Strasbourg, 28 February 2019 T-PVS/DE (2019) 10


Standing Committee

39th meeting Strasbourg, 3-6 December 2019

Group of Specialists on the European Diploma for Protected Areas 5-6 March 2019 Agora Building, Strasbourg, Room G05


Document prepared by the Directorate of Democratic Participation

This document will not be distributed at the meeting. Please bring this copy. Ce document ne sera plus distribué en réunion. Prière de vous munir de cet exemplaire. T-PVS/DE (2019) 10 - 2 -

Table of contents

Draft Resolution on the renewal of the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the Wollmatinger Ried Untersee-Gnadensee Nature Reserve (Germany) ...... - 3 - Draft Resolution on the renewal of the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the Wurzacher Ried Nature Reserve (Germany) ...... - 5 - Draft Resolution on the renewal of the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the National Park () ...... - 7 - Draft Resolution on the renewal of the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the De Oostvaardersplassen Nature Reserve (Netherlands) ...... - 9 - Draft Resolution on the renewal of the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the National Park Weerribben-Wieden (Netherlands) ...... - 11 - Draft Resolution on the renewal of the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the Purbeck Heritage Coast (United Kingdom) ...... - 12 - Draft Resolution on the renewal of the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the Minsmere Nature Reserve (United Kingdom) ...... - 15 - Draft Resolution on the renewal of the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the Wachau Protected Landscape (Austria) ...... - 17 - Draft Resolution on the renewal of the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the Boschplaat Nature Reserve (Netherlands) ...... - 19 - Draft Resolution on the renewal of the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the National Park () ...... - 21 -

- 3 - T-PVS/DE(2019)10

Draft Resolution on the renewal of the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the Wollmatinger Ried Untersee-Gnadensee Nature Reserve (Germany)

CM Documents

CM(2019) —————————————— …Meeting, ….2019 Sustainable Development

Standing Committee to the Bern Convention Group of Specialists on the European Diploma for Protected Areas (T-PVS/DE) —————————————— Draft Resolution CM/ResDip(2019) … on the renewal of the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the Wollmatinger Ried Untersee-Gnadensee Nature Reserve (Germany) (Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on … 2019 at the … meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies)

The Committee of Ministers, under the terms of Article 15.a of the Statute of the Council of Europe;

Having regard to Resolution Res(65)6 instituting the European Diploma for certain protected landscapes, reserves and natural features, as amended by Resolution CM/ResDip(2008)1 on the revised regulations for the European Diploma for Protected Areas;

Having regard to Resolution Res(68)34 on the award of the European Diploma to the Wollmatinger Ried Untersee-Gnadensee Nature Reserve (Germany);

Having regard to Resolution CM/ResDip(2009)2 on the renewal of the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the Wollmatinger Ried Untersee-Gnadensee Nature Reserve (Germany);

Taking into consideration the expert’s report presented at the meeting of the Group of Specialists on the European Diploma for Protected Areas on 5 and 6 March 2019;

Having regard to the proposals of the Standing Committee to the Bern Convention;

Noting that holding the European Diploma implies the maintenance of the exceptional European interest, the continuance of the exemplary management and the compliance with the provisions of Resolution CM/ResDip(2008)1 especially with regard to the obligations to report annually and to give appropriate visibility to the European Diploma;

Renews the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the Wollmatinger Ried Untersee- Gnadensee Nature Reserve, until 28 November 2029;

Attaches the following three conditions to the renewal: 1. Prepare a study on a the legal possibilities to enlarge the strict core zones of the Wollmatinger Ried – Untersee – Gnadensee Nature Reserve and report to the Secretariat by 2024.

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2. Reject any proposals or plans aiming to eliminate naturally-built barriers like the so-called Schnegglisand and silting areas and to enable undisturbed natural processes without human intervention in a larger area, except in case of public interest e.g. flood protection. 3. By 2022 draft and adopt a management plan meeting the provisions and objectives of the European Diploma for Protected Areas and addressing the recommendations attached to the renewal of the Diploma. Attaches the following six recommendations: 1. In co-operation with the Swiss authorities, assess the possibilities to harmonise the regulations for the protection of nature at both shores and to extend the Wollmatinger Ried – Untersee – Gnadensee Nature Reserve to the state border in order to enlarge the water zone, which is especially important during low water periods in winter. 2. Pursue the efforts to improve the connections between protected sites in the hinterland and the Wollmatinger Ried – Untersee – Gnadensee Nature Reserve in connection with the extension of the trunk road B33, including the enlargement and/or adaptation of the nature reserve’s boundaries. Compensation measures should be continued and the construction has to be carried out with the least impact for the protected area. 3. End fishery in the most sensitive areas, mainly Schläuche and southern Hegne Bay, under the provisions of the bilateral treaty between Germany and Switzerland with the aim to improve the quality of the area as breeding ground, wintering place and moulting area.

