Member of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. He is an accomplished trainer and facilitator with a number of organizations, notable among them, the United

Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, GIZ, Kenya School of 2016 May May 2016 2016 May nd Law and the former Ministry of Justice, National Cohesion and st Constitutional Affairs. Dr. Akidiva is a holder of a PhD from the University of Alberta, Canada; M. Ed. Kenyatta University, Kenya; and B.Ed. University of Nairobi, Kenya and a Post Graduate Certificate in Corruption Studies from the University of Hong Kong. Day 3: Monday, 2 1 3: Monday, 2: Sunday, Day

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016

Prof. Peter Kimuyu Scholarship Prof. Kimuyu who holds a PhD in Energy Faith in an Academic Economics, is a Professor of Economics Environment and the first Director of the School of Economics in the University of Nairobi The wide range of stakeholder and the vision bearer for Sychar Centre.

May 2016 2016 May groups defining potential spheres of He is trustee with Africa International nd application, opportunities for University and has held senior research influence/impact, the challenge of and leadership positions and associate ships in national think leadership in an academic tanks and directorships in state corporations and commercial environment, risk of banks. He is the recipient of a presidential commendation as a publications related Moran of the Order of Burning Spear. idolatry, importance of consistency

Day 3: Monday, 2 3: Monday, Day even in potentially deteriorating academic environment, manifestations of God's faithfulness.

Dr. Jean Kagia Medical Issues Dr. Kagia is a Consultant Obstetrician / 42 Engaging Medical Issues and Gynaecologist Defending Life As a Christian She is a Member of Nairobi Baptist I believe in practicing Christianity Church and Member of FOCUS Board in the marketplace and have of Trustees. endeavoured to integrate my faith She is the Chairlady of Protecting Life in my practice of medicine. My Movement Trust and Rescue Kiota Project. She is also the mission is also to defend, uphold and Chairlady of Linda Uhai and the Convener of Life Committee protect human life from conception of Kenya Christian Professionals Forum. She is Married with 3 until natural death. I shall share my grown up children and one grand child. involvement in the constitutional review as a technical adviser to the churches in line with my mission. I shall also share about the Rescue Kiota Project that protects girls In crisis pregnancy from abortion and suicide. I will discuss my involvement in scrutinizing laws, standards and guidelines that affect life, that are currently being formulated. These include The Health Bill, The

May 2016 2016 May Reproductive Health Bill, The IVF nd Bill, Standards and Guidelines for reducing maternal mortality from unsafe abortion. Finally I shall discuss the guiding principles that help me as I serve God Day 3: Monday, 2 3: Monday, Day

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016

Dr. Michael Schluter Public Policy Dr Michael Schluter, CBE is one of the foremost global Christian thinkers Fiscal and Economic Angle and theologians promoting continued relevance for modern societies of the biblical social vision. He is the founder of

the Jubilee Centre Cambridge in 1983. The 2016 May Jubilee Centre is a Christian social nd reform organisation that offers a biblical perspective on contemporary issues and underlying trends in society, of relevance to the general public. Michael trained as an economist before working as a research fellow with the International Food Policy Research Institute, and economics consultant

with the World Bank in East Africa. He is an experienced 2 3: Monday, Day speaker who has addressed audiences all over the world, and was awarded a CBE in the Queen’s New Year honours in 2009. Michael is now a social entrepreneur and has launched six charities whose work includes international peace-building (Concordis International), alternative finance (Citylife) and social policy (Credit Action). In 1994, Michael launched the Relationships Foundation; he is also on the board of Relationships Forum Australia. Michael and his wife Auriel have 3 married children, and 12 grandchildren

Ms. Eunice Mwongera 43 Socisl Enterpreneurship Eunice is an accomplished Entrepreneur in the food industry. She is passionate Christian Influence in Social for business start-up and nurturing of Enterpreneurship agribusinesses. Accomplished exporter of peas, beans, fruits. Knowledge in managing agrifoods value chains. Creatively managing successful partnership with smallholder farmers through Contract farming model. Professional in linking farmers to markets through a process that involves building farmers capacity as producer-marketing units by use of certifiable agribusiness practices, certified seeds, certified chemical and sound standards compliance. A go getter and highly motivated individual, has weathered many challenges in export supply chain which spans from farm to Packhouse to market. Is an MBA holder in Strategic Management, High Diploma in Strategic Management, currently pursuing a Doctorate in Theology. Has built global industry monetize –able networks. Is a God-fearing businesswoman whose company values are integrity, timeliness and togetherness? An Award winner of the African Agribusiness May 2016 2016 May

of the year 2013 and alumnus/fellow to a numerous agribusiness nd institutions. Day 3: Monday, 2 3: Monday, Day

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016

Mr. Thomas Gitumbi Socisl Enterpreneurship Thomas is involved in various Social Entrepreneurship Christian initiatives for community transformation and empowerment. He is the Chief Executive Officer of a real estate company base in May 2016 2016 May

nd Thika called The Chania Frontiers: Thomas is a businessman and is the Chairman, FREDS Limited and Dagitom Limited (investments companies), Director, Cozy Properties Limited; Cozy Vipingo

Day 3: Monday, 2 3: Monday, Day Villas and Resort Limited, Vice Chairman; Uthabiti Sacco, National Governing Board member of Love INC Kenya, Chairman (LOVE INC Kenya Thika Road Zone), Chairman ( Mua Park Residents Association), Sustainability Consultant (Missions of Hope - A Christian Charity empowering the disadvantaged in Mathare Slums), Chairman (Kirinyaga Professionals’ Trade & Industry subcommittee). Thomas is also a Member of the Technology Committee, Jesuits Common - Higher Education in the Margin, an international initiative providing education to refugees through online platforms. He is married to Phyllice Gitumbi and they have three Children. Thomas is passionate about people transformation, business excellence and living by the principles of the word of God.

