APPENDIX The TechCast Expert Panel

TechCast is a virtual think tank in the sense that we integrate the knowledge of roughly 100 experts working online around the world. To maintain excellence, we require applicants to have advanced degrees, experience in their field, patents and publications, and other proven results. Some are invited on the basis of their reputations, and others provide their qualifications on the site and pass a multiple choice quiz. We make a point of ensuring diversity among the panel by including women, people from around the globe, a variety of disciplines, and age differences. The wide range of backgrounds can be seen below to include executives of high-tech companies, government researchers, academics, consultants, forecasters, and futurists. The caliber of our authorities is often unsurpassed, but not all experts must be famous to be included. These guidelines help provide a varied group that collectively represents the best knowledge available in science and technology. The responsibility of experts is to review the scanning analyses online, and use their best judgment to provided forecasts for roughly a dozen technologies in seven fields. Not all experts respond to each item, so sample sizes typically run in the 50 to 60 response range, which is more than ample. In return for their service, experts receive a free subscription, prominent visibility, consulting work, profes- sional contacts, and an opportunity to participate in the best online technology forecasting system. For more details see www.TechCast- org/About/Method.

Denis Lima Balaguer, MSc Professor of Strategic Management and Innovation Management Vale do Paraiba University, Brazil [email protected]

Enric Bas, PhD Professor of Social Foresight Department of Sociology II, Faculty of Economics University of Alicante, Spain [email protected]

162 Appendix: The TechCast Expert Panel 163

Harvey Bazarian, CEO Bazarian Technology Consulting, USA

Hellmuth Broda European CTO Sun Microsystems, Germany

Lynn Burton, PhD Chair, Humanties Department Simon Fraser University, Canada

Dennis Bushnell Chief Scientist NASA Langley Research Center, USA

Kemal Cakici, PhD Lead Systems Analyst Anteon Corporation, USA

Kelly Carnes, JD President and CEO TechVision21, USA

Arun Chainani, MD Senior Advisor Strategy & Corporate Development, USA

Andrew Chan Yik Hong Managing Consultant IBM Global Business Services, Malaysia

Jose Cordeiro Founder, World Future Society, Venezuela Chair, The Millennium Project, Venezuela

Donnelly Donnelly, PhD George Washington University, USA

Jerald Feinstein, PhD The MITRE Corporation [email protected] 164 Technology’s Promise

Robert Fisher President The Consortium International, USA

Arnold Foudin, PhD Chief Agriculturalist U.S. Department of Agriculture, USA

Thomas Frey DaVince Institute, USA

Leon Fuerth Research Professor of International Affairs Eliott School of International Affairs George Washington University USA

John Geraghty Senior Principal Information Systems Engineer The MITRE Corporation, USA

Adam Gerber PhD Candidate Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris

Jerry Glenn Director Millennium Project World Federation of UN Associations

Theodore J. Gordon Senior Research Fellow and Co-founder of the Millennium Project World Federation of United Nations Associations

Sam Gordy Vice President SAIC Corporation, USA

Janice Graham, PhD President Janice M. Graham Inc. USA 703.608.9421 Ext. Appendix: The TechCast Expert Panel 165

Martin Guyotte US Navy War College, USA

William Halal, PhD Professor Emeritus of Science, Technology & Innovation George Washington University, USA [email protected]

Ken Harris Chairman The Consilience Group, LLC, USA

Aharon Hauptman, PhD Senior Researcher Interdisciplinary Center for Technology Analysis and Forecasting Tel-Aviv University, [email protected]

Henry Heilbrunn, MBA Shapiro Fellow School of Media and Public Affairs, GWU, USA [email protected]

William Herman, PhD Deputy Director Office of Science & Engineering Laboratories Federal Drug Administration, USA

David Herrelko, PhD Bernhard M. Schmidt Chair University of Dayton Retired General, USAF

Brad Hughes, MS, MBA Director Qwest Corporation, USA [email protected] 166 Technology’s Promise

Sohail Inayatullah, PhD Professor, Futures Studies, Social Sciences Tamkang University, Taiwan

Lester Ingber, PhD Lester Ingber Research, USA [email protected]

Michael Jackson, PhD Chairman Shaping Tomorrow, U.K. [email protected] 07966 155912 Ext.

