Herefordshire Ornithological Club


Together with C'asslfled Notes for and Radnorshire

No. 8. Vol. 1. Price 4/- Herefordshire Ornithological Club

No. 8






Chairman J. G. MURRAY, M.R.C.V.S.

Hon. Secretary R. H. BAILLIE,

Hon. Field Secretary C. J. RRECKNELL

Hon. Treasurer


Hon. Editor R. H. RAILUE




1. NAME. The Club shall be called the Herefordshire Ornithological Club.

2. OBJECTS. The objects of the Club shall be (a) to further the study of birds in the field, and (b) to assist in their preservation.

3. MEMBERSHIP. The Club shall consist of a President, a Chairman, a Secretary, a Field Secretary, a Treasurer, an Editor and six Committee Members and Ordinary Members. The President and Chairman to retire after serving a term of three years. The Secretary, the Treasurer and the Editor shall be elected annually. The two senior of the six Ordinary Members of the Com­ mittee shall retire annually. The Officers and Ordinary Members of the Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and shall be eligible for re­ election.

4. CONDITIONS OF MEMBERSHIP. Members shall be required to support and keep the provisions of the Protection of Birds Act, 1954. Any members failing to support and keep this law shall be required to resign. Members may not divulge to unauthorised persons (e.g. known collectors of skins and/or eggs) information in a manner likely to be detrimental to the objects of the Club. HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOCICAL CLUB REPORT, 1958 231

5. SUBSCRIPTIONS. (a) Ordinary Members: 18 years of age or over 15s., payable on January 1st or on election to membership. Any additional members of a family after rhe first, lOs.; such members receiving all privileges of full membership. Junior Members (under 18 but over 12 years of age), 7s. 6d. per annum, payable as above. Corporate Members: Kindred bodies, Schools, ete.: Subscription one guinea per annum. Honorary Members: As approved by the majority present at the Annual General Meeting. (b) All subscriptions, subsequent to those paid on admission, shall be due on January 1st each year. vVhere a Member has been elected on or after 1st September in any year, there will be no further liability to subscribe in the year immediately following that of his or her elect.ion. Any Member whose subscription is twelve months in arrears shall cease to receive the Club's pub­ lications and, should the subscription not be paid during the ensuing twelve months, his or her name shall be deleted from the List of Members.

6. MANAGEMENT. The Secretary shall keep Minutes of the meetings and prepare such literature as shall keep Members informed of the Club's activities.

7. MEETINGS. Meetings shall be held as often as deemed desirable at the discretion of the Officers.

8. REPORT. There shall be an Editorial Committee of at least three Members including the Secretary, appoin­ ted at an ordinary Committee Meeting. These shall prepare and present an Annual Report and such special reports as may be decided upon.

9. ALTERATION OF RULES. An alteration of the Rules may be made only if proposed at one meeting, printed on the agenda for the following meeting, and passed by a two-thirds majority of those present. HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB lION. TQEASUQEWS ACCOUNT - YEAQ TO 31st DECEMBEQ, 1958

1957 RECEIPTS. 1957 PAYMENTS /, s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. f.. s. d. a5 2 To Balance, 1st Jannar}', 195H 38 7 7 4 17 6 By Duplicating Notices 27 ;J fi Proceeds of Sale of­ 14 16 1 Printing, Stationery, Billposting, etc. 14 \J 9 3 4 4 Annual Reports ;J !) 0 lfj 5 0 " Postages, Telephones & Cheque Books 2:l 4 II I 10 0 Herefordshire Birds 1 8 3 29 10 0 " l)rinting Annual Report 29 10 0 1 18 (j Birds of Radnorshire 2 3 a Affiliation Suhscriptions­ " Sale of Publications in advance 3 Ij 1 a 0 Woolhope Cluh 1 0 I) 1;; o " Donations HI 1;3 ~ 200 British Trust for Ornithology 2 0 0 :! 15 o " SUhscriptions in advance 14 7 Ij 12 (j Birmingham & West Midland 2 15 o (1951;) .. for 1957 17 0 0 Bird Club 12 fj ~~ ~ (j (19571 for 1958 96 0 (l 10 0 British Naturalists' ASboc'n 10 0 127 7 11 Council of N atnre 1 a 0 24 8 9 "Receipts from Meetings 33 5 1 ;j ~ Ij 15 0 Gratt.ities and Commissions 17 0 2K 8 0 " Meeting Expenses 27 Ij 0 17 9 10 Rentals and Charges 12 12 :.l Presentation to Mrs Hinrle 3 10 0 " Kite Rearing Grant 4 o 0 " .£50 5% Defence Bonds 50 0 (J Balance in hand--Bank 17 14 2 Cash 10 6 38 7 7 18 4 8 --- £154 11 6 .£215 19 4 £154 11 6 £215 19

Audited and fonnd correct. A. G. FYSHE, C. J. BRECKN.E;LI" 14th Fehruary, 1959. Hon. 'freasuf<·r. 28th February, 1959.



GENERAL. A cold spring, a wet summer and a wet and foggy autumn about sums up the year's weather. Despite this discouragement several interesting records were made such as a pair of Avocets and a Firecrest in Herefordshire and a great increase in Barn-Owls, a fresh irruption of Crossbills and several Hawfinch records. A flock of Snow-Buntings, the first to be recorded, was the main prize in Radnorshire; half a dozen Stonechats and one each of Sheld-Duck, Black Tern, Oystercatcher, Greenshank, White ''\Tagtail and some Blackgame were of local interest too,

MEMBERSHIP. At 173, this shows a nett increase of eleven, which is satisfactory. It is with great regret that we have to record the death of Captain R. P. Chapman on January 4th, 1959. Though not widely known amongst members, he was a comparatively near neighbour of mine and was a man of great charm, with a delightful sense of quiet humour. Captured by the j apanese at the fall of Singapore in 1942, where he was in charge of the Dockyard, his health was undoubtedly undermined by three years near starvation while in their hands.

ANJ\;UAL GEJ\;ERAL MEETING. This was held on April 19th and the chief changes amongst the Officers of the Committee were that Mr. A. G. Fyshe took over the Treas­ urership from Dr. B. E. Miles at the latter's resignation and the Editor took over the Secretaryship owing to the departure of Ml'. L. B. Robinson. 2:34 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 1958

Several of our Field days were marred by the weather but we had some excellent indoor engagements which in­ cluded two splendid evening lectures from Mr. M. K. Swales on the Tristan da Cunha and Gough Islands Expeditions, the R.S.P.B. colour film "Highland Birds," at the Town Hall, Captain H. A. Gilbert's "Bird Watching in Hungary," Mr. J. H. Barrett's "The Birds of the Pembrokeshire Coast" and Dr. Bruce Campbell's "Bird Research as a Hobby."

PUBLICATIONS. There are still stocks of ­ shire Birds (1954), by Captain H. A. Gilbert and Dr. C. W. Walker (2/6) and Birds of Radnorshire (1955), by G. C. S. Ingram and Col. H. M. Salmon (3/6). Also back numbers of our Reports, but not Nos. 2 and 3, at 2/6 per copy. Postage 6d.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. Owing, alas, to trouble with his eyesight Mr. G. C. S. Ingram has felt compelled to resign from the Editorial Sub·Committee where he will be greatly missed as, ever since 1952, he has been most generous with his help. To him must go our grateful thanks. Colonel H. Morry Salmon has filled this vacancy and I am most grateful to him and the other Members of this Sub­ Committee, Messrs. C. J. Brecknell, P. W. Hinde and Dr. C. W. Walker for their help with this Report and also to Mr. T. R. H. Owen who has undertaken the bulk of the typing.

Finally I would like to thank all those who have con­ tributed notes and material.


SPANISH KITES The .first pair of Kites released in July 1957 were last 1ieen about 10 miles from Rhulen in December. These birds were ringed. Neither of these rings has been returned so that it is possible that the birds are still alive. A pair of Kites was seen in June in the same district where the first pair was last reported. That obviously does not mean that these Kites were the Spanish pair. It is a mere possibility. In June 1958 another pair of young Kites arrived from Spain, they are now in excellent condition and will shortly be flying free. Both of them are ringed.


THE COMMON CRANE (Megalornis grus), A HEREFORDSHIRE RECORD? In the chapter on the Crane in W. H. Hudson's "Rare, vanishing and lost British birds," H. E. Forrest's "Fauna of " is given as the source of the statement that "one was shot on the Herefordshire border in 1859 by a farmer who, finding it described in the books as a "common" crane, gave the body to his waggoner, who cooked and ate it!" In the "Fauna of Shropshire" the particulars are given as follows: "Mr. Rocke mentions a specimen of this rare and splendid bird, shot at Trippleton on the Teme by Mr. Roberts of that place." John Rocke (1~17-1~~1) of Clungunford was an orni­ thologist of note who had a remarkable collection of birds. It included even a stuffed Great Auk and a Great Auk's egg, which were among the exhibits particularly admired by the !Woolhope Club members on their visit to Clungunford House in 1890. We need have no hesitation in accepting a record vouched for by Rocke. Trippleton Farm lay in Shropshire, just north of the Here­ fordshire border, and when the boundary was redrawn in 1894 it became part of Herefordshire. Does this entitle us to adopt this record, and to include the Crane in the list of Herefordshire birds? C. W. WALKER. 236 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLU/l REPORT, 1~58

AN INJURED BRAMBLING AT PRESTEIGNE The bird in apparently dying condition, with a badly damaged wing, was brought to me on November 11th. I wrapped it in warm flannel, and forced tiny drops of sherry down its throat. By next day it was able to perch, and was feeding well on canary seed, grated cheese, beech nut kernals and groundsel. By the end of the week it could fly to the top of my conservatory, and was so tame that it would drink while in my hand. I padded up its wing with cotton wool, but it was so damaged that it was no use letting the hird loose, so after a fortnight I took it to a friend who has an aviary, and I hear that it is now doing very well.


A FIRECREST IN HEREFORDSHIRE On February 16th G. C. Lambourne visited Lyepole where he was fortunate enough to see a Firecrest. The striking black and white stripe on the side of the bird's head was unmistakable. The writer went there on March 2nd and, after 35 minutes watching, was lucky enough to see it just as he was about to return. A watch of 2t hours the next afteruoon with Dr. C. W. vValker was unsuccessful, only Goldcrests being seen. Subsequent visits on March 23rd with D .A. Holmes, and April 5th with D. Bicknell and Dr. Walker were again successful but the final visit on April 20th produced no sign of it after It hours watching. That such a diminutive winter migrant should stay so long in such a restricted area of a large conifer forest was rather strange. The only previous record of this bird in the county, is of a pair scen by the Rc\'. Clement Ley, at Scllack in 1864. R.H.B. HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 1958 237


MALLARD. May' 19th. A drake did the broken wing trick at Byton. He did not do it so cleverly or persist­ entlyas the duck, who was with the brood, but he most definitely went through all the motions and observer does not remember seeing a drake doing so before.

(T. R. H. OWEN).

:BUZZARD and LAPWINGS. On June 10th a pair of lap­ wings hatched three chicks on a field being prepared for swedes. On the following day a buzzard started circling overhead and was mobbed by the parent lapwings. Despite this the buzzard settled on the ground after some five minutes, still under attack, and then flew to an oak some 200 yards away still being mobbed. The plovers eventually got it to to leave the tree and returned to their three young, which they moved to a meadow the following day. (T. R. AMMoNDs).

KESTREL. On about June 11th observer watched a kestrel at some range chasing a small bird-probably a pipit or skylark. The kestrel's method was to attack from below and endeavour to stop its prey from diving into cover. This undulating chase never reached a height of more than about 25 feet. Towards the end it appeared that the prey would elude its pursuer but at the crucial moment a second kestrel joined in and the prey was forced to the ground by both hawks and its screams could be heard. One kestrel flew off leaving the other to devour its prey on the ground. The incident lasted about four minutes. (D. GOODBODY). 238 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 1958

On September 14th a kestrel was seen to dive and snatch either a swallow or a martin off electricity wires and carry it off amid much mobbing from other birds. The same performance was witnessed next day.


GREATER SPOTTED WOODPECKER. A male took exactly ten days (April 20th-30th) to drill a nesting hole in a Scots pine, but was ousted by a pair of starlings. NO' hen appeared. When resting from excavating the hole he would drum on various dead branches nearby.


