

ELECTION FRAUD TRUTH SUMMIT ECONOMIC BATTLE PLAN™ Election Fraud - special Report 3.117 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 12/08/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 200)

Election Fraud Truth Summit Special Report – In partnership with the Citizen Coalition EveryLegalVote.com

Your Economic Battle Plan™ today has a very special topic and a very special purpose. The election of 2020 is one of the biggest economic battles we have faced as Americans. Literally trillions of dollars are at stake and in the end, it is your money. Foreign governments, corrupt bureaucrats, crony capitalists and the all have a vested interest in getting the outcome they want. They win. You lose. Unless we do something and take a stand now.

This is a TAKE ACTION briefing to protect your money, your livelihood, and your way of life.

Your Briefing Today Will: • Walk through the irregularities of the 2020 election. • Provide a new resources where you can learn more about fair elections. • Introduce you to the people on the front lines fighting this battle. • Expose those who want to steal from you, including foreign interference. • Debunk the debunkers. • Show you the truth. • Give you actions you can take to protect our Constitution and stand for election integrity.

“Anyone who says the 2020 election was normal or says, ‘nothing to see here’ is LYING TO YOU and we will prove it.”–Kevin Freeman

Your Mission: 1. To take action, hold the line for Election Integrity, and understand the real fraud taking place in US elections.

2. To encourage Attorney General to ‘Do His Job’ as it relates to investigating election fraud and ensuring election integrity.

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Ep. 3-117 (OSINT) Open-Sourced Intelligence Special Report. This is a Special Report with Kevin Freeman. It is comprehensive and includes subject matter experts in Election Fraud, Cyber, Intelligence, and Legal.

“There is foreign interference in our elections. For every dollar Russia spends affecting our election, Soros spends $3 and China spends $10.” –Col. John Mills

1. First, We Want to Share More About the Website Everylegalvote.com and Why it Was Formed.

Everylegalvote.com (ELV) is a website formed by concerned citizens and the Economic War Room team. You can find it at www.EveryLegalVote.com.

ELV is your website, it includes memes, stories, election fraud reports, videos, education, and most important and easy way to TAKE ACTION. The citizen coalition wanted to form a way to enable you to get involved and make a difference. The site is getting better every day and keeps track of the information the deep state and companies are banning and blocking.

WARNING: While we have received positive feedback from those looking for information and truth beyond the big tech censorship, we have created our own Hall of Shame page for those who are trying to censor our information.

SOME of our FAVORITE REVIEWS and Badge of Honors include:

Snopes - If you ask , they say this is a false website. But then, do you really trust SNOPES?

No Surprise - has also attacked it. We see this as a badge of honor!

We encourage you to go to the website and explore the data and insights you may not be seeing anywhere else. Go to https://everylegalvote.com.

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. Everylegalvote.com is a place where concerned citizens can read fraud reports or even report fraud yourself. Attached to the end of this Economic Battle Plan™ is a 98-page Open Letter that is being sent to the Department of Justice (DOJ).

. ELV is your website. It includes memes, stories, videos, education, and most important easy TAKE ACTION steps you can do to make a difference. We are updating it daily and it is getting better every. The goal is to keep track of the stuff the deep state media and social media companies are banning and blocking.

2. Objections? Answers to the Three Biggest Objections You May Be Hearing.

We want to help counter the narrative with the truth. Despite all of the evidence, the media and politicians are bombarding a message that’s causing a lot of people to give up. There are three main objections we want to address in this briefing to help equip patriots with what is really happening.

Objection #1: The media has debunked all the fraud reports.

This is a very dirty trick designed to manipulate you. I can give you one example. We showed you that “fact checker Snopes claims that McAfee said our website contains malware.” But McAfee certified our website as malware free!

Another trick is often how they word something. But sometimes, they just outright LIE. You may have heard of suitcase under tables in . Media says “debunked.” Mollie Hemingway at The Federalist proved them 100% wrong. Have you noticed that the debunkers never debunk claims of the LEFT? And the debunkers rarely show the proof. They tend to just quote people saying something’s not true. And the people they quote are always part of the problem.

So, Dominion Securities is quoted to disprove allegations of fraud at Dominion Securities.

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Here’s the truth. In 2012, the New York Times warned that mail-in ballots were a huge risk for election fraud. As recently as three months ago, all experts agreed that voting machines were vulnerable to hacking and manipulation.

Other key points to consider: • Don’t be a science denier! In 2012, the National Academy of Sciences published a paper that said statistical anomalies were major indicators of election fraud. This is science, the same kind that is used all the time in court rooms and to send rockets into space and design bridges. • All those who debunk the risks of mail-in voting, or voting machines like Dominion Systems, or claiming that statistical analysis is meaningless are misleading you at best. Some are just plain lying. • The only reason they are claiming “nothing to see here” is BECAUSE THEY BENEFIT FROM THE OUTCOME.

“Frankly, I think it’s a tell that many Republican politicians want to accept the results and move on. Gee, I wonder, have any of them been compromised? Are they hoping for better treatment in a Biden Administration? Have any of them benefited from rigged elections?” –Kevin Freeman

Despite Media Attempts: You Are Part of the Majority that believe fraud influenced the Election!

According to a YouGov poll, 75% of voters believe fraud influenced the election.

Of those, more than half believe the fraud was pervasive enough to have influenced the outcome.

BOTTOM LINE: Politicians may be unwilling to admit the fraud, but the American people know better. Don’t let the media say it is all debunked. You know there’s fraud and 75% of Americans agree with you.

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Objection #2: “If there were fraud, why isn’t Trump winning in Court?” • Have you noticed that the lawsuit dismissals are mostly for reasons like, “you don’t have standing,” or “it was filed too late,” or “this should be in state court,” Or “this should be in Federal Court.” • The reality is that most of these courts don’t want to touch this for anything. They would rather not look because if they did, they might have to do something. That’s true for Republican judges and Democrat judges. They all wish someone else would do something. • But don’t lose heart. The fraud is real and sooner or later it will come out. Which brings us to the next objection.

Objection #3: Isn’t all of this too late? • Just as a reminder, this was published for the first time on December 8th. • The Bush v. Gore decision wasn’t decided in the Supreme Court until December 12. There were elections decided even later than that in history. Until the electors meet and vote in the Electoral College, it’s not too late. And the Supreme Court can adjust the dates, if needed, to route out fraud. • Bottom line: the stakes are too high to rush through this. We need to let the process work for the sake of our nation’s future.

For the rest of this briefing, we bring in top subject matter experts to share the truth around what is really happening. Obviously, we encourage all of our readers to review source data and make their own decisions.

3. Perspective From President Trump’s Legal Team – Joe diGenova

Joe diGenova, one of President Trump’s top lawyers. He has had an incredible career in the legal profession and served as the United States Attorney in the District of Columbia, which is the largest such office in the country. He answers key questions below. • Let’s look at the fact that the lawsuits are being lost is proof that no substantive fraud page 6 Election Fraud - special Report 3.117 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 12/08/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 200)

occurred. Certainly not enough to change the election. What is the real status of the lawsuits and why are you optimistic?

“Well, first of all, both the reporting and the judicial work on this has been just awful. We have presented huge amounts of evidence of vote manipulation, computer problems, backdating, failure to have signatures, illegal mailing ballots, illegal absentee ballots, observers being kept out of the counting areas. It’s endless. It goes on and on. That has been presented to committees in state houses, in courts, both state and federal. And there’s just no doubt that it occurred all over the United States.

The most important thing was that there was a circuit breaker on the night of the election in four major cities, in the four major swing states where the counting stops and then all of a sudden, miraculously, hundreds of thousands of votes showed up and transferring the result of the election from Trump to Biden.

The evidence on that is staggering. The statistical analysis which shows the anomalies and the incompatibility of that result with historical voting just lays it out cold.

We hope that the momentum created … will, in fact, wake up some state legislatures and make them have what are called electoral sessions, not joint sessions, not special sessions, but sessions that the legislators themselves can call without the governor or the secretary of state and either give their electoral votes to Trump or deny either candidate the electoral votes, but thus denying each candidate the necessary two hundred and seventy electoral votes. So that’s what we’re shooting for. I think that all the other things are proceeding in every state.”

• Another common statement is that time has run out. Next week the Electoral College meets. Even if there were fraud, is there time to make the case, get it heard, and get a favorable outcome for the President?

“Yes, there is time. Those dates are not set in constitutional stone. They are in statutory stone. But they can be bent. They can be bent,

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because if the Supreme Court were to find that there was fraud, that there were illegal ballots, that states violated their own constitutions, allowing mail in ballots, and if this court were to nullify those votes, it could take enough time to have oral argument in those matters and could issue an order saying that the Electoral College would be postponed for a week or so. And there’s nothing in the Constitution that would prevent them from doing that because the dates for the Electoral College are not in the Constitution.”

A review of the most compelling evidence of fraud that will be brought into a hearing if a court will ever stop to listen. The evidence is broken out into four categories and we will have experts to address each of the four.

First. We will review the way the votes were counted. Remember the quote attributed to Stalin? “It’s not he who votes that counts but how the votes are counted.” And in this election, there are plenty of irregularities.

4. The Way Votes are Counted – Ballot Stuffing

A Look at the Georgia Count with Jacki Deason. Jacki has been working with the President’s legal team, most recently in Georgia. Jacki was the one who broke the story about the hidden ballot cases.

Revelations from the fraud investigations underway in Georgia. Due to Fact Checker distortions, we are going to run in detail Jacki’s summary of events In the georgia count.

“Here’s the situation in Georgia. Essentially, I was there as a volunteer having no idea what is about to happen in the following week or so. Basically, as you’ve heard, Georgia collected about one hundred affidavits. There are now about twelve hundred across the country. My job is to pore over those affidavits and find out what was most compelling in terms of evidence. Also, to then follow up with those people so we could have some evidence to support the contest that President Trump just filed Friday.

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Well, there was so much in those affidavits it was tough to choose. But what was clear in two of them is that there were two Republican observers at the State Farm arena, which is now being called the state ballot form arena in Fulton County, Georgia. They reported that they were there as poll watchers starting at about 8:00 p.m. and then around 10:30, there was an election official who looked like a supervisor who yelled out to the room to stop counting and that they would resume their work in the morning at about 8:30. So you can see in the video, which was subpoenaed by the Trump legal team immediately I received the affidavits that, in fact, about that the overwhelming majority of the poll workers left at about 10:30. Behind them left the press as well as the Republican poll watchers or observers. They left because they believed both the supervisor and the Fulton County spokesperson who said to the press, which is right there, the press was right beside the Republican poll watchers, that they were done for the evening.

Under Georgia law, the public, the press, the Republican poll watchers only have the right to be present at a precinct or a tabulation center during the proceedings. They are not permitted to stay after counting stops and stand guard over the ballots. That would be great, but they’re not. So, our poll watchers had no choice but to leave. They did. Well, later on, they got a tip from someone that, in fact, counting had continued after they left. So, when they found this out, they rushed back to the arena. It’s now almost one o’clock in the morning. When they get there, the security guard stops them and will not let them in so they have a back and forth with him. He makes phone calls to his supervisor or whoever. And finally, after a verbal struggle, he promised them they could go inside. But then it was empty. And apparently he told them that people just left like five minutes ago. They’ve been counting all this time. So this is in the affidavit. So what do we do? We get the video. And by the way, it took a while to get it.”

“People need to understand, the people who are demanding the smoking gun evidence the day after the election, it doesn’t work like that. You have to build a case and it takes time through the legal process to get your affidavits, speak to your witnesses, get a signature, you know, subpoena, the video, that all takes time.” –Jacki Deason

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The video showed exactly what our witnesses said. In fact, it was a bit worse because we’re watching, we go straight to the 10:00 p.m. hour and watch from 10:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. and sure enough, everything happened as they said. What was not expected, after everyone had left, the four workers who stayed behind began pulling cases out from under a table. And understand, some of the tables had long black tablecloths that stretched to the floor and some tables didn’t.

So there were ballot cases all over the place. I mean, stacked up against the wall, stacked up alongside the desks, the scanners stacked. Next to the people separating the envelope. They were everywhere and there was plenty of room, this was an enormous room.

In fact, our poll watchers said they were 40 to one 100 feet away from the counting, which made it impossible for them to even see what was going on. I mean, they could have had ten thousand ballots in a row for Biden or poll watchers would never even know, because throughout the process, early voting and election day throughout the state of Georgia, we had affidavit after affidavit where Republican poll watchers were forced to stay so far back from the ballot counting, they couldn’t even tell what was going on. They tried to get closer, even observing social distancing. Several of them had threats that law enforcement would be called. Keep in mind, Georgia law requires that the counting be open to the public and that means the press, and the Republican poll watchers, for accountability.

We view this as breaking the law all the way through. It was not just after-hours ballots, but all day long, they were denied proper access. So that’s a big problem. But as we point out in the video, they waited for some reason until everyone was gone and then pulled these ballots out from under a table where they had been hidden from view to count them.” page 10 Election Fraud - special Report 3.117 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 12/08/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 200)

THE DEBUNKERS GET DEBUNKED: (Other highlights from Jacki Deason)

“And so what you might have seen is that quickly the by the next morning, there is a website, some No-Name website I’d never heard of. It was a fact checker website, which tried to debunk the video and proclaimed video debunked. Why? Because the secretary of state and his reps say so. Well, it should be obvious that if there was a massive failing here.

There was fraud and the people of Georgia had their votes stolen from them, guess whose fault that is? The secretary of state. So, this guy, as far as I’m concerned, based on all the information I have, he’s just unable or unwilling to take ownership and responsibility for what happened here. And you can see why.”

Jacki highlighted OTHER EVIDENCE OF FRAUD including:

• 2,500 felons illegally voting, • 66,000 underage registrants. • 2,400 people who were not on the voter rolls. • Almost 5,000 who had registered in another state after registering in Georgia, which by definition under state law, you were no longer eligible to vote, period. • 15,700, voting after a change of address. • Over 10,000 dead people voting. Over 1,000 people who claim to have a P.O. box as their address. (That’s not legal. Over 40,000 people who moved to different counties, which in Georgia is a big deal. When you move the county outside of 30 days from an election, you have to reregister. And that didn’t happen. So you’re no longer registered to vote and you cannot vote unless you register with the proper county. That’s Georgia’s way of keeping sure that the election has integrity. They don’t have a way of cross-checking registrants to ensure they are not registered in more than one place.)

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Other Resources on Georgia:

Molly Hemmingway at the Federalist wrote a piece to “fact check” the “fact checkers” as it relates to this.


Jacki called for this evidence to be properly used to contest the election results and to hold accountable people who conducted criminal activity and for legal reforms in states with problems before the next election. This is hugely important in Georgia because of the upcoming senate race.

The problems are fixable. She pointed out that the legislatures in the contested states are primarily republican – WI, PA, MI, ….but the governors could veto the bills.