Nikhil Jagga Systems Analyst Accenture Corporation, USA

Niilo Kaartinen, MD Managing Director KRI Kaartinen Tutkimus OY, Finland

Guy Kemmerly NASA Langley Research Center, USA

Peter King, PhD Environmental Consultant, Thailand Formerly Asian Development Bank

Angela Klein, MS Assistant Professor of Computer Science William Jewell College, USA

Jeff Krukin, MS Executive Director The Space Frontier Foundation, USA [email protected]

Michael Kull, PhD President Amplifi Inc, USA Appendix: The TechCast Expert Panel 167

Young Hoon Kwak, PhD Associate Professor Department of Decision Sciences, School of Business The George Washington University, USA [email protected]

John A. “Skip” Laitner, MA Senior Economist for Technology Policy American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, USA [email protected]

Richard Lamm Former Governor of Colorado Director, Public Policy & Contemporary Issues University of Denver, USA

Al Leedahl, MS President Engineering Design Concepts, USA

Xin-Wu Lin Director of Research Division III Taiwan Institute of Economic Research, Taiwan [email protected]

Bob Locascio Strategy Development Consultant, USA

David Luckey, MA, MS, MBA Operations Analyst and Subject Matter Expert Engineering Documentation Systems, Inc., USA [email protected]

Tim Mack, JD President World Future Society, USA 168 Technology’s Promise

Michael Mainelli, PhD Professor of Commerce, Gresham College Chairman, Z/Yen Group Limited, U.K. [email protected] +44 207-562-9562 Ext.

Dr. (Econ.) Mika Mannermaa President Futures Studies Mannermaa Ltd., Finland

Joe Martino, PhD Principal JPM Associates, USA

Dennis McBride, PhD President Potomac Institute for Policy Studies Research Professor, Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, George Mason University, USA [email protected]

John Meagher, BS International Center for Environmental Technology, USA

Danila Medvedev, PhD General Director KrioRus, +7 905 768-0457 [email protected]

Michael Michaelis President Partners in Enterprise, Inc., USA [email protected] 301-986-1950 301-986-1501 fax

Riel Miller, PhD President XperidoX Consulting, USA [email protected] Appendix: The TechCast Expert Panel 169

Steve Millett Partner Social Technologies Inc., USA [email protected]

Patrick Moorhead Vice President AMD Corporation, USA

Phillip Nelson, PhD Acceleration Studies Foundation, USA [email protected]

Eric Newman System Architecture AOL Corporation, USA

Bruce Niven, M. Eng. Director Advent Technologies ITOCHU Aviation Inc., USA [email protected]

Amy Oberg, MS Corporate Futurist Kimberly Clark Corporation, USA

Bob Olson Senior Fellow Institute for Alternative Futures, USA

Erik F. Øverland Expert on Foresight and Innovation Policy The Ministry of Education and Research, Norway [email protected] or [email protected] 95963817 Ext. 0047

David Passig, PhD Head, Graduate Program in ICT & Education Bar Ilan University, Israel 170 Technology’s Promise

Ian Pearson Futurologist BT Group Chief Technology Office, USA

Jonathan Peck President Institute for Alternative Futures, USA

Leonardo Pineda, PhD CEO Qubit Cluster, Mexico

Joanne Pransky Robotics Consultant, USA

James Richardson Futurist, USA

Carlos Ross, PhD President Proa Consultores, Mexico

Harry Rothman, PhD Editor Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, U.K.

Herb Rubenstein, JD Chief Operating Officer International Center for Appropriate and Sustainable Technology, USA

Steve Ruth, PhD Professor of Information Systems George Mason University International Center for Applied Studies in IT, USA Appendix: The TechCast Expert Panel 171

John Sagi, PhD Associate Professor of Business Anne Arundel Community College, USA

Walid Saliby Director International Project Management AOL Corporation, USA

Alison Sander, JD/MBA Consultant, USA

Miriam Sapiro, JD President Summit Strategies International, USA

Carlos Scheel, PhD Professor of Technological Innovation EGADE, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico [email protected]

Jerry Schneider, PhD Professor Emeritus University of Washington, USA

Torsten Scholl, MBA CEO, omniwatt AG, Germany [email protected]

Chadwick Seagraves, MS Library Systems Analyst Indiana Cooperative Library Services Authority, USA [email protected]

Yair Sharan, PhD Director Interdisciplinary Center for Technological Analysis & Forecasting Tel Aviv University, Israel [email protected] 172 Technology’s Promise

Art Shostak, PhD Professor of Sociology Emeritus Drexel University, USA

Hugues Sicotte, PhD Scientist SAIC Corporation, USA

S. Fred Singer, PhD President Science & Environmental Policy Project, USA

Dexter Snyder, PhD Technical Fellow Technology Intelligence Directorate General Motors Corporation, USA [email protected]

