Comamonadaceae, a New Family Encompassing the Acidovorans Rrna Complex, Including Variovorax Paradoxus Gen
INTERNATIONALJOURNAL OF SYSTEMATICBACTERIOLOGY, July 1991, p. 445450 Vol. 41, No. 3 0020-7713/91/030445-06$02.OO/O Copyright 0 1991, International Union of Microbiological Societies NOTES Comamonadaceae, a New Family Encompassing the Acidovorans rRNA Complex, Including Variovorax paradoxus gen. nov. , comb. nov. for Alcaligenes paradoxus (Davis 1969) A. WILLEMS, J. DE LEY, M. GILLIS," AND K. KERSTERS Laboratorium voor Microbiologie en microbiele Genetica, Rijksuniversiteit Gent, K. L. Ledeganckstraat 35, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium A new family, the Comamonadaceae, is proposed for the organisms belonging to the acidovorans rRNA complex in the beta subclass of the Proteobacteria. This family includes the genera Comamonas, Acidovorax, Hydrogenophaga, Xylophilus, and Variovorax (formerly Alcaligenes paradoxus), as well as a number of phylogenetically misnamed Aquaspirillum and phytopathogenic Pseudomonas species. DNA-rRNA hybridization and 16s rRNA cataloging have duplex (i.e., when DNA and rRNA from the same reference shown that several of the large taxa described in the past as strain are used) and the Tm(,) value of a heterologous phenotypic entities (e.g., the genus Pseudomonas, spirilla, hybrid]. Comparable or slightly greater AT,(,) ranges have the genus Alcaligenes, photosynthetic bacteria) are phylo- been observed in several bacterial families, including the genetically very heterogeneous (12, 21, 27, 37-40). As a Neisseriaceae [AT,(,) range, 7.6"C (29)], the Alcaligenaceae consequence, these taxa are gradually being split up into [AT,,,, range, 6°C (9)], the Acetobacteriaceae [AT,(,) range, several genera, and only the group that includes the original 5°C (19)], the Enterobacteriaceae [AT,(,) range, 8°C (lo)], type species can retain the original genus name.
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