Mantodea (Insecta), with a Review of Aspects of Functional Morphology and Biology

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Mantodea (Insecta), with a Review of Aspects of Functional Morphology and Biology aua o ew eaa Ramsay, G. W. 1990: Mantodea (Insecta), with a review of aspects of functional morphology and biology. Fauna of New Zealand 19, 96 pp. Editorial Advisory Group (aoimes mae o a oaioa asis MEMBERS AT DSIR PLANT PROTECTION Mou Ae eseac Cee iae ag Aucka ew eaa Ex officio ieco — M ogwo eae Sysemaics Gou — M S ugae Co-opted from within Systematics Group Dr B. A ooway Κ Cosy UIESIIES EESEAIE R. M. Emeso Eomoogy eame ico Uiesiy Caeuy ew eaa MUSEUMS EESEAIE M R. L. ama aua isoy Ui aioa Museum o iae ag Weigo ew eaa OESEAS REPRESENTATIVE J. F. awece CSIO iisio o Eomoogy GO o 1700, Caea Ciy AC 2601, Ausaia Series Editor M C ua Sysemaics Gou SI a oecio Mou Ae eseac Cee iae ag Aucka ew eaa aua o ew eaa Number 19 Maoea (Iseca wi a eiew o asecs o ucioa mooogy a ioogy G W Ramsay SI a oecio M Ae eseac Cee iae ag Aucka ew eaa emoa us wig mooogy eosigma cooaio siuaio acousic sesiiiy eece eaiou egeeaio eaio aasiism aoogy a ie Caaoguig-i-uicaio ciaio AMSAY GW Maoea (Iseca – Weigo SI uisig 199 (aua o ew eaa ISS 111-533 ; o 19 IS -77-51-1 I ie II Seies UC 59575(931 Date of publication: see cover of subsequent numbers Suggese om o ciaio amsay GW 199 Maoea (Iseca wi a eiew o asecs o ucioa mooogy a ioogy Fauna of New Zealand [no.] 19. —— Fauna o New Zealand is eae o uicaio y e Seies Eio usig comue- ase e ocessig ayou a ase ie ecoogy e Eioia Aisoy Gou a e Seies Eio ackowege e oowig co-oeaio SI UISIG awco – sueisio o oucio a isiuio M C Maews – assisace wi oucio a makeig Ms A Wig – assisace wi uiciy a isiuio MOU AE ESEAC CEE SI Miss M oy – assisace wi uiciy a isiuio M W emoe - assisace wi eaaio o awok Ms M essie - ooeucio o ie iusaios AIOA MUSEUM O EW EAA M G Ois – ciica aaisa o MS coiuio o coe e isecs eice ae Orthodera novaezealandiae, emae (aoe a Miomantis caffra, emae (eow © Cow Coyig uise y SI uisig O o 971 Weigo ew eaa ASAC Ooea oaeeaaiae (Coeso (Ooeiae a Miomais caa Saussue (Maiae ae e oy wo secies o mai esaise i ew eaa O oaeea- aiae is aoomicay ey cose o some ouaios o O miisais (aicius i Ausaia wi wic i as geeay ee egae as syoymous; i is ee eaime as a isic secies M caa a soue Aica secies was iscoee i ew eaa i 197 a is ow esaise aou Aucka a seaig e aoomy a saus o ese secies ae ouie a caaces isiguisig ewee em i a ie sages ae auae a iusae Mooogy a ie isoy ae escie i eai wi aicua aeio o aiaio i wig eaio a geia caaces e isoy o mai cassiicaio is iscusse a seea asecs o mai mooogy a ioogy ae ciicay eiewe om a wowie esecie i e ig o a eaie eamiaio o e ew eaa secies ese ae (a emoa us; ( wig mooogy; (c eosigma; ( cooaio; (e siuaio; ( acousic sesiiiy; (g eece eaiou; ( egeeaio; (i eaio (o mais; ( aasiism; (k aoogy; (1 ie SEMs sow eais o e emoa us eosigma a cycoea ea (acousic eceo CECKIS O AA eeeces 57 age Iusaios 7 amiy MAIAE 1 aoomic ie 9 Suamiy OOEIAE 11 Geus Ooea umeise 13 11 oaeeaaiae (Coeso 1 1 ACKOWEGMES 24Suamiy MAIAE 25Geus Miomais Saussure, 17 a mais e o aac moe a ei ai sae o 25caffra Saussure, 171 uic iees a eusiasm as ceaiy ee an ime- us uig e eaaio o is suy May eoe ae sow a kee iees gaeig a suyig ioma- COES io