^M ^^ ^ ^ ^ ' ' ' ^ ^A ^^^ -M ^ ^c^ , : . 1 ^ - - /J.//y. S^+fr ' 'Af/sff &v&tti' ^ •-f -Jr *y**^Ms£ OUR OWN HISTORY. **'***' *t ^ TO THE ELECTORS AND -NOK-ELECTO KS IMPERIAL OF 1C TO THE CHAR TIST S. THE BOROUGH OF TIVER TON. Fiul oav Countrvm jsn. —A genera ) election be- DEAR, y ®NtY &UENDS 1 l\X ** , ing about to take place , I venture to announce to s»5n write u th e i i am ff *° y° histor y of you my intention of solicitin g the honour of your OWN TIMES - not of the Edw ards inrinrR , suffrages for the representation of your borou gh in X JC rte nrr s, the Jameses , the Charleses , or the * useless the ensuing parliament. 7 ^Les-^mpty, BLO CKHEADS- preserved as Factious par tisans have laboured to impress the !So So* «"»« ?? pegs to hang 8 of tbeir times ul»n—sto p-gaps lest public mind with the idea that the forthcomin g Ae the even* , ' bean empljr ___ election will be merely an insignificant contest of She: SertshouM space in the counti es AND NATIONAL TRADES' J OURNAL. individuals , in which congest " pri n ciples" rail find k^ have chosen this subjec t for the purp ose V " , lace. 1, ou the contrary , am determin ed—at r • I i OL-XN? 509.¦ LONDON, SATURDAY, JUlF PB CE m^^ no p a«in£ vour attention to the fact, that the —¦'' " 24Ti84T"* Five Shilliugs and Sixpence perZ Tiverto n is concer ned—to mnkc the r» nfi nfdr __ ~ ¦ Quar ter least so far as and not mona rch? or th eir rulers , have ARMS T« n„j» _ xt._ i . « i _. , . .. .. " _ ._ "" . ¦' - -' ^ J , Lple. ARM S. In GodVname - - ^ strugg le purely " a war of princip les •," —the war of a important chan ge , then, do not allow the You lately said that Mr O'Connell regretted *¦> GRE ENWICH . E Eused every noted by his- has brav ed the and idle and the profligate. I will support and advocate mi ht , of jus t ice and * ?? ^J *at BATTLE the having forced me upon the of the ™ " BCT0R S ' »•» WIMUCTOM popular ri ght agains t exclusive g a,ld to prepare you for the greatest constituenc y < flr Wrr ™ . a voluntar y system of Education , which will tm tonsils, BREEZE , the ' ! l - Vi BK at the enable domination. which is now DUNGEON and the County .Cork. Booby! I made the constituency ; hJ. „ ^ V,', - "dotation ofa numerous all classes of the community to give their freedom against privileg e and class dawe of all coinin g—1 sav the bod,ofour fello W.citi Zeng, rudnd childre n K di SCAFFO LD, to be SULLIED by IN- and , oajny second election , O'Connell and all to offer nrn elf„ I religious and secular instru ction in accord That , r adical reform of the existing «r» test of all, because it will be univ ersal 1 f°r J Ur 8uffrag e8 to .ep«un t jou TpL, ance wit h a thorough •r 0811 TEMPERA NCE and his relatives worked heaven and earth to LMt r ; ° , - a their convic tion and without any governmen t intcr- is abundantl y wi tbe -^P? ^ " 'evolution ^^and shall FOLLY , iflave ear ond MP»ci* ««ement ofmy politl. system is imperatively necessary, k kfij " * throwjtnfr. out. In taste XV„c*l princi iT*!ples feranee and control. myself to events of which histori ans NOTHtNGWH ATOVERTO DOt. WITH 1833-4 1 gave him a indespens 'ible. proved by the condition of the people. Throug hout a confine I ent, r tain the I will vote for the abolition of all unmeri ted pen- of my INFL UENCE and independence , and in opinion that the laws of a country piBEnot yet twrite in their real character . ANY. ^FO REIGN MOVEMENT ^ Let should ona. " sions and grants, all useless places and sinecures, all Great Brit ain , enclosure acts , game Ja ws, poor D 1835 his besom friend, Major Mac namara , was occasions, tea direct and immediate cflex Americ an Revolution #s the origin of Englis hmen, and Irishmen ' of the fatelfapn ee of tbe secret service money, and other corrupt sources ol laws, T The ^ , and Scotchmen, on my, mule adult populatio n and if and other wicked enactments have re- Revolution , and was work : committe e, and voted black was white government patronage ; and, also, for a thoro ugh re- d ihe Tren ch the recru iting together for England, Ireland 4and y~ fidenC e» I -» -PP- t aU mea duced the tillers of the soil to a worse physical to unseat me. I'll tell you a fact, Jim. In MiresS, having B for their . vision of our pre sent system of taxation , and the sub- secan t of the "IRISH VOLUNTE ERS? Scotland—le t Frenchmen work for Fr ance, object the Extensi on of the Elec t t t o t,'for our present indirect condi tion I ut 0I wer e October , 1832, I met O Connel l at dinner at uve^anchUe; „ d .m, theref ore s i u ion f a direc one, by than that of Russian serfs or Cuban s France I Ru ssian s , .he decided ad vocate -i ffaeiev " °^ all-powerf ul, for Russia , and Prussians for Prussia. ' of fcs. pr. nc.Dle* of the Pe„, - which property shall be made to bear its legitimate slaves. 1 ^ ' ^ Dr Baldwin s. I had never seen him before , and m 8 CHAWBE .-TMveml In the manufactu ring districts , an« towns the Iris h volunteers, ftom the terror I WILL WORK. ONLY FOR " HOME, Suffrage , Anmul Parliam ent. share of the burdens which tho exigencies /Vv a js*ere he then said, " Well, Mr O'Conn or, you have , V„te b, Ballot No Tr e generall y, the I struck to " t,Quahhea.ion of tho State may requi re. I will vote for an great majority of both skilled and t that combinati on the heart of the SWEET HOME , AND ACCURS ED BE undertaken p*r , Equal Electoral Distric ts/and a task that no other man in Irela nd ' Pay equitable adj ustment of " the thing " called unskill ed lab ourer s are lish Cabinet and the En glish oligarchy; ment of Afember -. ' under paid , underf ed, wretch- J Eng THE DESTROYER WHO SHALL would atte mpt. You can't succeed ! but iyou'll Iconsider tfeis reform our "National Debt ." in such a manner , as shall edl oth revoluti ons- ^the ph n*ce»sar y to prevent briber s and y clothed , horribl y lodged , and subjected to 1 but b ysical revolu tion ATTEMPT TO BAULK US OF OUR give the aristocrac y a tremendous shak e.'' corruption , monopoly and secure equal justice to debtor and creditor. I will fraud , over.tax ation and op- all the deprivation s 0 France and the moral revoluti on of Ire- , presiion of the indust rious support the abolition of capital p uni sh ments , and and humiliations of " the f VICTORY. Can you not learn a lesson Now that was O'Connell' s aid to me. In the clastet ; and in every way land—failed to confer the antici pated benefit «uHed to form the such an amelioration of our Criminal Code as shall slavery of poverty ." In Ireland the triun e ] from the press of the factions ? Do you not same month he was invited to a public dinner , basis of a uioreenli ghtened and just do- progeny the mestic and foreiirn temper justice with mercy and humanity. Opposed of , ^on SOLDIERS , althou gh the officers ' got up to assist my election , but he refused to policy—to secure a better and mors class-legislation , — Famine , Disease , and Ds- see that the ' Times is fearful of lettin g the equi table distr ibution of to all wars of an aggressive character , 1 will more than their fuj l share of plunder. attend.; ! wealth at home, and a more vote ior the abolition 8PAIR , lift their voices •' trumpet-ton gued" 1 Bad world know that we are up and doin g. In its Was that help, Jim ? I returned his permanent pros pect of a standing army. against ' revolutionists of France did undoubtedl y son John of peace with all tbe nations of the I will support a the pre sent The MARKET NOTE of candidates , all space is against all hope for Youghal, and eartti . tho rough reform in our present system , and combine to declare the in- destroy some great grievances, but they failed Jacobs against whenO 'Conne ll despaired , Fooa Monetary System , and the repeal of Peel's acts of hope, Laws—Believing the employment of the people, competence of our pre sent " rulers " to any longer people that political power devoted to LITTLE JOHN and LONDON, 1819 and 1844, and shall endeavou r te place our cur- to center upon the for Dungarvan. And hear thi s, JIM-FOOL and the full developement of the nation al resources , tu be govern that land. while for Blackburn , we ar e told that tbe surest rency on such a footing as shall prevent a recurrence which could alone preserve the advantages CROW , ! never took even my TRAVEL- proofs of nationa l greatness , I would suppor t Hargreaves and Pilkington are the only two a bill to provide all ol the evils we have jus t gone through , and in par ts The foreign policy of the present administration achieved, and the result was the creat ion of a LING EXPE NSES from any man whose able-bodi ed labourers , requi rin g re- are still suffering from , and by affordin g remunerat- candidates who have offered , thoug h Roberts 's lief, employment on the waste lands ; which has been ruin ous to the cause of freedo m, mid d milita ry despot, whose first aim was the sup- princi ples. I approved of, and I never worked , according ing wa ges to the working classes, restore to the ma- is- splendid addr ess is on the walls. Not a word to the third report of the Emigration grac eful to the character of of the very form of government , to for any other 'Connell Committee of thi- nufacturing and tradin g classes their best customers this countr y. By basely pression , and when O offered me House of Commons, amount in Eng fand , (under was conferred upon him. about Halifax, the nest of :ihe EXCHE- ' tbe title in the home market . As a friend to IRELAND , crouching ^ before the confisca tors of Cracow , and supp ort which power a huge bribe to go over to Carluw as counsel °l .." uncultivated , but capable of cultivat ion to "), while imperial legislation exists, ! will support all upon the KAPOLEON destroyed every Republic that QUER CHANCELLOR ^tnorft ^word for Raphael, I declined the GOLD and the 3,4M ,000 acrts ; and in Wat * , to 530 tramm ing independence of Portu gal , tord " * ,000 acres, measures calcul ated to gife* equal rightsi and privi- he found in existence, depopulated the fields to about Nottin gham , the REFUGE FOR HONOUR , Jim ; BUT THAT'S NOT THE The unfortu nate poor—who by aire and infir mity are leges to our Irish Palmerston (one of your presen t members.) and his unfi tted to labour—should fellow-subjects , whilst I am pre- recruit his armies , and mad e the women of THE DEST ITUTE ; not a syllable about MAN YOU WANT. You poor stationers ' be comfor tabl y supported by pared to grant t hem the rights of self-governmen t colleagues have successfully laboured tv win for guardiausof the a system of out-doo r relief, the tax for tbe suppor t «.f the France work in the fields and be Derby. 0 no, it would not do to stow even tool! mind your clipping and your prostitution , same to be on the most popular basis , being convinced that they England the contempt of tyrants , and the hatred pro portiona tely levied from all elector s ; the are the best judges of their own affairs homesteads, while their husbands were tri- the shadow of our might , but yet it will be and allow MEN TO DO MEN 'S WORK. taxati on to be regulated , and that it is by a grad uated scale, relative to impossible tbey con bring about & worse state of the opon pressed of every laud. Our fathers knew umphing over the very princ iples for which tbe ini-omeol tbe parties taxed 'd seen. Now you should glory in this neglect , Yours, Jim , . thin gs in that unhappy country, than English legis- not such dishonor when Cromwell held tlit reins of Fra nce was roused to contend. or, rather , insolence of the press , and rest as- Feak gos O'Connor. I am the stre nuous oppon ent of the existing Poor Law lation has already en and his —conceiving tho said law tailed upon them , on all ques- power , ami Blake commanded Old Eng land's wooden In Ireland , CHARLEMONT ^ gang sured that its power , except for advertising to bb unsound in principle , tions calculated to elevate the moral , social, and * ' oppres sive to the middle-cl asses, by forcing them to pay walls. of plunderers , sold,the soldiers when they had and BEGGING ALMS OF BUTCHERS , burth ensoroe poor- rates ; inte lectual condition of the people. I shall ever be in many cases punis hinif vir- found the steady and consistent friend Lastl y and principall y, a Radical refor m frightened the English Cabinet into those is fast fadin g away. The le are now all mtttiim jMooements. tuous jpowrfj /as a crime, of progress , is peop and in no way calcula t.d and I shall term s which gave to their order the represen- ' to promo te the morals or happiness take the earlie st opportunity of appearing rendered urgen tly needful by the existence of that politicians, as the ' Times and its masters will The Impendin g Elections —It is important of the people. amongst you to explain to you more fully my views. tation and entire patr onage of the country ; learn when next we meet. "When exploded Cbmch JM> STiK—B«% ion is a subject uuon Should the mon ster evil, from which lias flowed all otii-vr evils, to know that coun ty elections canno t take place which there is a grea t advocacy of these principles meet with and when the Catholic soldiers asked CHAR- Whigger y and blooming Chartism meet upon vari ety of opinions—each sect your app robation , and you should confer u the exclusion of nix-sevenths of the adult nmkpopu. earlier than the 10th , nor later than the 16th day claiming for itself priori ty in point pon me the LEMONT to march forward for the FULL, the le. I should not ot belief—and all distingui shed hoRour of being your repres entative , I hustings, before the peop from th time of the proclamation , which must be sects possessing many intelli gent and worth y citixens— lationfrom all participation in the appoint7rtent of FRLE, AND FAIR represen tation of the be at failing a HOME CRY -hall labour most sedulously to promote the local in- all astonished if, , made within two days after the receipt of the wr it. exercisin g their ri ghts, and entitled to all the privilege terests of yom borough the members of the (so-called) " Commons" House whole people in the COMMONS ' HOUSE . of freemen. —the;, in my .opinion , and shall present myself an- the Whi gs were even yet to raise a In boroug hs, four days' notice of the election is re- , ought not to be com- nuall y to tender an accouat of my etewardship, and of Parliament. answer of the TRIUMPHANT PRO- pelled to contributa towards the maintainance of a clergv . the FOREI GN HOWL quired , and the election must not be deferred longer resign my trust into your hands. Electors and Kon. , who had made his terms from whose belief they dissent , and whose spiri tual ad- electors of Tivert on. — TESTANT chief But, poor men .' men who live upon the th an eight days after the receipt of the precept , I have the honour to be, gentleman , Minister was— vice they do not desire. o e t , I shall appear before you as the advocate of th e fall with the English , "I WIL L sweat which is issued by the Sheriff to the various return - Your bedi n servant of your OWN BROWS ! hear me from I am opposed to all church establishments , and gran t* Mac clesfield, July 14, 1847 John West. and free representation of thepeople in Paeliamtnt, CONTEND FOR NO CHANGE WHICH ing officers within their respective boroughs. —Sim. of money from government " My cold quiet home— " to support reli gious bodies : On Monday evening, Mr West addressed a meeting as the great means to the many DOES NOT REC OGNISE PROTESTANT and I would reeommt-nd that tbe glebe lands and othti reforms absolutel y , CHARTIST CANDIDATES. , of not less than 14000 persons , and was received ASCENDANCY AS THE BASIS OF THE STAND FAST BY/ YOUR ORDER National Registration - and Central Election sources of income of th e pres s** misnamed National with the utmost enthusiasm. Mr West has since necessary for the elevation of the masses and the CONSTITUTI ON." Now, what think you AND LET NOTHING SHAKE YOU. Committee. —At a meeting of its members held at Chohch Eitablibhhint , should rever t to the State , an 12 Equal Ri ghts to Ireland , or a Dissolution ol feit leg Fissbort. —T. S. Duncombe , T. Wakley. ihe Union. tholics be calmly discussed, upon the pledge of say ''yes " or " nay." A gentleman who considers Oldham. —J. Fielden , Halliday. pieces, tho masses thems elves would haste n to estai>li»li I shall be prep ared , on per sonall y meeting you, to ano ther that would 13. An Extension of _ the Circulating Medium , the English Minister that one of the first acts it a mark of social di unction to call himself Rochdale —W. S. Crawford. pro tect property and order. " set forth in explicit terms my views on the minor '• Doctor," who feels that his personal rank is in- The change in the laws of succession was tffect . d in and a thorough Reform in the state of tbe Currency . of the United Parliament should be Catholic Covbk tr v.—W. Williams. To attain the above objects, I advocate— questions of the day ¦:-" Education," the "St ate, creased by that prefix , has now been returned by Nottinohak. —F. O'Connor. F rance fifty years ago, it becomes England to follow so Emancip ation; and there were also eight Art- first county in wise an example . From gocolture is a princi pal source 1. The ri ght of every man whohas arrived at the Church," "Taxation," the "P oor Law," the " Game the Cork repealers as member for the Black bubk. — W. P. Roberts. , ides of Union agreed upon , every one of which Ir eland ! Feargus , O'Connor Standish Barry. and permanent cause of that excessive opulence f biet. age of Twenty -one ot sound mind , to vote for Mem- " ani. . Mab ylkbonb.—D. W. Harv ey. bers of Parliament. Laws ," Diminution of the Hours of Labor, " S has been violated over and over again , and Doctor Maurice Power— are these , forsooth , the Towbk Hamlets. —George Thompson. so undul y augments the power of the aristocrac y, mid decimates the poor olasnee 2. That the Voter shoold be protected by the lary Reform." the Standing Army, and this " Con* what was called Emanci pation was deferred for bind of public men best suited to the exigencies of Halifax. —E. Jones , E. Miall. of society. Eddoa tion .—I am the friend of both volunta ry mmI Lkilli.t. dilion-of-Ireland Question '' On all these questions I t and then onl conferred such a country as Ireland ' Dibbt —Philip M'Grath. . went y-nine years, y national education. 3. That no Qualification of Wealth or Property " Let us not be told by the rep eal apologist * Brad ford —Colonel Thompson. The management of reh..ols under shall be prepared to advocate such reforms as will honours and laces on the rich , and left the the voluntary system sh all he required for Members of Parli ament. p that we are exacting too aristocratic a standar d Leeds.—^Joseph Sturge. may be safely en trusted to the sup. were , with this dif- porters of such schools 4. Payment of Members for thei r Service, and An- ensure to the people the fullest political freedom , poor precisely where they ior the Irish members. We have no arist o- Sheffield. — Thomas Clark. , and require no government supervision. But I think nual Parli aments , and Equal Elect oral Distri cts. ious liberty and social ference , indeed , that they were saddled with cratic prejudices to grat ify on such a subject Tivebton .—G. Juban Harney. the pour have as good a right tn men tal cultivation , reli g com- be educated as to be fed Her e is an outline of my Political Cr eed , which I two sets of plunderers; they were compelled to if a man of rank and fortune , without ability Ipswich —Henry Vincent. when hungr y ; and that heal th for t; combined with the strictest economy and and well-direc ted minds am ready to support and defend to the utmost of my or pub lic virtue , aspire to the senate, he ouuht Worc ester. —J. Hardy. are as requisite to utitiomu carry double. greatness as well directed abiiiity . For eighteen years 1 have advoca ted most responsibility on the part of the Governmen t. On one as to be strenuously opposed , in our opinion. Nobwich —W . Simpson. physical ener gief. In many- But I am showing you, not the good that h cases parents are too poor to provide education and the of th«e views, and after having spent more than half , however , at present attracting public dis- The large estates and tho ancient pedigree of Mr Bolton. —Dr Bowring. , , question been done, but the terror out of which chan ges one of tbe members for Cork rich few too niggard to provide proper instruction t'.-r m.v days in tne cause of Justice Truth , and Free- Edmund Burke Roche , Birmingham. —G.F. Muntz. W. Schofield, and John 1 can wi th confidence thr ow myself on your cussion , I think it well to , at once, state my views. Op ba re spru ng, and that the good invariably Co., by no means atone for that gentleman ' s indo them, I would support a system of purel y secul ar edu- dom. Williams. jud gment ar d divcr 'mrina tion , feeling quite certain posed , on principle, to Church EstahhshuienU oi stopped at the leade rs' doors . Lord Gre y knee and want of talen t. Mr Roche was absent The committee after receivin g the following cation open to all sects, allowing religious instruction to be administrated as th at on the day of Nomination I shall not stand the , of course , gi v e my >tru girled for the Reform Bill for forty-one from parliament during nearl y alt the session iu suras :— parents and guardians think every descri pt ion, I would best least in your estimation. Yours tru ly, vears! but it would not have passed even when this eventful year. Tne dying O'Connell made an Mr Etrich , Is; G. R., 6d; Mr Oak ley Is ; Brigh- . Th omas Dickenson. utmost opposition to any scheme having foi its effort t<) attend the legislature , while his young and so , 6d ; Bait- Capital Punishments. —I will support all judic ious it did, but for the THREE GLORIOUS ton, per Mr Flower, £1; Mr Wilkin n Coronation-s treet, Sunderland , object the endowment ot the Roman Catholic healthy colleague remained in Irel and attending to 6d ; Mr Pike, Is; Henry Badraan , reforms bearing on the tre atment ot criminals , having a when the French de- man D. Whi te, Ju ly 13th, 1847. Chur ch. DAYS as thev are called , his own affairs. Mr Roche (t dmu ud Burke—sa ve 3s ;*Croydon, 5s; Manches ter, per Mr Harn ey, £10 ; ten dency to check vice and preven t crim ¦;, I consider public strangulation to be murd er TIVERTON. diating the views of the advocates of" per- posed a FOOL , and substituted a KNAVE. the mark !) at the end of t his session delivered him- Sia1ybri 4ge, ditto , £5; Committee of Joh n-street , and I am convinced Re p self of an attack on the " Irish party " in terms so per Linney, Is 6d ; that public executions have an immortal tendency ou Mr Julian Harney 's address to the electors and universal peace," which in the present I new turn to the events which circumstances Institu tion , 10s ; Alonsfield , " manent and unjust , that he was rebuked in the House of Com 6d ; William Cat teea , Is; John Dibb, the public mind , capital pun isuments therefore meets iion-e h'cioi s of Tiverton , arrived in this boroutb promi se, and that right speedil y- The Repub - Mottram , 10* on Wednesday morning. A public meeting of elcc< state of the world 1 think visionar y and impractica- once more in the mens by one of bis own part y. Now, just as we ob 3s 8d; Manchest er, per Joha O' llea, £5; Mans- with my most unqualified opposition . licans of France ^are field, In a few days I shall have the tors aud others had . some days previously, been called nevertheless oppose all wars ami " inler- ject to a firebrand like Feargus O'Connor, or a mere field. 4s 61; Michael Suhvan , 2* 6d ; Horncastle , pleasure of being in your ble , I would and the King of the French is preparing his g for Wt 'dnt -sdaj evening. At the hour appointed the which the voice of the cypher like Standish Barry. so do we demur to the I2t 6d ; Torquay , £2 10s ; Bermo udsey, 6<; VVhit- borou h, and will then more fully exp lain my opinions ; , ventions," except those meantime I beg to large room was fillt d. Mr Rnwcli ffe, an elector indispensable for soldiers for the stru ggle, and the press of the election of a notorious political sluggard like Mr tington and Cat , 5s; Worcester , Hi 3d; Leaming - remind you that 1 ask no favour ut , people migh t pro nounce absolutel y King is; preparing the pub lic mind for the ac- Edmund Burke Roche. The famous patronymic of E-lmunds , 8*5d ; Birkenhea d , your hands , based upon claims of local inlluen e or per- was c ulcti to the chair, and Mr Jeffery Coles, an elec- self-defence , or the protec tion of the weak against ton , £1 7a ; Bury St to tlie vice-chair. Mr Edwin Dunsford read Mr tion which the King is resolved upon . If he this gentleman, borne by one of such feeble abilitias . lOt ; Birming ham, per Goodwin , 3j ii; Che lmsford , sonal associations. tor , the powerful. I would labour to pot an end to the presents as ludicrous a combination of ideas as if we I solicit your suffrages ou the highest moral ground ol Uarnay 's " ad d ress ," which was received with the country with despotic governments } can preserve peace at home, and if the repub- Gd. Total , £30 6s 2d. enthu siastic applause. Mr Burgess , an alliance of this heard of William Shakspeare Sibthorp, or Isaac J as Gbassbt , Sec. just princi ples, such princi ples as if unders tood and tn o.-t should consider it my boundeu duty to u rge licans can be made a successful FEINT or bug- practised by tbe commoners of England would I sltioi rth elector , pr oposed " That Mr George Julian and I Newton Ferrand ! adjourned until Tuesday evening next, July 27, at 8 the claims of the people of Poland , with the view of gaboo, he will have his camps of domestic obser- afford believe, spread intelligence , develops tbe national re- llarnoy is a fit and proper person to repres ent this Sheridan once said that "he was too poor to o' clock precisely . cl e, t hereupon promo ting the speedy restoration of the nationality vation while he is smoothin g the way for his son dressing shabbily, " and in the same way Ireland sources , reduce taxa tion , wi>elj distribute wealth , and borough in Parliament. " Mr Row iff in BLACKBURN. , and beaged to be allowed the and freed om of that crue lly persecuted and long suf- to the throne of Spain , and ^ts I told you , cannot afford such a class of represen tatives as tbe held iu the Temperance in every way be conducive to tbe best iu teres tb of the left the chair 18^3 At the land weekly meeting h.mour of seconding the motion . Mr R. delivered ferin g race. this is the commencement of the strugg le of Feargus O'Connors , Standish Barrys, Burke Roches, Hotel , Whalle y-bank Mr O'Connor 's letter in the commonwealth. . Gentlemen 1 have the honour to be a powerful speech highly laudat ory of Mr Harney. I would labour in all things to make JUS TICE the LEAGUE OF KINGS against the et hoc genus omne. If Ireland were a country with a Star was taken into considerati on, and means adopted , , chair , Mr Rowcliffe asked ii like the Scotch she might your obedi ent servant , Havin g resume d the the one object of this country 's legislation and pub- , writ e self-relian t population , to forward Mr Roberta 's election. The town was perso n h»d a candida te to propose. Mr LEAGUE OF PEOPLE and I this be compara tively indifferent as to her mere political and a committee of 7 in each July 23rd , 1817. Samuel Ktoo . any other lic policy : " Do unto thy brother man as thou divided into 20 districts , J epon pwp™ « • ' ab olition of the and Entail , James princi ples. ADM1TOF NO FORE IGN QUESTION , of Ireland , or Irishmen r You upstart knob- and Ch artism has Laws of Primogeniture Clay is the only other candidate tha t has hitherto - ! am well aware forgetting their pr ejud ices, andr allymg l ; which renders it necessary to maintain a disgracef ul Inhabitants of Tiver ton. OR DISPUTES , stick ! who is the " fantastic adventurer V the parties are d « presented himself to the constituency. encounter , from the fact of Oil QUARRE S support of a cause that is w orn - just . »" f" *"' number of useless places and sinecures , to provide of the difficul ties I must man who refuses gold, place, and honour s for than usual, and tin to Lambeth —A Mr Leaver , of CamWwell, has an- your town , and tota lly unpos- VP WIT H YOUR ht-neficent. 'J he ''Vies lo.,k bluer for the younger branch es of arist ocracy. A friend nounced himself, by the issue ol being a stranger to BEING MIXED his convictions ? or the man who sits placid, a gre^t tr iumpU m form , and , circula r letters m which pers onal intercourse , Whig, turn yellower :-alre ady reli gious freedom in its most extended the electors , as a candidate for this sessed of tha t influence CAUSE. YOU DO, YOU ARE and hear s and obeys the following orders ?— of the Wings is beaien Irom th. believing that all State religions are calculated to boroug h. He ra nk , and official patronage .have IF been arhieved one inc professes Liberal princi ples. wealth , aristocra tic Bkad bur y : Crow , our politics won't field Vr»t\iew has rctiredfromtlie contest, corrupt the pure source of Christian ity, 1 will vote your present principal " represen - , UNDON E, AND DE- " . \\r r -an a LRicRsiER. -Mr W yun Ellice has announ ced his conferred upon RUINE D answer , the people are too poor even for thr ee- Whiss und er the Chance llor ol the Exchcqu . , for a tota l separa t ion at the Church and . State : fitness to represent you a is my an d their »w supporte d by the retirement. tative ," whose STROYED, think: of hom e, pence a day." the Tories, are now cualcscii.g-nwk.ug leaving Mini sters of religion to be NoRTHAiirro.v. dispu te. But , strong in the justice of my witho ut con their people. 1 will vote —Dr E.ips has announ ced himself as uarneie to PRE PARED Chow : ' ftff rt , but even they them selves speak voluntary contribut ions of a CMididiit e, and, in encour aged by the assurance that 1 shall ONLY LOM E, AND BE " Well, what s your wish ; shall we to r theabolition of Tithes and Church-rates , and the a long address dated from the cause and fidence an to there -ult...... ree-Trado Ciub to listen to the truth by whom so- he less liberal , or what think you of moderate a pub lic meetin}! restoration of all Church Pro per ty to its rightful l' , states that he is an advocate un- tind you willing to take advantage of what Ou M.,nilay eveni ng, July 10th . complete suffrage , the presen t myself before you in the conserva tism s" of non-eici'tors held in Cadney-cr oit, when ait owners—the poor , for whose use and support it was ballot , an equalisa tion of elec- ev er sooken , I shall wa* mcei- tora l districts , i-hur tciniig tho duration of parli a- ' may ha ppen*abroad, but oive Bbadbuhv : " Well, reall y I've not made B. Rwhton was called upon to presi de. The originally intended. I will *«&> *or a .total abolition confid eni faiih thai inu addre sses were and the adoption of a system men ts, the abolition of the property qualificati on " Thrice is he avm'd who hath his-qu"iiir«pu.st, THE LAW AND THE PERSECUTO R up my mind, hut I'll consul t." was well attended, and powerful of the present Poor-law , delivered hy ber, and Bow which shall afford relief to the indigent and needy, for serving in parli ament , tlio payment of member * And he but naked—th ough, locked up ip.stf eij - % j & : " Well , let me know the result and Messrs Ambler , Fox . Web Q SO HANDLE TO ASSAULT YOU. Crow den , in favour of Exclusive Dealin g. Each speaker in accordance with christ ian humanit y and the en- elected to serve in tbe Hous e of Commons , and civil Whose conscience wi th injustice is corr upted ;^! Q l " go Ti* professions «f WAITERS upon PRO VI- I 'll act according y. was warml y app laud ed by the meeting. lightened spirit of tho age. aud reli gious liberty , ai>d that ho is opposed to GE O.HTUXIA N ;HARNEY^$»$ NTow Mr Crow, barri ng acres or gold, is A meetin g «f uou-elcoiors, will be held in Cadn ey, I will vote for the abolition of the Game Laws, be- T\rnmental education. y 20, 1847. - " ¦ v:"(Vi M-nCE, who are all readv to pledge them- Gra am has come forward in London , Jul % ^*gj> F n descri ption «f I NFLUENTI AL croft . Ha lifax , on Jul y 26tu, at half-past ing convinced that tht yarc merely intended to pr e- Hir.iN. —Sir Jarn ^ h Ha^ |m8rfcet .; ;. . , y "el vesto theC H ARTE R to OBTAIN SEATS, that the Monda y, , who has reti red . 16, Grea t Windmi ll-street , f^j g an M.P- ? seven in the evening. serve destru ctive ver min for the br utal sport of tho th e place oi Sir George Cockbu rn shc'ubj convince von of the terror of OUlt MAN" you want for RN STAR , lJ*n THE NOR THE " ion cha- n '""" perfec t cha- TIUDES ' * , -—--———- — . ,, . , .. ^c^t In p ^t j/ TRADES ' MOVEMMOVEME N'fsT~ ENTsT^^~^ ! -Iam foreman co loured , pres ent. scene^f of < *« of Faversba m, examined. The willow tre without confinement to ex EXPL OSION AT FAVEK3IJAM . John Burney, racter with the ad ?oiniHg ru bav ST SALE Of AST MEDICINES uor * space of time, the least THE Hall's, and was on the works at Thk Quiltin g op £a«5 GREAT E of tbe carpenters at Mr Wkavebs MA sones-ru n af posure. immedia tely went to the IS THE GLOBE . we were merely enabled the time of the explosion , and yard s of the buildings last annual meeting , decided upon cxuer,ujj .* The above medicine *ate red only by Messrs. It [In our last impre ssion suffer ers tak en the tress within .bent fifty ^ spot. I saw the bodies of most of the ^tt tion of their funds for the purpose of * 1Wf PERRT and Co., Surg eons Mfwet briefly to notice the above shocking catastrop he. We , are torn up by tbe roots and \ organi?; - pills. and L. , 19, Berner , on which the inuu est »s now and 4 less senous lj » whole ef both the broad and narro w hollowaY's .;' • our rea der * with the ful'.est particulars , out , and can identify those directions Those more dista nt are »ea» A WonderM 0«rc rf a Disordered IAver Orford-a treet, London. _ - now present . ^ T«ry been gleaned from various sourc es;r and may holding , , , ¦. within a very »«£««» Lancash ire , in " Th e Quilting Weavers and Stomach. Messrs,fF2lRYexpeei,nhe#3or n«lloway. the Ham marsh , being on ly separated from it ths exp losion. I heard a great earth skirti ng tne ft o. take the task of explainin g the rul es and ills to remove a disease«f Patien ts are requested to be as minute as possiblein abut upon myBolf in B» bodily, of the enorm ous mound of obieJr * 5-1?.,—Having taken your p - slblo , and when I came t« my senses found shown m society throu ghout tbe weavi ng $ - s«fier« «\ ha detail of their cases, as to theduration of tho com- hyanur rowcan al. And here it may be well to describe 4 stove. Another instance of its power was tbe districts the S-.>mseh ««* Uvar, »«#er whioh I had long cannot in any way account for the accident. 1 your printed instruc tions I have re- uiut , the sympte.ns " general their structur e as w!;en standing. Before the iotiodtic- ruins. I from a deep well of two massive On Mon day, Jul y 12, Mr Dixon, accompanioj . ai <5 Irttving folltwed , age, habits of living, and could, I saw Top- the forcible ejection iu^iftathe altV.wnichlhad thoagat lostfbr evw. I »f of gun-cotton they were used for the put pose of dry- , got away from the place as soon as 1 which , nearly twenty teet Mr Hen ry Hey wood , set out u pon his mission Bs e-cupatiou. Medi cines ean be forwarded to any part tion I saw Mr Hall pump s, the leaden pipes of \ previowil j had recourse to several m«*cal mew. and were called stoves ; they were four ping about ten minutes before the blow. very considerab le held a meeting in the Assembly-room, ' aa<> ht.d so world ; no difficult y can occur, as they will be securely log gunpowder , tell how I long, were drawn up and thrown to a Qug, irl« sere »elebrat ed for their skill, but instead of curing about 7 o'clock in the morn ing. I cannot 'B Mr Holt waa unani mously 0 ™ked, and carefully pr e-tectedfoom observation. la num ber , and stood iu a tow one before the other . distance . Inn , olton . cal)^ aw CoiaphebJt ,it increased to a mos t alarming degree. I was not hurt or . burnt at all. I can I say jo«r pUIs bare saved life! Maaj with a mound of earth of a pyramidical form , of abou t got out . explosion was heard at an enormous distance the chair , and opened the meetin g in a neat Ham ^nlj spea3mnz my -f.u.-country Druggist s, Booksellers , Patent Medicine- commenced in No. 3 or No. i. The and base, between each to cut off communication in whether the explosion and even at speech. Mr Dixon, who. was tried w fi'suade me from usin g them, and I dcnVt not bur Anders , and every othershopkceper .can be supplie d wit SO feet ,—I from Fave rsh am . At Deal and Maidstone , prop riate greeted J ?i your most excel- Alfre d White , of Islington , chemist, examined lb,* hundreds are deterred from tsM ng my quantit y of the Cordial Balm of Syriocum, the Con the event of an accident; but the sequ el will show ot some places more than thirty miles from the scene of rapturou s applau se, expiainea tne objects the imposiaons practised Spe been employed by Mr Hall to exumino tnd supe r- of i* l».l Miedicine, i» conwgutnea of centra ted Dster sive Essence, and Perry ' s Purify ing Vow little service this precaution was iu reference to have are described to have hear d ltdis . mission, after which iWr Heyw nod ; bnt whata pity it is that by with a view to their extension and im- the accident , parties addre ssed till fa -jssnj worthless wrrtch es ific PDJa, with the usual allowance to the Trade , the gun-cotton , for no sooner had the explosion of the intend his works , meeting. A committee was then forme d of «sedby others , should be themeans of pre- •>st Medicine Houses in the manufa cture of the aeid. tinctly. L , the n» 2»decepttous 0 the priori pal Wholesale Pat ent contents of the stove No. 4 taken place than the flames prorcme nt , particu larl y stren gth of gun- it was agre e uaha »py ptrsons , under disease, from re- Lond on Friend. " ' All It may bo interesting to state that the r*w weavers present; and d tbat th, *e--ft:i< m«ay , of w!»m mav be had he "Silent N» I was there on Wednesday morning about 9 o clock. , «h* «seof jo ur pills. Wheu I com- immediately communi cated to . 3, and it , wi-h its la just six times thatof gunp owder; in other woi da , should hold another meeting on Sunday , J U| V 3 «Haiu »hesdth b5 nas then quite safe. I am well acquainted with the cotton mea-edthe «seofyourpU te I was in a most tvrctched conten t s , as well as those of No. 4, was blown into the dr ams of the cotton are equal to two ounces of The thanks of the meeting were given to GOUT ! GOUT '.! GOUT! !! ter ials used for the purpose of making the gun-cotto n ten th« eoV.lici.m, and t* my great delUht, in a few days after- air , leaving literally not one stone upon another. Tbe ma peakers , and the chairman and the op the ingr edients ; there is no danger in them. I am powder . s eraHJ™ wir ^, there was a coasiderable change for the better , Patro nised 6y immense bars of iron form ing tbe machinery we re bent and ftr soaae webert Ca/rert , Chemist, to the-Verves, Ifuscles , and Tend ons, and promo ting a after a short consultation the coroner announce d that mill stre am—he looked over the side of the engine , speeches, in his own plain wav, that ever it was nn r consolatory barrels of gunpowder which was only s ptira ted from saying— StSi-esly, doted January 23th, 18,7. free circulation of the Wood ; and it must be the inque st was adjourn ed until tbe 9th of August, in it is supposed , to see whether any derangement of lot to hear , and truly verified the " fiat To Professor Hofi Gout , to be assured that it pos sesses stove No. 3 by & mound of ear th. oway. to those afflicted with orde r that the evidence of those injured might be taken , the train had taken place, when bis head struck there is many a man now gracing the fieat-boitd. £jk , National Schoolmaster of the medical powers of prov e-ntin sr the disease flying to the Tbe scene now. was scarcely to be depicted , hund red? , -Mr Thompson this time, it was thoug h t some would be sufficiently cross pieces of the viaduct , whioh knocked that would bo an ornament to the senate- house ({ Te-.TJi. desires me to send you the particulars respecting stomach , brain , or any vital part , and also prevents fits. who had been hurryin g to the soot were now retra cing as by that against the , and fallin g on the rails the train the country. " Mr Dixon, after some introdu ce a id -if bis, who had been seriously ill for th ree years It is thus recommended to the afflicted with a confidence their steps , fearful every moment of being sacrificed reeovi red to I e examined him off his engine , to QKOI IOE EANBOSt. arms from his body. rem ark s, entered into an explanation of the prjn(l[, and 1 half, and who has derived thegreat estbenefits from arising from experience , as one of the most valuable re- themselves. As , however , the engines bu ^an arri ve , INQUEST ON passed over him, and severed his of Medical Science and the ies ot Trades ' Unions ; after which he painte d the tire of your meeiicines, after trying all ord inary re- sults of the improved state , confidence was semewhatrestured , and many ventured An inque st on the body of George Ransom , whose The stoker seeing the accident stopped the train , p MtirK -s with out effect. The boy is eight years «f age, of only cert ain and safe remedy yet discovered for this pain- foolish policy whi h bad hitherto been ^ to go close to the burning ruins. The engines nun be de.tth we have above adv. rtcd to, was hold on Friday but before be could do so it had procee ded some dis- the g pursi^ sjravru'us or scrofulous constitution. He se.-ms to have ful disorder. by the unionists of this country , in breaking up ¦ wat er, but it evening at hnlf.past six, at the Guildhall in the boroug h tance , and another train in the rear came alonv; ft, bad . pleuris y. which *nded in a large collection of matter Price—Half-p ints , Is 94; and Pints only 2s 9d per gan pourin g in volumes of was a con ider. -' of Faversham , before Mr Shepherd , the coroner for tbe before the stoker could give the necessary warning, ran ks of Lab our into sections, and clearl y demo* in fhschsst , which eventually formed a passage throaek Buttle , du ty inriuded—There is a saving of 3d in the large able time before any visible effect was mnda en the the means by which Capital had , which ended in three fistulous flames, of so combustible a nature were the mat erials borough , where a most respec table jury bad been empan- and having passed over the unfortunate mnn' tt body, strated made 35 tbe role * of the chest in...:. , iv. ..I— —...A.. *.... nn-D nvin aor-c-*. wbieh contiuueato discha rge large quantities of pUB used in the manufac ture. milled. Alter the preliminary mat ter of swearing the cut it to pieces. At the inquest , on the 17th inst., easy prey of labour. Mr Ileywood addressed tbe , PAR- «p to .-fay, vrhen he was induced to try }«nr medicines ; RHEUMATISM , SCIATICA , TICDOLOREUX All bands wire directed as soon as the fire became jury had been gone th rough , they at onee proceeded to the sur geon having stated the natu re of the injuries meeting at some length , after which the than ks of ;Hpdate he was in an apparen t dying condition , and TIAL PAR ALYSIS, LUMB AGO, etc., &c-Thi s medi- 5 and the at somewha t subdu ed to the rescue of the suff.rcrs beneath the bous« of tbe deceased to view th e body, and bn their deceased had received , and tha t they had caused the meetinc were given to Mr Dixon chain in i- .e highestdegreo of Marasmus or Consum ption. He cine (which differs from ihe Gout Mixture ) has a wonder- man , and the meetin g separated highly sat isfied giving relief from the most intolerable pains the ruins , whose cries for help were bv&Tt rt -mnn g in th- return to the hall the coroner brie fly addressed them , death ; Samuel Barrow , an officer in the compan y, win ha J i-irerehectic fever , the urine depositing large qu.inti - ful effect in the evening ' s pr oceedings. The men of Prydl ejjj di-rtr essing eougli—n«> app.-tite of Rheumatism in one or two hours , and one bottle will extreme. One by on e, however , as the bricks tmrt timber and explained tbe object of tbe inquiry. lie( the coro. said that he saw deceased lyiny between the metals tw> visefimwa!—constant for him to turn out of have a ready organised themselves and appear —fij near ly everythin g he roolr. generally carry of an attac k in two or three days, even were cleared away they were extrica ted ; many of them , ner), boitevi-r , thou ght they would have no difficulty in There was not sufficient space ' , JO a the stomach rejec tiflfr 1)6 lolly alive to their toft, fond and medicin * he began by tak ing five of yonr when the patien t has kept his bed for as mrtny months. although much bur nt and brulned , wer» yet alive ; they coming to a conclusion as to the cause of death ', &uu the way of the engine, because of the truss of the own interests. . proofsoMedded app robation rflk ;>icht and morning, which were gra dually increased Thecontinued authenticated were immediatel y conveyed to an ailjacent building, althoug h at first he thought their inquiries would have brid ge taking up so much room. By a Juror: Has MOVEMENT OF THE OPERATIVE MASONS -. effect of completely sent to the Pro priDtorfrom all parts of the Kingdom , with to . ^.vrWch in a short time had the where every at tention was paid to them by Messrs extended to the cause of the accident , yet on considera- there not been some other accident at this bridge ? FOR THE REDU CTION OF THE liOUBS eor ' .,- the coa^h, tfaestomach affections , and restoring a rapi dly increasing Sale, has caused a demand for it un own merits; and it is by the wish Glnmd and Snap e, surgeons ; and as soon as convey- tion be bad eome to the conclusion that it would be un- Witne ss: Jes, within the last 12 months. At that OF L ABOUR. the- '-* J ne to ib natural state. His str e:t |th and flesh ai e paralleled entirely by its legs sUsl stored , and his appetite keen and digestiun good. of those parties only who have received such benefits from ances could be obtained , tbey were carried to their necessaiy, and , t herefore , the simple fact they had to time one of the serva nts of the company had his A crowded and enthusiastic meeting of this bra nctt (Signed) Hobebt Calv«t. its sc, that has induced the Propr ietor to make it more respec tive homes. deal with was the cause of the death , and not of tbe ex- cut off by tbe wheels of an engine. Foreman : Is of operatives was hel d at the Temperanc e is 3d and 2s 3d per Bottle. J/a|| generally known.