HOUSE-MAR1'1N. One of some 3/4 nests fell from the eaves of observer's sister-in-Iaw's house and the young, birds were put, together with the nest-lining feathers, in a basket which was hung on an upstairs window hinge near the original site. The parents soon discovered it and crjntinued to feed the 5 youngsters which were duly fledged. (F. M. TAYLoR).

CARRION-CROW. On July 15th, four seen walking on shingle bank of vVye and putting their bills into water and turning over stones in the river, and occasionally picking something up and eating it. They went along bank for some 30 yards doing this. (B. BUTCHER).

GREAT TIT. At Fownhope numbers normal by autumn. but milk-bottle-cap opening a favourite pastime. One bird was actually seen trying to 'open' the metal radiator cap of a stationary car! (E. M. LEE). HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 1958 239

TREE-,CREEPER, Their habit of roosting in Wellingtonia trees is common at Kington. _ In one instance two trees, some ten yards apart, contained, on March 15th, 26 and 14 roosting holes or scrapes respectively, Heights of scrapes varied from 6 to 12 feet from ground. No par­ ticular aspect seemed to be favoured especially (R, H. BAILLIE). In W.A.E.'s garden at Hoarwithy several roost-holes were found in a Wellingtonia and most of these were on the North-East side of the tree and extended to some 15 feet above ground level.

MISTLE-THRUSH. As nests in orchards at Fownhope were constantl'y robbed· by crows, these birds now nest successfully in large yews on the hillsides, and manage two broods (E. M. LEE). Leintwardine. As usual three pairs built in clumps of mistletoe in observer's orchard of large old cider apple trees. This somewhat unusual site has been used here by these birds for about twenty five years or more to observer's personal knowledge. (M. BEACH).

SPOTTED FLYCATCHER. A pall' had two broods in observer's garden at Kington. The first brood, of four, left the nest about June 18th but did not leave the g-arden until July 28th, by which time the second brood, of two birds, -wa:s well fledged. All this time the first brood kept pestering their parents for food and attention even while one of the parents was actually brooding- the chicks. (B. DEACON).

YELLOW WAGTAIL. On June 7th, near Turner's Boat, observer's Labrador pup was 'attacked' by a pair of Yellow Wagtails while wandering around a grassy patch. This pair was shortly joined by two more pairs and a Pied vVagtail, all of which proceeded to mob the bewil­ dered puppy. It is presumed that the nest of the first pair was nearby. (B. DEACON). 240 HEIU:FORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 1958


(The serial numbers, nomenclature and order used below are those used in the "Check-list of the Birds of Great Britain and Ireland," published by thc British Ornithologists' Union in 1952. Paragraphs prefixed Hand R refer to Herefordshire and Radnorshire respectively).

5. GREAT CRESTED GREBE. H. Shobdon. March 1st: Three. One pair mated by 4th and by April 20th one pair had a nest and the other pair (younger?) not so forward. vVhen fourth bird arrived not noted (CWiW). Eywood. March 1st: One. 30th: A pair, which conducted long courtship ceremonial (CVV\V). Sept. 9th, Turner's Boat: One juvenile (AHL). R. Llan Bwch-llyn. April 13th: A pair (EMH & WLS). June 14th: A pair but no young (Club outing). Sept. 11th: An adult and two juveniles. (RHB).

9. LITTLE GREBE. H. Jan. 12th: One on Lugg at Lugwardinc (KAM). Feb. 23rd: One on flooded Wye at Eign railway bridge, Hereford (CJB). Here­ ford, \Vye river: Last spring bird seen here March 27th and first for autumn Nov. 1st (AJS). As usual a pair nested at Vennwood (HR). Shobdon canal pool: May 25th: Nest of eight eggs. Dee. 21st: Five birds (TRA). Turner's Sept. 9th, Oct. 26th and Dee. 29th: Two birds (AHL). Byton. Dee. 30th: One (PRD & AHL). R. Hindwell Pool. Jan. 3rd: Two (PRD & AHL). 29th: Two and Feb. 16th: None (RHB). Dee. ::30th: One (RHB, PRD & AHL). Evancoyd Pool. June 19th: A pair (PJC & \IAW). Junc 28th. Pen-y­ Clawdd Pool (1239'): A pair with three chicks (GeL). Uyn Hilyn. Aug. 26th and Scpt. 11th: One (RHB). HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB RF:PORT, 1958 241

28. CORMORANT. H. Throughout Jan. and Feb. birds seen on Wye near Madley. April 7th: Seven or eight perching on a tree at Bredwardine (TRHO). Turner's Boat. Jan. 7th: <;. 14 (RHB, PRD & AHL). March 25th: Ten (RHB & DAH). 30th: Ten perching (CWW). Sept. 9th and 21st: One. 28th: Three (AHL). Oct. 17th: Eighteen (lEAD). 26th: Ten (AHL). Nov. 8th: Seven perching (ATF). Dec. 21st: Twelve perching (CWW). 20th: Twenty at roost, including an immature (PRD & AHL). R. Llan Bwch-llyn. April 27th: One (JMB, PRD & AHL).

30. HERON. H. March 2nd: Five flushed at Tidnor area of Lugg Meadows (CJB). HERONRIES. Letton. April 4th: Five nests appeared to contain young (C'VW). Berrington. April 24th: Estimated 39 occupied nests (KJH & DH). April 30th: A pair seen with a nest in a larch near Bredwardine (KAM). More single birds seen at Madley than last year (TRHO). . R. March 30th: Five birds at Beili-bedw Mawn Pool (EMH & WLS). June 15th: Abbey Cwmhir heronry felled out (RHB).

45. MALLARD. H. Turner's Boat. Jan. 27th: C;:. 20 and Dec. 29th: C;:. 70 (PRD & AHL). Bishopstone. jall. 10th: A drake round buried in a ditch had been ringed as a juvenile at Slimbridge on 5.9.57. Distance 30 miles N.W. (Mrs. A. Tippins per HAG). Burcott Pool. Feb. 8th: Thirty (CWIW). During May and June three duck with young pres­ ent at Vennwood Pool but most of the young dis­ appeared, prohahly due to rats. A flock of about 20 hirds present most of autumn (HR). ~fay 19th: MaRy present at Byton (TRHO). June 19th: Seven at Evan­ coyd Pool (PJC & MAW). Bvton. Dee. 30th: e. 40 (PRD &.: AHL). R. \[arch ZZnd: Llm Hilm. \. 18 (RHB &.: DAH). 242 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 1958

46. TEAL. H. Turner's Boat. Jan. 7th: Two parties of ~. 6 each. Dec. 29th: ~. 25 (PRD & AHL). Here­ ford, Wye. Feb. 8th: Two males and two females (AJS). Shobdon. March 20th: One (CWW). Dec. 30th: Four (PRD & AHL). Eywood. March 30th: Three pairs (CWW). April 3rd: A pair on Tatty­ moor Pool, Kington (PRD & AHL). April 4th: Six­ teen on Wye at Letton (CWW). Sept. 2nd: Six at ''''hite's shop in Hereford, shot at Moccas; may have bred in the Bredwar:dine area (HAG). Dee. 30th: ~. 45 at Byton (PRD & AHL). R. March 22nd: Eleven at Uyn Hilyn (RHB & DAH). April 22nd: Rhosgoch: 15/20 present (KJH, DH & JR). Rhulen Mawn Pool. June 22nd: Two broods of small chicks (PJC & MAW). Sept. 28th: One shot on River Marteg (DC).

50. \VIGEON. H. Jan. 3rd and 16th: Two at Sink Green (ATF). Turner's Boat. Jan. 7th: ~. 150 (RHB, PRD & AHL). March 25th: ~. 70 (RHB & DAH). Oct. 17th: Six pairs (lEAD). 26th: ~. 10 (AHL). Dec. 29th: ~. 70 (PRD & AHL). Wergins Bridge. Jan. 28th: Two (ATF). Feb. 8th: A drake at Burcott Pool (C\VW). By ton. Feb. 16th: ~. 30/40 (GCL). Dec. 30th: A pair (PRD & AHL). March 4th: ~. 12 in pairs at Shobdon (CW'W). Sept. 19th: A few on flooded meadows at Tidnor (C\V.W). Nov. 8th: 36 flushed at Letton (KAM). R. Uyn Hilyn. Jan. 29th: Eight (RHB).

52. PINTAIL. H. Flintsham Pool. Feb. 17th: A drake, which was the only bird on the water, flew right away when flushed (RHB).

53. SHOVELER. H. Feb. 16th: Two pairs at Bvton (GCL). April 13th: A pair at Shobdon (GeL). Sept. 2nd: A juvenile shot at Moccas (HAG). R. Hindwell. Dec. 22nd: One adult and two first winter males. 30th: One only (RHB, PRD & AHL). HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 1958 243

.56. TUFTED DUCK. H. Shobdon. Feb. 16th: 3 males and 2 females (GCL). Nov. 2nd: One male and three females (JMB). Dee. 30th: Three females (PRD & AHL). Feb. 17th: A male at Eywood (RHB). Feb. 21st: Five pairs on a pool between Almeley and Ear­ disley (MB-T). March 27th: A male on Burcott Pool (CWW). R. Hindwell Pool. Jan. 29th: One r:J and 2

.57. POCHARD. H. Shobdon. Feb. 16th: One r:J (GeL). March 2nd, 4th and 20th: Two r:J r:J (CWW). 23rd: Three (RHB & DAH). 29th: Two r:J r:J and one

70. GOOSANDER. H. Turner's Boat. Jan. 7th: Not less than 3 r:J r:J and 5

73. SHELD-DUCK. H. Feb. 10th: One on flood-water in early morning at Hereford, which was soon dis­ turbed (AJS). R. Uyn Hilyn. :\'o\'. 6th: A female present, which eventually flew off westwards (HWF). (Third record for county-Eo.). 244 HEREFORDSHIRE ORl"ITHOLOGICAL CLUn REPORT, 1958

76. WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE. H. Jan. 26th: Seven flew S.S.W. over Wye at Bridge, SoUars (CJB). Feb. 8th: Six in meadow near Leintwardine (AA\tVB). The following records are of unidentified Grey Geese which were in all probability \Vhite-fronts. Jan. 11th: 60/65 over Tupsley from east to west (KAM). Feb. 10th: 25 in V formation flying west­ wards over Hereford Cathedral at 8.46 a.m. (ATF). 23rd: 24 flew over southwards by observer's house near Hereford (CJB). March 3rd: 55 flying east over Breinton (H\tVF). Aug. 27th: Two flew southward~ over Fownhope (EML). Dee. 13th: Two parties of <,:. 30 each in V formation seen flying S.E. over Cathed­ ral School playing fields (DH).

82. CANADA GOOSE. H. Byton. Feb. 28th: Birds. returned (per GSTD). March 30th: Eight birds appeared to be paired (CWW). May 19th: A pair which brought off a brood of three had moved them to the Lugg river nearby (RHB & GSTD). April: One pair without young, thought to be the same birds, was seen on the 7th at Flintsham Pool, 8th at Milton Cross (PRD &AHL), and 20th Eywood Pool (per W. E. Pye).

84. MUTE SWAN. H. May 20th: A herd of 43 on Wye at Hereford (AJS). Oct. 21st: A herd of 17 in­ cluding one cygnet, at Turner's Boat (RHB & JEAD). R. June 19th: A pair with four cygnets at Evan­ coyd Pool (PJC & MAW).

91. BUZZARD. H. Yarpole area: J'\ot so numerous, undoubtedly reduced by shooting (GWT). Several pairs Madley area, one of which had completed nest by April 14th. Six birds in air together near Long­ town on April 11th and one nest found (TRHO). March 30th: A pair at Mallins Wood, E. Hereford­ shire (LS). A pair bred in their usual fir at Venn­ wood (HR). Shobdon area. :-.Jumbers mllch the same as in previous years. but pairs seem still unable to rear more than one youngster. A dead bird which HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOI.OGICAL CLUB R~:PORT, 1958 245

appeared to be a juvenile was in poor condition and might have died of starvation. Birds have been seen feeding on the carcases of dead hares this autumn, but no evidence as to how hares died (TRA). A pair which nested near Madley had a very small platform of a nest, far too Rimsy for such a bird, balanced well out on an oak bough (TRHO). The usual pair nested at Fownhope but only raised one young to Right (EML). R. June 25th: When ringing a single chick in a nest sited 27 feet up in an oak, two dead moles, the feathers and leg of a young magpie and feathers of a juvenile rook were found in nest (PJC). At the end of May the area bounded by Erwood, Aberedw, Rhulen, Glascwm, Newchurch, Michael­ church, Clyro Hill, Painscastle, observer noted some 17 pairs: area about 30 square miles, giving one pair to just under two square miles (ARMB).