4. Abandon the still existing cycle path between the B33 road and the protected area boundaries, which is only used by a limited number of cyclists, and include the path into the Wollmatinger Ried – Untersee – Gnadensee Nature Reserve to enable an efficient control. 5. Reduce or stop disturbances impacting on the protected area caused by leisure activities and sports through awareness raising and dissemination of information to boat rental companies, and to hot-air balloon and Zeppelin tour operators. 6. Strictly consider the boundaries of the protected area, their potential for further development and the need of sufficient buffer zones to meet the objectives of the protected areas when examining the further extension of building areas in the communities concerned.

- 5 - T-PVS/DE(2019)10

Draft Resolution on the renewal of the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the Wurzacher Ried Nature Reserve (Germany)

CM Documents

CM(2019) —————————————— …Meeting, ….2019 Sustainable Development

Standing Committee to the Bern Convention Group of Specialists on the European Diploma for Protected Areas (T-PVS/DE) —————————————— Draft Resolution CM/ResDip(2019) … on the renewal of the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the Wurzacher Ried Nature Reserve (Germany) (Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on … 2019 at the … meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies)

The Committee of Ministers, under the terms of Article 15.a of the Statute of the Council of Europe;

Having regard to Resolution Res(65)6 instituting the European Diploma for certain protected landscapes, reserves and natural features, as amended by Resolution CM/ResDip(2008)1 on the revised regulations for the European Diploma for Protected Areas;

Having regard to Resolution Res(89)11on the award of the European Diploma to the Wurzacher Ried Nature Reserve (Germany);

Having regard to Resolution CM/ResDip(2009)4 on the renewal of the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the Wurzacher Ried Nature Reserve (Germany);

Taking into consideration the expert’s report presented at the meeting of the Group of Specialists on the European Diploma for Protected Areas on 5 and 6 March 2019;

Having regard to the proposals of the Standing Committee to the Bern Convention;

Noting that holding the European Diploma implies the maintenance of the exceptional European interest, the continuance of the exemplary management and the compliance with the provisions of Resolution CM/ResDip(2008)1 especially with regard to the obligations to report annually and to give appropriate visibility to the European Diploma;

Renews the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the Wurzacher Ried Nature Reserve, until 18 June 2029;

Attaches the following condition to the renewal:

By 2021, revise the 2007 management plan or draft a new management framework meeting the provisions and objectives of the European Diploma for Protected Areas and complementary to the Natura 2000 management plan in preparation.

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Attaches the following six recommendations to the renewal:

1. Investigate the possible technical methods to connect the aquatic system of the Haidgauer high moor, separated by the trunk road B465, through water channels or other technical measures in order to enable more water flow towards the eastern part of the moor and to ensure water exchange especially in the Randlagg.

2. Develop a precautionary concept on how to deal with invasive species, to be prepared in case of their appearance, according to EU-regulation 1143/2014.

3. Pursue the efforts to create a view tower next to the Torfmuseum to provide an additional attraction in the area without disturbance of the ecosystem.

4. In cooperation with the aeronautical authority, stop any unnecessary acrobatic flights over the Ried with negative impacts on the site and especially the birdlife.

5. Resume negotiations with landowners in order to acquire land in the outlying areas – mainly near the village of Albers – to limit and further stop the deposition of substances harmful to the sensitive environment. In case of inconclusive results, long-term agreements should be negotiated to reduce depositions.

6. Preserve the integrity of the landscape around the basin of Bad Wurzach and avoid the construction of technical infrastructure on the hills and hilltops in the visual range of the Wurzacher Ried.