—Price, The exer tions of the men assisting at the engines and plosion. that man now alive ? Witness : I believe he is—I Waterloo-road . Lambeth , on Thursday evenine. ' Tfl £ Sari ot AldborotL -h cared of a Liver and Stomaeh Also, his Invaluable SOOTHING POWDERS for Chil- you thin k is Ud per packet. A clearing away the rubbish were praiseworth y in the ex- Messrs Hull were present at the inquir y, and seemed last saw him in the hospital. Coroner : Do M Smith was unanimously called to the chair , imj Complaint. dren Cutting their Teeth. Price , sure it v If others iven with treme , and to those exertions are to be attribu ted the much affected. the brid ge is dange rous ? Witn ess : I am bri efly opened the proceedings. Est-e.t of a letter from the Earl of Altlbor ugh, dated Guide, with useful instructions to , is g Reese expre ssed « TiUa Messina , Leghorn , 2lst Februa ry, 1815 :— each narketof tlie Soothing Powders . saving of many lives. Search was now mad e in the The following witnesses were then called :— —it ought to bo altered. Robert Mr Moenu moved the aeloption of the folio*™ To Prbwsser Holtowaj. The aOove valuable Medicines are pr epared ot.ly by the marshes and fields adjo ining, and her e the mutilated re- John Bu tt , of the parish ot Pre& ton , in the count y of similar opinion as to the dange rous constructi on ol res olutio n :— * , Mr G. Y. Wilkes Pharmaceutical Chemist , S«3. -Virions circumstances prev ented the po sihi ity Proprie tor , mains of several were found , many yards from the scene Ken t, examin ed.—I work for Messrs Hall , and reside in the bridge . He and others had complained of it to Tha t it is the opinion of this meeting that , in orde r time for >-mr jMilitenias Miio-vnd, London. To prevent fraud , his name is written r of -? thanking you before this ot destruc tion . They were immedi atel y gat hered up their Marsh Works , in the parish of Pre ston. On Wed- th eir superior officers , but no notice had been taken establ ish the four o' clock movement and supp ort in - .. liug me your pills as you did. 1 now take this across the Government Stam p on each bottle. Wholesale othei thou ¦ , 95 and removed, and , thoug h some few bodies h ere r< cog- nesdaj morning last I was haymaking near to Nos. 3 and of it, and now he (witness), and some of the masters who have already conceded the fame , apt : ' unity of sendin g you an order for the amount , and , Agents : Messrs Barclay and Sons , Farringd nn-street , o e t board , s« th ati f^ at ihi rarae time, to add that your pills have effected a London ; Messrs Butl er and Harding, 4, Cheapsidc , nised , tbe limbs of course could not be, :>nd they wtre 4st n vcs there , about IU 0 yards off ; they bavo been used men, had determin ed t m morialize he mason * of London do lea ve work on Saturday, Jn/, - removed. Deceased was a steady ^ ew." if a di«ordir in my liver and stomach , which all the Loudon ; M essrs Maude and Weaver , Wolverhampton , pu t together in ba skets to await the inquest. On' poor in the manu facture of gun-co tton . The deceased , Geo. that it mfcht be 17th , 1847, at four ./clock , thereby evincin g their ii^. »e»s; .-mineat of the faculty at li -me, and all >-.nit. hid not been abl e to effect ; nay 1 not even the Chemist , 20,R-inelagh-street , to whom app ly immediatel y joining field , was knocked dowu by the report , hut as u qmireer past eleven o'clock an explosion took place at The coroner having summed up. the jury, after a A* a majority of the employers bad agree d to ano- which have been received g tfaeif vra ...i ? of Carlsbad and Marienbad. I wish to have for Testimonials , , of the reat soon us he recovered himself he listen ed to the spot t<> No. 4 stove. We both fell down with the concussion. brief consultation , agreed to the following verdict :— proposi tion , - ' in case any of my .tifie-icv of the above Invaluable Medicin e's. he called upon his fellow-operativ est4 int . -x and a pat of the ointment , render every assistance in his power , f)n recov ering, I went towards the stove on the south " We find that Thomas Parker was accidentall y far- . -. -caon}d ever require cither - The' Meaicine can now bo obtained in every town in and sumedetl show those wh» had not conceded their very mode. rescuing however ' s-brid ge, on the Eastern Count ies Ycnr most obliged and obedient servant . lSnglaiid , Scotland , and Wales. Any Medicine dealer iu thre e or four of too sufferers ; but one sid e, and told Ransom to follow rae . He, , killed at Mcnser rate request, that fhey were in downright ear naj Signed) Ai.db-iiouqh. willprocure it onapplication. Respectable Agent s wanted poor little fellow, whose brother also fell a oilnr side ot the mound (the north -west line of railway; bu t, before we separa te, we wish to victim , died wen t on th ' by unanimousl y adopting the resolution he had pro- 2%V Tonderfvl Medicine can be recommended with tie iu the North. iu bis arms . side), the mound be tween us and the explosion. The give our opini on, derived from the evidence in this posed. 6' . tut cjnfidence f or any ofthifailtiobvj disawe : — After rendering all the assistance in hi* power, to- wind was thun blowing in tho direction towards where case, that such bridge is dangerous , and that it ou»hr y Ag.1.: Female Irregu- Suro Thr-.at Mr W. Aue. , in seconding the motion , said : it wards evening he complained of a severe pnin hie R-ensoui was, and I lost sight of him, in consequence of to be removed , and we desire the coroner to send AsHvaa larities ScwfuisexwRtug ' in was the duty of the entire body of masons to lear; * , during the ni I never saw liirn after this thi s our verdict to the directors of the said line." Bili .'tisComplamts Fits Evil chest ght he was much wor«e ; and on the smoke. . their work on the day app ointed at four o' clock morning , ( , The coroner agreed to do so, addine , that if no notice ,^ lft.-t- .h-s on Skin Gout Sec^ndrry Symp. Thursday though every means was mployed Fre deric k Francis Giraud , of Faver sham , surgeon only in ju stice to themselves , but al oin justic e (a - - ' tones to relieve bim , death relieved him from his sufferings— tiaid I am a surgeon , and reside at Favors-ham , In was taken of it , he should feel it his duty to bring Bo -.. Complaints Headache . those masters who had conformed to their wishes, and Ob-'-:-; Indigestion TicDoloreux thus falling a victim to his exertioHi.- in tbee/iuee of hu. cousequeu ce of an explosion at the Marsh Works on the matter before the commissioners of railways. .. Tamuars he was happy to say that they constituted the majori ij Co. -opation of Iaflamaurtiera inanity . Hehad been marriedbut afew months Work Wcdneadity last , I attended to render any assistance in E.i-veb Jaundice Ulc-rs . - of employers . (Much app lause.) THE POPULAR MEDICINE. men were engaged the whole of Wednesday ( be day oi tuy powt r , in company with Mr Suape , The deceased CoMum nKoa Liver Complain s Tenerea l Affse- Mr M'Donne ll said be apprehen ded the t erms el the explosion) and Thursday In clearing to me whilst we were attending the wounded , MURDER. BeUBtY Lubago tions the ruins , ami came up SHOCKING -A BCT SENTENCED the resolution went to create a strike , which shink .,:.sc Worui s, all kinas The following important testimony to the efficacy of up to Friday. Tbe following are the nanus ot and said be felt great inconvenience from the acid he TO DfcATU. Jh - J'iles tbe per. he the last resource. He was sorry to oppose tbe Dy--'iiery Khemat ism Weakne ss, from P.iRR 'S LIFE PILLS has just been received by sons killed, whose remains can be identified , »nd hud inhale d, and asked if I could do any thing for on resolution, and , indeed , he much regretted the ne- Siy- ipelas Retention ef Urine whatcv r t^ausc this Proprietors. whose bodies an inquest has been In Id , viz : H. nr y Top him. 1 tol ^< him to get as much fresh air as he could , At the Chelmsford Assizes, a few days since, James Fev .rs ofailkinds Stone and Gravel etc., &c. cessity of doing so, but he had witnessed and felt the TO MESSRS T. ROBERTS AXD CO. , LONDO N. ping, the managing, chemist , Jonathan Hammond and if alter tha t he was net any better , to come tome Wi llsmon- , aged 11, was indict ed for the wilful S-ji.i at the • stablishment of Profe ssor Hoileiway, '41, Athlone , December 7tb, 18j6. , R misery entailed by strikes , therefore he should feel it Knowler , Aus tin Wyle?, Edward Irish at my surgery, and I would see if I could not relieve him. murder of John Terry, by fracturin g his skull wilh a Stru t "!, near Temple Bar , London , and by al l re-prctablo Sirs ,—You will please to send me six dozen more Pair 's , J ames Tillcy. his duty to submit the following amendmen t ;— Joh n Petley, Surah Hinds , Mercy Clark , and the body I inquired on my r turn if he had been , but he had not. hoe. The deceased was an old labouring man , living Dr.rsi- 'ts an d Dealers in afediciues throughout the civi- Life Pills ; I Jim just out. I can assttt -e you they are That this meeting are opposed to strikes except >u lizti-i iv„r l&, »ttli& foIttt-KTOg-prices" —\s. |d.. -2*. Oil., *s. of a boy of abou t 1G, which was too I heard nothing more of him till about four o' clock the near Kochford , and on the 31st March , which was * doing an immensity of good : every one who has tri ed much disfi gured to last resort , and , therefore , recommend the prop riety«/ Set. :!S., 2?s., and S3s. each bar. Thereisa considerable them in affeetieois of the liver and stomach derive a be recognised . luxt morning, when his wife called me up, and said de- the day he received tbe injury, he was on his way to * sending a reonotu i trance to all such employers as hare sav ••' hy taking the larger sizes. greatdealof benefit. Tours , &c., The following, as well as others , were known to have- ciastd bad lad very little slet>p all ni -ht, and had suf- that town about 10 oYlock in the morning. The pri- X *J. —Direct ions for the guidance of patients in every Whliam Gilchrist , ^ not yet complied with our request. been workin g at the factor y, bu t their bodies have not fered very much sickness and coughin g. I gave him soner had been lodging at a public house in South djs« ..' v.ir' are affixed to each box. Apothecary and Surgeon. He thoug ht this mode be.4 calculated to obtain con- been found :—M ary Chetsman , Thoma s Stringer medicine such na 1 thought most calculate d to relieve Fa > nbridge four mileu from Rochford , and left the , Har- , , cession. He knew that t-trikes in variably entaiy riot Ilail . and several ethers, , urn) visited bim very soon after seven o'clock. I public-bou se snd proceeded in a directi on for Roch- 05 ^8 CONCEALED CAUSE OF COSS TlTCTlOSAL The extraordinary properties of this medicine are thus him discontent , misery, and wretchedness, upon th«o ; flVE described by an eminent physician , who says, " After par- Tbe following, were severely injured ;—Thomas found him no better , and from that time until the time ford the same morni ng. Soon after this the prisoner OR QUIRED EBILITIES OF THE GENERA and , not infrequently, sent some of thei r bre thren , ticular obser vation of the action of Parr 's Pills I am de- Smi th, William Smi th , George Wrai ght. Henr y Sparkes. ol his dea th, about half.past eleven ortwelveo 'clock , Mr and th e old man join ed company, and they were seen SYSTEM. th 'iir wives, ami families, t '> premature grav es-. termined in my opiuion , that the following are their true — Cullcn , John Videon , John Senil e, Henr y Aylett , Sn-pe aud I vised all the means in our powe r for his re- by several of the witnesses walkin g together towar ds Jus t Publishe d, properties:— (hear , hear )—and hence ho thought his policy the Thomas Stringer, John KemysaU. WiiiWi u >fiw , covery but -wvxlwut suvtess , ai*d he expired about twelve the Mend , near Daggett 's farm, on the road to the - -- " Firstly, —Tlieyincrea6eOiestrt »ngth , wliUstvsiT>si<.ti«r bi'st. Leaving at four o'clock was the siar tiuj i . - andj mpartaa t Edition ot the Silent -naut an Thomas Smith , John Cham bers, Jo hn Woolley, John o'clock . I liave sit-ce made a post mortem examina tion , town above mentioned , the prisoner at the time 3aim,n Frailty. ineilii-iueshave a weakening effect upon the system. Let point ; but where would the end be ? True , the te. ¦ any «>nc take from three to four or six pills every twenty- M'Krwen , Mary M'Kewcn , and Robee t Cheesmun. ihe result of which is, that I found the intern al texture having a he e in his band , and the deceased a hoe ri. «. 5eL, aad seat free to y part «: t' -.. Wait ed ' solution did not dire ctly recommend a strike , but it ~ . fm ir hou rs, and , instead of having weakened , they will be All the above , with the exception of one or two, are of the lungs showing the marks of a high degree or irri - stick withou t the iron end. About eleven o' clock *«UKa em the receipt of a Post OSiu. fJrdcr for had a tendency to jirovoke one. F.ir instance , if ii. fcitnd to bare revived the animal spiri ts, and to have im- going on well, and are expected to recover , bu t in the tii tion pt-rvndiug the air cells and air tubes throu g hou t, the same morning the poor old man was found iyiii", par ted a last ing strength to the body. they demanded pay for the hour and a-half. and the ' 3»IGAL WORK on the ISFIRMlT lEr- w, t»e G£ contusion that even now exists it is impossible with ee-r and vuch as would he produced by tho contact of an in the Mend , in a dreadfu l state. Ho was literally * .- " Secondly,—iu their operation tbey go direct to the employers refused , he could n»t see how a s'rike km '.-'3RATIV3 SYSTEM , in both sexes; beui ^ au en tainty to dtfine the number of those inj-trtd , aud the iicul mepliit it- gas and filled with an exuda tion resulting covered with blond , and the top of his right ear was t\. disease. After you have taken six or twelve pills you will to be avoided. lie thought en- qui- =:iia the concealed cssse that destroys physiee- extent of the injuries . irom that irritat ion , an d thereb y causing suffocation , completely severed from tbe head , and wan found in the interest of the -- experience their effect ; the disease upon you will be- t-Ioyer and emp loyed identical. He could not conceive ent- - . and the ability of mauhoeid, ere vigour has etta ' come less and less by every d\l of eeriala Disqualifi catio ns : the whole pointed "valuable and no family should be without superintendence of the works devolved upon rajscH am! t-h mist and resieic premature , and hence he would second the amend- as exceedingly , l am a at Islington, I have been room for ten shillings, but no ot-e would buy it, and out ;-•> ^aiiering humanity a " SILEST FHIESl )" to them , for they may be used with perfect safety in any 3fr Henry Topping a cbymist. I used to spend ment. _ a great superintending the manufacture of gun-cotton iu the he then called for somo beer , which he paid for with be - • ii»jtli ©i without exposure, and with assure d cenfi- disease, for to every eliseasc they are of in estimable value. portion of my time in the Mr Jose ph Wood rose , loudly app lauded , and said isu -" sgicajs. fictory with him, a.-sisteid by- M.ir *b Work s of Messrs H all. In the pre icess sulphuric a half-cr own. On his way to Rochford the prisoner John Dal e, Esq.. of Manchester , Lecturer on Chemistry, H enry Day. On Wednesd ay mornin g he had nothing to say against the add te-ss of brothtt - ' I went to the fae- acid and nitric acid ate used in large quantities , and it had sold his hoe for sixpence , and he shortl y after- J -ad L. PESKY nd Co-, Co3rsci.rntu i-nteeeeN* and put -lithe celebrated Dr Dalton, F .R.S., in a le tt er ' M'Donnell in the abstract , but he would beg to as- 'I beg to tory about eleven o clock. There wer e about forty per- is then fore necessary to have a considei able qu&tuity of wards sold the watch to a man named Prig for 5a, P iiushed by the Authors , and may be had at their Re- addres sed to the Proprietor iu London , says :— sure him that the mover sta te I find them worthy of being recommended to the sons In the two building s, Nor 3 ai.d 4. On that mor n- tn ese Artic les in stock On Wednesday morning last and upon being taken into custody thecanvass purse, of then solution never con- jidci^j, IS, Burners-street , Oxford-stree t, London ; Eolp templated a strike. (Che ers.) It. was merel y adop- public for their efficacy and simplicity, and to be really ing 1 was also at the works fro m sir o'clock until eight , the. e was a quanti ty of sul phuric acid and a quantity of which contained the key of the poor old mail 's box , by straaija , 11, Paternos ter-row ; Hannay aud Co., S3, ted to test thef eeling of mas ters and operatives , vegetable pills, containing as they do, nothing but what I paid particular attention to the boys then at work , aud nitric acid melt sepa ratel y, and also a quantit y of ihe was found in his pocket. The prisoner was after- lie Or .-r.i -iftvet; Gordon , 146, Luadenhall -street Powell, publi c need could not see they w- re at all premature in their is of vegetable origin. ' With thisassurance the showed them how to fisl the tubes with gun cotto n, US two combined , ready for immediato use, and also some wa rds t»ken into the room where the deceased was 19, IWiaiuriand-straet , -Dublia ; Lindsay, 11, Elm-row , lisve nn fear of iving them a fair trial. p g they wtre not doing i, quite to my sathfat'tiotl movements ; it should be rem«mber .d that th ey bad Fifthl —There is u« medicine ever introduced to the . 1 gave that hail been used , to the north of No 3 stove. I; had ly ing in heel , and on his being raised up and show n Ja i.tb eirju , II . Sa-apbol l, 135, Argyle -street , Glasgow ; " y, given thei r employers lfourteen days' no' ice, and at the public that has become so universally popular with fe- dir ections wh ere I thought it u-c.'s v ary to insure perfect se;en them on the morning of the explosion about 9 the pr isoner , he immediate ly said that be was the ln;s.ai «, Harlre t-street , Manchester ; Newton , Ohurch - expiration of that time males as I'arr 's Life Pills. For all complaints pt-cu iar to safety. Or.e of the muiiUft cturiiig mana g i ng-assistants o'clock ; tbey were then pi operl y pu t away, the greater man who robbed nnd beat him. The deceased nko, a deputation had waited on «:re t, faver paol; Gues t, BaR- *trect ,Binningham . , and he was ft-males they are of most astonishing effica cy; and they of tbe nam e of Day, was at my elbow all the time , mi part iu carboys , and quite sa fe. On the Thursda; at the same time, identified the watch and other them happy ta say, that M essrs William »?ISlOSS O? THE PBESS. and Thomas 1 are confiden tly recommended to them for genera! ns't. A as to be able to act durin g my absence , I considered Uk- mornin g, alter the explosion , I again saw tha t the ' ma- articles that were produced as his property. Mr Cubitt , with tlie majority of master * " Wc ragar .I tbe work before us, the " Silent friend,* had complied with thei r ' trial of a box of these pills will at once prove the truth of buildin gs fully efficient and safe for the purpose of jor ity of them had been broken by t he ' ailing of the walls Ileidgc , surgeon , pre ived tha t deceased tli ee! of a frac - reques t. The Cubitts »s h «-.rk e JU 'rr.ciug most clear and practical views of a tins assertion. manufac turing eun-cotton I left the buildings utoiu of No. S store , auplosioB . • The tur e of- the skull , and he produced that portion ul had not only given the privilege to the. masons but yic if c-i!!iplaiats hither to little understood , and BEWARE OF SPURIOUS IMIT ATION S OF THE . vrer ; ..ver by the aj ajarity eight o'clock, end all was then perfectly s,\Fe, I ll'ttll reference to the nitric acid would be n it which had receive d the fatal injury ; and t <> all the men engaged in their emp loy. (Loud we at of the medical professi on, for ABOVB MEDICINE. returned fi Wt i iTt'Ct upon the suss-. r ^-s are encased bicomes dr y, the found that the iron back of it fitted exactly the of his brethren had with their i:i --Hj5'Vj i^ression. minds, that we not only re- * employers at the ' Govern ment Stamp pasted round each box ; also tlie/(io when No. 4 exploded . The bui ldings fell about me. I nitrous gas would be evolved. The nitrous gas would be wound in the skull , nnd the aurgeon said ho had no Freemasons Tavern . G reat Q'lecn- Ci«-. :i«id , but cordiall y wish every one who is the victim simifo of tbe signature of the proprietors "T. Roberts ' , , was going tow ards the building * at the time , and I met con verted into uitr ot's ii cid , and that would produce very - doubt that it was inflicted by it, street , at which they had assured their employers £ 3 -r* &U5, or suffering froj n indiscretion , to profi t Try and Co., London " on Hie Dir»ctions. and tha t, in all pr o c-iatained. iu its pages. , Mr Day re turning from them. told me Mr Toppir. g i fltc's bability, one severe " that they by no mean s menaced a strike on ths a i«=e "—Age and Argus Sold in boxes at Is l|d..2s. 9d., and family packets at II * injurious upon any anim.il tissue with which it blow had caused the mischief. presen T-.n I. ofthis wt=rk is par ticularl y address ed to these I is., by Eelwards , 67, St Paul' s; Barclay and Sons , was there. Mr Day was returning towards the works migh t come iu contact . If combined wi th sulphuric Baron Parke , in summin g up, told the jur y that t occasion , (hea r hear ,) that the hour-and-a -hali W30 :r - pr% v-:!itid tram forming a Matrimoni al AU'ance, Farrin gdon-street ; Sutton aud Co., Bow Churchyard , with me when ' he explosion took place. I sa w the ma- acid , this action would certainl y be more energetic. Sul- whether they should be of opinion the fatal injur y was not worth striking fur , but that it concessions J. and terials of the buildin g i were and -ill i'ttf 'UHd an available introduction to tke mean e Londo n; Mottershcad and Co., Manchester ; and ase- nd into the air and tall in all phuric acid , vi hen coming in conta ct wilh straw , would hud been infl cted with the intent ion to maim an t 1, notgrantcd, the day mightenme when somethin; R. Uaitnes and Co., , Glasgow ; a d oip.-rf- 'Ct an-i 3-j cret restorati on to manhood. Edinburg h.; Mitclu-M direc tions. I pace 1 to and fro for a minu ' eor a minute also produce sul phu rous acid, which would bo equally disable the deceased , or whether it was else might be added to the lour o'clock movement, by all resectable dru ggists and patent medicine re- merely to P«rt II. treats perspicuousl y upon those forms et and a half, until I t! ought it safe to venture . I then injurious and fatal if in contact with animal tissue. I fur ther the object of robbing him , in cither case in anil they then might feel it necesfary to have » tailers throughout the kingdom. —Dim-tiens arc given went up to the buildings , and heard eries under both of strike. dis<-ac« thus pro duced , nn d had personal experienc e The jury then deliberated for a lew minutes , when ployer who had conceded , it was thought irecrs sarj negi et to ootiin crnnpstent in getting out the sufferers fr«m the ruins , and every mtdienl aid , entail upo n of it myself. I have heard the evidence of Mr Giraud , thts y r eturned a verdict findin g the prisoner Guilty ol that a demonstra tion should be made , and if the mi- hem-olves rears yf misery and suffering. possible exer tion was used to extricat e them Several . the surgeon , and concur with him in his opinion as to murder . They at the same time recommended him nority of maste rs still held out , their only altern atir t WlUT MAY BR DOSE WITH POOR LlKD. — Near to hundr ed persons soon came to assist. We used our ut- iflE OOIIDIAL BALM OF SYRIACUM the cause of the death of the deceased , and in his evi- to mercy ou account of his youth . The learned jud ge was todr op their tools at four o' clock, whether , the ' Is intendsfl to r^Heve those the town of Mere , in this ctmntv , ve ( l< »uld be inconsist ent with his indeed be a degenerate race . Never was time nwtj dered .so unproductive that every farmer of the old show the hentwhen I was absent , and which I never or 33s., by which Us. is saved ; the £5 cases may be had The melanchol y scene was attend ed by many hundre d duty in such » cast" , to do more than propitio us for th eir purpose , n ever was masons worj alloive-4 any one but myself to interfere With trans mit tha t , whii^b is a saving ef £112s. school failed in getting their living from thefarms they , I ll.'tVC p ersons from the town and neighbo ur hood of Faver sham , recommc iiciali.iii to more nw tno ria li s usual , the proper quarter. The sentence plentiful. He did not believe all tne occupied ; hence Mr lloate , one after the other . wa> tried the beats at dlft\r tnt degree." to ascertain its S.lfctV. The remains of those of the deceased ot death no TlIE GO NGENTKATED DETERSIV E iden tified bad was then passed in the usual form. Tho pri- in the world would convince ;i man determi ned drive n to make the best of such lan d, or suffer it to Profess or Schonbtin has told me that gun-cotton will been coffined on the previous day, soner br o ESSENCE by Messrs Hall' s dire c- did not betray theslighles t emotion to be convinced. (Hear , hear. ) lie believed , be slili les-a useful if overrun with wteds. He there- not explode at 284 degrees; I myself have tried it up to during any in anti-syphilitic remed y for searching oat and purif ying tion ; and this morning, at 10 o' clock , a numerous eaval- part oi the proceedings. ther M' Donnell to be as good a man as any; in London fore hired farm bailiffs, pur. -ha.scd horses , and ercry 350 with the thermomt lev, and there has been no explo- inf iiseased hauteurs nf the blood; conveying its active cade of sorrowin g mourners assembled at the works to and he trusted he would consent to withdra w hi necessary implement of husbandry ; employed at sion. All tbe fourteen person s but one wtre got out of princip les throa.'hont the body, even penetratin g the pay the last tribute of respect and affvction to their un- amendment and unite with then ) in thei r »true«l i teas * one hundred and fifty la bourers , keeping be- No. 3, and out of the part which formed the packing- fortunate relatives minu test vyss.^U. remo vin g all corru pt ions , contamina - . ExTRAonj >iN-ARY Deatu of a Gipsy.—Before i\?r which he was convinced must have a triumphaD tween seventy and eighty horses , giving constan t room. The gun-cotton is manufactured by t ht: French Tho number of whole bodies buried was tarter issue. (Immense ) tions , an-ii -3pnritia> from Kit vital stream ; eradicating nine Only, the , on the body of a gipsy , at the Grasshop per , applause . it work to woitdmen . carpenters , bricklayers ; thus government and also by merch ants in Ami-lien. 1 remains e.f Mr Topping and George , tfce n»-»rbiC tirus , and radically ^spelling through the Ransom not being near Lempsheld . One mornin gduring the past week MrM'Di tx.vm, said a few words in explana tior mwc then two bund led men throu gh him have con- ha ve had thre e Duplications from tiiu English govern- Inter red wilh tho rest. The mutila ted Te in remains of those Mr Bra ison. oi Botky.hillfarm , near that place , and again strongly depr ecated anything that woul stant employmen t, win ier and summer , wet or dry , mentforgun-cotton , and have executed several hundred who were blown to was Price Us-, or our bottles in one for 53s., by which Us, pieces had been collected lr going along the road , when hesaw lead to a strike. at zood wages ; the lowest amount paid to labourers ord ers in all part s of the kingdom . as f- as something smoking Is sav ed , alsn in £3 cases, which saves £112s. possible wi th great care , ond these wer e at a distance . Ik vvvnt to Mr J. Ww>d rep lied. is 12s. per week, some having 2ls. at the present Thisclose i Mr Hall' s examination , durin g enclosed in the spot , ami discovered Ven?real coietamina t"n:i , if not at firs t eradicated , the wh ole separate coffins, the dead body The question was thtn put , when thirte en ' ai will time ; no reduction in the cold and short days. II is of which ho was much affected. of a woman , in a state of nudit y, all ham then remain sweetly lurking f n the system for years , and Tbe mournfu l procession moved from her clothes having been appeared for the amendment , and a complete forefcr cottnjes are let to hia labourers at from 30s. to 40s. John Day, of Favershaiu examined the works at tton borne by the fellowlabtmrers npon theua ^npy individual its most dreadful form? pasturage of the deceased * burning und er her. The body was in a frig htful carried amidst applause , again and again repeated , cd , enabling some to kttp a cow or two, and works. 1 have been so employed about five weeks and Mr Wiiliuin or 3l5e, unseen ,-* "--wnslly endan ger the very vital organs , Hail , Mr White, the chemist state from the burns—the skin on the face , neck Mr J. Kitchen moved the following :— in the winter fatten two or thre e pigs. Mr Iioarc came from London for that pur pose. I consider , Mr Day, Mr , in existence. To thosesuSTeria gfront Uec cemsetyieuces myself 8kiun.r . Bnd seteral other head , arms , being That in order to obtain full benefi t of tho four o'ekweh himself has many cows in milk at one time yields compe tent to manage the gentlem en employed on the body, thighs , and legs, quite black- as " gun-cotton works . I receiv ed n arks , follow, das movement the wagtva which this disease may have left behind in the form of hira mourners . ened with the heat. She had a wedding ring on , and employer * bo requested to pay the tw'ce each week fourteen to sixteen dozen ray instructions from Mr Hal l and Topping. I was The pro c as soon •ecoudarysyinptsms.eraotionsofthcskin jblotches onthc ' esfion was met at the entrance of was apparentl y about 30 years of age. A tobacco- as the men leave work . pouni aofcGod butter , has seventy calves weaning daily employed in tho wor ks, and went there that morn- the church - hiad andfaci .alci-ratiei ' ; and enlargement of the thro at yard by the officiating minister pipe , much used , was found near the spot , Mr Jao ger second ed the motion, which was cai c and fattening at one time, and in the winter at least ing about C o' clock . I wen t to , who read tho solemn and und er gi:o and threatened destruction of the nose, palate- . bre akfast , and on my service for the burial her a bux with a small port ion of ned u*. fifty beasts stalled ; when fat . they are sold uenerally return rema ined of the dead in a very impressiv e tobacco ill ][, unani mously. th ere until about a rmnu 'e before the ex- mann er, tears bt.t aides en the shin bones , or any of those paiiifn :o benst-denlers in the neighbourhood being drawn from nearly every one pre- From subsequent evidenc e, it seemed £ that some Mr G. Scott , in moving exhortin g Uig , some of these plosion took place. I went out to SCO if Mr Hall bad com*, sent a resolution aSsedoas arising from the dangerous effects of the indipJ . Mr Hall t-peeially was very gipsies hail encamped on Botly-hill, one of brethr en continuim '.Htf its frcQuex tly reaching the enormo us wei.sht of and met bim within half a miuut e's walk much affected. which was to union and consequently to criminate use of mercury, or the evils of an unperftc t from the build- At the close of a party of four women. A gi success from rixty to eighty score pounds each . About one- ing I had left. We, were returnin g the mournful ceremony the several psy of anot her camn , illustrat ed the power of union by the acts ,cti the Conecn tratcdDetersive Essence vrillb efonnd towards it when an relation s re turne d near them heard one of ' eilre. to third only is prizing land ; he has never to their respective homes , where such tho women «0 away jn t u the ancient Gree ks and made a nowsou lets than explosion took place in No. 4. I felt a shock , and ran and It 'imans , be attended witk the mostastonishing cffeets.incheekhi!.- weirdl y ceuufovtB as their necessities requi red morning, from her saying, " Good-by,» iul wi v one thousand sheep and five hundred ewes for breed - into the wiHowines. 1 immediatel y hear d bad been and she ap- nnd eh qtient appeal , which was gree ted tha ravages of the disorder , removing all scor butic wm a grea t noise, libera lly provid ed for by pearcd to descend the b ill ing, of the pure Southdown breed ; marl y one thou- more as of a tumblin g than a ' order of Messrs Hull. The others had left, great app lause. and effectually re-establishing the health an n report. I was imimdi. It should he d id not know ¦ and poin ts, L sand acres of this very land was never considered to ntely covered with dust here be sta led that nothing can possibl y ex- where they had eone to hut L Mr J. Wopd , in secondin g the motion , said tid enterin g . I wen t to the place , and found constitu tion . To person s upon the responsib . be worth more than Is. feed the lundutfs of these gentlemen to the unfortunate supposed the woman he heard say - r fib/ f masons were behind other trades in respect to Ho per acre for rent per annum , tho premises ell in ruins and on tire. A great many- ^ ties of matri mony, and who ever fiad the misfortune- sufferers. Mr W. Hall has during the last two or three matter had alluded. 1. when Mr Hoare had it first in his pos?ession, the oc- persons soon came up and assisted in extricat ing the ^ ^ " ^ " ^'ratinBu oh an cxtvwrtln m to which lm brother Scott daring their more yout hful days to be afiecteenyei with days frequently personally visited ibem at their Z»t n cupiers then thinking three to four sacks per acre Of sufferers . I considere d myself quite homes ' k tIe p!irtl y consum , sln.-uid not only like to see an ivnual dinner , but ait orni of these diseases, previous course of this medicine safe in the manu - and his ins tructi ons EXdvth d . ,r- f ' ed wuSne ar * wheat a good field ; now by cul tivation , draining , and factory of the gun-cotton . arc thatn othin g which can possibl y e body, and the mter ence was to see an operative masons' institution , for tr , and of the greatest importance , as Mr Hall gave directions that all eviate their tha t a lighted coal ¦* highly essential manurin g, it weuld let for 30*. per acre. Five bun- •me stove suffeungs in any way shall be omitted had adh en-d to the botto m and an asylum im should never be higher than 120, and I believe nnd set fire to!K• dotE. benefit of their aged and infirm , Tnoer serious affections are visited upon an innocent wife died acres Messrs Giraud and Sn*pe, the medical gentlemen is she was ' deprived 01 tn t of wheat grown last year on this very land those orders wer e always attende d to. are in car rying it on her back. The iurv , n! those children who might be and offsp' iag, from a want of these simple rra rAfes I believe a close a ttendance on them produced on an avera ge from ten to eleven sacks per grea ter heat might be . The latest accounts of 1 tbe parents. , , ., . .. world is aware of ; for , it mart fas u=ed with safetv. I canno t <3eceased Wfls a^hlentlv than perhzp? half the acre. This gentlem an lets iff a lar go breadth of land accoun t at all for the bburnturnt to death^ "?rV ^, Mr M 'DoNNELt. cordiall y supported the resolumlu i is polluted , tbestrenm explosion. I thiok there were U i8 reSmted unf ; but the moat astou ndin g part ol the re-n- sabereel . where the fountai n i to farmers in the neighbourhood , giving every en- two vST "" «*9 »- aso is which was einaniraousl v adopted . explosions, bu t cannot speak positively to the ' ' • , that no ami heard any of the poor creatur e's tha t flow from it cannot be pure. couvjigement and assista nce to those who will tollow fact. The extraord inary effect of theexplosion bwcan w motion of Mr Scott a vote ol thanks \ka Mr Hall and myself did everything possible to save aud on tbo build , which must necessarily have followed the On the PEJIUFS PTJM FYING SPECIFIC in his plans , by lending them money, finding drain rescue the to the Northern Star and the other port ion suffere rs. Every pre caution wasahv avs taken agony she was suffering. "iven PriTO 3s.9d., *s. SeL,and Us. per bos. tiles, and renderi ng every assistance they may rea- ft' r ths pre ss who had aided them in their strug fru] safety of the woi k-penplo . Mr Topping of the With explicit iir«ctions ,rendercd perfeetly intelli gible to sonably ask , and even more than they expect ; nut has carried by acclamation. always expr essed himself as feeling perfec tl safe). A Oatiioii c which was •very capacity, are well known trough out Euiope to be- raising the tent as extra management some y A Clkhovm an and Ilollowu y 's Pills.—A poor Mr Stauwood , on behalf of the Northern 5tn lead * to m*n of the nnrao of Cheesman had the charge person who hud been in a very tas most certa in and effectual remedy ever discovered for adopt , but granting long leases of the declining state of health acknowled ged the compliment amidst grea t eat at tho olden Ion •fires in dryin g the cotton ; he is for a considerable time, and bad tri ed all the doctors in goaorrhcea. ooiU in its mild and aggrav ated for ma, by im- terms to induce those under him WJ muC h i„j urCu bv to persev ere ; those the explosion . I examined bis neighbour hood , without d eriving the least benefit, has [dause. metHately allaying forthEr the thermomet er about 10 inflammation and arre sting not Winded to prejudice soon do well ; the self-willed minu tes before the been restore d to por iect health in a few weeks by Hollo, Three cheers were then given for the emplojipl progress. explosion; iu Ko. i it was 108 and ignorant are soon compelled to leave. A shoit No. 3 be , and in ^M e dam ^as aged ^H ^Sway 's celebrated Pills, which we're presented t<» the then who had conceded their requests , and the luectene- tween 119 and 120 in sorne instan ces. of the Gleets , attictorei ,irri tation of ths bladder ,pains of tbe time a»o he discharged . From the time I BTtne ( On the opposite side apparently djitig man bv a elistinguished member dissolved. one of his steward s who ne- tber mometer W ,lc,, forms " loins mi kidneys, gravel , the urin- to thstlm e of the CIp ,osion itm ™™ M¦ tl > tt northern boun dary of the Catholi c Chu rch. John Thom pson , Esq.. the pro prietor and other disorder of glected carrying out tho plansand orde rs he had kid «bte for -,» 8hph w truth of this , arj - in. either down. the beat to have altered ™Z «[ Works is a field of wheat of of the- '• Arma gh Guardian ." can test to the passage ^ s*i, are messsaneatly cured in. , even with . h c ur IDC explosion has completel y as well r,s other remarkable cures , that have blaste d this over a invaluable solved to make space of about in that part of Ir eland , bv the use of th is a stand against Sir Rotovt l\t t iro acre *, and the ears, droo ping and dh> mvdidue, Ikuk ;UU H 1847- ,"' v THE NORT HE RN STAR. 3 classes of railway speculato rs to talk dnr roir foetr p. height of the mania the baths, and inveighed bitterly against the sultan 's mean ] , of having made so many h„n i dreds, or thousandsth in a week : but it ness. His words were repea ted with exaggerati ons to ®w public mtm tot ®artetfe& $MsJttHanie& THE LAS» ASD THE CHARTER. muVt beborae Mahmoud , who, in an evil hour for his fame , gave way is 1 *?Y ^dually dmn 01 8 ai,tie)e abrid ged fre/ m the lW.;.' Uoi.so ! Ij Oi.no !— .-\ bAuoiiA.— i'e' be sold , :* t rs. An Epteo' ary Bctogve tT ^ v&l to his resentment , and ordered bin to be trampled to i a ir !?*^ A farm er , t ! had indeed acquired certain nieces of n burgh V ceBy Register:- describ ing the efT«ct oi' the pr esent fa- liiendnus sacrifice , the ren tal of Ireland , wliiult hns n * *» u * - I death by an elephan t! Firdusi , after many en- /ourable weather , Pai d , >• ¦ jBOR ESiSD TO FEAaCCS O' COXKOB , ESQ. ! Sit ALL HOLDI NGS. and the progr cssof the crops, i>ro i!r.er -d as much as £1R vOO ?: ycr. Tliis v Ml ^^ fiden .^ftSJ ^K treaties , obtained a remission of his sentence , bu t lip- " Wc cemld i-.ot ' chanye tor that amount , It is a subj-ct o congrat ulation Pa- — have TOJm.it »e,,n,¦ & , not forgetting the blot In rawed hy lavge farm ers tor sale in this country. W e hope v.-j tl ' , , r ,c I !i !Wi !« r y Boiw -ra ;-i: . " ^ b <° iu" l • * stren gth to the needy in his dis- ; SSSTCK J SffiSS by meani ef the pleUBh , IB FO the importers h ail , n .:i; ":!: »"- i -'^ ;>f,rt " ' ' KfV-t ^ whaiw nu ac,uai wcai Mabmoud 's escutcheon , that he was the son of a slave supported by have to export the vermin. .np i.-i ' or.hi.T rubbish , b' Thns Onius answerin r , said, "Th is is a lover of %££££;£> • k ^c- experience , and by reas on , tha t it U diffi. N.B. - eUn-oal . and ?. h'.- :e Lfsf * This he sent sealed to a courtier , desiring him to give- cult to underst and the A Hull paper states that an association has been v!i\iinUoii -limch . tfcren, ai:d of the people of hritl . "—Eccies. xrii— 1 <,? P ^-Sir R. hostilit y shotm by many to tht ; ii>kcn ;ti z 2! bre inI\T?r i "' I P ^ ' Peel 's Bank- it to his master whenev er be was more than usuall y di s- general introd uction formed in that town for tho puro use M.d cvon profane «:- t i.i3 xt-"« P dC3 hat th e of the system . I t has, how-ver . of " kcenlii i? Ti(.\uKiN Ge>DS. -!Sir. .ift« J ,.iiv- M«- Ba»k of England shall turbed by state affair s. In the mean time been tafen journeymen shoemakers honest. * ' ! nnt !«L nf,tCS/ J he flad from up pr acticall y by so many landowner * ami " <.» v yound , it is literally » fact , -La Demo x Mx e 1 16 ami,unt of £14 000 000 Ghuzni, and sought Post, title i'. •?sterliterW ng, K , ST. * , . shelter in M atindaran. But societies, and is daily home out by so The Boston U.S., mentio ns a very impressive iliHfc there is a wmohome -.n h»rs Of all tbe wonders of this wondro us age I beyond the bullion it may possess. many fresh ex- /WApM sSafos To this Mabmoud's wrath knew no bounds, and his emmissarics p?riments , th.t its ultimate success and solemn funeral in Water -street. A barrel of African &o s! oe That cheer the peer man and exalt the sage ; r^ ' ewer »"« the antib ulliouist s cannot be d .ubted . wit ii tho title of '' Depot for _ IZ , > object , on the followed Firdusi everywhere. He next took refu ge in Small farm s c/tnnot .if course be- porter had fallen from a truck , aud v-mno fiftv aii !ia e-xt«-Msr.'0 busin ess v/iifi 'he treasures that are daily given grou nd tfeat tuey may have cultivated to profit firm of ii-.; is carries Of at- other security than Bagdad , where the caliph , Kaelor Billah , received him evnho ut shell and ktioivlii dgoeif the mourn ers were standing round.th e leer. [Oh ! oh il ma;»v kinw «« God to man, to fix his thoughts on Heaven money—that govemmeu- princi ples of farmli m, Seneu a l , where there nre about us j!v securiti es and even private for a time; and he added in his praise a thousand lines and jet it is to crofts «rcclicdl y by Tho Confere nce of the Wesleyan Society for 184] ' s none that Prude nce wisely pfperty may miin^Qd iialf.3UV« l> e mediceval IiMy bu d princ e*. Tr.&.e Atriohii x*m ¦jjlfK rcconun eiuS, bemade w answer tho purpose. For the to the Shah-namth (^s his is tenants will be held in Liver pool. ttrst ot these great poem called, i. e , that the opponents of the system have l.,olte-d make war bv wav ofniiltie p leasan t cxrite ra-'iii 'S, To all her childre n and to Fr. edomV friends, we may remar k.that though apparently King-book ); but the cal i fur their Profe ssor Wilson has published a letter ale ph was too weak to disput e illustr ations. Even lar ge farms will prove- disclaiming Whcn one «f thorn has list ¦« bttti o hodwini-w n;s So much as oae that all should learn to know, "S investment , ge:ver nment securities are by so s will ruinous if all present connection with Blackwood. • moan s Mabmoud' , and a stern message from Ghuzni once unskil ful ly mana ged.. In J>. ,w,,shirc th r« :.rc " gods," and wdew new IVuch erne * from ev .jis vr ho lore the people , or regret their woe— exempt from that po.