Selected Bibliography Cabanne, Pierre

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Selected Bibliography Cabanne, Pierre selected bibliography Cabanne, Pierre. Dialogues with Marcel Gigerenzer, Gerd, et al. The Empire of Duchamp. Trans. Ron Padgett. New York: Chance: How Probability Changed Science Da Capo Press, 1987. and Everyday Life. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989. Cage, John. Silence. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 1961. Hacking, Ian. The Taming of Chance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Caillois, Roger. Man, Play, and Games Press, 1990. (1958). Trans. Meyer Barash. New York: Free Press of Glencoe, 1961. Hamilton, Ross. Accident: A Philosophical and Literary History. Chicago: University Caws, Mary Ann, ed. Surrealist Painters BOOKS Bourriaud, Nicolas, François Bon, and of Chicago Press, 2007. and Poets: An Anthology. Cambridge, MA: Kaira Marie Cabanas. Villeglé: Jacques Vil- Ades, Dawn, ed. The Dada Reader: A MIT Press, 2001. Henderson, Linda Dalrymple. Duchamp leglé. Paris: Flammarion, 2007. Critical Anthology. Chicago: University of in Context: Science and Technology in the Dalí, Salvador. Conquest of the Irrational. Chicago Press, 2006. Brecht, George. Chance-Imagery. New Large Glass and Related Works. Princeton, Trans. David Gascoyne. New York: Julien York: Great Bear Pamphlet / Something NJ: Princeton University Press, 1998. Andreotti, Libero, and Xavier Costa, Levy Gallery, 1935. Else Press, 1966. eds. Theory of the Dérive and other Situation- Hendricks, Jon. Fluxus Codex. Detroit: Diaz, Eva. “Chance and Design: Experi- ist Writings on the City. Barcelona: Museu Breton, André. Conversations: The Gilbert and Lila Silverman Fluxus Collec- mentation at Black Mountain College.” d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, 1996. Autobiography of Surrealism. Trans. Mark tion; New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1988. PhD diss., Princeton University, 2008. Polizzotti. New York: Paragon House, Arp, Jean (Hans). Arp on Arp: Poems, Higgins, Hannah. Fluxus Experience. 1993. Originally published in 1969. Dickerman, Leah, and Matthew S. Essays, Memories, by Jean Arp. Ed. Marcel Berkeley: University of California Press, Witkovsky, eds. The Dada Seminars. Jean. Trans. Joachim Neugroschel. New ———. Mad Love. Trans. Mary Ann Caws. 2002. Washington, DC: National Gallery of York: The Viking Press, 1972. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, Art, 2005. Huizinga, Johan. Homo Ludens: A Study of 1987. Baker, George. The Artwork Caught by the Play Element in Culture. Boston: Bea- Duchamp, Marcel. The Writings of Marcel the Tail: Francis Picabia and Dada in Paris. ———. Manifestoes of Surrealism. Trans. con, 1955. Originally published in 1938. Duchamp. Ed. Michel Sanouillet and Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2007. Richard Seaver and Helen R. Lane. Elmer Peterson. New York: Da Capo James, Alison. Constraining Chance: Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Ball, Hugo. Flight Out of Time: A Dada Press, 1989. Georges Perec and the Oulipo. Evanston, IL: Press, 1972. Diary. Ed. John Elderfield. Trans. Ann Northwestern University Press, 2009. Eco, Umberto. The Open Work. Trans. Raimes. Berkeley: University of Califor- ———. Nadja. Trans. Richard Howard. Anna Cancogni. Cambridge, MA: Janet, Pierre. L’Automatisme psy- nia Press, 1996. New York: Grove Press, 1960. Harvard University Press, 1989. chologique. Paris: Éditions Odile Jacob, Barthes, Roland. The Grain of the Voice: Breton, André, and Philippe Soupalt. 