Preach Christ! Columbia Pike, Silver Spring
Ministry Ministry is the international journal of the Seventh-day Adventist Ministerial Association and has been published since 1928. Association Secretary International Advisors Salvation pilgrimage James A. Cress A. Abdulmajid, Eradio Alonso, The Adventist journey into justification by faith and Trinitarianism Editor Roberto Badenas, Alejandro Willmore D. Eva Bullon, Jaime Castrejon, Woodrow W. Whidden Eugene Hsu, Gabriel Maurer, Assistant Editor Leslie McMilian, Joel Julia W. Norcott Musvosvi, David Parks, Jose 8 Editorial Assistant Viana, Walton Whaley, John Sheila Draper Willmott, Eric Winter, R. A, Zeeman Small groups in evangelism Professional Growth and Small group ministries along with evangelism can create Inter-church Relations Pastoral Advisors Nikolaus Satelmajer Leslie Baumgartner, S. Peter more lasting results and more mature disciples Campbell, Michael Cerna, Contributing Editors Jeanne Hartwell, Mitchell John W. Fowler Sharon Cress Henson, Greg Nelson, Norma Rex D. Edwards Osborn, Leslie Pollard, Dan Joel Sarli Smith, Steve Willsey Kit Watts 10 Advertising Pastoral Assistant Editors Ministry Editorial Office When children are grieving John C. Cress Subscriptions and Circulation Ministry to children in grief Fredrick Russell Maylan Schurch Jeannette Calbi Norma Osborn Loren Seioold Resources Consulting Editors Catherine Payne Matthew Bediako, Ben Tape of the Month 14 Clausen, Raoul Dederen, Donald Driver Teofilo Ferreira, Ron Cover Design Growing churches is like growing trees Flowers, Robert Harry Knox Principles of church growth drawn from the natural world Folkenberg, John M. Fowler, Roland Hegstad, Cover Art Ricardo Norton Kathleen Kuntaraf, Robert Detail from "Christ of the Peach, George Reid, Angel Narrow Way," by Elfred Lee. Rodriguez, Penny Shell, Courtesy of the E. G. White William Shea, Russell Estate 16 Staples, Richard Tibbits, Waiting for the right moment Edward Zmke Wisely presenting the controversial aspects ofAdventism To Writers: We welcome unsolicited manuscripts.
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