«sibili'y of change erhich 14 000 farms A fow days since in a quarrel tho mate of a more hurried Firdusi into exile. He was then more lhan . under live acres ; the tena nts aro prosper- , vc«: I and Co., who. emp loy artist * to make them er e^U, On? that must soon reform a nation ' s laws, vtsitscyerythi ng on this earth :—For the second,—if ous and hi lying in the docks at Liverpool bit off the nose of the seventy years of age, aud for several years he wander ed gh spiri ted . In Lim erick ther e are onlj h alf a with siirpe nts' head 's, iions' manes, tiger* e^-s. Provoke the sanction , and the world's appla use • reviewer did not know , he ought to have known , from plane to place in the number , seaman , and forced a finger into his eye ; but that constant dread of Mabmoud 's with poor and apathetic tenants . Tne dif. the When a Sencpa lian poteniatc obtain s a c.'ri.-i?i.-)s;:;;t On? tha t shall hallow a bri ght patriot ' s name a bank was establish ed in New York on pre- vengeance erence lies s. nmnn preferred'a charge of assault , . At length, wearied with poverty, sickness, altogether in the ammnt of agricultural against his bru - of new " gods," he gnus to war in order to lu- r- l. ''.'-.ir add new glory to his deathless fame cisely tbat footim? : that the title deeds of private f>kill. tal offi'.-er, who has bceti committed for trial. And . age, and the ingratitude of his friends, be bent bis steps, efficacy, ' U " Co, have bet a ivsl y Thine, s;reat O'Connor , thine , i?Iusrric u< pro perty were considered as security, and notes No leia thiin eighteen gallons of whisky and twelv e itli^to Regis ivint chief, aMompauied by his daughter , who was his only stay, to- Iin thei r " gods. helm now offrred for a nation ' issued to the amount only, of less than half their Nothing is doz,dation .gramed ,fespecial ly by private an autograp h letter of Lord murder , d by Henr y Ar j now inscribed upon tbeir native soiL true spirit of her father , nobly refused the gift, saying, acres are laid out in four fields as Mbwa :— 'No. 1 is Bacon , dated August Parker , and that he did feloniously destroy his oiva banks, that this trade has out-stepped the limits of what have I to oats for hay ; 8 ' 4th , 1606, and add ressed to sold He who did once a houseless str anger roam, " do now with tbe wa dth of kings V , grass ; 3, bear and grass seeds ; and Sir Thomas lloby, life, ho being the refore guilty of /efo di sf. The ni their legitimate capital. Had the merchant been We would gladly give specimens of Firdusi' s poetry 4, green crop—as turnips , potatoes , &c. &e. The acre I for eighteen guineas. Hat 'W a dwelling and a happy home. compelled the coroner ordered the beadl e to tako charge of I' arker 'i s?ats where once oppressio n to confine his transactions within but want of apa ce forbids. The same cause prcvente of oats is made into hay, and immediatel y after nwils I he Russian government has sent a quantity of The rais'd her head, amount , ot his own bullion capital , it would have been coin to Engla nd body ; nnd to have it placed in a plain sbr! -! for in- Sow Labour cheers, and Indolence has fled : us noticieg the other great poets of Persia; even planted with cabbages, which have been prep&rin R for , in order that it may be assaved at termtnt without Christian rite s. The - uneral , impossible for him to have suffered the reverses de- Sadi, Jelaleddi n, and Haf«. We must , however , tha t purpose In tbe garden. No. 2 is in the English mint. There hamble cottages in myriads stand , scribe d. But he had been trading on that which clover to be-cut which took place shortl y before midni ght , " t-as at- make room for, and conclude this notice with , the for the cows in the byre. No. 3 is in bear nnd cluvj r Sever*! English an glers have lately visited Nor- Invite back heal th and decorate the land. had no tangible existence, on notes tor which he had way for tbe purpo se of enjoying the sport of salmon tended by an immense multitude. Plr-nty and essr with affluence unite , following anac reonatic effusion from the pen of the seed sown with it, and No. 4 is iu potae oes and turni ps. Au,EOEn Death fbdm ViouNOB ,~Our rea ders no correspoadent value, and £ "Cambridge. [When will the eyco- the case in a resolution th at " tlirc t-ia * His best repast it wha t bis bands afford . , cows, supposing them opinion on true representation of it. A bank-note issued be- For books cannot teaeh you love's marvellous lore to be properl pliantic sni'bsatthid seat of learning discover a Jittle enabled i» decide whether the Injury Amidst the pleasures of a rura l life, ; y fed and att ended to, and -pr operl y cleaned mi tteo are not yond the amount of balKo n is but the -promi ssory Come , listen to me ;$e shall learn it apace , and rubbed down dally >f The time is eeme, whsnth py who sccSM before, articles which we can generall y approve-of, and com- WOB. an acr e of pood bear y is an ¦Come open the tavern ; why longer delay ? should yield not less-tban five 1isherit 'B, -in 1846, amounted to £50,000, and for Bri- unsatis- Must own their folly, and their faul ts deplore. mend. Tbe "TriaUf Dhe Earl of Somerset " , Qu arters , deduc ting seed. some of the atte ndants. They regret the interesting abrid -story the And bring us the wine to chaw sorrow away, Suppose half an acre of laud under tish fithorier to £l'l ,000. s o but they fel that Thy greatest foe, who once could-cro wds command , gment s been-found berry. The committ ee deem it highly desiviibio ex- Grea t is thy task th ronrse with zeal pursue , Among the importations 'which have lately taken , y history of this very remarkable , and in-eonse respects not an extravagant one. The popula tion on the estate periments should be made ; and they would be glad To tne-nd old mann ers and reform the sew. place from the ^Unite d States of America are some great man. But we cannot join the reviewer in un- already resembles a ' hive of bees,' to use tlie phra xeoh'g.t' to receive specimens of the fruit from the cnitmrted Safriene the work as grand the priM shall be, -which are out into small pieces, like , qualified praise of his hero. Fox did oioc wholly of the " Industrial Ma gazine;' dried app les, plant. Every encourag ement will be offered tc sue- SheTheologian. A Reoiew of Ancient and Modem slices ot- cimdied orange or -lemon peel , and form an A dedJJtts trow *of touaortoKtj t, escape the fanaticism of his age, and some . of his The tendency of the evidence is exactly the same from ' •ceasfu l growers ; and improved specimen.", accom- Ah abishhah. XHvinity,etc. , &c. Jul y. London ; W. J. Cleavet i London , Jul y 16, 1617. '' s t s" doings savour strongly of the ri- all part- of the -country, where experiments bare bei-u aureeilbledish for dessert. panied by a plainl y-written statement of all particu- can cien ion -Baker-street , Portraan-square. of a young man, committedifor bur - dicu hmi ; for instance , -bis refusal to takeoff his hat fairly and ful ly-tried. ' Of course It da necessar y to raise On the pers 'tn lars relating to growth , should be sent to thesecre- Stock , was found a: hook called " The The following lines find & place in our column *, in a court ot justice. This folly of the Quak ers we Thi s bi-monthly publication seems to be the advo- the habi ts of the«rofters. Not the least important ele- glary, at port tar y of the Society of Arts , Adelphi, London , W« ' Guide. " , as poetry, they are wort hy of that distin c- offence cate of c rtain shad es of opinion, more nice than ment in this process is the impro vement of their dwel- Honest Man s' feel assured these (acta require only to be knows to because have always regarded in the light of an " and because the poetess is equally worthy of alJ : wise, between "hi gh church" acd " low church /' This may be effected by wittin g proprie tors at tar •Considerabl e .quanti ties -of chicory are - now grown meet the attention they deserve {com coitagra cad tion, against good manners. We must confess that , little lings. l honour. But we most dissent from our friend 's some " goldenmean " which istountteth e distracted less cert than is generally -imagined. Dr Mackenz ie- has in th e sandy ands in the aeighbourhood of barton , others , whose intere sts and comforts will be so as we-respect many of our judicial usages, we should near 'Black pool. remedy for national ids. Instead of flying in despair members of oer plethoric " establishment. ?' we say .erected cottages on a new,mode ), which take up no mure greatly advanced. no more think of enteri ng a court of justice covered 1 Tiit- -(?ate«A«id. -Oosemerflays tUat a playful whirl - fh-m the* land of their birth , we trust that the people than we should think of- doin e the same thing^ in a that this to us " seeauj ' so, for we confess we have room than a common croft, but contain — - The DiGENUAM Murber .—Mr Boron far 'sn, in lacked tbe necessary courage and patience to wade wind betook inself to haymaking t&e otlierday in the —resolved with Robert Sicol to church, or the house of any person—friend or Living room , paren ts' bedroom , girls ' bedroom , boys' «¦ passing sentence upon Kimpton and Uickum , tha " Mas' the warH better yet"— throu gh the ponderous contents. One article we ifiebVrsvn t'if "vritu quantity «f the crop 500 feet Dagenham policemen , said, that upon a further con- stranger. Bv-the>b y, we remember that when at bedroom , milk room , store, .water-closet , piggetty, byre, and theiraaortively scattered it over , will remain at home and win back their right—the : have thorou ghly -read, because the perusal of the first and barn. ifei gli-in the air, sideration of the points of law, raised by counsal in Dunfermline we visited the cathedral or church it.i fellow bayntaiera . land of their sires. If there must he a general emi- Robert the few lines suffi ced to show us that the author is a A.plan is given '¦ Ihe " 'Industrial Jd ;ir ariiiej" for their case, he should not give effect to it by postpon- where lies buried -all that remains of ^a ;., A modal has : been struck m honour of Viscount gration , k-t it be a driving out of the dn.nee of the crossed the warm-heart ed friend of the poor. The article is en- It adds— ' With ihe excejitJon of a few ;id 'iti uyal doors ing judgment, but leave it to the prisoners in aaoot Bruc e, instinctively we une-overed as we Bardiii ii e, and in commemoration of his -victories " of the g at " ot tiled " Ireland , as viewed by Hie <5race.the Arch- and windows , ' cut and-clay ' par titionin g, >be a writ of error , if thoy thought proper so to do! The hive—an English " edition " emi r ion threshold. A Scotch friend accompanied as, and and some -Sikhs.. -ilrooms. by the electric fluid, also nine sheep in the neigh- From h^-m living *nd groves dead, wor king class of England. roau >*i(b.icheiws) ti\e average duration of life was instead of wit&in a " religious sanctua ry," as we calumniated The writer The masonry of such a cottage , for walls cost £2 10s ; bourhood of Pear -tree-green. F»r lead is the cry of our children for bread. y from , thirty-six years , but - £fty-sk withsjjmarried men. did nasover in the shade of Wallace 's oak at draws largel , pub lic reports of the horrible the wood work , about £4. The cotter first covers the Dr Abnolo on " Toriism ."— Of the two besetting '-Why weepest then, lov'd one f "Alas !" she replied, Bachelors , then , not ia a fortune-kintiug sense, . and Byron , ;&sd " famin e" and pestilence which have reeen ly deso- roof with turf or divot , and in time tliatche * all of -H sins of hum an nat ure , selfish neglect and selfish agi- -' ily muther she canno t coaie ; Elderdte. The graves ofB--rna , nmrry, to Ivoe. on the banks of lated Ire land, and his comments thereo a show sot with straw or rushes ; a roof of that description 'bein g sh'iuld tation (in politics), the former is the more common , And l:ow 'hall I feel when I hear she died Shake speare ; the humbl e cottage The Donca ster Chronicle says :—Mr Smith , the Dood and theJordly balls of .Newstead ; and «very merely the sympathy of his heart but also the sound- calculated to Inst out the ninetcan .yeare5 lease on which and has, in the long run , done more harm than the Alone, in a workhouse home f , gardene r »t Brodsw ortti Hall , took up one pota to, hy^o?try and patriotism , it has been ness of hia diead in suggesting measures to relieve crof ts are set,' latter , although the outbreaks of the latte r, wbihi L?t us stay till she rests in the slumbers «f death , spot hallowed root th e other iu»y, which had the extraordinary wanting and ultimatel y remove the misery be deplerea. We The essential and primary requisite Is, however , agri - , they last, are of a far more atrocious character. So And ,.ur sail shall be filled by her parting breath." our good fortune to visit—has not found us lad to-observe that this article has been re- numbi r <> f fine hun dred and eighteen full-grown pota- In this mark of homase which thegreatn ess or the are g cultural skill ; and for this the S lf-suppor tlng Agricul- I have in a manner vowed to myself, and prayed thftt, * But hark thee my wife, to that infant ewy— printed for distribution , independent of the toes ai tuolied. VV e are happ y to learn that the sample , past extorts from us, whether in Westminster ILall, Theolo tural School-i, in the course of institution , will form va- with God' s blessing, no excesses of popular wicked- Oh.' which of the twe is tbe strongest tie T gian. We consider that all advocates of Justice aa was • ntirel y free frem disease. ness, thou gh I should ba myself or tie filthy and misera ble haunts made by the once luable machinery. In these, in return for three hours ' Tramp, o , as I expect , th * •• Up. we must go—for pover ty's smart s opposed to Malthusianism will perform a public duty The ownei* of Van ne of tho favourites for victim of them i no temporary evils produc er up, human tread of Goldsmith , "h oly ground." But te rural lab our by tbe boys on bis croft , the schoolmas ter for six weeks before the race , had two by re- hit n the bosom stealing, in giving their aid in making better known ' Ir e- , the Derby, volution , shall ever make me forget the wicked ness return to George Fox- In the article before us crofter gives three hours ' instr uction. In England tbe policemen gunnling hi-* horse'i stable , one at night Dilleth the love of the wannest heart , land , as viewed by His Grace the Archbishop ot pupils cheerfull y pay a penny a head iu addition. Such of Toryism , of that spirit which has , througho ut the there are certain facts revealed of tbe double doings and the other in tho day time. Ooillet tt its noblt -st feeling— ' net credit ; Dublin." a school has been established at Cairloch. long experience of history, continual ly thwarted-th e of Mr Cromwell , at/ill redounding to his wiH Sod 'M e of Bavaria hn< allowed the statue o[ Affcceii.n for country, for paren ts, and friend *, Tbe curious in such matters lengthy arti- iTijor Wray , in Ken t , has carried out the principle kl 'd caus e of God and goodness and has jm> m facts, which even that sword-worshipper Thomas and Ltilher to be p laced among the statues of other illus- * * * Saon .' a its dirtfal influence ends; Carlyle—on e-half a grea t man and one-half a great cles on " The Education of the Middle Classes," still farther. In a national school there , he obtained a on abusin g its opportunities and heapi ng up wrfttU , triou s; Gtrniii ti g in the Wnlhalla , whence it had And hie for oar children- ab, who dare say, lain away. One " .MaskelTs Ancient Litur gies." " The Countr y at neat and clover workman to make models, iu apar t <-f by a long series of selfish neglect against the day of humbug— will find it difficult to exp " sets forth Protestant and Protecti- ni thef lo be<-n excluded i n account of the king 's reli- That holiest thing will resist its sway ! thing we admire in Fox, his preaching against all tbe Dissolution the school-cround , of the best methods of draining , dig. wrath and judgment .- Dr Arnold to Chevalier Bun- onist views for the benefit of tbe electors, and, of gious prejudices. ten. 1833, y—let us fly! there are other climes, priesthoods. This one feature of Quakerism—t he Ing, trenching, fencing, tie. This man' s services were " L?t u-. fl , " dashin gly " assails Sir Robert Peel. An electric telegraph has been established between A Faithful Messbhokr. 0 v. r the bi i jy sea absence ef a priesth ood—is its redeeming feature in course required only twice afterwards in teachin g the boy s how —Mr Solomon Hoy as, who . Amsterdam and several i.f the principal towns in is in the service of om tbe sound of our village chimes, our eyes. We have no special liking for the drab - to begin-their work , and also the p roper use of their Messrs Livingston and Wcl'.s, ex- Par off fr Hol land . press forwarders , t» the bold and ftee , coloured gentry, rath er the reverse , but we must tools, which tbe committee had handsomel y provided . has trave lled on railr oad and But where , A G'.-rm.-in joun alataies that sham bles are about river since 1829, wit The n- Id of ambition and hope is outspread , confess wedo well like their refusal to suppor t either The Udond Hamlet and othtr Poems, by Spencer T. Lessons were subsequ entl y given in tne easiest mode of hout accident , 482,500 miles ; * to be established in Berlin for the public sale of He has never missed a tri p, and has carried safely- And toil is rewarded by daily bread. priests for themsel ves, or other folks' priests. As Hall. Lon don : W. S. Orrand Co. taking land-levels ; and as Kent is a county abounding in ht how ;o horseflesh . for his employers , at a moderate calculation , du rin g Whir - Lvss are not measured by sorro w alone . long as the people will havp.spiritual mediators be- " The Upland Hamle t" exbJbit s.in addition to the wood and hop plantations , the boys mere taug A swallow ot a pure white colour has been caught to own, " led by set out land for planting in the triangular f.nn as well those eighteen years of service , 558 millions of dol- And ci.il Ji en are blessings we blush not tween themselves and Heaven , they will be au thor 's usual powers of' * rhyme," occasional gleams in Renfrewshire. , speculators in as the squar e system. Three lessons were deemed quite lars without the loss of a single cent. —Ntzu York "Awjy , away! In Australia 's land, the nose as asses are," —the prey of of real jHWfry. ' Most of the other pieces are charac- Stops have been taken to establish an Athensum then gnorance very- sufficien t to enable the boys to comprehend (he principle , Journal of Commerce. Will palices seldom rise, human credulity, and trafficker s in human i terised by sweetness and simplicity, and form at Birininuh am. op better things than the and to work afterwards under the superin tendence of Funer al Mr 0' Cornel l A letter da ted To shadow the sp-tt where the cottages stand. and folly. agreeabl e reading. There are Some of the land bousjht at Birkenhead at four e the 13th inst., state s but we ex- those persons who took an interes t in their progress , G noa , that the body of Mr An 1 ?ii-ie the light of God's skies. Pleasing articles on the " Bird s ef Jamaica. " and lines on Burns to be found in the volume, pence , has lately been sold at four guineas per yar d- O'Connell had at length been as most fittin g for our columns. withou t any additional aid ; more , especially as the ' removed from that city So c?«! off the fibr es that cling roun d the heart . the clever but dainty Fanny Kcmble 's " Year of tract this piece, " G.j baek to tho first period of man s existence. on the preceding day , a large coach , styled a master of the school, a very intelligent man , had in the eve find trere ? Nothing but one wide fowgon , Ere nii**Ty rends the m away part by part; Consolation ," will repay perusal. Last , not Isast, BURNS AND HIS FAME . —Wnatshall having been purchased for the purpose , and tin? fune- we direct attention to a charming article ou a cliai-m- mean time made himself qui te competent to direct their coramon ; a wilderne ss, on which man , for the fir st, And curat I wtio will tremble at dangers to be, Recited to a meeting of Scotsmen , in Sh effield , on the , These works are resumed twice a ral setting t:ut by an overland rout e for Fr.iucr , vVt.at independent and free!" ing subject ,—" Persia n Poetry,"' rom which we field operati ons 'ime, has imprinted bis footstep ". Of course it bo- Britons once aire— ^ annivers ary of their poet 's birth , 1811. week in spr ing and summer ; aud such is the proficiency The Soham Fires. —Josiah Munson , indiV ;*d for shall give an extract or two ; the first briefly lotii-s to all equally. "— Thomas skidmore. settin g fire to a stack of straw , the property ol Thos. tells the sad story of the career of Persia's Homer :— of tbe boys that many of them can not only perform all The house in which the great German poet Schil- Men of theland of" flood and fel ," hout assistance but even give instruc tion Peck, on the 1st of November , at Soham, has been piro gei. tbe work wit , ler lived at Weimar has been bought at a publi c And death less song and match less story! althoug h their average ages do not exceed acquitted , the jury returning a verdict of " Not Scimttti. He was born at Sbadab , a village in the district of to others , 10£ auc tion , for the sum of 5,025 tnalers , by the corpora - Men who, where'er ye roam or dwell. ' Guilt y." Tus, in Khorassan , about the year 910, A. D., some forty years . tion of the town , which has purchased tho dwelling THE WESTMINSTER eJJD FOREIGN Poin t back unto a home of glory ! «At examination ' ' Labourers ' Friend' s Miss BimoBiT Coons' New Church. —'JWl ay QUAR- years after our brave Alfred had finished the work that tho , says the in order that it may be preserved as a memorial of its Thoug h in Old Eng land' s heart my home— which we had the pleasure of attending last being the day appoin ted for laying the fou minium TERLY REVIEW . Jcxt. London : G. Luxford , was allotted to him, aud had closed his eyes on a king- Magazine ,'' former illustrious inmate, |We trust our country- A lone and lowly brown.thatch 'd cat— letter stone of Mi ss Coutt s's now church , there was a large TVhiteinans *sirtet. dom now beginning under his rule to manl iest tbe week , all that is here stated wa s verified to the . To-day in Burns 's name I come, men will take this hint , mid bear in remembrance and fashionable attend ance to wifnfcss the ceremony. _ This nuth bor, though contain ing some valuable and various elements of future order and str ength. Tradi Three several troops of little urchins were mustered on the immor tal bard of Avon.1 And feel mysel f with you a Scot! han d who speedily and accura tely ex. The church will be dedicated to St Stephen , and is iutesue.<. Its principal drawback is the very of the governo r of Tus. Both he and bis bro ther worked Burns—Bu rns 1 0. not in name alone hibited thei r in German y, and very poor , lately abjured the Re- and the expense ; also in planting, lated portion of Westminst er. sieatre notices ot foreign liter ature which may be in- for many years as husbandmen ; and perhaps th * poet Is present here that spirit bright : of earth to be moved, formed and adop ted the Roman Cat ho lic religion. — Mr Broughton , of W orshi tone and triangular system T7e al?o saw , The Maoistr act. p- tended to u< hold the title af Foreign Review, but might have continue *? there to his death , keeping his Iu many a song we hear its , both on the square . It 1ms been asked why the ladies with whom has succeeded the late Mr Rawlioso n at see its li skill in fencing, draining, and trench- street , which cei lainly will not have that result. Questions wild thoughts to himself as he toiled with his spade, had And feel its throb and ght specimens of their Prince Albert dances at the balls in Buckin gham Marylebone police-office. many an eye which opera tions they displayed a pro ficiency oflor«! ^n politics and productions of foreign literature not the repeated insults of a neighbour , who had quar- In many a heart and , ing, in all Palace or elsewhere , are always married ladies ? DBSTRLCriO.V OF THE Snip PALLADIUM BT Flu *.— demand mucn great er suace than is afforded in this relled with them, roused his latent spirit. After in vain Nor is it to our circle bound , very rare indeed among the even experienced agricultural So many recrui ts ha ve lately been rai sed for the Letters dated St Helena, June 10th , receiT-.-ii J uly acqui red at a pubtfcatiiiii . 1 he Convocation of the States General urging his bro ther to accompany htm in search of an- But , far as fancy can descry, laboure rs. These valuable ar ts have been ar tiller y, t hat the barr acks at Woolwich are unable 21, communicate tho loss by fire of the ship Pall a- reverence d and renowned 1 tively small sacrifice of attention to the ordi- have consequentl y of Preia -ia, the pr -gress of peaceful revolution in other home, Firdusi depar ted alone, ;n a gh omy mood of Is cherished , , compara to hold them , and snme of them d ium , 400 tons burthen , Captai n Ravilly, wfiik- highly creditable to t'i« on a Italy, the critical state of Switzerland , and the signs stera Dante-like decision, and bent his steps towar ds Wide over Scotia's rugged laud, nary school du ties ; they are been forced to encamp in tents. passage to Bourbon . The ship left Nant es on tho , and rodosnd grea tly suggests that all the of the coming hurricane in France , are subjects which Ghuzni, where Hahmoud held bis court. The Sultan This hour ten thousand inglvs blaze , school, most beneficial to the boys The Cheltenham Examin er J 5th of March , with twoladies on board as passengers, of those who have promo ted them. We at a million sbeuld employ :he pens of writers in a " Foreign Re- was reno wned asa patron of literature , and had gathered Eonnd each of which a heart-warm band to the honour Smiths in the kingdom , estimated , the crew, beside s the master , amoun ting f or rural schools generall y, to fourteen , view," to say nothing of the boundless flow of round him all the best poets of tbe land . An old In rapiure cbaut s his glorious lays; canno t wish anything better should subscribe one penny each to a testimonial to men. On the 4th of May , should bo as well and as usefully con - in lat. 23 52 south , bu g. Yrev.c' i and German literature , very inadequately ehrc nkl?, called tht B-i:'.a :i-namcli (something similar to While the lone packman far away, than that tbey the distin guished Sir Ha rry Smith . 25 50 west, smoke was discovered Bearste ad ' isiuing ft-i«n the that trit-cti 'j in-d in Esther vi. 1}, had been lately dis Toiling bis evening inn to gain, ducted as that of As the present mode of br anding deserters has been repre sente d at present in this periodical. The ar- notice the success of any lower hold, which eventually proved to come from wlni-b purported to giro an account <-f the Starts on remembr ance of the day. Wo are happ y at all times to found ineflu-ient, the Duke of Wellington has given ticle oa " Inter national Law " reads very like a de- covered , tho labour of the peop le to the land , the car go near the bottom of the hold. On account fence of the ri ght of tbe as~asinsef Poland to confis- ancient history of Pmed Unsari had pained the palm. native tongue spent abu ses is prosecuting a vigorous agitation through- p's quart ers , e p g r As in his thrilling spot was inconveniently far from his friends of the shi and th two lady assen e s placed calculated to mislead. It is the production of a man Firdusi beau tifully describes how many a day of sorrow- giel's " Cot tar 's Night." Scotlan d . in them , into which all on board retreated He reads the Moas a or whether any other cause inter vened , is out , but all who has attempted to be prof ound, and achieved only ful longing he spwit af ter his arrival at the city, vainly capit l, the provisions they could get at was a small And where by some Austral ian stream , not known to us. However, cert ain it is that the Mr Lassclf , of Starfield , Liver pool, assens that lit bag of being plausible. Those reall y hopin g thst some opportunity for displaying bis talen ts biscui t and a k eg of water , together with a the lessor triumph of That sweetly fulls the drowsy noon , poet ha? more lately been located at the village of has ascertained the existence of a satellite to Nep- compass, acquainted with the science of government must might present itself; till at length a friend obtained for a chart , and t he ship's pa per?. Within half The uiiplaid-ds hepherd lores to dream Plassy, within a few miles of Paris. So the recent tune. an hour well on paper , after much trou ble, a copy of the Bastan Nameb.and after they quitted the ship she burst into know that many theories which look him Of winding Ayr and bonny Boon; memoir of Mr Anderson informs us. That gentle- The government of Bavaria has ordered that from flames, have the disadvantag e of beinei impracticable in ac- (as hesays)" eiili !ht(:ned my darkened soul." He forth- aud continued burning until midni c His bro ther herdsme -n wandering by, man visited the p oet in 1844, and found him inha - the 1st of Augu st next , the journals pub lished in ght. The suffer - tual life, our reviewer' with prepared sone episodes from the chronicles.fcnd such ings of the passenge rs and the '' s" article is of this class, as Perchance the day to mind will bring ; bitin g a neat little mansion , altogethe r such as might other German states , Bremen excepted , shall no crew were subse- the fox said of the ma*-k "It is a fine head to look at, was his success that he was soon appointed by Habmoud qu ently fearfully severe. They And Scotland to their heart s come nigh have been supposed congenial to hia tastes. The longer be subjected to the censo rship on arrivin g were ten days before bat there are na buius. within." He ia in fact a no- to tinJtr talte the gre at natisnal work. A thousand gold Unweighted a ship. At length the Sutlej, As " days of auld lang syne " they sing person al manner of Beran ger, it is stated , is full ol within its territ ories. belonging tice at his trade, who cannot understand the most pieces were pr omised for every thousand coup lets, and to Liverp ool, bound to Calcu tta, picked gather 'd ther e, unaffecte d urbanity. In person the poet is " a little Nairn Mirror mentions that a labourer lately them up, Ordin a>y principles of curren cy, or detect the differ- accordingly he commenced his task with golden pros , Yes ! gather 'd here or The the master afforded them all the comfort and atten- the wide wor ld o'er, man ," continues his Scottish visiter , " not mor e, I on the beach a large codfish , which had un- ence between actual and apparent wealth . He thus peers of fame and wealth opening on every side. He com- Britann ia's sons, found tion himself and the crew could bestow. A few days each retu rning year should say, th an five feet five inches in height , of a successfully attem pted to swallow a gri lse weighin g states the convuMm which fallowed the railway pletely gave himself up to the undertaking, and laboured Will hail him afterwards , the Sutlej meetin g iier than before : firm make , and apparently robust and healthy. eight pounds , and had been choked by its with a vessel bound panic of ISio :— at it unremittingly for thirty years. At length the work With offerings wort' more lhan of St Helena , the y were trans ferred to it and safely tune ml eastern rain , H o has a high, intellectual forehead , regular an d 11*6V§ The year ltla •-•. as characterised by an extravagant spirit was comple ed; but during the thirty years that had Yet, though more 1 reached that island on the 9th of June last. The loss flowers , rather handsome features , and a quick sparkli ng eye. A labou rin» man of the parish of BnuUorthy was •fspeerul j stion.surpas .inK in wildness not only that of 1825 hven spent on it many changes had occurred. Old And richer in poetic is stated to be little short of £16 d«ar- loved name The principal expr ession of his face is, I think , that last wee-k working in a field , and dug up a coin ; ho 000. Vat any mania for munty-making witnessed lathis conn , friends had died or groira cold, and tbe court swarme d No lay names Bur ns' " Fire at CHAin m-On Tuesday nigh t about half- than ours ! of kindness combined with shrewdness. He talks looked at it, and threw it down , thinking it of no , try since the days of ths celebra ted South Sea bubble - with new faces, who looked icornfully on the old poet , With more devote-dness past twelve , a fire broke out in ra pidly and earnestly, pourin g a flood of information e, hut fr om curi osity picked it up agai n, and on the premises of aow moie than a century back. The cold fit, or panic ,, grown gray and infirm in bis stud y. He had al-o had valu Messrs Thompson High- upon whatever subject occupies his attention , be it rubbin g it, found it be a guinea of James 11., dated , boot and shoemakers , whie-h fol-ontd tho railway fever, was of course its na- the misfurtirae .to incur the enmity of Aiyar, tbe sultan's street . The fire was observ ed to issue from tho top Societies. political , biogra phical , or literar y; and possesses in 1688. A few years since a guinea of the same date tural attcn- fant ; but sabs« quentl y, asd long af ter its favouri te, who used all his influence to poison the royal Tub UsiiEn Patriots ' and Patria rchs of t he house, and on the door being broken open the Birmingham an eminent degree the power of comman ding the at- was found in a similar way in the same field. symptoms had entirely subsided , whm .'p eculation in mind against him, represen ting him as disaffected to the —The first annivers ary meeting of the , it passage was found to bo ono body of flames. Tho in- 12 th instant , ten tion of his auditory. " He is well acquai nted Take a fork , fix it in the wall , and on its handle rai lttajs was entirely at aa end, and railway shares had empire, an-i to the national faith , in conse quence of branch ot this society was held on the (through mates , however , had (scaped from the roof to the depression ct, when the appears , with the works of Walter Scott place a cork ; walk up to it with one eve shut , and reach ed apparently ihtdr lowest poist of , pub- some passages in his poem describing the ancient re- at the Dolphin Inn , Broomsi rove-st r. true Scot tish adj oining house. The militar y from tho garrison in this conn. excellent versi ons) ; and he knows onong h of our try to knock it off. You will general ly miss it. Tilth lie credit sustained a 'h ock unp receden ted ligion of Zoroaster. These efforts had not failed. and thrir wives sat duwn to ar i ' t rench were soon in attendance , a«d the garrison and other members Pa radise - national pnet to prize highly the title of a is an amu sing optical delusion. try, mepiing at a time of war.eir of appre hended invasion Mahmoud , with all his excellences (and they were many), harles Fulfor d Esq. surgeon of , and were supplied with dinner. C . Burns. " Thus quietly , in a pleasant retre at, are A tradesman in Bath has the following pri nted engines speedi ly arrived or revolum- u We have seat the funds foil 1 per cent, w&3 proud and suspicions, and only too ready to give ied the chair. - Alter the c!(J " James Best s brewery at . street , occup « lU passed and passing ihe adva nced years of Pierr e Jean u pon his shop-bills :— wate r from Colonel perneek . i-,r -is «e ks in succession ;—the scrip of n credit to th e suggestion s. He received the copy of the , the chairma n pr oposed Prosp eiity which was bro ught m beer barrels in withdrawn ami do Beranger. „ ,„. „„„ „ My books are so cramm 'd aud debts I' ve so many, Cha th am, gOTen.nK.ci loan at £2 discount within a month of its completed epic with studied coldness ; aud in vain the United Patriots ' and Pat riarchs Society, Nobth-W kstkhn ra y from that establishment. Ihe fire shortly sw Accident ox thb Losdos and I' m resolved that in future I'll not ttustit penny • d issue ;—tic riee- »f interest rise in a fortnight from 4 to Firdusi waited for the promis sed reward , with which he congratulated the members upon the thri ving as a passenge r communicated to the establishment of Messrs Mag- atten tion ttutWAT .-Oa Tuesday afternoon Giving credit to friends ofttn friendshi p endangers , 6 per c«ut, on L-lls of e\chang e of tbe first class, and of had fondly Lcped for so many years ta beautify his native of the society's funds , and the increasi ng Inng sta tion , nus and Son, and to the house of Mr James Buncle , gra dual :> tr ail from London ar rived near the Aud I hop e ne'er ngnin to br cheated by strangers. " shon d.t-s ;—privat- acce pt-mces t;f the ordinary mercan- city, Tus. After months of anxious expectation he sen t that its admirable ptovision b and ru les was c! throug h not re garding and was not got under till four o'clock. Tbe ami the cBgine-drivw , it is stati is vary considerable ; the amount a« tile t-liaract , r r n < e-re«i seiicily neROciable ur on any an epigram, to the Sultan, in which he compares hi< attract-ng in Birmingham . Wolverham pton , him ot danger , van into a lu?- The Bible Souiety of Now York is said to have de- damag e done - having liability to a sea, " and what thou gh I have dive d in it se« rot ary, the signal omtionin ; estimated. The Messrs Thompso n term- of a-.- ui.t (J |and as rau cl »s 15 per cent, elsewhor e. The health of Mr. Harri s. on the lino. The comina HI clared that it will not give bibles to slaves, even if yet cannot be are found no pearls , it is the fault of my and applause , gagi-traln which was the Phoenix £250 m some- i::M..i:ctc bt< n paid) ; and the Bant refusing to and nature was next pro posed and drank wilh yrei at one, and tho shock of tourse the y are able to read. insured in , and in the Norwich the tex." But , as sir \V. on the surg eon. train was a very long mik« :iu¥.,i l,-is..f i.u;«&ik i>tfi EsrL.eiutr Bills, and even notoi Jones says, " whvre Mr Ikeiltiston proposed the health of of tho passen gers , it seems, Of 60,000 persons who made the last pilgrimage to ill ,000. failed, what could be expected !" -rs M\ very great . Manv ot apoii Miv. r liuiliun. epic had ot an epigram Mr Fulford , and observed that the luembL but nothin g of a more serious Mecca , not less tlu:n 20,000 died of the cholera . The Eoo Trade. —No less t han 5,000 dozens resdved to add iasult to neglect annu al festi- were severely bruise d , were sent from Wick latel y, by the Niiw hi re-in iir s the first of the many fallacie s of Ma hmoud , and he sent much pleasu re in mcotin : him at the The will of Mr O'Connell has just been prove d in eggs , one day OO'J enr rnsiw instead of the pieces of gold . al, aud btsin s their grea t nature occurred. . . . is Sovereign steamer for Leith. A large number were this anii-ic ; the grea t commercial deprc sssion was tie poet C'J. v able to exnress to him the empire of Morocco is ended , and tV-.e Prero gative Court. The personal pro perty was in the bath when the money arrived , aud satisfac tion of the he had The harvest in other also dispat ched for the south by a clipper. Some the naturai :; i!«! inevitable result ot the enormous Firduii manner with which has born so abundant that corn lias sworn to be uuder£ 25 000, and he has , among irit , evhich nei years could chill, tired at uniformly fulfilled health of the the produce to the conception may be formed , from this fact, of the ex. pn.vions S | ti-uiatiiin. The lunds fell—the public the- pr- .u i sp his duties. The the pric e at which it was previ bequests , left £1, 01)0 to Mr Ray, the secretary more Iha njtbii ty years befor at Tus. Luk e fallen to one-half ot tent and value of th e egg trade of the north . credi t w.*s r-n -eken bv the total absence of private once, as it had done patrons , T. Dutito mue, T. VVakley, and Repeal Association. among the attendants at the was drank with great ously sold. credi t and stab ility. It was iho fashion amongst all He d: «ti-ibute d tlie mon'-y Hansard , E^qrs. , applau se. Jtitv 24, ifrj f TA 'R THE N ORT HER N *_¦,_ . - "^ 7'" ** ; _ „„ - , and ofoi lpar-ur . „ .Cheap Breadejread , Higi.j„h Wa jeg res, and Plenty to ])„ ,, — closing hours of the Semon " fio^ the very , has hithert o JUST PUBLISHED , hts. It is in the power of the men of Not. defending with a itabborn en all the productive classes only bee,, J UST PUBLISHE D, her rig ge, as allac.es liament , he was found grea t revolu tion, one continuous chan cause, a measure companied by " Dear Bread , Low Wages, and tj FELL-LENGT H PORTRAIT of FE ARGUS O'CON- Of " TH E " tingham to supply their unfortunate Irish bre thren and pertinaci ty worthy of a better me A NOR, Esq. Lithographed in tbe first Style of Att,ft\,m HO. VN. LABOURER , ; CONTES TS" , must tell him is a bad one to Do,"ha sbeen ,thatitwasunfairto judge oftl)eeff «a Crip ual Paintin g: by T. Mabtih. with such a champ ion, in the per son of Fear gus ch »• which his own conscience 1. Onward—by Erne st J ones. from chain after s. d- ti nue freeing them selves pr etence tha t there was not time, only of the measure until it was fully in oper ation , „. 2. Edu cation and the Russell Cabinet. O'Connor. coalition oi i while, ou the eVmta .M 2d The Romance of a People we long predi cted, the Towns o t f o ^ On Inelia paper ...... 4 0 3. . Tbe extrao rdinary prog ress of events at Halifax , That which a few days ago he gave up the Health of is the reply in the case f he Ten l ur s' Act 4. Visit to O'Con norrille . are , in onesense, a|. Coloured to Life 6 0 Insurrecti ons of PROTBERO E, tion, is thu s taking place ; and we imperati vel y deman ded more justice. It is not ' 0 5. The of the Working Classes. the flight who, like a certain un- position. Bill, a Measu re which was and with much yet in ge Trames and Glasses from 5s. to ... '0 League, strengt hen our pUinandco lour ed, and 6. The popular anima l, finding himself , glad to see it. It will state of our large towns , and the the meant ime it may " Wt have seen specimens, both 7. The Countfsion s of a compelled to retreat kno by the wretched opera tion , and in suit the mus t pr onoun ce Mr Martin 's wor k an unmiftak eable like- King. There can be no decept ion now-all part ies in pur# whichthe tens 8. The Game Laws. has fired a thu ndering stink at the moment of turn- havoc committed by the pestilence engende red individua l manuafc turers to tak e ness o1 the breath ingoriginal , the worth of cloven foot has been poses of mea5Brej of thousands who fcnowMr O'Co-mor can decide wnen ing tail ; the triumphant march ot Chartist prin- what they have to expect-the y packed lanes, alleys, and cour ts; ex- met any one wno Vjldmb the Fibst , neatly bound in cloth and letter ed, of their closel of throwing discredit upon they see the Eugravim;. We have not , forwar d by the enemy, and the conspiracy for the purpose the Aet , « Thatis tho man. * '-A?rt«ro «ar. Price 3s. Gd. ciples, and tbe exceedingly favourable prospect- put reeking cesspools, and un t ra pped drains. ' tashedteted to say. wnoie- wanting haled from d?ssa tisfaction with it, and making may be supphedon promote the only thing now of creating ft , ASeats aad Land Secretaries almost certainty—of the return of JONES and faction rous t His good measures are shado wy and unsubstant ial galfi terms ; 20 per cent, discount . , ., Just reprinted , and may be had on application. their ranks. the operativ es. They have the tot Thnm MIALL , combine to justif y the more than ordinary for the people's triump h-union among popular among power Enclo se PostXfice Orders or Stomps ^™m» NO. III. or ««THE LABOURS V ghosts ; they melt like phantoms on exposure to Lond on." or .Steroffice. the Whigs as in the Marti *, 6t, »ean ^treet ,S«liof Containin g, amongs t other matters , a Reprint of Mr p. notice we have taken of this election in another No one can now any longer say, " Well, to do this if they are so minded interv al O'Connor 's Letter, in the li ht} tlie evil ow» only have, a pevtweiova prm- ^ "Northern Star " of January column. At Derby, Phili p M'Grath is once more but the Tories may do better ; or vice- the g tween the present peri od TAIL OR S. 86th , demonstra ting the certain ty with which an allottee are bad , about them , which enables them to ha s to elapse be and the T O may support himself rich op- ciple of vitality Indic ator for finding proportion and family, and accumulate money, before tbe public, to beard the vengeance of the versa." All must now see that it is the opera tion of the Act. But as soon as ifo^ It toad' s New Patent on a "Two Acr e" allotment. survive repeated and determined onslaughts. Ther e full The the people's enemies, and test the virtue of the people against the poor oppressed ; and in anxious be seen through and very general demand that was made for the paper pres sor remaini ng vestige of pub lic character left to place , these tricks will fc 1 sweats, Lincoln's aaInn. De- containin g the above letter indu ced the Editors to themselves. Withering to the was one ^ ^'I™«Se* '. & fo ^ e . t Old Square slavery be the lot of the expectation every honest heart looks forward of the law will reprint it, after careful revision , in the March Number of Premier , which his conduct on this bill has com- harml ess. The stron g arm compel tbe " Labourer. " coward who shall this time obey the mandate of any general strugg le now about to be main- the Londo n. result of the the mills ; and if ther e he Jfavore/ f NO. IV. of 'THE LABOURER " letely destro yed. His claims to the possession unifor mity in working * PARI S SPRISG ASD SUMMER , mulish mayor, or jackal thief-catcher. Up with your throug hout the country . And there is p ^ 5i£ LOSDO S AKD Containing an elaborate Trea tise on the tained doctrines of moi> for 1SI7, are now ready, by IJEN- of political wisdom , profound judgmen t, moral truth whatever in the hoasted CT(l T FASHION S NATIONAL LAND AND LABOUR hands , Men of Derby ! Lift up your voices in thun- bling feature abou t the presen t con- BEAD and Co., 12, Hart- stre et. Bloomsbury BANK, one enno practical statesmanshi p must be mi demand really JAiffV IK ITS RELATION WITS coura ge and political economy ; if supply *, London ; and by G. Berger , Holywell-stree *, der-tones against the degradation to which your test for the People's Charter—it is no longer laW , THE NATIONAL LAND COMPANY. effect gtr. ,aet May be had of all bookseUers wheresoever re- Whiggish tyrants would condemn you. See that all ignored by all who have watched his career p c and wages, the inevitable of of her Majesty Queen Victoria a war aga inst MEN, bu t against MEA- guiate ri es ^ ndiiic. By approbati on who have the operative cl ^n d H.B-H-Efince Albert a Splendid Print, beautifull y Lett ers (pre-paidi to be addr essed to theEditore , " lfi votes record them on the right side, or attempt to take this session as Firs t minister of the Cr own , alterat ion must be to benefit Gr eat Windmill Street SURES it is no longer an ^ eokuretUandexq uisitelyexecuted , thewhole very superi or , Hnymark et, London. ! Men of Sheffield , against two Treasury hacks there was one little point left on which the ge. and mora lly. The Ten Hou tf Act to anything of the land ever before published. This beau- Orders received by all agents for the "Northe rn Star ," property away — but to incr ease its amount , but both pecuniarily and all booksellers in town we pit one honest man. We know the sublime impu- ; only act for tiful piint willbe accompanied with the most fashionable , and country. by enabl ing the people to en oy the fruits nuin e Russellites might still have app ealed to the was, we have repe atedl y said, the «hi ch -full sii«% Frock , Dress, and Riding Coat Patterns — a dence of GEORGE HEKRY WARD , but it strikes and raised a cheer ' tha nk the session •.