Stanford U n we |s itjj^ L^b raries StanfordL^b _ |sweitjj^ n U 6105 Vol. I l l t 'J 9 , October 7; 1950 L 2 .4 5 : 3 9 No. Tendency Toward Longer-Term Agreements Noted in September Listing

The Bureau of Labor Statistics added 1,116 new collective bargaining agreements, supplements, or amendments to current agreements in its files during the month of September. These agreements reflected the recent tendency of some emplo:rers and unions to negotiate long-term contracts as, for example, The General Motors-UAW-CIO 5-year agreement (see June 1950 Monthly Listing).

Most agreements, however, still are negotiated on an annual, or slightly longer duration, basis. Of the 1,116 agreements received during September, 730, or 65 percent are scheduled to expire in 1951 and 32**, or 29 percent, during 1952. A total of 29 agreements are due to expire in 1953? 2 in 195**? and 10 in 1955. As against the **1 agreements (nearly ** percent of the total) received during September which expire in 1953? 195**; or 1955; previous listings of agreements received from January to August of this year in­ dicated only 59 of 6,350, or less than 1 percent were scheduled to expire in these years.

Of the 10 agreements expiring in 1955 which are included in the current listing, six relate to firms engaged in the motor vehicle manufacturing industry; two agreements covered employees in the electri­ cal machinery and equipment industry; and the remaining two were multi - employer agreements co\rering workers in the brewing and retail trades industries.

Industries in which 3 and k year contracts were negotiated included fabricated metal products, chemicals, and machinery, except electrical.

Among the agreements due to expire in 1953? 195** and 1955? five were negotiated by the UAW-CIO. The firms involved were Allis- Chalmers Manufacturing Corporation; Avco Manufacturing Corporation; Plate Glass Company; Studebaker Corporation; and Kelsey- Hayes Wheel Company.

Other important long-term agreements were: Chrysler Corporation, Air Temp Division and International Union of Electrical Workers (CIO), expires in May 1955; Monsanto Chemical Company and Electrical (lUE-CIO), expires in July 1953? Stackpole Carbon Compaq and Electrical Workers (lUE-CIO), expires in January 195**; Dow Chemical Company and United Mine Workers of America, District 50 (Ind.), expires in July 1953; General Motors Corporation, Inland Mfg. Division and United Rubber, Cork, Lino­ leum and Plastic Workers (CIO), expires in May 1955; and Square D Com­ pany and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (AEL), expire s in March 1955.


* Amendment or supplement to existing agreement. ** No specific expiration date--agreement may "be terminated or modified following notice by either party.


Food and Kindred Products

American Maize Prod. Co. Roby, In d . O il Workers-CIO 1-52 American Stores Co. Baltimore, Md. Bakery-AFL 9-51 Assoc. Ky. D istilleries Co. Wilder, Ky. Distillery-AFL 7-51 Assoc. Ky. D istilleries Co. Burgin, Ky. Distillery-AFL 7-51 Bakeries (5) Intrastate - Calif. Bakery-AFL 5-51 Bakeries (if) Toledo, Ohio Bakery-AFL 3-51 B a k e rie s (8) , Tex. Bakery-AFL 6-51 Baking Industry Council Intrastate - Calif. Teamsters-AFL 6-51 Bakery Cos. (11) Cty., Cal. M achinists-Ind. 3-52 Ballantine, P., & Sons Newark, N. J. Bricklayers -AFL 3-52 Ballantine, P., 8c Sons Newark, N. J. Hod Carriers-AFL 3-52 Barton D istilling Co. Bardstown, Ky. Brewery-CIO 6-51 Bay D ist. Ice Cream Mfrs. Assn. Intrastate - Calif. Teamsters-AFL 5-52 Bay Dist. Ret. Confectioners San Francisco, Calif. Bakery-AFL 6-51 Bernheim D istilling Co. L o u is v ille , Ky. Distillery-AFL 7-51 Black Rock M illing Corp. 2/ Buffalo, N. Y. Grain Millers-AFL 6-52 Brewing Cos. (3) Ft. Wayne, Ind. M achinists-Ind. 4-51 Brewing Cos. 6 () D etroit, Mich. Brewery-CIO 3-55 C alif. Assn. of Employers Intrastate - Calif. Teamsters-AFL 4-51 C alif. Assn. of Employers Intrastate - Calif. Teamsters-AFL 3/ 4-51 California Packing Corp. Santa Clara Cty., Cal, Engineers-AFL 4-51* California Packing Corp. Yakima, Wash. Teamsters-AFL 2-51 California Packing Corp. Toppenish, Wash, Teamsters-AFL 2-51 Campbell Soup Co. Camden, N. J . Food 4 / 2-52 Carstens Packing Co. Tacoma, Wash. Teamsters-AFL 4-51 Colonial Baking Co. Jackson, Miss, Bakery-AFL 7-51 Colonial Sugars Co. Gramercy, La. Packinghouse-CIO 7-51 Colorado M illing & Elevator Co.Colo. & Kans. Grain Millers-AFL 7-52 Consumers Yeast Co. Portland, Oreg. Teamsters-AFL 7-51 Country Club Soda Co., Inc. Springfield, Mass. Teamsters-AFL 3-52 Creamery & Butter Cos. Kansas C ity , Mo. . Teamsters-AFL 4-52 Dailey Mills, Inc. O lean, N. Y, Grain Millers-AFL 4-51 Dried Fruit 8c Nut Packers Intrastate - Calif. Teamsters-AFL 3-51 Eastern States Farmers' Ex. Buffalo, N. Y, Grain Millers-AFL 6-51 Empl. Assn. of Southern Nev. Las Vegas, Nev. Teamsters-AFL ** Erie-Thomas Pie Co. Toledo, Ohio Bakery-AFL 3-51* Fairmont Foods Co. Giddings, Tex. Packinghouse-CIO 6-51 Finch, Joseph S., Co. E. Taunton, Mass. Textile-CIO 7-51 Finch, Joseph S., Co. Schenley, Pa. Brewery-CIO 6-51 Flour Mills of America, Inc. No, Kansas City, Mo. Grain Millers-AFL 6-52 Flour M ills.of America, Inc, St. Louis, Mo, Grain Millers-AFL 6-52 l/ Union affiliations are those shown on the agreements when received. 2/ Also covers Park8c Pollard Co. - Bag Room. 3/ Different Occupational Coverage. %/ A ffiliation not shown on agreement, - 2 -

Food and Kindred Products(C o n t.)

Food Empl. Council, Inc. Los Angeles, Calif.Bakery-AFL 9-51 Food Empl. Council, Inc. Los Angeles, Calif. Teamsters-AFL 12-51 Food Empl. Council, Inc. Los Angeles, Calif. Teamsters-AFL 6-51 Food Empl. Council, Inc. Los Angeles, Calif.Meat Cutters-AFL 6-51 Gedney, M. A., Co. Minneapolis, Minn, Bakery-AFL 6-51 H einz, H. J , , Co. Oakland, Calif. Teamsters-AFL 5-52 H einz, H. J., Co. Salem, N. J. Meat Cutters-AFL 4-52 Heinz, H. J., Co. Bowling Green, Ohio Meat Cutters-AFL 1-52 Holly Sugar Corp. Interstate FLU-AFL 7-51* Holsum Bread Co. l/ Chattanooga, Tenn. Bakery-AFL 4-51 Hubinger Co. Keokuk, Iowa Grain Millers-AFL 6-51 Huds on-Duncan Forest Grove, Oreg. Teamsters-AFL 4-51 Huron M illing Co. Harbor Beach, Mich. Auto-CIO 3-52 Ic e Cos. Intrastate - Calif. Teamsters-AFL 4-52 Ice Cream Dlrs. (11) Kansas City, Mo. Teamsters-AFL 5-51 Imperial Sugar Co. Sugar Land, Tex. Packinghouse-CIO 6-51 International Milling Co. Salina, Kans. Grain Millers-AFL 7-52 International Milling Co. No. Kansas City, Mo.Grain Millers-AFL 6-52 Kellogg Co. Omaha, Neb. Grain Millers-AFL 2-52 Langendorf United Bakeries Oakland, Calif. Bakery-AFL 4-51 Lee Baking Co. , Ga. Bakery-AFL 4-51 Leverton Calif. Corp. Leverton, Calif. Teamsters-AFL 5-51 Lima Packing Co. Lima., Ohio Meat Cutters-AFL 1-51 Lindsay Ripe Olive Co, Lindsay, Calif. Teamsters-AFL 6 -51 Lutz Bakery Co. Toledo, Ohio Bakery-AFL 3-51 Manor Baking Co. Dallas, Tex. Bakery-AFL 6-51 Maritime M illing Co., Inc. Buffalo, N. Y. Grain Millers-AFL 6-52 Mayer, Oscar, & Co. Madison, Wise. Meat Cutters-AFL 5-52 Merchants D istilling Corp. Terre Haute, Ind. Distillery-AFL 6-51 Merchants D istilling Corp. Terre Haute, Ind. Engineers-AFL 6-51 National Fruit Prod. Co., Inc.Winchester, Ya. FLU-ÁFL 2-52 Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. Mt, Yernon, 111. Teamsters-AFL 5-51 Pollyanna Bakery Salinas, Calif. Retail Clerks-AFL 6-51 Pratt Food Co. Buffalo, N. Y. Grain Millers-AFL 6-52 Reno Empl. Council Reno, Nev. Bakery-AFL 4-51 Richardson, Thos. D., Co. Philadelphia, Pa. Engineers -AFL 6-52 Rosenberg Bros. & Co, Portland, Oreg. Longshoremen 2/5-51 Sacramento R etail Bakers Assn. Sacramento, C alif. Bakery-AFL 5-51 San Francisco Candy Mfrs, Assn.San Francisco, Calif. Bakery-AFL 5-51 Schafer, Joe, 85 Sons Springfield,11 1 . Grain Millers-AFL 5-52 Schenley D istillers, Inc. Lawrenc ebur g, I n d . Distillery-AFL 8-51 Schulze & Burch Biscuit Co. ,1 1 1 . Teamsters-AFL 7-51 Seattle Bakers' Bureau, Inc, Seattle, Wash. Bakery-AFL 4-51 Skinner Mfg. Co. Omaha, Neb. E n g in eers-AFL 6-51 Skinner Mfg. Co. Omaha, Neb. Bakery-AFL 3 / 6-51 Sperry Candy Co. Milwaukee, Wise. Bakery-AFL 6-51 Taystee BakingCo. Sedalia, Mo. Bakery-AFL 3-51 Terre Haute BrewingCo. Terre Haute, Ind. Brewery-C10 6 - 51 * l/ Also covers Colonial Baking Co.. 2/ A ffiliation not shown on agreement, 3/ Also covers Bldg. Service-AFL and Teamsters-AFL. - 3 - Food and Kindred Products (Con't)

Transfer. Elevator Corp. Buffalo, N. Y. Grain Millers-AFL 6-52 United Chocolate Refiners, Inc. Mansfield, Mass. Playthings-CIO 4-51 United Employers, Inc. Intrastate - Calif. Retail Clerks-AFL 8-51 Ves a Cola Bottling Co. Mt. Vernon, 111. Teamsters-AFL 5-5!

Walker,. Hiram, & Sons, Inc. Peoria, 111. Distillery-AFL . 4-52 Wash. Canners Coop. Assn. Vancouver, Wash. . Engineers-AFL 3-51 Wash. Canners Coop. Assn. Vancouver, Wash. Teamsters-AFL 2-51 Tobacco Manufacturers

American Tobacco Co., Inc. Scranton, Pa, Cigar-AFL 5-51 Brovn & Williamson Tobacco Ky., Va. & N. C. Machinists-Ind. 5-52 Imperial Tobacco Co. Danville, Va. Tobacco-AFL 5-51 Lieberman Tobacco Co. , Mich, Tobacco-AFL 7-51 Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. Toledo, Ohio Tobacco-AFL 6-51 Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. Danville, Va. Tobacco-AFL • v 6-51

Textile Mill Products

Albany Felt Co. Intrastate - N. Y. Textile-AFL 7-51 Beaunit Mills, Inc, Cohoes, N. Y. Textile-CIO 3-51 Bemis Brothers Bag Co. Bemis ton, Ala, Textile-AFL 11-50 Blue Bird Silk Mfg. Co., Inc. Intrastate - Pa. Textile-CIO 3-52 Brampton Woolen Co. Newport, N. H. Textile-CIO 3-51 Chatham Mills, Inc. Pittsboro, N. C. Textile-AFL 4-51 Cranston Print Works Co. Cranston, R. I. Engravers-Ind. 6-52 Dartmouth Woolen Mills, Inc. Claremont, N. H. Textile-CIO 6-51 Delaware Floor Products, Inc. Wilmington, Del, Rubber-CIO 6-51 Duplan Corp. Berwick, Pa. Textile-CIO 3-51 Duplan Corp. Hazleton, Pa. . ' Textile-CIO 3-51 Duplan Corp. Kingston, Pa. • Textile-CIO 3-51 French Worsted Co. Woonsocket, R. I. Indus, Trades-Ind. 1-51 Harris Bros. Ribbon Corp. Fair Lawn, N. J i/ 6-51 Highland Cotton Mills, Inc. High Point, N. C. Textile-CIO 6-51 Hooven 8s Allison Co. Xenia, Ohio Textile-CIO 7-51 Karagheusian, A. 8c M., Inc. Intrastate - N. J. Textile-CIO 6-52* Kendall Co. Newberry/ S. C. Textile-CIO 6-51 Master Engravers1 Guild N. J. & S. C. Engravers-Ind. 6-52 Providence Dyeing, Bleaching Providence, R. I. Textile-CIO 9-51 Respro, Inc. Cranston, R. I. FLU-AFL 6-51 Rohmer Wool Scouring Co. Newton, Mass. Engineers-AFL 6-51 Schlichter Jute Cordage Co. Philadelphia, Pa. -AFL 5-51 Smith, Alexander, & Sons Yonkers, N. Y. Textile-CIO 6-52* Textron, Inc. 2/ Cordova, Ala. Textile-CIO -, 6-51

