This Report has been elaborated for the purposes of AD Elektrani na Makedonija (Electric Power Plants of Macedonia) by the Consortium composed of the consulting companies Empiria EMS DOOEL and Tehnolab DOO Skopje, with the support of the Society for Study and Protection of Birds of Macedonia, Skopje.

Skopje, August 2013

Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

Where used as reference, this Report should be quoted as follows: AD Elektrani na Makedonija, 2013; Biodiversity Survey in the Pre-construction Phase over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report; Empiria EMS, Skopje; Tehnolab, Skopje; Society for Study and Protection of Birds of Macedonia, Skopje.

2 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report


PART А – Annual Report on conducted monitoring of biological diversity in the project area of HPP Boshkov Most in the pre-construction phase...... 6 Acronyms ...... 7 1 Annual Report on the pre-construction biological diversity survey ...... 8 1.1 Goal and rationale ...... 8 1.2 Survey of hydrobiontes – species related to water environment ...... 10 1.2.1 Silica algae ...... 10 Methodological approach and monitoring points ...... 10 Results and findings from the monitoring of hydrobiontes – silica algae ...... 11 Additional measures to mitigate impacts ...... 14 1.2.2 Macrozoobenthos...... 14 Methodological approach and monitoring points ...... 14 Results and findings of the annual survey of hydrozoobenthos ...... 15 Additional measures to mitigate impacts ...... 23 1.2.3 Fish ...... 23 Methodological approach ...... 23 Results and findings of annual fish survey ...... 23 Additional measures to mitigate impacts ...... 29 1.3 Survey of forest vegetation and flora ...... 31 1.3.1 Methodological approach ...... 31 1.3.2 Results and findings of annual forest vegetation survey ...... 31 1.3.3 Results and findings of annual flora survey ...... 43 1.3.4 Additional measures to mitigate impacts ...... 45 1.4 Survey of terrestrial invertebrates ...... 47 1.4.1 ...... 47 Methodological approach ...... 47 Results and findings of annual survey ...... 48 1.4.2 Other species of registered terrestrial invertebrates ...... 52 1.4.3 Additional measures to mitigate impacts ...... 54 1.5 Survey of terrestrial vertebrates ...... 55 1.5.1 Amphibians and reptiles ...... 55 Methodological approach ...... 55 Results and findings of the annual survey of amphibians and reptiles ...... 58 Additional measures to mitigate impacts ...... 62 1.5.2 Birds ...... 62 Methodological approach ...... 62 Results and findings of annual bird survey ...... 64 Additional measures to mitigate impacts ...... 67 1.5.3 Mammals ...... 68 Methodological approach ...... 68 Results and findings of annual survey of mammals ...... 68 Additional measures to mitigate impacts ...... 71 1.5.4 Bats ...... 74 Methodological approach ...... 74 Results and findings of the annual survey of bats ...... 75 Additional measures to mitigate impacts ...... 76

3 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

2 Overview of additional measures to mitigate impacts on target flora and fauna groups from the implementation of HPP Boshkov Most Project ...... 77 References and literature ...... 80 PART B – Appendices ...... 88 Appendix 1 - Expert team for implementation of biological diversity monitoring in the pre-construction phase of HPP Boshkov Most project ...... 89 Appendix 2 – Stakeholders participation ...... 90 Appendix 3 – Overview of registered plant species (by family) in the range area of HPP Boshkov Most Project ...... 91 Appendix 4 – Photo - Journal ...... 115

List of Tables Table 1-1: Overview and characteristics of identified hydrobiontes – silica algae, in the area of the project HPP Boshkov Most ...... 11 Table 1-2: Overview of macrozoobenthos fauna in the area of the HPP Boshkov Most project ...... 16 Table 1-3: Amount of populations of certain species of macrozoobenthos in watercourses in the project area of HPP Boshkov Most (individuals/m2) ...... 20 Table 1-4: Structure of control catch of fish along Mala (by season) ...... 23 Table 1-5: Structure of control catch of fish along Tresonechka Reka (by season) ...... 25 Table 1-6: Structure of control catch of fish along Jadovska Reka (by season) ...... 26 Table 1-7: Structure of control catch of fish along Garska Reka (by season) ...... 27 Table 1-8: Summary of the main findings of checkup fish catches in the watercourses in the area of HPP Boshkov Most Project ...... 28 Table 1-9: Target plant communities in the area of HPP Boshkov Most Project ...... 31 Table 1-10: Overview of butterfly fauna in the range area of HPP Boshkov Most (by season) ...... 48 Table 1-11: Species of butterfly with conservation status in in the whole range area of HPP Boshkov Most Project (by season) ...... 51 Table 1-12: Other species registered within the HPP Boshkov Most project area ...... 52 Table 1-13: Overview of the fauna of amphibians and reptiles in the range area of HPP Boshkov Most project (by season) ...... 59 Table 1-14: Overview of fauna of amphibians and reptiles in the area of HPP Boshkov Most project ..60 Table 1-15: Overview of fauna of amphibians and reptiles in the area of HPP Boshkov Most project (by season) and their valorization...... 61 Table 1-16: Overview of bird fauna registered in the range area of HPP Boshkov Most (by season) ..64 Table 1-17: Birds with conservation status in Europe, in the area of HPP Boshkov Most (by season) .67 Table 1-18: Overview of mammalian fauna in the area of HPP Boshkov Most project (by season) .....69 Table 1-19: Species of mammals covered by international conventions in the area of HPP Boshkov Most project (by season) ...... 70 Table 1-20: Overview of bat fauna in the area of HPP Boshkov Most (by season) ...... 75 Table 2-1: Overview of the main general measures to mitigate impacts on target flora and fauna groups, identified in the package of documents for environmental impact and social assessment ...... 77 Table 2-2: Overview of identified specific measures to mitigate impacts on target flora and fauna groups, identified as a result of conducted annual survey in the pre-construction phase of HPP Boshkov Most project ...... 78 Appendix 2 - Table 1: Overview of consultative meetings with stakeholders in the course of the implementation of surveys of biological diversity in the area of HPP Boshkov Most project ...... 90

4 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

List of Figures Figure 1-1: Monitoring points for silica algae survey ...... 10 Figure 1-2: Monitoring points for zoobenthos survey ...... 15 Figure 1-3: Proportional distribution of taxa of macrozoobenthos fauna in watercourses in the range area of HPP Boshkov Most Project (by season) ...... 19 Figure 1-4: Linear transect for butterfly monitoring - “Rosoki” (below the level of accumulation) ...... 47 Figure 1-5: Linear transect for butterfly monitoring - “Selce” (above the level of accumulation) ...... 47 Figure 1-6: Linear transects for amphibians and reptiles monitoring along rivers Jadovska and Tresonechka ...... 56 Figure 1-7: Linear transect for amphibians and reptiles monitoring along Rosochka Reka ...... 57 Figure 1-8: Linear transect for amphibians and reptiles monitoring along river Garska ...... 57 Figure 1-9: Linear transect for amphibians and reptiles monitoring along river Lazaropolska, above village Lazaropole ...... 58 Figure 1-10: Linear transect for birds monitoring - “Rosoki” (below the level of accumulation) ...... 63 Figure 1-11: Linear transect for birds monitoring - “Selce” (above the level of accumulation) ...... 63 Figure 1-12: Reference locality for bats monitoring (above the level of the accumulation) ...... 74

5 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

PART А – Annual Report on conducted monitoring of biological diversity in the project area of HPP Boshkov Most in the pre- construction phase

6 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report


ARVES Amphibian and Reptile Visual Encounter Surveys GPS Global Positioning System EU European Union IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature CORINE Coordination of Information on the Environment (EU programme) IPA Important Plant Area m.a.s.l. meters above sea level NGO Non-governmental organization(s) EIA Environmental Impact Assessment ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Ref. Reference RM Republic of Macedonia OG Official Gazette (of the Republic of Macedonia) HD EU Directive on Habitats Council Directive on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 HPP Hydro Power Plant (Boshkov Most) CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora

7 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

1 Annual Report on the pre-construction biological diversity survey

1.1 Goal and rationale

This Report provides an overview of the main findings of surveys conducted on biological diversity within range area of the project for establishment of hydro power plant (HPP) Boshkov Most in preconstruction phase (preconstruction monitoring). The obligation to carry out the said surveys of biological diversity has been incorporated in the package of documents1) concerning environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) of the proposed project, while taking into account the deficiency of relevant seasonal data on biological diversity in the concerned area, identified during the elaboration of the documents for ESIA.

The goal of the envisaged pre-construction biological diversity monitoring was to establish the ‘zero”, baseline or reference state of biological diversity in the area to be affected by the construction and operation of HPP Boshkov Most, including also the planned associated infrastructure. The establishment of the “zero” state is of essential relevance for the simple reason that only by way of its identification it will be possible to record and quantify possible real changes in biological diversity that might occur with the implementation of HPP Boshkov Most Project (construction and operation), as well as the significance and the nature of such changes in the context of their geographical scope, intensity/magnitude, duration and reversibility. For the purposes of the planning of survey process implementation and in line with the obligations incorporated in the package of documents for ESIA, Programme for Monitoring2) was prepared (2012). This Programme established appropriate methodology concerning the implementation of the planned activities and ensured optimum attention and adequate time of work for all groups of flora and fauna in a year-round cycle, in all seasons in which each of the target groups is active or available for work. Methodological approaches for each target group were based on proven scientific approaches / methodologies and globally recognized practices. The programme was presented and adopted at separate consultative meeting with stakeholders and non-governmental organizations held on 14 September 2012. Surveys were conducted in time horizon of a year-round cycle, i.e. four seasons – from summer 2012 to spring 2013, for the following target groups of flora and fauna: A. Hydrobiontes – species related exclusively to water environment: algae (diatoms as the most dominant and most representative), group of invertebrates (zoobenthos) and vertebrates (fish). B. Flora and most representative forest plant communities. C. Terrestrial invertebrates - butterflies (as the most dominant and most representative) and other D. Terrestrial vertebrates – amphibians and reptiles, birds, mammals (large and small size) and bats.

1) (i) AD Electric Power Plants of Macedonia, 2011; Hydropower Plant “Boshkov Most”, Study of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment; Geing Kuk, Skopje, and (ii) AD Electric Power Plants of Macedonia, 2011; Hydro power Plant “Boshkov Most”, Environmental and Social Action Plan; Geing Kuk, Skopje 2) AD Electric Power Plants of Macedonia, 2012; Programme for Environmental Monitoring in preconstruction phase in the project range area of HPP Boshkov Most; Empiria EMS, Skopje; Tehnolab Skopje; Society for Study and Protection of Birds of Macedonia. The Programme was presented and adopted at the coordinative meeting with concerned NGOs on 14 September 2012 in the premises of ELEM AD.

8 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

For each yearly season, detailed seasonal report3) from conducted monitoring surveys was prepared.

In addition to the above, based on the findings of the conducted annual survey, this Report identifies additional measures to mitigate the impacts on the target groups of flora and fauna in relation to measures identified in the package of documents for ESIA4).

3) (i) AD Electric Power Plants of Macedonia, 2012; Environmental Monitoring in preconstruction phase in the project range area of HPP Boshkov Most-Report on summer period; Empiria EMS, Skopje; Tehnolab Skopje; Society for Study and Protection of Birds of Macedonia (ii) AD Electric Power Plants of Macedonia, 2012; Environmental Monitoring in preconstruction phase in the project range area of HPP Boshkov Most-Report on autumn period; Empiria EMS, Skopje; Tehnolab Skopje; Society for Study and Protection of Birds of Macedonia (iii) AD Electric Power Plants of Macedonia, 2012; Environmental Monitoring in preconstruction phase in the project range area of HPP Boshkov Most-Report on winter period; Empiria EMS, Skopje; Tehnolab Skopje; Society for Study and Protection of Birds of Macedonia (iv) AD Electric Power Plants of Macedonia, 2012; Environmental Monitoring in preconstruction phase in the project range area of HPP Boshkov Most-Report on spring period; Empiria EMS, Skopje; Tehnolab Skopje; Society for Study and Protection of Birds of Macedonia 4) (i) AD Electric Power Plants of Macedonia, 2011; Hydropower Plant “Boshkov Most”, Study of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment; Geing Kuk, Skopje, and (ii) AD Electric Power Plants of Macedonia, 2011; Hydro power Plant “Boshkov Most”, Environmental and Social Action Plan; Geing Kuk, Skopje

9 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

1.2 Survey of hydrobiontes – species related to water environment

1.2.1 Silica algae Methodological approach and monitoring points

In order to carry out the envisaged monitoring activities, eight monitoring points were established within the range area of the project HPP Boshkov Most, on the following water courses (Figure 1-1): 1. Mala Reka, above Boshkov Most (41o33’00”N; 20o36’54”E; 616 m) 2. Elen Skok (41o32’33”N; 20o37’48”E; 678 m) 3. Beleshnica (41o32’13”N; 20o38’15”E; 732 m) 4. Tresonechka (41o33’55”N; 20 o42’ 58”E; 991 m) 5. Jadovska Reka (41o34’13”N; 20o42’57”E; 1018 m) 6. Rosochka Reka (41o33’44”N; 20o41’47”E; 925 m) 7. Lazaropolska (41o32’43”N; 20o40’55”E; 849 m) 8. Garska (41o32’05”N; 20o39’13”E; 757 m)

Figure 1-1: Monitoring points for silica algae survey

Note: Monitoring points are marked by symbols in red

10 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

Algological samples include benthos material, periphyton (cover) on natural and artificial grounds, materials of humid and submerged stones along river banks, materials of sludge (epipelon), as well as algological samples of humid (sprinkled with water) mosses, etc. Collected algological material was fixed in (glass, plastic) test-tubes with 3% formalin, upon which algological collection was formed. This collection created the basis for further laboratory processing according to slightly modified method of Hustedt (1930) and Stojanovski (1975, 1982, 1983). Namely, fixed algological materials (from all monitoring points) were combusted in laboratory glasses (in digester) with concentrated H2S04 upon which KМn04 was added to the material for a period of 15 minutes. Thus treated material is finally burnt with oxalic acid (C2H204.2H20) for extended 15 minutes, after which pure diatomean suspension remained in laboratory glasses and was decanted for 15 days with distilled water until the suspension was brought to neutral reaction (Ph-7). Out of such obtained suspension (composed of pure diatomean frustule – free of organic ingredients), permanent preparations were made (Diatomotecs), integrated in mounting medium Entallan, that enabled precise determination of silica algae and study of their diversity.

Considering the specific nature of the target group, specific laboratory equipment was used, as well as consumables and chemicals to enable adequate preparation of diatomean mountants: – glass and plastic test-tubes – formaldehyde – concentrated sulphuric acid H2S04 – Potassium permanganate – Hipermangan (KМn04) – Oxalic acid (C2H204.2H20) – Medium for preparation of permanent mountants, i.e. integration (Entallan). Results and findings from the monitoring of hydrobiontes – silica algae

In order to establish microfloristic diatom diversity during the time period of survey, numerous native, glycerin and total of 153 durable preparations were produced (part from Diatomotecs in mounting medium Entallan). Those enabled establishment of grounds for identification of diversity of investigated algae.

Microscopic analysis of produced preparations initially showed that diversity of diatoms (silica algae) was very rich and great. Total of 108 taxa were identified, belonging to 28 orders classified into two classes (Table 1-1). It should be pointed out that the scope of these investigations also included analysis of the issue of saprobity of aquatic ecosystems in the area, on the basis of saprobic indicators.

Table 1-1: Overview and characteristics of identified hydrobiontes – silica algae, in the area of the project HPP Boshkov Most

Monitoring points


No. Species







Boshkov Boshkov Most JadovskaReka

Т1 Т2 Т3 Т4 Т5 Т6 Т7 Т8 Cl. C e n t r o p h y c e a e 1 Melosira granulata (Ehr) Ralf (β) * * * * * * * * 2 Melosira Roseana Rabh. (x) * * * * * * * * 3 Melosira varians (Her.) Kϋtz. (β-o) * * * * * * * * 4 Melosira islandica O. Mϋll. (β) * * * * * * * * 5 Thalassiosira fluviatilis Hust. * * * * * * * *

11 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

Cl. P e n n a t o p h y c e a e 6 Amphora normanii Rabh. (o ) ------о - 7 Amphora ovalis Kϋtz. (o – β ) * * * * * * * * 8 Amphora ovalis var. pediculus Kϋtz. * * * * * * * * 9 Amphora submontana Hust. - - - о - - - - 10 Amphora veneta Kϋtz. * * * * * * * * 11 Achnanthes lanceolata ( Breb.) Grun. ( o-β) * * * * * * * * 12 Achnanthes lanceolata f. capitata O. Mϋll * * * * * * * * 13 Achnanthes giberulla Grun. ------о 14 Achnanthes lanceolata f.ventricosa Hust. * * * * * * * * 15 Achnanthes linearis (W.Sm.) Grun * * * * * * * * 16 Ceratoneis arcus (Her.) Kϋtz. (x-o) * * * * * * * * 17 Ceratoneis arcus var. amphioxys (Rabh.) Grun. * * * * * * * * 18 Ceratoneis arcus var. linearis Holm. * * * * * * * * 19 Cocconeis diminuta Pant. * * * * * * * * 20 Cocconeis disculus (Schum.) Cl. (o) * * * * * * * * 21 Cocconeis placentula Her.( β ) * * * * * * * * 22 Cocconeis placentula var. clinoraphis Geit. * * * * * * * * 23 Cocconeis pediculus Ehr. (β) * * * * * * * * 24 Cocconeis placentula var.euglypta (Ehr.)Cl. (β) * * * * * * * * 25 Cocconeis tumensis A.Mayer * * * * * * * * 26 Cymatopleura solea ( Breb.) W.Sm. (β) * * * * * * * * 27 Cymatopleura solea var.regula ( Ehr.) Grun. * * * * * * * * 28 Cymbella affinis Kϋtz. (o-β) - - - - о - - - 29 Cymbella austriaca Grun. * * * * * * * * 30 Cymbella gracilis (Rabh.) Cl. (x) * * * * * * * * 31 Cymbella helvetica Kϋtz. (o) * * * * * * * * 32 Cymbella cymbiformis (Ag.) Kϋtz. * * * * * * * * 33 Cymbella cistula (Hempr.) Grun (β) * * * * * * * * 34 Cymbella lanceolata (Ehr) V.H * * * * * * * * 35 Cymbella parva ( W.Sm ) Cl. ------о - 36 Cymbella prostrata ( Berk.) Cl. (β) * * * * * * * * 37 Cymbella tumida ( Breb.) V.H. * * * * * * * * 38 Cymbella turgida (Greg.) Cl. * * * * * * * * 39 Cymbella turgidula Grun. * * * * * * * * 40 Cymbella ventricosa Kϋtz. (β) * * * * * * * * 41 C.ventricosa var.semicircularis (Lagerst.) Ross ------о 42 Diatoma anceps (Ehr.) Kirchn. * * * * * * * * 43 Diatoma hiemale (Lyngb.) Heib. (x) * * * * * * * * 44 Diatoma hiemale var. mesodon (Ehr.) Grun. (x) - - - - о - - - 45 Diatoma vulgare Bory. (β) * * * * * * * * 46 Diatoma vulgare var.breve Grun * * * * * * * * 47 Diatoma vulgare var.capitulatum Grun. * * * * * * * * 48 Diatoma vulgare var. ehrenbergii (Kϋtz.)Gr.(x–o ) - - - - - о - - 49 Diatoma vulgare var.productum Grun * * * * * * * * 50 Diploneis oculata (Breb.) Cl * * * * * * * * 51 Diploneis ovalis (Hilse) Cl. (β) * * * * * * * * 52 Diploneis ovalis var. oblongella (Nag.) Cl. ------о 53 Epithemia ocellata Kϋtz. * * * * * * * * 54 Epithemia sorex Kϋtz. ( β) * * * * * * * * 55 Epithemia turgida (Ehr.) Kϋtz. ( β ) * * * * * * * * 56 Epithemia zebra (Ehr.) Kϋtz. * * * * * * * * 57 Fragillaria bicapitata Mayer ( o ) * * * * * * * *

12 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

58 Fragillaria capucina Desm. ( o-β ) * * * * * * * * 59 Fragillaria constricta fo. Stricta A.Cl. (β) * * * * * * * * 60 Fragillaria virescens Ralfs (o) - - - - о - - - 61 Fragillaria virescens var. capitata Ostr. * * * * * * * * 62 Gomphonema angustatum ( Kϋtz. ) Rabh. ( o ) * * * * * * * * 63 G. angustatum var. productum Grun. (β-α) - - - о - - - - 64 Gomphonema capitatum Ehr. * * * * * * * * 65 Gomphonema longiceps Ehr. * * * * * * * * 66 G. longiceps var. subclavatum Grun. * * * * * * * * 67 G.longiceps var. subclavatum fo. Gracilis Hust * * * * * * * * 68 Gomphonema olivaceum ( Lyngb.) Kϋtz. (β) * * * * * * * * 69 Gyrosigma attenuatum (Kϋtz.) Rabh. (β) * * * * * * * * 70 Gyrosigma scalproides (Rabh.) Cl. * * * * * * * * 71 G.scalproides var. eximium (Rabh.) Cl. * * * * * * * * 72 Hantzschia amphioxys (Ehr.) Grun. (α) * * * * * * * * 73 Hantzschia amphioxys f. capitata O. Mϋll. * * * * * * * * 74 Meridion circulare Ag. (x-o) * * * * * * * * 75 M. circulare Ag. var. constricta (Rafls.) V.H. (o) * * * * * * * * 76 Navicula cuspidata Kϋtz ( β-α ) * * * * * * * * 77 N. cuspidata var ambigua ( Ehr.) Cl ( β ) * * * * * * * * 78 Navicula gracilis Ehr. (β) * * * * * * * * 79 Navicula pseudoscutiformis Hust. * * * * * * * * 80 Navicula radiosa Kϋtz. ( β ) * * * * * * * * 81 Navicula reinhardtii Grun. * * * * * * * * 82 N.reinhardtii fo. Gracilior Grun. * * * * * * * * 83 Navicula viridula Kϋtz ------о - 84 Nitzschia linearis ( Ehr.) W.Sm. ( o-β ) * * * * * * * * 85 Nitzschia scalaris ( Ehr.) W.Sm * * * * * * * * 86 Nitzschia sigmoidea ( Ehr.) W.Sm. ( β ) * * * * * * * * 87 Opephora martyi Herib. - - - - о - - - 88 Pinnularia balfouriana Grun. * * * * * * * * 89 Pinnularia borealis Ehr. ( o ) - - - - - о - - 90 Pinnularia borealis var. brevicostata Hust. * * * * * * * * 91 Pinnularia intermedia Lagerst. * * * * * * * * 92 Pinnularia viridis ( Nitzsch.) Ehr. ( β ) * * * * * * * * 93 Pleurosigma elongatum W.Sm. * * * * * * * * 94 Pleurosigma salinarum Grun. * * * * * * * * 95 Rhoicosphenia curvata (Kϋtz.) Grun.(β-α) * * * * * * * * 96 Rhopalodia gibba ( Ehr.) O.Mϋll (o) * * * * * * * * 97 Rhopallodia gibba var.ventricosa (Ehr) Grun. * * * * * * * * 98 Surirella linearis var. constricta (EhrGrun) * * * * * * * * 99 Surirella ovata Kϋtz (β) * * * * * * * * 100 Surirella ovata var. salina ( W.Sm.) Hust. * * * * * * * * 101 Synedra ulna (Nitzsch.) Ehr. (β) * * * * * * * * 102 Synedra ulna var. amphirhynchus ( EhrGrun) ( β) * * * * * * * * 103 Synedra ulna var. danica (Kϋtz.) Grun. (o) * * * * * * * * 104 Synedra ulna var.oxyrhynchus (Kϋtz.) V.H. ( β) * * * * * * * * 105 Tabellaria fenestrata (Lyngb.) Kϋtz. (o-β) - - - о - - - - 106 Tabellaria flocculosa (Roth.) Kϋtz. (o) - - - - - о - - 107 Thalassiosira fluviatilis Hust. - - - - - о о - 108 Tetracyclus rupestris (A.Br.) Grun. (x). ------о “*” – occuring “o” – occuring only in this site

13 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report Additional measures to mitigate impacts

With reference to this group of species – silica algae – there is no need for specific additional measures to mitigate impacts compared to measures identified in the ESIA package, which are given in the Section 2 (Table 2-1).

