Questions to the Mayor

27 May, 2021


Report No: 4 Subject: Questions to the Mayor Report of: Executive Director of Secretariat

Violence in London Question No: 2021/1947 Following the terrible murder of schoolboy Daniel Laskos in Harold Wood, I have been contacted by constituents who are deeply concerned about violence in London. I see that the MPS have recently been awarded £8 million to tackle serious violence. How will this be used in Havering?

Delivering London’s Transport Strategy Question No: 2021/1484 Siân Berry Are you confident you can find the funding to deliver your Transport Strategy?

Delivering Manifesto Commitments and the GLA Budget Question No: 2021/1781 OBE What are your key priorities for the next three years?

Building Safety on Public Land Question No: 2021/1400 What do you consider to be your responsibility to Londoners living in unsafe buildings?

TfL’s Extraordinary Funding and Financing Agreement Question No: 2021/1541 Please provide an update on the Extraordinary Funding and Financing Agreement for that was due to come into effect on 19 May 2021?

Edmonton Incinerator Question No: 2021/1919 Will the Mayor meet with a cross party delegation of Members of Parliament who are calling for a pause and review of the new Edmonton Incinerator scheme?

London Cancer Hub, Sutton Question No: 2021/2017 Would you be willing to work with me to support the major regeneration, scientific and economic opportunity at The London Cancer Hub in Sutton?

Violence reduction Question No: 2021/1743 Since the easing of lockdown measures, there has tragically been a spate of violent murders across London. What are you doing to address this and to try and prevent a further escalation in violence as we head into the summer months?

London Drugs Commission Question No: 2021/1903 Please can you update me on your plans for a Drugs Commission announced during your election campaign?

Using Taxpayers’ Money Responsibly Question No: 2021/2139 How will you be ensuring you use taxpayers’ money responsibly throughout your second term as Mayor of London?

Jobs, jobs, jobs Question No: 2021/1485 Your campaign slogan was “jobs, jobs, jobs”. Now that you have won a successful second term as Mayor of London, how you will support jobs in the capital over the next three years?

Improving Air Quality Reporting in London Question No: 2021/1670 The recent Coroner’s report on preventing future deaths like tragic death of Ella Adoo- Kissi-Debrah states that there is low public awareness of air pollution levels and stated that ‘Greater awareness would help individuals reduce their personal exposure to air pollution.’1 How have you improved air quality reporting in London and how has this impacted upon the health and wellbeing of Londoners? 1 Judiciary.UK, ‘Regulation 28: Report to Prevent Further Deaths’, 20 April 2021

Reaching zero carbon in London by 2030 Question No: 2021/1431 What new actions are you now taking to put London on course to reach zero carbon by 2030?

Crossrail (1) Question No: 2021/1410 Will Crossrail be open by Christmas 2021?

Housing in London Question No: 2021/1818 What challenges do you face over the next three years with regards to building affordable housing, the London Living Rent and the private rented sector in London?

Supporting London’s Leaseholders Question No: 2021/1629 What support have you offered to London’s leaseholders caught up in the cladding scandal and how do you intend to build on this during this mayoral term?

Jobs for London’s Young People Question No: 2021/1801 Joanne McCartney London’s young people have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic in terms of employment; ONS statistics show that 80% of those who left the payroll were under 35 years old with the under 25s the most affected. What are your specific plans to support London’s young people into employment?

Bexley and Bromley safety Question No: 2021/2059 What is your top priority to keep the residents of Bexley and Bromley safe?

New Police and Crime Plan Question No: 2021/1432 What will be the priorities for your new Police and Crime Plan?

Facebook’s end to end encryption Question No: 2021/2195 Do you agree with Assistant Commissioner Neil Basu that Facebook’s end to end encryption will cost lives (The Times, 8th May)? If so, what are you doing to persuade the social media giants to behave responsibly?

Economic recovery and inequality Question No: 2021/1787 How will you work to redress inequality in London as you support London’s economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic?

Londoners’ safety Question No: 2021/2110 Shaun Bailey What are you doing to ensure Londoners’ safety?

Manifesto Promises to Black Cab Drivers Question No: 2021/1946 Keith Prince In your 2016 manifesto you promised “special privileges built in… for those who become a licensed London taxi driver.” In your 2021 manifesto your offer to black cab drivers read: “Black cabs and private hire vehicles continue to play an important role in London’s transport offer, and I know how difficult the last 12 months have been for the sector. I will work with them while expecting the highest safety and environmental standards.” Why was your more recent offer such a downgrade in comparison to your 2016 pledge?

Congestion Charge Question No: 2021/2185 Tony Devenish In December 2020 your Deputy Mayor for Transport told the Budget and Performance Committee that “in the TfL budget the planning assumption… is that the temporary changes to the Congestion Charge would remain in place for the whole of the financial year 2021/22.” Is that still your working assumption?

The Green New Deal and Green New Jobs Question No: 2021/1890 Len Duvall OBE With predictions that the wind-down of the furlough scheme from July will impact on employment levels across London, how quickly can you upsize London’s green economy to deliver on your manifesto promise of new green jobs that are diverse, sustainable, meaningful and well paid?

Queen’s speech Question No: 2021/1881 How will the government’s plans for the next year, as set out in the Queen’s speech, impact on the capital?

Health of Londoners Question No: 2021/1873 What are your plans for this Mayoralty to help improve the health of Londoners?


Questions not asked during Mayor’s Question time will be given a written response by 02 June, 2021.

Co-ordinating Youth Activities and Opportunities Across London Question No: 2021/1361 Caroline Pidgeon There are many valuable youth projects across London, but many of these are small scale or struggle with access to funding. Will you look at working with boroughs and others to establish a central organising body for after school youth activities and opportunities across London, which can not only organise and promote youth activities but also support community groups, schools and other organisations to access funding and promote and advertise the work they are doing?

Stop and Search Use by the Met Question No: 2021/1362 Caroline Pidgeon In an interview in September 2015 you said of stop and search “if I’m Mayor I’ll do all in my power to further cut its use. Overuse of stop and search can have a dramatic effect on communities. It undermines public confidence in our police if Londoners are being stopped and searched for no good reason.” Despite this we have seen a dramatic increase in the use of stop and search since you became Mayor of London. Do you commit to using your second term to cut the use of stop and search in our city and end the use of suspicionless stop and search altogether?

Review of Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Strategy (1) Question No: 2021/1363 Caroline Pidgeon You have committed to a refresh of the VAWG Strategy for London so that it takes a public health focussed approach. When will this begin and how will you be consulting and working with key stakeholders to ensure they have input in this process?

Review of Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Strategy (2) Question No: 2021/1364 Caroline Pidgeon Will you introduce a permanent Women’s Board made up of survivors and key stakeholder groups to directly advise and hold you to account on your refreshed VAWG Strategy?

Concerns Over a Return to Crime Targets (1) Question No: 2021/1365 Caroline Pidgeon The performance of the Met should be measured against the delivery of a publicly available, well-rounded plan covering all elements of policing, not simply raw crime data. Do you share my concerns at the Home Office’s moves towards reintroducing crime targets for forces including the Met and what are you doing to challenge the Government on this approach?

Concerns Over a Return to Crime Targets (2) Question No: 2021/1366 Caroline Pidgeon In its 2016 report into the way in which the Met dealt with child abuse and exploitation cases Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) specifically criticised crime targets, sighting them as part of the issue given resources were being directed into chasing priority targets. If such targets are once again introduced for the Met, how will you work with the force’s senior leadership to ensure we do not see a diversion away from important investigations and work on important issues such as child abuse?

Women Feel London is Becoming Less Safe Question No: 2021/1367 Caroline Pidgeon Recent research conducted by Redfield & Wilton Strategies found that 50% of women in the capital feel London is currently becoming more unsafe. How are you going to work to address this?

HMICRFS’s Investigation into the Policing of the Sarah Everard Vigil on Saturday 13 March 2021 (1) Question No: 2021/1368 Caroline Pidgeon Although HMICFRS’s report into the policing of the vigil largely supports the approach taken by the Met, it is critical of some of the communications around decisions made by the force, particularly on social media. The report states – “In this social media age, police forces need to find ways to make their perspective count early. We heard the Metropolitan Police’s response to events described as ‘tone deaf’; we acknowledge that a more conciliatory response might have served the force’s interests better.” How are you working with the Met to ensure that messaging, particularly on social media is both sensitive to public feeling and does not undermine confidence in our police service?

HMICFRS’s Investigation into the Policing of the Sarah Everard Vigil on Saturday 13 March 2021 (2) Question No: 2021/1369 Caroline Pidgeon HMICFRS’s report suggests a more conciliatory approach from the Met could have helped calm tensions after the vigil. Do you agree that the approach, in terms of communications, from the Met after the event contributed to a worsening of the situation? I think this is especially important given the specific circumstance of the Sarah Everard case and the need to try and build more confidence in the force from women in the capital.

Experiences of Women and girls in London Question No: 2021/1370 Caroline Pidgeon You have said that we need much better data on experiences of women and girls in London in regard to hate crime, inappropriate behaviours and other types of misogyny and you committed in your manifesto to look at how we can achieve this. What work will you be doing to gather this information to help inform how MOPAC and the Met can work with and support women and girls in London going forward?

Victims’ Care Hub Question No: 2021/1371 Caroline Pidgeon In your manifesto you said you would “consider the creation of a Victim Care Hub in order to transform the way victims receive support throughout their journey through the criminal justice system.” Are you now committed to delivering such a Hub and if so when will it be set up?

Crimes Committed on E-Scooters Across London (1) Question No: 2021/1372 Caroline Pidgeon Amidst worrying reports of a significant number of crimes being committed on e-scooters across London in recent months, please provide data on the number of crimes that have been committed on e-scooters over the last two years broken down by (i) month, and (ii) borough.

Crimes Committed on E-Scooters Across London (2) Question No: 2021/1373 Caroline Pidgeon What work is being done to ensure that the electric e-scooter trial of hire e-scooters starting in Spring this year will have safeguards in place to prevent/address criminal activity connected to their use?

Hospital data for violence prevention - the Cardiff Model (1) Question No: 2021/1374 Caroline Pidgeon Can you confirm whether all 29 London A&Es are still taking part in Information Sharing to Tackle Violence (ISTV) and sharing this data with the GLA Safe Stats team?

Hospital data for violence prevention - the Cardiff Model (2) Question No: 2021/1375 Caroline Pidgeon How are you working with the Met and Borough Councils to make the best use of the helpful data collected through the Cardiff Model of data gathering?

City Hall Developer Pilot Question No: 2021/1376 Hina Bokhari In your manifesto you committed to piloting a City Hall housing developer to build the affordable, good quality homes London so desperately needs. Please outline how the pilot will work and when it will be ready to launch.

Utilising Unused Office Space Question No: 2021/1377 Hina Bokhari A recent study in Paris showed that if around 40% of businesses move to two days a week working from home this would see a 30% reduction in the need for office space. Given the expected reduction in demand in London is likely to be similar, how are you looking to re- use and redevelop this space and do you think it could play a role in meeting the demand for more quality, affordable housing, particularly social housing?

Housing First Approach to Homelessness Question No: 2021/1378 Hina Bokhari We know that having a home is often a starting point for resolving other complex needs for the most vulnerable in our society. Will you look at introducing a ‘Housing First’ approach to tackling homelessness in the capital, where access to housing is a right that is not subject to any other conditions?

Youth Homelessness Question No: 2021/1379 Hina Bokhari The pandemic has evidenced more clearly than ever that if the political desire is there we can prevent anyone from having to rough sleep on the streets of our city. This is particularly important for our city’s young people. With a growing crisis in youth homelessness in London will you guarantee to ensuring all young Londoners have access to shelter 24/7?

Commonhold Pilot Scheme Question No: 2021/1380 Hina Bokhari I believe a commonhold model of home ownership could prevent many of the issues currently being faced by leaseholders in London and it is one that has been adopted across many European countries in recent years. You have committed to piloting a commonhold scheme in London, please can you provide details on this including when this pilot will begin?

Reviewing how the Ballot Process Works for Major Estate Regenerations Question No: 2021/1381 Hina Bokhari Can you outline how you will be reviewing the estate regeneration ballot process to ensure ways are not being deliberately found to avoid the need for a ballot of residents?

Support for London’s Childcare Sector Question No: 2021/1382 Hina Bokhari In your manifesto you made a commitment on childcare to “provide business support to the sector.” Given the crisis facing the childcare sector and the particular impact this is having

on many of London’s working families and women in the economy, please outline what the promised business support for the sector will involve, including timescales for delivery.

A Right to Remain Document for EU Citizens Question No: 2021/1383 Hina Bokhari If the Government continues to refuse providing EU citizens with a physical document proving their right to remain, will you set up a London-wide scheme so that we can avoid another Windrush-style scandal for the capital’s many thousands of EU citizens? Such a scheme would also enable the capital’s EU citizens to assure landlords and employers of their right to remain.

Keeping London’s European Connections Question No: 2021/1384 Hina Bokhari Will you work with Boroughs across the capital to set up a twinning arrangement, where boroughs across the capital twin with at least one other European region to help retain and build on relations with other European regions?

London Joining the Assembly of European Regions Question No: 2021/1385 Hina Bokhari Do you support London joining the Assembly of European Regions (AER)? If yes, how are you working to advance this as the Mayor of our city?

Support for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses Question No: 2021/1386 Hina Bokhari In your manifesto you said that you would “’develop London’s offer to SMEs and the self- employed, creating the most advanced and integrated business support offer that London has seen, with a range of programmes helping start-ups and scale-ups across the key sectors of our economy.” Please outline the detail of the programmes referred to and which sectors of London’s economy they will target.

Infrastructure Investment in London Question No: 2021/1387 Hina Bokhari You stated in your manifesto for re-election that you would be setting up a new financing facility to bring more investment for infrastructure in London. Can you outline the timescales for this financing facility and how it will work?

Night-Time Economy – Question No: 2021/1388 Hina Bokhari In your manifesto you emphasised the importance of getting London’s night-time economy up and running as we recover from the pandemic. However, the TfL Commissioner recently suggested that the Night Tube may not re-open until 2022. Do you not think that such a lengthy delay in re-opening the Night Tube could damage the recovery of central London’s night-time economy?

The Urgent Need for more Apprenticeships Question No: 2021/1389 Hina Bokhari The unemployment rate for 16-24 year olds in London is rising faster than any other group and is likely to worsen further as Government support schemes such as the Job Retention Scheme come to an end. Unemployment in this age group currently stands at 17.6%, significantly higher than the UK average of 13.3%. Yet only 8% of London businesses employ an apprentice. How are you going to support and encourage London businesses to employ apprenticeships to support recovery from the pandemic and reduce the worrying rise in unemployment our young people are facing?

Rent Relief Fund for Small Businesses Question No: 2021/1390 Hina Bokhari Do you support calls for the Government to set up a rent relief fund to help small businesses clear the debts that have built up during the pandemic? Without such a fund many more London businesses may find themselves unable to open.

Superfast Broadband Question No: 2021/1391 Hina Bokhari With many in London still having no access to superfast broadband and London falling behind many other global cities for internet speeds and digital connectivity, can you

provide more detail on how are you working with providers and others to make better use of the Underground network and other public buildings and sites under your control to create a fibre network more quickly?

Data Sharing Between the Public and Private Sector Question No: 2021/1392 Hina Bokhari In your manifesto you mention the importance of data sharing and harnessing data to improve our city. With so much digital innovation in our city it is important data sharing between the private and public sector is reciprocal. I am pleased that TfL has a good record of providing data to app developers for free, yet I remain concerned that this is not reciprocated. It is essential that the city’s strategic transport authority gets anonymised data back to help in transport planning. How are you working with TfL and all functional bodies of the GLA who share data to ensure we create a mutually beneficial culture of data sharing?

Roll-out of Mental Health First-Aid Training Across London’s Schools Question No: 2021/1393 Hina Bokhari You have committed to investing in the roll-out of mental-health first-aid training to schools across London. Can you provide more details on how this training will be delivered and whether it will be offered to all staff in schools and whether any students will be offered the training too?

London Drugs Commission Question No: 2021/1394 Caroline Pidgeon In your manifesto you have committed to setting up a London Drugs Commission to review, investigate and report on drug laws, particularly around cannabis. When will the commission be launched, how will you choose membership of the commission and when do you expect it to report on its findings?

LFB Consideration of a Public Register of Fire Safety Risk Assessments Question No: 2021/1395 Hina Bokhari In answer to MQ 2020/4282 you stated that in relation to a public register of fire safety risk assessments for residential properties you “share the views of the London Fire Brigade that more detailed consideration be given to how such a scheme might work in practice.”

Can you update me on progress you and the LFB are making looking into such a scheme and how it may work in practice and will you share the findings of the consideration being made by the LFB?

Establishment of Fire Safety Victims’ Support Line Question No: 2021/1396 Hina Bokhari Will you consider introducing a support line for the many leaseholders and residents across London caught up in the cladding and fire safety scandal to provide practical support with fire safety issues as well as mental health support?

Pushing for Further Devolution to London Question No: 2021/1397 Hina Bokhari In your manifesto you commit to exploring a draft Devolution Bill for English Metro Mayors with other Metro Mayors across the country if the Government fails to make progress on more devolution. Given that there is cross-party support for further devolution to regions, will you be involving Members in the process of drafting such a bill?

LGBTQ+ Community Centre for London Question No: 2021/1398 Hina Bokhari Please provide details on how you will be supporting a new LGBTQ+ community centre for London?

Increasing Minimum Sunlight Hours for London’s Green Spaces Question No: 2021/1399 Caroline Pidgeon A number of groups and organisations in London, including the London Wildlife Trust, the Metropolitan Parks and Gardens Association, London Gardens Trust and more are campaigning for changes to the New London Plan and its Supplementary Planning Guidance to guarantee that London’s parks, playgrounds and wildlife reserves will have at least six hours of direct sunlight, rather than just two. Is this something you will consider implementing given the importance of sunlight, particularly on health and biodiversity?

Specialist Off-Road Motorbikes and Police Riders (1) Question No: 2021/1401 Caroline Pidgeon Please confirm how many specialist off-road motorbikes the Met has, broken down by BCU, as well as the number of trained police riders for these motorbikes?

Specialist Off-Road Motorbikes and Police Riders (2) Question No: 2021/1402 Caroline Pidgeon Please confirm the costs to the Met for procuring off-road motorbikes, and the costs and timescales for training up police riders for these motorbikes.

Safer Neighbourhood Board Funding Question No: 2021/1403 Caroline Pidgeon I understand that MOPAC has frozen borough funding bids for Safer Neighbourhood Boards due to the pandemic. Can you confirm when this funding will open up again?

Waking Watch Relief Fund Application Processing Question No: 2021/1404 Caroline Pidgeon When the GLA receives an application for the Waking Watch Relief Fund how long does it take to process and feed back to the applicant whether or not they have been successful?

West Brompton Station platform 3 Question No: 2021/1405 Caroline Pidgeon The platform is currently in a poor state and considered by some passengers to be an eyesore since the station garden was destroyed in 2008. Currently the black plastic tarpaulin which was installed when the garden was destroyed is now decomposing and could become a health risk if not removed. Will TfL consider restoring the station to its former greener state?

Bedford Hill Question No: 2021/1406 Caroline Pidgeon I have been informed that businesses on Bedford Hill in Balham have been told by council officers that TfL is not open to modifying the bus route to allow the street to be open to people as it was last Summer. Can you please advise if modifications to bus routes using the north end of Bedford Hill, as has been done for Northcote Road businesses, can be explored?

Private hire vehicles plying for hire in the Soho area Question No: 2021/1407 Caroline Pidgeon What action is TfL intending to take to tackle private hire vehicles illegally plying for hire caught or idling in taxi ranks in the Soho area?

Operational Incidents on the Tram Network Question No: 2021/1408 Caroline Pidgeon Further to your response to Question 2021/0420 please provide details of the “new reporting procedure which clearly lays out the requirements for the reporting of operational incidents”.

London’s poor position of pedestrian deaths from buses on international benchmark Question No: 2021/1409 Caroline Pidgeon Further to your response to Question 2021/1014 please provide me with the exact number of buses presently operating on London’s roads that are equipped with (a) Intelligent Speed Assistance (b) Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System and (c) what percentage these buses constitute of TfL’s total contracted Bus Fleet?

Crossrail (2) Question No: 2021/1411 Caroline Pidgeon Pursuant to Question 2021/412 please set out a monthly timetable for 2021 showing the remaining authorisation submissions Crossrail will be required to make for verification of their infrastructure and rolling stock to comply with all relevant standard requirements, showing Crossrail’s planned submission of the 18 chapters of their Technical File to ORR.

Crossrail (3) Question No: 2021/1412 Caroline Pidgeon TfL’s website setting out Crossrail expenditure of items over £500 currently only has a most recent report that goes up to the 9th January 2021. Will you undertake to ensure that transparency in all areas of Crossrail is improved?

Crossrail (4) Question No: 2021/1413 Caroline Pidgeon I understand that at a TfL Board meeting of the 21st October 2020 the chief executive of Crossrail reported that trial running should commence before the end of March 2021. Please set out the precise reasons why this latest deadline for Crossrail has not been met?

Enforcement of rapid charging points (1) Question No: 2021/1414 Caroline Pidgeon Please set out the specific reasons why TfL decided against utilising CCTV enforcement for taxi only rapid charging bays despite being suggested as a policy option in your answer to Question 2019/20160?

Enforcement of rapid charging points (2) Question No: 2021/1415 Caroline Pidgeon What is the total number of penalty charge notices that have been issued for non- compliance in electric vehicle bays allocated solely to taxis?

Enforcement of rapid charging points (3) Question No: 2021/1416 Caroline Pidgeon Is TfL taking any further steps to improve compliance in electric vehicle bays allocated solely to taxis?

Green roofs on bus shelters Question No: 2021/1417 Caroline Pidgeon Further to your answer to 2019/17308 please set out the timetable for the evaluation of the trial of five green bus shelters and the process that the evaluation will feed into TfL’s longer term bus shelter renewal programme.

Changing places toilets Question No: 2021/1418 Caroline Pidgeon Do any of the toilets provided at Tube, or bus stations meet the standard of changing places toilets where the needs of people with profound and multiple learning disabilities, as well people with other physical disabilities such as spinal injuries, muscular dystrophy and multiple sclerosis are fully met in terms of equipment and space required to use the toilets safely and comfortably. Does TfL have any plans to increase provision of changing places toilets?

Heritage Routemaster buses (1) Question No: 2021/1419 Caroline Pidgeon A constituent would like you to address the question of whether you consider Routemaster buses as uniquely part of London’s heritage? He highlights that Blackpool still runs heritage trams and San Francisco still runs heritage cable cars and street cars. Why does London not accept heritage Routemasters as an important asset, especially for visitors and tourists?

Heritage Routemaster buses (2) Question No: 2021/1420 Caroline Pidgeon During April 2021 TfL permanently halted its heritage service of 10 iconic Routemaster buses on the number 15 route. Please state where these buses have now been allocated to or sold to?

Heritage Routemaster buses (3) Question No: 2021/1421 Caroline Pidgeon In answer to question 2019/4029 you stated that “The current portable payment device used by conductors on the H15 heritage service cannot be modified to accept contactless payments.” However, in the last two years portable contactless payment technology has developed and become more widespread. Please set out the steps TfL took to consider its

adoption over the last two years, including the use of separate mobile contactless payment readers?

Heritage Routemaster Buses (4) Question No: 2021/1422 Caroline Pidgeon It has been reported in the media ( future/) that the manufacturer Cummins has converted a Routemaster bus owned by a former Commissioner of TfL from a Euro 4 to Euro 6 engine. What evaluation did TfL undertake of adopting a similar policy for the Routemaster H15 buses? What was TfL’s cost estimate of such a policy, if such an evaluation was undertaken?

Dial-a-Ride Question No: 2021/1423 Caroline Pidgeon Have any redundancies of Dial-a-Ride drivers been made during 2021 and are there any planned over the next 12 months?