'93. SPARROW-HAWK. H. March 9th: Three seen soaring tog'ether on Shelwick meadows (CWW). Single birds seen frequently at Vennwood during April and September, and a male at Luggbridge, Sutton, on Sept. 11th (HR). Not uncommon Kington (RHB).

100. HEN-HARRIER. H. Bradnor Hill, Kington. May 4th: Seen Rying low over bracken. Pearly grey on wings and back. Wings black-tipped, underparts white, no wing bar. Rump not noticed. Tail long and wedg·e-shaped. Slow wing-beats and glides (AHL). This bird was very well seen the prevIOus clay by NII'. Arthur Deacon. Description tallies closely ,vith that given above. It might be of interest to add that another male was seen to cross Hergest Ridge. by RHB, on 21.4.48 and make for Bradnor HilL ,,-here it was also seen by FSB. 246 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL cum REPpRT, 1958

104. HOBBY. H. April 27th: One seen near the Lugg at Sutton. Last seen flying N.N.E. (AJS). Despite several visits to last year's haunt none seen there this year (ATF). July 24th: One flew low over observer'" head and rose above the wood and dropped down to a tree in the middle of it where they have bred on pre­ vious occasions. Not seen on subsequent visits (GWW). Aug. 31st: Observer went to above area and could hear Hobbies screaming as one was mobbed by a Raven. Two Hobbies were present but light too bad to make out if both were adults or not (TRA).

105. PEREGRINE FALCON. H. Madley. Jan. 15th: A pair seen. Female only seen March 9th-10th. Male seen again end of December flying westwards. (TRHO). One seen over Lower Lugg valley near Tupsley on Jan. 5th and Feb. 8th (CVVW). On April 24th one passed over Hereford at great height and travelling westwards at 6 p.m. (AJS). R. May 12th: A pair N.W. of Rhayader (L.S). June 21st: One seen in flight over Pen-rhiw-wen (PJC & MA\V).

107. MERLIN. R. March 15th: A pair, Harley Dingle (GMI & MJW). April 7th: A pair up the Vron (RHB & DB).

111. RED GROUSE. R. March 15th: Great Rhos, Rad­ nor Forest: Seven-plus flushed (GMI & MJW). April 7th: Four Hushed on Vron Ridge (RHB & DB). 22nd: Glascwm: Four Hushed (DH & JR). May 30th: Painscastle-Llanbedr and Rhulen Hills: Eight-plus noted (ARMB).

113. BLACK GROUSE. R. Pantydwr. Feb. 2nd: Two hens and, later, a pair seen (DC). April 12th: Two males flushed together. A third, found later, might have been one of the first two (RHB, PRD, DG & AHL). June 15th: A male flushed at very close range (RHB, DG & PWH). HERt:FORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 1958 247

115. RED-LEGGED PARTRIDGE. H. Common through­ out the year in Froome Valley near Yarkhill. Always more numerous than Common Partridge on Yarkhill Court land. Two albinos have been seen for about three years (J. R. Stedman per CWW). March 1st. Madley: A covey of seven birds seen (CWW). April 14th: A pair on Tupsley School playing fields (CJB). June 7th: One near Titley Mawn Pitts Pool (RHB Se AHL). At least two pairs located at Vennwood in June (HR). Aug. 2nd: Easthampton Farm, a pair with six chicks seen (TRA).

116. PARTRIDGE. R. April 22nd: Two flushed at Glascwm (DH & HR).

117. QUAIL. H. May 22nd: Heard calling in a field of barley at Ledicot, Shobdon (TRA). June 7th: Hare­ wood End: A bird, heard calling in a hayfield, was stalked and flushed at about two yards range (R. Flem­ ming per CWW).

120. WATER-RAIL. H. Dee. 20th: Byton: Two birds seen 011 thrcc occasions chasing each other about the edge of some rushes. Squcaling note also heard (PRD & AHL).

R. OCL 25th: Onc seen ncar Pantydwr (DG).

125. CORNCRAKE. R. May. One reliably reported as calling in a meadow N.vV. of Presteigne (per TRA).

126. MOORHEN. R. June 19th: St. :Ylichael's Pool: A nest of seven eggs found. This pool is between 1,150 and 1,200 feet abow sea level and the neighbour­ ing pool to the north (Pen-y-clawdd) is approximately 1,239 ft. In 1955 two nests of 8 and 6 eggs were found at the latter pool (PJC). Dee. 22nd: \. 15 hirds on Hindwcll Pool (RHB. PRD & AHL). 248 H~:REFOR[)SHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 1958

127. COOT. R. Jan.3rd: HindweU Pool: ~. 40 (PRD & AHL). 29th : ~. 6 (RHB). Dee. 22nd and 30th: (f. 35 (RHB, PRD & AHL). June 19th: Two pairs breeding on Evancoyd Pool (PJC & MAW). June 28th: Pen-y-clawdd Pool: Two or three pairs present with several young (GCL).

131. OYSTERCATCHER. H. March 3rd: One reported feeding on an old manure heap at Brampton Bryan. 10th: One, possibly same bird, seen on wing near the Teme helowLeintwardine (AAWB). R. March 11th: A single bird watched feeding in a field close to houses at Pantydwr (DG).

133. LAPWING. H. Jan. 21st-23rd: During this very cold period many parties, varying from <;. 20 to as many as 200 on one occasion, were seen flying S.W. over Kington (RHB), also over Madley (TRHO). On 23rd three flocks of <;. 100 each seen flying westwards over Shobdon (TRA). A very large passage must have taken place, as the first two observers could not have seen each other's birds and it is improbable that either saw those from Shobdon (En.). Feb. 14th: A flock of 93 near thc Wye at Bridge SoUars (TRHO). 25th: A flock of 3/400 feeding between Arrow Mill, Lawton and Cholstre) (GSTD). Sept. 28th: ~. 40 at Willersly (AHL). Oct. 4th: 200 counted, but more present, at Lugwardine bridge (EML). 28th: <;. 100/150 seen feeding at \lortimer's Cross (PRD). 29th: <;. 160 feeding by Eardisley station (PRD & AHL). Completely absent from Yar­ pole this year during breeding season (G\\'T). R. Dee. 22nd: Summcrgil Brook mcadows near Four Stones: A mixed flock of some 775 birds of this and the next species included about 625 Lapwings (RHB, PRD & AHL). HEREFORDSHIRE OR:-iITHOI.OGICAL CLVB IU~PORT. 1958 24lJ

140. GOLDEN PLOVER. H. Shobd

R. Sept. 20th: One at Pantydwr (DG). Dec. 22nd: See 133 above.

145. COMMON SNIPE. H. Birds drumming at Byton early May (TRHO). Sept. 23rd: Six at Hereford Sew­ age Works (AJS). Titley Mawn Pitts Pool. Dec. 21st: Eight (PRD & AHL). 26th: Several seen at Yarpole (GWT). Sink Green. Nov. 3rd: Seven. 7th 48 and 23rd 62 (ATF). Dec. 27th: <;. 40/50 present (KJH & DH). Turner's Boat Marsh. Oct. 21st: <; 12; 26th 27; Nov. 4th 8 (RHB, JEAD & AHL).

R. Uyn Hilyn: Not more than one recorded at anyone visit (RHB & AHL). Litton Hill. April 17th: Three (RHB, WHD & AStGW). In early May birds were heard drumming at Rhosgoch (RHB) and at Llan Bwch-llyn on June 14th (Club outing).

147. JACK SNIPE. H. Turner's Boat Marsh. Nov. 4th: Two (RHB & AHL). Sink Green. NO\. 6th: One which flew off down vVye at second flushing (A TF). Dec. 12th: One flushed by Wye at Hereford (AJS). 21st: Onc flushed at Titley Ylawn Pitts Pool (PRD & AHL). 250 HEREFORJ>SHIRE ORNITHOLO(;ICAL C!.lll\ REPORT, 1958

148. WOODCOCK. H. Feb. 17th: One flushed Veld Wood, Kington (WRC). May 29th: Roding at Crook­ mullen, Wigmore (TRA). Plentiful in usual wood­ land breeding areas (CWW). R. Jan. 25th: One on Milton Hill (WLS). March 15th: One flushed south of Old Hall, Uanfihangel Rhydithon (GMI& MJW). May 5th: Nest of 2 eggs Cwmcynydd. Bird sitting on 9th and not flushed (DG).

150. CURLEW. H. Feb. 16th: A party of seven over flood waters in Lower Lugg meadows (CJB). Arrived Madley Feb. 28th and there in strength on March 3rd (TRHO). March 6th: First pair at Munsley (JGM). Nc>\'. 3rd: Birds heard calling while migrating over Kington westwards, at 10 p.m. (AHL). Hardly any seen at Yarpole during breeding season this year (GWT). A flock of c;:. 25 remained at Leintwardine all the winter of 1957/58 (AAWB & MB). R. Feb. 16th: At least one heard but not seen at Hindwell (RHB). March 23rd: In song at 1,200' near Bleddfa (ASt.GW). April 22nd: 15/20 present at Rhosgoch (KJH, DH & JR).

151. WHIMBREL. H. Aug. 28th: One flying high and calling well as it passed southwards over Hereford (AJS). R. May 15th: One very wild bird flushed at Uyn Hilyn flew right away southwards (RHB).

156. GREEN SANDPIPER. H. April 28th: A party of ten on the '''''ye at Breinton (HWF). Aug. 4th: One on the Lugg at Eyton (CWW). Turner's Boat. Sept. 28th: Two (AHL). R. Uan Bwch-llyn. June 14th: One on south shore which eventually flew high and fast due east (RHB & PWH). July 15th: One flying up Wye oppo­ site Hay (BB). Aug. 10th: One at Beili-bedw Mawn Pool (TRA). Sept. 10th: One at Uyn Hilyn (AHL). HEREFORIlSHIIU: ORNITHOLO(;ICAL CL(l1I REPORT, HJ58 251

159. COMMON SANDPIPER. H. Turner's Boat. Jan. 7th: One. March 25th, April 9th and Sept. 9th: One only. Sept. 21st: Six. 28th: One. Oct. 21st: A pair. 26th: A pair and one. Nov, 4th: One. Dee. 29th: One (RHB, JEAD, PRD, DAB & AHL). (Probably the first record of the bird wintering in this county.-En.). April 20th: One at Lyepolc (TRA). April 21st: Two at Lower Lugg, a late date. Very few seen on migra­ tion this spring (CWW). A pair at Eywood (PRD & AHL). 22nd: A pair on Wye at Hampton Bishop (KAM). 24th: Hereford, Wye: Two, one of which sang on three occasions while flying slowly over Wye about a foot above water (AJS). 26th: A pair on Teme N.\\7. of vValford, which were very anxious when revisited on May 12th (LS). Singles often seen on Wye between June 22nd and Oct. 2nd (AJS). A pair seen during late April and May on vVye at Rotherwas (WDH). July 17th: Three on Wye near Hereford Sewage Works (ATF). Aug. 24th: One by Wye (C\\7\\7). 29th: One at Hereford Sewage Works (ATF). R. Uyn Hilyn. April 15th: A pair (WHD). 27th: One (GCL). 24th: One at Pantydwr (DG). May 28th: Two pairs, each with young, present at Cox­ head Bank Common (GCL). June 1st: A pair on Teme near Beguildy (LS).