1.2.2 Macrozoobenthos Methodological approach and monitoring points

For the purpose of implementing the planned monitoring activities, six monitoring points for quantitative samples and 12 points for qualitative samples taking were established (Figure 1-2), listed hereunder:

Quantitative samples (location of monitoring points): - Т1: Mala Reka - Elen Skok (413233N; 203748E; 678 m) - Т2: Lazaropolska Reka (before entry of Garska) - Т3: Garska (413028N; 204131E; 997 m) - Т4: Rosochka Reka (413344N; 204147E; 925 m) - Т5: Tresonechka Reka (413342N; 204345E; 1022 m) - Т6: Jadovska Reka (413413N; 204257E; 1018 m)

Qualitative samples (location of monitoring points): - К1: Mala Reka - Elen Skok (413233N; 203748E; 678 m) - К2: Entry of river Beleshnica (413213N; 203815E; 732 m) - К3: Entry of Grska in Rosochka – beginning of Mala Reka (413205N; 203913E; 757 m) - К4: Entry of river Zvonchica (413139N; 203934E; 843 m) - К5: Lazaropolska Reka – before entry of Garska (413100N; 204057E; 928 m) - К6: Garska (413028N; 204131E; 997 m) - К7: Below village Gari (4130’04N; 204102E; 1104 m) - К8: Below village Lazaropole (413201N; 204147E; 1287 m) - К9: Rosochka Reka (413344N; 204147E; 925 m) - К10: Tresonechka Reka (413342N; 204345; 1022 m) - К11: Tresonechki Most (413355N; 204258E; 991 m) - К12: Jadovska Reka (413413N; 204257Е; 1018 m)

From methodological point of view, qualitative and quantitative analyses were applied throughout the annual monitoring period. Qualitative samples were taken by different kinds of devices, while quantitative samples with Surber’s sampler. In this way, individual systematic groups were classified and the lowest systematic categories – species, were identified. Systematization of species was made by the nomenclature of Limnofauna Europaеа (1987).

Qualitative and quantitative overview of species for all surveyed monitoring points is presented in Tables below.

14 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

Figure 1-2: Monitoring points for zoobenthos survey

Note: Monitoring points are marked by symbols in red Results and findings of the annual survey of hydrozoobenthos

а) Qualitative Analysis

Species of macrozoobenthos fauna identified during each season are presented in Table 1-2.

15 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

Table 1-2: Overview of macrozoobenthos fauna in the area of the HPP Boshkov Most project

Monitoring points



No. Species


Garska (







TresonechkaReka LazaropolskaReka

T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 Order s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp EPHEMEROPTERA 1 Ephemera danica + + + + + + + + + + + + 2 Ephemera sp. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 3 Baetis pavidus + + + + + + + + + + + + 4 Ephemerella ignite + + + + + + + + 5 Baetis lutheri + + + + + + + + + 6 Baetis gemellus + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 7 Baetis sp. + + + + + + + + + + + + + 8 Rhitrogena + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 9 Rhitrogenasemicolorata sp. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 10 Rhitrogena aurantiaca + + + + + + + + + Order PLECOPTERA s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp 11 Leuctra hirsute + + + + + + + + + + + + + 12 Leugtra sp. (gr. fusca) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 13 Perlodes sp. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 14 Isoperla grammatica + + + + + + + + + + 15 Isoperla sp. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 16 Perla marginata + + + + + + + + + + 17 Perla sp. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 18 Chloroperla sp. + + + + + + + + + + + Order ODONATA s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp 19 Ischnura elegans + + + + + + + + + +

16 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

20 Ischnura sp. + + + + + + + + + + 21 Aeschna cyanea + + + + + 22 Аeschna sp. + + + + + + + + + + + 23 Libellula sp. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Order HETEROPTERA s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp 24 Corixa punctata + + + + 25 Notonecta glauca + + + + + 26 Nepa rubra + + + + + + + + + 27 Gerris lacustris + + + + + + + 28 Gerris sp. + + + + + + + + + Order COLEOPTERA s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp 29 Agabus sp. + + + + + + + + + + 30 Agabus nebulosus + + + + + 31 Gyrinus sp. + + + + + + + + + + + + + 32 Hidrophilide sp. + + + + + + + + + 33 Limnius sp. + + + + 34 Helodes sp. + + + + + + + Coccinela sp. (along 35 + + + + water) Order TRIHOPTERA s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp 36 Trohoptera sp. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Order DIPTERA s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp 37 Tipula sp. + + + + + + + + 38 Dicranota sp. + + + + + + + + + 39 Fam. Chironomidae 40 Chironomidae + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 41 Polypedilumgr.Plumosus pedestre + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 42 Polypedilum sp. + + + + + + + + + + + + + 43 Eukiefferiella alpestris + + + + + + + 44 Eukiefferiella + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 45 Paratendipeslongicalcar sp. + + + + + + + + + + + 46 Prodiamesa olivacea + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 47 Eukiefferiella longipes + + + + + + + + + + + + + 48 Eukiefferiella + + + + + + + + + + quadridentata 17 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

49 Eukiefferiella sp. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 50 Thienemannimya sp. + + + + + + + + + + + Cl. Gastropoda s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp 51 Radix peregra + + + + + + + + + + 52 Ancylus fluviatilis + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 53 Pisidium sp. + + + + + + + + + + + 54 Bitynia drimica + + + + + + + + + Cldrimica. Hirudinea s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp 55 Hirudo medicinalis + + + + + + + + 56 Dina lineata + + + + + 57 Herpobdela octoculata + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 58 Dina sp. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Cl. Crustacea s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp 59 Gammarus balcanicus + + + + + + + + + + + + + 60 Gammarus sp. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Cl. Oligochaeta s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp 61 Nais sp. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 62 Haplotaxis gordeoides + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 63 Lumbricus sp. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Total recorded taxa 48 31 11 48 31 27 11 42 32 26 7 46 22 24 5 42 6 31 20 54 28 33 20 56 Legend of abbreviations: - “s” – summer - “a” – autumn - “w” – winter - “sp” – spring - “+” – identified species

The Table indicates that the highest number of taxa in all investigated watercourses was during the spring period. This number was lower during summer and autumn periods. Only in Mala Reka, the total number of taxa during summer and spring period matched. Distribution of taxa in each watercourse is presented in the diagram on Figure 1-3.

18 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

Figure 1-3: Proportional distribution of taxa of macrozoobenthos fauna in watercourses in the range area of HPP Boshkov Most Project (by season)

Based on the above, it may be concluded that during the summer period, the highest number of taxa was recorded in Mala Reka, during autumn – in Rosochka Reka, during winter – in Tresonechka Reka and Jadovska Reka, and during spring – in Rosochka Reka. b) Quantitative analysis

The results of the quantitative analysis of the composition of macrozoobenthos fauna are presented in Table 2-3. During analysis, particular accent was put on habitats near rivers Jadovska and Tresonechka, i.e. the areas of the planned accumulation.

19 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

Table 1-3: Amount of populations of certain species of macrozoobenthos in watercourses in the project area of HPP Boshkov Most (individuals/m2)

Monitoring points



No. Species

Reka Reka


Garska (







( RosochkaReka

T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 Order EPHEMEROPTERA s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp 1 Ephemera Danica + + 92 44,4 + + 44,4 44,4 + + 2 Ephemera sp. + + + + + + + 3 Baetis pavidus 36,8 92 + + 18,4 27,6 + + 4 Ephemerella ignite 27,6 46 92 18,4 5 Baetis lutheri 46 44,4 18,4 36,8 6 Baetis gemellus + + 92 + + 92 + + + + 18,4 7 Baetis sp. + + + + + + + + + + + + + 8 Rhitrogena semicolorata 340,4 + + 202,4 + + + + 119,6 + + 147,2 9 Rhitrogena sp. + + + + + + + + + + + + 10 Rhitrogena aurantiaca 46 18,4 92 46 18,4 Order PLECOPTERA s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp 11 Leuctra hirsute 36,8 27,6 44,4 36,8 36,8 12 Leugtra sp. (gr. fusca) + 27,6 27,6 + + + + + + + + 36,8 36,8 13 Perlodes sp. + + + 27,6 27,6 + + + + + + + + + 14 Isoperla grammatical 18,4 27,6 36,8 18,4 44,4 15 Isoperla sp. + + + + + + + + + + + 27,6 27,6 16 Perla marginata 46 27,6 46 + + 36,8 17 Perla sp. + + 46 46 + + + + 46 46 18 Chloroperla sp. + + + + 27,6 27,6 + + Order ODONATA s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp 19 Ischnura elegans 18,4 18,4 + + + + 20 Ischnura sp. + + + + + + + + + + + 21 Aeschna cyanea 18,4 22 Аeschna sp. + + + + + + + +

20 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

23 Libellula sp. + + + + + + + + + + + + Order HETEROPTERA s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp 24 Corixa punctata 36,8 25 Notonecta glauca 36,8 26 Nepa rubra 92 + + + + + + + + 27 Gerris lacustris 92 28 Gerris sp. + + + + + + + + + + + Order COLEOPTERA s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp 29 Agabus sp. + + + + 18,4 18,4 + + 30 Agabus nebulosus 46 31 Gyrinus sp. + 18,4 18,4 + 18,4 18,4 + + + + + + 32 Hidrophilide sp. + + + + + + + + 33 Limnius sp. + 34 Helodes sp. + + + + + Coccinela sp. 35 + + (along water) Order TRIHOPTERA s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp Trohoptera sp. 36 + + + + + + + + + + + + (empty houses) Order DIPTERA s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp 37 Tipula sp. + + + + + + + + 38 Dicranota sp. + + + + + + + + + + 39 Fam. Chironomidae 40 Chironomidae sp. + 18,4 18,4 + 46 46 + + + + + + + + 41 Polypedilum pedestre 36,8 + + 18,4 + + + + 36,8 36,8 42 Polypedilum sp. + 119,6 119,6 + + + + 92 92 + + + + + 43 Eukiefferiella alpestris 73,6 46 73,6 92 44 Eukiefferiella longicalcar 36,8 + + 119,6 36,8 + + + + 147,2 45 Paratendipes sp. + 92 92 + + + + + + + + 92 92 46 Prodiamesa olivacea 92 + + 36,8 36,8 92 + + 18,4 18,4 92 92 47 Eukiefferiella longipes 44,4 88,8 44,4 92 48 Eukiefferiella quadridentata 18,4 36,8 18,4 18,4 36,8 49 Eukiefferiella sp. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 50 Thienemannimya sp. + + + + + + + +

21 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

Cl. Gastropoda s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp 51 Radix peregra 46 27,6 92 + + 92 92 52 Ancylus fluviatilis 340,4 + + 119,6 + + 174,2 + + 202,4 + + 177,6 + + 147,2 + + 53 Pisidium sp. 46 46 + + 46 46 + + + + 54 Bitynia drimica drimica + + + + + + Cl. Hirudinea s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp 55 Hirudo medicinalis 18,4 18,4 + + 36,8 18,4 18,4 56 Dina lineate 92 36,8 57 Herpobdela sp. + + + + + 92 92 + + 46 46 58 Dina sp. + + + + + + + + + + 18,4 18,4 Cl. Crustacea s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp 59 Gammarus balcanicus + + 184,2 202,4 92 92 147,2 + + 44,4 + + 60 Gammarus sp. + 36,8 36,8 + + + + 36,8 36,8 + + + Cl. Oligochaeta s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp s a w sp 61 Nais sp. + + + + 18,4 18,4 + + 18,4 18,4 62 Haplotaxis gordeoides 92 18,4 18,4 18,4 18,4 92 + + + + + + 18,4 18,4 63 Lumbricus sp. + + + + + + + + Total recorded taxa 48 31 0 13 30 28 0 28 32 25 0 25 21 23 0 23 25 31 0 31 28 33 0 33 Legend of abbreviations: - “s” – summer - “a” – autumn - “w” – winter - “sp” – spring - “+” – identified species

Quantitative analyses showed the same number of taxa in autumn and spring periods. Data on winter period lack, because it was impossible to take samples during winter period due to high water level and inaccessibility of terrain.

22 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report Additional measures to mitigate impacts

With regard to this group of species – zoobenthos fauna – no specific additional measures are required to reduce impacts apart from measures identified in the ESIA package, which are given in the Section 2 (Table 2-1).

1.2.3 Fish Methodological approach

Surveys of fish fauna in the range area of HPP Boshkov Most Project were carried out at the identified relevant monitoring points, always above the entry of smaller into bigger watercourse, at the main watercourses in the watershed area – rivers Mala Reka, Tresonechka, Jadovska and Garska. Part of the surveyed sites is in the area where the future accumulation will be formed, and part above it. This approach will provide full insight in the current status of the fish fauna in the watershed area before the formation of the accumulation lake, i.e. establishment of the overall reference status in the wider area before the commencement of the project construction. The following activities were carried out: - Observation of living conditions for fish (hydrology, quantity and quality of water, types of bottom, objects present in water, disruption of conditions of the water, etc.). - Checkup fishing conducted with the aid of electric aggregate and auxiliary equipment, using the method ‘catch, register, release’. Portable electric aggregate for river fishing SAMUS 725 G, 500-900 V impulse direct current was used. Fishing was always performed in the range between 500 to 1000 meters above the entry of the tributary into bigger watercourse (e.g. above the entry of Tresonechka Reka into Mala Reka, etc.). Every checkup fish catch included two sections of 150 meters each (300 meters in total each) in length of flow for each watercourse: the first section of the part of the watercourse with uniform bottom ground, with approximately equal depth of all section, and the second section on part of the watercourse with uneven flow, i.e. with presence of puddles and flat parts. In this way, realistic picture of fish population was obtained, given the fact that trout species of fish live predominantly in puddles and hidden spots. The perimeter of field of anode activity, the submerging of which into water closes the current cycle when fish is astounded, amounted 3 meters. Astounded fish was collected immediately in a net fixed at circular anode and taken for analysis. In this regard, different parameters were recorded: fish species, their number, length and weight measures, mantles on lateral side, their distribution and shelters. Additionally, macroscopic examination of their health and condition was made (examination of gills, pressed out excrement, condition of skin, eyes, etc.). Results and findings of annual fish survey

Summarized seasonal and annual overview of obtained results of ihtiological investigations are presented in tables below.

Mala Reka

Table 1-4: Structure of control catch of fish along Mala Reka (by season) Section 2 Section 1 No. Characteristics of fish (with cascades, rapids and (Gravel bottom, no puddles) puddles) Season - summer 1 Species Salmo farioides Salmo farioides Number of caught 2 58 44 individuals 3 Age structure Small, juvenile Small and big 4 Average length (cm) 11 14,7 5 Min.length (cm) 7 8

23 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

6 Max length(cm) 28 42,5 7 Average mass (g) 14,5 23,5 Season - autumn 1 Species Salmo farioides Salmo farioides Number of caught 48 52 2 individuals 3 Age structure juvenile (39), parents (9) juvenile (38), parents (14) - juvenile: 13 - juvenile: 16,8 4 Average length (cm) - sexually mature: 31 (male) - sexually mature: 34 (male) and and 36 (female) 39 (female) - juvenile: 8 - juvenile: 12 5 Min.length (cm) - sexually mature: 25 (male) - sexually mature: 27 (male) and and 34 (female) 37 (female) - juvenile: 24 - juvenile: 28 6 Max length(cm) - sexually mature: 33 (male) - sexually mature: 40,5 (male) and 47 (female) and 56 (female) - juvenile: 18 - juvenile: 19 7 Average mass (g) - sexually mature: 218 (male) - sexually mature: 220 (male) and 258 (female) and 225 (female) Season - winter 1 Species Salmo farioides Salmo farioides Number of caught 188 102 2 individuals 3 Age structure juvenile (65), parents (1) juvenile (18), parents (-) 4 Average length (cm) 17 - m 33 f 17,5 - m - f 5 Min.length (cm) 9 - m - f 14 - m - f 6 Max length(cm) 22 - m - f 25 - m - f 7 Average mass (g) 33 - m 252 f 30,5 -m - f Season – spring 1 Species Salmo farioides Salmo farioides Number of caught 68 72 2 individuals 3 Age structure juvenile (53), adults (15) juvenile (58), adults (14) - juvenile: 9 - juvenile: 11 4 Average length (cm) - adults: 28 - adults: 22 - juvenile: 6 - juvenile: 6 5 Min.length (cm) - adults: 21 - adults: 17 - juvenile: 19 - juvenile: 18 6 Max length(cm) - adults: 33 - adults: 24 - juvenile: 8 - juvenile: 15,5 7 Average mass (g) - adults: 244 - adults: 267

In the course of the survey on Mala Reka during four yearly seasons, total of 632 fish was caught on both sections of examined sector along the watercourse. Fish are of the species Salmo farioides ( (Mavrovo) trout). All were well nourished, with healthy appearance, clearly red gills, clear and normally mucous body, clear eyes, fins complete and without signs of injuries or diseases. Bigger red dots were easily notable, while smaller black dots were harder to note. Fitness of fish was assessed as good, especially for bigger size specimens, meaning that they were well and regularly fed.

During summer field investigation on Mala Reka, in its lower sector, family of otters (Lutra lutra) was registered, which was indicator of the richness of this river basin in fish.

24 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

Tresonechka Reka

Table 1-5: Structure of control catch of fish along Tresonechka Reka (by season) Section 2 Section 1 No. Characteristics of fish (with cascades, rapids and (Gravel bottom, no puddles) puddles) Season - summer 1 Species Salmo farioides Salmo farioides Number of caught 2 33 46 individuals 3 Age structure Small, juvenile Small and big 4 Average length (cm) 10,5 11,7 5 Min.length (cm) 6 6 6 Max length(cm) 21,5 33,5 7 Average mass (g) 8,2 13,5 Season - autumn 1 Species Salmo farioides Salmo farioides Number of caught 40 50 2 individuals 3 Age structure juvenile (32), parents (8) juvenile (39), parents (11) - juvenile: 10,8 - juvenile: 13 4 Average length (cm) - sexually mature: 32 (male) - sexually mature: 33 (male) and and 48 (female) 37 (female) - juvenile: 6,7 - juvenile: 8 5 Min.length (cm) - sexually mature: 28 (male) - sexually mature: 26 (male) and and 38 (female) 42 (female) - juvenile: 18,2 - juvenile: 27 6 Max length(cm) - sexually mature: 36 (male) - sexually mature: 38 (male) and and 55 (female) 51 (female) - juvenile: 10,2 - juvenile: 15,2 7 Average mass (g) - sexually mature: 222 (male) - sexually mature: 245 (male) and 260 (female) and 292 (female) Season - winter 1 Species Salmo farioides Salmo farioides Number of caught 167 132 2 individuals 3 Age structure juvenile (12), parents (-) juvenile (33), parents (-) 4 Average length (cm) 11,9 - m - f 14,5 - m - f 5 Min.length (cm) 8 - m - f 9,5 - m - f 6 Max length(cm) 14,8 - m - f 24 - m - f 7 Average mass (g) 19 - m - f 28 - m - f Season – spring 1 Species Salmo farioides Salmo farioides Number of caught 76 84 2 individuals 3 Age structure juvenile (66), adults (10) juvenile (72), adults (12) - juvenile: 8,5 - juvenile: 12 4 Average length (cm) - adults: 22 - adults: 29 - juvenile: 6,5 - juvenile: 6,5 5 Min.length (cm) - adults: 17 - adults: 18 - juvenile: 14 - juvenile: 13 6 Max length(cm) - adults: 27 - adults: 35 - juvenile: 7,9 - juvenile: 17 7 Average mass (g) - adults: 254 - adults: 253

25 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

In the course of the survey on Tresonechka Reka during four yearly seasons, total of 628 fish was caught on both sections of examined sector along the watercourse. Fish are of the species Salmo farioides (Radika (Mavrovo) trout). These were also in full fitness, healthy and in high number. Ill or injured fish was not detected.

Jadovska Reka

Table 1-6: Structure of control catch of fish along Jadovska Reka (by season) Section 2 Section 1 No. Characteristics of fish (with cascades, rapids and (Gravel bottom, no puddles) puddles) Season - summer 1 Species Salmo farioides Salmo farioides Number of caught 2 26 37 individuals 3 Age structure Small, juvenile Small and big 4 Average length (cm) 8,5 9 5 Min.length (cm) 4,5 5 6 Max length (cm) 19 23,5 7 Average mass (g) 6,2 7 Season - autumn 1 Species Salmo farioides Salmo farioides Number of caught 34 44 2 individuals 3 Age structure juvenile (28), parents (6) juvenile (35), parents (9) - juvenile: 9,5 - juvenile: 11 4 Average length (cm) - sexually mature: 31 (male) - sexually mature: 32 (male) and and 48 (female) 46 (female) - juvenile: 7 - juvenile: 9,5 5 Min.length (cm) - sexually mature: 28 (male) - sexually mature: 27 (male) and and 37 (female) 33 (female) - juvenile: 20 - juvenile: 22,5 6 Max length (cm) - sexually mature: 36 (male) - sexually mature: 37 (male) and and 52 (female) 54 (female) - juvenile: 11 - juvenile: 12,3 7 Average mass (g) - sexually mature: 201 (male) - sexually mature: 251 (male) and 266 (female) and 302 (female) Season - winter 1 Species Salmo farioides Salmo farioides Number of caught 94 94 2 individuals 3 Age structure juvenile (79), parents (-) juvenile (87), parents (-) 4 Average length (cm) 11 - m - f 13,5 - m - f 5 Min.length (cm) 7,5 - m - f 11,5 - m - f 6 Max length(cm) 22 - m - f 23,5 - m - f 7 Average mass (g) 15,5 - m - f 28 - - Season – spring 1 Species Salmo farioides Salmo farioides Number of caught 59 66 2 individuals 3 Age structure juvenile (51), adults (8) juvenile (57), adults (9) - juvenile: 10 - juvenile: 12 4 Average length (cm) - adults: 20,5 - adults: 22,5

26 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

- juvenile: 7 - juvenile: 12 5 Min.length (cm) - adults: 17 - adults: 18 - juvenile: 17 - juvenile: 9,5 6 Max length(cm) - adults: 25 - adults: 27 - juvenile: 11 - juvenile: 18 7 Average mass (g) - adults: 114 - adults: 138

Good representation of fish fauna was confirmed in Jadovska Reka, too. Total of 472 fish was caught, reflecting great amount, though lower compared to the previous two watercourses. Fish were in good shape, healthy and externally faultless. All belonged to the species Salmo farioides (Radika (Mavrovo) trout).