Mr. Stephen Olang 44 Justice Stephen is the Church and Community Relations Director for IJM Kenya, and Justice for the Vulnerable is the person responsible for raising International Justice Mission (IJM) awareness on the biblical mandate for seeks to protect the poor from justice among churches in the Nairobi violence by partnering with those area. Prior to joining IJM, he was a career working in the local justice system banker for over 20 years working with to help victims of violence. We work various commercial banks rising to management positions. with police to rescue victims, social Immediately before joining IJM, Stephen was involved with an workers to restore survivors to their ex-prisoners re-integration ministry with an organization called communities, police to restrain Philemon Trust, serving as their administrator and project criminals, and public prosecution to coordinator, helping over 100 ex-prisoners within 2 years. represent survivors in court. He has a Bachelor’s Degree double major in Community As we do this, we identify weaknesses Development and Biblical/Religious Studies from Daystar and work together to strengthen the University, and a Diploma in Banking (from the UK). He has system. We want to prove that justice served as the pastor of the Free Methodist Church in Karen and for the poor is possible. In Kenya, presently is an elder at New City Fellowship. we have protected the vulnerable by representing children who have Stephen has served as Church & Community Relations been sexually abused and those who Director at IJM Kenya for over 7 years and, together with other May 2016 2016 May have been abused by police. We have professionals in the Organization, has mobilized churches & nd restrained hundreds of abusers, communities to stand up against issues of injustice. Stephen restored hundreds of victims, has also leveraged church and community action to spearhead trained hundreds of investigators the transformation of the Public Justice System by engaging and prosecutors, and advocated for and networking with church leaders, community leaders and the correct laws to strengthen public Government officials including legislators to act and defend the justice institutions. weak and vulnerable. Day 3: Monday, 2 3: Monday, Day

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016

Mrs. Caroline Makanda Women Empowerment Carol is an Independent consultant Empowering Women in Crisis and working in the area Peace-building and in Conflict Women Empowerment. She is currently involved in mentoring a group of women Women around the world bear the peace-builders across the Nation. Carol brand of conflict and violence and worked as a National Coordinator for 2016 May this exposes them to unimaginable the Women and Children programs nd suffering and pain. Yet the women are for Africa Leadership & Reconciliation Ministries (ALARM- still the stabilizing factor in moments Kenya) for nine years. She has initiated and coordinated different of crisis and conflict and are the Women Empowerment projects in various parts of the country neutral voice in building sustainable and has been involved with a team of others in writing peace peace and reconciliation. Women building manuals on “Seek Peace” and “Restoring the Beauty need empowerment economically in and Blessing of Ethnic Diversity” which were a response to 2 3: Monday, Day decision-making and gaining a voice 2007/8 Post Election Violence (PEV) in Kenya. Previously Carol on the negotiating table since they worked with Fellowship of Christian Unions as a campus staff are recipients of suffering and can in University of Nairobi Kabete campuses and later in Nairobi also be active participants in conflict Baptist Church as a ministry Coordinator in charge of Leadership prevention and building cohesion. Training and Curriculum Development. She holds a Bachelor In this workshop we will discuss of Education from Moi University and a Masters of Arts in ways to empower women in crisis in Christian Education from Nairobi Evangelical Graduate School order to alleviate their suffering and of Theology now known as (Africa International University) and to empower them to use their God a Post Graduate Diploma in Conflict Transformation from the given gifts in reducing crisis and Eastern Mennonite University in Virginia. Carol is married to conflict in individual relationships, Dr. Nelson Makanda and between them they have four children family and community.


Mrs. Mary Ogalo Women Empowerment Mary is currently a doctoral researcher Holistic Empowerment a case of with the University of Birmingham urban slums and rural Kenya. researching on gender relations and income enterprise in rural Kenya. Women empowerment is a crucial She formerly worked with Global Bag tool for mitigating cyclic poverty Project, a women’s social enterprise for and advancing community vulnerable women in Nairobi and is the development. This session discusses founder of the County Girls Caucus, an empowerment initiative the nature of ‘holistic women for girls in rural Kenya. Mary won the Harveys Fellowship empowerment’ in the Kenyan award (by Mustard Seed Foundation) in 2014 as a researcher context while positioning it as an whose research project demonstrates potential for addressing open opportunity that represents important societal issues from within the framework of a God’s call. Lessons from women Christ-centered worldview. She was also granted a Senesh award initiatives in Nairobi slums and (by IPRAF) for research project with potential to address grass- rural Kenya will be explored. root drivers of conflict in communities.

Mary is married to George Ogalo and they are blessed with 3 2016 May nd children. Day 3: Monday, 2 3: Monday, Day

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016

Mr & Mrs. Paul & Lydia Mukui Education My wife Lydia and I started Glorious Fountain Academy located in Happy Establishment and Christian Valley Estate Thika in 2000. From Influence in Private Primary a humble beginning with our two Schools children the school has grown to

May 2016 2016 May become one of the best in the country nd in academic excellence and sound Christian foundation. Paul has wide experience in finance and administration both in public sector and international organizations. Academic background: B Com; CPA (K). Lydia has extensive experience in education sector having taught in high schools for more than 10 years before she became a tutor Day 3: Monday, 2 3: Monday, Day in Kilimambogo Teachers College She resigned in 2006 to concentrate on our school. Academic background: BEd; MA; currently pursuing a PhD in Leadership at PAC University.

Mrs. Grace Maina Education Family: Married to Charles Maina 46 Curriculum Reform Process in Gecaga, a lecturer at Kenyatta University Kenya Department of Linguistics and a mother of one daughter and three sons. The link between the Education system and the curriculum Education & Profession: Holds a degree is considered important for in Education and trained as a counselling Psychologist at the Diploma and Masters transforming people’s education, th training and work. Both have level. 4 year PhD student in Educational Psychology. profound implications on how Occupation. Previously worked as a high school teacher, education is conceptualized, worked with FOCUS for four years as a full time staff. Currently organized, delivered and measured. working as a Curriculum Specialist with Kenya Institute of Even though significant gains Curriculum Development; The Institution that is mandated to have been made through the advice the Government on curriculum matters. Senior Assistant content based curriculum since Director in-charge of Cross Cutting Issues in the Curriculum. independence, the growing social, Other credentials: An Author, Counsellor, Educator/Facilitator technological, economic demands in Life Skills Education, Disaster Risk Reduction Education, on education resulting from the HIV and AIDS Prevention and Education, Social Cohesion, rapid dynamism in the world we Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Education. Education live in necessitate a reform of the in Emergency among others. curriculum. Grace has a wealth of knowledge and experience on matters During the Hesabika Workshop,

May 2016 2016 May of Education and has been involved in many education related pertinent issues with regard to the nd engagements/Forums nationally and internationally. curriculum reform process will be engaged. Day 3: Monday, 2 3: Monday, Day

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016

Dr. Reuben Nzuki Education Dr. Nzuki is an International Education Strategy for Development Consultant, facilitating Community Transformation Transformational development set up in Somalia. He is the National Executive Education/learning is the most Director (FTT) which support in natural and powerful God in-built Kenyan church in missions mobilization. 2016 May lifelong field. Intentionality on the He also the founder and Chairman of nd Bible message through strategic Life Frontier School, a Christian Mission school in Garissa. integration and design have far Previously he was a disaster Management Advisor with reaching positive transformation in Tearfund, Horn of Africa Senior Advisor with World Concern the learner’s life and by extension the and the National Director, Life Ministry. community where they are integral He is married to Joan Nzuki and is father of two grown children. members and influence-exchange 2 3: Monday, Day inevitably take place. Take the advantage and every opportunity.