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Draft Resolution on the renewal of the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the (Slovenia)

CM Documents

CM(2019) —————————————— …Meeting, ….2019 Sustainable Development

Standing Committee to the Bern Convention Group of Specialists on the European Diploma for Protected Areas (T-PVS/DE) —————————————— Draft Resolution CM/ResDip(2019) … on the renewal of the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the Triglav National Park (Slovenia) (Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on … 2019 at the … meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies)

The Committee of Ministers, under the terms of Article 15.a of the Statute of the Council of Europe;

Having regard to Resolution Res(65)6 instituting the European Diploma for certain protected landscapes, reserves and natural features, as amended by Resolution CM/ResDip(2008)1 on the revised regulations for the European Diploma for Protected Areas;

Having regard to Resolution ResDip(2004)11 on the award of the European Diploma to the Triglav National Park (Slovenia);

Having regard to Resolution CM/ResDip(2009)8 on the renewal of the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the Triglav National Park (Slovenia);

Taking into consideration the expert’s report presented at the meeting of the Group of Specialists on the European Diploma for Protected Areas on 5 and 6 March 2019;

Having regard to the proposals of the Standing Committee to the Bern Convention;

Noting that holding the European Diploma implies the maintenance of the exceptional European interest, the continuance of the exemplary management and the compliance with the provisions of Resolution CM/ResDip(2008)1 especially with regard to the obligations to report annually and to give appropriate visibility to the European Diploma;

Renews the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the Triglav National Park, until 5 May 2029;

Attaches the following condition to the renewal: National authorities should guarantee the necessary budget in order to fully implement the Triglav National Park Management Plan adopted in 2016 including a comprehensive monitoring scheme, and to ensure the long-term conservation of the natural and cultural values of the Park.

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Attaches the following twelve recommendations to the renewal: 1. Strengthen the inter-ministerial coordination regarding the management of the National Park.

2. Continue to follow up closely on the transition of land ownership in the Park (denationalisation); pursue the active policy of acquisition of land important for nature protection and other park’s activities.

3. Pursue the efforts for transforming the zonation towards 1st zone (wilderness) and keep the 3rd zone for sustainable use, provided that the central of part of the National Park does not decrease.

4. Continue the good collaboration with municipal authorities responsible for land-use planning when preparing land use plans and implementing them. Strictly apply the regulations related to new constructions and renovation works.

5. Continue to work on adapted solutions to solve the problem of wastewater, especially for buildings and huts with intensive human occupation.

6. Develop a funding mechanism to support local development projects of the National Park and municipalities within the Biosphere Reserve.

7. Together with local communities, prepare favourable conditions for social acceptance of increased populations of large carnivores such as brown bear, wolf and lynx. Further develop schemes to enable the co-existence of sheep and cattle farming with carnivores in the Park.

8. Strengthen all measures aiming at converting artificial spruce forest to climax mixed forests and at increasing the area of protection of forests. Apply appropriate mitigation measures after natural disaster specifically adapted to the National Park status.

9. In liaison with relevant partners implement the tourism strategy and continue developing the practical measures to cope with problems related to traffic and transportation, the development of new technologies and new forms of tourism especially on seasonal hot-spot areas.

10. Prevent the extension of installations for downhill and cross-country skiing as well as jumping. Renovation and upgrading of existing installations should be accepted only if nature and landscape protection’s interests are duly considered. Continue to monitor the various sporting activities practised in the National Park, with special attention to new sport development (e.g. e-biking, etc.); ensure that they remain compatible with the conservation objectives.

11. Encourage the best integration of new buildings and the renovation of old buildings in respecting the traditional local style; ensure support to maintaining traditional agriculture practices and their related infrastructure (hay racks, shepherds, cattle mountain buildings, etc.); further develop the Park or regional branding system for goods and services.

12. Promote capacity building and specialisation among permanent park rangers and hire more seasonal rangers during the peak season. Use more regularly the European Diploma logo on publications and appropriate infrastructure, and in general promote the European Diploma for Protected Areas more actively.