Table 1-7: Structure of control catch of fish along Garska Reka (by season) Section 2 Section 1 No. Characteristics of fish (with cascades, rapids and (Gravel bottom, no puddles) puddles) Season - summer 1 Species Salmo montenegrinus Salmo montenegrinus 2 Number of caught individuals 46 55 3 Age structure Small, juvenile Small and bigger size 4 Average length (cm) 11,5 12,5 5 Min.length (cm) 5,5 7 6 Max length(cm) 18,5 24 7 Average mass (g) 11,8 21,5 Season - autumn 1 Species Salmo montenegrinus Salmo montenegrinus 2 Number of caught individuals 60 65 3 Age structure juvenile (48), parents (12) juvenile (55), parents (10) - juvenile: 12,5 - juvenile: 14 4 Average length (cm) - sexually mature: 33 (male) - sexually mature: 32 (male) and 39 (female) and 46 (female) - juvenile: 7,5 - juvenile: 12 5 Min.length (cm) - sexually mature: 29 (male) - sexually mature: 24 (male) and 33 (female) and 38 (female) - juvenile: 22,5 - juvenile: 21 6 Max length(cm) - sexually mature: 48 (male) - sexually mature: 38 (male) and 56 (female) and 55 (female) - juvenile: 14 - juvenile: 20,5 7 Average mass (g) - sexually mature: 239 - sexually mature: 260 (male) (male) and 278 (female) and 319 (female) Season – winter 1 Species Salmo montenegrinus Salmo montenegrinus 2 Number of caught individuals 126 105 3 Age structure juvenile (18), parents (-) juvenile (17), parents (-) 4 Average length (cm) 13 - m - f 15,5 - m - f 5 Min.length (cm) 8,5 - m - f 12,5 - m - f 6 Max length(cm) 23 - m - f 20,5 - m - f 7 Average mass (g) 25 - m - f 35 - m - f Season – spring 1 Species Salmo montenegrinus Salmo montenegrinus 2 Number of caught individuals 60 65 3 Age structure juvenile (56), adults (11) juvenile (67), adults (14)

27 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

- juvenile: 11 - juvenile: 15,5 4 Average length (cm) - adults: 21,5 - adults: 23 - juvenile: 7,5 - juvenile: 8 5 Min.length (cm) - adults: 16 - adults: 16 - juvenile: 16 - juvenile: 17,5 6 Max length(cm) - adults: 26 - adults: 27 - juvenile: 25 - juvenile: 35 7 Average mass (g) - adults: 125 - adults: 142

Fish fauna of Garska Reka is represented by other species of trout - Salmo montenegrinus (Garska trout). Total of 605 fish of this species was cought. All of them were in good shape and with good external appearance, with no signs of disease or damage.

Summary of the main findings in all surveyed watercourses

Table 1-8: Summary of the main findings of checkup fish catches in the watercourses in the area of HPP Boshkov Most Project Season Watercourse Total Summer Autumn Winter Spring Mala Reka Salmo Salmo Salmo Salmo Fish species farioides farioides farioides farioides Number 102 100 290 140 632 Tresonechka Reka Salmo Salmo Salmo Salmo Fish species farioides farioides farioides farioides Number 79 90 299 160 628 Jadovska Reka Salmo Salmo Salmo Salmo Fish species farioides farioides farioides farioides Number 88 78 181 125 472 Garska Salmo Salmo Salmo Salmo Fish species montenegrinus montenegrinus montenegrinus montenegrinus Number 101 125 231 148 605 Total fish caught 370 393 1.001 573 2.337

Survey of fish fauna in the watercourses in the range area of HPP Boshkov Most Project resulted in established current status of fish population in the rivers Mala Reka, Tresonechka, Jadovska and Garska. Low species diversity was recorded, represented by only two distinctive fish species, but with high number and good age structure. Investigated watercourses possess good hydrological and biological conditions for fish fauna life and growth, represented by different types of river bottom grounds (sandy, gravel, stony, rocky and combined), small and large to very large cascades and puddles suitable for fish staying and hiding, good conditions for hunting and availability of diverse natural fish food, abundance of good natural spawning grounds, as well as spots for small trouts stay and hiding upon spawning.

Fish fauna is composed of two species of trout fish, namely: Salmo farioides Karaman, 1937 (Mavrovo or radika trout), represented in the rivers Mala Reka, Tresonechka and Jadovska, and Salmo montenegrinus Karaman, 1933 (Garska trout), represented in Garska, after which it obtained its name. From among the first species, total of 1.732 fish was cought, and from among the second, total of 605 fish, or the total number of fish cought was 2.337 fish of both species. Other fish species were not registered, although it has been known that certain population of skobal migrates from the river Radika to its tributaries for spawning.

28 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

Gender structure in all rivers includes juvenile specimens and adult fish, which in the period of spawning manifest clear gender dimorphism, becoming morphologically visible distinctive male, or female parents. They spawn during winter period and thus in the period after the spawning the waters of all four surveyed watercourses accommodate significant number of small trout fish of the latest spawning, while the already spawned parental fish withdraw to lower courses or partially die out of exhaustion or as victims of predators.

Living conditions for fish in all four watercourses are very good, confirmed by their amounts and condition. From among prominent fish predators, otters were registered during summer season, on Mala Reka in its lower course. Additional measures to mitigate impacts

Expected changes in hydrological regime of the affected river watershed to be caused by the activities planned to establish HPP Boshkov Most will result in disruption of natural living conditions of fish fauna in affected watercourses. Consequently, fish fauna is the most vulnerable group in relation to the implementation of the proposed project. The following significant impacts on fish fauna and appropriate measures for their mitigation are of particular importance:

Effect of barrier (i) The planned dam, on the junction between rivers Tresonechka and Jadovska will cause effect of barrier, i.e. interruption of the natural way of fish migration during the operational phase of the project in downstream sector of Mala Reka towards the said watercourses. The effect of this situation is causing isolation of fish populations upstream and downstream and disruption of genetic diversity. In this context, investigations carried out during the four seasons reaffirmed the need for applying a process of fish stocking, identified in the package of ESIA documents5), as mitigation measure for impacts on fish fauna resulting from the project implementation. This measure would include adequate planning through preparation of programme and analysis of alternative options towards selection of optimal solution for establishment of fish stocking system. Alternative option to fish stocking measure could be designing measure for construction of fish path within the wider composition of the dam that would enable uninterrupted natural migration of fish. Feasibility of this technical measure would be subject to technical and financial analysis and appropriate technical design in the context of specifying the type of the path and its parameters (dimensions, speed of water flow, etc.). (ii) The planned intakes on the watercourses in the watershed area of HPP Boshkov Most project range have in principle the same effect of barrier, i.e. interruption of natural path of fish migration during the operational phase of the project in affected watercourses downstream of the dam. In this context, in order to eliminate any probable impact on fish fauna that could result in reduced possibility for migration and consequently separation of fish populations and reduction of their vitality and numbers, it is recommended to design and establish fish path at all intakes planned on watercourses, as additional technical designing measure. Practical application of this designing measure in the frames of construction phase, will contribute to reduce potential negative impact on fish stock during the operational phase of HPP Boshkov Most project. Fish paths are easily applicable on intakes on watercourses, primarily due to (i) relatively simple engineering technology required for their construction, (ii) use of natural materials, and (iii) availability of manuals for their construction, operation and maintenance (Therrien & Bourgeois 2000). Paths should be adequately designed, in order to avoid turbulence of water, shock and injury of fish. Operational parameters of fish path concerning water flow, zones of turbulence, opposite flows, tangential flow, etc., have great impact on path efficiency. In order to enable possible corrections and adaptations and get data on fish paths efficiency, it is essential importance to carry out control and monitoring over their operation. Continuous monitoring of fish path efficiency will be established as an integral part of the project HPP Boshkov in the frames of the planned operational monitoring through use of generally recognized methods in the domain of the best international practice.

5) AD Electric Power Plants of Macedonia, 2011; Hydropower Plant “Boshkov Most”, Study of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment; Geing Kuk, Skopje

29 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

Reduced-flow effect Other likely impact on the fish fauna from the proposed dam and intakes will be caused by the reduction of the quantity of water in the affected watercourses, i.e. the effect of reduced flow. Such reduction of the water quantity and the flow velocity will cause increased temperature of the water, as well as reduction in the quantity of dissolved oxygen and ultimately change in chemical composition (content of nitrogen and phosphorous compounds). These new environmental conditions may have direct impact on the vitality and abundance of the populations of fish fauna and other hydrobionts. The biological minimum as the lowest quantity of surface water has to be secured throughout the year, except in cases in which the natural flow rate is lower than the prescribed biological minimum. This would enable preservation of the natural balance of aquatic habitats and properties of the affected watercourses and would not significantly reduce the status of ecological parameters of the surface water. This specific mitigation measure throughout the project’s operational stage has been identified and adopted as part of the ESIA documents6). An overview of these measures is given in the Section 2 (Table 2-1).

6) (i) AD Electric Power Plants of Macedonia, 2011; Hydropower Plant “Boshkov Most”, Study of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment; Geing Kuk, Skopje, and (ii) AD Electric Power Plants of Macedonia, 2011; Hydro power Plant “Boshkov Most”, Environmental and Social Action Plan; Geing Kuk, Skopje

30 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

1.3 Survey of forest vegetation and flora

1.3.1 Methodological approach

Vegetation surveys in the preconstruction phase in the range area of HPP Boshkov Most project were carried out by classical vegetation (phytocenological) methods by which vegetation releves were made based on Braun-Blanquet (1964) methodology.

Points at which vegetation surveys were conducted were selected at localities downstream of the proposed intakes at all affected watercourses and in the wider area of planned construction activities and activities related to project development. For the purposes of the surveys, the optimum vegetation composition of communities that were subject of monitoring was determined and this will serve as basis for further observation of changes to be caused by future activities, both in construction and operational phases of the project. In this context, all plant taxa in surveyed stands were recorded and quantitative characteristics were established for each of them (number and coverage). Particular attention was devoted to the relict community of wild (Horse) chestnut, by selection of representative stands along Garska and river Dzvonchica, where vegetation releves were made as basis for further monitoring.

In parallel with vegetation surveys through establishment of floristic composition of vegetation releves, significant floristic data was obtained as well and this was taken into account in flora valorization of investigated area. This data created reference grounds for future monitoring of the state during construction and operational phases of the project.

During vegetation and floristic surveys, documentation herbarium material was collected, including from more complex floristic species, which was then determined according to special, global and regional floristic works and various monographs - Flora Europaea I-V (Tutin et al., 1964-1993), Euro+Med Plant Base (2011), Flora of the Republic of Macedonia 1 (1-6) (Micevski, 1985-2005), Flora of the Republic of Macedonia 2 (1) (Matevski, 2010).

1.3.2 Results and findings of annual forest vegetation survey

Phytocenological releves were made of six target forest communities and one grass meadow community. Three of the investigated forest plant communities were riparian and grew along watercourses themselves, while the other three forest communities grew in the wider area of the project range, but not directly connected to watercourses. Table below shows the overview of target plant communities subject to survey during pre-construction phase of the project.

Table 1-9: Target plant communities in the area of HPP Boshkov Most Project Plant community Locality I. Riparian forest communities 1. аss. Epilobium dodonaei-Salicetum elaеagni Em 1976 Below village Gari, along river Garska On the section between village Gari and 2. аss. Aesculo hippocastani-Ostryetum Em (1959) 1965 crossroad to village Lazaropole, along Garska 3. аss. Fraxinus excelsior-Alnus glutinosa comm. Below village Rosoki, along Tresonechka Reka II. Other forest communities 4. аss. Querco-Carpinetum orientalis Em 1968 Around bridge Elenski Skok, along Mala Reka 5. аss. Fraxino orni-Quercetum cerris Stefanovic 1968 Above village Rosoki, along Rosochka Reka On the section between village Gari and 6. ass. Carpinus betulus comm. village Lazaropole, along Lazaropolska Reka III. Meadow communities Around village Rosoki, along Tresonechka 7. аss. Cynosureto-Caricetum hirtae Micev. 1957 Reka and around village Tresonche

31 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

In this Report, each analyzed forest community is accompanied with data on vegetation releve with full flora composition, quantitative values of individual taxa concerning number and coverage presented by storey, as well as basic data (locality, number of vegetation releve, area, coverage, inclination, aspect, altitude and GPS coordinates). Each plant community is attributed with analytical phytocenological Table showing full syntaxonomy of the community (syntaxonomic affiliation to certain alliance, order or class).

Summarized findings of conducted surveys of target plant communities in the course of the four seasons are presented here under.


I.1. аss. Epilobium dodonaei-Salicetum elaеagni Em 1976 (Syn.: Salicetum incani) - Below village Gari, along river Garska, on both sides of the river (41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.) 2.09.2012, 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013

The monitoring point for this community was positioned by the river Garska, at 200-300 meters below village Gari.

This community grows along mountainous rivers, on narrow gorge-like stony spots where most often large stone blocks are present. Rapid mountainous rivers and high water level of rivers which often flood the habitats of this community constitute the ecological ambient in which it grows.

Releve No. I/2012-2013 Surface m2 100 Cover % 100 Inclination 5 Altitude m 1032 Aspect N Locality GARI

Epilobium dodonaei-Salicetum elaеagni Epilobium dodonei + Salix elaeagnos A + Salix elaeagnos B 1

Salicion elaeagni Alnus glutinosa A + Alnus glutinosa B + Fraxinus excelsior +

Salicetalia purpureae, Salicetea purpureae Rubus caesius + Salix fragilis 4

Fagetalia sylvaticae Clematis vitalba B 1 Clematis vitalba C + Acer pseudoplatanus +

Querco-Fagetea Corylus avellana A +

Other species Aegopodium podagraria + Angelica pancicii 1 Artemisia vulgaris +

32 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

Brachypodium sylvaticum + Calamagrostis arundinacea 1 Chenopodium bonus henricus + Cirsium apendiculatum + Clinopodium vulgare + Cornus sanguineus + monogyna + Cruciata laevipes + Draba muralis + Dryopteris filix-mas + Eupatorium cannabinum + Fraxinus ornus B + aparine + Geranium refelexum + Geranium lucidum + Heracleum sphondylium + Hypericum perforatum 2 Juglans regia A + Juglans regia B + Lapsana communis + Lamium maculatum + Mentha longifolia + Cicerbita pancicii + Parietaria officinalis + Petasites hybridus + Peucedanum austriacum 2 Peucedanum shottii + Picris hieracioides + trivialis subsp. sylvicola + cerasifera + + Pyrus pyraster B + Ranunculus serbicus + Rubus idaeus B + Rubus idaeus C + Salix alba A + Sambucus nigra B + Urtica dioica 1 Scilla bifolia + Corydalis solida +

I.2. аss. Aesculo hippocastani-Ostryetum Em (1959) 1965 - On the extension between village Gari and crossroad to village Lazaropole and crossroad to village Tresonche, along river Garska, on the left river bank (41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.) 2.09.2012, 15.10.2012, 9.06.2013

The monitoring point is positioned by Garska, on the extension between crossroad to village Lazaropole and entry of the river Dzvonchica into Garska.

This is relict forest plant community of limited spread in Macedonia. The most beautiful populations occur on the mountain (Lopushnik-Suvi Dol). It also occurs in fragmented condition along rivers Garska and Crn Drim and on the mountain Galichica.

In the range area of HPP Boshkov Most project, several small fragmented populations have been registered in the riverbed and on the bank of Garska, as part of the wider population on the mountain Bistra.

33 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

Releve No. II/2012-2013 Surface m2 100 Cover % 100 Inclination (Inklinacija) 3 Altitude m 667 Aspect NW Locality GARSKA REKA

Aesculo hippocastani-Ostryetum Aesculus hippocatanum A 2 Aesculus hippocatanum B 1 Aesculus hippocatanum C + Chaerophyllum aureum +

Ostryo-Carpinion orientalis Acer hyrcanum subsp. intermedium A 1 Acer hyrcanum subsp. intermedium B + Acer hyrcanum subsp. intermedium C 1 Melampyrum heracleoticum + Arum italicum + Ostrya carpinifolia + Evonymus verrucosus +

Quercetalia pubescentis-petraeae Cornus mas A 1 Cornus mas B 1 Cornus mas C + Fraxinus ornus + Scutellaria columnae 1 Viola hirta +

Querco-Fagetea Corylus avelana A 2 Corylus avelana B 2 Fraxinus excelsior A 1 Fraxinus excelsior C 1 Hedera helix B 1 Hedera helix C 1 uniflora 2 Primula vulgaris + Acer obtusatum + Brachypodium sylvaticum + Mycelis muralis + Euphorbia amygdaloides + Geranium robertianum +

Fagetalia sylvaticae Clematis vitalba B + Clematis vitalba C 1 Saxifraga rotundifolia + Abies borisii-regis + Acer pseudoplatanus + Acer platanoides + Carpinus betulus A + Carpinus betulus B + Evonymus latifolius A + Evonymus latifolius B + Prunus cerasifera +

34 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

Other species Alnus glutinosa 2 Alliaria petiolata + Cardamine impatiens + Crataegus orientalis + Dryopteris filix-mas + Epilobium dodonei + Fragaria vesca + Galium aparine + Galium sylvaticum 1 Geum urbanum + Heracleum sphondylium + Lathyrus venetus + Petasites hybridus + Musci 2 Picris hieracioides + Polypodium vulgare 1 Sanicula europaea + Salix elaeagnos A 1 Rubus caesius B + Veronica chamaedrys + Ornithogalum pyrenaicum +

I.3. Fraxinus excelsior-Alnus glutinosa comm. - Below village Rosoki, along Tresonechka Reka, on the left river side (41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.) 1.09.2012, 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013

The monitoring points is positioned between the location of the dam for the future accumulation on Tresonechka Reka and Mogorechnki meadows.

This is riparian forest community growing immediately by the waterflow of Tresonechka Reka, on the extension between village Rosoki and Mogorecki meadows. During spring high water level, it is subject to floods.

It is part of the habitat - 91Е0 *Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior which is included in the list of Habitat Directive: ! 44.3 Middle European streamash-alder woods, which is part of Bern Convention (Resolution 4).

Releve No. III/2012-2013 Surface m2 100 Cover % 100 Inclination 0 Altitude m 801 Aspect SW Locality ROSOKI

Fraxino-Alnetum glutinosae Alnus glutinosa A 4 Alnus glutinosa B 1 Fraxinus excelsior A 2 Fraxinus excelsior B 2 Fraxinus excelsior C +

Salicion albae Salicetalia purpureae, Salicetea purpureae Salix alba A 1 Salix alba B +

35 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

Salix elaeagnos B + Rubus caesius 1 Cornus sanguineus B + Juglans regia A + Artemisia vulgaris + Scrophularia nodosa + Solanum dulcamara + Geum urbanum + Sambucus nigra B 2 Sambucus nigra C + Rumex conglomeratus + Chelidonium majus + Galeopsis speciosa +

Quercetalia pubescentis-petraeae, Querco-Fagetea Calamintha sylvatica + Melica uniflora + Poa nemoralis +

Fagetalia sylvaticae Clematis vitalba B + Clematis vitalba C + Brachypodium sylvaticum 1

Other species Chaerophyllum temulum + Cardamine impatiens + Crataegus orientalis + Dactylis glomerata + Epilobium sp. + Galium aparine + Geranium robertianum 1 Heracleum sphondylium + Mycelis muralis 1 Lamium galeobdolon + Musci 2 Parietaria officinalis 2 Petasites hybridus 3 Poa trivialis subsp. sylvicola + Prunella vulgaris + Prunus avium A + Prunus spinosa + Rumex thyrsiflorus + Stachys sylvatica + Taraxacum officinale + Telekia speciosa 1 Urtica dioica 1 Veronica acinifolia + Veronica chamedrys + Pulmonaria officinalis + Scilla bifolia +

36 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report


II. 4. аss. Querco-Carpinetum orientalis Em 1968 - On Mala Reka, locality – bridge Elen Skok, on the right side of Mala Reka (41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.) 1.09.2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013

Monitoring point is positioned immediately below the bridge Elenski Skok.

This is thermophilic forest community of Oriental Hornbeam (Carpinus orientalis) and Downy Oak (Quercus pubescens) growing in the lower course of Mala Reka up to its entry into the river Radika. It is part of the habitat ! 41.7 Thermophilous and supra-Mediterranean оak woods which is part of the Bern Convention (Resolution 4).

Releve No. IV/2012-2013 Surface m2 100 Cover % 90 Inclination 40 Altitude m 676 Aspect SW Locality ELENSKI SKOK

Querco-Carpinetum orientalis Carpinus orientalis A 5 Carpinus orientalis B 2 Colutea arborescens +

Ostryo-Carpinion orientalis Acer monspessulanum A + Acer monspessulanum B + Acer monspessulanum C + Acer hircanum subsp. intermedium A +

Quercetalia pubescentis-petraeae Quercus pubescens A + Quercus pubescens B + Quercus pubescens C 1 Quercus cerris A + Quercus cerris C + Fraxinus ornus A 1 Fraxinus ornus B 2 Fraxinus ornus C + Poa nemoralis + Scutellaris columnae + Trifolium pignantii + Cornus mas + Helleborus odorus + Crataegus monogyna B + Buglossoides purpureo-coerulaea + Juglans regia + Agrimonia eupatoria + Viola hirta +

Querco-Fagetea Acer campestre A + Acer campestre C + Galium pseudoartistatum + Hedera helix B + Hedera helix C +

37 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

Calamintha sylvatica + Cephalanthera longifolia + Corylus avellana B +

Fagetalia sylvaticae Clematis vitalba B + Clematis vitalba C + Primula vulgaris +

Trifolio-Geranietea sanguinei Campanula bononiensis + Clinopodium vulgare + Ptilostemon strictus +

Other species Alliaria petiolata + Brachypodium pinnatum 1 Centaurea grisebachii + Ceterach officinarum + Cornus sanguineus A 1 Cornus sanguineus B 2 Cornus sanguineus C 1 Cyclamen hederifolium + Dactylis glomerata + Dorycnium herbaceum + Galium aparine + Galium macedonicum + Geum urbanum + Lactuca seriola + Melissa officinalis + Musci 1 Parietaria officinalis + Picris hieracioides + Prunus spinosa + Satureja montana subsp. pisidica + Silene vulgaris + Tamus communis + Taraxacum officinale + Torylis arvensis + Verbascum banaticum + Veronica chamaedrys +

II. 5. аss. Fraxino orni-Quercetum cerris Stefanovic 1968 - Above village Rosoki (41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.) 1.09.2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013

Monitoring point is positioned above village Rosoki, close to the planned water intake on Rosochka Reka.

This forest community, which is dominated by Turkey oak (Quercus cerris) and Flowering Ash (Fraxinus ornus), forms beautiful populations in the surroundings of the village Rosoki, along Rosochka Reka. It is also part of the habitat ! 41.7 Thermophilous and supra-Mediterranean оak woods which is part of the Bern Convention (Resolution 4).

Releve No. V/2012-2013 Surface m2 100 Cover % 100 Inclination 20 Altitude m 1041

38 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

Aspect SE Locality ROSOKI

Fraxino orni-Quercetum cerris Fraxinus ornus A 1 Fraxinus ornus B + Luzula forsteri +

Quercion petraeae-cerris, Quercetalia pubescentis-petraeae Quercus cerris A 4 Quercus cerris C + Cornus mas + Festuca heterophylla + Helleborus odorus + Acer obtusatum A + Melica uniflora + Poa nemoralis 1

Querco-Fagetea Corylus avellana + Calamintha sylvatica + Tamus communis +

Fagetalia sylvaticae Aremonia agrimonioides + Rosa arvensis B + Primula vulgaris + Acer pseudoplatanus A + Acer pseudoplatanus B + Acer pseudoplatanus C + Clematis vitalba + Brachypodium sylvaticum + Campanula trachelium +

Rhamno prunetea Prunus cerasifea A + Prunus cerasifea B + Prunus cerasifea C + Rubus canescens B +

Other species Campanula sparsa + Ptilostemon strictus + Clinopodium vulgare + Colchicum autumnale + Crategus orientalis + Dactylis glomerata + Hieracium praealtum subsp. bauchinii + Juniperus communis + Pteridium aquilinum + Robinia pseudoacacia + Silene italica + Teucrium chamaedrys + Veronica chamaedrys + Viola hirta + Pulmonaria officinalis + Anemone nemorosa + Anemone ranunculoides +

39 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

Scilla bifolia +

II.6. ass. Carpinus betulus comm. (ass. Querco-Carpinetum (betuli) macedonicum Em 1968) - On the extension between village Gari and village Lazaropole, along Lazaropolska Reka, on the right river side (41о31’10”; 20о41’06”; 896m.) 2.09.2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013

The monitoring point is positioned close to the entry of Lazaropolska Reka into Garska, immediately next to the road leading to village Lazaropole.

Forest communities dominated by the species Carpinus betulus are not very frequent on the territory of Macedonia. Phytocenological affiliation and nomenclature of communities with this species have been subject to latest research Therefore, in this Report, this community has been named under the preliminary name Carpinus betulus comm.