Publication of data collected by TfL relating to Low Traffic Neighbourhoods and Streetspace initiatives Question No: 2021/1424 Caroline Pidgeon Will you undertake to ensure that all road traffic data, including changes to traffic flows and changes to bus speeds, that has been collected by TfL relating to the impact of LTNs and other Streetspace initiatives, is fully published and made easily accessible to the public? For individual bus routes that have been impacted, can you publish the impact on individual bus routes to help with consultation and changes to any new infrastructure.

Zero emission buses Question No: 2021/1425 Caroline Pidgeon Please state how many (a) electric, and (b) hydrogen buses London currently has, both as a numerical number and as a percentage of London’s overall bus fleet. Please also state how many electric and hydrogen buses will be added in the next 12 months?

Taxi drivers supporting women who are victims of violence Question No: 2021/1426 Caroline Pidgeon Has TfL considered offering training to taxi and private hire drivers to help identify and support the reporting of violence against women?

Environmental record of Thames Water Question No: 2021/1427 Caroline Pidgeon The 2019 Environmental Agency report on the environmental performance of water and sewerage companies in England highlighted that performance had deteriorated for the second year in a row, with half of serious incidents of pollution being due to Anglian Water and Thames Water. What steps have you taken to raise concerns of pollution incidents in the London area with Thames Water and with Government Ministers?

Sudbury Town station Question No: 2021/1428 Caroline Pidgeon What assurances can you provide current users of the station that any disposal of much of the existing London Underground car park for a housing development will (a) continue to provide a sufficient number of parking spaces for Blue Badge drivers, and (b) be linked to plans to bring forward step free access to the station.

Tickets gates at Chesham Underground station Question No: 2021/1429 Caroline Pidgeon There are reports that in the evenings large queues build up inside Chesham Underground station due to an inadequate number of gates. Are there any plans to increase the provision of gates at this station? Please also state how TfL reviews the need for extra gates at Underground stations?

Changes to the Congestion Charge Question No: 2021/1430 Caroline Pidgeon Following the temporary changes to the Congestion Charge in June 2020 and the ending of the residents’ discount from August 2020, when will the consultation on permanent changes to the Congestion Charge commence? Please also set out how this consultation process will be undertaken.

No safe level for particulate matter Question No: 2021/1433 Zack Polanski The coroner in the inquest into the death of Ella Adoo-Kissi-Debrah has noted evidence that shows there is: “no safe level for Particulate Matter and that the WHO guidelines should be seen as minimum requirements.” Will you alter your plans to prioritise reducing Londoners’ particulate exposure to an absolute minimum?

Increased pollution monitoring on red routes Question No: 2021/1434 Zack Polanski The coroner in the inquest into the death of Ella Adoo-Kissi-Debrah has found that there was not enough awareness of air pollution data and suggested that new monitors should be provided where air pollution is worst. Will you consider installing new air pollution monitors on red routes, including on the South Circular close to where Ella lived?

Greenhouse gas emissions from London’s waste Question No: 2021/1435 Zack Polanski The Government decision to exclude energy from waste plants from the UK’s new emissions trading scheme has been brought to the High Court for a judicial review. When was the most recent annual review of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Performance Standard for London’s Local Authority Collected Waste produced?

Joint working and procurement opportunities for waste authorities Question No: 2021/1436 Zack Polanski In your Environment Strategy, published in May 2018, you set up a public contract register to monitor when waste authority contracts come up for renewal. Since the register’s introduction a) has it been kept up to date, b) have any waste authorities moved to joint procurement, and c) has any service harmonisation been achieved across borough boundaries?

GLA response to Dasgupta review Question No: 2021/1437 Zack Polanski What actions has the GLA taken in response to the Dasgupta review on biodiversity, which has highlighted the value of natural spaces?

Street waste being incinerated Question No: 2021/1438 Zack Polanski A constituent in Merton has raised the issue that in their borough the waste from street recycling bins is being sent to Beddington waste facility to be incinerated, along with the waste from ordinary street rubbish bins. What are you doing to ensure that all street waste placed in a recycling bin in London is actually recycled?

Gas-powered heat lamps Question No: 2021/1439 Zack Polanski Social distancing and outdoor dining have rapidly increased the use of gas-powered heat lamps throughout London. Is the GLA taking any actions to measure and mitigate the impact of heat lamps on London’s air quality and environment?

UN COP26 summit in November 2021 Question No: 2021/1440 Zack Polanski In November, the UK will be hosting the United Nations COP26 summit. Do you plan personally to take part in the conference? If so, what engagements or commitments are planned?

Removal of mooring spots from the River Lea Question No: 2021/1441 Zack Polanski A constituent has written to me concerned that the Canal and River Trust (CRT) is removing 550 mooring spots for houseboats from the River Lea by creating ‘water safety zones’. Are you aware of this change, and what actions will you take to defend the rights of people using these mooring spots to have an affordable home in London?

Highbury Corner (6) Question No: 2021/1442 Caroline Russell Thank you for your answer to my question 2021/0470. Constituents have written to me concerned that Highbury Corner continues to have a large flood on the surface taking up much of the new pedestrianised space. What actions is Transport for London (TfL) taking to clean up this flood?

ANPR data sharing between Transport for London and the Metropolitan Police Service for an expanded ULEZ (1) Question No: 2021/1443 Caroline Russell The Transport for London (TfL) Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) F7526 A3, completed in September 2020 states: “The completion of a new DPIA by the (Metropolitan Police Service) MPS will be required on the subject of their extended access to surveillance cameras on London’s road network and any privacy implications associated with this.” Has a new DPIA been completed by the MPS?

ANPR data sharing between Transport for London and the Metropolitan Police Service for an expanded ULEZ (2) Question No: 2021/1444 Caroline Russell What is the current data sharing agreement between the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) and Transport for London (TfL) with regard to the Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras operating to enforce the expanded ULEZ?

ANPR data sharing between Transport for London and the Metropolitan Police Service for an expanded ULEZ (3) Question No: 2021/1445 Caroline Russell Has the existing Mayoral Delegation and Direction MDD 1439, published 27 January 2015 with regard to Transport for London (TfL) Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) data sharing, been updated to reference specifically any additional cameras installed for the ULEZ expansion prior to access being given?

Women’s Night Safety charter Question No: 2021/1446 Caroline Russell Since you and the Night Czar launched the Women’s Night Safety charter in 2017, how have you measured its success and impact in the community, beyond voluntary signups from businesses in the night time economy?

Serving Metropolitan Police Service officers with far right links Question No: 2021/1447 Caroline Russell Will you commit to reviewing Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) recruitment policies so no one with links to any far-right or proscribed terrorist organisations could be considered for employment?

Metropolitan Police Service officer brutality against Black teenagers Question No: 2021/1448 Caroline Russell There have been several recent high-profile cases of Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) officers using excessive force and violence against Black teenagers in London. In one particularly concerning case, force was used against a vulnerable young teenager with learning disabilities, and the IOPC regional director Sal Naseem specifically criticised the officer for: “Immediately resorting to use of force without considering other de-escalation tactics.” Will you insist that more de-escalation training, including not using restraints against vulnerable Londoners, is prioritised for all frontline MPS officers?

Metropolitan Police Service involvement in Serenity Integrated Mentoring (1) Question No: 2021/1449 Caroline Russell Do you believe it is appropriate for Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) officers to be involved in emergency care response via the Serenity Integrated Mentoring (SIM) programme for people who are ‘high intensity users’ of Section 136 of the Mental Health Act and public services?

Metropolitan Police Service involvement in Serenity Integrated Mentoring (2) Question No: 2021/1450 Caroline Russell How many Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) officers are currently actively involved in Serenity Integrated Mentoring (SIM) plans for Londoners with mental health issues and what medical training have they undertaken?

Metropolitan Police Service involvement in Serenity Integrated Mentoring (3) Question No: 2021/1451 Caroline Russell How many criminal sanctions have Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) brought through their contact with ‘high intensity users’ of Section 136 of the Mental Health Act via Serenity Integrated Mentoring (SIM) network?

Metropolitan Police Service involvement in Serenity Integrated Mentoring (4) Question No: 2021/1452 Caroline Russell What evaluation of the outcome for patients, rather than reducing a financial cost to support services, has the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) carried out to ensure that a public health approach is at the heart of the Serenity Integrated Mentoring (SIM) scheme?

Monitoring misogyny as a hate crime Question No: 2021/1453 Caroline Russell On 17 March 2021 you announced that misogyny will now be recorded as a hate crime. Has the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) already begun recording incidents of misogyny when responding to crimes against women and could you share the latest available data?

Open data on London’s toilets Question No: 2021/1454 Caroline Russell Will you instruct GLA bodies to work with the Great British Public Toilet Map, and support the provision of open data on toilets from public bodies to make finding an open toilet more convenient?

Improvements to public health from the ULEZ Question No: 2021/1455 Caroline Russell What changes in public health are you expecting from the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) extension, and to what extent are they driven by a change in use of modes of transport or by a reduction in pollution?

Increased physical activity as London recovers Question No: 2021/1456 Caroline Russell What steps are you taking to enable increased physical activity as Londoners return to central London?

Mental health impact of the coronavirus crisis on Londoners Question No: 2021/1457 Caroline Russell The mental health impact of the coronavirus crisis on Londoners has been widely acknowledged, with certain groups having been shown to be disproportionately affected, including children and young people, and people with mental and physical disabilities and/or conditions. Have you reassessed or revaluated any of the objectives of the Health Inequalities Strategy in light of this, and how do you plan to make sure mental health is at the heart of your broader London Recovery Programme?

Londoners suffering with long COVID Question No: 2021/1458 Caroline Russell According to the latest research from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), an estimated 1.65 per cent of people in London (144,000 people) were living with the symptoms of long COVID in the four-week period ending 6 March 2021. Could you outline how the London Recovery Programme is taking account of this growing challenge, both in terms of responding to the healthcare needs of Londoners suffering with long COVID and the secondary effects on issues such as sick leave and employment?

Londoners suffering with long COVID (2) Question No: 2021/1459 Caroline Russell The latest research from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on long COVID reveals that it is much more common among more deprived groups. What more can be done through your Health Inequalities Strategy and the London Recovery Programme to ensure that Londoners who are already at a socioeconomic disadvantage do not have this disadvantage compounded by future hardship as a result of long COVID?

Londoners suffering with long COVID (3) Question No: 2021/1460 Caroline Russell Recent research from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) reveals that health and social care workers experienced the highest rates of long COVID. Could you outline how London- wide initiatives can continue to support the workforce as we move through the pandemic, and what more the Healthy London Partnership could do?

Transport for London staff using body worn video (1) Question No: 2021/1461 Siân Berry Could you tell me a) for how long images and video captured by body worn video used by Transport for London (TfL) staff will be stored, and b) which authorities will have access to these images and videos?

Transport for London staff using body worn video (2) Question No: 2021/1462 Siân Berry Will passengers using the Transport for London (TfL) network be notified that TfL staff are equipped with body worn video whenever it is in operational use?

Transport for London staff using body worn video (3) Question No: 2021/1463 Siân Berry What training is being offered to Transport for London (TfL) staff on using body worn video?

Removal of Streetspace schemes Question No: 2021/1464 Siân Berry I understand that a number of schemes funded under your Streetspace programme have been removed. Could you list which schemes have been, or are being, removed, including: a) the name of the scheme, b) details of its location, c) the amount of funding allocated, d) whether it is a borough or TfL scheme, and e) the date of removal?

ULEZ charges on hired buses Question No: 2021/1465 Siân Berry Will Transport for London (TfL) review their advice to Londoners to help ensure that those who hire vehicles such as buses for publicity activity, are fully aware of the charges heavily polluting vehicles will incur?

Increasing road user charges with inflation Question No: 2021/1466 Siân Berry Do you agree that it would be unfair and contrary to your Transport Strategy if charges for people driving in London returned to levels seen before the pandemic while charges for people using buses, tubes and trains increased?

Discounted off-peak travel to aid the recovery of central London Question No: 2021/1467 Siân Berry Will you bring forward proposals for cheaper off-peak travel on Transport for London (TfL) services, particularly for journeys from outer London into central London, in order to aid the recovery of central London?

Likely carbon emissions increases from Silvertown Road Tunnel (1) Question No: 2021/1468 Siân Berry Highways England has found that carbon emissions are 8 per cent higher than expected for the M3 Smart Motorway J2 to J4a scheme, because a higher than expected proportion of Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) are using this road. Given that the Silvertown Road Tunnel will encourage HGVs by providing them with access to a bus lane, can you share modelling that shows what proportion of HGVs you expect to be in traffic created by this new urban motorway?

Likely carbon emissions increases from Silvertown Road Tunnel (2) Question No: 2021/1469 Siân Berry The Energy and Carbon statement for the Silvertown Road Tunnel states that emissions due to the project would represent a 0.4 per cent increase in projected 2030 emissions for road transport in London. Given that this tunnel will have a high proportion of freight traffic which cannot be decarbonised as rapidly as other vehicles, will the proportion of London’s

overall road emissions from traffic using the tunnel and approaches increase as you decarbonise other road transport and what analysis of this have you carried out?

Accessibility of London streets during recovery Question No: 2021/1470 Siân Berry The campaign organisation Transport for All has had to write to Westminster Council complaining that newly licensed outdoor dining areas on streets have blocked access to people using wheelchairs and made them difficult for others to use safely. What guidance has Transport for London (TfL) provided to ensure that much-needed outdoor space for London’s bars and restaurants actually improves accessibility both to businesses and for passing through these areas?

Ensuring consistency in Transport for London fines Question No: 2021/1471 Siân Berry Further to our discussion during the 2021-22 budget process, have you had any response from the Department for Transport to proposals for Transport for London (TfL) to increase the Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) rate for illegal parking on red routes to match the congestion charge?

Government vision for cycling and walking by 2030 Question No: 2021/1472 Siân Berry The Secretary of State for Transport, speaking before the House of Commons Transport Select Committee on 3 February 2021, stated that: “we want 50 per cent of all journeys in towns and cities to be cycled or walked by 2030.” What progress has London made towards this target, and do you have the right investment available to reach it?

Action to reach Vision Zero goal Question No: 2021/1473 Siân Berry In your 2021 election manifesto you said you would: “accelerate the roll out of 20 mph speed limits on the TfL road network,” and: “improve the safety of the most dangerous junctions, including a programme of new pedestrian crossings at those junctions currently lacking them.” When will you announce the investment and commitment to bring these pledges into action?

A316 cycle lane Question No: 2021/1474 Siân Berry A constituent has raised the issue of the cycle lane on the south side of the A316 between Clifford Avenue and Larkfield Road. While it is segregated from the lanes for vehicle traffic, the cycle lane stops and starts at every side road on to the A316, giving motor vehicles priority over people on bicycle or on foot. This is one of many examples of poor quality cycle lanes alongside busy roads, so when can Londoners expect to see examples like this upgraded, and made safe and appealing to use?

Kew Bridge shared footway Question No: 2021/1475 Siân Berry In answer to question 2017/2790 you confirmed that Kew Bridge was a junction set for further improvement through Transport for London (TfL) investment in outer London. However, the changes that have now been delivered through Cycleway 9 involve an extra traffic lane for motor vehicles on Kew Bridge, with people cycling directed to a shared footway which is hard to access. Constituents tell me they are deterred from using this road by the change in layout. What steps are you taking after works like these to monitor changes in usage and gather feedback, and when will you deliver a safe cycle route with high capacity over Kew Bridge?

Permitted Development Rights (1) Question No: 2021/1476 Siân Berry What action are you taking to protect London from the worst aspect of new Permitted Development Rights, such as homes being created that have no energy efficiency measures, no minimum accessibility requirements and with no access to green space or to local amenities?

Permitted Development Rights (2) Question No: 2021/1477 Siân Berry How will you support councils to protect their high streets from having retail outlets converted to housing under new Permitted Development Rights?

Mortlake Brewery Community Group Question No: 2021/1478 Siân Berry Will you meet with members of the Mortlake Brewery Community Group to discuss their proposals for redeveloping the site at Mortlake Brewery, before making your Stage 2 referral decision?

Community engagement after developments are referred to the Mayor Question No: 2021/1479 Siân Berry A constituent has raised an issue with the fact that, while developers are obliged to carry out community engagement, this is only during the design evolution process prior to planning submissions. When schemes are called in by your office, this process inevitably leads to further design evolution without guaranteed public involvement. What assurances will you give that community engagement will significantly improve during these processes of design evolution led by your planning and viability teams?

Disproportionate increase in unit numbers compared with affordable housing Question No: 2021/1480 Siân Berry A constituent has pointed out that, in the Mortlake Brewery scheme, a 40 per cent increase in the number of residential units, from 800 to 1250 has resulted in only a 13 per cent increase in affordable housing, reaching just 30 per cent in total. How has this been justified?

London Legacy Development Corporation fixed estate charge at Chobham Manor Question No: 2021/1481 Siân Berry There have been recent reports of residents at the London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) Chobham Manor development being required to pay a fixed estate charge of more than £1,000 a year in addition to service charges. Are there plans to make changes to this charge?

London Legacy Development Corporation fixed estate charge Question No: 2021/1482 Siân Berry Does the London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) fixed estate charge impact residents in affordable tenures and, if so, is it accounted for when calculating affordability?

Protecting London renters who have fallen into arrears during the coronavirus crisis Question No: 2021/1483 Siân Berry The ban on evictions that was brought in during the coronavirus crisis is due to end on 31 May, and some charities have predicted that a significant increase in evictions will occur. How will you help Londoners if this happens?

Bakerloo Line Question No: 2021/1486 Marina Ahmad What is the latest progress on the Bakerloo Line extension? Have you explored any new funding options since safeguarding guidance was issued in March?

Women’s Safety Question No: 2021/1487 Marina Ahmad After the shocking murder of Sarah Everard in my constituency, what steps are the Metropolitan Police Service taking to keep women and girls safe on the streets?

Levelling Up Question No: 2021/1488 Marina Ahmad The Government’s Levelling Up fund seems to be unfairly distributed across the UK, with affluent boroughs receiving funding, whilst deprived boroughs like Lambeth and Southwark were not included in the first priority funding. Do you think London’s boroughs need more help from the Government to level up?

Let’s Do London Question No: 2021/1489 Marina Ahmad How are you working with key partners such as the Southbank Centre and Shakespeare’s Globe to get London’s cultural industry moving again? How will Let’s Do London work with small, community arts projects such as those in Lambeth and Southwark?

Cladding Scandal Question No: 2021/1490 Marina Ahmad There are almost 30,000 people across Lambeth and Southwark living in homes affected by dangerous Grenfell style cladding. What are you doing to support these residents?

Surrey Quays Station Refurbishment Question No: 2021/1491 Marina Ahmad Has there been any progress on refurbishing and expanding Surrey Quays station?

Child Poverty Question No: 2021/1492 Marina Ahmad What will you be doing in this term to help tackle child poverty across London, especially as lockdown and Covid-19 have had a significant impact on low income families?

Rent Controls Question No: 2021/1493 Marina Ahmad How would the introduction of rent controls benefit private renters across London?

Let’s Do London (1) Question No: 2021/1494 Marina Ahmad Are the Government supportive of your Let’s Do London campaign, and if so, how are they supporting it?

Let’s Do London (2) Question No: 2021/1495 Marina Ahmad How will your Let’s Do London campaign support London’s economy to recover from the pandemic?

Let’s Do London (3) Question No: 2021/1496 Marina Ahmad How can more of London’s businesses become involved in the Let’s Do London campaign?

24-hour London Question No: 2021/1497 Marina Ahmad As restrictions are lifting, and as the rates of COVID-19 infection hopefully remain low, how will you support London’s night-time economy to recover from the pandemic?

London’s offer to small businesses Question No: 2021/1498 Marina Ahmad It was welcome to see your manifesto pledged to develop London’s offer to SMEs and the self-employed, creating the most advanced and integrated business support offer that London has seen, with a range of programmes helping start-ups and scale-ups across the key sectors of our economy. Given the amount of support required to help businesses recover from the pandemic, do you have a timeline for this work yet?

Cooperatives Question No: 2021/1499 Marina Ahmad How will you support cooperatives in London in your second term?

London’s airline industry jobs Question No: 2021/1500 Marina Ahmad How will you support employment within London’s airline industry which has been severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic?

UK Shared Prosperity Fund Question No: 2021/1501 Marina Ahmad Have you received any news from the Government relating to how much London will receive in the UK Shared Prosperity Fund?

Central Activities Zone Question No: 2021/1502 Marina Ahmad How will you support the Central Activities Zone in London to recover from the pandemic during your second term as Mayor?

Universal Free School Meals Question No: 2021/1503 Marina Ahmad How will you support expanding Universal Free School Meals in London over your second term?

Holiday Hunger Question No: 2021/1504 Marina Ahmad How will you work to reduce holiday hunger in London over your second term?

Careers Guidance Question No: 2021/1505 Marina Ahmad I support your commitment in your manifesto to lobby the Government for devolution for an all-age careers guidance service in London. How will you support Londoners in accessing good quality careers guidance in the meantime?

Apprenticeships Question No: 2021/1506 Marina Ahmad How will you support good quality and London Living Wage paid apprenticeships in London over your second term?

Immigration in London Question No: 2021/1507 Marina Ahmad How will you support international Londoners that have made London their home over your second term?

Worker’s Rights Question No: 2021/1508 Marina Ahmad How will you support workers’ rights and working conditions over your second term, especially since many Londoners have seen their working terms and conditions deteriorate over the pandemic?

Disability Pay Audits Question No: 2021/1509 Marina Ahmad Do you have a timeline for introducing disability pay audits in the GLA family?

Good Work Standard Question No: 2021/1510 Marina Ahmad How will you continue to expand your Good Work Standard over your second term?

London Weighting Question No: 2021/1511 Marina Ahmad Do you have a timeline for your work on gathering evidence and issuing guidance on London Weighting?

Measuring London’s economy Question No: 2021/1512 Marina Ahmad In your first term, you created the Economic Fairness measures in the London Datastore to include measures to help reduce inequality, the first Mayor to do so. Why is it important to measure both economic growth and measures on economic fairness?

Right2Food Charter Question No: 2021/1513 Marina Ahmad How are you supporting the Food Foundation’s Right2Food Charter?

London Food Strategy Question No: 2021/1514 Marina Ahmad Can you provide an update on how you will continue the work of your London Food Strategy during your second term?

Food insecurity Question No: 2021/1515 Marina Ahmad How will you tackle food insecurity in London during your second term, which has worsened since 2010 and especially during the pandemic?

Meals on Wheels Question No: 2021/1516 Marina Ahmad How will you support Meals on Wheels which has been decimated as a result of Government imposed cuts to local authorities since 2010?

No Recourse to Public Funds Question No: 2021/1517 Marina Ahmad How will you continue to campaign on the, in my view, punitive Government policy, No Recourse to Public Funds?

Healthy Start vouchers Question No: 2021/1518 Marina Ahmad How will you continue to promote the take-up of Healthy Start vouchers in London?

English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Question No: 2021/1519 Marina Ahmad How will you continue to support better access to English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) across London during your second term?

Period Poverty Question No: 2021/1520 Marina Ahmad How will you continue to work towards reducing period poverty across London in your second term?

Older Londoners Question No: 2021/1521 Marina Ahmad How will you support older Londoners during your second term?

National Living Wage Question No: 2021/1522 Marina Ahmad How will you continue to campaign for a fairer National Living Wage, not only in terms of ensuring Londoners have enough to live on, but that all Londoners of all ages get paid the same day’s wage for the same day’s work?

London Living Wage and apprenticeships Question No: 2021/1523 Marina Ahmad It is welcome that the GLA pays apprentices the London Living Wage. How will you continue to encourage employers across London to pay apprentices the London Living Wage?

London Living Wage Foundation Question No: 2021/1524 Marina Ahmad Why is it important that the London Living Wage is calculated independently by the Living Wage Foundation?

Trade unions Question No: 2021/1525 Marina Ahmad How will you continue to support trade unions across London?

Gig economy Question No: 2021/1526 Marina Ahmad How will you support workers in the gig economy over your second term in office?

Childcare Question No: 2021/1527 Marina Ahmad How will you continue to work to make childcare affordable and accessible across London in your second term?

Universal Basic Income pilot Question No: 2021/1528 Marina Ahmad How much would it cost the GLA to introduce a three-year Universal Basic Income pilot in London, with at least 1,000 Londoners? Is this something that the Government should fund?