- 9 - T-PVS/DE(2019)10

Draft Resolution on the renewal of the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the De Oostvaarderplassen Nature Reserve (Netherlands)

CM Documents

CM(2019) —————————————— …Meeting, ….2019 Sustainable Development

Standing Committee to the Bern Convention Group of Specialists on the European Diploma for Protected Areas (T-PVS/DE) —————————————— Draft Resolution CM/ResDip(2019) … on the renewal of the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the De Oostvaarderplassen Nature Reserve (Netherlands) (Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on … 2019 at the … meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies)

The Committee of Ministers, under the terms of Article 15.a of the Statute of the Council of Europe;

Having regard to Resolution Res(65)6 instituting the European Diploma for certain protected landscapes, reserves and natural features, as amended by Resolution CM/ResDip(2008)1 on the revised regulations for the European Diploma for Protected Areas;

Having regard to Resolution Res(99)18 on the award of the European Diploma to the De Oostvaarderplassen Nature Reserve (Netherlands);

Having regard to Resolution CM/ResDip(2009)6 on the renewal of the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded the De Oostvaarderplassen Nature Reserve (Netherlands);

Taking into consideration the expert’s report presented at the meeting of the Group of Specialists on the European Diploma for Protected Areas on 5 and 6 March 2019;

Having regard to the proposals of the Standing Committee to the Bern Convention;

Noting that holding the European Diploma implies the maintenance of the exceptional European interest, the continuance of the exemplary management and the compliance with the provisions of Resolution CM/ResDip(2008)1 especially with regard to the obligations to report annually and to give appropriate visibility to the European Diploma;

Renews the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the De Oostvaarderplassen Nature Reserve, until 9 September 2029;

Attaches the following three conditions to the renewal:

1. In the context of the development of the Lelystad airport ensure that the flight paths as determined in 2016 exclude overflights of the De Oostvaardersplassen Nature Reserve as well in case the airport is expanded for larger planes and intercontinental flights in the future, the same condition holds.

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2. Preserve the European interest and the exemplary management of the De Oostvaarderplassen Nature Reserve by maintaining a minimal intervention ecosystem approach with limited adaptive intervention in large herbivore dynamics in order to achieve the Natura 2000 management goals including an appropriate water dynamics management.

3. Further extend the reserve by creating a wide corridor for large herbivores, particularly red deer, to Horsterwold aimed to contribute achieving the management objectives based on a minimal intervention ecosystem approach.

Attaches the following seven recommendations to the renewal:

1. Closely monitor the effects of future increasing flight activities at Lelystad Airport on birds, achievement of Natura 2000 goals, recreational interest and general tranquillity of the core area and buffer zones of the De Oostvaardersplassen Nature Reserve.

2. Maintain and further strengthen the cooperation between the management authorities, the surrounding municipalities and the province in order to limit the impacts on the Nature Reserve when reviewing urbanisation and zoning plans and ensure enough buffer zones around the core area of the De Oostvaardersplassen Nature Reserve.

3. In cooperation with all layers of stakeholders (representatives of the local and regional authorities, managing authorities, scientists, NGOs and civil society associations) design a transparent and widely accepted control mechanism of the populations of large herbivore mammals. Keep on raising awareness and keep on informing the public at large about the objectives of such a mechanism, about its direct effect on animal welfare, and about its impact in the long term on the biodiversity of the nature reserve.

4. Following the integration of the edge zones – i.e. Hollandse Hout, Oostvaardersveld, Kotterbos and Oostvaardersbos - into the nature reserve, finalise their management plans and ensure they are consistent with the management of the core area of the nature reserve.

5. Monitor the increase and impact of visitors to avoid any negative impact either on the quality of recreational experience or on the natural values of the De Oostvaardersplassen Nature Reserve. Take remediating measures if monitoring results indicate negative effects on the intrinsic values of the NR.

6. Pursue the reflection about the creation of the National Park Nieuw Land encompassing the De Oostvaardersplassen Nature Reserve and envisage applying for the European Diploma for the national park.

7. Give more visibility to the logo of the European Diploma and raise awareness about its aims and objectives on the website of the nature reserve, through social media, flyers, brochures, website and information panels in the visitor’s centres and in the field.

- 11 - T-PVS/DE(2019)10

Draft Resolution on the renewal of the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the National Park Weerribben-Wieden (Netherlands)

CM Documents

CM(2020) —————————————— …Meeting, ….2020 Sustainable Development

Standing Committee to the Bern Convention Group of Specialists on the European Diploma for Protected Areas (T-PVS/DE) —————————————— Draft Resolution CM/ResDip(2020) … on the renewal of the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the National Park Weerribben-Wieden (Netherlands) (Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on … 2020 at the … meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies)

The Committee of Ministers, under the terms of Article 15.a of the Statute of the Council of Europe;