Releve No. VI/2012-2013 Surface m2 100 Cover % 100 Inclination 40 Altitude m 896 Aspect S Locality LAZAROPOLE

Carpinetum betuli Carpinus betulus A 4 Carpinus betulus B 2 Carpinus betulus C +

Fagetalia sylvaticae Aremonia agrimonioides + Rosa arvensis + Euphorbia amygdaloides + Brachypodium sylvaticum 1 Galium psudoaristatum + Acer pseudoplatanus A + Acer pseudoplatanus B + Clematis vitalba + Lonicera xylosteum B +

Quercetalia pubescentis-petraeae, Querco-Fagetea Cornus mas A 1 Cornus mas B 2 Quercus petraea A 1 Scutellaria columnae 2 Buglossoides purpureo-coerulea 1 Fraxinus ornus B + Fraxinus ornus C + Acer campestre + Acer hyrcanum subsp. intermedium + Hedera helix + Viola hirta + Evonymos verrucosa B + Corylus avellana B + Poa nemoralis + Helleborus odorus + Melica uniflora + Lathyrus venetus +

40 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

Other species Ajuga reptans + Alliaria petiolata + Asarum europaeum + Athyrium filix-femina + Colchicum autumnale + Crataegus orientalis + Cruciata laevipes + Galium aparine + Geum urbanum + Juniperus communis + Lactuca sp. + Lamium maculatum + Musci + Primula veris + Prunus spinosa + Teucrium chamaedrys + Trifolium patulum + Veronica chamaedrys +


III. 7. ass. Cynosureto-Caricetum hirtae Micev. 1957 - Around village Rosoki, along Tresonechka Reka (41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E; 845m) 9.6.2013 - Around village Tresonche (41°33'40'' N; 20°43'45''E; 1021m) 9.6.2013

Monitoring points have been positioned in the vicinity of villages Tresonche and Rosoki, along Tresonechka Reka.

In the area of conducted vegetation and floristic investigations, meadow communities have been preserved along rivers Tresonechka Reka and Mala Reka. These semi-natural communities in this part of the Balkan Peninsula, maintained by mowing, are not covered by various international directives and conventions. Yet, they are regarded very important, both in phytocenological terms and in terms of communities significant for biomass production, which is necessary for livestock breeding. This vegetation type was especially investigated in the previous period, in the frames of the project aimed at developing the Management Plan for NP Mavrovo and its results have been used for comparison in the course of investigations conducted for the purposes of HPP Boshkov Most Project.

Number of releve 1 2 Surface m2 100 100 Cover (%) 100 100 Inclination (°) 3 0 Altitude (m) 1021 845 Aspect NE Locality TRESONČE ROSOKI

Cynosureto-Caricetum hirtae Cynosurus cristatus 1 3 Carex hirta + Carex vulpina 1 Ranunculus bulbosus 3 3

Trifolion resupinati Cirsium canum + + Trifolium micranthum 2 Trifolium nigrescens 2 1

41 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

Trifolio-Hordeetalia Plantago lanceolata + 1 Lotus corniculatus var. tenuis + + Poa trivialis subsp. sylvicola 2 2 Rumex thyrsiflorus + perenne 1 Geranium brutium 1 1 Potentilla pilosa + + Leucanthemum vulgare + +

Molinio-Arrhenatheretea Rhinanthus minor 1 1 Taraxacum officinale + odoratum 1 1 Moenchia mantica subsp. mantica 1 Trifolium pratense 1 Bellis perennis 1 1 Trifolium repens 1 Bromus racemosus millefolium 1 2 Stellaria graminea + Rumex acetosa + + Prunella vulgaris

Other species Berteroa incana subsp. stricta + Bromus hordaceus + + Cardamine bulbifera + Cerastium gracile Chaerophyllum hirsutum Clinopodium vulgare + + Convolvulus arvensis + Cruciata laevipes 1 + Dactylis glomerata + Euphrasia stricta + 1 Galium album + Galium aparine + + 1 + Geum urbanum + Hieracium praealtum subsp. bauhini + Hypericum perforatum + + Lychnis viscaria + Malva moschata Medicago lupulina var. lupulina + + Myosotis ramosissima + + Picris hieracioides Poa bulbosa f. vivipara + + Potentilla argentea + Salvia amplexicaulis + Salvia verticillata Sanguisorba minor subsp. muricata + 1 Sherardia arvensis + + Silene otites 1 Tanacetum vulgare + + Thymus moesiacus + Tifolium scabrum + + Trifolium incarnatum subsp. mollinieri 3 1 Veronica arvensis + +

42 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

Veronica chamaedrys + + Vicia lathyroides + + Vicia sativa subsp. nigra +

1.3.3 Results and findings of annual flora survey

In the course of the surveys in project pre-construction phase, detailed overview of registered plant species (by family) in the range area of HPP Boshkov Most project was made (Appendix 3). This overview, apart from data obtained during conducted vegetation and floristic investigations in the context of HPP Boshkov Most project, includes relevant data from the Study on revalorization of natural values of NP Mavrovo (2009) as well.

While establishing the list of important plant species in the range area of HPP Boshkov Most project, species that will require particular attention during both construction phase and operation phase of the project included populations of important plant species enrolled in the lists of IUCN - Global Red List, Bern Convention, CORINE endemic, subendemic and rare species.

At the same time, the fact that part of the surveyed area belongs to two Important Plant Areas (IPA) in Macedonia – IPA Bistra and IPA Stogovo was taken into account. In this context, particular attention was devoted to species under appropriate classification criteria for identification of IPAs: - А (i) – globally affected species - A (ii) – regionally affected species - А (iii) – national endemic species with defined status of threat, and - А (iv) – subendemic species with certain status of threat.

During surveys, populations of the following species were registered:  One globally affected species - Melampyrum heracleoticum, included in IUCN Global Red List (Walter & Gillett 1997), as well as in the list of species under criterion А (iv) concerning qualification for identification as IPA.  Relict species Aesculus hippocastanum. The most beautiful populations occur on the mountain Bistra (locality Lopushnik-Suvi Dol). It also occurs in fragmented state along rivers Garska and Crn Drim and mountain Galichica.  (Sub)endemic species: Galium macedonicum (besides in NP Mavrovo, present in other parts of Macedonia as well (in Mariovo and in southern part of Macedonia), as well as in Northern ), Cirsium apendiculatum (besides in NP Mavrovo, present in other parts of Macedonia as well (on the mountains Shar Planina, Bistra, Jablanica, Pelister, Nidze), as well as in Northern Greece and ).  Rare plant species: Salix elaeagnos subsp. elaeagnos, Fraxinus excelsior, Carpinus betulus, Pyrola minor, Hypericum hirsutum, Geranium reflexum, Listera ovate (all distributed through other parts of the territory of Macedonia).

Based on the above, during the surveys conducted in the range area of HPP Boshkov Most project, no floristic species under the appropriate criteria for qualification for identification as IPA were registered: А (i) – globally affected species, A (ii) – regionally affected species and А (iii) – national endemic species with defined status of threat. One species (Melampyrum heracleoticum) was registered to comply with the criterion for qualification for as IPA: А (iv) – subendemic species with certain status of threat.

Summarized findings of conducted surveys of important plant species during four seasons of the year are presented here under.

43 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

Globally important plant species:

Taxa listed in the World Red List (IUCN Global Red List, Walter & Gillett 1997) registered in the investigated area).

 Melampyrum heracleoticum Boiss. & Orph. - Bistra: between villages Lazaropole and Tresonche, 1240-1400 m, 2.09.2012; 15.10.2012; 10.6.2013 - Between crossroad to village Lazaropole and crossroad to village Tresonche, along river Garska, on the left river side, (41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m); 9.06.2013

Rare plant species:

 Aesculus hippocastanum L. . Between crossroad to village Lazaropole and crossroad to village Tresonche, along river Garska, on the left river side (41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m); 2.09. 2012; 15-17.10.2012 . Between villages Gari and Lazaropole, up to the entry of Lazaropolska Reka into Garska, (41о30’57” N; 20о41’57”; 951m); 8.06.2013 . Between village Gari and crossroad to village Tresonche, along river Garska, (41о31’31” N; 20о39’56”; 878m); 8.06.2013 . Between village Gari and crossroad to village Tresonche, along river Garska, (41о31’36” N; 20о39’39”; 854m); 8.06.2013 . River Dzvonchica, lower course below water intake, before entry in Garska, (41о31’40” N; 20о39’30”; 866m); 9.06.2013 . Between village Gari and crossroad to village Tresonche, along river Garska, (41о31’36” N; 20о39’40”; 839m); 9.06.2013

 Salix elaeagnos Scop. subsp. elaeagnos . Village Rosoki, below village, on the left side of Tresonechka Reka, (41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m); 1.09.2012; 17.10.2012 . Village Rosoki, below village, on the left side of Tresonechka Reka, (41о32’05”; 20о39’15”; 761m); 1.09.2012; 17.10.2012 . Village Gari, below village, along Garska, on both river sides, (41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m); 2.09.2012; 15.10.2012 . Between villages Gari and Lazaropole, up to entry of Lazaropolska Reka into Garska, (41о30’57” N; 20о41’57”; 951m); 8.06.2013 . Village Gari, below village, along Garska, (41о30’13” N; 20о41’15”Е; 995m); 9.06.2013 . River Dzvonchica, lower course below water intake, before entry in Garska, (41о31’40” N; 20о39’30”; 866m); 9.06.2013 . Village Mogorche, along river Beleshnica, below water intake towards entry into Mala Reka, (41о32’00” N; 20о38’09”; 784m); 9.06.2013 . Village Tresonche, along river Tresonechka, (41о32’05” N; 20о39’15”Е; 761m);89.06.2013

 Fraxinus excelsior L. . Between villages Gari and Lazaropole, up to entry of Lazaropolska Reka into Garska, (41о30’57” N; 20о41’57”; 951m); 8.06.2013 . Between village Gari and crossroad to village Tresonche, along river Garska, (41о31’31” N; 20о39’56”Е; 878m); 8.06.2013 . Between village Gari and crossroad to village Tresonche, along river Garska, (41о31’36” N; 20о39’39”Е; 854m); 8.06.2013 . Below village Rosoki-Mogorechki meadows, along Tresonechka Reka, (41о32’19” N; 20о39’47”Е; 805m); 8.06.2013 . River Dzvonchica, lower course below water intake, before entry in Garska, (41о31’40” N; 20о39’30”; 866m); 9.06.2013

 Carpinus betulus L. . Between villages Gari and Lazaropole, up to entry of Lazaropolska Reka into Garska, (41о30’57” N; 20о41’57”Е; 951m); 8.06.2013

44 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

. Between village Gari and crossroad to village Tresonche, along river Garska, (41о31’31” N; 20о39’56”Е; 878m); 8.06.2013 . Between village Gari and crossroad to village Tresonche, along river Garska, (41о31’36” N; 20о39’39”Е; 854m); 8.06.2013

 Galium macedonicum Krendl . Below village Rosoki-Mogorechki meadows, along Tresonechka Reka, on silicate rocks, (41о32’19” N; 20о39’47”Е; 805m); 8.06.2013 . Village Gari, below village, along Garska, (41о30’13” N; 20о41’15”Е; 995m); 9.06.2013 . Village Mogorche, along river Beleshnica, below water intake towards entry into Mala Reka, (41о32’00” N; 20о38’09”; 784m); 9.06.2013 . Bridge Elenski Skok - along Mala Reka, in Carpinetum) (41о32’35” N; 20о37’47”; 669m); 10.06.2013

 Pyrola minor L. . Before village Tresonche, on the left side of Tresonechka Reka, (41о33’55” N; 20о42’55”Е; 985m); 8.06.2013

 Cirsium apendiculatum Grisebach . Village Gari, below village, along Garska, (41о30’13” N; 20о41’15”Е; 995m); 9.06.2013 . Village Mogorche, along river Beleshnica, below water intake towards entry into Mala Reka, (41о32’00” N; 20о38’09”; 784m); 9.06.2013

 Hypericum hirsutum L. . Village Gari, below village, along Garska, (41о30’13” N; 20о41’15”Е; 995m); 9.06.2013

 Geranium reflexum L. . Village Gari, below village, along Garska, (41о30’13” N; 20о41’15”Е; 995m); 9.06.2013 . River Dzvonchica, lower course below water intake, before entry in Garska, (41о31’40” N; 20о39’30”; 866m); 9.06.2013

 Cicerbita pancicii (Vis.) Beauv. . Village Gari, below village, along Garska, (41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m); 2.09.2012;

 Listera ovata L. . Village Gari, below village, along Garska, (41о30’13” N; 20о41’15”Е; 995m); 9.06.2013

Protected wild species in the Republic of Macedonia – Flora (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia no. 139 of 7.10.2010)  Aesculus hippocastanum L.  Melampyrum heracleoticum Boiss. & Orph.

1.3.4 Additional measures to mitigate impacts

With reference to target plant communities and populations of important floristic species in the range area of HPP Boshkov Most projects, the following specific additional measures are recommended to mitigate impacts, apart from measures identified in the ESIA package: (i) Localities of identified relict riparian forest community - аss. Aesculo hippocastani-Ostryetum should be excluded to the maximum extent possible from the scope of construction works or activities serving the purposes of project development (access roads, construction camps, zones for mechanization, etc.). This community grows in fragmented condition at several localities along rivers Garska, Mala Reka and Dzvonchica. In the course of the preparatory phase and before the commencement of the project construction, consultation shall be provided with qualified expert for the purpose of more precise determination of zones with the said community where limitation of construction activities will be set. During the

45 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

operational phase of the project, it is necessary to establish full control over the application and adherence to the set minimum water flow in Garska. (ii) In localities where plant communities (habitat types) included in EU Habitat Directive have been identified, as well as localities where globally important and rare floristic species have been identified, it is necessary to establish regime of control over construction activities or activities serving the purposes of project development (access roads, construction camps, zones for mechanization, etc.), in order to ensure high level of their conservation. In the course of the preparatory phase and before the commencement of the project construction, consultation shall be provided with qualified expert for the purpose of more precise determination of zones in which control over construction activities will need to be established.

46 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

1.4 Survey of terrestrial invertebrates

1.4.1 Butterflies Methodological approach

Surveys of the fauna of terrestrial invertebrates (butterflies and other insects) within the range of the HPP Boshkov Most Project were conducted in certain relevant localities within the project range: а) Area of the future accumulation, through application of the method of free visual registration and catching with the aid of entomological net. b) Reference locality (below the level of the future accumulation), transect Rosoki, by application of the method of linear transect. Figure 1-4: Linear transect for butterfly monitoring - “Rosoki” (below the level of accumulation)

c) Reference locality (above the level of the future accumulation), transect Selce, by application of the method of linear transect. Figure 1-5: Linear transect for butterfly monitoring - “Selce” (above the level of accumulation)

47 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

d) The whole project area, by application of the method of free visual registering and catching with the aid of entomological net. Results and findings of annual butterfly survey

Table below shows detailed overview of the entire butterfly fauna registered in the area of HPP Boshkov Most range, represented by 116 species with their seasonal representation and full valorization.

Table 1-10: Overview of butterfly fauna in the range area of HPP Boshkov Most (by season)

Species category









IUCN BernHabitat and

1 Aglais io + - + - - LC - - 2 Aglais urticae + + + - - LC - - 3 Anthocharis cardamines - - + - - LC - - 4 Anthocharis gruneri - - + - - LC - - 5 Apatura ilia + - + - C LC - - 6 Apatura iris + - - - C LC - - 7 Aporia crategi + - + - - LC - - 8 Araschnia levana + - - - - LC - - 9 Arethusana arethusa + - - - - LC - - 10 Argynnis adippe + - - - - LC - - 11 Argynnis aglaja + - - - - LC - - 12 Argynnis pandora + - - - - LC - - 13 Argynnis paphia + - - - - LC - - 14 Aricia agestis + - + - - LC - - 15 Aricia anteros + + - - - NT - - 16 Aricia eumedon + - - - - LC - - 17 Boloria euphrosyne - - + - - LC - - 18 Brenthis daphne + - - - - LC - - 19 Brintesia circe + - - - - LC - 4b 20 Callophrys rubi - - + - - LC - - 21 Carcharodus alceae + - + - - LC - - 22 Celastrina argiolus + - + - - LC - - 23 Chazara briseis + - - - - NT - - 24 arcania + - + - - LC - - 25 Coenonympha leander - - + - - LC - - 26 Coenonympha pamphilus + + + - - LC - - 27 Coenonympha rhodopensis + - - - - LC - 4a 28 Colias alfacariensis + + + - - LC - 4b

48 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

29 Colias crocea + + + - - LC - - 30 Cupido decoloratus - - + - - NT - - 31 Cupido minimus + - + - - LC - - 32 Cupido osiris + - + - - LC - - 33 Cyaniris semiargus + - + - - LC - - 34 Erebia cassioides + - - - - LC - 4a

35 Erebia medusa + - + - - LC - 3 36 Erebia oeme - - + - - LC - 4a 37 Erebia ottomana + - - - - LC - - 38 Erynnis tages + - + - - LC - 4b 39 Euphydryas aurinia + - + B2 / HD2 C LC - 3 40 Euphydryas maturna - - + B2/HD2/HD4 C VU - 3 41 Glaucopsyche alexis - - + - - LC - 3 42 Gonepteryx rhamni + - + - - LC - - 43 Hamearis lucina - - + - - LC - - 44 Hesperia comma + - - - - LC - - 45 Hipparchia statilinus + - - - - NT - 4b 46 Hyponephele lycaon + - - - - LC - - 47 Iphiclides podalirius + - + - - LC - - 48 Issoria lathonia + + + - - LC - - 49 Lasiommata maera + - + - - LC - - 50 Lasiommata megera + - - - - LC - - 51 Leptidae duponchelli + - + - - LC - - 52 Leptidaea sinapis + - + - - LC - - 53 Leptotes pirithous + + + - - LC - - 54 Libythea celtis - - + - - LC - - 55 Limenitis populi - - + - C LC - - 56 Limenitis reducta + - + - - LC - - 57 Lycaena alciphron + - + - - LC - - 58 Lycaena candens + - + - - LC - - 59 Lycaena phlaeas + + + - - LC - - 60 Lycaena tityrus + - + - - LC - - 61 Lycaena virgaureae + - - - - LC - - 62 Maniola jurtina + - + - - LC - - 63 Melanargia galathea + - + - - LC - 4b 64 Melanargia larissa + - + - - LC - 4a 65 Melanargia russiae + - - - - LC - - 66 Melitaea arduinna - - + - - LC - - 67 Melitaea athalia + - + - - LC - - 68 Melitaea cinxia + - + - - LC - -

49 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

69 Melitaea diamina - - + - - LC - - 70 Melitaea didyma + - + - - LC - - 71 Melitaea phoebe + - + - - LC - - 72 Melitaea trivia + - + - C LC - - 73 Nymphalis antiopa + - + - - LC - - 74 Nymphalis polychloros + - + - - LC - - 75 Ochlodes sylvanus + - + - - LC - - 76 Papilio machaon + - + - - LC - - 77 Parnassius apollo + - - B2 / HD4 - NT VU 3 78 Parnassius mnemosyne + - + B2 / HD4 C NT - - 79 Phengaris alcon - - + - - LC - 3 80 Phengaris arion + - - B2 / HD4 C EN - 3 81 Pieris brassicae + - - - - LC - - 82 Pieris ergane - - + - - LC - - 83 Pieris mannii + - + - - LC - - 84 Pieris napi/balcana + - + - - LC - 4a 85 Pieris rapae + + + - - LC - - 86 Plebejus argyrognomon - - + - - LC - - 87 Plebejus argus + - + - - LC - - 88 Plebejus idas + - + - - LC - - 89 Polygonia c-album + + + - - LC - - 90 Polyommatus amandus + - + - - LC - - 91 Polyommatus bellargus + + + - - LC - - 92 Polyommatus coridon + - - - - LC - 4a 93 Polyommatus damon + - - - - NT - - 94 Polyommatus daphnis + - - - - LC - 4b 95 Polyommatus dorylas + - + - - NT - 4b 96 Polyommatus icarus + + + - - LC - - 97 Polyommatus ripartii/aroanien. + - - - - LC - - 98 Polyommatus thersites + - - - - LC - - 99 Pontia edusa + - + - - LC - - 100 Pseudophilotes vicrama + - + - - NT - 3 101 Pyrgus armoricanus + + + - - LC - - 102 Pyrgus cinarae + - - - - LC NT 4a 103 Pyrgus malvae - - + - - LC - - 104 Pyrgus serratulae + - + - - LC - - 105 Pyrgus sidae + - + - - LC - - 106 Pyronia tithonus + - - - - LC - - 107 Satyrium acaciae - - + - - LC - 4b 108 Satyrium ilicis - - + - - LC - -

50 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

109 Satyrium spini + - - - - LC - - 110 Scolitantides orion - - + - C LC - 3 111 Spialia orbifer + - + - - LC - - 112 Thecla betulae + + - - - LC - - - 113 Thymelicus lineola + - + - - LC - - 114 Thymelicus sylvestris + - + - - LC - 4b 115 Vanessa atalanta + + + - - LC - - 116 Vanessa cardui + - + - - LC - - TOTAL NUMBER 95 15 83 5 9 11 2 25 Legend of symbols: - Bern – Bern Convention on the Protection of Wild Life and Natural Habitats in Europe; - Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC; - CORINE – species enrolled in the List of CORINE (European ecological network, predecessor of Emerald); - IUCN - IUCN status LC (Least Concern) - најмалку засегнат вид. o LC (Least Concern) species o NT (Near Threatened) species. o VU (Vulnerable) species. - GTS - GTS category (global threatened species) category – globally threatened species; - SPEC - SPEC category (Species of European Conservation Concern) category – species of European conservation importanceа; - Pieris napi/balcana , Polyommatus ripartii/aroaniensis – are species for which certain identification is not possible except through genetic research (in such case, the species of higher conservation status is taken).

The very fact that the number of recorded butterfly species within the whole project area is 116 indicates that we deal with exceptionally rich biodiversity with outstanding importance.

Additional considerations with regard to the status of butterfly species are presented through the list of threatened species in the next Table. Total of 34 threatened species have been registered, of which 5 are included in the annexes of the Bern Convention and Habitat Directive, 9 are CORINE species, 11 species have IUCN status, 2 species have GTS status and 25 species are with SPEC status.

Table 1-11: Species of butterfly with conservation status in Europe in the whole range area of HPP

Boshkov Most Project (by season)












Directive Bern and

1 Apatura ilia + - + - C LC - - 2 Apatura iris + - - - C LC - - 3 Aricia anteros + + - - - NT - - 4 Brintesia circe + - - - - LC - 4b 5 Chazara briseis + - - - - NT - - 6 Coenonympha + - - - - LC - 4a rhodopensis 7 Colias alfacariensis + + + - - LC - 4b 8 Cupido decoloratus - - + - - NT - - 9 Erebia cassioides + - - - - LC - 4a 10 Erebia medusa + - + - - LC - 3

51 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

11 Erebia oeme - - + - - LC - 4a 12 Erynnis tages + - + - - LC - 4b 13 Euphydryas aurinia + - + B2 / HD2 C LC - 3 14 Euphydryas maturna - - + B2/HD2/HD4 C VU - 3 15 Glaucopsyche alexis - - + - - LC - 3 16 Hipparchia statilinus + - - - - NT - 4b 17 Limenitis populi - - + - C LC - - 18 Melanargia galathea + - + - - LC - 4b 19 Melanargia larissa + - + - - LC - 4a 20 Melitaea trivia + - + - C LC - - 21 Parnassius apollo + - - B2 / HD4 - NT VU 3 22 Parnassius mnemosyne + - + B2 / HD4 C NT - - 23 Phengaris alcon - - + - - LC - 3 24 Phengaris arion + - - B2 / HD4 C EN - 3 25 Pieris napi/balcana + - + - - LC - 4a 26 Polyommatus coridon + - - - - LC - 4a 27 Polyommatus damon + - - - - NT - - 28 Polyommatus daphnis + - - - - LC - 4b 29 Polyommatus dorylas + - + - - NT - 4b 30 Pseudophilotes vicrama + - + - - NT - 3 31 Pyrgus cinarae + - - - - LC NT 4a 32 Satyrium acaciae - - + - - LC - 4b

33 Scolitantides orion - - + - C LC - 3 34 Thymelicus sylvestris + - + - - LC - 4b Species with status – by season 27 2 21 5 9 11 2 25

Surveys conducted during the four seasons of the year enabled precise determination of the reference state in the area in relation to butterfly fauna and overcoming of identified deficiency of seasonal data on their diversity.