London Economic Action Partnership and small business Question No: 2021/1529 Marina Ahmad How does the London Economic Action Partnership (LEAP) support small businesses?

London Growth Hub Question No: 2021/1530 Marina Ahmad How will you continue to promote the London Growth Hub over your second term?

London’s high streets Question No: 2021/1531 Marina Ahmad How will you support London’s high streets over your second term?

Skills gaps Question No: 2021/1532 Marina Ahmad What work are you undertaking to map London’s skills gaps and unemployment following the COVID-19 pandemic?

London’s markets Question No: 2021/1533 Marina Ahmad How will you support markets in London and will these be important to the economic recovery of high streets?

Access to broadband Question No: 2021/1534 Marina Ahmad As flexible and remote working looks set to stay in some form since the pandemic, how will you work to ensure that all Londoners have access to good quality and affordable broadband?

Financial health of Londoners (1) Question No: 2021/1535 Marina Ahmad How will you continue to support the financial health of Londoners over your second term?

Financial health of Londoners (2) Question No: 2021/1536 Marina Ahmad How will you ensure that the move to a cashless society does not create a group of Londoners unable to access vital products and services?

Future trade agreements Question No: 2021/1537 Marina Ahmad How will you ensure that London’s needs are represented in future trade deals?

Hospitality in London Question No: 2021/1538 Marina Ahmad How are your Deputy Mayor for Business and your Night Czar supporting the hospitality industry to recover from the pandemic?

Child food insecurity Question No: 2021/1539 Marina Ahmad What more can the Government do to tackle child food insecurity in London and how can Assembly Members across the Chamber support you in lobbying the Government to take child poverty and food insecurity more seriously?

Feminist in City Hall Question No: 2021/1540 Marina Ahmad How will you continue to be a feminist in City Hall during your second term?

Tactile Paving (1) Question No: 2021/1542 Elly Baker Can you update me on progress on installing tactile paving at Brentwood Rail Station?

Tactile Paving (2) Question No: 2021/1543 Elly Baker Iver and Hanwell Rail Stations on the Crossrail network do not have tactile paving and Network Rail has no plans to install any. What discussions, if any, have you had with Network Rail regarding a review of their decision?

The Night Tube Question No: 2021/1544 Elly Baker Andy Lord, managing director of London Underground, has said, “the full introduction of night tube services is not possible in the immediate future due to a number of factors including the continuing need to use Night Tube drivers during the day to run as much service as possible when demand is at its highest”. Can you outline what all the factors are preventing a re-opening of the night tube and what steps TfL is taking to resolve them?

Lighting Strategies Question No: 2021/1545 Elly Baker In March 2021 the Centre for London produced the report “Seeing clearly: How lighting can make London a better city”. I would be interested in your response to the recommendations that you: a) provide a framework that boroughs can build on to develop their lighting strategies; b) provide Supplementary Planning Guidance setting out how light should be treated in planning applications; c) create a hub for lighting resources; and d) provide guidance on how London boroughs should develop lighting strategies

TfL’s structural funding framework Question No: 2021/1546 Elly Baker Please provide an update on your work with Government to explore the potential and options for enhancements to TfL’s structural funding framework including multi-year “control periods”, in order to enable TfL to act as an economic and efficient operator and provide a framework for the organisation acceptable to all parties that will facilitate sufficient certainty of funding to enable TfL to reach financial sustainability.

Non-permanent labour Question No: 2021/1547 Elly Baker The Transport for London quarterly performance report Quarter 3 2020/21 shows a 76% reduction in non-permanent labour (NPL) costs between December 2015 and December 2020. What targets, if any, do you have for the number of NPL and their weekly costs in the future?

Outsourcing at TfL Question No: 2021/1548 Elly Baker Please list the outsourced contracts at TfL and when they are due for renewal.

Devolution of Great Northern Services to TfL Question No: 2021/1549 Elly Baker Please provide an update on the work between Transport for London and the Department for Transport to develop the next stage of the assessment, including the completion of an Outline Business Case.

2,000 Electric Buses Question No: 2021/1550 Elly Baker You have plans for 2,000 all-electric buses to be in operation by 2025 dependent upon TfL reaching an adequate financial settlement with the Government. Can you provide details on the level of funding TfL require to meet that target? And whether the Government have agreed to make that funding available?

TfL’s Healthy Streets Fund for Business Question No: 2021/1551 Elly Baker How many businesses have received funding since the fund was set up? And what level of funding has been provided? Please breakdown the figures by financial year.

Last-Mile Alternatives Question No: 2021/1552 Elly Baker What funding has been provided by the GLA Group since May 2016 for greener last-mile alternatives for business?

London FreightLab Question No: 2021/1553 Elly Baker Please provide an update on the London FreightLab challenge, including what six schemes were chosen, the results of the pilots and the next steps in the process?

Last Mile Operations Question No: 2021/1554 Elly Baker TfL are engaged in talks with multiple last mile delivery operators across the commercial property estate to identify suitable properties that can support businesses. Can you provide details on what properties have been identified and how businesses are now using them for last mile operations?

TfL Land for Freight management Question No: 2021/1555 Elly Baker TfL is looking at repurposing its own land for freight management opportunities as part of the green recovery, some of which may include micro-consolidation centres serviced by cargo bike. Can you provide details on what land has been identified and how it is being used for freight management?

Micro-Consolidation Facilities Question No: 2021/1556 Elly Baker The GLA encourages new developments to provide micro-consolidation facilities wherever possible, as part of the Delivery and Servicing Plans that are required through the planning application process. Can you provide details on how many such facilities have been provided since May 2016 and how they are being used to support greener last-mile alternatives?

Freight and servicing action plan (1) Question No: 2021/1557 Elly Baker Can you provide details on how you have implemented action point 10 from the Freight and servicing action plan?

Freight and servicing action plan (2) Question No: 2021/1558 Elly Baker Can you provide details on how you have implemented action point 12 from the Freight and servicing action plan?

Engine Idling Question No: 2021/1559 Elly Baker In June 2019 the Department for Transport announced plans to carry out a public consultation on proposals to impose tougher penalties on idling motorists. However, no such consultation has started. What discussions, if any, have you had with the Government on this consultation, as well as on acting against idling more generally?

Supporting London’s Airports Question No: 2021/1560 Elly Baker Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic what action have you taken, and plan to take in the future, to support London’s airports and those who work in them?

Transport Data Question No: 2021/1561 Elly Baker Can you outline how sustainable transport choices in London are supported by using data innovatively?

The Digital Transport Experience Question No: 2021/1562 Elly Baker TfL’s current Digital experience principles date from November 2013. What plans, if any, do you have to refresh these principles and seek to deliver an enhanced digital experience to people travelling in London?

Mode Share Question No: 2021/1563 Elly Baker Table 7.6 from Travel in London Report 13 gives details on Estimated mode shares, 2018- 2020. Can you provide estimated mode shares for the calendar year 2020?

A Zero-Emission Bus Fleet By 2037 Question No: 2021/1564 Elly Baker TfL has outlined to Government that, with an additional £1 billion, it could make all buses in London zero-emission by 2030, which includes £300m on power upgrades and charging infrastructure and £700m on increased operating costs up to 2036/37. What funding will be required in every year up to 2036/37 for both elements of the support you require?

Vehicle Scrappage Schemes (1) Question No: 2021/1565 Elly Baker In MQ 2019/6230 you said, “Given the lack of support to date I have had to make extremely difficult budget decisions to find a further £48 million to enable me to provide scrappage schemes for microbusinesses, charities and those on low-incomes. I have asked Government to match this funding but have not yet had a response.” Did you ever receive a response to your request and, if so, will you publish it?

Vehicle Scrappage Schemes (2) Question No: 2021/1566 Elly Baker In October 2020 your submission to the Government’s Comprehensive Spending Review called for a national £1.5 billion Clean Air Fund. What response have you received from the Government on this proposal?

Vehicle Scrappage Schemes (3) Question No: 2021/1567 Elly Baker What plans, if any, do you have to extend the scrappage schemes to emergency service workers?

Future of the Congestion Charge Question No: 2021/1568 Elly Baker Point 12 of the October 2020 Transport for London Settlement Letter links the funding of travel concessions for all Londoners aged under 18 and 60-65 with maintaining the Congestion Charging changes implemented in June 2020 and an increase to the existing TfL element of the GLA council tax precept from 1 April 2021. Given you have said, “I will be negotiating with the Government, so we don’t have to have it [the congestion charge]

seven days a week or up until 10pm”, do you expect any changes to the Congestion Charge to be reciprocated with changes to the requirement for TfL to fund concessionary travel?

Half-price travel for care leavers Question No: 2021/1569 Elly Baker On 29 October 2020 Anne Longfield, Children’s Commissioner for England 2015 – 2021, made 10 asks for care leavers including “Free local travel, which is not just limited to off- peak travel”. Will you agree to provide free travel, rather than the planned half-price travel? Please give your reasons.

TfL’s cleaning contract with ABM (1) Question No: 2021/1570 Elly Baker The tender process for the cleaning contract has already begun under contract reference 23723. Can you outline the tender process, including dates, so we can be clear the process that will be followed up to the tender being awarded on 31 January 2022?

TfL’s cleaning contract with ABM (2) Question No: 2021/1571 Elly Baker You have asked TfL to review its cleaning contract with ABM, including an assessment of extending the free travel cleaners receive whilst at work to their journeys to and from work. Can you provide details on when this review will take place, the terms of reference and if you will publish the review when it is complete?

TfL’s cleaning contract with ABM (3) Question No: 2021/1572 Elly Baker What estimates, if any, have you made on the difference in costs between insourcing or outsourcing the cleaning contract with ABM. Please provide details of the costs and what they relate to.

Bus Drivers (1) Question No: 2021/1573 Elly Baker What is the minimum professional London bus driver wage as of April 2021?

Bus Drivers (2) Question No: 2021/1574 Elly Baker How many bus drivers have benefitted from the wage protection the licence for London gives them since it was introduced?

Bus Drivers (3) Question No: 2021/1575 Elly Baker How many bus drivers received a retention payment in 2020/21 and how many do you expect to receive one in 2021/22?

Bus Drivers (4) Question No: 2021/1576 Elly Baker What plans do you have to introduce a fairer pay structure for bus drivers?

Toilets on bus Routes (1) Question No: 2021/1577 Elly Baker How many Bus Routes have toilet facilities and how many do not?

Toilets on bus Routes (2) Question No: 2021/1578 Elly Baker How many bus routes are classified as either Priority 1, 2, 3 or new in terms of their current level of toilet provision?

Toilets on bus Routes (3) Question No: 2021/1579 Elly Baker How many Relief facilities are provided (a) by bus operating companies normally at bus garages; (b) by bus operating companies through local informal agreements with businesses; and (c) by TfL at key locations normally at bus stations, or large bus stands, where a significant number of routes terminate and land is available?

Toilets on bus Routes (4) Question No: 2021/1580 Elly Baker TfL ensures that opportunities to provide new facilities are maximised through third party development obligations. What new facilities are due to be provided through such obligations?

Toilets on bus Routes (5) Question No: 2021/1581 Elly Baker What is the minimum level of driver facilities to be provided contained within the bus tender contracts?

Toilets on bus Routes (6) Question No: 2021/1582 Elly Baker How many toilets do you plan to introduce on bus routes in 2021/22?

The Bus Driver Fatigue Report Question No: 2021/1583 Elly Baker The August 2019 report outlines several solutions broadly split into five categories: Education, working conditions, Schedules and rosters, Open culture and Health (including sleep health). Can you outline what steps TfL has taken to implement each solution?

Tackling Work-related Violence and Aggression Summit Question No: 2021/1584 Elly Baker What plans, if any, does TfL have for a second pan-TfL Tackling Work-related Violence and Aggression Summit?

Work-related Violence and Aggression Strategy Question No: 2021/1585 Elly Baker Please provide an update on progress towards delivery on the actions outlined in the strategy.

Step-Free Elizabeth Line Question No: 2021/1586 Elly Baker How many of the 41 stations on the Elizabeth line have a) been made step-free as a result of the Crossrail Programme; b) been made set free as a result of another step-free programme; or c) were existing step-free stations? Please name every station in each category and the date they became/will become step-free?

TfL Engagement (1) Question No: 2021/1587 Elly Baker How have you increased the level of engagement TfL officers have with accessibility groups during the planning stages of major transport schemes, during your time as Mayor?

TfL Engagement (2) Question No: 2021/1588 Elly Baker How do disabled and older Londoners currently become involved in developing the Step- Free access program? What plans, if any, do you have to change that involvement in the future?

TfL’s Stakeholder Accessibility Forum Question No: 2021/1589 Elly Baker Please publish the minutes of all the previous quarterly meetings and commit to publishing the agenda and minutes of all future meetings.

Access Appraisals Question No: 2021/1590 Elly Baker TfL are introducing Access Appraisals for major projects. Can you provide more details on these appraisals?

Access Barriers Question No: 2021/1591 Elly Baker What does TfL class as a physical infrastructure access barrier? Please also provide information on how many barriers of each type exist in London.

Traffic Regulation Orders (1) Question No: 2021/1592 Elly Baker Please publish details of all Traffic Regulation Orders in London that have come into effect since the change in legislation in May 2020. Please include details of whether the TRO was permanent, experimental or temporary; when the TRO came into effect; when the TRO was cancelled (if applicable); the highway authority that applied for the TRO; and the name and location when the TRO applies.

Traffic Regulation Orders (2) Question No: 2021/1593 Elly Baker Please provide details on what a) temporary and b) experimental TROs introduced since May 2020 have been made permanent.

Planning Bus Services (1) Question No: 2021/1594 Elly Baker In August 2012 TfL produced Guidelines for Planning Bus Services, which says “bus service planning needs to aim for a network of services which are Comprehensive: providing service to all areas and recognising the needs of local people from all sections of the community”. Do you have any plans to update this guidance to ensure that bus routes are properly planned into local communities?

Planning Bus Services (2) Question No: 2021/1595 Elly Baker Tfl believes that more than 95 per cent of households live within 400m of a bus stop. How many households in each borough a) do and b) do not live within 400m of a bus stop?

Planning Bus Services (3) Question No: 2021/1596 Elly Baker What plans, if any, do you have to increase the number of households who live within 400m of a bus stop?

Planning Bus Services (4) Question No: 2021/1597 Elly Baker How much has been invested in bus priority schemes since you became Mayor? How many schemes were funded? Please break down by financial year and by borough.

Planning Bus Services (5) Question No: 2021/1598 Elly Baker How much do you plan to invest in bus priority schemes in 2021/22? How many schemes will be funded? Please break down by financial year and by borough.

Bus Lanes Legislation Question No: 2021/1599 Elly Baker Can you confirm that the London Local Authorities Act (1996), which was extended to cover TfL in the Transport for London (Bus Lanes) Order 2001, allows ambulances to use the bus lanes, whether they are using their blue lights or not?

Use of bus lanes by non-emergency patient transport service vehicles (1) Question No: 2021/1600 Elly Baker In May 2015 TfL was considering the case for allowing emergency ambulances in non-blue light situations to use bus lanes. Can you provide details on why TfL decided against a change in policy at that time? Please also publish any reports relating to the decision that was made.

Use of bus lanes by non-emergency patient transport service vehicles (2) Question No: 2021/1601 Elly Baker Please provide details on Penalty charge notice issued by TfL to NHS patient transport vehicles and non-blue-light ambulances for using bus lanes. Please provide information from 2015/16 onwards, broken down by financial year.

Bus Rapid Transit (1) Question No: 2021/1602 Elly Baker The term ‘Bus Rapid Transit’ covers several elements. Can you outline what elements a bus service needs to have for TfL to class it as a bus rapid transit route?

Bus Rapid Transit (2) Question No: 2021/1603 Elly Baker Can you confirm which current bus routes TfL consider to be ‘Bus Rapid Transit’ services? And what plans you have for future services?

Cycling Action Plan (1) Question No: 2021/1604 Elly Baker The December 2018 Cycling Action Plan says, “We are also developing improved wayfinding and on-street signage to enable Londoners to plan and make cycling journeys with confidence”. Please provide an update on this project.

Cycling Action Plan (2) Question No: 2021/1605 Elly Baker The December 2018 Cycling Action Plan says, “The Cycling Infrastructure Database will be used to upgrade our digital map of the cycle network, including showing the location of cycle parking”. Can you confirm when this upgrade will take place?

Modernise the Cycle Hire Scheme (1) Question No: 2021/1606 Elly Baker TfL’s Programme and Investment Committee papers for 11 December 2020 say, “a programme of works has started to modernise, electrify and expand the cycle hire system”. Please provide me with further details of what this program entails and how the January 2021 implementation is progressing?

Modernise the Cycle Hire Scheme (2) Question No: 2021/1607 Elly Baker In March 2020, free Santander cycle hire access codes were provided to NHS staff and other key workers. What plans, if any, do you have to make this scheme permanent?

Cycle hangars (1) Question No: 2021/1608 Elly Baker How many cycle hangars were there in London a) when the Cycling Infrastructure Database launched on 1st August 2019 and b) now; and what is the equivalent number of cycle parking spaces those hangars provide?

Cycle hangars (2) Question No: 2021/1609 Elly Baker When do you expect to have delivered an additional 5,000 cycle hangars by; and what is the equivalent number of cycle parking spaces those hangars will provide?

Cycle parking at stations (1) Question No: 2021/1610 Elly Baker The cycle parking benchmark for all stations outside Zone 1 is to provide a minimum of 20 cycle parking spaces within 50 metres of the station and a minimum 30 per cent spare capacity. How many stations currently meet the benchmark and how many do not?

Cycle parking at stations (2) Question No: 2021/1611 Elly Baker Please provide an update on your work with Network Rail to deliver large cycle parking hubs at rail termini in central London.

Cycle parking at stations (3) Question No: 2021/1612 Elly Baker Please provide an update on your work with Network Rail to secure new operational space for the Santander Cycles scheme’s services at central London rail termini.

Cycle parking in High streets and town centres Question No: 2021/1613 Elly Baker You aim to make more efficient use of London’s limited road space by reallocating car parking spaces to cycle parking spaces. Can you outline what re-allocation has taken place and what plans you have for the future?

A More Natural Capital Question No: 2021/1614 Elly Baker In the “A More Natural Capital” manifesto document a group of Environmental NGOs called on the next Mayor to “Develop a strategic plan to expand and improve the Walk London network with at least six new, high quality green walking routes, to improve connectivity, link green spaces, create greener streets, and help bring nature closer to people”. Can you outline your plans to better connect our parks and green spaces with each other and with local communities?

Walk London Network (1) Question No: 2021/1615 Elly Baker The July 2018 Walking Action Plan says the Walk London network will be a focus of the London Walking Forum. Can you provide an update on the work the Forum has done on the Network to date?

Walk London Network (2) Question No: 2021/1616 Elly Baker Following on from MQ 2019/3944, can you outline what funding has been used to improve the Network since May 2016?

Camden High Line Question No: 2021/1617 Elly Baker Please provide details of all funding provided by the GLA to the Camden highline.

Peckham Coal Line Question No: 2021/1618 Elly Baker Please provide details of all funding provided by the GLA to the Peckham Coal Line.

School streets Question No: 2021/1619 Elly Baker Following MQ 2020/3883 can you provide an update on the number of school streets that have been delivered using TfL funding

Summer Streeteries Question No: 2021/1620 Elly Baker What funding, if any, have you provided for businesses to set up Summer Streeteries?

Lunchtime Streets Question No: 2021/1621 Elly Baker What funding, if any, have you provided to support Lunchtime Streets in London?

World Car Free Day Question No: 2021/1622 Elly Baker On 22 September 2019 27km of roads around Tower Bridge, London Bridge and the City of London were closed for World Car Free Day. What plans do you have to close roads for World Car Free Day this year?

20mph Speed Limit (1) Question No: 2021/1623 Elly Baker On 2 March 2020 a 20mph speed limit was introduced on all 8.9km of TfL roads within the Congestion Charging Zone and TfL aims to introduce safer speed limits across a further 140km of its road network. Can you provide further details on when 20mph will be introduced on this 140km of TfL roads?

20mph Speed Limit (2) Question No: 2021/1624 Elly Baker How much of the 580km Transport for London Road Network is 20mph? What plans do you have to make more of it 20mph over and above the 140km previously announced?

Safer Junctions (1) Question No: 2021/1625 Elly Baker Has the work at Dalston Junction now been completed?

Safer Junctions (2) Question No: 2021/1626 Elly Baker What plans, if any, do you have to deliver the remaining 32 safer junctions? Please provide details of when you expect those junctions to be delivered by.

Pedestrian crossings Question No: 2021/1627 Elly Baker For the 73 junctions that are part of the Safer Junctions programme can you confirm which of them have a) Pedestrian Refuges/Islands; b) Zebra Crossings; c) Pelican Crossings; d) Puffin Crossings; e) Toucan Crossings; or f) no pedestrian crossings?

Number of PHVs in London Question No: 2021/1628 Elly Baker Section 167 of the GLA Act permits TfL to promote private bills in Parliament. What consideration, if any, have you given to using such a bill to change the legislation to allow TfL to regulate the number of private hire vehicles that operate in London?

Cladding Question No: 2021/1630 Anne Clarke What discussions do you plan to have with the Government regarding the ongoing cladding crisis? With your renewed mandate, will you now call on the Government to properly fund remediation for private blocks?

Tube noise (1) Question No: 2021/1631 Anne Clarke What is the latest news on TfL’s work to address the issue of tube noise in Fitzrovia?

Tube Noise (2) Question No: 2021/1632 Anne Clarke Do you have an update on TfL’s tube noise reduction trials?

Tube Noise (3) Question No: 2021/1633 Anne Clarke Is TfL still committed to reducing unacceptable levels of tube noise in residential homes? If so, what further action is being taken to address the concerns of residents in Mornington Crescent, who have had little progress in the last few years?

Waste Management Site on Claremont Road, Cricklewood Question No: 2021/1634 Anne Clarke I am concerned that in Cricklewood, there is a waste management site alongside residential homes and a Centrepoint Hostel. The dust is so thick that residents are unable to open their windows and the impact on their lives is enormous. What can you do from City Hall to push Barnet Council to relocate this site away from residential homes?

Building Safety Fund Process (1) Question No: 2021/1635 Anne Clarke What is the process for buildings registering to the Building Safety Fund, from first registration to fully funded?

Building Safety Fund Process (2) Question No: 2021/1636 Anne Clarke How has this been communicated to the buildings registering for funding?

Building Safety Fund Process (3) Question No: 2021/1637 Anne Clarke What guidance has been given to buildings registering with the Building Safety Fund on how they should communicate the process with affected leaseholders and other residents?

GLA and the Building Safety Fund Question No: 2021/1638 Anne Clarke What processes have been put in place to ensure that buildings registering to the Building Safety Fund receive consistent advice when contacting the GLA team administering the fund for support?

London and the BSF (1) Question No: 2021/1639 Anne Clarke How many buildings in London have registered for funding through the Building Safety Fund?

London and the BSF (2) Question No: 2021/1640 Anne Clarke How many buildings in London have had their applications presented before Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG) in order to be assessed for funding through the Building Safety Fund?

London and the BSF (3) Question No: 2021/1641 Anne Clarke How many buildings in London have been successful in receiving funding from the Building Safety Fund for the removal of dangerous cladding?

London and the BSF (4) Question No: 2021/1642 Anne Clarke How many buildings in London have been told they will receive pre-tender support?

London and the BSF (5) Question No: 2021/1643 Anne Clarke How many buildings have received pre-tender support? What is the total amount of pre- tender support that has been paid out so far?

London and the BSF (6) Question No: 2021/1644 Anne Clarke What support is available to buildings in London as part of the process of registering and applying to the Building Safety Fund?

London and the BSF (7) Question No: 2021/1645 Anne Clarke What does pre-tender support entail?

Leaseholders and upfront costs (1) Question No: 2021/1646 Anne Clarke What percentage of costs are buildings being told they will receive upfront from the building safety fund for remediation work?

Leaseholders and upfront costs (2) Question No: 2021/1647 Anne Clarke Is receiving less than 100 per cent of funding from the Building Safety Fund upfront impacting on costs for leaseholders or is this being absorbed by building managers?