161. REDSHANK. H. April 3rd-16th: Tupsley: One seen on various dates, though two present on 8th (CW'W). April 8th and 19th: One on Lugg at Lugg Mill(ATF). May 12th: A pair in meadows near Buckton (LS). Aug. 21st: One seen flying down Wye at Hereford (AJS). Dee. 30th: One at Byton (PRD & AHL). R. Uyn Hilyn. April 14th: Two pairs (CJB & KAM). 27th: Two pairs (GCL). 29th: One pair (MB-T). May 15th: A pair. June 13th: Three (RHB). 20th: A pair (PJC & ~IA W). April 17th: A pair on Litton Hill (RHB. WHD & ASt.GW). June 18th: One on Moelynaidd Pool: on 19th a pair flew off St. Michael's Pool (PJC & MAW). 252 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 1958

165. GREENSHANK. H. One seen and heard in Shel­ wick Meadows on March 9th (CWW).

R. Uyn Hilyn. Aug. 22nd: After half an hour's watching a single bird dropped in about 11.50 and was· still present when observers left about one hour later (RHB, PRD & AHL).

(This is only the third record for this pool and also­ for Radnorshire-En.).

169. KNOT. H. March 9th: One in pale grey winter plumage with 16 Golden Plovers and 20 Lapwings on Shelwick Meadows (CWW). Dee. 18th: One circling Wye near Hereford in fog, later pitched on patch of mud-bank where it was observed down to ten yards. Call at this range a barely audible 'too-it'. Flew off after about 5 minutes (AJS). (These arc only the 5th and 6th records for the county-En.).

178. DUNLIN. H. Sept. 29th: One, in late summer plumage, at 5.30 p.m. at Hereford Sewage Works (AJS).

185. AVOCET. H. A pair frequented two shallow ponds at Parton Farm, Eardisley, and were seen there on many occasions between March 27th and April 1st by Mr. W. J. Layton and members of his family. They spent their time wading near the edges of the pools, feeding, and flying only about 25 yards into the field if approached closely. They uttered short, whistling notes and were not very noisy. The only previous record of Avocet in the county is of onc, also very tame, watched from close at hand for quite a long time as it fed on a sandy spit in the lVye below \Vilton, by Colonel \Vienholt. the date being about 19~n (C\V\V). HEREFORIlSHIRE ORNITHOLO(;iCAL CLIIII REPORT, 1958 253

199. LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL. H. March 15th: Two, with other gulls, following plough at Shobdon (TRA). 25th: One flying down river at Turner's Boat (RHB & DAH). April 9th: Four at Turner',; Boat (PRD & AHL). Sept. 7th: One, and on 8th three, at Vennwood (HR). Oct. 4th: (,:. 30 on flood water at L'llgwardine (AJS).

R. May 25th: An adult at Erwood (ARMB).

200. HERRING-GULL. H. March 18th: One low· flying bird travelling eastwards just north of Wyevale Nurseries, Hereford (RHB).

201. COMMON GULL. H. area. From Jan. 8th mixed flocks of up to 30/40 Common and Black­ headed Gulls were frequently seen and by Feb. 26th several Black-headed began to show summer plumage. At the beginning of April numbers dwindled to 20 or less, though on 9th <,:. 150 Common were s.een on the Leddol1 river at Donnington, but only 50 the next day. This total fell to about six by the 16th and was last seen at Little Marcle on 20th (JGM). March 15th: Six with two Lesser Black-backs and <;. 120 Black­ headed followed plough at Shobclon (TRA). 25th: One flying upstream at Turner's Boat (RHB & DAH).

208. BLACK-HEADED GULL. H. March 3rcl: Twenty at Flintsham Pool (RHB). 15th: Flock of 120 follow­ ing plough at Shobdon (TRA). May 2nd and 14th: Byron .\farsh: Only three birds seen. Onc or two ppirs might be breeding but 110 nest found in May TRHO). At the end of May at Bredwardine only 4/5 gulls were Hying about there, and no sign of nesting. A pair of Mute Swans was resident and may have put them off (HAG). Titley Mawn Pins Pool. June 7th: About three pairs appeared to be nesting (RHB & AHL). 254 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 1958

R. Rhosgoch. April 22nd: c,:. 150/200 birds present and one nest with two eggs found (KJH, DH & JR). May 25th: Maximum of 47 adults seen. Colony esti­ mated at 25 pairs (A. E. Billet, G. E. Clothier, R. H. Poulding and M. A. Wright). 28th: About 30 birds. seen. Local farmer informed observer only about 15­ nests this year against the usual hundreds (ARMB). June: c,:. 40 pairs nesting (Sir Hugh Rankin). St. Michael's Pool. May 28th: c,:. 20 pairs appeared to be nesting and all nests except two had two eggs (GCL). June 19th: c,:. 100 gulls present but only 45 nests found, 14 x 3 eggs; 16 x 2; 11 x 1; and 4 empty (PJC & MAW). Pen-y-clawdd Pool. May 11th: 40 nests gave 10 x 3: eggs; 20 x 2 and 10 x 1 (TRA).June 19th: 120 birds present but very few nesting (PJC & MAW). July 19th: About 30 young all able to fly (GCL). Llanwefr Pool. May 11th: c,:. 150 nests were counted of which 100 contained egg-s, viz.-40 x 3; 30 x 2; and 30 x 1 (TRA). On June 21st c,:. 450 birds were actually present out of an estimated population of 250-275 pairs, but very few young were seen and few nests found (PJC & MAW). On June 22nd about 50 young were on the wing and 30 on the water. The cause of the heavy loss as compared with this recorder's earlier observation on May 11th is not known (TRA). Llan Bwch--llyn. June 14th: Two pairs appeared to be nesting at west end (Club outing). Moelynaidd Hill Pool. June 18th: Ten pairs present, nineteen adults seen in flight and two dead on ground near pool. Ten nests: 5 x 3; 1 x 2; 1 x 1; onc with two chicks and two nests empty (PJC & MAW). June 22nd: Rhulen Mawn Pool: Three pairs present. No nests or young found (PJC & MAW).

Gulls at Hereford Sewage Works. The following monthly table shows the maximum number of gulls recorded during one day within half a mile radius of the "Vorks:- HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT. 1958 255

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June Lesser BI ack-Back .. , 13 12 8 6 5 3 Herring 3 2 1 1 Common 10 <;.250 <;.220 <;.240 16 Black-headed <;.220 <;.140 <;.110 <;.20 2 5 LEB/ Herring* 4 2 1

July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Lesser Black-Back .. , G 7 5 3 4 6 Herring 1 1 Common 3 3 2 9 <;.10 <;.20 Black-headed 24 24 <;.40 <;.90 <;.200 <;.270 LEB/ Herring* 19 1 2 2

* (First-winter immatures not separated. AJS)

(A comparable table for 1957 is given on p.211 in last year's Annual Report.-ED.).

212. BLACK TERN. R. July 20th: A single bird watched working the Rhiw Pool while observer was picknicking there (JW). (From observer's description the bird was evidently about a year old.-ED.).

217/218. COMMON/ARCTIC TERN. H. March 26th: One seen to catch a fish in Medland Pool, Staunton-on­ Arrow (G. Tong per JMB). May 20th: One seen flying up Wye at Rotherwas (WDH). Oct. 5th: One seen flying slowly northwards up the Lugg at Tidnor at a range of 35 yards (ATF).

218. ARCTIC TERN. H. Sept. 24th: A first year bird seen flying up 'Vye near Hereford (AJS). Oct. 12th: An adult found dead on Showle Court Farm. Yarkhill (CB).

232. STOCK-DOVE. H. Heard cooing at Madley on Dee. 19th, and Jan. 2nd. 1959 (TRHO).. ann at King­ tOil on Jan. 3rd and 4th. 1959 (RHB). 256 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOI.OGICAL CLUB REPORT, 1958

234. \\lOOD·PIGEON. B. April 29th: A bird cooing at 11.30 p.m. in bright moonlight (KAM).

235. TURTLE-DOVE. B. May 2nd: Arrived Madley (TRHO). Arrived about usual date, heard ort 8th at Mordiford, Checkley and Haugh Wood. A diminish­ ing species? (CWW). Lower Eaton. 24th: Three seen (KJH). 25th: Holme Lacy: One (KAM). June 13th: One between Bredwardine and Dorstone; one at Plleston-on-Wye, 29th (GSTD). July 9th/Aug. 18th: One frequently seen half a mile west of Pembridge (GSTD). July 17th: One dead on road near Milton Cross (GSTD). Aug. 6th: One seen just south of Brampton Bryan where a pair is reported breeding (RHB). Aug. 31st: One flushed off road at Roar­ withy (AJS). Sept. 26th: One flying in westerly direc­ tion near Hereford (AJS). A pair frequently seen in and around pea fields at Kingstone. Odd birds on the roads at Madley, Allensmore and Clehonger (DAG). Yarpole: Usual pair in observer's farmyard during summer, which almost certainly bred in area (GWT). Several seen in Donnington area (WDH). Vennwood: One, probably two, pairs during June (HR).

237. CUCKOO. H. April 18th: First heard at dawn at Kington (per RHB). 20th: Budey Gate. Wellington next day (.JV). 20th: Arrived Malvern area. More birds about than for some years (MP-S). 21st: Heard at Eywood (PRD & AI-IL). R. April 21st: Abbey Cwmhir (DC).

241. BARN-OW'L H. In the first five months of the year the number of observations made was quite phenomenal, ranging from Ledbury in the east to Hereford and north of the 'Vye, and are too numerous to give in detail. There is however no record of breeding, though a dead juvenile was found at Shob­ don on June 2nd (TRA). The same observer reports a pair living in a barn, amongst bales of hay. at East-

h~nlnt{)n thrn,11rrh""Ult thp '11ltl1rn." ,,(Hh;r~h ...... ,,~....:I .. ~ .t. ,...... 'Y1o _ _ • ._...,,, L ...., __..O 'J L L IL .. L"- , '" II.JL1.J II.1U\"lL <-l LVl1 siderable deposit of droppings and pellets near some dwellings about 50 yards away. One seen at Capler HERI':FORIlSHIRE OR~ITHOLOGICAI. CI.UB RU'ORT, 1958 257

on Sept. 1st (KAYI) is the only other record received after June. R. March 22nd and 23rd: One, possibly the same, seen flying in afternoon, despite biting wind, at Bwlch­ y-Sarnau and Prysgduon Hill (DG).

246. LITTLE OWL. H. Jan. / April: Frequently ob­ served in Tupsley area of Lugg meadows (CJB). Fre­ quently seen in Dinedor and Tarrington areas (WDH) and Kingstone, Madley, Allensmore, Clehonger and on the Tram Inn Toad'(DAC). Common in Lower Lugg valley (C\,yW). A pair bred successfully at Fownhope (EML). Estimated 3/6 pairs resident at Vennwood (HR). Frequently seen on telegraph poles at Yarpole (G\,yT). DAC makes the same observation about his area (see above) and adds that in places where poles have been removed they have taken to sitting on the roadway.

248. L()J\;G-EARED OWL. H. May 3rd: A bird well viewed while perching on a gosling coop at Bridge Court, Brilley. This is the first seen by observer, at the Court, for about seven years (EMH). R. Vron. April 7th: One (RHB & DB). 19th: A pair (PRD & AHL). 27th: A pair (GCL). May 27th: One. Many old nests examined but none seemed occupied (ARYIB). April 28th: Nest of 4 eggs found in Red Lion area (DG).

249. SHORT-EARED OWL. H. Kington. A pair was flushed bv the Radnor and \Vest Hereford Hunt in bracken (;n Hergest Ridge on Ylarch 17th. On 19th RHB & JMB went to the area and flushed a single bird, as did RHB & DAH on 21st. ;\lone could be found there on April 8th (RHB). R. Pantydwr. Jan. 12th and Feb. 12th: Single birds; and three on March 2nd and six on 29th (DG). April 12th: Three (RHB, PRD, DG & AHL). 18th: r'l~~ ""rl T.. ~~ 1A.1-.. £'I~n Il\r'\ £'1" ,""", 10,1-. " "IJ'-, «11\.1. JLI-IIL .l_VLI.l. '-'Ill.... \ "'-J'-Jljo ...... ,.11 ... JL1..1\.. -LULIL U storm-blown bird seen near observer's home. :\To proof of breeding this veal' (DC). 258 HEREFORDSHIRE ORl\ITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 1958

252. NIGBTJAR. B. May 29th: Beard at Crookmul­

len, vVigmore, and 011 northern slope of Shobdon Hill 'j on 31st (TRA). June 1st: Heard at Deerfold , (AAWB). 8th: Beard at Baugh Wood at Club out­ ing and rest of summer. 13th: Byton : Several birds heard churring and it was thought that up to six pairs were nesting in the area (RBB, GSTD, Austin Dyke & AHL). 18th: A bird flew across 2nd fairway, close to observer, at Wormsley Golf-club (DAC). 19th: A male at Bott's vVood, Breinton, and two seen there on 28th (WGK). July 25th: One seen in a recently felled copse on marshy land near Newton, between Kinners­ ley and Almeley (ES W). Aug. 6th: One seen and heard at Dinmore Farm on site of V.F.B. Radio Station (\VGK). Several birds observed during summer at Chase Wood, Ross-on-Wye (WHM). R. May 29th: A male flushed near Evancoyd (CJLL).

