Summer 2014 Viewpoint Magazine Highlights Q Dr
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VOL. 2, NO. 1 SUMMER 2014 Viewpoint magazine highlights q DR. Dow’S VISION 9 A Publication of Cottey College: q THE VALUE OF STUDY ABROAD 10 For Women, By Women, About Women q THE ACCIDENTAL EX-PAT 14 Global Awareness Bringing the World to Cottey and Vice Versa Leadership Essential, Experience Guaranteed, Learning Everywhere, Environment Ideal, and Ambitions Realized. VIEWPOINT MAGAZINE SUMMER 2014 Letters to the Editor Dear Steve, One day at Cottey, Dora asked the runway. Without a qualm, flight instructor. We kept in me if I’d like to walk out to I got in the passenger seat, contact for many years and I had a very pleasant sur- Nevada’s airport. Sounded Dora slammed the door after wondered why I didn’t receive prise when I opened the like fun to me, so out to the she was in the pilot’s seat, a Christmas card from her latest Viewpoint magazine airport we walked. The planes and down the runway and last year. Thanks for the in- and there on page 4 was my there were small, but Dora then up in the air we went formation in the Class Notes Cottey friend Dora Dougherty, told me she knew how to with Dora in control. She section. Have a great year at looking very serious as she’s fly small planes and asked, flew us above Nevada and Cottey. Our oldest daughter listening to Cottey friends. ‘‘Would you like to take a we ooh’d and aah’d at how Katy had a year in school Dora and I were suitemates ride with me?” Having never our college looked from the there as have some nieces – in Rosemary Hall and were flown in the air I said, ‘‘Are air. What an exciting ride I Great school. at Cottey 1939-1941. Dora you kidding?” or something had and then we had a long Sincerely, gave me a memory I’ll never like that and Dora headed walk back to Cottey. I’m not Ruth Kelley Hayden ‘41 forget and I thought you’d for the office and told people sure whether I ever told my enjoy knowing about it. Your there she wanted to take us mother about that flight. I article says Dora was only 18 up in a plane and she knew guess at 18 you think life is As always, readers are invited when she earned her pilot’s how to fly it. As I remember full of exciting moments and to share their thoughts on license. I was the same age we both had to pay a small this was one of the very first anything in the Viewpoint amount of money and were airplanes, right? As your ar- but had never even been in with me at [email protected]. an airplane. told how long we could fly ticle says, Dora taxied B-29s the small plane that stood on during WWII and later was a A Message from the EDITOR The Romance of Travel had always thought of myself as North America, and the first time I didn’t know the I a globally aware citizen. Even as a had ever traveled to a non-English language. I assured her it would be high school student I watched the speaking country. Somewhere in well worth overcoming her fears to evening news. As a debater, it was that week, though, a remarkable go to Italy. A couple of days in Flor- imperative I knew what was going thing happened. I fell in love. Not ence was all it took before she was on around the globe to prepare for with a person, but with Paris. shouting, ‘‘Ciao, bella!” at her class- the next debate on world affairs. mates and dashing out for gelato. I loved everything about the city: She bought a bright blue jacket that In college, I took ancient Greek and the sights, the sounds, the food… I read ‘‘Italia” across the front, and I’m modern French language courses. spent hours wandering around the pretty sure she wore it every day for Despite the fact that I lived in different arrondissements (districts) the rest of the semester. southwest Missouri, was only 21, soaking in as much as I could in a and had never traveled outside the very short week. On the final night, Cottey College gives students the United States, I was sure I was very we were walking to dinner when Dr. opportunity to make friends around cosmopolitan. Helen Washburn, president of the the world with its international College, told us we’d all be in the student population. Taking them to As a young father, I took my sons States tomorrow. I surprised every- another country can only enhance to all kinds of interesting places in one, including myself, when I blurted the classroom learning and suite liv- the United States for vacations. As out, ‘‘I don’t want to go home.” ing experiences. There is no doubt in they became older, I took their Boy my mind that Cottey women