“All of this due to decertifying. Whose fault is all of that? Who has it in their best interest to make sure they’re waving their hands and saying there’s nothing to see here? I can tell you who it is, It is the secretary of state. So why is the fact-checking website running to that person to say, tell us the story we want? Why are they going to other people that say, President Trump, the Senate candidates are Republican, the Republican Party of Georgia, and say, hey, you know, what do you have to say about this? Is this how this works?” –Jacki Deason


“I’m so happy the country got to see it. You can’t un-ring the bell. People saw it. They can’t unsee it. And it doesn’t matter what incredibly implausible explanations the secretary of state would like to advance, people are not buying it.

And so this is why we need to contest the results of this election to hopefully hold accountable people who might have done something illegal here. We need to investigate further, but it doesn’t look good. And then we have to do legal reforms that are critical for the states. We need to show all the problems now, get them on the record and between now and the next election, do everything we can to fix these problems in the states because we know they’re there. They’re totally fixable because, with these contested states, they all have Republican page 12 Election Fraud - special Report 3.117 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 12/08/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 200)

legislatures, which is amazing. All of them either , Pennsylvania, , they can fix this with the legislature. It might not happen in Michigan. I do not doubt Witmer may veto a bill to fix the system, I’m guessing. But there’s so much to be done. And so there’s a lot of reasons why this legal process has to happen.”

5. Vote Counting and Data Anomalies - Colonel Phil Waldron (RET) who served in Army Intelligence with Cyber Expertise. He has been working investigating and sharing his findings at the recent public hearings.

Col. Waldron shares some of the data anomalies he has studied and shared with the State Legislators:

• The observational data, the map, and the patterns are anomalous. • They match with hundreds and hundreds of affidavits of citizens from those states who’ve been working in the polls, who have made firsthand witnesses of lack of chain of custody of ballots that don’t meet signature requirements. • Ballots that were mail in ballots that were the envelopes were opened when the processors received them. They didn’t have the security envelope, just lots and lots of irregularities in the actual voting process. • We’ve also looked at the machine issues. There’s recently is in Ware County, Georgia. Here the input does not equal the output. And that was the big machine allegation.

“We’ve explained it and shown probable cause. The analogy would be there’s a car in the parking lot. It’s there’s a God-awful smell is coming out of the car. There’s a bloody handprint, but there’s no one willing to open the trunk to look to see if there’s a dead body in the trunk.” –Col. Phil Waldron

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The State Legislators Response

• No Authority Here? - They don’t seem to realize the legislatures have the authority to look at this, at the elections, whether it’s a forensic audit, whether it’s a ballot audit, whatever that they deem proper. No one seems to be willing to take the political risks to make sure that their voters, their citizens of their state, have not had their civil rights denied.

• The Spike in Vote Dumps - So the objections that we’ve gotten from several state legislatures is that while these spike anomalies are there, they don’t really indicate anything.

• We didn’t tell them that they were fraudulent. We just said they were indicators of fraudulent activity because they were uploaded faster than the machines could process that number of ballots.

• The State Legislators said, “well those ballots could have been held in a queue and just uploaded all at once. And that is a process, a function that’s present in ESS And Dominion is called batch processing. The administrator can load lots and lots, you know, hundreds or thousands of ballots in a batch file. And according to the manual, they can vote those ballots however they see fit. If they think they’re 80 percent for one candidate and 20 percent for one candidate, they can set that determinant and push the button. And those ballots are all adjudicated at that rate or whatever rate that they determine.

• So we’ve only indicated that this is this is a spike. This is outside of the rest of the normal curve. And this is a good place to start looking if you want to get a true understanding of what happened in your election. So far, the legislatures don’t seem to want to assert their constitutional authority in managing and seating the electorates as their constituents have voted.

6. Fractional Votes - Voting machines actually designed to cheat? Rod Martin, Technology Expert and Futurist shares his insights on how the counting really works.

There’s no doubt that there are issues with how the votes have been counted. A lot of that has to do with our second area of concern, the voting machines themselves like Dominion Systems. To address that issue, we have two experts, the first being Rod Martin, a technologist who worked with and the PayPal startup team. page 14 Election Fraud - special Report 3.117 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 12/08/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 200)

• The machines work In a unique way. You aren’t counting when you’re fractionalization or tabulating as the terminology goes. These machines are not designed to just count the votes.

• The average person, I think, rightly, morally believes that when we have an election, we actually have humans who sit there and look at each vote and mark down. OK, that’s one vote for , that one vote for . That’s one vote for the libertarian. And if you have a machine, do it. The machine is just replicating what a human would be doing. WRONG!

• Not these machines. These machines put all of these votes in a bucket. They fractionalized them. So you end up with these thousandth of a vote and it is only thousandths of a vote. The tabulation does not go out to further decimal places.

The Result: In rounding errors alone, we’ve seen cases where the rounding errors for as much as six thousand votes. You do that across an entire national election and you can hide literally millions of votes if you wish to. And my contention would be, that’s really the only reason you would program a system like this. There’s no reason for it not to just be a fancy adding machine, a Scantron from school. And the obvious question that must be addressed and clearly is in front of us because it has been abused.

“Why on earth would you set up a system that is flawlessly designed to cheat if you weren’t intending to cheat? And indeed, that’s exactly what I believe we have found them doing.” –Rod Martin

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News Update:

EPOCH TIMES: December 10, 2020 An elections supervisor in Coffee County, Georgia, demonstrated in recent videos posted online how voting allows votes to be changed through an “adjudication” process. The process allows the operator to add vote marks to a scanned ballot as well as invalidate vote marks already on the ballot.

7. Voting Machine Vulnerability - Russ Ramsland continues this discussion on election fraud and potential for cybercrimes. Russ is former candidate for Congress and really self-taught expert on election systems. He warned well in advance of the election that these voting machines are vulnerable. He wasn’t alone as every expert agreed. But he has stood up when others won’t to tell you the truth.

A look at why the machines are vulnerable and what that means? • As a result of 2018, we saw the County election logs and our cyber guy was horrified by what they saw. We jumped in and we started mapping the whole voter system for America. • What we saw was amazing because we just found this whole thing from start to finish is one long set of vulnerabilities of all kinds. • Next, we started researching the history and what everyone else had done on it, we found out we’re not the only guys that have found this. There are actually lots of cyber people out there. They’ve reported on all this stuff but nobody is paying any attention.

From our research we saw 2016 and 2018 as practicing various approaches of Election Fraud. Now, in 2020 we see them all coming together and we see three different levels of actors. page 16 Election Fraud - special Report 3.117 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 12/08/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 200)

• Zealots - We see zealots or local people who are trying to help put in fake voters and fake voter rolls and all that kind of stuff, purge good votes, and etc. This is the kind of thing we saw in Georgia and that videotape in Fulton County where we saw them pull all the boxes out and start feeding all the ballots.

• Inside Actors - We also see inside actors and those may be the people in Dominion itself. It’s hard to say. Somebody has set the algorithms up what’s called ranked choice voting, inside these machines. And we now have absolute proof of it. You’ve seen it in Wade County recently. You’ve also seen it in Antrim County, we believe.

• External Actors – State Actors – Foreign Interference. This includes actors like Iran or China or other state actors. Serbia is another example; Dominion has a back door directly into Serbia. We can trace all these IP addresses and we can see these people actually have real time access into the United States voting system. These actors have the ability to download whole new databases of votes and just change the votes.

There are multiple fraud efforts happening and it is not completely coordinated. This is not necessarily some grand conspiracy master plan. There are zealots, inside actors, and the external actors are out there and in some cases working on their own. These multiple actors make it more difficult for people to understand what is really happening. There’s not just one single fraud that you identify and say, that’s it! Now let’s go find it anywhere else. That’s not how this works.

The good news is that also ups the chances of starting to catch all this stuff. Look at Wade and Antrim counties, and the school bus in . They allegedly just found a broken-down school bus that was stuffed full of balloting machines. The video of ballot counting inside of Atlanta. We are finding this stuff more and more.

The Evidence to prove all of this is clearly there - The problem is finding judges with courage.

“The problem isn’t a lack of hard evidence, there’s tons of hard evidence. The problem is finding judges with the courage to step up to this, because this is the hottest potato they may ever be handed in their entire career. And unless they’re really focused on their kids or their grandkids, they’re going to want to walk away from this. They’re going to just want to dismiss the suits. They’re just going to want to bury it. But the evidence is there.” –Russ Ramsland page 17 Election Fraud - special Report 3.117 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 12/08/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 200)

Other Impossible Votes are as follows: A. Impossible Vote Loads - The numbers on the vote loads are absolutely impossible. The machines can not physically tabulate the votes at the rates they are showing up in the system.

“It’s like you and I, driving down in my Volkswagen Jetta and we get a speeding ticket for 540 miles an hour. We say, well, your Honor, there’s no way I could be doing 540 miles an hour. The capacity of the car won’t do that. Well, it’s the same with these voting machines. These voting machines won’t upload that many votes in that period of time. So, we know that the votes got loaded some other way.” –Russ Ramsland

B. Impossible Voter Turn-Out Numbers. • There is hard proof as far as the turnout numbers, the turnout numbers in certain counties are absolutely insane.

• Some of these turnout, I mean, we’re talking 90%, 100%, and even 110% of the registered voters.

C. Impossible Votes Actually Flipping From One Candidate to Another. • Antrim and Wade County have demonstrated exactly what we’ve been saying, which is vote flipping. Votes literally were changed from what was originally tabulated in the machine.

• See Rod Martin’s section above about fractional votes and how this is often accomplished. Also, more below from Garland Favorito.

D. Impossible Fact Checking – Artificial Intelligence (AI) messages funded as part of Facebook operation, not real fact checkers.

• Look these things up online and there’s this little notice, “this has been debunked.”

• These are actually artificial intelligence generated messages by a supposed group of fact checkers. But the reality is those guys are funded by Facebook. It’s a Facebook operation and it’s an automatic operation. • If you look to see the actual evidence of this supposedly new truth, not one single time can they offer any evidence that it’s actually been looked at or debunked. It is just a restatement with a claim it is not valid. page 18 Election Fraud - special Report 3.117 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 12/08/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 200)

“All they can do is parrot what they saw on the screen that was produced artificially by machines.” –Russ Ramsland

See 90 second video link here that describes the fact checking process in detail – it is a good link to share with everyone.


Garland Favorito shares his experience and the affidavit he filed in Georgia as it relates to machine counts vs hand counts not adding up.

Fact checkers have said that there is no proof that the voting machines can flip votes. But here is an example in Georgia where the hand recount showed a significant difference from the voting machine results.

The debunkers want to misconstrue what he said but the facts speak for themselves. Garland Favorito is filed the affidavit and reports what happened here.

The facts are that the hand count on it revealed 37 more votes for Donald Trump and 37 less for Joe Biden than what the machines actually counted on Election Day. So in other words, those machines flipped 37 votes from President Trump to former Vice President Joe Biden.

Now, we don’t know why they flipped the votes. We don’t know if it was a software error, if it was a configuration setting or a definition or mismatch of some kind.

I go through all those possible scenarios in my affidavit, and the most likely one, I believe, would be malware, although it’s not proved conclusively until we have a forensic investigation of the server. And that’s simply what we’re asking for. page 19 Election Fraud - special Report 3.117 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 12/08/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 200)

Let’s investigate the server, do a forensic investigation and find out exactly what happened.

The elections director already confirmed, The hand count audit revealed: • thirty-seven extra votes for Donald Trump • thirty-seven less votes for Joe Biden.

Whenever you do an audit of the electronic vote, which is completely unverifiable to begin with, the normal procedure is that you accept the count of the hand count of the audit as being the correct results. And that was exactly what the elections director did. He did everything correctly as near as I can tell.

We’ve gotten his confirmation in writing. He confirmed it to me verbally and he confirmed it to Dr. Earl Martin verbally, who was a former Waycross City Commission candidate.

So we have those three corroborating pieces of evidence, plus the actual in my affidavit, I include the audit results from the secretary of state’s office and the certified election results from the secretary of state’s nominee. We have five corroborating pieces of evidence that prove the debunkers have been debunked.

Note: The switch, like Garland saw, demonstrates the machines are not perfect and there is reason to confirm what is really happening with potential machine manipulation. The question is why is this really being debunked when there are five pieces of corroborating evidence ?

8. Foreign Interference - Colonel John Mills - We know that our elections are vulnerable to foreign interference, but that risk is not confined to just the machines.

Colonel John Mills, a retired Army intelligence officer who served as the director of cybersecurity policy strategy and affairs and the Office of Secretary of Defense shares his insights on the foreign interference threats.

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“The past four years, we’ve been told how Russia colluded to put Donald Trump in the White House, even though there was zero evidence uncovered to that effect. But did you see the media debunking that? Of course not. Have you heard anything about foreign interference in this election? Of course not. But that doesn’t mean that it isn’t there.” –Kevin Freeman

Election Warning Signs - There are so many warning signs about this election. The American public assumes that our elections are secure, they’re being done by citizens that care about the process, that are acting as sworn election officials, they’re upholding their duty and their oath of office. There’s this assumption that things are being taken care of. Unfortunately, very few Americans get involved, and state actors recognize this.

There is a Clear Motive for Foreign Interference:

CHINA Election Interference – China is somebody that is taking care of and paying attention to the US election process

• With China and their plan for the world. They do have a plan to be a rising hegemonic power, their intent is to replace us and retire us.

• The elections are nothing but a big, juicy target. They are so many opportunities for them, this is influence operations.

• This is an influence operations on steroids. These are influence operations that we in many ways pioneered back in the 1950’s with the Dulles brothers, but in many ways walked away from.

• They read our history, they read everything about us and they understand influence operations on a on a massive scale. So for years they have been essentially working what we would call preparation of the battle space. And a lot of that is influence operations. A lot of that is essentially payments to key individuals to acquire essentially willing enablers inside our own country.

• The Chinese have always had a reputation is being noisier and less careful. They’re not as concerned about being found out. And that professor last night from the clip on Tucker, was very emblematic of their behavior. (He was bragging about the people they had influenced and bought to control their agenda.) page 21 Election Fraud - special Report 3.117 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 12/08/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 200)

Russia Election Interference

Historically, the Russians are known for being far more careful, far more silent, far more precise.

Influence Operations - A look at the numbers

“And again, in these influence operations, I just have to be totally clear, because I’ve actually run the numbers on this available capital for influence operations. And the simple model is, yes, Russia interferes in our elections and I believe they did and they have for years.” –Col. John Mills

Foreign Influence Operations, plus Soros activities Investment of Russia vs Soros vs. China on these activities: Col. Mills Explains

For every ONE dollar Russia spends, Soros spends THREE dollars, the Chinese spend TEN dollars.

So, from the from our side, we always have to apply limited offensive and defensive resources.

The threat is China. Now, in this election specifically, it is just that they are all over the place!! This was a massive blitz to essentially to topple our election, our election institution,

Our own people do not understand our processes. Therefore, how could you even set up an operation to secure our election operations when we don’t even know how our own elections operate?

There is a general lack of understanding of the Election Process - AG William Barr and our Intelligence departments lack resources and understanding of the election process.