iscussig ieas a eig suo i may ways I am gaeu o e eusiasm a e wiigess o e Ackowegmes 5 a ae ee so eie Ioucio Suoe Maoea 6 Oe e yeas sa o e Sysemaics Gou (SI Cassiicaio 7 a oecio — eeey ee o ey o Ceay ew eaas mais 8 Gace a eggy ee Magae ocke — ae as- esciios (see Ceckis o aa 1 sise wi eaig a oseaios; o ugae a Secies eee om e aua 35 ee Maiso ae ee wi secimes a ioma- eiew o asecs o ucioa mooogy io; o ugae a o ey ae ee wi e a ioogy (a emoa us 3 ieiicaio o eaos a aasies (eioea a ( Wig mooogy 3 ymeoea eseciey; a eo Cosy as cosey (c eosigma 1 osee e mais i is esicie-ee gae o a ( Cooaio 3 ume o yeas a mae e iscoeies a iomaio (e Siuaio 44 esuig om is iees eey aaiae ( Acousic sesiiiy 5 Mais essie o oogaic Secio M Ae (g eece eaiou 9 eseac Cee as eae mais ake oogas ( egeeaio 5 a aso coiue iomaio o Gaie o (i eaio 5 Ceaie Aucka wi e gea eusiasm o aue ( aasiism 5 as osee isecs a oe ceaues i e eauiu (k aoogy 53 esicie-ee gae o may yeas I aicua se as (1 ie 53 eae o secies o mai a e iees as esue —5— i auae oseaios a useu iomaio wic IOUCIO ae ee icooae io e ese wok Museum sa ae co-oeae wi iomaio aou ayig mais ae e a og-saig asciaio a e mai secimes ue ei cae Kei Wise a iees o maki a eaue omiey i e ai- osemay Gie (Aucka Museum o Ois a ios a myoogy o some cuues - i Aica Euoe amea ois (aioa Museum Aoy Sai (Ca- Cia a aa o isace; ey aea i o Aica euy Museum a Aoy ais (Oago Museum cae awigs a o a oma coi (KM ua es So oo ae may oe eomoogiss o Cowey comm ey ae ee e suec o ok-aes a o (Aucka Uiesiy Geoge Gis (icoia Uie- aces; a ae Maoea coeogae y assii siy ee os (Caeuy Uiesiy a Wawick Suic a is eome i as egas i 197 was es- o (Oago Uiesiy; i Aucka O Gee (MA ee uig e 19- seasos y e oya ew ea- Keiase (MA a C Gee (oC; i ooua Μ a ae Comay (Ao 195 e uic eceio ua (I; i Weigo M Meas (SI Ecoogy o mais as eocious eaos is aso someimes e- a equis (MA; i Ciscuc Macaae oie i caoos o eame e eyig ougas (SI a oecio; a i Oago G Mcae (Aacus 19 (SI a aick (oC Wa ae e ioogica eaiies ueyig ese im- I e iae seco Ms Meie (Aucka Ms ages a eceios? S au (Waieke Isa Wiig (owick Ca- es ei (Aucka eis Gi (amio Eie McCu- Suborder Mantodea ceo a ak Cames (aaaki Ia Mcea ayig mais ae eoeygoe isecs a is ei (Weso aso Case (Ciscuc a umeous wigs eeo as eea us o e oa o e ym oe esos ae suie iomaio M om aies a icease i sie a eac mou e wigs ae ige o aumoaa awkes ay as ee aicuay eu oug a seies o sceies a so ca e oe aog e i oaiig secimes om Coesos ye ocaiy a oy - a caaceisic o e isec iacass eoea soiciig oe iomaio Mie Aeue Scoo aeoa Mais ae moeae-sie o age isecs wi yica a Waioa Coege assise i gaeig iomaio ooeoi mouas (ie maies maiae ec e iaias a SIs M Ae eseac Cee - eeoe o iig a cewig a wi age aoia eaee Muggeige ea Smi Maeee oy i oeegs wic ae eogae moie coae A secies Uwi a Maia eie - ae aways ee mos eu ae eaceous cauig isecs o sies wi oaiig ieaue; a amea Gie (M as e ea wic is o coee y e ooum as i is assise wi ceai esoeic ieaue ciaios i e aoea is eey moae wi age goose o esos oeseas ae aso assise i may ways coica comou eyes a ee ocei; e ocei ae aeso a K Key (CSIO Caea; e ae someimes age i maes a occasioay ae os i Ma eie (auisoisces Museum iea; emaes e aeae ae see a iiom wi um- ause (Muséum isoie auee Geea; A eous segmes e maia as ie-segmee as a Kaeac (auisoisces Museum iea wo is e aium ee-segmee as