LFB and safety advice for buildings at risk Question No: 2021/1648 Anne Clarke What standard advice is given to residents in high risk buildings in order to prevent fires from starting? How is this communicated?

Waking Watches and London’s Boroughs Question No: 2021/1649 Anne Clarke Please provide a borough-by-borough breakdown of the number of buildings operating waking watches in London. Please also breakdown the numbers for buildings over 18m and under 18m in each borough.

Simultaneous Evacuation Advice and London’s Boroughs Question No: 2021/1650 Anne Clarke Please provide a borough-by-borough breakdown of the number of buildings with simultaneous evacuation advice in place in London. Please also breakdown the numbers for buildings over 18m and under 18m in each borough.

Babcock International and LFB’s training contract Question No: 2021/1651 Anne Clarke Are the cuts currently being implemented at Babcock International anticipated to impact upon the training contract they have with LFB?

Waking Watch Relief Fund and London (1) Question No: 2021/1652 Anne Clarke How many buildings In London applied to receive funding from the Waking Watch Relief Fund? Please provide a borough by borough breakdown

Waking Watch Relief Fund and London (2) Question No: 2021/1653 Anne Clarke How many buildings in London have been successful in their application to the Waking Watch Relief Fund? Please provide a borough by borough breakdown.

Waking Watch Relief Fund and London (3) Question No: 2021/1654 Anne Clarke How much funding in total has been allocated to buildings in London from the Waking Watch relief fund?

Waking Watch Relief Fund and London (4) Question No: 2021/1655 Anne Clarke What support is the GLA able to offer the London buildings that were unsuccessful in their application to the Waking Watch Relief Fund?

Disbursement of the ACM fund (1) Question No: 2021/1656 Anne Clarke What challenges or failings have been identified from the GLA’s disbursement of the ACM fund?

Disbursement of the ACM fund (2) Question No: 2021/1657 Anne Clarke What lessons have been learnt from the disbursement of the ACM fund and how are these being applied to the disbursement of the Building Safety Fund?

Implementation of PN633 Question No: 2021/1658 Anne Clarke What work has your office been undertaking to find the middle ground in order to implement PN633?

Fire Risk Assessments and Building Safety (1) Question No: 2021/1659 Anne Clarke The Grenfell Tower Inquiry phase 2 heard recently that KCTMO chose to withhold information from London Fire Brigade regarding 1400 outstanding fire risk assessment actions. In instances like this what powers does LFB have to ensure that buildings provide correct and full information about fire risk assessments?

Fire Risk Assessments and Building Safety (2) Question No: 2021/1660 Anne Clarke How does the failure to share information like this impact upon safety in London’s built environment?

Fire Risk Assessments and Building Safety (3) Question No: 2021/1661 Anne Clarke How does the failure to share information like this impact upon the work of the Brigade?

New Providence Wharf Fire (1) Question No: 2021/1662 Anne Clarke Was the New Providence Wharf development in Poplar one of those which is subject to London Fire Brigade monitoring?

New Providence Wharf Fire (2) Question No: 2021/1663 Anne Clarke What fire safety advice was given to residents in New Providence Wharf in order to prevent a fire from starting? Do you know how this was communicated and who it was communicated by?

New Providence Wharf Fire (3) Question No: 2021/1664 Anne Clarke What learning can LFB take from the New Providence Wharf Fire and how can this be used to protect other buildings that still have ACM cladding in place?

Supporting Londoners through LEASE Question No: 2021/1665 Anne Clarke In response to question 2021/1131 you stated that you have called for the Government to review the role and remit of LEASE in order to support London’s leaseholders. What funding or other support have you offered to LEASE in order to speed up this process and allow London’s leaseholders to access the help they need now?

King’s Cross Gyratory Question No: 2021/1667 Anne Clarke For many years, Camden and Islington councils have been pressing for safety improvements to the King’s Cross gyratory, ever since the terrible death of Central Saint Martin’s student Deep Lee in 2011. TfL have said they are preparing safety changes, but these could take another three years to implement. Now that cycle lanes are in place on Gray’s Inn Road, York Way, and Euston Road, can TfL consider speeding up the joining-together of this safe space for cycling - so that people can move between these roads safely across the King’s Cross gyratory?

ULEZ support Question No: 2021/1668 Anne Clarke A constituent of mine in Camden has written to state that without a car scrappage scheme, he cannot afford to replace his car, which is essential for his business. What help and support is available for him?

Antisemitic Incident on May 16th Question No: 2021/1669 Anne Clarke Are you aware of reports that a convoy of cars travelling around North London on Sunday 16th May were allegedly chanting antisemitic threats and abuse? If so will you join me in condemning this, and what action is being taken to reassure the Jewish Community that they are safe?

Bus speeds Question No: 2021/1671 Leonie Cooper A constituent in Fountain Road has reported that their house shakes when buses speed past. Can the Mayor ask TfL to look at a speed limit being applied to buses on this road?

Tree Planting Question No: 2021/1672 Leonie Cooper Constituents have asked if the Mayor could look at increasing tree planting on Upper Tooting Road and Tooting High Street, which are short of trees?

Filter Light Installation Question No: 2021/1673 Leonie Cooper No right turns/no entry from the A24 have been introduced into Noyna, Mandrake and Fircroft Roads in Tooting, but only 3 or 4 cars are able to turn right into Beechcroft Road, which is creating tailbacks and idling. Could the Mayor ask TfL to install a filter light on Beechcroft Road Tooting to allow more cars to turn?

Hammersmith and Fulham Bridge Question No: 2021/1674 Leonie Cooper Can the Mayor update me on the latest situation with Hammersmith and Fulham bridge? Has the Government been in contact with an update on the Task Force and whether they will fund the necessary works?

Hammersmith and Fulham Bridge (2) Question No: 2021/1675 Leonie Cooper A constituent has written to say she thinks that instead of spending money on a new Royal yacht, a better use of public funds, and in the tradition of the Royals and the Duke’s thoughts on things needing to be useful, she suggests using those funds to build a new Prince Phillip bridge instead to replace Hammersmith and Fulham bridge. Could the Mayor suggest this to the Government at the next meeting of the task force?

A24/CS7 Question No: 2021/1676 Leonie Cooper Many local businesses are still concerned with the changes that have taken place on the A24. Can the Mayor update me on what more is being done to help businesses deal with the changes?

A24/CS7 (2) Question No: 2021/1677 Leonie Cooper There was a previous consultation on pedestrianisation improvements along the A24 that would complement the changes and improve the public realm. Can the Mayor update me on the progress of this?

Cladding Question No: 2021/1678 Leonie Cooper Can the Mayor update me on the work he is undertaking to help protect Londoners from the cladding scandal? Has the Mayor met with developers and asked them to take responsibility for the cladding and to speed up removal?

Green Homes Question No: 2021/1679 Leonie Cooper Given the Government has just scrapped the Green Homes Grant, will the Mayor look into bringing in a London Green homes grant or loan to take its place?

Heating Emissions Question No: 2021/1680 Leonie Cooper Can the Mayor update me on the work he is doing to cut heating emissions for home owners and leaseholders in Merton and Wandsworth?

Police numbers Question No: 2021/1681 Leonie Cooper Can the Mayor update me on the number of police officers currently assigned in Wandsworth?

Police numbers Question No: 2021/1682 Leonie Cooper Can the Mayor update me on the number of police officers currently assigned in Merton?

Police numbers Question No: 2021/1683 Leonie Cooper Can the Mayor update me on the situation with regard to School Liaison Officers in Merton and Wandsworth and how many posts are vacant in 2021?

Speed Limit on TFL Roads (1) Question No: 2021/1684 Leonie Cooper Can the Mayor tell me when all TFL roads will be 20mph limit? When will this be introduced in Merton and Wandsworth?

Speed limit on TFL Roads (2) Question No: 2021/1685 Leonie Cooper Can the Mayor look into more enforcement of speed limits on TFL roads in Merton and Wandsworth?

London Drug Commission Question No: 2021/1686 Leonie Cooper The Prime Minister has said it is a “waste of time” as the Mayor has no powers on the matter, but can the Mayor update me on his plans for the London drug commission?

Scrappage scheme Question No: 2021/1687 Leonie Cooper Given the ULEZ extension this autumn, could the Mayor update me on any new scrappage scheme? Does he have any plans to increase the funding to help more Londoners and has he been in discussion with Government about a national scrappage scheme recently?

EU settlement scheme Question No: 2021/1688 Leonie Cooper Has there been any update from the Government about extending the deadline for the scheme? What more are you doing to make sure more EU residents in London are signed up before the deadline?

Tube noise Question No: 2021/1689 Leonie Cooper My constituents near South Wimbledon tube station are getting in touch about rising noise levels, once again. What plans are there to solve this problem once and for all?

Accessibility Question No: 2021/1690 Leonie Cooper Many constituents with disabilities have expressed concern that the improvements to tube stations to improve accessibility have stalled. Can you update me on the timescales for station improvements?

All-London Green Grid Question No: 2021/1691 Leonie Cooper When will the ALGG be produced?

CS8 Question No: 2021/1692 Leonie Cooper The wands opposite the end of Culvert Road have mostly been removed at my request, but can the remaining wands be removed and the time-limited parking be reinstated, to assist the SMEs in the parade of shops?

Crossrail 2 Question No: 2021/1693 Leonie Cooper Constituents would like an update on CR2 – is there any progress to report at all?

Covid Recovery Question No: 2021/1694 Leonie Cooper Can the Mayor update me on the work he is doing to help businesses in Merton and Wandsworth to get back on their feet once restrictions are lifted?

Climate Action Week 2021 Question No: 2021/1695 Leonie Cooper What events are you planning for London Climate Action Week 2021?

C40 Cities Question No: 2021/1696 Leonie Cooper What work have you been doing with C40 Cities ahead of COP26?

Encouraging uptake of community energy projects Question No: 2021/1697 Leonie Cooper How are you encouraging all London Boroughs to support greater uptake of community energy projects?

Reducing the carbon impact of existing building stock Question No: 2021/1698 Leonie Cooper How are you working with London private sector landlords, domestic and non-domestic, to encourage them to reduce the carbon impact of their existing building stock?

Zero emissions buses (1) Question No: 2021/1699 Leonie Cooper What proportion of London’s single deck and double deck buses are now fully zero emissions compliant?

Zero emissions buses (2) Question No: 2021/1700 Leonie Cooper Please provide a borough-by-borough breakdown of zero emission routes.

TFL’s PPA Question No: 2021/1701 Leonie Cooper What energy generator will Transport for London’s new Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) be contracting with?

Solar energy and TFL buildings and land (1) Question No: 2021/1702 Leonie Cooper What progress is being made to engage with third-party solar developers across TfL buildings and land?

Solar energy and TFL buildings and land (2) Question No: 2021/1703 Leonie Cooper How much solar capacity and solar generation has been delivered through solar PV installations on TfL property and land for each of the years 2016 to 2020? Please provide a year-by-year breakdown.

Progress on Fuel Poverty Action Plan Question No: 2021/1704 Leonie Cooper Please provide an update on progress against each of the actions set out on pages 6 and 7 of your Fuel Poverty Action Plan for London.

London Boroughs and the Climate Emergency Question No: 2021/1705 Leonie Cooper How are you working with London Boroughs to support the delivery of their climate emergency goals?

Heat pumps to help London hit Net Zero (1) Question No: 2021/1706 Leonie Cooper How many domestic heat pumps will need to be installed in London to support the achievement of your 2030 Net Zero goal?

Heat pumps to help London hit Net Zero (2) Question No: 2021/1707 Leonie Cooper In your discussions with social landlords and councils have they provided details of their annual heat pump installation plans, 2021-2030?

London and PM2.5 (1) Question No: 2021/1708 Leonie Cooper What level of traffic reduction is necessary to meet your ambition for London to be zero- carbon and to meet PM2.5 WHO standards by 2030?

London and PM2.5 (2) Question No: 2021/1709 Leonie Cooper What levels of reduction in PM2.5 need to be seen in other areas (such as wood burning, construction or commercial cooking) for London to be zero-carbon and to meet PM2.5 WHO standards by 2030?

Traffic and PM2.5 (3) Question No: 2021/1710 Leonie Cooper What actions will you be taking during this term to stay on track and make sure London meets these standards?

Zero-emissions bus fleet Question No: 2021/1711 Leonie Cooper When will TfL review their current plans for a zero-emission bus fleet by 2037 in line with your ambition for this to be by 2030?

Air Quality and the Expanded ULEZ (1) Question No: 2021/1712 Leonie Cooper What impact is the expansion of the Ultra Low Emission Zone anticipated to have on air quality along the North and South Circular Roads?

Air Quality and the Expanded ULEZ (2) Question No: 2021/1713 Leonie Cooper What impact is the expansion of the Ultra Low Emission Zone anticipated to have on air quality in the area outside of the expanded ULEZ?

Air Quality and the Expanded ULEZ (3) Question No: 2021/1714 Leonie Cooper What air pollution hotspots will exist / are you most concerned about after the Ultra Low Emission Zone is expanded in October?

Business Improvement Districts and zero-emission zones (1) Question No: 2021/1715 Leonie Cooper Which local authorities or business improvement districts have expressed an interest or intend to introduce local zero-emission zones?

Business Improvement Districts and zero-emission zones (2) Question No: 2021/1716 Leonie Cooper How will you support Business Improvement Districts to set up local zero-emission zones?

Air Quality and London’s Road Charging Schemes Question No: 2021/1717 Leonie Cooper You committed in your manifesto to monitor existing road-charging schemes to ensure they continue to bring the maximum benefits of improved air quality and reduced congestion. How will you do this and what would trigger an intervention?

Improving London’s Red Routes (1) Question No: 2021/1718 Leonie Cooper TfL’s Red Routes have high levels of air pollution and have been shown to be a major cause of health inequalities. Other than the ULEZ, what steps will you take during this term to identify and address improvements that can be made to improve air quality around red routes?

Improving London’s Red Routes (2) Question No: 2021/1719 Leonie Cooper Will you commit for all roads on the TfL Red Routes network to receive a Healthy Streets assessment?

Improving London’s Red Routes (3) Question No: 2021/1720 Leonie Cooper The TfL Healthy Streets check is a tool to show how changes to the way streets are laid out and used will result in improvements. How is this applied to schemes on the TfL Red Routes network and will you ensure results are made available to the public?

Waste Management Question No: 2021/1721 Leonie Cooper What improvements will you be lobbying Government for with regards to energy from waste through incineration?

London’s PPE problem (1) Question No: 2021/1722 Leonie Cooper PPE is necessary to keep us safe during the pandemic, however PPE litter has become a problem. How will you make it easier for Londoners to dispose of PPE well?

London’s PPE problem (2) Question No: 2021/1723 Leonie Cooper How are you supporting innovative London groups and businesses to find ways to reduce the amount of single use plastics from PPE going to landfill or for incineration?1 1 Sky news, ‘COVID:19 ‘Game changing’ PPE recycling technology turns masks and gowns into school chairs,’ 13 April 2021

London’s PPE problem (3) Question No: 2021/1724 Leonie Cooper The NHS is installing specialist thermal heating machines2 in order to recycle used PPE and convert it into usable plastic blocks. How many of these machines have been requested for use in London hospitals and to your knowledge how many have been allocated to London hospitals?

Air quality and construction (1) Question No: 2021/1725 Leonie Cooper When will you be updating the London Plan Supplementary Planning Guidance ‘The control of dust and emissions during construction and demolition’ to reflect the changes in policy on PM2.5 since 2014?

Air quality and construction (2) Question No: 2021/1726 Leonie Cooper How are you working with local councils to ensure that air quality standards on building sites are met?

Air quality and construction (3) Question No: 2021/1727 Leonie Cooper How many times have air quality standards on building sites delivering on behalf of the Mayor of London been exceeded and fines been issued?

Air quality and construction (4) Question No: 2021/1728 Leonie Cooper How are you ensuring that air quality is protected and best practice for air quality is followed on construction projects that are funded through the office of the Mayor of London?

Next round of Green New Deal funding Question No: 2021/1729 Leonie Cooper When will the next round of successful applicants to the Green New Deal Fund be announced?

Air Quality at Clapham Junction Question No: 2021/1730 Leonie Cooper Has Clapham Junction exceeded legal air quality limits yet in 2021?

Air Quality at Tooting Broadway Question No: 2021/1731 Leonie Cooper Has Tooting Broadway exceeded legal air quality limits yet in 2021?

Air Quality at Putney High Street Question No: 2021/1732 Leonie Cooper Has Putney High Street exceeded legal air quality limits yet in 2021?

Improving Biodiversity in London (1) Question No: 2021/1733 Leonie Cooper How do you define adequate green space in order to achieve your commitment to ensure that no Londoner lives more than a ten-minute walk from green space?

Biodiversity in London (2) Question No: 2021/1734 Leonie Cooper How many new green spaces do you expect to create through your commitment to ensure that no Londoner lives more than a ten-minute walk from green space?

Biodiversity in London (3) Question No: 2021/1735 Leonie Cooper How will you fund your commitment to ensure that no Londoner lives more than a ten- minute walk from green space?

Biodiversity in London (4) Question No: 2021/1736 Leonie Cooper When will you be in position to deliver on your commitment to ensure that no Londoner lives more than a ten-minute walk from green space? How quickly will Londoners see improvements to green space locally?

Green Walls and Roofs for London (1) Question No: 2021/1737 Leonie Cooper How many green walls and roofs do you plan to install during this term as Mayor?

Green Walls and Roofs for London (2) Question No: 2021/1738 Leonie Cooper How quickly can funding be made available to increase the number of green walls and roofs in London? When do you expect this funding to start and how quickly will see these improvements locally?

Strengthening London’s Greenbelt Question No: 2021/1739 Leonie Cooper Which parts of the Green Belt have been identified as under threat and in need of rewilding? How will you prioritise which areas receive funding first and when do you expect to start improving these areas?

Environmentalism and Social Justice Question No: 2021/1740 Leonie Cooper In your manifesto you recognise that environmentalism is a matter of social justice. How will your policies ensure that those living in more deprived areas are prioritised for Green New Deal and other funding?

Divestment of GLA Group Pensions Question No: 2021/1741 Leonie Cooper How much is the potential divestment from GLA group pensions and investments from fossil fuels into green investments worth? When do you expect to this to have been divested by?

London as a Zero Waste City Question No: 2021/1742 Leonie Cooper How will you use Green New Deal Funding to move London closer to being a zero waste city?

Police corruption report and investigations Question No: 2021/1744 Unmesh Desai Please advise how many allegations of police corruption the Met have received, and how many investigations into police corruption the Met have launched each year since 2015.

Monitoring Cuckooing offences Question No: 2021/1745 Unmesh Desai How does the Met currently monitor cuckooing across London?

Town Centre Teams Question No: 2021/1746 Unmesh Desai Are you able to provide further details of the town centre teams transformation project including when you expect the transformation project to be completed, and, if possible, details on where these officers will be based and how many officers will be allocated to each team?

Police National Computer data loss Question No: 2021/1747 Unmesh Desai Are you now able to advise how many Met Police officers have been or were assigned to dealing with the Home Office’s reported loss of 400,000 records from the Police National Computer?

Sexual offences spike Question No: 2021/1748 Unmesh Desai What is your analysis for the reasons behind the recent significant spike in sexual offences in London and how are you working to address this?

Domestic Abuse offences with children present Question No: 2021/1749 Unmesh Desai How many children were recorded as present when Domestic Abuse offence was committed in each of the following years: 2019 and 2020? Cases where a Witness, Victim or Informant who is aged 15 or less may be used as a proxy indicator for this.

Violent crime and online flags Question No: 2021/1750 Unmesh Desai How many violent crimes have had an ‘online’ flag in each of the last four years?

Violent crime and social media Question No: 2021/1751 Unmesh Desai If possible, please advise how many violent offences in the last 4 years have been connected with threats made via social media or online?

Neighbourhood watch schemes Question No: 2021/1752 Unmesh Desai How many operational neighbourhood watch schemes were there in London in each of the last 4 years?

London Independent Domestic Violence Advisors Question No: 2021/1753 Unmesh Desai Please advise how many Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVA) are currently working in London? If possible, please also provide information on how many IDVA’s there were in London in January in each of the last 4 years.

Shop worker assaults Question No: 2021/1754 Unmesh Desai If possible, please advise the number of reported incidents of a) verbal abuse b) violence with injury c) violence without injury d) hate crimes in a retail setting where the victim has been a member of staff in each of the past 3 years.

Business crime offences Question No: 2021/1755 Unmesh Desai Please provide a breakdown in the total number of business crimes reported in each of the last 2018, 2019, 2020 and in 2021 so far. Please break this down by crime type within business crime if possible, i.e. criminal damage, burglary, violent crime.

League tables Question No: 2021/1756 Unmesh Desai Do you support the Government’s plan to re-introduce league tables for police forces in England and Wales?

Violence Suppression Units and Violent Crime Taskforce officer numbers Question No: 2021/1757 Unmesh Desai Please advise how many officers are currently based in the Violence Suppression units and Violent Crime Taskforce respectively. If possible, please also advise where these officers are located, by BCU, and by ward if possible.

Neighbourhood officers Question No: 2021/1758 Unmesh Desai You have said you wish to increase visible neighbourhood policing. How many extra officers would you like to assign to neighbourhood policing teams and if possible can you advise which areas will see their neighbourhood teams increase?

Extra rescue and response funding Question No: 2021/1759 Unmesh Desai What will the extra £1.8million you are spending on the rescue and response programme go towards funding?

Harris review update Question No: 2021/1760 Unmesh Desai When do you expect the update of the Harris Review to be commissioned and completed by?

Action Plan update Question No: 2021/1761 Unmesh Desai Please provide an update on what progress has been made on implementing the actions within your Action Plan to improve trust and accountability within the Met.

Victim care hub Question No: 2021/1762 Unmesh Desai When will you make a decision on whether to create a victims’ care hub and which agency would hold principal responsibility for operating such a hub?

Tackling illegal drug related crime Question No: 2021/1763 Unmesh Desai What are some of the new and innovative ways of tackling drug related crime that you are considering implementing in London?

Domestic abuse perpetrator programme funding Question No: 2021/1764 Unmesh Desai What are the perpetrator programmes you will be funding over the next 3 years and how much will you be investing in these?

Refreshed VAWG strategy Question No: 2021/1765 Unmesh Desai When are you expecting to publish your refreshed VAWG strategy by?

Road danger Question No: 2021/1766 Unmesh Desai How will you increase support for road danger victims and how will you work with the MPS to increase enforcement of this?

Anti-social behaviour Question No: 2021/1767 Unmesh Desai Will you be refreshing your approach to working with the Met and with local boroughs in order to address anti-social behaviour over the next 3 years?

Meeting with Leaseholder Groups (1) Question No: 2021/1768 Unmesh Desai How many times have you, the Deputy Mayor for Fire and Resilience or the Building Safety Team met with London’s leaseholder groups? Please provide a month-by-month breakdown from July 2017 to present, stating which leaseholder groups were met with in each month.

Meeting with Leaseholder Groups (2) Question No: 2021/1769 Unmesh Desai There are 1877 high-rise buildings registered with the Building Safety Fund or ACM Remediation Funds. Through the meetings you, the Deputy Mayor for Fire and Resilience or the Building Safety team have had with leaseholders, do you think this number is an accurate estimate of the total number of buildings across London affected by dangerous cladding? Why do you think this?

Supporting City and East Leaseholders (1) Question No: 2021/1770 Unmesh Desai What support can you directly offer to my constituents who are caught up in and victims of the building safety scandal?

Supporting City and East Leaseholders (2) Question No: 2021/1771 Unmesh Desai What are your priorities when supporting my constituents who are leaseholders caught up in the building safety scandal?

Regulation of Waking Watch Providers Question No: 2021/1772 Unmesh Desai Leaseholders would like to see greater regulation of Waking Watch providers in order to give them confidence that the process is transparent, and Waking Watches are being used as a last resort and short-term solution. What support can you and the Deputy Mayor for Fire and Resilience offer to them in this?

Building safety in the City and East constituency Question No: 2021/1773 Unmesh Desai The City and East constituency has 18% of all the registrations to the Building Safety Fund across England and 24% of the Waking Watches in place in London, as of March 2021. How are you working with Barking and Dagenham, Newham and Tower Hamlets councils and the City of London to keep my constituents safe?