Having regard to Resolution Res(65)6 instituting the European Diploma for certain protected landscapes, reserves and natural features, as amended by Resolution CM/ResDip(2008)1 on the revised regulations for the European Diploma for Protected Areas;

Having regard to Resolution Res(95)20 on the award of the European Diploma to the De Weerribben Nature Reserve (Netherlands);

Having regard to Resolution CM/ResDip(2015)2 on the renewal of the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the De Weerribben Nature Reserve (Netherlands) and to its extension to the De Wieden Nature Reserve (Netherlands);

Taking into consideration the expert’s report presented at the meeting of the Group of Specialists on the European Diploma for Protected Areas on 5 and 6 March 2019;

Having regard to the proposals of the Standing Committee to the Bern Convention;

Noting that holding the European Diploma implies the maintenance of the exceptional European interest, the continuance of the exemplary management and the compliance with the provisions of Resolution CM/ResDip(2008)1 especially with regard to the obligations to report annually and to give appropriate visibility to the European Diploma;

Renews the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the De Weerribben Nature Reserve and to its extension to the De Wieden Nature Reserve, jointly presented under the name “National Park Weerribben-Wieden”, until 3 June 2030;

Attaches the following condition to the renewal: T-PVS/DE (2019) 10 - 12 -

Urge the responsible authorities to put the development of Lelystadt Airport on hold until a solution for the long low flight path is found and that it is ascertained that flight movements above the De Weerribben-Wieden National Park is kept at the lowest possible level with only high flight routes and no holding tracks above the National Park.

Attaches the following eight recommendations to the renewal:

1. Pursue the monitoring of the effects of the connection between De Weerribben and De Wieden on mammals and , paying particular attention to light conditions, vegetation continuity and water quality.

2. Design and implement a management plan for fish stocks covering all species and continue the monitoring of their development, with emphasis on eels, to strengthen the ecological function of the reserves and natural reproduction in line with Natura 2000 requirements.

3. Monitor the trends in boating activity and its impact on fauna. Envisage to limit the size of the boats and their number during peak periods.

4. Continue with the designation of adjoining areas as extensions of, or buffer zones to, the protected areas, especially to the north (Rottige Meenthe) and south-east (Staphorster Veld) and create a connection between the two separate parts of De Wieden Nature Reserve between the Zuideindiger Wiede and the Bovenwiede.

5. Pursue the renovation works at the Weerribben Visitor’s Centre in Ossenzijl and raise the attractiveness of both visitor’s centers to foreign visitors by introducing at least English, preferably also German and French texts to all exhibitions.

6. Anticipating the decision of Dutch authorities to adopt a new definition for national parks, ensure that the Weerribben-Wieden National Park complies with the new criteria of national parks and continues benefiting of this designation.

7. Avoid at any time burning practices when managing the reed lands whenever an alternative, equally effective management approach is available, and if compatible with the management goals.

8. Give more visibility to the logo of the European Diploma and raise awareness about its aims and objectives on the website of the National Park, through social media or information panels in the visitor’s centers.

- 13 - T-PVS/DE(2019)10

Draft Resolution on the renewal of the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the Purbeck Heritage Coast (United Kingdom)

CM Documents

CM(2019) —————————————— …Meeting, ….2019 Sustainable Development

Standing Committee to the Bern Convention Group of Specialists on the European Diploma for Protected Areas (T-PVS/DE) —————————————— Draft Resolution CM/ResDip(2019) … on the renewal of the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the Purbeck Heritage Coast (United Kingdom) (Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on … 2019 at the … meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies)

The Committee of Ministers, under the terms of Article 15.a of the Statute of the Council of Europe;

Having regard to Resolution Res(65)6 instituting the European Diploma for certain protected landscapes, reserves and natural features, as amended by Resolution CM/ResDip(2008)1 on the revised regulations for the European Diploma for Protected Areas;

Having regard to Resolution Res(84)7 on the award of the European Diploma to the Purbeck Heritage Coast (United Kingdom);

Having regard to Resolution CM/ResDip(2009)10 on the renewal of the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the Purbeck Heritage Coast (United Kingdom);

Taking into consideration the expert’s report presented at the meeting of the Group of Specialists on the European Diploma for Protected Areas on 5 and 6 March 2019;

Having regard to the proposals of the Standing Committee to the Bern Convention;