Phoebe Gachau Education Graduated from Kenyatta University Integration of Biblical Principles College of the University of Nairobi in 47 in Learning (Accelerate Christian 1981. She taught in high school for close Education Curriculum - ACE to ten years before moving to Kagumo Model) Teachers’ College where she trained teachers for 21 years, from 1990 to 2011. ACE is a curriculum that is based on the Bible as the main text While at Kagumo, she was the Christian book. The curriculum integrates Union Patron for most of the time where she mentored and Biblical principles into the discipled Christian students. learning materials. As children go From 2001 to 2011, Phoebe hosted the FOCUS STEM Staff through their learning of English, every year where she mentored and partnered with them in Mathematics, Science, Social Studies student ministry, not only in Kagumo but also in the wider Mt. and all other subjects, the Word of Kenya Region. God is at the center. Each learning material has a guiding Scripture In 2011, Phoebe moved to Nairobi to work in a unique verse from the Bible, which they Christian school that offers the Accelerated Christian Education memorize, a character quality or curriculum (ACE). trait and very clear outcomes to be expected by the end of the book, known as a PACE. We believe that this is the answer to a host of education woes in the 2016 May nd country, especially for Christian parents who partner with the school to bring up God fearing children who are practice Christian values unashamedly. Day 3: Monday, 2 3: Monday, Day

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016

Bishop Dr. Henry Mulandi Faith & Societal Transformation Bishop Henry Z. Mulandi is an ordained Gospel minister, a farmer and a business Transformational Faith man. He is the founder of Christian If my faith in Jesus Christ does not Church International which has its influence and impact my immediate headquarters at Thika, Makongeni and May 2016 2016 May environment, then it has ceased to the visionary behind African Christian nd be salt and light. If my faith is only Missions International (ACMI) the confined within the four walls of missions arm of Christian Church International. the church, then it is a selfish faith. Bishop Mulandi holds a Bachelor’s degree in Christian Ministries God has called us to make Him from Daystar University. He was also awarded an honorary known through every aspect of our Degree of Doctor of Divinity for outstanding work in ministry lives. That is transformational faith! from United Graduate College and Seminary. Day 3: Monday, 2 3: Monday, Day Bishop Mulandi is married to Rev. Betty Mulandi and together they have 3 adult children and several grandchildren. They live in Thika and are the resident pastors at Christian Church International Thika.

Mr. John Ng’ang’a Mentorship John retired from the Kenya country leadership team of a multinational Mentoring others to have a oil company as its Distribution & Biblical Worldview Operations Manager. He has experience 48 Why would mentoring be so in business analysis, retail marketing, important especially as we seek to aviation marketing, warehouse & depot turn verbal concern to action? management, transport logistics, and was in charge of developing the multinational‘s Transport The first reason why mentoring Standards in ten African countries. He is the founder and CEO should be involved in the church is of Taruma Consultants Ltd. the fact that it is the biblical model that Jesus used to transform the John speaks and writes extensively on leadership and world. In three years,He could have interpersonal relations. He writes a Weekly Meditation on: run all over the world trying to reach, and has authored several books including: the people but he opted to use a lot Friendship, Secret Of Contentment, Leadership – King David of time on only twelve people who Style, A Leader’s Source of Influence , Christian Professionals- he invested in, mentoring them . Leading In The Market Place and recently The Character Of An Influential Leader, Integrity: The Litmus Test Of Good Leadership Why is the church today not using and Finding A Life Partner . the same methodology or also emphasize the same thing? John holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree and has diverse certifications in management and petroleum operations from Paul tells Timothy that he should within and outside Kenya. He earned an MA in Leadership at commit what he had been taught International Leadership University, Nairobi-Kenya. to faithful men who would in turn commit to other faithful men as the John was Chairman of KSCF 1983-86.He is currently the chief multiplication factor. patron KSCF and in the Advisory Board of FOCUS. May 2016 2016 May

nd How can we mentor Kenyans to He is keen on helping Organizations develop ethical leadership. have a biblical world view? This is He is married to Rebecca and they have 3 daughters. what this seminar will seek to deal with. Day 3: Monday, 2 3: Monday, Day

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016

Mr. Henk Jan van Schothorst Politics & Governance Henk Jan van Schothorst is the Executive Director of the Transatlantic Christian Engaging International Public Council (TCC – Policy - the Christian Perspective The main objectives of TCC are to develop an international network of

Christians involved in public policy and 2016 May to influence public policy at the level of nd governments and international organizations (UN, EU, etc.) from a Christian perspective with special focus on themes as life, family and freedom. From 2000 – 2007 Mr. Van Schothorst served in the European Parliament as staffer to a member of Parliament and a political group with Christian and conservative origins. He was senior 2 3: Monday, Day staff member on behalf of this political group in the Foreign Affairs Committee and in the Transatlantic Legislators Dialogue between the U.S. Congress and the European Parliament, and in the Israel delegation. Before serving in the European Parliament, he was a teacher and chair of a parent-school association. He attached much importance to freedom of Christian education, with the family as the most important and basic unit of society. Mr. Van Schothorst holds an M.A. in History with a specialization in European Integration from the University of Leiden in the Netherlands, his home country. He is married and has six children.

49 Mrs. Sarah Muhoya Politics & Governance A former FOCUS staff (Communications Director), Sarah is currently working as Engaging the Political Terrain: A the Executive Director for the League Christian Perspective of Kenya Women Voters where she How can Christians see, seize and is directly involved in educating and optimize the different opportunities mobilizing the Kenyan electorate that present themselves for sustained to promote an inclusive leadership participation and involvement in especially through supporting gender parity and specifically national politics? supporting women’s leadership in the country. Prior to joining the Leagues, Mrs Muhoya worked as the Director, Inclusivity Three areas of focus will guide the Program at the Centre for Multiparty Democracy (CMD- discussion. These include: Access, Kenya) where she was responsible for leading programs Agenda setting and Accountability aimed at bringing categories of Kenyans traditionally excluded and what Christians should do to in political leadership by virtue of existing political party maintain a Christian witness in a structures, policies and legislation, among other barriers. In sustainable manner. Finally, the addition, she worked as Director of Communications at the workshop will demonstrate from National Council of Churches of Kenya ( NCCK) where she practical examples drawn from the provided technical expertise to the faiths driven Constitution other countries (Netherlands) that review making process popularly known as the ‘Ufungamano with a clear strategy for accessing 2016 May

Process’. Mrs. Muhoya brings to the workshop a unique nd politics, a clearly defined agenda and experience and expertise navigating political parties in Kenya mechanisms for holding each other as well as getting minority and marginalized sections of the to account, it is indeed possible to citizenry into mainstream politics. maintain a Christian witness in politics. Sarah is married to Nicholas Muhoya, and Aviator and they are blessed with twin children, 19 year old Ngatia and Kiiru. Day 3: Monday, 2 3: Monday, Day