Apparel & Other Finished Products Made From Fabrics & -Similar Materials

American Pad & Textile Co. Greenfield, Ohio Upholsterers-AFX. 6-52 Anvil Brand, Inc. High Point, N. C. Garment-AFL 6-51*

l/ Union Avenue Silk Workers-Ind. 2/ Textron Southern, Inc. - Cordova Division. - f c - *

Apparel & Other Finished Products Made From Fabrics & Similar Materials (Con’i)

Assoc. Corset 8c. Brassiere Mfra. New York, N.; Y. Ladies Garment-AFL 12-52 Cap Sa Cloth Hat C03. Kansas City, Mo. Hatters-AFL L-51 Cumberland Undergarment Co. Cumberland, Md .. Ladies Garment-AFL 12-51 Elder Mfg. Co. St. Genevipve, Mo. Garment-AFL 6-51 Johnson & Co. St. Peter, Miim. Garment-AFL 5-51 Lee-Wald Garment Co. Kansas City, Mo. Garment-AFL 9-52 Mattes, E ., & Son, Inc. New York, N. Y. Hatters-AFL 5-51 Meyers, Charles, & Co. Belleville, 111. Garment-AFL 2-52 Hat11 Automotive Fibres, Inc. Los Angeles, Calif, Auto-CIO 12-51 Nat'l Hand Embroidery Sa Nov. New York, N. Y. Ladies Garment-AFL 3-52 United Knitwear Mfra. League New York, N. Y. Ladies Garment-AFL 7-5^

Lumber and Wood Products (Except Furniture)

Auburn Lumber Co. Auburn, Calif. Carpenters-AFL l/ 7-51 Blair Veneer Co. No. Troy, Vt. Upholsterers-AFL 6-51 Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. Springfield, Oreg. Woodworkers-CIO 3-51* Booth-Kelly Lumber Co, Springfield, Oreg. Woodworkers-CIO 2/ 3-51* Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. Dorena, Oreg. Woodworkers-CIO 3-51* Chess & Wymond, Inc, Louisville, Ky. Firemen-AFL 6-51 Chess & Wymond, Inc. Louisville, Ky, Coopers-AFL 6-52 Che s s & Wymond, Inc. Paducah, Ky. Coopers-AFL 6-51 Cole Mfg.. Co. Memphis, Tènn. Carpenters -AFL L-51* Collins Pondosa Lumber Co. Pondosa, Oreg. Carpenters-AFL 5-51* Consumers Coop. Assn, Swisshome, Oreg. Woodworkers-CIO 3-51 Diamond Match Co. Cloquet, Minn. FLU-AFL ^-51 Dickman Lumber Co. Intraata.te - Wash. Teamsters-AFL 7-51 Dierks Lumber 8s Coal Co. Intrastate - Ark. Woodworkers-CIO 7-51 Dierks Lumber 85 Coal Co. Wright City, Okla. Woodworkers-CIO 7-51 Dixie Pine Products Co., Inc. Hattiesburg, Miss. Gas, Coke-CIO 6-52 Farmers, Inc. Suffolk, Va. Woodworkers-CIO 6-51 Goodman Lumber Co.. Goodman, Wise. Woodworkers-CIO 6-51 Harbor Plywood Corp. National, Wash. Carpenters-AFL 5-51* Hyde-Murphy Co. Intrastate -‘Pa, Carpenters-AFL 5-51 Koppers Co., Inc. Salida, Colo, ' Mine, 50-Ind. 1-51 Leahy Mfg. Co, Higginsville, Mo, Woodworkers-CIO 6-51 Louisville Cooperage Co. Monroe, La. Coopers-AFL 6-51 Lumber Cos. (217) . Los Angeles, Calif. Carpenters-AFL 6-51 Lumber Mills (lOO) Intrastáte - Calif. . Carpenters-AFL 6-51 M & M Wood Working Co. Wash., Oreg. Be, Calif. Carpenters-AFL' 6-51 Mengel Co. Winston-Salem, Ñ, C . Carpenter s .-AFL 6-51 Mengel Co. Laurel,- Miss. Woodworkers-CIO ' 7-51 Midwest Housing Corp. Jame3ville, Wise. . . Carpenters-AFL 6-51 Mill & Cabinet Cos. (53) San Diego, Calif. Carpenters-AFL 7-51 Millwork 8c Cabinet Mfrs. Assn. Kansas City, Mo. Carpenters -AFL 5-51 Moulding Supply Co. Alhambra, Calif. Carpenters-AFL 6-51 New England Box Co. Wilmington, Vt,. Carpenters-AFL 6-51 Ochoco Lumber Co. Prineville, Oreg. Woodworkers-CIO 3-51* Ridge Lumber Co. :Yamhill, Oreg. C arpe nt e r s-AFL 3-51

— ---- ...... M l- ...... |,.l M...... ■. H fc, M . . , »» ■ ... . I . , . . I...P» ^ l/ Also covers Teamsters-AFL. •" ” 2/ Different Divisions. . - 5 -

Lumber and Wood Products (Except Furniture) (Con’t)

Springfield Plywood Corp. Springfield, Oreg. Carpenters-AFL 3-52* Western Cooperage, Inc. Huntington Park, Cal. Coopers -AFL 5*51 Wood Products Co. Oakland, Calif. Hod Carriers-AFL 6-51

Furniture and Fixtures

American Bed & Spring Co. St. Louis, Mo. Steel-CIO 12-51 American Seating Co. Grand Rapids, Mich. Auto-CIO 6-53 Art Metal Construction Co. Jamestown, N. Y. Machinists-Ind. 5-51 Badger Lumber 8s Mfg. Co. Oshkosh, Wise. Carpenters-AFL 6-51* Barcalo Mfg. Co. Buffalo, N. Y. Rubber-CIO 3-52 Columbia Mills, Inc. Minetto, N. Y. Textile-CIO 6-51 Cron-Kills Co., Inc. Piqua, Ohio Upholsterers-AFL 6-52 Hummel Furniture Co. Allentown, Pa. Upholsterers-AFL 8-51 Jasper Cabinet Co. Jasper, Ind. Upholsterers-AFL 5-52 Komfo Products Corp. Allentown, Pa. Upholsterers-AFL 6-51 Paulle-Midway, L., Fixture St. Paul, Minn. Teamsters-AFL 5-51 Simmons Co. Kenosha, Wise. FLU-AFL 6-52 Showers Brothers Co. Bloomington, Ind. Upholsterers-AFL 7-52 Tenn. Coffin 8s Casket Co., Inc. Chattanooga, Tenn. Furniture-CIO 2-51 Wabash Screen Door Co. Memphis, Tenn. Steel-CIO 1-51* Whsle. Furniture Mfrs. (42) Chicago, 111. Upholsterers -AFL 5-52

Paper and Allied Products

Appleton Co. Appleton, Wise. Assoc. Unions-Ind. 6-51 Ashtabula Corrugated Box Co. Ashtabula, Ohio FLU-AFL 10-51 Brown Co. Intrastate - N. H. Pulp-AFL 4-51 Burt, F. N., Co., Inc. Buffalo, N. Y. Mine, Diet. 50-Ind. 5-52 Central Paper Co., Inc. Muskegon, Mich. Paperworkers-CIO 3-51 Connelly Containers Philadelphia, Pa. Pulp-AFL 6-51 Cornell Wood Products Co. Milwaukee, Wise. Pulp-AFL 5-52 Crocker, Burbank & Co. Fitchburg, Mass. Paper Makers-AFL 7-52 Crocker, Burbank & Co. Fitchburg, Mass. Engineers-AFL 7-52 Eastern Corp. Intrastate - Me. Paper Makers-AFL l/ 6-51 F & S Die Cutting Co. New York, N. Y. Pulp-AFL 4-52* Fairfield Paper 8s Container Co. Beaver Falls, Pa. Mine, Dist. 50-Ind. 2-52 Ft, Wayne Corrugated Paper Co. Rochester, N. Y. Clothing-CIO 4-52 Gardner Board & Co. Lockland, Ohio Paperworkers-CIO 7-52 Gardner Board & Carton Co. Middletown, Ohio 2/ 11-52 Gaylord Container Corp. Bogalusa, La. Paper Makers-AFL 6-51 Paper Co. W. Conshohocken, Pa. Textile-AFL 6-52 Glassine Paper Co. Manayunk, Phila., Pa. 3/ 6-52 Hollingsworth 8s Vose Co. W. Groton, Mass. Paper Makers-AFL 6-51 Hollingsworth 8; Vose Co. E. Walpole, Mass. Paperworkers-CIO 6-51 Hollingsworth 8s Whitney Co, Intrastate - Me. Pulp-AFL 4/ 5-51 Hollingsworth & Whitney Co. Winslow, Me. Machinists-Ind. 5-51 Hub Folding Box Co. , Mass. Paperworkers-CIO 5-51* l/ Also covers Pulp-AFL. 2/ Gardner Board & Carton United Indep. Paper Workers-Ind. 3/ Industrial Union of Paper Makers of Manayunk-Ind. ¥/ Also covers Paper Makers-AFL. - 6 -

Paper and A llie d Products (Con’t)

International Paper Co. Whippany, N. J. Pulp-AFL 6-51 International Paper Co. Chicago, 111. Paperworkers-CIO 6-51 In tersta te Folding Box Co. Intrastate - Ohio Pulp-AFL 5-51 Klein, A., 8c Co., Inc. New York, N. Y. Paperworkers-CIO 6-51 National Container Corp. Ontonogan, Mich. Paper Makers-AFL 6-51 National Container Corp. l/ Jacksonville, Fla. Paper Makers-AFL 2 / 5r51 N ational Folding Box C o., Inc.New Haven, Conn. Paperworkers-CIO > -5 1 N ational Folding Box C o., Inc.New Haven, Conn. Printing-AFL 12-51 Northwest Paper Co. In tra sta te - Minn. Pulp-AFL 3 / 6-52 Oswego F a lls Corp. Fulton, N Y . Pulp-AFL 2-51 Oxford Paper Co. Rumford, Me, Mine, Dist. 50-Ind. 6-51 Oxford Paper Co. W. Carrollton, Ohio Paperworkers-CIO 7-52 Raymond Bag Co. Middletown, Ohio Pulp-AFL U-51 Rayonier, Inc. Fernandina, Fla. Pulp-AFL 6-51 Rhinelander Paper Co. Rhinelander, Wise. Pulp-AFL k/ > 5 1 Rising Paper Co. Housatonic, Mass. Paper Makers-AFL 6-51 Robertson Paper Box Co., Inc. M ontville, Conn. Printing-AFL if-51 Ryegate Paper Co. E. Ryegate, V t. Pulp-AFL 5-51 S ch o ettle, Edwin J ., Co. Philadelphia, Pa. Pulp-AFL 5-51 Schweitzer, Peter J., Inc. 5/ Intrastate - Mass. Paper Makers-AFL 7-51 Sefton Fibre Can Co. Maplewood, Mo. Machinists-Ind. > -5 1 Southern Advance Bag & Paper Hodge, La. Pulp-AFL k/ 6-51 Southern Chemical Cotton Co. Chattanooga, Tenn. Chemical-ATL 6-51 Southland Paper M ills, Inc. Lufkin, Tex. Machinists-Ind. 6- 51* Southland Paper M ills, Inc. Lufkin, Tex. Pulp-AFL k/ 6-51 Southland Paper M ills, Inc. Lufkin, Tex. Electrical-AFL 6-51 Standard Paper Mfg. Co. Richmond, Va. Paperworkers-CIO 8-51 Standard Paper Mfg. Co. Richmond, Va. Firemen-AFL 8-51 S terlin g Pulp & Paper Co. 6/ Eau C laire, Wise. Pulp-AFL k/ 6-51 Strange, John, Paper Co. Menasha, W ise. Pulp-AFL 6-51 T u ttle Press Co. Appleton, W ise. Pulp-AFL 6-51 Union Bag & Paper Corp. Savannah, Ga. Machinists-Ind. .5-51 Union Bag & Paper Corp. Savannah, Ga, Boilermakers-AFL 5-51 Union Bag & Paper Corp. Savannah, Ga. Pulp- AFT. k/ 5-51 Union.3ag & Paper Corp. Savannah, Ga. Ele e t r i eal-AFL 5-51 W, Va. Pulp & Paper Co. Charleston, S. C. Electrical-AFL • 6-51 W. Va. Pulp & Paper Co. Charleston, S . C. Pulp-AFL k/ 6-51 W. Va. Pulp & Paper Co. Charleston, S. C. Machinists-Ind. 6-51 White 8c Wyckoff Mfg. Co. Holyoke, Mass. FLU-AFL 6-51 Wood Conversion Co. Cloquet, Minn. Pulp-AFL 7-51

Printing, Publishing and Allied Industries

Charleston Mail Assn. 7/ Charlèston, W. Va. Stereotypers-AFL 5-51* Duluth Herald 8e News-Tribune Duluth, Minn. Teamsters -AFL 6-52

l/ Kraft Pulp & Board Division. 2/ Also covers Electrical-AFL. 3 / A lso covers Paper Makers-AFL and Firemen-AFL. 5 / Also covers Paper Makers-AFL. 5/ Smith Paper Co., Inc. Division. §/ Also covers United Paper Co. 7/ Also covers Charleston Gazette Co. - 7 -

Printing, Publishing and Allied Industries (Coh't)

