Brotherhood, Oriental Philosophy, Art. Literature and Occultism

EDITED BY ... f \\ .

p. ANNIE BESANT, t. s. . . "v v-


PART 1. October 1910 to March 1911



1911 Generated for Dannu Hutwohl (University of New Mexico) on 2016-01-07 00:14 GMT / Public Domain in the United States, Google-digitized / THE NEW YORK PUBLIC, LIBRARY , f M

A8TOR, LENOX ANO T1LOEN FOUNDATIONS. R 1911 L Generated for Dannu Hutwohl (University of New Mexico) on 2016-01-07 00:14 GMT / Public Domain in the United States, Google-digitized / INDEX

PAGE Activity, Desire and Color, by D. Van Hinloopen Labberton ...... 962 Ancient Indian Medicine, by K. Narayanasvami Iyer ...... 65 Astrological Symbolism and the Sacred Word, by H. E. M. M. 227 A Theosophist : His Relation to Himself and to Others, by William M. Thompson ...... 898 Baz Bahadur and Rupmati, by Dr. A. K. Coomara- 8v5mi ...... 450 Brotherhood of Friends, The, by Baij Nath Singh ... 909 Brotherhood of Religions, The, by Annie Besant ...... 19, 185, 327, 481, 72 J,

Centres of Magnetism, by C. W. Leadbeater ... . './..'.. /931 Chantecler as a Mystic Play, by Jean Delaire . .. .678, ' Contemporaries, Onr, by B. P. W. ... -...1^0,-4^5.--_: ' ' Cross of Calvary, The, by Eva Blytt ... , .:.;'.. jfljQ?/' ' Doctor Indeed, A, by Elisabeth Severs ... ..''»'»..'. 686 ' Doctrine of the Great Self in Western Philosophy, \..' by H. S. Albarns ...... 73 Education and the Will, by Mash-Mak ...... 40 Estimate of the probable effect on the Modern World of the Life of a Master of Wisdom, by Helen Veale ...... 43 Evolution and Socialisation of Memory, The, by Johan van Manen ...... 123 Extracts from Unpublished Letters ...... 988 From Pessimism to Mysticism, by Dr. J. R. Spensley ...... 776 Gems from Tirumantram ...... 231,444 Hidden Side of Insanity, The, by H. O. Wolfe- Murray ...... 201 Iamblichus on the Mysteries, by Annie Lewton...... 359 Generated for Dannu Hutwohl (University of New Mexico) on 2016-01-07 00:14 GMT / Public Domain in the United States, Google-digitized / iv INDEX

PAGE Illustrations :

After the Day's Work is Over Facing Page 605-608 Baz Bahadur and Rupmati 450 Benares : Burning Ghat 628-30 Benares : Pud and other

Temples ... » 628-30 Buddha Gaya 628-30

Chidambaram n 628-30 Common Village Scene in Central

India, A n 605-608

Countess Wachtmeister, The n 972 Damodar K. Mavlahkar ii 281

Dr. Rudolf Steiner ... u 121 Group of Blind Beggars, A » 605-608 Headquarters of the T. S., Adyar, Madras ... 473 ..'.-'Hill Temple in the Himalayas ...

. :.' near Hardwar 628-30 Hindi!: Cremation, A ... ii 605-608 ' '...'itiijdu Fakir on the Banks of the '

'.; Jj;elum, A ii 605-608 '''-.H;-'>. JJlavatsky » 676 H.'S.Dlcott (colored) ... ii 677 Incense (colored) ii 685

Indian Basket M akers ... » 605-608 Laila and Majnun ii 297 Madame Kamensky ... 835 Madura: Entrance to the Holy of Holies... 628-30

Madura : Interior of the Hall of Thousand Pillars ... 628-30 Main Deccan Street, The, Hydera bad ii 605-608

Mohurrum Taboot, A . . . ii 605-608 Mysterious Tibetan MSS., The, (Facsimile.) 572 Generated for Dannu Hutwohl (University of New Mexico) on 2016-01-07 00:14 GMT / Public Domain in the United States, Google-digitized / INDEX V

