Federal Register/Vol. 79, No. 172/Friday, September 5, 2014
53104 Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 172 / Friday, September 5, 2014 / Notices Affected Public: Businesses or other Suspending Entry Into the United States dealings involving those individuals for-profit. of Foreign Sanctions Evaders With and entities, as described in Section 1(b) Estimated Number of Respondents: Respect to Iran and Syria’’ (‘‘E.O. of E.O. 13608. 61. 13608’’). Individuals Estimated Annual Responses per DATES: OFAC’s actions described in this Respondent: 12 per year. notice to impose sanctions pursuant to 1. FARSOUDEH, Houshang (a.k.a. Estimated Burden per Response: 430. FARSOUDEH, Houshang Hossein; a.k.a. E.O. 13608 were effective February 6, FARSOUDEH, Hushang); DOB 10 Oct Estimated Total Annual Burden: 2014. 314,760 hours. 1968; POB Tehran, Iran; Passport An agency may not conduct or FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: H2726141 (Iran) (individual) [FSE–IR]. sponsor, and a respondent is not Assistant Director for Sanctions 2. HOSSEINPOUR, Houshang (a.k.a. HOSEIN–PUR, Houshang; a.k.a. required to respond to, an information Compliance and Evaluation, Office of Foreign Assets Control, Department of HOSSEINPOUR, Houshang Shahali); collection unless the information DOB 21 Mar 1967; POB Tehran, Iran; collection displays a currently valid the Treasury, Washington, DC 20220, Passport R17550559 (Iran) expires 11 Jul OMB control number. tel.: 202/622–2490. 2015 (individual) [FSE–IR]. Comments submitted in response to SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: 3. NAYEBI, Pourya (a.k.a. NAYEBI, Pourya Ali Asghar); DOB 25 Jul 1974; POB this notice will be summarized and Electronic and Facsimile Availability included in the request for OMB Tehran, Iran; Passport V11664675 (Iran) approval.
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