Editorial Publications, Inc. New York, N.Y. Newspaper Guild-CIO 12-51 Franklin Assn. of Chicago Chicago, 111. Bookbinders-AFL U-52 H a ll, J . C ., Co. Pawtucket, R. I. Mine, Diet. 50-Ind. 5-51 N. Y. Employing Printers Assn. New York, N. Y. Printing-AFL 1-52 Pacific Neo Gravure Corp. San Francisco, Chlif.Photo-Engravers-AFL• 3-51 Passaic Engraving Co. P a ssa ic , N. J . Textile-CIO 6-51* Printing Cos. (100) Los Angeles, Calif. Printing-AFL 5-52 Printing Cos. (^) Los Angeles, Calif. Stere otypers -AFL 5-52 Register & Tribune Co. .Des Moines, Iowa Stereotypes - AFL 1-52 Twentieth Century Printing Co.Baltimore, Md, Teamsters-AFL 6-51 Washington Publishers Assn. Washington, D. C, Photo-Engravers -AFLI -52

Chemicals and Allied Products • ■" • • A llied Chemical & Dye Corp. Edgew ater, N. J . Chemical-AFL 7-51 American Cyanamid Co. Bridgeville, Pa. Mine, D ist. 50-Ind> 3-51 Anti-Hydro Waterproofing Co. Newark, N. J. Gas, Coke-CIO 7 -5 Í Carpenter-Morton Co. Everett, Mass. Gas, Coke-CIO 2-51 Columbian Carbon Co. Intrastate - Tex. Oil Workers-CIO • 6-51 Continental Carbon Co. Sunray, Tex. Oil Workers-CIO 5-51 D arlin g 8b Co. Detroit, Mich. Packinghouse-CIO 2-52 Dixie Pine Products Co. Hattiesburg, Miss, Gas, Coke-CIO 5-52 Dow Chemical Co. Intrastate - Mich. Mine, Dist. 50-Ind. 7-53 Durez Plastics & Chemicals N. Tonawanda, N. Y. Electrical l/ 7-51 Glidden Co. , Ohio Gas, Coke-CIO 6-52 Goodrich, B. F., Co.- Port Neches, Tex. Electrical-AFL 5-51 'Goodrich, B. F,, Co. Port Neches, Tex. Plumb ing-AFL • 2-51 Goodrich, B. F., Co. P o rt Neche8, Tex. Machinists-Ind. .2-51* Goodrich, B. F., Co. Port Neches, Tex. Painters-AFL 2/ 2-51* G oodrich, B. F . , Co. L o u is v ille , Ky. Electrical-AFL ^-52 Goodrich, B» F., Co. L o u is v ille , ICy.; D istillery -A F L if-52 Grand Rapids Varnish Corp. Grand Rapids, Mich. Painters-AFL 12-51 Indianapolis Paint8s C olor Co. Indianapolis, Ind. Teamsters-AFL 6-51 Indianapolis Paint8c C olor Co. Indianapolis, Ind. Mine, Dist. 50-Ind. 6-51 Kay 8c Ess Co. Dayton, Ohio Gas, Coke-CIO 7-52 Kellogg, Spencer,8e Sons, In c . Chicago, 1 1 1 . Engineers-AFL 2-52 Leslie Salt Co. • Newark, Calif. Teamsters-AFL 6-51 M athie8on Chemical Corp. McKamie, Ark. Engineers-AFL 5-51 Mathieson Chemical Corp. Magnolia, Ark. Engineers-AFL 6-51 Merck & Co., Inc. Rahway, N. J . 1/ 6-52 Monsanto Chemical Co. Springfield,.Mass. Electrical-CIO 7-53 National Lead Co. Sayreville, N* d. Gas,' Coke-CIO 6-52 National Soap Co. Tacoma, Wash. Chemical-AFL - 6-51 Niagara Alkali Co. Niagara Falls,.N, Y. Gas, Coke-CIO 5-52 Oldbury Electro-Chemical Co. Niagara Falls, N. Y. Mine, Diet. 50-Ind. 6-52 Otto Chemical Co. Sergeant, Pa.- Mine, Dist. 50-Ind. 6-51 Pacific Oxygen Co. Oakland, Calif. • - Engineers-AFL I4.-5I Park Chemical Co. Detroit, Mich. Mech, Educ.-Ind. 8-51

l/ A ffiliation not shown on agreement. 2/ Alao cover8 Carpenters-AFL. 3/ Employers' Organization of Merck & Co.-Ind. - a -

Chemicals and Allied Products (Coh't) ;

Philadelphia Quartz Co. of Cal.;Tacoma,. Wash* Chemical "AFL 6-51* Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. Detroit,,. .Mi ch. Auto-CIO 5-53 Pittsburgh Plate. Glass Co. Natrium, W. Va. Chemical-AFL ' 6-52 Plough, Inc. Memphis, Tenn. Chemical-AFL \ 6-52* Procter- & Gamble Co. 1 / . * Jackson> Miss. Food 2/ 5-51 Procter & Gamble Co. l / Selma, Ala. Food 2/ 6-51 Procter &r Gamble Co. l / C harlotte, N. C. Food .2/ ' 8-51 Shell Chemical Corp. Pittsburg, Calif. O il Workers-CIO . ^-52 South Texas Cotton Oil Co. , Tex. Packinghouse-CIÓ 5-51 Southern Alkali Corp. Corpus Ghristi, Tex. Gas, Coke-CIÓ ' '' 9-51 Spaulding Fibre Co., Inc. Tonawanda, N. Y. Electrical 2/ 2-51 Speed-O-Laq Products Co, S t. Paul, Minn. Teamsters-AFL ’ 5-51 Sterling Drug, Inc. Rensselaer, N. Y. Chemical-AFL 6-53 U. S. Rubber Co. P ain esville, Ohio • 1 3/ • : - 9-51 U. S. Rubber Co.- Naugatuc k, C onn. Rubber-CIO 6-51 U. S'. Rubber Co. Naugatuck, Conn. Rubber-CIO k / ’ ; 6-51 West Coast Soap Co. 5/ Oakland, Calif. Teamsters-ÁFL 6-51 Western Cotton Oil Co. Chowchilla, Calif. Meat Cutterâ-ÂFL 6-51 Woburn Chemical Corp. Kearny, N. J. Gas, Coke-CIO.5-51 Young Aniline Works, Inc. Baltimore, Md. LIU-CIO 5-51

Products of Petroleum and Coal.

Calif. Refining Co. Perth Amboy, N. J. . Engineers-AFL 6/. 6-52 Carter Oil Co. B illin g s, Mont. O il Workers-CIO 5-51 Celotex Corp. Los Angeles, C alif. Paper Makers-AFL 6-52 Cities Service Oil Co. Linden, N. J. O il Workers-CIO 12-50 Cities Service Oil Co. Ponca City, Okla. O il Workers-CIO 7-51 Disco Co. Pittsburgh, Pa. Mine, D ist. 50-Ind. 6-52 Farmers Un. Central Exchange Laurel, Mont. Oil Workers-CIO 5-51 Flintkote Co.' " Portland, Oreg. Teamsters-AFL 5-52 Houghtoñ, E. F., & Co. Chicago, 1 1 1 . O il Workers-CIO 6-52 Humble Oil & Refining Co. Baytown, Tex. 2/ P .. 6-51 Magnolia Petroleum Co. Ft. Worth, Tex. O il Workers-CIO ** Quaker State Oil Refining Co] . Oil City, Pa. O il Workers-CIO 2-52 Standard Oil Co. of Ind. Chicago, 1 1 1 . • »/ 12-50 Texas Co. Port Arthur, Tex. Machinists-Ind. ** Texas Co. Port Arthur, Tex. Electrical-AFL 2-51 Rubber Products

American Hard Rubber Co. Butler, N. J Rubber-CIO U-51 American Hard'Rubber Co. Butler, N. J. Rubber-CIO 9 / 4-51 1/ Buckeye Cotton Oil Co. Div. 2/ Affiliation not shown on agreement. 3/ The Chemical 8s Plastic Workers Alliance, Inc.-Ind, 5/ Different Locals. •' 5/ Also covers Peterson Tallow Co.. 6/ Also covers Hod Carriers-AFL 7 / Baytown Employees Federation-Ind. B/ Central States Petroleum Union-Ind.. 9/ Different Occupational Coverage. ' - 9 - Rubber Products (Con’t)

Cascade Rubber, Inc. Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio Rubber-CÏO 5-51 Goodrich, B. F., Óo. Akron, Ohio 1/ * 3-51 Huntington Rubber/M illa^ Portland, Oreg. Rubber-CIO 5-51’ Karman Rubber Co. . . Akron, Ohio Rubber-ClO 8-51 Midwest Rubber Reclaiming Co. Barberton; Ohio Rubber-CIO 10-51 Midwest Rubber Reclaiming Co. E. St. Louis, 1 1 1 . Rubber-CIO 10-51 Oak Rubber Co. r‘ Ravenna, Ohio Rubber-CIO 7-51 Quaker Rubber Corp.’ - Philadelphia,. Pa. Rubber-CIO 6- 5Í Schulman, A., Inc. Akron, Ohio . Rubber-CIO 6- 5I* S eib erlin g Rubber Co. Intrastate - Ohio Rubber-CIO 8-51* Toyad Corp. Latrobe, Pa. Rubber-CIO 6-51 U. S. Rubber Co. Providence, R. I . Rubber-CIO 6-51 U. S. Rubber Co. Indianapolis, Ind. Rubber-CIO 6-51 U. S. Rubber Co. Woonsocket, R. I. Rubber-CIO 6-51 U. S. Rubber Co. Eau Claire, Wise. Rubber-CIO 6-5I U. S. Rubber Co. Chicopee Falls, Mass. Rubber-CIO 6-51 U. S. Rubber Co. Los Angeles, Calif. Rubber-CIO 6-51 U. S. Rubber Co.. Mishawaka, Ind. Rubber-CIO 6-51 Vulcanized Rubber & Plastics Co.M orrisville, Pa. Rubber-CIO 5-52 Western Rubber Co. Goshen, Ind. Rubber-CIO 3-51 Whitehead Bros. Rubber Co. TrentOn, N. J. Rubber-CIO 5-51 Leather and Leather Products

American Hide & Leather Co. B allsto n Spa, N. Y, Fur & Leather 2/ 7-51 Bloom-Ease, Inc. M inneapolis, Minn. Handbag-AFL 12- 50’ Brown Shoe Co. F estu s, Mo.- Shoe Workers-CIO 6-51 Brown Shoe' Co. Mattoon,1 1 1 . Shoe Workers-CIO 6-51 Brown Shoe Co. Salem,1 1 1 . . . Shoe Workers-CIO ; ; d -51 Brown Shoe: Co.- Charleston, 1 1 1 . Shoe Workers-CIO-y : 6-51 Brown Sho¿: Co.1 Vincennes, Ind.*. Shoe Workers -CIO .. 6-51 Burton Mfg.'1 Co. Jasper, Ala. Leather-AFL’ 5-51 California Luggage Co. Los Angeles, Calif,- , Fur 8t Leather-CIO 6-51 Chippewa Shoe Co. Chippewa Falls, Wise., Shoe Workers -AFL 6-51 E isendrath, Joseph W., Co. Mar irie 11e'Wise. Glove-AFL 6-51 Enger-Kress Co. West’Bend, vWisc. Auto-AFL 1-52 Friedberg-G runauer Co. San Francisco, Calif. Handbag-AFL 5-51 Frolic Footwear, Inc. Jonesboro, Ark. Shoe Workers-AFL 5-51 Gallun, A. F., & Sons Corp. Milwaukee> Wise. 1/ 8-51 Heiber, William, & Son Rochester,- N. Y. Shoe Workers-CIO 5 -5 1 * Hubschman, E ., & Sons, Inc. Philadelphia, Pa. Fur & Leather-CIO 5-51 Huch Leather Co. Chicago, 1 1 1 . Fur & Leather 2/ 2-52 Kittanning Leather Products Co. Kittanning, Pa. Handbag-AFL 5 -5 1 * Laskin, J., & Sons Corp. Milwaukee, Wise, Leather-AFL 5-51 Lawrence, A. C., Leather Co. W inchester, N. H 5-51 Lawrence, A. C., Leather Co. Peabody, Mass. 5-52 Leighton Heel & Counter Corp. Lynchburg, Va. Shoe y Workers-CIO 6-51 l/ United Protection Workers-Ind. 2 / A f filia tio n not shown on agreement. 3/ Independent Union of Gallun Employees-Ind. 5/ A. C. Lawrence Leather Workers Union-Ind. - 10 -

Leather and Leather Products (Con’t) Mfrs, of Ladies Handbags New York, N. Y. !/ 6-51 Menominee Glove Co. Menominee, Mich. Glove-AFL 6-51 Milsco Mfg. Co. Milwaukee, Wise. Auto-AFL 6-51 Nunn-Bush Shoe Co. Milwaukee, Wise. 2/ 2-51 Ohio Leather Co. Girard, Ohio Fur & Leather 3/ 6-51 Samuels Shoe Co. St, Louis, Mo. Shoe Workers-AFL 11-50 Tanners Assn. of Fulton Cty. Gloversville, N. Y. LIU-CIO 5-52

