Frederick R. Selch Collection of American Music History Inventory of Minimally-Described Books (Not Represented in Oberlin’S Library Catalog)
Oberlin Conservatory Library Special Collections Frederick R. Selch Collection of American Music History Inventory of Minimally-Described Books (not represented in Oberlin’s Library Catalog) (updated Dec 2016) P a g e | 1 Selch # Author, Title, and Additional Notes S-1 Walter, Thomas The Grounds and Rules of Musick Explained Boston: ca.1759-1765. Oblong 16mo. Lacking title page, pages [iii]-iv, and one additional leaf of text. Lacking pp. 4 and 15 of music. S-2 Bedos de Celles, Francois. L'Art Du Facteur D'Orgues. Par D. Bedos De Celles. M. DCC. LXVI. [ovsz] [ . Seconde Partie. M. DCC. LXX.] [ . Troisieme Partie. 1778] [Paris]: 1766 - 1778. 3 volumes. Folio. 676pp + 134 plates (of 137, lacking 50, 77, and 79). Recent half-leather. Without the 32 pages of preliminaries called for by Gregory, and by Wolffheim. S-3 Walther, Johann Gottfried. Musicalisches Lexicon Oder Musicalische Bibliothec . Leipzig, verlegts Wolffgang Deer, 1732. Leipzig: 1732. First edition. 8o. [16] 659 [10]pp. Engraved frontis 22 plates of musical examples. Contemporary vellum. S-4 Hill, W. Henry; Arthur R. Hill, and Alfred Hill. Antonio Stradivari, His Life And Work (1644- 1737) . London, William E. Hill & Sons, Violin Makers, 140, New Bond Street, W. 1902. London: 1902. One of 100 copies. Folio. xvi 303 [1]pp. Full morocco gilt. S-19 The Book Of Common Prayer, And Administration of the Sacraments, And other Rites and Ceremonies, As revised and proposed to the Use of The Protestant Episcopal Church, At a Convention . Held in Philadelphia, from September 27th to October 7th, 1785. Philadelphia, Printed by Hall and Sellers: And sold for the Benefit of sundry Corporations and Societies, instituted for the Support of the Widows and Children of deceased Clergymen.
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