have a Scout troop even farther afield and It was amazing how that one week definite advantage over students at did more adventurous things. I was had changed me. I’ve seen the same most other colleges and universities, an experienced traveler and well- transformation happen with stu- and they leave this campus with a rounded. dents too. A student from the Class global awareness that is second to of 2009 told me a couple of weeks In 2001, Cottey College selected me none. before her trip to Italy that she was to participate as a module leader thinking of staying home. She was Sincerely, for the trip to Paris. This was only frightened of flying over the ocean the second time I had been out of Steve Reed, editor and of being in a place where she VIEWPOINT MAGAZINE SUMMER 2014 1 message from the PRESIDENT Viewpoint magazine A Publication of Cottey College: For Women, By Women, About Women PUBLISHER Cottey College EDITORIAL Editor: Steve Reed Phone: 417-667-8181, ext. 2140 Fax: 417-667-8103 Email: [email protected] DESIGN Paul Lewis Design (PLD) PHOTOGRAPHY All photos copyright of Cottey College unless otherwise noted. Cottey’s Global Exposure ENVIRONMENTAL Viewpoint Magazine is printed using soy-based vegetable inks which have replaced petroleum- lobal awareness evolves within our this time period we have also developed based inks. Gthoughts and consciousness so con- alternative travel experiences for smaller COPYRIGHT All material appearing in stantly and naturally that we may not groups to countries such as New Zealand, Viewpoint Magazine is copyright realize how we are changing or how much Thailand, Japan, and Guatemala. As our unless otherwise stated. Viewpoint Magazine takes all we need to change our perspective. At Cot- baccalaureate majors develop, we anticipate care to ensure information is tey, this awareness grows in the classroom developing international trips to support correct at time of printing. during discussion of assignments; but to global awareness within students’ majors. ADVISORY GROUP Members of the Viewpoint our advantage, it also grows in the class- Of course, these are only two types of global Advisory Group include: Steve room because there are students sitting Reed, Rachel Painter, Judyth exposures. There are many, many others Wier, Tracy Hass Cordova, Dr. beside us who were born into other cultures. Cathryn Pridal, Dr. Mari Anne that become a part of education. The im- Students live in suites with students from Phillips, Kristine Anderson portant factor is to be willing to listen, learn, Fulton, Miranda Wheatley around the world. They are here to learn Kassner, and Dr. Kathy Pivak. and understand—to refuse to stereotype or about the American culture, but every one of to retreat from fear, suspicion, or shyness. us learns equally from them. Because Cottey As Cottey continues to develop our bacca- is so small we can truly come to know these laureate majors, each will have components women. to assist students to assimilate global Global awareness grows as we travel. Dur- awareness into her knowledge of her major. ing the recent Dow Lecture presented by It is, in my opinion, untrue to say that our Professor Michael Denison, Professor Deni- future women leaders are not prepared son pointed out that our own culture may be to recognize and grapple with the cultural a metaphorical ‘‘box” that we are placed in at differences they encounter. Neither me- birth. We will miss tremendously important dia nor the Internet has yet achieved that. human lessons if we fail to travel and to Education must still be an important agent encounter other cultures. Cottey has spon- of change to foster cultural awareness in sored an international trip to a European city women leaders. every year for the past 14 years as a way of introducing international travel. The trip is Sincerely, largely supported by College funding. During Judy R.Rogers Judy R. Rogers, Ph.D. President 2 VIEWPOINT MAGAZINE SUMMER 2014 7 Message from the President 1 Positive Change 3 contents Remember Who, What, When 4 Here There Be Dragons 7 Dr. Dow’s Vision 9 Studying Abroad: Connie Chia 10 Profile: Robin McClellan 11 Model UN 12 Faculty Feature: Kanji Watanabe 13 The Accidental Ex-Pat 14 Dr. Washburn’s Big Idea 15 16 9 Groundbreaking of the FAIB 16 We Did It! 18 Points of Pride: the Pryors 19 Class Notes 20 Births 21 14 Weddings and Obituaries 22 On the cover: Faculty/Staff Notes 23 Second-year students Points of Pride: Founder’s Day 24 Courtney James and Jane Baldwin take a photo with an agreeable guard in London.