“AG Barr said some comments the other day, I think they were probably inappropriate. The reality is our intelligence and law enforcement resources have effectively done very little, if anything, on Chinese influence operations. Why? Because being a former intelligence officer, a former colonel, and senior official in the Department of Defense, the intelligence community, how can you page 22 Election Fraud - special Report 3.117 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 12/08/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 200)

even run an intelligence operation or law enforcement operation when you don’t even understand the election process?” –John Mills

Some uninformed responses from our Government officials:

Chris Krebs our top cyber security official who worked on protecting our election system from hackers was not prepared. He went with the talking points provided to him from Dominion.

said very inappropriate things. The more honest and truthful answer was, I don’t have the resources, the staffing, the technical expertise to even say ‘yay’ or ‘nay’ on interfering with Chinese interference.” –Col. John Mills

AG Barr was likely provided inadequate information for his response on the integrity of the elections.

“What AG Barr said last week. I think it was inappropriate. I think that was his own staff that frankly gave him a rote response of what is the accepted truth without any modicum of actual investigation.” –Col. John Mills

Foreign Interference with Chinese Ownership in Dominion? It could be true:

• Let’s consider the transaction and the Chinese here, we have the $400 million through USB securities in Switzerland to Dominion.

• Also, the mysterious nature of the eight registered companies under the Election Assistance Commission, nobody understands what’s going on. There’s eight registered companies, but when you do the business forensics, it’s more like three and maybe even one company.

• And they’re privately held with very little responsibility or requirement to be transparent.

“As it relates to Dominion Voting Machine ownership. We don’t understand these companies, they’re privately held, there was a $400 million transaction before the election. We also have this open talk of buying off officials that Professor Dongsheng boasted about on video.’ –Col. John Mills

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Foreign Political Interference and Paper Ballots Being Purchased In China:

We have on social media and we’ve confirmed them with native Mandarin speakers talking about shipping ballots from China to Florida and North Carolina.

• There’s no control measures on these mail-in ballots. • There’s essentially no corroboration of paper weave, paper weight, there are multiple paper types, of ink types. Are they copies? Have they been folded?

This is a Disneyland for China, who is looking to massively rush and overwhelm our election integrity. And they executed well.

Col. Mills has done some financial analysis in Virginia matching the number of personnel staffing and providing an apolitical view on this. Comparing the Republican party and the Democrat party in Virginia, the staffing is outrageously different.

He suggests that proceeds do not cover the amount of personnel they have working for the Democrat party in Virginia, for example. [Where does that extra money come from? It is very curious.]

From an influence operation perspective, matched with Chinese strategy, investment in our election system is just an incredible opportunity and gives China an incredible return on investment.

• The American election system, between the mysterious election machine companies. • The operations and programing of the election machines makes no sense. Bringing all the votes together by all candidates and then using math to spin the numbers back out and apportion them. That makes absolutely no sense.

“We were concerned well in advance of this election; all the evidence points that this was and is a massive Chinese influence operation. And I have found is very few, of those personnel very few understand how our elections operate. And we just assume somebody is taking care of it. Somebody is taking care of election system and it looks like it could easily be state actors like China.” –Col. John Mills

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“There’s no doubt that China desired to defeat President Trump and replace him with Vice President Biden. That was the conclusion of our nation’s intelligence service before the election.” –Kevin Freeman

9. Counterfeit Ballots - Dr. Lin shares insights on ballots being produced in China.

There appears to be counterfeit ballots being produced inside communist China and shipped to the US. Dr. Lin did an interview with recently and she pointed out that counterfeit ballots were still being shipped into the United States, crossing Mexican-US borders.

SIDNEY POWELL INTERVIEW: [ON CAMERA] “We do, we heard a video of somebody ordering ballots from China. We have evidence of a significant planeload of ballots coming in, and we have a witness that has said that they continue to come in because they intend to run counterfeit ballots in any runoffs or if they need them in recounts, too. So, it hasn’t stopped. “

• Dr. Lin expanded on Sidney Powell’s allegations regarding these counterfeit ballots. • One young Chinese immigrant actually stepped forward to testify on these aspects. • His English name is Vinness Ollervides. • He is actually was a princeling from the Chinese communist party because his grandfather was a very senior communist party member and was able to attend the formal ceremony when Chairman Mao announced the establishment of the People’s Republic of China in 1949. • He emigrated to the United States and now resides in California. • Recently, he was using his connections inside China and managed to establish a contact with the owner of an underground print shop and he found out they were able to produce counterfeit ballots for customers from the United States.

[You can see the actual video footage of this on episode]

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“So, from Mr. Ollervides’ testimony, we can see hundreds of thousands, even more than a million counterfeit ballots have been shipped into the United States. And I definitely think these allegations warrant more investigation and probably from the federal agencies. And the federal agents need to immediately stop the continuing influx of counterfeit ballots into the United States.” –Dr. Sean Lin

10. Foreign Interference, China and the Biden Family Compromised. – Dr. Sean Lin

A Chinese Professor is openly sharing about China’s US Infiltration. China has already stated they want a Biden Presidency over a Trump Presidency. More evidence of why China cares.

Dr. SEAN LIN shares about the Professor in a video that connects Joe Biden’s family’s connection with the Chinese communist regime.

• This video is about a scholar from Renmin University, his name is Di Dongsheng. • He’s the vice-dean of the school of international relations in Renmin University in Beijing. Mr. Di is no ordinary scholar. • In 2015, he actually accompanied Mr. Go Wei Ming, the deputy director of the information office of state councils in China to visit Washington, DC and then hosted a seminar to promote Xi Jinping’s new book regarding the governance of China. • Recently he made a very important speech on November 28th in Shanghai. And the event he was actually discussing about the opening of China’s financial market to the world. • In this event, his speech addressed the connection between the deep state of the United States and the Chinese communist party and he actually implied that Hunter Biden’s global fund was established under the help of the Chinese communist regime.

Plus, more documentation - A review of another Chinese video that proves China’s interest in promoting Joe Biden and leveraging his family connections.

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Excerpt from the tape - See actual footage [CLICK HERE and go to 55:01]

“So, why can’t we fix the Trump administration? Why between 1992 and 2016 China and the US use to be able to settle all kinds of issues? It’s just because we have people at the top – at the top of America’s core inner circle of power and influence. We have our old friends. For the past thirty years, forty years. We have been utilizing the core power of the United States. But the problem is that after 2008, the status of Wall Street has declined. And more importantly, after 2016, Wall Street can’t fix Trump. But now we’re seeing Biden was elected. The traditional elite, the political elite, the establishment. They’re very close to Wall Street. So, you see that, right? Trump has been saying that Biden’s son has some sort of global foundation. Have you noticed that? Who helped him, Biden’s son, build the foundations? There are a lot of deals in all these.” –Dr. Di Dongsheng.

“I would encourage everyone to watch the full episode of Mr. Di Dongsheng’s speech. I think this is very strong, indirect evidence after Hunter Biden’s laptop and also Mr. Bobulinski’s testimony. This is very important evidence, indirect evidence, to show the connection between Biden’s family and the Chinese communist regime. So, this is actually suggesting that Biden’s family poses a great threat to the national security of the United States.” –Dr. Sean Lin

11. Impossible Votes and the Science that Proves It! Why Statistics Matter in Identifying Fraud. Jay Valentine shares his forensic evidence.

In the 2020 election there’s this whole issue of impossible votes. You may have heard stories of 130,000 votes in a row for Joe Biden.

• One expert told us that the voting patterns like these were so impossible it would be like winning the Powerball lottery four times in a row.

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• The courts haven’t been willing to look at the statistical evidence and the media says, where’s the proof?

The statistics are the proof. In fact, that’s how you find fraud. You start with anomalies.

• Statistical analysis has long been considered in election analysis. It’s something the state department talks about.

• It’s in the Carter Center and others. And there’s even a National Academy of Sciences report in 2012 that said that is the best way to find fraud

To drill down on the statistical evidence in the 2020 election, Jay Valentine, one of the world’s top experts on fraud identification shared his insights on why statistics matter when identifying fraud. He and his team are so good that eBay asked them to build their fraud detection system.

About the numbers, science, and cyber criminal activity – Why statistics matter!

Jay’s team has a long history in cybercriminal activity and how to find it when people are doing everything they can to use computers to hide the data. They broke some of the largest fraud rings in Medicare, Medicaid and property casualty insurance.

“When you’re looking at what’s called industrial level fraud. Industrial fraud is where you are dealing with large data sets, not somebody that’s just changing a few invoices, but big data fraud, the way that you find the fraud is you look for a starting point and the starting point is found with statistical pattern analysis.”

Now what that means is that every data set – it could be a data set of Girl Scout cookies and how they’re sold, it could be the most innocent data set in the world. All data sets have patterns in them of how the data looks and operates. Fraud is no different. What statistical pattern analysis does is it looks for the patterns in the data and it finds outliers, it finds anomalies in the data. page 28 Election Fraud - special Report 3.117 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 12/08/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 200)

And what is happening in this election – and it’s very well shown on your site, everylegalvote.com, you have a very excellent presentation there of what statistical fraud looks like. So, what happens is with statistical fraud, you actually can look at these large data sets, you can see these very strange anomalies and from the anomalies, you can dig in and that’s where you find the real fraud.” –Jay Valentine

Mr. Valentine goes on to explain his insights on the 2020 election:

• He looked at large data sets of the analyses out there by people like Dr. Shiva and three or four other, very good statisticians. • Jay considers these people are state of the art. Their mathematics are outstanding. He reviewed that material very carefully and was able to see fraud again and again. • He concluded it is fraud that occurred at an industrial level. • It was the type of fraud that could only be done with computers, with computers creating algorithms, and you can see it because, across different data sets, a precinct, for instance, might be a data set, every precinct had exactly the same algorithm moving votes from candidate A to candidate B. • That can only be done with computer algorithms. • His conclusion is very clear, if you take a look and you can get hold of those voting machines, and you can look at the source code and you can look at the log files, you’re going to find how that fraud actually occurred.

“We agree with the seventy-five percent of Americans who believe in fact that there was serious fraud.”–Kevin Freeman

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12. How to Get this Addressed – Joseph Schmitz, Former Inspector General

Despite the above data, the courts have punted. There may be an unstoppable strategy, a way to get the courts interested.

To learn more, we have invited former inspector-general of the department of defense Joseph Schmitz to provide his perspective.

• Under the Constitution, article three, the Supreme Court has what is called original jurisdiction over a number of types of lawsuits, including a, states versus states.

• In the case that was filed last night by Texas against Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, and Arizona, the attorney general in Texas invoked this constitutional provision providing the US Supreme Court with the original jurisdiction to hear these cases.

Schmitz shared another perspective that Texas might also take into account with the 1871 law and why that might apply.

• The fourteenth amendment was enacted in 1868 and it triggered a flurry of implementing statutes out of Congress, including the civil rights act of 1871, which prohibits conspiracies to deprive American citizens of basic civil rights.

• It focused on the voting rights of freed slaves. And this law, in the vernacular, is sometimes referred to as the Ku Klux Klan act, because there was a very serious problem after the fourteenth amendment was passed. There were literally violent conspiracies going on, mostly in the southern states, to prevent the freed slaves from having that fundamental right to vote.

• Making this even more interesting would be if West Virginia were to join Texas, considering the KKK’s history with Senator Byrd and all that, wouldn’t that be an irony?

• It’s not just civil rights generically. The US Supreme Court, in 1964 has referred to the right to vote as the right upon which every other right is based. Without the right to vote. And the Supreme Court implicitly was page 30 Election Fraud - special Report 3.117 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 12/08/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 200)

saying in free and fair elections, without that right, all of our other civil rights are for not. They all go to the wayside.

• This is really an important civil right and it’s a fundamental right. It’s the – like the prime right, the prime civil right, and ironically, or not ironically, the civil rights act of 1871 was focused on voting rights. And that’s why Congress passed this statute which forbids anybody from conspiring to deprive American citizens of the right to vote in free and fair elections.

• Why not make this a Civil Rights case?

“I’m going to mention this to our attorney general here in Texas and suggest it everywhere Joe, I can’t imagine a better opportunity to stand up for the civil rights of Americans. I mean, what you just framed was that this is truly a civil rights issue. It’s not just somebody conducting voter fraud in one state or another. What they do in Pennsylvania or in Georgia or in Michigan, what they’re doing there actually really is denying civil rights, isn’t it?” –Kevin Freeman

Looking at the 1871 act, it literally says, if two or more persons conspire, that’s what it sure appears like to me, what happened.

• The fact that Texas sued four states for essentially doing the same thing, it wasn’t coincidental. People had to be conspiring for these four states to be doing the same thing. And as Texas points out in the complaint filed last night, it was a violation of the fourteenth amendment equal protection clause. And that’s exactly what the civil rights act of 1871 focuses on.

• The most compelling thing I found is the way that the Texas attorney general actually framed the issue and cited statistical analysis that shows that it was like a one in a gazillion chance of all four of these states, considering where the actually ballot projections were on the morning of the 4th of November, it’s like one in a bazillion chance that all four of those states would have flipped to Joe Biden. page 31 Election Fraud - special Report 3.117 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 12/08/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 200)

Case Study - A Look at Fraud and the Election. “I heard last week; had this brilliant analysis of what’s going on in Pennsylvania. And, you know, people talk about, there’s no evidence of systemic fraud.

I wrote the Inspector General manual, the subtitle of which is ‘fraud, waste, abuse and other constitutional enemies, foreign and domestic.’ So, Mark points out the same point that I point out in my handbook, if there’s criminal fraud, there’s civil fraud, and what’s happening is the people are raising sort of a straw man of criminal fraud as if that’s the only way fraud can manifest itself.

I wrote an article last week in . The elephant in the living room is this is a deliberate effect – I mean, a deliberate overt conspiracy. Mark Levin points this out – since October of 2019, there has been a deliberate effort to corrupt the election process, and this was long before COVID, by the way, to corrupt the election process in Pennsylvania by pushing for this massive mail-in ballot.

The bipartisan commission that was set up after Bush versus Gore, to see what went wrong, said that the mail-in votes are the ripest area for fraud. And they weren’t talking about criminal fraud. If you just look and see what’s happened over the last eighteen months, there is a deliberate conspiracy to corrupt the election process in the battlefield states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada.” –Joseph Schmitz


1. We introduced you to www.EveryLegalVote.com as an important educational resource.

2. We debunked the debunkers and answered the objections people are raising.

3. We looked at some of the most compelling evidence that serious fraud took place.

4. We shared a legal strategy that could rock Washington and , but framed as a Civil Right’s issue.

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We all need to take responsibility and act. There are two things we need to do:

1. We first need to PRAY! Time is short and the stakes are high. We are caught between the Egyptian Army and the Red Sea. So, let’s take time, get on our knees, and ask God to expose the fraud, bring truth to life, and make things right.

2. Second, we need to TAKE ACTION. Tell the leaders to DO YOUR JOB! Go to https:// everylegalvote.com and click the Take Action button. Be sure to click the Take Action where we make it easy to make your voice known in less than 60 seconds!

