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Catholics & Cremation Interim Signature Solution Interim Signature Solution (continued from previous panel) Answers in glory and our bodies and souls will be reunited Cremation(continued from previous panel) Ad resurgendum to your Answers but will be remade on that last day, sharing the in glory and our bodies andcum souls Christo will be reunited Cremation Ad resurgendum Glory of the Risen Christ. in the but will be remade on that last day, sharing the cum Christo to your Because of this, it is inconsistent with this belief Glory of the Risen Christ. in the questions… The rules that govern cremation after death for Catholic To Rise to scatter the cremated remains of our deceased Because of this, it is inconsistent with this belief To Rise the Catholic Church are actually not changing! questions… The rules that govern cremation after death for With Christ Catholic (into the air, on the ground, or in bodies of water) Church to scatter the cremated remains of our deceased Since 1963 the Church has allowed cremation the Catholic Church are actually not changing! or to divide them, or to keep them in homes. (into the air, on the ground, or in bodies of water) Church With Christ and since early 1997 it has allowed a funeral Since 1963 the Church has allowed cremation or to divide them, or to keep them in homes. liturgy in the presence of cremated remains. and since early 1997 it has allowed a funeral Recently, the Vatican’s Congregation for the Why are they The Instruction notes that “when, for legitimate Even with these options, the Church has always What should be liturgy in the presence of cremated remains. Doctrine of the Faith issued an Instruction, Recently, the Vatican’s Congregation for the changing Why are theymotives, cremation of the body has been chosen, The Instruction notes that “when, for legitimate stressed the importance of burying the remains done with the Even with these options, the Church has always What should be the Rules on changingthe ashes of the faithful must be laid to rest in a To Rise With Christmotives,, on cremation the burial of ritesthe body involving has been chosen, Doctrine of the Faith issued an Instruction, of the faithful, either the body or the cremated cremated remains stressed the importance of burying the remains done with the the Rules sacredon place, that is, in a cemetery or, in certain ashes/crematedthe ashesremains of the of faithful the deceased. must be laid to rest in a To Rise With Christ, on the burial rites involving Cremation? remains. of the faithful, either the body or the cremated cremated remains of a deceased cases, in a church or an area, which has been sacred place, that is, in a cemetery or, in certain ashes/cremated remains of the deceased. Cremation? remains. In recent times, the practice of cremation loved one? set aside for this purpose…From the earliest times, of a deceasedIn issuingcases, in thisa church Instruction, or an area, the which has been has notably increased in many countries. In recent times, the practice of cremation Christians have desired that the faithful loved one?Congregationset aside for this noted purpose…From that “the practicethe earliest times, In issuing this Instruction, the Simultaneously, new and sometimes puzzling has notably increased in many countries. departed become the objects of the Christian of cremationChristians have has desired notably that increased the faithful in Congregation noted that “the practice ideas contrary to the Church’s vision of Christian community’sSimultaneously, prayers newand remembrance.and sometimes puzzling departed become the objects of the Christian many countries, but simultaneously of cremation has notably increased in burial have redirected the focus of Christian death Cremation Garden Niches Theirideas tombs contrary have become to the Church’splaces of prayer,vision of Christian community’s prayers and remembrance. Queen of Heaven Cemetery (for example, cremated remains being used to remembranceburial have and redirected reflection. the Thefocus faithful of Christian death Cremation Garden Niches newTheir ideas tombs contrary have become to the places Church’s of prayer, faith many countries, but simultaneously Queen of Heaven Cemetery make jewelry or other mementos). departed(for example,remain part cremated of the Churchremains who being believes used to haveremembrance also become and widespread.” reflection. The Becausefaithful new ideas contrary to the Church’s faith Thus, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the ‘in themake communion jewelry or of otherall the mementos). faithful of Christ, of thisdeparted the Instructionremain part of is the intended Church who to believes have also become widespread.” Because Faith has deemed timely the publication of a new thoseThus, who arethe pilgrimsCongregation on earth, for the the Doctrine dead who of the emphasize‘in the communion the “pastoral of all the reasons faithful for of Christ, of