District line operating times Question No: 2021/1774 Unmesh Desai What changes, if any, have there been to the first and last train times on the District line since 1 January 2020? And what plans, if any, are there to change the times in the future?

District line train frequencies Question No: 2021/1775 Unmesh Desai What was the frequency of trains on the District line in a) January 2020 and b) May 2021? Are there any plans to change the frequency of trains in the future?

Hammersmith and City line operating times Question No: 2021/1776 Unmesh Desai What changes, if any, have there been to the first and last train times on the Hammersmith and City line since 1 January 2020? And what plans, if any, are there to change the times in the future?

Hammersmith and City line train frequencies Question No: 2021/1777 Unmesh Desai What was the frequency of trains on the Hammersmith and City line in a) January 2020 and b) May 2021? Are there any plans to change the frequency of trains in the future?

East London river crossings Question No: 2021/1778 Unmesh Desai In response to question 2017/3783, you said that you would give consideration to further river crossings in East London, including at Gallions Reach and Belvedere, when the work on Silvertown Tunnel and Lower Thames Crossing have been delivered. When will this be? And when will the preparatory work begin for giving consideration to further crossings?

DLR extension to Dagenham Dock Question No: 2021/1779 Unmesh Desai It had been expected that TfL would soon extend the DLR from Beckton to Dagenham Dock, but it was announced at the end of last year that it would be extended to Thamesmead and no mention was made of an extension to Dagenham Dock. What commitments can you make on extending the DLR to Dagenham Dock?

Jobs, jobs, jobs for City and East Question No: 2021/1780 Unmesh Desai Following your response to question 2016/2071 can you update me on the status of the DLR extension to Dagenham Dock?

Fire at Crystal Palace Park incident number 40472 Question No: 2021/1782 Len Duvall OBE I understand that a Fire Investigation team attended this incident after the 4 pump fire which occurred in ‘outbuildings’ to the Crystal Palace Park Sports Centre. Incident number 40472. Please can you advise me what the cause of the fire was.

Domestic abuse offenders managed through Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements Question No: 2021/1783 Len Duvall OBE Please advise how many serial perpetrators of domestic abuse were managed at level one, level two and level three Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements in London in 2018, 2019, 2020 and so far in 2021.

LLDC Transition Plans Question No: 2021/1784 Len Duvall OBE Please can you provide an update on the London Legacy Development Corporation’s transition plans following the March and May Board meetings.

LLDC Affordable Housing Planning Permissions Granted Question No: 2021/1785 Len Duvall OBE What percentage of homes granted planning permission by the London Legacy Development Corporation have been affordable over each of the past years since 2012 (please break this down by year).

CCTV on TfL Buses Question No: 2021/1786 Len Duvall OBE How are you working to ensure CCTV cameras on TfL buses are operational and turned on before leaving depots and that CCTV records are retained for a sufficient period of time?

Tube Noise, Brent and Harrow Constituency Question No: 2021/1788 Krupesh Hirani Tube noise continues to be a huge issue across London. It is my belief that within my constituency Transport for London (TfL) has trialled different lubrications on some trains in Kingsbury as this ‘further reduces friction between the wheels and track, particularly around curves’ and this has proved successful. When do you expect to roll this vital initiative out to the entire fleet?

Tube Noise, Brent and Harrow Constituency Question No: 2021/1789 Krupesh Hirani Can you also please provide a date for the spring 2021 fitting of electrical lubricants on the Kingsbury track as promised by TfL back in February.

Tube Noise, Brent and Harrow Constituency Question No: 2021/1790 Krupesh Hirani In response to Question No: 2021/0957 can you please advise if TfL have now announced their noise and vibration budget for the 2021/22 financial year?

E-scooters and the dangers they present, Brent and Harrow Constituency Question No: 2021/1791 Krupesh Hirani It has come to my attention that e-scooters are causing a serious and very real danger to pedestrians within my constituency. Can I ask for your support in lobbying the Metropolitan Police Roads and Transport Policing Command (RTPC) to enforce the legalities of e-scooter use.

E-scooters and the dangers they present, Brent and Harrow Constituency Question No: 2021/1792 Krupesh Hirani Please can you advise what the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) is doing to prevent injury to pedestrians from the reckless use of e-scooters on the pavement?

E-scooters and the dangers they present, Brent and Harrow Constituency Question No: 2021/1793 Krupesh Hirani I understand that over the past year TFL and the MPS have been concentrating on educating e-scooter riders about the legislation and dangers they pose to the public. Can I ask for all data recorded on these interactions since 2019?

E-scooters and the dangers they present, Brent and Harrow Constituency Question No: 2021/1794 Krupesh Hirani How many people have been stopped by the police for riding on the pavement or road over the 2020/2021 period and can you provide all recorded incident data for Brent and Harrow?

Knife Crime, Brent and Harrow Constituency Question No: 2021/1795 Krupesh Hirani Brent and Harrow continue to experience the devastating impact of knife crime within their communities. My thoughts are very much with the families and friends of those attacked or affected by such tragedy. Can you please update me on what conversations you have had with the Government since January 2021 on the prevention of knife crime in London and how will you tackle the increasing and persistent concern of knife crime in your new term as The Mayor of London.

Knife Crime, Brent and Harrow Constituency Question No: 2021/1796 Krupesh Hirani Please can you list all youth initiatives to prevent knife crime in Brent and Harrow?

COVID-19 Recovery, Brent and Harrow Constituency Question No: 2021/1797 Krupesh Hirani Many of my constituents continue to struggle with the effects of Covid-19 on their small businesses, with many facing spiralling debts and bankruptcy. How will you continue to support small and ‘unseen’ business owners throughout 2021 and beyond?

Sale of knives (1) Question No: 2021/1798 Krupesh Hirani Knife crime remains a very real and significant issue within my constituency. Do you feel extra legislation must be brought in to deal with the ease with which criminals can purchase potentially fatal weapons?

Sale of knives (2) Question No: 2021/1799 Krupesh Hirani A recent Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) test exercise including within Brent, involving special constables acting as test shoppers, found that more than half of retailers tested sold knives to potentially underage customers. Given this, whilst the MPS have said they will be undertaking targeted operations involving those shops tested, will you consider taking London wide action to ensure that all retailers are abiding by the law and are not selling knives to underage customers?

Sale of knives in Brent & Harrow (3) Question No: 2021/1800 Krupesh Hirani Please can you advise what initiatives you or North West BCU have in place to prevent the illegal sale of knifes to underage Londoners in Brent and Harrow? Please also advise how you are working with the local borough councils to address this issue.

Female un/employment Question No: 2021/1802 Joanne McCartney Women disproportionately work in industries hardest hit by the Covid pandemic such as hospitality and retail; many women have been made redundant or been furloughed. What plans do you have to make sure that women have the support they need to retrain, find good employment and can return to work?

London’s Higher Education Funding Question No: 2021/1803 Joanne McCartney What representations have you made to Government regarding their plans to remove a reported £64m of the state teaching grant for London’s Universities? Is this not an example of the Government’s agenda to ‘level down’ London?

Dog Thefts Question No: 2021/1804 Joanne McCartney What actions are the Metropolitan Police Service taking to combat the increase in dog thefts in London?

London Pollinator Strategy Question No: 2021/1805 Joanne McCartney The Netherlands has a national Pollinator Strategy and cities such as Amsterdam have been taking action on bee-friendly initiatives such as ‘bee hotels’, planting native flowering plants and stopping the use of chemical weed killers on public lands. Could you develop a similar specific London Pollinator Strategy, alongside your existing work on improving our city’s biodiversity?

Local High Streets in Enfield & Haringey Question No: 2021/1806 Joanne McCartney What are your plans to improve local high streets, such as those in Enfield & Haringey, where many traders have suffered devastating losses during the Covid pandemic and where many retail spaces may now be vacant?

Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill 2021 Question No: 2021/1807 Joanne McCartney Do you have concerns that if the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill 2021 is enacted, it will unfairly restrict the right to protest in London?

Culture at Risk Office Question No: 2021/1808 Joanne McCartney How many organisations and individuals has your Culture at Risk Office helped since the start of the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Theatre Closures During the COVID-19 Pandemic Question No: 2021/1809 Joanne McCartney How many theatres have permanently closed in London as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Pub Closures During the COVID-19 Pandemic Question No: 2021/1810 Joanne McCartney How many pubs have permanently closed in London as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Cinema Closures During the COVID-19 Pandemic Question No: 2021/1811 Joanne McCartney How many cinemas have permanently closed in London as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Nightclub Closures During the COVID-19 Pandemic Question No: 2021/1812 Joanne McCartney How many Nightclubs have permanently closed in London as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Devolution of Great Northern Services to TfL Question No: 2021/1813 Joanne McCartney Can you give me an update on TfL’s progress in persuading the Department of Transport to devolve Great Northern rail services out of Moorgate?

456 Bus at Crews Hill Question No: 2021/1814 Joanne McCartney What steps have/are TfL taking to make sure the 456 Bus is able to terminate at or near to Crews Hill station? This would improve connectivity and make a more suitable location than the current situation where the bus terminates and turns round on a residential street, causing noise and inconvenience to local residents.

Disabled Drivers and Streetspace (1) Question No: 2021/1815 Joanne McCartney What steps have/will you take to ensure that disabled drivers maintain access to disabled parking bays where there is a Streetspace or similar scheme in operation?

Disabled Drivers and Streetspace (2) Question No: 2021/1816 Joanne McCartney Will you ensure that councils provide adequate signage so that there is awareness that disabled drivers still have access to disabled parking bays in many of the new Streetspace schemes?

Green Roofs on Bus Stops Question No: 2021/1817 Joanne McCartney Further to my MQ 2019/19997, can you update me on TfL’s trial of green roofs? Are there plans to roll-out further green roofs on bus stops?

School signage in the North East Constituency Question No: 2021/1819 Sem Moema Please confirm that TfL road safety engineers reviewed the signage around Hackney New Primary School during week beginning 22 February and made any necessary adjustments to ensure the safety of local school children, as you stated would happen in your earlier answer to my predecessor?

Edmonton incinerator affecting North East Constituency Question No: 2021/1820 Sem Moema My constituents are concerned about proposals by the North London Waste Authority to replace the current incinerator in Edmonton with a much larger one. They claim that toxic pollution will harm everyone who lives, works and studies nearby, in one of London’s most deprived neighbourhoods. Although it is not based within my NE London constituency, it will serve residents in Hackney, Islington and Waltham Forest, as well as in Camden, Barnet and Enfield. My constituents share the concerns of those who live in Edmonton itself. Can you reassure them that their worries will be heeded?

Supporting leaseholders in the North East Constituency (1) Question No: 2021/1821 Sem Moema Many leaseholders have contacted my office to raise situations where they face spiralling costs for service charges, insurance, waking watches and mortgages. How are you supporting my constituents who find themselves caught up in the EWS1 form scandal?

Supporting leaseholders in the North East Constituency (2) Question No: 2021/1822 Sem Moema Please provide details of how you have lobbied Government in order to protect leaseholders from the mounting costs they face, which are pushing many close to bankruptcy?

Supporting leaseholders in the North East Constituency (3) Question No: 2021/1823 Sem Moema How are you incentivising developers and freeholders to support leaseholders caught up in the cladding crisis?

Supporting leaseholders in the North East Constituency (1) Question No: 2021/1824 Sem Moema What measures have been put in place to stop the developers - who built buildings caught up in the cladding crisis, and freeholders who are passing 100% of costs on to leaseholders - from benefitting from GLA funding or from entering into joint ventures with the GLA group?

Congestion Charge, Residents Discount in the North East Constituency (1) Question No: 2021/1825 Sem Moema What assessment has been made regarding the temporary removal of the congestion charge resident discount? Can you tell me when the residents discount will be reinstated? Many residents within my constituency feel they are being penalised due to the inflated rise in Congestion Charge and lack of discount available to them.

Congestion Charge, Residents Discount in the North East Constituency (2) Question No: 2021/1826 Sem Moema Can you provide details of how the changes made to the congestion charge during 2020- 2021 have affected the way Londoners travel? What is the plan for the current congestion charge policy, which is due to end on 22nd June 2021?

Tube Noise, Islington Constituency Question No: 2021/1827 Sem Moema As you are aware, tube noise is a huge ongoing issue cross-party, cross-constituency. What plans do TfL have to improve the standard of living for all Londoners blighted by this issue? My constituents within Islington are experiencing a lesser impact from the recent grinding which has taken place on sections of the Victoria Line and are concerned that the current method is losing effect.

Funding / Grants for small businesses due to COVID-19 pandemic in the North East Constituency (1) Question No: 2021/1828 Sem Moema What measures have been put in place since 31st March 2021 when Local Business Support Grant applications will be closed? Many residents within my constituency require ongoing small business funding and grants due to the detrimental effect of Covid-19 and mounting personal debts.

Funding / Grants for small businesses due to COVID-19 pandemic in the North East Constituency (2) Question No: 2021/1829 Sem Moema Please provide details of how you have lobbied government in order to support small businesses manage their rising debts due to the Covid-19 pandemic. With many small business owners facing the prospect of bankruptcy, how will you ensure the right support going forward?

Building Council Homes for Londoners Question No: 2021/1830 Sem Moema How many of the 14,924 homes in the ‘Building Council Homes for Londoners’ funding programme have a) received planning permission or b) started construction to date? Please break down the figures by borough.

Right to Buy Question No: 2021/1831 Sem Moema What effect, if any, will the cap on using Right to Buy receipts for acquisitions have on your plans for a “right to buy back fund”?

Mayor’s Land Fund Question No: 2021/1832 Sem Moema Can you update me on the Potential expansion of the Mayor’s Land Fund that was outlined at the December 2020 Homes for Londoners Board meeting?

Key Worker Housing (1) Question No: 2021/1833 Sem Moema Can you provide an update on your work with trade unions, emergency services and local authorities to create a list of essential London workers? Please provide details on when you expect the list to be published.

Key Worker Housing (2) Question No: 2021/1834 Sem Moema You have said that planning guidance will be strengthened to enforce the expectation that key workers should be prioritised. Can you provide further details, including what specific guidance will be strengthened, when you expect to make the changes and whether there will be a public consultation on the changes?

Community Housing Fund Question No: 2021/1835 Sem Moema For your £38 million Community Housing Fund, how much funding has been committed to date and how many homes across how many schemes will be delivered as a result?

Homes on Public Land Question No: 2021/1836 Sem Moema How many homes have a) been started or b) been completed on public land between 2016/17 and 2020/21? Please provide a breakdown by financial year and a further breakdown showing how many of the homes were affordable versus open market.

Homes on GLA Land Question No: 2021/1837 Sem Moema The March 2021 Homes for Londoners Board paper provides information from GLA Group functional bodies about housing delivery on GLA Group land. Can you provide similar tables for a) stars on TfL Land and b) completions across all GLA Group functional bodies?

Transfer of TfL Land Question No: 2021/1838 Sem Moema What land, if any, has been transferred from TfL to the GLA since May 2016? Please provide details of each land transfer and the total number of units, and affordable units, that are planned for each site.

Development of GLA Land (1) Question No: 2021/1839 Sem Moema Is there a need to streamline housing development across the wider GLA Group? Please give your reasons.

Development of GLA Land (2) Question No: 2021/1840 Sem Moema How much of the GLA land that has been developed since May 2016 does the GLA retain the freehold or an interest in?

Modern methods of construction (1) Question No: 2021/1841 Sem Moema What steps have you taken to support safe modern methods of construction in London? And what plans, if any, do you have to provide further support during your second term?

Modern methods of construction (2) Question No: 2021/1842 Sem Moema Are you aware of any on-site modern methods of construction factories operating in London since May 2016? Furthermore, what steps can you take to encourage more on-site factories to be used by developers in the future?

Modern methods of construction (3) Question No: 2021/1843 Sem Moema Are you aware of any modern methods of construction logistic hubs operating in London since May 2016? Furthermore, what steps can you take to encourage more logistic hubs to be used by developers in the future?

City Hall developer Question No: 2021/1844 Sem Moema Can you provide details on what developer roles the GLA Group has taken on since May 2016, such as the joint venture with Bellway Homes in Barking Riverside?

London’s Housing Delivery Recovery Plan (1) Question No: 2021/1845 Sem Moema The July 2020 London’s Housing Delivery Recovery Plan recommended “Government should consider the introduction of a new Compulsory Selling Order (CSO) which would

enable councils to bring forward developable land that is not released for development, without the time and cost implications of a CPO. This would enable councils to promote the development of unused sites in their areas, where they may not wish to hold the site for direct development of new council homes”. Do you know the Government’s view of this recommendation?

London’s Housing Delivery Recovery Plan (2) Question No: 2021/1846 Sem Moema The July 2020 London’s Housing Delivery Recovery Plan recommended “Government should provide additional funding to ensure the compulsory purchase process is adequately resourced and ensure a more rapid processing of CPOs”. Do you know the Government’s view of this recommendation?

London’s Housing Delivery Recovery Plan (3) Question No: 2021/1847 Sem Moema The July 2020 London’s Housing Delivery Recovery Plan recommended “Government should provide all acquiring authorities more flexibility in compulsory purchase by reforming the CPO process, including by allowing for compensation for compulsory purchase at, or close to, existing use values, enabling uplifts in land values to be captured”. Do you know the Government’s view of this recommendation?

Shared Ownership Charter for Service Charges (1) Question No: 2021/1848 Sem Moema Please list all Housing Providers directly involved in the development and management of shared ownership in London and confirm which of them have signed up to the charter.

Shared Ownership Charter for Service Charges (2) Question No: 2021/1849 Sem Moema Please list all Housing Providers in receipt of affordable housing grant from the GLA and confirm which of them have signed up to the charter.

Shared Ownership Charter for Service Charges (3) Question No: 2021/1850 Sem Moema What discussions have you had with London’s local authorities about signing up to the charter? Which of them have signed up so far?

Shared Ownership Charter for Service Charges (4) Question No: 2021/1851 Sem Moema What discussions have you had with London’s private house builders, who are involved in the development of shared ownership, about signing up to the charter? Which of them have signed up so far?

Shared Ownership Charter for Service Charges (5) Question No: 2021/1852 Sem Moema Can you provide an update on what discussions the GLA has had with the wider housing industry to extend the charter to other new leasehold homes?

Reforming private renting (1) Question No: 2021/1853 Sem Moema Your report “Reforming private renting: The Mayor of London’s blueprint” said that the Government’s forthcoming consultation on improving security of tenure for private renters a) should mirror the proposals contained in the Mayor’s London Model of tenure reform and b) must ensure that court reform is central to the proposals. The Government’s consultation closed on 12 October 2019 and they are still analysing the feedback. What discussions, if any, have you had with the Government since the consultation closed and have they indicated when they plan to respond to the consultation?

Reforming private renting (2) Question No: 2021/1854 Sem Moema Your report “Reforming private renting: The Mayor of London’s blueprint” said the Government should enable you to develop and implement a system to reduce private rents in London gradually over time, by devolving certain powers to you. Can you provide an update on your discussions with Government over the devolution of those powers?

London-wide property licensing Question No: 2021/1855 Sem Moema What has been the Government’s response to your request to devolve powers on a) approving local authority licensing schemes or b) setting up a London-wide scheme?

Better Renting programme Question No: 2021/1856 Sem Moema What progress has been made on the development of your Better Renting programme? Have you identified a date when the programme will be launched? short-term lettings Question No: 2021/1857 Sem Moema In April 2019 you called on Government to introduce a mandatory registration system for short-term lettings in London and in February 2020 the Government confirmed it did not have any plans to regulate the short-let market. Can you provided details of any discussions the GLA has had with the Government on this issue and what you can do if the Government refuses to legislate on this matter?

Estate regeneration projects (1) Question No: 2021/1858 Sem Moema Further to your response to MQ 2020/3600, which said, “Please be advised that there may be some delay as the data required in order to answer your question fully is not yet available”. Can you confirm what data is required to answer the question? When you expect the data to be available? And whether you can provide a partial answer to the question now, using the data that is currently available?

Estate regeneration projects (2) Question No: 2021/1859 Sem Moema As of 5 March 2021, there were 39 Estate regeneration projects where the GLA has approved funding since introducing the Resident Ballot Requirement. Can you provide details of which projects held a residents’ ballot? And which did not due to receiving an exemption from the GLA or because they fell beyond the scope of the resident ballots funding condition?

A ‘tsunami’ of evictions Question No: 2021/1860 Sem Moema On 10 July 2020 you called on the Housing Secretary to turn tide on ‘tsunami’ of evictions and suggested several things the Government should do. Will you publish the response you received at the time and provide an update on the current state of play regarding your asks of Government?

Renters Support Package Question No: 2021/1861 Sem Moema On 7 January 2021 you called on the Government to put in place a support package to prevent a possible huge increase in evictions and homelessness caused by an increasing build-up of rent arrears. Will you publish the response you received at the time and provide an update on the current state of play regarding your asks of Government?

Rough Sleeping Accommodation Programme Question No: 2021/1862 Sem Moema In October 2020 London was allocated £76.5 million for 904 homes and in March 2021 £66.4 million to deliver 704 homes. Can you confirm the delivery schedule for these homes and provide further details, such as the boroughs they will be located in and how many beds each home will have?

Rough Sleepers Leaving Hospital (1) Question No: 2021/1863 Sem Moema In March 2018 the Guardian reported that data obtained from 89 NHS trusts in England found the number of discharges from hospital of people with no fixed abode rose by 29.8% from 6,748 in 2014 to 8,758 in 2018. Do you have any data on the number of people discharged from London hospitals to the street? And do you have any plans to collect such data in the future?

Rough Sleepers Leaving Hospital (2) Question No: 2021/1864 Sem Moema The Healthy London Partnership produced a Vision for London on 27 September 2019 and one of the ambitions was “that no rough sleepers die on the street, no one is discharged from a hospital to the street and there is equal and fair access to healthcare for those who

are homeless”. Can you update me on the progress made to develop a commissioning plan to establish integrated care pathways for rough sleepers?

Rough Sleepers Leaving Hospital (3) Question No: 2021/1865 Sem Moema On 23 February 2021 the London Health Board meeting heard that a “Lack of step-down capacity for homeless at discharge from hospital, particularly an issue for those who are not verified rough sleepers and have no clear local connection”. Can you provide some more information on the three action points, namely; • 10 pan-London step-down beds for high complex needs at discharge from hospital fully utilized. Beds are funded and contracted to the end of March 2021. • £1.5m national funding for Out of Hospital available for step down with Borough/ICS bids made against it. • Ring fenced GLA hotel beds for hospital discharge.

Supporting North East Leaseholders (1) Question No: 2021/1866 Sem Moema What support can you directly offer to my North East constituents who are caught up in and victims of the building and fire safety scandal?

Supporting North East Leaseholders (2) Question No: 2021/1867 Sem Moema What are your priorities for supporting leaseholders in the North East constituency who are caught up in the building safety scandal? How will you also support boroughs so that they are able to take action against freeholders, particularly in light of the possible impact of the Building Safety Bill announced as part of the Queen’s Speech?

Regulation of Waking Watch Providers Question No: 2021/1868 Sem Moema Leaseholders in my constituency would like to see greater regulation of Waking Watch providers in order to give them confidence that the process is transparent and Waking Watches are being used as a last resort and short-term solution. What support can you and the Deputy Mayor for Fire and Resilience offer to them in this?

Building safety in the North East constituency Question No: 2021/1869 Sem Moema The North East constituency has 8% of London’s registrations to the Building Safety Fund across England and 15% of the waking watches in place in London (as of March 2021). How are you working with Hackney, Islington and Waltham Forest councils to keep my constituents safe and to support councils in taking action?

Learning from Grenfell (1) Question No: 2021/1870 Sem Moema The Grenfell Tower Inquiry phase 2 has highlighted how the flammable materials used at the Grenfell refurbishment contributed to the spread of the fire. Since 2005 Scottish building regulations have said that external wall features should ‘inhibit’ fire. How important is it that external wall features on buildings in London inhibit fire?

Learning from Grenfell (2) Question No: 2021/1871 Sem Moema The funding guidance for Homes for Londoners states that “No combustible materials may be used in the external walls of all homes and buildings, regardless of their height.’ Is this enough to stop flammable insulation, such as that used at Grenfell, from being used in new affordable homes?