255. SWIFT. H. April 23rd: One, Wellington (JV). One over Belmont Estate (JR). 27th: One over Led­ bury going east to west. 30th: Two, and in strength on May 1st (JGM). April 27th: Two at (GSTD). One over Lugg at Sutton and seven over Hereford on 29th and a flock of 50/60 over Hereford on May 3rd (AJS). The two latest dates received were Sept. 4th, two going S.E. over Wellington (JV) and Sept. 8th, two over Wilton Bridge, Ross-on-Wye (ELJ). R. Pantydwr. :VIay 8th (DG). Did not appear in Bryngwyn area until 15th (Sir Bugh Rankin). One over Michaelchurch-on-Arrow on Sept. 12th (GLP).

258. KINGFISHER. H. Jan. 19th: One at Eign Road Railway Bridge, Bereford (CJB). March 4th: One on vVye near Madley-also seen on Monnow (TRBO). 23rd: Onc at Lyepole (RHB & DAH). July 31st: One Staunton-on-Arrow (.lMB). Others noted at Turner's Boat, Kington and the Golden Valley. Nest­ ing recorded at Rotherwas ('VDH) and Eardisland (ET). R. Onc seen in August on the Arrow at ~ewchurch (BB). HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 1958 259-

263. GREATER SPOTTED WOODPECKER. H. Com­ moner than Green at Vennwood (HR) and also in Madley area (TRHO).

264. LESSER SPOTTED WOODPECKER. H. Feb. 12th: One in Kington churchyard and a male in Park Wood on March 5th (RHB). One at Park Wood (AHL). At Hereford a pair had made two nesting holes in'apple trees at Overbury road by April 8th and then disappeared (CWW). Not seen at Vennwood for sevetal years (HR). Heard drumming or calling near observer's house at Madley, irregularly but throughout the year (TRHO).

271. WOOD-LARK. H. March 1st: Seen and heard singing on the slopes above Bredwardine and on 8th a pair seen feeding on ground at edge of \Vormsley Golf Course. Perched in oak but no song (CW\Y). April 10th: At least one pair at Raven's Causeway (HR). April 30th: A pair at Kington which were seen for some days thereafter (RHB, PRD & AHL). May 26th: Present near Arthur's Stone (KJH & DH). 27th: A pair were carrying food at the Hollybush (lGM). Sept. 2nd: Three and on 10th four birds at Raven's Causeway (HR). In song at Yarpole during October (GWT). Oct. 26th: Three by main road at Kingswood (AHL). Nov. 1st: In song early morning, Mortimer's Cross (TRA). Dec. 20th: A flock of twelve seen flying and feeding in fields about one mile south of Stretford Bridge (CWW). Bred as usual at Poston, Vowchurch (Miss Robinson per C\V\\'). R. May 25th: One in song close to Rhosgoch-Clym. Hill road (AR~IB). June 14th: One in song near Grove Farm. above Huntington (RHB & P\YH).

272. SKYLARK. H. Nov. 1st: Flock of ~'. 65 at ~lor­ timer's Cross (TRA). Dec. 29th: (:. 50 at Turner's Boat (PRD & AHL). Biggish flocks abollt Madley all through November and December (TRHO). 260 HI':REFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 1958

274. SWALLOW. H. March 27th: Three near Byford (WLS). 29th: One at Hereford (CWW). Main arrival seemed to be during fourth week of April. Last records came from Kington Oct. 25th/27th with a maximum of five on 25th (AHL) and two on 27th (RHB). R. April 17th: Onc Hindwell (RHB) and 22nd, Pantydwr (DG).

276. HOUSE-MARTIN. H. ~larch 29th: Three near Byton (Austin Dyke per GSTD) and two hawking flies at Kington (FSB). April 10th: Three at Pembridge (GSTD). 13th: One at Kingsland (CJB). Main influx in early May. Vennwood: Three pairs nested but did not begin building until about June 25th (HR). Young still in nest during October in Hereford (HGM). Last dates, Oct. 17th: Four at Kington (AHL).. 28th: Party of <,:.12 hawking' over Much ~larde (JGM). 29th: One over Kington (JMB).

277. SAl'\D-MARTIN. H. March 27th: Arrived on Wye near Madley (TRHO). 29th: Two over \Vye at Hereford (AJS), and again at Hereford (C W\V). 30th: \.50 present at Pontrilas (KJH, DH & JR). Sept. 8th: <,:. 35 by Wilton Bridge, Ross (ELJ). 25th: One, Here­ ford (AJS).

279. RAVEN. H. Jan. 11th: One over Caplcr Wood near Fownhope (KAM. Feb. 6th: Ten sparring and rolling in southward flight over Easthampton (TRA). Feb.-April: Two pairs constantly around Madley, but in ~1ay these left, and parties of up to a dozen birds could be seen and heard doing acrobatics at Merbach above Bredwardine. Only once recorded again at Madley until Oct. 11th, when the two pairs returned to the Bridge Sollars-;\loccas stretch of \\'ye (TRHO). ~larch 15th: Two over Bc1mont \Voods: on 25th a pair was doing courtship rolls O\'er Lcominster Gram­ mar School (JR). .-\pril 8th: Onc heard over woods HI,REFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 195~ 261.

near Wormslcy Golf Course (KAM). Sept. 4th: One heard Raven's Causeway (HR). 13th: One over Backbury Hill (KAM). 28th: A pair seen at Bank Farm, Mathon (M.P-S). Dec. 21st: Two seen and heard over Adzor Bank between Canon Pyon and Wellington: not noted in this area before (JV). A pair frequently seen at Tarrington which may nest in area, though site not found (,WDH). A pair has been about Shucknall andWesthide for the last year or two· (JRS). A pair nested as usual in the Bircher area (CWT). Although no reports have been received from the South, except of a pair regularly over the Mon­ now at Garway (TRHO), the Raven seems to be well distributed throughout the rest of Herefordshire.-Eo. R. Jan. 26th: A party of 34 seen flying eastwards up the River Marteg. At least two more called later but did not seem to be connected with the main party (DC). March 15th: Two nests in Radnor Forest both contained four eggs (GMI & MJW). At the end of May 14-plus birds were seen in the same area as Buz­ zards (q.v.) (ARMB).

282. ROOK. H. June 13th: Kington. Watched a strong flying pigeon-grey juvenile being fed by a normally coloured parent. It is curious how this strain persists locally, vide antea No. 1 p. 6, No. 2 p. 29, r\o. 5 p. 139 (RHB). Leintwardine: A bird with white wing coverts was noticed nesting in a large willow some half mile from the nearest rookery. 'When feeding with normal birds it did not attract their special notice. Its mate and brood were not observed (MB).

288 and 289. GREAT AND BLUE TITS. H. Jan. 31st/ Feb. 1st: Kington population increased. Reduced to near normal by Feb. 15th (RHB).

293. WILLOW-TIT. H. Sept. 10th: One seen by Lugg Bridge at Hampton Court, T.eolllimter (EL]).

300. DIPPER. Still well distributed in both counties though the 'Yater-break-its-ncck (Rack) pair has not been seen recently. .262 HEREFORDSHIRE ORMTHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT. 1958

302. FIELDFARE. H. Flocks up to <;.55 commqn during first quarter of year at Ledbury. Last seen yIarch 24th "I (JGM). April 10th: Two flying north over Raven's Causeway (HR). Oct. 19th: Two seen and heard, flying N.W. at Wellington (JV). Nov. 15th: A flock of <;. 20 at Kington (AHL).

R. April 7th: A flock of <;. 40 at mouth of the Vron (RHB & DB). 22nd: A flock of 15 at Kinnerton (AHL).

304. REDWING. H. As common as Fieldfares in the first quarter of the year at Ledbury. Last seen March 25th (JGM). Oct. 17th: Twenty one calls heard over Hereford between 10 and 11.30 p.m. (AJS). 18th: Large numbers passed through Wellington heading northwards in a continuous stream (JV). Five going West over observer's garden at Kington (RHB). 19th: Several flocks flying northwards between Stansbatch and Kington (RHB & AHL). Dee. 31st: A flock of <,;. 100 at Stanner (PRD & AHL). Always commoner than Fieldfares at Kington (RHB).

:307. RING-OUZEL. H. April 11th: A pair seen on Cat's Back, Black Mountains (TRHO).

R. April 4th: Radnor Forest: Parties of 6 and 3 seen moving over the hills, probably newly arrived (JL). 7th: A male on S.W. face of Great Rhos (RHB & DB). 19th: Vron, Two pairs and a third cock (PRD & AHL). 23rd: One in East Harley Valley (A.StG.W.). 27th: Glascwm: A pair (GCL), a hen (HWF). May 27th: Certainly three pairs in Vron Valley and a fourth pair flew over into Harley Dingle (ARMB). 28th: A male in song in Elan Valley (AR\IB). 31st: A male in song in Bailey Dingle was the only one seen in the Rhulen Hill, Llanbedr Hill and Red Hill area (ARMB). HEREFORDSHIRE ORNlTHOLO(;ICAI. CLlII\ REPORT, HJ5~ 2ti3

308. BLACKBIRD. H. Feb. 16th: Pair building at "Wellington: 4 eggs March 12th, hatched a day or two before 30th; found destroyed April 2nd; nest rebuilt and brood of five flew on May 18th (JV). Late Dee.: A male with white collar extending down throat near WyeBridge (KJH & DH). Hereford Cemetery: The white cock recorded in 1956 (vide p. 182 of No. 6) still present this year. Thought to breed there, as one or two birds with a few white feathers are noted there now (WHM). A completely white male has been resident at Brampton Bryan for two years (PJ).

:311. WHEATEAR. H. March 27th: Breinton: One (HWF). 28th: Yarkhill: One (JGM). 29th: King­ ton (AHL). 31st: Birds in breeding territory at tip of Hay Bluff (CWW). Aug. 24th: Three or four in Tupsley quarry on ground which had just been flat­ tened by a bulldozer (KAM). 26th: Pair near Madley (KJH & JR). Sept. 9th: Turner's Boat: Two (AHL). Two pairs nested on eastern edge of county (MP-S). R. March 30th: A pair Radnor Forest (EMH & W.LS). April 2nd: One at Llanbadarn Fynydd (AStG\V). 3rd: One near Rhayader and another near Bwlch-y"sarnau (DG). End of May comparatively un­ common in Painscastle-Rhulen Hill area and only five pairs noted (ARMB). In the Gladestry area Mrs. Logan Jack found two nests, each of which contained eight eggs (per RHB).

:317. STONECHAT. H. March 13th: Kington: A female on Bradnor Green (RHB). R. March 15th: A male seen near railway line at Llanbister Road station (GMI & MJW). April 4th: A male perching on a fence amongst heather in Radnor Forest (JL). May 25th: A male by roadside at foot of northern slope of Glascwm Hill (JMB). June 15th: A male at Waun Marteg (RHB, DC & PWH), and a couple seen there on Nov. 8th (DG). 264 HEIU:FORIJSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 1958

318. WHIJ'\CHAT. H. May 4th: A pair on Bradnor Hill (AHL). Sept. 21st: A male at Willersley (AHL). R. May 15th: A pair at Uyn Hilyn (RHB). End of May abundant Painscastle-Rhulen area (ARMB). July 15th: Very common vVaun Marteg and a nest of 4 eggs found (RHB, DG & PWH). 28th: Several pairs in St. ~lichael's Pool area (GCL). Oct. 20th: A male in song near Neuadd Farm, Cefnllys (AStG'V).