Knut Solem, PhD Professor of Environment, Technology, and Social Change Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway +47 73 59 66 65 Ext. +47 73 59 15 64 fax

McDonald Stewart, MS Consultant, USA

Roger Stough, PhD Associate Dean School of Public Policy George Mason University, USA

Xi Su, PhD VP of Technical Operations US Business Solutions, Inc., China [email protected] 202-204-3055 Ext. 202-204-3056 fax Appendix: The TechCast Expert Panel 173

Micah Tapman, MBA President Quest Consultants, USA

Wesley Truitt, PhD Executive-in-Residence College of Business Administration Loyola Marymount University, USA

Arch Turner, PhD Booz-Allen Hamilton, USA

Richard Varey, PhD Professor of Marketing Department of Marketing The Waikato Management School, New Zealand [email protected]

Forrest Waller, MPA Senior Scientist SAIC Strategies, USA

Judson Walls, MBA Associate Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc., USA

Ann Wang, PhD Assistant Professor University of DC, USA

George Whitesides Executive Director National Space Society, USA Name Index

Ackoff, Russell, 17 Gelernter, David, 130 Al Gore, 18 Gilbert, Walter, 74 Glincher, Paul, 129 Baltimore, David, 74 Griffin, Michael, 100 Batson, Daniel, 131 Grove, Andy, 108 Benner, John, 23 Bigelow, Robert, 94 Hawken, Paul, 30 Blake, Olaf, 130 Hawking, Stephen, 100 Branson, Richard, 94, 101 Herbers, Jill, 34 Brooks, David, 138 Bush, George W., 95, 120, 133 Kahn, Robert, 45 Bushnell, Dennis, 80 Kalmikoff, Jeffrey, 42 Kant, Emmanuel, 135 Chalmers, David, 133 King, Peter, 101 Clarke, Arthur C., 1, 5, 158 Krukin, Jeff, 101 Crick, Francis, 130 Kurzweil, Ray, 2, 51, 61, 75

Damasio, Antonio, 129, 130 Lander, Eric, 139 Darling, David, 56 Larson, Kent, 35 Davis, Stan, 33 Lee, Ilchi, 136 Dawkins, Richard, 135 Libet, Benjamin, 129 Diamandis, Peter, 94 Lovelock, James, 159 Drucker, Peter, 5 Lovins, Amory, 21, 30, 33 Duncan, Terry, 86 Dyson, Freeman, 5, 59, 99, McKinsey, 116 134 McLuhan, Marshall, 158 Minsky, Marvin, 138 Eisner, Michael, 49 Mitchell, Edgar, 103 Myers, David, 129 Ford, William, 81 Friedman, Tom, 32 Nash, John, 128, 136

174 Name Index 175

Persinger, Michael, 129 Sperling, John, 75 Pine, Joseph, 33 Sperry, Roger, 136 Porter, Michael, 116 Strassman, Rick, 129 Prahalad, C.K., 50 Toffler, Alvin, 33 Romero, Rocio, 35 Turing, Alan, 50 Rutan, Burt, 94, 101

Satin, Mark, 120 Venter, Craig, 3 Scott, Lee, 17 Verne, Jules, 5 Sharan, Yair, 20 Shostak, Seth, 99 Washington, George, 64 Smith, Ray, 31, 116 Wegner, Daniel, 129 Snow, C.P., 136 Wells, H.G., 5 Sperling, Daniel, 84 Wilson, Edward, 129 Subject Index

abundance, 31, 120 automated highways, 80, 85–86 technologies of, 32–39 automatically returned cars, 86 Adam Aircraft, 87 “adaptive beam forming” Ballard, 82 antenna, 46 behavior, 130 age of consciousness, xxi, belief system, 133, 135 76–78, 125–144 Best Buy, 112 about 2020–3030, 142–144 biogenetics, promises and perils alien life, contacting, 93, 97–99 of, 64 Allen Telescope Array, 98 artificial organs, 65, 67–68 Alpha Centauri, 99 cancer treatment, 65, 71–72 alternative energy, 18, 19–22 child traits, 65, 68–69 sources, 20–21 genetic therapy, 65, 73–74 Amazon, 47, 49, 61, 112 grown organs, 65, 69–71 American healthcare system, 108 , 65, 74–76 consensus on, 121–123 personal treatment, 65, androids, 51, 138 72–73 anti-aging genes, 75 telemedicine, 64, 65–67 Apollo Program, 96 biomass, 21 Apple, 48, 49 biometrics, 43, 44–45 artificial intelligence (AI), 37, 42, biopharming, 23 43, 50–52, 143 BitTorrent, 48, 111 advances in, 138 Bonville Power, 116 developments in, 50–52 Britain, 24, 25, 83, 88 artificial organs, 58, 65, 67–68 bubble chart automation, of mental work, for e-commerce and IT, 59–60 125–126 for energy and environment, see also artificial intelligence 28–30 “autonomic computing” for high-tech industrialization, program, 51 40–41 Asimo, 37, 138 of medicine and biogenetics, ASM Lithography, 36 76–78 Australia, 89 of space, 100–101