PAGE One of the Pars! Towers of Silence Facing Page 605-608 Pars! Priest, A ...... „ 605-608 Picturesque Buddhist Monastery, A „ 628-30 Plan of the Headquarters of the T. S. at Adyar ...... „ 8 Ploughing the Fields in Southern India ...... „ 605-608 Potter's Thumb, The ...... „ 605-608 Rai Bahadur Norendran&th Sen „ 694 Rameshvaram ...... „ 628-30 Rustic Water-lift in an Indian Village ...... „ 605-608 Sawing ...... „ 605-608 Seal of the T. S., The, (colored) „ 480 Serf Boat, A, Madras ...... „ 605-608 Ratri ...... „ 140 Sugar in Process of Manufacture from the sugar-cane ... „ 605-608 Tanjore : The great Gopuram ... „ 628-30 Tanjore:The great Stone Bull ... „ 628-30 T. SubbaRao ...... „ 445 Temple of Jaggannath, Puri ... „ 628-30 Village Weavers ...... „ 605-608 Weird Musical Instrument, A ... „ 605-608 Incense, by A...... 685 Indian Temples, by A Brother ...... 628 In Djinnistan Again, by Nina de Gernet ...... 212 International Union of Arts and Crafts, by A. L. Pogosky...... 976

Intervals between Lives, The, by C. W. Leadbeater . . . 270 In the Outer Court, by Alba ...... 593 In the Name of Brotherhood, by B. Mariette ...... 887 Laila and Majnun, by Dr. A. K. Coomarasvami ... 297 Literature of the Unseen, The, by A. Colquhoon . . . 742 Magazines, Academical, by Dr. F. Otto Schrader 310, 1007 Magazines, Theosophical, by X. ... 154, 313, 472, 862, 1011 Generated for Dannu Hutwohl (University of New Mexico) on 2016-01-07 00:14 GMT / Public Domain in the United States, Google-digitized / vi INDEX

PAGE Magic in Old Atlantis, by Annie Besant ... 495 Master-Builder, The, by Kaber Harrison 29 Memory of Past Life, A ... 104 Modes of Individualisation, by C. W. Leadbeater ... 105 Mona-Reulta, by Josephine Ransom ...... 598 Mysterious Tribes, by Bai (H. P. B.) ...... 9, 171 Mysterious Manuscript, A, by Johan van Manen ... 570 Occult Origin of Nobility, The, by H. O. Wolfe- Murray ... 349 Our Founders, by His Successor ... 676

Pokms : Ascetic's Revel, The, by B. C. Mitra 48 Death, the Deliverer, by U. M. B. 837 Echo, An, by F. T. M. ... 376 In the Shadow, by Felix Infelix ... 627 Invocation, by Dr. W. A. English 211 Prayer of a Mystic, by Lily Nightingale Duddington 184 Seelendaemmerung, by C. Reinheimer 340 Se Vis Pacem, by M. H. Charles 200 This is my Babylon, by Baeda 592 Voice from the Night, A, by Margaret Eagles Swayne 269 Without two Wings no flight, by M. H. Charles ...... 366 White Sail, The, by Margaret Eagles Swayne 775 Prodigal Son, The, by Dudley Wright 927 Real Dignity of Indian Maths, by G. K. Harkare 299 Re and Isis, by Dr. J. R. Spensley 367 Reincarnation : An Islamic Doctrine, by 0. S. M. 49 Religion of Goethe, The, by Dr. F. Otto Schrader 55, 232, 377

Rents in the Veil of Time : Lives of Alcyone (xv —xxx) 83, 243, 397, 631, 787 Lives of Mizar — 954 (i ii) ... Generated for Dannu Hutwohl (University of New Mexico) on 2016-01-07 00:14 GMT / Public Domain in the United States, Google-digitized / indbx vii

PAGE Notes on Infe xxviii, by B. P. Wadia ...... 673 Additional Dramatis Person® ...... 816

