This Dissolution Has Bean Microfilmed Exactly As Received Mic 60-4060

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This Dissolution Has Bean Microfilmed Exactly As Received Mic 60-4060 This dissolution has bean microfilmed exactly as received Mic 60-4060 BAER, Harry L ionet THE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN CERTAIN EXTRACELLULAR FACTORS OF ERYTHROCYTES AND SEVERAL MEASURABLE PERFORMANCE TRAITS IN DAIRY CATTLE. The Ohio State University, Ph. D ., 1960 Biology - Genetics University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan TIE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN CERTAIN EXTRACELLULAR FACTORS OF ERYTHROCYTES AND SEVERAL MEASURABLE PERFORMANCE TRAITS IN DAIRY CATTLE DISSERTATION Presented. In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Dootor of Philosophy in the Graduate Sohool of The Ohio State University By HARRY LIONEL BARR, B. S. in A gr., M. Sc. ###### The Ohio S ta te U n iv ersity 1960 Approved by Soienoe ACKN0W1EDC3£BNT It would bo very difficult to mention each person who has con­ tributed in some way to the completion of this study. Therefore. I w ill mention the few without whose help the work would have been severely handioapped. I wish to express my appreciation to my adviser. Dr. Thomas Ludwiok for first stimulating my interest in graduate study, and then for supplying me with the aoademio and personal guidance with whioh to carry it through. I would likB to extend my thanks to Dr. Fordyce Ely, Chairman of the Department of Dairy Science, for permitting me the opportunity of pursuing graduate study while serving as a member of his Btaff. My thanks also to the personnel of the NC-2 Breeding Project for making available their store of data, and speoial thanks to Don Richardson and Dr. Herman Riokard who were instrumental in the planning of this study* To Dr. Edwin Hess and Dr. Donald Weseli. I wish to express my appreciation for their counsel and advice not only in this study but through my entire graduate career. i TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 1 REVIEW OF LITERATURE.......................................................................................... 4 Blood Groups of Cattle ......... ..... 4 Blood Groups and Selection in Man ..................... 9 Blood Groups and Selection in Chickens.................................. 12 Application of Cellular Antigen Knowledge to Selection in Other Types of Lrvestook ...................................... 15 Selection for Heterozygosity ....................................................... 20 MATERIALS AND PROCEDURE.................................................................................. 23 Animals ••»•••••• .......... 23 Antigens ..... 23 Variables ....................................................... 26 A nalysis .................. ........... ........................................... 28 Analysis of Combinations of Heterozygous L o c i .............................. 30 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION...................................................................................... 31 A Loous ........... .......... 31 F/V L o c u s ........................................................................................................... 54 J Loous ................... 56 L Loous . .......................... ......••••»• .................. 58 SU Loous ........................... 63 Z Loous . .......................... ................. 63 Combined Looi ........ ...... 66 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS.................................................................................. 69 BIBLIOGRAPHY........................................................................................................... 72 APPENDIX.................................................................................................................... 82 AUTOBIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................................... 137 i i TEXT AND APPENDIX TABIES Table Page 1 Form for Calculating Unbiased. Estimate of Difference • • 29 2 Preliminary Analysis of Varianoe Form ................................... 29 3 Comparison of the Milk Production of Animals Hetero­ zygous and Homozygous a t the A Loous ••«•••••>• 32 4 Preliminary Analysis of Variance for Milk Production as Affected by the A Loous ....•••• .............................. 34 5 Analysis of Varianoe Corrected for Disproportionality fo r M ilk Production as A ffeoted by the A L o o u s.................. 36 6 Comparison of the Butterfat Production of Animals Heterozygous and Homozygous at the A Loous ••••••• 37 7 Comparison of the Maturity Indexss of Animals Hetero­ zygous and Homozygous a t the A Loous .................................. 38 8 Comparison of the Heart Girth Measurements at Birth of Animals Heterozygous and Homozygous at the A Locus . 