3. To date, patriots like you have helped drive over 3.5 million actions. This has worked. We did help force legislative hearings in four states we targeted, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Georgia.

4. TAKE ACTION NOW and urge everyone you know to do the same.

5. Hold the line, demonstrate social patience, and do not fall to the media narratives of the election being over until we are assured every legal vote is counted. America needs to know there is integrity in our voting systems and machines.

6. Review the 98-page letter with Exhibits put out by EveryLegalVote (we’ve added at the end of this Economic Battle Plan™ for your convenience).

7. You heard about election fraud from us in the Economic War Room before. If you are new to Economic War Room, you can see more information and election fraud background at www.EconomicWarRoom.com/myvote.

8. Be sure to sign up for our free Economic Battle Plans™ at www.EconomicWarRoom.com.

. If you are following Economic War Room® you will be on the leading edge as it relates to global threats, geopolitical analysis, and how you can weaponize your money to strengthen America. Your money, livelihood and way of life are at risk and these tools are designed to mobilize America to protect their economic liberty.

. Learn more about Economic War Rooms financial advisor training at https:// www.economicwarroom.com/advisor We will be launching this in 2021. page 33 Election Fraud - special Report 3.117 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 12/08/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 200)

In the Economic War Room®, we encourage Americans to be the “small ships that make the difference.” You cannot solely rely on the government or the president to solve America’s problems. You have to make a difference. It is up to you to help take our country back and create a voice for economic liberty. [The small ships are based on Churchill’s Operation Dynamo that rescued the British Expeditionary Forces in the Miracle of Dunkirk].

We need more Economic Patriots on the team! Consider what you can do now to help strengthen America or even help someone in need. Keep in touch with your congressional representatives. Choose from the list or set your own goals:

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Shareable Quote: “What we are seeing play out is perhaps the most intense Economic Warfare you will see. That’s because the battle for control of America is largely about the money. If we lose integrity in our elections, we will lose America.” –Kevin Freeman

*DISCLAIMER: The Economic War Room® and its affiliates do not provide investment advice. In cases where guests or others may discuss investment ideas, these should not be viewed or construed as advice. The sole purpose is education and information. And, viewers should realize that in any case past performance is not indicative of future results. Neither Kevin Freeman, his guests or EWR-Media Holdings, LLC suggests, offers, or guarantees any specific outcome or profit. You should be aware of the real risk of loss in following any strategy or investment even if discussed on the show or any show-affiliated materials or websites. This material does not take into account your particular investment objectives, financial situation or needs and is not intended as recommendations appropriate for you. You must make independent decisions regarding information, investments, or strategies mentioned on this website or on the show. Before acting on information on economicwarroom.com website or on the show, or any related materials, you should consider whether it is suitable for your particular circumstances and strongly consider seeking advice from your own financial or investment advisor. page 35 Election Fraud - special Report 3.117 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 12/08/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 200)

The EWR Collection Deck – From Kevin Freeman (List of resources and external links for more information)

Quick Access Links Understanding the Election Fraud Election Irregularities Using Data Bi-Partisan Proof That Voting Machines Can Be Hacked 2020 Machines Gone Wild? About Kill Chain Documentary Foreign Interference Time for Action? Potential for Lawsuit

98-Page Open-Letter from America to DOJ

[ ] - Must Read/Watch

Where to Access Economic War Room

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Understanding the Election Fraud

[ ] Every Legal Vote website www.EveryLegalVote.com

[ ] Primer on Fraud https://everylegalvote.com/primer

Fraud PhD https://everylegalvote.com/phd

Fraud Stories https://everylegalvote.com/explore

[ ] Economic War Room Shows https://www.economicwarroom.com/myvote

Never, Never Surrender https://youtu.be/EBRNDWcuw9g

Trump Supporters Rally in Washington to Protest Vote Fraud, Media https://www.theepochtimes.com/trump-supporters-hold-rally-in-washington-to-protest-vote-fraud- media_3579324.html

Keet Lewis With EveryLegalVote.com On https://libertycgc.com/keet-lewis-with-everylegalvote-com-on-lou-dobbs/

[ ] NTD Interview https://www.ntd.com/ntd-business-full-broadcast-nov-13_527707.html

Washington Watch Interview https://www.tonyperkins.com/get.cfm?i=LR20K09

Sandy Rios Interview https://afr.net/podcasts/sandy-rios-in-the-morning/2020/november/interview-with-kevin-freeman-on- everylegalvotecom-and-massive-biden-only-votes/

Kevin Freeman | ACWT Interview 11.17.20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSom2SP8FBQ

EveryLegalVote interview on NewsMax https://youtu.be/5D-XsUEwwhM

Russ Ramsland on America Can We Tal https://youtu.be/0K3UHBN3O9k

Securing America Election Fraud Special https://www.securingamerica.tv/securing-america-election-fraud-special/

[ ] War Room: Pandemic Ep 542 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVZLYXS_u6s&t=1659

Liquid Lunch on Every Legal Vote https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPTD64bzs34

[ ] Glenn Beck Interviews Kevin Freeman https://youtu.be/qF9l05tSesc

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Election Irregularities [ ] Reasons why the 2020 presidential election is deeply puzzling https://spectator.us/reasons-why-the-2020-presidential-election-is-deeply-puzzling/

Doubts cast over claims of fair and free election https://www.wnd.com/2020/12/doubts-cast-claims-fair-free-election/

[ ] Infographic: What Happened in Atlanta on Election Night https://www.theepochtimes.com/what-happened-in-atlanta-on-election-night-2_3607130.html

‘Tsunami’ of vote-fraud evidence rolled out in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, Michigan https://www.wnd.com/2020/12/tsunami-vote-fraud-evidence-rolled-pennsylvania-arizona-george- michigan/

[ ] Reported Burst Pipe in Atlanta Ballot Counting Area Was Overflowing Urinal: Investigator https://www.theepochtimes.com/reported-burst-pipe-in-atlanta-ballot-counting-area-was-overflowing- urinal-investigator_3607741.html

Georgia Poll Observers Say They Were Effectively Told to Go Home https://www.theepochtimes.com/georgia-poll-observers-say-they-effectively-were-told-to-go- home_3605825.html

Election Fraud Allegations: Infographic https://www.theepochtimes.com/election-fraud-allegations-infographic_3605589.html

What’s Happening in US Election Matches What Happened in Venezuela, Expert Says https://www.theepochtimes.com/whats-happening-in-us-election-matches-what-happened-in-venezuela- expert-says_3605487.html

“Dominion Contractor at Counting Center: 1000’s of Ballots Scanned Multiple Times https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/elections/dominion-contractor-detroit-counting-center-says- thousands-ballots-were

[ ] 3 Percent of Nevada Mail Ballots in Question After Survey Finds Defrauded Voters https://www.theepochtimes.com/3-percent-of-nevada-mail-ballots-in-question-after-survey-finds- defrauded-voters_3602843.html

Election lawyer alleges Zuckerberg, wife tried to illegally influence election in Michigan https://saraacarter.com/election-lawyer-alleges-zuckerberg-wife-tried-to-illegally-influence-election-in- michigan/

A Running Compendium of Fraud Charges in Election 2020 https://www.realclearinvestigations.com/articles/2020/12/07/a_running_compendium_of_fraud_charges_ in_election_2020_126261.html

No, The Georgia Vote-Counting Video Was Not ‘Debunked.’ Not Even Close https://thefederalist.com/2020/12/07/no-the-georgia-vote-counting-video-was-not-debunked-not-even- close/ page 38 Election Fraud - special Report 3.117 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 12/08/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 200)

[ ] ‘Voter Integrity Project’ Releases Evidence of Thousands of Vote Fraud Issues – Combined with Affidavits from Rudy and Gateway Pundit’s Statistical Analysis – More Than Enough Information to Refute Election Results https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/voter-integrity-project-releases-evidence-thousands-vote- fraud-issues-combined-affidavits-rudy-statistical-analysis-enough-information-available-confirming-tr/

Whoa: Nearly a Third of Democrats Believe the Election Was Stolen From Trump https://davidharrisjr.com/ steven/whoa-nearly-a-third-of-democrats-believe-the-election-was-stolen-from-trump/

Willful Blindness https://jrnyquist.blog/2020/11/20/willful-blindness/

‘There Was in Fact Fraud That Took Place:’ FEC Chairman Trey Trainor https://www.theepochtimes.com/there-was-in-fact-fraud-that-took-place-fec-chairman-trey- trainor_3588656.html

Using Data

Statistical detection of systematic election irregularities https://www.pnas.org/content/109/41/16469

[ ] PATRICK BYRNE | ACWT INTERVIEW 12.9.20 https://americacanwetalk.org/patrick-byrne-acwt-interview-12-9-20/

Our Problems Are In Code We Don’t Want https://jayvalentine.com/our-problems-are-in-code-we-dont-want/

[ ] Jay Valentine | The Man That Actually Built Ebay’s Fraud Protection Engine Exposes Voter Fraud https://www.thrivetimeshow.com/business-podcasts/jay-valentine/

Statistician and Fraud Expert Jay Valentine Weighs In On The Latest Election Results And What’s Next https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oi6euD3HLyQ

[ ] Securing America Election Fraud Special #26.4 - Jay Valentine - 11/25/20 https://youtu.be/kZpm38pE2MM

Impossible! Michigan, Georgia, PA and VA All Show the Exact Same Vote Ratio Between Trump and Biden Among Mail-In Votes https://rightwaypundit.com/impossible-michigan-georgia-pa-and-va-all-show-the-exact-same-vote-ratio- between-trump-and-biden-among-mail-in-votes/

[ ] Dr Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD Testimony 113020 https://youtu.be/nwHa1pfyJjc

[ ] Show the Graphs, Mr. President! https://stream.org/show-the-graphs-mr-president/

DATA: Michigan Analysis Suggests Absentee Votes ‘Manipulated By Computer’, Flags Hundreds Of Thousands Of Ballots https://thenationalpulse.com/politics/michigan-election-fraud-analysis/ page 39 Election Fraud - special Report 3.117 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 12/08/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 200)

In sworn statement, prominent mathematician flags up to 100,000 Pennsylvania ballots https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/elections/mathematics-prof-says-sworn-statement-many-56000- gop-ballots-pa-may-be

Bi-Partisan Proof That Voting Machines Can Be Hacked

[ ] 2018 NY Times Video: Professor Shows Students How Easy It Is to Hack a Dominion Voting Machine https://bongino.com/2018-ny-times-video-professor-shows-students-how-easy-it-is-to-hack-a- dominion-voting-machine/

Democratic senators warned of potential ‘vote switching’ by Dominion voting machines prior to 2020 election https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/democratic-senators-warned-of-potential-vote-switching- by-dominion-voting-machines-prior-to-2020-election

[ ] Reliability of pricey new voting machines questioned https://www.denverpost.com/2020/02/23/new-voting-machines-reliability-questioned/

Top Democrats Raised Concerns About Dominion Voting Technology in 2019 https://www.breitbart.com/2020-election/2020/11/13/top-democrats-raised-concerns-about-dominion- voting-technology-in-2019/

2019 MSNBC report on hacking voter machines https://twitter.com/jackposobiec/status/1330364450935812100?s=21

HBO’s John Oliver Called It ‘Completely Insane’ to Use Electronic Voting Machines in Nov. 2019 https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2020/11/21/hbos-john-oliver-called-it-completely-insane-to- use-electronic-voting-machines/

‘Software I Hacked In 2005 Is Still In Use’: Cyber Security Expert Harri Hursti On 2020 Presidential Election https://newyork.cbslocal.com/2020/03/23/software-i-hacked-in-2005-is-still-in-use-cyber-security- expert-hari-hursti-on-2020-presidential-election/

[ ] U.S. Lab: Electronic Voting Machines Shockingly Easy to Hack https://rodmartin.org/u-s-lab-electronic-voting-machines-shockingly-easy-to-hack/

Smartmatic, Comelec execs indicted https://manilastandard.net/mobile/article/238782

2006 CNN report on voting machines https://twitter.com/squirrel_hockey/status/1330591189645529090

2020 Machines Gone Wild?

Dominion System Flips Georgia Trump Votes to Biden State Orders Counties to Certify Dominion Results Anyway https://voterga.files.wordpress.com/2020/12/press-release-dominion-flips-trump-votes-to-biden-in-ga- county.pdf page 40 Election Fraud - special Report 3.117 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 12/08/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 200)

[ ] Election Supervisor shows on video how dominion software allows changing and adding votes https://www.theepochtimes.com/election-supervisor-shows-on-video-how-dominion-software-allows- changing-adding-votes_3613406.html

[ ] Sidney Powell Claims That Dominion Is ‘Shredding Documents’ https://townhall.com/tipsheet/cortneyobrien/2020/11/20/sidney-powell-larry-oconnor-n2580458

Smoking Gun: Dominion Transferring Vote Ratios between Precincts in PA. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIlI46HdqKg&feature=youtu.be

Dominion, , and SCYTL were selected by the Krebs as part of his Council of Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security of the DHS https://bwcentral.org/2020/11/dominion-smartmatic-and-scytl-were-selected-by-the-krebs-as-part-of- his-council-of-cybersecurity-and-infrastructure-security-of-the-dhs/

Election Systems in Michigan County Appeared to Be Connected to Internet: Sworn Affidavit https://www.theepochtimes.com/election-systems-in-michigan-county-appeared-to-be-connected-to- internet-sworn-affidavit_3571578.html

Captured in Real Time: That Moment in Virginia at 5:12 AM Where they Took 169,000 Votes Off the State Totals https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/captured-real-time-moment-virginia-512-took-169000- votes-off-state-totals/

Paper Warned About the Software Company at Center of Ballot Glitches in Swing States; UPDATE: MI SOS Responds https://townhall.com/tipsheet/bethbaumann/2020/11/07/key-swing-states-were-utilizing-a-software- company-at-the-center-for-ballot-glitc-n2579664

[ ] The Small World of Voting Machine Certification https://theepochtimes.com/the-small-world-of-voting-machine-certification_3587972.html

Dominion Told He’d ‘Made Sure’ Trump Wouldn’t Win, Report Says https://neonnettle.com/news/13250-dominion-engineer-told-antifa-he-d-made-sure-trump-wouldn-t- win-report-says

[ ] Dominion, the Foreign Software Company with a Controversial Background Deciding American Elections https://elamerican.com/dominion-the-foreign-software-company-with-a-controversial-background- deciding-american-elections/

CLAIM: Dominion Exec Bragged That He Made Sure ‘Trump Is Not Gonna Win’ on Conference Call https://pjmedia.com/election/matt-margolis/2020/11/28/claim-dominion-exec-bragged-that-he-made- sure-trump-is-not-gonna-win-on-conference-call-n1179285

Pennsylvania Bombshell: Biden 99.4% vs. Trump 0.6% https://spectator.org/pennsylvania-bombshell-biden-99-4-vs-trump-0-6/

Sidney Powell sues Arizona officials over Dominion software, alleges 412,000 illegal ballots https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/dec/2/sidney-powell-files-arizona-election-lawsuit-over-/