176 Subject Index 177

for transportation system, corporate governance, evolution 89–91 of, 115 Council of , 68 California Fuel Cell Partnership, creative destruction, of social 82 institutions, 107–109 Cambridge University, 50 Cyberkinetics Corp., 58 Canada, 19 cancer treatment, 65, 71–72 Dalai Lama, 131, 143 capacitive deionization Defense Advanced Research technique, 22 Projects Agency (DARPA), carbon fuel, 19, 25 50, 51 Cessna, 87 Dell, 66 ChaCha, 47 democratic enterprise, 120–121, child traits, 65, 68–69 122 Chile, 97 Denmark, 20, 38, 66, 120 China, 17, 25, 37, 49, 66, 83, Department of Energy, 51 88, 89, 90, 142 desalination, 18, 22 Cientifica, 83 designed materials, 32–33 Cisco, 54, 111 Dextre, 38 citizen journalism, 47 digital camera, xv City of Indianapolis, 112 digital photography, xv “Cockadoodle Doo”, 26 dismal science, 31, 120 cold fusion, 21 distributed power, 18, 22–23 collaborative client relationship, DNA, 64, 71, 138 117 D-Wave Systems, 57 communication, 97 Dwell Homes, 35 travel and, 79 computer game, 51, 54, 93 Eastman Kodak, xv computer model, of Eclipse Aviation, 87 consciousness, 128–130 e-commerce, 42 consciousness, 1, 76–78, 125, bubble chart for, 59–60 126 electronic records, 66 computer model, 128–130 energy and environment and crisis of maturity, xx–xxii alternative energy, 18, 19–22 spiritual model, 130–133 bubble chart for, 28 technologies of, 139–142 desalination, 18, 22 Container Store, 117 distributed power, 18, 22–23 corporate community, 109, ecological challenge, 17–28 115–118, 119 global warming, 18, 24–25 corporate community model, GMO, 18, 23–24 115 green business, 18, 26–27 178 Subject Index

energy and environment – genetic therapy, 65, 73–74 continued geographic information system, organic farming, 19, 27 28 precision farming, 19, 28 Georgia Tech, 57 transition timetable, 28–30 geothermal energy, 21 energy conservation, 21 Germany, 20, 23, 66, 82, 88 England, 20 global access, 43, 49–50 entertainment-on-demand, 43, globalization, 31–41, 43, 49–50, 48–49 102, 142 Environmental Protection abundance, technologies of, Agency (EPA), 21 32–39 Europe, 24, 27, 46, 84 costs of prosperity, 40–41 European Community, 97 Global Positioning System European Space Agency (ESA), (GPS), 28, 84, 87 96, 98, 100 global transportation system, European Union, 24, 25, 26, 44, building, 79–91 45, 55, 92 automated highways, 80, EVDO, 45 85–86 Ever-1, 38 bubble chart for, 89–91 ExoMars, 96 fuel cell cars, 80, 81–84 hybrid cars, 79, 80–81 F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, 37 hypersonic planes, 80, 89 Facebook, 47, 111 intelligent cars, 80, 84–85 face recognition software, 51 maglev trains, 80, 88–89 Finland, 31, 66, 120 small aircraft, 80, 86–88 FlickR, 47 global warming, 18, 24–25 “fly-by-wire” steering, 84 Google, 17, 31, 47, 52, 112 Ford, 81, 114 Gordian Knot, 30 France, 21, 66 green business, 18, 26–27 free goods, 110 Green Manhattan Project, 30 fuel cell cars, 80, 81–84 Greentech, 19–20 development, 82–83 grown organs, 65, 69–71 hydrogen, as fuel, 83–84 Futron, 94 HARPS telescope, 97 high-tech industrialization, Gaia, 159 32–39 GE, 83 costs of prosperity, 40–41 General Motors (GM), 81, 82, designed materials, 32–33 84, 85, 114 mass customization, 32, genetically modified organisms 33–34 (GMO), 18, 23–24 micromachines, 32, 34 Subject Index 179