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016

Mrs. Jane Gitonga Governance & Politics Mrs. Jane Gitonga has 12 years “Hesabika Kwa Kura” of experience in the democratic Understanding Elections: Can governance field. Kenya Hold Credible Elections? Jane has a strong grounding in electoral management, devolution, human rights

May 2016 2016 May Background

nd and public sector management in The new dispensation of democracy general. following the enactment of the new Constitution of Kenya 2010, She has demonstrable competence in strategic management, is still in its nascent political clime policy analysis, strategic leadership and negotiation. Her in Kenya. It is not strange that experience is drawn from working with inter-governmental politicians get away with outright organizations, elections management bodies, government Day 3: Monday, 2 3: Monday, Day lies, deliberate misrepresentations ministries, local and international civil society organizations and assertions as well as ridiculous and research institutions. and unachievable proposals. In each At present, she is in charge of national and international instance, the public and democracy partnerships at the Independent Electoral and Boundary have been poorly served. Part of this Commission (IEBC). Jane has substantive experience in donor culture is as a result of ignorance by coordination and engagement having managed different the electorate. The electorate have donor agreements including UNDP, DFID, European Union, not related how their vote relates to Netherlands, Finland, SIDA, and ECOWAS. their daily lives and other liberties Jane is passionate about credible governance and through contained in the Constitution of the Canadian foundation of democracy and she is currently Kenya, 2010. It is no wonder that spearheading a team of staff in instituting electoral democratic the thrust of governance today is not values at primary and secondary schools by helping students centred on the will of the people but conduct elections in electing prefects. on personal greed and ambition of political actors. Jane is currently pursuing a PhD in Political Science at the 50 University of Nairobi with her research focused on electoral institutions and democratization.

COSMA G ATERE had a decade-­‐long career with the World Bank Group Christian Social Engagement Mr.based Cosma mainly Gatere in Washington DC working as a senior communications Cosma Gaterespecialist and had advisor a decade-long on lending career projects, development policies and How Does Your Daily Work fit withpublic the -­‐private World partnerships. Bank During Group his based career in the private sector he into God’s Eternal Work? 3 Keys mainlyhas held in Washington management DC positions working with the Coca-­‐as aCola Company and seniorOgilvy Communications & Mather advertising and consulted for a number of to Getting it Right: companies. Cosma has been actively involved in church leadership Does your daily work in the Specialistand various and social Advisor reform initiatives. on is He lending passionate about Christ public, NGO or business sectors, projects,followers rediscovering development the high policies and holy and calling of marketplace as an entrepreneur, homemaker, public-privatework and engaging partnerships. strategically in our During professions his to help fulfill teacher or counselor have a place career in the private sectorGod’s he has mission held for management our world. He is a positions chartered marketer and holds in the Missio Dei - the mission of with the CocaCola Companymasters and degrees Ogilvy in & Mather public policy advertising and communication science. Cosma speaks and teaches on topics of leadership, personal finance and God in the World? What pathways and consulted for a number of companies. Cosma has been marketplace ministry and is big on youth mentorship. He is married can committed Christ followers actively involved in churchto leadership Betty and and they have two various sons social and reform a daughter. take to discovering and fulfilling initiatives. He is passionate about Christ followers rediscovering their calling in the marketplace and the high and holy calling of marketplace work and engaging aligning their daily work with God’s strategically in our professions to help fulfill God’s mission

May 2016 2016 May eternal work? for our world. He is a chartered marketer and holds master’s

nd degrees in public policy and communication science. Cosma This workshop will explore biblical examples and practical case studies speaks and teaches on topics of leadership, personal finance to shed light on pathways we can take and marketplace ministry and is big on youth mentorship. He is to finding fulfillment and eternal married to Betty and they have two sons and a daughter. purpose in our daily marketplace engagements. Day 3: Monday, 2 3: Monday, Day

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016

Rev. Dr. Peterson Wang’ombe Influencing Culture Rev. Wang’ombe is currently the Senior How can Christians influence Pastor at Deliverance Church Kahawa culture? Sukari where he has been serving for the A friend of mine used to say, “things last 13 years. Before then, he served as are changing very fast. In fact the a FOCUS staff for 12 years in various capacities. He studied at both University 2016 May only permanent thing I know of is nd change.” How true! Culture, which of Nairobi (Veterinary Medicine) and simply stated is a people’s way of Daystar University (Communication). He is also involved life, is constantly changing either in missions related research and has a passion to see the for good or for worse. Whether it’s local church responding to the cultural trends of the day and in the mundane way of how people influencing community transformation. Peterson is married to dress or in the more complex area Ann and they have three college-age children. Day 3: Monday, 2 3: Monday, Day of what values they hold dear and how they judge morality, things are changing all the time. The question is, should we just stand by and watch these changes helplessly or is there something we can do about the direction of change? How can Christians who have the unchanging Gospel positively influence a continuously changing culture?


Hon. Patrick Mariru Leadership in County Governments Patrick is currently the Speaker of Understanding Devolution; the County Assembly of Laikipia. He Opportunities of Engagement holds a Law degree from the University of Nairobi, Masters of Divinity from Kenyans overwhelmingly African International University and supported the devolved system of Masters Degree in Public Policy and government when they voted the Management (University of London). He new constitution in 2010. Have is enrolled for a third Masters degree in Sustainable Development the expectations of Kenyans been (University of London) and doing PhD thesis at JKUAT. met so far? Are there areas to celebrate? Are there areas to focus He has worked at Kamotho & Maiyo Advocates; FOCUS (STEM on moving forward? This session program, FASAMO); at National Council of Churches of Kenya will offer a general overview of the (NCCK) as a Legal Services Manager. While at NCCK, he devolution architecture especially was greatly involved in the Constitution making process - at around the objectives, expectations Bomas and Ufungamano initiatives and later in national reform and aspirations of Kenyans on the processes (after the 2007/2008 post-election national crisis) devolved system of governance. as well as the national constitution review process preceding the 2010 adoption of the new constitution. He specifically 2016 May This session will also focus on the nd opportunities to influence the public contributed on the chapters on Devolution, Executive and course at the counties. Judiciary in the New Constitution. Before being elected as the Speaker of this Assembly, Patrick was working with ActionAid International as a Governance Advisor for over 26 countries in Africa, Europe, Asia and the America.