-omj>i.;te > Paletot, much worn in the Skiing as an over of their own great property—thei r labour. It is no prejudices of honest Joh n Bull, the o era tive classes havff to o( joat—an d a, youth's new, fashionab le Uussar Jacket , us that , although he may tr y his best at faivning a crusade agains t a class, but for a nation . for the almost prostrate idol of their traditionary which redeems it fro m the stigmj with darts—the manner of cutting them for all sizes— and bullying, he will have a tough opponent in longer 1847: the only act fall rs pk-nation for variation of style and method of THE NORTHE RN STA R , in the last desperate of having been THOMAS CL ARK , a man who is neither to be It is not , and NEVER WAS , an onset against reli- worship. Tbey might of u' tcr uselessness, or worse, malduy -np—with five diai ^ams, clearly illustrated -and SATURDAY, JULY 24, 13*7. in all j| sll ne-C^Ur) Information respecting style and fashion. cajoled nor frightened by anything, and especially gion—but an attempt to raise it in the estimation of moment s of political failure , have claimed for him thoroughly and absolutely injurious 5 Pric -jlSf; post free to any part eif England , Ireland , ra ising it above the gra£ p of policy. Thence consistent. " We are by no Sceitlait a, and Wales, lis. Post-office orders , or post trnj-ihing in the shape of a Whig. Men of Sheffield ; man , by the credit of being " aspects. flan)]" received as cash. TUB STRUGGLE . " men whose undegenerate spirit " has been often it is that men of all parties arc beginning to espouse means blindly in love with what is called by certaiu R e-ad and Co.'s System of Cutting , price 25s.—Patent Duncombe broug ht a case of oppression , con, Mea=vr «s. 8s the Set—Patterns to measure , of every de- tested , rise and vindicate your ri ghts against those our cause—thence it is, that wealth y, influential par ties , consistency in political affairs . It is quite as Mr " Now's the day and now's the hour. Post-office manag ement , before th? H.-npii'>ii, post free to any part of the kingdom, Is each. " who have always sided with your enemies, and who men , Dissenting ministers , and even Stat e Church- often a vice as a virtue , and generall y^cans that the nected with the The Method for Cutting Gaiter Trousers , with twelve At the moment we pen these hastily written re- Tuesday night , which very forcibl y Wr*. plat-y, price, post free , 2s fid.—Busts for fitting Coats on are now fat tening on the wages of corruption ! men , are embraci ng and avowing our pri nciples, man of forty or fifty should be bound by the crude , house on ' marks (Thursday evening), «ov« tUures.—Foremen ' provided — Instruction in Cut- the moral certainty exists The great claims of Mr Roberts have been so ably the conviction of tru th has dawned upon their the trea tment awarde d to horrrat men , who cmg '•iuplete , for -all kinds of style and fashion , which immature and inexperienced views of twenty or trates - that Par liament will be dissolved the day previous set forth by Mr O'Connor that we "are unwilling to as to whether the people are prac tices of their superiors. That ran be accomplished in an incredibly sheirt time, but the minds , and the doubt , twenty-five ; that , however , other men may live to expose the mal qpil in-.y continue nntil he is fully satisfied. to the date of this journal' s publi cation. more feebly express what all iNUst feel. As the legal of their realisation , is fast malversatio ns existed m the Post, in a fit state to permi t learn , for the public politician there must be no gross abuses and At length the Chartist spirit is fairl adviser and champion of the industrious classes, Mr conduct y the public monev, THE T AILORS' TRADING COMPANY. y roused. We fading before the great lesson the national progress ; like the feet of the Chinese women his office ; th at t he officers , paid b J CLMBER OF JOURNEYMEN TAILORS (Members presen t this week to our rea ders a list of the names Roberts has the hearts of tens of thousands. The is giving to the votaries of class legislatio n. The were constantly and extensively employed Jn service, J\. ! influence of unprincipled -ompctitors respectfull y they . will confer the greatest benefit on those thou- conclusions, the in infancy, *6uch by t?le t at t ey fessions are supported by past services—services in the sound argumen ts, the just that establishment , was clear ly proved com. . in£>i-m ?he operative classes, generall y, h h har e sands by sending him to the .House of Common s to as often a vice as a virtue. But there are instances oj>e;:-;i" --: * establishment at many a well-fought field against both open foe and moderate demands , and the well-laid plans of the mission appointed to examin e into the truth ofth eaj . .' -';- 1. VICTOBIA-STKEEr, MANCHESTER , correct bad , and aid the enactment of good, laws. in which .jb y a fortunate combination of influences .tbe whfci* i. j can be supplied with every article of clothing treacher ous friend. If the people will but do their people, while they paralyze opposition , challenge re- legations made by Mr Duncombe on the subyjj t. R, - (so-called ) There is no man whsse appearance in the field has hereditary public man is born , to an inheritance of as oi:-. a and better mide than at any of the duty, and enforce the election of the true friends spect , and the most exclusive politician is beginning sudden dismissal on a faUt tAecj: e.-'sblishments. caused us more sincere pleasure than tha t of John , and persi s- Grapes , to whose an(l. WCJiKIS'GMEN SUPPOR T YOUB OWS OR DER to exclaim : " I never thoug ht ! it! The people are sound princi ples and enlightened views , whose names we this week publish, they will West. Glory to the men of Stockport! They were frivolous pretex t , Mr Dunc ombe drew the attex tioa intt.k -j tempt to demonstrate thz benefits of ASSOCIA- NEARLY fit for Universal Suffrage. " Nearl y ! tence in maintain ing such views is not only creditable TIYV LABOUR. elect if not a sufficient number to carry the the first to set an example of generous patriotism in of the house, was one of the main witnesses \i ,in$e jL-iij- ^ymen Tailors who are desirous of avoiding the , that is an advance. At one time it was : " Oh! to the individ ual , but beneficial to the community, Charter , at least sufficient to emp contributin g largely to the funds of the Central Well deg-:.!--.-. contingencies of tramping in search of employ- loy all the forms of Re tha t evidence proved the existence of these nefar hsj ? ' the thing is impossible I It can NEVER be done !" both practical ly and reflectively. It is desirable met -., -."jringthe nezt winter, rail meet withemp loyment the house in such a way as to compel concession to gmteation Committee, and now they have added to , the first opportunity of tri &t M-nChester wages, by becoming Shareholders. The as few violent changes as possible should be wit- practices . No doubt ppinj - " the popular demand for justic e Th e never has changed int o nearly, and when the fice- .-: -hares is ten shillings, payable by instal enentserf ; and sufficient to act the debt of gratitude the countr y will owe to them was eager ly watche d for by the official reel,: in add! it par * vets Agent to Yoigtfander and Liribours , a comple te that , by this we mean no " brickbat and blud geon " Though slavery ' s gloom o'er Ms morning ha th hun g laws- Koou of Instruction , price 7s. 6H-, by post Ids Pri e the members , and the member s make the belongs to the party who cut down the Irish Bi- be immediately prep ared , it was better to defer the law; no Tbe foil neon of glory shall ibiue on him y«t!" Bstsjist post free. popular imitation of the unfair and villanous The non-electors have neglected their power , the until the next session, A word to the men of Stock port. We know the shops. H Exclusiveism. Serious disorders usually require to its other draw backs , is iu the teeth of all his ihp MR. O'CONNOR'S WORK ON SMALL FARMS d<> his duty , or, at least , as Nelson would hare said , parties concede the People'; Right to the Franchise , men*, and as to general charac ter of the Sessioi, sharp remedies—remedies too, in some measure , par - previous conduct on such questions. It is, indeed , T-r be had at the NcrOiernStar Office , 16 Great Wind he will " try." Let the men of Tiverton do their and merely assail it on the ground of expediency and of the Parliam t-nt of which it constitutes the , taking of the disease they ar e employed to coun- one of the many strange thin gs we have witnessed mill street ; and of Abel Heywood, Manchest er. duty and redeem their town from the stigma of ar is- Here we meet ihem with their own weapons—it is close, that must be reserved for future commenl. teract. Hitherto our institut ions have been founded in modern times, that a Bill for creating more , tooratic mis representation. conceded that the peop le can control the constituen- THE NATIONAL LAND and our laws enacted in the spirit Bishops should have come from a Whi g Cabinet. AUXILIARY TO of EXCL USIVE Kydd is " up" for Gr eenwich ; Dixon for Wigan ; cies if they choose, aud they will if they can ; it COMPANY. DEALING. The privileged There is scarcely a man on the Treasury Bench who to tfraon'S s corres uonUer ls» classes have cared only Dicken<-oii for South Shields , and several more aie follows that the electors must be directed in their for themselves, and those has not , at some period of his life, spoken and voted MIS CE[XANEm. F. Brown , Silver-street Kensin gton ; gained hallows the employment of the means. That spondent asserts that many of them are in the hal.it ot He L. , Mr H. Hay - The blame , however , does not rest with those who attending ".the hall" on Sundny evenings ter, Frogmore, Wandsworth ; Mr J. fare, 65, Livery- our able and true-hearted frien ds Beesley, Marsden corruption ; suppose tlie people to force the men of , refuse to !«y " end" is not the elevation of any one class at the resist bad measure s, but with those who force them the " penny admissio n," giving as their excuse street. ISrmingham ; Mr T. Shepherds on, Toevn.gate , and Donovin ? their choice on that expense of others , but simply the constituencies, it can only he done they are " only going to pay th edr land moncj. " Hu t Armley. near Leeds; Mr G. Wheeler, Dunkirk , near the trium ph of JUS- on; and the exposure of the inconsisten cy of tuft- when they have • Devizes; MrMnnd. y,Northam pto n What is Glasgow about ? MOIR is not dead , by indirect means , and means derogatory alike to the paid their * land money" and return w ; Mr Wesley, Cannon. , " the hull" " they have no nirett WeUenborousb 3tr ». TICE in the blessings of which the vanquished as hunting Mr Hawes, which Mr Duncombe so ably objection to sit or stand anil , ; M-r gan, Merthyr Tydvil ; and we hope not sleeping. Why is not tlie ri ghts of man and the dignity of legislation . Thus , from hear the J. Beaver, Gandiffcth, Pontypool Mr Skeviugton remainder of thelec ture!" Our corres pondent Mr J. ; . well as the victors will shar e. made , is one ot those public benefits which cause adds :— "I cannot fur a Louihboroug h ; Mr T. Chambers Leicester-stree t eloquent and enthusiastic John M'Crae up whatever point of view the exclusive system be re- m«ment conceive why inert , , Bil- should be so Kton ; Mr J. Roddis. Burton Latimer , Higham Perrars ; " The holiest cause that tongue or sword and doing at Dundee , or somewhere ? Auld garded , it is full of faults , dangers , and evils. The one to overlook the somewhat uproarious scene in stupid ly blind to their own interests as w Gregory, Ironviffe, near Notting ham; Mr E. Pierce join a certain class of men in that part of their irloriouJ Mr J. , Of mor tal ever lost or gained !" which it took place. Tlie peop le of Lam beth , we cause, which would Angel Inn , St Mary-street , Brid gewatcr ; Mr W. II . Web- Reekie lias clever men , so has A berd een, more it is attacked , the more its rottenness becomes secure a ceimpctence to them , and If the reader will lance at should think , will need a grea t deal of " sof t soap " yet with hold that seepport which would enable that Mlf. ber, 8, Fareham-p lace. Coxside, Plymouth ; Mr G. Grace , g the first page of this Grcenack , and other i laces, will none of them come apparent ; and ihe more encouragement is given to same boely to gain ior Barnsl ey; Mr Westoby, ' them that freedom whic'i would Barn gh Locks, Duppa s-hill, day's Star, he cannot but be highly gra tified at forward ? "Stand' s Scotland where it did ?"' Sec to induce them to tolerate any longer the pert , render them proof Croydon; Mr IL Ingham , Mfchison-squar e, Senates , its assailan ts. against al l the wily shm of the land -Wicsn; «r A. Packer , 78, Harrow-road , Marylebone ; the array of talented and patrioti c naaes associated to it men of ihe north , and see that you return an smug, and self-satisfied gentleman whom they aristocrac y. Are these tuen , sir, qualifi ed for that para- But more than ever energy and organisation are have dise which and of the Secretary, Mr E. Staliwood , 2, Litt le Yale- with , and pled helped to office and power. , the very body they wo dd not su pport , hun place, Hammersmith-road , to whom all applications for ged to the principles of sterling de- answer worth y of your ancient renown . wanting to subvert it. That organisation must pro- been the means of providin g - or them ? * * Agencies must be addressed , aud and all Post-office orders Is there no place in Ireland honest enough for an In conclusion, sir, I will thr ow out a sugges tion , he>»-- mocracy, as defined in the People's Charter. It cure fruits—it must strengthen the sinews of war. erer ' weak made payable at the Hammersmith Post-office. The only other event of the week calling it may appear , which is, tha t some of our would be a needless expenditure of words to address honest man , Patrick O'Hi pgins to wit ? However Expenses will be multi plied at the election by both , for talented members get up a short address , and presen t special notice is each member of the Lan d show- TO FBARGUs C'CONNC R Esu. an exhortatio n tbat may be, surely there arc many places in England , Lord Brou gham 's Review of the Company with a copy, , to the men of Finsbury to do their Whi gs and Tories , to BREAK THE BACKS of the ing the necessity and utility of their becoming nvembwi duty, by securing the retur n of their present repr e- that would be proud of the services of such a man . Session. In former years that duty used to be dis- and supporters of the Char tist Association. " — I am induced to address you and I feel prou£ Chartists. Wh ere two polling-booths would do, they Sis, , sentatives. That they will do witho ut any help or Chartists who demand the rights of men and citi- charged by Lord Lyndhurst , but that veteran havin g A Yoc.vo CniRiisr. »f the oppor tunit y offered tne: by those who endeavour t>i "happ y will contrive to have four , and thus with all other Opp ression of a Wobiino Ma.v.— We have received ihe cruiti our cause thro ugh their wily insinua tions. I glory advice from other s. The talked -of Tory opponent zens ; Landsmen who pant for homes and retired from the field , the fallen mantl e lias been following, dated Sunderland , Ju ly Men. Sir,—I wa* altars free," now is the time of trial , now is the time things. WE MUST BE PREPARED FOR THIS. workin g ab out a month since with Messrs Hartley & Co,, ia tbe cause ; and while they ate doing their dir t; work of Duncombe and vVakley, has no more chance of caught up by the erratic Whig Ex-Chancellor , Truth we are prospering more »n. above those crawling wretches, who are at all times lurk you will have either to lament your own supine- then let it be legislated for by breakin g up the mono- into the shades attest the fallacy of the alledged fickleness of the below, to fish up the ghosts of the consequentl y we have both lost our work , Sow, Sir, « I iag behind their hiding-places of deceit and treachery , ness or rejoice in the fruits of your victorious ener gy. poly of land—in giving the waste lands and the numerous bills Of must be stopped from supporting my family in tin* people. The English democracy —and democracy which some were country, I :• ready to sting yon, and thus they imagine tbey may up- " H ow' s the day and now's the hour ," stolen church-lands to the poor. The members of " never born , other s depart ed em see no other chance for me to live, bu t set and destroy tbe fond hopes of thousands who ba.ru influences public opinion, and decides public action without lcave-my wife and three children , and an aged pare n t, '* Our green flag glitters o'er us,— a moment 's warni ng;" of those which strug. as a legacy to the State '* full confid ence inyou r integrity aud humanity. in Finsbury—are not tired of hearing f he friends we re tried the Land Company are vit ally interested in being re- parish , and find mv way to the Again, all of us ought to be thankful that we have one Duncombe and gled into life, all that need be said America . But what will the parishioners thin k of such Are by our side— presented in Pa rliament—le t them do their duty — was, a lega cy, for which they may tyrann y of Jo hn fci guide us, and to watch over our interes ts, while wc Wakley called " the just ." The ostracavi will be that thank the a thousand frea? and follies Cor uau ghton , who.by the bv, attends divine service two may truly say we are sur rounded by enemies on every And the foe we bate before us !" and ere long we shall have a CHARTIST BENCH died directed , not against the friends , but against the with them. There were puny or thi e« times in each Sunday ! Trusting tha t you will side ; some under the ma*k and garb of friendship, pre. in the House of Commons. infan tile measure s give publicit y to the above , ' I remain , dear Sir, »ood foes of the people. Defeat and shame will certainly which instantl tending to give us advice for , while their aim is our y dropp ed into oblivion ; ther e was a Yours , trul y, James M'Puebso. h. tota l destruction ; others under the garb of religion pre- and properl y punish the presumption of THE HALIFA X ELECTION. Mr John Oswald , Monckwearmout h.— Our ageuts iV that fool— whole crowd of ghosts-they wer e of various Sund erland :irc , Mr Unities , Nomhers fiarth , ant) Jl r tend to pity us, and will say, how sorry they are because • PARLIAMENTARY REVIEW . sizes, whoever he may be—who may be stimulated by the attention ot vari ous Irvin , Netvtoen i Dishonwcurmoutli. we are Chartists , and behind our backs stab us with the We have much pleasu re in pointing degr ees of import ance , but all had tingham Sweet begs to knaves and slaves to disturb the trustworthy and suffer ed Not EtKcnoM Fund. —J. acktwtf- weapons of hypoc risy? and false assertion. I might eaa- of our readers to a fact recorded in another part of The debates on the bill f&r creating new bishops from o»e piti}m procesj fedfre the receipt of the following sums, viz lfr (Jarf- of the working classes, hut I need , of aba ndonmen t or mas- merate these enemies honored members for Finsbur y, our columns , and illustrative of the weak position have impar ted a distinct character wright , 5s; liyron ward locality, Us 6d; from Curriitj;- not,—yon knon- them far better than I do, and can more and tone to the sacre ;" and the conclusion to which he came on a ton , per Mr Douse, 17s, them out aud show tham forth to us in all their Such men as Crawford of Rochdale , and Williams of faction, v»Wte it CTittences tbe growing power ot closing The O 'Co.vkobviiiLE Tea-trat. — For the satisfac tion oi ably trace weeks of the session, which they would, other- review of these hap less ghosts was, different shades and colours ; and thanks to you and to of Coventry, will also obtain the overwhelming sup- " these failures , the Warrington subscribers , their respective names and the populati on . Of the two Whi g Members for wise have lacked , and served to veil from this numbers are inser ted separ ately:—J. Bat e-nan your coadju tors, we har e the Star to guide us through popular systematic or wholesale impoten cy, made one , V1W, port of their constituents. On some subjects we Halifax , Sir Charles Wood and Mr Prothcroe view the hurried T. Lawless , 1274 ; 6. Taylor , U75 ; J. Roughs edce, tieis ocean of selfishness until we are all safely placed , who manner in which the remain der think , that a stron g , Governm ent , which one did not ^ ' ' *, ' '.mdff M5k ' 1277 ; J. Clare , W8; B. Drum geK»le , under our own vine and fig tre.-, none daring to make may differ from these men ; but in the hour of battle have represe nted (?) the borough , the first for fifteen measures of the session have I2i» ; J. 9.Clare , U8o been poked away , like, might be better than a weak ; i , Clarke , 1281. us afraid. the great question of questions Gover nment which 15. C. D.-You being in the bal lot not we remember that on and the other for ten years , the latter has alrea dy hurried forward , aband oned , " deferr ed till next previously, would Again I would fain hope that my fellow-working men one did." One one point we must dissent from Lor d prevent yem from being on a family ticket , but it is in- would place every confidence in you. Would to God that they have been on the right side. To such , there- been beate n from the field, and issued his retiring session," and so on. The country is deeply indebted dispensabl e that you and friends teoid cacYi etnialsnare *, Brougham 's verdict . He spoke of the Teu Hours ' and belong to the same section. men in general would on'y see to their own interest , and , we wish God speed ! address , and advised his colleague to coalesce with to the small , hut gallant , minority, who so fore steadfastl y Bill as Mr J. Ga BENWooD , Hawortb , near tr y by every lawful means to .emancipate them selves from one of the measures of which , he said , Bradford , Yorkshir e.- But a glorious band of patriots are now knockin g the Tory, as the only means of resistin g the stre ngth " worse xes, you can have the O'Conuorvill e of tyr anny and oppres sion. resisted the crowning enormit y of the session, and plate either plain the yoke measur es had never been passed in one De colour ed. When you what , desire being to forward the cause of democracy at the door of St Stephen's, who, with one exception , of libert y. He lias made a confession of the weak- at last session," and send your order say by My compelled Lord John to abando n that par t of conveyance we shall forward them. well-being of my fellow-men, I have instilled ness of either paid a compliment to his own sagacity in aud the have not hitherto known the inside of that ques- party—h e has written the epitap h the Bill which had refere nce to the fu ture cre t o foreseeing lMVE.VTtv r.-.Julia\\ Harne y has received tho following i those principles into my chUdten , and two of my sons, a i n that v m or tll read y for the grave of dying faction . What-have " when work was reduc ed from 12 to 10 or \\ ! i U e General Electio n Fund :-Edward Basely, along with myself, are mrm< « r» of the Co-operative Laud tionable domicile—or rat her unquestionable den of of three additional Bishops. Unfortunately, they ed; Ihomas Marriott , 6d; Joseph Barnes , lid : JianK * i the haughty hours , wages would be red uced Masters Comp any. One, my eldest, has paid up in the fourth sec- M (idnght) P (Umderer) 's. The one exception we crest of the Tory, the rampant attitude were not powerfu l enou h to avert the from 12d. to lOd. o , tid ; as. fat e of Man- r T. Bolwkm,.—Tho Bath been receired , tion, and I wish tnat myself and the other were also paid of the Whig, been lowered to 1 Id: " That was, he said , prec paper has not of course , Mr Feargus O'Connor. We this—that the old chest er , which is to be Bishopped , " isely what had hap- W In consequence of tho press ol matter eonn ecK-d with \ I want all my fellow-working men to be alive to allude to is, " " of course , up. enemies have been forced to coalesce, in order to pened. There had been a strik e the forthco ming General Election , we have had 1* interest, and t-trh e to free thems elves from shall not think of using Mr O'Connor 's paper to greatly to t he edification an d pleasure of the of workm en, in one their owa spin- ah idgc several communica tions received ou Thursday , i of slavery. I shall willindy do all I can to maintain a footing ? What —»re they further re- of the great est the shac klei bespatter its proprietor with our praise, praise ners , power-loom weavers , dyer s, calico prin ters, manuf actories of Yorkshire , which and postpone others till our next. noble institution. I am, Sir, duced to the forward oar altern ative , the one of saying he has and piecers dwelling belonged to some old constituents IlA MKAX...-l t has been Impossible to find room for tho I Your obedient Servant , which the people of Nottingham do not at all need to therein ! Man chester will of his, men of a second address of the non.electors to the electors . no particular opinions , the other of being afraid to most huma ne of t A Mek beb or the C#hpani . make them sufficiently appreciate their chosen can- henceforth , we pr esume, he elevated in the scale of disposition. But it was not a question Da M'D ouali.. —We regret that Dr M'Doua ll'a accoun t 1S4T. say anythin g at all ? What- has one month his tour in the Potteries arrived too late for imnr tion ti Darlingto n, July 12th, wrou ght towns, and he known hy the style and of humanit y, it was a question didate. Hobhouse and Gisborne already shake in this wonderful change iu designation of pounds shillings this week. I t shall appear in our nest a constitu ency ? No! It of a City, and ^ #8" A number of " legal notices" ore in type , but theeno r- j CIDK MT ASD UiS OF their shoes, for well they know that recreancy and thou gh how the cotton lord s will relish pence. Had they yielded, they TOMfOSDEi r.—SHOC IU..U AC has been the growing conviction of years that is would have been mous Jemrth of tho money list combined with the grea t e , just when the works their ecclesiastical ruined , ress of electioneering matter , compel the withholding I hat —On Tuesday afternoon treachery are not the sort of sins their Chartist op- fast reaching the lord witho ut a seat in the House they would have been gazetted. " This p Wate rside, were commencing momen t of maturity. Rut the of Peers ; or ap. of tho sield'notlces till oeir uext, _ ot Ftelden , Brothers. pouent is likely to overlook. Happy will lalbUng , when n: gets ther e, his holding the pears to us a very summar y —Tho pape r is not supplied direc t u after dinner , one of the thre e boilers burst with a position alread y achieved-teach es us the power the seat mode of disponin g of the Mv J. Smith , Brixton . Robert Law , Macaulay be that Feargus O'Connor cannot be " two on sufferance , not by ri ght , remains whole question from this oflie-e. We don 't know anything about it. fconiblc crash , and blew a man, named people possess of resisting corr upti on. to be seen , and of pronou ncing a verdict as Mr Uavwood , Norwood. —We increase our number every the circu mstan ces of dra w any distinction between ' sub-a nest; Ju lyf» h, at tlie sigu of the Black Bull Stand- ranee baffle opposition. the case, as well as had not opposed , or was hot disposed unjustl y to ilis* " Seven years the utmost ignorance aud insolence that House opp osed by the great majorit y scriber s" and those of more reuont ditte. Itis nol ourt ish; near Wiga n; chair to be taken at eleven o'clock can The discomfited Whig has aimed of the people, con- Parage and vilify. Ui that of the wish to disappoint either agent or subscriber. meet- a last shot at rasts s-own answer , and in the foreseen. There will also be a publi c produce. Irel and, too, needs at least one veritable what lie calls « re curiou sly with the facility with rADtiiMUTos aoBSCBi»BB8. -We have made inquiry as t» js L-g, woie&«iU te add ressed W, Roberts, volution ary princi ples.** He which he re. Free Traders generall y, to the well-grounded com. tho cause of the disappointment . by F. for.* imquishe d measures , and find that curt Kkq v and. ssTcral other gentlemen. champion, who will expose her wrongs and. demand. gets it. i? revelutionary to of the highest public importan ce plaints that their boasted panacea , which was, as by ami, Mr Alfred Packer , has closed his premises at 87.it ^^ ^ on the slight ^ annewanw of • > ," Hu rrow-road , and commenced busintss at 8, White U»0:1 ^ a «,»«% At the magic touch of aomc enchanted, wand to give Pa ssage. Edgeware-rofld , Tr J r,.v 24, 1847. , V IHE THE NORTHE RN STAR. ^^ UOORAMME OF BlSI.\E*» Aon.b oro' Com- Chel tenh am ,„ l0 „ submitted to the mou .. 111 0 Ashto n .. B»th Wri gley [o fo be on the Conferenceof , which will under -Lyne 3 Jo I ... 0 3 0 J. ... o a o itssitttng- 16thi Ango-t L»wwWarl ey„ 4 4 4 Teignmont h -> 2 Liver pool l .M 9 B. Kelly , 0 3 0 rise, develope, and enforce its claims, and at one* srono to purchase those coods manufactured by U J^mence next :- II. Bttbb .. n ...... Rational Mnnation of the * -To appoint a Finance M 115 0 Congleto n I f 2 3. Robinson .,. 0 10 E. Kelly ,„ 0 2 0 shake off for ever thai men on strike, who would otherwise have been paid, ?,. FIBsr. Committee of wvei. W .Lampar d .. 014 4 Dukinfie ld " , the hideous encumberances nd re,wrt Upon the l,« \ ? Trowb ridge 0 2 0 J. Parker 6 0 8 Im'trtr obstruct a- under the old system, to walk about the streets in< in' f condition upon which Bnerade .. 0 2 0 Leii-Mt ™. p„ -^ ! Le«dt ... 2 0 0 Hudderif kld 0 4 10 subject adverted to tendencv 0f victimisation, join th* "* Industry. the? Land Haworth » li° ° in the Northern Star of June 0 -embersentering; purchase department, M H 6i SS SST * ° W.H . Pedl e-y 0 2 0 L*iRh 0 6 0 nut, namely tional Association. Would you create happy homes for An excellent spirit prevailed tbrouehf-ut the Croyuon m , * .. the subject of victimization , practised meet' | , | w be admitted. u 6 ^^ 8™ " 3. Tomliiuon 0 2 0 Barnstaple 0 12 0 the distressed and destitute ing, and ne have no doubt but that the foundation %g ^ Rochdale ., s fi n t :»„_.» \ " o 11 t ... by some employers towards , hasten to become mem- is 8 "" To d l 9 U 0n tne ttme " P. Winter ... 0 2 0 Mant-fieW their men, for being bers of the A tho formation of a strong body of Ft Foe" - f? u e? . al *hicn« a«d H oliingwood 300 bLT °1 - 6 U0 , Linney 0 0 6 active members in ssociation. And not merely the As- laid for unionists in upon which schoolmas 9 » 9 H. Pearson 0 2 0 Trades Unions. ot Maidstone. »i ihe terms to be ters and schoolmis- M- Smith Z 4 19 4 S^ ^ y J ... Belmont ... 0 4 0 Of all the sociation for the Protection of Industry, but also the the old borouuh are appointed. Nottin gham it „ gingham , Par e 5 0 0 abuses and evils practised upon the Parker reported that he had «s jre^es ,« Charles Frith 0 10 Boulogne ... 0 13 6 working Association for Employment Mr J- W. , according Barn ari casUe. f? *?V „ " 218 ° Halifax 0 19 classes, oppressin of Labour ; and let received from the central s —To draw the propriety of ' • "50 ® I ... 6 Wot ton-mider - g and crushing them, in those trades bodies who to the instructions ct m- F Fin establishing DeHSbur / ; " ^ "" W , - ° 2 6 many instances without are in possession of «in>I<« societies for lectures, or branches Wrby Helm 3 19 0 West Linton. .. 0 10 Edge 0 7 0 hope of recovery, this sys- mittee, waited upon Mr Royle, silk smallware pi hesefit of sections Green wich t ? „ ... tem of victimization funds, take immediate steps to invest those managed exclusively by 6 3 Warrin gton... 0 8 6 Mottram ... • 12 0 is the worst. It is the most funds in weaver, of Middlcton, to endeavour to obfain a 1 «, be officers chosen by uiem- Kilmar nock -> J ? B "?*. . " * ° the National Association for the Em section, or lesser Mid dlesWitafT « r ! Nor *™* .. 2 0 0 Mountain ... 0 0 6 Silsden 0 4 0 dastard ly and destructive course ployment of La- penny, that had been deducted for weaving n certain n ias "f the branch, and belonging to 5 ... pursued by one bour. They offer as good U ° , ° Maccle sfield „ 15 0 0 J. Why ... 0 1 6 MftBsfMd Jack- man towards another. It is security as any that can article , makin g a difference ofabmittwo (.hillings per e jie section, whoseaffairs thev are to manage. CW»Sn"th6 -Wold 0 Shoreditch „ 0 7 6 . the offspring of a bad ??» D. LoreJ ... 0 3 0 son ... 0 2 0 heart, whose be obtained in any Bank in the Kingdom; and we week per man in w*g»a ; on makinit known his mis- frtTH.—To consider the propriety ot opening " l U * Mar»1e « 5 6 6 guilt is rendered dark and infamous, S an NewtorL Mon 8. Cant ... 0 3 0 Chnrle y ... 0 7 0 by deliberately offer four per cent, upon all money so invested si .ii , he was ordered "ff the mill by Mr Royle, who ane* Office, tor ensuring the premises aud mouth ' Bri «°l - <" • contriving to overwhelm in affliction But j lnjur stock moutn ., , 4 0 Lepton 0 2 0 Stornbridge 0 8 4 even this, we consider of pay ing a penny too much ; bers. Carrin m Q 2 6 t ...... and trouble its unfortunate victims itself, is of but small declared he was alre ady t pfmem 9 0 B.S. ... 0 2 0 Hawick 0 10 in the mostcun- Irom attempting to Eai|"rt,mT " * Monkton DerereU.. l 150 0 ... mttg and subtle manner ; moment compared with the great ad vantages that thus Mr P. was prevented { SsvtsiH.—To decide upon the mode of apportion. r ft. 1 0 » 0 Hamilton 1 0 6. 6. 0 2 0 Hawor th 0 15 0 and therefore it is the mediate. The hands at this mill are subjected to ^ ...... mo*t dangerous and futile would accrue to the working classes from such in- j ijirtlie tents of occupant*U j-on the several estates of SSfSL' *** 7 1» 0 Cri eff .. 0 14 0 Plymouth ... 0 6 0 Mary Smith 0 2 0 in its operation. petty tyranny, inasmuch, if they are one minu te too •• 2 3 Swindon 4 0 0 ... It is not vestment. For, instead of that money being app Company. SS?liexbam * .. Totness ... 0 15 0 Nottin gham 1 16 9 only intended , by this disgraceful lied late J the .. 0 16 6 16 12 0 ... sys- to work the downfall of , they are fined threepence ench ; and the engine Eccles » Worsboro' 0 10 tern of victimization, to ruin their class, it would be used ] Eighth—To re-con tract the rales of the Com rt ~ 013 Darlington » 2 146 0 Greenwich ... and impoverish the is started three minutes before time, so that the deor NoS Murrw a ° adjects of its to effect their entire redemption, by being employed «anv in conformity with the Act of Parliament, under y S 2 4 Falkirk ~ 0 0 Common ... 0 10 0 Lancaster ... 8 6 0 spleen, but also to obstruct the pro- of the mill shall be locked tbe instant 'he clock i Worcesu?. J ^ ter ' „ Basby in a reproductive manner, in giving employment t Jrbi'ch the Company is about te be completely re- l4 ij a Staly bridge .. 2 0 0 ... 0 4 0 Kilownocfc... 0 10 gression of emancipation, and to perpetuate the to stri k es. He had an inte rview with the Wwk print .rs w«tttng - idle hands, and by that means become manufacturers upon a l jj stereel- Middle -sbo- chains winch enslave and fetter the working man. , question in reference to prices, but it was ft ' £742 5 0 boro' ... o is 10 rough 0 5 0 and in course of time practical farmers ; and so matter with which yisra.—To consider the possibility, or whether it ... This has inva ialily been the plan adopted by might re- the centra l committee could not power of the Company Wm. Lam- Hindley, and wrong, to put plenish our exchequer by the profits arising from the interfere, it being local. Ho left them with the is j u the to advai.ee Joans to SECTI ON No. 4. pad 0 10 ilwn the growing claims of right, undetstanding occupants previous to or after allocation. ... 0 2 0 (Cook) ... and injured humanity. manufacturing and sale of goods, hitherto amassed for that it should be referred to their own i (he James Williams 0 2 4 Chester .. 110 T. Moore , Hull 2 0 0 local nnion. W in. ... princi individual aggrandizement, and to assist capitalists On the same day be proceeded to Tents.—To elect directors and other officers JTDonal d 0 2s GitUngham ,per J un. ... 0 5 0 Bornk The. ple upon which this hideous iNorthwich, of Geor ge y, system in executing their cruel desi Cheshire, to pay the tailors on strike Company. B.Frost 0 2 0 Powell - 018 6 Limehous e 0 12 0 operates is various, though its objects gns upon the working against fhe Thos. 4 Ho. 1. ...' are ever the a Mr Hartley, who is paying a less price than By order of Stephenson 0 2 0 Devenport - 1 15 Volun teer ' ' sanifi. Sometimes man. Then we say to the trades possessing surplus the Directors, John Slater , ... 0 15 0 Clftheroa ... 2 15 9 it lays its witheri'mr talons upon other master lailors in the town. The ruck gettem Pbiup jun. 0 2 0 Devenport Aoxi- Hexham funds, invest them with us, and o n M'Gbath, Henr y Le Gr and 0 2 4 liar y .. 0 2 8 ... 0 10 Whit tington and its unfortunate victims at midnight-hour, drags them y u a d your and salt boilers, nnd other trades, took advantage of children will rea p the advan ta ge ; and the trades now Mr Parker s Corresponding Secretary. Sarah Simpson Coulson Colling- Burrowash ... 0 2 6 Cat ... 0 10 6 to the felon's cell, and locates them manacled amon g visit, and a brae meeting was held to Le Gr ;.nd „ 0 020 Pevonport oppressed and ground down to near an explanation of' m 2* wood .. ... 0 4 0 Derby ... 12 6 the vilest and most degraded of human beings ; and, the earth , shall be the principles of the National Hy. U Gran d _ 0 14 Alva ~ 22 18 8 H. Verno n ... 0 0 6 Norwich , (Spring- restored to the rights and privileges Association of United Trades ; he having NATIONAL LAND L.uisa A. Le Grand 0 1 0 2 0 before netcssary arrangements can he made for a of their fore- dilated at COMPANY. 4 Edward Beake Norwich all) ... 10 7 fathers. great lenuth , the Ctisirman Emily S Le Grand 0 14 5 4 4 fair and honourable very ably espatialed upon 'oiice —In consequence of Thomas Archibald (Murra y)... 0 0 18 0 trial, they are forced through a rlie viewsi set forth > the great pressure of Alfred John Le D. Onnond .. 0 12 4 2 0 Bury ... The following excellen t memorial has been received by the lecturer, and urged tho ' which invariabl Worcerter 0 12 0 k ind of mock-trial, where justice is put to shame, trades of Northwich jusines* y falls upon the Directors Grand „ 0 I 4 W. Shepherd, ... 7 11 8 Sraethwkk... from the Broad-Silk Weavers of Manchester, which to adopt "hem forthwith. Votea Sittingborne 0 7 6 and truth is made to blush for such ot thanks lie week previous to a ballot taking place, and tbe Charles Dohoo 0 10 6 Rovston .. 2 10 0 0 4 0 Chedrtington human arro- is recommended to the consideration of the various were parsed to the chairman and lecturer, utter impossibilityof rightly answering the thousands James Thomps on 1 0 0 Atherstone .. 3 19 10 Doncaster ... 010 0 Winche ster ... 0 3 0 gance—while humanity shudders at the monstrous trades societies and the meeting dissolved. Since one Elland m connection with the National As- which, rf communications sent to them ; t&y beg to an- .. lis 4 Kilmaur .. 1 12 0 Sunderland ... 0 7 0 Tavistoc k •-.. 0 16 proceedings and cruel de-cisions of such one-sid «d sociatiem -*— hundred and eighteen salt getters have enrolled their Bath ., 2 12 O Ledbury :- 0 6 2 Tilicoultry ... 0 1 10 0 names , and tho salt buUm nounce that neither letters nor certificates, will bs Liver pool 6 0 Oldham ,„ ami counterfeit trials, which doom men to bowls HlBOttUL 0» TUE BH01&.&1US. nttvns or twift formed the-mseWes .. 19 12 10 Abersychan En. Birmin gham into a society tor the purpose {or*irded to the sub-ecretaries throughout the: Fortsea „ o 16 0 gland .. 10 0 Chelmsiord ... 0 10 and imprisonment , without the least MANCHES HR AND S»LF0hD , ef joining the United (Ship) ... 0 7 2 0 chance of ob- Sheweth 1 rades. The meeting in question country, daring the ensuing week. At the same time Trowbrid ge .. 0 6 5 Huddersfiefd , 6 Gosport ... 0 taining counsel, or bare justice. , Tha t your memorialists are fully alive to the has created a "teat {jit-v take the liberty ef stating that every sub-secre- W .H. Pedle y ... 5 4 4 Marchall ... 1 10 6 Tor quay ... 018 6 New Radford 0 12 6 situation of the Ct-ntr al Committee , excitement in the salt trade ot Northwich, and they " At another time the same system is carried in tbe comparaiiv. have invitee1 Mr Pinker tary sending monies for paid up shareholders, on, or Wellin gton , So- H. Pearson ... 5 4 4 Horncastle ... 060 C. Brook ... 0 1 £ on HU-fficienoy of the Association ; and awar« , that the to deliver another lecture— merset more openl and are anxious to have before Thursday Best, July 29th may rest assured ... o 13 4 J. Pearson ... 5 4 4 Newton Heath 0 4 0 Norwich , Murray 0 13 0 y, and with apparently more justice ; but transition from a state of isolation to association ,—from a depot opened for the sale of . W. Weison 0 4 4 goods manufactured b Silsden 0 2 0 L. Pedley ... W. Backwoo d 0 2 0 Cheltenham 1 14 6 under that false appearance lurks a savage spirit, disorganisation to union ,—must necessari l y the United Trades. that their certificates will be written out, and such W . M. MT-ean, William Heywood 0 7 0 .. y be a state of J. Hamp ton 0 2 0 W. Youn g 0 2 0 full of rage and rancour, and thirsting pain and suffering ; that theha bits M AN011ES 1 ER.-Ou Saturday, the central com- paid up shareholders stand their chance the same as Crewe ... o 5 4 W. G. T. Pring le 1 0 0 ...... to satiate ol jealousy engendered mittee hitring forwarded the W. MargetEon 0 16 Congleton ... 0 8© itself in inflicting its sp by the repulsive system (where every man 's liand money requisite to pay though they had them in their possession. Mansfield , Jackson 1 1 6 T. H. ... 0 6 4 leen and vengeance upon a was the hands on strike at Mr F. Yat- Newca«tle.upon. Duekenfield ... 6 6 ?| against his brother ) trill bo carried Smith's mill, Mr Parker The certifica tes will be transmitted the following s ... 5 4 4 J. Dare* ... 010 0 brave and noble spirit, that dares assert the right to to a great extent into attended at the PosUnffice J. Tomlinson ... » 4 4 w, Thomas ... 0 3 0 Tyne 19 9 Colne No. l... 0 3 0 the united When to this we add the distr ust , to yet the orders cashed, veek. ... . live, to liberty, and to ample remuneration for their occasioned and to his surprise, F. Berry ... 1 0 0 Mr Margetts ... 0 14 Chelsea 0 7 6 Warrington ... 0 9 6 by the failure of former local unions , and the acrimon y on presenting them, was told thai F. Winter 2 6 ... labour. By effecting the banishment of such worth no advice hail arrived THE ENSUING BALLOT. ... 5 4 4 M. Foster ... o Maryiebon e ... 0 2 0 Leicester , Barrow 0 2 # y aud il'-feeiinfr of'empfoyers . from London. This was a O.K. ... 10 0 W.Stone ... 0 3 4 men from their homes and sweet remembrances veryawkward situation to be placed The Ballot for the £ Richardson 0 10 Birmingham , of We cordially sympa thize with you on the irksome and in, as there were respective sections will com- C. Fri th ... 2 12 4 W.J. Beckett 0 14 upwards of one hundred and t! Wes tmin ster 0 3 0 .Goodwin 1 10 0 affectionate children , they think to rob the labourer paintul duties yeu and your agen ts have had to perl (»rm irty persons depending mence at the Assembly Rooms, No. 83, Dean-»tree-t, II. J. Driver 0 10 H . White ... 