1998. Originally published in 1889. Ehrenzweig, Anton. The Hidden Order of Interviews 1962–1980. Trans. Linda Cover- Magnetic Fields (1920). Trans. David Gas- Art. Berkeley: University of California Joseph, Branden W. Beyond the Dream dale. Berkeley: University of California coyne. London: Atlas Press, 1985. Press, 1967. Syndicate: Tony Conrad and the Arts after Press, 1981. Breton, André, Paul Eluard, and Cage (A “Minor” History). New York: Zone Ernst, Max. Beyond Painting and Other ———. Image, Music, Text. Trans. Stephen Philippe Soupault. The Automatic Books, 2008. Writings by the Artist and His Friends. Ed. Heath. New York: Hill and Wang, 1977. Message. Trans. David Gascoyne, Antony Robert Motherwell. New York: Witten- ———. Random Order: Robert Rauschenberg Melville, and J. Graham. London: Atlas Belgrad, Daniel. The Culture of Spontane- born, Schulze, 1948. and the Neo-Avant-Garde. Cambridge, Press, 1997. Originally published in 1933. ity: Improvisation and the Arts in Postwar MA: MIT Press, 2003. Foster, Hal. Compulsive Beauty. America. Chicago: University of Chicago Brotchie, Alastair. A Book of Surreal- Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1993. Judovitz, Dalia. Unpacking Duchamp: Art Press, 1998. ist Games. Ed. Mel Gooding. Boston: in Transit. Berkeley: University of Shambhala Redstone Editions, 1995. Foster, Stephen C., and Rudolf E. Kue- Bennett, Deborah J. Randomness. California Press, 1995. nzli, eds. Dada Spectrum: The Dialectics of Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Buchloh, Benjamin H. D. Neo-Avant- Revolt. Madison, WI: Coda Press Inc.; Kahn, Douglas. Noise, Water, Meat: A Press, 1998. garde and Culture Industry: Essays on Iowa City: the University of Iowa, 1979. History of Sound in the Arts. Cambridge, European and American Art from 1955 to 1975. Benson, Timothy O. Raoul Hausmann MA: MIT Press, 1999. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2000. Franzke, Andreas. Jean Dubuffet: Petites and Berlin Dada. Ann Arbor, MI: UMI statues de la vie précaire. Berlin: Verlag Kaprow, Allan. Assemblage, Environ- Research Press, 1987. Bürger, Peter. Theory of the Avant-Garde. Gachnang & Springer, 1988. ments & Happenings. New York: Harry N. Trans. Michael Shaw. Minneapolis: Berger, Maurice. Labyrinths: Robert Mor- Abrams, 1966. University of Minnesota Press, 1984. Gale, Matthew. Dada & Surrealism. ris, Minimalism, and the 1960s. New York: London: Phaidon Press, 1997. ———. Essays on the Blurring of Art and Life. Harper & Row, 1989. Buskirk, Martha. The Contingent Object of Ed. Jeff Kelley. Berkeley: University of Contemporary Art. Cambridge, MA: MIT Gamboni, Dario. Potential Images: Ambiguity Bois, Yve-Alain, and Rosalind E. California Press, 1993. Press, 2003. and Indeterminacy in Modern Art. Trans. Mark Krauss. Formless: A User’s Guide. New Treharne. London: Reaktion Books, 2001. York: Zone Books, 1997. 160 chance aesthetics Selected Bibliography 161 Knabb, Ken, ed. Situationist International Motherwell, Robert. The Collected Writ- Spoerri, Daniel, et al. An Anecdoted Borja-Villel, Manuel, et al. Öyvind Anthology. Berkeley: Bureau of Public ings of Robert Motherwell. Ed Stephanie Topography of Chance. London: Atlas Fahlström: Another Space for Painting. Secrets, 1981. Terenzio. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. Barcelona: Museu d’Art Contemporani Press, 1992. de Barcelona, 2001. Kotz, Liz. Words to be Looked At: Language Stiles, Kristine, and Peter Selz, eds. in 1960s Art. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, Motherwell, Robert, ed. The Dada Theories and Documents of Contemporary Brett, Guy. Force Fields: Phases of the 2007. Painters and Poets: An Anthology. Second Art: A Sourcebook of Artists’ Writings. Berke- Kinetic. Barcelona: Museu d’Art Contem- edition. Cambridge, MA: The Belknap ley: University of California Press, 1996. porani de Barcelona, 2000. Krauss, Rosalind E. The Optical Uncon- Press of Harvard University Press, 1989. scious. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1993. Tomkins, Calvin. The Bride and the Buchloh, Benjamin H. D., and Judith Originally published 1951. Bachelors: Five Masters of the Avant-Garde. F. Rodenbeck, eds. Experiments in the Landau, Ellen G., and Claude Nöel, Emile, ed. Le hasard aujourd’hui. Middlesex, England: Penguin Books, Everyday: Allan Kaprow and Robert Watts— Cernuschi, eds. Pollock Matters. Paris: Seuil, 1991. 