Rkvibws : Above Life's Turmoil, by G. G...... 994 Alchemy of Happiness, The, by B. P. W...... 997 Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution for 1908, by B. P. W...... 141 Art of Translation, The, by J. v. M...... 451 Bhagavad-Gita Transliteration, by J. v. M. ... 846 Bhagavad-Gita (Dutch), by J. V. M...... 848 Bhagavad-Glta (Spanish), by J. v. M...... 841 Jfian, Theosophy or Khudashenasi, by B. P. W...... 147 Brahman's Wisdom, The, by J. v. M. Builders, The, by W. A. E...... 996 Caste System, The, by J. v. M...... 458 CongriS's de l'union Internationale VegGtarienne, by J. v. M...... 999 Crowds and the Veiled Woman, The, by A. B. ... 142 Das Mysterium des Menschen im Lichte der psychischen Forschung, by J. v. M...... 306 Decline of Vegetarianism in Ceylon, by J. v. M. ... 997 Dictionary of some Theosophical Terms, A, by A. B...... 301 Dorothea, by B. P. W. ,...... 850 Patalo Suldo, by J. v. M...... 850 Prom Passion to Peace, by G. G...... 845 Prom the Bottom up, by E. S. ... '...... 456 Glimpses of the Orient of to-day, B. P. W. ... 302 Hindu Sea- Voyage Problem, by B. D...... 847 Histoire Sommaire de 1'Arbitrage permanent, by J. v. M 1001 House of Strange Work, The, by B. P. W. ... 459 Idyll of the White Lotus, The, by A. B. ... 302 Influence of the Mind on the Body, by G. G. ... 842 Inherent Law of Life, The, by A. B...... 141 In the Forest, by B. P. W...... 462 Key to your own Nativity, The, by A. B. ... 839 Generated for Dannu Hutwohl (University of New Mexico) on 2016-01-07 00:14 GMT / Public Domain in the United States, Google-digitized / INDEX


La Bhagavad-Gita , . . 309 Law of Psychic Phenomena, by M. C. V. G. ... 144 ' ' Le Eas Bnnyan et le Temperament psycho logique, by J. v. M. ... 1003 Living the Life, by S. R...... 1004 Manual of Occultism, A, by M. H. H. ... 1002 Miscelaneas Egiptologicas, by J. v. M. ... 460 Notes on the Gospel and Revelation of S. John, by K. B 998 Orpheus, Histoire Generale des Religions, by J. v. M...... 147 Pagal Haranath, by A. B. ... 146 Pamphlets 149, 851 Path Theosophical Calendar, The, by B. P. W. ... 1001 Psychic Science Series, by S. R. .. 1005 Psychism, by B. P. W. ... 142 Sacred Books of the Hidus, by A. B. ... 143 Sangifca Sara, by A. S. ... 305, 850 Science des Religions et le Probleme Reli- gienx au XXe Siecle, La, by J. v. M. ... 303 Seven Essays on Theosophy and Architecture, by W. H. K. ... 843 Student's Chart of the Lives of Alcyone, by B. P. W...... 461 Subodhachandra, by B. P. W. ... 1003 Suggestive Power of Hypnotism, The, by G. G. ... 1000 Theosofie, de Theosofische Vereeniging en de Theosofische Beweging, by J. v. M. ... 462 Theosophy, by B. P. W...... 993 Transactions of the Educational Conference of 1909, by A. B. ... 302 Translations 309, 851 Treatise on Electrical Theory and the Problem of the Universe, by G. E. S. ... 301 Universal Text Book of Religion and Morals, The, byB. P. W...... 840 Vejen till Sundhed, by J. v. M. ... 461 Voice of the Ancient, The, by J. v. M. ... 995 Vyasashrama Publications, by B. ... 851 Generated for Dannu Hutwohl (University of New Mexico) on 2016-01-07 00:14 GMT / Public Domain in the United States, Google-digitized / INDEX ix

PAGE Within the Holy of Holies, by E. B. C ... 309 Saved by a Ghost, by C. W. Leadbeater ... 502

Scenes from Indian Life, by A Lover of India ...... 605 Seal of the Society, The, by A Student ... 479 Shadow, Light, Freedom, by Brmial Hood ... 970 Shiva Rjtyri, by Dr. A. K. Coomarasvami ... 140 Signs of the Future in Modern Drama, by Eveline Lauder ... 341

Supplement : Adyar Library, The, Presents to xi

Buddhist Schools, The ... ii, ix, xv

Convention of 1910, The ... i

Financial Statements ii, vi, ix, xvii Gone to the Peace XV Headquarters' Improvements xvi Lodges Dissolved xix Lodges, New ...... iv, viii, xix National Society in Switzerland ... xix Scheme for the International exchange of