Noting that holding the European Diploma implies the maintenance of the exceptional European interest, the continuance of the exemplary management and the compliance with the provisions of Resolution CM/ResDip(2008)1 especially with regard to the obligations to report annually and to give appropriate visibility to the European Diploma;

Renews the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the Purbeck Heritage Coast, until 20 June 2029;

Attaches the following two conditions to the renewal:

1. The terms of the agreement between Dorset County Council and Perenco are being strictly adhered to, and Perenco should continue to work to the highest standards; T-PVS/DE (2019) 10 - 14 -

2. The extension of existing quarries or the opening of new quarries must conform to the “exceptions” principle that they should only be permitted if they do not impair the character of the Purbeck Heritage Coast as a result of any one or a combination of the following: - their scale and length; - their negative impact on the landscape, wildlife and the enjoyment of the area by the public or local communities; - the practical impossibility of achieving satisfactory restoration and aftercare within a period of five years following the cessation of work.

Attaches the following six recommendations to the renewal: 1. Secure appropriate funding incentives for continuing environment-friendly management of the landscape. 2. Promote and improve public transportation and other more sustainable methods of transport, particularly near the most visited sites. 3. Monitor the number of visitors in order to determine its impact on the environment. A visitor management strategy should be prepared for the areas with the largest number of visitors in order to avoid any negative impact either on the quality of recreational experience or on the natural resources of the Purbeck Heritage Coast. 4. Consider further investments towards the improvement of the habitat and landscape connectivity within the Purbeck Heritage Coast. 5. Promote the monitoring of the main species and habitats in the area and encourage partners to coordinate efforts and produce good quality data for the whole Diploma holding area. 6. Initiate studies focusing on the biological control of invasive alien species occurring in the Purbeck Heritage Coast, particularly the Canada goose and the sika deer, and if deemed necessary, prepare a strategic plan for their control.

- 15 - T-PVS/DE(2019)10

Draft Resolution on the renewal of the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the Minsmere Nature Reserve (United Kingdom)

CM Documents

CM(2019) —————————————— …Meeting, ….2019 Sustainable Development

Standing Committee to the Bern Convention Group of Specialists on the European Diploma for Protected Areas (T-PVS/DE) —————————————— Draft Resolution CM/ResDip(2019) … on the renewal of the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the Minsmere Nature Reserve (United Kingdom) (Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on … 2019 at the … meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies)

The Committee of Ministers, under the terms of Article 15.a of the Statute of the Council of Europe;

Having regard to Resolution Res(65)6 instituting the European Diploma for certain protected landscapes, reserves and natural features, as amended by Resolution CM/ResDip(2008)1 on the revised regulations for the European Diploma for Protected Areas;

Having regard to Resolution Res(79)13 on the award of the European Diploma to the Minsmere Nature Reserve (United Kingdom);

Having regard to Resolution CM/ResDip(2009)9 on the renewal of the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to Minsmere Nature Reserve (United Kingdom);

Taking into consideration the expert’s report presented at the meeting of the Group of Specialists on the European Diploma for Protected Areas on 5 and 6 March 2019;

Having regard to the proposals of the Standing Committee to the Bern Convention;

Noting that holding the European Diploma implies the maintenance of the exceptional European interest, the continuance of the exemplary management and the compliance with the provisions of Resolution CM/ResDip(2008)1 especially with regard to the obligations to report annually and to give appropriate visibility to the European Diploma;

Renews the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the Minsmere Nature Reserve, until 13 September 2029;

Attaches the following condition to the renewal: T-PVS/DE (2019) 10 - 16 -

With regard to the project of third reactor at the Sizewell nuclear power plant (project Sizewell C), carry out a proper Strategic Environment Assessment and an Environment Impact Assessment according to international standards. The results of the assessments should ensure that the construction of the new reactor will not be at the detriment of the Minsmere Reserve.

Attaches the following four recommendations to the renewal: 1. Mechanical means should prevail, where ever possible, over the use of herbicides for controlling the invasion of bracken; in cases of restoration of big areas, the use of chemical products should be limited to the minimum possible extent and a careful record of this practice should be kept in order to assess and cope with possible undesirable side effects. Specific scientific research on this issue should be carried out.

2. Pursue efforts to mitigate the effect of sea level rise. Explore the possibility of restoring the lost habitats at other places of the reserve and/or envisaging compensatory measures. Carefully monitor indicative plant and fauna species and duly register and scientifically characterise the occurring changes.