this the Instruction is intended to Instruction, with the intention of underlining, are beingFaith purified, has deemed and timely the blessed the publication in heaven, of a new thethose preference who are pilgrimsof the burial on earth, of the dead who emphasize the “pastoral reasons for or re-emphasizing the doctrinal and pastoral all togetherInstruction forming, with one the Church’.” intention of underlining, remains of theare faithful being purified, and to setand outthe blessednorms in heaven, the preference of the burial of the reasons for the preference of the burial of the all together forming one Church’.” or re-emphasizing the doctrinal and pastoral pertaining to the conservation of ashes in the remains of the faithful and to set out norms remains of the faithful and to set out norms for The Catholicreasons forCemeteries the preference of the Archdiocese of the burial of of the pertaining to the conservation of ashes in the the conservation of cremated remains. Chicagoremains are always of the readyfaithful to andassist to familiesset out norms who for case of cremation.”The Catholic Cemeteries of the Archdiocese of are dealingthe conservation with the death of cremated of a loved remains. one, and if Chicago are always ready to assist families who case of cremation.” cremation has been chosen, the Cemeteries are These regulationsare dealing are designed with the death to give of a you,loved the one, and if Is the prohibition No. These are not new prohibitions. What the able to provide options for burial or internment faithful, the sensecremation of peace has been that chosen, can only the Cemeteries come are These regulations are designed to give you, the of scattering ashes Instruction is emphasizing is the Church’s Is the prohibitionof the No. cremated These are remains. not new prohibitions. What the from knowingable that to provideyour loved options for burial or internment faithful, the sense of peace that can only come ancient tradition of preferring that the bodies of the cremated remains. or keeping them of scattering ashes Instruction is emphasizing is the Church’s one is in such care and their from knowing that your loved of the deceased be buried. Noting that there are ancient tradition of preferring that the bodies or keeping them human remains are interred one is in such care and their in the home new? reasons one might choose to be cremated, the of the deceased be buried. Noting that there are An Instruction The Selection Process… Selecting a Final Resting Place in the home new? in sacred ground. human remains are interred Church holds to that tradition of burying CATHOLIC1400 S. Wolf Road, CEMETERIES reasons one might choose to be cremated, the about burial An Instruction in sacred ground. remains, because of what we believe about the 1400 S. WolfHillside, Road IL Hillside, 60162 IL 60162Church holds to that tradition of burying CATHOLIC1400 S. Wolf Road, CEMETERIES The selection of a final resting place typically 1400 S. Wolf Road for the faithful about burial Whether you prefer a traditionalResurrection in ground burial, – that one day, Christ will return 708-449-6100708-449-6100 remains, because of what we believe about the Hillside,Sincerely IL 60162 yours in Christ, takes an hour to complete. Hillside, IL 60162 1400 S. Wolf Road for the faithful or an entombment in a mausoleum,(continued the Catholicon next panel) Resurrection – that one day, Christ will return Sincerely yours in Christ, 708.449.6100 Hillside, IL 60162708-449-6100Cardinal Blase J. Cupich While not required, it is recommended that Cemeteries offers a variety of different options for interring cremated remains. on next panel) 708.449.6100 Cardinalyou contact Blase the J. cemeteryCupich office ahead of time n Cremation Graves– In ground burial places sized & so they may prepare for your arrival. specifically for cremated remains burial. An The Catholic Cemeteries & Cremation An experienced Service Representative will 101516-CathCem-Cremation_Instruction-A.indd 1 12/8/16 9:51 AM approved outer burial container may be required guide you through the process of selecting a to protect the cremated remains once placed in 101516-CathCem-Cremation_Instruction-A.indd 1 12/8/16 9:51 AM The Catholic funeral rite is divided into These are some, but not all CREMATION final resting place. the ground. If the cremated remains are in an several stations, the Vigil Service or items your family may need approved direct burial urn, an outer burial Wake, the Funeral Liturgy, and the Rite to complete for the burial or container is not required. of Committal. Upon conclusion of the entombment of cremated n PLANNING A CREMATED REMAINS SERVICE Niches– Above ground burial places with single Vigil Service and Funeral Liturgy, remains. and double cremation options. burying the cremated remains of a Arranging the date and (Maximum Urn Size 10 x 10 x 10) loved one is a unique experience that time of the service.
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