MAY 1938 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW 139 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA RAIN AND FLOOD, FEBRUARY 27 TO MARCH 4, 1938 By LAWRENCEH. DAINGERFIELD [Weather Bureau, Los Angeles, Calif., June 19381 The season of 1937-38 (beginning July 1, 1937) has period which were directly the cause of the great flood. been marked by wide cont>mstsin rainfall over southern Showery conditions on the 3rd and 4th were followed California. Los Angeles was rainless from May 31 to by frequent threat,s of rainfall thereafter for 9 or 10 days October 2, 1937, inclusive, a eriod of 125 days, followed and actual rain on se.vera1days from a. series of depressions by 67 days, or until DecemE er 8, 1937, with only two appearing off the Cdifornia cod, which moved slowly light showers, tot,aling 0.03 inch. The combined period inland over the coast to the northward of the Los Angeles of 192 days ha.d only 0.03 inch of precipitation. This region. These were followed, however, by a well-defined long dry period is second only to that of 1927, when no anticyclone on the 13t,h, 1oc.ated over the Pacific Ocean measurable rainfall occurred at Los Angeles for the 107- new the thirt,iet,h parallel. The esta,blishment of this day period from April 13 to Oct,ober 26, although t,races high pressure field, and its continuance in modified form we,re recorded each mont,h. The re.cent drought was during the remainder of March brought relief to the rather de,hit,ely ended by t,he rain of December 9-12, flooded areas, through the attending fair weather.
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