^M ^^ ^ ^ ^ ' ' ' ^ ^A ^^^ -M ^ ^c^ , : . 1 ^ - - /J.//y. S^+fr ' 'Af/sff &v&tti' <f£>^ •-f -Jr *y**^Ms£ OUR OWN HISTORY. **'***' *t ^ TO THE ELECTORS AND -NOK-ELECTO KS IMPERIAL OF 1C TO THE CHAR TIST S. THE BOROUGH OF TIVER TON. Fiul oav Countrvm jsn. —A genera ) election be- DEAR, y ®NtY &UENDS 1 l\X ** , ing about to take place , I venture to announce to s»5n write u th e i i am ff *° y° histor y of you my intention of solicitin g the honour of your OWN TIMES - not of the Edw ards inrinrR , suffrages for the representation of your borou gh in X JC rte nrr s, the Jameses , the Charleses , or the * useless the ensuing parliament. 7 ^Les-^mpty, BLO CKHEADS- preserved as Factious par tisans have laboured to impress the !So So* «"»« ?? pegs to hang 8 of tbeir times ul»n—sto p-gaps lest public mind with the idea that the forthcomin g Ae the even* , ' bean empljr ___ election will be merely an insignificant contest of She: SertshouM space in the counti es AND NATIONAL TRADES' J OURNAL. individuals , in which congest " pri n ciples" rail find k^ have chosen this subjec t for the purp ose V " , lace. 1, ou the contrary , am determin ed—at r • I i OL-XN? 509.¦ LONDON, SATURDAY, JUlF PB CE m^^ no p a«in£ vour attention to the fact, that the —¦'' " 24Ti84T"* Five Shilliugs and Sixpence perZ Tiverto n is concer ned—to mnkc the r» nfi nfdr __ ~ ¦ Quar ter least so far as and not mona rch? or th eir rulers , have ARMS T« n„j» _ xt._ i . « i _. , . .. .. " _ ._ "" . ¦' - -' ^ J , Lple. ARM S. In GodVname - - ^ strugg le purely " a war of princip les •," —the war of a important chan ge , then, do not allow the You lately said that Mr O'Connell regretted *¦> GRE ENWICH . E Eused every noted by his- has brav ed the and idle and the profligate. I will support and advocate mi ht , of jus t ice and * ?? ^J *at BATTLE the having forced me upon the of the ™ " BCT0R S ' »•» WIMUCTOM popular ri ght agains t exclusive g a,ld to prepare you for the greatest constituenc y < flr Wrr ™ . a voluntar y system of Education , which will tm tonsils, BREEZE , the ' ! l - Vi BK at the enable domination. which is now DUNGEON and the County .Cork. Booby! I made the constituency ; hJ. „ ^ V,', - "dotation ofa numerous all classes of the community to give their freedom against privileg e and class dawe of all coinin g—1 sav the bod,ofour fello W.citi Zeng, rudnd childre n K di SCAFFO LD, to be SULLIED by IN- and , oajny second election , O'Connell and all to offer nrn elf„ I religious and secular instru ction in accord That , r adical reform of the existing «r» test of all, because it will be univ ersal 1 f°r J Ur 8uffrag e8 to .ep«un t jou TpL, ance wit h a thorough •r 0811 TEMPERA NCE and his relatives worked heaven and earth to LMt r ; ° , - a their convic tion and without any governmen t intcr- is abundantl y wi tbe -^P? ^ " 'evolution ^^and shall FOLLY , iflave ear ond MP»ci* ««ement ofmy politl. system is imperatively necessary, k kfij " * throwjtnfr. out. In taste XV„c*l princi iT*!ples feranee and control. myself to events of which histori ans NOTHtNGWH ATOVERTO DOt. WITH 1833-4 1 gave him a indespens 'ible. proved by the condition of the people. Throug hout a confine I ent, r tain the I will vote for the abolition of all unmeri ted pen- of my INFL UENCE and independence , and in opinion that the laws of a country piBEnot yet twrite in their real character . ANY. ^FO REIGN MOVEMENT ^ Let should ona. " sions and grants, all useless places and sinecures, all Great Brit ain , enclosure acts , game Ja ws, poor D 1835 his besom friend, Major Mac namara , was occasions, tea direct and immediate cflex Americ an Revolution #s the origin of Englis hmen, and Irishmen ' of the fatelfapn ee of tbe secret service money, and other corrupt sources ol laws, T The ^ , and Scotchmen, on my, mule adult populatio n and if and other wicked enactments have re- Revolution , and was work : committe e, and voted black was white government patronage ; and, also, for a thoro ugh re- d ihe Tren ch the recru iting together for England, Ireland 4and y~ fidenC e» I -» -PP- t aU mea duced the tillers of the soil to a worse physical to unseat me. I'll tell you a fact, Jim. In MiresS, having B for their . vision of our pre sent system of taxation , and the sub- secan t of the "IRISH VOLUNTE ERS? Scotland—le t Frenchmen work for Fr ance, object the Extensi on of the Elec t t t o t,'for our present indirect condi tion I ut 0I wer e October , 1832, I met O Connel l at dinner at uve^anchUe; „ d .m, theref ore s i u ion f a direc one, by than that of Russian serfs or Cuban s France I Ru ssian s , .he decided ad vocate -i ffaeiev " °^ all-powerf ul, for Russia , and Prussians for Prussia. ' of fcs. pr. nc.Dle* of the Pe„, - which property shall be made to bear its legitimate slaves. 