320. REDSTART. H. April 10th: Vennwood: A male (HR). 20th: A pair, Merbach Hill (KJH, DH, JR & CWW). 21st: Kington: A male (RHB). Birds pres­ ent at Tram Inn (KAM), Ivington (MB-T). 22nd: A male. Hope End: more birds noticed on east Here­ fordshire border than usual (MP-S). R. End of May: Very common and noted up to 1,250 ft. in precipitous dingle above Llan Bwch-llyn (ARMB).

321. BLACK REDSTART. H. April 2nd and 3rd: A female reported to have been at Bank Farm, Mathon (MP-S). May 22nd: A male seen in observer's garden in Upper Ledbury Road, Hereford (FCM). 24th: Hereford: While staying at the Green Dragon Hotel observer heard two or three bursts of song from a male around 8 a.m. and managed to catch a glimpse of the bird before it flew off (RSRF). A male seen on several days in June by the Rev. Preb. A. L. Moir in his garden at Bridstow Vicarage (per CvVW).

322. NIGHTINGALE. H. Numerous in usual haunts­ Checkley, Haugh Wood, ete. Arrived late on April 23rd (CvVvV). May 2nd: One seen and heard near Ledbury (MB). 18th: Yarpole: Onc in song 11.30 a.m. Unfortunately its haunt of previous ycars has been cleared of hushes and it did not stay (GWT). June 11th: In song at Bank Farm ,:\Iathon (:\IP-S). Oct. 18th: Fownhope: A glorious morning and one in song from 7.30 to 9.30 a.m. and occasionally later. Despite late date ohsen'cr and companion both sure of song which they know well (AGF). HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLlII\ REPORT, 1958 265

327. GRASSHOPPER-WARBLER. H. April 26th: One in song near Oldfield Farm, west of Richard's Castle (LS). May 2nd: Excellent dose-up view of bird singing on Byton Marsh (TRHO). June 1st: In song at Lyepole (TRA). June 13th: Three in song on Aconbury Hill (ATF). 18th, 23rd and July 3rd: One in song on eastern border of County (MP-S). R. Rhosgoch. May 28th: One, probably two, in song (ARMB). June 14th: A bird seen by CWW and

others at Club outing. j. Fairly comm60 in the Warun Marteg (DG).

333. REED-WARBLER. H. Shobdon. May 17th: One or more birds in nearly every reed-bed (RHB & AHL).

337. SEDGE-WARBLER. H. April 26th: In song on heathland, away from water, near Oldfield Farm (LS). May: Many present at Byton (TRHO). .\fay 3rd: c,:. 10 in song at Tidey Mawn Pius Pool (AHL). 17th: About two pairs only there now (RHB & AHL). One in frequent song during early May to end of third week in June on the Wye bank near Hereford Sewage vVorks (AJS). R. June 14th: Rhosgoch and Llan-Bwch-llyn: A few pairs seen at Club outing.

343. BLACKCAP. H. April 12th: One in song at Shob­ don (KA.\I). 20th: A pair at Lyepole (RHB). 21st: Some at Kington (RHB) and onc at Eywood (PRD and AHL). 22nd: A pair at Hope End (.\1P-S). 27th: Ivington (MB-T). R. End of .\lay. :\lot noted in Paincastle area, and only bird seen and heard was in a wood near Hlll1ting­ ton, Herefordshire (ARMB). 266 HER~:FORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 1958

346. GARDEN-WARBLER. H. May 10th: Hope End: One heard at Club outing. 25th/30th: Upper Lye area several present but not as numerous as Blackcaps (GCL). R. Cascob. May 19th: One seen and heard (RHB). End of May, about 9 males in song up to about 1,000 ft. " in Painscastle area (ARMB).

347. WHITETHROAT. H. April 22nd: Ivington (MB-T) and Hereford Sewage Works (AJS). 23rd: Staunton-on­ Arrow (JMB) and Wellington (JV). 26th: One Wig­ more (GSTD, PRD & AHL). Sept. 17th: Last seen at Hereford Sewage 'Vorks (AJS). 21st: One at Turner's Boat (AHL). R. May 4th: Pantydwr (DG). End of May: Gener­ ally distributed up to 1,200 ft. above Llan Bwch-llyn in hawthorns and at 1,300 ft. in gorse in Bailey ,Dingle (ARMB).

348. LESSER WHITETHROAT. H. Ivinp;ton. April 22nd (MB-T). During May birds were observed at Sarnesfield (RHB), Kington (RHB & AHL), Hamp­ ton Bishop, Caplar, Hoarwithy, Ballingham, Sarnes­ field, Holme Lacy and Shobdon (KAM) and Hunting­ ton (ARMB). Bred at two places in Hereford where not observed last year. Onc present until Sept 20th (AJS). Aug. 1st: Young left nest at Shobdon (TRA). R. May 26th: One in song near Harpton (ARMB).

354. WILLOW-WARBLER. H. \ Fril 7th: One at Parks Farm, Yazor (CJB). 8u.: Two near Milton Cross (PRD & AHL). 10th: One in song at Mathon (MP-S). 17th: Heard at Hereford (AJS). Not in strength until about 21st. One of a family of seven nestlings ringed by RHa and AHL in Veld Wood, Kington, on June 11th, was found (presumed dead) at Cantanhede, Portugal (40 0 HEREfORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 1958 267

20' N. by 8° 36' W.); actual date of recovery not given but letter reporting recovery dated Sept. 3rd. R. April 22nd: Bleddfa and Llangunllo (AStGW) and 24th, Pantydwr (DG).

356. CHIFFCHAFF. H. Hereford. March 27th (CWW). 30th: Kington (AHL), Staunton-on-Arrow (JMB), Turner's Boat (CJB), Ivington (MB-T). 31st: Madley (TRHO). Heard almost daily along Wye at Hereford, first week of September; scarcer after 18th and last heard Oct. 5th (AJS). Oct. 12th: In song while on migration at Leintwardine (MB). R. April 15th: One Bleddfa (AStGW).· 24th: Pantydwr (DG). End of May one heard in the Vron Valley and two near Rhulen. Generally outnumbered by Willow-Warbler by \. 20 to 1 (ARMB). Oet. 1st: One in song, Presteigne (W. H. Howse).

357. WOOD-WARBLER. H. Kington: April 29th: Two (PRD & AHL). 30th: Many (RHB). May 14th: One in constant song about 300 yards above Darling's Bridge, Lingen, where observer had never heard them before (TRHO). R. End of May: Widely distributed thropghout Painscastle district and Vron Valley (ARMB).

364. GOLDCREST. H. Hereford. Jan.: First recorded as feeding in observer's garden (HGM). Oct. 26th: Hoar­ withy: A small party seen in observer's garden. First record of these birds in 22 years despite constant look­ out for them (WAE). Widespread over east (MP-S) and north west Herefordshire (RHB). R. End of May: Only locally distributed in Pains­ castle area (ARMB).


366. SPOTTED FLYCATCHER. H. May 1St: One at Kington (AHL). 10th: A pair, Hope End (MP-S). June 18th: Five nests counted on Vennwood House and there may have been more (HR). Aug. 8th: A party of five at Kington (RHB & CWW).

368. PIED FLYCATCHER. H. Yarpole. April 17th: A male (GWT). 24th: Kington: Two males (PRD & AHL). May 26th: Single males in song ~t Shobdon andllear the Lu~g at Upper Lye (KAM). End of May: Lyepole: At least six pail'S on L~lgg (GCL). Several on the Lugg and one pair near Lingen where observer had not seen them before (TRHO). A pair seen at nest­ hole near Shobdon Church; not noticed in Shobdon village area before (TRA). R. End of May: Not seen or heard in Painscastle district nor in Vron Valley (ARMB). Several pairs on the Nant-y-Sarn and Wye N.W. of Rhayader (LS).

373. MEADOW-PIPIT. H. Hereford Sewage ''''orks. Jan.: <;. 70 present. March 12th: <;. 50. April 29th: One. Returned Sept. 17th when 11 present (AJS). March 13th: A party of 15 or more on migration on Bradnor Hill, Kington (RHB). R. March 24th: Vron: A flock of 30/40 present (RHB & DAH). April 4th: A flock of at least 75 there (1L).

376. TREE-PIPIT. H. April 7th: A party of <;. 50 near \Vye at Hampton Bishop moving steadily upstream (CWW). 21st: One at Eywood (PRD & AHL). 26th: In song about a mile N.£. of Gatley Park (LS). Seem very scarce. They are on Stockley Hill, above Moccas and on the Monnow under Garway and in one or two other places, but are very scattered in this area and not noticed at all in Madley (TRHO). R. End of May, well distributed and estimated thirteen males singing in Vron Valley (ARMB). Breeds 'Vaun Marteg (DC). HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 19515 W\},

380. PIED WAGTAIL. H. June: Shobdon: A pair carry­ ing food over a mile to nestlings against strong head wind, from a field which was being cultivated (TRA). R. Dee. 22nd: A party of 8 at Hindwell (PRD & AHL).

380.(a). WHITE WAGTAIL. R. April 25th: Uyn Hilyn: One well viewed. A pair of Pied also present (RHB). (The only other dated record for Radnorshire is of one seen at same place by S.M.D.A. on March 30th, 1956, vide No. 6, p. 185-ED.).

381. GREY WAGTAIL. H. April 20th: Nest with eggs at Lyepole (TRA). May 12th: A male N.W. of Walford on 'feme (LS). Aug. 20th: A family of 8 feeding by cattle on pasture at Shobdon (TRA). Hereford Sew­ age Works, Aug. 22nd: One. Sept. 15th: Two (AJS). Nested Eardisland (ET) and Staunton-on-Arrow (AJS). R. End of May: Very scarce. A female feeding two juveniles above Rhosgoch, a female up the Vron and a male near ~Water-break-its-neck(ARMB). June 1st: A male near Beguildy (LS). Nested Cascob (RHB). Dee. 22nd: One near Hindwell (PRD & AHL).

382. YELLOW WAGTAIL. H. Present in normal num­ bers near Hereford (CWW). April 1st: A male in filter beds at Hereford Sewage Works (CJB). 12th: One on Wye near Sewage Works (ATF). 21st: Six near observer's house at Hereford (CJB). May 12th: A male near the Teme at Walford (LS). May 20th: One by the Wye at Rotherwas (WDH). During fourth week of May a pair seen carrying food just below Turner's Boat (BD & JEAD). Hoarwithy, a pair thought to have bred in vicinity, as they were noted some time prior to a family party of ten being seen there (WAE). Hereford Sewage Works. 4/5 juveniles 270 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 1958

appeared on luly 1st. One near Garway on Aug. 31st (AJ5). Aug. 6th: Family parties totalling <;. 20 birds seen working down the vVye at Turner's Boat (PRD & AHL). 28th: About 50 counted on Hereford playing fields in early morning (A15). A small flock of <;. 12 Castle Green, Hereford, during September; last seen 26th (CWW). Oct. 1st: One near Hereford (A1S). Sept. 8th: Four birds at Ross, two of which were males, and three birds at Much Birch on 11th (ELl). 14th: Three over Wye at Ross (AJS). 21st: Party of 6 at Kington Cemetery (AHL).

:388. RED-BACKED SHRIKE. H. Two pam noted on eastern border of County. Nest of one pair, contain­ ing two eggs, found on June 18th, but had been robbed by 23rd (MP-S).

389. STARLING. H. Jan. 17th: A flock of <;. 2,500 moving low north eastwards over Putson (ATF). 27th: A very large flock at Longworth, near Lugwardine, rose and flew off to N.E. at 4.30 p.m. (KAM). During Jan. and Feb. a whitish-grey bird seen frequently in observer's garden and adjacent fields at Kington (GSTD). April 8th: A flock of 200/300 at Vennwood (HR).

:391. HAvVFINCH. H. March 31st and April 4th: One on Hill Top, Wellington Heath (JGM & TIC). April 1st: Excellent views of a bird which spent a quarter of an hour in observers' garden at Hereford around 7 a.m. (WMG & FEH). 18th: Three adults at Little Marcle Rectory (JGM). 22nd: A bird visited a garden at Ross for nearly a week from this date (KAM). May 17th: A pair seen near Layster's Pole (vVRC). Single birds seen at Bishopstone on Aug. 29th and at Mansell Lacy on 31st (HAG). (A most unusual and welcome crop of records for this bird-En.). HEREFORDSHIRE ORl'iITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 1958 271

393. GOLDFINCH. H. Dec. 29th: ~. 15 feeding on ground below alders at Turner's Boat, and, on 30th, ~. 12 feeding by roadside at Shobdon (PRD & AHL). Seen frequently in pairs, not yet in flocks, right up to Dec. 31st in Madley area, presumably owing to very open weather (TRHO). R. Bryngwyn tarea. Disappeared some six years ago but returned in some numbers this summer (Sir Hugh Rankin).