He is married to Catherine and blessed with three daughters. 2 3: Monday, Day

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016

Mr. Kennedy Kihara, EBS Public Service Mr Kihara is a senior officer in the Office of the President holding the National Security: Opportunities position of Principal Administrative and Challenges Secretary (PAS); he is the link between the Office of the President with National May 2016 2016 May

nd Security Organs i.e. Kenya Defence Forces, National Intelligence Service and National Police Service. Since the Promulgation of the New Constitution, Mr Kihara in his role in charge of Parliamentary affairs in the Office of President has been the link between Parliament and the Executive. He

Day 3: Monday, 2 3: Monday, Day has participated in the process of enacting all new legislations as required by the 5th Schedule of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010. As in charge of Commissions in the Executive Office of the President, he has presided over the creation of recruitment panels and other processes for the appointment of Chairpersons and members of Constitutional Commissions. He has also participated in the recruitment of Heads of Independent Offices and State Officers. Mr Kihara was the pioneer Chief Executive of the Interim Independent Electoral Commission (IIEC) in which position he created the structures of the electoral management body after the forerunner Electoral Commission of Kenya (ECK) was disbanded following the post-election violence of 2007/8. For several years, he has been the head of a team of policy writers 52 who draft Presidential Speeches for National days. In his spare time, he participates in Community Development having being a member of the Board of Governors of Murang’a High School for 2 terms, an Elder of Deliverance Church and a Director of The Bible Translation Literacy (BTL) all on a voluntary basis. Mr Kihara is married with three adult sons.

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Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya)


The Hesabika Curtain-raiser Dinner at Safaripark Hotel Who We Are Our Approach Bible Translation and Literacy (E.A.) BTL is a BTL’s approach is two-pronged: we facilitate Christian organisation that was started in 1981 to Bible translation and engage in literacy activities. facilitate Bible translation, sustainable literacy and Translating the Bible is critical but ensuring language development programmes among small that people can read and write in their mother language groups in Kenya and beyond, partnering language is equally important in bringing about with the Church and others to fulfil the Great total transformation based on the translated Word Commission. of God.Partnership BTL continues to partner with churches, individual Our Vision Christians and well-wishers keen on helping some of the least reached communities get God’s Word Transformed lives, by the grace of God, when in a language they can understand. people use God’s Word in the language they understand best (i.e. their mother tongue).

A look at the Statistics Get Involved • Kenya has over 40 million people Become a prayer partner and pray for one or more • There are over 50 language groups of our project groups. Subscribe to receive regular • 19 of these language groups have complete information from BTL: Call of Kenya or Praise Bible translations and Prayer Bulletin • 12 others have the New Testament only Give financial gifts, monthly, quarterly or • 11 others have some portions of the annuallyUse BTL’s Conference Centre facilities in Scriptures Ruiru • About 18 language groups do not have Volunteer your professional skills for the benefit of translated Scriptures Bible translation work in Kenya.

Who We Serve Contact details

Daasanach The National Director Bible Translation and Literacy (E.A.),

P.O. BOX 44456-00100, NAIROBI

Rendille Cellphone: +254 722 209 606 Samburu +254 735 333 065 Marakwet Sabaot

Ilchamus Paybill Number : 898301 Account No : SUPPORT Tugen Tharaka Ilwana Suba Chuka Upper Orma Email: [email protected] Ogiek Pokomo Waata Website:

Pokomo Aweer


Giryama Taveta Duruma


Who we are The Brooke hospital for animals is an international animal welfare charity dedicated to improving the lives of working horses, donkeys and mules. Currently the Brooke has operations in 9 countries across the world. Brooke EA works through six partner organisations covering over 300,000 donkeys in 15 counties. The current partners in Kenya include Kenya Network for Dissemination of Agricultural Technology (KENDAT) in Nyandarua, Kiambu, Kirinyaga, Nairobi, Embu, Meru, and Kenya Christian Professionals Forum Tharaka Nithi counties, Farming Systems Kenya (FSK) in Narok and Nakuru counties, Animal Welfare and Public Health The Kenya Christian Professionals Forum (KCPF) is a group of Christian (AWAPH) in Kisumu and Bomet counties, Kenya Veterinary professionals from various denomi- Association (KVA)in Kajiado county, Caritas Kenya through the nations sharing common values on the catholic diocese in Kitui and Agency for Pastoralist Development agendas of Life, Family, Religion, and (APaD) working in Turkana. Governance and has standing committees to drive each agenda.

How we work OUR MISSION Donkeys in Kenya are majorly used to transport goods by To provide professional support in the devel- carts or by pack. They are the primary transporters of farm opment of a social and legal environment that produce to and from the homesteads and the markets found promotes biblical values in Kenya and beyond in various regions in Kenya. Donkeys are also used to ferry Partners water to homesteads on their backs as well as by carts. Don- keys are affected by many welfare issues some of which are Evangelical Alliance of Kenya (EAK) caused from inadequate knowledge on how they are worked. National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK) Donkey get wounds from the friction caused between their Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) bodies and the load known as poor harnessing. Some cultural practices like nose pegging, ear cutting and hot iron branding Achievements cause so much pain to donkeys. Most of the myths surround- ing the donkey, like they never get sick, have also caused the Marriage Act: animal more suffering. In addition to these donkeys also re- Comprehensive Sexual Education : Have en- ceive ill treatment due to the negative perceptions that people gaged the Ministry of Education Science and have on them. technology informing them on the danger of introducing the comprehensive sexuality education Why we work Family policy development: Working with The Brooke believes that animal suffering is preventable and the Ministry of Labour and East African that good animal welfare protects human livelihoods. The Affairs. (Pictured) Brooke EA and Partner Brooke works through partner organisations in various ways to Have celebrated and honoured key Christians Staff during a donkey improve the welfare of the donkey here in Kenya which in turn who have performed exemplary in different handling training; secures a livelihood for the dependants of the donkey. This is fields specifically checking the done through Community Engagement where various donkey donkey’s mouth Upcoming Events owning communities are sensitised on the best ways to care for Family conference – 14th May 2016 the donkey. Through its service provision strategy, the Brooke trains its partner animal welfare officers on various donkey Venue: KICC Amphitheater health elements that they in turn transfer to service providers Time: 8:00am – 4:00pm Charges: Ksh 2000 found in the communities.

The Brooke East Africa|5th floor Taj Towers Facebook: TheBrookeEastAfrica Upperhill |Nairobi, Kenya : @theBrookeEA Email: BrookeEA@the brooke .org Tel: 0700307709 Kenya Christian Professionals Forum The Kenya Christian Professionals Wezesha Campaign fundraising dinner- Forum (KCPF) is a group of Christian th professionals from various denomi- Date: 5 August 2016 nations sharing common values on the Venue: Sarova Panafric Hotel agendas of Life, Family, Religion, and Time: 6:00pm – 10:00pm Governance and has standing committees Charges: Ksh 10,000 to drive each agenda. Life Concert OUR MISSION Date: 28th August 2016 To provide professional support in the devel- Venue: St Andrews Church opment of a social and legal environment that Time: 6:00pm – 10:00pm promotes biblical values in Kenya and beyond Charges: Ksh 10,000 Partners Utumishi Bora Awards – Evangelical Alliance of Kenya (EAK) Date: 30th September 2016 National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK) Venue: Sarova Panafric Hotel Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) Time: 6:00pm – 10:00pm