Publications between National Societies, A ... vii T. S. Order of Service ... iv, v, x 1st October, 1910 v Symbolism of the Sun, by Diana Read ... 753 Swedenborg, the Prince of Seers, by Pestonji Dorabji Khandalavala ...... 912 Talismans, by C. W. Leadbeater ... 434

Theosophy, Elementary : Man and His Mortal Bodies, by Annie Besant 137, 294 . Man's Immortal Bodies, by Annie Besant . . ... 706 Three Threads of the Cord of Fats, by Annie Besant ... 832 Theosophy in Many Lands ... 158,317,4 66, 852, 1015

Theosophical Worthies : Rudolf Steiner, by A. B. ... 121 Damodar K. Mavlankar, by C. W. L...... 281 Generated for Dannu Hutwohl (University of New Mexico) on 2016-01-07 00:14 GMT / Public Domain in the United States, Google-digitized / X Index

PAGE T. Subba Rao, by C. W. L...... 445 Norendranath Sen, by A. B...... 694 Anna Kamenaky, by A. B...... 835 The Countess Wachtmeister, by A. B...... 973 Twilight, In the ... 116,285,709,964 Two Policies and their Dangers, by M. H. Charles ... 732 Viceroy's Visit to the C. H. C, Benares ...... 697 Virgin Birth, The, by Dudley Wright ...... 217 Walking on Fire, by Georgia Gagarin ...... 701 Watch-Tower, On the ...... 1, 163, 319, 473, 713, 867 Yoga-practice in the Roman Catholic Church, by Dr. Franz Hartmann ...... 822 Generated for Dannu Hutwohl (University of New Mexico) on 2016-01-07 00:14 GMT / Public Domain in the United States, Google-digitized / INDEX

PAGE Adventure, A Thrilling. G. C...... 123 Adyar, A few of the Lessons to be learnt at. Margherita Ruspoli ...... 36 Arts and Crafts, International Union of. A. L. Pogosky ...... 195 Astrology in the Light of Theosophy. Alan Leo 82, 258 Bactria: The Romance of a Forgotten Empire. H. G. R. 535 Blavatsky, H. P., The World Mission of. Helena Pissareff ...... 184 Burma, The Religion of . Bhikkhu Anauda Mettoya 51, 213 Catholicism. Dr. Alta ...... 675 Christianity : Its Anglican Mode. T. Erskine Hill, Canon of the Church of England ...... 367 Correspondence: Plague and Rats. Dr. E. Mariette ... 738 Evidences for Truth. T. Sadashiva Iyer ...... 915 Experience, The Import of the Simplest. Francis Sedlak ...... 513 Experiences in the Underworld, A Helper's. H. 0. Wolfe-Murray ...... 109,281 : \ Federation of Nations, The Coining.. -Heije/i ViSsIe j .'- ... 31 ' " God and Man. Hermanos ... s's::.. s 512 ' Gone to the Peace ... ':'.:.;.:'"': -s- 792 " U- ; Ground of Appearances ". Dr. F. G^'Sofrradwv ... 701 ' 's A Group Soul, Physical. E. L. : (jaatfaex; --- 846

Hegel : Bureaucrat and Revolutionist. Charles

J. Whitby, M.D. ... 385 . History Repeats Itself. Margherita Ruspoli . . 347, 483 Ideal Figures of Occult Tradition. Louis Revel ... 831 Generated for Dannu Hutwohl (University of New Mexico) on 2016-01-07 00:38 GMT / Public Domain in the United States, Google-digitized / iNDEX

Illustrations :

PAGE Death of Balder, The ... Facing 288 Dominique Albert Courmes 297 Dr. Hiibbe-Schleiden ... 115 Group Soul 849 Kabir Charan Math, Benares (colored) 242 Karma and Reincarnation 824 Nativity of Gladstone, W. E. (Horoscope) 258 Do. Stainton Moses (Do.) 260 Do. Viscount Hinton (Do.) 261 Old and New Faith, The 829 Path of Woe and Joy, The 829 Peace. No. 1 31 Peace. No. 2 3d Peace. No. 3 35 President's Motor-Car, The 161 Rai Pyare Lall Sahab ... 453

