The Belgian Antarctic Expedition Under the Command of A
THE KuiAN mmm ijpiditiiin UNDER THE COMMAND OF A. DE GERLACHE DE GOMERY SUMMARY REPORT OF THE VOYAGE OF THE " BELGICA „ IN 1897-1898-1899 BRUSSELS - HAYEZ, PRINTER TO THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF BELGIUM Rue do Louvain, lia 1904 16 51 6 THE BELGIAN ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION UNDER THE COSIMAND OF A. DE GERLACHE DE GOMERY THE BELGUN mmm immm UNDER THE COMMAND OF A. DE GERLACHE de GOMERY SUMMARY REPORT OF THE VOYAGE OF THE " BELGICA „ IN 1897-1898-1899 BRUSSELS HAYEZ, PRINTER TO THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF BELGIUM Hue de l^ou'^aixi, 113 1904 13 H 1 1 G-z \ THE BELGIAN ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION The Belgian Antarctic Expedition owes its initiative to the enterprise of M. Adrien de Geilache de Gomery, lieutenant in the Belgian navy, who, on the completion of its organisation, also assumed the command. As early as the beginning of 1894, M. de Gei"lache communicated to M. Du Fief, secretary to the Geographical Society of Belgium, his scheme of a Belgian expedition to the South Polar regions. The project called forth an enthusiastic response from the Geographical Society and was soon crowned w^ith the patronage of H. R. H. Prince Albert of Belgium. A subscription list inaugurated by the Geogra])hical Society became promptly graced by . the names of many generous donors. Among the more 5 strenuous supporters of the venture may be named ^ Lieut. -General Brialmont, MM. Delaite, Du Fief, Leo Hj Errera, Houzeau de Lehaie, Charles and Eugene Lagrange,igrange Lancaster, Commandant Lemaire, MM. Pel- ^ seneer, Renard, Ernest Solvay, Count Hippolyte (vj^ d'Ursel, Van Beneden, Mesdames de Ronge and Osterrieth.
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