0 14 .. , their weekly Rochester ... 0 8 0 Liverpool ... 0 7 0 of his hire, and swamp the movement for Labour's and hearti ly congratulate you on the firmness and deci- mm allow*. Under these circumstances, Solio, on Monday evening, August 9.h, 1817. Chair T. Halley ... 0 2 6 C. O. Bateman 0 14 be was obliged to resort to be taken at six o'clock B rmond sey.,. 0 4 0 Bed Marle y ... 0 6 6 regeneration. sion you have already eviaced, and the success which 1ms borrowing, ami thanks tl> to precisely. S. H-Hey ,.. 0 2« J Parker ... 544 the kindness and . Ja ne Ma nsfield 0 16 Glossop ... 0 12 0 At another time this same system takes attended your labours. generosity of tne Rev. — Schofield , S-wpitsligo 10 0 R. Pi.rker ... 0 14 another W. P. Robsrts W. Marge tson 0 0 6 Eelinburgh 0 4 0 , Your mcmoria lUts, therefore , , Esq., and Mr White of the Railway CLOSING OF THE FOURTH SECTION. Ha lifix ... 13 10 9 E F Parker 0 14 ... course.; it puts on a face of sorrow, it mimics pity, call your immedia te Inn. he was enabled to pay all . Bntteri y ... 0 7 6 Sowerb y Helm 0 9 0 attention to the subject of Aonoraru members the hands. From this The Focbth Skctios of the National Land Com- Birmin gham Pare 10 0 0 J Walker ... 0 14 it affects a kind and humane feeling. And by this , and sug- . Malton ... 0 9 0 Devizes 0 6 0 gest , that select committees bo forthwith untoward circumstance some delay in paying them pany, will POSITIVELY CLOSE on Thursday next, W. Macbin ... 10 0 JobnDarey 0 2 6 ... hypocritical and dissimulating policy,endeavours to sppointt-d in necessarily' took p Desborou gh 0 10 0 Shoreditch ... 0 13 all the |towns and districts where tbe lace. The undersi rappers at tha the 29ih inst. Warrin gton 22 3 4 Coxtoe ... 0 8 0 .. persuade the good and true to recant their principles Association has mill were chuckling that tbey would have the hands Leeds 1 o 0 Marple 0 6 0 branches for the purpose of obtainin g such members J . Rowe ... 0 5 0 Hasw ell ... 0 9 6 ...... in next week, as they said Exeter 0 6 0 Carrington 0 6 3 —to turn traitors to the cause of freedom and jus- T hat the instr uctions to such committees be, first , the , " Yon see theereat trades Mountain ... 2 8 6 G B ... 6 6 0 ...... union has failed to send your money . . A. . Crowland ... 0 2 0 Hamilton ... 0 10 0 tice, and sell for a morsel of bread, ihe imperishable issuing of large poatlng-bilU , announcing to the public " The wish, no RECEIPTS O? THE NATIONAL CO- Hadeley Steel 6 6 4 H Aft hton ... 0 14 d oubt, was father . Ledbur y ... 0 10 Crieff 0 0 6 righ ts of labou r. In some instances this artful the objects of the society, and the advunt& uea to be de- to the thought, hut ihey laid tha OPERATIVE LAKO COMPANY, Why ... 3 18 4 D. Barker ... 0 16 ... flattering unction to their souls ^ North Shields 0 2 0 Eccles 0 8 0 policy has proved effective, bu t in others it has not. rived by the differ ent classes, viz., the nobilit y, gentr y, rather too soon. F OR THE WEEK ENDING JULY 22. Caisop ... 111 6 Barker ... 0 16 ... lVnksto tht! timely assistance of the w. C. Lund ... 0 2 0 Rev. J. Schofield 0 2 0 bankers , merchan ts, manufac turer s, wholesal e and re- above patriotic D. Lord Aberdeen 5 4 4 J , Berry There have been hundreds of true English heart.- gentlemen, it was Darlington ... 0 tail dealers, tradesmen , ar tizans , aud labourers , when n n t until Tuesday morning that B. Cant 4 4 8 6 who would not be so led astray An innate spiri t the orders could be PER MR O'CONNOR. .. 5 4 4 (Wigan) ... 5 fair remuneration shall bo st-cured , and a properatimul us cashed, although the Pnst-officd SECTION No. 1. Jbeptoa ... 0 4 0 J. Lench ... 5 4 4 £83 7 94 of independence has induced them to repel with in- given to the indus trious- class. au'horities of Bloomsbury declare that the advice Etut Dereh am was sent e,ff on the Friday •HAKtS. 3 13 0 Manchester... 184 12 0 dignity the attempt to filch away the rights and pri- That circulars be add ressed to respectable individuals previous. How is this ? J Ihe Manche-ter Liverpool .. £l 5 4 Chelsea £0 I 0 . Brownin g 0 3 8 Huddersfield 7 7 4 TOTAL LAND FOND. vileges of their order, by such mean artifice ; and shortly af ter such phtcards be publi shed ; then call their Ptist-oflioe is one of the worst con- J. Ilamstein Beverly5 0 5 10 ducted in the kingdom. An Trowbridge .. 0 13 o Preston , O'Con- 4 4 Braintree ... Mr O'Connor, Section No. 1 ... 1?3 14 1 where the spirit of low cunning and deceit, has attent ion to the resolution of the late conference? relatiTr order can never ba Verouport M 4 11 0 nor Brigade .. 0 19 6 G. Patterson 0 10 0 Leigh ,„ 216 4 Mr O'Connor, Section No. 2 ... 228 13 9 ca-hed without pariie» are kept waiting from two to 5 0 crosst-d a noble mind , and finds its artful schemes to honorar y member s, and announ ce tha t parties will be Alva - .. 10 8 Crovdon .. 0 J . Hammon d 0 2 6 Carlisle ... 2 10 6 Mr O'Connor, Section No. 3 ... 742 5 0 three hours ; it is not the first time that such bungling 1 18 0 Rochdale .. • U 0 unsuccessful, ins to lie rather harsh. Then it appointed to solicit their individual support to a society Lerds .. R Dudi-eon 0 2 6 Bar nstaple ... 5 4 4 Mr O'Connor, Section No. I 275 9 1 it beg has taken place as the non-arrival nf the advice. Miins .. 011 6 Notting ham .. 15 0 ... 2, thus admirably calculated to give a heal thy tone to the- New J B M.-rry... threatens, then it rages and endeavours to intimi- During the strike of the tailors of Manchester the Warrin gton .. 010 0 Dewsbury .. 1 13 0 . . 0 14 Cirences ter ... 4 0 0 Expense Fund ...... 83 7 01 trades of this caunt ry, by increasing the home consump. 1 10 0 H. A Ail.n 0 14 Belmont ... 5 4 4 Rules ... 8 4 3 date, and finding all this useless tbey cast him of winter be'ore last it repeatedly occurred, and it is S. I. B. .. 0 7 0 Greenwich .. ... tion , and conferrin g salu tary benefits upon the whole Lt-pton .. 16 3 Wigan .. 21 8 S T. Swattsall 0 14 Boulogne ... 4 9 9 as a pest, a nuisance to society, and one that no re- community , high time that some inquiry took place. How is it James Dtekion. 0 2 6 Nawport , Mon- Haitett ... 0 14 Hindle y ... 014 0 JE3 511 13 11$ spectable employer should employ ; a dangerous That all lar ge that the advice in the above case, which ought to 0 4 0 . and populous distr icts be divided into Maac liester .. IS It 6 mouth .. W. Stevenson 0 10 0 Wooton -uuder - , l ave arrived on Saturrfa> morning, did not arrive till • 3 17 6 man in a shop, who ought to b% starved to death it secti 'ins and local cemmi ttees to canvass the same. Wil liam Johnson 0 9 0 Chorley M J nmes Coed ... 0 2 4 Edge ... 24 12 0 FOR THE BANK. the Tuesday following ? The people of Manchester Hudd ers&eld „ 2 3 6 Hull « 317 0 he continues so obstinate a fellow as to go in oppo- That such local coran uttVs consist of the members of D- Cross ... 0 10 0 Mansfield tlie Association should demand a reform of their mismanaged anil Carlisle .. 0 5 o Burnley (No. 2U 0 2 6 sition to his master, and in seeking to elevate the , an d others known to be favourable to unaccommodating Post-office. Boulogne .. 1 13 0 Holbecfc n 16 2 Edwa rdM. Oliver 0 5 0 (Walker ) „. 0 15 6 Sums previously acknowledged 3,766 7 11 the independence of labour , and in COI.neClion with the 2 14 O working classes. And tii us is he driven away—no On Tue-day evening Mr Humphries attended a Mottram .. 4 12 4 Uurrowash «. F. GoMer ,„ 0 5 0 Mottram ... 24 15 8 For the Week endin g the 22nd select committee , form a permane n t board to meet peri - 1 4 0 Devonport .. 110 0 one will employ him—the masters set a mark upon meeting of the lucksmitha at Wellmhall for the pur. Cock ermoufh .. E. Henderson 0 I 4 Cockermoutk 0 13 0 odically , for the purpose of hearing reports , stimulating , Lamtkrhead Creea 0 1 0 Worcester .. 0 4 6 500 7 0 him as an innovator, and proscribe,his entering their pose of explaiiiint; ihe objects of f . French ... 0 14 Lamberhead Jul y .. .. exertion , and otherwise furthering the Association. Bacup .. 1 0 0 Sunderland .. 4 17 0 our common objects. ¦ ¦ B. Kelly ... 5 4 4 Green 0 4 0 establishments to seek a job of work. That a The roo , capable ofluddiua 300 people, was densely Ch.. fey .. 1 0 0 Lirabeth .. 0 3 0 ... per centage be allowed to tbe committee and E. Ktlly 30 0 0 crowded with working men, who were very anxious Totness M 011 0 Birmingham iShipl 0 18 ... 5 4 4 Bilsion ... £4,266 14 11 How many hearts have bled, and happy families visitors out of their first ttvelve months ' subscri ptions , as Worsboro * Common 1 2 6 Whittington and W . Long , (Cork) 0 6 4 W.H .Stephens 0 5 4 pocket money during the canvass. to know the charac tranil mode of operation pursued been severed, through this direful system ? No one by the membe rs of the union. Mr Prince , of Wellin- Busby .. 6 6 0 Cat .. 317 9 J. B. Ford , (do) 0 6 4 Selsrfen ... 14 4 can imagine the numbers who have fallen a sacrifice Your memorialis ts are fully confident from tbe num. Wellingborough O 19 6 Derby .. 2 14 6 J Cbbis topher Doiie, hall, an active membe-r of the Association, and one . Donovan ... 0 2 0 B-tCup .„ 9 0 0 to it, aud suffered martyrdom for their stre b-r of licensed victuall ers , beer an d coffee-house Keepers , Keishlev - 5 0 0 J. Morris , Sew R. Brown ... 0 2 4 Blackpot S 0 5 0 Thos. Ciabk , nuous who has fallen a victim to tbe cupidity of his em- T. Moore .. 0 2 2 Milus .. 0 10 0 ... grocers, tea, provision , and other dealers , to a grea t ex- J . Ctrey ... 0 2 0 10 12 10 Pbiu p M'Gbath , Secretary. adhetence to the principles they consider to be dear ployer on account of the active part he has taken in Norwich , Springall 813 7 Leigh .. 16 6 Cborley ... tent drpending upon the working population for support . 14 0 J. E. Ward 0 5 0 D. Gabriel,(ditto) 0 3 0 and of vital importance. This system of victimisa- That, if such a the association, was called to the chiiir. He brie&jr Loughboroug h ~ 0 2 0 Winchester .. ... plan was adopted , a sum might be rea- alluded to the object of the meeting, and begged a Oldham .. 1 10 0 Arels ley .. 1 2 u Stour brid ge 19 17 9 J. Williams , LAND PURCHASE DEPARTMENT. tion has not been confined to trades' movements lised of which wo a t pn-sen t can form no conception. 1 8 Two Aches. patient and attentive hearing to the a«entsent down Neev Kadford .. 0 9 6 Todmorden .. ° A. Broad ... 9 2 4 (Brecon) ... 0 17 5 alone, but in every other movement for the recovery Moreover , tha t such income will be little liable to fiur.tu - iSo. 1) .. 118 Geo. M. Towneley - - . - £s7 10 0 from London to ad vocate the principles of ihe Na- Preston , Brown 3 0 0 Colne E. S 3 16 0 Dewsbury ... 7 7 9 of the ri hts of the working classes. Volumes at ons, and will have the further merit of requiring Stockport .. 10 0 . ... g Neevcastle-upon- 6. G 3 16 0 Earl Shilton 6 5 nothing in return. tional Association, lie should , therefore, without ; 1 12 0 Birming ham , . ... 0 RECEIPTS OF NATIONAL CHARTER ASSOCIATION. might be filled with accounts of the sad and gloomy Your early attention to what we say i ng any mor s call lij)..i. hries who el>. Tyn .. Plymouth Greenwic h 3 4 consider ao Mr Hump , MarvLAona .. 2 2 0 Goodwin - 0 11 0 ... 18 0 6 ... o Brighton „ 0 3 0 A Friend .. o 0 C results of this baneful and destructive system; but important subject, and the adoption of the served that one great and primary otyeei of tha 16 0 Greeneick .. «» 0 O Totness ... 12 6 9 La, ior the transaction of ceneral business , T. 1 OF DEBT DDE BY DEFEN CE FUND. of an employer indicates, when excited by the tlcvo- £173 i* W. Knight Brigh- 0 S. Dutici me, E*q. A1.P. in tlie eha r. members and their respective employer*, the Central Hull „, 32 0 G. B. Selkirk .. 0 10 A Friend „ 0 2 S tetlness of zealous unionists. We could select indi- t n ... 0 2 6 Easicgton-lane 2 IS 4 OjiTespondeticeof a very important nature has been Committee took a gentle andconciliatory couise, and SECTION No. 3. H.S. T. ... 0 5 0 viduals who have suffered long and keenly for labour- of widenim; the breach between them, the/ E. S. Molten 0 14 Bur nley No. 2 15 6 received from all parts of the kingdom. And the fol- instead Waiiam West .. 3 16 7 Bowbrldge .. 5 5 9 J . Ashton ... 0 4 0 Newcastle-under GEHEBAL ELECTION COMMITTEE. ing to elevate the condition of their trade. One iiuli- lowing reports from members of the central com- endeavoured to bring affairs to an amicable and. CorntUus West 2 16 7 Torquay ~ 0 14 9 Potter William 0 1 4 Lyne 5 4 4 H. S. T. - - - 0 5 0 vidual,jwbose name we need notjmentioii , in 1836—7 mittee and agents of the Association. satisfactory termination, and in many instances had Elland .. 0 4 6 Whittington and ... - - been very successful , and employers had expressed Bath .. 0 5 0 Cat .. 1 16 0 William stown 0 2 0 Holbeck ... 0 12 6 NOrriNOHJM ELECTION. took the lead in a very important strike, which con- Wolverhampton. — On Wednesday evening, July o Liverpool .. 412 0 Derby ~ 0 3 J . and H . King 1 10 0 Clitheroe 38 0 0 Powell .. o 1 0 H. Gre &ory and Mth , Mr Humphries, of the central committee, at- their admiration of the feature that characterised ... tinued 13 weeks ; and for the part he took in trades the movements of the- National Association. Ia Portsea .. 2 IS 0 Somers Town „ 1 19 0 R. Johnson ... 0 14 Hexham ... 0 3 2 W. S. ..010 Friends .. 0 11 6 tended a public meeting of cabinet Inck-smiths. Mr 3 6 0 Bury -. >5 o Stoney Stratford 0 6 0 affairs, incurred the hot displeasure of the master , and Trowbridge .. * J . Tillwood ,., 0 14 Devenport 514 0 11. gave an animated lecture on the principles ami other instances they bad not been so successful , 0 i 0 Loughborough.. 0 o 0 .,. class. He was a good and true man, and well qua- Devonport .. W 318 4 objects of the National Association . through the obstinacy of employers, had been forced „ 0 2 6 Bridgewa ter (J>0. 1)113 « .TiUwood 0 14 H . Yernon ... £0 17 6 lified for the efficient management of trades unions. Alva ~ 5 0 0 ' A vote of thanks to the speaker, for his able ad- to turn manufacturers themselves. Mr Humphries Norwich .. 6 6 6 Astley .. 0 3 6 Limehouse Vofun- Howsell ... And nobl 0 » 0 18 12 6 DEBsy rmciio.v y did he fight the battles of his trade for dress, was carried and also (o the chairman of the then showed samples of goods which the men were Atht -rston e .. © 11 6 Smethwick .. teer ... 6 16 6 Worcester ... . * producing- and strongly urged upon them the neces- Ledbury .. 0 1 6 Winchester .. 0 14 J. H..llis ... 0 14 Sitting bourue 17 6 8 Smith, Boulogne 0 1 0 many years, and, through that career, obtained some meeting. The above trade have resolved to join the , 1 10 0 sity of purchasing such things fr. m the National Mar fcinch .. 0 14 6 Oldham .. E. Bowman 0 2 0 Doncaster ... 17 2 11 C. Doile, Secretary. glorious victories. And for this, as we have stated , Association, 0 5 0 Chelmsford .. 19 0 ii ¦ Dudlky Association. An excellent spirit was created , and Elizabeth Fox A . White 0 14 Sunderland ... 18 II 0 inn I ' l l i^k i i <^ i^j ^ nrr r r i r fim ' nr nrrr he i n erred the displeasure of the master class ; and —Mr Humphries attended a public met-t- Neev MUns .. 1 16 6 Gosport - 1 11 0 ... the nun of Wellinhull evinced a determination to as- a 0 G. Kinner ... 0 5 0 Lambeth S 12 2 ever since the date alhnleil to, for upwards ' of 10 ing, at UiuUey, on Thursday evening, Mr Masaey, George Mar tin 0 2 0 New Radford .. 0 ... Bonos.—At a meeting of this branch on Sunday vice-maker, was called to the chair, who, having sist the National Association, in becoming consumers Oarvel .. 0 4 o Horncastle .. 3 0 11 J . Piliett ... 0 5 0 Tillicoultry ,„ 8 4 10 the following persons were put in nomination years, he has been the object of the vindictive cruelty 5 » 1» last, , opened tho business of the meeting, called upon Mr of their goods. A great desire was manifested to Halifax .. 013 C Leamington .. Ha n ick ... 0 15 4 Birming ham Ship 13 6 0 one out of them to be elected to represent this district of the employers. No one would give hira work, have an agency established there for the sale of Warrington .. 110 Netnon Heath.. 0 2 6 Preston O'Connor Bowbrldge ... 9 14 3 Humphries to explain the objects of the National As- 2 4 o in the fourthcoraing Conference :—James Lord, and, had it not been for the kind interference of a goods, as thev have no doubt but it would be well Mou ntain .. 16 9 Birkenhead .. bri gade, ... 4 8 10 Ronif-rd 5 0 0 stociation. An excellent spirit in favour of the Associa- 1 10 o Neevcastle-upon- ... Matthew Stevenson, and Wm. W. Pickvance. The humane frien d , he would have been left in want and supported. The lecturer was loudly cheered during Ceptt.n » Canip gie, Walker 10 0 Bridgewater Fink 5 0 0 tion was created, and all present seemed determined Exeter .. 1 19 0 Tyne .. 2 10 eb>cti;-n to take place on Sunday evening next, the nury. But throug his remarks, and at the close a vote ot thanks given W itnsm ... 4 19 10 Torquay ... 27 4 1 pe h the kind aid of this friend, to become zealous members of tlie same. At the close Geo. Allison .. 0 3 0 Kirkaldy .. 10 2 6 25th of July, at seven o'clock. AH communications of th e meeting, tbe chairman proposed tbe health of to him for his able ad dress . The meeting then 0 4 6 he was enabled to defy the ra ge and malice of wrong «. ISishop _ 0 10 Chelsea .. M.P. ... 1 10 0 Whittington and tor the Bolton branch whether for the Land or t p , which was unanimously responded to. quietly broke up. Manc hester .. 8 10 0 JIary lebont- .. 3 19 6 Hawarth ... 2 14 2 Cat ... 4 4 6 doers. But adversity frowned upon him, and dis- he s eaker 0 9 Charter Association , must be directed , post paid , Wm. After which the hea lth of T. S. Dunoombe, Esq,, BACUP.—A public meeting was held at Bacup Leigh .. 1 6 0 Westminster .. 6j I Croydon ... 0 14 Derby ... 28 8 2 tress threatened to overwhelm him j and instead of , 4 10 0 W. Pickvance, suf>secretary. No. 18, Duncan-street. on the 12th inst , which was addressed by Messrs F. Carlisle .. 0 16 Rochester .. Rochdale ... 9 6 10 B irhead 1 10 0 M.t\, was proposed , and responded to in musical 3 12 6 Bolton .. 14 ifl 0] ... CH0nr.hr.—A meeting of the shareholders was held receiving support from t he men i n whose cause he Shackleton , W . Barker, II. Howarth , and W. Peel, Barnstaple .. Holiing wood 4 3 8 Giggltswick 13 7 honours, Sbrewsbur v 0 4 6 Butteriey .. I 19 0 at the house of Wm. Wilkinson, 0, Princess-street, suffered, they disowned him, some of them attempted Several questions were asked Mr II. relative to agent of the National Association. The several .. 0 0 G. M Gray 0 4 0 R. Kitchen ... 0 10 0 Chorlt-v .. 16 0 Leed s .. 3 . on the 18th instant, when 13 new members took out to blast bis reputation , by circulating the most gross the Association, which being answered, the meeting speakers were loudly cheered throughout their obser- Totness .. 315 6 Exeter .. 6 17 6 Nottingham 82 3 0 G. Minkin ... 4 0 0 shares,and there was received for the Land £22 4s. -id. and groundless calumnies, and thus, what the masters ! vations. WeUiaiboroag U 1 18 o Cro wland .. 0 2 0 Dowlais Sichols 15 0 W M ason ... 0 10 broke up, evidently satisfied with the subject of the ' . The boobs have been audited and found correct, and ht , The following resolutions were unanimously agreed Bridgewater .. 1 13 5 Southampton ,., 2 8 0 Bur y 7 8 Somers Town 3 16 could not effect. Th e men, whose battles he foug lecture. 0 5 3 ... 37 officers elected for the next six months :—Thomas to:— fi. K. Wake - 0 2 0 Ledbury .. Loughboro ugh 2 0 9 Norwich 42 5 10 and for whose interests he offered himself a sacrifice, Ou Friday Mr Humphries proceeded back to Wil- fi . Westawa y 0 10 Bradford .. 6 0 0 ... Brindle and James Worrwick, auditors ; William T hat in the present depressed state ot trade anything .. Lei 0 8 8 accomplished for them. Yes, poor man ! disowned lenball , for the purpose ot having an interview wilh JM. U. Thomas .. 0 1 0 Norwich, Murray 7 9 3 gh ... 12 2 6 Ledbury ... Rhodes, scrutineer ; James. Uealeb. treasurer ; and loyers of that town. that would tend to increas e the numbers of tho unem- 116 0 Nor th Shieles 110 and neglected by his own trade; has now found an ono of the emp li. Thomas „ 0 1 0 Newton Abbot .. Id 5 8 Astley ... William Wilkinson, secretary, No. 9, Princess- Accordingly the interview was obtained , and the ployed would be highly prejudicial to the public interests . M. J. Thomas .. 0 10 Cheltenham - 0 8 0 Bnrnley ... 25 0 0 C. Lun d, (Brad- street. asvlum . and been befriended bv the operatives of Tha t the demand s of the Messrs Aitkin , if conceded 0 10 Ashtou-under-Lyne 0 18 « employer received Mr Humphries and Mr Brotlie M. C. Thomas .. Smethwick ... 23 9 6 ford) ... 5 4 4 Sheffield. by their hands , would have that tendency, and ought, 0 6 8 Teignmouth .. 5 3 0 East Dereham.—On Tuesday, the 13th July, a with great courtesy and respect. The object of the Hawick .. Cbeddiog ton... IS 19 6 Thomas Brook, resisted. Haworth 0 4 6 Congleton „ 0 6 6 of Co-operative Land Company f ully rea lised, but Air II. suc- therefore , to be .. Wineheser ... 3 19 10 (ditto) 3 18 4 branch tbe Chartist Another instance of this cruel system occurred in interview was not attemp t of Messrs Aitkin , arbitrarily and co- -Cr oydon .. 0 9 6 Duk infield .. 0 1 o ... twelve per- in the ceeded in showing that gentleman the protection That the TaTistock ... 0 2 4 Bradford ... 10 0 0 was commenced at East Dereham, when Keithley, in Yorkshire , some time back ; their hands of the free exercise of lloclidale - 1 2 ji Bacup .. 2 o 0 this National Association is calculated to afford to ho- ercively, to depr ive 10 10 6 Leicest er , (AsU) 65 0 0 sons were entered as subscribers by Mr Murray, case of a young woman, a power loom weaver. 1' rights , is an unwarran table encroachment Hoffingwood .. 17 8 Ardsk-y .. 011 0 Oldham ... secretary, from Norwich, who, previous to taking nou able employers. their legal Notting ham M 410 0 Stockport .. 5 0 0 Chelmsford ... 1 14 4 Newton , (Abbot) 3 9 3 appears the warp? given her to weave, were un- minutes, the em- upon the freedom of Labour , which should be aa dearl y Dewsbury 5 12 6 Leicester, Barrow 0 10 0 their names, expounded the objects and laws of the After a meeting of about forty working classes as the freedom of trade .. Cbickeuly ... 10 14 4 Cheltenham IS 0 2 commonly bad , so much so, t hat it was impossible re-consider the case, which called cherished by the Orecnwich .. 1 12 4 Birmingham 0 10 0 company, and the capabilities of the soil. Mr ployer promised to is by their employers. Tho present attempt , therefore , 0 16 fi fi. Taunton... Ashton -under- for her to earn a livelihood. She determined there- of arbitration on our part. And Lancj iter ., 0 6 0 Goodwin ., 0 Mu: ray's address gave great satisfaction, and to him for the interference of tbeie gentlemen to dictate to their hands nbat union 0 2 0 IiverjKKil .. 17 0 New B edford 9 5 1 Lyne ... 61 15 encroachment upon her rights. Kilmarnock ~ is mainly due the cred'r of f ounding what promises fore to resist this Mr Humph ries withdrew. . they shall or shall not belong to, is as ridiculous as it is Wigan 0 6 0 Perth .. 0 4 0 Horncas tle ... 18 13 2 J. Baines, (St snmo day, Mr Humphries .. to be a very flourishing branch. She. did so/and during the time she was out, ob- Ou the evening ofthe and ought therefore to be resisted . Hindle y, Cook .. 4 6 4 Clackinanan . 3 10 Oswaidnh 'utle 20 1 6 Helen's) ... 0 6 4 public meeting of locksmiths, m WilJen- absurd , , , 4 6 Ltnn.—At the quarterly meeting of this branch, tained another seat of work. But her former attended a This meeting, thrrefnre , pledges itself to support tho Lynn, Bunton .. 117 0 Shoreditch .. 0 Leamington 10 6 8 William Young, , which was con- hall. And the room was crowded to excess. Mr Cupar . Fife 0 3 0 Bristol - 1 10 0 J. F Armstrong 10 0 (Glasgow) 5 4 4 the accounts were reported to be correct . Joseph emp loyer applied for her discharge who introduced Mr ban ds thus thrown out of employment as long as they, ' - 0 6 0 . ' Prince called to the chair , Hull .. .. 0 3 0 Carrington .. Stephens 5 0 0 Scott was re-elected as treasurer and secretary for ceded. She sought for another situation , and wa* by a peace ful course of conduct , need and deserve it. 0 S C Crieff .. 0 111 6 Newton Heath 4 13 1 Newtnt . 11 who on rising, showed the practical workings Easiugton Lane St Edmunds 7 12 6 Congleton ... 12 2 0 the next six months. Auditors, a scrutineer, and a succeeded in gfttting one ; but, scarcely had she ' Burnley (No. 3i 0 la 0 Swindon .. 4 0 0 Bury of the National Association , and demonstrated the 10 110 committee were appointed. A vote of confidence in loyer applied ( Worcester .. 0 7 0 Stalybridge .. 3 0 o Thomas Mansfield 0 6 0 Duckinfield ... commenced to work, when her old emp the superiority of the same, overall local combina- Dukinfield:—At a meeting o this brunch the fol 4 4 6 Falkirk .. Sol CamberweU ... 2 19 4 Bacup ... 16 0 0 Mr O'Connor was unanimously adopted. Subscrip- to have her turned away ; but the gentleman, in lowing resolutions were carried :— 1st -. That any Sunderland « Mr Scutt in aid of the tions. At tho close . of which a manufacturer of the " Lwnbeth « 0 4 4 Darlington .. 0 3 0 J . Cummin s... 0 14 Brand on, EJson 0 4 4 tions will be received by whose service she was then engaged, objected to not to ask pny question, but member of the old branch at Ashton wishing to join 2 1^9 6 general election fund. town rose—he said, Birmingham (Ship? 0 2 0 Glossop .. J. C. Tay lor ... 0 16 Ardsley ... 5 4 4 obey the mandate of this cruel man , adding, " the just to state why he attended that meeting, namely, the Dukinfield branch , may do ao by giving in his Devizes .. 0 4 0 Edinburg h .. o ' 6 4 17 0 —On Monday evening last, at the W. Har getsou 3 18 4 Todmorden ... Losa Buckbt. young woman must live, and that shn must either by a written note, and to hear and judge for him- name at the meeting-room in Dunkingfield , or to Mr 0 Oolne No. 1. 62 4 2 weekly meeting of the members of this branch, held secretary, on or before the £228 13 9 Pres ton (Brown) 19 0 , starve, or expose herself in the streets to get a jiv - self ! He should offer no opposition as he agreed with James Locket, lfth of Birkenhead... 8 6 0 Warrington 18 16 8 at the house of Mr S. Parkes. the following resolution " "2nd. That all members belon ging " But this kind of reasoning seemed only to all the gentlemen had said , and csuld he be con- August next. WindyNook... 5 IS S Stockport ... 104 0 0 was adopted, moved by Mr Parkes. seconded by Mr ing. br anch be solicited to contribu te their mite SECTION So. 3. vinced that tbe National Association was better cal- to this Newcastle, Tyne 26 17 9 Leicester , Barrow 7 14 0 Gwour—" That the members of this branch of the enrage the old employer, and he determined to he towards the electioneering fund, and thatMr llienry .. 0 5 0 Doncaster « 619 8 culated to protect the interest ot the working men ot O. Sauisby Kirkald y ... 6 1 0 Birmingham , Goed- National Land Company, tender their best thanks to revenged upon a helpless woman, for having dared act as secretary for this purpose." E. Glover .. 3 6 0 Sunderland .. 0 12 6 Willenhall , than their own local union, ne Thorougbgood " 27 1 6 Mr O'Connor for his able reply to those anonymous dustry. He members of this branch kx Elland .. OU 0 Lambeth .. 10 4 Chelsea ... 1 16 win ... to mend her condition by honest in ive it all the support, in his power. Dbotlsdsh The re- 10 13 6 scribblers who have of late figured in the Dispatch should g Bath « 2 0 0 Tillicoultry « 5 7 4 H. Wetherhilt 0 5 0 Liver pool ... , immediately dispatched an inspector wiih a warrant But he should like to have a private quested to attend »t their place oi meeting, on. Sun- Liverpool .. 6 9 4 Birmingha m (Ship) 9 14 C. J. Rose ... 0 5 0 Perth ... 0 15 6 and Lloyd's London Weekly News, &e.K and we take to apprehend her, she was accordingly dragged away he thought he (Mr day morning, the 25th, at nine o'clock. 5 4 0 i interview with the lecturer. For Trowbrid ge - 012 6 Torquay - H. Wetherat .Jo.a. 0 2 4 Red Mae-tey ... 6 17 4 this opportunity of expressing our admiration of the him more fully, some Du dley.— The members of this branch are re- and to the court-house, and hurried before a magistrate. 11.) would be able to explain to Devonport .. 6 6 4 Whittingto n Maryi ebone... 6 0 0 ChorJey ... 3 9 6 disinterested, patriotic, and truly philanthropic con- Association ; and, quested to attend a meeting in the Working-roan's Itmliary do. 0 14 8 Cat " 4 1-3 0 The trial was only a mock one, and, in a short time, pointsconnectcd with the National -. .. 010 0 Glossop „. 28 10 6 duct of that gentleman ; and we at the same time and Reading-room, on Tuesday next, to nomi- /leading .. 10 0 0 Derby .. 215 0 T. Becrer ... perhaps he might show tho speaker the workings of News 10 1 0 avow our utter contempt lor the cowardly conduct of she was committed to the house of correction for the Conference, Aiva .. .. 013 o Giggleswick „ 0 9 O E. Richardson 2 12 4 Edinburg h ... their body. nate a delegate to and transact other 2 ll 6 10 Dar tmouth 0 10 0 those anonymous scrawlers, th9 writers in and con- one month. But through the exertion of the men business. A'or erich .. 2 5 C Thus. Cooper .. Westminster 4 15 ... Mr 11. said he should bo glad to have an inter- Leeds .. 16 0 0 George Burnley 2 11 6 26 17 10 Sowerby Helm 1 17 0 ductors of the Dispatch and Lloyd's threepenny worth of Keithley, the case was soon quashed, and the Hide.—The shareholders will meet at the house Hoehester ... view with the gentleman , but it must be that even- tedbnrj .. 0 2 0 JSurj ,. 18 4 0 Bermondsey 6 16 1 Henty Townsend 0 5 0 of trash ; and we earnestly call upon our brethren to magistrate aud employer were put into a terrible morn- of Mr William Hentving, Hyde-lane, otv Sunday J. Love .. 0 8 6 h 019 9 ing as he had to leave Willenhall early in the Loughboroug 4 E Derham 0 5 0 withhold from such papers their support, and thereby fri ht, expecting that an action would iiave been ° next, at two o'clock in the afternoon. JB. Seager «. 010 o Burnley 1} 3 8 0 F. Broadhead 0 1 ... g , for the potterie s. But at the same time he (No. 5 4 4 prove that tbey have learned to distinguish between in Norwich.—A general meeting of the shareholders J. P. Hie .. 0 10 0 Smetherick .. 3 4 6 J.Mansfi eld... O -i 4 G. Caorlton entered against them, which would have been done, preferred the gentleman to have asked 0 0 sincere patriot, and the hired tools of should have will bo held on Wednesday, July 2 ig Winlaton ,. 0 12 4 Cheddington .. 3 3 0 W. ltargetton 1 C 0 Maccletfield 15 the honest and had not the poverty of the men prevented them from any question in that meeting, so that the public 8th> at e ht Oarvel « 0 2 6 Winchester ., 0 7 0 1 4 Shoreditch ... 0 It 2 faction." Six new members were enrolled. reierence to the o'clock in the evening, in the Old Library-room, St- John Hayei... % was to have de- doing so. We offer no comment upon this case, it mi' ht have the benefit. And in Halifax « 416 3 Chelmsf ord .. 0 14 4 John Williams 0 1 4 Marple ... 12 19 2 Sro.vur STBATFor.D.-Mr M'Grath of more service to the Andrew's-square, to nominate a deiogate for tha 2 0 0 Kew Badford .. 9 1 3 July 13, on the is able of itself to unfold a something relative to the National Association being Rovston - T.Turner ... 0 5 0 Bristol ... 14 0 0 livered a lecture here on Tuesday, apparent from the lact that, Conference. H-an-ineWn .. 12 5 0 Horncastle .. 4 2 0 wrongs and sufferings inflicted upon the working- trades of Willenhall. was H Beaumont 3 0 0 Carrington ... 10 18 6 objects and advantages of tbe National Land Saltord. A meeting of shareholders will tnie Moun tain .. 8 6 0 Oswaldtnistle .. 14 IS 6 . if they joined the National Association, they would — 8 0 The large room of the British School was class. This is but one, out of a gwat number of at mx W. Williamso n. 0 3 0 Leamiagton .. 0 7 6 Bolton ... 27 8 6 Northam pton 13 Company. still retain all their own local powers and influence; place on Sunday (to-morrow) the 25th inst., O Newton Heath .. 0 0 4 17 16 10 Uonkto n 15 0 crowded to ove-flowing, by an attentive and enthu- similar cases, which are suffered to pass with im- power and influence ot the o' clock at night, in the large room , Bank-s tre et. Lomr Buckbv .. 2 14 Butterly ... Deveral 0 minister, was and add to that the teuton « 1 13 O Banwvfo rd, Gra y 10 O O Ma lum ... 2 2 6 Hamilton ,„ 2 15 0 siastic audience. Mr Bent, Wesleyan punity, without being ever brought to light. Mr 11. exhorted every one Wjoam.—A public meeting of the Lan d roemhers " St Edmunds 114 9 addressed National Association. Sunders » 5 0 Bury Desborough 11 r to Kiddtrminst tr 20 0 0 unanimously voted to the chair, and briefly will be held in the large room of the Bear's-paw, Camb erwell .. 412 C ... Another case is that of a poor man in Manchester- prt'sent if they would not join the National Associa- H H.mmnnrL Barnstey ... 15 0 0 Crit ff 0 12 0 the meetine. lie announced that in consequence of a local union ; and what- next Sun evening, at tt o'clock, to take into- con- ¦• ... Mr uoyle He took an active part in the National Association, tion , they snould join in day Ha mpton e, » 0 Leeds ... WO O Linlitbgo I 18 6 the unavoidable absence of Mr M'Urath, bo firm and united together. sideration the salary of our local officers. fidwardoJssrt Whitnej • 16•« 10 Jo""war* seph i * s ... then himself the ever they did, * , Brown 3 0 o Enstone ... 416 4 Hadel y, Cook 0 12 8 was present to supply his place. Mr Doyle and through that he has brought upon -A generalmeetms of "kwnoldwwi'J J.Ri gley .. 5 1 10 Preston in A vote of thanks wos proposed to Mr II., and a Binburt. Monday Nook „ 6 5 0 Exeter ... 5 3 0 Newport Pagnell 50 11 4 enced his address. Mr Doyle's lecture, which everlasting hatred and ill-feeling of the employers at the Butchers' Arms, next J . Citbon . Wwl- Windy comm his forest of hands were held up in favour of the National take place, 0 10 0 Newcastle- upoti- J.Bacon Belper 13 0 Droylsden ... 13 0 0 occupied two hours in its delivery, was frequently that trade. But the central committee took up *ich .. ^'»» t At tie a Association. Has«\l .. 2 8 4 Tyne- - Hartlepoo l ... & 11 2 Rev. J. Schofield 5 4 4 hailed with the most enthusiastic applause. case, and for months has lie been supported as The men of Wil'enhaH have token astep 8 10 0 Kirka ldy - ?' answered by in the / Bishop .. » Crowland ... 0 7 0 Darlingtoa ... 9 5 8 conclusion, gome questions were put and victimized man. About three weeks ago he got work ht direction. We say, go on; and 32 19 4 Chfclsea « rig yourselves and M*ntie»ter .. 1| | Holmfirth „. <• 18 4 Falkirk ... 2 13 4 the lect urer, to the satisfaction of a large majority oi to work, Huddersti eld 0 4 4 West mmsttT .. * " at a mill, hut just as lie had commenced children will reap the reward of your exertions. 7=^t .. « « Southampton 13 14 J . W. Watson 1 It 0 then spoke, and con- ^- ^ the meeting. Mr Gammage Leigh • 2 19 4 Hoehest er .. * * the foreman entered the room, asked him his name, MAIDSTONK.-On Monday evening, July 12th, .. « J. Nichol *. Staly bridge IS 6 0 cluded by moving the cordiai thanka of the meeting Car lisle .. 2 3 0 Ber monds ey £ unani- and being informed, he was ordered away from the Mr llobson attended a public meeting at the Oak j£fe£^«fMrKin Parsonage-street Chapel. Bariisu pie „ 2DU 0 Bolton •• •* " ^" (Linsden )... 2 0 0 IUnry|Atkey 0 6 4 to MrDovIe, which was seconded and carried crowded audience, l could be given m suc h and Ivy Inn. And by adjournment on Wednesday Bath iUinsnelel L-nnf y 16 0 Bntte rley » i Stephen Knight A 1 4 George P rice 0 5 0 mously. After a vote nf thanks to the Chairman, the factorv, aud no employment —James ChappeU, secretary to th* . u «l» ' evening, Hth, at the County Assembly-rooms. IUtii Ctrences ter „ I 0 « Desborough .. " Te.igomo.uth,., 2 12 0 meeting been added as that thus he is again , with almost a been aoaainated delegate to tho aest separated. 22 members have a man ; and Mr Baker, general paper-makers branch , has JSehnont .. i 2 0 Leeds •• * and Queen- loyment, for nothing secretary of the , _ , , . " " since Mr Doyle's visit to this Church broken heart, forced from emp of England and Wales in the chair, who, in a neat Conferen ce. ttoulo gn* „ 4 18 6 Crowla nd - - n £2,275 9 l l ridden town. his labouring, in the sin- , Sdmbrs Town,—Tho shareholders are request ed to lOodley Holmfirth .. * in the wide world but for , M 5 0 0 * r }- Wobks'.p.~A branch has been opened at Worksop, speech introduced att end on Monda y evening next, at tho meeting MansB eld, Walker 0 2 0 Southamp ton » * ceritv of his soul, to leave his fellow creatures better principles, progress, looai « » BIPEN 8E FUND. fhe following officers have beeen apoointed :—VVm. Mr Robson, who explained the house. Tliey are also reque sted to pay their ^^ mberi iwd Greta 0 8 8 Ledbury .. f, *» " off than they are at present. But he must not be left Association at great B,M E"tM «. 0 10 Horton, secretary ; neer ; John and objects, of the National general expenses, on Monda y next , «n Bacup „ s o 0 North Shields .. 3 16 „ W West ... 0 - ° Robert Carter, scruti of unfeeling employers manufactured and f' 3 qi to perish 1 The dark designs length.- MrRtibson exhibited goods NMing m> Cborley „ 5 2 0 Bradford « ° „ r Weit 9 2 0 Revesley Abbey 0 2 Q Reynolds and George Doltw, auditors', TU uas Maio." they willfee wMA from, to fort u ** Stour .. 4 0 0 must be defeated, and unprotected labour shall jet by the AswciatfoS i and called upon thoraw i of bri dge ., 2 210 Bramhop e «. « * * Mnat nqr ° a o Agar, treasurer, l'lyuisaai „ 11 13 fj Leicester, AjtUl S3 0 » Birid ... 8TAjL ___ =4^ , THE NOR THE RN _^___ =g======T ^ ¦ i^-- g -^ ^======^ ^ , ==^ Watson proved also madeimade a statementstau -ment which , was thisIhi,^teTT :-> '< jiT ". ' ^==-== • L ^ = ====^ =--- = Williams had 1 had„,, got™* thrownf-r™ away.»war. KfebeEfebethtk WAj == 1Mb was about ate hour afte r Mr . day in quest onl was at the hmise about tho time you mention •'I O'G orman . sen. was struck with a stk-k on the back down that between eight and nine ot the basket , Beilin-; thin gs. I knocke d 110 ock w asked ™ my nt, th ,, ."'^ mm iM\3& of the nesd , Mr Meagher was knocked down at the J LiWri. *>«- the prisone r , and; tbey deceased came to her , and ,; 7," ^M , '™} one answe red , and I walk ed on." . 'lllof; ^metro politan ittteln gnur Earl-str eet, and Mr Joseph Rogers, of Sir William's came down »nd**<* saw *r f: a a S » she rep lied, «' no. Deceased no He B corner ot Mr William s retur ned any one in her house ; if he choose to say where he went , Fiit cf Two Houses. Saturday evemtm the Capel-streel , was attack ed and beaten by some per- b t:,id .e short timeWther when something, but she was not asked to siwl% —On iSnsianw not see ttwm together said , " slie would tell her , " Well, I wen t down the fi... ¦ ' 1 Utmost alarm was occasioned in End< ll-strce t, L-wg- sons at tho same place. Amidst a scone of general again to the'iwrty. upstai rs. Did " She then stated the priso ner had He said -.th u 'S left the house abou t 12 o clock to tell any ene. side of Wraith 's garden. Wrai th 's was ,;,, ; "fc acre, in consequence cf the sudden fall «=f two large' SORrnri MHESLAS D. npr oar , the gentlemen before-nam ed, with their after that. The prisoner come to her house and said , " Why, you have no fire. j ^, bv himself. ' Mr Williams left the house at half-pas t VI morning, I called at ; I went forward , struck tl.iwn * houses , numb ered 25 and 26 in tbe above-nam ed Poisosiko at North Shiklds.— A lengthen ed in- friend s, enter ed t he shop of Mr Faulkn er, feroeer , ; were very I'll lay you have had nothing warm th is ine f h-id for ' Earl-street , for refu ge, when holism o clo.-k evith Siri ckland. Wh en they left tl'ey pri soner ) would i nth which brought me to theTown -catei n thoroug hfare. The buildin gs in question quiry before Mr Ite nl , coremer at North Shields, h- S North tha *vs Williams since. and if she would go with her she (the mJWel , and t'w par - just terminated in a immedia tely surrounded , and ston»s flung th rou gh tipsy . Had ntrcrseen the prisoner or M r the pun- and then I went over the *ti!e and atom; the f nJ i some time past b^en Ci*nent hieii met with an accident. She was felt so queer— that she would have footpa th I saw f Wa itt.u ?,, of No. 25 had 's inq uest , W neu the prisoner went uwiiy he was thin g in if, she me and we went on together ,11 but Mr Croucher , the boider of the other tenement, ceased , who wag sisiy-seven years of a?e, was for- at this pkew, a reinforcement of police arrive d , corone r por tion of the pancake , but a lodger wa:- she overtook , 113 L in gcitm, fl* cross, ami as lie went , out He said that M r Willia ms left a churchyar d . I waited there unti l . " was busslv engaged durimr the day merly a sailor , but had latterly obtained a livelihood which prevented any further attack , and enabled tho pre- cHt , and it would have looked unmannerly . Mirfi cld sii * at' h« would n.it come down , and be would wait f»r him. J.imt-8 near there , and when fan&ore aw ^. A few miner s -? b&* lf as a scullcrman ou the Tyne. Fie was in go»d health gentlemen to retir e?. The proaning, however , con- e a , a gro cer in the same village , in to a public-house siier< ;tiir fpj two houses suddriih Georj-e Rogers, a city policeman , de-posed that on Satur- Wi lliam P rciv l thccluirchyaH footpa th which 1 the house the part y wall of the up to the 3rd inst., on wiieh day he went home to tinued for a long time , in the midst of which loud that six or eight weeks previous , the decease d we went down HW roof, flcorings .and back cheers wore s>iven for Old Ireland. " day ri 'it 'e' , at _ half-piisc 12 o'clock, on the 2i.d of Novem- proved where we parted . I then bui-ed and carried away the his dinner , as usual ; but on returninc to his occu- e for a pennyworth of mercury (white arsenic.) to Biirrows-l ane , went D,J «*!>. , y g p ber , 18H , he w«a ou duty in the Minories . He saw three cam the magistrate , rm\Wl) t '* wails of both buiidi i>. pation he complained of a pai n iu the stomach , wliich At the weekl meetin of the Re eal Association lie said it was rather an awkward thing, but she Mr Ilaig h's, m[ ^ ; LOPCI XG-HOU SES fob in lOT«h« O'Conne men cuo-s fji'ffl the Sparrow-corner to tho city side of the aske d if h e chose to MODK L increa sed to such a decree that he was obliged to on Monda y, Mr John ll commenced the to be in her right mind , and not likely to home." He was then $nv *£ model iodgin-h ouse of the Society retu rn business of the day by handing in several sums of Minor ies. They caraa as far es the rai lway bridge , ond appeared on , and he said he had the a;>iiie Classfs -The and go to bed . The symptoms continued , Witness had his destroy hersel f. She rep lied , " Oh no, ;i want to clothes he had eoaj for the Inwrov ement of th« Labou ring Clasues, situ- and evening. ' A doctor was sent mouev. Amongst them was a remittanc e of hail-'.l « liaclcney-coac h passing by. waisfco .t, trowfers , and hal "» that h,* hadtW now complete he died the ?ame Witness optiU'd the c-.taedi-door , and Mr kill some rats. " ... ate in GeJegc-rfree t, Si G;le*'*. « ?or, but ejecenseei died be.fore he arrived. No one £13 I2i H from tlie Right Rev. Br Iliggins, Bishop litiht with bim. cloth es were then taken t.tt anil kjy,.,, ." accommodation lor uow.ird-. ot inside tkst ; he was a stout gentleman . James. Burdet Moxon, a rur geon, proved the His hat and The builtiin " contains *usi.ected hisdeath was attri butable to unfair means , of Ardagli , who says that Uw contribution "is the WllHa uiK K. body, chenvst. In tha t statement the re ar e some tyj individuals , each of whom will hav,- Anoth er of ' the party uot into the. eoach also. What makin g & p ost mortem examination of the and the of ore hundred until it become know>i that an app rentice of a neiuii- voluntary offering of a poor people, almost heart- was caused by arse- remarkable. In the fi rst pIacc he says he „ g separate dcepm* place The conveniences of to. became ol the third person he did not know. He saw no cave it as his opinion that deat h M a h mring chemist had sold .-woe arsenic , to the wife broken by every kind of oppression from bad govern- confirmed by Mr the house, tha t he knocked at the door , and tbiU e. ouilcins are ad i.kfcbly contrived , and the ventila - t, a s murks of violence or blood .on any of the party at the nic, in which opinion she was «f deceased «-n the Saturday morning. Information men bad l ndlord , ami mal-adminiatration of bad g. heard nothi ng. There is an omission of lm beii,.- i tion of (he most perfect order. On the ground flooi was and an inquest and cruel laws. Under Providence their only hopes time, and no comp laint was m ide to him . Robert Palero n , a sur geon , of Brig w»li eve then conveyed to the coroner , a verdict of guilty, and sentenc e Webst er 's, and it seems the . woman he spnke U f tt „ are hatlis and wssbhou-es.a lar ^ekitchen ry was held on the body. A woman who was called in for redress are fixed on the peaceful and persevering Copilot:. 