selected bibliography Cabanne, Pierre. Dialogues with Marcel Gigerenzer, Gerd, et al. The Empire of Duchamp. Trans. Ron Padgett. New York: Chance: How Probability Changed Science Da Capo Press, 1987. and Everyday Life. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989. Cage, John. Silence. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 1961. Hacking, Ian. The Taming of Chance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Caillois, Roger. Man, Play, and Games Press, 1990. (1958). Trans. Meyer Barash. New York: Free Press of Glencoe, 1961. Hamilton, Ross. Accident: A Philosophical and Literary History. Chicago: University Caws, Mary Ann, ed. Surrealist Painters BOOKS Bourriaud, Nicolas, François Bon, and of Chicago Press, 2007. and Poets: An Anthology. Cambridge, MA: Kaira Marie Cabanas. Villeglé: Jacques Vil- Ades, Dawn, ed. The Dada Reader: A MIT Press, 2001. Henderson, Linda Dalrymple. Duchamp leglé. Paris: Flammarion, 2007. Critical Anthology. Chicago: University of in Context: Science and Technology in the Dalí, Salvador. Conquest of the Irrational. Chicago Press, 2006. Brecht, George. Chance-Imagery. New Large Glass and Related Works. Princeton, Trans. David Gascoyne. New York: Julien York: Great Bear Pamphlet / Something NJ: Princeton University Press, 1998. Andreotti, Libero, and Xavier Costa, Levy Gallery, 1935. Else Press, 1966. eds. Theory of the Dérive and other Situation- Hendricks, Jon. Fluxus Codex. Detroit: Diaz, Eva. “Chance and Design: Experi- ist Writings on the City. Barcelona: Museu Breton, André. Conversations: The Gilbert and Lila Silverman Fluxus Collec- mentation at Black Mountain College.” d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, 1996. Autobiography of Surrealism. Trans. Mark tion; New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1988. PhD diss., Princeton University, 2008. Polizzotti. New York: Paragon House, Arp, Jean (Hans). Arp on Arp: Poems, Higgins, Hannah. Fluxus Experience. 1993. Originally published in 1969. Dickerman, Leah, and Matthew S. Essays, Memories, by Jean Arp. Ed. Marcel Berkeley: University of California Press, Witkovsky, eds. The Dada Seminars. Jean. Trans. Joachim Neugroschel. New ———. Mad Love. Trans. Mary Ann Caws. 2002. Washington, DC: National Gallery of York: The Viking Press, 1972. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, Art, 2005. Huizinga, Johan. Homo Ludens: A Study of 1987. Baker, George. The Artwork Caught by the Play Element in Culture. Boston: Bea- Duchamp, Marcel. The Writings of Marcel the Tail: Francis Picabia and Dada in Paris. ———. Manifestoes of Surrealism. Trans. con, 1955. Originally published in 1938. Duchamp. Ed. Michel Sanouillet and Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2007. Richard Seaver and Helen R. Lane. Elmer Peterson. New York: Da Capo James, Alison. Constraining Chance: Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Ball, Hugo. Flight Out of Time: A Dada Press, 1989. Georges Perec and the Oulipo. Evanston, IL: Press, 1972. Diary. Ed. John Elderfield. Trans. Ann Northwestern University Press, 2009. Eco, Umberto. The Open Work. Trans. Raimes. Berkeley: University of Califor- ———. Nadja. Trans. Richard Howard. Anna Cancogni. Cambridge, MA: Janet, Pierre. L’Automatisme psy- nia Press, 1996. New York: Grove Press, 1960. Harvard University Press, 1989. chologique. Paris: Éditions Odile Jacob, Barthes, Roland. The Grain of the Voice: Breton, André, and Philippe Soupalt. 1998. Originally published in 1889. Ehrenzweig, Anton. The Hidden Order of Interviews 1962–1980. Trans. Linda Cover- Magnetic Fields (1920). Trans. David Gas- Art. Berkeley: University of California Joseph, Branden W. Beyond the Dream dale. Berkeley: University of California coyne. London: Atlas Press, 1985. Press, 1967. Syndicate: Tony Conrad and the Arts after Press, 1981. Breton, André, Paul Eluard, and Cage (A “Minor” History). New York: Zone Ernst, Max. Beyond Painting and Other ———. Image, Music, Text. Trans. Stephen Philippe Soupault. The Automatic Books, 2008. Writings by the Artist and His Friends. Ed. Heath. New York: Hill and Wang, 1977. Message. Trans. David Gascoyne, Antony Robert Motherwell. New York: Witten- ———. Random Order: Robert Rauschenberg Melville, and J. Graham. London: Atlas Belgrad, Daniel. The Culture of Spontane- born, Schulze, 1948. and the Neo-Avant-Garde. Cambridge, Press, 1997. Originally published in 1933. ity: Improvisation and the Arts in Postwar MA: MIT Press, 2003. Foster, Hal. Compulsive Beauty. America. Chicago: University of Chicago Brotchie, Alastair. A Book of Surreal- Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1993. Judovitz, Dalia. Unpacking Duchamp: Art Press, 1998. ist Games. Ed. Mel Gooding. Boston: in Transit. Berkeley: University of Shambhala Redstone Editions, 1995. Foster, Stephen C., and Rudolf E. Kue- Bennett, Deborah J. Randomness. California Press, 1995. nzli, eds. Dada Spectrum: The Dialectics of Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Buchloh, Benjamin H. D. Neo-Avant- Revolt. Madison, WI: Coda Press Inc.; Kahn, Douglas. Noise, Water, Meat: A Press, 1998. garde and Culture Industry: Essays on Iowa City: the University of Iowa, 1979. History of Sound in the Arts. Cambridge, European and American Art from 1955 to 1975. Benson, Timothy O. Raoul Hausmann MA: MIT Press, 1999. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2000. Franzke, Andreas. Jean Dubuffet: Petites and Berlin Dada. Ann Arbor, MI: UMI statues de la vie précaire. Berlin: Verlag Kaprow, Allan. Assemblage, Environ- Research Press, 1987. Bürger, Peter. Theory of the Avant-Garde. Gachnang & Springer, 1988. ments & Happenings. New York: Harry N. Trans. Michael Shaw. Minneapolis: Berger, Maurice. Labyrinths: Robert Mor- Abrams, 1966. University of Minnesota Press, 1984. Gale, Matthew. Dada & Surrealism. ris, Minimalism, and the 1960s. New York: London: Phaidon Press, 1997. ———. Essays on the Blurring of Art and Life. Harper & Row, 1989. Buskirk, Martha. The Contingent Object of Ed. Jeff Kelley. Berkeley: University of Contemporary Art. Cambridge, MA: MIT Gamboni, Dario. Potential Images: Ambiguity Bois, Yve-Alain, and Rosalind E. California Press, 1993. Press, 2003. and Indeterminacy in Modern Art. Trans. Mark Krauss. Formless: A User’s Guide. New Treharne. London: Reaktion Books, 2001. York: Zone Books, 1997. 160 chance aesthetics Selected Bibliography 161 Knabb, Ken, ed. Situationist International Motherwell, Robert. The Collected Writ- Spoerri, Daniel, et al. An Anecdoted Borja-Villel, Manuel, et al. Öyvind Anthology. Berkeley: Bureau of Public ings of Robert Motherwell. Ed Stephanie Topography of Chance. London: Atlas Fahlström: Another Space for Painting. Secrets, 1981. Terenzio. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. Barcelona: Museu d’Art Contemporani Press, 1992. de Barcelona, 2001. Kotz, Liz. Words to be Looked At: Language Stiles, Kristine, and Peter Selz, eds. in 1960s Art. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, Motherwell, Robert, ed. The Dada Theories and Documents of Contemporary Brett, Guy. Force Fields: Phases of the 2007. Painters and Poets: An Anthology. Second Art: A Sourcebook of Artists’ Writings. Berke- Kinetic. Barcelona: Museu d’Art Contem- edition. Cambridge, MA: The Belknap ley: University of California Press, 1996. porani de Barcelona, 2000. Krauss, Rosalind E. The Optical Uncon- Press of Harvard University Press, 1989. scious. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1993. Tomkins, Calvin. The Bride and the Buchloh, Benjamin H. D., and Judith Originally published 1951. Bachelors: Five Masters of the Avant-Garde. F. Rodenbeck, eds. Experiments in the Landau, Ellen G., and Claude Nöel, Emile, ed. Le hasard aujourd’hui. Middlesex, England: Penguin Books, Everyday: Allan Kaprow and Robert Watts— Cernuschi, eds. Pollock Matters. Paris: Seuil, 1991. 1976. Originally published in 1968. Events, Objects, Documents. New York: Chestnut Hill, MA: McMullen Museum Columbia University, Miriam and Ira D. of Art; Chicago: University of Chicago Parkinson, Gavin. Surrealism, Art, and Umland, Anne, and Adrian Sudhalter, Wallach Art Gallery, 1999. Press, 2007. Modern Science: Relativity, Quantum eds. Dada in the Collection of The Museum Mechanics, Epistemology. New Haven, CT: of Modern Art. New York: Museum of Debray, Cécile, ed. Le Nouveau Réalisme. Lears, Jackson. Something for Nothing: Yale University Press, 2008. Modern Art, 2008. Paris: Galeries Nationales du Grand Luck in America. New York: Penguin Palais, 2007. Books, 2003. Patterson, David W., ed. John Cage: Watts, Alan. The Way of Zen. New York: Music, Philosophy, and Intention, 1933–1950. Pantheon Books, 1957. De Salvo, Donna, and Catherine Gudis, Lebel, Robert. Marcel Duchamp. New New York: Routledge, 2002. eds. Ray Johnson: Correspondences. Colum- York: Grove Press, 1959. Watts, Harriett Ann. Chance: A Per- bus, OH: Wexner Center for the Arts; Poling, Clark V. André Masson and the spective on Dada. Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Lefebvre, Henri. Critique of Everyday Life. New York: Flammarion, 1999. Surrealist Self. New Haven, CT: Yale Research Press, 1975. Vol. 1. Trans. John Moore. London: University Press, 2008. d’Harnoncourt, Anne, and Kynaston Verso, 1991. Young, La Monte, ed. An Anthology of McShine, eds. Marcel Duchamp. New Pollock, Jackson. Jackson Pollock: Chance Operations. Second edition. New ———. Critique of Everyday Life. Vol. 2. York: Museum of Modern Art; Philadel- Interviews, Articles, and Reviews. Ed. Pepe York: Heiner Friedrich, 1970. Originally Trans. John Moore. London: Verso, phia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1973. Karmel. New York: Harry N. Abrams, published in 1963. 2002. 1999. Dickerman, Leah, ed. Dada. Washing- Leja, Michael. Reframing Abstract ton, DC: National Gallery of Art, 2005. Restany, Pierre. Les Nouveaux Réalistes. Expressionism:
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