Achievements AEA Building, next to Dental School, Valley Road Marriage Act: P O BOX 4223-00100,GPO, Nairobi, Kenya. Tel: (+254)0775825974 Comprehensive Sexual Education : Have en- Email: [email protected] / [email protected] gaged the Ministry of Education Science and Facebook: Kenya Christian Professionals Forum technology informing them on the danger of introducing the comprehensive sexuality Twitter: @KenyaCPF education Website: Pillars Family policy development: Working with the Ministry of Labour and East African Life: promote a culture of valuing and preserving sanc- Affairs. tity of life. Also perform the policy and coordination of pro-life groups in Kenya. Have celebrated and honoured key Christians who have performed exemplary in different Family: promote the Family as a key and foundation fields institution in society and protect it from practices, pol- icies, values, legislation that seeks to undermine it. Upcoming Events Religion: promote and protect freedom to believe and Family conference – 14th May 2016 manifest belief of the Christian faith, freedom of reli- gious practice and religious tolerance, freedom for any Venue: KICC Amphitheater religion to establish manage and operate their institu- Time: 8:00am – 4:00pm tions without undue interference. Charges: Ksh 2000 Governance: seek to work on relevant legislation and stakeholders to promote leadership, good governance and integrity in society.

Developing Leaders of Integrity Our mission is to educate and train Christ-like visionary leaders to spearhead holistic transformation in Africa and the world. OUR PROGRAMS PhD in Leadership Studies PhD in Theology Master of Arts in Leadership Studies Master of Divinity Master of Arts in Biblical and Theological Studies Master of Arts in Counselling Studies Master of Science in Governance Master of Science in Leadership and Management Bachelor of Arts in Counselling Psychology Bachelor Education and Counselling (Arts) Bachelor of Theology Bachelor of Missions and Church Planting Diploma and Certificate courses available. Mtito Andei Road , Kilimani P.O BOX 60954- 00200 NAIROBI KENYA TELEPHONE :0202720837/8, 2711370/92 [email protected] l

Transforming Leadership The international Leadership Foundation(ILF) shares a apassion for Kenya’s transformation. ILF believes that nations of the world can be positively transformed by discovering developing and empowering leaders of integrity.

Our Programs Transforming Leadership and Governance Seminars (TLGS) Transformational Projects Advanced Leadership Coaching Young Leaders League (Y2L) and Leadershiop and Development Studies (LADS) Tailor made Programs to suit every organization’s transformation and Leadership needs

Box 356-00618, Nairobi. Tel: 0739796624 [email protected] National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016 1. The National Anthem Kiswahili English Ee Mungu nguvu yetu O God of all creation Ilete baraka kwetu Bless this our land and nation Haki iwe ngao na mlinzi Justice be our shield and defender Natukae na undugu May we dwell in unity Amani na uhuru Peace and liberty Raha tupate na ustawi. Plenty be found within our borders.

Amkeni ndugu zetu Let one and all arise Tufanye sote bidii With hearts both strong and true

Nasi tujitoe kwa nguvu Service be our earnest endeavor Anthem and Songs of National Nchi yetu ya Kenya And our homeland of Kenya Tunayoipenda Heritage of splendor Tuwe tayari kuilinda Firm may we stand to defend.

Natujenge taifa letu Let all with one accord Ee, ndio wajibu wetu In common bond united Kenya istahili heshima Build this our nation together Tuungane mikono And the glory of Kenya Pamoja kazini The fruit of our labour Kila siku tuwe na shukrani Fill every heart with thanksgiving

2. NITAHESABIKA — Peter Ndoli For too long, we have been concerned 59 But time has come to stand and be counted We will translate concerns into actions. As salt and light, we must be felt.

We’ll take our place, as Nehemiah’s of today We will rebuild the broken places By your grace we will pay the price As Esther did, to save her land

Nitahesabika, nitasimama (I will be counted, I will stand) Nitachukua hatua (I will take action) Nitahesabika, sitanyamaza (I will be counted, I will not be silent) Nitahesabika (I will be counted)

Sons of light arise and take your place In unity and integrity Don’t give up and do not give in Until this land is healed and free

Nitahesabika, Nitasimama, Nitasimama (I will be counted, I will stand, I will stand)

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016

3. Our God (I call You Jehovah Nissi, my banner — Micah Stampley the -battle is Yours) Water You turned into wine Nakuita Jireh; sipungukiwi na chochote Opened the eyes of the blind (I call You Jireh, I have lacked There’s no one like You nothing) None like You Jehovah Shammah; U pamoja nami Into the darkness You shine (Jehovah Shammah, God with me) Out of the ashes we rise Pamoja nami There’s no one like You (With me) None like You Nakuinua, wastahili, wapendeza, Our God is greater Mungu wangu Our God is stronger (I lift You up, You are worthy, You are God, You are higher than any other lovely my God) Our God is healer Jina lako, takatifu, wewe kwangu… Oh Awesome in power (Your name is Holy, You are) Our God, our God 5. Knowing you Jesus Into the darkness You shine — Graham Kendrick Out of the ashes we rise All I once held dear, built my life upon There’s no one like You All this world reveres, and wars to own None like You, none like You All I once thought gain I have counted loss Spent and worthless now, compared to this Our God is greater Our God is stronger Knowing you, Jesus God, You are higher than any other Knowing you, there is no greater thing 60 Our God is healer You’re my all, you’re the best Awesome in power You’re my joy, my righteousness Our God, our God And I love you, Lord

And if our God is for us Now my heart’s desire is to know you more Then who could ever stop us To be found in you and known as yours And if our God is with us To possess by faith what I could not earn Then what can stand against All surpassing gift of righteousness

4. Adonai Oh, to know the power of your risen life — Marion Shako And to know you in your sufferings Nakupamba na sifa zangu, Wewe To become like you in your death, my Lord kwangu Ebeneza So with you to live and never die (I adorn You with my praises, You are my Ebenezer) Nakuinua, wastahili, wapendeza, 6. Victor’s Crown Mungu wangu — Hillsong United (I lift You up, You are worthy, You are You are always fighting for us lovely my God) Heaven’s angels all around Jina lako, takatifu, wewe kwangu… Oh My delight is found in knowing (Your name is Holy, You are ) That You wear the Victor’s crown You’re my help and my defender Nakwita Adonai; Ewe U Bwana wangu You’re my Saviour and my friend (I call You Adonai, You are my Lord) By Your grace I live and breathe Nakwita Jehova Nissi; bendera yangu – To worship You vita ni vyako

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016 At the mention of Your greatness (Tis recorded in His Word, Hallelujah, It is In Your Name I will bow down only that you look and live) In Your presence fear is silent For You wear the Victor’s crown Ni ujumbe wa wema, halleluya! Let Your glory fill this temple (I’ve a message full of love, Hallelujah) Let Your power overflow Nawe shika, rafiki yangu! By Your grace I live and breathe (A message, O my friend for you) To worship You Ni habari ya raha halleluya! (Tis a message from above, Hallelujah) Hallelujah Mwenye kuinena ni Mungu. You have overcome (Jesus said it and I know ’tis true) You have overcome Hallelujah Uzima wa daima,Aleluya ! Jesus You have overcome the world (Life is offered unto you, Hallelujah!) Kwake Yesu utauona. Every high thing must come down (Eternal life your soul shall have,) Every stronghold shall be broken Ukimtazama tu, halleluya! You wear the Victor’s crown (If you only look to Him, Hallelujah!) You have overcome Wokovu u pweke kwa Bwana. You have overcome (Look to Jesus who alone can save.)