2, C.erej street , Vincent-street , Westm inster , The jury return ed There is an omistion ot \m the .id ot November 1814 he was passed upon her. There was another his own mother. Vteir iv article necessary for cooking, a spacious living room , to attend the deceased during his illness des- efforts of Conciliation-hall , for whose success they deposed that on Satur day, 2' , , of death is also an upon inque s indictment again st her for the murder of Ellen seen at the barn comer, a nd there -mij ^ store ro;=ms, etc. The place is lighted by gas. The cribe d the sytrptoms. and the wife of the deceased inceasantly and fervently pray ," drove tin- hackney coach. Ho was at the.- t held what probabl y sum to be charg ed as rent will be only -id. per night. hotly of the deceased Mr Williams At half past Tickels. of his heari ng any thing of must haTe evas admitted to make a vlimf-try statemen t. Shu Th e rent for the week was announced to he on th>i . Wrai th s hous e »b»m (We hope the society may be cheerfully encourag ed. clock on Sunday morning, November 3, 1814 betook been takin g place in Mr 1^ itt ributed the illness of deceased to having taten £59 15s -W. 11 o' THE TRIPLE MURDERS AT MIRFIELD. M'Ca be will be palled |)ef0r, so that it may pro secute its highly-praise worthy un- a tan-, close by the ra ilway aich , Mi nories . It was a wet tim e. Now, gentlemen. some pudditg made nf Indian meal, which she had Tuesday last having been fixed for tho trial of and his statement , I understand, will be. dertakin gs on a very extensive scale. t\o greate r bought at a neighbouring grocer 's, and she said she nig ht , and two persons called him , and he drove towards you, t^ benefit can be conferred upon our poorer brctlirvn He did not sec any blood or Patri ck Reid , char ged with the murd ers of James he also went to the house , that he knocked at tfc, also had been unwell from the same cause ; she ac- them and took them up. , at Mir- that he than providing them th clean, comfortable lodg- police Report mark- of violence on either of them. In Whitecrois- Wraith , Ann , his wife, and Caroline Ellis door , that he received no answer , knoc^ knowledged having purchased arsenic th-.it morning, the courthouse at York was crowded . The received no answer , and that he tl|(ft ings, at a cheap rate. This waging of the war , on but said it was for a gentlema n on horseback horn GUILDHAL L. Btrcet they tendance. Although the poor little f< How was most public inferred that because he was conservator of the could peep in , and he saw somethin g white but could From the inn I went to other pja cei, alive or not" At the dose of the inque *t the police not tell what it was. He then went round to the speak to him. dreadful ly bruised , his body showing one mass - ot river Thames from New Windsor to Yantlet-creek , he at one of which I exchan ged some pots for some rajs, arrested f he moth ' r for concealing the birth. i contusions , no bones, fortuvately, were broken. It was, therefore the represser front of tho liou-e, and as he passed a window on the of Af ter a Death , of all tbe wrongs commit, a larg e bone , and a piece rope. tiwl whixz Bathe» g.—Alleged Neglect ere tbe *as gathered from the little sufferer , as soon as he trd Id that ext-ntJiTo pare of th e river , but us a mauls. %m\t Intdli flmcf ground fl oor he observed that the cur tains were drawn to Mr Wraith' s h-^use. I Police—Befor * Mr Carter, at the Mitre Tavern w.is went down the foot-road rest-red to sensibility, that he had been dream- irate Ms jurisdiction was not co-cxtenslve, for if an of- to. Th nt is the window of tho parlour where the the back-yard , and set my lw-ket down Broadwall , BlaeWriara , on E. P. Gibbons , aged 16. ing he was bathin g He saw the window of the went into in the river , and it is supposed fence was committed upon the river beyond the City of WESTERN CIRCUIT. -DoRciiBSTKB .- VVilliam family usuall y dine d . the kitchen door, which was shut. I knocke d, Mr We*t , of Southa mpton street , Strand , stated ¦hat when he was in the imag othe r parlour had the shutters closed, bu t that was before inary act of leapinc London , such act determined tbe msgistrate who should Apsey was indicted for havim; burirhii -intisly entered but no one answered. I put down my bag and waited that on Frida y night, at half-past II , he went with from a bank into the wate-, he sprang from the the dwelling of Thomas Colver iile on the 20th oi nothing unusual , it beint; the better parlour notcom- the deceased take cognisance of that offence. Now, he had observe d , a while , and then knocked again. Then 1 hea rd , who was his apprentice, to bathe in the 'resVing-tablethrou gh the window , failing from a that every complaint which had been made to him was March , at Chard stock, and stolen therefrom £60 in monly used. But he observed on the step stones to * baths in Oakley -street, but found them closed. De- height footstep , as if u p stairs. I heard it descending toe (his bedroo m being ou the second-fl mr) of capable of being remedied by the Watermen 's Act; but gold, silver, five-pound notes , n nd doubloons. th e front door a pool of blood which seemed to be- distinct aa it apprmelted ceased want ed to go into the water at Waterloo - up wards of twenty -eight stairs and become more th* feet. Althou gh the pane of it was a singular fact, that not one cause of complaint On the night et' the 20th of Ma tch, the property runuuiu from under the door. This alarmed him : he knocked again, and then the dour sal brid ge, and asked witness to go in. which he did, and glass he leaped thr>u gh was little mure than a font mentioned in the indictment was safely put into a went bae-k and made a communication to M'Kinne ll, kitch en. I «f the descripti -n to which he had referred r.rose within unlocked , and opened about six inches , no thai 1 swam beyond him. and then showed him how to square he sustained not the least injury from the Ids jurisdiction as a magistrate of the City of London , chest in a smal l room adjoining the pro secutor 's bed- nnd at hiti own house. M'Kinnell returned with him strike «at, while witness held up his chin. He got Up broken glass. We reeret man's face could be put out. I asked if anyth ing ia to state that from the the law requiring the complaint to be made to tome room, A portion of the money stolen consiste d oi by tlie eterae road . They -went to the kitchen door ; was in a low to his full depth near the brid ge, and asked witness extremely severe nature of the i juries he has my way was wanted , and answered su«- just i -e of the peace acting tor the place nearest to that twenty guineas, two crooked shillings, an old far- found it fast. They went round , and M'Kinnell saw I heard soinetfiinf to leave him. As they were simultaneously strikin g tdn ed, but very faint hopes are entertained of his wha t Green, the had bef re seen. They again voice, * ' No." At tho same time out at which the offence was committed . He was fully thing, two doubl oons, and a hall doubloon , and three - nephe w, h. On the wall , by the aids , the witne ssleft hold of deceasi-d, who was carried recovery. live-pound notes. They were cotvtaiiml in a small went Tounu to the back part of the house, when like & soft nwa-n or sig down. Witness .eware that most criminal recklessness was displayed by opposite to tho latch , I saw spr inkle*of made for the spot where he thought tlie roasters of the bag , which the prosecutor called his " mother 's M'Kinnell opened the kitchen window and entere d of the door , he had fallen, but could see of numerous steamers plying upon the My attent ion having been arresu 'd by the nothin g him. Heli. river , and be was anxio us to do all in his power to pocket. " The doubloons and the shillings had been th o kitch en. When he did so he saw Caroline Ellis, Wood. was called for, and the Tham es police and another Eirlan U. pre- white wall , the face , and the marks of blood , l io«M vent any accident from occurring, or any infringement in the possession of the Culvcrwell family for more the serva nt maid , lying on her back with her head saw other mark.s ofbl ol boat came up. Witness got into the latter , and asked towards down on the floor , a.id PHOGRSSS OP " cO*FBCATI03f. " of a law so necessary to be observed from taking place. than one hundred years. Thu pro secutor w.is&n itued towards . the door , her feet the fire and holding the door open , seeing it the boy was found, and they replied " AH right." The He hnd and on the morning after the t-i wards a fender which stood between the firs and the there. Tho person Witness suppo sed Guardia ns of the Fermoy Union, hesded bv given directum * to bis own officers to CO-optrate farmer , 20th of March the floor , partially closed the iiw.r. he was in the other boat , or h< Lord Mouutcasuell and Mr evith those the window of the room in which the chest contain- dod r , dead , but warm , her throat cut and her skull me look down on would not have left. Having changed his clothes af Burke Roche, M.P. anil of the Watermen 's Company in checking in a few yards off, and was in iho act of including a vast array of the land lords of the county London , by means of rigid punishment , any abuse of ing the money had boen p ut, was found to have bee-n broken. A pool of blood wms about her head , some I theu retir ed home, he went to the police ship, and was told the boy lifting my basket on my head , when 1 saw that the had not been of Cork , met in great force tht week to discuss the their act of parlia ment , or of the very useful by-laws of broken open, and (lie money abstrac ted. Suspicion spots of blond were on the lintle of the daor , and some closed. I th ?.n went on raj found, aud thesup erintendentexpressed vital fell on a man of tho name of Edwin A others near the window shutters were his surprise he should question of striking a rate for the purposes of ihe Court of Aldermen. He, however, wished it to be psey, who was door. From the kitchen he went into had got about forty yard s 41 have left. He replied he should o .t-door relief, in pursuanc e distinctly underst ood that if the prisoner 's br other , who was in the employHwnto! tbe passage which was between the two parlours. In way ; and when I not, bad not the men called out " all right " lie of a peremptory war - persons who witnessed the , as if the door was suddenly closed. rant issued by the Lord -Lieutenant to levy a rate nf commission of any offence were imlihvrent as to tbe con. the prosecutor . This man had obtaine d the key be- that passage he saw Ann Wraith lying dead on her heard a noise pointed out to them the spot where he sank. The There was only my basket between me an.) the man jury returne d 3s. in the pound off the union at large . Upau Mr *eque-nct>«, or considered their time too valuable to be longing to his master 's barn the night before the back , her head against the door , a pool of blood about a verdict that the deceased was acci- Stephen Bar ry robbery took who came to the door , so tha t I was not more than * dentally drowned. developed " the unplea sant duty of expended in the making of a personal complaint , the place, On the following morning he was her head , herthroa tcut , and her skull broken. From That man was Patrick Reid. The coroner hoped there was some proposing the heaviest rate fault was theirs found at his work there , the passage yard distant from him. mistake as to the TLa mes ever stru ck in Fermoy," , not his. if punishment were not inflicted and the priso ner was lyiu& he entwred at the parlour door , and there lef t the house, I went on to J ohn e\l 'Kin- police, for they were gene- nnd iu fulfilment of this duty for the mischief perpetrated. He would (as he had on the straw. Edwin Apsey was afterwards tak«n he saw l ying on his bick , dead , with his throat cut When I rally most ready to affor d assistance . that gentleman pro- hell's, the King's Head Inn , at the top of tbe carriage- IxsxptiCABK ceeded to state ihe amounts for which the several done during the preceding portion of his mayoralty) into custody, when he stated that a portion of the an d skull broken in & similar manner , James Wraith , Suicide.—Before Mr Payne, at St electoral divisions were r-a '. and w hich had the mark e>f iVlr Wraith' s name upon waited till he came , and got from him the mone> , I was sent for change for a sovereign but instead of re- body. But he ap- performed the duti es of captains without classes. , prehe nded it could not be presented in sufficient beinc duly autho rised, and that in other insta nces the Thomas Rowo, a servant of the prosecutor 's, the pri- it. 1,-iyinsr bloody, pl iced on the breast of Mr Wrait h, then went to Hightown to purchase the turning with it, came by railway to London. From time. soner stated that ho was going to leave the villain, as he lay on tne floor. iWrs Wraith' When Flint came in , after I had waited , he asked if further evidence, _ Talk of 9a. in the pound , out of Macroney l by-laws passed by the Court of Aldermen had been vio- s hands were it appeared that the deceasedtook a It reminded him of the old lated . as he was afraid that somebody would take him for bloody, and the wedding -r ing gone from the finger we had heard anything about the mnrder at Mirfi eld. lodgueon Thursday night last saying, ' That they could , at the "Red House," not get blood out of a flint * LAMBETH — Chabo j —Micha el stealing Mr Bevis's wheat. He stated to R! tened hisdeath . although thepostmort mexamination ' Lor d would not lustify the MorjNiCABHtLi. said : the government ., in- chance might offer itself. The prisoner was remanded char ged with the murder of her mother -iu-law , Mart of Patrick Keii! . On that mornin g he was aeen pas- possible that 1 may have been mistaken in iheiieii conclusion, as the length of time deed, might crush ,them—they might confiscate their while Inquiries that elapsed between his tak ing the lauda num and ar e institutsd respecting her connections , Milner , by poison. sing Sliill Ban k , comin g down Miiil Bank-la ne, b-* import. properties and bring mia on their dependents , and in with the view of having her placed under proper care The priso ner and her husband lived at the village a person who lives some way up, abou t The case for the prosecution havin g closed, MMi his deaih. was so ureal that the svateia absorbe d the that way put an extinguis her ton or eleven poison and destroyed its trace *' ou Ire land ; but how and contro ul. of Barnathy -le-Wold , in this county, and were agri- o'clock , with a cap on. He th>-n turned towards Lee Serjeant Wilkins add ressed the jury in defence, in a; . Mrs Walton , de would they be able to govern Irela nd afterwards WORSHIP -STREET ceased s widow, confir med the medical testimony. * It .—Absok.—John Watling was cultur al labourers, or cotters . The deceased and her yreen. He is seen at Chadwick' s between 11 and 12 speech of three hours ' duration , contending that tfitfi i must be by the sword. They should send for military charged with wilfully setting fire to the premises of his hu sband lived in the same village. She further stated that her husband , who was in the governors It would seem and likewise at James Sheard' -s whkh is between evidence was insufficient to show that Reid was thth habit of taking and statio n them at various places, and master , Mr Do Sax, wadding manufacturer , Msotag ue- t he old people were tak en i l l, and recomm e Chadwick' s ami Ellis's houses. nuilty party ' ; but that lauda num to assuage his sufferings , try and keep order , if they nded by From Sheard 's he is , if it proved anything, it wa »a compelled her to purchase and could. But England street, Spitalfieldt .—On Tuesday week the prisoner was the doctor who attended thera , to take sago. It traced to Loekwood' s and he is there aeon that M'Cabe had himself committed tho give him at two sepa- must see the folly of looking for what there was not objured by a lad named going down murderiei rate timesdouble the quantity of laudanu m prescribed Williams t« leave the premises would seem that during the time the mother and the foot path towards vmulv's hmxse. Now, l con- N'» witnesses were called in defence. At twentnt in this country, and he trus ted they would not resort In a hurried manner , and immediatel y a fire burst out father-in-law were taking the sago bv Mr Hattion , which he took during Friday night. to such severe measures . , th e prisone r was nect the two together as far as ihey are traced by the mi nutes before six o'clock , his lord ship commencecei Bv the coroner: Her husb and had no idea as would put the whole A grea t portio n of tbe building and property was de- there , and had almost the whole house to herse lf evidence. It seems that summin g up, of destroy- countr y against them , and o s o o stroyed. A , Reid came to the Shoulder laying considerab le stress on the contns ing life ; his object was ease from his intense suffer- cca i n n t only constable state d that the prisoner came to and to one of the witnesses she admitted having given of Mutton about ten mmvitcs after mniiication made by Read great loss ef treasure , but great loss of blood. (Hear, him and said that he was M'Cabe had been to Mr Noble, the govern ono ing. Verdict—"Deceased destroyed himself by a« hear). desirous of giving himself into the sago to the old people. The mother died. The ther e, and that he (Reid) turne d down the footpath of the gaol. custod y for ' havi ng set fire to his mister s house. Ho fathersuryived , ever dose of laudanum, which he took with the view of e oa t ' bu t has become par alytic. Suspicion leading to Wraith' s house twenty minutes before The jury , after being absent for two hoHVS aMUH alleviating the disease under w "Th b rd hen rose, the question of tho rate be- said he had accidentall y let fall a lucifer match , by which having been excited by subsequent ciccumstanc« s> eM'Gahe turned hich he suffer ed, and ing adjourn ed." d«v» n tho -faothp ath and went in tho forty minu tes, returned a verdict of iVbt (Tut'liy. that he had prescribed fur himself a portion of he was about to light ht* pipe, among a lot of tow, which the body was exhumed , and the presence of ars enic same dir ection . tha t inU lAHTEST, had Ignited; Reid is then seen on the f.otpat h laudanum. " and seeing that the premis es were like ly to clearly detect ed. The pris oner was proved to have by a perso n who will be called r he usual very favourable rep orts have been re. be set on fire before you. This foot- ACCIDBST 8, OmUOK g, &C. , he hastened to escape . He, however , purchased ar senic, but the facts were too slight to path leads past Wraith 's house, and ceived respecting the grai n crops . Regarding pota- denied all intention of wilfully goes down to Colchester , Moxdat. -Extbnsivb FmK.- Yei'e Fatai , AcciDBsr oh the Easirbk Cobniik setting the hou-e ou fire. warr ant a verdict of guilty, and a verdict of not Webster * house. He is seen about Railwa y toes, the accounts arestill conflicting ; but it is cer- —M r De Sax said that smoking was strictl that time pas - terd ay torer.oon an extensive fire was discovered id i — On Monday afterno on, as Wm. Colewell, tain the y prohibited guilty was returned. sing W ebster 's house in the rear , and going a porter in the service of disease has re-app eared to some extent, al- not only in his, but in all factories of the like nature The priso ner back the f Ar m homestead of Mr Frederick Wade , situaha t tbe company , was procee d- though in . was.then charged with the murder of again toward s Webster ' s house abou t the same at Alresford , ThTh ing down the line he was overtaken when a form somewhat different from, what it His confirmed impression was that the prisone r had Hannah Tickets , being the wife of her brother. lie; time abaut six miles from this town. about 200 bore iu the two preceding years. is next seen by a per aon who is Water Koyd-liine only person at home itgit yards from the Shoreditch termi nus by an wilfully set fire to the premises —Mi* Arnold remanded It appeared that on the 30ch of June , the lookin g towards at tbe time was the servant g engine. TBE MOBAL FORCE PRINCIPLE . the prisone r. deceased WmilA house, who sees Reid stand- who stated that she first saw the loose straw in th tl The driver endeavoured to alarm him ; but from had eaten some pancake in the morning with the ing at the corner of the The Irish confederatio n held their usual weekly CLERKE SWELL.—Coiirasioic op a Mobdi b, lane , and sees M'Cahe stan d- yard on fire , and from thence it quickly caug h t tt tl soma inexplicable cause he never turned team his meeting —On prisoner, and abou t ten o'clock she camo into the ngdown a short distance se until struck by the buffer of the on Thursday evening at the Music-hall in Wednesday Jeh n R.imsay, who somedays ago surrender ed from the King 's H ead with buildin gs. The wind was ra ther ' strong at the timim ccni engine, whioh Abbey-street kitchen of ene Mary Winter, stating she had been so his face towa rds Mr Wtaith' passed over him. cutting his head in two. . At the close of the proceedings , says himself to the polce tin bis own cosfession, was again eating the pancake , that , s home. About tbe and tho flames consequen tly made rapid progre sres The de- the Freeman' s Journal w t and she believed she was same time a per son who is taking in clothes put out The alarm havim; reached the ceased was tw?uty-four years of aue, anative of Yor k , i hin the hall lar ge cro wds charged with the wilful murder of Mr Henry Williams, poisoned , and should di e, to village chur ch , whichic , had collected outside , who when the most that the pancake had b.each in a field adjoi ning Mr Wraith' s house is but a short dista nce from the and witbout a relative in London , had been fre- occasional ly gave vent to intense interest was manifested ; and long poisoned her. She stated she had not taken Heard farm in questiotto i th eir feelings in loud cries for O'Connell before the prisoner was any in adirectio n towards that bouse a loud shriek , the whole of the congrega tion , with the quently warned of the dan ger attendant on his reck- , Concilia- placed at the bar the court was poison herself , and had never had any in the house. which he ministestc tion-hall , and Old Irela nd, mingled with groans and crowded in every part almost to suffocati on. will describe ) to vou . lloid is next seen at turned out to render assistance. An engine fru fru lessness by Mr Grh oshaw, the station-master. "ther Mr Horry, Deceased , who appeared to be in full possession of a place called the Town Gate expr essions of disapp robation for Toung Ire- the barrister , atte nded on behalf of the prisoner. The , , and from Wraith' s the town was also pr omptl y upon the spot, but thCthC Fatal Accideni o.v ths Riteb. — On Snndav tue her souses theu left and went to her own houao , the house to the T»wn tiara being ' little water which were two ladies and seven ! » ISS confederate s. On the appearance of Mr following additional evidence was adduc ed:—Mr s Sarah witness followed , there is a communicatio n within reach , the distincti on on evening a bott. in a dMr and found her on her k nees by means of footpaths , lie is seen gentlem en, wa-s r-wampedj ust below the pool, near ly ' ,R°,G°m™ > J "" -. Mr Osborne , wife of Mr Henry Osborne , of the Universit y violently sick, and saying the panca ke ther e alter ihe premise s was inevitable , and in about two hoihoi MeShe ^™Mp M'm>tchell l u, and ether had poisoned one 0 clock , and aft er what perhaps will was opposite Hritt ^nbary 's Dock, by the swe:l of several 2?a«.; raembar s of the Hotel, Rathbone -street , St Puncras , havin * been sworn , n or. She wished her husband to he sent for pi0vo coiuulctcd. The onl y portion saved was the no 1 confederat ion, without the buildin g, the groaning , and he an important event to mark thu time, a atouneiN . The life buoys of each steamer wen be- deposed that , in October , 18H, her husbnn d kapt the shortly afterwards arrive d . This witness shower sidence , which was uffeetcd by the exerti ons of the the mark l and encr§e & ; and these Crooked Billet Tavern Droved ot rain seems to have come on throws Mvarb -sard , and a boat lowered , and all save* tZTturn , were ™ metf , in , Tower-hill . She knew the pri- that she was with tho deceased at intervals at tha t mo- present in pulling down the granary, by which tih t except with opposite expressions of fe»W soner and also Mr Williams , the up to I ment. At the Town Gates i\omuniu' ,\i\ hi M r Smitu , of Gray 's-inu, who was swept by t om the person s «ho had " , deceased. Had seen t wo o'clock of that day, and sho coatia uauj W» mA\JCT v" oii was cut off. Mr Wade will bd the tide Ieatten ded the mee th, . At. the m a?vc-t al times. Saw them on Saturday com- hod been standi ng for some time. II .. severe iiulFt of hifh uvlit a tier «i shini»inj. and lo?t sight of. m 08ft 01 p fr01n evening, the plained ot lier th roat being very hot. Ma ry . j0i ti «i 'rer by the destru ction of his crop ™ ,M " tke neighbouri ng 2nd of November , 181*. The prison ** Watson his mother and went , toward s the rhi uvh. F,-,,,,, and > T T streetV s, and the great ^excitement and Mr Williams went and told the prison er what Tickels said the .he loss of two valuable horses and n cult. The remains g . that prevai led came to her house intoxicated. It was between 8 and 9 abou t Criurc 1 there u a footpath wW„h lead s into Sliill- bii-ldings were the property of W. W. Haw kins , E* Es of a large corai re;f, with igantic wer e truly alarming. &. large police force being poisoned by the pancake ; where upon Bhe wnit lane branf -hps ,., a bea-.riful was in at- o check at night. The prisoner stopped at the bar , one! curneel pal e , and h e was seen goim* wit h iliat female of AIresford Hall. arb ireseent fovni, have beeHi tendance , but thu was ineffectual in quelling nor lips became white, and she. ,T to Mr Williams , and he ora ted hou h' as arre ed, and before he was arrested , he niades a cent villages. There was a second shock ou Riokati ZTJseat word back that he was engage d he preserved , and told the pri stst 'iement which it is not for mo to detail , days it v, it aad couVi not com. so, but after soncV na ho will same night , and after an inicrval of two the death of TidM *, priso ner said i be e.Mlled before you. When Uoid was arrested he re peated. •-' X-v A/ T.-LY 2-K 1» ^ J J l — THE NORTHER N STAR. ihs census, all sentim ents were in accord to Colonial anli .foreign pro claim lieve I of tbenec essityfermodifying thepalitical instrum ent can guara ntee the correctness thee follow- supports which ing deta i It had b.en said that the money of the people wis nut ino it well deserved tne appellation. Lau ghter INDIA AND CHINA. , propagates , and increase s all disorder s ls :—The diy before yesterday, M. de Bois- smpenai had *«* fjariKTOM required for these newbi tboprics but , thoug h the money bi 'Hi excited on u surj .-Jt of a most serious « if all thes e facts were not le-Comte went to the President of the Diet, and read ; eharae teix. • and pape rs in antwi patiten 0f the overland sufficient to chara de did not tome from rtters tha t infer nal to himasjmewhat long despatch , dated 4th July , the consolidated fund , it was tak en Never was ther e a question in which i t was less appro- received. The meetin g, thos e present carrie d by from a ave brCT late st dat es by this their auda! SATURDAY. Jotr , 17. portion of the people ; from a ' - erit.rious , bard- priate; " The spiritual interests of thousands were in. Jilh arj to fax as to propose a toast which M. Guizot not only fully ratified the latn-n aye -C«lcutta . Jun e 2d ; Mad ras to th e press i-*nx HOUSE OF workin g portion ^«la re- , June 8th ; did th« held, by the ambassad or in his famoiw dij eours LQRDS.-One o' clock was the hour np- of the people .-ths paroc hial «h-wy. volvud , and those interes ts were of importance to other May2ota. uot dri nk to the KlBg ! Our feeling " J fj? ecrit. omted It was not Hcng Kon g. become C p for the mootin g , indu ed, raise d b Ex. interests in the propor tion as eternit y S wheu we think ofthat Muomiuy but even strengthened the expression ot his idea hy of the house- ; but owing to an oe- y the Chancellor of tho was more ira por . ou« were in circn 'atio n at Ma dras of a fresh dr i ! How coT dM rurr» i,ceof.m chequer but it wa , t»It(nfrom tani than time %ra per ^ e vnthout nkin g the Da er assribifl g to the great continental power s, with unu8 ualn atare , thecr.mm enc0mentof bn»i- thrbard -workimr cUrgy . . He trusted , therefore , this bill would &ii Gomsoor. King' res- ness was who would lose ntbrea k in s health ! fiS delayed unt il 3 o' clock. it if it was e„,p , . four l.-iiiter be ma ' e the vehicle for ribald jest - elepuhes bound und« th e pect to our country, more hostile intention s than a At the appointed time lo e Hn erid (>wing . stat e ol affa irs in China is still very unsafe penalty of outh Twrvto rnm a «ufflc.en t numb er of Aftrr considerable di scussion tbe meace by . simple examination of the complicati ons which mav peers had assembled to constitute 086 a <1>mU , the committee divided— extract the following monarchic al 6eW ? were .£'£?starving, "and that a iiro.-i„„ *> <«< «* . ¦ torv ; we from the Friend of ^™ S » ^ arise in case the majority of TL hT Por tion nfi "«<* " *<»"*came For tbe amendment ... ,., . . 14 fef happen to meet, fc an the Swiss Stat es sb-tild l0P WM P'ment t0 read ra e» an rt rnv«.,r.t «J i „ our ar stocrc y ' May24 :- officiaI 8M£mW «J ^ w-?£ Pr"H° ?-,C P ? . Si,i**i ob iged to take collective measures against th« min- irity . ° °f lhe h,,usenot l Against it ...... SO—f2 renew their oat h In n M il h - <> ?««••* * *« " • ro ,,kin g deparlnre of of fidel M Until after a ••Since the the last monthly mail t, mo homS TS word , the writ ten language , put 8r Mr V. Smith said that he had noev ti brin g forward fcs ef Vi. Guizot iT ' , their lordshi ps s n ; 6U se lh M-jesty . " is in com- P^J er z^sr r»r' • ° even should th ey r ^ f Duke of Devonshire- , the "P" r? has engrossed the attention expo * tha t Mrq ,i Tr • , l.e had rj nte-n of of foreigners in Mnie. S to r plete opposition with the declarations tha t he m iD *w Mtm tw a d the amendmen t of which given notice , relative to The results Sir made a 8tate of ina «!o«. Baron IUth -scuild submitte d ™ - " j .^a quarte r. John Davis' expe*- in the Chambe r of Deputies in the sittin g IJ^lZta ' «" "? fdutyof the Bishop of St Asaph-i 11Lcl ,cn,,CB ,0 8aV,! the three additiona l bidhops riferred to in the pream ble * " coaa wali in which rirf n™ , * to lar ge masses of the * ." are **« developed. The capitalists ar e ^ r> yor arded as a flock of functionar. the inter pellatin ns took '° B thU °CCaslon ond wph iZ .?„Bti, , of tne bill. The noble lord at tho head of the govern- liim \ f« tL COWa rds P0ltr se place. After having rend 2£E ' ' »fter the lapse of .!,« ,!„»„ „? ?!,..„„ .„.. ..?__ ? "»»"n ; supposeVV at vicinity of the factories r o™« becau they mm «me a mcshtS8 „« tbe close of theseason , when -he Jejving the , being appnhen- I Z't. »-. ^ .! ° asso- this despatch to M. Ochsenb ein, the Ambi>sad or r was despatched to bis residence fa„ Zi. U . a incu t bad said that he was oprn to conviction , and would ciate WJ ,h,be most *! th »* tmdthestarvation had , "' dang er, either from their own select cfthet hct org ofPar -8 wh0 ^ ' »"* «• his was subsided JSmin ,:rt mi couulrvnu-n , leav i i offered , accordin e to usage , to leave him a cupv. The • presence re- » t f be read y to make any alteration in the measure which ing aade men, wish onS £ J to We will b«to w ,h. surplus ' Luld disturbances take place , or from foreien to occupy themselves solely with President of the Vorort at first replied by 8 The funT r could be shown to hiia to be proper . The preamble the-i nsutut ums of a positive oV^ »««« ^s in- in supplying them with food ^C oSc should the Governor of tbecountrv ! Trul y we were aware that ^Zl ^^^^^*** ,;«»« '«»t the *« , but w. W bishops were to be created truo ps. Hong Kong repeat refusal , but afterwards consented to the forniaiitv , . right rev. prelate iu\m»Kl n recited , that three addit ional the pride of upstart s was h,d lib ^ endowing two additional Lords of the » want on aggressions . Severa l of tbe native nier- great , but we did not imagine It declarin g, however, thai as the despat ch iT Cl0 k With Tre asury ? Would as soon as convenient. Kow these words were quite his reach ed was not ad "f* the aro 1 n tho countr y tolerate this so high ! It is a principle say M. Ct °t0 heu h0Use '«' * ^t*on ? If. ,,,„, no Te J n[ " ^ jbsnts are insolvent, being unable to meet the de- they ! But we re- dressed to him as Preside nt, nor to the Vivort . he ^ f * ann that he hod not J ut variance with the rest of the preamble , and they con- ply with tha Charterino nr riJThsin,.- b eenT heard T of. Wheni assigned in favour of the measure , wh upon them , in consequence of the shroffs hand , that tbe sole princi pleof could not communicate it officially Diet this intelligence was com- y should notv tb fV tained a pleda o which , to say the least , was extremely mands or either to the mumca -od to their ™ (the opponents the bill,, , ™ "*» g govwum cutistmi sover eignty •£the people The national lord shlps, ra e98enK o* ak iIlg „0 0Ilfa|r , d kujVtng-fcnnses, havin cW:d. Forei gn trade is in . or the Directory, " ers were sent inconvenient , and one to which the House of Commons will is at oace th e vario us d ion, m search upon this grea t quest ion persev ere stagnation , all the staples origin and the term of all govern , ITALY. ict of bishop,, with instructio n., In tlu-ir opposition to ought not There was nothin g j state of havin g fal len in t-Kque-Rt a bill to stand committed. or fo free ments . It alone creates them aay oneofthem to procee d which they bel ieved the p80pU wwe -rice. are reigne rs from danger ; an at- , according to their neces- A letter from Bologna of the 8tb, in the Cont tttK- forthw ith to the opposed to- ••ii.ii.-tcd in the bill upon these words in the preamble , on^ the sities , as it htms,- : hat rt il „o bishop w08 that belief being stren gthened b j ^jt factories only being checked by the pleases ; »ud any body must have a short me- tionnel, says :— to be found . It mav y the fact that no rep r.- . an d therefor e he presse d on the noble lord the propriet y mor y to have be doub ted wheth er the lay sentative of a large constit uency came of a small body of British for gotten alread y how that sovereign will " Tho law on the instit ution of the civic euar d for pfier9 ever before so forward to >«, o> expun ging them The right hon . gentleman con- «re=ence troon s. A unom tyr derived (he in its favour ? He admi tted . destr oy form s which ar e contrary to its expansion , and the entir e state ministrati on of one of their spiri. tha t th ere had been a majo- cluded b is aP iroaching, the consequences of which Can - has just arrived from Rome. Car- rity ,„ y moving that , all thu words relating to the- crea- ccd* casts into solitude tual brethren but it was not until favour of the bill, but no t a fore seen but a rupture those ancient royal race s whea they dinal Aroati ordered it to be immedia tely published thr ee o'clock that majori ty of the tion of three new bishoprics be omitted from the ute , with China isali but the inwrp.wt lon ,fthe House of Commons pretend to oppose their worn-out privileges to the eternal throughou t, the prov ince. It is iu consequence «f a BUhop ofBath and WelU extri- . Had one-half of the House preamble. onivoidable. cated tl.eerlordsh. p, f.rom - of Commons voted for the bill! . tight of the people. That Charles X. succeeding to his serious demonstrat ion the fi x" jn whlch tlloy wcre Nl) tno ,,,-„,„ Lord TV Fren ch government has received a second of the Roman pi'eipl tha ttlie majorit y J. Russell said that if the words objected to by tele- brothe r in favour of the bill had been barel y -p Malta Lr.uu XVIII , who maintained that he had government hasten ed to pass this measure so Ions onc.fifth of the right honourabl e gentleman crap lrc de- atch , dated , the 14th ; accounts , The Hu-dness tra nsacted he House of Commons. could bo made to hear reigned SI years when a foreign steam boat cast him on expected. was exclusivel (Hear hear .) Where were the ciinstru ction ton to the 23d : and Hun s Cour iers passed throu gh Bologna hint y of a routine the othei « which he had put upon them , and to from Can Kong, th e25:h our chancier and , after sittin g a half s If any hon. member would coast in th e year 1814—that those persons should night from Reime.on their way to Vienna , with press- an hour their lord- take the trouble convey a pledge that the Houx. of Commons would of May. No business doing at Canton. Keying ship* adj.iurncd. to anal yze the divisions , they , at have assumed to be princi pal s might have passed without ing despatch es from tbe Austrian ambassadors would find that tbo bill, if some future session been menaced by the mob that his re- passed , would not , proceed to create three new bis h op- ha * palace ridicul e. And nevertheless when a meeting was held at HOUSE OF COMMON S. - The be carri ed by the ministerial side of rics , , siding at Rome and Naples. Armed bunds ar e said house met at twelve. which constr uction , however , ho did not think they ghnnld be burned if he grante d the ground jstwfactor y he house, but by 8T members tha V-. ndau ges de Bourgo gua without drinking the King' s to have msde their appearance in Calabria . Semiei explanations passed between on the other side. (Hear , could in stri ctness be pflmised to the English. Mr Pope , who Con- Mr B hear .) Under these made tob.-ar , then he must admit _ had htalth nob ody then thought of groaning and lame nting the siderable agitation rei E-^eott and the chairman of committees circums tan ces, he frit it to be bis tha t ihe -bjeetion sent to inspect the ground gns in the kingdom of the Two , Mr Ore-mo , as s which the ri ght hon . gentleman had been. , had aba ndoned his conduct dynastic snr. Stci'ies to the former moving tliti adjournm ent 1 hi9 PP08iti0n ,le urged were of of deputies who bad at that period a . We unde rstand that a collision , attended of the debate oh 1ml. 1 Tr^t." ° t0 «his '>">' some nei-sht . and tor that re aton be -was pnrp n' ! f r if th - ™ that in the month of Jul y, when tba burning sun bea colonies for the ice-Presi dent of that board Mr M. 1st . To civil degrada tion. selves for Louis XIV In what ar ticle of the charter merie and several bat talions of chasseurs Gibson who gave the sary, if her Majesty thou gnt fit hereafter to found three . have been re-lu 'i ot Irii-ii distress amounted to £33,000. aelduional influence of his 2«d. To three years impri sonment. have p0p U!ar - pur pose ? 3rd . To pay back lb* 9i,000f., which sun: is to be rules the King as well as the humblest of citizens . lie threatened. " tbrwu-b eon/ BiitJ ee nhira f ew remarks tram Earl Gsei t'MS mensura And Lord Bro ugham given to the hospitals of Paris. contributes one-third to it he executes it- te is boun d Accounts received , Lord J. Kcstf it said It would be necessary to ooma in Paris from Rome, under da*e upon the incr easing prosperity of the colony, and th t " 0! si solifae » quicquam virtutis adesset ! to parliament . The preamble ns amended *h. ToaSne of lO.OOOf. to obey it—or , rather , as he acts not without his Min- of the 10th, inform us that Cardinal Gizzi had , , was then re- L'MtifyiUi manner in which , he said , the natives of New how would he, at one time, have General Cubieres and M. Parmentier are each thus explain si mado his former col. agreed to. isters , iu constit utional lan guage we must gned , and that CardinalF erre tti, Legate of Pesaro Zi-aliu d now came into our courts to settle their dis- leagues in the House of Lord s trem blo at their own an. On the first clauss being pro posed which repeals parts condem ned— your «plene preamble I*t. To civil degradati on. M. Jayr II. Dumon Cunin Gridaine father , at dinal Ferretti , who belon gs to a m.ble famil , and uxtenil s to this , . U, . y ol An- 'ftieir lordshi ps adjourned at 8 o'clock, mil) wcre determ ined , 2nd. T.> a they were resolved that thee w0U .( act the powers of formi-r acts, fine.of lO.OOOf. each. Sedan ! A fine incarna tion , well worthy of adoration ! cona, is 52 years of age. He is the bi other of the ' HOUSE OF COMMONS. —Mr Tre lawney t<> debate this bill. " You may General Cubieres had a very narrow escape of bav- Iu tru th wished proro gue „n Thu rdays ," Mr Aolio.nbt called on the house to reject the latter , one is sur prised to find to what a point the M ajor Ferretti who, in the time of Napoleon wax sa id the hon know from the Ctia tie-elltr of the .Exchequer whether . member , " huton Thursda y psrt of this clause on the grounds in* impri sonment added to this sentence , a majority spirit «f the irit of subservienc y, considered one of the , 1 ynushall not taken by Lord G . Court , the miserable sp br avest officers of tha Italian carry it . He conclud ed one on y being in his favour. le-r M-f the persons condemned The Breslatt Gazette of the 12th had become * bills, as clearl y ap- More uisrussion ensued :— from all public progress of idvas had not bc«= felt there. It appears to eive« the following peared iron, the evidence and emp loyments laev durin g the present session ? of the Bishops of London and Tha committee then divided , when the numbers functions ; secondl y, in bein g de- be that au intel igent , active powerful , and energetic na- representation of the misery which afflict * ihe part s t ' Asaph on tbe subject , both ef whom prive! of tbe ri ght of votim: or beinj r elected, and in of Poland which The Cuanc kllob yt tlie- Exciieqceb said his honour- thought there were— tion like ours should hah becaus e a system has described lies on the banks of the V istula :— was greater need of bishops able fri.-ud was alrea- *i< aware that his opinion whs than of assista nce to the For the amendment 25 general of all civil and political rights, and of the is parabole— that the immovability ot tb e upper part " The workin g classes are obliged to cat the gras- small or ill-paid clergy-dau ghter) -and both of whom Against it priviiefic of wearing any decoration Thirdly, in body—tha t all Fiance of the fields neainst the measure alluded to, maiul y on the ground 1S3 be- •mght to paral yse the entire social , which they dress as vegetables. The stud they were of opinion that the of itt; in te rfering with th« iiitere nts of tbe labouring best mode of provid. ing incapable to serve ou a jury or to servo as a should ba condemned to drag its limbs liko a few who ar e so fortunate as to procure employment mg for ihe spiritual de stitutio n of the people was tu Majority against It witness to a 1- gal deed , or to give testimony on oath decri pit those who earn no more tha n classes themselves ; but certainly, now that the bill bad .„ 10» old man , because it pleases all five kreutzsrs (30c.) a day, and createm-n -e bishops. {Great laughter. ) become law he ould not hold out any htipe that govern- The firs t clause was then pass«d . in a court of justice. Fourthly, in being incapaci- lead it to be from 70 to 81 years of age ! Those tnen tbey are able to buy only a small quantit y , Mr Hume was sorr y ot to ihat the noble lord at the bead of On puttin g the question on the second from forming part , ot an ; family council are the black or spoiled ment would intro eic^ a measure compensate the clause , which tated , or of men of the Left and the Left centre , flour , which tbey mix with the grass. the gewernme nt persisted in forcing on this bill : he had ena cts that tbo numoe-r of guardian, or judicial counsel , labourers for an; loss they may suffer In const quenc e »! lords spiritual is not to be bans: aniens for Lis to whom the y do tbe honour to attribute Every day people were found dead in the stree ts hoped that liu would postpone f¦ their ituntil iiMtsDssion.andh e increased , in being deprived soma . good sense . perrat ve that the present Irom starvatio n- In the town of Saysupeil a r eduction one twelve to ten hours a-daj in would own chi.dren. Fifthly, «>f the right They th ere were put it to him whether it would not be wi»B to do Mr S. Wobtlit obsirved labour . , flint the difficul ty with of carr yins: arms of servin g in the national guard or policy degrades and corrupts all par ties. They found in one morning nineteen per sona lying on the so , and wheth er it would no serve the liberal cause if be which Lot d J . Russell had to contend in passing this the French army, of keepin g a school or being em- contend at the Coamber their efforts are destroyed by pavement round a church , all of whom had exoired Bishopric of Mancheste r Bill.