3. Continue the land purchase policy. In the absence of opportunities to acquire new plots, establish long-term agreements with the land owners of selected areas to improve their contribution to the biodiversity conservation and/or restoration.

4. Maintain the surveillance of alien species of flora, especially controlling and managing the pirri- pirri bur (Acaena novae-zelandiae) and pursue the control of the American mink (Mustela vison).

- 17 - T-PVS/DE(2019)10

Draft Resolution on the renewal of the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the Wachau Protected Landscape (Austria)

CM Documents

CM(2019) —————————————— …Meeting, ….2019 Sustainable Development

Standing Committee to the Bern Convention Group of Specialists on the European Diploma for Protected Areas (T-PVS/DE) —————————————— Draft Resolution CM/ResDip(2019) … on the renewal of the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the Wachau Protected Landscape (Austria) (Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on … 2019 at the … meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies)

The Committee of Ministers, under the terms of Article 15.a of the Statute of the Council of Europe;

Having regard to Resolution Res(65)6 instituting the European Diploma for certain protected landscapes, reserves and natural features, as amended by Resolution CM/ResDip(2008)1 on the revised regulations for the European Diploma for Protected Areas;

Having regard to Resolution Res(94)25 on the award of the European Diploma to the Wachau Protected Landscape (Austria);

Having regard to Resolution CM/ResDip(2009)11 on the renewal of the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to Wachau Protected Landscape (Austria);

Taking into consideration the expert’s report presented at the meeting of the Group of Specialists on the European Diploma for Protected Areas on 5 and 6 March 2019;

Having regard to the proposals of the Standing Committee to the Bern Convention;

Noting that holding the European Diploma implies the maintenance of the exceptional European interest, the continuance of the exemplary management and the compliance with the provisions of Resolution CM/ResDip(2008)1 especially with regard to the obligations to report annually and to give appropriate visibility to the European Diploma;

Renews the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the Wachau Protected Landscape, until 5 September 2029;

Attaches the following condition to the renewal:

Abandon definitively the scheme to build a dam on the Danube at Dürnstein, as well as a similar scheme within and immediately downstream from the area covered by the diploma.

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Attaches the following nine recommendations to the renewal:

1. Secure a sustainable budget to the managing authorities to ensure the management plan can be fully implemented without relying on financial resources from projects.

2. Encourage the setting up of a long-term institutional management frame for Wachau Protected Landscape and Jauerling – Wachau Naturpark; 3. Ensure the implementation and updating of the Management Plan in a participatory way; 4. Continue the good practice of complex approach for forestry and wild game management (including co-operation of managing authorities in bordering administrative units); 5. Continue the good practice of maintenance and reconstruction of wine terraces; 6. Efforts should be continued to preserve the apricot orchards; 7. Develop an integral approach to the tourist visit management; 8. Explore optimal solutions for preserving the landscape picture (colours of the protection nets, fences against rockslides, light pollution, Christmas tree plantations); 9. Use more regularly the European Diploma logo on publications and appropriate infrastructures, promote the European Diploma more actively, encourage partners and stakeholders to use European Diploma logo.

- 19 - T-PVS/DE(2019)10

Draft Resolution on the renewal of the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the Boschplaat Nature Reserve (Netherlands)

CM Documents

CM(2020) —————————————— …Meeting, ….2020 Sustainable Development

Standing Committee to the Bern Convention Group of Specialists on the European Diploma for Protected Areas (T-PVS/DE) —————————————— Draft Resolution CM/ResDip(2020) … on the renewal of the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the Boschplaat Nature Reserve (Netherlands) (Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on … 2020 at the … meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies)

The Committee of Ministers, under the terms of Article 15.a of the Statute of the Council of Europe;

Having regard to Resolution Res(65)6 instituting the European Diploma for certain protected landscapes, reserves and natural features, as amended by Resolution CM/ResDip(2008)1 on the revised regulations for the European Diploma for Protected Areas;

Having regard to Resolution Res(70)25 on the award of the European Diploma to the Boschplaat Nature Reserve (Netherlands);

Having regard to Resolution CM/ResDip(2010)9 on the renewal of the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the Boschplaat Nature Reserve (Netherlands);

Taking into consideration the expert’s report presented at the meeting of the Group of Specialists on the European Diploma for Protected Areas on 5 and 6 March 2019;

Having regard to the proposals of the Standing Committee to the Bern Convention;

Noting that holding the European Diploma implies the maintenance of the exceptional European interest, the continuance of the exemplary management and the compliance with the provisions of Resolution CM/ResDip(2008)1 especially with regard to the obligations to report annually and to give appropriate visibility to the European Diploma;

Renews the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the Boschplaat Nature Reserve, until 30 June 2030;

Attaches the following six recommendations to the renewal: 1. Communicate the final version of the “Vision for De Boschplaat” to the Council of Europe, together with information about the revised management plan for the Diploma holding and Natura 2000 area, by December 2022.

