General Assembly Official Records Seventieth Session
United Nations A/70/ PV.87 General Assembly Official Records Seventieth session 87th plenary meeting Thursday, 18 February 2016, 11 a.m. New York President: Mr. Lykketoft ......................................... (Denmark) In the absence of the President, Ms. Moses (Nauru), Nations response to appalling crises in Europe, Africa Vice-President, took the Chair. and beyond. Outcomes from major conferences during his The meeting was called to order at 11.05 a.m. tenure in Rio, Vienna, Beijing and Cairo, together with his Agenda for Peace and his Agenda for Development, Tribute to the memory of His Excellency can now be seen very clearly at the heart of the 2030 Mr. Boutros Boutros-Ghali, sixth Agenda for Sustainable Development (resolution 70/1). Secretary-General of the United Nations His period at the helm demonstrates ever so clearly that The Acting President: It is our sad duty to pay the position of Secretary-General is indeed one of the tribute to the memory of His Excellency Mr. Boutros most difficult jobs in the world. Boutros-Ghali, sixth Secretary-General of the United On behalf of this entire Assembly, I would like to Nations, who passed away on 16 February. extend my most sincere condolences to the family and I have the honour to deliver this statement on behalf friends of Mr. Boutros-Ghali who mourn his passing of the President of the General Assembly, Mr. Mogens today. I extend also my sympathies to the people and Lykketoft, who is travelling on official business at this the Government of Egypt, who have lost one of their time.
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