—Lord J. Russell were now to postpone until tho next parliament this toll, did not use upon the erection of the Bi»h-prlc of loyed in any establishmen t- of public instruction , as a majority of satisfied members. They propose au f rom want of food. The princi pal disease caused b moved tha t the order of the day for going into committee most obnoxious p y and objectionabl e measure ? (Hea r, Manch ester , but on his extendin g further the number of suiter , professor , or usher." electoral and Par liamentar y refonn—th ey are ridiculed this famine is a nervous fever , on the above bill bu read. att ended with in- hear.) Ho implored the noble ford not to waste tbe those who were enti tled to sit eir the episcopal bt-sch in A letter from Paris of Sunday 's date , says :—"Ye s- and told that the count ry is laug hing at them. They then sanity. They stayger as they go, have a stupi d time of the air , Mr H. Escott had to thank Lord J. Rt isse-ll for the house any further , but at once to withdraw thu House of Lords. The qut-stion , then , which ho when the sentence of tbe Court of Peers address thems elves to thr. eK-ctor j—the latter reply and and cannot speak without stammering. They the bill. ten-ay. are handsome manner in which , at the close of Frid »y night 's (Hear, hear ) calhd on the committee to cons di-r, was , whether , in to announced to M. Teste , that portion «if it which appeal to to the revolution of easily distinguish ed men of every par ty atta ched among the hundreds of bege.tr.-i debate , he had consented to postpone the furttier pro - Lord J. KoasELt, could not but think , after hearin g creatin g a Bishop of Manchester , it ought to omit to in- condemned h m to imprisonment thre w him into a Jay who desire a modification of the existing system, who besiege the doors of all the houses. Children thu speeches ceeding with this bill from Saturday to Monday. He had which had been made against the bill , tha t vest him with all tbe ri ghts and privileges of bis episco- which pr oduced congestion of A common feeling sections of the same deser ted by their fathers and mother s wander the tu-lent state of fremy, unites different about t'olt on the uoole lord 's dning so that it would be thu dut.v opposition to it aro se mainly from a mUappr ehcu. pal brethren . He contended that without a violation of par maintains his fl.g. the streets in the brain , nnd his wound threatened a dangerous ty Each brin gs his followers and groupspiteousl y imploring charity. " of those opposing tho bill to reconsider the position in sion both on the part of the small iniaorl- y who opp osed princip le, ond a violat ion of tbe constitution , you could is such as to A cry because the na. it in abscess. To-day his state thr = au-n of anathema is immediately rais ed RUSSIA. which they were placid —to re flect on the responsibility that house as well as of many respectable persons not deprive rbe Bishop of Manchester of the privile ge of ¦i serious consequence.*. A- soon as the jud gment was ml sover eign ty and tbe revolution of July have beenin According to the last arrivals from St Peter sburg, attached to the position they occupied—to reconsider the in the countr y. It was said that everything was done p.-i-rn ge, to which he became en titled as soon as he was voiced the Emperor Nichola s Germ a intimated to General Cubieres he paid the various in place of the Kins! Tbe Marseillaise was chant ed will not go into ny this na ture of the hill itself—an J to resolve whether it was for the hierar chy and cotltin g for the sare of souls, and legally elected . On these grounds ho objected to the t t year. lie is said to have directed his sums in which he was mulcted , amounting in the wi h enthusiasm , but Yite Henry IV, was nei her played _ Minister ol their dut y to giv e up tlicir opposition , and concede to the it was also alleged ttut this measure lad more particu- clause , and moved fh.tt itbe expunged . wh-.de to 12 000 francs , and he was forthwith libe- nor sung, and deputies were present! Wha t a scandal .' Forei gn affairs to collect in August, at St Peter s- opinion of the majori ty. At the same time he had cmi- larly tbe former objec t, fie must , howev»r , re call to the The Attorne y-Gekeu al thought that this clanss Aad it is manifestation burg, all the diplomatic representatives of Russia to rated. 5J. Parmentie r will not be discharged ut:til expected that this extraordinary sidered it hh duty to reflect whether anything had passed recollecti on of tho lious : the state of the church som« coul d not bo very ii-jui'lous to the church , as the the great power.--. The Emperor has just take n an i* has in a similar mann er paid the fine and his share of w hich the echo has been* heard in London and i» G-r- in the cows > »vf the di-ba t*unit tended to upset *aimissiou of Sir R. wag Several members addressed the bouse at length en this ha s adopted the , Peel The rumour which was senerall y circulated on expectation ! Ah! we are «ell awara of what grieve s project of a vast line of railway s which thev thought detrimental te/ the interests of the issu-.il. Tho Bishop o t Duinain had a rev. nut-of from amendment. uni ting the three capitals War saw Moscow Alwidav, of the return of M. Pellapra , is now offici- yon. It is becaus e no disturbances interfer -d to deran ge , . , and St ptople, because detrimen tal to the interests ol tb e chur cn : £22.000 to £23,000 a year , nnd other bishops held bene- Sir T. D. Aclakd accepted the propo sition of thr noble Petersburg. This line, of which tbe teu ally conSroied. The Moniteur of Tuesday conta ins this sincere and powerful expre ssion of the Parisian depont will and , having fairly considered the matter , ha had ciiroe to fices and livings of from £500 to £1 500 a year , in com- lord , because it wus the first attempt made by any govern- be the fortress of a summo ns to the meaibrrs of tbe Court of Per-rs to electors . It is because in that assemb ly of 1.200 persons Warsaw , will complete and the determination that nothing would bo so pusillani- menchm, to eke out their incomes. Ano ther evil was ment towards remed ying a great want in regard to the strengthen the system , assembl e on Friday, for the trial of that gentleman. the heat aud excitement diminished ia uo respect tho of the old kingdom of Poland , mous , nothing would be so buse on their part , as any sign that several clergymen held vari ous digni ties nnd prefer , mos t reverend bod y, which was to bu increased by tha such as the Emperor Nicholas established it at the - The Debaissays tha t M. Pellapra arrived in Paris dhrnifird dem. anoar of the guests. It is because that of shiinkiiig from th.- great duty imposed upon tliein , men ts. tor ins tance , fifteen clcrt/yin-.n fit-id (54 pieces present hill . on Sunday evening , and on Monday surrendered him- aaiong jt the 5.060 or C,000 person s who tesponded out- last insurrection in 1830. Tho country to ba tra- ear. ) An him ijentlc -inHti sittimr nvar Mm signified of pre ferments, A commission , however , was appointed Mr R -educe said the noble lord ough t to r?colli ct by versed by the line is generally flat (H . self a prisoner at the prison of the Luxembourg. It side to the applause <•{ the company, and to the music of , which will allow dissent from that proposition ; and he culled upon that in 1881 to inquire into the evils wis-.ing in the church whom hit bill was praise d and accepted , and from those of the woiks being ra p ; is thought that the tr ial will not occupy the court th e ManeiVaise. your polic - found no opportunit y to in- idly com pleted at aa expense gentleman to express to the house the reasons which and first of all they applied thems elves to the incomes prai-es to distru st liis o '.Mi pro ceeding. Tbe opposing of abou t lOO boo . if more than one day, as it is probable that A!. Pellapra terfere to repress tl :e slightest confu sion. This ten- .OOOf. the English mile. in-iuced him to supp •« this bill, H-.- had yet to learn trie bishops, when it appea red to them that it evas dtsir. p a r ' y onl y ?ought to get the wed ge in at its sharp end , will plead guilty. *ciouines - ot right , which is gradually penet ra ting every- that this was a ministerial measure. (Hear , hear. ) The able te> do away with the holding of benefices and liv- and t )i« rest wnuld soon follow. He eulogised thenobre Tbe thiion Mmarchique says that the alarming where, and which fortiGcs those amongst whom it TI1E FRATERNAL DEMOCRATS. nuble lord the Ftr= .t Lord of the Treasury, and the Secr e- ings in c jiHiieiiddiii to make up their incomes, and it fur- lord for being the first minister who had dealt with the rnm purs th at had been current as to the state of psuet:ate-s . affl-cts you bee-ause it menaces your exist- tary of Sta te for the Home Department had spoken in ther appeared that some of the larger bishoprics win lit spiri tual power by a legislative enactment , and trusted ence, an d health of M . Tt>te :-re confirmed. His health is in- it bee-onus the u.ore ala rming to you as it is At a meeting of this society on Monday evening, favour of the bill , bu t sp iring ly, and they hud never a t- be diminished , and afford bett er incomes to tho smaller that the first step would ultima tely lead to an entire re- consol ator y lou invite one-: jur ed to such an extent that his family begin to to society in general , by your — Ridley , in the chair , the following new regu- temp ted to grapple evith the main question under dispute . . They pro posed that th-e income of the Bishop of form of the whole subj . ct. Le t the hon. gentleman op- entf rr *in serious fears for his recovery. provocation agita tion and riot. Ton would have cried lations were moved by Julian Harne y :— ( Hear , hear ) He saw next to the nol.d ; lord at the Durham should be redu ced to £8 000 a year. Another posite take this to heart. The whole of tbe sptrtual The. trial «if ti~e Communist Materialists concluded less loudly if an oppor tunity bad been afforded you to 1st. That henceforth the society 's meetings take place head of thegoverament the Chief Commissioner of woods abuse had been put an end to , namel y, thu frequency oi bod y of p-.-ers were about to take a new phasis , and to ' on Friday by the convictio n of all the prisoners. disperse the meeting as illegal. You would not perha ps only month ly—the first Monda y in every mon th: the se- and Foresis , and thn represen tative of a groat county. translation. Next, as to cathe drals , it appeared tha t a have their turns in represent ing their ordtr in the House They were sentenced to periods of imprisonment regret , crouched as you are in your filthy den , that some cretaries , however , to have the power to call $pe:ial meet- He wanted to know if Yorkshire was in favour of thi< considerable diminutiin might be made, in the number of of Lords . The minister would henceforward have the varyinc frr-m t wo to seven years. violence »tould have assisted you iu creating alarm . Do tiu;s whenever they deem necessar y. Th e first of the bill I He woeifei tell that noble lord (Lord M -rpctli ) that deem, canons , and other cathed ral offices ; and hy the power of regulating ibemanner of admitting th e spiritual nit place any must The Reform * cantra>t >. the sentences of these un- reliance on violence—t hat come from regular monthl y meetings to tak e place on the first Mon- '• ti.it all the bl oo-i of all the Howards " could cram four reduc tions made a fund of £IH 000 a year had fallen in , peer in to the upp-r bouse , and every sort of jobbing fortunate , with those passed upon the ari st. erati e you. We hav e waited patien tly for your system to pro- day in August. oUhnns down tha throats of the people of thi< country . mil tho real amount on the expiration of existing lives would be used in order to get the ri ght sort of bishop. duce its fruit corrop tiani-ts. ** In one case," says the Iteforme, . T he country has seen and has tasted the Tha t as a number of members neglect to pay the con- (Laughter .) He saw als i the member for Slieth'cid in his and the completion of other nrrHii stiiii-iits, ul timately Would any one believe th 'it all the Dissenters would not "themaximum of puni shment(sevonyears' impri son- poison . You are educating tie* nation . You are en- tribution of a b^itpennr weekly, the present system he place , 'tnd he a-ked hitii if the people of Sheffield were in would be little less than £300, 000 a ye.'ir . Th y had be in arms iii conseque nce *»f the firs t step ? And those li htenin g ment .) is passed upon six unfortunate operatives g the most blind by the lignt of your policy. discontinued , and , instead , that every member in town favour of this bill ? [Mr Ward. —" They have nut said a very greatly diminished iho patrona ge of the crown and who were about to support govern m ent in the matter Parties have learned ernments ar e ' very convicted of a pi-litic.il con-piracy which bad had no tha t bad gov not de- and country pay, on receipt of his card, one shilling. The simrie word on th a sul>j , ct."J But , if tle cy had said the high dignitaries of the church , and had not been , would find thu r account in so doiner. It was a pretty stroyed " resu lt. Iu another— where that hideous crime *— by their eff-rts . Bad governments commit shilling to eons itute one year ' s payment . The year to nothing etas be at liberty to assume that " silence gave as it was said , u t terl y neg lectful of tho working clergy, quarrel , and he would leave it as it was. He advised cor ruption—ha d been committed by two illustrio us suicide , aud you will jot fail to succeed in consequence o date from the 22nd of September . If not paid on the consen t?" (Laughter ) He would ask , aUo, who was lor this sum of £131 000 (and which , as hi had befo re the opponents of the bill not to interfere in tht ahd noble pers onages—the convicts are visited—one the care with which you char ge your weapons . Our part 22nd (the society's anniversary), the town members to the author ot the appr opriati on e-laus ¦<. ? (Hear.) Who said , would ultimately reach 300,000,) had been devoted division. with civil degradation without imprisonment , and will hencefort h be governed by yours. You may act , we pay at the first monthl y meetings Mlowia g (October) eras it tha t contend ed that all sur plus funds of the Irish to the augmentati on of small benefices. Then , as to The committee divided , when the numbers were—. the other with a similar punishment , and three year s* shall wait." Should it he inconvenient for any number to make good church should uo to the education of the people % (Hear .) plurali ties , they had been rest ricted , for a measure had Fo r the amendment 57 imprisonment , so that he will esca pe with four years Damkl O'Cossbll, Etej. M.P. for Dundalk , and his contribution in one payment, he tn.y pay the sam-t It was the member for Sh< flield; and yet ho now sup- been passed that no clergyma n should hold a second Against it ...... ,,, ...... tu les- of confinemen t tha ti the parties convicted «-f a the ttev. Dr Miley, arrived in Paris on Tue sday , by in' talm-nts of not less than one penny weekly until port d a measure for raising up four new bishopric s out benefice more than ten miles from where he lived . (Hear , seditious conspiracy that had led to no outrage. And brin ging wish them the body of the late .Mr O' Con- the whole is paid . On any emergency additional monies of the surp lus funds that ought to go to a more necessary hear. ) He really thought these thin gs bad been utterl y Majo rit y against it ... 51 " althou gh sis this is called equa l justice !" neil in a fourgon. '1h ey were to proceed on their to ba raised by voluntary cntributions ." purpo se. (Hi'ar .) Instead of widenin g the I'ase of the lost sight of—(bear , hear)—and he evas not now propos . So the second clause stan ds part of the hill, left the house in obedience Emigrati on' of Frb sch Commcxists.—The French journey the next day, intendin g to cress over from The above having been seconded by Geo. William churc h , and thus adding to its use-fuin ss nnd stability, ing tha t the whole surplus revenue e-f tha church should or seven of the opponents of it Roebuck. Communi sts bavins lately suffered much persecu- Havr e to Southampton. Wheeler , the first reguhtion was unanimously he was assifting »o put ponderous pinnacles on its top bi devoted to the crea tion of four bisbopricv , neither to the suggestion of Mr ' ll then withdrew the thir d ond fourth tion , are now proposing fc> emigrate, en masse, under The National gives currency to a rumour to the ef- adopted. On tbe second , Carl Schapper moved , that would m t Ue it top.he.ivy and etidanjte 'r its fall. evas he responsible for tho opinions of the Bishops of Lord J. Russe in clauses of the bill because be thoug ht that th ey could the direction of M Ca ber , to found a Commu nist fect tha t Marshal Se.ult having a^ain sent his re- seconded by Charles Keen , th at " that each member Thtii there was the member for Dun ^arrau , bet ter known Lon .on and St Asaph . Wha t he wished to show was, , session. State , pr obably in America. M. Cabet wa- at one signation , tbe Council ot Ministe rs deliberated on it, on recei pt of his card pay sixpence instead of one as memb er for Dungarvan than as the- Mister of the that , in pursuance of a series of measures , he did not vcr > well stand over to the next stand These cltuses refer the first , to the endowment of time a member of the French Chamber of Deputie s and the offer was accepted . A letter , it was ru - shilling." On a division , the amendm ent was re- Mint , where his oflice seemed to hang about him as a up alone solely for the purpose of increasing the , number of bishops Ho thou gh t that tho Deans of York , Wells , nnd Salisbury, and the last to asd is a'..*o kn»wn as author of an History of Fran ce, moured , was immediate y written to. Mar shal jected , and tha original motion (the shilling annually) ponderous incumbrance— (laught er) — he asked him . , - making provision th ey had for the reform of abuses th e endowment of archdeaconries. They were accord- ilia two cli'ef Communi st works are the Voyage en Bugeaud to offer him the portfolio of war, and it adopted. whether Ireland was in f.i vour of four new bishops ? :t* , ha ving done aevay ' l out. fecria. an Utopia n romance . from wh- nce those was almost settled that M. Guiz it should assume the The following new members were electee! :— It was Hot for tbosd %vho had cried for ju-elec to Ireland ivl th beuefW s held «» eonuKendam , buying done aivav ing y struck for wi th the evils attend ing the tr a n slating of bishops The other clauses wcre agreed to, ond the chairman wh> store? with bis views have been called Icarians ; place of President of the Council. It is added that Conrad Sprinisall , of Norwich ; Geor ge Kendsll , to join in the attemp t to make four new bishop s , hav- tug away wi th sinecures was then direc ted to repor t the bill ; and on the house and VraiChristiaivime.in which heba ses Communism the appointment ot Bugeaud as Minister of War will of Sut lon-in-Ashfield ; Charles Rhus , Thomas M ajor , Eng land. (Hear , hear. ) Where were till those who had done , having made better pro- vision for the cure of souls, havin g resuming the report was ordered , amid loud cheers , to npnn the forth of Je sus. He also is editor of the be foll-iweei by the immediate arming of the fortifi- John Dell, Henry Ellis, and Henry Lester , all of in former limes expressed themselves in oppositi on to app lied a r emedy to tho evils of plurali ties and those evils which be received on Tuesday. T-ypiCmre. in which paper he has developed the ne- cati ons. The Duke d' Aumale has been appointed Reading ; John Rogers, of Bris tol ; Thomas Gill, measures of this kind ? They were too much cowards to , many years Wa tson thought so hurtful Pooa L&ws Administration Bill. — On the order cessity of French Communist emigration. Hisap i-cal Governor-General of Algeria. jun., of Wakefield: David Morrison , of Swindon ; rise in thoir places and oppo se the present measure . He ago Hishop to the church , they were not—if they conceived of tho day for considering the lords ' amendment to this tothis effect has met with a willing response from Apprehensions are entertained in certain circles of Adam Camsron. of Paisley ; Charles Theobald , of repeated tha? those who, con trary to their recorded the ministr ations of the church could be made mure useful the Communists in France, and their cry, —a new an outbreak on the 29th inst, th e anniversary of one Peterborough; James Smith , of Accringt on , Edward opinions tend avowtd princip les, did not stand up and op- by putting inorf bill, Russell proposed , in r»ference to the clause Israel !" —is AVons en of '* the three glorious days. " The correspond ent of of Manchester ; John McCra e pose this bill were political cowards , and would be so bishops iu the dioceses hereaft er to be created —to con- Lord J. version of "To our tents , 0 Burley, , James Gra- above sider tho church and the concerns of the which preclud ed the sepa ration of man ond wife Icirie. They will emisrate at least by hun dreds. the Times says, however , that such fears are not ham , J ohn Mc intosh, Robert Stiven, John Dow. ie, branded hy the voice of the peop le of this country. ( Hear , church as fi- but that they ought sixty ears of age in the workhouse s, that the house The Coming Rv.vottrn «x.—A correspondent of the justified by facts , tou t the Republicans are held iu James Drumraoud , Thomas Wliitten , George Young, hear.) But he saw in hi* place the ri ght hon. gentleman nally settled , to leav e to that bod y- > with the lords ' amendmen t omi tting that ' irom Paris band byitheir chte& who will not give tbe government the member for Edinburgh and be would now go from that pria ciple of life and extension which belonged to should disagr ee Edinbur gh. Weekly Register, writin g , , Duncan Palmer , and Anthony Cha ppell , all of Dun- , rcquc j tedSrlth whether lay clause, and that a confcret-:ca should be savs:—•• In a few days we shall have the usual cele- such a chance ot crashing them , and prote cting the dee. Ireland to Sco tland. (An hon , member— '' I wish you all other bodies , or clerical , and which he the lords on the subject. bration of tie anniversary of the ' Thre e glr-rious present order of things by a pre mature and impotent — Broome (Tower Hamlets ) was elected town wouU." Gr eat laughter.) The ri gh t hon. gentleman thought ought to belong to ecclesiastical bodies. (Hear , The amend ment was according ly disagreed to. was famous not on ly for his eloquence in that home, but li eiit'.J After what hud pas.«ed mi Friday ni lir , lie davs' of Jnlv. 1830. Bat for any real joy the people insurrection. member. ^ of the next amendment (omit, ht ho was not makin ;; an unreasonable request in On the consider ation feel, the day:-might just aa well be allowed tn passover A banquet to be given to M. De Laraartine by his [The above members will und erstand thai the for eleep research , varied learning , and philosophical thou g of tb e public to tbo ting the clau se for .the admission witho ut notice; for there is no deny ing, that not one constituents at Mac « is looked forward to with some shilling regula tion will not be enforced until the * acumen ; but in all the smmc/.-ci he had beard , an-J in all askitii ' the house to go into committee . meetings of the Boards of G uardia ns), was made has interest . Ilis '* Gir oudins" ha- engaged the whole he had r.-ad of the right hon , gen tleman 's, not Sir W . Moleswobt ii said that the speech of tho noble ot the thin s* for which the revolution 22nd of September next. They must then renew the essays Lord J Russell prop osed to agree to ihe amend . is a farce ; country in recollections of the Revolution of h had ever been expressed in favour of the lord mig ht be s-'inmed up in one sentence , namely, " tro been nrcm uH-hed. Liberty of the pr ess 1769, of their membership subject to tbe above regula tion , one paragrap men t. have done much pood , ther efore we arc now entitled to individ ual libfrtv exists not , since it can be violated tbe omnipotence pinien on thi ; did not fear public opinion , why should they object Io tbe a cross-strcet , City, oil sure uf,—that the measur e would not be carried hy the tion to give decided subject. He there- havrineressid their wrath , which has been furfJier manner , and it is expected th.it from one day to an- merchan t—Luke Langlcy, of Brad-' ugv Isle of Wijr ht, Ihe ratepayers ? Only a small portion could i sup porters of Mini sters , but hy the gentlemen on tlie op- fore ilioui-lit it ough t to be postponed till they knew presence of recent scandalous disclosures. 1 he other , they will raise the cry of rebellion with amin- baiter—Thomas Green Crofts , of Leicester , dra per—James but the press might be admitted . How v irritated by the (Hear There were- what was the opinion of the peop le of England. (Hear , be admitte d; uneasy feeling prevails tensity which it will not be very easy soon to stifle." Dolphin, of Uilston , grocer—John Wyatt Sugg, of Tor- position side of the house . , hear .) , whether the e-lccte>ral ,1 consequence is, that a most session the state of the c:-urch generally wcre the ra tepayers to know brewing. quay , architect—William Bromle y Cooke, of Burton- however honou rable exceptions on the opposition .-hk- of hear.) Next Ever? oneictras to esp-:ctthat mischief is The same journal publishes a letter from Valenc ia, , guar dians did their duty unless they had n ri ght to be e» of ujion-Trent , tape manufacturer-John Fe-arne Gee, of There was a distinguished exception in the could bu br ought under the ir consideration. ' prete nd that they can fiistinc tJy stating that a M^ntem 'din'st band sixty men had the house . meetings t He attached the greatest it Some peopie, indeed, Wakefield , manufacutring chemist—George Roberts , of Mr Tue lawst said they seemed to be living in strange prese nt at th eir 1 know that caso of Sir J . G raham . (Hear .) The rig ht hon. gentle- it ought not to be g hear the rumbling of a comiug storm. appeared at Macrtrazjio Encounters , of no great Rod borough , miller— IVilliam Alsop importance to this clause , and iven n Gloucestershire, man the member tor Tarn worth , who was formerly at (he times. They saw Free-trade measures eirricd by Tories , a'asmssts are apt to be laug hed at; and 1 myself, lor importance as to their resu lts, took place on the 5th Massey, late of Kverton , but now of Liverpool , licensed by the government without discussion . However, r , should have been present to and Church extension measures about to be envtied by up t for them ; but , at the and Cch between the Queen's troops and insurgents victualler—Joseph Leadbeater Btittcre ll, of Doncaster , head of an administration , Law commissioners were to tak e their seats is oae have a vuprenie contemp , Whi . Ha would oppose the bill in its various stages , as the Poor I will ven- and near the Mora da grocer—Geo. Whitehead , Jno. Settle, .Ino. Smith , Ju o. express lien opinions in th»t house. He would be better g* Commons , he was quite sure this was is risk of being set down as one of the tribe , at Valldara , in Catatoni a any factious opposition to ite in the House of Wm. Kelsall Jas. Holduu Thus. Barlow Duncan employed expressing his views to that house on the bill but lie woul d not oiler and hear, it will be Ebro , in Tarragona. Hyde. , , , one of tho questions which would very earl y enjt nge the ie ture to say that from all l see Win, Foster , David passing. He thoug ht that at the present period of the Crightou , Jno. Jones , Thos.Mallinson , now before it, than writing p-*mplilets to his constituents. He should not bo content unless sa siran ge, indeed .if the people of this country much A Madrid letter of the 10th states that the mail postponed. Ho did not think it attentio n of the house. Cri ghton , and Jas. Ashwortl i, of Hill's Croft Mill, Pendle- (Laughter .) There wcre also those who asp ired to be session it oug ht to be looser refrain from an attempt to overt hrow the from that city to Barcelona had been stopped by a Dissenters his hon. friend went to a division upon the present nt ' ton , cotton-spinners. leaders of tho people. Where was the noble lord the worth while to excito the feeline.8 of the , for government. body of men who burnt the carri age and took the beliaved it would be motion. (.From the Gfotctte of Tuesday, Jul y 20 ) memb er for Lynn 1 The noblti lord was not in bis pinec, so small a measure as this , and he The Journal des Delate has fiercely assailed the Re- courier prisoner. Mr Brotuceton said , this clause for tbe admission of of Sarah Uowring, l'endleton , Lancashire , plumber — him that If ho thou g pr oductive of far more good if tho income of the Bishop on or he would have told , h t the farmers at the meetings of the guardians bad ily publican demor.stration at the Chateau -Rouge A letter from our Bayonne correspondent , under ilalstead , Essex, wine merchant- t to increase the number of the work- the ratepaye rs only Bobert John Day, of Englan d, who had been called the country party , ni- of Manchest er iven tie 8th inst . We give the admirable rep ly from the date July ICth, gives the following account of the James Dodge, Cumber land row , Walworth-road , Newing- hear.) been argued iu as far as it concerned tbo guardians ins nny great portion of the ni , supported this question , he ing clergy . (Hear , ' " National:— pr ogress of the Carlis t bands :— ton, ironmonger —Josep h Gardner , Nottingham , baker- discredita ble and themselves . How, his experience taugh t hi-u ro W-llere sre supposi tion he was Mr J. Collett thoug ht (his moasuro Pub lic order is compromised. Anarch y John Hay, Bath , surgeon dentist—Diedrick Carsten would find iu that ucrc- ^iously mis- woulduld , * All is lost. ** A diligence which arrived here to-day was ar- noble lord. Thoug h he considered that it concerned the poor a ereat deal more. They London -street . City, merchant—Henry taken. (Hear .) He asked the nobl e lord if Ben linck disgraceful to thu ;* raising its hideous head. We are rolling from abyss rest ed near Burgos by a detachment of £1 Hermann Lomer , laughter)—he felt bare tbe strongest repugnance to being broug ht up be-be- . Estu - Manche ster-squa re, builder—J oseph New ive hints If a hig h churc hman—(loud if S of Communism . The qus eti^n be- Monson , East came over with William from the Low Countries to g iiffairs in ini fr> abvss to the ful diante 's guerilla , which appeared to be well armed Glouceste rshire , carpenter- continue bis oppositi on to tie bill. He fore tlie guardians to expose all their private man Fratnpton Cotterell , fournew bishops Brummagem mitres ? (A laugh.) Did compelled to fore us relates to the rain of society J It is the Journal spinner —John what had been the presence of a lar ge bod of ratepayers. (Luug htcr.) j r.) and mounted. The insur gents offered no violence Luke Moriuington , Bradford , worsted thought tho house bad ari ght to know y morn ing utters tlii * cry of alarm- W illiam Se-ott, his ancestors coin e over with William to make thc ^e ihet-lauiujiu., dn Dchatswhich this to the travellers , merely taking one of the horses , of Price , Ludgate hiU, City, innkeep er - th the £200, 000, which the Bishop of London re- Upon that ground ho should vote agains t with respect to tlie Botley, Brummagem mitres , and put them on the heads of the done wi not oiwro i of comp laint— sot which they were in netd. Two more Carlists have Liverpool , hardware dealer-Abraha m Stmtli , of tho proper ty on the oilier side of There would be a greater probability of the poor beinf ing; 1 nomas successors of L:eud ? (Laughter.) And where , too , was ceived from lessees with reg ard to theigioUe proceed- Hampshire , chai- -maker-Hen ry Woodhous eand wcre left alone.me,, ««md *loustrial— not been shot at Bur gos, ailer remaining twenty-four Bj.yswa!er-r oad . properly attended to, if the guardians those are great , pare , and Theakstone Woodho use, Aldcrmanbu ry, warehouseme n. the member for Shrewsbury ? He 'vas canvass ing the ot ad ai ings of the i-overnm ent . No; hours en cai-illa. The war on the Cataloni an fron- few words from Mr Escot t , consentin g to than if they were required to act in tho presence ot the Chateau - farmers not only of Bucking hamshire , but of all En gland. After a B-it the Reform ist ban ejue * tier is becoming characteri sed by acts of amend ment the amendment was -lions ' great fero- in Jo h n withdra w his , with , public meeting. of society! That w the — A man He was ridin i; through all liuelcingbams hire were , for Mr Mr, li*u« &*t U the destrneti en city, each party destroy ing the crops of their oppo- Accidkst at the House of Lords. dra wn and the house went into committee. The house divided , when the numbers Duvern. er de Hanr- Hampden 's Buddie—(a laugh)—but he asked how it abyss! MM- nents. The Carlists have also here on Monday. understood to ew.; tn«uier.tof the burned several dili- nam ed Micha el Ilogan was killed member for Mr M . Philips was say that a dr puta Erwa LL 's amendment , Barro t «« would fi t tho " popular princi ples" of the aim,, Leon Mallcville , Odill on . «£$*••/ gences. Colonel Nozal , tho officer arres ted here the He fell a height of sixty feet fr< ;m one of the tower s, tion of perso ns belonging to the church had waited on Ayos -- of as a,,t Shrewsbury to support this bill with its four bishoprics ? aa guUty of the infamy day before and try ing tlrir coUeinitt , have t*«* yesterday, was one of Z-jmalac arregui'u striking agaiu st several raf ters as ho fell, friends him and requ ested him to urge the postponement of Noes ...... 's heal th was not (Hear , hear .) In their absence would any of their , fa at which the King veterans. lie came here from Belgium, of them. measur e until next session of parliame nt g at a bal let and was in vain to catch hold silvnt? Ho (Mr E?cott) knew t!..is , when it yoarse l a «mda r ho ^rort bearer of letters upon tell why they had been TO Proposed! Calyou fiiture to from London , iu which he has ap- A rowing match for £ 100 has been agreed tell the people could be more fully considered and discussed . He felt law At 4at tn, pointed to why they had been sileut , and ho would T:.eKin the living and incarn ate a command ia Navarre. " between Coombes of London , and his ^brothe r, and gratefu l to the noble lord for being mainl ?, sover«g ntj , they represented why. The division upon this question y instrumental pref erre d to toast »e A telegraph ic despatch from Burgo s, of the 11th , Clamper , and one of kis brothers. in enabling Manches ter to send him as pinns ineViiugit was is also published would not be decisive with the count ry , nor would the its representative -f the revoluti on of Jul, ! * » ** %» ?¦ , stating that the band of El Estu- Edward a Schoo , to that house. Thu first vote he peoplelendthe The highest honours at King speeches in favour of this bill recommend the *peake>rs as gave in it eva s against utt« - ar dent w^s forJ h« diacte was come up with on the 10th near Sedan o a Jewish t»«! The guests dared to , Birmingha m, have this year beeaj sained by another Hou e-e the government to which the noble lord belonged , on tbe J^-'^ffiRrs.Tr* sati sneei representatives of great constituencies i" -REY1EW or the Sessioh.-h. — refor m has given us -a t hat he lost a captai n killed , his aide-de-camp tak en scholar . HOUSE OF LOUDS. of a legislation which culling the argumen ts used in this Irish Coercion Bill, and he should regret if the last vote tha thai What obl ivion of pr isoner , wilh four horses and some arms of Commons. After AMr ose to call attention to the course «t puties , comprisin g M Duga lie! , and that A gardener residing near Dcmcaster lately gath ered the bill app eared to he recorded was also in opposition to him Lord Baooou . debate , the only rea son iu favour of , He did not conduc ting tbe business ot the ses sess fur ther—th ey spwe of the he himself escaped with a wound in bis head. The 100 d-zans wh ind been pursu ed in eviiry moralit y! They went of apricots from, i\sing le tree , upon j bill did not orig in ate in this think the noble lord ought to force this bill on tlie people hit hiii of the had two soldiers w cu be this :—they were told the so near its close. Ho maintained that ri «V.ts of thope politic al power , tr oops ounded and three horses he lett about 200 dozens to *grow to their full size . sion now etcluded from bouse ; it had come down from the House of Peers , nnd of Manchester. He would therefore move, that the been actuat ed bjd bjj those citizens shot . Passengers expwss conduct proved him not to bare saff crings and the merits of all may now Ivsave Glasgow by an to pass it. The bill , it was tr ue, words " forthwith establishi ng a bishopric of Manohes . own opposeoosett S WITZERLAND In for that reason they oug ht „.. . ire to oppose the government , bulto have whose labour by ingratitu de. . railway train at twenty tuinutes past fivo o'clock ue6 political laws pay had come down from the other house, and he recollected ter " be struck out of the preamble of the bill . that they malwalu of publ ic A letter from Berne, of the 9th , in the Constilu- the mornin g, and ' clock on cert ain measures solely from the belief They appealed to the justice and the solicitu de Teich London at nine o come down from the House of Mr II. Cuolmond blbi was aniisus that a ealmer and :— the another bill which hud injuriou s to the country, and he, ther efore ^«•»'»«'»«< «*WDiona g8iast odious iniquities of social organi- tionnel, says the evening of tb e same day. In tbe year 1810, introduced into this discussion- ho »<¦< those Lords , the pressing of which bill lu this house had turned wiser spirit should be that ho wr.s actuated by n»y sa an d ill-treated , ** What I said to you yesterda y, respecting a note shor test time t' perform ed by debate " crcdw oc fOT the statemen t, tion in opposition to the most nume rous nis distance could be ' ernment< (Hear, near hear .) This debate had btea char acteri sed " a riotous , f Frenc h cobine t, is fully confirmed j and I be- tfdiaary eoao'jj ng out Sk Robert Peel * so* , Masses. In jJm assembly offivHegra , «> *» BFD1C ° ] of the wAs WTenty-eijjbt l»Uffi Jul y 24, STAR. 1847 THE N ORT HERNMM ^ ~~ MWMt*»,1»*M»«s« M M*,, *^ M* *****""" ^^ ^ ^ ^ *" «_ ?„ ~V~ ¦————— »—»—-- »MMMMMM »» *"' » * * i :-« th. 11 3iis3iis., Cork and YouithYouuhal nl black 27s?7s to ?9s,29s —Flourv\ - a right to the privileges of man, and tbat ho pow»r on county , while the objection ' made "08 to i'.Os, Essex and Kent 55s to 60s. Ni».r ,T**Wn would never see again, and have to lament over, a Ml- aroie from time to time, let but the voice of distre ss be noW^Lfft equally «¦«" ^S ¦»««¦ 54s to 60s per ilSOIbs. Mk feeling wnatc ver, bu t solely by the de- ear th has a right to deprive him. Land Plan , if the estate s are Stockton and ' act ions design or so disspp oineins: and so ruin ous to the character of raised by the men of England , whethe r on their own soil can say, Ihe ' oanai i.—Freo Wheat: Da n tzie and int erests of thecouu try. «* s.on equal ly as essential as There are men who, like , myself, c Koniesl,,, sirs to promatethe highest and hurtful to the emigran ts to the western continent , and the hearts Wo believe that the B dlot is e the,r h0 e Mecklei.bur g 61s to 7ts, Russian 8 8 desire ot the minist ry reputati on of the coun- or as are on record of men " and can ™ ' to 77a , 65s in J " * orang ht forward th is motion with no vague the Franchise , because instances world is my country, J " ^ o , n grinding 35s to Ms, maltin g 4' s to 73 try at larg e. He begged to move that " an humble and purses of the men of America were at once opened intimida- such »"« ¦« twenj Barley : t«,¦ easting way addr*ss be presented to her Majesty, expressin g the deep by the app eal. (Hear , hear ) the scenes ol Epyptian J *"' : almost necessary, to the and fraud ml so long as this Is the case, so long who are wedded by old associations to 26s to 28s, Afcekleiiburg 28s compWned being incident , st which this house felt in The motion was then agreed to. tion , , Russian to 28s vlJ r " ^ cond mere the objects which bad cannot be 3ls to 30s per 198lbs. If- iu which th e busines s of the country «*• f" as weal th can secure politica l power , there their childhood. . z .. i,.„„ i „r America n flour past, d been recommended to the attention of her Majesty : Bsakdino or Desxbtebs.—Mr Home moved for " o to the subject of -o eather wisdom from tbe pr oper security for the purity of elections. I have devoted much atten tion Wednesday, J uly 2 1.—A very limited suppl y of, His solo object was hat it was with pain that they admitte d that the whole return of tho number of soldiers of her Majesty 's loud established on your on offer here to-day ; hence the We mtintnin that intelligence and honesfy «re the Educatio n, and the schools to be produc e was di-man,i ?• to prevent, if pMs,ble, «ie *« «f the subjects which had be»n contained in her Majesty 's forces, cavalry and infan try, that have been marked as was steady , and Monday 's quota tie,.,, lor - ^woul £d ^ft* 2: * * 1 pr inci pal necessar y qualifica tions which ought to be re- the science of agriculture is to be all kinds „ tion ever .gam oe^umng. H - w recommendation , and which impor- deserters , stating tbe number in each regiment cacti estates , in which supporte d. With foreign wheat we wer e w«s K«» were of the highest ill W« to be given. I cor - firmly ^{[^ ills which had passe d-be * t( qu ired of» candidate for tbe suffrages of the people. made a br anch of the instructio n quality being superior actual b tance , had not been so successfully dealt with as to pro- of the last three years ; also, a copy of any general orde rs a plied , but the , selected s-,lnT limited have seen men , honest as the day is clear , as poor as the dially agree with the necessity for disseminating readily n t extrem e currencies. happily bnt a very **" f^ 'J L for worse duce Initiative measures to which the royal asient by the commander of the forces respecting bran ding, prac- moved off In th e?!? night is dark , while we have seen others rolling In wealth chemistr y and geology, and their dh'ng nnd infer ior kinds next to nothin g was doin. "' he had topasent; »*?*" X2ffi tarrf- V could be given : that it was painful for the house to now iu force ; similar retur n for the marine forces knowledge of to n-iiicti th-y ubtained by the most dishonest of practices ; agricultur al pur poses, but I ap- Richmon d (YorkshireUu Iy 17.- The supply b}\, mant es than *» *** J ^ KI Irel and , had reflect that other subjects of importance which had been (if any); similar return for tha navy (if any." Th e tical app lication to thu s proving that honesty can exist independent of in pr ocurin g school super intend- in our mar ket this morning was only thin , which )Ji land , especia lly thr ee "" gff iXt ¦ » -ubmit te-1 to parlia ment without hou . member said he did not know until recently that orehend a difficulty .esfwn #* hal been abando ned, fer agriculturists , ami quick sale at a little advance on la^t week's Jl * never passed m any preno « ' wenlih or poverty, and that riches are no guarantee ents who are practic al, scientific ' «* au»th ing effectual havin g been done : that the house the practice of branding—not burnin g, but marking— the other de- Wheat sold from 10s to lis 6d;oats , 4s to 5s ; L r * these measu re* csta u«« . an vir tu«. at the same time capable of omductin g ' call w ^ {adar J u since ^ press ed hope that no other session will pass with- deser ters existed in the amy ; but it appeared that an Ha rmony nail (is 6d to Gs 9d : beans , 6s fid tti 7s per bushel. ""J- from the resu lts We consider that Parliaments ourht to be Annual , partments of education . Even at July 19 —Since last perienc e. bat was out more havin g been done to improve tbe institu tions order had been issued by the Horse Guards directing that Liver pool, Mnndtiy, Tuesday m,, '! because if your representative be a good one you can re- was found to he insuperab le, and a dis- lar ge arrivals t,f flour and wheat .. m r™Ptedb5 a ConferenCe With ¦>f the country, and for tbe benefit of ber Majest y 8 they should be bran ded or punctured with the letter this difficulty haves been fr„m "' *£* ^ ? ^ p Sas ^ which elect him ; if not , the sooner you disconne ct yourselves to be provided for the agricultural and Canada , and fair of Indian corn • ...7. tubjrOU lish "D" indelib tinct maater had ¦United sta te, 0U of shortlyafterwards , than it had been found possible to accomp ly inpr esscd , He was aware that it was I it.. I.' aa »¦*.* (trill liwilfnrl Tl... * 01 ^ frr o^ Ut nith him the better , department. It is intended to give a sound educa- home produ ce the supplies are still limited. The Weath iu the session which was now near its close; and that very important to discounte nance desertion in the whole has been favourable , and is forci .. tX We contend tbat there ought to be an equa lity of re- the children ofthe allotte es. If they are to be on the n th , Selud ^rnedlo rdsai dtbat wh*u interrupted the hou-e now, as always , willingly and gratefull y ac- regular arm y, at the same time he thought it wry dis- tion to y to matur ity. Har v st-work will scion " pre sentation ; we consider it unfa ir that the boroug h of beings having moral and intellectua l facul- crops rapid l c™ %t shortly what were the substantial knowleeed her Majes ty's paternal care for ber people ." creditable to mark men as beasts were marktd. H<* traine d as mence in the earl y districts. There has been a i* »,.