Stone, Clay and Glass Products

Alpha Portland Cement Co. Birmingham, Ala. Cement-AFL 4-51 Buckite Refractories, Inc. Woodville, Ohio Stone-CIO 5-51 Chartiers Cinder Block Co. Houston, Pa. Teamsters-AFL 6-52 Clippert Brick Co. Detroit, Mich. Mine, Dist. 50-Ind. 6-51 Concrete Supply Co. Evansville, Ind. Teamsters-AFL 4-51 Concrete Supply Co. Evansville, Ind. Teamsters-AFL 4/ 4-51 DeSanno, A. P., & Son, Inc. Phoenixville, Pa. Gas, Coke-CIO ~ 6-52 Ford Motor Co. River Rouge, Mich, 5/ 3-52 Forman Ford & Co. Minneapolis, Minn. Teamsters-AFL 5-51 Forman Ford & Co. Minneapolis, Minn. Painters-AFL 6-51 General Portland Cement Co. 6/ Chattanooga, Tenn. Cement-AFL 3-51 General Portland Cement Co. 7/ Tampa, Fla. Cement-AFL 4-51 Gibsonburg Lime Products Co.*~ Gibsonburg, Ohio Stone-CIO 5-51 Haggerty Brick Co. Dearborn, Mich. Brick & Clay-AFL 6-51 Harbison-Walker Refractories Co.Mt. Union, Pa, Mine, Dist. 50-Ind. 2-52 Hill Brick Co. E. St. Louis, 111, Brick 85 Clay-AFL 3-51 Johns-Manvilie Products Corp. Marrero, La. Gas, Coke-CIO 7-51 Johns-Manvilie Products Corp. Intrastate - N. J. FLU-AFL 7-51 Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical 8/ Intrastate - Calif. Bldg. Trades-AFL 6-52* Keasbey & Mattison Co. Ambler, Pa, Textile-AFL 7-51 Iiittanning Martin Brick Co. Kittanning, Pa. Brick & Clay-AFL 6-51 Lehigh Portland Cement Co. 9/ IntrastateWash. Cement-AFL 5-52 Lehigh Portland Cement Co. Intrastate - Ind. Cement-AFL 4-52 Lehigh Portland Cement Co. Fordwick, Va. Cement-AFL 4-52 Lehigh Portland Cement Co. Fogelsville, Pa. Cement-AFL 3-52 Lehigh Portland Cement Co. Oglesby, 111-. Cement-AFL 4-51 Lehigh Portland Cement Co. Sandts Eddy, Pa. Cement-AFL 3-52 Louisville Cement Corp. Speed, Ind. Cement-AFL 6-51 Mississippi Glass Co. Floreffe, Pa. Glass, Ceramic-CIO 5-51 Morgantown Block Co. Mona, W. Va. Mine, Dist. 50-Ind. 6-51 l/ Pocketbook Workers Union of New York-Ind. 2/ Industrial Union of Master Craftsmen-Ind. 3/ Affiliation not shown on agreement. 4/ Different Occupational Coverage. 5/ Plant Protection Association-Ind. 6/ Signal Mountain Portland Cement Division. 7/ Florida.Portland Cement Division. 13/ Also covers Permanente Cement Co. 9/ Inland Portland Cement Co. Division. - 11 -

Stone, Clay and Glass Products (Con’t)

National Gypsum Co. Rotan, Tex. Cement-AFL 6-51 National Gypsum Co. Ft. Dodge, Iowa Cement-AFL 6-51 National Gypsum Co. Portsmouth, N. H. Cement-AFL 3-51 National Gypsum Co. D over, N. J Mar. 8s Shpbldg.-CIO 5-51 National Gypsum Co. Kalamazoo, Mich. Firemen-AFL 4-52 National Gypsum c0. National City, Mich, Gas, Coke-CIO 5-52 Pa. Dixie Cement Corp. Intrastate - Pa, Cement-AFL 3-52 Pa. Dixie Cement Corp. W. W infield, Pa. Steel-CIO 5-52 Pa. Dixie Cement Corp. Clinchfield, Ga. Cement-AFL 4-51 Pa. Dixie Cement Corp. Richard City, Tenn. Cement-AFL 4-51 Pa. Dixie Cement Corp. Va. 8s Tenn. Cement-AFL 4-51 Pottsville Building Block Co.Pottsville, Pa. Mine, Dist. 50-Ind. 6-51* Rackle, George,8 s Sons Co. Cleveland, Ohio Hod Carriers-AFL 5-51 Red Wing Potteries, Inc. Red Wing, Minn. Gas, Coke-CIO 5-52 Southwest Lime Co. Neosho, Mo. Cement-AFL 3-51 Universal Atlas Cement Co. Hudson, N. Y. Cement-AFL 3-52 Universal Atlas Cement Co. Independence, Kans. Cement-AFL 5-52 Universal Atlas Cement Co. Universal, Pa. S teel-C IO 2-52 Universal Atlas Cement Co, Leeds, Ala. Cement-AFL 4-52

Primary Metal Industries

Ajax Steel 8s Forge Co. D etroit, Mich. Auto-CIO 5-52 American Brake Shoe Co. Portsmouth, Va. S teel-C IO 7-52 American Brass Co. Ansonia, Conn. Mine, Mill l/ 6-51 American Brass Co. Buffalo, N. Y. Mine, Mill l/ 6-51 American Skein8s F d ry . Co. Racine, Wise. Auto-CIO 6-51 American Smelting & Refining .Alton, Co 111. FLU-AFL 6-51 American Smelting8s Refining Co.Alton, 111. Mine, D ist. 50-Ind. 6-51 American Smelting8 s Refining 2/Whiting, Ind. S teel-C IO 6-52 Ampco M etal, Inc .- Milwaukee, Wise. - Auto-CIO 2-52 Ashland Malleable Iron Co. Ashland, Ohio Molders-AFL 5-51 Birdsboro Steel Fdry. Sc Mach. Intrastate - Pa. .Steel-C IO 7-52* Buffalo Steel Co. Tonawanda, N.- Y. S teel-C IO 1-52 Chase Brass 8s Copper Co., Inc.Waterbury, Conn. Electrical-AFL 5-52 Chicago Railway Equip. Co. 3/Marion, Ind. Molders-AFL 6-51 Columbian Bronze Corp. Freeport, N. Y. Molders-AFL 4-51 Consol, Western Steel Corp, S. San Francisco, Cal, Engineers-AFL 6-51 Consol. Western Steel Corp. S. San-Francisco, Cal, Electrical-AFL 6-51 Day Foundry Co. Spring Valley, 111. Molders-AFL 6-51 Dayton Malleable Iron Co. Dayton, Ohio Electrical-CIO 5-52 Dock Foundry Co. Three Rivers, Mich. ■ Molders-AFL 6-51 Dow Chemical Co. Intrastate - Tex. Engineers-AFL 6- 52* Dow Chemical Co. Intrastate - Tex. • Teams te r s-AFL' 6- 52* Duraloy Co. Scottdale, Pa. S teel-C IO 6-52 Erie Forge Co. E r ie , P a. S teel-C IO 2- 52* Erie Forge Co. E r ie , P a. Steel-CIO 4/ 2-52* Erie Forge Co. — E r ie , Pa. Steel-CIO 4/ 2-52*

l/ A ffiliation not shown on agreement. 2/ Federated Metals Division. 3/ Marion Malleable Iron Works. 5/ Different Locals. - 12 -

Primary Metal Industries (Con't)

Follansbee Steel Corp. Follansbee, W. Va. Steel-CIO 1-52* Follansbee Steel Corp. Follansbee, W. Va. Steel-CIO 1/ 1-52* G. & D. Mfg. Co. Streator, 111. Molders-AFL 6-51 General Malleable Corp. Waukesha, Wise. Steel-CIO 6-51 General Steel Castings Corp. Eddystone, Pa. v Steel-CIO 5-52 General Steel Castings Corp. Eddystone, Pa. . Pattern Makers-AFL 8-52 General Steel Castings Cprp. Granite City, 111. Steel-CIO 5-52 Greenfield, Samuel, Co., Inc. . Buffalo, N. Y. Mine, Mill 2/ 6-51 Hart Brothers Machine Co. Clarksburg, W. Va. FLU -AFL ** Hartford Electric Steel Corp. Hartford, Conn. Eiectrical-CIO 6-52 Heppenstall Co. Bridgeport, Conn. Steel-CIO 6-52 Hunt-Spiller Mfg. Co. So. Boston, Mass. Moiders-AFL ^-51 Illinois Foundry Co. Springfield, 111. ■ Mo7i.ders - AFL 6-51 Illinois Zinc Co. Peru, 111. Mine, Mill 2/ 7-51 International Nickel Co. Bayonne, N. J. Machinists-Ind. ^-52 International Smelting & Ref. Tooele, Utah Mine, Mill 2/ 6-51* Kay-Brunner Steel Products, Inc .Intrastate - Calif. Machinists-Ind. 3-51 Lakey Foundry 8s Machine Co. Muskegon, Mich. Pattern Makers-AFL 6-51 Madison Wire Co. Buffalo, N. Y. Steel-CIO 1-51* Metal & Thermit Corp. Intrastate - N. J. Mine, Mill 2/ 6-51 Mich. Seamless Tube Co. S. Lyon, Mich. Steel-CIO 12-51 National Lead Co. Granite City, 111. FLU-AFL 5-52 Ohio Seamless Tube Co. Shelly, Ohio Steel-CIO 6-52 Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Provo, Utah Steel-CIO 7-52 Phelps Dodge Corp. 3/ El Paso, Tex. Mine, Mill-CIO 6-51* Reading Car Wheel Co., Inc. Reading, Pa.. Steel-CIO 5-52* Rothe, Jos. F., & Co. Green Bay, Wise. Molders-AFL 5-51 Rupert Diecasting Co. Kansas City, Mo. Auto-CIO 5-51 Standard Steel Treating Detroit, Mich. Auto-CIO 5-51 Strong Steel Foundry Co. Buffalo, N. Y. Steel-CIO 5-52 Struthers-Wells Corp. Titusville, Pa. Boilermakers-AFL 6-53 Struthers-Wells Corp. Titusville, Pa.. Office Empl.-AFL k/ 6-52 Tacoma Powdered Metals Co., Inc.Tacoma, Wash.' Chemical-AFL 5/ 6-51 Taylor Forge 8c Pipe Works Cicero, 111. 6/ i*-51 Three Rivers Casting Co. Three Rivers, Mich. Molders-AFL 6-51 Three Rivers Brass & Aluminum Three Rivers, Mich. Molders-AFL 6-51 Tredegar Co. Richmond, Va. . FLU-AFL 6-51 Union Die Casting Co., Ltd. Los Angeles, Calif. Mine, Mill-CIO 6-51 Vulcan Detinning Co. Sewaren, N. J. Mine, Mill 2/ 6-52 Waterbury Rolling Mills, Inc. Waterbury, Conn. Mar. & Shpbldg.-CIO 7-52* Western Die Casting Co. Emeryville, Calif. Steel-CIO 6-51 Wickwire Brothers, Inc. Cortland, N. Y. Steel-CIO 9-51

Fabricated Metal Products (Except Ordnance, Machinery & Transportation Equipment)

Aetna Steel Products Corp. Pottsville, Pa. Carpenters-AFL • 6-53 Allied Bldg. Metal Industries Intrastate - N. Y. Bridge-AFL 3-52, Allied Bldg. Metal Industries Intrastate - N. Y. Bridge-AFL 7-51*

1/ Different Locals. 2/ Affiliation not shown on agreement. 3/ Phelns Dodge Refining Corp. Division. y Also covers Architects-AFL. 5/ Also covers Electrical-AFL and Machinists-Ind. S/ Forge and Machine Workers Industrial Union-Ind. ... - 13 - ■ : •

Fabricated Metal Products (Except Ordnance, Mach. & Trans p. Equip.) (Con't)

American Can Co. Richmond, Va. FLIJ-AFL 5-52 American Can Co. San Francisco, Calif. Plumbing-AFL 6-52 American Can Co. San Francisco, Calif. ■ Electrical-AFL 5-52 American Can Co. San Francisco, Calif. Electrical-AFL l/ 5-52 American Can Co. • Seattle, Wash. Lithographers-CIO 3-52 American Can Co, | • • Seattle, Wash. Teamster?-ÀFL .... 3-52 American Can Co. Oakland, Calif. ' Lbiigshoremen ,2/ 3-52 American Can Co. * • Oakland, Calif. Steel-CICT 3-52 American Can Co. Wet? Orleans, La,.-;.- FLIJ-AFL.' 6-52 American Can Co. St. Louie, Mo. Electrical-AFL 5-52 American Can Co. Savannah, Ga. FLIJ-AFL 6-52 American Forging & Socket Co. Pontiac, Mich, Autc-CIO. 6-53 American Stove Co. Lorain, Ohio Steel-CIO 3~52 American-Warming & Ventilating Toledo, Ohio Mine, Diet. 50-Ind. 5-51 Anderson Diecasting & Eng. Corp.Los Angeles, Calif. Mine, Mill 2/ 5-51* Anderson Knife & Bar Co. Anderson, Ind. Steel-CIO 12-50* Armstrong Furnace Co. Columbus, Ohio Steel-CIO 3-52 Atkins, E,. C., & Co. Indianapolis, Ind. . • FLU-AFL 6-51 Avco Mfg. Corp.. 3/ Connersville, Ind. Auto-CIO 6-53 Bridgeport. Metal Goods Mfg. Bridgeport, Conn. Playthings-CIO 7-51 Calif. Metal Trades Assn. Intrastate - Calif. Machinists-Ind. 6-51 Canton Stamping & Enameling Co, Canton, Ohio Steel-CIO 6-51 Chicago Lighting Equip. Mfrs. Chicago, 111. Electrical-AFL 8-51 Continental Can Co. Norwood, Ohio Mine, Dist. 50-Ind. 5-51 Controlair Mfg. Co. Loa Angeles, Ca3.1£. Sheet Metál-AFL 5-51 Cowin & Co.-> Inc. Minneapolis, Minn. Electrical 2/ 5-51 Decker, E. F., Saw Works, Inc, Albany, N. Y. . r- ■ Machinists'-Ind. 3-51 Delta Electric Co. Marion, Ind. Electrical-AFL 6-51 Detroit Harvester Co. k/ Toledo, Ohio • • ‘ Auto-CIO * . 5-52 Detroit Harvester Co. I f Toledo, Ohio Machinists-Ind. 5-53 Disston, Henry, & Sons, Inc. Philadelphia, Pa. • FLÜ-AFL . 1-51* Employers Group of Steel Fab. Cleveland, Ohio .- Bridge-AFL : 5-51 Eureka-Williams Coï*p.■■■: ‘ Bloomington, 111. Machinists-Ind.. 7-51 Faultless Caster Corp. Evansville,.Ind. Electrical 2/ . 6-51* Fedders-Quigan Corp. Newark, N. J. FLIJ-AFL V i • 5-52* Flannery Bolt Co. ■ Bridgeville, Pa. Steel-CÏO ' 1-52* Florence Stove Co, Kankakee, 111. Metal Trades-AFL 6-51 Florence Stove Co. Gardner, Mass. Steel-CIO , . 7-51 Fluorescent Lighting Mfrs. Los Angeles, Calif. Electrical-AFL. 7-51 Food Service Equip. Mfrs. Interstate Sheet Metal-AFL 3-51* Forker Corp. Cleveland, Ohio ; Bridge-AFL 5"51 Fox Products Co. Philadelphia, Pa. Electrical 2/ 6-51 Furnace Mfrs.. of No. Calif. Intrastate.- Calif, Sheet Metal-AFL 1-51 General Lamps Mfg. Co. Elwood, Ind. Steel-CIO " 6-52 Graham, James, Mfg. Co. ' Newark, Calif. Stove Mounters-AFL 6-51 Hart & Cooley Mfg. Co. Holland, Mich. Machinists-Ind. 6-52 Hupp Corp, . Cleveland, Ohio Auto-CIO 8-52 Indep. Metal Products Co. Omaha, Neb. Auto-AFL 6-52 l/ Different plants. 2/ Affiliation not shown on agreement, 3/ American Central Division. ¥/ Dura Co, Division. - ill- -