Learning from Grenfell (3) Question No: 2021/1872 Sem Moema Section D12 in the new London Plan states that developers should consider how buildings ‘are constructed in an appropriate way to minimise the risk of fire spread.’ This is different to inhibiting the spread of fire. How will you ensure that this is not manipulated by developers to allow the use of flammable materials in construction as happened at Grenfell?

Mental Health Impact from the Pandemic Question No: 2021/1874 Onkar Sahota The mental health impact of the pandemic on Londoners has been widely acknowledged, with certain groups having been shown to be disproportionately affected, including children and young people and people with mental and physical disabilities and/or conditions. Have you reassessed or revaluated any of the objectives of the Health Inequalities Strategy in

light of this, and how do you plan to make sure mental health is at the heart of your broader COVID-19 Recovery Programme?

Water Only Schools Question No: 2021/1875 Onkar Sahota What conversations are you having with boroughs and schools about becoming “water only”?

Wellbeing Station Question No: 2021/1876 Onkar Sahota Where on the TfL network will your pilot wellbeing station be and how many people do you expect to use it?

Health Inequalities Strategy Question No: 2021/1877 Onkar Sahota In what way are you reviewing your health inequalities strategy in light of Covid-19 and when will the outcome of this review be made public?

Planning that works for people Question No: 2021/1878 Onkar Sahota We all know that it is vital we build more affordable homes in London – however it is also important that these developments have the necessary services – transport, healthcare, schools, open space – to accommodate any increase in local population. How will you use your powers, and work with local councils, to ensure that plans for house building in London are done in a way that works for residents and serves local communities?

Air quality in planning Question No: 2021/1879 Onkar Sahota I was very pleased with Deputy Mayor Jules Pipe’s guidance for councils around how to ensure proper air quality monitoring around new developments. Can I ask what work has been done to work with local councils, to ensure that they are doing proper air quality monitoring of new developments?

SMEs and economic recovery after Covid Question No: 2021/1880 Onkar Sahota How will you ensure that SMEs play a key part in our long-term recovery as a city?

Full Fibre Broadband in New Developments Question No: 2021/1882 Sakina Sheikh How will you ensure that all new developments have access to full fibre broadband?

Defibrillators Question No: 2021/1883 Sakina Sheikh How will you ensure that London has sufficient coverage of defibrillators?

Community involvement in planning decisions Question No: 2021/1884 Sakina Sheikh How will you ensure that local communities are properly involved in planning decisions that affect them?

Permitted Development Rights Question No: 2021/1885 Sakina Sheikh What steps are you taking to ensure Permitted Development Rights do not damage London’s communities? In particular, our high streets.

Article 4 Directions (1) Question No: 2021/1886 Sakina Sheikh How many Article 4 Directions are currently in place across London?

Article 4 Directions (2) Question No: 2021/1887 Sakina Sheikh What steps are you taking to help boroughs protect their areas with Article 4 Directions?

London Plan and Sustainability Question No: 2021/1888 Sakina Sheikh What aspects of your new London Plan will ensure our city improves its sustainability in the coming years?

Greening Homes in the London Plan Question No: 2021/1889 Sakina Sheikh How will your new London Plan increase greening of homes in London?

Trans Access to Healthcare Targets Question No: 2021/1891 Andrew Boff What targets do you have to improve Trans access to healthcare in London?

Trans Access to Healthcare Actions Question No: 2021/1892 Andrew Boff What actions have you taken since 2016 to improve Trans access to health care in London?

Trans Engagement Question No: 2021/1893 Andrew Boff Which Trans groups are you actively working and engaging with?

Suicides in London Question No: 2021/1894 Andrew Boff How many suicides were there in London for each year since 2016?

Zero Suicide City Question No: 2021/1895 Andrew Boff What is the target date for London becoming a zero suicide city?

Let’s Do London Junk Food Question No: 2021/1896 Andrew Boff Will your Let’s Do London Campaign be promoting junk food or businesses which produce or sell junk food?

Childhood Obesity Targets Question No: 2021/1897 Andrew Boff What targets have you set to reduce childhood obesity in London over the next three years?

Childhood Obesity Decrease Question No: 2021/1898 Andrew Boff How much have you decreased childhood obesity levels since 2016? Please give a breakdown by age group.

Health In All Policies Approach Question No: 2021/1899 Andrew Boff Will you continue to commit to a “health in all policies approach” throughout your second term as Mayor?

London Drugs Commission Timeline Question No: 2021/1900 Andrew Boff In your manifesto you committed to “establish a London Drugs Commission comprising independent experts and leading figures from the fields of criminal justice, public health, politics, community relations and academia”. What is the timeline for this being established and what is the selection process and criteria for choosing members of the commission?

London Drugs Commission Remuneration Question No: 2021/1901 Andrew Boff Will the members of the London Drugs Commission receive any remuneration? If so, please specify how.

Unbuilt homes Question No: 2021/1902 Andrew Boff How many homes in London currently have planning permission and are waiting to be built?

Strategic Housing Market Assessment Question No: 2021/1904 Andrew Boff Do you consider the current 2017 Strategic Housing Market Assessment to be fit for purpose? If not, how and when do you intend to replace it?

Old Oak Park Royal Development Corporation Question No: 2021/1905 Andrew Boff How and when do you intend to bring forward new housing targets and proposals for Old Oak Park Royal Development Corporation?

Community involvement in planning Question No: 2021/1906 Andrew Boff How and when do you intend to “review how to further involve local communities in the planning decisions that affect them, including by making the most of interactive technology”?

Temporary development spaces Question No: 2021/1907 Andrew Boff How and when do you intend to “develop a new framework for the temporary, meanwhile and flexible use of open space, empty premises, temporary development space and underused community buildings”?

Social infrastructure Question No: 2021/1908 Andrew Boff How and when do you intend to produce guidance on social infrastructure?

Business Funding Question No: 2021/1909 Emma Best How much funding have you directly put into the hands of businesses since 2016? Please give a breakdown of business size and sector and through what mayoral initiative the funding was given.

Let’s Do London Campaign Comparison Question No: 2021/1910 Emma Best How will your “Let’s Do London” campaign differ from the “London is Open” and “Because I’m a Londoner” campaigns?

London Business Hub Question No: 2021/1911 Emma Best How many businesses has your London Business Hub supported to date and what targets have you set for it over the next three years?

Prioritising Advertising Campaigns Question No: 2021/1912 Emma Best Why did you prioritise spending £6 million on another advertising campaign rather than directly supporting London’s small businesses with that funding?

Vaccination Uptake in Deprived Areas Question No: 2021/1913 Emma Best What actions are you taking to increase vaccination uptake in the most deprived areas of London?

Early Years Funding Question No: 2021/1914 Emma Best How much funding have you allocated to early years programmes for each year since 2016?

Healthy Early Years Targets Question No: 2021/1915 Emma Best What targets have you set for the Healthy Early Years Programme for the next three years?

Early Years Practical Schemes Question No: 2021/1916 Emma Best The Healthy Early Years Programme has been running since 2017 with clearly little to show. Would it not be best to invest in practical schemes such as the Alexandra Rose scheme instead of giving early years settings ‘awards’ for measures they have been implementing for years?

School Readiness Question No: 2021/1917 Emma Best In the 2019 Early Years Report the Mayor made school readiness a priority. What programmes and funding have been directed to this area?

SEND Employment Question No: 2021/1918 Emma Best How does the Mayor plan on ensuring employment opportunities for Londoners with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities as part of the capital’s COVID recovery?

ULEZ Question No: 2021/1920 Emma Best Will the Mayor rethink his plans for the extension of the ULEZ given the reduction in votes he received in outer London?

Recycling Question No: 2021/1921 Emma Best Can the Mayor set out his plans to increase recycling in London?

London Power Question No: 2021/1922 Emma Best Will the Mayor apologise to Londoners for his energy company’s near £1 million loss last year?

Fast track housing approval (1) Question No: 2021/1923 Emma Best Further to MQ 2021/0665, how many schemes on private land have received public funding in order to meet the 35% affordable housing threshold for fast track approval? Please provide a breakdown by scheme and number of homes approved.

Fast track housing approval (2) Question No: 2021/1924 Emma Best Further to MQ 2021/0666, how many schemes on public land have received public funding in order to meet the 50% affordable housing threshold for fast track approval, or the appropriate threshold on mixed public/private land schemes? Please provide a breakdown by scheme and number of homes approved.

Tall buildings Question No: 2021/1925 Emma Best The Planning and Regeneration Committee’s letter to you of 16 March 2021 outlined significant concerns about the environmental, social and financial costs of tall buildings, especially for residential use. It recommended that you develop separate Supplementary Planning Guidance on residential tall buildings, taking into account various important matters. Do you intend to take forward this recommendation, and if so on what timescale?

The Mall, (1) Question No: 2021/1926 Emma Best Do you consider The Mall housing scheme in Walthamstow to be genuinely affordable?

The Mall, Walthamstow (2) Question No: 2021/1927 Emma Best Can you confirm whether TfL will be providing an accessible entrance to Walthamstow Central tube station, as has been proposed as part of the planning application for redevelopment of The Mall in Walthamstow? Would it be acceptable for a scheme to be car free without proper accessibility to the nearby tube station?

Euro 2020 Question No: 2021/1928 Emma Best How will you be using the GLA’s work with Euro 2020 to boost and advocate healthy lifestyles?

MedCity Question No: 2021/1929 Emma Best How much funding are you committing to MedCity for each year of this mayoral term?

ULEZ Expansion (1) Question No: 2021/1930 Emma Best How much has TfL spent to date on the expansion of the ULEZ?

ULEZ Expansion (2) Question No: 2021/1931 Emma Best How much has TfL budgeted to spend by October 2021 on the expansion of the ULEZ?

ULEZ Expansion (3) Question No: 2021/1932 Emma Best In total, how many additional cameras does TfL believe will be required for the expansion of the ULEZ?

ULEZ Expansion (4) Question No: 2021/1933 Emma Best How many ULEZ cameras will be on the boundary of the expanded zone?

ULEZ Expansion (5) Question No: 2021/1934 Emma Best How many ULEZ cameras will be within the expanded zone?

ULEZ Expansion (6) Question No: 2021/1935 Emma Best How much does each ULEZ camera cost?

Excessive Tube Noise (1) Question No: 2021/1936 Emma Best In April 2020 Islington residents, who have been suffering excessive Tube noise from the Victoria Line since at least 2018, were promised that Delkor track fasteners would be in place by the end of the year. By 6th October, a letter from Heidi Alexander stated that there were no longer any plans to install track fasteners at all. Do you recognise that it is unacceptable for residents to suffer in this manner?

Excessive Tube Noise (2) Question No: 2021/1937 Emma Best What guarantees are you prepared to offer Londoners who are suffering from excessive Tube noise in their homes that you will prioritise finding and implementing a permanent solution?

Healthy Neighbourhoods & School Superzones Question No: 2021/1938 Emma Best In your manifesto you said you “will roll out my plan that by 2025 every Londoner lives in a healthy food neighbourhood — with an expanded role for School Superzones”. What are your targets for healthy food neighbourhoods and School Superzones during this mayoral term?

Hepatitis C Actions & Targets Question No: 2021/1939 Emma Best You committed in your manifesto “to work with the NHS with a target of ending all new Hepatitis C infections in London by 2025”. What actions and targets have you planned for this mayoral term?

HIV Actions & Targets Question No: 2021/1940 Emma Best What immediate actions and targets will you be making to ensure London takes the necessary steps towards being the first global city to end new HIV transmissions by 2030, with an 80% reduction by 2025?

Dementia Friendly Charter Timeline Question No: 2021/1941 Emma Best What is the timeline for creating the Dementia friendly charter you committed to in your manifesto?

Age-Friendly London Actions & Targets Question No: 2021/1942 Emma Best How will you “push further so that London is an age-friendly city whatever your circumstances” throughout this mayoral term? Please give specific targets and actions.

Wellbeing Ambassadors Question No: 2021/1943 Emma Best You have committed to London having a quarter of a million wellbeing ambassadors by 2025. How many will London have by the end of this mayoral term?

Health Inequalities Review Question No: 2021/1944 Emma Best In your manifesto you stated that “if re-elected, I’ll instigate a review of all policies and programmes to ensure we are doing all we can to reduce health inequalities across the work of the whole GLA.” What is the timeline for this review?

A12 - Pettits Lane junction Question No: 2021/1945 Keith Prince In view of the Mayor’s continued commitment to walking and cycling, could he please encourage TfL to redouble their efforts in ensuring a safe crossing for school children at Pettits Lane?

Woolwich Ferry (1) Question No: 2021/1948 Keith Prince Is the Mayor aware that the Woolwich Ferry has been effectively downgraded, with the 2nd boat often unused, instances of early closure and instances of late opening on Monday mornings?

Woolwich Ferry (2) Question No: 2021/1949 Keith Prince Will the Mayor ensure that the Woolwich Ferry runs a full service from now on?

Helping Black Cab Drivers (1) Question No: 2021/1950 Keith Prince Given the current economic climate, do you believe it is reasonable to expect any black cab drivers to replace their vehicles with an electric cab in the next two years?

Helping Black Cab Drivers (2) Question No: 2021/1951 Keith Prince If you recognise that forcing black cab drivers to switch to an electric vehicle at this time would be unreasonable, will you extend taxi age limits until London is further into its economic recovery?

ULEZ (1) Question No: 2021/1952 Keith Prince Do you have any plans to extend the Ultra-Low Emission Zone to the Outer London boundary, and if so, when would this be likely to happen?

ULEZ (2) Question No: 2021/1953 Keith Prince A constituent has asked: can the Mayor of London explain to Londoners, what happens to all the revenue that is collected from the Congestion Charge, the ULEZ and the LEZ? He further asks how the Mayor justifies the fact that if people pay the charges, they are then allowed to drive around in London, polluting London’s environment?

2017 Amended and Restated Operating Agreement between TOL and TfL Question No: 2021/1954 Keith Prince In your response to question 2020/1100 you sent me a link to a TOL-TfL “2017 Amended and Restated Operating Agreement” that is obviously in draft format. When (a) was this specific version of the operating agreement agreed and signed with TOL? and (b) did it come into effect? Can you assure me that the version that TfL has made publicly available on its website ( is the agreement that is presently in effect? If so, kindly send me a copy of the signed and dated version of this contract.

Operating Agreement between TOL and TfL in effect on 9 November 2016 Question No: 2021/1955 Keith Prince Further to your response to Question 2020/1100, please provide me with a copy of the operating agreement between TOL and TfL that was in effect on 9 November 2016. Kindly indicate (a) when or if TfL has ever made this version of the agreement publicly available and (b) when or if TfL removed this version of the agreement from public scrutiny.

Contractually-Mandated Safety Reporting and Monitoring Requirements contained in current Operating Agreement between TOL and TfL Question No: 2021/1956 Keith Prince Internal TfL correspondence dated 6 June 2017 between the Legal Department and the London Trams Executive Team found in your response to question 2020/4632 states “the new version of the agreement has a much more robust provision on information supply but, of course, is still in draft.” Furthermore, in your response to question 2018/1718 you state “this safety monitoring arrangement is not an explicit contractual requirement between TfL and TOL”. Please provide me a list of the Safety Reporting and Monitoring Requirements contained in the current Operating Agreement between TOL and TfL and the dates when these requirements were added.

Bus Drivers forced to clean their own Bus Cabs during Covid-19 Pandemic Question No: 2021/1957 Keith Prince It has come to my attention that during the Covid-19 epidemic, a TfL Bus Contractor pressured its bus drivers working outside London to clean their own bus cabs to ensure Covid-19 protection after their shifts were completed. Are you aware of any TfL Bus Contractors who similarly pressured London bus drivers to carry out such tasks?

Moratorium on Remote Sign-On Question No: 2021/1958 Keith Prince On 26 March 2021 Unite the Union published a press release (…) which alleged “Following intense lobbying from Unite, and with the growing possibility of London-wide strike action over bus operators being able to move towards a remote sign on model when bidding for routes, instructed the board at Transport for London

(TfL) to introduce an immediate moratorium.” Please provide me with copies of (a) TfL’s ‘moratorium’ instruction (b) any Mayoral correspondence with the bus operator and Unite about said moratorium and (c) the terms of reference for the report that Unite’s press release also alleges you have promised that union “full input into the development.”

Moratorium on Remote Sign On and Bus Routes Question No: 2021/1959 Keith Prince With TfL’s Moratorium on Remote Sign On in place from 26 March 2021 until a TfL- commissioned report has been conducted, will TfL suspend the Remote Sign On currently in place on Metroline Routes 139, 306 and 328, Arriva Routes 2, 19, 38, 73 and Tower Transit Routes C2 and 3?

Remote Sign On Question No: 2021/1960 Keith Prince When was Remote Sign On put in place on the following Routes? Metroline Routes 139, 306 and 328 Arriva Routes 2, 19, 38 and 73 Tower Transit Routes C2 and 3

TfL Approval of Remote Sign On Question No: 2021/1961 Keith Prince Did TfL need to approve Metroline’s, Arriva’s and Tower Transit’s roll-out of Remote Sign On on the Routes where it has been in place for some years? If so, please provide me copies of these approvals and all documentation associated with TfL’s approval of Remote Sign On on the 9 Routes which presently have it in place.

Safety Evaluations of Remote Sign On Question No: 2021/1962 Keith Prince Please provide me with any safety reports TfL conducted before Remote Sign On was put in place on Metroline Routes 139, 306 and 328; Arriva Routes 2, 19, 38 and 73; Tower Transit Routes C2 and 3?

Remote Sign-On Documentation Question No: 2021/1963 Keith Prince Please provide me with all internal and external communication (including copies of minutes, emails, decision memorandums and handwritten notes) TfL has conducted with regard to Remote Sign-On since it was first implemented.

Accountability for London Bus Driver Deaths from Covid-19 Question No: 2021/1964 Keith Prince On 18 March 2021, the Deputy Mayor and I participated on a radio interview on the Vanessa Feltz show. When the Deputy Mayor was asked if she took any responsibility for London Bus Driver deaths from Covid-19, she bluntly said “No.” Given that we know (a) that your response to Mayor’s Question 2020/3659 clearly shows that TfL withdrew its staff from bus depots and buses and had no way to inspect onsite conditions; (b) that your response to question 2021/0121 confirms that TfL doesn’t have copies of the risk assessments of its bus contractors’ Covid-19 risk reduction actions; and (c) that your response to question 2021/0544 reveals that TfL doesn’t have any information on the Covid-19 risk carried by bus depot ferry drivers, does the public rejection of any responsibility for London bus driver deaths made by your Deputy Mayor on 18 March 2021 also reflect your view as TfL Chair and Mayor of London?

Misleading Statements about Middle Door Boarding and Covid-19 Risk Reduction Question No: 2021/1965 Keith Prince At 8 March 2021’s Transport Committee, in response to questions from me, the Transport Commissioner gave TfL’s decision to implement Middle Door Boarding on 17 April 2020 as an example of an action that was taken to protect bus drivers from Covid-19 risk. Yet, the 16 April 2020 “Briefing Note” you provided to me (but did not publish) in response to question 2020/1728 clearly states in paragraph 5 that “this [Middle Door Boarding] trial did not assess the specific risk to drivers in the cab environment, or whether this change reduced the risk to drivers in the cab”. Since TfL’s own analysis did not even address the question, will you instruct the Transport Commissioner, TfL executives and your City Hall colleagues to refrain from offering Middle Door Boarding as an example of an action that protected bus drivers from Covid-19?

Evidence to support public statements that TfL was a ‘World Leader’ in Covid-19 Risk Reduction Question No: 2021/1966 Keith Prince In two separate public appearances - you on LBC on 22 February and Transport Commissioner Andy Byford at 8 March Transport Committee - both you and Commissioner Byford have claimed TfL has been judged ‘world leading’ in its Covid-19 risk reduction efforts for bus drivers. What evidence can you provide to support those public statements?

Bus Driver Deaths from Covid-19 since 9 March 2021 Question No: 2021/1967 Keith Prince Further to your response to question 2021/0527 please provide me with a breakdown of bus driver deaths from Covid-19 by bus operator (a) since 9 March 2021 to the present and (b) since March 2020 to the present.

Reporting Covid-19 Cases from Bus Depots Question No: 2021/1968 Keith Prince In response to a Freedom of Information Request FOI-2119-2021, TfL stated that Bus Driver Covid-19 Data by Bus Depot “has only been reported to TfL since October 2020.” Do you agree with me that this startling admission reflects TfL executives’ remarkable complacency about Covid-19 risks at depots? Please provide me with an update to FOI- 2119-0221 showing all such data reported to TfL since 21 January 2021.

Disappearance’ of IA 16767 (1) Question No: 2021/1969 Keith Prince In your response to 2021/0537 you state—inter alia—that regarding IA 16767 (a) “the audit was never completed” (b) ”in order for the report to be meaningful, further work would have had to have been carried out in relation to the incident itself” (c) “was placed “on hold” in November 2016 and (d) “IA 16 767 had been allocated to the Integrated Assurance team, when it was moved from ‘on hold’ to ‘cancelled’, this was not included in the reporting to the Audit and Assurance Committee as currently happens for internal audits.” With reference to the detailed explanation you provided in Question 2021/0537, if IA 16767 was never completed why does the 25 October 2016 draft you made available from your data release in Question 2019/17349 show a Conclusion “Adequately Controlled” on its front cover?

Disappearance’ of IA 16767 (2) Question No: 2021/1970 Keith Prince If IA 16767 had “further work to be carried out” please provide me with documentary evidence and a timeline of that work.

Disappearance’ of IA 16767 (3) Question No: 2021/1971 Keith Prince If your narrative about how IA 16767 simply “disappeared” from Audit & Assurance’s purview is accurate, why does the 2016 Internal Audit Manual you attached to question 2021/0537 contain nothing about what happens when an audit is placed “on hold” nor when an audit becomes an “Integrated Assurance Audit”?

Disappearance’ of IA 16767 (4) Question No: 2021/1972 Keith Prince TfL’s 2016 Internal Audit Manual contains nothing about an “Integrated Assurance Audit”. Can you confirm what such an audit is and when this designation was created?

Disappearance’ of IA 16767 (5) Question No: 2021/1973 Keith Prince Do you agree with me that all these anomalies emanating from TfL’s explanation of what happened to IA 16767 might lead one to conclude TfL wanted to ensure that no one knew TfL and First Group TOL had finalised a safety audit of First Group Croydon Tram just days before the UK suffered the worst Tram safety incident in over 90 years?

Transport Workers and Covid-19 Question No: 2021/1974 Keith Prince Following up your delayed partial responses to questions 2020/2533 and 2021/0127, please provide me with an updated list of all Transport Workers who have died from Covid- 19 in 2020, showing figures by month starting from March 2020 to the present time. This list should include: 1) sex and, if known, ethnicity, 2) date of reported death 3) name of TfL Contractor or TfL Division for whom each victim worked 4) place of work (e.g. Train Station, Bus Depot, Taxi, PHV) and 5) TfL Executive responsible for the transport mode in which each victim worked (e.g. MD Buses, LUL, Taxi and Private Hire, etc).

TfL’s Ignorance of Deaths of Taxi and PHV Drivers from Covid-19 Question No: 2021/1975 Keith Prince In your responses to questions 2020/2533 and 2021/0127 you state: “TfL is unable to report on the number of Taxi or Private Hire Drivers who have died in service as they do not have access to this information.” How can you explain this level of ignorance about the safety of a mode of service where TfL regulates drivers’ working conditions and terms of service? Please provide me with evidence that TfL has attempted to gather this data and any estimates TfL has made of Taxi and PHV Drivers who’ve died from Covid-19 since March 2020.

IA 16767 Terms of Reference Question No: 2021/1976 Keith Prince Following up on your delayed response to Question 2020/4635, when can I expect to receive copies of all communication and documentation (including the terms of reference for IA 16767) that TfL sent to RAIB on 24 November 2016 and again on 1 February 2017”?

12 October 2016 Letter of Engagement for IA 16767 Question No: 2021/1977 Keith Prince Your response to question 2020/4630 refers me to a “12 October 2016 Letter of Engagement” for IA 16767. Kindly provide me with (a) a copy of this document and (b) any internal and external communication (emails, letters, handwritten notes) associated with its drafting, dispatch and agreement about its contents with First Group.

