Economic Recovery Recommendation Report
Economic Recovery Recommendation Report June 2020 Los Angeles County Economic Resiliency Task Force Infrastructure Development and Construction Sector Subcommittee Fran Inman, Chair County of Los Angeles Coronavirus (COVID-19) Economic Resiliency Task Force Infrastructure Development and Construction Sector Recommendation Report Introduction: As Los Angeles County represents a huge, diverse geographic footprint with an incredibly diverse population base, we collectively have the opportunity with the Infrastructure, Development, and Construction sector(s) to provide a robust economic stimulus across our County and beyond. In the face of the COVID-19 crisis, the County must strengthen its commitment to sustainability, equity, and resilience in order to create a pathway for investment in a safe, healthy, and inclusive future. Throughout our nation’s history, a concerted focus on infrastructure investments during an economic downturn has reaped both short-term and long-term benefits. This combined sector represents an enormous opportunity to leverage both public and private investments to provide immediate positive economic impacts for all with good paying jobs, dynamic career pathways, and the pride of playing a part in the development of tangible assets. We appreciate the work of our fellow task force sectors and recognize that each and every one of these sectors has cross-over economic recovery needs relating to infrastructure, development, and construction. Our work group represents a broad base and stands ready to continue our engagement as we recognize that our work will not be complete with this initial report. We hope the focus we have provided with our initial recommendations will be viewed as just the beginning of our bold, inclusive vision.
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