Fabricated Metal Products (Except Ordnance, Mach. & Transp. Equip.) (Con’t)

Korfund Co., In c. Long Islan d C ity, Electrical N.Y. l/ 1+-51 Knight Plating Co,2/ Detroit, Mich, Auto-CIO 7-51 Lansing Stamping CoT Lansing, Mich. Auto-CIO 6- 51* Ludlow-Saylor Wire Co. St. Louis, Mo.. Steel-CIO • k - 5 2 Mclnerney Spring & Wirs Co. Passaic, N. J. Auto-CIO ■ 5-52 Mahon,R. C ., Co. In tra s ta te - Mich. Steel-CIO 7-51 Manhattan Mfg. & Jobbing Co.New York, N.Y. Allied Trades-AFL 6-53 Mason Can Co, E. Providence,. R. I . Jevelry-AFL 6-51 Midland Steel Products Co. Detroit, Mich. Auto-CIO 5-53 Moore Enameling & Mfg. Co. WT, Lafayette, Ohio FLU-AFL 6-51 Morrison Steel Products, Inc. Buffalo, N. Y. Steel-CIO 5-52 Muskogee Iron Works Muskogee, Okla. Bridge-AFL 6-51 Newark Stove Co. Newark, Ohio FLU-AFL 7-51 Newark Stove Co. Newark, Ohio Machinists-Ind. 7-51 Newark Stove Co. Newark, Ohio Stove Mounters-AFL 7-51 Newark Stove Co. Newark, Ohio Stove Mounters-AFL3/ 7-51 ’ Northern Engraving & Mfg. Co. LaCrosse, Wise. Auto-CIO 6-52 Ohio Foundry & Mfg. Co. Steubenville, Ohio Steel-CIO 6-52 Omaha S te e l Works Omaha, Neb. Machinists-Ind. 6-51 Panhandle Steel Products Co.Wichita Falls, Tex. Machinists-Ind. 5-51 Pennwoven, Inc. Lock Haven, Pa. Mine, Dist. 50-Ind. 6-52* P ittsb u rg h -Des Moines S te e l Co. Des Moines, Iowa Bridge-AFL 6-51 Plomb Tool Co. Los Angeles, Calif. Metal Trades-AFL 5-51 Plume & Atwood Mfg. Co. W aterbury, Conn. Mar. 8c Shpbldg.-CIO7-52 Polar Ware Co. Sheboygan, Wise. Electrical l/ 6-51 P resto Lock Co, Garfield, N. J. Electrical-CIO 6-52 - Rheem Mfg. Co. Richmond, C a lif. Machinists-Ind. 6-52 ■ Rheem Mfg. Co. Sparrows Point, Md, Steel-CIO 6-52 Richmond Fdry. & Mfg. Co., Inc.Richmond, Va. Molders-AFL 3-51 Richmond R adiator Co, Metuchen, N. J. P o tte rs rAFL 6-51* Robinson, A. F., Boiler Works Cambridge, Mass. Boilermakers-AFL 6-52* ■ Roper, Geo. D., Corp. Rockford,111 . Auto-CIO . 5-51 St. Louis Screw 8c Bolt Co. St. Louis, Mo. Machinists-Ind, 6-51 Smith System Heating Co. Minneapolis, Minn. Electrical l/ 6-51 ■ Souther,E. E., Iron Co. St. Louis, Mo. Stove Mounters-AFL 6-51 Spark Stove Co., Inc. Oakland ,• Calif. Stove Mounters-AFL 6-51 Stainless 8s Steel Products St. Paul, Minn. Electrical-CIO lj-5 1 Standard S te e l Works No. Kansas C ity, Mo.Steel-CIO 2-51 Struthers-Wells Corp. Warren, Pa. O ffice Empl.-AFL 6-52 Struthers-Wells Corp. Warren, Pa. Architects-AFL 7-52 ‘ Union Plate 8s VJire Co. Attleboro, Mass. Playthings-CIO 3-51 Union Steel Chest Corp. Le Roy, N. Y. FLU-AFL 2-51 U. S. Mfg. Corp. Decatur,111 . Auto-AFL 6-52 Western Automatic Mach. Screw E ly ria , Ohio Mech. Educ.-Ind. 6-52 York Corrugating Co. York, Pa. Machinists-ind.6-51 Young R adiator Co. Racine, Wise. Auto-CIO 6-51 l / A ffilia tio n not shown on agreement, 2/ Also covers R. K. Machine & Tool Co. 3/ Different Locals - 15 -

Machinery (Except Electrical)

American Locomotive Co. Dunkirk, ,N. Y. : , Steel-CIO , 1-52 American Pulley Co. Philadelphia, Pa. Electrical-CIO 6-51 American Steel Dredge Co. l/ Ft. Wayne, Ind. Steel-CIO 7-52 Ams, Max, Machine Co. Bridgeport, Conn. Steel-CIO 6-51 Aro Equipment Corp. Bryan, Ohiç Machinists-Ind. 6-52 Artoa Engineering Co, MiIwaukee, Wi e c, Machinists-Ind. 5-52 • Automatic Washer Co, Newton, Iowa Electrical 2/ 7-51 Automotive Tool 8c Die Mfrs. Detroit, Mich. Auto-CIO 5-51* Barber-Greene Co. Aurora, 111, Machinists-Ind. 6-51 Blair Mfg. Co. Springfield, Mass. Electrical-CIO 7-51 Blanton Plow Co., Inc. Rome, Ga. Auto-CIO 6-51 Bloomfield Tool Corp. Bloomfield, N. J. Electrical 2 / 6-51 Brown 8s Sharpe Mfg. Co. Providence, R . I, Pattern Makers -AFL 7-51 Brown 8s Sharpe Mfg. Co. Providence, R . I. Machinists-Ind. 7-51 Brown 8s Sharpe Mfg. Co. Providence, R. I. Architects-AFL 7-51 Brown 8s Sharpe M f g . Co. Providence, R . I . Office Empl.-AFL 7-51 Buda Co. Harvey, 111. Steel-CIO 1-52* Casey, John F . , Co. Aspinwall, Pa. Steel-CIO 6-52 Caterpillar Tractor Co. Peoria, 111. Auto-CIO 7-52 Cherry-Burrell Corp. Cedar Rapids, Iowa Auto-CIO 6-52 Chrysler Corp. 3/ Dayton, Ohio Electrical-CIO 5-55 Cleveland Graphite Bronze Co. Cleveland, Ohio Mech. Educ.-Ind. 12-51 Continental Copper 8& Steel Chicago, 111. Machinists-Ind. 4-52 Coolerator Co. Duluth, Minn. Steel-CIO 5-51 Coty Machine Co., Inc. Watertown, K. Y. Machinists-Ind. 6-51 Crescent Forge 8s Shovel Co. Havana, 111. Hod Carriers-AFL 6-51* Danly Mach. Specialties, Inc. Cicero, 111. Electrical 2/ 7-51 Darling Valve 8s Mfg. Co. Williamsport, Pa. Electrical-CIO 8-51 Diamond Match Co. Barberton, Ohio Machinists-Ind. 4/ 3-52 Eclipse Lawn Mower Co. . Prophetstown, 111. Molders-AFL 6-51 Eimco Corp. * • Salt Lake City, Utah Machinists-Ind, 3-51 Godfrey Conveyor Co., Inc. Elkhart, Ind. Machinists-Ind. 6-51 Gorham Tool Co. Detroit, Mich. Auto-CIO 2-51* Goss Printing Press Co. Chicago, 111. Pattern Makers-AFL 5-51 Gould 8s Eberhardt, Inc. Irvington, N. J. Machinists-Ind. 4-51 Gray, G. A., Co. , Ohio Steel-CIO 6-52 Hawke Tool 8; Engineering Co. Clarkston, Mich. Tool 8c Die,-Ind. 1-51 Hewitt-R ob ins, Inc. Passaic, N. J. Machinists-Ind. 4-51 Hill Diesel Engine Co. Lansing^ Mich. Autc-CÏO 9-51* Homestead Valve Mfg. Co. Coraopolis, Pa. Steel-CIO 4-52 Independent Engineering Co. 0 'Fallon, 111. Teamsters-AFL 4-51 IngerSoil-Rand Co. Athens, Pa. Machinists-Ind. 7-52 Iron Firemen Mfg. Co. Portland, Oreg. Machinists-Ind. -3-51 * Iron Firemen Mfg. Co. Cleveland, Ohio Auto-CIO 6-51 Kennametal, Inc. Intrastate - Pa, Mine, Dist, 50-Ind, 6-52' . Koehring Co. Milwaukee, Wise, Machinists-Ind. 2-51 La Plant-Choate Mfg. Co", Cedar Rapids, Iowa Electrical 2/ 4-52

l/ Alao covers American Steel Supply Co. • 2/ Affiliation not shown on agreement. 3/ Airtemp Division. ^ . • :r \ 4/ Also covers Molders-AFL - 16 -

Machinery (Except Electrical)(Con't)

Logansport Machine Co., Inc. Logansport, Ind. Machinists-Ind. 6-52 Louisville Electric Mfg. Co. Louisville, Ky. Machinists-Ind. 9-51 Ludlow Valve Mfg. Co. Troy, N. Y. . : Machinists-Ind. if-bl Machine Shops (9) Bellingham, Wash. Mach inists-Ind. 3-51 Maine Steel, Inc. S. Windham, Me. Machinists-Ind. 2-51 MaBS. Gear & Tool Co. Woburn, Mass. Steel-CIO 6-52 Moline Tool Co. Moline,.111. Electrical 1 / 6-52 Motch & Mer.ryweather Mach. Co, Cleveland, Ohio • • Electrical l/ 3-52 Murray, D. J., Mfg. Co. Wausau, Wise. Molders-AFL 2/ 6-52 Muskegon Piston Ring Co. Sparta, Mich. Auto-AFL 6-51 Muskegon Piston Ring Co. Muskegon, Mich. Auto-ÁFL 6-51 National Cash Register Co. 3/ Ithaca, N. Y. Mach ini s t s-Ind. 5-52 New Britain Machine Co. New Britain, Conn. Machinists-Ind. 7-52 Nordberg Mfg. Co. Milwaukee, Wise. Engineers -AFL 8-52 Nordberg Mfg. Co. Milwaukee, Wise. . Pattern Makers-AFL 7-52 Nordberg Mfg. Co. Milwaukee, Wise. . . Molders-AFL 7-52 Nordberg Mfg. Co. Milwaukee, Wise. Steel-CIO ' 8-52 Oakes Mfg. Co., Inc. Tipton, Ind. Steel-CIO 6-51 Ohio Crankshaft Co. Cleveland, Ohio Auto-CIO 6-55 Record Fdry. & Machine Co.. Livermore Falls, Me. FLU-AFL 6-51 Reeves Pulley Co. Columbus, Ind. Machinists-Ind. 6-51 Regan Forge & Engineering Co. San Pe'dro, Calif. Mar. & Shpbldg.-CIO 6-52* Rivett Lathe & Grinder, Inc. Brighton, Mass. Electrical l/ 5-51* Rockwell Mfg. Co. Leetcnia, Ohio Mine, Diet. 50-Ind. lj-51 Saranac Industries Benton Harbor, Mich. Autc-AFL 10-52 Seeger Refrigerator Co. Evansville, Ind.■ Electrical-CIO 6-52 Service Caster & Truck Corp. Somerville, Mass. Machinists-Ind. 6-51 Shepard Niles Crane & Hoist Montour Falls, N. Y, Machinists-Ind. 7-51 Sheridan Iron Works Champlain, N. Y. Machinists-Ind. 5-53 Spears-Welle Machinery Co, Oakland, Calif. •Machinists-Ind. 6-52 Standard Conveyor Co. Intrastate - Minn. Machinists-Ind. 5-51 Star Iron 8s Steel Co. Tacoma, Wash. Bridge-AFL . 5-51 Thomas Truck & Caster Co. Keokuk, Iowa Machinists-Ind. 5-51 Toro Mfg. Corp. Intrastate - Minn. Electrical-CIO 3-51 Uniflbw Mfg. Co. . Erie, Pa. Mine, Dist. 50-Ind. i)-52 Van Norman Co. . . Springfield, Mass. Electrical-CIO 8-52 Vickers, Inc. k/ Waterbury, Conn. Machinists-Ind. 6 -51* Voss, J. H. H., Co. New York, N. Y. Electrical 1/ 6-51 Wallace, J. D.,..& Co. Chicago, 111. Electrical l/ 7-52* Walworth Co, Greensburg, Pa. Steel-CIO 3-52 Walworth Co. .Greensburg, Pa. Steel-CIO 5/ 3-52 Wellman Engineering Co. Cleveland, Ohio Electrical l/ 6 -51* Western States Machine Co. Hamilton, Ohio •Auto-CIO 5-51 White Sewing Machine Corp. Intrastate - Ohio Electrical-CIO 8-51 Worthington Pump & Machinery Co.Dunelien, N. J. Machinists-Ind. 7-52 Wright Machinery Co. Durham, N. C. Architects-AFL 6-51* l/ Affiliation not shown on agreement. 2/ Also covers Machinists-Ind, 3/ Allen-Wale8 Adding Machine Div.' 5/ Waterbury Tool Division. 5/ Different Occupational Coverage, - IT - Electrical Machinery, Equipment and Supplies

Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co. Pittsburgh, Pa. Auto-CIO 6-55 Battery Cos. (3) Los Angeles, Calif. Teamsters-AFL 6-51 Burndy Engineering Co., Inc. New York, N. Y. Pattern Makers-AFL 5-52 Burndy Engineering Co,, Inc. New York, N. Y. Moldare-AFL 5-52 C & D Batteries, Inc. Conshohocken, Pa. Electrical l/ 5-51 Delta Star Electric Co. Chicago, 111. Auto-AFL 7-51 Dominion Electric Corp. Mansfield, Ohio Metal Polishers -AFL 6-51 Dominion Electric Corp. Mansfield, Ohio Machinists-Ind. 6-51 Dominion Electric Corp. Mansfield, Ohio Machinists-Ind. i/ 6-51 Dumore Co. Racine, Wise. Auto-CIO 7-51 Eagle Signal Corp. 111. & Iowa Electrical l/ 6-52 Electric Specialty Co. Stamford, Conn. Electrical-AFL 6-51 Electric Storage Battery Co. Chicago, 111. Electrical l/ 6-52 Emerson Electric Mfg. Co. 111. & Mo. Electrical-CIO 9-52 Franklin Transformer Mfg. Co. Minneapolis, Minn. Electrical l/ 6-51 General Controls Co. Glendale, Calif. Machinists-Ind. 5-51 Lamb Electric Co. Kent, Ohio Machinists-Ind< 6-51 Liberty Electric Co. Indianapolis, Ind. Electrical-AFL 7-51 Line Materials Co. N. Birmingham, Ala. Steel-CIO 9-51 Lummus Co. Hcnesdale, Pa. Machinists-Ind. 6-52 Magnavox Co. Ft. Wayne, Ind. Electrical l/ 5-51 Master Electric Co. Dayton, Ohio Electrical l/ 6-53 Monteith Brothers, Inc. Elkhart, Ind. Auto-CIO 6-51 National Electric Coil Co. Bluefield, W. Va. Mine, Diet. 50-Ind. 6-52 Penn Union Electric Corp. Erie, Pa. -. Electrical l/ 3-51 Penn Electric Svitch Co. Goshen, Ind. Machinists-Ind. 3-51 Philmore Mfg. Co. New York, N. Y. Electrical-AFL 6-51 Power Equipment Co. Detroit, Mich. Electrical l/ 4-51 Press Wireless Mfg. Co., Inc. Hicksville, L.I., N.Y. Electrical-AFL 7-51 Radio Corporation of America Hollywood, Calif. Electrical l/ 5-51* Radix Wire Co. Cleveland, Ohio Gas, Coke-CIO 6-51* Safety Switchboard Co. San Francisco, Calif. Electrical-AFL 6-51 Sickles, F. W., Co. Chicopee, Mass. Electrical-AFL 6-52 Square D Co. Milwaukee, Wise. Electrical-AFL 3-55 Stackpole Carbon Co. Intrastate - Pa. Electrical-CIO 1-54 Struthers-Dunn, Inc. Philadelphia, Pa. Electrical l/ 6-51 Superior Electric Products Cape Girardeau, Mo. Electrical-AFL 6-51 Wiremold Co. Elmwood, Conn. Electrical-AFL 6-51

Transportation Equipment (Except Motor Vehicles & Motor Vehicle Equipment)

Ala. Dry Dock & Shpbldg. Co. Mobile, Ala. Mar. & Shpbldg.-CIO 7-51 Bethlehem Steel Co. 3/ Interstate Mar. & Shpbldg.-CIO 12-51* Huffman Mfg. Co. Dayton, Ohio Electrical-CIO 7-51 Moore Dry Dock Co. Oakland, Calif. Steel-CIO 6-51 Murray Ohio Mfg. Co. Cleveland, Ohio Auto-CIO 6-53 Newport News Shpbldg. & Dry DockNewport News, Va 4/ 6-52* l/ Affiliation not shown on agreement, 2/ Different Locals. 3/ Shipbuilding Division. %/ Peninsula Shipbuilders' Assn.-Ind. - 18 -

Transportation Equipment (Except Motor Vehicles & Motor Vehicle Equip.) (Con't)

Pacific Coast Shipbuilders l/ Interstate Metal Trades-AFL 6-51 Pacific Coast Shipbuilders 2/ Interstate Metal Trades-AFL 6-51 Pressed Steel Car Co., Inc. Mt. Vernon, 111. Machinists-Ind. 6-51 Pressed Steel Car Co., Inc. Mt. Vernon, III. Bailway Car.-AFL 6-51 Ealston Steel Car Co. Columbus, Ohio Steel-CIO 6-51* Thorsen, P. S., & Co., Inc. Brooklyn, N. Y. Longshoremen-AFL 6-52 United Aircraft Products, Inc. Dayton, Ohio Auto-CIO 5-52 Viloco Machine Co. Benton Harbor, Mich, Electrical 3/ 7-52 Walsh, Michael J., Boiler Seal. , La. Mar. & Shpbldg.-CIO 6-51*

Motor Vehicles and Motor Vehicle Equipment

Anthony Co., Inc. Streator, 111. Mine, Diet. 50-Ind. 3-51* Black, Adam, & Sons, Inc. Jersey City, N. J. Gas, Coke-CIO 5-51 Borg-Warner Corp. Muncie, Ind. Auto-CIO 7-51 Budd Co. Detroit, Mich. Auto-CIO 7-52 Budd Co. Phi ladelphia, Pa. Auto-CIO 7-52 Columbus Auto Parts Co. Columbus, Ohio Auto-CIO 7-55 Dana Corp. 4/ Beading, Pa. Steel-CIO 7-52 Dana Corp. 5/ Toledo, Ohio Auto-CIO 7-52 Donaldson Co., Inc. St, Paul, Minn. Auto-CIO 6-52 Edwards Iron Works, Inc. South Bend, Ind. Auto-CIO 6-52 Excel Corp. Elkhart, Ind. Auto-CIO 4-51 Federal Mogul Corp. Detroit, Mich. Auto-CIO . 8-52 Federal Mogul Corp. Detroit, Mich. Auto-CIO 6/ 8-52 Ford Motor Co. Intrastate - Mich. 3-52 Ford Motor Co. Memphis, Tenn. 1 / 3-52 Ford Motor Co. Highland Park, Mich. 1/ 3-52 Ford Motor Co. Lincoln, Mich. i/ 3-52 Ford Motor Co. L'Anse, Mich. Plant Guard*-Ind. 7-51 Ford Motor Co. Chicago, 111. 8/ 9-52 General Motors Corp. 9/ Dayton, Ohio Rubber-CIO 5-55 Hercules Mfg. Co., Inc. Evansville, Ind. Auto-AFL 7-51 Highway Trailer Co. Intrastate - Wise. FLU-AFL 4-52 Kelsey-Hayes Wheel Co. Detroit, Mich. Auto-CIO 6-55 Meteor Motor Car Co. Piqua, Ohio Auto-CIO 1-52 Monroe Auto Equip. Co. ■Hillsdale, Mich. Auto-CIO 6-53* Orrville Body Co. Orrville, Ohio Auto-AFL 6-51 Palace Corp. Flint, Mich. Auto-CIO... 7-52 Schwitzer-Cummins Co.. Indianapolis, Ind. Steel-CIO 4-52 Sealed Power Corp. Muskegon Hts., Mich. Auto-CIQ 6-52 Studebaker Corp. South Bend, Ind. Auto-CIO 8-55* Thompson Products, Inc. Detroit, Mich, Auto-CIO 6-52

1/ Ship Repair 2/ New Ship Construction 3/ Affiliation not shown on agreement. 4/ Parish Pressed Steel Co. Div. 5/ Spicer Mfg. Div. 6/ Different Plants. 7/ Plant Protection Assn.-Ind. B/ United Protective Workers of America-Ind. 9/ Inland Mfg. Div. - 19 -

Motor Vehicles and Motor Vehicle Equipment (don't)

Timken-Detroit Axle Co. Oshkosh, Wise. :, AutovCIO K;;‘ 6-51 Trailmobile Co. Cincinnati,, Ohio : Auto-CIO 5-52 Truck Engineering Corp. Cleveland, Ohio Auto-CIO 6-51 Twin Coach Co. ‘ Buffalo, N. Y. Machinists-Ind, 8-51 Weber Trailer & Mfg. Co. Los Angeles, Calif. Machinists-Ind. 7-52 White Motor Co. Los Ange lea, Calif * Teamsters -AFL 5-52 White Motor Co. Los Angeles, Calif/ Machinists-Ind. 5-52

Professional, Scientific, & Controlling Instruments; Photographic & Optical Goods; Watches & Clocks •■

American Optical Co. . Cleveland, Ohio - FLU-AFL 1 '• 5-51 Ampro Corp. Chicago, 111. . Electrical l/ • * 7-51 Borg, George W., Corp. Janesville, Wise, Machinists-Ind.3-51 General Aniline 8s Film Corp. Johnson City, N. Y. Machinists-:Ind. 6-51 Hersey Mfg., Co.. . Boston, Mass. Machinists-Ind. 3-51 Hersey Mfg.' Co. Boston, Mass.; Molders-AFL ^-51 Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Philadelphia, Pa. Electrical-CIO ‘ • 5-51 Optical Mfgrs. (3) Intrastate - Minn. Optical-CIO 5-51 Ritter Co., Inc. Rochester, N. Y, Pattern Makers-AFL, 6-51 Ritter Co., Inc. Rochester, N. Y. ' Metal Polishers-AFL 6-51 Ritter Co.Inc. . Rochester, N. ‘Y. Molders-AFL 6-51 U. S. Time Corp. • Little Rock, Ark. FLU-AFL v ' 6-51 Weber Dental Mfg., Co. Canton, Ohio Electrical l/ 12-51 Wilcolator Co. Elizabeth, N. J. Electrical l/ 6-52

Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries

All Metal Products Co. Wyandotte, Mich. Playthings-CIO ‘6-51 Allied Silversmiths Assn. New York, N. Y.- Jewelry-AFL- ' 6-52 Chicago Jewelry Mfrs. Assn. Chicago, 111. Jewelry-AFL 6-51* Continental Diamond Fibre Co. Bridgeport, Pa, . Textile-AFL- 6-52 Continental Diamond Fibre Co. 2/lntrastate - Del. Mine, Dist. 50-Ind. 5-51 Créek Chub Bait Co. Garrett, Ind. FLU-AFL 6-51 Dodge, Inc. Los Angeles, Calif. Metal Polishers-AFL 7-51 Dodge, Inc.. Los Angeles, Calif. Jewelry-AFL 7-51 Formica Co. Cincinnati, Ohio Electrical-CIO -7 ■ 5-52 Injection Molding Co. Kansas City, Mo., Handbag-AFL' 8-52 Kurz-Kasch, Inc. Dayton, Ohio Machinists -Ind. ¡ 7-52 Langley Corp. San Diego, Calif. : 3/ 6-51 Mack Molding Co, Wayne, W. J. Rubber-CIO ; 6-51 Moller, M. P., Inc. Hagerstown, Md. FLU-AFL : - 6-51 Northern Indus. Chemical Co. South Boston, Mass. Chemical-AFL 6-51 Ontario Mfg. Co. Munçie, Ind,. Ste.el-CIO 6-51 Precision Rubber Products Corp. Dayton, Ohio Rubber-CIO 6-51 Synthetic Plastics Co. Newark, N. J. Mine., Diet, 50-Ind.. 12-50 Standard Products Co. Mich. & Ohio. Auto-CIO . 8-52 Taflinger, C. E., Pattern Shop Lima, Ohio Pattern Makers-AFL 6-51 Tech-Art Plastics Co., Inc. Long Island, N. Y. Rubber-CIO . . h-5l

...... ; T ...... — - — r - r ---- • " ! - J , w > 1/ Affiliation not shown on agreement. . .. V 2/ Also cover8 Haveg Corp...... 3/ Langley Employees Assn.-Ind. . . .. '• Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industriea (Con11) -

U. S. Rubber Co, Chicago,' 'X1Í ; . Rubber-ClO 6-51 Universal Button Fastening Detroit/ Mich. ■ Auto-CIO .. 6 - 51 - Wolverine Supply & Mfg. Co, Steel-CIÔ ; 4-51

. :■ '.fri*: . Û i > . r • ’ « , t'/; ,--r; r.-". v.. . NONMANUFAGÏURING INDUSTRIES

Metallic1 Mining

Calumet & Hecla Consol. Copper Intrastate - Mich. Steel-CIO 4-51 Hove Sound Co. Holden,. Wash. Mine, Mill l/ 6-52 Inspiration Consol. Copper Co. Inspiration, Ariz, Metal Trade s’-AFL 6-52 Kennecott Copper Corp. Garfield, Utah Electrical-AFL 6-51* Kennecott Copper Corp. Bingham Canyon, Utah Électrical-AFL 6 - 51* National Lead Co. ' Frederlcktown, Mp.. Mine, Mill l/ 6-52 • National Lead Co. Interstate;, ’ , Mine, Mill l/ 6-52 St. Joseph Lead Co. ' Balinati ii:. Ÿ. ; Steel-CIO, ~ 6-52 Taylor-Knapp Co. 1 * * Philipsburg, Mont. Mine, Mill 1/ 6-51