Mayor not being informed of IA 16767 - Trams Management of Operational Risk Audit Question No: 2021/1978 Keith Prince Your response to Question 2020/4628 manifestly fails to answer the question I posed. For the avoidance of doubt, allow me to provide the correct ‘premise’ of my query: By your own admission, for at least 18 months after Sandilands, TfL kept the existence of IA 16767—a safety audit that contains the most timely TfL assessment of First Group’s tram safety system at the time of the crash — from you — and now we know (a) from your opaque response to question 2021/0537— from TfL’s Audit and Assurance Committee and (b) from former TfL Board Member and Safety, Sustainability and Human Resources Panel Chair Michael Liebreich’s 8 April 2021 public letter to the RAIB—from TfL’s SSHR Panel and from TfL’s Audit & Assurance Committee. To rephrase my question: Does it concern you that, as TfL Chair, you and TfL’s primary audit and safety oversight panels were kept

ignorant of IA 16767’s existence while you and the Transport Commissioner were making public statements assuring the public of TfL’s full cooperation and transparency with all Sandilands investigations?

IA 16767 - Trams Management of Operational Risk Audit Question No: 2021/1979 Keith Prince In my 19 November 2020 Question 2020/4101 request, I asked for the following information: “Starting from 1 September 2016, please provide me with all documentation (initiating letters, terms of reference, emails, handwritten notes, audit drafts) associated with or referring to IA 16767, including all correspondence relating to its cancellation.” In your 29 November 2020 response you stated “I have asked Transport for London to respond to this request and an updated answer will be uploaded once available.” Nearly 7 months have passed since your response. How can you explain this long delay? When will the data I requested be made available?

TfL’s Failure to Publish Timely Bus Safety Data Question No: 2021/1980 Keith Prince Your response to question 2021/0559 suggests to me that you, as TfL Chair, are being complacent about TfL’s long tradition of obstructing public scrutiny of the safety performance of its contracted bus operation. TfL is now approaching being one year behind in publishing Q3 2020’s data and 6 months behind for Q4 2020’s data. When will 2020’s complete data set be published and which TfL Executive has the paid responsibility for ensuring this work is performed in a timely and accurate manner?

TfL not holding Covid-19 Risk Assessments for Bus Depots/Garages Question No: 2021/1981 Keith Prince Your response to Question 2021/0121 confirms ‘Transport for London (TfL) does not hold copies of Covid-19 risk assessments for garage premises’. As TfL Chair, how do you justify TfL’s ignorance of (a) a Key recommendation of Sir Michael Marmot’s Phase 1 Report on Covid-19 Impact on London Bus Drivers and (b) TfL’s commitment to “work collaboratively with all operators to share learnings and assure consistent application of the risk assessment tools” found in paragraph 4.7 in its Response to the Phase 1 Study?

TfL’s failure to replace Director of Bus Operations in a timely fashion Question No: 2021/1982 Keith Prince From press reports circulating in early December 2020 (…), I understand that TfL’s Director of Bus Operations already accepted a job as Managing Director of Southwestern Railway. Given TfL’s record of failure in improving Bus Safety Performance and protecting Bus Drivers from Covid-19 under your leadership as TfL Chair, what justification can you provide for keeping that Director in her role so long after she had accepted outside employment from a FirstGroup-owned transport operator?

Contract Notice to First Group TOL about Tram Safety Incidents Question No: 2021/1983 Keith Prince In your response to 2021/0556 you state “TfL has also issued a contract notice to TOL highlighting the serious nature of the Mitcham incident and the breach of subsequent provisions regarding regulatory reporting”. Please send me a copy of this contract notice and all documentation (emails, directives, meeting minutes, handwritten notes) associated with it.

Operational Incidents on the Tram Network Question No: 2021/1984 Keith Prince Further to your response to Question 2021/0420 please provide me with a copy of the “new reporting procedure…which clearly lays out the requirements for the reporting of operational incidents” and copies of all communications (emails, letters, hand-written notes) associated with this action.

Refusal to Benchmark London’s Transport Worker Covid-19 Deaths against Peer World Cities Question No: 2021/1985 Keith Prince Taking into account your negative response to question 2020/2574 does London’s poor showing for pedestrian deaths from buses on the independently-constructed international benchmark—as evidenced in your response to Question 2020/3828 - explain your reluctance to independently benchmark London’s Transport Worker Covid-19 Deaths against Peer World Cities?

Memorialising Crossrail Deaths Question No: 2021/1986 Keith Prince Following up on (a) your responses to questions 2018/2614 and 2018/2991 in autumn 2018 and (b) the Transport Commissioner’s recent announcement of his intention to build a memorial to London Transport Workers who had “given up their lives for the travelling public” as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic (…), will you now commit TfL to ensuring that a suitable memorial is designed and placed at a public point along the Elizabeth Line to highlight that three cyclists and one pedestrian were killed by lorries working under contract to Crossrail during its construction?

London’s poor position of pedestrian deaths from buses on international benchmark Question No: 2021/1987 Keith Prince Further to your response to Question 2021/1014 please provide me with the exact number of buses presently operating on London’s roads that are equipped with (a) Intelligent Speed Assistance and (b) Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System and, in addition, let me know what percentage these buses constitute of TfL’s total contracted Bus Fleet.

Motorcycle Parking at The Crystal (1) Question No: 2021/1988 Keith Prince In your answer to question 2021/1359, you claimed that, with regard to proposed motorcycle parking provision at the Crystal, “changes were made to the proposals to reflect London Plan policy requirements on motorcycle parking.” Please provide details, including full and exact quotations, of how the London Plan prohibits motorcycle parking provision.

Motorcycle Parking at The Crystal (2) Question No: 2021/1989 Keith Prince Given the benefits in terms of reducing congestion and pollution that powered two wheelers offer London, why has your London Plan been drafted in such a way as to prohibit motorcycle parking provision at the Crystal?

Manifesto Pledges (1) Question No: 2021/1990 Keith Prince In your manifesto you pledged to “ask TfL to explore the use of more dynamic fare pricing.” Is your intention that this would lead to higher fares at peak times, lower fares at off-peak times or some other change?

Manifesto Pledges (2) Question No: 2021/1991 Keith Prince In your manifesto you pledged to “ask TfL to consider other ways of raising income to make up for the loss of Vehicle Excise Duty (VED), in a way which is consistent with my overriding aspirations to tackle London’s problems of congestion and poor air quality.” In order to be clear that you will not use this pledge to try as a sneaky justification for the introduction of road pricing, will you rule out introducing road pricing during this Mayoral term?

Manifesto Pledges (3) Question No: 2021/1992 Keith Prince In your manifesto you pledged “I won’t lower my ambitions for expanding the public transport network.” Given that your ambitions were clearly lowered over the course of your first term, for example by cancelling your 2016 manifesto pledge of building a Rotherhithe Bridge, when is the baseline date from which you will not lower your ambitions any further?

Whipps Cross Hospital Parking and Public Transport Question No: 2021/1993 Keith Prince Given plans to halve car parking space at Hospital and encourage greater use of public transport, will you therefore support making it easier for Redbridge residents to travel to Whipps Cross on public transport by instructing TfL to investigate rerouting the 66 Bus Route to the hospital, increasing the frequency of the W12 and diverting the 247 to improve connectivity with tube station?

Night Time Economy Targets Question No: 2021/1994 Neil Garratt What targets have been set for your Night Czar in your second term as Mayor?

High Streets Targets Question No: 2021/1995 Neil Garratt What targets have you set for supporting London’s high streets over the next three years?

Living Wage Targets Question No: 2021/1996 Neil Garratt What targets have you set for the number of living wage employers to increase in London for each year of this mayoral term?

Outer London Funding Question No: 2021/1997 Neil Garratt How much mayoral funding has each London borough received each year since May 2016? Please give a breakdown of where the funding has been allocated from.

Value for Money Culture Question No: 2021/1998 Neil Garratt Please outline your processes and criteria for choosing arts and culture projects to allocate funding to whilst ensuring value for money for Londoners?

Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Targets Question No: 2021/1999 Neil Garratt What targets have you set for the next three years with regard to supporting Small and Medium Sized Enterprises?

Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Support Question No: 2021/2000 Neil Garratt How many Small and Medium Sized Enterprises are there in London and how many of them have you directly supported each year since 2016? Please give a breakdown by London Borough, sector and funding given.

GLA London & Partners Funding Question No: 2021/2001 Neil Garratt What percentage of London & Partners income has been from GLA funding for each year since 2016? Please also specify how much funding the GLA gave.

London & Partners Self-Funding Target Question No: 2021/2002 Neil Garratt What is the target date for London & Partners being fully self-funded without any GLA funding?

London & Partners Staffing Numbers Question No: 2021/2003 Neil Garratt How many staff has London & Partners had for each year of your first term as Mayor?

London & Partners Staffing Costs Question No: 2021/2004 Neil Garratt What were the staffing costs for London & Partners for each year of your first term as Mayor?

London Business Hub Target Question No: 2021/2005 Neil Garratt What targets have you set for your London Business Hub over the next three years and how many businesses do you aim for it to support?

Digital Inclusion Targets Question No: 2021/2006 Neil Garratt What targets have you set to improve digital inclusion and close the digital divide across London over the next three years?

High Streets Research Question No: 2021/2007 Neil Garratt What data-driven research have you undertaken to identify how to best support the future of London’s high streets?

New Areas to Support High Streets Question No: 2021/2008 Neil Garratt How do you plan to “streamline existing funding and grants, identify new areas of support” for high streets, as you committed to do so in your manifesto?

Night Time Enterprise Zones Question No: 2021/2009 Neil Garratt In your manifesto you committed to “expand my Night Time Enterprise Zones programme”. Where and when will this happen and how much funding will be allocated to each zone?

Emerging Technologies Charter Question No: 2021/2010 Neil Garratt In your manifesto you promised to “create a new Emerging Technologies Charter for London”. When will this be published?

London Datastore Question No: 2021/2011 Neil Garratt In your manifesto you committed to “rebuild the London Datastore”. When will this work be carried out and how much funding will be allocated to it?

International Centre for Creative Industries Target Date Question No: 2021/2012 Neil Garratt What is your target date to bring an international centre for creative industries to London?

International Centre for Creative Industries Question No: 2021/2013 Neil Garratt In your manifesto you backed an international centre for creative industries in London. How much will this cost and what do you hope it will achieve?

Good Growth Fund Criteria Question No: 2021/2014 Neil Garratt Please can you provide the details of the selection process and criteria for choosing projects to award Good Growth funding to?

Good Growth Fund Business Cases Question No: 2021/2015 Neil Garratt Please can you give details of how business cases are evaluated when choosing projects to award Good Growth funding to?

Sutton Works Good Growth Funding Question No: 2021/2016 Neil Garratt Please can you provide me with the details of why and how the Sutton Works project was given Good Growth Funding and your assessment of the business case?

Croydon Tram Crash (1) Question No: 2021/2018 Neil Garratt Considering the well-evidenced allegations in the former TfL Board Director and Safety Panel Chair’s 8 April 2021 public letter to Simon French, RAIB as well as the 5 City AM news reports since 26 October 2020, do you regret your 1 October 2019 decision to reject the London Assembly’s 4 July 2019 Motion requesting you to appoint an Independent Investigator to conduct a review of what appears to be TfL’s obstructive behaviour during the Croydon Tram Crash investigations?

Croydon Tram Crash (2) Question No: 2021/2019 Neil Garratt Do you accept that a key factor in the Sandilands Crash was the driver suffering a microsleep?

Croydon Tram Crash (3) Question No: 2021/2020 Neil Garratt Do you recognise that First Group TOL’s fatigue management system did not meet industry standards?

Croydon Tram Crash (4) Question No: 2021/2021 Neil Garratt Do you believe that fatigue risk management was definitively “not a factor in the accident at Sandilands junction”?

Proposed Syon Lane development in Hounslow Question No: 2021/2022 Nicholas Rogers In view of your manifesto pledge to “not shy away from opposing tall buildings that do not enhance London’s skyline or provide little social or economic benefit”, will you listen to the concerns of over 4,000 local residents, and direct Hounslow Council to refuse planning permission for the excessive and harmful 17-storey development at Homebase and Tesco on Syon Lane?

Resilience Question No: 2021/2023 Nicholas Rogers The City Resilience Strategy was published in February 2020, weeks before the city went into full lockdown. How well does the Mayor feel the Strategy withstood contact with a genuine, real-world crisis?

City Resilience Strategy Question No: 2021/2024 Nicholas Rogers What plans does the Mayor have to review the City Resilience Strategy’s performance during the pandemic and to improve London’s resilience planning processes accordingly?

Hammersmith Bridge Question No: 2021/2025 Nicholas Rogers Hammersmith Bridge has been closed to vehicular traffic since April 2019 and additionally closed to pedestrians, cyclists and passing river traffic since August 2020. What lessons does the Mayor believe have been learnt in terms of resilience planning and what plans do you now have to mitigate the long-term loss or closure of a critical piece of city infrastructure such as Hammersmith Bridge?

Exercise Unified Response Question No: 2021/2026 Nicholas Rogers The last major joint disaster planning training exercise was Exercise Unified Response in March 2016. In the light of numerous incidents and tragedies that have since occurred, from the Grenfell fire to the pandemic, what plans does the Mayor have for new exercises to improve joint working and response from the emergency services and other stakeholders?

Adult Literacy in London Question No: 2021/2027 Nicholas Rogers What was the adult literacy rate in London for each year since 2016? Please give a breakdown by age, gender, ethnicity, and London borough.

Adult Literacy Targets for London Question No: 2021/2028 Nicholas Rogers What targets have you set to improve adult literacy rates in London through your adult education budget or by other means?

Adult Literacy Actions Question No: 2021/2029 Nicholas Rogers What actions are you taking to improve the adult literacy rates across London?

New Piccadilly Circus Logo (1) Question No: 2021/2030 Nicholas Rogers By what process was David Hockney commissioned to design a new Piccadilly Circus logo?

New Piccadilly Circus Logo (2) Question No: 2021/2031 Nicholas Rogers What were the reasons for commissioning a well-established artist who lives abroad as opposed to identifying an up-and-coming artist who lives in London?

New Piccadilly Circus Logo (3) Question No: 2021/2032 Nicholas Rogers Other than Piccadilly Circus, what other stations are due to be rebranded as part of the “Let’s Do London” campaign?

New Piccadilly Circus Logo (4) Question No: 2021/2033 Nicholas Rogers In future, will the Mayor commit to commissioning less well-known local artists in London instead of those who are already well-established?

Piccadilly Line (1) Question No: 2021/2034 Nicholas Rogers In February 2020, then-commissioner Mike Brown described the Piccadilly Line signalling upgrade as the ‘number one priority’ for Transport for London. Does it remain the number one priority?

Piccadilly Line (2) Question No: 2021/2035 Nicholas Rogers If upgrading the Piccadilly Line signalling system is not the Mayor’s number one transport priority, what is?

Piccadilly Line (3) Question No: 2021/2036 Nicholas Rogers How will the Mayor ensure that this vital project – which will improve Piccadilly Line capacity by 60% - will be delivered during his current term of office?

Piccadilly Line - Turnham Green Question No: 2021/2037 Nicholas Rogers For years, Chiswick residents have campaigned for Piccadilly Line trains to stop at Turnham Green Station. This has been tied to the overall Piccadilly Line upgrade project, but trains could still stop at Turnham Green without the signalling being upgraded. Will the Mayor commit to a 6 month trial?

Homebase, Manor Road scheme in North Sheen Question No: 2021/2038 Nicholas Rogers Following your disappointing and regrettable decision to call-in and grant this application, against the wishes of significant numbers of local residents, could you please outline what progress is being made in drafting the Section 106 agreement and how you will mitigate the substantial local concerns regarding this scheme?

Stag Brewery scheme, Mortlake (1) Question No: 2021/2039 Nicholas Rogers In view of your manifesto pledge to “not shy away from opposing tall buildings that do not enhance London’s skyline or provide little social or economic benefit”, will you take the opportunity to reconsider your decision to call-in this scheme, along with the subsequent increase in density and height, against the wishes of local residents and the local planning committee?

Stag Brewery scheme, Mortlake (2) Question No: 2021/2040 Nicholas Rogers If you are unwilling to withdraw your call-in of this application, against the wishes of local residents and the local planning committee, will you take into account the significant local concerns and reject this scheme?

Stag Brewery scheme, Mortlake (3) Question No: 2021/2041 Nicholas Rogers In your consideration of the Mortlake Brewery planning application, which you called-in against the wishes of local residents and the local planning committee, how are you taking into account the significant transport and congestion problems that this development will cause, as well as the lack of provision of family-sized homes?

Stag Brewery scheme, Mortlake (4) Question No: 2021/2042 Nicholas Rogers Further to MQ 2020/4764, will you or your deputies commit to meeting with Mortlake Brewery Community Group and other residents to discuss the proposals in advance of the hearing for this application, and benefit from their substantial and deep knowledge of the local community?

Stag Brewery scheme, Mortlake (5) Question No: 2021/2043 Nicholas Rogers Residents have raised significant access issues with this application following the Mayor’s call-in. The increase in units was revealed to local residents in late August for a digital consultation, thereby excluding a majority of residents for such a significant change to the plan. Those wishing to engage with planning documents on the GLA website are met with a large volume of over 150 untitled documents, arranged in no logical order, with no navigational aid or search capability provided to assist them. What the Mayor is doing to address this, and ensure that planning documents are accessible and easy to understand, navigate and search?

Stag Brewery scheme, Mortlake (6) Question No: 2021/2044 Nicholas Rogers Residents have expressed significant concerns about flaws with several supporting documents for this planning application. For example, the Stantec traffic report states that Thames Bank can support both through traffic and parking for 30+ vehicles - yet this road is subject to 28-ft tides 2x daily and is often flooded, rendering it dangerous to both through traffic and parked vehicles. In a second example, the Health Impact Assessment was updated in July 2020 but does not mention the Covid pandemic, despite the likely impact on future health and care needs. Is the Mayor satisfied with the quality of the underlying documents and analysis behind this application?

Stag Brewery scheme, Mortlake (7) Question No: 2021/2045 Nicholas Rogers Richmond Council’s local plan defines a tall building as six storeys or more, and its Supplementary Planning Guidance sets a maximum height of 7 storeys in this area. Meanwhile, policy D9 of your new London Plan, following direction by the Secretary of State, makes clear that tall buildings, as defined by the local authority, “should only be developed in locations that are identified as suitable in Development Plans”. Can you reassure local residents that you will respect these constraints, especially in view of your manifesto pledge to “not shy away from opposing tall buildings that do not enhance London’s skyline or provide little social or economic benefit”?

GLA consultation on called-in planning applications Question No: 2021/2046 Nicholas Rogers Would you agree that continuing dialogue with local communities is very important for called-in applications, especially in cases such as this where schemes and designs significantly evolve following call-in? Will you commit to improving community engagement along these lines for called-in applications?

Stag Brewery scheme, Mortlake (8) Question No: 2021/2047 Nicholas Rogers Despite the pressures of building new homes for London, can local residents depend on the Mayor to wholeheartedly enact policy and protect the community’s open green space and existing recreation spaces, especially with the Covid experience of how precious these spaces are for people’s wellbeing?

Stag Brewery scheme, Mortlake (9) Question No: 2021/2048 Nicholas Rogers How can a 13% increase in affordable housing on the Stag Brewery scheme, to get to just 30% in total, be justified via a massive 40% increase in the number of residential units from 800 to 1,250? How does this conform to the Mayor’s viability policies and processes, and your objective to increase the percentage of affordable homes in developments rather than see a reduction?

Hammersmith Ferry (1) Question No: 2021/2049 Nicholas Rogers Will the Mayor ensure ferry operating hours are integrated with local bus timetables and that the needs of the elderly and those with mobility issues are addressed in terms of lengths of walks to bus stops?

Hammersmith Ferry (2) Question No: 2021/2050 Nicholas Rogers The ferry is not a long-term solution for the anticipated period until the bridge re-opens. What is the Mayor doing to progress a temporary crossing suitable for vehicles (including emergency vehicles), pedestrians and cyclists?

Hammersmith Bridge Question No: 2021/2051 Nicholas Rogers What is the Mayor doing, on behalf of residents on both sides of the River, to ask Hammersmith & Fulham Council to commit to making a reasonable financial contribution to fixing Hammersmith Bridge?

Antisemitism 1 Question No: 2021/2052 Nicholas Rogers What are you doing to prevent Antisemitism in London and what specific resources have you committed?

Antisemitism 2 Question No: 2021/2053 Nicholas Rogers What specific actions has the MPS taken and what further actions will they take following the vile antisemitic scenes seen in London on Sunday 5th May? Following these vile scenes what is the MPS doing to support victims in the Jewish community?

ASB in Central Richmond Question No: 2021/2054 Nicholas Rogers The easing of lockdown last summer saw a huge increase in anti-social behaviour in Central Richmond, on the Green and on the Riverside. What lessons were learned by the MPS and what measures will put in place to ensure there is no repeat this year?

Hook Road 1 Question No: 2021/2055 Nicholas Rogers What are the plans for the local MPS office in Hook Road, Chessington?

Hook Road 2 Question No: 2021/2056 Nicholas Rogers Given the public consultation on the future of Hook Road MPS Office, Chessington was four years ago and there has been a government funded uplift in police officer numbers who will need work space, is it not time to reassess the proposed closure?

Hook Road 3 Question No: 2021/2057 Nicholas Rogers If the local MPS office in Hook Road, Chessington was to close, where will the local SNT officers sign on for duty, how will they travel to Chessington and how much time will therefore be taken from their shifts for that travel?

Local police offices Question No: 2021/2058 Nicholas Rogers Are there any plans to not renew the leases for other local police offices in Hounslow, Kingston upon Thames and Richmond upon Thames, if so, what are the locations of these offices?

Boundary Charge (1) Question No: 2021/2060 Peter Fortune Do you recognise that introducing a Boundary Charge would be damaging to London’s economy?

Boundary Charge (2) Question No: 2021/2061 Peter Fortune Do you accept that introducing a Boundary Charge would inevitably cost jobs in outer London?

Boundary Charge (3) Question No: 2021/2062 Peter Fortune Over 50% of London Firefighters and London Police Officers live outside of London. Do you believe it would be reasonable for Firefighters and Police Officers to pay £3.50 or more every day they drive to work?

Boundary Charge (4) Question No: 2021/2063 Peter Fortune Do you believe London benefits from those members of its workforce who live outside of London and drive into London in order to work?

Boundary Charge (5) Question No: 2021/2064 Peter Fortune What exemptions and discounts are being considered as part of Transport for London’s feasibility study on a Greater London Boundary Charge?

Boundary Charge (6) Question No: 2021/2065 Peter Fortune What infrastructure would be required to introduce a Greater London Boundary Charge and how much could this cost TfL?

Boundary Charge (7) Question No: 2021/2066 Peter Fortune How will TfL’s feasibility study measure the economic impact of a Greater London Boundary Charge?

Boundary Charge (8) Question No: 2021/2067 Peter Fortune Will TfL’s feasibility study include information on the potential economic impact of a Greater London Boundary Charge?

Boundary Charge (9) Question No: 2021/2068 Peter Fortune As part of TfL’s initial traffic assessment of a Greater London Boundary Charge what is the estimated reduction of the total number of weekday trips broken down by Outer London borough?

Boundary Charge (10) Question No: 2021/2069 Peter Fortune Will key workers be exempt from the Greater London Boundary Charge?

Boundary Charge (11) Question No: 2021/2070 Peter Fortune Please list who Transport for London would consider a key worker.

Boundary Charge (12) Question No: 2021/2071 Peter Fortune How many non-Londoners does Transport for London estimate commute to work inside Greater London by car?

Boundary Charge (13) Question No: 2021/2072 Peter Fortune How many non-Londoners does Transport for London estimate visit Greater London by car?

Because I’m A Londoner Campaign KPIs Question No: 2021/2073 Shaun Bailey Following your response my question 2020/3692, please can you provide a copy of the KPIs used for the “Because I’m a Londoner” campaign?