modular homes, 32, 34–35 International Data Corporation nanotechnology, 32, 35–36 (IDC), 45 smart robots, 32, 37–39 International Panel on Climate smart sensors, 32, 39 Change, 24 “Highway in the Sky” system, International Space Station, 94, 87 95 Hitachi, 39, 59 Internet, 2, 6, 31, 50, 54, 59, Honda Corporation, 82, 83, 87, 108, 149 138 ion trap, 57 human-machine interface, iRobot, 38 conversational see teleliving Israel, 22, 53, 83 Human Variome Project, 73 , 89 hybrid cars, 79, 80–81, 150 hydrogen, as fuel, 83–84 James Webb Space Telescope, hypersonic planes, 80, 89 98 , 23, 37, 39, 44, 53, 54, IBM, 34, 36, 51, 52, 53, 57, 73 55, 82, 84, 86, 88, 89 Iceland, 21, 82 J.D. Powers, 81 IKEA, 35, 117 Johnson & Johnson, 112 India, 17, 21, 25, 49, 50, 90, Julie, 38 142 inductrack, 89 knowledge, virtuous cycle of, industrialization-energy- 1–2 envieonment crisis, 17–30 Knowledge Management (KM), information technology (IT), 5 42–62, 66–67, 84, 100, Kyoto Protocol, 25, 26 108, 110, 111 advances in, 59–60 Lane Departure Prevention innovation, 21, 111 system, 84 institutional change, 108–109 leadership, 113–114 Intel, 39, 53 life cycle of evolution (LCE), intelligent cars, 80, 84–85 156–161 intelligent diagnostic systems, 66 life extension, 65, 74–76 intelligent highway system, The LiftPort Group, 36 84–85 Light Emitting Diode (LED), 21 Intelligent Parking System, 84 intelligent systems, 51, 79, 90, maglev trains, 80, 88–89 125 mars, men on, 93, 96–7 Interface Corporation, 29 Massachusetts Institute of internal enterprise, 110–113 Technology (MIT), 37, 38, internal market economics, 110 52, 53 180 Subject Index

mass customization, 32, 33–34, neutraceuticals, 23 40 New Zealand, 24 Mayo Clinic, 73 Nikon, xv MEMS see Micro-Electro- Nissan, 84 Mechanical Systems Nitta Corporation, 38 Micro-Electro-Mechanical Nokia, 46, 112 Systems (MEMS), 34, 39 Nortel, 117 micromachines, 32, 34 Norway, 66, 120 Microsoft, 31, 47, 48, 52, 54, Novartis, 73, 117 59, 149 nuclear fission, 20 Millennium Cell Company, 83 Nucor, 112 mind-body connection, 140 modular homes, 32, 34–35 Office of Exploration Systems, molecular age, 2–3 95 Moller International, 87 oil production, 19 monopoly, 110 Omneron Corp., 59 moon base, 93, 95–96 OnStar, 84 Motorola, 35 optical computers, 44, 52–53 Munich, 82 organic farming, 19, 27 MySpace, 47, 111 organizational change, 108 Ovation Products, 22 nano-medicine, 36 Oxford University, 83 Nanosolar Company, 20 nanotechnology, 20, 22, 32, Pacific Northwest National 35–36, 71, 75, 150 Laboratory, 83 Nantero, 36 panspermia, 98 Napster, 111 Penn State University, 83 National Academy of Science, Perdue Company, 26 97 Personal Genome Project, 73 National Aeronautics and Space personalized treatment, for Administration (NASA), 35, genetic disorders, 65, 72–73 38, 47, 87, 88, 89, 93, 94, Peru, 50 95, 96, 97, 98, 100, 101, photonics, developments in, 53 102 photosynthesis, 21 National Biometrics Identity precision farming, 19, 28 Register, 44 prediction markets, 6, 47 National Human Genome prefabricated homes see modular Institute, 72–73 homes National Institute of Health profit-centered model, 115 (NIH), 72 profit motive, 109 natural capitalism, 30 Project Prometheus, 96 Subject Index 181 public schools, 113 social networks, 47 Purdue University, 89 social responsibility, 114–115, 116 quantum computers, 44, 56–57 social responsibility model, quantum computing, 56, 57 115 quantum memory, 57 social search, 47 quasi-democratic institution, 119 solar energy, 20 solar system, 92 radical middle, 120 Sony, 45, 54 Radio-frequency Identification South Korea, 37 (RFID) tags, 39 Space Adventure Company, 94 rapid spray evaporation, 22 Space Age, 93, 100–103 renewable energy, 19 SpaceShip One, 94 Repliee, 38 space telescope, advancements resveratrol, 75 in, 98–99 Robinson R22, 87 space tourism, 93, 94–95 robotic vehicles, 51 space travel, 92–103 robots, 11, 34, 35, 51, 66 alien life, contacting, 93, smart, 32, 37–39 97–99 Roomba, 39 mars, men on, 93, 96–97 Russia, 89, 92, 97, 133, 135, 142 moon base, 93, 95–96 star travel, 93, 99–100 Samsung, 35 speech recognition, 51 Scandinavia, 22 spirituality, 140 Science and spirit, 134–137 and community, 132 search for extraterrestrial drugs and, 141 intelligence (SETI), 97 and politics, 141 self-managed internal enterprise, sex as, 141 109, 111 spiritual model, of self-management, 119 consciousness, 130–133 Semco, 112 Spore, 93 sex, as spirituality, 141 star travel, 93, 99–100 SimCity, 93 stereoscopic imaging, 54 sirtuins, 75 Supersonic Aerospace small aircraft, 80, 86–88 International, 89 smart robots, 32, 37–39 Suruga Bank, 44 smart sensors, 32, 39 Sweden, 66, 120 smart taxis without drivers, 86 , 120 social foundations, shifting, 62 social institutions, creative Taiwan, 84 destruction of, 107–109 Tata Group, 117 182 Subject Index