Reincarnation. No. 1 823 Do. No. 2 824 Sefior Don Jose Xifre ... 897 Sumangala, the High Priest 563 Three Paths, The 403 Unity of Religions, The. No. 1 827 Do. No. 2 827 Individualism and Brotherhood. Dr. F. Milton Willis ... 19 Investigations into Early Rounds. C. Jinaraja- dasa 724, 871 [s s ~ . s s s " . : Kabir: THe Hindi Saftit.rdf s the Fourteenth Century. ... 242 Karaia, A Study; in. .Anp.ip'Besant ...... 647 Life, the Greafc'laritiaiojp, V &ifia de Gernet ... 805 Magic of the Christian Church, The. C. W. Lead- beater 413 Mazzini and Garibaldi, The Religion of. W. H. Kirby 177 Generated for Dannu Hutwohl (University of New Mexico) on 2016-01-07 00:38 GMT / Public Domain in the United States, Google-digitized / INDEX

1'AOE New Cycle, The Opening of the. Annie Besant ...9,169 Notes ...... 137,142,160,311, 914, 925 Notes on Teachings ...... 890 Notes, Scientific. G. E. Sutcliffe ...... 133 Passing of a great Personality, The. T. E. K. 341 Paths, The Three. J. v. M. ... 403

Poems : Advent Hymn. Marsyas ...... 909 Altar Ego. M. H. Charles ...... 183 Answers to Prayers. Marguerite Kirk- patrick Richards ...... 762 Coming Day, The, (with music). E. L. Foyster ...... 340 Fantasy, A Bluebell. L. N...... 723 Johannesburg in 1905. Isabel Foulkes ...... 674 Liberator, The. U. M. B...... 299 Love Looking Down. Clara M. Codcl ...... 138 Scarlyn. Philip Oyler ...... 506 Thou and I. Carrie Crozier ...... 852 Wanderlust. Isabel Foulkes ...... 212 Xmas 1910. U. M. B...... 77

President's Address at the Convention of the T. S. in England, The ...... 925 Public Opinion, The Tyranny of. C. W. Load- beater ...... 656 Reincarnation, Concrete Instances of. Syam Sundar LSI, CLE...... :.-vy:\; ... 78 Rents in the Veil of Time'-v.- "..""""" " Lives of Orion 7..£V;£67,t4&6, 551, 709, 853

Reviews: . Adventure, An. Elizabeth Morispu slifl'-iVaivces ' Lauiont ...... 596 Adyar: The Home of the Theosophieal Society. Alcyone ...... 464 After-Death, The. Henry Brandon ...... 143 Generated for Dannu Hutwohl (University of New Mexico) on 2016-01-07 00:38 GMT / Public Domain in the United States, Google-digitized / vi INDEX


Alchemy: Ancient and Modern. H. Stanley Redgrove ...... 152 Altar in the Wilderness, The. Ethelbert Johnson ...... 466 Ancient Mysteries and Modern Revelation. W. J. Colville ...... 303 Antiquities of Central and South-Eastern Missouri. Gerald Fowke ...... 622 Apocalypse Unsealed, The. J. M. Pryse ...... 149 Awakening, The. Archdeacon Wilberforce ...... 305 Beginning and the Ending, The. E. M. Smith ... 941 Belief, The Domain of. Henry John Coke ... 611 Bhagavad-Glta, The. Translated by Annie Besant ...... 773 Buddhist Doctrine of Reversable Merit, The. F. L. Woodward ...... 942 Catalogus van de Boekrij ...... 627 Character, The Essentials of. Edward 0. Sisson ... 304 Christ and Buddha. C. Jinarajadasa ...... 595 Christ for India. Bernard Lucas ...... 771 Christ's Social Remedies. H. E. Montgomery ... 623 Christ, The Healing. Rev. E. F. E. Wigram ... 615 Christianity and New Idealism. Professor Rudolf Eucken ...... 631 Christianity, Natural. The Dean of Ripon ...... 607 Congress, Conferences and Conventions, The Allahabad and Nagpur ...... 465 Coronation Sermon, A. Archdeacon Wilber

force v ...... 775 Day's M&&£i\Thft.£S^sJftf .-Coolidge ...... 466 Death in Axi, Aspects '"of: "F.-'Parkes Weber ... 466