At the cross the work was finished 9. Yu hai Jehova You were buried in the ground — John Lisu But the grave could not contain You Yu hai Jehova, yu hai milele For You wear the Victor’s crown (Alive is Jehova, forever He is alive) Mataifa tumsifu, Yesu yu hai 7. Yahweh Uhimidiwe (All nations praise Him, hallelluya, Jesus is 61 — Angela Chibalonza alive) Yahweh Uhimidiwe, Bwana aah*10 (Yahweh be exalted) (Lord) uaminifu wako umejulikana Katikati ya miungu hakuna mungu kama (Your faithfulness is known) Wewe Kwa mataifa yote ya ulimwengu, Yahweh (In the midst of gods there is no god like You) Katikati ya mabwana hakuna bwana kama (In all the nations of the earth, Yahweh) Wewe (In the midst of lords there is no lord like You)

8. Ni Ujumbe wa Bwana 10. Hakuna Mungu kama Wewe Ni ujumbe wa Bwana, Halleluya! — Lydia (I’ve a message from the Lord, Hallelujah) wa maisha ya daima, Hakuna mungu kama Wee, Jehova (The message unto you I’ll give) Amenena mwenyewe, halleluya! (There is no god like You Jehovah) (Tis recorded in His Word, Hallelujah) Utaishi ukitazama. Hakuna mungu kama Wewe (It is only that you look and live) (There is no god like You) Tazama, ishi sasa! Kumtazama Yesu, (Look and live, O sinner, live) Ni Wewe Ni Wewe Amenena mwenyewe, Aleluya! Utaishi ukitazama. (It is You, It is You) Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016 Hakuna mungu kama Wewe (Give thanks to the God of all gods) Mshukuruni Bwana wa mabwana (There is no god like You) 11. Jehovah is Your name (Give thanks to the Lord of lords) — Ntokozo Mbambo Amefanya maajabu Jehovah is Your Name (He has done great wonders) Jehovah is Your Name Yeye alifanya mbingu na nchi Mighty Warrior Great in Battle Jehovah is Your Name (He created the heavens and the earth) Sema Kabisa (Say it again) 12. Great Are You Lord — Sinach Amefanya mianga mikubwa Great are You lord (He created great lights) Greatly to be praised Greatly to be praised Jua litawale mchana Father You reign (The sun to rule the day) Great are You Lord Mwezi na nyota usiku Great are You Lord (Moon and stars at night) Great are You Lord Akatandaza nchi juu ya maji Great are You Lord (He placed the land above the waters) 13. Yahweh Imba kabisa — Sonnie Badu Come to praise You (Sing again) Come to love You 62 Come to lift You Aliyeigawa Bahari ya Shamu For the good things You have done (He divided the Red Sea) Yahweh You are worthy of my praise Akavusha Waisiraeli Eeh, You are worthy of my praise (And helped the Israelited to cross) 14. Fadhili zake ni za Milele Aliyemshinda Farao — Reuben Kigame and Sifa Voices (He conquered Pharaoh) Mshukuruni Bwana, Na majeshi yake yote (And all his armies) (Give thanks to the Lord) Kwa kuwa ni mwema Sema kabisa (For He is good) (Say it again) Kwa maana fadhili zake Yeye aliyetukumbuka (For His mercies) Ni za milele (He who remembers us) Katika unyonge wetu (Endure forever) (In our weaknesses) Refrain: Atuokoaye na watesi Fadhili zake ni za milele (He who saves us from slavery) (His mercies endure forever) Mungu kweli ni wa ajabu Mshukuruni Mungu wa miungu (Truly the Lord is awesome) Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016 15. Lamb of God — Neyi and Spirit of Praise Teach me how to hear You as You speak Teach me to obey Your word, oh Lord You are Holy, Holy, You Are Holy That I may be a light unto the world Lamb of God And You be seen in me Seated at the right hand of the Father You are Holy, Holy, You Are Holy I choose to be a fertile ground, And let Your word to have root in me 16. Stand up for Jesus That You may change me to what You want — George Duffield Jr. me to be Lord have Your way Stand up, stand up for Jesus! Ye soldiers of the cross; 18. Hallelujah Lift high His royal banner, it must not suffer Hallelujah for the Lord our God the Al- loss: mighty reigns From vict’ry unto vict’ry, His army shall He Hallelujah for the Lord our God the Al- lead, mighty reigns Till every foe is vanquished, and Christ is Lord indeed. 19. Holy, Holy, Holy — Alvin Slaughter Stand up, stand up for Jesus! The trumpet call Holy, Holy, Holy! obey: Holy Holy, Holy! Forth to the mighty conflict, in this His Holy is the Lord God Almighty glorious day; Worthy to receive glory Ye that are men now serve Him against Worthy to receive honour unnumbered foes; Worthy to receive all our praise today Let courage rise with danger, and strength to 63 strength oppose. Praise Him Praise Him and lift Him up Stand up, stand up for Jesus! Stand in His Praise Him strength alone, Exalt His name forever The arm of flesh will fail you, ye dare not trust your own; 20. Usiyeshindwa Put on the gospel armor, and watching unto — Sarah K prayer, Where duty calls in danger, be never wanting Mataifa yote, yanakufahamu there. (All nations know) Stand up, stand up for Jesus! The strife will Kuwa wewe ni Mungu usiyeshindwa not be long; (That you are the Lord who is undefeated) This day the noise of battle, the next the victor’s song; Usiyeshindwa, usiyeshindwa To him that overcometh, a crown of life shall be; (Undefeated, undefeated) He with the King of glory shall reign Wewe ni Mungu usiyeshindwa eternally (You are the God who is undefeated) 17. Salt and Light Makabila yote, yanakufahamu — Paul Kinyari Your word is all I have needed (All the tribes know) That gives me purpose for living Kuwa wewe ni Mungu usiyeshindwa Illuminating my darkness Lighting my path to higher ground (That you are the God who is undefeated)

