PASSION OF SAINT ONESIMUS OF COLOSSAEl BHG 1377c. C R G L. S Department of History, University of Washington Seattle. Onesimus Colossae, the runaway Phrygian slave converted to Christianity by St. Paul, is one the more intriguing characters de- picted in the New Testament and yet, for the most part, has remained an enigma to historical inquiry. For, although the general course his turbuJent early life can be reconstructed from PauJ's Let.ter to Phil- emon (ca. 60),2little is known about his later years and stiJlless con- 1. The following abbreviations have been used this article: AASS = Acta SanctoI·um...col!egit J. Bollandus cet., Jan (Antwerp: 1643)- (Brussels: 1925). BHG = Bibliotheca Hagiographica Graeca3 , ed. F. Halkin, 3 vols. (Brussels: 1957) [Subsidia Hagiographica, 8a]. Ehrhard = Ehrhard, Oberlieferung und Bestand der hagiographischen und homiletischen Literatur der gI'iechischen Kirche (Jon bis zum Ende des 16. JahrhundeI·ts, 3 vols. (Leipzig: 1937-1952) [Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchI'istlichen Literatur, 50-52]. PG Patrologia Graeca, ed. J. Migne, 162 vols. (Paris: 1857-1866). Patrologia OI'ientalis, ed. R. Graffin and F. Nau (Paris: 1907-). PW Paulys der classischen Altel·tumswissenschaft, ed. G. Wissowa, and W. Kroll (Stuttgart: 1893·). 2. Basic studies Onesimus and the Letter to include: Dibe- lius and Greeven, die Kolosser, Epheser, Phile,non. 3d ed. 1953); L. Jang, Der Philelnonbrief mit dem theologischen Denken des Apostels Paulus, [Unpublished Dissertation] 1964); J. Lightfoot St. Paul's Epistles the Colossians Philemon, 4th ed. (London: 1892); Lohmeyer, Die Briefe die Philipper, die Kolosser und Philemon. 13th ed. (Gottingen: 1964); Lohse, Colossians and Philemon, trans.
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