Death, Its Cffilse :aHcl: Phenomena. Hereward Carrihjrton-p .and. John R. Meader ...... 605 -.. - Democracy, -The- •Nejr.."Sqctal. J. H. Harley ... 766 Dreams, The World of. Havelock Ellis ...... 603 Dweller on the Threshold, The. Robert Hichens ...... 597 EncyclopsBdia, Nelson's. Vols. I to III ...... 772 Generated for Dannu Hutwohl (University of New Mexico) on 2016-01-07 00:38 GMT / Public Domain in the United States, Google-digitized / index vii


Episodes from an Unwritten History. Claude Bragdon ...... 158 Essays, The New God and Other. Ralph Shirley ...... 945 Ever-Coming Kingdom of God, The. Bernard Dubm ...... 615 Five Years of Theosophy ...... 146 Gardens in the Wilderness, From. Gwendolen Bishop ...... 941 Ghostly Phenomena. Elliott O'Donnell ...... 158 Hatim Tai, Adventures of ...... 934 Hegelian, A Holiday with a. Francis Sedlak ... 461 Historical Mysteries. Andrew Lang ... .. 941 Holy Grail, In the Heart of the. James L. Macbeth...... 774 Human Chord, The. Algernon Blackwood...... 144 Idealism, Social. R. D. Stocker ...... 463 Ideas, Old and New. Barclay Lewis Day ...... 944 Inner Life, The. C. W. Leadbeater...... 933 Imulinde, Geillustreerd Handboek van. D. van Hinloopen Labberton ...... 630 Islam, Mystics and Saints of. Claud Field...... 621 Israel, The Two Religions of. Dr. T. K. Cheyne ... 613 Light on the Path and Karma. M. C...... 467 Living, Lessons in. Elizabeth Towne ...... 611 Love, The Victory of. C. C. Cotterill ...... 467 Lumen de Lwmine. Thomas Vaughan ...... 624 Magazines, Academical. Dr. F. Otto Schrader ... 776 Magazines, Theosophical ...... 139, 313, 469, 638, 789, 945 Magic, The Book of Ceremonial-' \fB- Wkfte' ... 624 Man: King of Mind, Body and Circumstance. s - James Allen ... s""sWs.' - ss 772 Man's Supreme Inheritance. F^- Mwttfiias; ' Alexander ...... ''..A~-:" ... 460 Marc-Aurile, La Fraternite enseignee par ... 630 Master as I saw Him, The. Sister Nivedita ...... 935 Medicine and the Church. Edited by Geoffrey Rhodes ...... 768 Generated for Dannu Hutwohl (University of New Mexico) on 2016-01-07 00:38 GMT / Public Domain in the United States, Google-digitized / viii INDEX


New Cycle, The Opening of the. Annie Besant ... 773 New Inferno, The. Stephen Phillips ... 153 Nietzsche, The Life of Friedrich. Daniel Halevy ... 626 Noble Souls, Some. Elisabeth Severs ... 467 Non-Church Going, Its Reasons and Remedies. Edited by W. Forbes Gray ...... 618 Occultism, Hints to Young Students of. L. W. Rogers ... 610 Other-World, The. Harold B. Shephard, M.A. ... 596 Path of the Eternal Wisdom, The. John Cordelier ... 157 Personality, The Nature of. William Temple ... 769 Personality, The Unfolding of. H. Thisilton Mark ... 610 Pioneer to Poet, From. Isabelle M. Pagan ... 940 Prayer, The Graces of Interior. R. P. Aug. Paulain, S. J. ... 619 Psychic Realm, The. E. Katherine Bates ... 156 Psychical Research, New Evidences in. J. Arthur Hill ... 151 Psychology, Abnormal. Dr. Isndor H. Coriat ... 600 Questions on with Answers. Annie Besant ... 773 Quotations, A Dictionary of Oriental. Claud Field ... 628 Reason and Belief. Sir Oliver Lodge, F. R. S. ... 458 Religion, Truth in. Dugald Macfadgen ...... 617 Religion, .What is? Wilhelm Bousset ... 763 Reininisceiicfes;. My bidiffn".."; fDl\ Paul Denssen ... 770 Renewal of .Yoji% The". 941