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016 Na kanisa lako, linakufahamu 23. Jina la Yesu libarikiwe Jina la Yesu libarikiwe (Your church knows) (Bless that wonderful name of Jesus) Kuwa wewe ni Mungu usiyeshindwa Jina la Yesu libarikiwe (That you are the God who is undefeated) (Bless that wonderful name of Jesus) Jina la Yesu libarikiwe (Bless that wonderful name of Jesus) 21. Liseme Jina la nguvu zote — Sarah K (The name above all names) Kwani ni jambo lipi hilo, Yeye asiloliweza Jina la Yesu liinuliwe (What is it that He cannot do?) (Lift that wonderful name of Jesus) Jina la Yesu liinuliwe Liseme, liseme (Say it, Say it) (Lift that wonderful name of Jesus) litaje, litaje Jina la Yesu liinuliwe (Lift that wonderful name of Jesus) (Mention it, mention it) Jina la nguvu zote Kwani ni jambo lipi hilo Yeye asiloliweza (The name above all names)

(What is it that He cannot do) Jina la Yesu lipewe sifa Yeye ni Baba wa yatima (Praise that wonderful name of Jesus) Jina la Yesu lipewe sifa (He is the Father to the orphans) (Praise that wonderful name of Jesus) Yeye ni mume wa wajane Jina la Yesu lipewe sifa (He is the husband to the widows) (Praise that wonderful name of Jesus) Jina la nguvu zote 64 Kwani ni jambo lipi hilo yeye asiloliweza (The name above all names) (What is it that He cannot do) 24. Reign Jesus reign — Omega & Spirit of Praise Yeye ni mponyaji Reign Jesus reign (He is a healer) Reign Jesus reign Yeye ni mkarimu King of Zion (He is generous) Lion of Judah Mlinzi, mfariji wa ajabu Reign Jesus reign (Protector, a wonderful conforter) 25. Take my Life — Frances Havergal Kwani ni jambo lipi hilo yeye asiloliweza (What is it that He cannot do) Take my life and let it be Consecrated, Lord, to Thee. Take my moments and my days, 22. Who has the final say Let them flow in ceaseless praise — Don Stephen and James Okon Let them flow in ceaseless praise. Who has the final say Jehovah has the final say Take my hands and let them move At the impulse of Thy love. Jehovah turns my life around Take my feet and let them be Jehovah turns my life around Swift and beautiful for Thee He makes a way where there is no way Swift and beautiful for Thee. Jehovah has the final say Take my voice and let me sing, Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) National Convention Saturday, 30th April - Monday, 2nd May 2016 Always, only for my King. 26. Say So Take my lips and let them be — Israel & New Breed Filled with messages from Thee What does it mean to be saved? Filled with messages from Thee. Is it more than just a prayer to pray? More than just a way to heaven? Take my silver and my gold, What does it mean to be His? Not a mite would I withhold To be formed in His likeness Take my intellect and use Know that we have a purpose Every pow’r as Thou shalt choose Every pow’r as Thou shalt choose. To be salt and light in the world, in the world To be salt and light in the world Take my will and make it Thine, It shall be no longer mine. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so Take my heart, it is Thine own, Let the redeemed of the Lord say so It shall be Thy royal throne Let the redeemed of the Lord say so It shall be Thy royal throne. Say so, say so

Take my love, my Lord, I pour Oh that the church would arise At Thy feet its treasure store. Oh that we would see from Jesus’ eyes Take myself and I will be We could show the world heaven Ever, only, all for Thee Show what it means to be His Ever, only, all for Thee. To be formed in His likeness Show that they have a purpose

I am redeemed, I am redeemed

Let the redeemed of the Lord rise up 65 Let the redeemed of the Lord rise up Let the redeemed of the Lord rise up Rise up, rise up

Stand Up. Be Counted! An Initiative of Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) Speaker: Session:

Speaker: Session:


N O T E Session Take-away S

Session Take-away

For your branding needs, use Haco Tiger Brand

Stand Up. Be Counted! For your branding An needs,Initiative use of HacoFellowship Tiger of Brand Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) Speaker: Session: Speaker: Session:

Speaker: Session:


N O T E Session Take-away S Session Take-away

Session Take-away

For your branding needs, use Haco Tiger Brand For your branding needs, use Haco Tiger Brand

Stand Up. Be Counted! For your branding An needs, Initiative use of HacoFellowship Tiger of Brand Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) Speaker: Session:

Speaker: Session:


N O T E Session Take-away S

Session Take-away

For your branding needs, use Haco Tiger Brand

Stand Up. Be Counted! For your branding An needs,Initiative use of HacoFellowship Tiger of Brand Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) Speaker: Session: Speaker: Session:

Speaker: Session:


N O T E Session Take-away S Session Take-away

Session Take-away

For your branding needs, use Haco Tiger Brand For your branding needs, use Haco Tiger Brand

Stand Up. Be Counted! For your branding An needs, Initiative use of HacoFellowship Tiger of Brand Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) Speaker: Session:

Speaker: Session:


N O T E Session Take-away S

Session Take-away

For your branding needs, use Haco Tiger Brand

Stand Up. Be Counted! For your branding An needs,Initiative use of HacoFellowship Tiger of Brand Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) Speaker: Session: Speaker: Session:

Speaker: Session:


N O T E Session Take-away S Session Take-away

Session Take-away

For your branding needs, use Haco Tiger Brand For your branding needs, use Haco Tiger Brand

Stand Up. Be Counted! For your branding An needs, Initiative use of HacoFellowship Tiger of Brand Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) Speaker: Session:

Speaker: Session:


N O T E Session Take-away S

Session Take-away

For your branding needs, use Haco Tiger Brand

Stand Up. Be Counted! For your branding An needs,Initiative use of HacoFellowship Tiger of Brand Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) Speaker: Session: Speaker: Session:

Speaker: Session:


N O T E Session Take-away S Session Take-away

Session Take-away

For your branding needs, use Haco Tiger Brand For your branding needs, use Haco Tiger Brand

Stand Up. Be Counted! For your branding An needs, Initiative use of HacoFellowship Tiger of Brand Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) Speaker: Session:

Speaker: Session:


N O T E Session Take-away S

Session Take-away

For your branding needs, use Haco Tiger Brand

Stand Up. Be Counted! For your branding An needs,Initiative use of HacoFellowship Tiger of Brand Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) Speaker: Session: Speaker: Session:

Speaker: Session:


N O T E Session Take-away S Session Take-away

Session Take-away

For your branding needs, use Haco Tiger Brand For your branding needs, use Haco Tiger Brand

Stand Up. Be Counted! For your branding An needs, Initiative use of HacoFellowship Tiger of Brand Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya) Speaker: Session:

Speaker: Session:


N O T E Session Take-away S

Session Take-away

For your branding needs, use Haco Tiger Brand

Stand Up. Be Counted! For your branding An needs,Initiative use of HacoFellowship Tiger of Brand Christian Unions (FOCUS Kenya)