1976. Originally published in 1968. Events, Objects, Documents. New York: Chestnut Hill, MA: McMullen Museum Columbia University, Miriam and Ira D. of Art; Chicago: University of Chicago Parkinson, Gavin. Surrealism, Art, and Umland, Anne, and Adrian Sudhalter, Wallach Art Gallery, 1999. Press, 2007. Modern Science: Relativity, Quantum eds. Dada in the Collection of The Museum Mechanics, Epistemology. New Haven, CT: of Modern Art. New York: Museum of Debray, Cécile, ed. Le Nouveau Réalisme. Lears, Jackson. Something for Nothing: Yale University Press, 2008. Modern Art, 2008. Paris: Galeries Nationales du Grand Luck in America. New York: Penguin Palais, 2007. Books, 2003. Patterson, David W., ed. John Cage: Watts, Alan. The Way of Zen. New York: Music, Philosophy, and Intention, 1933–1950. Pantheon Books, 1957. De Salvo, Donna, and Catherine Gudis, Lebel, Robert. Marcel Duchamp. New New York: Routledge, 2002. eds. Ray Johnson: Correspondences. Colum- York: Grove Press, 1959. Watts, Harriett Ann. Chance: A Per- bus, OH: Wexner Center for the Arts; Poling, Clark V. André Masson and the spective on Dada. Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Lefebvre, Henri. Critique of Everyday Life. New York: Flammarion, 1999. Surrealist Self. New Haven, CT: Yale Research Press, 1975. Vol. 1. Trans. John Moore. London: University Press, 2008. d’Harnoncourt, Anne, and Kynaston Verso, 1991. Young, La Monte, ed. An Anthology of McShine, eds. Marcel Duchamp. New Pollock, Jackson. Jackson Pollock: Chance Operations. Second edition. New ———. Critique of Everyday Life. Vol. 2. York: Museum of Modern Art; Philadel- Interviews, Articles, and Reviews. Ed. Pepe York: Heiner Friedrich, 1970. Originally Trans. John Moore. London: Verso, phia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1973. Karmel. New York: Harry N. Abrams, published in 1963. 2002. 1999. Dickerman, Leah, ed. Dada. Washing- Leja, Michael. Reframing Abstract ton, DC: National Gallery of Art, 2005. Restany, Pierre. Les Nouveaux Réalistes. Expressionism:
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    CREDITS Game Design by Mary Flanagan & Max Seidman • Illustration by Virginia Mori • Graphic Design by Spring Yu • Writing and Logistics by Danielle Taylor • Production & Web by Sukdith Punjasthitkul • Community Management by Rachel Billings • Additional Game Design by Emma Hobday • Playtesting by Momoka Schmidt & Joshua Po Special thanks to: Andrea Fisher and the Artists Rights Society The surrealists’ families and estates Hewson Chen Our Kickstarter backers Lola Álvarez Bravo LOW-la AL-vah-rez BRAH-vo An early innovator in photography in Mexico, Lola Álvarez Bravo began her career as a teacher. She learned photography as an assistant and had her first solo exhibition in 1944 at Mexico City’s Palace of Fine Arts. She described the camera as a way to show “the life I found before me.” Álvarez Bravo was engaged in the Mexican surrealist movement, documenting the lives of many fellow artists in her work. Jean Arp JON ARP (J as in mirage) Jean Arp (also known as Hans Arp), was a German-French sculp- tor, painter, and writer best known for his paper cut-outs and his abstract sculptures. Arp also created many collages. He worked, like other surrealists, with chance and intuition to create art instead of using reason and logic, later becoming a member of the “Abstraction-Création” art movement. 3 André Breton ahn-DRAY bruh-TAWN A founder of surrealism, avant-garde writer and artist André Breton originally trained to be a doctor, serving in the French army’s neuropsychiatric center during World War I. He used his interests in medicine and psychology to innovate in art and literature, with a particular interest in mental illness and the unconscious.
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