1.4.2 Other species of registered terrestrial invertebrates

Table below shows all other prominent groups of insect registered in the range area of HPP Boshkov Most project and their conservation status.

Table 1-12: Other insect species registered within the HPP Boshkov Most project area class INSECTA (INSECTS ) Conservation status SUMMER AUTUMN SPRING Order – ODONATA (DRAGONFLIES) Fam. Aeshnidae 1. Aeshna mixta + - - Fam. Calopterygidae 2. Calopteryx virgo - - + Fam. Coenagrionidae 3. Pyrrhosoma nymphula - - + Fam. Cordulegastridae

52 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

4. Cordulegaster bidentata IUCN - NT - - + Fam. Libellulidae 5. Libellula depressa - - + 6. Orthetrum brunneum + - - 7. Orthetrum cancellatum - - + 8. Sympetrum striolatum + - - Order - (BUTTERFLIES) Fam. 9. Arctia villica - - + 10. Catocala nupta + - + 11. Diaphora luctuosa - - + 12. Euplagia quadripunctaria EU Hab.Directive – Annex II + - - 13. Scoliopteryx libatrix + - - 14. Watsonarctia deserta - - + Fam. Saturniidae 15. Aglia tau - - + Fam. Geometridae 16. Triphosa dubitata + - - Fam. 17. oleagina - - + Fam. Saturnidae 18. Saturnia pavonia - - + Fam. Sphingidae 19. Macroglossum stelaturum + + + 20 Hemaris fuciformis - - + Fam. Thyrididaea 21. Thyris fenestrella - - + Fam. Zygaenidae 22. Zygaena ephialtes + - + 23. Zygaena lonicera - - + 24. Zygaena minos - - + Order – HYMENOPTERA (MEMBRANE-WINGED INSECTS) Fam. Apidae 25. Bombus lucorum/terrestris + - + 26. Xylocopa violacea + - + Fam. Vespidae 27. Vespa crabro + - + Order – TRICHOPTERA (CADDISFLIES) Fam. Limnephilidae 28. Halesus digitatus + + - Order – HEMIPTERA (TRUE BUGS) Fam. Pentatomidae 29. Graphosoma lineatum + - - Order – COLEOPTERA (BEETLES) Fam. Carabidae 30. Carabus (Procerus) gigas - - + Fam. Cerambycidae 31. Cerambyx cerdo IUCN - NT - - + 32. Musaria affinis - - + Fam. Lucanidae 33. Lucanus cervus i. EU Hab.Dir. – Annex II + - + ii. IUCN - NT

53 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

Fam. Meloidae 34. Meloe violaceus - - + Fam. Melolonthidae 35. Melolontha melolontha - - + Order - NEUROPTERA (LACEWINGS) Fam. Ascalaphidae 36. Libelloides macaronius - - + 37. Libelloides lacteus - - + Fam. Osmylidae 38. Osmylus fulvicephalus - - +

1.4.3 Additional measures to mitigate impacts

With regard to this species group – terrestrial invertebrates – no specific additional measures are needed to reduce impacts apart from measures identified in the ESIA package, which are given in the Section 2 (Table 2-1).

54 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

1.5 Survey of terrestrial vertebrates

1.5.1 Amphibians and reptiles Methodological approach

While implementing surveys of amphibians and reptiles in the range area of HPP Boshkov Most project, the standard method for herpetofauna inventory and monitoring was used, i.e. the method of Amphibian and Reptile Visual Encounter Surveys or ARVES, by Crump and Scott (1994) and Heyer et al., (1994).

Assessments (measurements) made by application of this method have significant advantages as well: (1) they have low impact on natural habitats compared to other standard methods the application of which requires holes digging in the soil (pitfall traps) or clearing of forest cover (covered shelters); (2) they do not pose practical threat to the survival of individuals to be surveyed; and (3) assessments (measurements) made on the basis of this method are effective under different environments, including terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Consequently, ARVES is the basic method for amphibians and reptiles assessment when establishing monitoring programme.

The monitoring protocol (inventory form) includes the following data: name of primary sampling unit (sampling area), GPS coordinates at start and end position of sampling area and altitudes, type of monitoring (day/night), date and year of monitoring, time of monitoring start and time of monitoring completion, temperature of air and temperature of water, weather conditions by weather code and wind velocity according to Beaufort’s scale, method of field measurement (monitoring), habitat type and type of sampling area ground, sources of disturbance and pollution, data on observers, species of amphibian or reptile encountered, number of individuals, age i.e. life stage of individual (adult, sub- adult, juvenile), ground/environment where the individual is encountered (in water, on land, rocky ground, under rotten trunk), type of individual registration (visual, by sound, sign/trace, dead specimen, collected specimen) and separate line in which comments from conducted monitoring are entered.

Primary sampling units (sampling areas) In order to cover entire areas downstream of water intakes, i.e. critical sites within the project area, 4 sampling units (sampling areas) were established for monitoring, each of 25 meters width and 400 meters length, or every primary sampling unit had an area of 1 ha, as well as one reference sampling unit (sampling area) along Lazaropolska Reka, situated far above water intakes. Regular (seasonal) monitoring was carried out in all these five sampling areas in order to determine the status of the populations of different species of amphibians and reptiles. In addition to this, the entire territory of the watershed area of Mala Reka was subjected to inventory taking of species, in order to establish qualitative composition of herpetofauna in the whole project area.

i. Primary sampling units (sampling areas) in the area of the future accumulation, between villages Selce and Tresonche

For the purpose of more detailed study of herpetofauna existing on the terrains of the future accumulation, two sampling areas were established in a shape of linear transects one along Jadovska Reka and the second along Tresonechka Reka.

55 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

Figure 1-6: Linear transects for amphibians and reptiles monitoring along rivers Jadovska and Tresonechka

Both sampling areas start at the juncture of the rivers Jadovska and Tresonechka and they extend along rivers, each of surface area of 1 ha. Start position of the sampling area along Jadovska Reka starts at the juncture of the two rivers (Jadovska and Tresonechka) at the points with coordinates: N 41.56548; E 20.71317 at an altitude of 966 m, while end position is at the point with coordinates: N 41.56810; E 20.71449, at an altitude of 984 m. The second sampling area is in a shape of linear transect extending along Tresonechka Reka, it has the same start position with the previous one N 41.56548; E 20.71317 at an altitude of 966 m and ends at the point with the following coordinates: N 41.56481; E 20.71684, at an altitude of 975 m. Both sampling areas include parts of riparian, meadow and forest plant communities.

ii. Primary sampling unit (sampling area) along Rosochka Reka after entry of Jadovska and Tresonechka Reka

The primary sampling unit (sampling area) along Rosochka Reka is in a form of linear transect with an area of 1 ha. It starts (start position) at the point with coordinates: N 41.54618; E 20.68303 and altitude of 863 meters, and ends at position: N 41.54894; E 20.68574 and altitude of 904 meters.

56 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

Figure 1-7: Linear transect for amphibians and reptiles monitoring along Rosochka Reka

iii. Primary sampling unit (sampling area) along Garska Reka after entry of Lazaropolska Reka

The primary sampling unit (sampling area) along Garska is in a form of linear transect with an area of 1 ha. It starts (start position) at the point with coordinates: N 41.51915; E 020.67916 and altitude of 910 meters, and ends at position: N 41.51669; E 020.68316 and altitude of 964 meters.

Figure 1-8: Linear transect for amphibians and reptiles monitoring along river Garska

iv. Reference sampling unit (reference sampling area) on Lazaropolska Reka

In the frames of herpetofauna monitoring, one reference sampling unit (sampling area in a form of linear transect) was established, positioned along Lazaropolska Reka, far away above water intakes of the proposed project for construction of HPP Boshkov Most. This reference sampling unit is also in a form of linear transect with an area of 1 ha. It starts (starting position) at the point with coordinates: N 41.53941; E 020.71374 and altitude of 1.302 meters, and ends at position: N 41. 53872; E 020.71711 and altitude of 1.316 meters. At this linear transect, monitoring of herpetofauna was

57 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report conducted by the same methodology, as in other sampling areas. Data from the reference sampling area will be used for comparative analysis during later operational phase of HPP Boshkov Most.

Figure 1-9: Linear transect for amphibians and reptiles monitoring along river Lazaropolska, above village Lazaropole

Monitoring of amphibians and reptiles at the reference sampling unit Lazaropolska Reka was conducted by ARVES method, over linear transect along the river itself. The monitoring was carried out in the very aquatic environment (river), as well as along both banks grown over with riparian vegetation in a width of 10 meters each. Daily monitoring was performed in the period between 10:00 o’clock in the morning and 18:00 o’clock in the afternoon, peak period during the day when amphibians and reptiles are most active and easy to see. Night monitoring was used as secondary method of the monitoring for the purpose of more complete registration of the number status of populations of individual species.

Considering the fact that the reference sampling area is outside of the water intakes, changes with herpetofauna caused by the implementation of HPP Boshkov Most project are not expected there. However, if changes in herpetofauna occur in the project area, caused by other factors, then data from the reference sampling area will be used as basis for comparative analyses, i.e. to determine to what extent the changes are caused by the project relative to changes caused by other factors.

v. The whole project area

For the purpose of registration of herpetofauna representatives on the whole project area of HPP Boshkov Most (watershed area of Mala Reka), apart from the results obtained from the monitoring in individual sampling areas and reference sampling area by ARVES method, additional field surveys were carried out within the whole project area, using other secondary methods of search, depending on conditions of the terrain.

Comparative analyses of the qualitative and quantitative composition of herpetofauna from the whole project area generated during the phase prior to the construction with the results to be obtained during the phase of construction and phase of operation will enable to establish overall changes in herpetofauna caused by the project for establishment of HPP Boshkov Most. Results and findings of the annual survey of amphibians and reptiles

The Table below shows detailed overview of the entire fauna of amphibians and reptiles registered in the range area of HPP Boshkov Most project, with their seasonal representation.

58 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

Table 1-13: Overview of the fauna of amphibians and reptiles in the range area of HPP Boshkov Most project (by season)

Primary sampling unit / Number of encountered individuals

Taxonomic group / Whole

Species Total

Reka Reka

Reka area



Garska Reka Garska

Tresonechka JadovskaReka

Season - summer Class Amphibians (Amphibia) 1. Salamandra - - - - 72 + 72 salamandra 2. Bombina variegata - - - - 3 + 3 3. Pseudepidalea viridis 2 2 2 - - + 6 4. Rana dalmatina - - - - 3 + 3 5. Rana graeca - - 4 2 47 + 53 Class Reptiles (Reptilia) 6. Lacerta viridis 1 - - 1 - + 2 7. Podarcis muralis 4 5 - - - + 9 8. Podarcis erhardii - - - - - + - 9. Natrix natrix - - - - 1 + 1 Total – summer 7 7 6 3 126 Qual. 149 Season - autumn Class Amphibians (Amphibia) 1. Bufo 3bufo - - - - 1 + 1 2. Rana4 dalmatina - - - 1 - - 1 3. Rana5 graeca - - - - 37 + 37 Class Reptiles (Reptilia) 4. Podarcis muralis - 2 - 1 - + 3 5. Natrix natrix - - - - - + - 6. Natrix tessellata - - - 2 - - 2 Total – autumn - 2 - 4 38 Qual. 44 Season - spring Class Amphibians (Amphibia) 1. Salamandra - - 2 2 1 - 5 salamandra 2. Ichthyosaura alpestris - - - - - + - 3. Bombina variegata - - - - - + - 4. Bufo bufo - - - - - + - 5. Rana dalmatina - - - - 2 - 2 6. Rana graeca 1 - 2 - 68 - 71 7. Rana temporaria - - - - 1 + 1 Class Reptiles (Reptilia) 8. Anguis fragilis - - - - - + - 9. Lacerta viridis 1 - - 2 - + 3 10. Podarcis muralis 2 - - - - + 2 11. Podarcis erhardii - - - - - + - 12. Lacerta agilis - - - - - + - 13. Natrix natrix - - - 1 - - 1 Total – spring 4 - 4 5 72 Qual. 85

59 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

In summary, the status of herpetofauna in the area of HPP Boshkov Most project is as follows:  During summer season, total of 149 individuals was registered, belonging to 9 species, of which 5 species of amphibians and 4 species of reptiles.  During autumn season, total of 44 individuals was registered, belonging to 6 species, of which 3 species of amphibians and 3 species of reptiles.  During spring season, total of 85 individuals was registered, belonging to 13 species, of which 7 species of amphibians and 6 species of reptiles.

Table below shows detailed aggregate overview of the entire fauna of amphibians and reptiles registered in the area of HPP Boshkov Most project.

Table 1-14: Overview of fauna of amphibians and reptiles in the area of HPP Boshkov Most project

Primary sampling unit / Number of encountered individuals

Reka Taxonomic group / Reka Whole

Species Total

Reka Reka

Reka area


Lazaropolska Lazaropolska

Garska Garska

Tresonechka Jadovska

Class Amphibians (Amphibia) 1. Salamandra - - 2 2 73 + 77 salamandra 2. Ichthyosaura alpestris - - - - - + - 3. Bombina variegata - - - - 3 + 3 4. Bufo bufo - - - - 1 + 1 5. Pseudepidalea viridis 2 2 2 1 - + 7 6. Rana dalmatina - - - - 5 + 5 7. Rana graeca 1 - 6 2 152 + 161 8. Rana temporaria - - - - 1 + 1 Class Reptiles (Reptilia) 9. Anguis fragilis - - - - - + - 10. Lacerta viridis 2 - - 3 - + 5 11. Podarcis muralis 6 7 - 1 - + 14 12. Podarcis erhardii - - - - - + - 13. Lacerta agilis - - - - - + - 14. Natrix natrix - - - 1 1 + 2 15. Natrix tessellata - - - 2 - - 2 TOTAL NUMBER 11 9 10 12 236 Кв. 278

In the frames of the monitoring activities concerning herpetofauna in the range area of HPP Boshkov Most project during the pre-construction phase, total of 278 individuals was registered, of which 8 species of amphibians and 7 species of reptiles.

Among the total number of 278 registered amphibians and reptiles, 77 individuals were salamanders, 178 individuals were frogs, 19 individuals were lizards and 4 individuals were snakes.

The results from the seasonal monitoring, presented in the three separate tables, show evident trends of seasonal activities. Thus, the frequency of species is the most intensively manifested during spring period, when presence of 13 species was registered, followed by summer period with 9 species and autumn period with 6 species.

On the other side, abundance is manifested the most during summer period, with total of 149 registered individuals. This situation of higher values during summer period relative to spring period is explained by high altitude of sampling areas (860-984 m), and especially reference sampling unit, which is located at an altitude of more than 1.300 meters. Under such conditions, larvae phase of

60 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report amphibians has postponed dynamics, with metamorphosis prolonged up to as late as August. For these reasons, the abundance is the greatest during summer period, instead during spring, which is common with ravine populations.

The most important biological indicator of amphibians for this type of natural habitats, Balkan stream frog (Rana graeca), manifested exceptionally low coefficient of population density in all four primary sampling units, ranging from 0.00 individuals/ha in the primary sampling unit Tresonechka Reka; 0.33 individuals/ha in the primary sampling unit Jadovska Reka; 0.66 individuals/ha in the primary sampling unit Garska, to 2.00 individuals/ha in the primary sampling unit Rosochka Reka. On the other side, in the reference sampling unit Lazaropolska Reka, density of population of this species is 50.66 individuals/ha.

Table 1-15: Overview of fauna of amphibians and reptiles in the area of HPP Boshkov Most project (by season) and their valorization. Taxonomic Summer Autumn Spring Habitat English name IUCN group/Species (2012) (2012) (2013) Directive Class Amphibia (Amphibians) Order Caudata (Tailed Amphibians: Salamanders and Newts) Family Salamandridae (True Salamanders and Newts) 1. Salamandra Fire Salamander √ - √ - LC salamandra 2. Ichthyosaura Alpine Newt - - √ - - alpestris Order Anura (Tail-less Amphibians: Frogs) Family Bombinatoridae (Fire-bellied Toads) 3. Bombina variegata Yellow-belied Toad √ - √ II/IV LC Family Bufonidae (True Toads) 4. Pseudepidalea viridis Green Toad √ - IV LC 5. Bufo bufo Common Toad - √ √ - LC Family Ranidae (Aquatic Frogs) 6. Rana dalmatina Agile Frog √ √ √ IV LC 7. Rana graeca Balkan Stream Frog √ √ √ IV LC 8. Rana temporaria Alpine Frog - - √ - LC Class Reptilia (Reptiles) Order Squamata (Scaled Reptiles) Sub-order Sauria (Lizards) Family Anguidae 9. Anguis fragilis Slow Warm - - √ - - Family Lacertidae (True Lizards) 10. Lacerta viridis Green Lizard √ - √ IV LC 11. Lacerta agilis Sand Lizard - - √ IV LC 12. Podarcis muralis Common Wall Lizard √ √ √ IV LC 13. Podarcis erhardii Erhard’s Wall Lizard √ - √ IV LC Suborder Serpentes (Snakes) Family Colubridae (Nonvenomous Snakes) 14. Natrix natrix Grass Snake √ √ √ - LR/LC 15. Natrix tessellata Dice Snake - √ - IV LC

Valorization of herpetofauna according to the degree of legal protection has been made in accordance with EU Habitat Directive (Directive 92/43/EEC), while according to the extent of threat – by IUCN Red List of Species under Threat at Global Level (2013), as well as IUCN European Red List of Amphibians under Threat (2009) and IUCN European Red List of Reptiles under Threat (2009).

61 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

EU Habitat Directive (Directive 92/43/EEC) provides for strict legal protection (Annex IV) for total of nine species, of which four (4) species of amphibians and five (5) species of reptiles. We should underline that the species Yellow-belied Toad (Bombina variegata) and Sand Lizard (Lacerta agilis) were registered beyond the narrow project area, i.e. species Bombina variegatа in the reference sampling unit and spring areas of the rivers Jadovska, Tresonechka, Lazaropolska and Garska, while the species Lacerta agilis in alpine zone, above the forest zone of the mountain Bistra. The species Bombina variegatа е is included in the list of Annex II of the Habitat Directive, which means that the species is of interest to EU and it requires definition of specific areas for conservation.

IUCN Red List of Species under Threat at Global Level (2013) does not include any species of amphibians and reptiles registered in the area of HPP Boshkov Most in one of the three IUCN categories: CR (Critically Endangered), EN (Endangered) or VU (Vulnerable), considered as species under threat. On the contrary, all so far registered species of amphibians and reptiles belong to the category of LC (Least Concern) species. The same accounts for IUCN European Red List of Amphibians under Threat and IUCN European Red List of Reptiles under Threat. Additional measures to mitigate impacts

The results of the monitoring activities over herpetofauna in the range area of HPP Boshkov Most during the pre-construction phase indicate relatively low frequency of species and abundance of populations. This conclusion is clearly confirmed upon comparative analysis made between herpetofauna registered in primary sampling units located along rivers at which water intakes are planned and reference sampling unit. This reflects the fact that no significant migratory corridors have been registered in the narrow project area for herpetofauna species, considering the fact that the amounts of populations of species closely related to aquatic environment are obviously low.

Based on the above, during the phase of the project construction, no significant negative impacts are expected on structure and density of populations of individual herpetofauna species, due to the fact that frequency of species and density of their populations are manifestly low. Furthermore, investigations conducted so far on herpetofauna have indicated the fact that the planned project activities within the narrow project area, including existing and projected road infrastructure, as well as other construction undertakings and line facilities, do not affect directly the already established migratory corridors of the wider project area.

Consequently, the results of the monitoring of herpetofauna in the range area of HPP Boshkov Most with regard to this group of species indicate that there is no need for specific additional measures to mitigate impacts relative to measures identified in the ESIA package, which are given in the Section 2 (Table 2-1).

1.5.2 Birds Methodological approach

Surveys of bird fauna in the area of HPP Boshkov Most project were carried out at predetermined relevant localities within the project range: а) Area of the future accumulation, by application of the method of mapping (Glowacinski 1975, Micevski 1992) and method of netting and free audio-visual encounter survey with the aid of binocular and telescope. b) Along Mala Reka (below the level of the future accumulation), by application of linear transects method.

62 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

Figure 1-10: Linear transect for birds monitoring - “Rosoki” (below the level of accumulation)

c) Reference locality (above the level of the future accumulation), by application of linear transect method. Figure 1-11: Linear transect for birds monitoring - “Selce” (above the level of accumulation)

d) The whole project area, by application of the methods of linear transects, netting and free audio-visual encounter survey with the aid of binocular and telescope.

63 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report Results and findings of annual bird survey

The Table below presents detailed overview of the entire bird fauna registered in the range area of HPP Boshkov Most, represented by 81 species, with their seasonal representation and full valorization.

