451 Iasi. Topiary Forms That Are to Be Purchased Or Obtained in the Garden Will Be Chosen Based on the Target Group Particularit
Iasi. Topiary forms that are to be purchased or obtained in the garden will be chosen based on the target group particularities; they could be fi xed or mobile, as needed. Bibliography 1. Amery C., B. Curran. The lost world of Pompeii. J. Paul Getty Museum, New York, 2002. pp.: 138. 2. Constantinescu S. Viorica. Arta Grădinii. Edit. Meridiane, Buc., 1992. pp: 49-67. 3. Diarmuid Gavin. Design your garden. DK Publsh., New York, 2004. pp.: 1-175. 4. Gallup Barbara, Reich Deborah. The complete book of topiary. Workman Publsh., New York, 1987. pp.: 23-26. 5. Gilgemeister Heidi. Mediterranean gardening. Edit. Moll. Palma de Mallorca, 1996. pp.: 82-83. TOPIARY – THE MOST MAGNIFICENT HORTICULTURAL ART THROUGH THE YEARS Roşca I.*, Ciorchina Nina*, Dumitraş Adelina**, Clapa Doina*** * Botanical Garden (Institute) Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 18 Pădurii str. Chisinau MD 2002, ** University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine, 3-5 Mănăştur, 400372 Cluj-Napoca, RO, *** Fruit Research Station Cluj, 5 Horticultorilor str. 400457, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Summary. The wonders fanciful topiary - renderings of animals, humans, and objects created from evergreens, perennial herbs, and other natural plant material- never fails to leave a lasting impression on all who experience it. This art form has been practiced for centuries, resulting in elegant green constructions of seemingly endless size, shape, and subject matter. Yet with continuing interest in gardening and crafts, this elegant form of self-expression is enjoying a fresh vogue among celebrities and other prominent people worldwide. Topiaries is a unique survey of the splendid parterres, arches, pyramids, spheres, columns, knot gardens, and other formations that constitute this magnifi cent and enduring art.
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