TechCast, xviii, 18, 20, 21–22, Unilever, 117 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 35, 36, United Kingdom, 44, 68 39, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 59, United States, 10, 19, 20, 21, 67, 68, 73, 84, 85, 86, 88, 22, 23, 25, 28, 30, 33, 49, 89, 95, 97, 99 52, 58, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, project, 3–6 72, 81, 82, 84, 85, 86, technologies, of consciousness, 87, 89, 92, 120, 121, 139–142 142 Technology’s Promise, xv, xvi, 1 University of North Carolina, Technorati, 46 83 teleconference, 66 U.S. Congress, 3 teleliving, 60–62 U.S. Department of Defense telemedicine, 64, 65–67 (DoD), 44, 54 telemeres, 75 U.S. Department of Energy, 19, telesurgery, 55, 66 21 Terrestrial Planet Finder, 98 U.S. Federal Aviation therapeutic foods, 23 Administration (FAA), 86, thought power, 44, 57–59 87, 94, 102 Threadbare, 42 U.S. Federal Government, 44, tidal energy, 21 101, 121 tiny machines, 32, 34 U.S. Federal Highway Toyota, 81, 82, 84, 114 Administration, 86 TransHab, 95 U.S. Food and Drug transition timetable, for energy Administration (FDA), 58, and environment, 28–30 70 travel U.S. Geological Survey, 19 and communication, 79 U.S. Marine Corps, 39 space, 92–103 U.S. National Cancer Institute, star, 93, 99–100 36, 74 2001: Space Odyssey, 1 U.S. National Science 2010: The World Online, 148, Foundation, 36 149–150 U.S. Naval Research Lab, 53 2020: High-Tech Arrives, 148, UTC Corp., 89 150–152 2030: Crisis of Maturity, 148, Verizon, 48 152–155 Virgin Galactic, 94 2040–50: Global Order, 148, virtual reality (VR), 44, 53–56 155–156 advances in, 54 applications in, 55 UCLA Virtual Reality Lab, 55 virtual trip through time, 6–7, Ultrawideband, 45 146 Subject Index 183 virtuous cycle, of knowledge, 1–2 wind energy, 20 Volkswagen, 81, 84 wind turbine, 20, 21, 83 VuDu, 48 wireless communication, 43, 45–46 Waldorf Astoria Hotel, 55 World Bank, 49 Wal-Mart, 19, 27, 114 Watson, 38 xMax, 45 Web 2.0, xv, 43, 46–48 applications, 46–47 Yahoo, 31, 47 web-based software, 47 yoga, 140–141 Weizmann Institute, 83 YouTube, 42, 47 Whole Foods, 112, 117 WiFi, 45 zero-energy homes, 23 Wikipedia, 31, 46 zinc finger, 74 WiMax, 45 Zogby, 94