Crude Petroleum1 and Natural Gas Production

Hall, E. B., & Co. Wilmington, Calif.. Oil Workers-CIO . r Kern Oil Co. Ltd.: Los Angeles, Calif. 2/ 6 - 51. Texas Co. Intrastate - Tex. Oil Workers-CIO **

Nonmetallic Mining and Quarrying

American Gilsônite Co. Utah & Colo, Steel-CIO . 6-52 Lynn Sand & Stone Co. Swampscott, Mass, Hod,Carriers-AFL • 5-52 Massillon Washed Gravel Co. Massillon, Ohio ' FLU-AFL . ' -4-51 Ottawa Silica Co. 3/ Rockwood, Mich. Glass, ,.Cerami,prCIO ' 5-51 Westport Sand & Gravel Co. Westport, Mass. , Teamsters-AFL ,4-51* Wyandotte Chemicals Corp. Alpena, Mich. ' FLU-AFL ' ;■ 4-51.-


Assoc. Gen. Contr. of Am. Intrastate - Calif. Bldg. Trades-AFL 4-52 Assoc,- Gen. Contr. of Am. Intrastate - Utah Bldg. Trades-AFL . ,, 5-53 Assoc. Gen. Contr. of Mass. Intrasta^e - Mass. Carpenters-AFL 3- 52' • Assoc. Gen. Contr.'of Mass. Boston, Mass. ' . Bricklayers-AFL 3-52 Assoc. Gen. Contr. of Mass. Intrastate - Mass. Hpd Carriers-AFL . .3-52 . Assoc. Gen. Contr. o f ‘Mass. intrastate - Mass. Plasterers-AFL 3-52 Bldg. Trades Employers Assn. Nev York, N. Y. Bldg,. Trades-AFL 6-53, Conn. Insulators Assn. Intrastate'- Conn. Asbestos .-AFL : 6.-51.. Contr. Painters, Decorators Poughkeepsie, N. Y. . Painters-AFL . 5-51 Contr. of Clarksburg, W. Va. Clarksburg, W. Va.." Hod Carriers-AFL. .3-5:1 Gen. Contracting Employers Assn.Intrastate - N. Y. Engineers-AFL ■ .4-52 Gen. Contracting Employers Assn.Intrastate - N, Y. Bridge-AFL 4-52 Gen. Contr. Assn. 4/ Louisville, Ky. - - Bricklayers-AFL 6-51

l/ Affiliation not shown on agreement. " — — — ■ — 2/ Kern River - St. Helens Employees Assn., Inc.-Ind.. . 3/ Michigan Silica Co, Div. 4/ Also covers Brick Contractors Assn. Construction (Con't)

Highway & Streets Constr. Cos. Pa. & Del. Engineers-AFL 4-51 Insulation Contr. of No. Cal. Interstate Asbestos-AFL 7-51 Lang Co. New Orleans, La. Gas, Coke-CIO 5-51 MacDonald & Kaake, Inc. Marquette, Mich. Hod. Carriers-AFL 4-51 Master Builders Assn. . Interstate Plasterers-AFL 4-52 Master Plumbers Assn. Intrastate - N.J. Plumbing-AFL 3-52 Nat'.1 Electrical Contr, AsBn. Intrastate - Wash. Electrical-AFL 6-52 Newman Wrecking & Salvage Co. Cleveland, Ohio Bridge-AFL 5-51 No. Cal. Conf. of Plumbing Intrastate - Calif. Plumbing-AFL 6-51 Omaha Master Plumbers Assn. Omaha, Neb. Plumbing-AFL 3-51* Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. Bay City, Mich. Painters-AFL 1|-51 S. F. Electrical Contr. Assn. San Francisco, Calif. Electrical-AFL 6-51*

Transportation and Warehousing

Baker & Stanton l/ Eureka, Calif. Teamsters-AFL 2-51 Baltimore Motor Coach Co. Baltimore, Md. Street-AFL 5-52 Bellingham City Lines, Inc. Bellingham, Wash. Street-AFL 5-51 Bd. of Transportation New York, N. Y. Transport Wkrs.-CIO 6-52 Capital Motor Lines Interstate Street-AFL 4-51 Capital Transit Co. Washington, D. C. Street-AFL 6-51 Central 111. Electric & Gas Rockford, 111. Street-AFL 7-51 Cities Service Oil Co. Beaumont, Tex. Oil Workers-CIO 7-51 Cities Service Oil Co. Intrastate - Kans. Oil Workers-CIO 7-51 Cities Service Oil Co. Intrastate - Okla. Oil Workers-CIO 7-51 Cities Service Oil Co. Gladewater, Tex, Oil Workers-CIO 7-51 Citizens Bapid Transit Co. Hampton,. Va. Street-AFL 6-51 City Furniture Moving Cos. (14) Indianapolis, Ind. Teamsters-AFL 7-53 City Lines of W, Va., Inc. Intrastate - W. Va. Street-AFL 6-51 Columbia Transp. Service, Inc. Indianapolis, Ind. Teamsters-AFL 6-52 Columbia Transp. Service, Inc. Indianapolis, Ind. Teamsters-AFL 7-52 Cotton Compress Whses. (11) Galveston, Tex. Longshoremen-AFL 3-52 East Peoria Elevator Co. E. Peoria, 111. FLU-AFL 6-51 Eastern Maas. Street Bailway Intrastate * Mass. Street-AFL , 1-52 Federal Cold Storage Co. Kansas City, Kans. Packinghouse-CIO 4-51. Florida , Inc. Intrastate - Fla. . Street-AFL 6-51 Frisco Transportation Co. Interstate , Bailroad Train.-Ind. 6-51 Gary Bailways, Inc. Gary, Ind. Street-AFL,.. 6-52* Great Lakes Greyhound Lines Inc.Interstate 2/ Street-AFL 1-52* Greyhound Terminal of S. L. St. Louis, Mo. ' ' Street-AFL 1-52 Hampton Boads Maritime Assn. Intrastate - Va. Longshoremen-AFL 9-51 Illini Coach Co. . Intrastate - ill. -.Street-AFL 12-50* Kellogg, Spencer, & Sons, Inc. Des Moines, Iowa V* Teamsters-AFL 6-51 Kellogg, Spencer, & Sons, Inc. Buffalo, N. Y. Longshoremen-AFL 8-51 Key System Transit Lines Oakland, Calif. ' Street-AFL . 5~52 Key System Transit Lines Oakland, Calif. Teamsters-AFL 6.-51 Lexington Bailway System Lexington, Ky. $treet-AFL 6-51* Magnolia Petroleum Co. Intrastate - Tek. .Oil Workers-CIO 6-51 Motor Carriers Council St. Louis, Mo. '• Téamsters-AFL 6-52 Mullins Freezer 3/ Fairhaven, Mass. Tesmsters.-AFL 6-51 •mm . - ' * 1/ Also covers Kornung’s 2/ Also covers Ann Arbor Bus, Inc. 3/ Also covers General Ice & Cold Storage, New Bedford, Mass, - 22 -

Transportation and Warehousing (Con't)

Nashville Gas & Heating Co. Nashville, Tenm •Mine, List. 50-Ind. 7-52 Nat’l Automobile Transporters Interstate Teamsters-AFL 5-52 Nat’l Automobile Transporters Interstate Teamsters-AFL 2-52 Northern Waterway Terminals Minneapolis, Minn. Teamsters-AFL 12-51* Oreg. Draymen & Whsemens. Assn. Portland, Oreg. Teamsters-AFL 4-52 Overseas Transportation Co. , Fla. Teamsters-AFL 6-52 Pacific Greyhound Lines Sacramento, Calif. Machinists-Ind. l/ • 6-51 Pacific Greyhound Lines Albuquerque, N. Mex. Teamsters-AFL 6-51 Railway Express Agency, Inc. ‘Metro. N. Y. District Teamsters-AFL ** San Francisco Bay Toll Bridge San Francisco, Calif. Engineers-AFL 6-51 Savannah Transit Co. Savannah, Ga. Street-AFL 5-51 Seattle Taxicab Operators Seattle, Wash. Teamsters-AFL ■ 4-51 Service Pipe Line Co. Interstate 2/ 5-51 Service Pipe Line Co. Intrastate - Kans. 3/ 6-51 Sinclair Refining Co. Waco, Tex. Oil Workers-CIO 5-51 Southern Kans. Greyhound Lines Intrastate - Kans. Railroad Train.-Ind . 4-51* S. W. Operators Assn. Negó. C. Intrastate - Tex. Teamster3-AFL 5-52 Stockton City Lines, Inc. Stockton, Calif. Street-AFL 6-51 Swallow Coach Lines, Inc. 111. & Ind. Street-AFL 12-50 Taxi Cab Cos. (55) Houston, Tex. Teamsters-AFL 6-51* Taxi Cos. (3) Boise, Idaho Teamsters-AFL 3-51 Texas Co. Tex. & La. Oil Workers-CIO ** Texas Co. Intrastate - Tex. Oil Workers-CIO ** Texas Co. Tulsa, Okla. Oil Workers-CIO ** Transcontinental Bus System 4/ Loo Angeles, Calif. Teamsters-AFL 5-51 Union Stock Yards San Antonio, Tex. Meat Cutters-AFL 2-51 United Traction Co. Intrastate - N. Y. Street-AFL 6-51 Valley Motor Transit Co. ,E. Liverpool, Ohio’ Street-AFL 6-52* Wash., Marlboro & Annap. Motor Md. & D. C. Street-AFL 5-51 Wichita Union Stockyards Co. Wichita, Kans. Packinghouse-CIO 2-51* Yuba City Refrigerating Co. Yuba City, Calif. ' Engineers-AFL 3-52

Water Transportation

Bay 80 River Navigation Co. San Francisco, Calif. Mar. Engineers-CIO 2-52 Boston Towboat Co. Boston, Mass. Maritime-CIO 6-53 Bull, A. H., & Co. New York, N. Y. , Mar. Engineers-CIO 6-51 Collier Owners Assn. Atlantic & Gulf Coast Maritime-CIO 6-53 Esso Shipping Co. New York, N. Y. 5/ 6-51 .Inland Waterways Corp. St. Louis, Mo. Masters-AFL 6-51* Inland Waterways Corp. St. Louis, Mo. Maritime-CIO 6-51* Isthmian Steamship Co. New York, N. Y. Mar. Engineers-CIO 7-51 Jamestown & Newport Ferry Co. Jamestown., R. I. Masters-AFL 7-51 McCarthy, T. J., Steamship Co. Detroit, Mich. 6/ Longshorernen-AFL 2-51 McCarthy, T.. J., Steamship Co. Detroit, Mich, Longshoremen-AFL 2-51 Northwest Towboat Assn. Intrastate - Wash. Seafarers-AFL 5-51. l/ Also covers Teamsters-AFL» 2/ Central States Petroleum Union-Ind. 3/ Employees Assn. of Stanolind Pipe Line Co,-Ind. 4/ Continental Western Lines Division. 5/ Esso Tanker Men's Assn.-Ind. 6/ Lake Transit Co. Division. *’ - 23 -

Water Transportation (Con't)

Socony-Vacuum Oil Co., Inc. New York, N. Y. Telegraphers-AFL 5-51 Socony-Vacuum Oil Co., Inc. New York, N Y. l/ 6-53 Virginian Railway Co. Norfolk, Va. Longshoremen-CIO 6-51 • Warner Co. Pa. & Del. Masters-AFL 12-51 Wheeling Steel Corp. Pittsburgh, Pa. Maritime-CIO 5-52

Telephone and Telegraph

C lifton Forge-Waynesboro Tele.Intrastate - Va. 2/ 6-52 Greenville Telephone Co. Çreenville, Tex. Electrical-AFL 5-51 Ohio Consol. Telephone Co. Intrastate - Ohio Comm. Workers-CIO 7-51 Ohio Consol. Telephone Co. Intrastate - Ohio Comm. Workers-CIO3 / 7-51 Pacific Telephone & TelegraphC alif. & Nev. y . 10-51* Pacific Telephone & TelegraphC alif. & Nev. 5 / 7-51 Pacific Telephone & TelegraphWash. & Idaho Comm. Workers-CIO 8-51 Pacific Telephone & TelegraphIntrastate - Oreg. Comm. Workers-CIO 5-51 Southwestern Bell Telephone Co.Interstate Comm. Workers-CIO 6-51 Southwestern Bell Telephone Co.Okla. & Tex. Comm. Workers-CIO 6-51 Southwestern Bell Telephone Co.I n t e r s t a t e Comm. Workers-CIO6/ 6-51 Southwestern Bell Telephone Co.Interstate Comm. Workers-CIO6/ 6-51 Southwestern Bell Telephone Co.I n t e r s t a t e Comm. Workers-CIO6/ 6-51 Southwestern Bell Telephone Co.Interstate Comm. Workers-CIO£ / 6-51 Southwestern Bell Telephone Co.Tex^ Ark., Okla. Comm. Workers-CIO 7-51 Union Telephone Co. Intrastate - Mich. Electrical-AFL 5-51 Union Telephone Co. Intrastate - Mich. Electrical-AFL 6/ 5-51 Western Union Telegraph Co. National Telegraphers-AFL 3-52

