PONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE- AUGUST () Mahlon Milton Read to Be Major, Coast Artillery Corps
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8430 PONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE- AUGUST () Mahlon Milton Read to be major, Coast Artillery Corps. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Allen Ferdinand Grum to be major, Ordnance Department. Bernard Clark Dailey to be major, Coast Artillery Corps. FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, 1937 Eduardo Andino to be major, Infantry. The House met at 11 o'clock a. m. Robert ElwYll DeMerritt to be niajor, Coast Artillery Corps. The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery~ D. D., James Franklin Powell to be major, Air Corps <temporary ofl'ered the following prayer: major, Air Corps). William Dalton Hohenthal to be major, Coast Artillery Again, 0 Lord, Thou hast remembered Thy tender mer Corps. cies and loving kindnesses; open Thou unto us the gates of James Ralph Lowder to be major, Coast Artillery Corps. Thy righteousness and may we go into them. We thank Willard Warren Scott to be major, Coast Artillery Corps. Thee for Thy promise: if any man lack wisdom, let him Leonard Louis Davis to be major, Coast Artillery Corps. ask Thee; no true seeker shall miss this saving truth. We Webster Fletcher Putnam, Jr., to be major. Coast Artillery pray Thee that we may deaden self and thirst for the right Corps. and stand forth with the first-born sons of light. Open Merle Halsey Davis to be major, Ordnance Department. our minds to the truth and help us to understand Thy gra Henry Devries Cassard to be major, Coast Artillery Corps. cious. will. 0 Immanuel, Son of God, be a light within us Will Rainwater White to be major, Quartermaster Corps. this day; give us strength, courage, and grace for its duties. George Albert Bentley to be major, Quartermaster Corps. We pray Thee to bring us all into harmony with Thee and Edward Hanson Connor, Jr., to be major, Infantry. make us worthy of that universe of light of which Thou art Norris Whitlock Osborn to be major, Ordnance Depart- the center. In our Redeemer's name. Amen. ment. The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read Harry Raymond Leighton to be major, Veterinary Corps. and approved. Verne Clifford Hill to be major, Veterinary Corps. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Elmer William Young to be major, Veterinary Corps. A message from the Senate, by Mr. Frazier, its legis Harold George Ott to be major, Dental Corps~ lative clerk, announced that the Senate had passed, with Conrad Toral Kvam to be captain, Dental Corps. amendments, in which the concurrence of the House is re Albert Woods Sbifiet to be captain, Medical Corps. quested, a bill of the House of the following title: Kenneth Rider Nelson to be captain, Medical Corps. H. R. 7051. An act authorizing the construction, repair, Gottlieb Leonard Orth to be captain, Medical Corps. and preservation of certain public works on rivers and har- James Coney Bower to be :first lieutenant, Medical Ad- bors, and for other purposes. ministrative Corps. The message also announced that the Senate agrees to James Lemuel Blakeney to be chaplain with the rank of the amendments of the House to bills of the Senate of the lieutenant colonel, United States Army. following titles: George Foreman Rixey to be chaplain with the rank of S. 826. An act for the relief of the estate of H. Lee Shelton, lieutenant colonel, United States Army. the estate of Mrs. H. Lee Shelton, Mrs. J. R. Scruggs, and William Joseph Ryan to be chaplain with the rank of Mrs. Irvin Johnson; and lieutenant co~onel, United States Army. S.1219. An act for the relief of Pauline M. Warden, nee APPOINTMENTS, BY TRANSFER, IN THE REGULAR ARMY Pauline McKinney. Maj. Abraham Robert Ginsburgh to Judge Advocate Gen VIRGINIA DARE AND sm WALTER RALEIGH'S COLONY AT ROANOKE eral's Department. ISLAND Capt. John Prame Kaylor to Field Artillery. The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the provisions of House POSTMASTERS Concurrent Resolution 17, Seventy-fifth Congress, the Chair appoints as members of the joint committee on the cele CALIFORNIA bration of the three hundred and fiftieth anniversary of Doris Welsh Folsom, Walkermine. the birth of Virginia Dare and the three hundred and :fif ll.LINOIS tieth anniversary of the disappearance of Sir Walter Jerome A. Borkovec, Berwyn. Raleigh's colony, to be held at Roanoke Island, N. C., on Clifford L. Neely, Hines. August 18, 1937, the following Members of the House: Mr. Bohumil Plos, Lyons. WARREN, Mr. RAYBURN, Mr. BLAND, Mr. BoLAND, and Mr. Thomas Edward Mostyn, Midlothian. SNELL. LOUISIANA EXTENSION OF REMARKS Mr. DffiKSEN asked and was given permission to extend Lewis L. Morgan, Jr., Covington. his own remarks in the RECORD. Charles William Wilson, New Roads. Mr. ANDREWS. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent Ernest S. Jemison, Slidell. to extend my own remarks in tlie RECORD at this point, by TENNESSEE including therein a statement made this morning and re Bessie T. Queener, Jacksboro. leased by the Secretary of State, having to do with a trade agreement with Russia. WITHDRAWAL Mr. MARTIN of Massachusetts. Does the gentleman re quest to put that in at this point in the REcoRD? Executive nomination withdrawn from the Senate August 6 Mr. ANDREWS. At this point; yes. (legislative day of July 22). 1937 The SPEAKER. The Chair does not feel that he can en POSTMASTER tertain a unanimous-consent request of that sort unless NEW YORK remarks are made by a Member on the floor. The Chair Miss Mary J. O'Brien to be postmistress at Bedford, in the is of the opinion it is bad legislative practice to extend ex State of New York. traneous matters in the body of the RECORD. Mr. ANDREWS. Mr. Speaker, I withdraw the request REJECTION and ask unanimous consent that I may extend my remarks, as indicated, in the Appendix of the RECORD. Executive nomination rejected by the Senate August 6 <legis The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the lative day ot July 22). 1937 gentleman from New York? POSTMASTER There was no objection. LOUISIANA Mr. HOPE. Mr. Speaker. I make the point of order a Oscar Ross Lang to be postmaster at Montgomery, in the quorum is not present. State of Louisiana.:. 'rhe SPEAKER. Evidently there is not a quorum present. 1937 CONGRESSIONAL ;RECORD-HOUSE 8431 Mr. JONES. Mr. Speaker, I move a call of the House. ORDER OF BUSINESS A call of the House was ordered. Mr. RAYBURN. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent The Clerk called the roll, and the following Members to proceed for 1 minute. failed to answer to their names: The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the [Roll No. 136] gentleman from Texas? Bacon Doxey Johnson, Minn. Shanley There was no objection. Biermann Drewry, Va. Kelly, N.Y. Simpson . Mr. RAYBURN. Mr. Speaker, I thought after making a Binderup Driver Kerr Sirovich Boyer Eaton Kirwan Smith, Conn. statement in the House last week in reply to a question pro Brewster Eicher Kloeb Smith, Maine pounded by the minority leader [Mr. SNELL] that the pro Buckley, N.Y. Ellenbogen Lambeth Smith, Va. Bulwinkle Farley Luckey, Nebr. Smith, W.Va. gram for the remainder of this session was well understood. Caldwell Fernandez McClellan Snell It was put in the RECORD exactly as I stated it. Cannon, Wis. Fitzpatrick McGranery Somers, N. Y. There is no disposition, certainly, on the part of the Celler Flannagan McLean Spence Clark, N.C. Flannery Maas Stack Speaker of the House or myself, to hold this Congress any Cochran Fulmer May Starnes longer than is absolutely necessary [applause], and it is Cole, N.Y. Gasque Meeks Sullivan our hope that by the 21st or the 25th of the present month Cooper Gavagan O'Connor, N.Y. Taylor, Colo. Cox Gtiford O'Neal, Ky. Thomas, N. J. a program will be finished, and that it will be such a pro Creal Gilchrist Palmisano Tobey gram there will be no necessity for a recess of Congress Crosser Gildea Pettengill Towey Growe Gray, Ind. Peyser Treadway or an extra session of Congress this fall, and in order to Crowther Gray, Pa. Pfeifer Vlnson,B. M. obviate any necessity for a recess until fall and, we hope, Culkin Gregory Plumley Voorhis any necessity for an extra session being called by the Dempsey Gwynne Quinn Wood Dickstein Harter Sadowski President, we think that if everybody will be. patient for Dlngell Hartley Scrogham 2 more weeks, we will know the definite date upon which we Douglas Hill, Ala. Seger are going to adjourn. [Applause.] The SPEAKER. Three hundred and thirty-six Members Mr. COLMER. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to have answered to their names, a quorum. proceed for 1 ininute. On motion of Mr. JoNES, further proceedings under the The SPEAKER. Is there objection? call were dispensed with. There was no objection. ORDER OF BUSINESS Mr. COLMER. Mr. Speaker, few Members on either side Mr. MARTIN of Massachusetts. Mr. Speaker, I ask of the aisle have supported labor and this administration unanimous consent to proceed for 1 minute. through this great national emergency more consistently The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the than I have. But I want to serve notice now, as one who is gentleman from Massachusetts? not breaking his neck to adjourn and go home, that there There was no objection. is going to be no consideration of a wage and hour bill, Mr. MARTIN of Massachusetts. Mr. Speaker, the morn so far as I am concerned, unless there is some action for ing press informs us 41 Members of the Senate have signed the relief of the farmer who is now facing a tragic falling a petition for a special session on October 15.