Khrushchev Insist by at Least One Parent
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i ■ PAGE TWENTY ilancI](»Btpr lEtiiftttng Df^ralli TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, Average Daily Net Prew Ran The Weather For the Week Eadei Fereeeot of U. 8. Weather Bnieaii Miss Madeline Amirault, daugh tain there la net goia g to be any Deoeaber 8, U6S ter of Mrs. Lionel Amirault, 37 long-tenn lease considered.’’ About Town ^Wox St.; and Miss Jean Ander- Long Lease Tlw Democrats opposed a long- RUG and Fair, very ooM again tonight, s o ^ i daughter-of Mr. and Mps. tenn lease for the country ciub 13,861 low zero to ten degrM below. Girl Scout Troop 611 will enter WaltW A. .^nderson, 20 Avondale as part o t their campaign before Moatiy runny bat cemtinned oirid For Cluh Out^ the town eleotion. UPHOLSTERY V Member of the Andit tain residents of WesthiU Gardens Rd., haTe been named to menlber- \ Bntean of Otaouletloa ’nnnaday. High ngnin only in 20*. at a Christmas party Thursday ship in Maroon Key, senior honor ’Two factors that have a beai> Monchester-^A CUy of VUIage Charm from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in Community society at B^y Path Junior Col Says Mayor ing on the directors’ consideration Hall. Refreshments will be served. lege, Longmeadpw, Mass. ' Miss of the lease, he said, are the pro CLEANING *. —: 1 Amirault is preeli^t of the sen posed Rit. 6 relocation in' the Manchester Lodge of Elks will ior class and Co-editor of Legacy, Mayor Francis Mahoney said south 'end of town, and the possi TEL. Ml 9-1752 .TQL.LXXXII,: (THIRTT-TWO PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, DECEBIBER 12, 1962 (CTnmIfled AdvwtMng *■ Pag* M) PRICE FIVE CENTS meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the the college literary, piiltlication. '' yesterday afternoon he hopes there bility of new industry locating on Elk’s Home. will be a "meeting of the minds” the west side of the Giotoe Hollow or Mayor Francis MahoneyN^tend- at tonight’s informal directors’ tract. Ml 3-5747 C?ub Scout Pack 112 of Wash ed the dedication Sunday o< the meeting on the Manchester Ck>un-. ’The meeting will begin at 8 Newsmen U.S. Army Reserve C ente^ln o’clock In the Municipal Building State News ington School will meet tonight at try Club lease, but that the Dem eds Hold Worker ^ 7 at the school. The theme of the West Hartford. The center hearing room. Gamer's meeting will be "the Magric of dedicated to the memory of Pvt. ocrats are conunitted to rejection For Settlement Christmas.” Cubs are reminded l.C. Harold J. Berry Jr. and 1st of any proposal for a long term 8 GRISWOLD ST. Roundup . that they should be accompanied Lt. Charles A. Rosenblatt, both of lease. We Give Green S1.;>J7I[)s Khrushchev Insist by at least one parent. Guests are whom were killed in action in Rhythmic Choir In 5-D ^ Strike lJ,S,~Britain Spy World War H. Me said he hoped the club’s board Invited. of governors and town directors Entertainis OES . Airman 3.C. Roland E. Morri- could work out softie modification NEW YORK (AP)—Pub Members of S^mset Council, De MOSCOW (APk-The So.^entlfie, technical, political and 3-Alarm Fiire sette, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph of the present lease, whiifii expires lishers and striking printers miUta]7. matters. gree of Pocahontas, will have a G. Morrisette, 52 Devon Dr., is March 1. The Rhythmic (jhoir of Center viet Union has chug:^ that Cong;regatlonal Oiurch will en met jointly today in a new ef Tass Mid the Russian also had covered dish supper and Christmas being reassigned to Otis (Mass.) Possibly, If there is a meeting of British and Americaniqtdli- been in touch with other British party tomorrow at 5:30 p.m. at Air Force Base after graduation minds on such modification, a new tertain tomorrow at a Christmas fo rt to settle the five-day Hits Hartford the home of Mrs. Myra Fitzgerald, lease could be drawn, he said, but ^ . blackout of the nine major genoe sei;nce8 have and American offlcials and dip from the U.S. Air Force technical party for Temple Chapter, Order their way into its oentnSrs^ lomatic agents. ’This raised the U.S. 12_3rainard PI. Members are re- training course for jet aircraft not for any period longer than dailies in the city. The meet 'ibillty that scune more Brit- HARTFORD (AP)-iA tire miii^d to bring gifts for a grab seven years. of Eastern Star, at the Masonic ence administration. A Rus mechanics at Amarillo Air Force Temple. ’Th^j party Will begin after l y was their second together and Americans may be ex company and a laundp’ were bag and_, for children at B u n c e Base, Texas. The club must notify the town by since the strike