Table 1-16: Overview of bird fauna registered in the range area of HPP Boshkov Most (by season)














1 Acanthis canabina - Linnet + + I - - U 2 - - 2 Accipiter gentilis – Northern Goshawk + - - - F - - - Accipiter nisus – 3 + + - - - F - - - Eurasian Sparrowhawk 4 Aegithalos caudatus – Long-tailed Tit + + + + - - - F - - -

5 Alauda arvensis - Skylark + I - - U 3 II/2 - 6 Alectoris graeca – Common Partridge + + I - - U 2 II/1 -

7 Anthus spinoletta - Rock Pipit + - - - F - - -

8 Anthus trivialis – Tree Pipit + - - - F - - -

9 Aquila chrysaetos - Imperial Eagle + + I I t U 3 I -

10 Ardea cynerea- Grey Heron + - - - F - - - 11 Buteo buteo - Common Buzzard + + + - - - F - - - 12 Caprimulgus europeus - Nightjar + + I - t U 2 I - 13 Certhia familiaris - Eurasian + + - - - F - - - Treecreeper 14 Carduelis canaria - Lasser Goldfinch + + I - - F - - - 15 Carduelis carduelis – Goldfinch + + - - - F - - - 16 Carduelis chloris – Greenfinch + + + + I - - F - - - 17 Cinclus cinclus – Common Dipper + + + - - - F - - - Coccothraustes coccothraustes - 18 + + + + - - - F - - - Hawfinch 19 Columba livia - Rock Dove + + + - - - F - II/1 - II/1, 20 Columba palumbus – Wood Pigeon + + - - - F - - I/1 21 Corvus corax – Raven + + + + - - - F - - - 22 Corvus c cornix – Grey Rller + + - - - F - II/2 - 23 Coturnix coturnix -Common Quail + I I U 3 II/2 - 24 Crex crex - Corncrake + I - t U 1 I NT:A 3c 25 Delichon urbica – House Martin + - - - U 3 - -

Dendrocopos leucotos – 26 + + - - - F - - - White-backed Woodpecker Dendrocopos major – 27 + + - - - F - - - Great Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos medius – 28 + + + I - t U - I - Middle Spotted Woodpecker

64 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

Dendrocopos minor – 29 + + - - - F - - - Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos syriacus – 30 + + I - t F - I - Syrian Woodpecker 31 Emberiza calandra - Corn Bunting + I - - U 2 - - 32 Emberiza cia – Rock Bunting + + I - - U 3 - - Emberiza cirlus – Black-headed 33 + + + I - - F - - - Bunting 34 Emberiza citrinella – Yellowhammer + I - - F - - -

35 Emberiza hortulana – Ortolan Bunting + I - t U 2 I - Eremophila alpestris alpska – 36 + - - - F - - - Horned Lark 37 Erithacus rubecula - Robin + + + + I I - F - - - 38 Falco tinnunculus - Kestrel + I I - U 3 - - Ficedula albicolis – 39 + I I t F - I - White-necked Flycatcher 40 Fringilla coelebs – Chaffinch + + + + I - - F - - - 41 Garrulus glandarius - Eurasian Jay + + + + - - - F - II/2 - Hirundo daurica – 42 + + - - - F - - - Red-rumped Swallow 43 Hirundo rupestris – Rock Martin + + - - - F - - - 44 Hirundo rustica - Swallow + + I - - U 3 - - 45 Jynx torquilla - Wryneck + I - - U 3 - - 46 Lanius collurio - Grey Shrike + + I - t U 3 I - 47 Luscinia megarhynchos - Nightingale + + I I F - - - Monticola saxatilis – Rufous-tailed 48 + I I U 3 - - Rock Thrush 49 Motacilla alba - White Wagtail + + - - - F - - - 50 Motacilla cinerea - Grey Wagtail + + + - - - F - - - 51 Muscicapa striata - Flycatcher + + I I - U 3 - - 52 Oenanthe oenanthe - Wheatear + - - - U 3 - - 53 Oriolus oriolus – Golden Oriole + + - - - F - - - 54 Otus scops - Scops Owl + + II - - U 2 - - 55 Parus ater – Coal Tit + + - - - F - - - 56 Parus caeruleus - Blue Tit + + + + I - - F - - - 57 Parus lugubris – Sombre Tit + + + I - - F - - - 58 Parus major - Great Tit + + + + - - - F - - - 59 Parus palustris - Lesser Sombre Tit + + + + - - - U 3 - - 60 Passer domesticus - House Sparrow + + - - - U 3 - - 61 Passer montanus - Tree Sparrow + + - - - U 3 - - 62 Phoenicurus ochruros - Black Redstart + + II II U 2 - - Phoneicurus phoenicurus – 63 + II II U 2 - - Common Redstart

65 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

64 Phylloscopus collybita – Chiffchiff + + + - - - F - - - 65 Phylloscopus sibilatrix - Wood Warbler + I I U 2 - - 66 Pica pica - Magpie + - - - F - II/2 - 67 Picus viridis - Green Woodpecker + + + I U 2 - - 68 Pyrrhula pyrrhula - Bullfinch + + + + - - - F - - - 69 Regulus regulus –Goldcrest + + II II F - - - 70 Saxicola rubetra – Whinchat + I I - F - - -

71 Sylvia atricapilla - Blackcap + + I I - F - - -

72 Sylvia communis - Common + + I I - F - - - Whitethroat 73 Sylvia curruca - Lesser Whitethroat + + - - - F - - - 74 Sitta europaea - Common Nuthatch + + + - - F - - - 75 Strix aluco – Tawny Owl + + + I - - F - - - I, 76 Tetrastes bonasia - Hazel Grouse + + + - - t F - - II/2

77 Troglodytes troglodytes – Wren + + + + - - - F - - - 78 Turdus merula - Blackbird + + + + I I - F - II/2 - 79 Turdus philomelos – Song Thrush + + I I - F - II/2 - 80 Turdus viscivorus - Mistle Thrush + + + + I I - F - II/2 - 81 Upupa epops - Hoopoe + - - - U 3 I - TOTAL NUMBER OF SPECIES by season 75 38 25 42 Legend of symbols: - Bern – Bern Convention on the Protection of Wild Life and Natural Habitats in Europe; - Bonn-Bonn Convention on the Protection of Migratory Species of Wild ; - CORINE – species enrolled in the List of CORINE (European ecological network predecessor of Emerald); - European status – (F-favourable; U-unfavourable); - SPEC - SPEC category (Species of European Conservation Concern) category – species of European conservation importance; - WBD – Wild Birds Directive, Annex I, II, III; - IUCN - IUCN status;

The Table below shows overview of bird species with unfavourable status in Europe, total of 28 species, their full valorization and seasonal representation.

66 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

Table 1-17: Birds with conservation status in Europe, in the area of HPP Boshkov Most (by season)














1 Acanthis canabina + + I - - U 2 - - 2 Alauda arvensis + I - - U 3 II/2 - 3 Alectoris graeca + + I - - U 2 II/1 - 4 Aquila chrysaetos + + + I I t U 3 I - 5 Caprimulgus europeus + + I - t U 2 I - 6 Coturnix coturnix + I I U 3 II/2 - 7 Crex crex + I - t U 1 I NT:A3c 8 Delichon urbica + - - - U 3 - - 9 Dendrocopos medius + + + I - t U - I - 10 Emberiza calandra + I - - U 2 - - 11 Emberiza cia + + I - - U 3 - - 12 Emberiza hortulana + I - t U 2 I - 13 Falco tinnunculus + I I - U 3 - - 14 Hirundo rustica + + I - - U 3 - - 15 Jynx torquilla + I - - U 3 - - 16 Lanius collurio + + I - t U 3 I - 17 Monticola saxatilis + I I U 3 - - 18 Muscicapa striata + + I I - U 3 - - 19 Oenanthe oenanthe + - - - U 3 - - 20 Otus scops + + II - - U 2 - - 21 Parus palustris + + + + - - - U 3 - - 22 Passer domesticus + + - - - U 3 - - 23 Passer montanus + + - - - U 3 - - 24 Phoenicurus ochruros + + II II U 2 - - 25 Phoneicurus phoenicurus + II II U 2 - - 26 Phylloscopus sibilatrix + I I U 2 - - 27 Picus viridis + + + I U 2 - - 28 Upupa epops + - - - U 3 I - Additional measures to mitigate impacts

With regard to bird fauna, there is no need for additional specific measures to reduce impacts apart from measures identified in the ESIA package, which are given in the Section 2 (Table 2-1).

67 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

1.5.3 Mammals Methodological approach

Mammals are heterogeneous group of vertebrates which incorporates animals of various size (from shrew with a mass of only 10 grams to bear with a mass of over 200 kilograms), adaptive forms, preference for habitats and ecological and behavioural characteristics. As a result of this heterogeneity, we needed different methodological approaches and techniques for information gathering, necessary to define fauna lists of mammals in the area of HPP Boshkov Most project. For the purposes of inventory taking of mammals in the course of four seasons, the following field methods were used: 1. Direct hunting by use of traps, namely: snap trap, Longworth and pit fall traps, which were placed along selected linear transects. In this way, data on small size mammals was collected (Insectivora and Rodentia). 2. By aid of camera traps placed along paths and passages (Artiodactyla – ungulate mammals and Carnivora - beasts). 3. Recording indirect indicators of mammals presence (traces, excrement, traces of food, etc.) along selected transects (Artiodactyla – ungulate mammals and Carnivora - beasts). 4. Identification of fibres in feces (wolf, fox, marten, badger) collected in the surveyed area. 5. Collection of individuals killed in traffic. 6. Oral polling of the local population and staff of the National Park Mavrovo. 7. Checking of trophies, photographs and osteological remains found during field activities. 8. Visual encountering.

All activities aimed at inventory taking of mammals were organized in a way to enable full coverage of all seasons (summer, autumn, winter and spring). In spatial context, the coverage of inventory assumed the following spatial elements: (i) area where construction of dam and formation of accumulation is planned, (ii) upstream of it (rivers Tresonechka and Jadovska) and (iii) downstream along the course of Mala Reka and its tributaries. With reference to all individuals encountered, coordinates were recorded by manual GPS devices, as well as time and habitat. In this way, database with georeference data was established with a possibility to use it in future surveys and monitoring of conditions. Most of the findings were photographed additionally, thus forming a database and rich photo-documentation of inventorized fauna of mammals in the surveyed area. Results and findings of annual survey of mammals

The Table below shows detailed overview of the entire mammalian fauna registered in the range area of HPP Boshkov Most, presented by seasonal representation of species and their full valorization.

68 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

Table 1-18: Overview of mammalian fauna in the area of HPP Boshkov Most project (by season)


Order / Species










Order Erinaceomorpha 1 Erinaceus roumanicus - Eastern Hedgehog + + - + III LC Order Soriciomorpha 2 Crocidura suaveolens – Lesser Shrew - - - + III LC 3 Sorex araneus – Common Shrew - + - - III LC 4 Talpa europaea – European Mole + - - + LC Order Rodentia 5 Sciurus vulgaris - Red Squirrel + + - + III LC 6 Arvicola amphibius (terrestris) - Water Vole + + - + LC 7 Microtus arvalis - Common Vole - + + + LC 8 Microtus subterraneus - European Pine Vole - + - + LC 9 Myodes glareolus- Bank Vole - + - - LC 10 Apodemus flavicollis - Yellow-necked Mouse + + + + LC 11 Apodemus sylvaticus - Wood Mouse + + + + LC 12 Rattus norvegicus - Brown Rat + - - + 13 Mus musculus – House Mouse - - - + LC 14 Glis (Myoxus) glis - Edible Dormouse + + - + III LC 15 Muscardinus avellanarius - Common Dormouse + + - - III LC 16 Dryomys nitedula - Forest Dormouse + - - - III LC 17 Spalax leucodon - Mole Rat + + + + DD Order Lagomorpha 18 Lepus europaeus - Hare + + + + III LC Order Carnivora 19 Canis lupus - Wolf + + + + II/IV II II/B LC 20 Vulpes vulpes - Fox + + + + LC 21 Mustela nivalis - Least Weasel + - - + III LC 22 Martes foina - Beech Marten + + + + III III/C LC 23 Lutra lutra - Otter + + + + II/IV II I/A NT 24 Meles meles - Badger + - + + III LC 25 Ursus arctos - Brown Bear + + - + II/IV II II/A LC 26 Felis silvestris - Wild Cat + - - + IV II II/A LC 27 Lynx lynx -Lynx + - - + II/IV III II/A LC Order Artiodactyla 28 Sus scrofa - Wild Boar + + + + LC 29 Capreolus capreolus - Roe Deer + + + + III LC 30 Rupicapra rupicapra - Chamois + + + + II/IV III LC TOTAL NUMBER OF SPECIES by season 24 21 13 26 Legend of symbols: - HD – Habitat Directive; - Bern – Bern Convention on the Protection of Wild Life and Natural Habitats in Europe; - Bonn – Bonn Convention on the Protection of Migratory Species of Wild Animals; - CITES – Washington Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora; - IUCN - IUCN Red List: o LC -Least Concern. o NT -Near Threatened. o DD - Data Deficient.

69 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

In the course of the surveys, total of 30 species of mammals was encountered, among which 24 or 80% during summer period, 21 or 70 % during autumn, 13 or 43.3% during winter and 26 or 86.6 % of the total number during spring period. Presence in all four seasons of the year was confirmed for 11 species (36.7 %), in three and two seasons for 7 species (23.3 %), and 5 (16.7 %) species were registered in only one season. These differences are due primarily to different bionomy of species with regard to the size of areal ranges of activities in different period of the year cycle, as well as declined activities or total and atypical hibernation affecting some of the species in certain periods of the year. Out of the total number, according to IUCN categorization, 27 have LC (Least Concern) status, one species (mole rat) has DD (Data Deficient) status (to determine the status of threat) and one species (otter) is with NT (Near Threatened) status.

The Table below shows overview of seasonal representation and valorization of mammalian species included in different lists of international conventions.

Table 1-19: Species of mammals covered by international conventions in the area of HPP Boshkov Most project (by season)


Order / Species










Order Erinaceomorpha 1 Erinaceus roumanicus - Eastern Hedgehog + + - + III LC Order Soriciomorpha 2 Crocidura suaveolens – Lesser Shrew - - - + III LC 3 Sorex araneus – Common Shrew - + - - III LC Order Rodentia 4 Sciurus vulgaris - Red Squirrel + + - + III LC 5 Glis (Myoxus) glis - Edible Dormouse + + - + III LC Muscardinus avellanarius - Common 6 + + - - III LC Dormouse 7 Dryomys nitedula - Forest Dormouse + - - - III LC Order Lagomorpha 8 Lepus europaeus - Hare + + + + III LC Order Carnivora 9 Canis lupus - Wolf + + + + II/IV II II/B LC 10 Mustela nivalis - Least Weasel + - - + III LC 11 Martes foina - Beech Marten + + + + III III/C LC 12 Lutra lutra - Otter + + + + II/IV II I/A NT 13 Meles meles - Badger + - + + III LC 14 Ursus arctos - Brown Bear + + - + II/IV II II/A LC 15 Felis silvestris - Wild Cat + - - + IV II II/A LC 16 Lynx lynx -Lynx + - - + II/IV III II/A LC Order Artiodactyla 17 Capreolus capreolus - Roe Deer + + + + III LC 18 Rupicapra rupicapra - Chamois + + + + II/IV III LC NUMBER OF SPECIES by season 16 12 7 15

70 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

Out of the total of 30 registered mammalian species, 18 or 60 % are with unfavourable status in Europe and covered by Bern Convention, while HD and CITES lists include 6 species or 20 % each. With regard to seasonal representation, total of 11 species in this group were registered in all four or three seasons of the year. Additional measures to mitigate impacts

Surveys conducted in the course of the four seasons of the year enabled precise establishment of the reference state in the area of HPP Boshkov Most project with regard to mammalian fauna. Data collected on local populations of mammals provide good basis for further observation of possible impacts in the next project phases: phase of construction and phase of project operation, in already defined localities with application of the same methodology and offer the possibility to undertake adequate measures to mitigate such impacts.

With regard to mammalian fauna, there is no need for additional specific measures to reduce impacts apart from measures identified in the ESIA package, which are given in the Section 2 (Table 2-1).

IUCN Red List of Species under Threat at Global Level (2013) does not include any species of mammals registered in the area of HPP Boshkov Most in one of the three IUCN categories: CR (Critically Endangered), EN (Endangered) or VU (Vulnerable), considered as species under threat. All registered species are categorized as LC (Least Concerned) species. An exception is the otter which belongs to the category of NT (Near Threatened) species. According to the Habitat Directive, five species are listed in the Directive’s Annex II and these are the lynx, bear, wolf, chamois and otter.

Main findings in relation to the above species of conservation interest are given in the following text.


In the course of the implementation of annual surveys in the project area and analysis of generated data, particular attention was devoted to Lynx, subspecies Balkan lynx (Lynx lynx martinoi Mirik, 1978), found on the territory of NP Mavrovo, in the wider range area of HPP Boshkov Most project. It is species of particular conservation interest in the Republic of Macedonia. Population of Balkan lynx inhabits southwestern part of Balkan Peninsula, with areal range, with no interruption, on a large geographical area on the territories of several Balkan countries, including the mountains in western Macedonia, southwestern Kosovo, southeastern , eastern and northwestern Greece. Within this geographical area, Balkan lynx populates the mountains , Shar Planina, Suva , , Deshat, Bistra, Stogovo, Karaorman, Galichica, Ilinska and Plakenska, Bigla, Baba and other mountains. It has been estimated that its number status in the whole areal range (home area) is around 100 individuals.

Lynx is exclusively carnivore fed by mammals and birds. Within the project area, the main prey of the lynx is chamois, as well as roe deer, hare and fox. The main living activities of the lynx take place in early morning, before sunrise and early evening, after sunset.

Lynx breed during winter season of the year, in the period from January to March. Home range of females overlap, and one male mates with several females. Young lynx are born two months later, i.e. between March and May. Female lynx alone nurse and protect their offsprings and lead sheltered life during that period. Young lynx take part in prey hunting for nutrition and this is at the same time their training in hunting.

In the area of HPP Boshkov Most project, lynx is located mainly east of the village Tresonche, in the locality Dajdovec, on the left side of the river Tresonechka. Male lynx have significantly larger home range than females and they have been seen in different spots of the area – on the road Selce- Galichnik along the river Jadovska, etc.

Thanks to easy accessibility and abundance of food during summer and autumn months, lynx moves and feeds mostly in upper parts of Jadovska and Tresonechka river watersheds, upstream of the planned dam, beyond the area directly affected by the project development where the most intensive

71 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report activities are expected during construction phase and consequently potential disturbance of game. Excellent conditions for lynx nutrition in the said area are due to the fact that it is part of NP Mavrovo, where game hunting is prohibited and thus food availability – quantity of prey (chamois, roe deer and hare) is satisfactory in full, especially in the uppermost parts of the watershed of the two rivers, in rocky localities Mal Brzovec and Golem Brzovec.

During winter season, in case of high snow cover, the main prey of the lynx, chamois, in search for food, moves down to the boundary of the forest or in the very forest areas, which implies that the lynx also visits the same localities. Cases of chamois, and lynx accordingly, moving down to immediate proximity of populated places, are rare. It should be pointed out that construction activities for the purposes of the HPP Boshkov Most facilities development will not be carried out during winter season, due to subalpine climate characteristics and sharp winter conditions in the wider project area. Thus, there is no probability for lynx disturbance during winter period, even in case of its movement within the range area of the project.

In the context of direct loss of terrestrial habitats resulting from implemented project of HPP Boshkov Most and their transformation into lake with an area of around 22 hectares (0.22 km2), while taking into account that the Lynx is manifestly territorial species whose areal of living activities on annual level covers territory of approximate area of around 150 – 200 km2, as well as available knowledge of its seasonal and spatial distribution (Micevski7) 1998; Hristovski, M8). 2001; Stojanov et al.9), 2009; Melovski, et al.10), 2010; Maletikj11), 2012; et al.), a conclusion may be drawn that the impact on the survival of this species from the proposed project for establishment of HPP Boshkov Most is of minor significance. Additional arguments in recognition of this conclusion include uninterrupted continuity of the species areal, availability of prey on the whole territory of NP Mavrovo and wider, as well as the fact that the range of the project HPP Boshkov Most affects the lower courses of the rivers Tresonechka and Jadovska and downstream areas of the watershed of Mala Reka in the extreme southern border peripheral zone of NP Mavrovo. These areas are not pristine part of nature and lynx usually avoids them because of disturbance and existing anthropogenic impact and land use (settlements Selce and Tresonche, noise and traffic on local road network), as well as due to existing habitats fragmentation (roads, long distance power lines), existing also in this phase prior to project implementation.

In addition to the above, it should be pointed out that fragmentation of habitats will be of limited geographical range (local, in immediate surroundings of the project area) and has no potential to cause irreversible impact on big size mammals, including the lynx, that have large individual areal and are able to bridge/ pass around the new structures in the area of the planned accumulation.

In wider terms, the main threats to the survival of lynx in its whole distributional home range include (i) hunting and (ii) devastation of its natural habitats – forest areas. Decades long sustainable management of natural resources and regime of nature protection, as well as prohibition of game hunting on the territory of NP Mavrovo have enabled creation of optimal conditions for lynx survival in the wider area of the national park. The project for HPP Boshkov Most establishment does not involve activities that would contribute to enhance mentioned risks, especially given the types of habitats that will be lost with the dam construction and lake formation, where open grass areas (pastures and meadows) dominate along with small amounts of oak forest localities.

7) Micevski, B., 1998. Abundance and distribution of Balkan Lynx (Lynx lynx martinoi Mirik 1978) in the river Radika Valley (Macedonia). Ann.,Biol. Skopje: 95-104. 8) Hristovski, M. 2001. On the status of the Balkan lynx in Macedonia. In: Ch. Breitenmoser-Würsten and U. Breitenmoser (eds): The Balkan lynx population – history, recent knowleage on its status and conservation needs. Kora Report 7, 8-11. 9) Stojanov, A., Melovski, D., Ivanov, G., Trajçe, A., Linnell, J., Zimmermann, F., von Arx, E., Breitenmoser, U. (2009). Estimation the population size of the Balcan lynx in the , Macedonia, in the means of camera-trapping. 2nd European Congress of Conservation Biology “Conservation biology and beyond: from science to practice”. Prague, Czech Republic. Book of abstracts, 110. 10) Melovski, D., Stojanov, A., Ivanov, G. (2010). Izvestaj za terenski aktivnosti Nacionalen park Mavrovo, Makedonija, Skopje, p. 8. 11) Maletikj, V., 2012. Programa za zastita, odgleduvanje i upravuvanje so divecot vo Nacionalniot park “Mavrovo” za period 2012 – 2022 godina.

72 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report


Bear tracks were frequently found during the whole annual biodiversity survey at the wider project region. Based on the registered tracks, the approximate number of its population in the wider project area could be estimated on ten individuals. More frequent presence of the bear is estimated outside of the project region, at the upper part of the river Jadovska, sections toward Galicnik and Dajdovec as well as in the area around the cave Golubarnik, where winter bear den was found during the survey. It is an expert judgment that temporary bear families were settling these four localities. Within the immediate project area and localities where main project elements – the dam, intakes and associated infrastructure - are planned, bear tracks were less frequent, which was expected as the bear common habitats are dense forests and inaccessible terrains at higher localities. Due to that, no significant impact on the bears during the project implementation is expected.


The wolf is common carnivore very widely distributed in Macedonia. It is estimated that its population and density is probably the highest in Europe, with approximately 1,000-1,100 individuals. During winter season, the wolf could be found very close to settlements, in search for food. Due to that, Macedonia has made a reservation concerning the wolf in respect to the obligations vis a vis the Bern Convention and the Washington Convention (CITES).

It is an extremely mobile species and a species which settles very wide range of habitat types. Therefore, the expected loss of terrestrial habitat of approximately 22 hectares and the limited habitat fragmentation will not have any significant impact on the wolf. On the contrary, it may be expected that the new water reservoir as a habitat would attract various animal species which are considered as prey for the wolf. As entirely nocturnal species, the wolf will not be directly affected during project’s construction activities.


The main population of this species in the wider area of the proposed project is registered in the region of Mal Brzovec and Golem Brzovec, more precisely from locality Osojnica at the upper part of the river Jadovska to Kirilevec at the vicinity if the spring zones of the river Tresonecka. This region is outside of the area which is expected to be directly affected by the project activities. The population is estimated to approximately 250 individuals. During the winter season when high snow cover is likely, the chamois moves down to the boundary of the forest or forests clearings, but still outside of the project affected zones. Therefore, significant impacts on this species from the implementation of the HPP Boskov Most project are not expected.


Number of otters was registered throughout the project region during the annual biodiversity survey. Also, a family of otters with approximately ten individuals, close to the fish farm at locality Elen Skok, was registered. This species was present mainly at the lower part of the river basin of Mala Reka. The otter is entirely nocturnal semi-aquatic species, whose main food is small fish, amphibians and insects. The expected reduction of the quantity of water in the affected watercourses, i.e. the reduced flow, will ease the access to food. Further survey during the operational stage would allow an assessment of the real changes in the natural conditions in respect to the expected modification of the water regime and availability of food and significance of such changes for the otter, as well as the eventual need for additional mitigation measures for this species.

The planned dam will create local barrier with potential to disturb the otter’s traditional migratory ways. However, this fragmentation is of low significance for this species as it will be able to pass around the new structures in the area.

73 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

1.5.4 Bats Methodological approach

Surveys of bat fauna in the area of HPP Boshkov Most were carried out in predefined relevant localities within the project range: а) Area of the future accumulation, by application of the method of work with bat detectors (at given points), linear transect and method of work with net (netting), placed cross-sectionally along watercourses (rivers Tresonechka and Jadovska). b) Along Mala Reka (below the level of the future accumulation), by application of the method of work with bat detector and linear transect. c) Reference locality (above the level of the future accumulation), by application of the method of work with bat detectors, linear transect and method of netting. Figure 1-12: Reference locality for bats monitoring (above the level of the accumulation)

d) Whole project area, by application of method of linear transect, netting and free visual counting.

74 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report Results and findings of the annual survey of bats

The Table below shows detailed overview of the entire bat fauna encountered in the area of HPP Boshkov Most, represented by 15 species and one unknown Myotis Bat, with their seasonal representation and full valorization.

