Flora of China 6: 1–113. 2001. CARYOPHYLLACEAE 石竹科 shi zhu ke Lu Dequan (鲁德全)1, Wu Zhengyi (吴征镒 Wu Cheng-yih)2, Zhou Lihua (周丽华)2, Chen Shilong (陈世龙)3; Michael G. Gilbert4, Magnus Lidén5, John McNeill6, John K. Morton7, Bengt Oxelman8, Richard K. Rabeler9, Mats Thulin8, Nicholas J. Turland10, Warren L. Wagner11 Herbs annual or perennial, rarely subshrubs or shrubs. Stems and branches usually swollen at nodes. Leaves opposite, decussate, rarely alternate or verticillate, simple, entire, usually connate at base; stipules scarious, bristly, or often absent. Inflorescence of cymes or cymose panicles, rarely flowers solitary or few in racemes, capitula, pseudoverticillasters, or umbels. Flowers actinomorphic, bisexual, rarely unisexual, occasionally cleistogamous. Sepals (4 or)5, free, imbricate, or connate into a tube, leaflike or scarious, persistent, sometimes bracteate below calyx. Petals (4 or)5, rarely absent, free, often comprising claw and limb; limb entire or split, usually with coronal scales at juncture of claw and limb. Stamens (2–)5–10, in 1 or 2 series. Pistil 1; carpels 2–5, united into a compound ovary. Ovary superior, 1-loculed or basally imperfectly 2–5-loculed. Gynophore present or absent. Placentation free, central, rarely basal; ovules (1 or) few or numerous, campylotropous. Styles (1 or)2–5, sometimes united at base. Fruit usually a capsule, with pericarp crustaceous, scarious, or papery, dehiscing by teeth or valves 1 or 2 × as many as styles, rarely berrylike with irregular dehiscence or an achene. Seeds 1 to numerous, reniform, ovoid, or rarely dorsiventrally compressed, abaxially grooved, blunt, or sharply pointed, rarely fimbriate-pectinate; testa granular, striate or tuberculate, rarely smooth or spongy; embryo strongly curved and surrounding perisperm or straight but eccentric; perisperm mealy.
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