394. SISKIN. H. Kington. March 10th: A female in alders. Dec. 5th: Three together which stayed till end of year and were augmented subsequently (RHB). Dec. 26th: Five feeding in alders at Yarpole (GWT).

395. LINNET. H. May 28th: Three pairs at Shobdon (JR). A few pairs nest annually on Bradnor Green, Kington, but none are present outside breeding season (RHB).

397. LESSER REDPOLL. H. Jan. 28th: Rotherwas: A flock of 5 on alders (WDH). Feb. 24th: One at Sew­ age Works and three at Hereford on March 20th (AJS). Oct. 9th/10th: Bishopstone: A party of ~. 15 seen feeding on stubble while on migration (HAG). Dec. 29th: A party of 35 feeding on alders at Sink Green (ATF). 31st: A mixed flock of Redpolls, Green­ finches and Chaffinches, totalling some 40 birds, watched feeding on ground and in alders near Kington (PRD & AHL).

404. CROSSBILL. H. This year yielded another irrup­ tion of these birds, which was first noted on July 16th at Kington, when about five birds flew high and fast due south over observer's garden at 2.44 p.m. At 5.45 two more passed over in a southerly direction. A search of the local woods that evening yielded nothing, but calls were heard from passing birds the following 272 HEREFORI>SHIIU: ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUn REPORT, 1955

afternoon at 3.15, but they were not seen (RHB). At the same time, "mid-July," G.R.E. saw a party of \. 18 pass northwards over Bereton from Hel1wood, and a few minutes later another seven appeared, but these circled and returned to Henwood. About four days later more were heard by G.R.E. but not seen. On Aug. 4th one flew high over garden travelling due east (RHB). 7th: A male and two green birds were seen at Ridgebourne Park (AHL), and a party of 20/30 was seen on larches there next day (PRD & AHL). On 9th 30-plus were seen on larch and spruce in Park Wood by the same observers. This was the maximum number seen at Kington. Numbel's fluctuated some­ what and such a large flock was last seen on Dec. 5th (AHL). On this date R.H.B. noticed a couple that seemed to be paired and heard the harsh conversational chattering note from a feeding flock which he had not heard this year previously. There were no sightings thereafter, partly due to lack of observation but chiefly to a heavv reduction in numbers, as fresh searches in January have so far only yielded 4/5 birds in a flock. Other areas: -Aug. 2nd: About 5 females or immat­ ures, Titley churchyard (RHB). 11th: Birds heard but not seen ,Chaff Wood (TRA). vVapley Hill, Aug. 31st: Odd birds seen in flight, besides a group of five and a pair. Sept. 4th: 11 in a flock in flight and a pair feeding and preening on larch (JMB). Oct. 1st: A flock of 20/30, Broxwood (GSTD). Nov. 5th: Ten watched feeding on larches at Henwood (TAE). Dec. 27th: A flock, heard but not seen, flushed out of S.W. side of a larch wood on Milton Hill. The northern edge of this wood constitutes part of the Herefordshire­ Radnorshire boundary (RHB, BD & JEAD). Dec. 30th: A flock of <;. 20 seen to fly into an ash tree and feed on the 'keys', at Byton (PRD & AHL).

407. CHAFFINCH. R. April 5th: A flock of <;. 200 seen near Pantydwr (DG).

408. BRA\JBUNG. H. Feb. 12th: Six in a small orchard at Tidnor (AIT). 17th: At least one in a Chaffinch flock at Kington (RHB). 20th: Onc male in Chaffinch flock at Shobdon (TRA). H}~REFORI}SHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 1958 273

409. YELLOW HAMMER. H. Feb. 8th: Tupsley, <,;. 100 in flock on meadow (CWW). R. Bryngwyn. Did not reach area of observer's house (1,250') until May 30th, and retired to sheltered areas of Rhosgoch (850') about end of October (Sir Hugh Rankin).

421. REED-BUNTING. H. Jan. 9th: Winforton: A female hrou~tin by observer's caf(MW). Feb. 13th: A male at Hereford Sewage WOcks, where birds bred in vicinity (AJS). March 29th: First noticed for this year in Leintwardine area (MB). April 16th: A male seen at Yarpole and once later in month (GWT). 19th: One on the Lugg near Tidnor (ATF). May: Present at Byton (TRHO). 17th: A nest of 3 eggs at Titley Mawn Pitts (RHB & AHL). 30th: A hen on brook near Preston; they are scarce hereabouts (TRHO). R. April 22nd: Two at Rhosgoch (KJH, DH & JR). 27th: Four males at Llan Bwch-Llyn (JMB, PRD & AHL). End of May, a pair near Painscastle, 3-plus pairs at Rhosgoch and a pair Michaelchurch (ARMB). Breeds Waun Marteg (DC).

423. SNOW-BU 1\''1'ING. R. March 15th: A party of 2 males and 11 females flushed at head-waters of the the Vron at about 1,900' on S.\V. side of Great Rhos. They were first seen on the ground and excellent views were obtained. The bright ochre bills, buffish pec­ toral band and white wing-flash were clearly seen. The males in flight were very striking, the white basal half of the wing appearing almost translucent against the sky. The only call heard was 'Chirrurrurrurr' (S. C. Brown, K. Darlow, GMI and MJW).

(This record is the first for the County and was obtained during a long and arduous outing in bitter weather.-ED.). 274 HEREFORDSHIRE OR"rrHOLUGICAL CLUB REPORT, 1958

424. HOUSE-SPARRO\V. H. May. The albino hen: seen last year (vide No. 7, p.223) was back at a house a mile from Lulham and as albino as she was the previous spring (TRHO).

425. TREE-SPARROW. H. Jan. 12th: Two or three at Tupsley (KAM). January: Lemore, Eardisley: Dur­ ing the third weoek a Tree-sparrow, somewhat resemb­ ling a Snow-bunting, appeared near observer's house and was in company with about six normal birds. The head and upper back were white, as were the wing­ patches and outer edges of the tail. The white was not pure, being faintly washed with buff. Eyes and bill dark, legs pale pink (Mrs. Longuevillt~). These birds were seen by RHB on 29th. March 9th: One near observer's garden at Kington (RHB). April 6th: A Hock of <;. 50 feeding in a ploughed field at Weobley (RHB). 7th: Large flock in hedges at Hampton Bishop (CWW). Sept. 10th: Leominster: <;. 10, including at least one first year bird, with <;. 60 House­ Sparrows (ELJ). Could not be found in one Hereford area where they bred last year (AJS). Nov. 7th: Several in Hock of finches near Heywood Common, Kington (RHB). R. April 2nd: One at Felindre (AStGW). End of May: Three or more pairs in old ash tree at Painscastle (ARMB).

The following birds, which occur in our area, are not specifically mentioned in the above list: -Kestrel, Pheasant, Tawny Owl, Green \Voodpecker, Carrion-Crow, Jackdaw, Magpie, Jay, Coal-Tit, Marsh-Tit, Long-tailed-Tit, Nuthatch, Tree-Creeper, \Vren, Mistlc-Thrush, Song-Thrush. Robin~ Hedg'e-Sparrow, Greenfinch and Bullfinch. HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAl. Cl.l'B REPORT. 1958 275·

ADDENDA 208. BLACK-HEADED GULL. R. June 8th, 1957. Rhos­ goch. Between 200 and 250 pairs were present: 64 nests found in main nesting sector; 16 c/3; 21 c/2; 11 c/1 and 16 empty (PJC). 283. WAXWING. .w. On Dee. 17th, 1957 one was well seen on a post ih an open field, near woods, at Pervin Farm, near Hope-under-Dinmore (RFME).

REFERENCES For initials of fifty"seven members see list on page 276_ Non-members: A. R. M. Blake, Four Oaks; P. J. Chadwick, Clifton; Rev. W. H. Dew, Barrow-on-Soar; G. R. and T .A. Edwards, Dilwyn, Herefs.; R. S. R. Fitter, Oxford; D. A. Holmes, Sudborough, Northants; E. L. Jones, Eynsham; J. Lord, Boldmere ,Warwicks.; R. F. Mitchell Evans, Chol­ strey, Herefs.; F. C. Morgan, Hereford; G. L. Powell, 'Vin­ {orton, Herefs.; H. Randolph, Wellington, Herefs.; M. J. 'Warren, Wednesfie1d and M. A. Wright, Bristol.

ERRATA No. 7. 1957. p. 194, Basil Miles, Hon. Treasurer and not Hon. Auditor. p.207, Partridge. Second para by T. R. A. should be under Red-legged Partridge. p.214, Lesser Spotted Woodpecker. Line 10, for Marley read Yladley. p. 219, Garden-\Varhler. Line 2. for Cress read Cross. p.221, \Vaxwing. Line 1. for and read or. p.224. References. Add P. H. Lee. Checkley, Herefs. and A. J. Smith. Pansoll. Here­ ford. .276 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPO~T, 1958


As at 31.12.58

An asterisk denotes Junior Member.

.AINSWOR'fH, J. A., 1\1, Bigll Road, Hereford. ALEXANDBR, S. M. D., i'iational Provincial Bank House, Leominster AMMONDS, T. R., Easthampton Farm, Sho1>don, Herefordshire.

BAGSHAW, Mrs. J. F., St. Martin's Vicarage, Hereford. BAILLIE, R. H., M.B.O.C, Wyche House, Kington, Herefordshire. BAILLIE, Mrs. C. G. G., Wyche House, Kington, Herefordshire. BAILY, R. B. H., C.B.E., Breinton Court, Hereford. BALL, Mrs. C., Oldfield, Pipe and l..yde, Hereford. BANGAY, Mrs. M. H., Boglllarsh Cottage, Bogmarsh, Hereford. BARNBS, C, Showle Court, Yarkhill, Hereford. BAYJ,IS, Mrs. D. J., Good Rest, Lugwardine, Hereford. BAYLISS, Miss B. i'i., 1, Audley Crescent, Hereford. BEACH, Dr. A. A. \\T, Bridge Honse, l,eintwardine, Craven Anns, Salop. BEACH, Mrs. M., Bridge Honse teintwardme, Craven Arms, Salop. BENTLBY-TAYLOR, J. M., The Hyde, lvington, Herefordshire. BENTLBY·'l'AYI,OR, :.vIrs. :11., The Hyde, Ivingtun, Herefordshire. BICKNBI,L, D., Tweenstreams, Honitun, Devon. BIRl\JJl'\GHAM Al'\D Wb;ST l\llDl,A1'>DS BIRD CLUB. BISHOP, .:Hiss D. M. \\T., Greenacres, Tillington, Hereford. BLOWBR, E. C., c/o Vaughan <.: Davies, Solicitors, Duke Street, Kington. BOND, A., Moor Cottage, Widelllarsh Common, Hereford. BRADLBY, F. H., Hergest Croft, Kingtun Herefordshire. BRAY, R. C. J., Mile Bud, Hi2, Ross Road, Hereford. BRAY, Mrs., Mile End, 162, Ross Road, Hereford. BRECKNEtL, C. J., 248, Ledbury Road, Hereford. BROMLBY, F. S., The Garth, Kington, Herefurdshire. BROMLBY, Mrs. J. M., The Garth, Kingtull, lit·refonlshire. BRUCB, Mrs. EH., .\t Stockley Cmss, Staunton-on-.\rrow, Herefordshire. BULMER, H. H., Longmeadow, Hereford. BPRT, J. V., Cherry Brook, I-!ope-under-Dinl1lore, Herdordshire. llUTCHBR, R, 177, Upper Ledll\lry Roa,1, Herdord. H~~REFORllSHIRl': ORI\ITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT. HJ5~ 277

CAWLBY, Viviellue Lady, Berrington Hall, [.eol1linbter, Herefordshire. CHA:1\DLBR, Dr. D. ,~., Hryn Tyrioll, Kingstone, Clehonger, Herefordshire. CHAPMAN, Captain R. P., R.N. (Ret.), The Trappe, Bvallcoyd, Presteigne. CHIGNELL, The Rev. W. R., Kington Vicarage, Herefordshire. CHIGNELI;, Mrs. p., Kington Viearage, Herefordshire. CONIUM, Mrs., The Choughs, 4.:;, Seatou .\venue, Hereford. COOMHER, T. I., Highclere, Newbury Park, Cedhury, Herefordshire. COURT, J. L., Speedwell, Dinedor, Hereford. CROSS, J. B., Rugdeu House, How Caple, Herefordshire. CROSS, Mrs., Rugden House, How Caple, Herefordshire.