Table 1-20: Overview of bat fauna in the area of HPP Boshkov Most (by season)













Directives Councilof

1 Eptesicus serotinus - Serotine Bat + II II C IV LC

2 Hypsugo savii - Savi’s Pipistrelle + I I C II, IV LC Myotis emarginatus – 3 + + I I C II, IV LC Geoffroy’s Bat Myotis myotis - Greater Mouse- 4 + + I I C II, IV LC eared Bat Myotis mystacinus – 5 + I I C II, IV LC Whiskered Bat 6 Myotis sp. - Myotis Bat + + - - - - - Miniopterus schreibersi – 7 + + II II C II, IV NT Common Bentwing Bat 8 Nyctalus noctula - Noctule + I I C II, IV LC 9 Nyctalus leisleri - Leisler’s Bat + + I I C II, IV LC Pipistrellus kuhlii – 10 + + + I I C II, IV LC Kuhl’s Pipistrelle 11 Pipistrellus pipistrellus - Common + + - I C IV LC PlecotusPipistrelle austriacus – 12 + + I I C II, IV LC Grey Long-eared Bat Rhinolophus Euryale – 13 + + I I C II,IV NT Mediterranean Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus ferrum-equinum – 14 + + + + I I C II, IV NT Greater horseshoe bat Rhinolophus hipposideros – + 15 + + + I I C II, IV NT Lesser horseshoe bat Vespertilio murinus - 16 + + + I I C II, IV LC Parti-coloured Bat TOTAL NUMBER OF SPECIES by season 14 5 4 11 Legend of symbols: - HD-II (strictly protected fauna species); - HD-IV (animal species of community interest in need of strict protection); - C-CORINE Species; - IUCN - IUCN status: o LC (Least Concern). o NT (Near Threatened). - Bern II- species included in Annex II of the Bern Convention; - Bonn-II - species included in Annex II of the Bonn Convention;

Highest number of species was registered during summer period (14 species), and the lowest number in winter period (4 species). Species registered during winter period assume hibernating species

75 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report registered in the cave Gorna Alilica and in some abandoned houses in nearby villages, all with status of threat NT (near threatened). Additional measures to mitigate impacts

With regard to this group of species – bats – the following specific additional measures are recommended to reduce impacts apart from the measures identified in the ESIA package: (i) Prior to the commencement of the construction of access roads for the purposes of the construction of various plants of HPP Boshkov Most, trees envisaged for cutting have to be checked by qualified expert to find out possible presence of bat colonies. (ii) In the area of the range of the future accumulation, upstream of the planned dam, prior to accumulation filling in with water, detailed survey should be conducted by a qualified expert for marking the trees with bat colonies. In case of detection of such colonies, appropriate measures should be proposed (colony should be dislocated in time or adequate number of boxes for bats should be provided as compensation). Future bat monitoring during the construction stage should identify areas that might provide future habitat for bats in a case dislocation is required.

76 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

2 Overview of additional measures to mitigate impacts on target flora and fauna groups from the implementation of HPP Boshkov Most Project

Table 2-1: Overview of the main general measures to mitigate impacts on target flora and fauna groups, identified in the package of documents for environmental impact and social assessment Measure Timeframe for the measure implementation  Implementation – continuously, in the course of Application of the obligation for good construction phase construction practice  Control and monitoring – during construction phase (as segment of the overall project monitoring during construction phase)  Implementation – continuously, in the course of Application of the obligation for adherence to operational phase of the project the set minimum water flow (biological  Control and monitoring of biological minimum– minimum)12) in affected watercourses in the during operational phase (as segment of the overall area of HPP Boshkov Most project monitoring during operational phase)  Control of efficiency in the implementation of the Application of the monitoring of biological planned measures – during construction phase (as diversity during construction phase segment of the overall project monitoring during construction phase)  Control of efficiency in the implementation of the Application of the monitoring of biological planned measures – during operational phase (as diversity during operational phase of the segment of the overall project monitoring during project operational phase) Note: The overall package of specific measures for mitigation of impacts of the project for each affected group of flora and fauna is given in the package of documents for ESIA13).

12) Article 56 of the Law on Nature (Official Gazette of RM no. 67/04, 14/06 and 84/07) defines the biological minimum as the lowest amount of surface water that has to be ensured throughout the year, except in cases where natural flow is lower than the set biological minimum, that enables preservation of natural balance of aquatic habitats and properties of watercourses determining the characteristics of landscape types and do not reduce the status of ecological parameters of surface waters. 13) (i) AD Electric Power Plants of Macedonia, 2011; Hydropower Plant “Boshkov Most”, Study of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment; Geing Kuk, Skopje, and (ii) AD Electric Power Plants of Macedonia, 2011; Hydro power Plant “Boshkov Most”, Environmental and Social Action Plan; Geing Kuk, Skopje

77 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

Table 2-2: Overview of identified specific measures to mitigate impacts on target flora and fauna groups, identified as a result of conducted annual survey in the pre-construction phase of HPP Boshkov Most project Group Additional measure (identified as a Timeframe for the measure implementation result of annual surveys in the pre- construction phase) Hydrobiontes (species based on aquatic environment) Silica algae / / Macrozoobenthos / / Fish Planning and construction of fish  Assessment of the feasibility of this technical path as part of the dam structure measure (technical and financial analysis and (as alternative option to the designing aspects) – prior to construction measure for fish stocking of the  Application (in case of final selection as the future accumulation, identified in most favourable option) – during construction the package of documents for  Control and monitoring – during operational ESIA). phase (as segment of the overall project operational monitoring) Planning and construction of fish  Planning – before construction paths at all water intakes on  Application – during construction affected watercourses.  Control and monitoring – during operational phase (as segment of the overall project operational monitoring) Forest vegetation and flora

Forest vegetation and Localities of relict riparian forest  Planning – during preparatory works and before flora community - аss. Aesculo construction hippocastani-Ostryetum should be  Спроведување – во тек на изградба excluded, to the maximum extent  Control and monitoring – during construction possible, from the range of phase (as segment of the overall project construction activities or activities monitoring during construction) supporting the project development. Establishment of control over the enforcement of the obligation concerning adherence to the set minimum water flow in the river Garska, during operational phase. On localities with identified plant communities (habitat types) included in EU Habitat Directive, as well as on localities with identified globally important and rare floristic species, it is necessary to establish regime for control of construction activities and activities supporting the project development.

78 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

Table 2-2 (continuation): Overview of identified specific measures to mitigate impacts on target flora and fauna groups, identified as a result of conducted annual survey in the pre-construction phase of HPP Boshkov Most project Group Additional measure (identified as a Timeframe for the measure implementation result of annual surveys in the pre- construction phase) Terrestrial invertebrates Butterflies / / Terrestrial vertebrates Amphibians and reptiles / / Birds / / Mammals / / Bats Inventory taking of existence of Prior to the commencement of construction – in bat colonies in trees planned for preparatory phase and phase of new access roads cutting for access roads routing. construction and application of measures for their dislocation. Inventory taking of existence of Upon completion of the construction, before bat colonies in the range of the accumulation filling in. future accumulation, upstream of the planned dam and application of measures for their displacement.

79 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

References and literature


 AD Electric Power Plants of Macedonia, 2011; Hydropower Plant “Boshkov Most”, Study of Environmental Impact Assessment and Social Aspects; Geing Kuk, Skopje  AD Electric Power Plants of Macedonia, 2011; Hydro power Plant “Boshkov Most”, Environmental and Social Action Plan; Geing Kuk, Skopje

Biological diversity

Silica algae  Hustedt, F. 1930: Bacillariophyta (Diatomeae), 10. Verlag von Gustav Fischer, Jena.  Jurilj, A. 1954: Flora i vegetacija diatomeja Ohridskog iezera јezera. JAZU, Zagreb, 26: 99-190.  Liebmann, H. 1962: Handbuch der Frischwasser und abwasser. - Biologie,.Band I G.Fischer, Jena.  Mitik, V. 1985: Vlijanieto na antropogeniot factor vrz promenite na fitoplanktonot vo Ohridsko Ezero. Prilozi. Oddel za boil.i med. Nauki, MANU, Skopje, VI (1-2): 51-54.  Petrovska, Lj; Stojanovski, P. 2007: Znachenjeto na bioloshkite indikatori (Cyanophyta i Diatomeae) pri opredeluvanjeto na trofichkiot status na vodata vo Ohridskoto Ezero. Zbornik na trudovi posveten na akademik Kiril Micevski, MANU, Skopje: 281-298.  Stojanov, P. 1975: Prilog kon poznavanjeto na fitoplanktonot na Dojranskoto ezero, Godishen zbornik. Prirodno-matematichki fakultet, Skopje, kn. 27-28.:221-236  Stojanov, P. 1982а: Dijatomeje vodenig ekosistema Macionalnog Parka Pelister. Biosistematika. Beograd. Vol. 8.HI:1-17.  Srojanov, P. 1982б: Diatomejskata flora vo nekoi vodeni ekosistemi na planinata Jakupica. Makedonija. Godishen zbornik. Bioloshki fakultet. Skopje.35: 115-124.  Stojanov, P. 1983а ; Algenata flora vo perifitonot na dojranskoto ezero. Godishen zbornik. Bioloshki fakultet. Skopje. 36: 95-109.  Stojanov, P. 1983б: Diatomejskata flora vo tresetishtata na Nacionalniot Park Mavrovo. Godishen zbornik. Bioloshki fakultet Skopje. 36: 87-95.  Stojanovski, p.1984: Diatomeite vo termomineralnite void na Debarska Banja. Godishen zbornik. Prirodno-matematichki fakultet. Biol. Skopje 37-38:19-27.  Stojanovski, P. 2005: Silikatnite algi (Diatomeae) precizni bioloshki indikatori za se pozabrzana eutrofizacija na Ohridskoto Ezero. I kongres za zashtita na rastenijata (Apstrakti), .

Macrozoobenthos  Smiljkov, S., 1998.Kanjonot Matka i nejzinite prirodni bogatstva-монографија Prosvetno delo. Skopje.  Ikonomov, P., 1979. Plecoptera (Insecta) od slivot na rekata Radika, Godisen zbornik na Bioloskiot fakultet:45-60.  Ikonomov, P., 1980. Sezonska i longitudinalna distribucija na Plecoptera (Insecta) vo odnos na temperaturniot factor vo izvorniot region na Rekata Treska.  Ikonomov, P., 1980. Prilog kon poznavanjete faunata na Plecoptera (Insecta) vo zapadna Makedonija, Godishen zbornik na Bioloshkiot fakultet:15-23  Ikonomov, P.,1994. Sezonska distribucia na Plecoptera(Insecta) vo odnos na temperaturniot faktor na techechkite void na S.R. Makedonia. MANU

80 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

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81 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

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Bats  Ahlen, I., 2004. Heterodyne and Time-Expansion Methods for identification of Bats in the filed and through Sound Analysis:72-79 (in Brigham, R.M., et al., eds. 2004. Bat Echolocation: tolls , techincques & analysis. Bar Conservation International. Austin, Texas.).  Ahlen, I. & H.J.Baagoe, 1999. Use of ultrasound detectors for bat studies in Europe: experiences from field identification, surveys and monitoring. Acta Chiropterologica 1, 2:137- 150.  Dietz, C. & O.von Helversen, 2004. Illustrated identification key to the bats of Europe. Electronic publication, Tuebingen & Erlangen, Germany.  Macdonald, D. & P.Barrett, 1993. Collins field guide Mammals of Britain and Europe, Harper Collins Publishers, pp.312.  Micevski, B., Celuch, M., Micevska, A. and N. Micevski, 2011. Study Of The Wind Farm “Stip” Macedonia, Assessing of Impact On Bird And Bat Fauna. Report on the Spring Survey. Empiria EMS , BirdProtection Macedonia, pp. 30.  Micevski, B., Celuch, M., Micevska, A. and N. Micevski, 2011. Study Of The Wind Farm “Stip” Macedonia, Assessing of Impact On Bird And Bat Fauna. Report on the Summer Survey. Empiria EMS , BirdProtection Macedonia, pp. 38.  Micevski, B., Celuch, M., Micevska, A. and N. Micevski, 2011. Study Of The Wind Farm “Stip” Macedonia, Assessing of Impact On Bird And Bat Fauna. Report on the Autumn Survey. Empiria EMS , BirdProtection Macedonia, pp. 39.  Micevski, B., Celuch, M., Micevska, A. and N. Micevski, 2012. Study Of The Wind Farm “Stip” Macedonia, Assessing of Impact On Bird And Bat Fauna. Report on the Winter Survey. Empiria EMS , BirdProtection Macedonia, pp. 43.  Mitchell-Jones, A.J et al. 2007. Protecting and managing underground sites for bats. EUROBATS Publication Series No.2. UNEP/EUROBATS Secretariat, Bonn, 38 pp.  Obrist M. K., Boesch R. & Flückiger P. F. 2004. — Variability in echolocation call design of 26 Swiss bat species: consequences, limits and options for automated field identification with a synergetic pattern recognition approach. Mammalia 68 (4): 307-322.  Rainho, A., Laurenco, S., Rebelo, H., & A. Freitas, 2006. Bats and dams, Conservation actions in the region of the reservoir of Alequeva and Pedrogao, Instituto de conservacio de natureza (ICN), pp. 40.  Russo, D. & G. Jones, 1999.The social calls of Kuhl’s pipitrelles Pipistrellus kuhli ( Kuhl, 1819) : structure and variation ( Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae). J. Zool., Lond. 249:476-481.  Russo, D. & G. Jones, 2002. Identifican of twenty-two bat species (Mammalia: Chiroptera) from Italy by analysis of time-expanded recordings of echolocation calls. J. Zool., Lond. 258, 91-103.  Waters D.A. and G. Jones, 1995. Echolocation call structure and intensity in five species of insectivorous bats. The journal of experimental biology, 198: 475–489.  Zagmajster, M., 2003. Display song of parti-colored bat Vespertilio murinus Linnaeus , 1758 ( Chiropetra, mammalian) in southern Slovenia and preliminary study of its variability. Natura Sloveniae, 5,1, :27-41.

87 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

PART B – Appendices

88 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

Appendix 1 - Expert team for implementation of biological diversity monitoring in the pre-construction phase of HPP Boshkov Most project

Team of experts for project implementation: Expert Project component o Konstantin Siderovski, MSci Project Manager, Senior Environmental Expert o Prof. Branko Micevski, PhD Coordinator of the team for biological diversity monitoring and specialist for birds and bats o Prof. Panche Stojanovski, PhD Specialist for hydrobiontes – algae o Prof. Stoe Smilkov, PhD Specialist for hydrobiontes – benthal invertebrates o Prof. Mirche Naumovski, PhD Specialist for fish o Prof. Vlado Matevski, PhD Specialist for plant, forest communities and flora o Nikola Micevski Specialist for butterflies and other insects o Vesna Sidorovska, PhD and Specialists for amphibians and reptiles o Svetozar Petkovski, PhD o Prof. Vladimir Maletic, PhD Specialist for mammals

89 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

Appendix 2 – Stakeholders participation

Appendix 2 - Table 1: Overview of consultative meetings with stakeholders in the course of the implementation of surveys of biological diversity in the area of HPP Boshkov Most project

Meeting / Consultations Stakeholders Key issues

 Government of RM (attending (1) Presentation of the representatives) - Information of stakeholders Programme for implementation  NGOs: about the initiation of activities of annual monitoring during  Society of Ecologists of - Introduction of expert team pre-construction phase of HPP Macedonia (SEM) - Overview and discussion Boshkov Most  Macedonian Ecological regarding the Programme for - Venue: Skopje (premises of Society (MES) monitoring ELEM AD)  Macedonian Green Centre - Forms of cooperation with - Date: 14.09.2012  Front 21/42 NGOs - Time: 11.00-13.00  CeProSard  Go Green (2) Presentation of seasonal  Ministry of Environment and reports on summer and autumn Physical Planning (MEPP) periods (semi-annual  NGOs: monitoring period) - Overview and discussion on  Eko-svest - Venue: Skopje (premises of the two seasonal reports  Macedonian Ecological ELEM AD) Society (MES) - Date: 18.03.2013  Front 21/42 - Time: 14.00-16.30 часот (3) Presentation of annual report (period of a year-round monitoring cycle) – planned event  The List will be composed - Overview and discussion on - Venue: Skopje (premises of upon the event completion the annual report ELEM AD) - Date: to be scheduled - Time: to be scheduled

90 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

Appendix 3 – Overview of registered plant species (by family) in the range area of HPP Boshkov Most Project

SPHENOPSIDA Equisetum arvense L. - BISTRA:  BISTRA: v. Rosoki, near Tresonečka River, 41°33'39'' N; 20°41'31''E;901 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Equisetum palustre L. - G.RADIKA: GR (Grebenščikov, 1938) - BISTRA:TV (Micevski,1994)  BISTRA: v. Rosoki, near Tresonečka River, 41°33'39'' N; 20°41'31''E;901 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) FILICINAE Athyrium filix-femina (L.) Roth  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Ceterach officinarum DC  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Shott.  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Polypodium vulgare L.  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Pteridium aquilinum L.  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)


PINACEAE Abies borisii-regis Mattfeld  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) CUPRESSACEAE Juniperus communis L.  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Juniperus foetidissima L. – above v. Selce



ACERACEAE Acer campestre L.  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

91 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

Acer heldreichii Orph. subsp. macropterum (Vis.) Pax (Syn. Acer heldreichii Orph subsp. visiani) - BISTRA: . BISTRA: Jama-Bistra, 26.6.1968 (Herb. SKO) Acer hyrcanum Fisch. & Meyr subsp. intermedium (Panc.) Bornm.  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Acer monspessulanum L.  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Acer obtusatum Waldst. & Kit.  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Acer obtusatum Waldst. & Kit. f. obtusatum  v. Rosoki, degradate oak forest (Quercus cerris), on silikate. 41°34'17'' N; 20°41'47''E;1228 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Acer platanoides L.  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Acer pseudoplatanus L.  v. Rosoki, degradate oak forest (Quercus cerris), on silikate. 41°34'17'' N; 20°41'47''E;1228 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonečka River, 41°33'39'' N; 20°41'31''E;901 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Between v. Gari and Lazaropole, near Lazaropolska River, 41о31’10”; 20о41’06”; 896m.; 2.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

APIACEAE Aegopodium podagraria L.  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Angelica pancicii Vandas  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Chaerophyllum aureum L.  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Chaerophyllum temulum L.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 1.09. 2012;16.10.2012; 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Chaerophyllum hirsutum L.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Heracleum sphondylium L.  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

92 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

 Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 1.09. 2012;16.10.2012; 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Orlaya daucoides (L.) Greuter  Tresonečka River, near the river, 41°32'05'' N; 20°39'15''E;761 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Peucedanum austriacum (Jacq.) Koch  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Peucedanum shhottii Besser ex DC  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Sanicula europaea L.  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

Torylis arvensis (Huds.) Link.  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

ARALIACEAE Hedera helix L.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonečka River, 41°33'39'' N; 20°41'31''E;901 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

ARISTOLOCHIACEAE Asarum europaeum L.  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

ASTERACEAE Achillea millefolium L.  v. Rosoki, degradate oak forest (Quercus cerris), on silikate. 41°34'17'' N; 20°41'47''E;1228 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Tresonečka River, near the river, 41°32'05'' N; 20°39'15''E;761 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Artemisia vulgaris L.  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 1.09. 2012;16.10.2012; 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Bellis perennis L.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonečka River, 41°33'39'' N; 20°41'31''E;901 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Carlina vulgaris L.  v. Rosoki, degradate oak forest (Quercus cerris), on silikate. 41°34'17'' N; 20°41'47''E;1228 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

93 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

Centaurea grisebachii (Nyman) Form.  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Chondrilla juncea L.  v. Rosoki, degradate oak forest (Quercus cerris), on silikate. 41°34'17'' N; 20°41'47''E;1228 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Garska River: near the river, 41°31'36'' N; 20°39'40''E;839 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Cicerbita pancicii (Vis.) Beauv.  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Cirsium appendiculatum Griseb.  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13” N; 20о41’15”Е; 995m.; 9.06. 2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Mogorce, near Beleshnicka River, 41о32’00” N; 20о38’09”; 784m.; 9.06. 2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Cirsium canum (L.) All.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Eupatorium cannabinum L.  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Hieracium hoppeanum Schultes  v. Rosoki, degradate oak forest (Quercus cerris), on silikate. 41°34'17'' N; 20°41'47''E;1228 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Hieracium praealtum Vill. ex Gochnat subsp. bauchinii (Besser) Petun.  v. Rosoki, degradate oak forest (Quercus cerris), on silikate. 41°34'17'' N; 20°41'47''E;1228 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Hypochoeris cretensis (L.) Borry & Chaub.  Mala Reka: Elenski Skok, near the river, 41°32'34'' N; 20°37'48''E;689 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Lactuca seriola L.  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Lapsana communis L.  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Leucanthemum vulgare Lam.  Mala Reka: Elenski Skok, near the river, 41°32'34'' N; 20°37'48''E;689 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Matricaria chamomilla L.  Mala Reka: Elenski Skok, near the river, 41°32'34'' N; 20°37'48''E;689 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Mycelis muralis (L.) Dumort  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 1.09. 2012;16.10.2012; 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

94 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

Petasites hybridus (L.) P. Gaertner  Tresonečka River, near the river, 41°32'05'' N; 20°39'15''E;761 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 1.09. 2012;16.10.2012; 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Picris hieracioides L.  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Ptilostemon strictus (Ten.) W.Greuter  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Tanacetum vulgare L.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Taraxacum officinale Webb.  Tresonečka River, near the river, 41°32'05'' N; 20°39'15''E;761 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonečka River, 41°33'39'' N; 20°41'31''E;901 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, degradate oak forest (Quercus cerris), on silikate. 41°34'17'' N; 20°41'47''E;1228 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Garska River: near the river, 41°31'36'' N; 20°39'40''E;839 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Tresonečka River, near the river, 41°32'05'' N; 20°39'15''E;761 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonečka River, 41°33'39'' N; 20°41'31''E;901 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 1.09. 2012;16.10.2012; 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Telekia speciosa (Schreber) Baumg.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 1.09. 2012;16.10.2012; 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

BETULACEAE Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertner  Tresonečka River, near the river, 41°32'05'' N; 20°39'15''E;761 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  - v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

95 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

 v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 1.09. 2012;16.10.2012; 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Carpinus betulus L.  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Between v. Gari and Lazaropole, near Lazaropolska River, 41о31’10”; 20о41’06”; 896m.; 2.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Between v. Gari and Lazaropole, 41о30’57” N; 20о41’57”Е; 951m.; 8.06. 2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’31” N; 20о39’56”Е; 878m.; 8.06. 2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’36” N; 20о39’39”Е; 854m.; 8.06. 2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Carpinus orientalis Miller  Garska River: near the river, 41°31'36'' N; 20°39'40''E;839 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Corylus avellana L.  v. Rosoki, degradate oak forest (Quercus cerris), on silikate. 41°34'17'' N; 20°41'47''E;1228 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Garska River: near the river, 41°31'36'' N; 20°39'40''E;839 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Ostrya carpinifolia Scop  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

BORAGINACEAE Buglossoides purpureo-coerulaea (L.) M. Johnston  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Draba muralis L.  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Myosotis ramosissima Rochel  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Myosotis sylvatica Hoffm  v. Rosoki, near Tresonečka River, 41°33'39'' N; 20°41'31''E;901 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Myosotis sylvatica Hoffm subsp. subarvensis Grau - BISTRA: BS,SO,MD,JB (Matevski,2009) Pulmonaria officinalis L.  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 15.03.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki- Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 15.03.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)


96 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

Alliaria petiolata (Bieb.) Cavara & Grande  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Arabis turitta L.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonečka River, 41°33'39'' N; 20°41'31''E;901 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Berteroa incana subsp. stricta (Boiss. & Heldr.) Stoj. & Stef.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Cardamine bulbifera (L.) Crantz. f. bulbifera  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Cardamine impatiens L.  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 1.09. 2012;16.10.2012; 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Erysimum diffusum Ehrh.  v. Rosoki, degradate oak forest (Quercus cerris), on silikate. 41°34'17'' N; 20°41'47''E;1228 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Garska River: near the river, 41°31'36'' N; 20°39'40''E;839 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Erysimum commatum Panč.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonečka River, 41°33'39'' N; 20°41'31''E;901 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

CAMPANULACEAE Campanula bononiensis L.  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Campanula lingulata Waldst. & Kitaib.  v. Rosoki, degradate oak forest (Quercus cerris), on silikate. 41°34'17'' N; 20°41'47''E;1228 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Garska River: near the river, 41°31'36'' N; 20°39'40''E;839 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Campanula sparsa Friv.  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Campanula trachelium L.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonečka River, 41°33'39'' N; 20°41'31''E;901 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

CANNABACEAE Humulus lupulus L.  Tresonečka River, near the river, 41°32'05'' N; 20°39'15''E;761 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

CAPRIFOLIACEAE Lonicera xylosteum L.  Between v. Gari and Lazaropole, near Lazaropolska River, 41о31’10”; 20о41’06”; 896m.; 2.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Sambucus ebulus L.