1 ^ ' ^ Dr Baldwin s. I had never seen him before , and m 8 CHAWBE .-TMveml In the manufactu ring districts , an« towns the Iris h volunteers, ftom the terror I WILL WORK. ONLY FOR " HOME, Suffrage , Anmul Parliam ent. share of the burdens which tho exigencies /Vv a js*ere he then said, " Well, Mr O'Conn or, you have , V„te b, Ballot No Tr e generall y, the I struck to " t,Quahhea.ion of tho State may requi re. I will vote for an great majority of both skilled and t that combinati on the heart of the SWEET HOME , AND ACCURS ED BE undertaken p*r , Equal Electoral Distric ts/and a task that no other man in Irela nd ' Pay equitable adj ustment of " the thing " called unskill ed lab ourer s are lish Cabinet and the En glish oligarchy; ment of Afember -. ' under paid , underf ed, wretch- J Eng THE DESTROYER WHO SHALL would atte mpt. You can't succeed ! but iyou'll Iconsider tfeis reform our "National Debt ." in such a manner , as shall edl oth revoluti ons- ^the ph n*ce»sar y to prevent briber s and y clothed , horribl y lodged , and subjected to 1 but b ysical revolu tion ATTEMPT TO BAULK US OF OUR give the aristocrac y a tremendous shak e.'' corruption , monopoly and secure equal justice to debtor and creditor. I will fraud , over.tax ation and op- all the deprivation s 0 France and the moral revoluti on of Ire- , presiion of the indust rious support the abolition of capital p uni sh ments , and and humiliations of " the f VICTORY. Can you not learn a lesson Now that was O'Connell' s aid to me. In the clastet ; and in every way land—failed to confer the antici pated benefit «uHed to form the such an amelioration of our Criminal Code as shall slavery of poverty ." In Ireland the triun e ] from the press of the factions ? Do you not same month he was invited to a public dinner , basis of a uioreenli ghtened and just do- progeny the mestic and foreiirn temper justice with mercy and humanity. Opposed of , ^on SOLDIERS , althou gh the officers ' got up to assist my election , but he refused to policy—to secure a better and mors class-legislation , — Famine , Disease , and Ds- see that the ' Times is fearful of lettin g the equi table distr ibution of to all wars of an aggressive character , 1 will more than their fuj l share of plunder. attend.; ! wealth at home, and a more vote ior the abolition 8PAIR , lift their voices •' trumpet-ton gued" 1 Bad world know that we are up and doin g. In its Was that help, Jim ? I returned his permanent pros pect of a standing army. against ' revolutionists of France did undoubtedl y son John of peace with all tbe nations of the I will support a the pre sent The MARKET NOTE of candidates , all space is against all hope for Youghal, and eartti . tho rough reform in our present system , and combine to declare the in- destroy some great grievances, but they failed Jacobs against whenO 'Conne ll despaired , Fooa Monetary System , and the repeal of Peel's acts of hope, Laws—Believing the employment of the people, competence of our pre sent " rulers " to any longer people that political power devoted to LITTLE JOHN and LONDON, 1819 and 1844, and shall endeavou r te place our cur- to center upon the for Dungarvan. And hear thi s, JIM-FOOL and the full developement of the nation al resources , tu be govern that land. while for Blackburn , we ar e told that tbe surest rency on such a footing as shall prevent a recurrence which could alone preserve the advantages CROW , ! never took even my TRAVEL- proofs of nationa l greatness , I would suppor t Hargreaves and Pilkington are the only two a bill to provide all ol the evils we have jus t gone through , and in par ts The foreign policy of the present administration achieved, and the result was the creat ion of a LING EXPE NSES from any man whose able-bodi ed labourers , requi rin g re- are still suffering from , and by affordin g remunerat- candidates who have offered , thoug h Roberts 's lief, employment on the waste lands ; which has been ruin ous to the cause of freedo m, mid d milita ry despot, whose first aim was the sup- princi ples.
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