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[ ] Enough Votes to Turn the Election–Voting Machine Secrets Revealed https://youtu.be/LzMQxHdaAkk

Five Videos – Five States Where Votes Were Switched Live on TV Away from President Trump to Biden – Updated https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/four-videos-four-states-votes-switched-live-tv-away- president-trump-biden/

[ ] Dominion Contractor. There is an avenue for fraud. https://youtu.be/60j7c-Oa4UE

There are Issues with Dominion Voting Systems Software http://www.eyeontampabay.com/2020/11/there-are-issues-with-dominion-voting.html

DATA: Michigan Analysis Suggests Absentee Votes ‘Manipulated By Computer’, Flags Hundreds Of Thousands Of Ballots https://www.wnd.com/2020/12/dominion-contractor-drops-bombshell-michigan-hearing/

Venezuelan Fire destroys voting machines https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-51800316

Arizona Legislature Calls for Immediate ‘Forensic Audit’ of Dominion Voting Machines https://www.theepochtimes.com/arizona-legislature-calls-for-immediate-forensic-audit-of-dominion- voting-machines_3605367.html

About Kill Chain Documentary

Kill Chain: The Cyber War on America’s Elections - Watch the HBO Original Documentary | HBO https://www.hbo.com/documentaries/kill-chain-the-cyber-war-on-americas-elections

Hackers Easily Breach U.S. Voting Machines in Chilling ‘Kill Chain’ Trailer https://www.rollingstone.com/movies/movie-news/kill-chain-hbo-documentary-voting-security-hack- trailer-962328/

[ ] HBO video makes claims about hacked Alaska election computer system in 2016 https://mustreadalaska.com/hbo-video-makes-claims-about-hacking-alaska-election-system-in-2016/

‘Kill Chain’: HBO’s Election Security Doc Stresses Urgency https://www.wired.com/story/hbo-kill-chain-election-security/

An early look at HBO’s election security documentary https://www.politico.com/newsletters/morning-cybersecurity/2020/03/16/an-early-look-at-hbos-election- security-documentary-786109

The journal of a plague year; threats of election dysfunction https://www.bostonglobe.com/2020/03/19/arts/journal-plague-year-threats-election-dysfunction/

HBO’s ‘Kill Chain’ reveals scary reality: U.S. voting system under attack http://amsterdamnews.com/news/2020/mar/19/hbos-kill-chain-reveals-scary-reality-us-voting-sy/

[ ] Meanwhile, A Deeper Danger Than Pandemic https://www.forbes.com/sites/melikkaylan/2020/03/24/meanwhile-a-deeper-danger-than-pandemic/

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This Documentary Will Show You Just How Fragile Our Democracy Really Is https://time.com/5809745/kill-chain-documentary-hbo-review/

Foreign Interference

[ ] As the 2020 Election Continues In the Courts, The Deadline for President Trump’s Executive Order Regarding Foreign Intervention in US Elections Silently Approaches https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/12/2020-election-continues-courts-deadline-president- trumps-executive-order-regarding-foreign-intervention-us-elections-silently-approaches/

[ ] Georgia, Mired in Election Disputes, Fosters Cozy Ties With China https://www.theepochtimes.com/georgia-mired-in-election-disputes-fosters-cozy-ties-with- china_3614801.html

Voter Rights Group Notifies DOJ of Pakistani Link With Nevada Election System https://www.theepochtimes.com/voter-rights-group-notifies-doj-of-pakistani-link-with-nevada-election- email-system_3606561.html

China Whistleblower with Royal Ancestry Steps Forward – Reveals Video, Photos of Alleged Chinese Counterfeit Ballot Printing Operations of US Ballots for MS, FL and NC https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/12/china-whistleblower-steps-forward-reveals-video-photos- alleged-chinese-counterfeit-ballot-printing-operations-us-ballots-mi-fl-nc/

[ ] China Gets Its Money’s Worth From America’s Elites https://andmagazine.com/talk/2020/12/08/china-gets-its-moneys-worth-from-americas-elites/

The Murky Foreign Actors Behind US Election Fraud https://journal-neo.org/2020/11/23/the-murky-foreign-actors-behind-us-election-fraud/

[ ] Chinese boast Biden White House will restore their influence https://www.wnd.com/2020/12/chinese-boast-biden-white-house-will-restore-influence/

Troubling Foreign Ties Behind Voting Machines Used in US https://theepochtimes.com/foreign-ties-behind-dominion-smartmatic-voting-machines-including-to-an- adversary_3602603.html

$400 Million SEC Filing Links Dominion, UBS, and China https://www.ntd.com/400-million-sec-filing-links-dominion-ubs-and-china_536295.html

Hunter Biden Called His Father and Chinese Business Partner ‘Office Mates’ in September 2017 Email https://www.theepochtimes.com/hunter-biden-called-his-father-and-chinese-business-partner-office- mates-in-september-2017-email_3615446.html

Statement by NCSC Director William Evanina: Election Threat Update for the American Public https://www.dni.gov/index.php/newsroom/press-releases/item/2139-statement-by-ncsc-director-william- evanina-election-threat-update-for-the-american-public

Digital Forensic Analysis Shows Dominion’s Server Connected to Iran and China: Affidavit https://theepochtimes.com/digital-forensic-analysis-shows-dominions-server-connected-to-iran-and- china-affidavit_3595892.html page 43 Election Fraud - special Report 3.117 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 12/08/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 200)

[ ] Firm That Owns Dominion Voting Systems Received $400 Million From Swiss Bank With Connection to Chinese Government Before Election – Summit News https://summit.news/2020/12/01/firm-that-owns-dominion-voting-systems-received-400-million-from- swiss-bank-with-connection-to-chinese-government-before-election/

Breaking: Antrim County, Mi Examination Results – Dominion Machines Connected To Internet, Fake Ballots Thought To Be Sent To Europe For Approval…Cyber Teams Have Concrete Proof Of Election Fraud https://creativedestructionmedia.com/investigations/2020/12/12/breaking-antrim-county-mi-examination- results-dominion-machines-connected-to-internet-fake-ballots-thought-to-be-sent-to-europe-for- approval-cyber-teams-have-concrete-proof-of-election-fraud/

Time for Action?

[ ] Electoral College Deadlines Not ‘Set In Stone’: Election Integrity Watchdog https://www.theepochtimes.com/electoral-college-deadlines-not-set-in-stone-election-integrity- watchdog_3606047.html?utm_source=news&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=breaking-2020-12-05-3

Trump’s challenges failed but there’s still room for drama https://www.cnn.com/2020/12/07/politics/electoral-college-vote-timeline/index.html

[ ] How the 1876 Election Tested the Constitution and Effectively Ended Reconstruction https://www.history.com/news/reconstruction-1876-election-rutherford-hayes

Michigan To Publish Dominion Forensic Audit https://www.ntd.com/michigan-to-publish-dominion-forensic-audit_539026.html

[ ] Sidney Powell Announces Emergency Filings in Georgia, Michigan, Arizona and Wisconsin https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/12/sidney-powell-announces-emergency-filings-georgia- michigan-arizona-wisconsin/

Potential for Lawsuit

[ ] U.S. Supreme Court Rules Unanimously You May Sue Government Agents for Damages When They Violate Your Individual Rights https://ij.org/press-release/u-s-supreme-court-rules-unanimously-you-may-sue-government-agents-for- damages-when-they-violate-your-individual-rights/

Civil Rights Act of 1871 https://www.fjc.gov/history/timeline/civil-rights-act-1871

Ku Klux Act passed by Congress https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/ku-klux-act-passed-by-congress

Introduction To Federal Voting Rights Laws https://www.justice.gov/crt/introduction-federal-voting-rights-laws

Note: The Economic Battle Plan™ contains hyperlinks to other Internet sites not under the editorial control of EWR-Media Holdings, LLC. These hyperlinks are not express or implied endorsements or approvals by EWR-Media Holdings, LLC, of any products, services or information available from these 3rd party sites. Links to these 3rd party sites are open source links that may require subscription or registration.

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page 45 An Open Letter from America From: Every Legal Vote Coalition - 11 Dec 2020

Subject: DO YOUR JOB! Restore Confidence America’s Election System To: William Barr, Attorney General of the United States; CC: Those with a DUTY to Protect U.S. Elections; Those with a DUTY to Investigate Crime & Injustice

Prior to the November 3, 2020 elections, the American people were repeatedly assured via press releases and video recordings that those officials in Washington and around the nation responsible for election integrity in states across the country would make certain that this year’s balloting was secure. Unfortunately, the American people are now persuaded that the presidential race and perhaps others were, instead, marred by widespread and material fraud, irregularities, crime and foreign influence. The attached compilation reflects the efforts of our Every Legal Vote citizens’ initiative to facilitate the reporting of fraud witnessed during the election. It offers ample proof of that conclusion and makes absolutely mandatory thorough and immediate investigations by federal and state-level law enforcement. Over the past month our website, EveryLegalVote.com, has received more than thirty-five hundred such reports and personal testimonies from those around America who witnessed fraud and crime, particularly in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona, and Georgia. Such evidence includes the following: • Reports of public officials breaking the law by campaigning at polling locations, of crowds bullying voters on election day and people voting more than once. • Video footage of criminal acts in Georgia with poll workers pulling out hidden boxes of ballots to be counted illegally in the dark of night and without poll watchers present. • Votes in states such as Michigan and Pennsylvania by those who appear to be deceased. • Several states taking steps to delete and destroy data, including ballot envelopes shredded contrary to the Supreme Court directive in Pennsylvania and computer anomalies in Georgia. Of course, willful destruction and manipulation of evidence violates multiple federal statutes. • We are seeing intimidating and even violent threats and physical harm committed against election fraud witnesses. For example, after hearings in Michigan, an elected official doxed these brave witnesses and even recorded a video calling on “soldiers” to “make them pay.” This is unacceptable, un-American and a federal crime. • Numerous reports from expert witnesses testifying under oath have established that voting machines such as Dominion’s have built-in vulnerabilities, were connected to the internet, are vulnerable to hacking and were overseen by employees with little oversight. Company personnel allegedly briefed state officials on how to change vote tallies and a Dominion officialreportedly stated prior to the election that he had “made f***ing sure’ that ‘Trump’s not gonna win.”. • There appears to be growing evidence of foreign interference including reports of foreign printing and distribution of U.S. election ballots, voter registration information from Nevada being sent to Pakistan, and extensive influence operations conducted by Communist China via its penetration of Silicon Valley and Wall Street. EveryLegalVote.com - A Citizens Coalition page 1 • Unaccountable individuals with foreign ties reportedly also intervened. For example, has a long history of funding projects aimed at undermining vote integrity in the United States and elsewhere around the world and his Open Society Foundation and philanthropy seems to have been active in this year’s election. Taken together, such evidence refutes official statements to the effect that this election wasthe most secure in American history and that any fraud seen to date has not been on a scale that could have resulted in a different outcome in the election. The same applies to media accounts that insist there has been no substantive fraud identified and that the election has been secure from foreign interference. To help clarify the facts and correct widespread disinformation in addition to compiling citizens’ reports of fraud, Every Legal Vote sponsored a televised “Election Fraud Truth Summit” on December 8, 2020. It featured powerful interviews with an array of election integrity experts, attorneys, an internationally renowned statistician and forensic fraud-detectors. The summit’s unmistakable conclusion is that our sacred right to vote in free and fair elections was successfully attacked in the 2020 election. Victims of fraud have subsequently been denied due process and in some cases put at risk. Perpetrators of such fraud seem to be disappearing, “lawyering up” and/or destroying evidence. Media and social media companies are censoring the truth. And all the while, the urgently needed investigations and, where appropriate prosecutions, seem not to be going anywhere. While the Every Legal Vote Coalition strongly commends the state attorneys general who have joined forces to challenge the unconstitutional actions taken in the course of this election by some states, we should not have to depend on the Supreme Court to rectify these wrongs. More must be done now – at the Federal and State levels – to investigate the and other misconduct that accompanied those actions – and thereby prevent any repetition of these mortal threats to our representative form of government. General Barr, your department and its counterparts in the states possess the formal authorities and tools needed to root out such criminal activity and foreign interference. You have the power to arrest and prosecute those who perpetrate it. In particular, General, you have been empowered with specific authorities under the Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election dated September 12, 2018. We, therefore, urge you and every one of those copied on this open letter in the strongest possible terms: DO YOUR JOB. Our coalition stands ready to support you in assuring that every legal vote is counted in the presidential election of 2020 and down ballot and that those not legally cast are not counted. We will work with your respective offices and investigators to ensure that your vital work is informed by ours and, most especially, that the testimony of Americans who have asked us to ensure that their voices are heard is included and that equal justice under law prevails. Respectfully,

Every Legal Vote Coalition CC:

Jeffrey A. Rosen, Deputy Attorney General John C. Demers, Assistant Attorney General for National Security Jeffrey R. Ragsdale, Director and Chief Counsel, Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) Daniel Kahn, Acting Chief, Fraud Section EveryLegalVote.com - A Citizens Coalition page 2 Joseph Beemsterboer, Acting Principal Deputy Chief, Fraud Section Albert Stieglitz, Acting Senior Deputy Chief, Fraud Section Christopher Cestaro, Chief, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) Unit Eric S. Dreiband, Assistant Attorney General, Civil Rights Division

Michael Bailey, U.S. Attorney, District of Arizona Byung J. Pak, U.S. Attorney, Northern District of Georgia Bobby L. Christine, U.S. Attorney, Southern District of Georgia Matthew Schneider, U.S. Attorney, Eastern District of Michigan Andrew B. Birge, U.S. Attorney, Western District of Michigan Nicholas A. Trutanich, U.S. Attorney, District of Nevada William M. McSwain, U.S. Attorney, Eastern District of Pennsylvania Scott W. Brady, U.S. Attorney, Western District of Pennsylvania Matthew D. Krueger, U.S. Attorney, Eastern District of Wisconsin Scott C. Blader, U.S. Attorney, Western District of Wisconsin

Christopher Wray, Director, FBI David Bowdich, Deputy Director, FBI Paul Abbate, Associate Deputy Director, FBI Paul B. Murphy, Chief of Staff, FBI Catherine Bruno, Office of Integrity and Compliance, FBI Stuart Platt, Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR), FBI John Brown, Executive Assistant Director, National Security Branch, FBI Alan E. Kohler, Jr., Assistant Director, Counterintelligence Division, FBI Stephen Laycock, Executive Assistant Director, Intelligence Branch, FBI Ryan T. Young, Directorate of Intelligence, FBI Terry Wade, Executive Assistant Director, Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch, FBI Charles Spencer, International Operations Division, FBI Calvin Shivers, Assistant Director, Criminal Investigative Division, FBI Matt Gorham, Cyber Division, FBI Darrin E. Jones, Executive Assistant Director, Science and Technology Branch, FBI Michael D. DeLeon, Criminal Justice Information Services Division, FBI Brian C. Turner, Operational Technology Division, FBI Michael Gavin, Executive Assistant Director, IT Branch, FBI Nathan Taylor, IT Applications and Data Division, FBI Dean Phillips, IT Infrastructure Division, FBI George P. Beach, II, Office of Partner Engagement, FBI Michael Sullivan, Office of Private Sector, FBI John Selleck, Critical Incident Response Group, FBI Regina Thompson, Victim Services Division, FBI

