Unit 8 Study Guide: Pre-AP 2015 Civil War and (Ch. 15 & 16)

Expectations of the Student/Essential Questions

 Identify the Civil War and Reconstruction Era of History and define its characteristics

 Explain the significance of 1861

 Explain reasons for the involvement of Texas in the Civil War such as states’ rights, slavery, secession, and tariffs

 Analyze the political, economic, and social effects of the Civil War and Reconstruction in Texas

 Identify significant individuals and events concerning Texas and the Civil War such as , John Reagan, , , John Magruder and the Battle of Galveston, the Battle of Sabine Pass, and the Battle of Palmito Ranch

 Identify different points of view of political parties and interest groups on important Texas issues

Essential Topics of Significance Essential People  (5) Causes of Civil War  Food shortages/  John Wilkes Booth  Robert E. Lee substitutes  Union vs. Conf. advantages   Appomattox Courthouse  TX Secession Convention  Dick Dowling  Francis Lubbock  State government collapse  Fort Sumter  “”  John S. Ford  John Magruder  Battle of Galveston  Freedmen’s Bureau  Ulysses S. Grant   Battle of Sabine Pass  (3) Recons. Plans  Battle of Brownsville  Thomas Green  Elisha M. Pease  (3) Recons. Amendments   John Reagan  (5) Provisions of Texas  Battle of Palmito Ranch  John Bell Hood  Constitution of 1869  Texans help for war effort  Ironclad Oath   Women’s roles  Immigration/Emigration   James W. Throckmorton

Essential Vocabulary Dates to Remember

 states’ rights  preventive strike  amendment  Unit 8 Test—Wed. Feb. 25

 secede  blockade  Black Codes

 sovereignty  homespun  Radical Republican  Be sure to check weekly agenda  ordinance  quinine  veto online and the white board for  perpetual  reconstruction  impeach all assignment due dates!  conscription  nullify 

 Unionist  freedmen 

 vigilante  ratify  compulsory