97 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

 v. Rosoki, degradate oak forest (Quercus cerris), on silikate. 41°34'17'' N; 20°41'47''E;1228 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Sambucus nigra L.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 1.09. 2012;16.10.2012; 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

CARYOPHYLLACEAE Cerastium gracile Dufour  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Herniaria glabra L.  v. Rosoki, degradate oak forest (Quercus cerris), on silikate. 41°34'17'' N; 20°41'47''E;1228 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Lychnis viscaria L.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Moenchia mantica (L.) Bartl. subsp. mantica  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Silene vulgaris (Moench) Garcke  v. Rosoki, degradate oak forest (Quercus cerris), on silikate. 41°34'17'' N; 20°41'47''E;1228 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Garska River: near the river, 41°31'36'' N; 20°39'40''E;839 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Silene italica (L.) Pers.  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Silene otites (L.) Wibel  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Stellaria graminea L.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

CELASTRACEAE Evonymus verrucosus Scop  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Evonymus latifolius (L.) Miller  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

CHENOPODIACEAE Chenopodium bonus henricus L.  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

CONVOLVULACEAE Convolvulus arvensis L.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) CORNACEAE Cornus mas L.

98 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

 Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Between v. Gari and Lazaropole, near Lazaropolska River, 41о31’10”; 20о41’06”; 896m.; 2.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Cornus sanguinea L  Garska River: near the river, 41°31'36'' N; 20°39'40''E;839 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Tresonečka River, near the river, 41°32'05'' N; 20°39'15''E;761 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonečka River, 41°33'39'' N; 20°41'31''E;901 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 1.09. 2012;16.10.2012; 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

CRASSULACEAE Sedum cepaea L.  Tresonečka River, near the river, 41°32'05'' N; 20°39'15''E;761 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

EUPHORBIACEAE Euphorbia amygdaloides L.  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Between v. Gari and Lazaropole, near Lazaropolska River, 41о31’10”; 20о41’06”; 896m.; 2.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

FABACEAE Colutea arborescens L.  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Coronilla emerus L. subsp. emeroides (Boiss. & Sprun.) Hayek  Garska River: near the river, 41°31'36'' N; 20°39'40''E;839 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Mala Reka: Elenski Skok, near the river, 41°32'34'' N; 20°37'48''E;689 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Dorycnium herbaceum Vill.var. herbaceum  v. Rosoki, degradate oak forest (Quercus cerris), on silikate. 41°34'17'' N; 20°41'47''E;1228 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Lathyrus laxiflorus (Desf.) O. Kuntze var. laxiflorus  Tresonečka River, near the river, 41°32'05'' N; 20°39'15''E;761 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Lathyrus nissolia L.  v. Rosoki, degradate oak forest (Quercus cerris), on silikate. 41°34'17'' N; 20°41'47''E;1228 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Lathyrus venetus (Miller) Wohl.  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

99 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

 v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Lotus corniculatus L.  v. Rosoki, degradate oak forest (Quercus cerris), on silikate. 41°34'17'' N; 20°41'47''E;1228 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Medicago lupulina L. var. lupulina  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Robinia pseudoacacia L.  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Trifolium alpestre L.var. alpestre  v. Rosoki, degradate oak forest (Quercus cerris), on silikate. 41°34'17'' N; 20°41'47''E;1228 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Trifolium arvense L.  v. Rosoki, degradate oak forest (Quercus cerris), on silikate. 41°34'17'' N; 20°41'47''E;1228 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Trifolium campestre Schreb.  v. Rosoki, degradate oak forest (Quercus cerris), on silikate. 41°34'17'' N; 20°41'47''E;1228 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Garska River: near the river, 41°31'36'' N; 20°39'40''E;839 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Mala Reka: Elenski Skok, near the river, 41°32'34'' N; 20°37'48''E;689 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Trifolium incarnatum L.  Mala Reka: Elenski Skok, near the river, 41°32'34'' N; 20°37'48''E;689 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Trifolium micranthum Viv.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Trifolium nigrescens Viv.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Trifolium pignantii Fauché & Chaub.  v. Rosoki, degradate oak forest (Quercus cerris), on silikate. 41°34'17'' N; 20°41'47''E;1228 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Garska River: near the river, 41°31'36'' N; 20°39'40''E;839 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonečka River, 41°33'39'' N; 20°41'31''E;901 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Trifolium pratense L.  Mala Reka: Elenski Skok, near the river, 41°32'34'' N; 20°37'48''E;689 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Trifolium repens L.  v. Rosoki, degradate oak forest (Quercus cerris), on silikate. 41°34'17'' N; 20°41'47''E;1228 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Trifolium scabrum L.

100 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

 v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Vicia sativa subsp. nigra (L.) Ehrh  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Vicia lathyroides L.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) FAGACEAE Quercus cerris L.  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Quercus petraea (Mattuschka) Liebl.  Between v. Gari and Lazaropole, near Lazaropolska River, 41о31’10”; 20о41’06”; 896m.; 2.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Quercus pubescens Willd.  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

GERANIACEAE Erodium cicutarium (L.) L’Hér.  Mala Reka: Elenski Skok, near the river, 41°32'34'' N; 20°37'48''E;689 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Geranium brutium Gasp.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Geranium lucidum L.  Mala Reka: Elenski Skok, near the river, 41°32'34'' N; 20°37'48''E;689 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonečka River, 41°33'39'' N; 20°41'31''E;901 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Geranium reflexum L.  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13” N; 20о41’15”Е; 995m.; 9.06. 2013  Zvoncica River, 41о31’40” N; 20о39’30”; 866m.; 9.06. 2013 Geranium robertianum L.  Mala Reka: Elenski Skok, near the river, 41°32'34'' N; 20°37'48''E;689 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonečka River, 41°33'39'' N; 20°41'31''E;901 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 1.09. 2012;16.10.2012; 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

HIPPOCASTANACEAE Aesculus hippocastanum L.  Garska River: near the river, 41°31'36'' N; 20°39'40''E;839 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Mala Reka: Elenski Skok, near the river, 41°32'34'' N; 20°37'48''E;689 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

101 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

 Between v. Gari and v. Lazarople, Garska River, 41о30’57” N; 20о41’57”; 951m.; 8.06. 2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Between v. Gari and Zvoncica River, near Garska River,41о31’31” N; 20о39’56”; 878m.; 8.06. 2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Between v. Gari and Zvoncica River, near Garska River, 41о31’36” N; 20о39’39”; 854m.; 8.06. 2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Between v. Gari and Zvoncica River, near Garska River, 41о31’40” N; 20о39’30”; 866m.; 9.06. 2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Betweeen v. Gari and Zvoncica River, near Garska River, 41о31’36” N; 20о39’40”; 839m.; 9.06. 2013

HYPERICACEAE Hypericum hirsutum L.  V. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13” N; 20о41’15”Е; 995m.; 9.06. 2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Hypericum perforatum L. var. perforatum  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

JUGLANDACEAE Juglans regia L.  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 1.09. 2012;16.10.2012; 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) LAMIACEAE Ajuga reptans L.  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Calamintha sylvatica Bromf.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 1.09. 2012;16.10.2012; 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Clinopodium vulgare L.  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Galeopsis speciosa Miller  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 1.09. 2012;16.10.2012; 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Lamium galeobdolon L.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 1.09. 2012;16.10.2012; 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Lamium garganicum L. subsp. striatum S. & Sm.

102 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

 v. Rosoki, near Tresonečka River, 41°33'39'' N; 20°41'31''E;901 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Lamium maculatum L.  Tresonečka River, near the river, 41°32'05'' N; 20°39'15''E;761 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Melissa officinalis L.  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Mentha longifolia (L.) Hudson  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Origanum vulgare L.  Garska River: near the river, 41°31'36'' N; 20°39'40''E;839 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Prunella vulgaris L.  v. Rosoki, degradate oak forest (Quercus cerris), on silikate. 41°34'17'' N; 20°41'47''E;1228 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Tresonečka River, near the river, 41°32'05'' N; 20°39'15''E;761 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 1.09. 2012;16.10.2012; 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Salvia amplexicaulis Benth.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Salvia glutinosa L.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonečka River, 41°33'39'' N; 20°41'31''E;901 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Salvia verticillata L.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Satureja montana L. subsp. pisidica  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Scutellaria columnae All.  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Stachys sylvatica L.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 1.09. 2012;16.10.2012; 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Teucrium chamaedrys L.  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Thymus moesiacus Vel. var. moesiacus

103 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

 v. Rosoki, degradate oak forest (Quercus cerris), on silikate. 41°34'17'' N; 20°41'47''E;1228 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) MALVACEAE

Malva moschata L.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

OLEACEAE Fraxinus angustifolia L.subsp. oxycarpa (Bieb. ex Willd.) Franco & Rocha Afonso - BISTRA: Garska Reka (Košanin, 1927) Fraxinus excelsior L.  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 1.09. 2012;16.10.2012; 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Between v. Gari and v. Lazaropole, near Garska River, 41о30’57” N; 20о41’57”; 951m.; 8.06. 2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Between v. Gari and Zvoncica River, near Garska River, 41о31’31” N; 20о39’56”Е; 878m.; 8.06. 2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Between v. Gari and Zvoncica River, near Garska River, 41о31’36” N; 20о39’39”Е; 854m.; 8.06. 2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, Mogorches meadows, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19” N; 20о39’47”Е; 805m.; 8.06. 2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Zvonchica River, 41о31’40” N; 20о39’30”; 866m.; 9.06. 2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Fraxinus ornus L.  v. Rosoki, degradate oak forest (Quercus cerris), on silikate. 41°34'17'' N; 20°41'47''E;1228 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Garska River: near the river, 41°31'36'' N; 20°39'40''E;839 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonečka River, 41°33'39'' N; 20°41'31''E;901 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  - v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

Fraxinus ornus L. var. juglandifolia Ten. - BISTRA:  BISTRA: Tresonečka River, near the river, 41°32'05'' N; 20°39'15''E;761 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

ONAGRACEAE Epilobium angustifolium (L.) Scop.  v. Rosoki, degradate oak forest (Quercus cerris), on silikate. 41°34'17'' N; 20°41'47''E;1228 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Epilobium dodonaei Vill.

104 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

 v. Rosoki, degradate oak forest (Quercus cerris), on silikate. 41°34'17'' N; 20°41'47''E;1228 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Garska River: near the river, 41°31'36'' N; 20°39'40''E;839 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Mala Reka: Elenski Skok, near the river, 41°32'34'' N; 20°37'48''E;689 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonečka River, 41°33'39'' N; 20°41'31''E;901 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

PAPAVERACEAE Chelidonium majus L.  BISTRA: v. Rosoki, near Tresonečka River, 41°33'39'' N; 20°41'31''E;901 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 1.09. 2012;16.10.2012; 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Corydalis solida (L.) Clairv.  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 14.3.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

PLANTAGINACEAE Plantago lanceolata L.  Garska River: near the river, 41°31'36'' N; 20°39'40''E;839 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Mala Reka: Elenski Skok, near the river, 41°32'34'' N; 20°37'48''E;689 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Tresonečka River, near the river, 41°32'05'' N; 20°39'15''E;761 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Plantago major L.  BISTRA: v. Rosoki, degradate oak forest (Quercus cerris), on silikate. 41°34'17'' N; 20°41'47''E;1228 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Garska River: near the river, 41°31'36'' N; 20°39'40''E;839 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Mala Reka: Elenski Skok, near the river, 41°32'34'' N; 20°37'48''E;689 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  BISTRA: Tresonečka River, near the river, 41°32'05'' N; 20°39'15''E;761 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonečka River, 41°33'39'' N; 20°41'31''E;901 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

POLYGONACEAE Rumex acetosa L.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Rumex acetosella L.  v. Rosoki, degradate oak forest (Quercus cerris), on silikate. 41°34'17'' N; 20°41'47''E;1228 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Rumex thyrsiflorus Fingerh.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 1.09. 2012;16.10.2012; 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Rumex conglomeratus L.

105 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

 v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 1.09. 2012;16.10.2012; 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

PRIMULACEAE Cyclamen hederifolium Aiton  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Primula vulgaris Hudson  Mala Reka: Elenski Skok, near the river, 41°32'34'' N; 20°37'48''E;689 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Tresonečka River, near the river, 41°32'05'' N; 20°39'15''E;761 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'39'' N; 20°41'31''E;901 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Primula veris L.  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

PYROLACEAE Pyrola minor L.  v. Tresonce, left site of the Tresonecka Reiver, 41о33’55” N; 20о42’55”Е; 985m.; 8.06. 2013

RANUNCULACEAE Anemone nemorosa L.  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 15.03.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Anemone ranunculoides L.  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 15.03.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Clematis vitalba L.  Garska River: near the river, 41°31'36'' N; 20°39'40''E;839 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Mala Reka: Elenski Skok, near the river, 41°32'34'' N; 20°37'48''E;689 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Tresonečka River, near the river, 41°32'05'' N; 20°39'15''E;761 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonečka River, 41°33'39'' N; 20°41'31''E;901 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 1.09. 2012;16.10.2012; 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Between v. Gari and Lazaropole, near Lazaropolska River, 41о31’10”; 20о41’06”; 896m.; 2.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Helleborus odorus W.K.  Garska River: near the river, 41°31'36'' N; 20°39'40''E;839 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

106 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

 Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

ROSACEAE Agrimonia eupatoria L.  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Aremonia agrimonioides (L.) DC  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Between v. Gari and Lazaropole, near Lazaropolska River, 41о31’10”; 20о41’06”; 896m.; 2.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Crataegus monogyna Jacq.  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Crataegus orientalis Pall  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 1.09. 2012;16.10.2012; 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Fragaria vesca L.  v. Rosoki, degradate oak forest (Quercus cerris), on silikate. 41°34'17'' N; 20°41'47''E;1228 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Garska River: near the river, 41°31'36'' N; 20°39'40''E;839 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Tresonečka River, near the river, 41°32'05'' N; 20°39'15''E;761 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonečka River, 41°33'39'' N; 20°41'31''E;901 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Geum urbanum L.  Mala Reka: Elenski Skok, near the river, 41°32'34'' N; 20°37'48''E;689 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 1.09. 2012;16.10.2012; 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Potentilla argentea L.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Potentilla canescens Besser

107 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

 v. Rosoki, degradate oak forest (Quercus cerris), on silikate. 41°34'17'' N; 20°41'47''E;1228 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Potentilla pilosa Willd.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Prunus avium L.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 1.09. 2012;16.10.2012; 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Prunus cerasifera Ehrh.  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Prunus spinosa L.  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 1.09. 2012;16.10.2012; 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Ranunculus bulbosus L.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

Rosa arvensis Hudson  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Between v. Gari and Lazaropole, near Lazaropolska River, 41о31’10”; 20о41’06”; 896m.; 2.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Rubus caesius L.var. caesius  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 1.09. 2012;16.10.2012; 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Rubus canescens DC  v. Rosoki, degradate oak forest (Quercus cerris), on silikate. 41°34'17'' N; 20°41'47''E;1228 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonečka River, 41°33'39'' N; 20°41'31''E;901 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Rubus sanguineus Friv.  Tresonečka River, near the river, 41°32'05'' N; 20°39'15''E;761 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Rubus trhyrsanthus Focke  v. Rosoki, degradate oak forest (Quercus cerris), on silikate. 41°34'17'' N; 20°41'47''E;1228 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Sanguisorba minor Scop. subsp.minor - : BS,KM (Micevski,1998) Sanguisorba minor Scop. subsp.muricata Briq.  v. Rosoki, degradate oak forest (Quercus cerris), on silikate. 41°34'17'' N; 20°41'47''E;1228 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Garska River: near the river, 41°31'36'' N; 20°39'40''E;839 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

108 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

 Mala Reka: Elenski Skok, near the river, 41°32'34'' N; 20°37'48''E;689 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

RUBIACEAE Cruciata laevipes Opiz  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Galium album Mill.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Galium aparine L.  Mala Reka: Elenski Skok, near the river, 41°32'34'' N; 20°37'48''E;689 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 1.09. 2012;16.10.2012; 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Galium macedonicum Krendl  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, on silicate stones, 41о32’19” N; 20о39’47”Е; 805m.; 8.06. 2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13” N; 20о41’15”Е; 995m.; 9.06. 2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Mogorche, near Beleshnichka River, 41о32’00” N; 20о38’09”; 784m.; 9.06. 2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Mala Reka-Elenski Skok, in Carpinetum. 41о32’35” N; 20о37’47”; 669m.; 10.06. 2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Galium pseudoaristatum Schur  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Between v. Gari and Lazaropole, near Lazaropolska River, 41о31’10”; 20о41’06”; 896m.; 2.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Galium sylvaticum L.  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Galium verum L.  Garska River: near the river, 41°31'36'' N; 20°39'40''E;839 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Mala Reka: Elenski Skok, near the river, 41°32'34'' N; 20°37'48''E;689 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Tresonečka River, near the river, 41°32'05'' N; 20°39'15''E;761 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

109 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

 v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Sherardia arvensis L.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

SALICACEAE Populus tremula L.  v. Rosoki, degradate oak forest (Quercus cerris), on silikate. 41°34'17'' N; 20°41'47''E;1228 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Salix alba L.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 1.09. 2012;16.10.2012; 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Salix fragilis L.  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Salix caprea L.  v. Rosoki, degradate oak forest (Quercus cerris), on silikate. 41°34'17'' N; 20°41'47''E;1228 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Salix elaeagnos Scop. subsp. elaeagnos  Tresonečka River, near the river, 41°32'05'' N; 20°39'15''E;761 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 1.09. 2012;16.10.2012; 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Zvoncica River, 41о31’40” N; 20о39’30”; 866m.; 9.06. 2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Mogorce, near Beleshnica River, 41о32’00” N; 20о38’09”; 784m.; 9.06. 2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Tresonche, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’05” N; 20о39’15”Е; 761m.;89.06. 2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

SAXIFRAGACEAE Saxifraga rotundifolia L.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonečka River, 41°33'39'' N; 20°41'31''E;901 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

SCROPHULARIACEAE Digitalis grandiflora Miller - BISTRA:RS,LP,SP,TP (Rizovski,Dzekov,1990, Digitalis ambiqua) Euphrasia stricta J.F. Lehm.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Melampyrum heracleoticum Boiss. & Orph. . between v. Lazaropole and v. Tresonče, 1240-1400 m, 21.7.1985 (Herb. SKO) . Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Rhinanthus minor L.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Scrophularia canina L.  v. Rosoki, degradate oak forest (Quercus cerris), on silikate. 41°34'17'' N; 20°41'47''E;1228 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Scrophularia nodosa L.

110 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

 v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 1.09. 2012;16.10.2012; 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Verbascum banaticum Schrader  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

Verbascum longifolium Ten. subsp. pannosum  v. Rosoki, degradate oak forest (Quercus cerris), on silikate. 41°34'17'' N; 20°41'47''E;1228 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Veronica acinifolia L.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 1.09. 2012;16.10.2012; 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Veronica arvensis L.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Veronica chamaedrys L.  Garska River: near the river, 41°31'36'' N; 20°39'40''E;839 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Mala Reka: Elenski Skok, near the river, 41°32'34'' N; 20°37'48''E;689 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Tresonečka River, near the river, 41°32'05'' N; 20°39'15''E;761 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 1.09. 2012;16.10.2012; 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Veronica officinalis L.  v. Rosoki, degradate oak forest (Quercus cerris), on silikate. 41°34'17'' N; 20°41'47''E;1228 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

SOLANACEAE Solanum dulcamara L.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 1.09. 2012;16.10.2012; 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

TAMARICACEAE Myricaria germanica (L.) Desv. - BISTRA:JB (Nikolovski, 1993)

URTICACEAE Urtica dioica L.  Mala Reka: Elenski Skok, near the river, 41°32'34'' N; 20°37'48''E;689 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Tresonečka River, near the river, 41°32'05'' N; 20°39'15''E;761 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonečka River, 41°33'39'' N; 20°41'31''E;901 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 1.09. 2012;16.10.2012; 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Parietaria officinalis L.

111 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

 v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 1.09. 2012;16.10.2012; 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

VIOLACEAE Viola hirta L.  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)


ARACEAE Arum italicum Miller.  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

CYPERACEAE Carex hirta L.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Carex vulpina L.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

JUNCACEAE Luzula forsteri (Sm.) DC  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

LILIACEAE Colchicum autumnale L.  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Ornithogalum pyrenaicum L.  Garska River: near the river, 41°31'36'' N; 20°39'40''E;839 m, 13.3..2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 13.3. 2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Scilla bifolia L.  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 14.3.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 15.03.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki- Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 15.03.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

DIOSCOREACEAE Tamus communis L.

112 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

 Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

ORCHIDACEAE Cephalanthera longifolia (L.) Frit.  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Listera ovata L.

 v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13” N; 20о41’15”Е; 995m.; 9.06. 2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

POACEAE Anthoxanthum odoratum L.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Brachypodium sylvaticum (Hudson) Beauv.  v. Rosoki, degradate oak forest (Quercus cerris), on silikate. 41°34'17'' N; 20°41'47''E;1228 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 1.09. 2012;16.10.2012; 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Between v. Gari and Lazaropole, near Lazaropolska River, 41о31’10”; 20о41’06”; 896m.; 2.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Brachypodium pinnatum (L.) Beauv.  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Bromus hordeaceus L.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Bromus racemosus L.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Calamagrostis arundinacea (L.) Roth.  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Cynosurus cristatus L.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Dactylis glomerata L. subsp. aschersoniana (Graebner) Thell  v. Rosoki, degradate oak forest (Quercus cerris), on silikate. 41°34'17'' N; 20°41'47''E;1228 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Garska River: near the river, 41°31'36'' N; 20°39'40''E;839 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 1.09. 2012;16.10.2012; 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

113 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

 v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Festuca heterophylla Lam.  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Lolium perenne L.  BISTRA: Tresonečka River, near the river, 41°32'05'' N; 20°39'15''E;761 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Melica uniflora Retz.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonečka River, 41°33'39'' N; 20°41'31''E;901 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Between v. Gari and r. Zvoncica, near Garska River, 41о31’37”; 20о39’40”; 867m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012; 9.06.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 1.09. 2012;16.10.2012; 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Poa bulbosa L.  Garska River: near the river, 41°31'36'' N; 20°39'40''E;839 m, 5.6.2009 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Poa nemoralis L.  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 1.09. 2012;16.10.2012; 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  Mala Reka-Elenski skok, 41о32’35”; 20о37’47”; 676m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012, 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, 41о34’03”; 20о41’23”; 1041m.; 1.09. 2012; 16.10.2012; 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski) Poa trivialis L. subsp. sylvicola (Guss.) H. Lindb.  v. Gari, near Garska River, 41о30’13”; 20о41’13”; 1032m.; 2.09. 2012; 15.10.2012, 8.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41о32’19”; 20о39’45”; 801m.; 1.09. 2012;16.10.2012; 10.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)  v. Rosoki, near Tresonecka River, 41°33'06'' N; 20°41'12''E;845 m, 9.6.2013 (leg. et det. V.Matevski)

114 Pre-construction monitoring over the area of HPP Boshkov Most – Annual Report

Appendix 4 – Photo - Journal (under separate cover)