Brandon Wales, Director, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), Steven Harris, Deputy Director, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Bob Kolasky, Assistant Director, National Risk Management Center (NRMC), CISA Emily Early, Chief of Staff, CISA

EveryLegalVote.com - A Citizens Coalition page 3 Matt Hartman, Assistant Director for Cybersecurity, CISA Scott Breor, Assistant Director for Infrastructure Security, CISA Countering Foreign Influence Task Force, CISA

General Paul M. Nakasone, Director, National Security Agency; Chief, Central Security Service George C. Barnes, Deputy Director, National Security Agency Brigadier General Douglas S. Coppinger, Deputy Chief, Central Security Service Wendy Noble, Executive Director, National Security Agency Earnest Green, Chief of Staff, National Security Agency Command Sergeant Major Sheryl D. Lyon, National Security Agency/Central Security Service Robert P. Storch, Inspector General, National Security Agency/Central Security Service

John Ratcliffe, Director of National Intelligence Neil Wiley, Principal Executive, ODNI Lora Shiao, Chief Operating Officer, ODNI Ben Huebner, Chief, Civil Liberties, Privacy & Transparency, ODNI Matthew Kozma, Chief Information Officer, ODNI William R. Evanina, Director, The National Counterintelligence and Security Center (NCSC)

US Postal Service Inspector General (OIG) Contract Fraud Investigations Division, USPS Cyber Crimes Unit, OIG, USPS Special Inquiries Division, OIG, USPS

CC: Attorneys General of the 50 United States

Enclosed: (click on the Enclosure to be taken to that section)

Enclosure 1 - Sample of Fraud Stories Submitted to EveryLegalVote.com from AZ & MI Enclosure 2 - Check Your Vote Summary, including evidence of tens of thousands of deceased voters Enclosure 3 - Five States and The Election Irregularities and Issues - December 8, 2020 Enclosure 4 - Epoch Times Infographic: What Happened in Atlanta on Election Night Enclosure 5 - Ruby Freeman Bias & Alleged Criminal Activity Enclosure 6 - “Statistics IS Evidence” by Jay Valentine & National Academy of Sciences Enclosure 7 - Plain language description of Dominion Election Fraud: “Not Rounding Errors” Enclosure 8 - Open-Source Intel: Sample collection of articles on crime, fraud, and foreign influence Enclosure 9 - Foreign Influence Example - Transcript of Remarks by Di Dongsheng of China Enclosure 10 - Non-State Actor Influence Example - Open Society Foundation (George Soros) Enclosure 11 - E.O. on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a US Election, September 12, 2018 Enclosure 12 - Joint Statement of ODNI, DOJ, FBI and DHS: Combating Foreign Influence in U.S. Elections, October 19, 2018 Enclosure 13 - NEW 12-13-2020 Antrim Michigan Forensics Report REVISED PRELIMINARY SUMMARY, v2

EveryLegalVote.com - A Citizens Coalition page 4 ENCLOSURE 1

Sample of Fraud Stories Submitted to EveryLegalVote.com from AZ & MI

EveryLegalVote.com - A Citizens Coalition page 5 ENCLOSURE 1

Sample of Fraud Stories Submitted to EveryLegalVote.com from AZ & MI

EveryLegalVote.com - A Citizens Coalition page 6 ENCLOSURE 1

Sample of Fraud Stories Submitted to EveryLegalVote.com from AZ & MI

EveryLegalVote.com - A Citizens Coalition page 7 ENCLOSURE 1

Sample of Fraud Stories Submitted to EveryLegalVote.com from AZ & MI

EveryLegalVote.com - A Citizens Coalition page 8 ENCLOSURE 1

Sample of Fraud Stories Submitted to EveryLegalVote.com from AZ & MI

EveryLegalVote.com - A Citizens Coalition page 9 ENCLOSURE 1

Sample of Fraud Stories Submitted to EveryLegalVote.com from AZ & MI

Sample of Fraud Stories Submitted to EveryLegalVote.com from AZ & MI

EveryLegalVote.com - A Citizens Coalition page 10 ENCLOSURE 1

Sample of Fraud Stories Submitted to EveryLegalVote.com from AZ & MI

EveryLegalVote.com - A Citizens Coalition page 11 ENCLOSURE 1

Sample of Fraud Stories Submitted to EveryLegalVote.com from AZ & MI

EveryLegalVote.com - A Citizens Coalition page 12 ENCLOSURE 1

Sample of Fraud Stories Submitted to EveryLegalVote.com from AZ & MI

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Check Your Vote Summary, including proof of tens of thousands of deceased voters Another group of citizen-researchers has created a resource that will assist law enforcement with investigating voter fraud: https://checkyourvote.org/

The website provides findings in Michigan such as: • 17,327 randomly checked Michigan voters that were registered for voting and were above the age of 80. Every name on this list has voted in the 2020 election and has also been found in one or more obituaries online. (Visit the link to check for yourself) • 19,121 General Election Absentee Ballots with impossible issue, return, send and receive dates

The website’s findings in Pennsylvania were even more alarming: • 40,000 randomly checked voters above the age of 80 in Pennsylvania, that were registered for voting and have also been found in one or more obituaries online. Every name on this list has voted in the 2020 presidential election. (Visit the link to check for yourself) • A Republican absentee ballot was 72% more likely to go missing than a Democrat absentee ballot. • 27,663 absentee ballots that have been mailed to P.O. Boxes and then subsequently have been filled out and returned. 102 voters on this list were not registered for voting, yet casted a ballot. • 29,112 General Election Absentee Ballots had impossible issue, return, send and receive dates. • 1111 unique voters over 112 years old.

All personal information on this list is publicly available and has been obtained legally by concerned citizens. It is now available for law enforcement professionals to DO THEIR JOBS to investigate. We attach just a few pages of the Michigan data below so you can click on the hyperlinks and see the obituaries and the proof that votes were cast for these deceased persons. This is a MASSIVE amount of criminal fraud that MUST be investigated.

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Five States and The Election Irregularities and Issues - December 8, 2020

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Five States and The Election Irregularities and Issues - December 8, 2020

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Five States and The Election Irregularities and Issues - December 8, 2020

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Five States and The Election Irregularities and Issues - December 8, 2020

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Five States and The Election Irregularities and Issues - December 8, 2020

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Five States and The Election Irregularities and Issues - December 8, 2020

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Five States and The Election Irregularities and Issues - December 8, 2020

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Five States and The Election Irregularities and Issues - December 8, 2020

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Five States and The Election Irregularities and Issues - December 8, 2020

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Five States and The Election Irregularities and Issues - December 8, 2020

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Five States and The Election Irregularities and Issues - December 8, 2020

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Five States and The Election Irregularities and Issues - December 8, 2020

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Epoch Times Infographic: What Happened in Atlanta on Election Night

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Epoch Times Infographic: What Happened in Atlanta on Election Night

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Epoch Times Infographic: What Happened in Atlanta on Election Night

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Epoch Times Infographic: What Happened in Atlanta on Election Night

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Epoch Times Infographic: What Happened in Atlanta on Election Night

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Epoch Times Infographic: What Happened in Atlanta on Election Night

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Epoch Times Infographic: What Happened in Atlanta on Election Night

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Ruby Freeman Bias & Alleged Criminal Activity

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“Statistics IS Evidence” by Jay Valentine & National Academy of Sciences

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“Statistics IS Evidence” by Jay Valentine & National Academy of Sciences

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“Statistics IS Evidence” by Jay Valentine & National Academy of Sciences

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“Statistics IS Evidence” by Jay Valentine & National Academy of Sciences

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“Statistics IS Evidence” by Jay Valentine & National Academy of Sciences

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“Statistics IS Evidence” by Jay Valentine & National Academy of Sciences

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“Statistics IS Evidence” by Jay Valentine & National Academy of Sciences

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“Statistics IS Evidence” by Jay Valentine & National Academy of Sciences

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“Statistics IS Evidence” by Jay Valentine & National Academy of Sciences

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Plain language description of Dominion Election Fraud: “Not Rounding Errors”

NOT ROUNDING ERRORS: Reviewing Dominion for Legislators EveryLegalVote.com

A $100 wager: most Americans believe in common sense vote counting. We all imagine each candidate has a bucket, every vote is like a pebble being tossed into that bucket, and each vote represents a single citizen’s choice. The first democracy literally used urns and pebbles. After voting day, two Greek urns were emptied onto counting boards for tabulation and the winner was declared, in public, without dispute. Two plus two equals four; unless the data goes through a piece of software IP paid for by the social communist Hugo Chavez.

It will surprise many Americans and legislators to know that this transparent and normal expectation is not how our voting system currently works. Imagine if you mixed blue and red paint, and then tried to keep track of how many gallons of red paint are in the bucket by the color of the mixed paint. No competent data engineer would design the system this way as their first choice for vote counts.

In most cases all votes are mixed up in the same electronic bucket. Then complex algorithms assign ‘weights’ to each candidate, and spit back out an estimated amount of votes won per candidate. These are the fractions. If a grocery store followed this model to figure out what you owe, they’d be charged for unfair business practices in Michigan - there would always be extra money in their till.

The media claims that apparently missing votes in the tabulation are just ‘rounding errors’. Dominion software manuals teach state employees how to set low rounding settings. In fractional voting, although rounding to .000 looks impressive, for every million voters in a statewide race rounding will lose or hide 1,000 votes. At only two decimal places, 10,000 votes vanish. The only useful purpose of low precision with millions of ballots is to conceal disenfranchisement by calling it ‘rounding errors’.

Rounding errors cannot occur in an honest two bucket system. Even monkeys can count pebbles. Every American instinctively knows this complex algorithm driven system is wrong.

The safest way to steal fractional votes is to use counties that are already heavily going for the outsider. The best time to steal is during a large release of ballots. This means that the opponent will still win the county, and the win will discourage any auditing of the ballots within the county. But the important fractionally stolen votes are effectively moved to where they are needed to flip the race to the establishment preference.

Defenders of Dominion and the other election software companies have already begun claiming there was no fraud because Trump won many of the Dominion counties. That is a misdirection. Much of the theft happened within these precincts. Fractional voting made sure the theft that was built into the software stayed hidden.

Dominion’s system was first used to help Hugo Chavez steal his referendum in 2004. The vote counting software IP comes from Smartmatic. The HuffPost has pointed out that “the IP for the vast-majority/near entirety of Sequoia’s voting systems was actually secretly owned by the Hugo Chavez-tied, Venezuelan-based firm”. Today Dominion is Sequoia is Smartmatic IP under the hood. HuffPost again: “Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez is still tied to a huge percentage of U.S. Elections, as now overseen by a Canadian firm.”And the CCP are also involved through some ownership in Smartmatic.

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Plain language description of Dominion Election Fraud: “Not Rounding Errors”

Scytl is the data security center for Dominion, where vote tabulation occurs, overseas in China, Serbia, Germany, and Spain. Everylegalvote.com has the Scytl GitHub showing election database schematics. The design diagram explains the flow of the votes, including a procedure for ‘decorating’ the vote, which means to smooth the final percentages to make them look more normal to the naked eye.

These facts all indicate the opportunity for vote stealing. But the media is shouting for evidence and proof. In the Philadelphia dataset fractions actually move between precincts. The fraction logic set a specific number of votes that Trump was allowed to get, out of a total number of votes. Dominion then set a minimum on Biden. The remainder of votes were then split to the third party candidate, or also went to Biden. The Libertarian did not get 3% of actual cast votes.

On the day of November 4, looking at the precinct level tabulations, there were about 90,000 entries made that day to the database by the precinct machines. For literally half of the tallies, Trump receives between zero and ten percent of the votes assigned by the software. This makes no sense, even in a heavily Democrat city like Philly. Trump’s voters were robbed.

Fractional fraud is found in the precinct entries. On November 4, four precincts (06-13, 50-18, 51-26, 59-23) report a vote fraction of exactly 1/48, meaning Trump received just 1 vote for every 48 votes posted. Then the fraction is moved by the software to two new precincts, 17-16 and 28-16 within about five minutes during what appears to be a scheduled ‘update’ that occurred across all precincts. Moving the fractions around like this makes it very hard to track, notice, and identify the vote switching and rounding errors. But it does not happen by accident. These precise ratios cannot all happen in a random count.

Computers prefer to use prime numbers when calculating fractions. Many of the vote switching ratios in the Philadelphia data are prime number based. One fraction 4/65 (which is the prime number 13 multiplied by 5) is unusual to find in a truly random count. Philadelphia precinct 20-06 originally reports vote totals split by this fraction at 07:08:18 on November 4. Then between 09:06:53 and 09:39:44 the fraction is moved from precinct 20-06 to four new ones: 36-08, 40-42, 43-09, and 61-11. This means that each of these new precincts got an adjustment to match the same fraction in their published ballot counts.

If you swipe pebbles from a Grecian urn, it is easily found out. If you shrink the value of a Michigann Republican’s vote so that his vote is only 4/65 of his Democrat neighbor’s vote, he cannot discover this. His vote was still ‘counted’ by the state and shows up in the tally. But it is only worth 4/65 of his neighbor. This is a violation of the sacred right to an equal vote, equal value in the count.

There can only be one conclusion from these proofs and evidences. From the beginning, the intent of electronic voting was to change an ancient honest system of two buckets into an inherently dishonest single bucket of slop. Considering the poisoned well that Smartmatic originated from in Venezuela, this is not a major leap. But until now the focus in the press and social media has been on individual instances or evidences of fraud. Americans reject the fundamental dishonesty and unfairness in the one bucket system.

How do we fix this since almost every state used these designed-to-fraud systems? One way would befor the Michigan legislature to call an emergency session, use their police powers to impound every voting machine, thumb drive, hard drive, official phone and anything else used in the election, and work with fraud investigators to discover what happened with every vote during the tabulation. Discover how the vote count was stopped, in coordination with the other swing states, right at the point where Trump was leading.

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Plain language description of Dominion Election Fraud: “Not Rounding Errors”

Who took the phone calls? Who made the directive state-wide to stop counting? Was Dr. Eric Coomer, the Dominion VP for Security and patent holder of their ballot security technology, directing things behind the scenes? These questions must be answered as well as the forensic investigation of the machines.

In addition, require every precinct and county to submit all audit trails, documents, total blank ballot counts and number of ballots used. Finally, process the cast ballots in every county in Michigan while going by hand to filter out the other kinds of fraud (fake ballots, invalid signatures, dead voters). Sort the ballots into two stacks, one for Biden and one for Trump. Count the pieces of paper using a basic paper counter, such as the Bantam-INT that can count up to 2,000 pages per minute. The vote counting machines must not be used for this process – they CANNOT be trusted to count fairly.

These steps will remove all fraud possibilities and solidify all true citizens behind the real winner of the 2020 election, whether it was Biden or Trump. Americans always accept a win gained fair and square.