Economic Impact of Crossrail Delays Question No: 2021/2074 Shaun Bailey What work have you undertaken to assess the economic impact of the delays to Crossrail?

Economic Impact of the Congestion Charge Increase Question No: 2021/2075 Shaun Bailey What work have you undertaken to assess the economic impact of your congestion charge increase?

Economic Impact of the ULEZ Extension Question No: 2021/2076 Shaun Bailey What work have you undertaken to assess the economic impact of the extension of the ULEZ?

Economic Impact of the Outer London Boundary Charge Question No: 2021/2077 Shaun Bailey What work have you undertaken to assess the economic impact of your proposed outer London boundary charge?

London is Open KPIs Question No: 2021/2078 Shaun Bailey Please can you provide a copy of the KPIs used for the “London is Open” campaign?

Gender Employment Gap Question No: 2021/2079 Shaun Bailey What was the gender employment gap in London for each year since 2016?

Ethnicity Employment Gap Question No: 2021/2080 Shaun Bailey What was the ethnicity employment gap in London for each year since 2016?

Gender Pay Gap Question No: 2021/2081 Shaun Bailey What was the gender pay gap in London for each year since 2016?

Ethnicity Pay Gap Question No: 2021/2082 Shaun Bailey What was the ethnicity pay gap in London for each year since 2016?

Vision for Tourism Update Question No: 2021/2083 Shaun Bailey Since your answer to my question 2020/2750, you have launched your new domestic tourism campaign “Let’s Do London”. Will your Vision for Tourism be updated accordingly?

Tourism Targets Question No: 2021/2084 Shaun Bailey What are your tourism targets for London over the next 3 years? Please give a full breakdown.

Good Work Standard Update Question No: 2021/2085 Shaun Bailey When will you be updating the Good Work Standard?

Good Work Standard Targets Question No: 2021/2086 Shaun Bailey What are your targets for getting employers signed up to the Good Work Standard over this mayoral term? Please give a breakdown of how many businesses you aim to have signed up each year and from which sectors.

Job Creation Targets Question No: 2021/2087 Shaun Bailey What is the target number of jobs are you aiming to create in London during this Mayoral term? Please give a breakdown by industry, borough and through which mayoral scheme.

Job Creation Figures Question No: 2021/2088 Shaun Bailey How many jobs have been created as a direct result of mayoral initiatives or projects you have funded for each year since 2016? Please give a breakdown for the number of jobs created, details of the initiative or project and the amount of mayoral funding allocated.

Culture Spending Question No: 2021/2089 Shaun Bailey Please give a breakdown of your culture budget spend for each year of your first term as Mayor?

Arts & Culture Job Creation Question No: 2021/2090 Shaun Bailey How many jobs have you created through your arts and culture budget spending each year since May 2016? Please give a breakdown of each project, the cost and number of jobs created.

Press Spending Question No: 2021/2091 Shaun Bailey Please give a breakdown of your press spend for each year of your first term as Mayor?

Mayor’s Construction Academy Jobs Question No: 2021/2092 Shaun Bailey How many jobs have been created through the Mayor’s Construction Academy each year since it was created?

Mayor’s Construction Academy Funding Question No: 2021/2093 Shaun Bailey How much funding have you given the Mayor’s Construction Academy each year since it was created?

Mayor’s Construction Academy Targets Question No: 2021/2094 Shaun Bailey What is the target number of jobs to be created through the Mayor’s Construction academy each year over the next three years?

Good Growth Fund Projects Question No: 2021/2095 Shaun Bailey How many Good Growth Fund supported projects did you support across London during your first term as Mayor? Please give a breakdown of projects and funding per borough.

Good Growth Fund Jobs Question No: 2021/2096 Shaun Bailey How many jobs have been created as a result of Good Growth Fund supported projects during your first term as Mayor? Please give a breakdown by borough.

Good Growth Fund Jobs Targets Question No: 2021/2097 Shaun Bailey How many jobs do you aim to create through Good Growth Fund supported projects during this mayoral term? Please give a target number and a breakdown by sector and borough.

Waltham Forest London Borough of Culture 2019 Projects Question No: 2021/2098 Shaun Bailey Please can you give a breakdown of which projects were given funding as part of Waltham Forest’s 2019 London Borough of Culture programme? Please state how much funding each project received.

Brent London Borough of Culture 2020 Projects Question No: 2021/2099 Shaun Bailey Please can you give a breakdown of which projects were given funding as part of Brent’s 2020 London Borough of Culture programme? Please state how much funding each project received.

London Borough of Culture Job Creation Question No: 2021/2100 Shaun Bailey How many jobs has the London borough of culture protected and created for each year it has been active?

Reviving Central London’s Economy Question No: 2021/2101 Shaun Bailey One of your manifesto commitments is to work to revive central London’s economy. How will you be measuring your work on this and what targets have you set?

Return to Work Question No: 2021/2102 Shaun Bailey In your manifesto you said you will “use all the levers you have” to ensure the return to work of Londoners. Please can you specify what these levers are and how you intend to use them?

Recovery Plan for London Question No: 2021/2103 Shaun Bailey In your manifesto you said “working with the London Recovery Board, I will lead on delivering a recovery plan for London”. When will this plan be made public?

Work Charters Question No: 2021/2104 Shaun Bailey In your manifesto you committed to “work with partners to produce a charter for on- demand work in London” and “consult on a similar charter for creative freelancers”. When will these be published and which partners will you be working with?

In-Work Poverty Figures Question No: 2021/2105 Shaun Bailey What were the figures for in-work poverty across London for each year since 2016?

In-Work Poverty Targets Question No: 2021/2106 Shaun Bailey What targets have you set to tackle in-work poverty over the next three years?

The Armed Forces Community in London Question No: 2021/2107 Shaun Bailey What are you doing to address the specific health and wellbeing challenges of the Armed Forces community in London health planning, for example by incorporating vulnerabilities such as loneliness and social isolation in the London Health Inequalities Strategy?

Supporting Veterans Question No: 2021/2108 Shaun Bailey What work do you plan to do to support veterans into work and sustainable accommodation during your mayoral term?

Engagement with the Armed Forces Question No: 2021/2109 Shaun Bailey How do you plan to engage with the Armed Forces community during your mayoral term?

Police attacks Question No: 2021/2111 Shaun Bailey For the financial year 2020/21 please provide the number of police officers who have been attacked/assaulted, injured as a result of an attack or seriously injured. Please also provide the same breakdown that is in MQ 2020/2712

Business Advisory Board (1) Question No: 2021/2112 Susan Hall Please outline how often the Business Advisory Board provides you with advice and what exactly the nature of their advice to you is.

Business Advisory Board (2) Question No: 2021/2113 Susan Hall What actions have you already taken based on the Business Advisory Board’s input to you?

Deputy Mayor for Culture and Creative Industries Borough Meetings Question No: 2021/2114 Susan Hall Following your answer to my question 2020/4753, please could you give a breakdown which Council leaders the Deputy Mayor for Culture and Creative Industries has met with since March 2020?

Let’s Do London Funding Question No: 2021/2115 Susan Hall From which budget is the £6 million funding for the “Let’s Do London” campaign from?

Let’s Do London Projects Question No: 2021/2116 Susan Hall Please can you give a breakdown of what exhibitions, festivals, art installations and other initiatives and projects you have, or will be allocating funds to as part of your “Let’s Do London” campaign?

Let’s Do London David Hockney Art Funding Question No: 2021/2117 Susan Hall How much funding have you allocated to the David Hockney art project as part of the “Let’s Do London” campaign? Please give a breakdown by station and individual installation.

Let’s Do London Art Installations Question No: 2021/2118 Susan Hall Following the David Hockney art installation at Piccadilly Circus, how many more art installations are planned and where will they be? Please provide a breakdown of how much money has been committed and how much each one will cost.

Let’s Do London Stations Question No: 2021/2119 Susan Hall Please detail which stations on the TfL network will have art installations or signs changed as part of the “Let’s Do London” campaign?

Let’s Do London Accessibility (1) Question No: 2021/2120 Susan Hall Before changing the signage at Piccadilly Circus as part of the “Let’s Do London” campaign, did you assess the impact this would have on disabled Londoners and the accessibility of the station and if so, how?

Let’s Do London Accessibility (2) Question No: 2021/2121 Susan Hall How will you ensure the Let’s Do London Campaign is accessible and appropriate for all?

Let’s Do London Selection Criteria and Process Question No: 2021/2122 Susan Hall Please detail the selection criteria and process for choosing which projects and businesses are funded and advertised through the “Let’s Do London” campaign? Please also confirm who the decision lies with.

Let’s Do London Campaign and Existing Campaigns Question No: 2021/2123 Susan Hall How will the existing “London is Open” and “Because I’m a Londoner” campaigns fit in with your new “Let’s Do London” campaign?

Advertising Campaigns Funding Question No: 2021/2124 Susan Hall Now you have launched your “Let’s Do London” campaign, will the funding for the “London is Open” and “Because I’m a Londoner” campaigns be impacted? Please give a breakdown of their current and future funding allocations.

Commission for Diversity in the Public Realm Question No: 2021/2125 Susan Hall What is the current timeline for the Commission for Diversity in the Public Realm’s work over your three year term?

Directly Allocated Capital Expenditure Question No: 2021/2126 Susan Hall Please give a breakdown of the GLA’s Directly Allocated Capital Expenditure for each London borough for each year since 2016?

Disability Employment Gap Question No: 2021/2127 Susan Hall What was the disability employment gap in London for each year since 2016?

Disability Pay Gap Question No: 2021/2128 Susan Hall What was the disability pay gap in London for each year since 2016?

Advisory Boards Question No: 2021/2129 Susan Hall Will you be making any changes to any of your advisory boards in this mayoral term? Please state which boards, how and why.

Breaking Down Barriers Recommendation (1) Question No: 2021/2130 Susan Hall Will you commit to the recommendation in my March 2021 policy report “Breaking Down Barriers” to work with boroughs, disability groups and businesses across London to establish a platform where disabled people can find disabled accessible venues and areas to help make London more accessible and inclusive for disabled people?

Breaking Down Barriers Recommendation (2) Question No: 2021/2131 Susan Hall Will you commit to the recommendation in my March 2021 policy report “Breaking Down Barriers” to review the membership of your advisory boards and panels to identify any gaps where disabled people are being under-represented?

Breaking Down Barriers Recommendation (3) Question No: 2021/2132 Susan Hall Will you commit to the recommendation in my March 2021 policy report “Breaking Down Barriers” to including people with disabilities in London’s recovery plans with specific considerations given to the impact on disabled Londoners?

Breaking Down Barriers Recommendation (4) Question No: 2021/2133 Susan Hall Will you commit to the recommendation in my March 2021 policy report “Breaking Down Barriers” to review and identify gaps in the Mayor’s stakeholder engagement lists to ensure disabled groups and advocacy groups are sufficiently consulted on key decisions?

Breaking Down Barriers Recommendation (5) Question No: 2021/2134 Susan Hall Will you commit to the recommendation in my March 2021 policy report “Breaking Down Barriers” to ensuring all future Mayoral Strategies genuinely consider their impact on disabled Londoners?

Breaking Down Barriers Recommendation (6) Question No: 2021/2135 Susan Hall Will you commit to the recommendation in my March 2021 policy report “Breaking Down Barriers” to review and improve what data is collected by the GLA group on disabled people to help fight the inequalities they face?

Breaking Down Barriers Recommendation (7) Question No: 2021/2136 Susan Hall Will you commit to the recommendation in my March 2021 policy report “Breaking Down Barriers” to set up a disability employment taskforce to help address the disability employment and pay gaps in London – which are higher than the national average?

Breaking Down Barriers Recommendation (8) Question No: 2021/2137 Susan Hall Will you commit to the recommendation in my March 2021 policy report “Breaking Down Barriers” to work with disability groups to set out an achievable action plan to review and identify why disability hate crime has risen across London and take action to drive cases down?

Breaking Down Barriers Recommendation (9) Question No: 2021/2138 Susan Hall Will you commit to the recommendation in my March 2021 policy report “Breaking Down Barriers” to instruct TfL to review its step-free access rollout to identify where this can be accelerated across the London Underground Network?

London recovery for older Londoners Question No: 2021/2140 Susan Hall What work do you plan to do with the London Recovery Board, London boroughs & pan- London bodies to ensure London’s recovery programme meaningfully improves the lives of older Londoners and also focuses on those who have been hardest hit by the pandemic, e.g. those from BAME communities?

Age-friendly London policy programme Question No: 2021/2141 Susan Hall What work will you do to monitor your recovery actions for their age-friendliness and how will your actions ensure that these actions can play a major part in the development of an age-friendly London policy programme?

Digital exclusion Question No: 2021/2142 Susan Hall How will you ensure that digital exclusion is tackled in London, including raising awareness among adult education colleges, libraries & other training providers?

Accessible toilets Question No: 2021/2143 Susan Hall How will you support improved access to accessible toilets in London during your mayoral term?

Cladding Question No: 2021/2144 Susan Hall What plans has the Mayor got this term to use his leadership position to hasten the removal of dangerous cladding from buildings in the capital?

Young Londoners Fund (1) Question No: 2021/2145 Susan Hall Can you provide details of how much funding has been provided to the Young Londoners Fund since its inception, and how much of this has been spent, both with an annual breakdown?

Young Londoners Fund (2) Question No: 2021/2146 Susan Hall The Young Londoners Fund is currently closed for applications; when is this expected to reopen?

Young Londoners Fund (3) Question No: 2021/2147 Susan Hall In your final budget you earmarked £20.2 million to the Young Londoners Fund in 2021- 22; has any of this funding been allocated already and, if so, please provide details of the projects concerned?

LFB Compensation Reserve Question No: 2021/2148 Susan Hall DMFD107 recommends a £400,000 uplift in the London Fire Brigade’s compensation reserve. What is the reasoning behind this - are accidents/costs increasing?

London & Partners Funding Question No: 2021/2149 Susan Hall MD2773 allocates £11.7 million of funding to London & Partners, and states this is a ‘one- off’ allocation, due to the pandemic. How much of this allocation is considered ‘one-off’, how much is expected to repeat in 2022-23, and is this funding separate from the £11.2 million earmarked for London & Partners in your final budget?

DD2536 Funding Question No: 2021/2150 Susan Hall This director decision funded three temporary media/government relations roles, at a cost of £117,000. One of these was funded only for a month - what was the purpose/value in doing as such?

Data breaches Question No: 2021/2151 Susan Hall For the financial years 2018/19, 2019/20 and 2020/21 please provide how many data breaches have occurred in each of the following organisations: . GLA . MPS . TfL (This was previously asked in question 2020/4758 but I did not receive an answer for the MPS or GLA)

Police complaints Question No: 2021/2152 Susan Hall For 2020, how many complaints have been received about Met police officers, and how many of these were upheld?

Police overtime Question No: 2021/2153 Susan Hall How much was spent on police overtime by the MPS in the 2020/2021 financial year?

Revenge Porn Offences Question No: 2021/2154 Susan Hall For the financial years 2018/19, 2019/20 and 2020/21 how many offences of revenge porn have been reported to the MPS?

Coercive and controlling behaviour Question No: 2021/2155 Susan Hall For the financial years 2018/19, 2019/20 and 2020/21 how many instances of coercive and controlling behaviour have been reported to the MPS?

Modern day slavery Question No: 2021/2156 Susan Hall For the financial years 2018/19, 2019/20 and 2020/21 how many instances of modern day slavery have been detected by the Met? Please provide a breakdown of slavery type e.g. domestic servitude

FGM Question No: 2021/2157 Susan Hall For the financial years 2018/19, 2019/20 and 2020/21 how many instances of FGM have been detected by the Met and how many changes have there been?

Forced marriage Question No: 2021/2158 Susan Hall For the financial years 2018/19, 2019/20 and 2020/21 how many instances of forced marriage have been detected by the Met and how many changes have there been?

Lifting of restrictions Question No: 2021/2159 Susan Hall With restrictions set to be further lifted on 21st June, what are you and the MPS doing to ensure that there is no coinciding increase in crime, in particular violence?

Logistics for London Question No: 2021/2160 Tony Devenish What actions will you be taking in response to the recommendations in Logistics UK’s “Logistics for London” report, in order to improve London’s air quality, reduce greenhouse emissions, improve road safety and to boost London’s economy?

Mind in London Manifesto Question No: 2021/2161 Tony Devenish What actions will you be taking in response to the Mind in London Manifesto during this Mayoral term?

Sewell Report Question No: 2021/2162 Tony Devenish What actions are you taking in response to the Sewell report from the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities?

Let’s Do London Metrics Question No: 2021/2163 Tony Devenish Can you advise what metrics are included in the “Let’s Do London” campaign to ensure every penny spent drives real outputs, e.g. jobs, jobs, jobs for Londoners? Please provide a copy of all metrics used.

Mapping Young London Question No: 2021/2164 Tony Devenish What actions are you taking in response to the Partnership for Young London’s “Mapping Young London” report?

Central Government’s Role in helping London Drive Recovery Question No: 2021/2165 Tony Devenish What have you learnt from London First’s “Central Government’s Role in helping London Drive Recovery” report and how will you build bridges with Central Government to support London’s recovery?

BT Question No: 2021/2166 Tony Devenish How are you working with BT as significant employer in London to support London’s recovery and boost jobs, jobs, jobs?

Champion and Challenge Question No: 2021/2167 Tony Devenish What work will you be undertaking over the next 3 years to exercise your powers to “Champion and Challenge” health and care services? Please be specific - detail appreciated.

London Health Board Question No: 2021/2168 Tony Devenish What work will you be undertaking over the next 3 years to fulfil your obligations as Chair of the London Health Board and what targets will you be setting? Please be specific - detail appreciated.

Monitoring Unemployment Levels Question No: 2021/2169 Tony Devenish How are you monitoring unemployment and youth unemployment levels across all London Boroughs (particularly in my constituency) to identify and support local areas with high levels of unemployment?

Jewish Manifesto for London Question No: 2021/2170 Tony Devenish With all the positive work of the London Jewish Forum in mind, what actions will you be taking to implement the ideas set out in their Jewish Manifesto for London?

Affordable homes Question No: 2021/2171 Tony Devenish How many homes do you intend to build each year?

Affordable housing (1) Question No: 2021/2172 Tony Devenish How many GLA-funded affordable homes will you be starting in the current financial year?

Affordable housing (2) Question No: 2021/2173 Tony Devenish How many GLA-funded affordable homes will you be starting in financial years 2022/23 and 2023/24?

Affordable housing (3) Question No: 2021/2174 Tony Devenish How many homes from the 2016-23 Affordable Homes Programme will be started in the current financial year?

Affordable housing (4) Question No: 2021/2175 Tony Devenish How many homes from the 2016-23 Affordable Homes Programme will be started in financial year 2022/23?

Affordable housing (5) Question No: 2021/2176 Tony Devenish How many homes from the 2021-26 Affordable Homes Programme will be started in the current financial year?

Affordable housing (6) Question No: 2021/2177 Tony Devenish How many homes from the 2021-26 Affordable Homes Programme will be started in financial years 2022/23 and 2023/24?

Move-on accommodation (1) Question No: 2021/2178 Tony Devenish You stated in response to MQ 2021/1211 that the £535m unallocated funds from the 2016-23 Affordable Housing Programme have been earmarked for move-on accommodation. How many move-on homes do you intend to deliver with this funding, and in what timeframe?

Move-on accommodation (2) Question No: 2021/2179 Tony Devenish Further to MQ 2021/1211, will the entirety of the unallocated £535m be spent on move- on accommodation? If not, what else will this money be funding?

Affordable housing completions Question No: 2021/2180 Tony Devenish Of the GLA-funded affordable homes started between 2017/18 and 2020/21, how many have been completed to date? Please provide a breakdown by borough and number of bedrooms.

Council homes (1) Question No: 2021/2181 Tony Devenish How many homes in your 10,000 council homes programme have been started and completed to date? Please provide a breakdown by borough and number of bedrooms.

Council homes (2) Question No: 2021/2182 Tony Devenish Further to MQ 2021/0685, can you please confirm how the 10,000 council homes programme is being monitored, what data is being recorded, and whether this includes the number of homes started and completed?

Rent control (1) Question No: 2021/2183 Tony Devenish What form of rent control do you intend to pursue?

Rent control (2) Question No: 2021/2184 Tony Devenish What impact would your preferred form of rent control have on the housing market?

Idling (1) Question No: 2021/2186 Tony Devenish How much enforcement does TfL do to reduce engine idling?

Idling (2) Question No: 2021/2187 Tony Devenish Broken down by month and by borough how much anti-idling enforcement has taken place across London over the last two years?

Jack Petchey Foundation Question No: 2021/2188 Tony Devenish Would the Mayor join me in congratulating the Jack Petchey Foundation on 21 years of fantastic work benefitting young people in London and Essex?

Dropping Out of School Question No: 2021/2189 Tony Devenish It is reported that 20,000 children in the UK have dropped out of school during lockdown. What is the figure for London and what have you done to investigate ways of reversing this worrying trend?

Increased Pollution on Park Lane Question No: 2021/2190 Tony Devenish In the light of the road changes you introduced in May 2020, a great many of my constituents are complaining about increased pollution on Park Lane. Is TfL aware of this reduction in air quality and what plans have you put in place to deal with it?

Impact of Expanding the ULEZ on Disabled Londoners Question No: 2021/2191 Tony Devenish If you do go ahead with your expansion of the ULEZ in October, will you take up Action Disability Kensington & Chelsea’s proposal to allow disabled people with a Blue Badge the same exemptions for the ULEZ as for the Congestion Charge Zone?

Helicopter Noise Question No: 2021/2192 Tony Devenish Will you commit to working with local councils, the Metropolitan Police, the Civil Aviation Authority and other stakeholders to do everything possible to reduce both the numbers of helicopters flying over London and, in particular, instances of helicopters hovering over a fixed point in London?

Ensuring the Effectiveness of E-Scooter Trials Question No: 2021/2193 Tony Devenish What is TfL doing to ensure that, when the e-scooter trial starts in London, we do not see a sharp expansion in their illegal usage and that proper efforts are made to ensure anyone caught riding e-scooters unsafely and illegally receives an appropriate punishment?

South Kensington Station Question No: 2021/2194 Tony Devenish Will TfL listen to my local residents with regard to their plans for the over development of South Kensington Station? Do you agree that more modest refurbishments of such properties will be carbon beneficial compared to “knock down and rebuild” a far bigger structure?

Antisemitism Question No: 2021/2196 Tony Devenish What can be done to tackle the rise of antisemitism in London off the back of the conflict in the Middle East, and how can we ensure it is made absolutely clear that any attacks towards Jewish Londoners inspired by events in the Middle East are totally unacceptable?

DIVERT Question No: 2021/2197 Tony Devenish While welcoming your announcement on the Met’s DIVERT crime prevention programme, why is it only happening at a limited number of custody centres? What percentage of custody centres and potential young people are not able to access this welcome programme?

Hate incidents Question No: 2021/2198 Tony Devenish Is it time to reform the recording of ‘hate incidents’ given that when no crime has taken place an individual will have a police record opened against their names, which can affect employment due to this being disclosed in enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service checks?

Tactical Pursuit and Containment Question No: 2021/2199 Tony Devenish How much taxpayers’ money has been wasted by police officers tuning into Tactical Pursuit and Containment car chases, when unnecessary?

Solace Women’s Aid Pledge Question No: 2021/2200 Tony Devenish Erin Mansell from Solace Women’s Aid recently contact me to sign their pledge to end Violence Against Women and Girls. I have signed the pledge. Have you signed the pledge, and if not, will you commit to doing so?

CCTC Network Question No: 2021/2201 Tony Devenish What are you doing to ensure London’s CCTV network is invested in and expanded to high crime areas? Can you give an up to date breakdown of CCTV in London involving crime prevention, not vehicle/parking CCTV.

Fulham Palace Road Bus Stop Question No: 2021/2202 Tony Devenish Will you return the bus stop on Fulham Palace Road outside the British Transport Police Building to its previous location outside St Augustine’s Church?

Excessive Residential Tube Noise Question No: 2021/2203 Tony Devenish Will you commit to pursuing with renewed vigour an effective and lasting solution to excessive residential Tube noise?