U t i l i t i e s

Altoona & Logan Valley Elec. 7/ Intrastate - Pa. Street-AFL ^-52 Arkansas Power & Light Co. Intrastate - Ark. Electrical-AFL 5-51 Birmingham Electric Co. Birmingham, Ala. Electrical-AFL 2-51 Calif. Water Service Co. Intrastate - Calif. Utility-CIO 6-51 Central Hudson Gas & Electric Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 8/ 6-51 Central Hudson Gas & Electric Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Electrical-AFL 6-51 Central 111. Electric & Gas Co. Rockford, 111. Electrical-AFL 7-51 Dallas Power & Light Co. Dallas, Text Electrical-AFL 3-51 Electric Power Bd. of Chatta. Chattanooga, Tenn. Electrical-AFL 6-51 Florida Power & Light Co. Intrastate - Fla. Electrical-AFL ^-51 Gulf Power Co. Intrastate - Fla. Electrical-AFL 2-51* Mis s is s ippi Power & Light Co. Intrastate - Miss. Electrical-AFL 3-51 New Orleans Pub. Service, Inc. New Orleans, La. 9/ 7-51* New Orleans Pub. Service, Inc. New Orleans, La. 10/ ^-51*

1/ Socony-Vacuum Tanker Men's Assn.-Ind. 2/ Waynesboro-Covington-Clifton Forge Assn. of Indep. Telephone Workers-Ind. 3/ D ifferent Departments. Î/ Organization of Plant Clerical & Office Forces-Ind. 5/ United Bro. of Telephone Workers-Ind. 6/ Different Coverage. 7/ Home Electric Co. B/ Central Hudson Employees Assn.-Ind. 9/ Coop. Electric Distribution Div. Empl. Assn.-Ind. 10/ Coop, Power Div. Employees Assn.•’Ind. - 2k -

Utilities (Con't)

Pennyrile Rural Elëc. Coop. Intrastate - Ky. Electrical-AFL 7-51 Peoples Water & Gas Co. Intrastate - Fla. Chemical-AFL 6-51 Peoples Water & Gas Co. Intrastate - Fla. Chemical-AFL 7-51 Public Service Co. of Colo. Intrastate - Colo. Electrical-AFL 5-53 Pueblo Gas & Fuel Co. Pueblo, Colo. Electrical-AFL 5-53* Sergeant Gas Co. Sergeant, Pa. Mine, Dist. 50-Ind. 6-51 Southern Colo. Power Co. Intrastate - Colo. Electrical-AFL ^-51* Springfield City Water Co. Springfield, Mo. Hod Carriers-AFL l/ 5-51 Wash. Gas & Electric Co. Tacoma, Wash. Engineers-AFL 7-51 Wash. Gas .8c Electric Co. Tacoma, Wash. Office Empl.-AFL 7-51 Wash. Gas & Electric Co. Tacoma, Wash. Plumb ing-AFL 7-51 Wash. Gas & Electric Co. Tacoma, Wash. Bldg. Trades-AFL 7-51 Wise. Gas & Electric Co. Intrastate - Wise. Electrical-AFL 12-50


Aldens Kankakee, Inc. Kankakee, 111. Retail Clerks-AFL 6-52* American News Co. Oakland, Calif. Office Empl.-AFL 3-51 American Oil Co. Carteret, N. J. Oil Workers-CIO 2-51 Assoc. Restaurants of Oreg. Astoria, Oreg. Hotel-AFL 6-51 Brass & Copper Sales Co. St. Louis, Mo. Teamsters-AFL 3-52 Bldg. Materials Cos. Portland, Oreg. Teamsters-AFL 2-52 C & M Produce Co. Pottstown, Pa. Teamsters-AFL 3-51 Caspian Lumber & Coal Co, Caspian, Mich. Teamsters-AFL 5-51 Dairy Products Distributors Sacramento, Calif. Teamsters-AFL ^-51 Dept. Stores - Alteration Depts .Intrastate - Pa. Clothing-CIO 3-51 Distr. Assn. of Northern Cal. Oakland, Calif. Teamsters-AFL 5-53 Erie Dry Goods Co. Erie, Pa. Teamsters-AFL 6-52* Flathead Restaurant Assn. Kalispell, Mont. Hotel-AFL 6-51 Food Employers Council, Inc. Los Angeles, Calif. Bldg. Service-AFL 5-51 Fruehauf Trailer Co. Scranton, Pa. Teamsters-AFL 7-51 Goldariberg Co. Washington, D. C. Teamsters-AFL 3-51 Eobbs, W. ÏÏ., Supply Co. Eau Claire, Wise. Teamsters-AFL 6-51 Howard Supply Co. Vernon, Calif. Teamsters-AFL 5-51 Liquor Cos. (^) Minneapolis, Minn. Teamsters-AFL 5-51 Micy, F.. H., & Co., Inc. 2/ Intrastate - N. J. Teamsters-AFL 5-52 Macy, R. H., & Co., Inc. 2/ Intrastate - N. J. Teamsters-AFL 3/ 5-52 Macy, R. H., 8s Co., Inc. 2/ Morristown, N. J. Carpenters -AFL. 6-51 Mantle 11 Chevrolet Co., Inc. Washington, D. C. Retail Clerks-AFL 6-51 Meyer Br other e. Drug Co. St. Louis, Mo. Distillery-AFL 6-51 Missouda Restaurant,Assn. Missoula, Mont. Hotel-AFL 5-51 Montgomery Ward 8e Co. Muskegon, Mich. Retail Clerks-AFL 7-51 Motor Car Dealers Assn. San Francisco, Calif. Machinists-Ind. 5-52 Nat'l Assn. of Retail Meat Dlrs.Interstate Meat Cutter8-AFL 8-51 Olympia Retail Stores Assn. Olympia, Wash. Retail Clerks-AFL 5-51 Oreg. Beer Distributors Assn. Intrastate - Oreg. Teamsters-AFL 5-51 Ourisman Chevrolet, Inc. Washington, D. C. Retail Clerks-AFL 6-51 Philadelphia Coke Co. Philadelphia, Pa. Retail Clerks-AFL 6-52 Reno Employers Council Reno, Nev. Teamsters-AFL 6-51 Reno Employers Council Reno, Nev. Teamsters-AFL 3/ 6-51 If Aino covers Teamsters-AFL. 2/ L. Bamberger & Co. Div. 3/ Different Occupational Coverage. - 25 -

Trade (Con’t)

■ Reno Employers Council. .. Reno, Nev.. • Teams.ters-AFL ' " 5-51 Retail Food Industry, Inc. Intrastate - Wash. Retail ’Clerks-AFI. 3-51 Retail Food Industry, Inc. Intrastate - Calif. Retail. Clerks-AFL 4-51 Retail Furniture Assn.: of Cal. San Francisco, Calif. Betail Clerks -AFL 7-51 Retail Meat Dealers Phoenix, Ariz. Meat Cutters-AFL 6-51 Rochdale Cooperative, Inc. Washington, D. C, Retail Clerks-AFL 3-51 Safeway Stores, Inc. Richmond,. Va. Retail Clerks-AFL 6-51 Safeway Stores, Inc. Richmond, Va. . Meat Cutters-AFL 6-51 'Safeway Stores, Inc. Rosehurg, Oreg. Meat Cutters-AFL 5-51 Seattle Bakers Bureau, Inc. Seattle, Wash. Retail Clerks-AFL 4-51 • Seattle Dept. Stores Assn. Seattle, Wash. Teamsters-AFL 5-51 So. Oreg. Meat Packers 8s Whsl. Medford, Oreg. Teamsters-AFL 2-51 Standard Beauty Supply Co. New York, N. Y. Retail-CIO ■ 1-52 Standard Oil Co. of Ind. Alton', 111. Teamsters-AFL <' 4-51 Standard Oil Co. of Ind. Duluth, Minn.’ Teamsters-AFL 9-51 Standard Oil Co. of Ind. Joliet, 111. Teamsters-AFL 4-51 Standard Oil Co. of Ind. Intrastate -Mo. . Teamsters-AFL 4-51 Standard Oil Co. of Ind. E . St. Louis, HI. Teamsters-AFL 4-51 Standard Oil Co. of Ind. Des Moines, Iowa Teamsters-AFL 9-51 Stanton, E. J., & Son . Los Angeles, Calif. Teamsters-AFL ; 6-51 Steel Whse. Distributors Intrastate - Calif. Teamsters-AFL ' 6-51 Sterling, Inc, l/ Indianapolis, Ind. Teamsters-AFL 8-52 Texas Co. Bayonne, N. J, 2/ . 6-51 Texas Co. ■ 1 Houston, Tex. Oil Workers-CIO 1-51 Tick, Paul, Liquor Co. Centralia, 111. Teamsters-AFL 5-51 United Employers, Inc. Intrastate - Calif. • Office Empl.-AFL 5-52 United Employers, Inc. Intrastate --Calif.. Retail Clerks-AFL 3-55 Westinghouse Electric Supply Oakland, Calif,' ' Teamsters-AFL 5-51 Whitehead Metal Products Co. New York, NvYvv Teamsters-AFL 1-52 Wholesale Electric Assn. Chicago, 111;. , Teamsters-AFL 9-51

Services > N. , » . v - ■ . ,♦ Allen Carpet Cleaning & Rug Buffalo, N. Y. Teamsters-AFL 7-51 Assoc. Industries of Helena Helena, Mont. Machinists-Ind. 3-51 Automotive Maint, & Garage Assn.San Francisco, Calif. Machinists-Ind. 5-52 Automotive Maint. & Garage Assn.San Francisco, Calif. Painters-AFL 5-52 Bldg. Owners 8s Managers Assn. San Francisco, Calif. Bldg. Service-AFL 5-51 Bldg. Owners 8c Managers Assn. San Francisco, Calif. Bldg. Service-AFL 3/ 5-51 Central Laundries Co. Jersey City, N. J. Laundry-AFL 9-5.1 Cleaners 8s Launderers Inst. Minneapolis, Minn, Firemen-AFL 2-51 Cleghorn Truck Service Los Angeles, Calif, Machinists-Ind. 6-51 Chicago Laundry Owners Assn. Chicago, 111, Engineers-AFL 7-51 City Laundry 8s Dry Cleaning Intrastate - Ohio Laundry-AFL 2-53 Continental Life Insurance Co. Interstate 4/ 6-52 Copley Plaza Co. Boston, Mass, Bldg, Service-AFL 6-51 Curry Motor Sales Marion, 111. Machinists-Ind. 3-51 Davis Laundry Sc Cleaning Co. Intrastate - Ohio Laundry-AFL 2-53 Empire State Chain Store Cl. Interstate Clothing-CIO 3-52 Empl, Assn. of Southern Nev. Lae Vegas, Nev. Teamsters-AFL ** Evening News Assn. Detroit, Mich. Broadcast-Ind. 1-52 l/ Pearson’s Furniture & Music Stores Div, 2/ Bayonne Texaco Employees Assn. Inc,-Ind. 3/ Different Locals 4/ Continental Employees Assn.-Ind. Foster & Kleiser* .Co-. Interstate Bill Post.ers-AFL 6-52* Fruehauf Trailer Cro. . »-i-Phoenix, Ariz> •Machinists-Ind. 6-51 Fruehauf Trailer' C:o. " . ‘ :• r Springfield/Mo-. AutOr-AFL /, -.7-52 ■ Fruehauf; Trailer: Co ; ■ ; Cleveland^ Ohio . n Machinists-Ind. 6-52 FrUehauf Trailer Co." South Bend, Ind. Teamsters -AFL .- 7 - 52 International Harvester Co, Spokane, Wash. Teamsters.-AFL • - - 3-51* International Harvester Co. Spokane, Wash. Machinists-Ind. k-51* International Harvester Co. Intrastate - Pa. Machinists-Ind, .. 6-51* International Harvester Co. Intrastate - Pa. Teamsters-AFL : 6-51* International Harvester Co. Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Auto-AFL 2-51* International Harvester Co. Denver, Colo. Machinists-Ind. 5-51* International Harvester Co. Terre Haute, Ind. Teamsters-AFL 5-52 International Harvester Co. Toledo, Ohio Machinists-.Ind., 7-52* International Harvester Co. Davenport, Iowa Machinists-Ind., ... 8-52 International Harvester Co. Billings, Mont. Machinists-Ind.:. , 5-51* International Harvester Co. Des. Moines, Iowa Machinists-Ind. .7-52 International Harvester Co. .Sacramento, Calif. Machinists-Ind. 6-51 International Harvester Co. •Abilene, Texas Machinists-Ind. 7-51* King Cty. Auto Dlrs. Assn. Intrastate - Wash. Machinists-Ind. 4-51* King Cty. Tire Dlrs. Assn. Intrastate- - Wash. Teamst.ers-AFL ,5-51 Martinez Community Hospital : Martinez, Calif. Bldg.' Service-AFL , 6-51

National Savings Bank Albany, N. X. Offico& Prof. l/ ... 6-51 Northwest News Service Duluth, Minn. Teamsters-AFL 7.' 6-52 Press WirelesSy Inc/" '! National Telegraphers-AFL 2-51 S. F. Cleaners; & Dyers 2/ San Francisco,. Calif. 6-51 Snohomish Cty ; Auto Dlrs. Assn. Everett, Wash. Machinists-Ind. k-51 Snowflake 'Lauridry Dry Clean. Intrastate * Ohio Laundry-AFL 2-53 Tam Engineering Córp. Tacoma, Wash. Machinists-Ind. 5-51 Tip Top Service, Inc. Intrastate - Ohio Laundry-AFL 2-53 Troy Laundry & Cleaning Co. Intrastate - Ohio Laundry-AFL 2-53 Western Exterminating Co. Newark, N. J. LIU-CIO 6-51 White Swan Laundry South Bend, Ind. Laundry-AFL 5-51 Workingman’s Overall Supply 3/ Akron, Ohio Laundry-AFL 6-51


Board of Education Hazel:.Park,' Mich., State, C ounty-AFL 6-51 City of Miles Mile s., City, Mont. State, County-AFL 6-51

1/ Affiliation not shown on agreement. 2/ Also covers San Francisco Cleaners, Coop. Cleaners & Dyers Assn. of the Peninsular and Independent, shops and plants. • 3/ Also covers Mechanics Overall Co.