catalogue twenty-five Thomas a. Goldwasser rare Books terms of sale: Sales tax added for California residents. Libraries may be billed to suit their budgets. Mastercard, Visa, and American Express accepted Thomas A. GoLdwasse r RarE Bo okS 5 Third Street, Suite 530 San Francisco, CA 94103 tel. (415) 292-4698 fax (415) 292-4782
[email protected] 1 (The Allen Press). Goll, Yvan. Four Poems of the Occult. Edited and with introductions by Francis Car- mody. Illustrations by Fernand Léger, Pablo Picasso, Yves Tanguy & Jean Arp. kentfield, California:1962 . Folio, five volumes in wrappers, with publisher’s chemise and lightly worn cloth slipcase as issued, fine condition. 98 unnumbered leaves, 11 x 16 inches. one of 130 copies, printed on the handpress, on rives paper, with hand-colored initials and decorations by Mallette dean. Signed by Lewis and dorothy Allen, and Mallette dean. The translations were chosen and edited by Carmody; except for “Elegy of Iphetonga” this is their first publication in English, also the first time the illustrations were reproduced. Arp’s engravings were printed from his original blocks, Tanguy’s etchings were reproduced by line engravings and Picasso’s lithographs by gravure. “our most formidable and ambitious undertaking,” The Allen Press Bibliography, 25. .$2,750 2 Arp, (hans) Jean. Soleil Recerclé. Paris: Louis Broder, 1986. First edition. 61 p., folio, 49 x 39 cm. wrap- pers, in publisher’s vellum backed chemise and slipcase. one of 150 copies, all printed on vélin. Fine con- dition. 19 woodcuts, including one numbered and signed woodcut printed on handmade rives, and text by Arp.