ieiie e ew eaa ouaio o Miomantis ca e ooum is usuay eogae aow a moay Gaeme owe a Ms Masa (iis Mus--fra; aace o e mesooa e emoa a iiae o e eum (aua isoy; GM isia (iso Mus- aoia oeegs ae ows o sies o ei oosig eum awaii; M oe (M; a o KMcE suaces a e iia emiaes i a sa cue su Kea (yma Eomoogica Museum Macoa Co- e mie a i egs ae oma wakig egs wi o ege McGi Uiesiy Caaa wo as mae may secia moiicaios A asi ae ie-segmee ee eu commes aou e ucioa mooogy a ae wo ais o wigs wic may e euce o ase i ioogy secio o is wok My wie ee as aiey emaes A es e wigs ae oe aog e aome ea oug a commee o aious as e oewig is aow a eaey wi a sma aa I geay aeciae e skis o au Suea i e oe a e i wig is memaous wi a aow eaaio a oogay o secimes o SEM eam- aeio ae a oa a-ike aa oe e eaio iaio a o es emoe i e eaaio o some o o wigs is caaceisic i mais a is iscusse iusaios i eai o 3-1 o a ese esos I say a sicee ak you a e osoeay aee aome comises eee oe a e uicaio o is wok wi e some ecom- segmes icuig oe o moe euce emia seg- ese o ei eos a suo mes ee is a ai o segmee ceci i o sees e -6- mae geiaia ae asymmeica e i seum (su- eiea ei eaig o a weak cuia uow; a i e geia ae usuay eaig a ai o syi I e emae i wig e asece o e is aa ei ece i e see seum oms a ce sugeia ae wic imiie secies a e esece o a -cu1 coss-ei suous e ee ais o sma aes o e oiosio e isiuio o Maoea is esseiay oica o e aimeay caa is eaiey so a saig wi suoica wi a ew secies i emeae egios (eie a age co a si-ooe o si-ie oeicuus a 1939 e oe comises aoimaey 1 secies eig mi-gu caeca ee ae moe a a ue ie ogaise io moe a 3 geea a eig amiies Maigia uues Geea accous o e Maoea ae ee gie y e ioi comosome ume ages om 15 o 39 Sa (195 Coa (199 eie (19 19 Key a e maes ae mosy O aoug i some geea e (197 Kaeac (197 icas aies (1977 a se eemiaio sysem is ΧΧ 2 Y ow (19 e egg-case (ooeca o mais is uique om 1 o e cose eaiosi a commo oigi o e Ma- o moe eggs ae ai i a oy ooeca wic may e oea a aoea as og ee ackowege a as eeoe i a ige sogy eeoe aso ouce y ee iey summaise y u (19 Caaces i e emaes accessoy gas e ooeca wic as a commo ae esece o uaie aomia gagia in caaceisic om i eac geus o secies is usuay e eous sysem; simia eea mooogy aomi- aace o suaces suc as sems ak o ocks u is a muscuaue a aomia aeages; scae aicu- ace i e soi y memes o some geea e emyos aio wi e ea casue comisig a mi-ea om a ai o ciious acig eas (uique amogs eesio o e aea sceie; oeicuus coica aoos om wic e ewy emege ym is wi eig uua gasic caeca a is ucio wi e mi- susee uig is is mou e yms (miiaue gu; iea sucue o e oeicuus amos iei- aus icease i sie a eac mou o wic ee ae ca; oewig Cu2 caaceisicay cue a acig om ie o ie a e wig-as geiaia a ae- o Cu1 simia (agge 1955; aageme o aa eis a segmes icease ooioaey a eac sage e o i wig ieica ece a 1 is os i mais wig as o o eese ei oieaio i e ae (agge 1955 yma sages as ey o i oe ooeoi isecs suc as e Gyacioiea eigoioiea Gyoiea Classification a Acioiea Kowege o e Maoea is isuiciey aace as e cooaio o mais es o e cyic macig ye o a eiiie cassiicaio o ae ee ouce; a o ei eee aia - oiage o ak o e soi e sysem is si eeoig (oy 197a I 139 we suace a so o Someimes ea-ike easios o e Auie-Seie ouce is mooga o e Oo- oy a ims ae eeoe May secies ae o ea e mais wee ace i oe amiy a cassiie sikig
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