40 9 Comparison of the Body Condition Evaluations at Three Months of Age for Animals Heterozygous and Homozygous at the A Loous .................. 41 10 Comparison of the Increase in Heart Girths From Three to Six Months of Age in Animals Heterozygous and Homozygous at the A Loous ............................................. 43 11 Comparison of the Increase in Heart Girths From Three Months of Age to Three Months After First Calving in Animals Heterozygous and Homozygous at the A Loous • • • 44 12 Comparison of the Services Per Conception for Animals Heterozygous and Homozygous at the A Loous ....... 45 i i i iv Table Page IS Comparison of the Heart Girths of the First Offspring of Animals Heterozygous and Homozygous a t th e A Loous • * 46 14 Comparison o f th e M ilk Production of Animals Homozygous Dominant and Homozygous R ecessive a t th e A Loous • • . • 49 15 Comparison of the Milk Production of Animals Hetero­ zygous and Homozygous Dominant a t the A Loous •••••• 51 16 Summary of Unbiased Differences, for the Nine Variables, Between Animals Heterozygous and Homozygous a t the A Loous ............................................* .................................. .... 55 17 Summary of the Unbiased Differences, for the Nine V a ria b le s, Between Animals Heterozygous and Homozygous at the F/V Loous ••••••••»••••••••••• 57 18 Summary of th e Unbiased D iffe re n c e s, fo r th e Nine V a ria b le s, Between Animals Heterozygous and Homozygous at the J Loous • ••••••••••.•.*•• •••• 59 19 Summary of the Unbiased D iffe re n c e s, fo r th e Nine V a ria b le s, Between Animals Heterozygous and Homozygous at the L Loous •..••••••••• ............................... • 61 20 Summary of the Unbiased Differences, for the Nine V a ria b le s, Between Animals Heterozygous and Homozygous at the SU Locus .................................................................................. 64 21 Summary of th e Unbiased D iffe re n c e s, fo r the Nine V a ria b les, Between Animals Heterozygous and Homozygous at the Z Locus 65 22 Summary of the Unbiased Differences, for the Nine Variables, Between Animals Heterozygous at Two or More Loci and Animals Heterozygous at Not More Than One Locus 67 23 Summary of A ll Comparisons Between Animals Heterozygous and Homozygous a t the S ix Loci • • • ........................................ 68 24 Comparison of the Milk Production of Animals Heterozygous and Homozygous a t th e F/V Loous • 83 25 Comparison of the Butterfat Production of Animals Heterozygous and Homozygous a t the F/V Locus 84 V Table Pag© 26 Comparison of the Maturity Indexes of Animals Hetero­ zygous and Homozygous a t th e F/V Loous •*••••••• 85 27 Comparison of the He curt Girth Measurements at Birth of Animals Heterozygous and Homozygous at the F/V Loous • • 86 28 Comparison of the Body Condition Evaluations at Three Months of Age fo r Animals Heterozygous and Homozygous at the F/V Loous . • . ................................... 87 29 Comparison of the Increase in Heart Girths From Tnree to Six Months of Age in Animals Heterozygous and Homo­ zygous at the F/V L ocus ................................................. 88 30 Comparison of the Increase in Heart Girths From Three Months of Age to Three Months After F irst Calving in Animals Heterozygous and Homozygous a t the F/V Locus . • 89 31 Comparison of the Services Per Conception for Animals Heterozygous and Homozygous a t th e F/V L o o u s ...... 90 32 Comparison of the Heart Girths of the First Offspring of Animals Heterozygous and Homozygous a t the F/V Locus 91 33 Comparison of the Milk Production of Animals Hetero­ zygous and Homozygous a t the J L o c u s ........................... 92 34 Comparison of the Butterfat Production of Animals Heterozygous and Homozygous a t th e J Loous •■«•••• 93 35 Comparison of the Maturity Indexes of Animals Hetero­ zygous and Homozygous a t the J Locus . ........................ 94 36 Comparison of the Heart Girth Measurements at Birth of Animals Heterozygous and Homozygous a t the J Locus . 95 37 Comparison of the Body Condition Evaluations at Three Months of Age of Animals Heterozygous and Homozygous a t the J Locus .................................................. • •••••.«•• 96 38 Comparison of the Increase in Heart Girths From Three to Six Months of Age in Animals Heterozygous and Homozygous at the J Loous 9 7 Vi Table Page 39 Comparison of the Increase in Heart Girths From Three Months of Age to Three Months After First Calving in Animals Heterozygous and Homozygous a t the J Loous • . • 98 40 Comparison of the Services Bar Conception for Animals Heterozygous and Homozygous a t the J Loous .•••••• 99 41 Comparison of the Heart Girths of the First Offspring of Animals Heterozygous and Homozygous a t the J Loous • • • 100 42 Comparison of the Milk Produotion of Animals Hetero­ zygous and Homozygous a t the L Loous ...••••••• 101 43
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