Further Reading: http://blogs.getty.edu/iris/voting-with-the-ancient-greeks/ https://phys.org/news/2011-03-monkeys-basic-skills-thought.html https://www.huffpost.com/entry/exclusive-on-heels-of-die_b_620084 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIlI46HdqKg&feature=emb_logo https://gnews.org/580072/ https://gnews.org/577635/

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Open-Source Intel: Sample collection of articles on crime, fraud, and foreign influence Election Fraud Video Alleged to Show Ga. Ballots Counted After Poll Watchers Were Ousted https://www.newsmax.com/ newsmax-tv/georgia-poll-watchers-jacki-pick/2020/12/03/id/999979/ Key Battleground States Show Massive Election Fraud, Voting Irregularities Totally Erase Biden’s Lead https://www.oann.com/key-battleground-states-show-massive-election-fraud-voting-irregularities-total- ly-erase-bidens-lead/ Timing of Large Georgia Ballot Dump for Biden Appears to Coincide with Timing of Mother-Daughter Duo’s Election Fraud Scam https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/12/timing-large-georgia-ballot-dump-biden-appears-coincide-tim- ing-mother-daughter-duos-election-fraud-scam/ President Trump’s Legal Team Presents Evidence Of Voter Fraud In Ga., Gov. Calls For Signa- ture Audit https://www.oann.com/president-trumps-legal-team-presents-evidence-of-voter-fraud-in-ga-gov-brian-kemp- calls-for-signature-audit/ USPS Whistleblower in Michigan Claims Higher-Ups Were Engaging in Voter Fraud https://townhall.com/tipsheet/bethbaumann/2020/11/04/usps-whistleblower-in-michigan-claims-higher-ups- were-engaging-in-voter-fraud-n2579501 Why Did Six Battleground States with Democrat Governors (Except One) ALL Pause Counting on Election Night? And How Was This Coordinated? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/six-battleground-states-democrat-governors-pause-count- ing-election-night-coordinated/?utm_source=Twitter&utm_campaign=websitesharingbuttons Election Fraud Witnesses Provide Testimony In Mich. https://www.oann.com/election-fraud-witnesses-provide-testimony-in-mich/ Trump Attorney: Evidence of ‘Real Voter Fraud’ in Nevada https://www.newsmax.com/politics/jesse-binnall-voter-fraud-nevada-ballots/2020/12/02/id/999656/ Evidence Of Voting Fraud Continues To Grow https://www.oann.com/evidence-of-voting-fraud-continues-to-grows/ Supreme Court Pushes Up Deadline in Pennsylvania Mail-In Ballot Dispute https://www.newsmax.com/t/newsmax/article/1000280/16 Philly GOP Claims Voter Fraud At Poll Sites Across City https://dailycaller.com/2016/11/08/philadelphia-gop-dems-banning-republican-poll-watchers-from-poll-sites- across-city/ Whistleblowers Testify To Fraud In Battleground States https://www.oann.com/whistleblowers-testify-to-fraud-in-battleground-states/ Trump Campaign Continues To Fight As More Evidence Of Voter Fraud Emerges https://www.oann.com/ trump-campaign-continues-to-fight-as-more-evidence-of-voter-fraud-emerges/ Wisconsin Lawmakers Seeking to Figure Out Whether Nov. 3 Election Was Fair and Accurate Epoch Times.com Wisconsin Lawmakers Seeking to Figure Out Whether Nov. 3 Election Was Fair and Accu- rate Vote Irregularities in Pennsylvania and Georgia: Data Expert The Epoch Times.com Vote Irregularities in Pennsylvania and Georgia: Data Expert

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Open-Source Intel: Sample collection of articles on crime, fraud, and foreign influence

Michigan GOP Poll Challenger: ‘They Didn’t Disqualify a Single Ballot’ The Epoch Times.com: Michigan GOP Poll Challenger: ‘They Didn’t Disqualify a Single Ballot’ Witnesses Testify at Michigan House Hearing The Epoch Times.com Witnesses Testify at Michigan House Hearing Facts Matter (Dec. 2): 280,000 Ballots Go Missing in PA The Epoch Times.com Facts Matter (Dec. 2): 280,000 Ballots Go Missing in Pennsylvania (theepochtimes. com) Witness on Verge of Tears Testifying About Intimidation, Harassment at Detroit Vote Processing Center https://www.theepochtimes.com/witness-on-verge-of-tears-testifying-about-intimidation-harassment-at-de- troit-vote-processing-centre_3603243.html Infographic: What Happened in Atlanta on Election Night https://www.theepochtimes.com/what-happened-in-atlanta-on-election-night-2_3607130.html Coffee County Letter Says It Couldn’t Certify Georgia Recount Over ‘Inability’ to Duplicate Results https://www.theepochtimes.com/letter-from-georgias-coffee-county-says-it-cant-certify-statewide-re- count_3611367.html Voting Machine USB Drives Had Totals Altered Overnight, Witness in Nevada Election Contest Alleges https://www.theepochtimes.com/voting-machine-usb-drives-had-totals-altered-overnight-witness-in-nevada- election-contest-alleges_3604396.html 3 Percent of Nevada Mail Ballots in Question After Survey Finds Defrauded Voters https://www.theepochtimes.com/3-percent-of-nevada-mail-ballots-in-question-after-survey-finds-defrauded- voters_3602843.html Data Scientist: ‘Weird’ Spike in Incomplete Nevada Voter Registrations, Use of ‘Casinos’ as Home Addresses https://www.theepochtimes.com/data-scientist-weird-spike-in-incomplete-nevada-voter-registrations-some-us- ing-casinos-as-home-address_3595924.html Arizona GOP Says Ballots Were ‘Altered and Removed’ from Trump’s Total https://www.theepochtimes.com/arizona-gop-says-ballots-were-altered-and-removed-from-trumps-to- tal_3603162.html Election Supervisor Demonstrates Vote Changing on Dominion Software https://www.theepochtimes.com/election-supervisor-demonstrates-vote-changing-on-dominion-soft- ware_3614714.html

Criminal Activity USPS Whistleblower in Michigan Claims Higher-Ups Were Engaging in Voter Fraud https://townhall.com/tipsheet/bethbaumann/2020/11/04/usps-whistleblower-in-michigan-claims-higher-ups- were-engaging-in-voter-fraud-n2579501 USPS Whistleblower Jesse Morgan Says He Was Interrogated https://theepochtimes.com/usps-whistleblower-jesse... MI Atty General Intimidates Witness of Fraud Training Given to Poll Workers https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/huge-exclusive-michigan-ag-dana-nessel-sends-cease-desist-or- der-journalist-demanding-erase-detroitleaks-video-showing-voter-fraud-training-face-criminal-prosecution/

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Open-Source Intel: Sample collection of articles on crime, fraud, and foreign influence

As Many as 6,000 Illegal Votes Identified in Nevada – Thousands of People Referred to DOJ For Potential Criminal Violation of Election Laws https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/many-6000-illegal-votes-identified-nevada-thousands-people-re- ferred-doj-potential-criminal-violation-election-laws/ INTERVIEW WITH KEVIN FREEMAN ON EVERYLEGALVOTE.COM AND MASSIVE BIDEN ONLY VOTES American Family Radio - Interview with Kevin Freeman on Everylegalvote.com and Massive Biden Only Votes (afr.net) One person’s vote equal to half a vote and another person’s vote is equal to two votes! Economic War Room: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFKigfQ-jv0#_blank Col. John Mills former Cyber Security Expert for Pentagon confirms upcoming GA race will be stolen if no urgent changes Real America’s Voice: Securing America: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtr0Hhz2wvI#_blank

Liquid Lunch on Every Legal Vote https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPTD64bzs34#_blank Secure Freedom Radio Frank Gaffney interviews Kevin Freeman on Every Legal Vote https://www.centerfor- securitypolicy.org/2020/11/24/diana-west-the-future-of-american-democracy/#_blank Kevin Freeman, Every Legal Vote – Identifying Election Fraud and Calling it Out America Can We Talk with Debbie Georgatos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSom2SP8FBQ#_blank Keet Lewis with EveryLegalVote.com on Lou Dobbs https://libertycgc.com/keet-lewis-with-everylegalvote-com-on-lou-dobbs/#_blank Never, never, never Surrender! - National Pulse Raheem Kassam interview with Kevin Freeman from Every Legal Vote Real America’s Voice: National Pulse: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBRNDWcuw9g#_blank Steve Scalise, John Eastman, Kevin Freeman, Scott Rasmussen Washington Watch: https://www.tonyperkins.com/get.cfm?i=LR20K09#_blank NTD Business Full Broadcast on Every Legal Vote NTD TV Epoch Times https://www.ntd.com/ntd-business-full-broadcast-nov-13_527707.html#_blank Raheem Kassam talks about everylegalvote.com https://americasvoice.news/video/lkCzLr981u0HBMs/#_blank Texas AG Hopes Supreme Court Will Take Up Election Case, Hear Arguments https://www.theepochtimes.com/texas-ag-hopes-supreme-court-will-take-up-election-case-and-hear-argu- ments_3611060.html Wisconsin USPS Subcontractor Alleges Backdating of Tens of Thousands of Mail-In Ballots https://www.theepochtimes.com/wisconsin-usps-subcontractor-alleges-backdating-of-tens-of-thousands-of- mail-in-ballots_3601580.html Michigan GOP: Secretary of State Trying to Delete Election Data Amid Audit Calls https://www.theepochtimes.com/michigan-gop-secretary-of-state-trying-to-delete-election-data-amid-audit- calls_3605155.html Every Allegation in Trump Georgia Election Contest Supported by Testimony: Attorney https://www.theepochtimes.com/every-allegation-in-trump-georgia-election-contest-supported-by-testimo- ny-attorney_3610757.html

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Open-Source Intel: Sample collection of articles on crime, fraud, and foreign influence

Witnesses at Michigan Hearing Testify on GOP Worker Harassment https://www.theepochtimes.com/witnesses-at-michigan-hearing-testify-on-gop-worker-harassment_3601730. html

Foreign Influence & Interference From August, 2020 – China’s anti-Trump election meddling raises new alarm https://www.foxnews.com/politics/china-election-interference-threat Intelligence officials say they are increasingly concerned about interference in the U.S. election by China, adding to existing concerns about meddling by Russia that have been around since 2016 Georgia, Mired in Election Disputes, Fosters Cozy Ties with China The Epoch Times: Georgia, Mired in Election Disputes, Fosters Cozy Ties With China Lawsuit Claiming Iranian, Chinese Operatives Potentially Targeted Dominion Voting Systems https://www.oann.com/sidney-powell-files-lawsuit-claiming-iranian-chinese-operatives-potentially-target- ed-dominion-voting-systems/ Sidney Powell to Newsmax TV: Dominion Designed to ‘Rig Elections’ https://www.newsmax.com/newsmax-tv/sidney-powell-dominion-voting-systems/2020/11/17/id/997526/ Sidney Powell: Backdoor Access From Foreign Countries Into 2020 Election Machines https://populist.press/sidney-powell-backdoor-access-from-foreign-countries-into-2020-election-machines/ Voter Rights Group Notifies DOJ of Pakistani Link With Nevada Election Email System EpochTimes.com: Voter Rights Group Notifies DOJ of Pakistani Link With Nevada Election Email System

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Foreign Influence Example - Transcript of Remarks by Di Dongsheng of China

In this transcript of the now-infamous speech by the Chinese Communist Party’s political operative Di Dongsheng, who highlighted on November 28 the fact that China helped Biden’s son build his global companies. Dongsheng, associate dean, School of International Relations at Renmin University of China on Nov 28, 2020 in Shanghai was featured on the television program “The Answers.” The topic for a panel discussion was “Will China’s Opening Up in the Financial Sector Attract Wall Street Wolves?”

TRANSLARTED TRANSCRIPT BELOW “Trump waged a trade war with us. Why couldn’t we handle him? Why is it that between 1992 and 2016 we always resolved issues with US? Did you guys know? All the crisis, the Yinhe incident, bombing of the embassy or the mid-air collision, everything was taken care of swiftly, in no more than two months. Why? Now, I’m going to drop a bomb - because we had people up there [laughter] inside America’s core circle of power, we had our old friends. Due to time constraint, I won’t expand on that, but let me very quickly tell you a short story. Director General Zhang Zhixiang spoke well with some amazing stories. So here is my story. Well,… it was… because we are on live streaming, millions of people are watching, I have to be careful how many details I go into, I can’t turn them in. (a literal and more direct translation: I can’t sell out these people )[laughter] Let me just put it this way: It was in 2015, before the second last visit to the U.S. by Secretary General Xi [Jinping[. As we all know, everybody in the system must warm things up for his visit. The way one organization in the Party did the warm-up was to boost some publicity, i.e. to promote Xi’s new book Xi Jinping: The Governance of China. We will launch its first English edition in U.S. by having a press conference before his arrival, to build him some momentum. Who will do this job? Just like today, they said, “Hey, Di Dongsheng, you are very good at fooling the foreigners” because they had seen how I conned them, which they thought was very effective. So, I would be the host and part of the panel. It was just like what we are doing today, I being the host and a speaker. The senior officials picked the venue and told us to go to Politics and Prose Bookstore at 3:30 pm next Thursday. It’s on Connecticut Ave, in Washington DC, 2650 Connecticut Ave, I think. We’d launch the new book there. So we went there to make the booking. Things are run very differently in China and in U.S. It was very difficult to book the place with such a short notice. The owner said arrogantly “Sorry, can’t do it.” So I asked him, “Which author booked the place for that timeframe?” What did I mean by asking him that? Well, there is nothing U.S. dollars can’t buy. If one bundle of cash couldn’t, I’d l throw in another. [laughter]. That’s how I work. [laughter and applause]. Still, the owner said arrogantly “Sorry but I won’t tell you which author booked the place for that timeframe. We have our principles.” He was very arrogant, very pretentious. Later I learned that this fella was a Democrat. Although a Democrat, he used to be a journalist in Asia. So he had some opinions on our Party, which is why he deliberately refused to play along. I thought it was over. We have to find another venue or time. So we reported this problem to the senior leaders. and let them solve the problem. I was just helping out anyway. However, on Thursday morning, one of the deputy directors of that [Party] department who was the keynote speaker of that day called me by phone and told me that everything would go as planned, in the exact venue at the exact time. I went there right after lunch to find the senior leader had already got there before I did.