T-PVS/DE (2019) 10 - 20 -

2. Review annually the grazing in De Groede, and adjust the intensity and boundaries as necessary so as to retain the biodiversity value of this section of De Boschplaat Nature Reserve.

3. Assess the requirements for additional financial resources to undertake targeted and time- limited research, monitoring and educational activities.

4. Devise a strategy for the management and control (or eradication) of invasive alien species on De Boschplaat to be included in the future management plan.

5. Maintain liaison with all agencies involved in marine accident prevention and, if an incident does occur, with agencies involved in the amelioration of the effects of the accident on De Boschplaat.

6. Review the information available to both Dutch and international visitors, stressing and demonstrating the conservation and heritage importance of De Boschplaat.

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Draft Resolution on the renewal of the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the (Spain)

CM Documents

CM(2019) —————————————— …Meeting, ….2019 Sustainable Development

Standing Committee to the Bern Convention Group of Specialists on the European Diploma for Protected Areas (T-PVS/DE) —————————————— Draft Resolution CM/ResDip(2019) … on the renewal of the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the volcanic phenomena of the Teide National Park (Spain) (Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on … 2019 at the … meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies)

The Committee of Ministers, under the terms of Article 15.a of the Statute of the Council of Europe;

Having regard to Resolution Res(65)6 instituting the European Diploma for certain protected landscapes, reserves and natural features, as amended by Resolution CM/ResDip(2008)1 on the revised regulations for the European Diploma for Protected Areas;

Having regard to Resolution Res(89)10 on the award of the European Diploma to the Teide National Park (Spain);

Having regard to Resolution CM/ResDip(2009)5 on the renewal of the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the Teide National Park (Spain);

Taking into consideration the expert’s report presented at the meeting of the Group of Specialists on the European Diploma for Protected Areas on 5 and 6 March 2019;

Having regard to the proposals of the Standing Committee to the Bern Convention;

Noting that holding the European Diploma implies the maintenance of the exceptional European interest, the continuance of the exemplary management and the compliance with the provisions of Resolution CM/ResDip(2008)1 especially with regard to the obligations to report annually and to give appropriate visibility to the European Diploma;

Renews the European Diploma for Protected Areas awarded to the Teide National Park (Spain), until 18 June 2029;

Attaches the following eight recommendations to the renewal:

1. Undertake further research on the ecology and genetics of endangered and vulnerable species of the National Park’s fauna and flora so as to assist in their conservation in a rapidly changing climate.

T-PVS/DE (2019) 10 - 22 -

2. Establish (and annually update) a register of all non-native species which occur within the National Park, and either continue, enhance or commence control measures so as to ensure that these non-native species who became invasive have a minimal effect on the park’s native flora and fauna.

3. Prepare and implement an action plan for beekeeping within the National Park which aims to reduce the impact of honey bees on both the native flora and the native species of pollinators; and undertake research on the guild of native pollinators to determine its species composition and the conservation status (endemic to the , endemic to , native, and whether endangered or vulnerable) of the component species.

4. Maintain and expand (as appropriate) the targeted programmes of monitoring the climate and both the biological and geological resources of the National Park.

5. Actions in the Management Plan for the National Park (PRUG) which have either not been undertaken or have not been completed should be identified and included within the new PRUG.

6. Ensure that the new PRUG both contains appropriate management indicators and targets and supports the European Diploma for Protected Areas; management must inform the Council of Europe when the new PRUG has been completed and formally adopted by the Canary Islands Government.

7. Demolish all building (and other non-natural structures) within the National Park which are no longer in use; and restore these areas and their surrounds to as natural a condition as is possible.

8. Prepare and begin to implement guidelines for public use and mobility within the National Park within one year of the new PRUG being adopted.