Chequamegon Bay Area Activities for September 2017 from the Ashland Area Chamber, 1716 W. Lake Shore Drive Farmer’s Market on Chapple Ave, 800-284-9484/715-682-2500. Saturdays, 8am-12pm. All dates are subject to change. Please call ahead to confirm. September 1-30: ◊ Washburn Cultural Center, 1 E. Bayfield St., Washburn, presents Black Bear Studio-Multi Media. 715-373-5591. ◊ Community Dinner, held each Friday at 5:30pm in the fellowship hall of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, 620 3rd St. W., Ashland. A different area church provides the meal each week. For more information, call 715-682-5067. ◊ Sunday Fat Bike Adventure Safari Rides at 1pm. NCCA sponsored weekly rides. Meeting locations will be announced via Facebook and email. Bikes with 3.5 ″ tires or wider are highly recommended. No registration. Everyone welcome. Riders are asked to submit their email or contact information to John Murphy at
[email protected] or call 715-209-8169 to receive weekly updates. ◊ Casual Group Ride on Monday nights at 6pm. Meet at Bay City Cycles, 412 W Main St. Bike needed, or rentals are available (please arrive early to do so). Helmets required. Sponsored by Bay City Cycles and North Coast Cycling Association. 715-682-2091. ◊ Embroidery on Paper, every Monday from 1-4pm, at the Ashland Enrichment Center, Chapple Ave. Make your own greeting cards! For more information and registration, call Lois or Joe Johnson at 715-373-0331. ◊ Ancestral Women Exhibit at the Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center, 29270 Co Hwy G. Featuring woven portraits of elders from Wisconsin’s 12 tribes.