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Foreign Influence Example - Transcript of Remarks by Di Dongsheng of China

And the reason why we could go as planned was because a hero had helped us out. He introduced me to an old lady with a big nose, obviously a Jew simply by that look. She gave me a business card and told me her name. She said “nice to meet you” although in Mandarin with a very authentic Beijing accent. I was shocked. “You speak better Mandarin than me. I’ll never lose my provincial Jiangsu accent. But you are spot on.” She was quite content with my compliments. “I not only speak Mandarin, but also have Chinese citizenship.” As you all know, you guys can’t have foreign citizenship. There is no dual citizenship in China. But it’s very unlikely for old ladies like her to give up US & Israel citizenships for Chinese citizenship. Don’t you think? I suddenly realized she is one of the Chinese people’s old friends. What she said next impressed me even more. “I have not only Chinese citizenship, but also Beijing hukou [official household registration]. I have a courtyard house in a prime location, in the Eastern District along the Chang-An Avenue [near Tiananmen Square]. Drop by for tea when you are back in Beijing. Any problem in here during your stay in the U.S. just let me know.” Which basically means “I’ve got you covered.” Then I saw the arrogant shop owner was with an annoyed face, directing the staff to arrange tables and chairs, reluctantly following someone’s order. I asked her how she managed to force him to comply. We tried everything with him. He’s too arrogant. The old lady cunningly grinned, “I reasoned with him.” Do you know where that phrase came from? It’s a famous line from the mafia movie the Godfather, in which they cut the horse head off and stick it in someone’s bed. Of course she is not mafia. So, who is she? Why had she been living in China for 30 years? And why such an authentic Beijing accent? Remember the big Wall Street institution I mentioned earlier? The top Wall Street financial institution. Well, she’s the president of its Asian operations. I can’t say more without making political trouble. if you do. [laughter and applause] OK. In plain and simple language, during the last three to four decades, we used the core circle inside America’s real power. As I said the Wall Street had a very profound influence over America’s domestic and foreign affairs since the 1970s. We used to heavily rely on them. Problem is the role of Wall Street has been declining since 2008. But most importantly, after 2016 the Wall Street couldn’t control Trump, because, awkwardly, there was a soft breach of contract between them, which made them hostile to each other. . I won’t go into details because we might run out of time. During the U.S.-China trade war, they tried to help. My friends in U.S. told me that they tried to help, but they couldn’t. Now with Biden winning the election, the traditional elites, political elites, the establishment, they have a very close relationship with the Wall Street. You all heard that Trump said Biden’s son has securities companies all over the world. But who helped Biden’s son build his global companies? You understand?--There are indeed buy-and-sell transactions involved in here [audience applause]. So I think at this particular time [after Biden won the election], it is of strategic and tactical value for us to show goodwill [to Biden]--of course, this is just from my limited perspective as a political economist.

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Non-State Actor Influence Example - Open Society Foundation (George Soros)

George Soros’s role in Election Influence To be investigated: evidence suggests that George Soros has a long history of funding projects to undermine voter integrity in the U.S. and around the world, thus elevating his “open society” policies and candidates. Millions of dollars in grants can be found in Open Society Foundation IRS 990s and internal OSF memos made public and still on Scribd.com (OSF is Soros.org). Millions of Americans wonder, why is one man, with his family and global network, allowed so much influence and harm to America, and to other nations? Is the Soros network above the law and thus not investigated for breaking laws, perhaps including interstate commerce to incite riots such as his funding of non-profits like Alliance for Justice (AfJ) related to Antifa, RICO laws, Patriot Act laws, untruthful media and “fact-checkers,” foreign election collusion and more? Why is the Soros network allowed to continue its harm to people and U.S. Constitutional law? Where are the leaders in our government who will stand up for truth and justice -- for America? Our team can assist with further research, if requested. Below, please find a short list of Soros influence projects to begin a proper investigation – 1) Soros’s ties to voting technology including Smartmatic & Dominion

2) Soros’s Open Society Foundation (OSF) decades of projects to reduce voter integrity

3) Soros’s Opposition to Republican U.S. Presidents

4) Soros’s funding of corrupt Secretaries of State, District Attorneys, Governors, members of Congress and other government officials.

5) Soros’s influence in elections around the world, see OSF documents on Scribd etc.

6) Soros’s ties to “Color Revolutions” against political opponents, around the world.

7) Soros’s financial support of elections, policies and candidates advancing crime and criminality by weakening laws, police and U.S. national security; support of the “rights” of terrorists, propaganda and the “sex work” industry in America and globally.

1) Soros ties to technology, including Smartmatic & Dominion and Social Media: A. Smartmatic/Dominion - George Soros’s longtime relationship with British “Lord,” Mark Malloch Brown, former Chairman of Smartmatic with ties to Dominion Voting Systems, while on the global board of Soros’s Open Society Foundations (OSF) and a leader of OSF’s International Crisis Group (ICG) that targets ‘open society’ political opponents (who are pro-sovereignty) around the world. This month, George and Alex Soros named Mark Malloch Brown the incoming President of Open Society Foundations (OSF). Quite a job for someone closely aligned with election theft concerns. National Pulse wrote that Dominion & Smartmatic are not distinct and “fierce competitors” but have a non-compete agreement indicating previous connectivity. Some of this strategy is media and perception social manipulation. The question is, to what extent is it voting manipulation.

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Non-State Actor Influence Example - Open Society Foundation (George Soros)

B. Dominion & Smartmatic associations - (screenshot below) See an interactive chart of Dominion/Soros connections here: https://graphcommons.com/graphs/d208e5f8-aa2a-429b-b576-63e676d9f3e3?sel=1bb0fe52-9274-468b- 9734-7908d6ff1f6e&auto=true

C. Dominion’s office shared a floor with Tides Foundation, a Soros and Open Society Foundation funding pass-through. Dominion quickly move in 2020, (as they also quickly moved after the 2020 election, in Denver.) A story here: https://www.rebelnews.com/dominion_voting_shares_office_with_ far_left_george_soros_linked_group And: https://nationalfile.com/dominion-voting-systems-shares-floor-space-with-soros-group-partnered- with-soros-friend/ Previous warning from Democrats re: Dominion Voting Systems: https://247sports.com/college/ole-miss/board/103602/Contents/-sorosobama-and-dominion-voting- systems-154816942/ On Tides Foundation including various Soros connections. https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/ tides-foundation/

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Non-State Actor Influence Example - Open Society Foundation (George Soros)

D. Dominion’s connections to VP Biden, Pres. Obama, AG Holder and Serbia: https://nationalfile.com/whistleblowers-biden-implicated-in-dominion-voting-scam-connected-to-serbia/

““The Machines are made by Flex in China for the most part and the programming is done in Serbia and Canada and the International Corporation is Barbados.”

E. Smartmatic executives faced criminal indictment in the Philipines.

F. 2015 video of Mark Malloch Brown, OSF board member and Smartmatic Chairman: Part of Smartmatic ‘technology is licensed From Dominion’: https://thenationalpulse.com/news/soros-linked-smartmatic-chair-on-dominion/?fbclid=IwAR0_gN-Czh ylnJtgND4gTViGtbsH3vClVSylyuqCHNVwIcbbzW9MyQgkDFQ

Link: https://manilastandard.net/mobile/article/238782

Check: Dominion contracted w Smartmatic for the 2010 Philippine election. Smartmatic also means Mark Malloch-Brown, UK. Malloch-Brown vice chair of Open Society, Soros Fund Management, Global Board member of Open Society. Check: Dominion use of Smartmatic IP in their systems through Sequoia software that they basically white-labeled? Smartmatic never gave up the IP control. And the IP was sold or used as collateral in a transaction with Chinese interests in what 2018 or 2019.

G. Facebook: https://capitalresearch.org/article/soros-and-clinton-want- facebook-to-censor-conservatives/

Investigative questions include but are not limited to: a. What person(s) owns Dominion Voting Systems, past and present?

Often the answer is “Staple Street Capital” but is this a shell, protecting whom?

Was it sold to a China-related bank/entity?

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Non-State Actor Influence Example - Open Society Foundation (George Soros)

Is there a Soros’s connection to Dominion?

Begin with The Carlyle Group, Staple Street Capital, Smartmatic and Mark Malloch Brown, William Kennard, John Poulos, Seqoia, ES&S and more.

What of John Poulos, CEO of Dominion. See his (and team’s) patents and authorizations from Colorado and other Secretaries of State for election management and oversight.

Various Poulos, Hoover, Ikonomakis, Obradovic patents at Justia.com

Eric Coomer, Dominion VP and Chief Strategy & Security Director, was a participant in Antifa who showed hatred for President Trump. OAN reports, Eric Coomer traveled to all battleground states in 2019 and 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=746HTjhFifA What is Coomer’s influence in our voting process?

b. Soros connections to Smartmatic including Mark Malloch Brown, Peter Neffinger etc. These questions will beget more questions to be answered.

2) Soros OSF’s decades of projects to reduce voter integrity Samples of projects include: a. Violating rights of citizens by weakening voter ID laws. b. Attempts to lower the age of voting. c. Ballot projects funded by OSF; ballots to match machines in various states d. Attempts to force open borders, caravans and give ID to non-citizens for illegal voting. e. Attempts to give prisoners and felons rights to vote. f. More.

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Non-State Actor Influence Example - Open Society Foundation (George Soros)

Sample: a chart of OSF’s internal 2013 Public Sphere Goals including media, governance, deflectively accusing the Right of “money in politics,” and Voting & Courts.

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Non-State Actor Influence Example - Open Society Foundation (George Soros)

Sample grant: OSF funds the Brennan Center for “better ballot design regulations and templates for each brand and model of voting machines used in the state ...” Note: what began with 5 states mentioned in 2009, has likely expanded to most or all states. (This is before George Soros put $18 Billion more into OSF, in 2018).

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Non-State Actor Influence Example - Open Society Foundation (George Soros)

3) Soros’s Public Opposition to Republican U.S. Presidents A. His 2003 attempt to remove President George W. Bush: https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/ politics/2003/11/11/soross-deep-pockets-vs-bush/c7c8f9a0-d902-4298-ac8e-9132ad499238/?fbclid=Iw AR0uTML0i9p9jMcu3YKdrZedg-9YAvT17RGY2AKHM2lUBBSo8FqB8tWTHH8 Washington Post – Soros’s Deep Pockets vs. Bush

By Laura Blumenfeld, November 11, 2003

“George Soros, one of the world’s richest men, has given away nearly $5 billion to promote democracy in the former Soviet bloc, Africa and Asia. Now he has a new project: defeating President Bush.”It is the central focus of my life,” Soros said, his blue eyes settled on an unseen target. The 2004 presidential race, he said in an interview, is “a matter of life and death.”

Soros, who has financed efforts to promote open societies in more than 50 countries around the world, is bringing the fight home, he said. On Monday, he and a partner committed up to $5 million to MoveOn.org, a liberal activist group, bringing to $15.5 million the total of his personal contributions to oust Bush.

Overnight, Soros, 74, has become the major financial player of the left. He has elicited cries of foul play from the right. And with a tight nod, he pledged: ‘If necessary, I would give more money.’ ‘America, under Bush, is a danger to the world,’ Soros said. Then he smiled: ‘And I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is.’”

B. President Donald J. Trump, “A danger” and “temporary phenomenon”

https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2018/01/27/soros_trump_will_disappear_in_2020_ or_ever_sooner.html?spot_im_comment_id=sp_v0xu5oCZ_700520580_c_KW21yL&spot_ im_highlight_immediate=true&utm_source=SpotIM&utm_medium=Share&utm_content=sp_ v0xu5oCZ_700520580_c_KW21yL

And: https://www.georgesoros.com/2018/01/25/remarks-delivered-at-the-world-economic-forum/

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Non-State Actor Influence Example - Open Society Foundation (George Soros)


4) Soros funding of corrupt Secretaries of State, District Attorneys, Governors, members of Congress, Supreme Court and other elected officials.

Sample of election fraud in Philadelphia: early voting was exploited by numerous individuals to vote multiple times, on multiple days, and cast multiple ballots each visit. I also have the name of the election official who was informed but allowed it to continue, and all of this took place under the watch of a DA Larry Krasner who can be tied to George Soros.

https://www.dailysignal.com/2020/10/29/meet-larry- krasner-the-rogue-prosecutor-wreaking-havoc-in- philadelphia/

Soros ties to Debate Commission member

https://thenewamerican.com/debate-commission- member-has-ties-to-soros-backed-transition-integrity- project/

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Non-State Actor Influence Example - Open Society Foundation (George Soros)

Soros-funded State Attorneys, District Attorneys, Sheriff(s) included for inquiry -

Link: https://blogg.com/2020/08/31/list-of-soros-backed-district-attorneys/

https://capitalresearch.org/article/soros-aims-to-transform- the-justice-system-by-funding-da-races/

DAs backed by Soros, other liberal activists join fray in clash with police https://www.foxnews.com/politics/da-soros- justice

The U.S. Supreme Court, political, cultural and judicial activism – https://capitalresearch.org/article/faithful-americas-faithless- attacks-on-amy-coney-barrett-courtesy-of-george-soros/

Overall Leftist influence includes; https://capitalresearch.org/article/george-soros-a-lifetime- fortune-spent-on-liberal-influence/ and https://capitalresearch.org/article/mapping-the-open-society- network-on-soross-90th-birthday/

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Non-State Actor Influence Example - Open Society Foundation (George Soros)

5) Influence of elections around the world. Below, see a sample (one of many) of an OSF spreadsheet of elections by nation, dates, who and what they are funding with dollar amounts. A. Europe and Eurasian elections

Sample from OSF’s internal “elections shared framework … may 31 unit strategies” document (one of hundreds of such documents on OSF election work)

B. Israel: While claiming to be a victim of anti-Semitism, Mr. Soros funds anti-Semitic organizations, and opposition to PM Netanyahu and Israel itself.

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Non-State Actor Influence Example - Open Society Foundation (George Soros)

Link: https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/netanyahu-blames-soros-for-israel-anti-deportation- campaign-540640

Link: https://observer.com/2016/08/not-shocking-george-soros-funds-progressive-war-on-israel/

6) Soros’s ties to “Color Revolutions” around the world. Includes: https://www.theepochtimes.com/former-special-forces-officer-warns-of-color-revolution- tactics-used-against-trump_3612952.html

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Non-State Actor Influence Example - Open Society Foundation (George Soros)

7) Soros’s financial support of crime and criminality by weakening laws, police and of U.S. national security; support of the “rights” of terrorists; support of the “sex work” industry in America and around the world. A. Soros opposed President Bush declaring war on terror in response to the deadliest terrorist attack in history when 2,977 people died on 9/11/2001. B. Efforts to close Guantanamo Bay and weaken penalties and consequences for violent terrorism, funded by Open Society Foundations (OSF) C. Weakening the rights of police to stop crime, funded by Open Society Foundations (OSF) D. National security reform projects funded by Open Society Foundations (OSF) E. Mass migration projects, law and media, and rights of migrants over the rights of citizens, throughout Europe and America funded by Open Society Foundations (OSF)

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E.O. on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a US Election, September 12, 2018

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E.O. on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a US Election, September 12, 2018

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E.O. on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a US Election, September 12, 2018

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E.O. on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a US Election, September 12, 2018

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E.O. on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a US Election, September 12, 2018

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E.O. on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a US Election, September 12, 2018

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E.O. on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a US Election, September 12, 2018

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E.O. on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a US Election, September 12, 2018

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Joint Statement of ODNI, DOJ, FBI and DHS: Combating Foreign Influence in U.S. Elections, October 19, 2018

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Joint Statement of ODNI, DOJ, FBI and DHS: Combating Foreign Influence in U.S. Elections, October 19, 2018

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