Riddle of .Igfe, rThjr. jAjinie Besant ... 773 Self -Heating,-; Studies -in ; .or Cure by Medi tations. -" E; E. .MliBday: ... 155 Self, The Unexplored. G. R. Montgomeiy ...... 599 Shans at Home. Mrs. Leslie Milne ... 147 i Social Helpfulness, Suggestions for. Rev. D. J. Fleming ... 158 Generated for Dannu Hutwohl (University of New Mexico) on 2016-01-07 00:38 GMT / Public Domain in the United States, Google-digitized / INDEX i*


Solar Symbols and their Origins. Avola ...... 941 Sonl, Proofs of the Existence of the. Annie Besant ...... 772 Spiritual Science, Sir Wm. Earnshaw Cooper ... 459 Survival and Reproduction. Hermann Reinheimer ...... 303 Tarot Cards with Key, A Pack of 78. A. E. Waite ...... 624 Tarot of the Bohemians. Papua ...... 624 Tarot, The Pictorial Key to the. A. E. Waite ...... 624 Tennyson as a Student and Poet of Nature. Sir Norman Lockyer and Winifred L. Lockyer ... 766 Theosophy, The Religion of. Bhagavan Pas ... 772 Transactions of the Educational Conference ... 767 Transcendence, Divine. Rev. J. R. Illing- worth, D.D ...... 616 Translations ... 159, 468,932

Vedantasara of Sadananda ... sss -ss 775 Views of India in Color ...... 151 Way of the Soul, The. Wm. T. Thornton...... 156 White Lodge and Its Messengers, The. Annie Besant ...... 773 World-Religion, The Emergence of a. Annie Besant ...... 773 Wynad : Its peoples and Traditions. Rao Bahadur C. G. Nair ...... 937 Year Book for 1911, The Writers' and Artists' ... 461

Rising Sun, The. K. B ...... 266 Secret Name, The : The Death of Balder. Diana Read 288 Sound, Color and Form. C. W. Leadbeater ...... 539

SUPPLEMENT : Belgium, A National Society in ...... xiii

Buddhist Schools ...... ii, v, xii, xix Enlargement of Printing Plant ...... v, xix Financial Statemeut ...... iii, vi, ix, xi, xvi, xx Generated for Dannu Hutwohl (University of New Mexico) on 2016-01-07 00:38 GMT / Public Domain in the United States, Google-digitized / 1



Headquarters' Improvements ...... i, xvii Lodges Dissolved ...... xiii, zxi Mr. Sinnett and the T. S...... xviii New Lodges ...... iv, vii, x, xiii, xxi Order of the Star in the East ...... xiv Presents to the Adyar Library ...... vii T. S. in Switzerland and S. America ...... i T. S. Order of Service ...... iv

Survival and Reproduction. Josephine Ransom ... 404

Thbosophy, Elementary : Our Elder Brothers. Annie Besant ...... 300 Steps on the Path. Annie Besant ...... 120 Thought-Power and Its Use. Annie Besant . . . 455 Theosophy in Art. Johan van Manen ...... 823 Theosophy in Many Lands ...... 306, 473, 783 Theosophy, Some Recent Criticisms of. Johan van Manen ...... 741 Theosophy, Some Thoughts Concerning the Criticisms of. Johan van Manen ...... 570 Tirumantram, G-ems from ...... 194 Twilight, In the ...... 290,900 Vital Force. Dr. Louise Appel, B.Sc...... 525 Watch-Tower, On the ... 1, 161, 317, 475, 635, 793 Way the Wind Blows, The. S. N...... 504 White Lodge and Its Messengers, The. Annie Besant ...... 325 White Lotus Day Address. Annie Besant ...... 583


Dominique Albert Courmes. A. B...... 297 Rai Pyare Lall Sahab. A. B...... 453 Sefior Don Jose Xifre. J. v. M...... 897 Sumangal.i, The High Priest. C. W. L...... 563 Wilhelm Hubbe-Schleiden. M. G...... Ho Generated for Dannu Hutwohl (University of New Mexico) on 2016-01-07 00:38 GMT / Public Domain in the United States, Google-digitized /