«« abou t to state with a popula tion of scarcely 4,000, should the tutor , the same difficulty 5ttll and which really formed the The Marquessof Lihsdo wne defended the administra- did not know wheth er Guildford , , ties to be developed by business pau sing during the week , but with the exct i neasnr es which had passed , the practice existed in the ma- Lowbands, and rMj send as many members as the Tower Hamlets , with a will be found at O'Connorville , at of beans , prices have dedin . d. Wheat has been Kidq r produc eof the session. In the first place, there tion , or which he formed a part , from the charges of in- rines and navy. presents whole population of 300,004 ; that Evesham , with a population everywhere else. The only means which reduction of :id pi-r bushel , and flour Is 6d per barre l, jr, ' English Poor-law Bill, upon which he had al- competency and feebleness, and fell back upon tbe prece- Mr F. MiULE said, he had expected that the return s, was the nearly the same as Guildford , should return aa many mind at pre sent is, for the directors to the rates of last Tuesday. Western Canal flour has fog? inion, and , therefore , would not now dents ot many other sessions whose results had been as to which there was no objection , would have been moved itself to my Camidisen 34s, ready given bis op members as Manchester with a population of 250,000 ; the design of having agricul ture tau ght in se>ld at3t» ed to Hfts , choice VWafldiHiii lords hips with a sin Kle word beyond the camp etely blank as those of the one just closing. After by his hon . friend without any observa tion , but as he abandon trouble their while such enormous inequalities exist as these, it is im- invite practical scientific and BaltimoreS 3s and 33« "d per barrel , and 0hi«; ' tbe measure might work well alluding to the defunct bills nf tbe session, and particu- had not done so he (Mr P. Maule ) short the schools ; let tbe allottees arc Id and Barley Vd p r expressio n of his bone tbat , would mako a science, Jet thera 3os per barrel. On ts busht i possible that there can be a fair representation of the agriculturists to lecture upon the unfavoura bly spoken In this respect , much depended upon the appointment larly to the One for regul ating the health of towns, his statement to the house upon the subject of marking lower. The bean crop is of, la4 country. co-operative librar y of scientific and other have occurred at 3Cs per that was m»de to tbe office of chief commissioner. Hi; lordship ree -rr ed once more to his precedents , and ad- deserters. Nodoubt , many years ago there did exist a form a large sales of Egyptian \ ^ We contend that the ' * labourer is worth y of his hire " works , and then leave the teaching of agn- which is an improvement of 2s to as per qr. India n ' trus ted that the individual who wonld be appointed to duced the celebrated examples of tbe Test and Ca tholic very improper practice of branding men for desertion , useful Com —that your representative is yemr public servant , and as allottees , combining theory with prac- commands the full p. ices of Tuesday last; the best ,sam% that respons ibleoffice would be possessed nf two qualities Relief Acts, ame advantages . Rotterdam. ;.... 401 - M i > s7i «» tion while in power and to support a man in whom you expressed his intention Bffitvintof relief which was now affor ded in six counties in the presidency *f Madras f moved for , and a copy ef the order from tbe Horse , Mr O'Connor has seriou sly Boulogne .... 35 — — — hav e no confidence , and from whom you expect nothing Compan y, so far as _ — of Ii eland , it seemed that somewhat more than one SirJ. C Hoiaooss said that orders for their introduc - Guards should be included, of confining the operations of the Antwerp — 7 - real ly beneficial , is folly the- most gross absurdi ty the — * - third something between one-third and one-hslf of the tion had been issued by the Mar quiig of Tweeddale. but The motion was then agreed to. , he is concerned , to four sections, the last of which Hambu rgh 32 — e. most glaring. why Harlingen 224 - 178 531 185 whole population of Ireland were iu a destitute condi- th Court of Directors had considered that the natives The Retinue .—LordG. Bemtimcx, moved for cer, is now ra pidly filling up; but that is no reason iOi We would recommend you to refrain from all violence, aband oned. Taki ng the Sieudiep 72 — 6e> at the pres ent moment , 2 800.000 and might be alarmed under the idea that presel ytiim was tain '' re turns showing the comparative receipts or re. the Land Plan should be tion ; and that , —do not during the contest let your passions gain the receiving the means of sustenance to be encouraged . venue ' in tbe years ending tbe 5th day of January 1812 average number of shares held by each member at Z423 2 312 m odd persens were mastery over your reason -, eurry would we be were such Total. 724 - . doled out to them from the coffers of the Treasury, by The kate CoLtresY Exr toiieit . — In answer to a and 1847 from those items on which redu. -.tiont. of duty three , \ten will remain ag.OWabareaaftw tbcfowflh Smithfiemi , Monday , July 19.—There was on ofter tliii tastrophe to take place as thai wbicb took place last appoin ted for th at purp ose. "When *« this ques tion from Mr Hindlii , tbe purport of which was hare , and haw not, iu tbe interim taken place, and dis- a ca section is filled, which, at the same average , would morning abou t mo oxen and cows, l,«2o sheep andfi imfs, paid officer s former H- He (Lord Broug ham) looked not heard. tinguishing any increase of revenue from the lust election ; the ebullitions ot rage have seldom a good ef- supply upwards of 7,000 members. Another director and 40 calves from abroad. Some of the lTe fI> system of relief to cease ! general condition That was the most Sir 6. Gset said he very much regretted tha t the alteration of the fect, in this instance it was most it jurioai . ly the place ot tremely well made up, but the 0f th e with deep alarm to its cessation. sugar duties." Ho said within a few must, therefore , be chosen to supp however , a suggestion some days ago for a competent person to at. In conclusion , rn> would say, suppor t neither party- up, forei gn supply was inferior. Still , total clear. perilous par t of tbe question. It was said that in a month days a state paper had been issued to the e lectors of Tam- Mr O'Connor , when the present section is filled at fully Ins- week's quo tations. tend on behalf of the government at the remain neutr al. Let the cundidut rs know (hat ymi are unce was effected , Wit h or two the system was to cease, and that the people of coroner 's in- wor th by Sir R. Peel, in which a statemen t was made as and the fifth commenced immediat ely. When the - easts we wcre , the time of yeor cotisidtrti quest home fed Ireland were to be thrown upon their own resoirces. , to which his honourable friend alluded , had not to tbe effect and operation of those measures which he pa trio ts, and as such you wish to see every male adul t whole ofthe 100,000 shares have been taken , I should scantily supplied, and we have to report a great deg. are philanthropists , and as such If so, when he prayed God to help these poor people, he been ac-ed upon. The usual course was for Sir Henry had recommend ed during the last six years. An that enfranchised—that you recommend the formation of a new company ; the cicney in their quality. The scarcity of really prim e w De la Brche to attend himself change in the weather for must add to his pray er, that peace and tranquillity would , or to order a competent statement , if left unref uted , might have a very dangerous you with to Bee your country und all classes in it pros- objects we have in view are too great and glorious to the favourable slau ghterin g attendance of country buyers t evil had been commenced by tra in- peT&on to attend for him , on the occasion of accidents in tendency at tbe per— that you detest and abominate slaver y, and as such we look to Par liament and the increased (niosift be miiatamed. Th coming election *, he conceived it neces- be relinquished. In vain shall Wes t of Eng land ) produced a very become beggars , and much mines, and at bis (Sir G Gre y's) request , his noble you wish to see yourselves and posterity free and unfet- Parliament i- from the itcaitv 1 ing the Irish popu lation to sary to meet it with a dir ect contradiction, He then to take up the Land Plan, until tha t _ though not to say brisk , inquiry for the be-st friend , tbe First Commifisicner of the Woods and tered ; and that you love libert y, and as such you will not fairl y Sroij was to be feared if the eleemosynary assistance which Fo- took a long and very complicated review of the Peel sys- corapose d of the people's represent atives, and HetefOTtls tuuVs , Devous. and shorthorn" , at full rests , , y \\ t had in their destitu tion been afforded, them was sud . communica ted with Sir H De la Brc he on tbe tub. tem of finance for the purp ose of sbowing tbat it was support any one who w not willing to grant nnd defend truly chosen by the people—represe ntatives of La- currencies obtained on this day se'nni gbt, t he former j- ;ct. Owing, however denly withdrawn. Of the £10,000.000 lent to Irelan d, , to that gentlema n having been based in false princi ples, and had not produced the flat- it. By ord er of the Council of hour , not of Caoital . breed selling at from 4s led to Ss per 8fl>, bu t the mid. slow sale bur never to be repa id, according to the odious and des- abs ot the week ly from the Hereford '! Jolt 21. , etc.; from other parts of England , :!50 hare asked for a vote of credit to be app lied to tbe con- had inquired into the matter , stated that tbe explosion to whom all communications must be add ressed. amount of money invested in the National Land runts , Devons of HOUSE OF LORDS .—Their lordships sat for a short various breeds ; and from Scotland 20(1 horned atid yoiw govern ment was the resul t of a workman—who was one of the was unanimousl y tingency which might arise. In fact the suf time to dispose of some routine business. Leeus — Tbefollowing resoluti on and Labour Bank ; why will the wovking-claarea t , the remainder of the bullock supply being deiirej ferers —ha ving, contrar y Sco s had provided for the months of April, May. June , July, to the express orders of the pro- HOUSE OF COMMON S.—The Speaker took the chair adn ped at a meetina of Chartis ts , held on Tuesda y continue to supp ly their enemies with the sinews d from abroad , and the neighb ourhood of the metro polii. and August , but " worser'' m0'iths were to come, and prietors , used gunpowder in the mine. That a search at twelve o'clock. night , in the back-room of the Bazarr , Mr Joseph war ? why will they continue to support the Jug - On toe who e the supply of sheep was limited, mvin- » was comme ce-d five trade was steady, at prices quite for the coutiugandeB to which they might give rise, he hours after the accident , and con- BisHorsic of Manches ter , etc., Bill .—On the order Jones in the chair :— gernaut which is crushing them ? which the mutt i-n equal to those paid on Frid ay last , being 2d per 8ft> hi-.-lier tliaa (Lord Brougham ) contended that, before the session tinued until all hopes were abandoned of tbe perso ns in ofthe day for the third reading of this bill being read , " That this meeting have seen with great surp rise, Brother-workers ! invest your savings in this Bank the mine survivin g, on Moudoy. Thu best old dowus sold at 5s id , :md»u. closed, the government ought to take a vote of credi t. and that it was not until the people Mr Home said he was opposed to the bUl because it two letters in the Star, bearing thejdgnat ure of Wm. —iigitaie the quest ion in all your benefit societies ; perior half-hreds quite Ss per .Sib, at which ra tes a tlwr. The next measure of substance wbicb had been passed were convinced that none o< the suffer ers could be alive was hi his opinion Rider , reflecting ou the conduct of the Leeds Char- , , a violation ofthe agreement entered by so doing, you will receive additional benefit your ance waf effected with difficulty. The number of Jun ta opposition to that the mine was closed. He believed tbe case bad was the Factories Bill, a measure , in his been into in 1836 ; and al though the bill had been greatly tists in their endeavours to return Mr Sturge to selves, and give an increased impetus to tbe opera- was tolerably good, but ot very middling quali ty. Oi^. thoroug hly investigated, and th at which he had received the support of the Lord Chan- th e result showed that modified , it was still of so objectionable a character that parliament. " tions of the Land Company. What other bank offers pared with that exper ienced on some pr evious marketilajs , th e explosion had been cause d cellor, ofthe First Lord of the Admiralty (tbe Earl of by the carelessn ess of one he felt bound to oppose it, and he should move that it be " Tbat the said letters misrep resent the princ iples lan d and houses as securit y for your deposits 1 What the lamb tra de was very firm at Friday '* advance iuth '. of thervictim * Auckland ), and of his uoble friend the now Lord-L ieu- . read a third time tbat day six months. of Mr Stur ge, and take a very limited view ofthe other bank applies its energies to tho amelioration quotations of id per 8fb, the best down qualit ies reaiisinj tenant of Ireland (the Earl ef Clarendon). Within the Dismissal or a Lettex Cabbies .—Mr T. Duncombe position of parties who are now endeavour ing to re- (is 4d per 8tt). With calves we were but modt -r at e-lysup. Sir J. Gbahak explained the reas ons which induced of your condition ? Withdraw from societies tbat j.i which rose to bring under tbe notice of tbe hon«e tbe petition of , plied, while the trade washe- vy at late rates. In ssnn! la't three days, events had happened him to support the amendment of Mr Hume, turn him to parliament and that the conduct ot Mr will nut invest their funds in this bank , and apply doing. Course inferior beasts :is sd to Ii Rober t Grapes , complaining of dismissal Rider in his attemp t to divide the str ength ofthe to nothing was , showed a resul t that did not require % prophet from hit office Lord 3. Rossell repeated his former arguments in your savings to the redemption of your allotments ; second quali ty do 4s 2d to 4s 4d, prime larg ,- .,«» »f letter carrier ; or a seer to foretell , namely, that if tbe hours and he was sorry to find that cert ain favour of the present bill, which he thought a better Chartists in this town , does not pr ove him very anx- thus you will receive 4 per cent, interest , and the 4s 6d to 4s 8d. prime Scots 4s lOd toSs, coarse and infirior , of labour were reduced , the reduc tion of the wages returns on the mhject which he had moved far a fort- measure than tbe old plan which Sir J , Graham ious to see men returned to the House of Commons , certainty of receiving back your princi pal . sheep 4s 2d to 4s 4d, second qua lity do4s 6d tots -d, |.rime of labour must follow. The hours had been redu ced night ago, had not yet been furnished . The petitioner advoeated. who will extend political justice to all classes of Remember the reply of Hercules to the waggoner, coarse woolled sheep 4s lOd to ,1s Od , prime aouthdu -rado complained that he had be- n dismissed 5s 2d to 5s 4d, large coarse calves 4s to 4s Cd . prime sntaB from 11 to 10 hours , and wages had been consequently , not fur miscon- A long discussion ensued , and society." '• God helps those who i*,elp themselv es." duc t, but because he hail been do 4s 3d to 0s, lar ge hogs 4s to 4s Gd nea t small jmrt en reduced from 12d to lid. These were the great mea- instr umental in producing Mr T. Duncombe concluded the debate by offering a " That Mr Sturge has openly declared at several The Land question resolves itself into a unity ot certa in re orms in the Post-office 4s 8d to Ss, Iambs 5s 2d to 6s 4d per SB)sinking otTal, met sures which the legislature had passed in the course of , and exposing some little advice to members opposite , and to the government meetings ^ his .ent ire concurrence witli every point interests among all workin g men , whether they are ling calves 18s to 28s, and quar ter old store pigs Ifert d shoaest practices in refere nce the session a bout to expire , and without wishing to say to the ' Post-offic e below him . To members opposite , who supported the contained in the Peop le' Charter , and this has been shareholders or not. Think ot this, my friends , and 22s each. Beasts 2,9fi8, she«p and lambs 26'.2S0, i-alvee Director y," and oth er matters * anything disrespec tful to thair lordshi ps, he must wish . He (Mr Duncombe) had government so strenuousl y now, he ventured to recom- expressed in such a manner , as leave; ho di,ub> but -upport your own order ; not the factor y ogres and 827, pgs 220. them joy of the three very worst measures that ever re- recei ved a great deal of tbe information which he bad laid mend tba t they should show their sincerity by assisting that he will, if returned as member , faithfully attend corn -jobbing cannibals that feed upon you , BUTTER , BACOiY, PORK , %C, befor e the house as to the malpractices LivEnroot. —The demand for the finest descri ftions «{ ceived the sanction of parlia ment. He had now disp-'sed at tbe Post-office tbe noble lord in his contest for th e City, To the noble to the interests of the working-classes. " Croy don. Thomas Faosx. of measures which had a substantial existence, and he f.om Grapes , and th at man had been p< r-.ecuted ever " That this meeting puinto with pleasure to the bu tter during the past week was good, bu t towards the lord be would say, that ho hoped he would gather a Camdkrws li, and Walworth. —At a meeting of t now came to deal with the puny infants which had been since, until finally he had b en dismissed upon a m st close the dealers boug h sparing ly, at a reduction of Is to little experience by the course of this deba te, and beware enthusiastic reception of Mr Stur ge by the Chartists the members of the National Chartist Association , 2s per cwt. on our former quotations. -Scare -iyan inquiry was trumper y pretext , after having been seven abandoned almost at their birth . The first of these years in tbe how he burn t bis finger s a second time by meddling with of this borough , us a decided .answer to all the in held at the ab »ve place , it was res olved : - for Irish bacon ; hams and lard with out change in vaiw. establishmen t, without a fault the contemplated provision by the state for Roman ca- having been found with a bishop. (Laug hter ) sinuations of those parties who would wish it to be Th at a subscription bo opened to aid the Electio n American bacon is in good request , but stocks bci m: large him . The hon . member conclude d by moving tholic clergy. The abandonmen t of that measure he that an Tbe house theu divided.—For the bill ..... 93 believed , that he was insincere in his professions , Committee. a decline of Is to 2s pur cwt. has taken place in the uki inquir y should be made into the of this article. deeply lam ented . He desired , unpopular as the seati allegations of the Against it 14—79 and that this ireeting would call upon all to rali y petiti -n. After a very able address by Mr John Sewell , s. d. s. d. meat might be, not only tha t such a provision might be The bill wa* then read a third time , and after some round him, and endeavour to prewen t these men be- twelve shareholders were added to the Land Com that there Mr Pabkeb regre tted that from inevitabl e Butter , Belfast .. „ 88 0 -00 » - made for the Roman Catholic clergy, but also, delay the other business of no public importance , tbe house ing gratified by him being rejected by the town ol puny, and t welve members to the National Charter re turns to which the hon. memb- , Biinbrid ge ... .. Si 0 — So o — should be established amicable relations between this r alluded were not yet adjourned at half-past five o'clock Leeds as " its member. " rVi-soi-iit tiun; read . . Berry .. .. 80 0 —84 0 - country and the See of Rome. Another measure , which y. With reference to the dismissal of the petitioner , NhWCASTtE UPON -TTSE.—All persons holding col FiNKBOR r.—At a recen t meeting of this branch , a Culettlilie .. .. 84 0 — 8B 0 - had nut passed tbe threshold of the legislature , was the it appeared that the Postma ster General , hav Land Company, view with disgust thea ttempti — 00 0 - the In- more fully known. Cork , dry thirds .. 0« 0 — 00 0 - doned by its unnatural paren ts. Then , again, land Bi 1. Staffordshir e.—At an adjourned meeting of the of the time-serving scribblers in the Wcthty Dispatch and cumb ered Estates (Ireland ) BUI had shared the same Mr Pj uithekoe thou ght that the manage ment at tbe Do. fourths .. .. 00 0 — uO 0 — HOUSE OF COMMONS. —Sir 0. Gset, in answer to Midland Counties Agitating and Electione ering .Lloyd' s Newspaper, and the anonymous grumbling Beef, Prime Mess, Atner.now.. 90 0 Post-t.ffice must have been very faulty , —95 0 per tirltt fate; and , lastly, there was the Railways Bill. Tbe when tt appeared Mr T. Duncombe , explained the new regulations which Committee , held at tbe house of M r Had ley, Shakes ipii ri»i 8, to caul ouhiquy en the character of Mr O'Con- „ „ Irish .. HO 0 — 00 inter iered with railway concerns that the authorises there bad not come to any decisi -n reason why parliament wete intended to be eft" cted in the Millbank Prison , peare Tavern , Mill-stree t , Dudley, the following nor ; we fueling confid ent that every action of Mr O'Con- Pork , Prime Mess, American >7« 0 — 76 0 per bar rel tbat the country was scored with l-espeet to an Inquiry which had commenced in No and not with others , was, and in the treatme nt ofc-.nvicts at the several outports . persons wer e present ;—John Richard s, Thomas nor has been guided by a profound senas of horn ur and ,. ,, Irish .. 60 0 — 00 0 - with a network of those undertakings; in thenext place vembtr . He would pi onou nce no opinion respecting the —Lord Palmerston , at the instance of Sir De L, Evans , , Bacon , long middles, free of Davies and Thomas Almoi-d , BiKton ; Wm. Run- Kimd fai th towards the members of the Land Compan .i. tbat tbe old mode ot travelling had been done away with, charges which bad been brough t by Grapes against tbe tr ade & sta tement with referen ce to the progress kin , VVm. Dunn , and S. Cook , of Dudley ; John hone 68 0 — 70 0 per cwt. and ti.v the highest feelings of patriotism towa rds oar „ short middles, do. .. 68 0 besides which, the grea t risk of accidents , so fatal in Pos t-office authorities ; bu t it it was tr ue that be had been of affairs in Portugal The house then adjourned , , —71 0 - . . Chance Mr Copely, and William Nixon of Stour- ccromon countr y. flams, short cut "4 o — 76 0 - their extent , made a police superintendence absolutely dismissed without knowing fur what reason , tbe par ties .. .. bridge j Mr Williama , and Mr Brinkworlh , Smeth- Ma.nche'T^r —A general meeting of the share- „ long cut .. .. 74 0 —76 0 - because the legislature granted who dismissed him did notpms s. s tbe commonest (From, our Third Edition of Ust week.) nece>s:ry : and lastly, sense wick ; Mr Newhbuse , Ship, Birmingham. Mr holders of this branch will be held in the People 's Lard , bladdercd .. .. 74 0 —76 0 — a monopoly to railway companies which were expending of ordinary justice. A grea t deal of mismana gement „ firkins and kegs FRIDAY , Jolt 16. Chance was unanimousl y appointed to tho chair , Institute , on Sunday mornim * next, July 25tb , the .. 66 0 —68 0 - miliionsof cap ital, and taking away people' s prop erty ia arose from the carri ers being obliged to collect informa- HOU SE OF LORDS .—Tbe busine ss transacted in this and the following sums were banded in :—W. Nixon, be WOOL . chair to tuken at 9 o'clock in tha morning. The LONDO K, Monday , ef a compulsory manner , which the legislature alone conld tion for Mr Kelly's book. That was now. however , di- house was of no importan ce. 5s 8J d ; Mr Copely, 10s 3d; Mr Dunn , 3s; Mr Jul y 19.— Last week the import ! shareholders are particularl y requested to attend. wool into London were grant . When a railway undertaking had the power ot vorced from the Post-office, and the carriers were no HOUSE OF COMMONS .—Lord J . Russell , in an- BrinKworth , 3d ; T. Dav ies, 3s lid ; Mr Rankin , composed of 258 bales from fto 6* Nottin gham. — The secretary , treasurer , and burg h , 82 ditto from St. Petersburg , 78 dit to fio-i Monte going in a strai ght line, tha t could only be done by com- longer obliged to hawk. It about. He thought that swer to Mr B understood , tha t Willisero» 't,2.< . . Osborne , stated as was 2s; Flourish es ; Mr Bee&ly, 3>; Mr scrutineer *, will sit from 8to 9 o'clock every Sunday Video, 700 ditto from Sydney, and 500 ditto fro ;n Aljoi h their land , Grapes was entitled to kaow for what reas on pelling persons to allow them to go throug be was dis- the decree issued by the Queen of Portugal , for the sus- Severa l resolutions , arranging for the camp meeting, evening. t' » receive deposits for Bay. On the whole, there is more firmness in the ilmian d missed. the National Land and this gave parliament an admitted power to interfere p nsiou of the liberty of the press , and the guaran tee were agreed to. A committee meetin g will be held and Labour Bank , at the Seven Stars ' by private contr act , and , in some few instances , a trift Mr Hume said that it , Barker s with them. Accordin gly a bill was brought in, which was a most serious question whe- of liberty to individuals , would only conti nue in force at the Shakespeare Tavern , Mill-street , Dudley, at Ga te. more money has been realised for selected qualitie s tl had been put off till next session—that morrow which ther a poor man was to be ruined for doing a service to un til permanent arra ngements could be made. Tbe 12 o'clock on Sunday next , previous to the camp Eng lish. VV ioan.—The fourth section—so far as. weare con- might never come, because the mxt session would be the tbe country —for exposing abuses. Any man who would noble lord inti-nated with respect to tho Poor Law Ad- meeting taking place. COTTON. I ceriieii—is filling rapid ly. We enrolled f2 new mem- Liver pool, Monday, ly,_Tho thou p 5 firs t of a railway parliament ; and if there was no chance inform again st his superiors ou.ht , inste ad of being ministration Bill, that he should on Monday , in moving July business , lim last week. not large to-day. has yet be-en curried on with tirHi iif'' of carrying ttich a measure now, what would there be paieyned , to ke liberally rewarded . the considerat ion of the Lords ' amendments , propose to FURTH COMING MEETINGS . Wkst RiDi.vo.-In consequence of the near ap- and steadiness , sales being reckoned at 50# bales , cdrf! tfcu ! There would be no hope that it would pass next Sir D. L. Evass objected to this doctrine. m insert the clause preventing the separation of man and to the tra de ' proach of the general election, the West Riding de- , and the prices unchange d from r riuX'' ( session ; and he lamented that it was put off till then . Mr Moffatx believed Robert G rapes bad been useful wife iu workhouses , evhen above CO years of age, bnt not A South Lancashire delegate meetin g; will be rates. ° i legate meetini; wi,l be held at Bulldce-lane, Hali- He now came to another subject , which had been re com- in exposin g many abuses , and that he had not be-n lairly that which had also been struck out by the Lords , pro . held at the house of Mr W. Dixon, 93, Great An- fax. at one o' clock , p.m., ou Sunday next July STAT E OF TRADE . mended in the speech from the throne, in which parlia- tried by tbe Post office authorities. The Post office alto- viding for tho admission of ratepayers to the meetings coats-street , Manchester , un Sunday, (to-morrow), , 25th , and not on the ht of Augtu t, as previousl y ment was recommended to adopt measures for improv- gether was most oppressively and obnoxiousl y managed , of guaidians. 'i heanjourneddebate on the questio n of July 25th , at nine o' clock in the forenoon. The fol- an. Manch ester , J uly 20.-.-Our market to-day is ver ; nounued. Del- ga tes from all parts of the quiet little ing the means of guarding against pest ilential disease , and no one who complained could get any redress . He goinn into committee on tbe lowing localities are expected to be represented :— Riding , but prices , neverthe less, arc firm , and shows are requested to ait cd. disposition to make concessions , iudeie-d, an d Generally to consider the subject of the Health of hoped , durin g the recess, government would direct in- BisBopaic if Manc hestjk Bill was then resu med , Liverpool , Warrington , Wi»an, Bolton , Bury , Old- which , i" *' present state of the cotton ma rket , is a thing not to t' Towns. (Hear , hear. ) A bill was brought in on the quiries into these matters upon nhich question the house at length divided , when ham , Lamberhead green , Rochdale , Hyde, Ashton , expected. Ther e is not the sam e inquiry either pw subject and very early. 5ow of all the towns in Eng . The Chancellor of the Exchi«uek denied that the motion was carried b 63 to 18, In Salford Stot-kport) Burnley , for , y a majori ty of , Bacup, Todmorden , or yarn as there was last week. Yanu are- vflJ Grapes had not yet had a fair hear ing, for export lnn.l, the <-ne which most required this, aud called most but begged the commit tee, the preambl e of tbe bill was taken first in- and Manchester . flat , and althou gh we cannot report any actua l s vicf house to forego discussion till tbe papers nets before BiB.ii.soiiiM. way ot imperatively on parlia ment to accede to the stead of last , according to precedent , at the suggestion of Brighton —A special epneral meeting will be held -At a meeting of the members ol prices , they are scarcel y so firmlv sustaine d a-"* recommendation in a speech from the throne , and them. Sir J. Gr.-ilmtu, who moved the ommission of the words at the Artichoke Inn , William-street , on Wednes- No 3 branch of the Co operative I uesday lust Yarns for home-trade maiiufae-tui ii* F' L:md Compa HV poses are firm v which felt most the effects of close packing , filth, Mr T. Dchcohbe replied . It was wholly false that hav ing reference to tbe three additional bishoprics , day evening next , July 28th, when tho merits of it w^ resolved, " Tnat Mr , and indicate no tend eW to gin- «a. - Joh n Pare is a fit and In some* descri ptions of «th * with the present bills of this session, except those which were not good , , righton . meeting of the Char lists will be brought before tho meeting connected with will be held at the Brid ge Inn , Codno r Park prospect oi a good grain harv est. B —A uener.il on Mru 1 and which had a pernicious vitali ty about them. He for a short time by the necessity df sending a rep ly to and members of the Land Company , held at the An- the general election. Sunday , Jul y 25tii , at s-x o'clork . M-OKD. .. .Pieces : The continu ed favou rable harvest m had a great esteem for his noble friend who had charge the House of Lords , which has negatived some of the to Hull.—The Chartis ts will BiHMuousM — Tne shareholde rs weath er is acting Iv-iu-ficiall y on our marke t. A verj a tichuke Inn. Thre • shillingss was^oted the exe- meet at the Ship Inn , meetin " at the toler able of that bill, and be was sorry to see him so roughly clauses in the Passengers Bill. This lead to a very dull Church Lane Cross Ivoys, b , .ring amount of busines s has been done, and a1 tii< »>E;f| cutive. A resolution was passed strong ly writing all , ou Sunday evening next, at six lliil, have formed an election prices remain "liol« handled ; but ho believed he only yielded to the necessity and , save to tha par ties themselves , a very uninter- sting ' ¦' the same, yet, as stocks arc upon the gire their pecuniary o'clock. ' . coiiiiiiiuei?. 1 he monies e -Heeled will be forwar ded oy no means heavy, sen' s *ffl^ squabble between Lord G. Bentinck , the Chancellor of the Chartists and Land members to a sliuht adva nce iu some of his situation . Then there was another bill of great aid in assistin g to return Mr O'Connor and Mr Manodesieb —Mr John Shaw ; of Leeds, will de- to tho Londo n Central Committee. goods would bo by no means unlikely should the pi Thames Conservancy BilL It was Exchequer, and Mr Hawes , in consequence of Lord Ch liver a lecture in the le' '^M importance tbe M'Grath to the Commons ' House of Parliament. One Peop s Institute , Hey rod- prospec ts-of ii good supply of food continue. Th« -r» * || th e Bentiuek complaining that by an amendment which Earl one almost of national importance , for it concerned pound was voted to the Central Election Com- street , Ancoats , on Sunda y, July 25th. Chair to be more activit y in our wool market , and late pri .-e> M< m Grey, as Secretary of the Colonies , had made on that navigation of tha t great river , which was of such great mittee . taken at half-pa st G o'clock in the evening. j readily ob tained. The high prices asked by the gro« «i || importance to our mercantile interests. That bill also bill in the Hou se of Lords , a compact formed between RocHDALu. —Mr Joh n Nuttal will lectu re ttan ms. prevent much incr ease in thequantity coming to nniike'-lf Dun dee.—An Election Committee has been formed in the Varus continue stead was withdrawn , as was the Prisons' Bill, and two bills himself, the Under Secre tary of the Colonies , and the Chartist-roem Y orkshire-street, y, for , notwithsta ndin g the liuW $ in t bi.- town. I he secretary is in attendance each , on Sunda y next houses are doing a considerable of less importanc e, the Scotch Marriage Bill and the Chancellor of the Exchequer in tbat bouse, had been* ' COIW , djB business and the »«'?• | , Monday evening, in I'ullar 's Close, Murra ygate, to July 25th , at six o clock in tbe evening. . pers more than of late, yet pric es do not iropru ve: and Mar- violated and set aside without any notice havin g been j 1 Bill for the Registra tion of Births , Deaths , receive subscri tions f , » .«_. j — -^ U,tid0 characte r of Inst week, . gave a visable , the money 6 """ nevertheless, we have IweUfw ffl will be transmitted to the Central iH^tbS^T^wu, ^ ^ "«> amoun t of business doing. « recollection of what they might have bees had tbey tbe language employed by Lord G. Beminck. Sir R. A FEW MORE WORD S TO THE MEM BERS m&PastWa8 k> . »ht * actual quan tity of Election Commi tte e, to assist the retu rn of Chartist eXivXt,?»U^ 'r SmalL Thh fl,ct Halif ax.—t0In. , §< lived. It was most unfortunate that this wholesale im- Inglis interfe red asa peacemaker , and after some remarks OP THE LAND COMPA NY. w tl. siver ,iIV < K' 6""" ' manufa cturedg oods nnd iu vnrn ther e ' candidates in other places. ' S0J»° »'-hat unfavoura ble accounts 0 W ciUh " potency should exist, and be thou ght that a strong go- from Mr W. Browne , Mr Hudson , and Mr Henley, the Fbibnds ,—A few months since I I im, , iTuvinu lT " " ' * in 8«nan d or pri U. •<# Cambero -k lland Walworth. addressed you on " d "'om uur !ar » MeuUural tZ ^ T1 conversation dropped —At a full meeting ~- i'„.^, P districts , xwc*»tt«> of «» «arl y improve-. ,,. »<»| vernmen t which one did not like very well would be . several impor tant subjects, and I have been grat ified Sf U 8 ?I'P?« '-«nce of the growing wheat S viyv 'Jimt,Ie f of the Chartists id this District , held at Harrison 's interiorSf» . , and tlu ' iVn *>' no° l is c0»'*«g to market. 1 better than such a weak one. The constitution was not Scidde.—Mr Home, after referring to the manner in by the knowledge that my suggestion , relative to the condi tion in which the forei gn supplies are Wr. A --The tonui ti«» Assembly Rwim? , East-lane , on Monday , July 19th , t0,,a ,rot )u,: now "- of the cotton h- ^ har ged with this defect which our possession of Scindehad been acquired , which co-operation of the allottees at O'Co nuorville . in pur - s . " d'i '! i>ie>re iiieiuiry tt)r wheat tiadctrteSS.is the same. f to be c and weakness - It was Mr J ohn Simpson dolivereda report from the Central pi,.mi\w oduru tu.duy, 1 of homo as previ ously rep orted. The .:r» --««'.p. Burnet be said was unjust , and to tbe expenditure for its reten- Chasin g groceries , , at an adva n ce, i„ u,J quotation s of « related by llishop , that William tbe Third said Election stating the coals dsc , has been carried into Ja M sla pur frZ ««»« l»rt br and , is m C state f ..:. . and unn ecessar y, Cotnm j uef, good pr ospects at pr. In oiio oi-t»oiii,t,i.ces 3s per qr g r n .* & to him that he doub ted whether a monarchy or a repub- tion, which was useless inqu ired whe- effect. I am thus emboldened , at the near appro ach money was more !?V uftlct uw * Th « «»k KIOTO trade - >•- ''f ' K' tbe coming electi un, which raised fervent hopes , and paid for very superi or Mrw a. of konsGhTi tvovt 8t 1 tl l , lic was the best form of government , tba t there were ther tha t country was to be hereafter assimilated with of Conference , to offer my opinions upon ,,?.. ™ ' "S heon for severa l weeks past , lW*b« it was uiianini (ni>ly resolved :— our present {"' i 8 1 ff hM0 was » uret ici an t, r 1 East India Company, t " That a subscription wheat»i. . . on "" ? !- »¦*>«upply of fureun! improv ed condition to wha t itwas in f..- :» ,, excellent argumen ts on both sides, audhe could not make the other provinces of the o be a and future operations . The giant strides which offer. Selected qu.duioa both red * •>™ spring " list be forth with opened to aid the same." were in s niidI win!I month s. Tlw bonnet trade is in a w..- *> f?^ up his mind on tbe subject ; but of one thing he was Queen 's colony, or to remain under military govern - the Land system has made durin e the last twelve teady req uest , a t an advance iu the ' has for National Victim Cluuittee. —At a meeting of ~c s i- .^ tnus lin l'iee. tbo present rc«'i >' - l' .* -i' that anythi ng was better than a monarch without ment. months is a proof that the s»t,i.lit cheek : (>.¦!*>» sure , this commi ttee held at the Assembly Rooms, 83, working -classes are be- bnt there- is an extension of the sill: *?»' So he (Lord Brougham) said of Sir J Hobhocse vindicated tbe conduct of allthe par - coming alive to the fact that therein lac e trade , the 1 1 power. a ministry . C. Dean-street , Suho , on Tuesday evening, July 20ih , is their only article being made on th en ,cl,in. - "Vf, incapacitated tbem from performing ties who were implicated in the conquest of Scinde lend true salvation dyed state, it v „„, , u'»(i« |(i' whose impotency , Mr John Simpson in the chair , the case ufMrMoonoy from the miseries of the present oom- BBSSBsJ^t wrrj t0 ll(llt tluit Uw 1:ll government. A weak government which Stated that after tbe return of General Kopier Scinoe raerciaUnd manuf acturing anon s but feeble indications of ' the duties of a was Mibmitt * d. and twenty sbilJi 'iga voted to him ; system ; and tho money ^ miieudiueut . ' not carry a single measure of itself could not pos- would he annexed to the government of Bombay. p..ured into the Land Fund , though ' """ ' could am) ten shillings eaeh was also voted to Messrs tr ivial in com- — £. power of giving protection to the people which Amebicah Cohteibdtions to Ibisb Relief.—Mr Bbo- parison with what it would be if the DEAT H S. . h sess tbat Smart , Richards , and Preston , and one pound to de- system was more •n1 he . .. , of their allegiance. He sincerel y hoped thixtoh moved an address for a copy of tbe letter from generall y unders tood in the "^^ death ot Sh- David Pollock is tho chief«». -« »; £»' essence agricul tural sBr^"^""- was the fr.iy the expense of the memorialis ing for Fros t , Wil- dist rict s, is Honi bay. Sn- never live to see such another session, or the Secretary of State for foreign affairs to her Bri- a proof that they can appreci ate s Duvtii died in his siity-e-ighth yiw, *«; ;*« that he might and Junes. Thee committee the principles , when ^£5H unlay tlw «i »• liams, then adjourned S?' fr 2s„d of May. A very diseased state >* such a fate as the Railways ' Bill, tannic Majesty 's minister at Washing ton acknowt edg. we look upon exti ii... . tl...... ». . . •* . ...iltl •.jitl¦ to see bids meet with , the stagnatio n of trade , , ^= hi' ' * - •• »• until Tuesday evening, Auuust the 3rd. ' and the const * • ¦-.. ".ig tiii-imiu eKuitL-ciiuso of death. Tlio uiseasr >:>»- ?. tbe Land Incu mbr ance (Ireland ) Bill, and tbe Heal th ing the donation in in food and money ofthe iegis- quent dearth ot means among from all * arl!"=val of il tt h ave-b een of tho etas whom sdsKKl3!™quart os, t , *? Imigst-ind iug. ~ CanLieLK. —We have received tlie following ad- thev he' „it t -ui u. » . ea,,y -" i ; lature and of Toevos* Bill. He heped he might never see bills so citixens ef the United States of America for are intended to benefit. The few obser vati ons notice no impro -jem ; but wc vm 1 no llev. Dr Shep herd died on Wednesday at ln» «ff- ;f. importance as that the relief of the famine dress :— I Wfhy do not the Carlisle Chart ists bring for- I am nuu f?u treated , and .specially one of sueh in Ireland , about to l ifer to your atte ntion mi snoniyshor tlyeapi- expi-eted. eW VIJl^' ™" ***&b .™Wlhanu Vl"»*t arclive deuce, Gateavi -i), n«i r Liverpool. He was onu »• "" .."' war d a Cha rtist candidate , if only to pract ically as- ght be addre ssed lf-eans won. i,..» ., i 01 which had been recom mended by the dueen m her speech Mr Blows seconded the motion , and mentione d that to the Directo rs ; but, as lound ci-s of the •'!, ve-i-pnol Atlieneeuni. " sert the princip le ol Universal Suffrage ?—Ed. N. S.] their app ointm ent rests )U from the throne , and which her Majes ty's represen tative part of the contribution s came from the Indian popula- ."vour own " Wc have to announce the de-cease of the Righ t Hi^ ' j . fault if theTraction lro „ 1' ¦ at Pari o hurried ov«r to this country to support. He tion of the far west. TO THE ELECTORS AND NOiV.ELECTOR^ 'OP the27; reflex of£ your able Dennis O'Ce-uoi'. coiumo.ilycalled The OVeM " " ' opinions. emc of death ex;- -«r hoped the n-xt election would see the government Viscoun t PALiimio ji passed a warm eulogiam upw CARLISLE. liretly, the Lords of Iho T reasury. His f —Tliero are two powerful rpannn p »i,„ p rice of "u,ld lllu mmii ou Thursday ' a t his re.-i'i " f" TowKtKEH ,—T he time has s^istivsthe "" 1 lnornitu; at seven o clock , h the prompt munificence exhibited Fti tow at length arrived town m,,i 'Hir' , »'' le, en anced by b 1? < ?;^ stren gthened by the voice of the peop y the people of the 5s r M )bs '- *il , I' in flour aJl Mmt Wiht The hor n "*•' )' - backed by United States towards tbe distressed whou the persons who have to represent wMma aude d\ v^ty t u?ltmu * ' *" ¦•*" «• decea sed was Iu merits in the affections of the peop le , a nd population of Ire - you in tho nexi " ^ • n that hit r benevolen ce io be ch osen lSKITI Su.-^v h „t. K ,n^ • was in his Uftj -third vciu-. « such (hajori ties in both houses, that the*e should be land— a not only most valuable ir. its in- parliament have ; and , as public officers , we ml 7:1s t tss^ a, , Suffo,k ew eH 0,, dmthc iohIs .cw„-i£U -l " ' " ' " rc<* no doubt ..f may be a govern- mediate results , but which was calculated t» increase consi.ier it our duty to lay before you lairl y nnd candidl y each e»uto alre„i« 2dy ' u neiehbourh ood of ' " teu, a, »i Nw adk aud Uncut.. their power—tbat they urch old ml 7as to so. , oU, V . frint cd by I; of 16, -Urea l t" !'"' /" respo nsibiliti es kindness and good will between the two countrie s. our view* nnd opinion s on the same. ? P *We>l, each estate beiJ whlt 7*» tu»i8.-Kje «fls to (ills. I'UIHU AI'dUiVAN , mrat st> xnsported as to tkake clear their lis imm. l! ^ an -toirlcv - ^ ' ,?,K " stre et , Westinim-tv r. > '] • ' < not now at once acceded to tbe motion . general political lia.niiarket , iu the City of ¦ as a govern ment , responsibilities which did On princi pl es emr sentime nts ar e well OUi e-c, , for i he" * , • * • ' t0 S,,S Cheva lier ais to. 2*.-M alt : Hrow. in t he sium* Street and Parish rest upon them , bnt were divided between them and the Viscount Mobfeth gave his personal testim ony to the known , we cont end that the Elective Franchi se is t on, , -, pnet or , FEAI iGl' S O'COXNOK Use,., and l' 1"' 1'"" ,, the ^^izi ,' 1 ' ' '8t'' 7iis Su"'olK n" U No,,,'ulK '«s to7S S. , ,. warm th of fraternal feeling inheren t ri .vlu ee- ' h . ™* people. His hop! and trust was that that want of rei- evinced by the people of the natural , gh t of every male who is of geiund s^inew p,iUs S\ m-o ?Ss to 73s.-lic.-ins: Tic ks y WiLUA.il Hewitt, of So. 18, Charles-s tri -i* .*' U* to •»•* e 'A ponsibili-y would cease for ever when parliam ent was United States ef America, towards tbe childrta ot the old miud , un tatote d with prime , pigeon uOs to 55s don-street , Walw orth , in tho parish of St. Mar . * and at tlie age ot twent y-one. E^ P , Har ro w now 17s to 18s.- Penis : whit e --' ¦ ,6 v^&iffi Uitt to Con ngtuu , in the- Count y of Surrey, a t th.i Otltcv , - ••. . ' ; -. restored to iu fuscri oat by an election and that they countr y. Whatever occasions of moment ary yium tbefac t by , (rri-y and map le Ms to S7s, , auao yance ofenwn iietfie; anm , we consider he has V«**i a .be« ST S h wou —Oats : Ei.trlish • O' '• t 2nat be 2tbeoBge lecd i'Hs to S;s , Foiiiud -i\)6 to 31a , Scote'h feed rca t Wiiiilinill-sire-et, !' aviiiarket , in ittc .Citv ' '' u there were a community i a( a3* to 3us. mins ter. ' £Z —1'oe' atO 8(i-e to 'lOs. U-ish : Limerick »nd Ncivry 27:- t» t S Saturday , July 21 th J -17