began. ’The sian scientific worker has pelled from the SoWet Uni<»i. the principal casualties last Day Care Center. Dec. 31, if It Intends to pick up the a meeting at 8 p.m. Officers will been arrested on charges of The Americana mentioned were The Daughters of Union Vet option on its present lease, but the wear street clothes. other, on Monday, ended with Richard G v l Jacob, 26, secre- night as the city experienced extension of the lease would only Members of the choir include no progress. selling secret material. its first three-alarm fire since The Sunday School staff of Zion erans of the Civil War Will have a Mrs. Clifford Simpson, director; The Russian, O. V, Penkoi^y, tary-archiWsKat the U.S. Embas Tells Party Evangelical Lutheran Church will Christmas party tomorrow at 8 be for three years, under provision Merchanta protested that the had been working for Brltisl$*wd sy until he ww^expelled from the the disastrous Hartford Hos meet tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. at p.m. at the home of Mrs. Maude of the agreement made between the Mrs. (Ifiiarles Baxter, associate di ■trike was “crippling major bus SoWet Unirni lastx month on spy pital fire of Dec. 8. 1961. town and club In <11959. rector; Miss Marge Monahan, Miss inesses la the greatest city in the American intelligence since last the church. Arrangements will be Shearer, 37 Russell St. Cheryl Stanlunas, Miss Cheryl year, Tass news agency said ing charges,. and a>sioii member The blaze struck In the thickly completed for a Christmas pro The club leases 177 acres of Guaranteed world." ’Tuesday night, and had an elab named ^ y as "KaWson." The settled Albany Avenue area. • •\ town-owned land In the Globe Hol Clark, Miss Nancy Crockett and To Give Yon They appealed to the printers assistant agricultural ''\attac Reds Halted gram. The Church Council will The Golden Age Chib will meet Miss Cynthia Schuetz. orate set of spy equipment in his There were no injuries reported, meet Friday at 7:30 p.m. at the TOursday at 1 p.m. at the Sal low tract on the east and west sides A Very to end the strike and continue ne possession when So-Wet security since last spring has bem-.^Rod- although six persons in a building church. vation Army. of Main St., at $18,000 a year. If A singing choir includes Miss Enjoyable gotiations. agents seized him. ney Carlson. \ at 1142 Albany Ave. threaten^ by the option is picked up by Oie club, Myra Treash, soloist; Miss Mary Smoke ’The appeal was addressed by The British businessman nam'ed^ Diplomatic sources said Pen- the flames were o' ''ered out of U.S. Attack the ann-’al rental will be $20,000 a ^ u Kowell, Miss Judy Seavey, Richard W. Seeler, chairman of was GreWlle Wynne, arrested in 'fimir apartments. year for the next three years. Miss Janet Miles and 'Wesley the mercantile section of the New kovsky was head of the foreign Hungary Nov. 2 and now await The Car That Rammed Rajrked Oil Truck CORONAS department of the SoWet SUAe TTjree buildings were attacked by MOSCOW (AP)—Premier Club members want a long-term Miles, soloist. Walter Gryzb will be York Board of Tra^e, to Bertram ing trial in Moscow on spying the flames. What caused them was lease, and control of membership, Reg. $4.75. A A A. Powers, president of striking (Committee on Ckxirdinatian of charges. Khrushchev said today he is orgEuiist. Scientific Research. xmdetenYiined. Call for Four Manchester High School^ A fifth boy in the car, FtaiUtJ readying the oil line at a home instead of the present public-pri Mrs. Wesley Miles Is chairman Box 50. I .T rT r Local 6 of the International ’Typo- SoWet authorities also arrested The flr^-sjarted in a one-story hoiding President Kennedy to boys received multiple facial in Katkauskas, 16, of 696 'Tolland^ '^hen' the accident occurred, the vate status. Membership would still of entertainment, and Mrs. Robert 7 FOB 28c graphical Union. A British businessman and two Jacob Nov. 2 and ordered him The letter said the strike "has frame building.behind 1142 Albany what he called pledges against juries yesterday afternoon when Tpke., ran from the scene and did thtek with rear end damage, was be open to any Manchester resi Richmond, chairman of refresh U.S. Embassy staff members out of the country Nov. 6. They Ave. which w asX ^d to store tires. an invasion of Cuba and warn this car, operated by Robert Shea, not report his presence in the car dri^eti to its destination. Town dent, r It Is now, they say, but ments which will be served by past LIGGEn ORUG precipitated a catastrophe in the were specifically accused of buy charged he was taking secret ma It spread to anbther one-story 17, of 76 Edmund St., rsunmed into until this morning.