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TREATISE on INVERTEBRATE Paleontology BRACHIOPODA TREA T ISE ON INVER T EBRA T E PALEON T OLOGY Part H BRACHIO P ODA Revised Volume 6: Supplement ALWYN WILLIA ms , C. H. C. BRUNTON , and S. J. CARL S ON with FERNANDO ALVAREZ , A. D. AN S ELL , P. G. BA K ER , M. G. BA ss ETT , R. B. BLOD G ETT , A. J. BOUCOT , J. L. CARTER , L. R. M. COC ks , B. L. CO H EN , PAUL CO pp ER , G. B. CURRY , MA gg IE CU S AC K , A. S. DA G Y S , C. C. EM I G , A. B. GAWT H RO P , RÉ M Y GOURVENNEC , R. E. GRANT , D. A. T. HAR P ER , L. E. HOL M ER , HOU HON G -FEI , M. A. JA M E S , JIN YU-G AN , J. G. JO H N S ON , J. R. LAURIE , STANI S LAV LAZAREV , D. E. LEE , CAR S TEN LÜTER , SARA H MAC K AY , D. I. MAC KINNON , M. O. MANCEÑIDO , MIC H AL MER G L , E. F. OWEN , L. S. PEC K , L. E. PO P OV , P. R. RAC H E B OEUF , M. C. RH ODE S , J. R. RIC H ARD S ON , RON G JIA -YU , MADI S RU B EL , N. M. SAVA G E , T. N. SM IRNOVA , SUN DON G -LI , DERE K WALTON , BRUCE WARDLAW , and A. D. WRI gh T Prepared under Sponsorship of The Geological Society of America, Inc. The Paleontological Society SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology) The Palaeontographical Society The Palaeontological Association RAY M OND C. MOORE PAUL A. SELDEN Founder Editor JILL HARDE S TY , JANE KERN S MIC H AEL COR M AC K , DENI S E MAY S E Assistant Editors and Editorial Staff TH E GEOLO G ICAL SOCIETY OF AM ERICA , INC . and TH E UNIVER S ITY OF KAN S A S BOULDER , COLORADO , and LAWRENCE , KAN S A S 2007 © 2007 B Y TH E GEOLO G ICAL SOCIETY OF AM ERICA , INC . AND TH E UNIVER S ITY OF KAN S A S ALL RI gh T S RE S ERVED Library of Congress Catalogue Card Number 53-12913 ISBN 978-0-8137-3136-0 Distributed by the Geological Society of America, Inc., P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, Colorado 80301, USA,, from which current price lists of parts in print may be obtained and to which all orders and related correspondence should be directed. Editorial office of the Treatise: Paleontological Institute, The University of Kansas, 1475 Jayhawk Blvd., Room 121, Lawrence, Kansas 66045-7613, USA, Citation information: Selden, P. A., ed. 2007. Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology. Part H, Brachio- poda, Revised, vol. 6. Geological Society of America & Paleontological Institute. Boulder, Colorado, & Lawrence, Kansas. l + 906 p., 461 fig., 38 tables. ii The Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology has been made possible by (1) funding principally from the National Science Foundation of the United States in its early stages, from The Geological Society of America through the bequest of Richard Alexander Fullerton Penrose, Jr., and from The Kansas University Endowment Association through the bequest of Raymond C. and Lillian B. Moore; (2) contribution of the knowledge and labor of specialists throughout the world, working in cooperation under sponsorship of The Geological Society of America, the Paleontological Society, the SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology), the Palaeon to­­graphical Society, and the Palaeontological Association; (3) acceptance by The University of Kansas of publication without any financial gain to the University; and (4) generous contributions by our individual and corporate sponsors. iii PART H, Revised BRACHIOPODA VOLUME 6: Supplement ALWYN WILLIA ms , C. H. C. BRUNTON , S. J. CARL S ON , FERNANDO ALVAREZ , P. G. BA K ER , M. G. BA ss ETT , A. J. BOUCOT , J. L. CARTER , L. R. M. COC ks , B. L. CO H EN , G. B. CURRY , MA gg IE CU S AC K , C. C. EM I G , RÉ M Y GOURVENNEC , D. A. T. HAR P ER , L. E. HOL M ER , D. E. LEE , ALAN LO G AN , CAR S TEN LÜTER , D. I. MAC KINNON , M. O. MANCEÑIDO , MIC H AL MER G L , L. E. PO P OV , P. R. RAC H E B OEUF , MADI S RU B EL , N. M. SAVA G E , T. N. SM IRNOVA , SUN DON G -LI , and A. D. WRI gh T CONTENTS INFOR M ATION ON TREA T ISE VOLU M E S .....................................................................................xiv EDITORIAL PREFACE (Paul A. Selden) .................................................................................... xvi STRATI G RA ph IC DIVI S ION S .................................................................................................. xxix COORDINATIN G AUT H OR S ’ PREFACE (C. Howard C. Brunton & S. J. Carlson) ..................... xxx RE P O S ITORIE S AND TH EIR Abb REVIATION S ............................................................................xxxv OUTLINE OF SU P RAFA M ILIAL CLA ss IFICATION AND AUT H OR sh I P (Alwyn Williams, S. J. Carlson, & C. H. C. Brunton) .............................................xxxix ERRATA ............................................................................................................................... xlvi SU pp LE M ENTAL GENERA LI S T ..............................................................................................xlviii ANATOMY (Carsten Lüter) ...........................................................................................2321 Introduction .................................................................................................................2321 Mantles and Body Walls................................................................................................2321 Excretory System ..........................................................................................................2328 Nervous and Sensory System.........................................................................................2330 Embryology and Development .....................................................................................2339 THE BRACHIOPOD GENOME (B. L. Cohen) ...........................................................2356 Introduction .................................................................................................................2356 Structure, Composition, and Organization of the Nuclear Genome ..............................2356 Structure, Composition, and Organization of the Mitochondrial Genome ...................2357 Toward a Genealogical Classification of Brachiopoda ....................................................2359 Population Dynamics Below the Species Level ..............................................................2370 Evolution and Development .........................................................................................2370 Achievements and Limitations of Molecular Systematics of Brachiopods ......................2371 Gene Trees and Immunotaxonomy ...............................................................................2371 Acknowledgments .........................................................................................................2372 Biochemistry AND Diversity OF Brachiopod SHELLS (Maggie Cusack and Alwyn Williams) ......................................................................2373 Inroduction...................................................................................................................2373 Organophosphatic Shell Chemistry...............................................................................2373 Shell Chemistry of Craniids ..........................................................................................2383 Organocarbonate Rhynchonelliform Shell Chemistry ...................................................2388 Conclusions ..................................................................................................................2393 Acknowledgments .........................................................................................................2395 iv Chemicostructural Diversity OF THE Brachiopod SHELL (Alwyn Williams and Maggie Cusack .......................................................................2396 Introduction .................................................................................................................2396 Juvenile Shell of Brachiopods ........................................................................................2397 Mature Shell of Brachiopods .........................................................................................2425 Organophosphatic Shell ................................................................................................2426 Evolution of the Mature Organophosphatic Shell .........................................................2470 Organocarbonate, Tabular Laminar Shell ......................................................................2474 Chemicostructure of the Novocrania Shell ....................................................................2474 Shell Structure of Fossil Craniids...................................................................................2485 Recrystallization and Degradation of Fossil Craniids .....................................................2489 Organocarbonate Fibrous Shell .....................................................................................2494 Chemicostructure of Living Rhynchonellate Shells .......................................................2495 Chemicostructural Diversity of Early Rhynchonelliform Shells .....................................2504 Conclusions ..................................................................................................................2518 Acknowledgments .........................................................................................................2521 Stable OXygen AND CARBON Isotopes IN EXtant Brachiopod SHELLS: Keys to Deciphering ANCIENT OCEAN Environments (David Parkinson and Maggie Cusack) .....................................................................2522 Background ..................................................................................................................2522
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