Behold the Lamb of God; He Joins His Hands and Behold Him That Taketh Away the Sins of the World
158 143 At High Mass the priest opens the taber- Body and Blood from all mine iniquities, nd although we He uncovers the chalice, genuflects, nacle and removes the ciborium contain- and from every evil: and make me ever be unworthy, With and takes the Host between the ing the Reserved Sacrament, placing it cleave unto thy commandments, and suf- A thumb and forefinger of his right on the corporal. Then, he says this prayer fer me never to be separated from thee: hands extended as before, hand: and holding the chalice with silently: Who with the same God the Father and through our manifold sins, his left, he signs with the Host three O Lord Jesu Christ, Son of the living the Holy Ghost, livest and reignest God, times from lip to lip of the chalice, God, who by the will of the Father, and world without end. Amen. to offer unto thee any sac- saying: the cooperation of the Holy Ghost, hast through thy death given life unto the I will receive the Bread of Heaven, and rifice; yet we beseech thee world: deliver me by this thy most sacred call upon the name of the Lord. to accept this our bound- en duty and service; not y wh om, and with When the deacon and subdeacon have returned to the altar, they genuflect with the weighing our merits, but priest, who invites the communicants to receive the Blessed Sacrament, saying: wh om, in the u nity pardoning our offences. Bof the Holy Ghost, With the Behold the Lamb of God; He joins his hands and Host itself he signs twice behold him that taketh away the sins of the world.
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