DAVIES, Miss E. P., 'froy, 29, Bteinton Road, Hereford. DAWKINS, Mrs. B. R., Oak Cottage, Woonton, Herefordshire. *DEACO:1\, C. R., Mountfort, Kington, Herefordshire. DEACO:1\, J. E. A., M.B.E., G.M., Hill Conrt, Kington, Herefordshire. DEACON, Mrs. B., Hill Court, Kington, Herefordshire. DENISON, Mrs. M., 8, Hafod Road, Hereford. DIGGORY, G. S. T., Rockdene, Kington, Herefordshire. DIGGORY, Mrs. A. Z., Rockdene, Kington, Herefordshire. DIXEY, K. H., "Valthalll, 1, Cr01l1well Road, Malvern I,ink, Worcestershire.

DOWNES, Mrs. V. L., c / 0 County Hdueational Offices, Bath I"treet, Hereford DUNCOMBE, Miss B., :\'1.B.E., J.P., Wilton Castle, Ross-on-Wye. DUNNE, Miss S. G., J.P., The Knoll, Bireher, Leolllinster. Herefordshire. *nUNNING, P. R., Arrowlllead, Park Avenne, Kington, Herefordshire.

EBREY, R, 6, Baker I,ea, l\1onklillld, Leolllinsle.r, Herefordshire. nr:rON, Mrs. M., Hill Barn, Mnch BIrch, Herefordshire. EVERSHED, W. A., Prothither Grange, Hoarwithy, Herefordshire. EWBANK, R., c/o I. R. Barker, Veterinary Surgeon, SI. Peter's Square, Hereford.

FENN, DI. C. M., Meadow "Vay, Llanwrtyd Wells, Brecon. FENNAH, Miss B., Highfield, Welllbridge, Herefordshire. FINNEY, J. J., Moat House, Ceolllinster, Herefordshire. FISHER, DI. H. W., \Vyeland, Broomy Hill, Hereforcl. FLEET. A. K., Anchorsway, Kington, Herefordshire FT.HET, :\Trs. M., :\nchorswny, KillgtOll, Heretonlshirt. *Ti'OXTOX, :\. T., 27, l\lallof Road, Pntsoll, lIt'ft'-[of(l. PYSHT\. A. G., Perryfield, Sollers Hope, TIereforc1. 27S HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 1958

GADESDEN, Mrs. C., Homend, Stretton Gralldisoll, Herefordshit'e. GALLIMORE, T., Woodleigh, Staplow, Ledbllry, Herefordshire. GIBSO:K, Miss W. M., 49, Broomy Hill, Hereford. GILBERT, Captain H. A., l\l.B.O.U., The I,odge, Bishopstolle, Herefordshire. GILBERT, Mrs. M. V., The Lodge, Bishopstone, Herefordshire. 'GII,LAM, Miss M. A., At Harleton, Bromsash, Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire GOODBODY, D., Penrhos, l'alltydwr, Rhayader,Radnorshire. GRANT-DUFF, Dr. L., 15, Hafod Road, Hereford. 'GREEN, Miss M., 43, Alexandra Road, Malvern, Worcestershire. GREEN, R. H., Rosehill, LyOllShall, Herefordshire. 'GREEN PRICE, Miss M., Clatterbrnne, Presteigne, Radnorshire.

HAKJ;;, Miss F. E., 49, Broo1l1Y Hill, Hereford. HARRISSON, W. D., Barrs Conrt, Tarringtoll, Herefordshire. HARTMAN, H. F. L., Almeley Manor, Herefordshire HARTMAN, The Hon. Mrs. D., All1leley Manor, Herefordshire. *HENLEY, K. J., 53, Blackmarston Road, Hereford. HIGGINS, M. F., Moorend Conrt,Mathon, Malvern. HIl"DE, P. W., M.B.O.D., 14, Goldthorn Road, 'Wolverhampton, Staffs. HINDE, Mrs. M. G. A., 14, Goldthorn Road, Wolverhampton. HOLDJ;;N, Mrs. E. M., The Cottage, Weobley, Herefordshire. HOLLAND, Lady Elizabeth, Dderw, Rhayader, Radnorshire. HORNE, Miss E. M., Bridge Conrt, Brilley, Whit

I:KCRAM, G. C. S., 22, Waterloo Road, Roath, Cardiff. IRESO:L';, G. !Yr., So, Liuton Road, renD, Wolverhanlpton, Staffordshire.

jACKSON, Lt.-Col. E. H. P., Yew Tree Honse, Wellington, Herefordshire. jACKSON, Mrs. H. J., Yew Tree House, Wellingtou, Herefordshire. jOBLING, The Rev. Preb. G. H., The School Bungalow, Lucton, Hfds. JO~ES, Mrs. P., The Oxford Farm, Brampton Bryan, Bucknell, Salop.

KAY, J., 86, Brool1lY Hill, Hereford. K.-\Y, Mrs., 86, Brool1lY Hill, Hereford. KJ;;ALL, Mrs. H. G., The White Honse, 39 :YIoor Park Road, Hereford. KEELEY, J. G., Old Post Office, \Vig1l1ore, Leo1l1inster, Herefordshire. KEMEYS, W. G., 27, Mostyn Street, Hereford. HEREFORDSHIRE ORl"ITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 1958 279

LA:YIBOURNE, G. c., 'the Cottage Farm, Ipsley, Nr. Redditch, Worcs. LANE, J. P., The Old Parsonage, Eye, Leominster, Herefordshire. LANGDALE,-SMITH, Dr. H. G., The Doctor's House, Tarrillgton, Hfds. LANGDALE-8MITH, Mrs. D. M., The Doctor's Huuse, Tarrington, Hfds. LEA, Miss lVI., Breinton Court, Hereford. LEE, Mrs. E. M., Rock House, Fownhope, Herefordshire. LEE, P. H., Backbury House, Checkley, Herefordshire. ""'LEWIS, A. H., 15, Park Road, Kington, Herefordshire. LEWIS, Major C. J. I.., Evancoyd, Presteign.e, Radnorshire. LEWIS, Miss G., Troutbeck, Mill Lane, Leintwardine; Herefordshire. LINDSEY SCOTT, Miss W., Bridge Court, Brilley, Whitney-on-Wye, Hfds. LLOYD, G. P., J.p., Ferlys House, Leominster, Herefordshire. LOCK, C. B., 'the Garage, Allensmore, Hereford. LOCK, Mrs. G. G., The Garage, Allensmore, Hereford. LODER-SYMOKDS, Mrs. A. I.., Waldrist, Venns Lane, Hereford. LUCTON SCHOOL FIELD CLUB.

MACADIE, C. S., Ivy Cottage, Bishop's Castle, Salop. MACADIE, R. 1., c/o Russell, Baldwin & Bright, 20, King Street, Hereford. McDOUGALL, P., School House, Burley Gate, Hereford. McDOUGALL, Mrs. B. c., School House, Burley Gate, Hereford. MASON, K. A., 287, Upper J,edbury Road, Hereford. MEADHAM, W. H., 10, Guildford Street, Hereford. "*MEADHAM, Miss H. G., 10, Guildford Street, Hereford. MILES, Dr. B. E., The Clyst, Hampton Park, Hereford. MILES, Mrs. S., The Clyst, Hampton Park, Hereford. MULLER, Miss I., 29, Nelson Street, Hereford. MURRAY, J. G., M.R.C.V.S., Barn House, Ledbury, Herefordshire.

'OWEN, T. R. H., C.B.E., Lulham House, Madley, Heref9rdshire. DWEN, Mrs., Lulham House, Madley, Herefordshire.

PALMER-SMITH, Mrs. M., M.B.O.U., 202, Pickersleigh Road, Malvern. PARRY, J., Prior's Court, Staplow, Ledbury, Herefordshire. *PARRY, R., Quarry Farm, Nordan, Leominster, Herefordshire. PARRY, Miss S. K., Quarry Farm, Nordan, Leominster, Herefordshire. PRICE, Ben., Glanedw, Rhulen, Builth \Vells.

*REASON, J., 33, Haylease Crescent, Hereford. REID, Dr. N., Fig Tree Cottage, Pemhridge, Leuminster, Herefordshire. *REKDELI., H., Newton Inn, Lower Eagleton, Hereford. *RICHES, Miss S., 2, (;Iebe Cottages, Colwall, :\Cr. Malvern. ~80 Hl':RJ<:FORDSHIRJ<: ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 1958

RIMMI<;R, I<;. A., 21, Fayre Oaks Green, Hereford. RIMMI<;R, Mrs. 21, Fayre Oaks Green, Hereford. ROBINSON, L. B., At White Lodge, Bishop's Castle, Shropshire. RUDD, Miss I<;. K. S., Whitehall, Goodrich, Ross-on-Wye.

SALMON, Col. H. Morrey, C.B.E., M.C., ;\LB.O.tT., 2!, Rryngwyll Road. Cyncoed, Cardiff. SMITH, A. J., 35, River View, Pallson, Hereford. SMITH, H. C., C.B.E., 1\I.B.O.\I., Pilstone, Uandog-o, NI'. Cheptow, Mon. SMITH, L., 27, Sunllybank Road, Wylde Green, Sutton Coldfidd \Varwi'cks_ STEADMAN, Dr., The Steps. J,edbury, Herefordshire. STEWART, A., Luctoll School, Leominster, Herefordshire. STRAFFORD, Mrs. T., 23, White Horse Street, Heref(>ld.

SWALES, M. K, M.Il.0.1I., Denstone College, Uttoxeter, Staffordshire.

TALBOT RICE, The Hon. Mrs. B. M., Castle Weir, Lyollshall, Herefordshire TAYLOR, Miss F. M., Snnnyhill, Luston, Leominster, Herefordshi're. THOMAS, D. R., Deverenx, Chnrch Road, Clehonger, Herefordshire. THOMAS, G. W., Upper House Farm, Yarpole, J,eominster, Herefordshire. *THOMAS, J. E. G., Upper House Farm, Yarpole, Leominster. TUKMER, Mrs. E., Staick Cottage, Eardisland, Herefordshire.

VENABJ,ES-LLEWELLYN, Brig. Sir C. IVI. D., Bart., l\l.v.o., Ltysdmam. Newbridge-on-Wye, Llandrindod Wells. VENABLES-LI,EWELLYN, Lady Delia, Llysdin,am, Xewbridge-on-Wy,e, *VICKERMAN, J., Ferriby, Wellington, Herefordshire. VINE STEVENS, L. T., Monkerton, Stoke Prior, Kr. Leominster. VINE·STEVENS, Mrs. C. C., Monkerton, Stoke Prior, Nr. Leominster.

\YALKI<;R, Dr. C. \rV., 1\1.c., 14, Venns J,ane, Hereford. WALKER, Mrs. I. H., 14, Venns I,ane, Hereford. WALKER, Dr. J., Warden Court, Presteiglle, Radnorshire. WALSH, A. St. G., cio Evason, \Yell Lane, '.\Iollington, Cheshire. \VHITING, Mrs. E. S., Old Quarry, Almeley, Herefordshire. WILLIAMSOX, J. H., 006, King's .~cre, Hereford. \VILSON, Mrs. 1\1., Orchard Gate, Winforlon, Herefordshire. *\YIXTEI~S, M. W. H., 31, NorthUlulwrland Rd, Leamington Spa, Warwicks. WYNN, Miss C., 1';' Hign Mill l{oad, Herdord.

ZIMlVIERIVL\.X, A. IT., The Vine, Tarrington, Herefordshire. HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB REPORT, 1958 281


The Club is affiliated to the undermentioned Societies: