B^SBMfflBfliMPIBEMMMIivT'Ty'Tj gBI HSBnBBnBHnBB IIlM E ^^ iB^lZIZli ya^rn rnffffwmHw ^^

SSfl mj ^^na ' - — B m ii —. — —.—¦ — ,— -— -. —. ""^ ¦ ** m ¦¦—¦¦—¦.—_—-—.- p — — 7 ^.^^ ^^^ In H. JMOff flff *-ff M M K-*i- TT ^^ T ^^^^ T ^ ^^^^ ^TO ^^ ^ ^^^^^^^ ^^ T ^^^^^ T ^ ^M H Ifi -ff*- i TnHI liiiiVf if M> . *TC3M ^ MMBn ^^ C^

¦ l|f PR I C E T H R E E P E N C E f*Mp 1 X^ms^y i B ^a^^mi^ • l ) | |S

c - THE >^ra /S\ ? ^K


I> Issued on the 1st and 15th of each Month \ I^Hj j

LONDON ; 1 flH ' - . ' - ii f - . i¦ ! O^ QAMP«nNT TOW MARSTON SRART.R «r R TVTNflTOTSL T .TMiTirnitkd ! l\ SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON, SEARLE & RIVINGTO N, ^i m 1 «M^ 1 M ) ST. DUNSTAN'S HOUSE, FETTER LANE, FLEET STREET, E.C. \Y ^H l ' ' ' 1: ' ' ' ' ¦ ¦ iifl ^ jj t -ji tii :l!l' •' ' i. ¦ • ~v/\rv ^/\ • fc tl^^^ BI% ^ ¦, , - , , ¦ , , , ~*^^ ^>ynH{ ^^ |K9Qr &t' f¦ ¦" ^"*' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦;" ' . - - . • ' ISti .yi ' y ¦ . . . ¦/ . . ,. .. - ' ' " ¦ I ' ^^ WWI ^^^ M , B>I>\; . a , . .I, .....u«j ^^ ..i. ,i ^ j. jj.__i_x-n,m. Mii- _ «. _ .ii _ _i_ j- -L Li ¦ i ^ r. . . JJI^ Iyjgi Jgggy ^gjp ^^ Jj ^J^JJI ^^^ g^^^ Jgj ^J^^ l^^^ j ^j lj ^^ l^j lj ^ lJJ p^^ j ^j ¦¦ p^ llj ^j l^^ J^^ J^^^^^^^^^ J^^ JJ ^ II^^^^ y i^^^^^^^^^ J^^^^^^^^^^^ J^^^^^ J^^^^^ J^^^^^^^9> HV ^^^^^ mM S ¦" IV m vP 9 9 9 9 ™ 9 99 9 9 9^ 9 9 ™ 9 9 9 9 ^ ^ ^* ^ W H W v w M W 9 9 9 9* 9 9 w W 9 9 ^^^^ W ™ ^ ^^^ ^ ^ w w w ^ ^ w • • V V 9 ^ w w ¦ ^w w w » ^p !9 if W ™ wA wt^f^ff *W S^f] ^ l Jp Jp A w V ^ ™ 9 W^ w ^ ^ ^ ^ j^ ^ ~ ^ ^ ™ • ^I^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H^lT^^^B^ i i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^\ ^. ^> ^^ W^ ^ ^ ^^ 1 ^^ lr ^^ ^ '" tf^' w^P W 'f^ ^^^ ^r ^^^ E ^^ I v ^^^^^^^^^^ I^I^H ^*...... :.....T»w» ^ !^ m H m mmmm m m mmm mmmma l ^^ KjBl' ^ * ^ ^ ^ ? * ^ **'I ^ WPn ^P'' '* t&'f ^4 *W!f '*!Fm1^^ ( | riii- The Publishers ' Circular Apr il I f l890 THE LEEDS MERCURY DAILY. ESTABLISH ED 1718. THE LEADING JOURNAL IN YORKSHIR E CIRCULATING ' ALSO EXTENSIVELY THROUGHOUT THE NOR TH: OF ENGLAND. ITS CIRC ULATION IS AMONG THE HIGHES T of PRO VINCIAL NEWSPAPERS, and includes Subscribers in all par ts of the world. SPECIAL ATTENTION is iriven to BE VIEWS . OF BOOKS AND MUSIC, as well as to general LITERARY INTELLIGENC E. PUBLISHERS' COLUMNS are inserted every week, and the announcements under this head appear on the same page as Reviews and Notices of Books, thus giving to Publishers' Advertisements exceptional prominence. Books &c. for review may be sent to the London Office. THE WEE KLY SUPPLEMENT , 64 Columns , Sat., Id., is a POPULAR HIGH-CLASS FAMILY JOURNAL, and contains a Week's Home and Foreign News, with many original features, both Literary and Antiquarian, including First-class Serial and Complete Stories. Published bv EDWARD BAINES & SONS. Leeds. London Office, 65 Fleet Street, E.C. THE PALL MALL BUDGET. PRICE FOURPE NCE . EVERY THURSDAY. Is * the most readable paper in England/ It contains from forty to fifty Illustrations in each lssue# It should be in every H ome and Household . _. It offers constant variety to the Satiated It contains the Freshest and Strongest Dis- Reader. cussions of Current Topics by competent | . . . . ,, ... liSJl , ItT. is a storehouse of- valuable and interesting: Writers. rcaomrAaHin o- « nma+tor»«er - It contains a Weekly Cartoon upon the Ques- _. . tion of the H our. Once purchased is not likely to be given up. It summarises and Interprets each week the It is the most widely-circulated Paper in thr News of the World. World. i Offices : 2 NORTHUMB ERLAND STREET , STRAND, LONDON , W.C. JAME S CLAEKE ^ CO/S PUBLICATI ONS. Prico *• «• NOVEL S BY EMMA JANE WORBOISE , A NEW AND CHEA P EDITION OF NEW AND CHEAP EDITION. ! "D XXX T T-T HP These F/^V T LJ T?J—I TD (^*V-4 Novels, hitherto published at Five Shillings each , ^ -*-^ X V X X X X • are now pgjng jgsued at A GERMAN ROMANCE, Three Shillings and Sixpence each. By KARL EMIL FRANZOS. The volumes of this New Edition appear at intervals of a f ortnight, viz., on the 1st and 16th of each month. Given in English by JULIE SUTTER. The f ollowlllg f tre aow reftdy .- With a Prepack by DR. GEORG E MACDONALD. Thornycroft Hall. | Father Fabian. * Mr. Gladstone, in a lengthy and appreciative review in Millicent Kcndrick. Oliver West wood, the Nineteenth Century, says:—'It is with some conn* - St. Beetha 's. Lady Clarissa, dence that I commend to the notice of \ our readers a work Violet Vaughan. The Grey _ House at of Carl Bmil Franzos, entitled " For the Right."... .It is like MargaretMartraret TornTorrin ngton.ton Endlestone.moi cb a plcture fuU of atmosphere and light, and affords a welcome ™? * ' Ti Kobert Wretord s relief from the hackneyed conventionalities, which form the £ Fortunes of Cyril ata ple of so much French, and, I fear it must be added , much Uenham. uaugnter. Canonbury Holt, The Brudenells of Brude . English romance.' ¦¦ — Singlehurst Manor. The Heirs of Errington. ¦tinifFI C DV AIMCI II C DADD Overdale. Joan Carisbrooke. NUVtL5 dl AHI ILLIA |t. DMn n. Gre> and Old. A Woman's Patience. 4 In descriptive writing, in simplicity and gracefulnessof Mr. Mqntmorency'8 The Story of Penelope, style, and in perfect mastery over her characters, Mrs. Barr Money. Sissie. can hold her own with any living novelist.' Nobly Born. The Abbey Mill. Glasgow Herald. Chrystabel. Warleigh 's Trust. Jn q, variety of handsome cloth bindings, or bound Husbands and Wives. Esther Wynne. Uniformly, crown 8vo. cloth, The House of Bondage. Fortune's Favourite. , Price Three Shillings and Sixpence each. Emijia's Inheritance His Next of Kin.

¦ ¦ ¦ THE»TO HOUSEHOLD OF McNEIL. " ° THEllfc LITERARYU Winil I WORLD.WWVI1LI/I Of SPlW t>F HIHSBLF. Every Thursday — ONE 1>ENNY. ESS ?J ^P3 ^ ChSFsTJn3l * Evei7 New Book of any importance is lte- XHB attUIRB OF S?ANDAL SIDE. viewed—Selected Extracts in the Case of Leading tSSwSS& 1*181801** Works — Reflects the best Aspects of Current ^^^vwc" Literature—Ainie at Gui4ing the St udent and A DAJUOHTER OF' FIFE.* fhtjV^PPfiR' f Wlpfi. Aluo a Oheap Edition. 1*. 0

44J4EH CLARKE & CO~T8^nd J4 Fleet Stfeet, London, $.Cf "l? N° 1261.—Vol. LIII. ^^ v Tf "D r v« ( *#«***» i


General JSecott of Sfcttt tff) an* foreign Xiteratute



{Uwed on the 1st and 18th of each Month]

PaicE Sd. April i , 1890 Sf. SS w«

X 2ST3D 22X TO ¦A.ZDVIHJ IfcTISlE I&S . Adams & Franc iB iii Glaisher (W.) 430 ! Partri dge (S. W.) & Co 427 Allen (W. H.) & Co 408 Globe (The) iv Penny Library of Fiction iv 411 Groos (J .) Heidelberg 414 Perry , Bacon (G. W.) & Co w—««a Gardner & Co 425

\>|1 » » j» M-m-~m. u wa. -s-f ^ >^ .w ^^ a w a •»¦• ¦••« - .«. r w V^S « /J« «_7 (1 Leeds)*~f\j\s\ »*hJ* •¦»••¦•• it Harper's Magazine • • * • • • • 418.a « w j Potter^ * , 398, 400, 402, 410-14 8tovens (H.) & Son 429 Dickinson (J.)

j j , __ __^ XflSBtf ^ KJBMr , ' .. . - 1 ____^ . ¦ ¦ ¦-¦ f « ~ — -f 370 The Publishers' Circular AprCt j ,., ,.^ ^_^_ z—_ ~u__^^\ - ^ . . . . T . .._ . - . . , . , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ rg ^^ —




^m ~ ¦ — — — — - — — — constitutionally at the freezin g-poin t,' and that gaged^^^h V^^^B^h ^^ ¦ ¦ ! on-*** ^» «^ a«^ prose^-^ ^^ '^^ ^*^ ^T romance^^ -*^ ^~ ^ ¦¦ ^^-^r-^^-^m^ -^r , which will come 4 out as a serial in a magazine. We hear its advan tage the young author ' who is not too characteristic feature is that of adventure. proud to accept judi cious counsel may gain * in this ' lecture ' from the lips of Mr. Andrew • * Lang. * George Meredith, Novelist and Poet : 101 Some Characteristics,' by Mr. R. Le Gallienne, is now in the printers' hands, and will , be published at an early date b y Mr. Elkin Boo&$ and ^umoti of Mathews. ^ * Boofr # # ^ It is reported that Mr. George Du Maurier A bio grap hy of Admiral Lord Colling wood, is engaged on a novel. If it be true that he by Mr. Clark Russell, is in preparation. is— also--- going0--0 to execute with his own hand the # illustrations for the work, a fascina ting book may be expected. # We are informed that a work by Miss • * Poynter, named 4 The Failure of Elizabeth,' _ — — - __, - , Mr.— — Elkin Mathews,r Vigo Street, W.,j will will be ready in a few days . publish in the course of this month a choice limited edition, printed on hand-made paper, # * 4 of a new volume of verse,9 Corn and PoppX. M. ies ,* ' It is stated that the widow of the Crown by Cosmo Monkhouse. Prince Rudolph of Austria has written a book on travel, which will appear immediately,

_ __._ _ _^ ^_ The nex t novel by Mr. Louis Stevenson is to The— — Rev.— W . J. Dawson, of (Glasgoj w,f a be called ' The Wrecked. ' He has resolved to young and rising Wesleyan minister, has take up his abode permanently in Samoa. written a 4 Handbook to the Greater Poets of # the Century,' which Messrs. Hodder & Stough- # # ton will publish. # Messrs. Chatto & Windus are bringing out, ? * in a new and cheap form, the first series of ' Tales of Great Families,' by Mr. Walford. Mr. Carl A. Thimm, late Captain in the # 2nd London KiriesRifles,, has prepareDreoared *A CompleteConiDlete * # Bibliograp hy of the Art of Fence with Sword It is rumoured that Mr. Cyrus W. Field, and Bayonet.' The bool$ will be published of submarine cable fame, is likely to bring out shortly by Messrs. Franz Thimm & Co. a volume of reminiscences. # # • Honours th ick and fast are falling to thq Messrs. Oliphant, Anderson & Ferriet will lot of Mr. Stanley. It appears that the great, publish early in the summer a new novel by traveller is to be made the hero of a new (,play ^ Miss Annie S. Swan, entitled ' A Vexed In- called after him, which is to be placed Mupon heritance.' the boards in Paris next September. ¦ :>- ¦ « 1 1 fimiutr;- t 1 1 ' 111 . ¦ 1 111 —¦—¦ -> ' J2 ft ' f I 37« The Publishe rs Circular April i, ,890 We learn from St. Petersburg I Mr. Lawrenc e Gomme has writ ten the tha t a very __- -_ -~- _ r— ->^_- -^mW ~—~ — -^ — ^ — — ^^^^ ^^mr" w^^^ ^m ^L J ^L ¦ ¦ ¦ ft ^_>^ v v y ^^ ^ ™ — ^ __*__• ^mw ^—^m^m ^r »^ ^mr ^^ ^^ ™^ ^ ^mr ™^^ »*^ -^^ ^— — — — » - -^- — — —- — comprehensive and important work has ^J ^ new volume in the ' Contemporary^ Science ' been I <¦• Ml ¦ V V>i IWl serim es, the.« subject«•_ being * The* VillagetT ^ Com- arranged for under the editorship____ — . _ of General Leer._^^^ ^, _ It_ is_ intended.__ _ _ . to_ . present^^_ a_ _ ,_, I mun ity.' It will be largely illus trated with — v — — — thorough—. ^ ^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^ plans and maps. h istory of every war in which Russia has been engaged from the time of Peter the Great. 1 ? * The highest experts in military affairs are Mr John Hill has written a novel under enrolled amongst the contributors. Severa l

-~-™- ^h ^*^ _> _^ ¦ — — —¦ — — — — .. __ ^^ _ ^^ _ y read —^ v ~» ^fc ^» ^ ^—* ~ ^—¦ y. I the~^ title of * An^^~ ^^ ""^"^ —• Unfortunate Arrangement/ of the volumes are nearl I which Messrs. Ward & Downey will issue. f It is understood the author illustrates some Co., social questions of the time, P. Blakiston, Son & of Philadelphia, I phases of the have just published a new Medical Dictionary, ¦ ¦ * by Dr. George M. Gould. It will__ be a_. compact______. _ ,._, ____ _. ^, ______one-volume— — — book containing— — ^ several— thousandH ^ ^ .^^-^ i Mr. T. Fisher Unwin will shortly publish new words and definitions, collected from ' a story by Miss Rosa Mackenzie Kettle. It recent medical literature, 'while the total is named ' The Old Halt among the Water number of words is beyond that in any similar Meadows.' Irish and Wiltshire scenery will book. ? ____. _M_ \ be a feature of the book . # *

___l _____ Mr. William_i O'Brien's novel is to be ^_ _ ^__ . _¦_ 1 _ m^m _____ at . * * ^ <^_V ^M mM once translated into French, M. Calmann Le>y

We understand that Mr. William Black being— — ^^^ k the— — publisher._ — — — - This— is— an— — —- - exceptional—— —¦—— — ——- m ** ^*^ ^~ ^^ ^"^^ ~*^w *m* has made considerable progress with his new honour for Ireland, and will, no doubt, increase

~— ~— ™-^^» ^m J ^_ ~ ~^r ^—^ H ^H which» V - ¦ —^r —_- ¦ he— — —_^~ will— — ^__> ^__p ^_v nam——— _ — — — — —I— e— * Stand- — — — —— Fast Craig-»¦ ~J I story, __i^_P ^_k H. ^^_V^_ __. A M _ _ _1 A ^ft *t interest in the work. Contrary ^ ^ to the rumour I Royston.' The work portrays Scotch and hitherto circulated, the work is not of a party American society, and some of the scenes are nature. The title is ' Wh en we were Boys«/ 7 ««__!_ _> «*_. W«_ _I « / laid in London. and it is to appear as a six-shilling volume.

# # # ' J_r J_r * * j In Paris, a translation of ' Lord Beacons- We learn from Paris that M. Le*on Say,

^ has attracted J__ field's Letters to his Sister ' who has been engaged^^mm9 w ^^^? in preparingA^mi ^_ * for* the some attention. La Nouvellc Revue has written press the autobiography of his grandfather, the

^— — • — — — which is so well very^ favourabl*jy of the workv ,* well known economist, read some extracts from translated that it is declared to have almost the work the other day to the Academy of the attraction of the original. Moral and Political Sciences. In these extracts it was demonstrated that Jean-Baptiste Say * # traces his descent from an English stock. # The new volume in Messrs. Putnam's # #

___ * Knickerbocker NuggetsC7<—» ' series will be ' The ~^^~i^ __ — _ - — — _- _ _ _ — — — — — — ^^^ ^^ ^^ ~_ Messrs. Sampson^ Low,# Marston^^ & Co.^ ^ ^ Sayings of Poor Richard/ or, in other words, hope shortly to add to their ami poems contributed ' Illustrated the prefaces, proverbs, Biographies of Great Artists volumes on to i Poor Richard's Alnianack,' by Benjamin ' •'m — — — ^^ w im* ' George£ Cruikshank/f the Landscape^^ fl _*^^ m * ^ ^m Franklin between the years 1733-1758. ' Pain- ters of Holland/ and ' Van Eyck, Matsys,

- -—¦ imr —— -ar -_> V> ~ * and™ ~ ¦ - -—^ other Painters.i__. V ~ H V ¦ •¦ » —W r *^ ofXrf- » theV «t -K _^ Earl-«ha« «^«r mty M. yW Flemish^ B. ___. ^mf m*MiMMJl*J m\ M. * * School. ' These three volumes,. and another 4 _-h pv Wew ~ ^__F understand"-* ¦ tm __h '^i ^ ^^ m^^ *.* ^ 1 ^ -» —m» _. that^- " *m mm* ^^mw ^* Mr^™ ¦"" ¦ .m H^^m ^ ^^ » .™ H—^"* «^mi erman—fcg s« mm tmt ^ '^ ma ^m. 0* ,h on ' David Cox and Peter de Wint/ are in . author of * Claudian ' and ' The Silver King/ preparation. 1 and until recently collaborateur with Mr. • # is about to publish Christie Murray, , through The name of the Work on which Mr. Andrew

Messrs. Trischler

Jft * 4ft Messrs. Black are arranging for the # issue * of another edition of Sir Walter Scott's novels,

w ¦ —— _ _ .i^q v—_^ 1^^ — ¦¦ A new work that will be welcomed by the princimm ~ ~ — palm\ feature^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^^ of— - — which— — v ^ 1 ' — - will— v ———' be ^^^^^^ ^mt ^^^ ^ y A __L _¦ __l __. _. __¦ __¦_ ___¦ ^_» *___l ______a new jnany readers is nearly ready—a ' History of series of illustrations by Mr. Hugh Thomson,

__. -- — -—-—- —- —- -.—. — — -_ , _ _ . __ , __- _. _^ . . — . ^^ — -^^-^ — ¦ m* w n -~m~ rm am ¦ ¦ m^mm^^^ mof P. F^ M _T ^ ^mr *v^m\ m\ Dominion Canada/ b the Rev. W. ^ the m^. y who has already won a hig . m h reputation m^k as an ^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Oreswell. There is a growing interest in artist. Mr. Thomson is said to have a keen

_- _-. ___ _ —..._ __ -___ -^ , ----^ .____,._ _ affairs -- — - - — ^^- «. -v ^^ ¦¦ 1 ¦ « vifw »* ¦¦» ^nr «r«» '^^ #*ka_b Canadian¦ , and a book of this kind sense immt _ of humour ^mt m^ which will , in ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^a ^^^ m\ _ fl______h , __a __ __ _> _> conjunction ^^ will doubtless supp ly a felt want. It comes with his other qualities, greatly hel ' p him _ _ __l __> ___l _ 1 ¦¦ in \ • V^ -*. .^__ m r ^ .^ ^^ I 1 through the Clarendon Press. Ulustrahng the creations of *$ir Walter. ¦== =m mi T\ t.l* "I » /"N » 1 II Apri l i, 1890 me rii Diisners uircuiar 373 y

A lady went recently into a bookseller's An interesting piece of news cornea to ms It shop to purchase a present for her husband. from India. In the literature of the Madras [ She hovered round and manifested the usual Presidency there is an increase in original I indecision, whereupon the assistant in charge, works as opposed to translations, aiid con- to help her out of the difficulty , suggested a siderable improvement is reported in the

of Shakspeare _ - _ - _ _ set . The would-be purchaser quX ality*/ of the native literature. A very^ _ ¦ j. M_ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ met this proposal, however, with the prompt diversified^ B _ 1 1 ^ _^ * ^«_ ran^_ ge of_ _ subject. _^ _ . has_ ^_ _ . been¦ _ . taken_ ¦ ^ up_ . _ _

— ^— ^^ ^^ ^^ * ^"^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ ¦ ™ ^^ ^ ^»^j^ v » » *b«* *^f* ^v^B ^B ^m ^*^ ^ v*v ^^ ^tw ^f^ ¦ ^ ^ ^f remarkjb ^^ ™ ^ ,g * Oh ! he read that when it first came* invj iy, whilstn uuo n thereuuv>v/ isw at» Ir out.' We make haste to add that this happened perceptibly growing taste for fiction , < As i in America. You Like It ' has just been translated into # \ ? # Tamil. | A clever author in the Nonvelle Revue, who * * 811 writes under the name of ' Fergus,' has replied In his forthcoming new novel, ' By Order j to the criticisms recently made on Rousseau of the Czar/ Mr. Joseph Hatton deals more I by Mr. Herbert Spencer and Professor Huxley. particularly with the Russian persecution of

^ ^ -~" *** ^-^ ^^ v v K .r a >*_ ^^ ^ A ^ » ^ ~ 1 d< ^ ^ ^^ B^r V ^^^^ ^1^^ ^^ ^ ^ MK "*v ^if * ^.f ^^ ^^ f^v b He indicates that in his opinion the views of the Jews ; but^ ^^ ^^ some"* ^» ^^ of^^ ^ hisJ most exciting scenes Ij those writers are coloured by the fear of Social- take place in London and Venice, in connec- | ism, which, he maintains, is now taking a deep tion with a great act of Nihilistic vengeance.

hold of Eng^j lish thought and— life. He contends The book will be published immediately by ^^ that Professor Huxley has not dealt fairly with Messrs. Hutchinson & Co. , who have also just Rousseau. brought out a second edition of Mr, Hatton's # ' Old Lamps and New.' * ?

One hundred and twent«/y thousand copX ies of Professor Drummond's booklet, 'The Mr. W. L. Fagan, of Alabama, U.S.A., Greatest Thing in the World alread has compiledaomnilfid a volume of ' Southern WarWar CJ ,7 ' have y«/ 1 been printed, and it has been difficult to meet Songs, which Messrs. Richardson & Co., of the rapid demand, as orders quite recently have New York , are about anto publishan , with inmany been nearly a thousand per day . One or two illustrations. Mr. Fa^ was officer the

¦! ¦! ~- ~ ~ ¦ -^* i^ Hr -^^^ imperfect editions under other titles have Confederatei -^^r «v^K ^v ^.^ ^^^ ^^r ^ ^if^v ^r ^^f 7 Army,^^* *^ ^v ^m ^ * w V and^V^F ^w ^b ~^^v he^^* ^ b ^ ^ .* has^f> ^* ^ ^^^^ made^* ^^^* ^^^v ^f^^ ^ an in- teresting collection of camp-fire, patriotic, appearedJL A. , which Messrs. Hodder & Stoughton ' have suppressed, and the trade are warned not and sentimental songs, which, during the Civil to offe r the same for sale. War, were continually on the lips of the soldierssuiuici a whowiiu servedoci v cu underuuuci commandersi/uuunauut i o likeiiac General Lee and * Stonewall ' Jackson. * • The Rev. J. G. Wood, the well-known

------— _ — - The widel known * Pen and Pencil Series' naturalist,» who literallyii died in harness last y —. If year, was the original of ' Little Mr. Bouncer ' of the Religious Tract Society is about to J in that droll book, the ' Adventures of Mr. receive w hat should prove a valuable and Verdant Green.' We make this statement on interesting addition, viz., a volume entitled

theI/11O authoritCL U l/llVJJL l ljy f of\JL thelllC Rev.XVO V . TheodoreX UC17UW1 D WoodTT «JV^«O. , ' London Pictures.' It is from the pen of the who has written an* extremely bright and Rev. R. Lovett, M.A., author of * Norwegian vivid account of his father's life and work Pictures/ ' Irish Pictures,' k, and will supply j| which Messrs. Cassell & Co. have just a long-felt need. Multitudinous as the books I published. on London are , there are none in existence so I handy, and at the same time so well illustrated, I • * as the averagCJ e volumes of this series. The '1 An unpublished letter from J onathan Swift work• will*il bel readf y earl1*y in May.Tffc ft ' was sold at Sotheby's the other day which # bore witness to the fact that the country possessed as little attraction for the famous We learn that the Abb6 G uers lias com- DeaJWKjillln ofKJL St.KJV. PatrickJL <11/1H/A.' sB as«*O forX VJL Dr.M. SM. . Johnsont» WUUm'll him-lllllt- pleted his book , giving his recollections of self. ' I am here,' writes Dr. Swift, ' among 1870-1. It will be remembered that the Abbe"

¦ 1 w w m ¦¦ ¦ — ^— ^" » ^.^ ^ m ~^^ ^f^^p 1 ^^^ ~^v --^ -^^ 1 ¦¦ —t^ i.^ ^"" ^"^ ^ ^w ^^ ^^ ^™ ^"F^ ^^ *— "^ . ™ " ^ ¦• * ^^ ^ ^™ ""^ p- ^^ »™ *» r- w -^f~ "^» ^— ~- ^^f^ ^ for which I have little the beauties of nat ure r f« ^ ^.f^ v « ^— —' ¦¦ ~^ ^^ ~~ — *~~ — , V T '^V ^^ * * #% iP tf. *^ ^v M i ** m ^v f".j ^ ¦* ^ . was^ ^ » ^*v at9 Wiihtlmshohe when the Emperor¦ taste. I envy you the dirt, hurricane, malig- Napoleon was a captive. This work will con-

nity iu which as all London people you ¦ -— -- ~ ~~ ------¦ tm. ainIfc. ¦ fllh «« ¦¦ many^ Ift W W ^ F» W very^ ^.^ .F* W inF" VB H t*» eres"^^ ^" ^iF- • " ti^ ^^ ngi-. — h^« reminiscences of live.' the Emperor in exile, his pursuits in the

#¦ ^ ^^ ^^ q *V ^^ » ^*^ F* ¦ * *^« ^ «¦ •* ^ fif' w V ^'^ ¦ r* r *m M ^ ^F» ^ -™ ^^ -w J^^^ ^ 1 house,^ and his ways in the open air, the com- _ _ _ — _ _ m m * . m 'm pany he met, and the talks of the social table.

arran *» ** ¦* essrs Griffith (f) ^. T 09, ^4t ^F' W » ^ •• ^ '^ ¦ F»^ ^-* .F. w i^ ^ ^^ M . , F , Okeden Sc ff l a ^L ^ W ^w The volume will afford gf^^ limpses r of M. Rouher,f Welsh propose to follow up their cheap reprint M. Paul de Caasagnac, M. Gambetta, and of the late W. H. «. Kingston's ' The Three k Princex linto Bismarcki>.»uviiiv;iv. Midshipmen ' with a uniform edition of Peter • i ththee WhalerW haler , ' bvby the sameaame author. * The Three # # | Midshipmen ' in having an enormous sale, and The Religious Tract Society are about to

the publishers» state that theyt/ are constantlm/y publish an important work by Sir J. William receiving letters of thanks for this their latest DawsonThtwRon,. "FF.K..R.J5.K. -, on the preoresent state ofor thetiie effort to place good wholesome fiction within evolution controversy. The book is entitled I the reach of every English school-boy. 4 Modern Ideas of Evolution in relation to | ¦ ¦ ¦ Bpf —""*'' ¦¦¦—¦i x nii 1 i i. ¦ » ¦ ¦ y«ni "i— ¦¦ ' ¦' ¦ -i n—. - n !¦¦—¦¦ . .,.- ¦¦»¦¦ — ¦— I,.,.. i..ii— ...¦ — ¦¦———^ 1 —— "" ' " — m &— —~ . .— —,—-j q ' The Publishers' Circular Apr)i I l8go ^4 f Jteligion and Science. ' Sir William does full of a general social reformation. He touches justice to the upholders of evolution as collec- upon such questions as the relation of Church tors, of facts, but . he indicates the wide diver- and State and Church and School, the purifica- gences of view as to what evolution really is tion of politics, the labour question, and the among the supporters of the modern rival and various phases of the race problem. mutually destructive schools of Romanes, * * Haeckel, Weismann, and others, a m _ « IB d A ^^"^ a A db ^P^B V A ^ # A work entitled * A Digest of English and # * American Literature ' is now in the press of We learn that Messrs. Oliphant, Anderson : S. C. Griggs & Co., of Chicago, being the & Ferrier will publish shortly a story last book written by the late Prof. A. H. entitled 'Huth Lavender : a Tale of the Early Welsh,Welsh, whose * Develonmentdevelopment orof JlingnsEnglishu Lite-.Lite- Friends/ by Dora M. Jones. The scene is rature and Language' has passed through ten . laid partly in Hampshire and partly in London, editions. The scholarly reputation attained and the drift of tfie story is to represent the by Prof. Welsh through his other works bearing

simplicity of the .__ doctrine of Fox as contrasted "¦" ¦ ¦ — — - . — _ _ — ¦ upon>¦ ^ ¦ ^ -~~ ^ ^m the^r ^" ^™ ^^ same—— '^ '^ ^"^ subject— will cause the appearance with some aspects of Calvinism. Miss Jones, of the new book to be anticipated with pleasure. who is the d aughter of a Nonconformist It is peculiarly adapted for those who desire to minister, is a young lady of promising talent follow the contemporaneous political and social and skill in fiction, and has already written development of the world while making a some essays dealing with various phases of special study of England's literature. The modern life and thought. work is arranged for immediate reference, and , # # * in a brief and yet comprehensive way, it is Messrs. Trischler & Co. have in the press aimed to give the student chronologically the an illustrated work on Equatorial and South- characteristics and chief events of any author's

j~ — ~ - M, •/ East Africa, by Wallis Mackay. The book, period,y together^ with a crisp,7 critical synopsisX a\fbolscap quarto, will contain upwards of 90 of his life and writings. illustrations by the author, and will deal in an exhaustive manner with the late difficulties # # between the English and the Portuguese at Bret Harte was at one time employed in type in the composing-roomO of a weekl «/ Delagoa Bay. The author, having been on settingJ »/ J. X y the spot at the time, is well qualified to speak newspaper in San Francisco. He had not about the matter in dispute. His abilities been longCT engagedOCTJ in this wayt/ when he bash- with the pencil w ill be thoroughly fami l iar to fully submitted to the editor of the journal print a few literary sketches. readers of the Sporting and Dramatic News,vrho which he helpedX to JL «/ will probably hail the re-appearance of the They were accepted, and the young printer 4 Captious Critic ' with a considerable amount abandoned type-setting and took to the pen. of pleasure. He rapidly came to the front, and all his most characteristic work was done in California. # # The explanation of this, according to the Robert Browning's death has unquestion- American Book Buyer, is that Bret Harte at ably led to'a vastly increased interest in his first 4 wrote with a certain unconsciousness or poetry, and, if we may judge from the number non-expectancy of applause that was calculated of biographies and promised estimates of his to provoke the best work. The sources of his litelif e and*and' characcharacter.ter, oner>n« mayma.v safelRn fplvy sayrav thatthat. thist,hi« inspiration had begun to run low when he interest is likely to be continued for a good came to New York to be a literary lion, and

— — — — ^ v BB^ta v -*m^ r ^» »-*^ mm «* ^f ~i - ~i ~ ^f while to'come. Not longb^k ago^ ^p^h ^^ we* * ^^^ announced^h'^ ** '^ ^ ^* ^^^ ^h^v ^ ^^ ^^^b ac'^v to accepJ. t a contract of fabulous >Xprofitableness , memoir, which is being prepared by Mr. as his friends then thought/ When he was' William Sharp ; now we hear of another in Europe- x ,/ between the *jyears 1878 and 1885,' bi6graphical and critical account, which Mrs. he did comparatively little to increase his Sutherland Orr is writing, with the assistance reputation , but since then , and notably in his of the Browning family. We also learn that latest story— 4 A Waif of the Plains '—he has, Dr. Furnivall is carrying on his researches in to a large extent, recovered the literary relation to the poet's ancestry ; and Dr. Burdoe strength and h umour which some of his has just published, through Messrs. Swan admirers were beginning to think he had Soiinenschein «fc Co. , a critical exposition, permanently lost. entitled ' browning's Message to his Time.' #

' i • • * Messrs. Sampson Low, Marston

Outcome of Ori ^gJ inal ChristianitymJ in its Confl ict unnecessary, in view of the * deep and uni- with Surviving Ancient Heathenism,' by versal interest evinced by the public in Mr. ¦ *. A«.»»»J ' v>. MS K lXJO\J V« 111 UU inOIICU lillllUJ ' .' Philip C. Friesej VAlCJU-V?!^ ¦ - .--¦/ - , will be issued immediately Stanley. 's book, for his publishersj, to saytf more ' from the press of S. C. Griggs & Co., of Chicago. than that nothing which the utmost efforts on In it many interesting subjects are discussed. their part can effect will be wanting to make Beginning with instinctive thought, its ethere- it in every way worthy of the grand story

... _ _ „_-„ alisation by means of language, the author whichr throug— h.— its means7 they will have the ~ * dtt «^i ^ ^m ^b ^_ * ^ ^k , o , ^ < treats of the social contract between God and honour to make known to the world. Great

¦ ¦ ¦ ' ~ ¦ — jv , ^— ^^ ^— ^^ ^^ ^ — ^^ »^ ~-^ *<< ¦ "^ ^™ ^ '¦^^^^ — ^ .Ba^i^a p^" .^..b ^h^k -^^^ ' '•' ^^™ >^ ^^"^B v^ man,^ the meaning' of the formula ' Kingdom as was tjbe interest evoked by Mr. Stanley's fof God ' as promulgated in the days of the " How 1 Found Livingstone," and " Through ' JPaJbriarchs, applying its principles to the subject the Dark Continent," it cannot be compared IB = : F= " * ,' April i, 1890 The Publish ers' Circular 3ys .

with the indescribable eagerness with which any A verr tiseful series of 4 Mnemonic Charts '

«k -¦- ¦—* ^^^» inform^^ ^ ^» — ation about— — — this-™ '— — ¦ forthcoming^^ -^^ ™ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^ -^^ ^m^^^^^^^m^^^m^^ workw ^ -^^ o^* ^»^v has^m-^r^—^ relating to English history has been, prepared been demanded , and the keenness with which by Mr ; David Ross. It shows the princi pal

it^K ^ has been competed— W ^^ ^^ for^^^ ^^ ^^ b^^^ yW publisherB"^ ^^^m w^^ ^^f^^ ^ ^^^^ ~^^ ^^ sH^ in^«*^^^PB all^^r^p^^^^ events from a.d. 449 to our own day, and the civilised countries of the world.' The will prove"brove a useiuluseful worworkk ttoo students. book, as previou sly announced , will be in two Cambrid ge ha9 recently added to its volumes, and will contain thirty-three full-page treasures by the purchase of some valuable and .sixty-four half-page illustrations, besides manuscri pts which include a ninth-century ^ forty-six vignettes, and three large and four- benedicti onal , and an example of the Norman- teen small maps. An edition de luxe, strictl y French style of the fourteenth century. limited to two hundred and iiftyiiftv copiesconies,, each The Centenaryif of the Royalof Literary Fund of which will be signed by Mr, Stanley him- ^ self, is also in preparation. is to be celebrated at St. James's Hall, under _^^^ the presidency of H.R.H., the Prince of v-S^W . Wales, on Wednesday, May 14. The gather- Ilofe^ and Hew$ ing promises to be one of exceptional interest. Messr3. Cassell & Co. intend to bring out The forthcoming volume in the 4 Minerva CP Part I. of the l Dictionary of Reli ion ' on the Library ' is to be John Forster's ' Life of Oliver g Goldsmith.' 24th of this month. The work is edited by the Rev. William Benham, B.D., F.S.A., Chiswick has, by a very large majority of and it is to be completed in eighteen sixpenny the ratepayers, resolved to adopt the Free parts. Libraries Act. A cheap and revised edition of the Rev. We are informed that the twelfth report Phil ip H. Wicksteed's ' Dante : Six Sermons ' of the Historical Manuscri})ts Commission is wil l shortly be issued by Mr. Elk in Mathews, nearl y ready. of Vigo Street. The original edition, published in 187 9, has long been out of pri nt and di ffi cult We are informed that the Senate of the to obtain. Univ er sity of Sydn ey has appointed Mr. Pitt Corb ett , M.A., Professor of Law in that A new work , which aims at gi ving a thorough University. comprehensive statement of English law, will

shortlyv be Apubli shed by%f Messrs. Clowes & Sons. The next volume—the ninth by the way— , It is written by Mr. Thomas Brett, already in the ' Car isbr ooke Libr ary ' is to be Ben Jon- kn own by works in a similar department of son's ' Masques. ' It will be published towards literature. the end of May. A most elaborate picture of the famous The Carl ton Club is in a prosperous state. Jubilee scene in Westminster Abbey has been Not only is there a profit on the 4/year of nearly •/ J, •/ nearly completed by Mr. Lockhart, who under- t'4 000 , , but there is an unusual number of took the work at the command of the Queen. candidates eagerl election. y seeking Her Majesty has expressed a high opinion of Messrs. Smith, Elder & Co. have now the painting. read Fair ' y their shilling edition of ' Vanity , We hear that Mr. Felix Joseph has pre- covers which appears in the original yellow , sented to the Nottingham Corporation a tine and with the author's own illustrations. collection of early English drawings. His which purpose is to assist in reviving the art of book The ori g<^7 inal Paston manuscripts*. ,' Fenn gave to G eorge the Third , have been re- illustration, which has been somewhat languid covered, having been found in the library of in recent years. the late Colonel George Tomline at Orwell Under the rule of the Athoimnim Club Park. which provides for the annual election of per- A portrait of Mr. H. M. Stanley, painted sons distinguished in science, art, or literature, ;it Cairo by Miss Meyrick, is to bo exhibited the following gentlemen have been elected :— at the Royal Academy Exhibition in May, Sir John Kirk, Sir William Turner, and Mr,. and then presented to the Royal Geographical W. J. Courthopo. Society . The following gentlemen have been elected

-»- — _ — _. r _ -_ — — — _ ¦ Her*¦ * ML. ^*r A, M4^ T.JK» ajesty^^* ¦ ^torf t*J *^ W the»* A » ^^ Queen" ¦ * ^"^ ^^ ™ has^rwi-*^ been" ' pleased members of the Royal Society of British to accept a copy of Miss Lucy Thornton » Artists : Henry Zimmerman, G. Sheridan 4 7 Knowles C. E. Marshall Leopold Rivera, StoryU of a Poodle,7 a little book publishedJL byV , , Messrs. Sampson Low ife Co. in the Christmas J. W. Godward, E. Holmes, Albei t Kinsley, season. and Alfred de Brianski.

Messrs. W. H. Allen & Co. have added a B«/y a curious sli J.p of the JLpen we attributed 4 most interesting volume to their ' Eminent Mr. Hall Caine's powerful novel, The Bond- Women Series/ dealing with the mother of man/ in our last issue to Mr. Grant Alien. the Wesleys—one of the most remarkable of The obvious error was all the moro singular, women of modern times. because on the previous page we had apoken of the book as the work of Mr. Caine. We hear that the plans for th e Fr ench Exhibition at Earl's Court are now settled. Messrs. Butterworths have issued a work

At a recent meeting of those who are pro- entit led * Outline of Roman History from I mot ing ' the scheme a very hopeful view was Romulus to Juis tinian / - It has translations of taken of the coming show. the Twelve Tables , and the Institutes of Oaius • ' • ~ ' : CJ ¦ * ja j ¦ ¦-¦¦--¦— *¦ ¦ ¦- MTTTF* - - - . .,..„.. ,., ....; l.:. .t...... ' '. .. • v -H—-——-~~~. '——^' ^"* 7— ' — ^-^ — - jl !l j ^ i |

376 The Publis hers ' Cir cula r April 1, 1890

and Justinian are included. The book has I per manent home , and plans have been dr awn. been prepared by Mr. David Nasmith, Q.C. The object will doubtless comman d a read y A council of the Royal Geographical responseresnonse. , as the purposeDurnose oiof the UxiordOxford HouseHous p Society has elected the following gentlemen is a merit orious one—to bring the reli gious as Fellows :—Lord . Kinnaird , W. H. Maw, life and high culture of the University to bear Captain T. H. Butterworth, W. D. Coggleshall, on the wretc hed life of the East End of Londo n. G. M. Ed warde8 Jones, Inspector-General A most important collection of books is Belgrave Ninnis, W. D. Pitcairn, and Major being prepar ed for sale in Londo n, namely,

mm^mw . ^^ ~— — -^ N. Powlett, R.A. the^^ .^ 1 ^B ^^^ extensive^m^^ ^^r ^m^ ^^ ^^ *^^* ^^ ^ ^m^ library^^ ™i ^^ ^>^ ^^^^ ^^^ ¦ of— ^^ Lord Acton. It^^ is^& ^^ ^ An interes ting work, bearin g on Scotch estimated tha t this collection embraces over Universi ty life, has just been published by 60,000 volumes, includin g nume rous rare Messrs. J. & R. Parlane, of Paisley. It is a work s fro m the various continental centres . series of scenes and sketches of college life in It is special ly rich in books bearing on Edinburg h, by Mr. David Cuthbertson. Stu- religious ord ers , the proceedings of learned mWL * mt 4 m9j m* . .^h ^ ^M m\ ^k - ^K ^ A mt j—^ .__. — — — — __ — — — — _ — —- — — g— societies and the genealogy*%f of historic families 7 dents will be greatl y delighted by the remi- ,^ , niscences given in this book . as well as on the general history of European States. Mr. W. M. Acworth 's book on the Scotch Mansfield College, Oxford , has , we Ieam , — Railways%/ is,7 we hear ,/ exciting^y a ^2good deal of — — — ___ _ jusj t received an interesting^j contribution. interest. It is from several points of view a Several senior members of the University valuabl e work , and tourists who propose to have presented two hundred volumes from the journey north duriug the coming season will library of the late Dr. Hatch. It is note- do well to possess themselves of a copy. Mr. - - - worthymf that in a letter accompanyx w ing^ the John Murray is the publisher. books the members express a hope that the

We are gQJ lad to be informed that Mr. Talbot ift will remind Mansfield stude nts of the g^ -¦ __ Baines Reed is to read a paper before the goodwill Dr. Hatch felt for the college. The Society of Arts on April 16, on a subject which letter is signed , amongst others , by the Master he is exceptionall y well qualified to discuss , of Balliol. ' Old and New Fashions in Typograp hy. ' Dr. The new— Caxton_ Head ' Catal_ ogue of Rare Garnett , Keeper of the Printed Books in the Books ' is issued in an extremel y artist^ ic cover , British Museum , has promised to take the chair . speciall y designed by Mr. Walter Crane , with Mr. Gladstone states that Bishop Butler a colophon by Mr. Selwyn Jud ge. For the fi rst time this well-known catalogue appears taug^~i ht him,7 forty-five vyears — ago — HZ* ,j to suspend— JLl his jud gment on^ things he knew he did not with the names of J. & M. L. Tregas kis, and understand. ' With Butler 's aid,' Mr. Glad - the statement is made that 4 the alteration stostonene addsadds., * 1I mamavy ofteoftenn hahav«ve bftfvnbeen wrowrnncng r ;• extends merel y to name , the proprietorshi p without him 1 think I should never have been beingO onl vy altere d bymf the introducti on of a

— — — — ^^^_ - — - - -_~ . _r ~_~ -_~ ~_~ - ¦ rigJ J ht. And oh that this age knew the treasures^^ ^» B^^ partne r , who brings to the busine ss the ad- it possesses in him and neglects !' vantage of a quarter-of-a-century 's experi ence printing and kindre d crafts .' Messrs. G. W. Bacon & Co. have just in practical broug ht out a redu ced edition of their 4 Ex- The Dean and Chapter of St. Paul 's h ave erection of a ¦ ¦ -—— .— r m refused their consent to the celsior Map ¦r — of— the~~" — British*— —~ ^— * Isles^^— ¦ H ^ -^^ V^pr ,H ' b¦ \* y G.-*m-^ W W.» » V Bacon , F. R.G.S. It is coloured , mounte d on memorial to Mr. Wilkie Collins within the cloth with rollers , and is an extremel y good cathedral , an d the committee have accor ding ly map , and suitable for smaller schools and fallen back upon another scheme. They pro- class rooms. The names are boldl y printed , pose to devote the subscri ptions tq the purchase so thatmat the chiefchiet towns can be seen at a glanceirlaneo . of a collection of books to bear the name of 4 The Wilkie Collins Memorial Library / to be A series of sporting novelettes by Mr. placed in the Peop le's Palace in the East End. Finch Mason will commence publication a few The collection will , we believe , be made up weeks hence in Messrs. Tillotson & Son's Rer ies solely of fiction , and Mr. Harry Quilter under- of newspapers . The opening story will be takes to rece ive gifts of volumes to add to the entitled ' How " Beefeater " Won the Derb y.' library , but he retains the ri ght of selection. Messrs. Tillotson have also arrange d to publish a new serial work by Mr. G. Manville Fenn The will of Mrs . Emily Pfeiffer , of West , utne y, entitled ' A Mint of Money. ' Hill ,/ P mf 7 shows that the personalI. estate % amo unts to l()3,000. Her husband left her all The histori c building in Tottenham Court his Xproperty K ml ,> an d after beq1 ueat hi ngO £500 to her Road , known as Whiten eld's Tabernac le, is now sisters , Mrs. Pfeiffer leaves everything to be being pulled down . Lust autumn the founda- disposed of in accordance with her husband' s

win -v — —-~- •> v^ *.. ^^ , «p^ v^^ ,» % «y\/ u. m. w m. angk •» «^ « A V tions were^* discovered to^^ be giving way^^ J ,» and* ^ -* it wishes ,w as set fort h in a letter ,t in which he was resolved to erect a new sanctuary , 'i he indicated his desire to have the bulk of his re sponse to the request for subscri ptions has property distributed among charitable and been so heart y that the work has commenced ; educational institutions for women only. It and it may be hoped that befor e long a new is a noteworth y circumstance that Mr. Pfeiffer

r -mw "ww mr wmr and more sp 1—¦ "—¦ —^ ^ rnwrn ^™ r*^ wm ^ r mm* 1 w^ m^ ^mw r lendid ^m^ ^m ^mi F ' mw mm* ^™ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^-^ ^* ^^ ^^ ^™ ^ ^^™ ^ »*^ ^**- ¦ p i. edifice will rise on the old in this^^ letter^m^ expresses*"* ^ ^^^ the*M ^ ^ op*^ M ** inion that boys site. I should be bro ught up to work , and have nothing Special exertions are being made to render left to them. The whol e of the prope rty of

¦¦ ¦¦ the Oxford House— — ¦ r"^ m ,^m Bethnal— ^f- ^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^^"" ¦'™ G•¦ * reen^^ ^^ ibi ^ mm ,¦ ¦ a^n m stillrmw ^w ^^ ^^ ^^ the husband is to be lied to the endowment S*t* A # . ¦ ^« m m M A ^ a m^mt . app more effective antl flourishing institution. It of cottage homes for destitute children , t> be is the desire of the promoters to provide a named i Jurgen Edward Pfeiffer 's Homes.' \ A • x>/


* (l'/'e *t-H(r<( u ilh the 1' uiM.ihH kuh Uiiuulau, A pi ll 1 , i HJMf > study of 4 The Princess ' was very cordially ' fl mei£ican IJofef and Hew? welcomed by scholars on its appearance a few Messrs. Little, Brown & Co., of Boston, years since. Recently Mr. Dawson has written

-¦- -¦- -¦- ~_~ —_- — — — — — — -~ — ^b^_ —f ¦ ¦ ^" — m •^» r ^^ -»^ ^^ ^^^ ^» ^^ '^»» r ^.^h. will publish soon the fifth and final volume of a series of thoughtful essays in the Toronto' ^^ ^v^ -^^^ ^^*^^ ^^ ^^

¦ ¦ .BB ¦ ¦ Prof.^£ B^ ^f^ ^BB* J.^^"^ ^ G. ¦ * ^ Palfrey^^^^ ~^ *"' «™ ^^" ^^v *^» r B 's^^^ ' History^^^^^^^^ ^"" r^^V ^^ ^^P- ^^H H of^^^ ^^B New^^^^ * ^^"* v V Eng«^^^^^» ^^^^V B^ Bh land.^^« ^^^P ^Bl BB 1 ^^P^B V ' Week on Canadian political questions. At the time of the author's death the material A volume of about two hundred and fifty Vl this volume was in an advanced state of BU1UUUUU i.Jk I11V1 XVUU UVllltVUi}^ lUVUU Kf VUlVUVl for selected American sonnets, edited byJ Colonel i' Ij completion. The labour necessary to make it T. W. Higginson and Mrs. S. A. Bigelow, will ' ! ready for the press has been performed by his be published at an early date. It j will also ¦ 7 — " - - - son, Gen. Francis W. Palfrey.^/ It brings^ the contain brief but requisite notes. narrative down to July 3, 1775, which was the "« ~^ ^~ ^^^ ^» ^ ^^^^ ^v ^ ^ "^B r . ^ ^B l ^WPV r ^^ ^B^ ^^^ ^P «¦ ^V^P ^~^ ^r ^ B^ "^B ^ ^BB ^k ^ r ^Bi ^^^ ^ ^Bj B^^ BJ date fixed by the author in his original plan. Mr. Warren Leo^ Goss^^B , author of * Jed :^ a Boy's Adventures in the Army of '61,' is pre- Antx.il indexiiiu cA hasiicta beenuccu addedauucu toiu thiskiuo volumevuiumc for earl covering the whole work. * Myths and Folk- paring y publication through Messrs. — r -™- -™- -^—>^v ¦ ¦ T. Y.^ Crowellf - & Co.-¦- ,— Boston^w -^ —b^r -_- -™^ ^t^^v ,« his» -^ -^— —^ ' RecoBBB> -^T "^V ^B' ^B* llec-BB ^Bb ^f ^B^ Lore of Ireland,J ' byif Jeremiah Curtin,7 which the same firm have just ready, embodies a great tions of a Private,' a portion of which has deal of valuable material for the student of already appeared in the Century Magazine. history. The author collected these stories on The Round Table is the name of a new a personal visit to the West of Ireland in 1887 weekly journal of sixteen pages just published (taking them down from the lips of persons who at Nashville, Tennessee. The first number

r — - - — — _r -— __ ^_ __ — — — — ~- ~- -— — — — — -~ — — — - — — — ,^r i r. -m^ mm^^ BJ contains contributions by^ Maurice Thompson, lish), "^k« W^BP ^Bt ^. m. — Bl BB Bh _ A "^B . ^B _ spoke only Gaelic or very little Eng and .^ ^ then translated them. Thus the original George W. Cable, and other Southern writers. character of the tales is preserved, as well as Mr. Richard Malcolm Johnson, author of *^> Bfc ^ .Bk ^^ «1 >*B> Bh BB A ^ the fresh, piquant flavour which adds so much 4^ Old** Mark Langston ' and various tales of old to their interest. A London edition of the Georgia life, is said to be writing a long novel. latter is published by Messrs. Sampson Low, In pursuance of their plan of providing for Marston, Searle & Rivington, Limited. V*B| BB> ______.. _ __ _ ,._ BJBT B«BJ ^BBJ ^ ^^ ¦ the present generation^^^ of Americans authori-

bb» ¦ ^ 1 ^^to B» »rf *N« ^k » Tl r W ^bW i^»- ^*V bbi VhB1 ^bb-^ bb ^** r » v V Bfc bb> B" B-^r -« -^^ —» «» iih* Bb bbi ^™ b ^ ^ b» ^ ^ »b*t h ¦ bb Messrs. Harper^^ Bros, will publish immedi- tative and carefully edited texts of the writings ately, in book form, under the title of ' Two of the * Fathers of the Republic,' G. P. Years in the French West Indies,' written Putnam*«r ^h. . 'A s SB^^ ons, New^Bt ^^ York«BF ^ *A , have

-^v ^^ r- ^^ v _ h ^^ ^ B^ Bh ^b^ ^™^ ¦ ¦ ^^— ^^ -^t^ *^^^»^^» ¦ W — ~— —~ — —^ — — — — —~ — of^^^ a voyage of nearly three thousand miles,J which will be issued in four volumes, uniform

aB >

— - — — — — — — — — - — — m ~_~ v v ^^ r aBaBh V devoted to sketches of life, manners, customs, with their fine editions of the .^^^ ^ ^j, a ^ 4B>>— ^^^m A ^ BBf^ ^ iBfe Bt ^BL HB ^B. 4B> ^B _i works of and characteristic types. Hamilton, Franklin, and Washington. These

-__^ __ _ — -w- - H « -" — ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ Bl Bfe ^| ^ V^ BV writings of Chief-Justice Jay^ (whichX Messrs. Ginn & Co., Boston, will publish include a * very large proportion of important material at once Elements of Structural and Systematic W^ BBb ¦ ¦ ™ !¦ ^B ^ ¦ i " ^v ^^ ^.^ ^"^ ^^^ v^ ^^^ ¦ " ^^ ^^ ^'^^ ™ ^^v ^^ '^^ ^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ Jf ^^^^v ^^v ^^^ w ^^ ^^v m^m ^ «^ BJBft ¦T^*' BBfe ^BB* BhP ^^^ f JBL heretofore unpublished)B^ ^^ are being V^B^^ B^ ^ ^^^^ 'for hi h schools and elem entary college prepared for Botany, g the press by Prof. Henry P. Johnston, of the courses 7 Professor Douglas H. Campbell, , b*fy C* *• ' ______¦ — ¦ "- — ^ _ _ v ¦ — ^ •-.» ^T By Bf BBBB^M » College£ of New York,p with all needed assistance^ of Indiana University. from the present John Jay. This set will

_ ^bbbb *¦> ¦¦ » ^B» » ^^™ ¦ ^^B» Bj ^ b» V ^™ ^ m ^rmm ^ ^ ^» ¦ —^ "B^ ^^ — h —- bt — ° — — — — — — - ^ — — - - — -~ — -- -— - — — - _-_- * ._ -_r.^ b BB The May number of Lippincott's Monthly contain,y in addition to the correspondence- ^^ ^b P ^B^ andB^«B^B»J^T^Bj Magazine will contain a complete new novel decisions of Jay, a selection of the more im-

r — ~ BV "^* ^^^ *^ ^^ ^^ m ^^ ^^ ^^ ™ BJ .» *^^ ^^ ™™ -^ ™ - — - ^p m _ -__ ._ ._ - _ _ _V - ^ - — — ^m B " ^ , _ ^ ^ « >BB | Bk ^b » K from the pen of Bret Harte, entitled 'A Sapp^ ^ ^ ho portant of the letters from his contemporariesW^ , of Green Springs.' - and will therefore make a very complete

.- m, ~- -_- _ — -^_- - __._ — — — - , _ ^.^ ^_ r _^ ^_ i ¦ - ^^j JB. ^Bf BB BB, presentation of the issues and op^ inions of the^^ ¦* - B^BV ^^f c*^ ^b*^ *^B" ^™^"» ^"^ ¦ ^ - -^ ^^^ r ~^^ — ^"^ - ¦— — — ^ — b ^ ^ Mr.BBkp ^ ^Bk bm BJ James™ Russell Lowell,y who has just celebrated his seventy-first birthday, and whose time. The writings of Jay will be followed by _. _ — - - ^ . ____ -__, __ —, — — —— — -. -~- — -,_ - , — , _ ^. W B» BB W*r ph^ 'B^ BJ ¦¦¦ the publication, by the same firm, in the same^^ ^ .^^^ »^i^^»^^ IV* MV ^^ ^- ^ ¦ ^^ ¦ ^^ ^— — ^ ^ — - — ~— ^ ^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^ J|^ ^^ ^Hi ^h ^^^^ ^W if^^ ^^^ not^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ familiar^^^ on this side of the writings, stvle, probably in nine volumes Atlantic as household words, have long been a , of the 4 __- -_ _^- ___ -_ ™ -~ ~- — — ' . ,- w ~ r ^ ^ »». ' -^ W«B V B ^ multitude of British Writings^J of Thomas Jefferson.' Of both thefie*» B* V*^ ^^ source of delight to a as of ose alread een devoting much time sets, th y published, limited readers, has recently b editions only will be issued . to the biography of Nathaniel Hawthorne he has arranged to contribute to the ' American Men >6« of Letters ' series, published by Messrs. Houghton , Mifflin & Co., Boston . The English odition will be published simultaneously by Boofij^cne^ of To - Day,. ! Messrs. Sampson Low, Marston , Searle

37s The Pub lishers ' Circular April 1, 1890

which .convert this shop into a veritable consequence of prolonged prostration by

^" -^^ - -^ -^ — — -— — - m - — - - —-»- *>^^ 0 of ancient and many fever. (It may^ be noted that the year^ of modern<_ museum books MHHafc dfe MB dk. A aBt _ , ¦¦ _ — » Mr. clothed in rare and beau^ tiful bindings.^K The Sotheran's induction into the trade was the

_ ^^^ —-_- I — ^— — H »- — - - — — - - — —*~-— — — ^— I w ^ ^^ v ^K floors above are also occupied in a similar way, year^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ of-^^ p- ^^^ tlie^^ ^^ m ^^ ^ ^^ first publication of certain well-^« and it would be a shrewd guess that nearly known penny magazines, including Chambers' $

w«- ~ w — — — m —--~ — ¦— — — ~ — — — — — ~l . i *^ ^^ m — - — -* -^ ^h ^^ —^ f approached the real value of this remarkable Journ al , and also the year^ of the issue of the

satai ¦ •w "•»>¦»» ^aPaWSb _*.*¦» wah **¦*w ^^ h/ • *»^»* V V^ W.r *•# W ^-r » W *~* •• ¦» • ^ ^a » * ^ -» *-*» >>w •¦> ¦ #* »* w*.^ stock-in-trade. The top story^ of No. 36 Picca- classics in cheap editions.) Thus Mr. Sotheran

w* ^ ^^ r ^^^ " " • ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ — ^^ ¦ — ^ ^^ ^ ^ dilly is well lighted, and on a fine day com- started^r ^ w ^^ ^ with a new era in the publishing^^ ^ ^ and^F^fc mands a view of the Surrey Hills and Crystal bookselling trade, and, young as he was, took Palace. This floor Mr. Henry Sotheran has an interest in the movement. Having mas- relegated to'his own uses, and it forms a com- tered every detail of the stationery department modious suite of chambers. As the occupant he entered heart and soul into the intricacies glances from the front windows over the of bookselling. So rapidly did the business surrounding roofs and chimney stacks his in this direction extend that, within a com- imagination might w'jell bring to view the tall paratively short time, the firm decided to poplars that grow in the grounds of his private relinquish the stationery connection in favour residence on Beulah Hill. of a former employe, named John Draper.

^^ ^m ^h ^^^ -^"- i ^^— - ^^^ —- ™ - — — — — - - — — — — ~m — m When we were ushered into the presence In 1841 Mr. Sotheran attained his majority,^ ^ of Mr. Sotheran we found him seated in an and was thereupon taken into partnership, inner room, busily examining some large folio the business being still conducted in Tower editions. He readily welcomed the caller, and Street. Many still living will remember 4 apparentlaL _L ' ^*y entered with enj* oyment* * into his Sotheran's Corner,' with its display of carica- own recollections of the firm's history. With tures in the window. The premises becoming

^^^ -^^ ^v ^ ^^^ -~ ^" ^« ^^^^^^ -^^ ¦ — - —— ^ -^—¦ - — - — — — -m ~~ — — m — — ^ his head resting upon the back of an easy so crammed with books every^ floor from _ , chair and the expression of his face responding cellar.. to attic_ being^ ^ closel^ m ^» y shelved^m ^ Ob , additional^K ^A A - A ^ to thoughts of years long gone by, Mr. Sotheran premises had to .be sought. Hearing that Mr. presented a picture typical of an honoured class Stibbs, whose bookselling store faced Somer- of business men who seem to be disappearing set House, was desirous of retiring from active with the century. Though his hair is thinned work, the entire stock-in-trade and goodwill and grey, Mr. Sotheran's eyes continue to were purchased. This was in the year 1851. sparkle with business energy and power, and Mr. Sotheran was now over thirty years of it is hard to believe that his recollections now age, and in the spring of his business career. range considerably over half a century of con- Not satisfied with the two important depots tinuous work. Upon being asked to give in now in the hands of the firm, he cast a outline some account of the business of which he longing gaze upon No. 136 Strand, then is the head Mr. Sotheran exhibited the title- the head office and storehouse of Messrs. page of a small work bearing date 1765, and pub- W. H. Smith & Son. An opportunity occurred lished by Mr. Henry Sotheran, bookseller, of for the purchase of these premises when the city of York. 4 He may be said to have been the great railway bookstall house decided the founder of this firm/ said Mr. Sotheran, upon making Arundel Street the centre of its

w ' i and myOf father (Mr.\ Thomas Sotheran),f beingf^j operations. Mr. Sotheran immediately en-

~ v ^^B ~^^ ¦ ¦ " ~^ —~ ^^ ^^ ^ '— '—- ^^^ m-*- —— —~ — ^^ — — ^^ his nephew, was apprenticed to him. When he tered^^ ^ ar a^ ~i i intoan ^ 4A 9f ^^ negotiationsa»t aai HIBh ^^^ ^* ^* '»• v ^^ ^^ "^ ^^ ^™ with the present First had served his time my father came to London Lord of the Treasury, and, after several inter-

with two letters of recommendation from his vi ws extending to the close of ¦¦¦ 1855, the e , aa _ uncle ; one was to Messrs. Longman, and the transfer of_ the_ Iea3e^— was effected., ^ ^ New^^ Year^^r ^^r '#fc s

other to Messrs. John and Arthur Arch, the Day,^^^^^^ r ^v^v 9 ^^M 1856^^^^ ^^^r ^^^r ^ i— ,^a saw^"^^ ^.»^» » » the^^ .. « »^i ^^^ Strand' ^^ ^"^ ^ = ^ ~^ ^^ ^"^ ~* house^"^ ~ ' — ~~ ^ ' ^~ ^~ in* " ~ the— ~^ hands Quaker booksellers of Cornhill. When the of Messrs. Willis & Sotheran, but ten years

-—¦ a& ^^v ^* ^" B" ^^ ^^ ~ i^^ta ^» ^ ^ ¦ b ¦ ¦ " — ' — —¦'— -^^ ^^ ^"^ — — ¦ —~ — — - — — ~ — — — — — m m letter of introduction was shown to John and later (Midsummer^ 1866) it was Sotheran only,^ Arthur Arch the two brothers consulted, the Mr. George Willis having for some time been result being that John Arch at last came for- desirous of retiring. The Tower Street shop ward and said : " Thomas, thee art engaged." had some time previously been demolished in He remained with them for several years, the interests of City improvements, and its

_ w until¦V*^B BBi ^H, «^ «^^H he^^ ^— -^-" gotBBBB — ~~- married— — .- -- in-- , 1812.- -^ ~^~ . Fifty^^^ w— ^H ^V H yearsH ^B^ ^v ^ ^^ I V business connection removed to Queen Street, afterwards I celebrated his golden wedding at Cheapside. This branch, however, was sub-

-¦- ^w w^ ^v -^* r ™ ~- — ¦ ~— — m m ~ — - — — ¦- ¦ — ' -^r- — »—' the " Albion,y " in Aldersgat^ e Street. It seems sequently handed over to Mr. Edward Jones, that the Quaker brothers had a great regard an old and valued assistant ; thus closing the

-- .._ ,__ ..._ _._ ^_ ^^^ _ ¦ — — ¦¦— — -~m~ ¦ — _ _ — _ ^ ¦ ^ ik -r-^v ^ ^_^ ^^ ^-m v^ V* ^1^ ^^ W^ P^ W^^ ^^ ^Q^ P. ^r^T ^^ ^"^ ^^^ ^ k h ^ « p. ^^ H^ ^^ ^"^ ^^ ^ - ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^-^ W ™^^ i i "i »^^ — ' ¦ " ^ -w - — for myg father,^ for when he was married one of firm's relations, with the City proper. From them said : " Thomas, thee art going to be 1866 to 1871 was a period of steady growth married. We don't care for our stationery with the house, but fears were now arising in business ; thee art welcome to it." My father the mind of Mr. Sotheran as to what might \ accordingly started a stationery business in happen at the expiration of the Strand lease. ; Little Tower Street, and it was here, close to He accordingly took the bull by the horns,

—»^ ¦ . ^Vli PI ^^^ « "^ T* 0F aw mmt ^v^ .v -^^ ^^^^" ^r * ¦ i ^^^ ^^ '^^ '^^ ^**^^ ^^ »^" ^"" ^^~ ^—^ ¦ ¦ ™ ^ ^ '^^ r "^ ¦—^^ ^» ' —" — — » the Tower of London, and within the sound of and purchasedf^ ^* ^ the^* ^^ Piccadilly site,^ originally^^ bells that I was born in Bow Bh a citizen/ His capacity , , BBl 4bl BB. , ied by a pawnbroker. _ occup MMBk ^BM ^^ ~_ Mr. Sotheran^ added that^ , out of respect matters architectural, and his knowledge of to Messrs. Arch, and in remembrance of their the internal requirements of a building devoted liberalityto him, Mr. Thomas Sothe ran did not to the storing of books, shone forth in the plans care to extend his bookselling business. It was that were prepared for the new building. As in 1832, at the age of twelve year s, that remark ed earlier , the facade is one of consider-

'^ ar -war ¦»" ¦V V Pi" afpa -^ pr ¦¦ i wr w*^*m *m ¦ ap f bh «¦¦» rw —™ -^r r— ^^ -r- — — — —^- -w- »^- — Mr, Sotheran entere d into active life in his able"-^^ T"' interest«^ ^a* aa* p^r ^^ ap as will^ V be seen"^^ from the engra^^ ^ ^^ B y-fc , ' m ' m + +' ' • 4 « « <¦ • a — ^ <¦¦ ah Bb aa at ^ AM A I tatne* r a anop, ^leaving scnooi* tnus earl y in ing of the house appearing elsewhere in this April i , 1890 The Publishers ' Circular 379

I issue. But it is the interior of the shop floor greatly extended the natural histor y bra nch of tha t has gained most att enti on, and strikes our business. ' the visitor as being rather a nobleman 's library It may well be assumed , considering the

— a shop ;r in fact tha n ^ ,* manyV noblemen have many years of arduous labour Mr. Sotheran instructed their architects to found their has passed throug h, he will soon be seeking plans upon the princi ple of arra ngement here the repose which he has so well earned , thoug h displayed. there is no reason why his guidin g hand should

In 1880 the good will and highly valuabl e not even then continue to swaytf the affairs— — — of~ the stock of Mr. Thomas Hay es, who fro m ill health house. Concerning this matter we may menti on

was anxious to quitX acti ve life (49\ Cross Street ,7 that Mr. Sotheran 's only., son,7 Mr.- —Henry Cecil Ma nchester) , was purchased , and has been Sotheran , has for some years past been^ an continued by the firm since with the same active worker in the business. He could not

_ _ _ — -_ j- enern gy«/ that charac terised the proprietaryXT %/ of do more wisely,i/ r when his turn comes^ to tak— e Mr. Hayes. the helm , than to follow directl y in the course

— — — - ^^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ — " — — — ^^ ' Then that brings^^ ^^ v us fairl y^M up¦ to date ?' which his father , as a young man , laid down rema rked our representative. for him self , and fro m which he never deviated. ' Yes,' rep lied Mr. Sotheran , * and you may say that during the Prince of Wales 's visit to - .... »O« India , I had the honour of supplying his Royal Highness with all the magnificent THE DISCOUNT SYSTEM IN THE volumes which he gave the rajahs durin g his BOOK TRADE. tour. Since then I have been appointed book- Mr. Frederick Macmillan 's proposal is seller to his Royal Highness. The house in the exciting a good deal of attention throughout Strand is, as you know , more particul arl y the country. We submit to-da y the views of devoted to the second-han d stock , and some booksellers and publishers which will be librarian s,' added Mr. S., with an amusing read with interest. This we are enabled to do

smile,' ' find no difficultyI/O here in obtaining throu gh the courtesy of the Pali Mall Gazette , any class of work they may require. Our whose representative conduct ed interviews Price Cur rent of Litera ture , now in its 492nd with those engaged in the business. ^m ^h . A ^k ^ A ^m ^h m . m* ^^> a ^k ^^^ monthl y part , is published in the Strand. It The question , of cours e, has a special aspect

has appearedx x uninterruptedlx •/y for fort y-one«/ for the country bookseller. On this point , Mr. years. Each new part contains the latest Marshall , of Messrs. Marshall Bro s., says :

purchases of the firm from various sales and ' The— positionh of the country— m bookseller— — — -^— - —~ ^^-- ^ ^^ -^— -^^ is^^ h bad¦ ^m ^» ^^r^^w privat e libraries. ' —very bad . It is simp ly impossibl e for a man * What about Mr. Gould' s great work , Mr. in the provinces to make a living by booksellin g Sotheran ?' alone.

' Well,7 it was this way.•/ When Mr. John Mr. Marshall , in reply to a question , ad- Gould , the great naturalist , died , his well- mitted that Mr. Macmillan ' s pro posal might known val uable property was offered to two raise the countr y bookseller 's profit from 10

or three leadingO nouses for tender ,7 and I Xpur- to 10 per cent. The contention of Messrs .

•chased the complete plant , copyri ght , stock , Marshall Bros. ,F that Mr. Macmillan 's scheme— able lithograp hic stones and all the valu CJ X ,' for would improve the country trade , received upward s of £5,000. At the same time I confirmation at the hands of Mr. Slatter , of secured the services of Mr. Gould 's staff of Booksellers ' Row. * 1 don' t think anything <*ocolouristslourists _, and was mih that waywav enabled to will come of the agitation ,' said he ; 4 but if complete the works left unpublished , viz. : some such system were adopted it would un- " The- Birds- - of Asia,/ " " The Humming»—> Birds /," doutedl y have the effect of distributing the and " The Birds of New Guinea. " I have trade. ' been congratulated by many upon having The initial difficulty, according to Mr. turned these out equal in finish and beaut y Vickers , of the Hansard Publishin g Union , lies

to the Xprevious work s that Mr. Gould Xpro - in the fact that there was— and— - —— -™ is¦ —^ no^m ^ -m^p' union^ ^ ^ ^b ^m ^fc^" ^m .V in«¦ H ^B ¦a i » • 1 i* f*m % t ill¦* duced himself. The complete set altogether the trade. Mr. Henry Glaisher , of the Strand , forms forty-three volumes, imperial folio. ' holds that Mr. Macmillan 's pro posal is an '• Have1-1 rh it/\ youirrvii any#t %-» ir compa/myi y\ leteI at a setsanra forT/" *w» saleanln ?'t ' absurd one. What they must do, seeing the ' With great difficulty we have made up one present condition of things cannot be alter ed, or two sets, which hav e been elegantl y bound is to keep the discount nystem where it is. car ved cabinets You will see and fitted into * Colonel R. W. Routled ge, of Messrs. Rout- by our catalogue that we are offering these at ledgeledffo tVc&, bonsSons,, sayssavn : *< TheThfi schemeflnhftnnft wouldwmilri nevernAVfir £1,000 per set. Two or three of the earlier work , for the simple reason that you could not

¦ ¦ - m » - - — — -~ -r -~r -^ ^^ —~ bb -. ^m ^m mm *mr mp •work reali sed at sales double their pub- ^ ^ ^ s have possibl y^ get your^ booksellers to combine. lUhed pric e. The stock is rap idly diminishing , Somebody would refuse to join the Union, or

—. —. ¦* m> — - — - — mw^m value will doubtless increase accord- ^g -^ — -^ v. ^ "~ ^ ^*mm and their would break the rules after joining it,^ and ingly.' then , in a moment , you would have the whole Questioned as to his views upon Mr. difficulty over again. '

..._„. __ ¦ ¦ __. r " ¦¦ - ¦ ¦ v *^ ——• "^'— — - ~ _—^ — — _^ , . _ ^_ m^^ . ^ . .^y s^^viav Macmillan^ 's proposals^ M ,W Mr. Sotheran smilingM m ly^J Colonel Routled ge recommends^ that ^^ some^^ ^ ^ r held up his hands in apparent fea r of being booksellers should join the London Chamber again dragged into that subject. ' That of Commerce , and then they could discuss miserable discount business / said he ; * why, I this or any other question connected with the could not get a ba re living out of the sale of trade. All that would be necessary would be new books. By the way, you may say that to make application to the , Counci l. Mr. ninrtA ill a niihiination of (loum ' H workn wo Iiava Charles Longman , of Messrs. Longmans , fe , , ' ' ' ' - r — :———————=^ 38o The Publishers ' Circular April r , 1S90

Green & Co. , thinks Mr. Macmi llan's scheme Columbus ' letter had ever been printed ; all

-^^ -__- ¦ -^— is not a practicable one. He says : ' For this the old^m editions— - - — — of— the— — — * EpB istola Chrioto— — pnorB^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ "™~ ¦^^ i main reason . No matter what arrangemen t Colom cui etas nostra mult um debet ' having

BBBBk 1 BB WBjriP- B ^ " - ^— ¦»" —^ -¦- — -¦ — ~ — — — — — ~ " — — — —¦ ~ ^B> B>B I " ^^ BBBJ» ^0 B. W B^B BB* v^^F ^BW ^BB ^P "^ ^B ™.»BB» ^BB"^ ^B' ^BB» ^BP~ ^B^ ^BP~ " ^ ¦ ~ ~—~ ^ - ~~ would be found been^^ published fro m a Latin translation of b* Jk the booksellers A A BB BBS Jb B. A "IBB * _ BBI ht be come to B ^m B *dBB> bb ^ mig , b. ^ k ^"^ A H « b b ^ ^^ ^^ read^ y to give some discount to the*B publicA ^ * , ori ginal , made in April 1493. In 1852, ther e

bb»bb» ___. _ w v ^b~-^ ¦ hi ^» ^ -^^ ^ ^— ~— — — — - — w — — — Bj ^^ — ^^ ¦ V^B> BB flBB even^bbt v ^^^ if^ ^ " » their^» ^^^" ^"^ ^"^ p* profits^bf— ^^ ^^^ ^—^bi — - — were limited to twopence was added by bequest to the- Ambrosi an in the shilling. These booksellers , gainin g a library in Milan a small 4to . of four leaves*,

larger sale thereb y, would then bring pressure whichB V V^v^^h ^^b ^BB> — ^^» contained^BB- ™ ^^ «™ ^B» ~-~ ^- —^ ^-^ ¦ ¦ ^— -^- the~*~ —~ lost^ ^~ SpanisBJ ^^ ~~ h text ,¦ printBJ ^^ ed^BB- ^ ^ ^B to bear upon the publishers for better terms , probabl y in 1493 or 1494, no date or place _-

¦¦ ¦¦ *• ¦¦ * ¦»••— —— —— — - — — - - . _¦ — _ -_ — - - - — was 1W*«^» » V fk/«* — 1SQ* 7 however 7 till S^ the d hav e the whole difficulty ^ over being given. Not , , and we shoul ^ ^ i» _ _¦» m m ¦ • •» •¦• ^ , i lia again .' Mr. Longman , however , said he was discovery mademi known , and fro m that time*

p "^^ ^bb^^f— ^ ¦ — - -¦- -^— -¦ —' —" "r ™— bbbh — — — - — — — — - — m ^^B*BfcBM> ^^ ^UHf W **^^ ^W"* * ¦¦ of^"^ ^™ some such change as that pro- till a short while ago the Ambros ian small 4to. in favour ^p- ^v^ ¦¦ ¦ _ bbl an a a a • m «/ ,17 — 03 posed , and added : * We are in no sense hostile has enj^ oyed the reputation of being uni que.X totr. Mr.Mr MacmillanMafimil lan., and 1I onlyonlv wish I1 could It could not be shown to have been pr inted m

_ j for , althoug- ~-^2h it- had-~ — undoubtedl— yQ/ been would have the effect Spain ^ Mb , *tt his scheme m think that A^ _ BB BB ^^ > a ^ft _ BK

bbb bbv bbbb bbb ^ fT B1 ^b^ bjb ^ ^ bp ~B> bb ^ ^^r ^^ ¦•* *bb * ~ i i ¦ ^-^* ^~- — ~~ ¦ v "^™- —~ ¦ — —^ r ~— — desired."4bB™^ I B^^ j pj ^^ BBM ^ An impro vement^^ " ™ in the condition^ " of given to the press by a Span ish editor , the the retail bookseller means an improvement in compositor- t- - - 's work was x«/plainl y not that of a

Bb 1 1" B" B^ B aBi B^pp* "BB B^B "f^Br ^B *BBh ^Bjp » BB and^ B»^ B" ^^" ~"r ^" an*"~ ^ — — improvement¦ —' — BP^~ ^— — ~ — — in the trade Span iard. Moreo ver , the small 4to. pamp hlet the trade , _ A .¦) ^ ^b bb bb ^ a BB bbI - B*" directl y benefits both publisher and author. It* size seemed to bring it into nearer relation

BBI BB Bfc v B^ BBf bB> fB^ -- ^^ ^ — ^^ ^-- ^-^ H — isBBJp b~ of^pbp " BB paramount^p ^Br BB W ^BF* ^B*^B ^™ ^^ ^B* importanceB^P» ^^ ^^ H ¦¦ ^^ ^ "^ ^ ^^ to the pr oducers of with the small 4to. translations which books that the retai l bookseller should be able appeared in 1493-1495 , all outside of

BlhBP ¦^^ ¦¦¦ T B «¦.* ~^P» ¦' i^^^^ ^^ -^ - ¦- m - • -.— - — ¦¦ to-^^^ keep^ ^Pjp ^^B^ aBp^^ V rep-*' ^^ resentative '^^ P ^ "^— selection of published Spain—in Ital y, France , and Germany. At works in stock ; and this , under the present last , a few months ago, the tru e Spanish

- hj r ¦ ¦ ¦ v systemPBB* p^ pfr b ^ ^^ pvr af BJ Bf ¦¦ he«Bb BB> Vp* isBBk "*BF not^^ ^^ ^ * ^" » able^"" '^^ to^^ ^^ do.—' ^- - - ' edition was discovered in Spain. It is a large , ¦¦¦> «¦¦¦ ¦¦> Bat ¦¦ ^^ ~~ ^. ^bb, ^~* *A - - "ft 41

¦B^^ 1 ^BB* » •* ¦ ¦¦ ^^ Messrs . Hodder & Stoug hton , on being pamp^B^^F BBBBB^BB BBbV hletBP^^ ^B B* of^"^ two^^ ^^ leaves^^" ^B^^ -^^ -^ -~ ^B^ ""^B- or^ ^^" four™ ~*— ^^ — pages^ ~~ f ^^M ,M in a

Vhr ^V BB-BB "^B ^BB ¦« ¦ * ¦ ^" B ^BF -^ -¦—¦ '^B^ M — BV "^ — — —- ~ — B^PB b* ^lp» ^ the pr oposed scheme ,J said : * So quadrate small folio shape. The text is plainl y asked about _ _ _ ¦¦, —¦> bb SB BB. A BB ^B far from hop ing that^— discount will be abolished that from which the Ambrosian small 4to. was

BB B ^ w - ^^ BBK ^B"' ^ ^^^ ^~ ^B' ^"™ ,'W we ' ' ~"^ confidentl—~ — y¦ expectB to see it rise reprinted , but there are , here and there in altogether1 ¦¦ ^*^^ ^ obi BB ai — flat ai bb> *Bh A ^B "bI

-»¦ -V*B>aV•¦«»* ^b» » ' » "f-F "-fci» - -W -V-v-iibb V-V «».— • ¦ —- ^ ™^ to fourpence in the shilling before long. All theWaB>>BB" ^ folio^^ •- ". ^-^ ,• certain^^ ^ b# a«> ¦» tokens"J# .mJK "b^ -->^«aar of'bb a Catalan work -

theV wbb ^pr publisbv* a^B ^a» ^^" ^^" w^» hers^^ ~- ^p^ ^ ' ^-^ must^~ ^ — — ^ — combine— — — ,-m and their action shop, such as _ magestat , venit , quails , tem-

¦¦ ¦¦ will be without effect unless they can insure poralsB^b * ^B^ BB ^B-^^ ^^B —'BB' ,BB whichW ^ ^^B ^^" ^^^ ^B^ -^ ^^ the^B r ^^ ^^^ S• ^BB r panishB*B^ ^B-^B ^" ^^ ^^» ^^ ^^ ^^" editor^ p 1 ^ ^ ^^ •^' ^^ ^^^ of~»- ^^— the smal— l

theBB ^B BB> ^^^F^ hearty^^ B ^BB ^B^ ^"^ ~" ^^" ^^ ¦¦ co-operation^^^ ^^^ ^^ W^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^ of^^^ the— ^^ leadingJ> B| London 4to. corrected (magestad , venid , quales , tem- and pro vincial booksellers . ' porales), and we are thus enabled to conclude Mr. T. Fisher Unwin says : ' The difficul- that the folio was printed in Barcelona , where ties are insurmountab le. I sincerel y wish it the court was residing when Columbus sent

BB wereBT w ^B' ^BBB' otherwise.I |l ^P^ B>^ BBI ^BBP ^^" " ^ «™ ¦ ™ ^^"^ ^ I¦ should^ ¦ ^^ ^— ^ ' — -~ ™ l— ike~^ to^ see- ^ — a state— his letter from Palos on March 15 or 16, of things broug ht about which would rende r it 1493. He waited for permission to follow possible for the retail bookseller to keep some it before he quitted Palos , and it was

of our volumes on his shelves for a twelve- Xprobabl •/y about A Xpril 10 when he reached! month or mor e.' Barcelona. To that date , or some time before

Mr. Unwin added that he thoug ht there the close of the month ,7 we may assign(D the would be a reac tion in favour of limited edi- printing of the folio. The Latin^ translation tions. He considered tKe Germa n system which has so often been printed was finished excellent in its way, but it would not bo pos- on April 28, and carried abroad for pub lica- __ ._ ___„ _ ^_ jj_ — _ sible to introduce it into this country. tion ; and it may^ be supposed that the Ambro- sian reprint belongs to the same period—tha t The Retail Book Trade. — A corre- is,-™. to some time in the— month— — —r — - of^— ¦ May—~— bj i -^ -*• m or~^^ ' ¦ June.^bb ^nr^^ ^^ ¦ b ^^b *~ sign ng yc ops * M. Jean Maisonneuve , of Paris , was the first spondeJL • nt, ,7 O i CJ himself * C •/ l M. ,' who states JLpurc haser of the uni• queJl Barcelona origO inal , that he has been nearl y thirty years in the ' which is now in the possession of Mr. Quaritch . trad e,7 writing^j to us on the subject- j - ~ - of book- sellers ' prices , draw s attention to what he con- Important Sale of Auto gra ph Letters. siders„ — __ the___ want_ of fair and just trading in ^ ^^ One of the most interesting and important some of the wholesale houses , which he con- sales of recent yearsif has just concluded— — — ~ — — — — at— tends has been the sole cause of many of the the rooms of Messrs . Sotheb y, Wilkinson , flA > to- read , and theBBL siJt gnature best methods to increase , and. at the same scrawled .' Buonap arte,' spelt with the ' u,' time, rais e the status of the business. an,d quite unrecogni sable to those who are not Thb Columbus Letter. —Until 1852, it acquainted with the signature , which is very Was unknown that the Spanish text of rarel y seen. With this was a note from the I ¦ . . . Qt f = -— m Apni 1, 099 The Publi shers ' Circul ar 38i

Empress Josephine to her daughter , Queen Wint er , Charin g Cross Road, has been dis- Hortense , and one from Jo seph Bonaparte , solved by mutual consent. Mr. Winter will

w^^ ^^m- - — - BJ — ¦ — ^^— ~m ^ ~~ ^~ "^ ~~ ~^^ ^^ ^^ ^^"^^ ^B^^ ^^^^^ Bl^ BF ^^^^^ ^^ ^Bl ^B ^^ brot her of the Emperor , ^ dated 1816. The continue the business at the above add ess,

• ¦¦ bbb ^ — ^^ ^ ™ ¦" ¦ ~^ r -^b » ^b f ^Bf bb. vb ^ ¦ ^ ¦ ' bjb»bb>«b»bbj bb«» thre e were sold together for £25. 10s. The and Mr. Oliver^~ will~ ™ "^ ^~ ^~ move^^ ^~" ^~ ™ w to largerVV^h ^^ premisesW^^ ¦ ^ ¦ ' ^ ¦ ' ^^ ,*¦

BBBB -¦" "¦— - BBVB J ^ Bb Bl^ ^ ™ ~~~ ^ BJ* "^~^ ^B* ^^ *^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ " ^ B^ B^ ^B/ W ^^^ BBB ^F ^b^ B^ «B^ BJ ^ final and complete ^ proofM sheets of Robert^^^ Egmont House , Shaftesbury Avenue. Br owning 's later poems , with autogra ph letters Mr. Alfre d Jubb of Huddersfi eld to Mr. Barnett Smith , and other manuscri pts , , has dis- posedM of the— bookselling^^ — ^^ _P"^ B» and^ ^" ^"^^^ ^"^^ ~ fancy™™ V . ^—^BF ^B» V goods^BJBK ^B" ~^P» ^^^«— ^B^ • of the poet , realised £158. Letter of Robert portion of his business in Burns to Mrs. Dunlop, dated 1787, in which Station Street to 1 Mr. E. W.^ Coates— ^*^ ^"^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ ,^B for^"^ ~^ ^™^ some™^"^ ^^ ^^^ ^mr^^" ^w yearsw ^BV ^V^V BB. B^aV managingB. ¦¦> . ¦*^P^^V BBi •¦>¦^P^B' ^B ^^ k ^™ ^B.BBi _V|B ^ h v^p- — — — - - ^ — —— -^ -^ h ¦ ^^ ^^ -^ -^ m -^^ ~—r ^ ^ ^^^ ^b^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^*^ ^^ ^^ "^BB ^BT ^^ ^B» ^V lie says^ ^^ g g 1 know , what I may expect fro m the assistant to Messrs world by-and-b y, illiberal abuse and perh aps . Whittaker & Williams , of 1 ajB» ¦_§¦¦¦¦» *¦» BB«hP»- St. Leonards—"— -on-Sea"»~ ~' ™" - "™^ ^B» BP ¦¦ BB B| V —hi. ^*W ¦• ** "BJB* *Bi _» ^M^ «| BJ • W " , and son of Mr. B. W. \A m «B> ^BB" ^BP ^B* _^_ — — _ -^BP ¦ V^' B^ ^ ^^^ *. contemptuous^" * ^^ ^—^— ^ ^^ ~ ^ ^ ¦** ^B> •* ^ ^W ^B^ -^BT negBKB. J^ H lectBBJ «f ^^ Btf ,H butB^^' bjBJ BJ^ 1^^ fek ambb ^K BB> resolved^B> ^^^ n_f ^^^ «» V ^B ^ ^V"b> to« ^ b^ Coates , ¦ stud y the sentimen ts of a very respectable per- of Warnnn ster. Mr. Jubb retains the «¦ ^m ^^^ B — — — ^™ ^~" ^— ^™ ^B» ™ » —™ ^ ^ ™ ^B* ^^ printing, j book binding,^" V w and^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^ stationery^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ W depart-^^^^ ^^^ PJ ^

sonage—Milton ¦¦ 's Satan . Hail , horrors ! Hail ' BB ¦¦ , • J% 1 ^ A A . - * Bh_~» A * . A ^ ments. infernal world ! ' —£15. A collection of letters Messrs. Holmes & Son valued for the vendor ,1 and— ^^ Mr.^^^ "^^^*" — V Johr^^^ T»"r ^^ ^P- n<^^r ¦ Jl. Leachf^^^^^^ -^BP ^*^^" ^^p ^^ »1* ,BB ofI ¦ _H k Wisbech- ^ ^^T C^^^ T^i^ ^B7 ^"^^ m " ,^B tor^^ ^ r and MSS. of Robert Burns , bound together in the purchaser . one volume , an important collection —£60. An epistle from Lord Byron broug ht £32. The copyright of Fenland Notes and Queries, Tha ckera y manuscri pts sold well ; but letters a magazine which is devoted to subjects of

— — -^— -^ ~r* -~— ~— — ^— ^ ¦" ¦" ^^ ^" ^t^ ^^" ^m ^^^~* -^^—~ —* ^^ ^" ^B|B^ from Macaula y,g ^p Landor^" ^^ ^r , Kingsley,^ ^^" ^^^ B ^ . Lei^^"^^^^^ ^^^ ^^ gBJ B>h ^^ ^^" anti q uar ian interest in the Fen districts , has Hunt , and Lamb were not valued so highly. been purch ased by Mr. George E. Caster , of Peterbor oug , A note from LongO fellow was sold for £3,7 and h . Mr. W. H. B. Saunder s one from Pope , regarding^ his translation of F.R.H.S ., continues to act as editor. Homer , for £12. A petition in the hand- Mr. John G alwey has just commenced writing of Jonathan Swift evoked some business at 17 Garrick Street , Covent Garden , curiosity - It was to the House of Lords , and W.C., as a new and second hand bookseller. claimed protection from a Lord Blayney and Mr. Galwey has had wide experience , both in

another gentleman who it seems — — ^^ ^^ ^^ ¦ ^^ O 7 1 ,* rode the ^ ^^ ^^ r ^^ ™ ^^v^^ ^^^ ¦ ™ ^-^ ™ ¦ , ^T~^J ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ "^ ^B^ ^" ^^ ^^ , Eng land and on the Continent ,^p of the book- Dean down on a road near Dublin , and threw selling trade , and for the last six. years has him into a ditch when he mildly expostulated been with Messrs . Henry Sotheran & Co. , 136 with them on their c onduct. Swift failed to Strand , W.C. He means to issue a catalogue see any reason why even a peer shoul d be tromfrom titimeme to timetime,, butbut iintendsntends onlyonlv to * onerotter allowed to assault any of the King's loyal such books as ar e worth y of a place in a well- subj ects mi the public highway . The docu- chosen library . ' ment was sold lor fourteen guineas. The Nelson letters attracted a great deal of Mr. Ca rl Tittman n, the well-known book-

seller of Dresden ,M German *fy, r has ,V attention . Of these documents one was dated owing^ to the from San Josef , February 6, 1801, with great increase of his business , remove d fro m 4 y ______Seestrasse to more commodious premises __! __j franked address and seal ,f beginning,f It blows a gale of wind , but which only affects situated at Si Pragerstrasse (next to Kichter 's me as it may deprive me of my dear and art esta blishment). honoured friend 's letters '—further on he -•O* says, in the name of the Mr. ' Thomson ' he assumedAflflurn ari., * HeHa thinkthinks-s- it mightmiffht bebe better to omit christening the child for the present ; the In Olemoijiam clergyman— — — would natural ly ask its parents ' *_5«/ —* a Mr. Thomas Baird . names, which would put poor dear Mrs. Th omson in some tro ubl e or cause suspicion We regret to announce the death of Mr. 4 / ~"~ Thomas Jt taird (of Messrs . W. G. Baird , ^ _r BBI BBJ ^" ^^» BP H Bk jpk w » _¦ ^"" ^ ^^ ^ ^"™" " -^^ —" ^m " — — — — — ' — — — — W M — ----- *fc ending with Ever , my^J dear lad y,J yours affectionatel y for evet an d ever , Amen. ' genera l pr inters , bookbinders ,

4 »¦ e remem ere ~*r —-- deceased gen tleman w ill b b d by r~9^ ¦ ¦ -^^ ^^ - ^ ^^H ^" *^ ^^" ^— ¦ • » ¦¦ 1 ¦ — BF^ ^g ¦ — — - — ¦ board^^ his ship, She is skinny,^B and may^^g be called ugly, but all woma ukind are so to me ; those who came into immediate contact with but one only do I know that is all my fond him with affectionate regr et ; while the general heart can wish '—a very interesting letter— puolic who knew him well will feel that sense £28L The letters of Shelley and Keats , which of loss which al ways arises wi.eii such a depri - VI j -did_ A not belong_ _, to Mr.BBBk BM Hay-^B- ^flr ward^ , brought_ > hi_ 9 gh_ vation occurs . He was connected with the

Jm*. B"Bi and there manifested 'BJB- ¦ » firm of W. & G. Baird , ¦|^ B- 0b, r» F V ^ BBj ppb VW BB BBI (Bb ^y^ **^ ^^ MB ~m "^ "^^ "'"' "^B- »" ^ -——' ' - —^ - W —•' ^- ^ —' —^ "^ —' prices.^ ^^^ ^^^ The^^^ name of the possessor^ was not

¦ '" ¦ ^^ ^^ — ^^ — — given. The total amount realised by the sale the^^ IBB) JBb ^B»» qualit^ FBI W^B ^B"^^ B. BB1 ^^" ies<.* ^BF W*^P which™ ^ ^^ m ^^ m ~—~ "^ "^ equi™ ^ H ^ ^ - ppedBJ BJ him for the tasks was £1,702. 18a. he undertook. Apart , howe ver , fro m such

—~ —^^ ^k ^r ^h " ¦ ¦ ¦ w^ ^i»^™ ^^^ ^mm ^**^r ^^^ ¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ —— ^—™ T ^b ¦ i m BJ BJ considerations , we may^^ point to the quiet«r^ qualitie s which endear ed him to those who

^^ r ^B| ^B bB| ^BB* ^ W B^ .^^ "^ P^ *^ ^»™ ^F ^"—~— ' ' ¦ ^^^^ ~ ^ ^^ ^F ^^^ ^^ ^ ^ (D knew him. He was altogetherB^^ ^f unos t entatious ,i™ i^ad^ G^ange^ and cultivated intellectual and philanthrop ic

4BB) T^B' V BBM » B^^i^ ^^"^^ ^BB^ ^"^" ""^^" ^^" ^"^ "^ ^"^ ^^ ^ ^ "i ¦ ~— ^— — —~ ~ ~~ ~ - — -w- - — — - — ¦¦¦¦ bbi bbi BBBb V #B^Bi ^Obf B^B^ W j m-W *¦¦» -^bf- mm ¦ -— --- 64 South ¦ JT ^vVh #¦ * r mm ¦** m ^bi ^r h ^* ¦ " *B^ ^^ — — — — ^-— -— — «¦ B — — ' -~ — —' ^" Messrs . Maclach lan & Stewart , pursuits.r^ *" * At one^^ time he acted as organist'' in Brid ge, Edinburg h, have transferre d their Christ Church , and in St. Andrew 's also. He -«<^ •-« ¦** - -•«¦¦ ~¦ —¦ » » ^«* AA mm, r ¦*• tmH m mm ¦» *^ ^iffaa * ^^*wi» w m mm « ¦ ^ ^b^ ¦~p>^ "~ •¦• • "' ^ ^ — — — — — m^^ ^ ^^ m and forei gn bookselling V W ^B'^B^B' ^B^^^^ W ¦ ^ ^^^ B^~ ^^" ^^"^ ~ ¦ "¦— — well-known medical was always^W rea dy to aa&i&t thoa e Bcheiues of business to Mr. J ames Thin , 65 Sou th Br idge, moral ente rp rise which commended themselves Edinburg h. I to his jud gment. He was an energetic member The partnershi p between Messrs. Oliver & of St. Jude 's Church , Jbal lyuafeigh. m which m = ; <£k ¦ - * ¦ - -- - - " ¦ ¦ ¦¦- ¦¦ ' ' [ I . . i _. . I I I 1 ' LI. 1 ' l I I—" I 11 Mil III__L_JU_M_ *' ^ ' JU


382 The Publi shers ' Circular Aprs 1, ig9o

during his life he occupied many important Catholic World . Mr. Kehoe was ft truste e of I offices. His death has called forth warm ex- various charitable institutions___ , in which he— pression s ot regret in Irel and. took a great interest. He leaves* a widbw and ten children . Much sympath y has been ex- : Canon Butler. pressed with the family, and the America n, \

.«>^Bf ¦ ¦ The death of Canon Butler , of Winchester , Catholic^^ P V^V ^^ - *^ BV« ^* ^B^ papersHK ^^"^^ ^^ B~ '^B^ ^^ V^T have^B"^^ Bl '^B' g^BJBm iven^^ » "^^ ^^ ^^ notices— — -— -^— -^ -^ -'^ of^^ hbv Mr.^^ ^" *BBb *>« ^- is announced . He passed away on March 15. Kehoe 's career and death that must be Born in 1819 he was educated at Harrow , gratif ying to his friends. The Catholic Review , A* Cambrid*^b.A ^H _ ^_ ge, and Oxford.^^ ^K ^K At_ the^K latter^ uni-A says he was one of the most enterprising of versit y he won the Hertford University Catholic publishers , and the trade will suffe r I Scholarshi p. He was ordained in 1854. Canon by his death.

Butler^^^ ¦f ^^ ^^P^B ^^* ^^ ^1^^ ^^ was* * ^^ ^ ^^^ the^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ author^^^^v ^^*^v ^V 4.V ^^V '^ » ^^^ of>^^ ^^V ' Princi^i^B^ ^^^ ^^. ^^ ^^ ^g^p I^V pH ^^ les^^ ^^^ ^"^^ of1 — ^^B Imita-^B^BI ^B ^B> ^V ^^> ^^ ^^^^^ tive Art ,' ' Descriptio Anti qui Codicis Vir- Dr. Schiller-Sziness y. ! giliani , ' * Village Sermons at Tyneside, ' and who died at Cam- ' Dr. Schiller-Szinessy,t/ fc 4 ' ' Cheltenham College Sermons ' and Famil y brid ge on March 18, was in some respects a, ¦ Prayers. ' He also edited the * Public Schools remarkable man . He was reade r in Rabbin ic I Atlas of Modern Geogra phy, ' 1871, and the literature . He was born in Hungary and ' ' Public Schools Atlas of Ancient Geograp hy, graduated at the University of Jena. He was j 1876- afterwards^ . Bk Professor^^ ^ta~ _ Publicus«^^^»~ ^ Bh _ Extraord^BB^BB . Bb inariusm A I Archdeacon Gra y. of Hebrew and Archaeology in the Lut heran College of Eperies , in Hungary . He came to In_ the__ death of Archdeacon__ ___ Gray at_ St._ — — ^ — Eng lan d in search of a wider field for his. | Leonard s on Marc h 13, a man once well- talents , and was appointedannointed KabbiRabbi 01of thetne 1; known in China has passed away . He was Manchester Synag ogue. Eventuall y he came j chap lain to the British factor y in Canton , and to Cambrid ge, and was for many years . \ afterward s Consular chap lain. In 1867 he employed on a catalogue of the Heb rew > was made Archdeacon of Southern China. ¦ ¦ i ™ ^ bp ^B» bbi ' ™ — — - w -— ¦ ¦' manuscri^»^^^^ ^»^^™^™ ™ ptsw ^^ ^^^ in^"^ ^^^^ the^^ ^^ ^^^ University ^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ # library. This j Mrs. Gray is the author of a charming work led to his getting the appointment which he entitled ' Walks in Canton ,' while Archdeacon held till his death . ¦ Gray himself published in 1878 an importan t work entitled * China , a History of the Laws , Manners , and Customs of the People.' He Dr. H. Wylde. I

' ^^^^ "B w* ^ — ^^™ "^B" ^r^ - ^^ a^ .B. -*m^ bb» ^^^^"~ ^^ Br »^^»^^^ v ^^ -—^ — -¦— — - — was also the author of * Arabia and its Faith , The death of Dr. H. WyX lde removes a ; and * A J ourne y round the World. gentleman of excellent and singularl y varied

bb» bb» ' —— -^v vb> ¦f* bb> b^ v b^b* v ^b* ^b ^ ^bb> ™b» ^^^ *w ^kr r>f n ^ ^^^ *b« ^^ ^^^* ^b^ •*» ^ *™ » ™ ^^ ^~ ^v -—- — —» ^b ^— v he— ifts. A Professor of Gresham College, bb g^*^ bi i * ¦ - — _ — Bft ^B> ^B . ^ • Mr. J. R. Herbert , R.A. was instrumental in creating the New Phil- We are sorry to learn that Mr. J. R. harmonic Concerts , and he did much for the Herb ert , R.A., died on March 17 at his London Academy of Music. He was eminentl y 1

*^ B« B^^ <^B> Bl BBf B^^f ¦ 1 4

¦ ¦ ~ — - ¦ b ... ___ — — _ „ ¦¦ ¦ 1 ¦ r ¦ ^» ^» u young Herbert had to turn— ^^ ^™ ^^ to-^ ^^ portrait-painting*<^ ^^ -^» ^^ li ^tf^ ^m ^m ^m ^r ^r- — ^ ^^ ^ rom t e Authors Co-operative " Publis hin g for his livelihood F h ' , and his earli est exhibited Co., Iiimited. — • A City Girl/ by John Law. works were ¦*portraits. Latterl he devoted yv (Second edition.) A re alistic story of a White- _ ~ ^ v ^ Mft ^ A . . ¦ A A himself to reli gious art , and he retained in a chape l gir l who has the misfortune to attrac t

conspicuous degre e a large share le Vy mJV AUMI1A J K/»v^v A. » y *sw~-r » --^ —- — — of the simp theU JLJ attentionUUUv^viV/U ofV*. a man considera\^ \S * ** bl-^^ y above*^ her and reverent spirit of an earlier day . in social position. The usual troubles ensue ; but t he story ends happ ily by Nellie marr ying Mr. Lawrenc e Kehoe. a devoted lover in humble life. The novel is We regret to announce the death at New well written , and is full or" pat hos. York , on February 27, of Mr. Lawrence From Messrs. Blackie & Son. —' Marine Pa int Kehoe , who was manager of the Catholic ing/ by Edward Duncan , Member of the KoyaL Publication Society. He was a native of Society•/ of Painters in Water Colours . This Wexford , Ireland , and born in 1832. He volume belongs to Vere Foster 's Advanc ed began his apprenticeshi p in the work of pub- Water-colour series. Hi« lessons in marin e drawing and painting have long enjoyed m— —«— ' •— •— - ~ — i^ *\ I! _ M M D*Arcy lishing and editin g in 1857 , when ^ r «-^fc m+ »* -% ^«t m**» -»^ ¦ —¦ - m^ ^*» w^ mi -^r~ m* w ^*^^ m j% m>**^^* » ^ ^^ m « v j« « ^v*^ ^/» »^ ^.-^ ^* ^^^ r *^- n »* r *- -^- — McG ee sold the New York Tablet to the popu larity, ^ and have , without doubt , assisted Sadliers . In 1865 he left the Tablet to found in strengthening, as well as develop ing, an artistic taste. The advances of chromo-h tho- the Cath olic Publication Society Company, at graphy permit coloured works to be prod uced the suggestion-_ ^j ^-j of- Father- - - Hecker.- -- __ — — ~ Som— e time in facsimile. Mr. Duncan was asked to pre- ago Mr. Kehoe, in conjunction with Messr s. pare a new set of water-colour drawing s Burns & Oates , of London , assumed entire moremorft advancedn/lv& mwl thant.hn n hishia earlierftariiftr worksworka. , andand- the control of the Catholic Publication Society present series is the result. The book will Company. Owing to the enormous increase of certa inly, prove a valuable one to those who ar e wv* *j%. m, ¦*¦> wv — — -—¦ its genera1 l business , Mr. Kehoe was obliged to cultivating^-f a ** v m»«4 *ji| | the*i*m n .f taste9*9mm * •* ^^ fora ^^ Jh this»*«-*«•** art.wv Prac^h> tical retire from the active, management of the instructions for copying ' Duncan '* works axe * " r ' ' ' ¦¦• ¦ ¦ ' ¦¦ " ^' . . ¦¦ .. ¦ HFT ^Tr rr ¦¦- — ,- ----'¦¦-—-"= ¦"- • . ....¦. - • »A) >.JIJ! * .* ..^ -. , . , , . , . ... . * = = : * April i , 1890 The Publi shers ' Circular $$

supplied by an eminent water-colour painter. while, at the same time, the work is sd arranged'

—¦ M-m ~" — K ' — — ™ r — ~— ~*" ~^ —^"^^*^^^" ^™r ^™» -m^ ^-^^ -^^^^ ~m^r ^^-^ ^^m -mr ^v pp^v ^^» ^pv w vp»~ ^bp^pt » ^ ^^^ ^^" ^^^ ^^^ ^"^^»^^" ^^^ Thej^ ^»* specimensf* g-MJ iven embrace some of Turner s for reference that it should prove a welcome best pictures. addition to any library of sporting proclivities. It is with regret, however, that we tind in this ^¦1 ¦»¦ « — ~»- I - - ¦ .1 ^ K P^ g J^ L^J^^J^ Messrs^P M^^^^P^' ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ . Burns^ -^^^^-^— — &- Oates ¦ ,^ H Limi^^^^^^^^ -^^^^^^^ ^^ ted.~^v ^pp p ~^^*^^ ^ Life^_h^^V ^^ ^H *^p » From — volume another instance of advertisement of Blessed Margaret Mary Alacoque, of the Heart,' by Rev. Albert Barry, padding, from which the style of binding and Sacred C.S.S.R. general appearance ought to have saved it. —1 The.m* mm ^r subject• " — j— — of this strikingt biograpf~j r^ h—^y was born—

of the seventeenth century, and ¦ 1 middle ^ r^^ —^m~-^- -^^r . ^ the ^^ — ^^^^ ' " ~^" ~^~^^~^^~ ~~^ ^^> ^m^ ^^^ V ^^^P ^P^P" ^^ ^PP^^ V^^p P^ ^^^ P ^^^ ^P* ¦ in From Mr. Alexander^h^ Gardner.^^^^^ ^v^^ V^P ^^^^^P ^^V^pP ^^^ V^P —* Auld Scots*^^ ' earned, by her devotion to the Sacred Heart, Ballants,' edited by Robert Ford. There is,

p^j j| ^ ^^ p ^pp ^m* *^» ^^ ^^pF —^~ ™ ^ ^ — ~^ ~ — - ¦ ¦ ™ ^—^^^^»™ 1 ¦ ^^^ ™ ™ ^^^» m^m^ ^^^^^^» ^ ^p^H ^^^h ^B^ the^ title of ' Blessed ' from Pius IX. The no doubt, truth in the contention that the recital of her visions, trials, and devoted labours wide popularity which the weekly newspaper forms a graphic story, which ought to find a has now secured interferes to a ' consider-

^ p^ ^^ r^ p ^p^ ^ph ¦ - — »-~ — wide^ ^ ^^p> circle^"^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ of readers— ^^ amongs^^ ^ ^^ ^— ~^ t Catholics.™ ~ — — ^^^ ™~ ™ Thep^.w w ^m ^-^ able extent with the circulation of the old writer has executed his task in a decidedly — — — — ^ — — — — ^^ .^ r ballad literature^ ^^ of^^-^ Scotland.^^~ -^^r -^^ ~— —^ ^™~^ ^^^^™ ~—^^^ -* The™ ^^ editor^pr -^r^ r^ "^m "^F -^™ ,^ p skilful manner. therefore, thinks that a selection of the more From Messrs. Digby & Sons.—' Mrs. Danby popular ancient ballads would be acceptable to

-m- — — — — — - — — — — — —— ^m — -^^ ~-^ ^^-- h h^v -^^ ~^^ ^^— -^^ ^ ^^ ^—^ j ^^» -^^^ ¦ ¦ — ¦ —^ -^^ ^^^^m-^^ ^^^ ^" —~ Kaufman of Bays water,'by Mrs. Mark Herbert. numerous readers, more especially^ if presented,^m The characters in this entertaining novel are as is here done, in a moderately cheap form. chiefly women, whose weaknesses and f oibles His compilation is an admirable one, contain-

the authoress skilfully depicts. Mrs. Herbert ingCT a greatSJ many«/ of the finest of those ballads is justly severe on the heartless, self-seeking, that have exercised so much influence on the

strong-mindedt_j woman1 who is no" match— fur— — Scottish intellect and imagination. The pieces the woman of keen sensibility and tender are prefaced by excellent explanatory notes ; the conscience but little mental stamina. This type is clear, and the volume is a convenient contrast of character is portrayed eff ectively in one in every way. the doings of Joan Kaufman and Ethel Bright. From Messrs. Griffin & Co., Portsmouth.— Joan's scapegrace brother is the evil genius of * Nautical Terms and Phrases in French and the novel. After formingCj a bigamous— marriage C O English,' by Ernest Picard and Sydney R. with Ethel he is convicted and imprisoned for Free mantle. A vast amount of information, forgery. On regaining his freedom he is shipped useful for French and English seamen, is here otf to Australia by his family. In the mean- packed into a small compass. Many of the time Ethel marries, and becomes Mrs. Bright, terms and colloquialisms1 in common use find but unwisely conceals her past history from her no place in dictionaries, and therefore a hand- husband. Thus the opportunity a rises for de- book of this kind becomes a necessity. The signing Joan and her disreputable brother to levy volume needs only to be known amongst naval blackmail on Ethel as the price of concealment. and mercantile offi cers to be widely appreciated. Ethel foolishly yields to the demands made

-^»- K. pm P^PPVP ^HV ^ » ~™~ » ^ ^PW pm P«P b ^ p ^ ^p r PPPi ^ « WPJB ^ P» PP V — -^P' ¦¦ pp upon her until, harassed and overwrought, she From^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ Messrs.^V P"P^ "^ Griffith , Farran^"^ ^ ^^ "* ,P0 Okede^ ' ^—^ n &^ - leaves her husband and goes abroad. She is at Welsh.— * The Prayer Book of Queen Elizabeth, length relieved of her burden by the death of 155'.).' This volume belongs to the Aucient and

_.__ _ _ _^ _ __ the scapegrace ; and the novel ends happily as Modern Library of T-^ heol— ogical L— iteratur— e,f and ^ far as Ethel and her husband are concerned. will, we doubt not, be examined with uncommon From Mr. David Douglas, Edinburgh.—'A interest. To the book are appended some forms

j^ ^. ¦ — — ^^"^ ^^ ^^ Humble Romance ' ; and other Stories, by M. of^ ^PB occasional^ ^^^ ^n ^™»^» —^r ^ ^^ ^" ^ — — ~* prayersW^^ ^^ ^^^^ I ^^ ^^^ used^^^ ^^ in^^ ^^ the reigM^^^t n of E. Wilkins. Brief and homely tales of New Klizabeth ; the whole being printed from England villagers,"forn)ing an addition to Mr. originals in the British Museum and other Douglas' charming pocket series of ' American publicp. f ^.^^p r^r*" -~* ^^ ~m^ libraries.^^ ^m -* * ^ -~- ^ »" >^" ^.^ ¦ ^ The^^•^•m ^" ^™ ^p^ forms^^^ ^m^ ^— *^ ^" -^ na^ of~^r ¦ supp¦ — ^— ~ m "^ m ~^ lication~~ ~~ ~ Authors.' read in Elizabeth's time will be perused with curiosity. The original order of the type is From Messrs. Field & Tuerv—' ^Esop Redivivus,' preserved. by Mary Boyle. Drollery and common sense are cleverly blended in this highly entertaining From the same.--* The Mosaic Sacrifices in

¦ ¦ m J ~ 4(t PP .* v ¦ volume. Although Jfisop may not be outdone Levi^J^ ^ JJ ticus^~ ^ ^^ ^ k P* V^^ ,PJ ' b*"^ i^ ym the^v ^B ^^^ Rev.^P i^ ^* ^^^ * PI W.* * PI M.^^ P^ W Rodwell.^ ^^ ^^-^ ^i'^^ * * " ' ^ The on the score of wisdom , he has certainly a rival author, recognising that the essential value here in the faculty of humour. These fables, of the Book of Leviticus consists in the clear numbering upwards of fifty, are illustrated by view it gives of the sacrifice of Christ, and that old woodcuts, or new ones in imitation of the the various sacrifices mentioned in the book old, many of which are exceedingly comic. bring out the separate and distinctive phases

P" ^tf~ -»^—¦ ~^«- — - -^ ¦ 1 ' - r ——¦ ~- — PL — of^_f p^ the^* S AtonementpB *^ m^' ^. r P» ^ '^^ ^ ^ ^ ^»^ ^ ^ ^p" ,PK takes^^ ^P-^ ^ ^B -m^ -^ » upW ' the work of expound - From ' The Field ' Office. —The * Fox-Terrier/ ing these sacrilices in order to demonstral e by Rawdon Lee. The volume before us is the their relationshi p. This he has done in an second edition of a work which has proved , earnest and comprehensive manner, and the judging by the early demand for another issue, volume is welcome because both scholarly and of no small interest to sportsman and admirers devout. of dogs. Besides being considerably extended

»^-^"^^" pp^ jp ^ ^ .^ H #PJ ¦* ^^ ^^ ^ ^ P"» ¦ ^»*^^ ¦ ^ ^^— 1 ¦ ™ — — -—— -.— —• -^^ - v pH ^— mw ^^ ~^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^ ¦ by several interesting additions, two of the From the same.— • Kindergarten Games,W without larger engravings, representing typical varieties M usic, for the Baby Classes,' by Wilhelmina L. of terriers, have been replaced by others, which Rooper. The object of this useful and attractive are certainly excellent portraits of the dog in book is to add variety to the numerous Kinder- question, as also are the majority of the other garten exercises on Frobel's method wnich illustrations. With regard to the text we must already exist for young children. The games

(p * ¦" wmw — ^^^ — ^^ ^^ — — remark that, whatever doubts the author enter- arep^^v t so^-^ arranged^^p» #p* #pk p»^^ p™^» V^v ^*^ ^^^™ that^^ ^^^^ v ^^ the movements of the tained, as he apparently did by the observation body ' emphasise the mental conceptions which made in his preface to the fi rst edition, on the accompany them, and increase the natural reader finding any novelty therein, he has said pleasure of acquiring simple information hj what he had to say in a pleasant chatty manner, the action of mind and body upon each other.' • • •¦ ' " • " • '" " ¦ *"' "' ¦ " m - - =$ 384 The Publish ers ' Circul ar April 1, 1890

From the same. — «Hymns for Elementary —the Egypto?Greek of Alexandria , enervat ed

m, m mtmW ^b W mm VP m, m ¦¦ «rw mj — ^ Schools/ arr ange^ by Wilbelmina L. Rooper , withmm -m* ^b^ riches^k ^ ^^ ^^ ^^ and^ |^ ^ h ^ ^^^ luxury,Mfe ¦ ¦ «« ^ mmm+ and , throug^— ^^ 3 h her lovers^"^ . thetne music edited bvby Duncan Hume. Con- the Roman world , proud of its name and siderable jud gment and careful adapta tion to empire , while subjugated , in a sense, by con- the wants of childre n are shown in this ad- tact with the peoples it had conquered. In mirable selection. The subjects are chiefl y Theodora , Mr. Houssaye gives us an essay on those dealing with the beauties of nature , the the Byzantine Emp ire in the days of Justinian .

mmmmt V^

" a_ »« mm useful and very — -— —- — — — — ¦ » — « ¦— m, of a most » • ^c f ¦ m ^i^0mr ^~*» « . «. »- vised with additions , ^ ^ —•—• ^^ ^* - , ^ * ^* ^^ ^* ^ ^^ ^^ • * ^* ^^ - exceeding ly^ path etic story of a lad , the son of

mmr m^f mW mW W* ^b ^ .^^ ^— — — — — — — - — — wealthy and titled parents , who * lived in a practicalm^ ^ ^m*r *& ^^ workW » ^amr ^» ,W which ^^ ,¦ in^^ view" ^" ^i^ " " of the increased dream -land of his own, and was either building interest that is taken in the stud y of agric ulture , castles in the air or holding silent conversations must be a welcome one to a nume rous class .

¦ ¦ ¦ ™ ^^k H V T ™^mW ™m* ^ m^ •¦¦^fc ^^ "* * ^^^ r 4bK V^^V ¦ ' ^ ^^^ III f ^^ "m^W 'n. ^^ '^^ "^ ™—-^ ^^ W ^~ ^ ^ with the angels , whom he felt were hovering It is a text-book- adapted to the syllabus^ of the around him. ' ' Boy ' makes friends witji a Science and Art Departme nt, South KensingtOD ,

mtf — — mmmmtmm m^mr ~ ~ ~ students , v ^m- -|_ con- W —** ^ m^ mT f^* ^^ ^^^^ ^^ i m **r for elementary and advanced half-starved , ra ggedF^ \ waif ,V whom^^^ ^^^ he teaches*^^ ^^ ^ *• and reforms , and finall y, at the cost of his life, tainingV^ ^k^W ^» ^^» m^ ^K'^ ^p^h extram^ mm ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ r subjects^ * ^^^^ r ^^ b ^^ - ^^^ ^ ^«^ of¦ ^— interest-»^ ^" ^— ~mr -^ —-^ — and— utility^~w to saves from imprisonment on a charge of theft. agriculturists and farmers. The author pos-

~_- — - — — if his informa- ~^^ ^m* ^mr m* ^^-^^^n ^*^»^» ing Q uaint humo ur is mingH ^h led^* ^^ *—^» with* * ^V *^ ^ ^B theV^ ^K^B ^^^ pathosB^^ V^P »* ¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ^pf *h^ of^^^ ^B~ sesses the great merit of convey

mm mr K^k r ^w mm- ~m> ^ -. ^ m- - ~ the story, and the writ er may be congratulated tion^ ^K mm-m^ t in^* clear^^ V m^ ~l ~ V^^ V ^k and^ i 1 ^ ^h ^r^^ preciseWrn^ H* ^t^ ^m ^ m^^ form . Mr. H. Kains on having produced a book for young peop le Jackson contributes an introd uction which , deeply interesti ng and quite out of the common . whilst recognising the embarras sing problems -»> m^f m m±^ -*. Am, *-» VV —' - _ _ Admirable illustrations by Carl Becker em- confronting_^ ^ ^ m^ ^ .^ 4* m^M ^ K agricultureV^WtaK % • ^ U ~-~* ~* ¦** > ,« takes»*»»»»•^W — a hopeful— J— view bellish the volume. of the prospect s of landlor ds and tenan t s, providing they mutually agree to face the From the same. — « Glenathole ,' by Cyril Grey. difficulties that stand in the way . This is a well-written Scotch story , containing • Roman severa l character -sketches true to life, an d a From Messrs. Mac mil Ian & Co. — Literature , ' by A.S.Wilkins , Litt. D.('Literature ph lot sufficientl— — — ~»— — — ~— ™ yw striking~-^" *^^ m^ ^^ ^"^^ ^^ ^ ¦¦ ^ ¦ ^ ^ ¦¦¦ ^ toma* "mm** holdmr ma mmW ^^ ^^^^ " the^* ^^ ^^ ^Vr reader^^ —1 i ~ «r ^ ^¦'^ k ^^r ^^» 'sp^_> mtm WmS ¦ ¦ ¦ rflk m r m^/ m m mr — mm mm -v ^— ~» ^^ - — — ' — — attention through out. The main interest cen- Primers,mm, mm m9 ^ ^^ ').M V Professormm ^^ ^ ^^ p^^ m^ .^ Wilkins^ — m* traces^ '^ the growth* m^ tres round the doings of Kenneth Erro l, who and decline of Roman Lite rature fro m 250 B.C. down to the rei gns of Trajan and Hadr ian . — ~ —» ^^ ^m ^ ¦•^ ¦fc ' ¦¦¦ wi ^^ fc— ^»^^ • ¦ ^» *¦ ¦ becomes engagedr^ ^ ^^ — to Ada^"^^» Doug^.^ ** ^ ^^^ a las^^ ^^^^ ,5 an ear^*^" ^™ l'^^ s" TheXIJC contentsUUUlCllia ofUl this11J1S hanIJCLIIVIJT dy littlelltl/lC volumeywiuiuv , con-vwu - daug hter. Kenneth , led into questionable ' courses by a man of evil reputation , loses all sidering the limited space at the author s i«* affection for Ada, and falls madl y in love with disposal^-^h M T V^^ — f r _ r^. TT m^ ,V arem i 1 mm. ^m^ a^^^VP marvel.L^w* ^k' ^ ** T ^^ of^h^ ^^ conciseness.*^ ^i^ ^ *~ ^* - ^~ ¦ ^—' — ~ It— is a a rising actress , whom he wishes to marry. But pity these useful primers are not furnished the ac tress , di scoverin g h is engagement to Ada, with indexes.

— — — — —~ — — —- -~ — <^ ^™» -^^ w ** -^^ - -^ f* ^ — ** ^ w w ^m ™ ^ ^^ ^^ ^"^ ^^ ^^ ^^ * H ™* -«¦ renounces r ^ ^ ^^^ _ ^h m_r k ^A ^B h ^b .*< ** _« v .^^ ¦^^ ^^r ^ — | - ^^ ^.^ ^^ — — ^mr ^ ^ — — - my _y him ^ ^^ ^k^r ^^ ^^ ** ^^~ for ever. Owing to serious From^ the same.^^^^* — 'A Lover of the Beautiful , ' by monetary peculations Kenneth abscond s, and Katherine Carmarthen. The scene of Lad y , ends his folly by suicide. Thoug h of unequal Carmart h en's gracefu l and well-written story

-^^p mm ~t -~ — — — — -^r -^ ^- -^ ^^ ^^ ¦ . ^n v^ ~^ ^r a. mm ^t^ n^ ^^^^ r ^ m^ m^r mmi ^^^ ^^^ * ^ ^ ^v ^^^ ^^ ^h i ~ ^mm> ^^ ^b ^^^^^ w merit the novel presents amp le eviden ce t hat isma —m& laidmm- m^rmr am ^ ^h in^~ M> mm Italmmmt ^af ^ ^m* —* y,w m* an^a^-^ ^— — d~ ^ t^^ h— ^™ e™ c^— h™ — ief— ~— actors—~ ~ ~— — in it ar e I the auth or possesses dramatic ability of no mem bers of that cultured and artistic society ' mean order. which abounds in Rome. The outwa rd inci-

ami mg^ ¦ ¦ " ^ mm mm- m\^ r mm m r mM m,*'am. ^ » -»^ m.^ -» «vh ^ . ¦ .^ -^ ^ ^ ^m> ' -»— —- -~^ — — - - m—^m — From Messrs . Harrison & Sons. — * The dents recor^ ^ ded in t he book are sligq ht and for Colonial Office List for 1 890,'by John Ander- t he most part undr araatic ; the interest of t he j son and Sidney Webb . This book , as usual , story gathers around the baffled quest of ideal conta ins a vast amount of specia l an d very loveliness on the part of a gifted pai nter , and gleam of human tenderness I usefu l information on all that concerns the the hunge r for a i colonial" ¦! • m dependencies^ ^ « ofmm this. m* m country_ . It*^r . has% w hich ta k es possession of t he gent le, troubled ! full historical and statistical facts , an d a well- soul of the beauti f ul young w i fe whom Gui do prepared account of the services of the officers della Verazia utterly fails to understand. Ab- : in the various colonial departments ; a t ran- sorbe d in his art , he unconsciously neglects her , » m ¦& | scri pt of the colonial regulation s, the customs or^^ ratmm ^ft^V ^^ h^at ^B er^h ^ g^P^^k r^^ ows^^^ ^^^^ o^^^ bl^^^^ ^^ ivious^^ _l— ^b ^ r^*- of^^r .^^ her¦ — ^^ w^ unspo—~ — ^-^ — • i h^> ^ ™ k^^ ^^ e^^ n^ ¦ ¦ needs. A more is a singularl y lovabl e heroine , tari ff of each colony,— — -- - —— r and— other— desirable in- formation. The work^ is also furnished with and the story of her troub led life is told with ten der n ess, r efinement , and imag ination. j valuable maps , and it possesses throug hout the I distinctively excellent feature of clear methodi- From the Religious Tract Society.— • For cal arrangement. France and Freedom ,' by Emma Leslie. This is another t ale dealing with the French Revolu- m* ^ . ^ mmmmmrmM mw i^i *** j « ^ ^^ ^ H«v ^ ^- .— ¦¦»«»« * ^^^4H*^^ ^H«^» fl^BI^^ ^1^ W ^ m V ¦ " /mt m**^ ^^« ^*^ ^ ™ ~~* W ^~ -." ^^ ^"^ > —^ Fro m M. Calmann LeVy, Pa ris.—Henry^ Hous- tion. The story is skilfully worked into the saye, ' Aspasie , C16opatre , Theodora .' In this historic scenes of the period. Of course , the |! volume M. Henry Houssay e depicts a triad subject lends itself to good descri ptive writing, ! of celebrated women of anti quity, together and the author has given us numerous pages of with the society of which they formed so » mr *¦ mr him —~ am, r m^ -m>^ -«« ^ i p ¦¦ ¦». ' m m^ h ^ mmj -m^- -^^ .¦ ^ w ¦ -^ — —° —^ ' — — ™- — I grap^^ ^ hic composition.^*r ^—' It is a book of well - ! brilliant a part , and the state of civilisation sustained interest , and is thro ughout marked . they may be said to represent. In the time of by lofty purpose that cannot fail to have a Asposia we see Athena in the full expansio n of good influence on those who read the work. her litera ture and arts , and at an epoch when her democrac y was most unrestrained. In the From the same publishers. — * A Chronicle of a

«w ^ mm ^vr ¦ »# ^^ y ^ w H ~w m m ^mw v rvr «k^^«b ^ -^tr p^i^>w^ ^mr -m, **mw history^^^ IfVifp ¦ of^^* *"* . Cleopatra^tr | , two worlds^^ ^^ m ^ w seemv^ **r to meet Country Town/ This is an unpretentious story, m Wri' ¦¦- r ^ ^ • —-^— : = = = — *mm ' April i, 1890 The Pu blishers Circular 38S .1 . ,i 0 but a well-constructed one. It is bri ghtened attracted a good deal of attention recently . ——— -—-»

— — - y - — — — — — ^^ H ^^ — ¦ ~— " ¦ livelyij and engag^j ^2 ing^p dialogue pj ^^ ^^- ^mr ^^ ^^*-^r ^ ™ ^ppr ^m^ ^pi ^P* ^P* ^m*^W ^ P^V^PB ^^PV ^mw^^ ^mm ^^^^ ^P pppj ^v^^v^^^ ^V^V^W ¦ ^(p^ P^PI ^PT PB.PPB ^P ^ r by^ ^^ , and some The pam phlet also contains a summary of the fascinating glimpses of country life. The decision given by the jud ges. Those who chap ters on * Archery ' and * The Upland Far m ' wish to get a thor ough understanding of this

¦- ¦- ™—' -¦— "^"~ p^ v^pr ^^ "^p" j.™ — -™ — — — — —* — — — ^™ w — ¦ ¦¦ ^ ^pbj.v~ ^p" ^mr ^* ^^ ^P» ^p.pj«» pp» « ^j ^ pBt^pr mmm are particular! }' ^good ^ in their way . Best of all , case— — will— — ' find™- ^^ the•**' "^ pamM ^mr ¦ ¦ ^^^^a^m pm** hlet^^^ »^ ™ ^p^ ^^ - a-^^^ v very^ ^P' ^^ r convenient^p» ^p^ ^ ^Ip* •¦"^ ¦» mm ' ^p * ^ ^^ it is a volume likety to exert an elevating one. influenc e.

p^p)«psp -~ 1 — "' ^^' ~^ "^ ^mr ^^ p ^^v -^^ ^^^ ^ ph ^^m ^ p^ ^^^^^^^ m ^ r ^ pr ^v^ ^^ ppb -^^^ j pmpb ^ pt ^ p. ^w ^ ppw r r ¦ Fro m the g *" ¦- Society JT— "P* ^^ ^~"^^^^^^ ^^ — — — ^^ ™.p^p^» ~^." *^^ ^» ^^" ^™ ^pp ^» ^^ ^ ppv ^^ ^^" ~^*^^™ ^.v -.^ ^. ^ p .pr ^.pr ™*P^ 1 r ^ m^ W for Promotin * ^^^ pB Christian From the same.—' Electri city and its Uses,^ by J. Mnnro. (Thir d edition.) Of the numerous Knowledge.—' Notes of Confirmation Lectures books on the modern app lications of electric on the Church Cate chism,' by R. F. L. Blunt , force , this is certainl y one of the most compre - D.D. This little volum e is intended for the hensive and reliable for the instruction of the use of clergymen and confirmation candidates. uninitiated . The rap id advance of the last It contains , in a well-arranged order , all the

¦>— —^ - - a ~—~ — — - - —~- — -^p » ^mr ^— — ^p» - m* ¦ r r ^ppr pp» ppp ^ pft ^ p» information bearing on the m ^» 1 " ^tp' ^m- ^mr ^—-^» ^pr ^^ ^^ ^mw ^p" ^p- "^p» subject , and is en- few years in electrical science is well^ kept to the front , and none either of the greater or riched by an admirable series of questions on lesser discoveries are omitte d. the lectures. It may be briefl y described as a useful manual on confirmation . From the same.— * How to Make Common Things. ' This little volume claims to show girls how From Messrs . Swan Sonnenschein & Co.— man y hours can be occupied with profitable * Coins and Tokens of the English Colonies ,' by and pleasant handiwork. The first half-dozen Daniel F. Howorth ; and * British Fossils,' by chapters deal with dress-making and needle- Josep h W. Williams. (' Young Collector Series/) work of various kinds including the manufacture Great pains have been taken by the authors of of numerous articles for household use , fro m a these cheap and useful handbooks to render penwi per to a hand-screen of peacock 's feathers , the information presented both comprehensive all of which are made by the needle . Next the and accurate. Mr. Howorth prefaces his reader is initiated into the art of making toys , .descri ption of the coins by short historical dressing dolls, Sec, while, to meet the require- statements of facts relating to the various

ments of the more ambitious , descri ptions are countries ,1 and makes the most of an interesting— —~ given of frame-making, window-gardening, and and instructive subject. Mr. Williams collects^^ how to make fire-screens and articles in bent the salient facts about ' British Fossils,' with a meta l, all of which processes appear to be more due regard to the capacities of the young stu- or less practicable , but we should draw the line dents for whom he writes. His information is at making filters , and paper-hang ing, as matters drawn from leading authorities , as well as from which might well be left to the experience of personal research. Both volumes are pro f us ely

professional1 hands. - Plentiful— — illustrations and and admirabl y illustrated. diagrams facilitate the comprehension of the var ious pro cesses. From Messrs. R. Button & Co.— • Standard Drawing Cards ,' by T. N. Andrews , F.S.Sc, &c.

1 mW ¦ ap v ^^^ m ^mm ^fc^~ ^m^m^r^M^ .PPW^PPPI ^P ..PPPPPPB^p^ ^^V ^V^P PPp VP p ^^ p* ^^^^ ^ P "ppp^.™ ^pp* p. ^^hi ^mr^r ^^™ Les^hk^hw -w - -™~ deux— - -™- — — Fr om M. Alber t S a vine , Paris. —' These cards embrace four standard s, relating Rivales, l'Ang leterre et la France / par L6on T — ,w ^j j ^y ~ twelve to freehand• and drawing to scale, geometrical Delbos. M. Delbos divide s his book into fi gure s with rule rs , the simplest ri ght-lined chapters , thus : I. English and French ; II. Re- 5cc, &c. They are prepared to meet ligion and Morals ; III. Pa uperism and Chari ty ; forms , Confortable , Government requirements , and also the drawing IV. Com fort (le ) ; V. Agriculture syllabus of the Science and Art Department. and ____o onies___ ; VI., Government_ ; Trade- 7, — C l ^ w They are got up, not onl y with clearness , but VII. Army and Navy, Volunteers , Police ; with great taste and utility. VIII. Educa tion ; 1£. Literature , Science, and

--- - rt;j X. Sport ; XI. Society*l ;> XII. Forei gners.«_i A I ' From Messrs. Truslo ye Sc Shirle y.—' Intro- His obser vations on the contrast between duction to the Treatment of Disease by Gal - France and Eng land_ . in _. these matters have an vanism ,1 by Skene Keith , M.B., F.R.C.S. Ed. i_____ntere st_ f..or __ every_ _ _ ref_ le_ cting. ^_^ Eng__ lishman. Mr. — —.. ^ — — — The author devotes the greater portion of his Delbos writes not t he impress ions of a hasty treatise to defining t he leading terms used in visit , but fro m long familiarity with England electrica l science and describing some of the

__. __ _ _._ ___ — __ _._ _ _._ _ and^ pj^ ^ p. n *¦ ~u n with- — — what~— are called the * better classes.-^ ' princi pal batteries. He then proceeds to ex- H e finds our aristocra cy t he most dissolute in plain the mode of app lying the galvanic current the wor ld, an d our lower stra ta the most de- for the arrest and cure of disease. Taking the prave d. At the same time he expr esses his method employed by Dr. Apostoli , of Paris , in opinion that the women of the upper classes _¦ — — _ . — ____._._ the treatment of tumours as his model ,v he are superi or t o t hose of any nat ion . O ur gives particulars of the app aratus required , soldiers are not better nor worse than French and the rules to be observe d in passing the soldiers ; but M. Delbos considers the superior current throug h the human body. Without size of our men a disadvantage except on any attemp t at elaboration Mr. Keith supplies -»-~ _ paradp— r m — ^m * ^ ¦ -^*"^ e.pi He'—¦ -^ say- -" ^^ - " r s' that— " — -^ .- it- - would,-^ — , be— of- great— — use sufficien t information for those who have no to the Parisian police if they could come over time to consult large r works on the subj ect. here and sec how the traffic of London is regu-

__ |[— T r .--.--_ — — ^ p ^^^^ f ^ T '*. ' ^ ^—^- ¦- — ^ ^ -w -~^ '^ '^^ * — ™" " W~~ ' — ™ ^ lated ,^ and accidents prevented . M. Delbos From Messrs. Frederick Wame & Co.—Mr.

regrets, in common with most Eng lishmen , ¦!¦ p» ^^ p^ pipi IkpJ p^" ¦ ¦¦ ^#pa -^-w i. — » w- ¦ pa 0 ^pV*^ pBh •p^**' v ^^ ^p ^ Fennn""^ ~*^ P" ^ ^* furnishes^^ p" i ^' ™—^" » • ™ us with^^ * another^" --— ^™~ -»* -^ — ™» ^^ • y association with G. Manvill e that sport ' is so degraded b cap ital story from his prolific pen , in * The ----- m ^p p w H W~ •• .___.-._ betting.9 ur ^ ^ ^% W From these slig-^j ht indications the Mynns * Mystery. ' The charac ter of Dick Port - re ader will see that M. De-lbos has written who impersonate s George Harrington ,' the whoso candour is that of a way, a little book -™ '^ p- p-^ pV HPK jpp>^v v^ p... ^ . ¦ —™ ^—^m -— ' ¦ ¦- — ¦ ¦ ¦ - — ^^ P " — - —— - - - ^—j ^j ^^ p - - ^ - - ri ghtful heir to the Mynn s property ,^ is well friend. drawn ; so also are those of Saul Harrington From Messrs. John I\ Shaw A Oo.— * Before my and Gertrude. The volume commences with an

¦^ T Ipr W P.....W ^^ -™- P—1 f— ¦ — ' —~ -^"- ^ — -- ^ ^m< — — "—' —*- B —P"— ' ^ ™ pfF ^ pp^g ^ ^^ V p| PJT PM *^*^^yB ^**^ ^^ ^"^ mmi ^pP .HP ^ip the Rockies and ^^^^ , exoiting bear encounter inpp> ppk A. PPM .A Jud ges/ This is a verbatim report of Dr. _ ^ — a A A PPft • closes with a tragedy, whioh is well described . Qossage whioh ¦ ¦ ' ¦ Barnar do s speech oil the Case/ • . 1 • • . . . , -• < ... ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ . -¦ . ' li . 1 .1 Q ' 386 The Publishers Circular c Apr il l t l %A0

Index to the Books published between March 17 and 31. given The Words in Italics are those under tchich the Titles are Alphabetically in f ull, with the Pub lisher** Name,

ABC, Sunday, by R. C. S., Is. Epicurean and Alciphron, Moore (T.) new edit. 2s. Ada Triscott, Haggard (A.) 2 yols. 21s, Eric Rotherham, Hall (Mrs. W. D.) 6s. Adventures of a Younger Son, Trelawney (E. J.) 5s. Evidence Acts, Indian, Gr iffiths (W.) 15s. iE3op Redivivus, Boyle (Mary) Is. Evolution, Original, Eimer (G. H. T.) 12s. €d. Agnes Surriage, Bynner (Edwin L.) 8s. Evolution, Personal and Social, 6s. Album, Church Bells, new edit. Is. Exodus, Book of , Chad wick (G. A.) 7s. 6d. Alice, Nursery, Carroll (Lewis) 4s. Flowers from a Persian Garden, Clouston (W. A.) Gs. Amsterdam, Voyage from London, Nisbet (Hume) 5s. For the Good of the Family, Eyre (Kate) Is. Anti-Jacobin, Poetry, by C. Edmonds, 21s. Force, Stream, Pool, and Wave, Sedgtcick (W.) 7s. 6d. | Arithmetic, Preliminary papers, Sktrry (G, E.) Is, 63. Forth Bridge, Sketches, Phillips (Philip} Is. j Art in Sardinia, Parrot and Chipiez , 33s. Fox Terrier, Lee (Rawdon) new edit. 3s. 6d. Art Signification and Principles, Waterhovxe, 2s. 6:1, Fred Stanford's Start in Life, Fairbairn , 6d. ' Atlas and Gazetteer, Pocket, Bartholomew, 2s, 6*1. French Commercial Exercises, Bayles (W. E.) Is. , Australian Ramble, Ritchie (J. Ewing) 5s. *Frerencnchli GrammarGrammar, Acquier, Petits Conversations.Conversations, Is. Autocrat of the Breakfast Table, Holmes (O. W.) 3s, 6d, French Reader and Writer, Morich and Lyon, Is. 6d. Ballymore, RocJifort (Edith ) 2 vols. 21s. French, Sentences for Translating into, Bowen (W. M.) Is. 6d. Beneath Two Flags, Booth (Maud B.) 4s. Garden Days and Hours, by E. V. B.. 5s. Bessie at School, Matheuts(Joanna) Is. 6d. Garfi eld, Thayer, Log Cabin to White House, new edit. 5s. Bible,.Old Documents, &c, Smyth (J. P.) 2s. Gd. Girlhood, Sheba, a Study, new edit. 2s. 6d. Bible, Pleasant Hours, Taylor (Lucy) 2s. 6d. Golf , Hutchimon (Horace G.) 10s. 6d. Biography, Dictionary of National, V ol. 22, 203. & 15s. Gospels, First Three, Carpenter (J. E.) 3s. 6d. Biology, Letourneau (Charles) new edit. 3s. 6d. Great Silver River, Rumbold ( Sir H.) 12s. Birds, Aristophanes, with Notes by W. W. Merry, 3s. Greek Papers, Matriculation , Univ. of London, Is. 6 new edit. 6d. Calendar, Civil Service, 1890, 2s. & Is. 6d. Gwenn Wynn, Reid (Mayne) new edit. 2s. Calendar, College of Preceptors, 1890, 2s. Oil. Gynecology, Manual, Hart , D. B. and Barbour, new edit. 25s. Catalogue, English, of Books published in 1889, 5s. Happiness, Usefulness, M.) new edit. 2s. India, Dai ly Life and Work , Wilkins (W. J.) now edit. 33. 6d. Correspondence, English-German Commercial, Host/eld, 2a. Infl uenza and Common Colds, Fernie (W. T.) 2a. County Courts Practice, Annual, 2 vols. 20j . Inglesa, Gramatica, Gurrin (T. E.) 2s. County Courts Practice, Lewis (T. Pitt ) 50a. Insects, Injurious, during 1889, Or merod (Eleanor A.) la. 6d. Crack County, Kennard (Mrs. B.) riew edit. 2s. Ironmaster, Ohnet (G.) new edit. 2s. Crooked Path, Alexander ( Mrs.) 6a. Italy, Southern, Murray' s Handbook, new edit. 12s. Cross Lights, Simpson (H. B.) 3s. 6d. James the Second, Ainsworth (W. H.) new edit. 6«l. Cumberland, History, Ferguson (Rlohurd S.) 7s. 6d. Jehovah = Jesus, Tovcnesend (G. Fyler) 5s. j Cyclopedia, Blackifs Modern, Vol. 6, 8s. 6d.

I MA-nns" Mystery, Fenn (G. Manville) 2s. Rus3ian Grammar, Otto, System, 5s. ; Key, 2s. Myrtle and Rue, Haycraft (Margaret S.) 2s. 6d. St. Elmo, Wilson (Augusta J. Evans) Is. Naomi, Webb (Mr?.J. B.) new edit. Is. Scientific Lectures, Lubbock (Sir J.) new edit. 8s". 6d. Naturalists, Leading, Nicholson (H. A.) 2s. 6.1. Scotland, Castles and Mansions, Millar (0. H.) 15s. | | Next of Kin, Worboise (Emma J.) new edit. 3s. Gd. Shakespeare, Tales from, Lamb (Charles) illustrated, la. i Niagara Spray, Hollingsh°ad (John) Is. Shakspeare, Works, Universal Edition, 2s. 6d. ' Noonday Addresses, WatHnson (W. L.) Is. Shorthand, Spectator, Essays, Ctllenda r, with Notes, 6d. j Oherammcrgan, Blackburn (H.) Passion Play, new edit. 6s, Sicily, History, Alleroft and Masom, 3s. 6d. j o?ilvies. Craik (Mrp.) new edit. 3s. Gd. Fidney Martin 's Christmas, Alden (Mrs.) 2s. Oliver Lan


%* TV occasional Note* in italics after the titles are only given in cases of short or obscure titles appearing for the first time. They are not intended to be general ^ or to express any opinion on the literary merit of the books; the sole object being to explain the title-page y or to give such additional information concerning the nature of the work as mag appear to be required. All books are in cloth when not other wise described.

Abel (W. J.)—School Hygiono, including simple Directions Ainaworth (W. H.)—G« .V Fawkes : an Historical Romance. I respecting1 Ventilation, Eye-sight, Infectious Diseases, and With twon ty-two Illustrations by Geor go Uruiks hank. 8vo. ; fi rst Aid in IniInjuries, for Schools and Families. 12mo. pp.np. pp. 102, 6d. (Dicks ' English Novels) Dicks [1210 i 62, Is. -., Longmans [1208 Ainaworth (W. Hi)-—¦Tames thfl Second ; or, the Revo- Aoquier (H. F.)—Pcti tes Conversa tions sur la Graimnal re. lution ot 1638. A ithor ' B copyright eiJit. Bvo. pp. 160, fli. J L 16mo. sewed, la Rolfe [1209 ~ —- Ttbutteago [1211 , 3?8 The Publishers' Circular April i, 1890

Alden (Mrs. G. R.) and Livingston (Mrs. C. M.) Carmarthen (Katherine)—A Lover of the Beautiful : a Profiles. Post 8vo. pp. 300, 2s Routledge [1212 Study. Po3t 8vo. pp. '242, 6s Macmillan [1242 Alden (Mrs . Q. R.)—Sidney Marti n's Christmas. By- Car penter (J. E.V The First Three Gospels : their Origin Pansy. Post 8vo. pp. 306, 2s Routledge [1213 and Kelations. 12mo. pp. 406, 3s. 6d. ( Biblical Manuals) Association Alexander (Bp. of Derry)—The Witness of the Psalms Sunday School [1243 to Christ and Christianity. 3rd edit, post 8vo. pp. 410, 9s. Carroll (L. x — The Nursery Alice : containing 20 Coloured Murray [1214 Enlargements from Tenniel's Illustrations to ' Alice's Ad- ventures in Wonderland.' With Text adapted to Nursery Alexander (Mrs. )—A Crooked Path. Post 8vo. pp. 390, , 6s Hurst &B. [1215 Readers the cover designed and coloured by E. Gertrude A novel. Thomson. Imp. 8vo. pp. 56, 4s Macmillan [1244 History of Carstensen (A. R.)— Two Summers in Greenland : an Allcroft (A. H.) and Masom (W. F.)—A s A.dventures among Ice and Islands in Fjords Sicily, 491-289 B.C. Post 8vo. pp. 176, 3s. 6d. ( Univ. Corr. Artist' and Coll. Tutorial Series) Clive [1216 Mountains. Illustrated. 8vo. pp. 210, 14s. Chapman [1245 New edit. 12mo. Centur y Dictionar y of the English Lan guage. Allen (G.)—The Devil's Die : a Novel. Part 6. Folio, 10s. 6d Unwin [1246 pp. 332, 2s Chatto [1217 vu w»^ Post Pvo. pp. w*. *i *.u Chadwick CG. A.)—The Book of Exodus. AncientAll VlCub MalUCtuUDWl nuscri 1 pt|« v of\JM: jfteyuj.\J Eighth^.-a^aawu or Ninth Cen-.•_».— 462 ' tury, formerly belonging "to St. Mary's Abbey or Nunna- , 7s. 6d. (Exposi' or s Bible) Hodder [1247 minster, Winchester. Edited by Walter De Gray Birch. 8vo. Child Lore : a Selection of Folk Legends and Rhymes. (Winchester, Warren) pp. 158, 12s. 6d Simpkin [1218 64mo. (Glasgow, Biyc2) pp. 138, Is Simpkin [1248 Annnal County Courts Practice, 1890. Founded on Church B<*lls Albuni of Notable Yorkshire Pollock's and Nicol's and Hey wood's Practices of the Countjr Churches. Itlnlarged edit. 4to. Is Office [1249 Courts. By G. W. Heywood. 2 vols. (separately, Vol 1, Sweet & M. [1219 Cicero pro BalbO. With Introduction, Notes, &c. Bv 16s.; Vol. 2, 6s.) 20s the Editor of l Cioero de Amicitia.' 12 mo. pp. 80, Is. 6<1. Anstey (F.)~ The Pariah : a Novel. New edit. cr. 8vo. 6s. ( Uni v. Corr. Coll. Tutorial Series) Clive [1250 Smith & E. [1220 Civil Service Calendar , with Official Regulations, 1890. Aristo phanes —Birds. With Introduction and Notes by Post 8vo. Is. 6.1. & 2s W. H. Allen [1251 pp. 190 3s Frowde [1221 W. W. Merry. 12mo. , Clouston fW. A.V-Flowers from a Persian Garden, and Baiiy (Mrs. J. S.)—Songs for my Children. 4to. (Bir- other Papers. Post 8vo. pp. 372, 6s Xutt [1252 mingham, Stockley & S.) 2s. 6d Simpkin [1222 Well-known songs and poems hy Ifeber , Kingsley, Mrs. Colerid ge (S.)— The Sanctity of Confession : a Romance. Post 8vo. pp. 90 5s ". Paul [1253 Balfour , and others, set to music. , College of Preceptors Calendar for the Year 1890. Barrie (J. M.)—A Window in Thrums. 4th edit. Post , 8vo. pp. 216, 6s Hodder [1223 8vo. pp. 402 2s. 61 Hodgson [1254 Colonial Office List for 1890. 8vo. pp. 500, 7s. 6d. Bartholomew (J. G.)— The Pocket Atla<* and Gazetteer Harrison [1255 of the Dominion of Canada. Edited by J. M. Harper. 32mo. 2s. 6d. ; French morocco, 3s. 6d Walker [1224 Concealed for Thirt y "Vears : being the Narrative of one Edwayd G rey. Post 8vo. pp. 312, 6s. Remington [1256 Bayles (W. E.) — Practical Exercises in Commercial French. Cr. 8vo. sewed, Is Relfe [1225 Courtnay (C>— ChaTisce for a Sovereign, and other Sketches. Post 8vo. Is. (Large Typ» Series) Tract Society [1257 Besant (W.l-The Holy Rose, &c, with Frontispiece by Fred Barnard. Post 8vo. pp. 320, 6s Chatto [1226 Craik CM rsJ The Oj/ilvie^ : a Novel. With Illustrations by J. M'L. Ralston. New e lit. post 8vo. pp. 432, 3a. 6d. Blackburn (H.)— Art in the Mountains ; the Story of the Macmillan [1258 Passion Pin}'. Illustrated, new edit. roy. 8vo. 5s. Low [1227 Crawford (F. M.)—Paul Pa tofT. Tost 8vo. pp. 346, 3s. (Uh Blackie (J. S.)— Essays on Subjects of Moral and Social Macmillan [1259 Interest. Post 8vo. (Edinburgh, Douglas) pp. 316, 5s. Crosse ^H. WJ—Sanitary Airts for House Hunters : What Simpkin [1228 to Look For and What to Avoid. 12mo. pp. 26. 6<1. Blackie 's Modern Cyclopedia of Universal In- L. U. Gill [1260 pi p» dp> ^ b^ » vjp dph. * r m » » ¦ pk « • ¦ m ^ pj •* pj w f ormation.^^ ^ ^*^v °ah ^^ 4 s ^ Edited^"^ •* ^F ^^ **¦* by^ ^ Chas.^^^ " ^^^ Annandale.^fe ^h " ^ « m ^#> Vol.^-^ * V 5.*^ w Post^^ ^^ ^ * ^p* 8vo.^^ w ^ r V Cumberland (S.)— The Vasty Deep : a Strange Story of pp. 510, 6s. and 8s. 6d Blackie [1229 To-Day. New edit. 12nio. pp. 324, 2s. & 2s. 6<1.. .Low [1261

¦- p^^^ p ^^ gv p^F » v ^>v^^ ^" i ^ -^ ^ »" » » — ^ ¦ - r ^^ r^« -^- -w ¦» ¦ • ^ » • fc^ »_^ ¦ w » Boothp^^ p^^^ (Maud^^^ ^WVt ^"*^ B.)—IBm^r W J Beneath^* Two*^^ ^* Flags.*** ^^ — » Post^^ ^** Svo.pp. 263-^^ .^ Cunningham (Sir H.)—The HerLots : a Novel. 3 vols. 4s Funk & W. [1230 cr. 8vo. 31s. 6d Macmillan [1262 Facts and experiences in connection with the Sal vation Army. Cunninffhame (Ladv F.)— In Halycon Days : a Yacht- ing Story. 12mo. pp. 190, Is Simpkin [1263 Borlase (J. S.)— The Police Minister : a Tale of St. Peters- burg. 12mo. pp. 190, Is Warne [1231 Cyprian CSaintV-Life and Times. By ^J eorge Ayliffe Poole. With a Prefatory Notice of the Author. 8vo. pp. Bowen (E. E.)- -Sentences for Translation into French for 276, 18 (Anct. and Mod. Li }>. Theo. Lit ) Gri ffi th [1264 the use of Middle and UUpperpper FormsForms of Schools. 12mo. pp. 139, Is. 6d Percival [1232 Dale (R. W.)— Laws of Christ for Common Life. New edit. 8vo. pp. 300, 6s Hodder [1265 Bowman (Anne)— The New Cookery Book. People's edit. Post 8vo. pp. 632, Is Routledge [1233 Days and Hours in a Garden. By E. V . B. 7th edit, post 8vo. pp. 208, 6s Stoc k [1266 Boyle (Mar y) JE3op Ilertivivns. Post 8vo. pp. 152, Is. Field & T. [1234 De Quincey (T. ) Collected Writing. New and en- Brown (J.)—Clinical and Chemical Observations duo to larged edit. Vol. 6. Pont 8vo. pp. 436, 3s. 6d... Black [1267 Lead Polluted Water, with Hints on i tH Prevention. Thesis De Quincey (T. ) Uncolleoted Writing. With a Preface presented for the Doctorate in Medicine in the Victoria and Annotations by James Hogg. 2 vols. post 8vo. pp. 710,

1 r r h "*^- ^ ^ ^ » -m^ ^™ r*^'^ m* ^rf ** ^^ ^^ r*^ ^* ^ #.^ ^^ » ^ "•» V ^^ ^ ^^ " \ i i ™^ ^^ ^i -^ m^ ^-—. j — ^ —' h h .lib" w W University,^ J ^ October 1889. 8vo. (Bacup, Tyne & S ) pp.K B2^^ ,W 12s Sonnenschein [1268 Is. 6d Simpkin [1236 Deshumbert (M.)— Alphabetical French-English List of Burch (Florence E.) Two Little Fortune Hunters ; or, Technical Military Terms for Military Students. Cr. 8vo. where Duty Calls. Post 8vo. la. ( Volume/or the Young) sewed, la Nutt [1269 Tract Society [1236 Bynner (E. L.) - Agaea Surriugo. Post 8vo. pp. 894, 6s. Dicks' English Library of Standard Works. Vol. Low [ 1237 22. 4to. ls. 6d Dicks [1270 A novel. Dictionar y of National Biography. Vol. 22. Roy. 8vo. Oallendar (H. L.)— Essays from the Spectator in Cursive pp. 460, 16s. and 20a Smith

p. .¦ -h p« . > w~* -m-~ -v m v v m ^ . -*r ^^ ¦• p ^ « bpi pH ^f ^-^ V" «vt p> KVfe ¦#* jppf Campbell (Sir G.) Stung by a Saint. Illustrated by Inheritance*^ of acquired*tp v ^ ^ -^ p* ^ Characters^^ pB^v p^a r *• w accordingw^ ^i ' ^^ ^W ^^V ¦« *¦ to¦/ ^^ theVV ^^ LawspV V V %** . Thomas "Worth. Post 8vo. pp. 170, Is. (Un ique Series). of Organio Growth. Translated by J. T. Cunningham. Simpkin [1240 8vo. pp. 440, J 2s. 0d Macmillan [1273 Carleton (Will)—City Ballads and City Logonda. 1 vol. En glish (H. O.)—The Art ot Reading. Post 8vo. pp. 106, \ 12mo. 2a. 6d... Low [1241 10». 6d , Simpkin [1274 April i, 1890 The Publishers Circular 389

Evans' Infant Action Song Book. Taking Tunes for Hall (Mrs. "W. D.>—Eric Rotherbam : Sequel to * Marie.' Tiny Trots. Words by Bessie Hawkins. Music by R. W. Post 8vo. pp. 242, 6s Digby & L. [1305 Hawkins. 4to. (Redditch, Evans) pp. 48, Is. <>d. Simpkin [1275 Harris (E.)— Table showing at a glance the Incidence of the English Death Duties. In cloth case, 2s. 6d. Clowes [1308 Eyre (Kate ) — For the Good of the Family : a Novel. Post 8vo. pp. 194, Is Digby & L. [1276 Har t (D. B.) and Barbour (A. H. F.)—Manual of Gynecology. With 14 Lithographs and 400 Woodcuts. Fa ir bairn (Mrs. ) — Fred. Stamford's Start in Life. 4th edit. 8vo. pp. 740 Fcp. 8vo. pp. 72, 6d Chambers [1277 , 25s. .... W. & A. K. Johnstone [1307 Fenn (G. M.)—Staunch : a Story of Steel. 8vo. pp. 32, Id. Haslnck (P. N.) —The Watch-Jobber's Handy Book, with {Penny Library of Fiction) Christian Knowledge Soc. [1278 upwards of 160 Illustrations. 2nd edit, revised, post 8vo. pp. 156, 3s. 6d Lockwood [1308 Fenn (G. M.)—The Mynns' Mystery. Post 8vo. pp. 276, 2s. Warne [1279 Haycraft (Mar garet S.)— Myrtle and Rue : a Story for Fer guson (H. S.) — A History of Cumberland. 8vo. the Young, illustrating the Twenty-third Psalm. Post 8vo. pp. 312, 7s. 6d. { Popu lar County Histories) Stock [1280 2s. 6d Tract Society [1309 Fernie (W. T.)—Influenza and Common Colds : the Causes, Hollin gshead (John)—Niagara Spray. 12oao. pp. 160, Is. Character, and Treatment of each, Cr. 8vo. pp. 134, 2s. Chatto [1310 Percival [3281 SketchesSketches, mainly of llifeife in London. Filipplni (A.)— The Delmonioo Cook Book : How to Buy Holmes (O. W .)—The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table. Food, How to Cook it, and How to Serve it. 8vo. pp. 428, Post 8vo. pp. 303, 3s. 6d Routledge [1311 ! 12s , Brentano [1282 Hooker (R.) -Wise Words. Extracted from the Laws of Finley (Mar y)—Elsie's Womanhood. Cr. 8vo. Is. Ecclesiastical Polity by Rev. George St. A. Godson. Post 8vo. Routledge [1283 pp. 62, Is Nisbet [ 1312 Fisher (Fanny) —Poems and Note3 descriptive of Killarney, Hossfeld' a En glish-German Comm ercial Corre- Cr. 8vo. 2s Unwin [1284 spondent. New edit, with Vocabulary of Business Words Foster (3.)—A.Queen of Roses. Post 8vo. T>p. 282, 6s. and Expressions. 32mo. pp. 432, 2s Hirschfeld [1313 Ward & D. [1285 A novel. Ho worth (D. F.)— Coins and Tokens of the English Colonies, with an Introductory Chapter by Samuel Smith. Fowler (J. H.)—Sportella ; or, Unseen Passages for Higher Post 8vo. pp. 9i, Is. ( Young Collector Series) Forms. 18mo. pp. 122, Is. 6d Rivingtons [ 1286 Sonnenschein [1314 Fox (C.)—Th e Pilgrims : an Allegory of the Soul's Progress Hutchinson (H. GJ— Golf. With Contributions by '» ¦* »& Ti w^> «k ^*~ v v ¦ - ^ *4 v ¦ ^r -* * vm m *h^ m-vK^ m. w*j* *-m m w mm ^k «^ ^ sm. «^ ia m 9m m %* Sir alte^* Si pson,^ ^ * ^ ^ j0 . mm^ Lord Wellwood, W r m iAA*ail« Right Hon. A. -•— « mrm-m, m ¦ » ¦ - — — ——^ ^ — — . w»** w *^^^ W ^49 ^S ^ T ^/ »* A ^^ W*^V^^ * |4 t Jfc W(V«^ from the Earthly^ to the Heavenly State familiarlyJ told. and including a Blast from the Ram's Horn against Babel Balfour, Andrew Lang, H. S. C. Everard. and others. With numerous Illustrations by Thoma* Hodge an.l Harry and another Cry against the Altar of Jeroboam, with a ) faithful Looking Glass for the World. Post 8vo. pp. 266. Furniss. Post 8vo. pp. 456, 103. 6d. ( Badminton Library 5s. Paul [1287 Longmans [1315 Hutchin8On (H. D.) —The Story of Waterloo : a Popular Garratt (S.)—A Commentary on the Revelation of St. John. Account of the Campaign of 1815. Post 8vo. (Chatham, 3rd edit. 8vo. pp. 572, 10s Hunt [1288 Gale & P.) pp. 56, 2s Simpkin [1316 Gaskell (Mrs.)—A Dark Night's Work, and other Tales. Irwin (D. H.)— War Medals and Decorations issued to the New edit. 18mo. 476 Is. 6d Smith & E. [1289 ^v , « ™ ™ ^.^ ^.^ t^ ^. » » British^^^^~ -^ ^^ ^ ^^* ^ ^ Military—^ -w^ ^ ^v ^m ^r « ^ ^ y and^ ^m ™ ^ - ^^ Naval^^ ~ * w .* Force3r^^ «^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^ip from^^ ^ ^.^ ^ ^ ^^ 1588^^ ^^ to^^ ^k^ 1889^^ " ^^ ^0 , wi^ tw h^ ^B General Directory of Johannesber g for 1890. 10 Plates con taining- 48 facsimile Illustrations of Medals, 8vo. 15s Low [1290 Bars, and Crosses. Post 8vo. pp 192, 7s. 6d Gill [1317 By Author of * Culmshire Folk.* Giberne (Affnes)—The Town Strike ; or. Too Dearly J ohn Orlebar, Clerk . Bought. With Illustrations. Post 8vo. pp. 128. Is. 6d. 2nd edit, post 8vo. pp. 282, 2a Cassell [1318 J. F. Shaw [1291 A novel. Gissin g (G.) The Emancipated : a Novel. 3 vols. cr. 8vo. Johnson (Samuel)— Life. By James Boswell. With 31s. 6d Bentley [1292 Copious NoteH. 8vo. pp. 500, 3s. 6d. ( Iioutledge' s Popular Library) Routledge [1319 Goethe's Reinek e Fox , West Eastern Divan , and Achilleid. Translated in the original Metres by Alexander Kapp (G.)—Electric Transmission of Energy and its Trans- Rogers. 12mo. pp. 370, 8s. 6d. ( Bohn's Standa rd Library). formation, Sub-division, and Distribution. 2nd edit. pp. Bell .pp. 168., 3a.3a. 6d.6d. Blackwoods [1827 Griffiths (W.)-~ Indian Evidence Acta, 1. «n¦».¦?.. .. . - . V £ 39P The Publishers' Circular . April 1, 1890

Letour neau (C.)—Biology. New edit. With 83 Illus- Nasmith (D.)—Outline of Roman History from Romulus to trations. 8vo. pp. 480, 3s. 6d Chapman [1332 Justinian, with special reference to Roman Jurisprudence. 8vo. 25s Butterworths [13G3 Lewis (T. P.)—A. Complete Practice of the County Courts. 4 th edit. 2 vols (the 2 vols. separately, each 30s.) 8vo. National Temperance Con gress , Birmingham. Oc- 60s Stevens & S. [1333 tober, 1889. 8vo. pp. 230, 33. Od...Natl. Temp. Depot [I3(>4 Little Dinner s. By a Live Lord. Post 8vo. pn. 216, Is. Neilson (Q.)—Trial by Combat. Crown 8vo. pp. 3C4, 7s. ftl . Society Office [1334 net Williams & N. [13G5 Originally written for Soc iety, describing 'Little Dinners ' at various Nettlesai p (J. T.)—Robert Browning's Essays ami well-known hotels and restaurants . Thoughts. Post 8vo. pp. 452, 7s. 6d Mathew.s [1366 I Lubbo ck (Sir J.)—Scientific Lectures. 2nd edit. 8v>. pp. 226 Nicholson (H. A.) — Lives and Labours of Leading , 8s. 6d Macinillan [1335 Naturalists. New edit. Illustrated. Post 8vo. pp. 320, Lubbock (Sir JJ—The Pleasures of Life. Part 2. 5th 23. 6d Chambers [1307 edit. Post 8vo. pp. 286, Is. and Is. 6d Macmillan [1333 Nisbet (H.)—My Illustrated Diary of a Voyage from Lncian—The Select Dialogues and Somnium *, containing London to Australia. With a Descriptive Introduction . all the Dialogues generally u3ed at Schools and Colleges. Rovai 8vo. 5s ' My Diary ' Pub. Co. [1308 Literally translated by Roscoe Monsran and J. A. Prout. Twelve pages of descriptive letterpress, with blank pages 12mo. pp. 150, 2s. 6d. (Kelly' s Keys to Classics) Cornish [1337 (interspersed with illustrations) f or the tourist ' s diary. Lnnd (H.)—-A New Practical and Easy Method of Learning Norris (W. E.)~Misadventure. 3 vols. post 8vo. 31s. G~A Popular Story of the Church in Walos, to the new Danish and Norwegian Orthograph y. Post Nye . H. F. 8vo. pp. 138, 4s showing its Birth, its Progress, ami its Work in the Thimm [1338 Principality : a Sketch in Three Chapters. Svo. pp. 86. fid. Lnpton (J. I.) and Lupt on (J. M. K.)—The Pedestrian's Griffith & F. [137O- Eecord. To which is added a Description of the External Nye (G. H. F.>—A Populnr Story of the Church of England: Form, illustrated with Anatomical Plates. Post 8vo. dp. the 226, 3s. 6d showing its Birth , its Progress, and its Work for TV. H. Allen [1339 People. 8vo. pp. 00, 6d .' Griffith [I37T McCarth y (J.)—A Short History of Our Own Times, from Nnw the Accession Ohnet (G.)—The Ironmaster ; or, Love and Pride. of Queen Victoria to the General Election of 2s Vizetelly [T3r2 1880. Popular edit. 12mo. pp. 432, 2s. fid Chatto [1340 edit. 12mo. pp. 352, Mc Carth y (J. ) and Praed ( C.)—The Rival Prin- Ohnet (G.)~ The Ma rl Pit Mystery. 3rd edit, post *vo. Mr*. Novels) Vizetelly [1373 cess : a London Romance of To-Da}'. 2nd edit, post 8vo. pp. 366, 3s. 6d. (One Volume nn.pp. 292292., 22s.s. 6d v.V. Whit.A ri3.il F. V. White [1341 Oldfleld CA.")—A Practical Manual of Typograph y and Macmillan's Latin Cours e. Second Part. By A. M. Reference Book for Printers. Specially prepared as a Cook. Post 8vo. pp. 176, 2s. 6d Macmillan [1342 Te xt Book for Technical Classes in Typography, a List of Technical Questions calculated to draw out the Information Macquoid (Kath erine S.)—The HaunW Fountain. 3b. fid. Post 8vo. pp. 182 of the Student is appended. Post 8va pp. 1*6, , Is. 6d Blackett [1343 ( Wyman s Technical Series) Menken [1374 Mai en die CLadv M.)—Tom's Wife : a Novel. 12mo. pp. Ortnerod CE. A.)—Renort of Observations on Injurious 102, Is. and Is. 6d F. V. White [134ik- Insects and Common Farm Pests during the Year 1889. Mannin g (8.^— * Tho^e Holy Fields : ' Palestine Illustrated Boy. 8vo. pp. 130, Is. 6d Simpkin [1375 by Pen and Pencil. New and Improved edit. imp. 8vo. 8s. Tract Society [1345 Otto— Russian Conversation G rammar. By P. Motti. Cr. Marshall (Emma ) —A Rose without Thorns. New edit. 8vo. 5s Low [1376 12mo. pp. 112, Is Nisbet [134 6 Otto—Key to the Russian Conversation Grammar. Crown Mason (C. A.V-A Titled Maiden . 12mo. pp. 310, Is. and 8vo. boards, 2s Low [137T Is. 6d. (Star Series) Warne [1347 of Palin CE. F.^—The Best Methods Teaching Arithm--t.'c. Mat hews (Joanna)—Bessie at School. 7th edit, post 8v\ Post 8vo. (Ripon, Harrison) pp 54, 1s Simpk in [T37E pp. 220, Is. 6d Nisbet [1348 Parents' Review : a Monthly Magazine of Training and Matriculation Greek Papers : the Last Thirty Papers Home Culture. Edited. Nos. 1 and 2. fid. each. (Pub- net at the Matriculation Examination of the University of lished monthly.) • W. H. Allen [1379* London. 12ino. Is. & Is. 6il. ( Univ. Corn. Col'. Tutorial Series) Clive. [1349 Parkinson CT.)- Yorkshire Legends and Traditions, an told bv her Ancient Chroniclers, her Poets, and Journal- Maude (A.)—A Plea for the Private." 8vo. p->. 24. 61. ists. 2nd series, 8vo. pp. 242, 7s. 6d Stock [13H0 Sinipkin [1350 Parnell (F. *) —Counsels of Happiness, Usefulness, Goodness. Meade CL. T.)—Tiiose Boys : a Story for all Little Fellow*. 12mo. pp. 34, Is. CiJ Hivin^touR [1381 New edit. 12mo. pp. 124, Is J. F. Shaw [1351 Pascoe (C. E.) London of To-Day : an Illustrated Hand- MiddlemasB (Jean)—Two False Mows : a Novel. 3 voIk . book for the Season i1 Ri»0.ftiM) . The ' Sixth Annual Edition.Edition, prown 8vo. 31s. 6d F. V. White & Co. [ 1352 revised , an-i in part re-\vrit,ten. and comprising numerous 410 3s Miles fA. H.Y -The New Temperance It^iter. Pont Hvn . additional Illustrations. Post 8vo. pp. , . Cd. pp. 200, Is. ( Platform Series) Hutcbinson [1353 Simpkin [ 1382 Pe^oira ^J. ) Sekcta e Pnescriptis : Selections from Phy- Millar (A. H.V-Tlvs Historical Castle* and Mansions of sicians' Prescriptions. 18th edit. 32mo. pp. 364, f>H. Scotland, Perthshire, and Forfiirahire. 4to. p*>. 4'J t, 15-< . Churchill [1383 A. (iardner [1354 Perr ot (&.} and Chipiez ( C.) History of Art in Sardinia, Mone y (A.)—Treatment of Disease in Chil lren . 2nd oil it . J udiea, Syria , and Asia Minor. From the French. Illus- Post 8vo. pp. 546, 10s. 6d Lewis [ 1 355 trated with 400 Fingravinp* and 8 Steel and Colonr«»d 1 Monro (A. M.)—Briar.s ; or, On D.»ngerom (Jrouri 'l. !Mates . Translate *! and edited by I. Oonino. 2 voIh. 2 vola. cr. 8vo. 21s ,.. .Griffith [1350 roy. Kvo. pp. 684, IJCs Chapman [1384 Personal and Social Evolution ; with the Key of the Monteiro (D.)—Portuguese and English Idiomatic Ph rnsen Science of History, or the Old and New World of Thought and Dialogues. 3rd improved edit. 18mo. pp. 150, 2a. 6<1. and Opinion : containing the Mental Development of a Tbimm [1357 MrMlern Scientist. Sociological Miniatures of the G reat Moore (E.)—Dante and his Early Biographere. Post fivo Religions of Mankind, tho Pedigrees, Periods. Product**, pp. 186, 4a. Cd Rivingtons [1358 and Prospects of the Leading Nations of tho Old and New Revelation, of all Modern Sciences which have dispelled tho Moore (T.)-—The Epionrean : a Tale ; &nd Alciphron : Hereditary Survi vals and Superstftions of Primitive Cul- a Poem. New edit. 12mo. pp. 800, 2s Chatto [1369 ture. By a Historical Scientist. Post 8vo. pp. 340, (Ja. XTnwin [1385 Morich (R. J.) and Lyon (W. 8.)— A First French Header and Writer. Post 8vo. pp. 110, Is. (Jd. (Parallel Phillips (P.)—Sketches of tbc Forth Bridsre ; or, tho Giant's I Grammar Series) Sonacnsohcin [1800 Anatomy. Popular edition, with 7 IllufitrutioiiH. 4to. (Edinburgh, G rant) pp. 36, Is Simpkin [I38ff ' Murra y (D. C.) and Herman (H.)—Paul Jones's Alias, w wii«www ¦¦¦¦¦ mi\—^^^~ u . . _ • f " . ^ ' f ^ l f The Publishers' Circular April i, 1890 ^ 391

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Post 8vo. pp. 228, 2s. 6d Bagster [1420 Raleigh (*£»)—An Outline of the Law of Property. 8vo. pp. l4i, 7s. 6d Frowde [1392 Societ y Scandal . By * Rita.' Post 8vo. pp. 140, is. Trischler [1421 Reid (Capt. M.)—Gwen Wynn : a Romance of the Wye. New edit, post 8vo. pp. 468, 2s Sonnenschein [1393 Sonnenschein (A) and Meiklejohn (J. M. D.) - English Method of Teaching to Read. New edit. 1st and Richard (H.)—Memoirs of Henry Richard, the Apostle of 2nd Courses, 7d. each ; 3rd and 4th, 7d. . . Macmillan [1422 By Lewis Appleton, Peace. Post Svo. pp. 210, 2s. 6d. Squire (P.)—Companion to the latest edition of the British TrUbner [1394 edit, revised Peter Wyatt Squire Pharmacopoeia. 15th bv* RindfleiBCh (H.)—The Elements of Pathology. Translated and Alfred Herbert Squire. 8vo, pp. 648, 10s. 6d. from the first German edition by Wm. H. Mercur. Revised Churchill [1423 by J. Tyson. 2nd edit. Cr. 8vo. 3s. 6d... . . Kimpton [1395 Stanley (H. M.)—How I Found Livingstone. Including Ritchie (J. E.)—An Australian Ramble ; or, a Summer in Four Months' Residence with Dr. Livingstone. With Map Australia. Post 8vo. pp. 236, 5s. Unwin [1396 and Illustiations. New and cheaper edit. Post Hvo. 3s. 6d Low [1424 Robinson (F. W.)—A Very Strange Family. Post 8vo. pp. 192 Story (W. W.)—Conversations in a Studio. 2 vols. post , 3s. 6d Heinemanu [1397 8vo. pp. 576 12s. 6d Blackwoods [1425 A novel. , Stow (John )—A Survey of London. Containing the Rochfo rt (Edith )—The Lloyds of B.illymore : a Story of Original Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate, and Descrip- Irish Life. 2 vols. cr. 8vo. 21s Chapman [1398 tion of that Citie. Written in the year 1698. Edited by RufFs Guide to the Turf , 1890. Spring edit. Post Henry Morley. Post bvo. pp. 420, 2s. 6d. (Carisbrooke Hvo. 5s Office [1399 Library) Routledge [1426 Stowe (H. B.)—Dred : a Tale of the G reat Dismal Swamp. Rumbold (Sir H.)—The Great Silver River : Notes of a , pp. 438, 2s. and 2s. 6d ". Low [ 1427 Residence in Buenos Ayre3 in 1880 and 1881. 2nd edit. New edit. Post 8vo With a Chapter on the Present Commercial Position of the Snmner (Bp. of Guildford )—Churchwardens' Manual : Country. With Illustrations. Post 8vo. pp. 346, 12s. their Duties, Rights, and Privileges. 18mo. (Winchester, Murray [1400 Warren) pp. 64, Is. 6d Simpkin [142 8 Russian Peasantry : their Agrarian Condition, Social Sunda y ABC. By B. C. S. Illustrated by Oswald Fleus3. Life, and Religion. By Stepniak. 2nd edit. 8vo. pp. 650, 4to. Is .' Roper & D. [1429 15s Sonnenschcin [140 1 Verses and illustra tions printed in black and red. Swift (J.)— A Tale of a Tub, written for the universal St. Thomas ' Hospital Reports. Vol. XVIII. Edited ( by Dr. Hadden and Mr. Anderson. 8vo. pp. 487, 7s. 6d. improvement of mankind. 18mo. pp. 256, Is. Victoria Churchill [1402 Library) Reeve [ 1430 Salvo (D.)—Spanish and English 'Idiomatic Phrases and Taylor (Lucy )— Pleasant Evenings with the Bible : a Dialogues. 3rd improved edit. 18mo. pp. 158, 2s. 6d. Collection of 200 Scripturo Exercises in Prose and Vvne. Thinim [1403 With separate Key in a pocket flap. Post 8vo. 2s. 6d. Tract Society [1431 Salway (R. E.)—"Wild water Terrace : a Novel. 2 vols. Cr. 8vo. 21s Ditfby & Long [140 1 Thackeray (W. M.) -Vanity Fair : a Novel without a Hero. New edit. 8vo. pp. 296, Is Smith & K. [1432 Saxby (Jessie M. E.) —Weat-Nor '-West. Post 8vo. pp. 154, 2s. 0d.; Bewed, Is Nisbec [1405 Thayer (W. M.)—From Log Cabin to White House : a Experiences in Canada. Story of President Gar/ield's Life. With 20 Illustrations and 2 steel Portraits. 32nd edit, post 8vo. pp. 362, 5s. Schencfc (F. S.)—The Ten Commandments in the Nine- Hodder [1433 teenth Century. Cr. 8vo. 4s Funk & W. [ 1406 Thornton (J. K.)—The Surgery of tin Kidneys : being the Jb ^ (»v/ii "^ ^* •• ^^ ^ * «^ m-m. m~m^j^ ^/m, m f K • » ' « * • «w a^A«wt\7M l«v,. CbtAVA \J UllVjl Schopenhauer^^ * (A.)—Religion^ : a Dialogue^ , and other Harveian Lectures, 1889. Nineteen Illustrations. Hvo. pp. Essays. Selected and'"Translated by T. B. Saunders. 2nd 102.102, 6s GriffiG r iffi n [1431 edit, post 8vo. pp. 122, 2s. 6d Sonnenschein [1407 Thornton (P. M.)—The Stuart Dynasty : Short StudieH of Schope nhauer (A.) The Wisdom of Life. Being the its RiseRise., CourseCourse,, and EarlKarlvy Exile :; the latter drawn from First Part of ' Aphorismen zur Lebensweirtheit.' Post 8vo. Papers in Her Majesty 's possession at Windsor Cnstle. pp. 156, 2s. 6(1 Sonnenschein [140H Royal 8vo. pp. 500, 12s Ridgway [ ] 435 Scott (Sir W.)~ Tho Wrtvcrley Novels. New edit. Vol. fi. Tip Lewis and His Lamp. By Pansy. Post 8vo. pp. Legend of Montrose and Black Dwarf. Post 8vo. ]>p. 370, 264264., 2s lloutledirulloutledgu f[1430 1430 2«. 6d. and 3a. 6d Black [1409 Tithe Bill (introduced into the Houhu o{ Commons Feb. 2/? , Sed&wick (W.)—Force ns an Entity with Stream, Pool, 1890 ) : » i»hort Sumumry of its ProvisLons, with the Text and Wave Forms : being an Engineer's or a Practical Way of the Uill. 8vo. pp. 20, 3< 1. of explaining the Facts ascertained by Scienre and their Churcli Defence Institution [1437 relation to each other. Post 8?o. pp. 230, 7h. (Jd. Low [1410 Tollemache (Mrs. L.) Engclberg, and other V er»cH. Shakspeare's Works, with Life, Glossary, Ac. Carefully With Frontispioct;. Cr. 8vo. pp. 140, Oh Pcrylval [14.-JH edited from the beat Textn and compared with recent CommontatorH by the Editor of tho ' Chundos (^lasHic-H.' Tomson (B.) Electricity in U^ncrul Practice. 8vo. pp. 60, Univeraal edit. Post 8vo. pp. 1,120, 2s. 6«l. ..Warnc [1411 2h. 6d BailliOro [1439 Sheba : a Novel. By ' Hita.' New edit. Cr. Hvo. 6:*. Touching the Resurrection. 12mo. Is. ¦ *^»** ¦ P. V. White [1412 CliristliuiW B M M Aw mrM**mM KnowledgeM m, MM V* * V M^S^Jmm *V Society*v^ fv [1440I " of ip(ti re having reference to (he Resurrection Sheen (A.)—The Texts tier y Workhovwe and its Mcdic.il O fficer. 2nd printed in Old English type, xcilh illuminated bordej 's. edit, poat 8vo. (Bristol, Wright) pp. 84, 2s. fld. »Shnpk!n 0413 Towneaend (Q. T.) —Jobovali =: Jean», tho Divine Appear-. Sheldon (M. French-)— Herbert Severance : a Novel. ances under tho Patriarchal, Levitical, and Christian Dis- Post 8vo. pp. 890, la. Cd S;ixon [1414 pensations. Post 8vo. pp. 296, bs Nlabet [1141 Simpson (H. B.) -Cross Lights. Now edit. Crown 8vo. Trelawn y (E. J.) Adventures of a Younger Bon. New 3«. dd W. H. Allen [Hlfl edit. With iin Introduction by Edward Gurnett. lllus- trated. 8vo. pp. 610, 6a. {Adventure Serbs) . .Unwiu [1442 8imB (Q. R.>— How the Poor Live and Horrible London. Post 8vo. Is. Od Chatto [1410 Tucker (W. G.) and Purda y (C. H.)~Songs, Rounds, and Quartet*. Collection of nearly 200 Popular arid Skerry (a, E.)—Practical Papers in Preliminary Arith- National Bongs, Duete, Trios, Rounds, and Harmoniticd metic. (Selected from Latest Examination Papcra Set by Airs, set to English Words, tho Music arranged principally' xne uivh Bervlce ana other Examiners. Post 8vo. pp. 88, from the Works of the best Composers. 16mo. pp. 182, lit. I la- «d 4 < Civil Service Press [J417 Routlcdge [1443 = 1 | -1 ' I 392 The Publish ers' Circu lar April 1, 1890

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MR. HENRY M. STANLEY (Copied, by permission, fr om ttte Copyri ght Portrait taken by Mr . J . Thomson , 70a Qro-svenor J 8twt, London .)

( Frexe nted with Itie PuBLiSH Kiif l * CmcuLA ii , April 1 , 1 800.)

[ Fob full particulars about Mb. Htanlk yVs forth com ing Book bkk page 3i)ft.j ¦ :. ¦ - : ^v ^ : ¦' ¦; • : v: , .^y yqy :.Vr '- y ¦ " y ' -y • yy • ¦ ¦ • • T ' - ; >yy :y^ ^I ^- ^ y y y/. yy -y , yy y : . y. ,yy | | i |


It is almost unnecessary, in view of the deep and universal interest evinced by the Public in Mr. Stanley 's Book, for his Publishers to say more than that nothing which the utmost efforts on their part can effect will be 'wanting to make it in every way worthy of the grand story which, through its means, they will have the honour to make known to the world. Great as was the interest evoked by Mr. Stanley's ' How I found Liviag- stone ' and ' Through the Dark Continent,' it cannot be compared to tKe indescribable eagerness with which any information about this forthcoming , work has been demanded, and the keenness with which it has been competed for by Publishers in all the civilised countries of the world. The ILLUSTRATIONS have all been been made from Mr. Stanley's own Notes, Sketches, and Photographs. In order to get this material into artistic form , Mr. Marston went to Cairo, accompanied by Mr. Joseph Bell, an excellent artist, who took Mr. Stanley's instructions from his own lips. Mr. Bell's sketches were placed in the hands of the best English and French Draughtsmen, amongst whom are Mr. Walter Wilson, Mr. Montbard, Mr. Kiou , Mr. Forrestier , Mr. Werdmuller, Mr. Schoi^berg. The engraving is in the competent hands of Mr. J. D. Cooper and M. Barbant (of Paris). MAPS. —.There will be Three Large Maps prepared from Mr. Stanley's originals by Mr. Edward Stanford. The small page maps, fourteen in number, are from material of a most interesting character, specially supplied to Mr. Stanley by the Khedive from the Royal Library, Cairo.

CONDITIONS OF PUBLICATION. * TN DARKEST AFRICA ' will be published in May or June in Two Demy 8vo. Volumes of about 500 pages each , in handsome cloth binding, and will contain Wood Engravings and M aps as enumerated above. *\* The Printing will be done by Messi's. Win. Clones \ $on», Li mited t front new tyjve specially east for this Work. Price £2S. 2s. There will also be an EDITION DE LUXE in Two Smal l Quarto Volumes , the Text on U*>t Hand-made Paper, with 1ho Illustrations specially printed from the Wood Blocks on J apanese Taper, and Mounted. In Very Handsome Binding. Price £1O. lOs. N.B.—This Edition de Luxe will be limited strictly to 250 cop ies for Great Britain. Each copy will bo numbered and will be SIGNED BY MR. STANLEY HIM SELF. Booksellers wishin g to have copies of the Pros pectus to send to their Customers can obta in them by writin g to the Publis hers. London : SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON , SEARLE & RIVINGTON, IaWItkd, St. DnnRtfw 'a House . Fetter Lan e, Fleet Street , K.<\* jfe : ,, „„ _ ¦ ¦• ' ._ ~ ._. _.:• ...- .¦ , ,.> ' ' *' ' ' ' 'i — - : . . . :' t t , " ' tm^Hmim » i r ii±*i—*il ^K-i, T i i .'¦• ¦ • *a ^i-M¦ *—* +i ^^^ mmm *m»i *± *m ^iM¦ ^m ^+i ^ m^, • ••• ¦ - ^^^ B , , • . T * ^ ¦I- • 396 The Publishers' Circular April 1, 1890 JAMES NISBET & CO. Beg to announce that they are now the Publishers of the f ollowing Works i BY THE I THE REV. CUNNINGHAM GEIKIE , D.D. i % ? The Tra de is requested to notice that the several editions of * Th e Life and Work s of Christ ,' and * The English Bieformation,' aire now issued at Reduced Pr ides.

THE LIFE AND WORKS OF CHRIST. • j Presentation and Library Edition. 2 vols. large 8vo. 245. ' Illustrated Edition. 2 vols. crown 4to. 24s. The above Editions were originally pu blished at 30s. each. Students' Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 12*. 6d. (Originally published at 16#.) Cheap Edition. 1 vol. 8vo. 6*. (OriginalJy published at 7$, 6d.) ' A work of profound learning.'—Archbishop of York. * A work of great value.'—BihHOr of Winchestkb. * A work of gigantic industry, noble in outward form, of the highest literary rank. I rejoice at such a splendid pro- duction.'—The late Dr. Deutzsch. SHORT LIFE OF CHRIST, for Old and Young. With 50 Illustrations. Crown 8vo. 6s. HOURS WITH THE BIBLE ; Or, The Scriptures in the LrGHT of Modern Discovery and Knowledge. Six vols. crown 8vo. each complete and distinct in itself. 65. each. Vol. 1. From the Creation to Moses. Vol. 4. From Rehoboam to Hezekiah. 1 With the „ 2. From Moses to the Judges. „ 5. From Manasseu to Zedekiah. I Contemporary „ 3. From Samson to Solom on. „ 6. From the Exile to Malachi. J Prophets. * The charming and attractive fruit of unwearied industry. I feel it an honour to have my name connected with it-.' The late Dr. Delitzsch. * A highly instructive and interesting work.' -The late Bishop of Durham. ENTERING ON LIFE. A Book for Young Men. Crown 8vo. 3s. f id. * Deserves to be read again and again. It is strong with argument and appeal ; beautiful with fancy and figure ; tender with pathos and piety.'—Rev. C. H. Si uhgeon. OLD T ESTA MENT CHARACTERS. Uniform with * Hours with the Bible/ but an entirely independent and original work'. With Illustrations. Crown 8vo. 6«. THE PRECIOUS PROMISES ; Or, LIGHT FROM BEYOND. Crown 8vo. 2d. THE ENGLISH R EFORMATION. New Edition. Crown 8vo. 3#. Qd. (originally published at (5s.) ' The atory of the Reformation has never been better told in bo moderate a compass.'-CoNTKUs-ouAfir Rkview.

NEW WORKS JUST PUBLISHED. WEST-NOR '-W EST. By Jessie M. B. Saxby , Author of ' The Lad3 of Lunda ' kc. With Fron tispiece. Crown 8vo. 2s. 6rf. ; Illustrated Paper Cover, l.s. 6 ¦ - " . ¦/> \\ :;ic£m ¦ I " .(•*» - ) April i, 1890 The Publishers' Circular 397 EYRE & SPOT TISWOO PE'S ' , NEW BOOKS & NEW EDITIONS. NOW HEADY. THE VARI ORUM BIBLE. Large Type, References. Bourgeois 8vo. Issue of a Scholastic Edition. (Size, 9| x 6J x H inches.) Bound in Cloth, Leather Geain, Gilt Edges, strongly sewn upon Tapes. 12s. 6d.

SOME PRESS OPINIONS. The SATURDAY REVIEW, Feb. 22, 1800 :—c A.very handsome volume—aboufc midway between the somewhat unmanageable " Family " variety and the small hand Bibles, which are practically condemned to very small print and no annotations. The commentary here is strictly textual ; and the names of the editors—Professors Cheyne, Driver, Sand ay, and the late Rev. P. L. Clarke-are sufficien t guarantees for its accuracy. The Authorised Version appears unimproved—and unruined—though with all necessary apparatus for correction. A useful indexed atlas is added.' The TIMES, Dec. 24, 1889 :—* A sumptuous specimen of the arts of the binder, the paper-maker, and the printer.' The LITERARY CHURCHMAN, Dec. 13, 1889 :—' The learned editors have deserved well of the Church/ The CHURCH TIMES, Dec. 27, 1889 :—* The amount of labour represented in the brief notes is enormous/ The SPECTATO R , Dec. 21, 1889 :— ' In this there has been a fresh collation of the best critical editions and transla- tions, an increase of the explanatory notes, and a very considera ble improvement in the arrangement of the text/ The ATHEN ^UM , Jan. 18, 1890 :— 'In this handsome volume the poetical books have been printed in paragraphs* the critical annotations have been brought up to date, and the explanatory notes have been enlarged/ The GUARDIAN , Jan. 1, 1890 :—' One of the most complete and trustworthy helps for a thorough study of the Bible which the modern printing press has yet supplied.' The RECORD, Dec. 27, 1889 -.—' Invaluable, saving many a reference to other books, and supplying reliable informa- tion of it3 own/ JUST PUBLISHED. THE PSALTER WITH COMMENTARY FROM ' THE TEA CHER 'S PRA YER-BOOK.' By the Right Rev. ALFRED BARRY , D.D. (Size, 8x7x1 inches.) 1*vinted in Large Types. The Psalter in English Type. ] The Commentary in Long Primer Type. s. d. Cloth boards, red edges, burnished ...... 3 6 Paste Grain Koan, round corners, red under gold edges ...... - •• 7 6 Turkey Morocco, limp, round corners, red under gold edges, gold roll inside cover 12 6

4 The best book on the subject.' Church Times. REVISED AND ENLARGED EDITION.

Interleaved with Commentary, from 3e. 6d. ; or, Abridged for Schooled BARRY 'S TEACHER(cloth), 'S2s. 6d. PRAYER-BOOK. This Book has an extensive sale. Reprints are very frequent. LONDON : GREAT NEW STREET , FETTER LANE, E.C. EDINBURGH : 16 Elder Street ; NEW YORK : Cooper Union ; and at MELBOUR NE. , ' m - =ds =^i 39& The Publishers ' Ch'cu lar Apri l r , 1890


rj l HE long-continued and steady demand for the Biographies of Great Artists I which have already appeared , and the frequent applications that have been made for additional volumes, have induced the Publishers to decide upon the pre- paration of a New Series of these much-appreciated books. This Series will contain Lives of Eminent Artists, both British and Foreign, who—for reasons which no longer exist—were not included in the first issue, but who have an undoubted right to be comprised in any wrork specially devoted to painters. Treatises on various groups of painters such as the Early Flemish School, the Dutch Landscape School, the Early Venetian School, and Others, will be included. The Memoirs will be written by authors who have made Art-Biography a special study, and will be illustrated with wood engravings and plates by the new photo- gravure process so much in fashion, and with these plates great pains will be taken to produce the best results. The interest that is shown at the present time in the works of Corot, Rousseau , Daubigny, and other painters of the Barbizon School , suggests that the first volume should be dedicated to these celebrated men. The beauty of their poetic landscapes and the surpassing excellence of the Angclus and other works of Francois Millet, are now as thoroughly appreciated , both in this country and in America, as any of the works of the Old Masters. Engravings will be given of many of the most celebrated of these productions of later French art. The price of this Series will be the same as before, 35. Gd. per volume, bound in decorated cloth. Among the earl y Volumes ivill appear : THE PAINTERS OP BARBIZON . I. Memoirs of Jean Fkan V ois Millet, Theodore Rousseau, and Narcissi: Diaz. By J. W. Mollett, B.A. THE PAINTER S OP BARBIZ ON . II. Memoirs of Jean Baptiste Coicot, Charles Francois Daubigny, and Jules Dupre. By John W. Mollett, B.A. The two volumes in one, bound in half-morocco, Roxburghc .style. Price Is. (>d. WILLIAM MULREADY , Memori als of. Collected by Fbedeiuc 0. Stephens. Illustrated with copies of the Life Studies in (he j South Kensington Museum, and oilier Works. DAVID COX and PETER DE WIHT : Memoirs of their Lives and Works. By (ilLBKET It. REDGRAVE. [In preparation. GEORGE CR UIKSHANK , His Life and Works : including a Memoir by Frederick C. Stephens, and an Essay on the Genius of Gkouu io Ouuikshank by W. M. Thackeray. [in preparation. THE LANDSCAPE PAINTERS OF HOLLAND ; Ruisdaki, and Hobbema , CUYP and POTT JEK , and Oth ers . By FfiANK CUNDALL. [In preparation. VAN EYCK, MEMLINC , MATSYS, and other Painters of the Earl y Flemish School, [m preparation. ' ' GAVAENI / Memoirs of. By Fbank Makzials. With many Illustrations. (/n prepa ration. London : SAMPSON LOW , MARSTON, 8EARLE & RIVINGTON , Limited , St. Dunsta n's House , Fetter Lane , Fleet Stree t II ¦ , E.C. <» » " "\m " ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' .. -" : ¦ I' ' At>rii i, 1890 The Publishers' Circular 399 ( HURST & BLACKETT'S PUBLICATIONS. NEW NOVEL S. NOW READY AT AJOZ THE LIBRARIES. ADA TRT8COTT. By Captain Andrew Haggabd, Author of * Dodo and 1/ 2 vols. crown 8vo. CROSS-ROA DS. By May Crommelist, Author of < Queenie,' ' Orange Lily/ &c. 3 vols. PART OP THE PROPERTY. By Beatkice Whitby, Author of ' The Awakening of Uary Eenwick.' 3 vols. DUIjCIBEL. By Gertrude M. Hayward. 3 vols. A L ADY H OUSEBREAKE R . By Mrs. Conner 3 vols. A MARCH IN" THE RANKS. By Jessie Fotheegill, Author of * The First Violin ' &c. 2 vols. CAST OUT. By Morice Gerard. 2 vols,

Uniform, each in 1 vol. crown 8vo. 6s. NOVEL S BY EDNA LYALL. A HARD Y. NORSEMAN. WE TWO. IN THE GOLDEN DAYS. KNIGHT ERRANT. WON BY WAITING. DONOVAN : a Modem Englishman.

ST ANDARD COITI ONS. Each in 1 vol. crown 8vo. 5s. LIFE OP JEA N W E D'ALBRE T, QUEEN OP NAVARRE . By Miss Freer. LIFE OP REV. EDWARD IRVING. By Mrs. Oliphant. IiIPE OP MARIE ANTOINETTE. By Professor Charles Duke Yonge. THE REAL LORD BYRON : the Story of the Poet's Life. By John Cordy Jeaffreson. THE CRE SCENT AND THE CRO SS. By Eliot Warburton. A BOOK ABOUT DOCTORS. By John Cordy Jeaffreson. FAMILY ROMANCE ; or, Domestic Annals of the Aristocracy . By Sir Bernard Burke.


London : HURST & BLACKETT , Limited. ga, u +f Gt 4oo The Publishers' Circular April 1, 1890 SAMPSON LOW, MAR STOH . ft CO. 'S NEW BOOKS. A CENTURY OP PAINTERS OP THE ENGL ISH SCHO OL. Abridged and Continued to the Present Time. By R. Redghave, C.13., K.A., and S. Redgrave. Kew Edition . Large crown 8vo. cloth, lQs. Gd. THE ENGLISH CATALOGUE OP BOOK S FOR 1889. Containing a complete List of all the Books published in Great Britain and Ireland in the Year 1889, with their Sizes, Pri ces, and Publishers' Names ; also of the principal Books published in the United States of America, with the addition of an Index to Subjects, Royal 8vo. 5s. \ A NEW AND VALUABLE HISTORY OF AMERICA , just completed . j AMERI CA : from the Pre-Historic Age to the Middle of the Present Century. ; Narrative and Critical History of America. Edited by Justin Winsob, Librarian of Harvard University'; Corresponding Secretary, Massachusetts Historical Society. 8 vols. profusel y Illustrat ed with Maps, Views, Portraits, &c, 600 pages each. Price of the complete Work, cloth extra , gilt, £12 net. * It is an honour to its editor and his contributors, and is in all respects worthy of its subject.'—Athenaeum. POETRY OP THE A NTI-JACOBIN , comprising the Celebrated Political and Satirical Poems, Parodies, and J eux-d'Esprit of Canning:, Wellesley, . | J. H. Frere, Ellis, Gifford , Carlisl e, Pitt, and ot hers, with Explanatory Notes, &c. By Charles Edmonds. Entirel y New Edition, with additional matter, and 6 Plates by James : Gillray. Ordinary Edition , crown 8vo. cloth extra, 7 s. Gd. An J&dition de Luxe of 250 copies, for England and Ameri ca , numbered and signed, printed on hand-made paper, crown 4to. cloth extra, One Guinea net. Full Prospectus on application. f FORCE AS AN ENTITY with Stream, Pool, and Wave Forms ; being an ' Engineer's or a Practical Way of Explaining the Facts ascertained by Science, and their Relation to each other. By Lieut.- Colonel W. Sedgwick, K.E., Deputy Consulting Engineer to the Government of India for Railways ; Author of ' Light, the Dominant Force of the Universe ' &c. Crown 8vo. cloth, illustrat ed , 7*. Gd. An Appreciation based OLIVE R CROMWELL , THE PRO TECTOR. 4 on Contemporary Evidence. By Reginald F. D. Palurave, C.B., Author of The j Chairman's Handbook ' &c. Small demy 8vo. cloth, 10s. Gd. > THE LAN CASHIRE LIFE OF BISHOP FRASER. By John W. Diggle, M.A., Vicar of Mossley Hill, Liverpool. Fifth Edition. 1 vol. demy 8vo. Illustrated , cloth , 12s. Gd. ' Many important and hitherto unpublish ed letters enrich a volume which casts a flood of light on every phase of ' T>r. FrsRpr'o c»ree»- in L»noa«h»rf\ . . . Tb»s fHsHnatinc bingrmnh v.' -- -Sta mjard. NEViT BOOKS OF POEMS. CITY LEGENDS. By Will Cableton, Author of ' Farm Ballads, ' ' Farm Fest ivals,' &c. Cheap Edition. Crown 8vo. boards, Is. The same volume bound with 4 City Ballads,' boards, 2s. Gd. l REJECTED O P MEN, and other Poems. By A. Johnson Bkown. Small, crown 8vo. cloth, 3s. Gd. BALLAD S AND POEMS FROM THE PACIFIC. By Francis. Sinclair (Phili p Garth). Second Edition, with additional matter. Crown 8vo. cloth, gilt ed ges. Gs. NEW AND CHEAPER EDITIONS OF MR. STANLEY S BOOKS. THE CONGO , AND THE FOUNDING OP I TS FREE STATE. A Story of Work and Exploration. 2 vols. demy 8vo. With over 100 full-page a nd smaller Illustrations, 2 large Maps, and several smaller ones. Cloth extra, 21#. ! ' Mr. Stanley may fairly boast of baring given to the world two of the most remarkable books of travel and ad venture. . . , and thiB second work ia in every respect by Jar the more interesting. . . .'—Athbsmum. HOW I FOUND LIVINGSTONE ; including Four Months ' Residence with Dr. Livingstone. With Map and Illustrations. Crown 8vo. cloth , U s. Gd. *#* The Unabridged Edition , superi or in paper and binding , and with the Ori gin al Maps, price Is. 6d.y can still be obtai ned . • It is incomparably more lively than most books of African travel.'—Saturday Rkvucw. THROU GH THE DARK CONTINEN T ; from the Indian to the Atlantic Ocean . With Map and Illustrations. Crown Svo. cloth , Us. Gd. ' %* The Unabridged Edition, superior in paper and binding, and wit h the Ori ginal Maps, | price 12*. 6d.9 can still be obtained. MY KALULU : PRINCE , KING , AND SLAVE, d own 8vo. cloth, 2s. 6d. ; gilt edges, 3#. 6d. ' The book is extraor dinarily foHclnat ng, and will be read by everyone, man or boy, with breathless interest from cover to cover. '—Penn y Illubtm atbd Pa pkk. London : SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON, BEAKLE & 1UVINGTON, Limited, I 8t. JDuDStan'd House, Fetter Lane, Fleet Street, E.C. April u i *9*> ^h6 Publishers' Ctfculd* 401 CR OSBY LO CKW OOD & SON'S NEW LIST, THE ART OF PAPER MAKING: a Practical Handbook of the Manu- facture of Paper from Rags, Esparto, Straw, and othe^ r Fibrous Materials, including the Manufacture of Pulp from Wood Fibre. With descriptions of Machinery, &c. By Alexandee Watt, Author of « The Art of Leather Manufacture * Sic. Crortfn Sro. 7& Qd. cloth. {Meaty. THE ART OF SOAP MAKIN G: a Practical Handbook of the Manu- facture of Hard and Soft Soaps, Toilet Soaps, &c. Including many New Processes. By Alexander Watt, Author of * Electro-Deposition ' &c. Fourth Edition, Revised. Crown 8vo. Is. 6cl. cloth. [Heady. LOCKWOOD 'S BUILDER' S PRICE BOOK FOR 1890. A Comprehensive Handbook of the Latest Prices and Data for Builders, Architects, Engineers, and Contractors. Eeconstructed, Rewritten, and Greatly Enlarged. By Francis T. W. Miller, A.R.I.B.A. Crown 8vo. 600 pp. is. cloth. [Hea dy. ENGINEERIN G ESTIMATES , COSTS AND ACCOUNTS : a Guide to Commercial Engineering. With Examples of Estimates and Costs of Millwright Work, Miscellaneous Productions, Steam Engines and Boilers, The Preparation of Costs Accounts, &c. By A General Manager. 8vo. 12s. cloth. COA L AND COAL MINI NG. By Sir Wabington W. Smyth , M.A., F.R.S. Seventh Edition, Revised. 12mo. 4.?. cloth. WATC H AND CLOCK JOBBING : a Practical Manual on Cleaning, Repairing, and Adjusting. By Paul N. Hasluck. 320 pages, with upwards of 200 Illustrations. Crown 8vo. 3s. 6d. cloth. THE FIELDS OF GREAT BRI TAIN : a Text-Book of Agriculture, adapted to the Syllabus of the Science and Art Department. For Elementary and Advanced Students. By Hugh Clements. Second Edition, with Additions. 18mo. 2s. 6<£. cloth. [Head y. ORNAM ENTA L CONFECTIONE RY : a Guide for Bakers , Con fectioners, and Pastrycooks, including a variety of Modern Recipes, and Remarks on Decorative and Coloured Work. With 129 Original Designs. By Robert Wells, Author of * The Bread and Biscuit Baker's Assistant ' &c. Crown 8vo. {Just ready. Tenth Edition, thoroug hly revised and much enlarged. THE CIVIL SERVICE GEOGRAPHY. By the late Lancelot D. Spence. Completed and Edited by Thomas Gray, C.B. With 6 Maps. Fcp. 8vo 2s. 6d. cloth.


GOOD GARDENING; or, How to Grow Vegetables, Fruits and Flowers. By S. Wood. Third Edition, Revised and Enlarged. With 137 Illustrations. Crown 8vo. 5*. oloth. ' A very good book, and one to be highly recommended as a practical guide.'- -Athexjecm. of MUTjTUM-IN-PARVO GAftGDENING. ^620 per Annnm ftfom One Aoife Land ; £176 per Annum from Three Glass Houses. By S. Wood. Fifth and Cheaper Edition. With 22 Illustrations. Crown 8vo, U. sewed. * We recommend it as suiied to the amateur and gentleman's gardener.*—Gaiideners' Maqazink. THE LADIES' MULTUM-IN-PARVO FLOWER GARDEN. AND AMATEUR* 8 COMPLETE GUIDE. By S. Wood. With 42 Illustrations. Crown 8vo. 8a. 6rf. cloth. • Full of shrewd hints and useful instructions, basod on a lifetime of experience.'—SCOTSMAN. THE3 FOBCING-GAR^DiEJN; or, How to Grow Early Fruits, Flowers and Vegetable*. By S. Wood. With 35 Illustration?. Crown 8vo. 3/r. 6d. cloth. ' A good book, and fairly fills a place that was in some degree vacant.* — Garden bus* MAQAErtnt. MARKET AND KITCHEN GARDENING-: a Handbook of the Practiceotf the Bert; Market (iufthmers near London and other Large Cities in the Production of Vegetable Crops. By C. W. SHAW, late* Editor of * Gardening Illustrated.' 12mo. IU. lid. oloth. • The most valuable compendium of market and kitchen garden work published.'— Faiimkr. COTTAGE GARDENING : or, Flowers, Fruits and Vogetablea for Small Gttttiens. By E. HoifcfoAY . lJJma Is. 6d. oloth. * Contains much useful information at a small oharge.' — Glahoow Herald. KITCHEN GARDENING MADE EASY. By Geo. M. F. Glknny. 20 Illustrations. 12mo. 8#. cloth. 4 This book will be found trustworthy and useful.'—North Baitihh AoRicui/runiHt. GARDEN RECEIPTS. Edited by C. W. Quin. Second Edition. 12mo. 1/. Gtf. clotli. ' Ai useful and handy book, containing a good deal of valuable information.'—Athenjbcm. THE ART OF GR AFTIN G AND BUDDIN G. By C. Baltkt. Second Edition; WiUi 180 IUns* tratlons. 12mo. 2«. (id. cloth. * The one standard work on this subject.'—Scotbman. FRUIT TREES , the Scientific and Pr ofitable Culture of. From the French of M, Do Brkuil. Fourth Edition, Revised by G. Glknny. With 187 IlHistratlottd,- 12mo. is. oloth. ? The book teaches how to prone and train frait trees to perfection.'—Fibld. I Lon don : CROSBY LOCKWOOD & SON, 7 Stationed Hall Court, E.G. 4G* The Publishers' Circular April i, 1890 SAMPSON LOW, MARSTO N & CO.'S NEW NOVELS. AT ALL THE LIBRARIES. THE NEW PR INCE FORTUNATUS. By William Black, Author of * A Princess of Thule,' * In Far Lochaber/ * A Daughter of Heth,' &c. 3 vols, crown 8vo. cloth, 31s. 6d. * The book throughout is extremely readable, and there are passages in it of deep feeling and rare imaginative insight. The closing episodes in the story are powerfully told, and the book grows in dramatic intensity as it nears its final page/—Speaker. * Here in the new novel, as in many of the old ones, we are taken to the highlands and nearly a quarter of the book is devoted to the familiar details Of shooting, deer-stalking, and salmon fishing ; yet, familiar as the details are, they are not stale, because Mr. Black feels as he writes the thrill of every successful shot and lucky cast, and makes us feel it with him.'—Spectator. KIT AND KITTY : a Story of West Middlesex. By E. D. Blackmoee, Author of ' Lorna Doone,' * Clara Vaughan,' * Springhaven,' « Cripps the Carrier,' &c. Third Edition. 3 vols. crown 8vo. cloth, 31s. 6d. 1 " Kit and Kitty " is a manly book, with a sort of fine, open delicacy of sentiment, thoroughly wholesome and pleasing. Few recent novels have maintained so high a standard of excellence throughout.'—Athenjeum. — SECOND EDITION. NOW READY. DUCHESS FRANCES : a Novel. By Sakah Tytler, Author of ' Citoyenne Jacqueline,' ' Lady Bell,' &c. 2 vols. crown 8vo. cloth, 21s. 1 The story is carefully told, and, like all Miss Tytier's work, is based on conscientious research ; and those who appreciate historical novels, even when they do not reach an exceptional degree of excellence, are certain to appreciate this vigorous and gracefully written story.' —Leeds Mercury. ' Miss Tytler does full justice to her wit and spirit, and the fascination of her manners ; and al X)gether it is a pretty picture of court life during the reign of Charles II.'—St. James's Gazette. IN SATAN'S BONDS : a Story of Love and Crime. By Frederick Eastwood, Author of * The Chronicle of Sir Harry Earlsleigh, Bart.,' ' Calumny,' &c. 2 vols. crown 8vo. 21s. ' Fascinatingand dramatic Interesting and powerful story which we cordially commend to all lovers of exciting fiction.'—Court Journal. NEW ADDITIONS TO LOW'S STANDARD NOVELS -SIX-SHILLING SERIES. 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ADELA CATHCART ... ••• ••• ¦•• „ Geobgb MaoDonald. CRIPPS THE CARRIER „ R. D. Blackmore. DRED ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• » Harriet Beeoher Stowe. THE TRUMPET MAJOR „ Thomas Habdy. THE VASTY DEEP ... • • ••• >, Stuart Cumberland. VGo be fol lowed b£ ©tbets. London : SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON, SEARLE & RIVINGTON , Limited, St. Dunstan 's House, Fetter Lane , Fleet Street, B.C. April i, 1890 The Publishers' Circular 4O3 MESSRS. MACMILLAN & CO.'S NEW BOOKS. A NEW BOOK BY SIR CHAR LES DILKE, BART. PROBLEMS OF GREA TER BRIT AIN. By the Right Hon. Sir CHARLES DILKE , Bart. With Maps. 2 vols..8vo. 36s. [Second Edition. The TJNiyattSAL Review says :—* Whatever . the literary gifts which the year has in store for us, it is not likely to present us with anything of greater interest £nd value than the volumes in which Sir Charles Dilke discusses the " Problems of G-reater Britain." ....Sir Charles Dilke fuse3 his facts into thought, and grinds his colours into paint. He does not require his readers to do the thinking and painting for him.' The Montreal Gazette says :—* We must part with Sir Charles Dilke's book, with the sense of having by no mean3 done it the justice that it deserves. It is the one great book on the Colonial Empire of G-reat Britain. It does for Greater Britain what Mr. Bryce has done for the American continent.'

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4o4 The Publishers' Circiilar April i, 1890

THE REVISED 6 189O ' EDITION. Two Hun dred and Fif tieth Tho usand.

In large crown 8vo. cloth gilt, 3s. 6d. ; half Indian morocco, marbled edges, 5s. ; half Indian morocco, gilt top, patent index, 6$. ; half-calf extra, marbled edges, 7s. 6d. NUTTALL'S STANDARD DICTIONARY OF THE ^ ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Wew Illustrate d Edition, Hevised, Extended, and Improved throughout. By E.ev. JAMBS WOOD. » PRINCIPAL FEATURES. Its Completeness.—It contains 100,000 references, with full Pronunciations, Etymologies, Definitions, Technical Terms, Illustrations, Classical and Foreign Phrases in common use, Abbreviations used for Despatch in Writing, &c, together with Good Paper, Clear Type, and General Excellence of Production . ' The Editor has gone over the whole dictionary again, syllable by syllable, and word by word, and been especially careful to test the accuracy in each case of the pronunciations, the definitions, and the derivation. The definitions of the scientific terms have been specially looked at, and some additions have been made to the list of these. In short, the whole revision has been done in such a way as will, it is hoped, further enhance the favour with which the public have already received this New Edition of the Dictionary.'—From Prefac e , 1890 Edition.

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London : 186 STRAND , W.C., and 80 PICCADILLY, W. I : Manchester : 49 C ROSS STREET. a» , . \_nc ' 4p8 The Publishers Circular April 1, 1890. W, H. ALLEN & CO.'S NEW PUBLICATIONS. Fcap. 4to. 2*. 6d. : cloth, 3*. 6d. THE PAS SION PLAY AT OBER-AMMERGAU. With the whole Drama translated into English and the Songs of the Chorus in German and English. Containing a Map of the Neighbourhood, Plan of the Theatre, Hints as to Routes, Lodgings, &c. By the Author of * Charles Lowder/ * The most useful work of the kind yet published. r It contains what had never previously been published—the text of the complete play-in English, with the words of tlie songs in German and English. Snonld be carefully mastered before a visit to tne theatre.'—Manchester Guardia n*. ' Will prove most useful to English visitors to Ober-Ammergau.'—Scotsman. * Every English visitor should certainly possess this.'—Church Times. • There are few cultivated readers to whom this volume will not be interesting, and to those who intend to make this year a pilgrimage to Ober-Ammergau to witness one of the most interesting living relics of the Middle Ages it will be simply invaluable.'—Manchester Examiner. New Edition (in 6 vols.) Crown 8vo. Gs. each. Sixth and Last Volume of the HISTORY OP THE SEPOY WAR AND OP THE INDIAN MUTIN Y. By Sir John Kaye and Colonel G. B. Mallesox, C.S.I. Revised and Edited by Colonel Mallesox. I The Sixth Volume consists, in great part, of new matter, narrating the occurrences at some of toe Principal Stations, other than those originally dealt with, during 1857-58. It also contains a new and comprehensive Index. * Messrs. W. H. Allen have done a public service by bringing the best attainable narrative of the Indian Mutiny within the reach of a larger number of readers.'—Guardian. 4 This consolidated edition , in the handy cabinet size, must be welcomed as a boon.'—Scotsman. ' A very reedable and handy edition of this standard book."—Broad Arrow. Crown 8vo with numerous Maps, Charts, Illustrations of Buoys, Beacons, &c. 6s. MEM ORIALS OP THE GOODWIN SANDS AND THEIR SURROUND- INGS, Legendary and Historical, including an Account of the Hoveliers of Kent. By G. Byn g Gattie. ' A book which, with a little pruning, might be made as free from faults as human work need be.'— Saturday Review. * Might have been called " All about the Goodwins," for it is fairly exhaustive, though it is the first book on the subject.' Daily News. 'A strange subject and-a fascinating one, as those will discover who read Mr. Gattie's " Memorials."'—-Echo. * Brings together more information about its subject than has probably ever been brought within one pair of covers before.'—Scotsman. * This charming volume is a valuable addition to the library of Kentish books, and wi1^. attract far moro than local attention as the best account yet written of the famous Goodwins.'—Canterbury Press. New Edition, with Coloured Plate, square 8vo. cloth, 5s. SAKOONTALA ; or , the Lost Ring. An Indian Drama. Translated into English Prose and Verse from the Sanskrit of Kelidasa. By Sir Monier Monier-Williams. New Volume of a Series of Sketches for Settlers in the Colonies, America, &c. Fcp. 8vo. 2*-. 6d. each. BEYOND THE ARGENTINE. Letters from Brazil. By May Frances. * Gives a capital picture of up-country life, and has the great charm of simplicity.'—Evening News. Next Volume , IN PAR DAKOTA. By Mrs. Locke. [Nearly rea dy. 1 vol. crown 8vo. Illustrated with Anatomical Plates, 3*. 6rf. THE PEDESTRIAN'S RECORD. With a Description of the External Human Form. By J. Ibvinb Lupton, F.R.C.V.S., L.A.C., Author of ' The External Anatomy of the Horee,' and J. M. K. Luptox , L.A.C. * A carefully written and compiled handbook. . . . Will be found eminently interesting, to all who engage in athletic pursuits. Its hints on training are well worth the consideration of the athlete. . . . The Time Records published witn this book are most complete, and it is with most cordial feelings that I commend it to amateur athletes.'—Globe. Crown 8vo. 2s. POLO IN INDIA. JBy Capt. G. J. Younghusband, Author of * Eighteen Hundred Miles on a Burmese Tat.' Contents.—Origin of the Game—Rules— Ponies and their Training—Sticks—Regimental Clubs —Tournaments — Duties of each Member of a Team, &c. New Edition. Crown 8vo. 3s. 6d. CROSS LI GHTS : a Volume of Essays. By H. B. Simpson. 'A decidedly bright and entertaining volume.'—Morning Post. * Will be read with pleasure by all cultivated people.'— G lobe. Demy 8vo cloth , witlv an Atlas of Illustrations, 30s. THE CULTI VATED ORANGES AND LEMONS &c. OF INDIA AND CEYLON. With Researches into their Origin and the Derivation of their Names, and other useful information. By G. Bon A vi a , M.D. Drmy 8vo. 15*. THE INDIAN EVIDENCE ACT. With an Introduction on the Principles of Judicial Evidonce and Commentaries. Also the Indian Oaths Act. By W. Griffith, Author of ' The Indian Code of Civil Procedure ' &c. 'A volume which lawyers practising in India, and even before courts In this country, may read with interest. . . . Tim Bubject is one of great importance.'— Morning Post. TJBHE STATE SMEN SE IFMEJ S. Comprising a Collection of Brief Biographical Studies of the Great Men , Continental as well as English, who bnv<; influenced the Political History of the World. EDITED BY LLOYD 0. SANDERS. j Crown 8vo. 2a. dd. each. Last Volume Issued . LOKD DE RBY. By T. K. K ubbbl, Author of ' Lord Beaconsfleld,' ' History of Tory ism / &c. * The only biography of the great Tory leader In existence. . . . Mr- Kebbol has contrived to produce a vary Interesting boqk. . . . The chapters on Lord Derby as a sportsman and as a man of letters, and the floal one, in which ho sums up | his characteristics and his achievements and estimates his real position in history, are particularly well done.' St. Jambs'h Gazkttic | ' Fully as iagood aa his " Lord Beaconafleld ." High praise. The estimate of Lord Derby as a statesman and as a I literary ma^i excellent, and the personal anecdotes are amusing/—Athkn^ijm. I * A skilful condensation of the leading facts In the late Lord Derby's career, and a fair judgment of the statesman's > work and Influence. . . . Mr. Kebbel's discriminating little book Is well worth reading-/—Saturday Rkvikw. * An excellent example of what can be done with a large subject in a small space/— Yorkshire Pq&t. Jjondon : W. H. ALLEN & CO., 18 Waterloo Place ; and at Calcutta.

¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ " " ' i " ' " " " ''' '' . *¦ n ji ah . . ^ II . April i, 1890 The Publishers' Circular 4O9 WA LTER SMITH & INNES' LIST IN THE PRESS. NATURE AND WOODCRAFT . By John Watson, Author of • Sylvan Folks ,' ' A Year in the Fields,' &o. Illustrated by Y. E. Lodge. Crown 8vo. 5s. TRUTH WITH HONOUR. By 0. E. Coleridge and M. Bbamston. Cro wn 8vo. 5$. BOOKS FOR PRE SENTS, NEW ILLUSTRATED BOOKS. PAUL'S FRIEND. By Stella Austin. With Sixteen Illustrations by S. B. Gates . 5s. ' A charming taUe of children, cats, and human nature delightfully told.'—Scotsman*. SOAP BUBBLES. By Isabella Weddle. With Eight Illustrations by T. Pym. 2s. 6d. ' The auDbor calls them fragile fancies, but if they are fragile they are algo graceful, and have imaginative pictur- esqueueds which will commend them to older readers as well as to the yotihg folks.'—Scottish Leader. SIX SHILLING BOOKS. THRE E LITTLE MAIDS ; or, The Chronicles of Acacia Garden. By Maey Bathurst Deane. With Illustrations , crown 8vo. cloth. [ Just read y. • There is a quiet and quaint humour about Miss Deane's book which makes it exceedingly readable/—Athen^um. ' Tbat ia the. worst of this story, there is no next volnme/—Acadkmy. ' Remarkably amusing. Admirable in ton<\ and quite free from thp sentimentality whi^ta makes r^ many books of this class quite unfit for the readers for whom they are written. Everything here is thoroughly bright and wholesome— simply one of the most delightful books of the season. We had made up our minds to say as much before reading half of it. And yet went on to the end—a hard-worked reviewer struggling against the torrent of gift-books can hardly pay a better compliment,'—Speotatoii. COLONEL RUSSELL 'S BABY. By Ellinor Davenpokt Adams. [Just read y. 'Gives the author high rank amongst those whose calling it is to supj ly the intelligent public with pleasing fiction to the profit of both.'— Spectator. 1 ClevfcK, brightly written, and agreeable ; deserves to be classed with " Little Lord Fauntleroy."' Pall Mall Gazette. PEN. By the Author of * Tip-Cat/ ' Laddie,' &c. • There is unforced fidelity and nature hi the studies of the two little girls Pen and Tre.' Saturday Review. 'The plot, though slight, is effective, the pathos is genuine and rings true.'—Athen,«um. IN HIDING - By M. Bbamston. 'A story which, in respect both of literary finish and power in the conception and development of character, marks a distinct advance on anything the author has heretofore achieved. The interest is skilfully sustained from the beginning to the end.'— Scottish Leader. A HOUSE FUL OF GIRLS . By Saeah Tytlee. 1 From Miss Sarah Tytler we are safe to receive no melodramatic balderdash, no uncouth and meaningless sentences, no violation of the truths of common life . " A Houseful of Girls " is in the manner familiar to Mies Tytier's readers—a straightforward tale simply told. The heroines are four young charming sisters.'— Saturday Review. IN THE SPRI N G TIME . By Alice Webeb. 1 Ib an advance on that most delicate study " Angela." Misa Weber lias not a superior, she has hardly a rival in the particular walk of fiction which she has pelected for heraelf.'—Spectator. A U a delightful study of girl life.*— Athenaeum THREE SHILLINGS AND SIXPENCE. BY THE AUTHOR OP 'TIP-CAT * &c. LIL. 'A bit of delightful reading.* -Scottish Lkadku. * A capita l Htory. ' Kkcomo. ' A charming sketch of English family life by a justly favoured writer.'— Athenjkum. Just ready. OUR LITTLE ANN. New and Cheap Edition , with Two llluHtrationtj . 1 Her character is ono of tbo most beautiful things we have met iu fiction. . . . Altogether genuine, refreshing, deli gh tful.' ---Scotsman. TIP-CAT. Cheap E di tion , with Two Illustrations by Randol ph Caldecott. ' We welcome another tale by the anonymous author of " Laddie" In this unaRPumin g story genuine humour, pathos, and m uch observation of human , and especially chUd ren' H , nature are displayed , together with a delightful style.'—Timks. TWO SHILLINGS. JUJUBE : a Tale of Humanity in 1887 . By Isabel Hohnimiook. * A powerful utory, pathetic and unexaggerated, with a fine young hero. TIioho who have to read alOud will bo glad to know of this book.1—National Ohuiu h. Complete Catalogue sent post-free on app lication . London : WA LTE R SMITH & INNE S, 31 & 82 Bedford Street, Strand. ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦- —— — ~ : ¦• ¦— ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ — ~— ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦— ¦ -• . ~^r . • - • ¦ — :¦ p*w ^ .. -:. - . ' II . ! ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • - - ¦ • --m v ;. - The 4^o Publishers' Circular April 1, 1890 ?**""' — "^""" ^ — » ^^"^^ ™>. mtmm ^m mmm ^^ i^^ m^mt ^^ mmam ^mm ^^^^^ mmm ^m^mammtmmmmtmmmmmmimmmmmm ^m^t ^mm ^mmmmmmgmmmmt ^t ^mHm ^^mm ^.^^^ ¦^0> % ^\ ^ ^ ^ GREATEST GERMAN PAINTEIH%> OP THE DAY i isr zr/ZexjIGKtotts j l:r,t Has entrusted the undersigned with the sale for England of the exclusive right of reproducing his compositions, in which THE VASTNESS OF THE CONCEPTION IS COMBIN ED WITH ENCHANTING BEAUTY OF FORM.

The Pictures are Forty to Fifty in number, of Biblical, mostly New Testament, subjects.

Publishers of Engravings and Illustrated Editions de Luxe who understand how to profitably work these magnificent productions in Steel Engraving, Photo-printing, and Wood-cutting, and who, in the most varied technical processes might triple or quadruple the Retail Price, will be supplied with specimens on application . OTT O BRANDNER , Publish er. Dresden (Altstadt), March 24, 1890. Messrs. SAMPSON LOW , MARSTON & Now ready. Price Is. 6d. By post, Is. Sd. CO. "CTENLAND NOTES AND QUERIES Will be happy to forward their latest -¦- for April : a Quarterly Antiquarian Journal for the Fenland in the counties of Huntingdon , ' GLOBE ' CATALOGUE Cambridge, Lincoln, Northampton, Norfolk, and To anyone who will apply for the same. Suffolk. Peterborough : Geo. C. Caster, Market Place. London : Simpkin k Co., Ld., and Elliot Stock. St. Dunstan's House, Fetter Lane, E.C. And of all Booksellers. J. THORBURN, WHOLESALE PUBLISHERS' BOOKBINDER. STEA M BINDING WOEKS : Nos. 2, 3, 4, and 5 PLEYDELL STREET, FLEET STREET, E.C, And 15 WH1TEFRIARS STREET, FLEET STREET, E.C. Established over 40 Years.

THORBURN begs to draw the attention of Publishers, Printers, Stationers, A uthors, &e., to J • the facilities he has at the above premises for executing La rge Orders requiring to be turned out of hand quickly, such as Prospectuses folded , banded, and stamped for Post, Newspapers, Magazines, &c. ; and, having a large Stan* alwayp employed, he can ensure any work entrusted to him being executed with despatch. Every description of Cloth and other Binding?, Toy Book Mounting, &c, undertaken, combined with Moderate Charges.

NEW AMERI CAN BOOKS .—Messrs. SAMPSON LOW & CO., having made arrangements for the more frequent importation of American Books, are now prepared to procure all RECENT works in about one month from date of order, or any book specially required can be obt ained by post direct in three weeks. Low's Monthly List of New American Books sent free on app lication. London : SAMPSON LOW , MARSTOtf , SEARLE & RlVINGTOJsT, Limited, English and American [I Booksellers and Publishers, St. Dunatan's House, Fetter Lane, Fleet Street , B.C. WWT" ___ fcJM „—. 1—I >W^^T*^^ BF* ^^ T L ¦ ¦¦ '" ¦ '¦¦ ' L.±-i— —_... lA.*i*-~ i.— _¦¦—^— ——» 1 __^__J J_^—^—__..,^. i _, . J__^__fc_ ^,^_ J. _ , . _—.——^^ ^^Bf* l .. xt * ' ' -'-- —- — ^ ^^^ April t , 1890 The Publish ers' Circular 4H . _—— —* — FIRST ISSUE 7,000 SHARES: G. W. BACON & CO., Limited. Incorporated under the Companies Acts, 1862 to 1888, whereby the liability of Members is l imited to the amount of their Shares. CAPITA L £40,000, in 8,000 Shares of £5 each . Payable 10s. per Shar e on application , 30s. on Allotment , 30s. in Three Month s, and the Balance when required , in amounts not exceeding 10s., and at Intervals of not less than Three Months , thus the amount rankin g for Dividends (till further calls), under the present issue, will be £26,900.

DIRECTORS. Colonel G. H. BOLLAND, lately in charge of the Publication ol Maps at the Ordnance Survey Office , Southampton ; Thurlston Road, West Norwood, 8.E. Rev. E. F. M. MacCARTHY, M.A., Head Master, King Edward's Grammar School, Five Ways, Birmingham ; and Vice- Chairman Birmingham School Board. F. V. BROOKS, of Messrs. Vincent Brooks, Day & Son, Lithographers, Gate Street, Lincoln's Inn Field?, London, W.C. •G-. W. BACON, F.R.G.S., 127 Strand, London, and The Shrubbery, Ridgway, Wimbledon, Managing Director. * Mr. Bacon will join the Board after Allotment. BANKERS.—The CONSOLIDATE D BANK, Limited, 52 Threadneedle Street, LondoD, EC. SOLICITORS.—Messrs. KERLY, SON & VERDEN, 14 Great Winchester Street, London, E.C. AUDITORS.—Messrs. PIXLEY & CO., Chartered Accountants, 24 Moorgate Street, E.C. SECRETARY.—Mr. T. N. PALMER. Registered Office. —127 Strand, London.

ABRIDG-BD PEOSPECTTJS. Object.—This Company is formed for the purpose of acquiring at a Valuation, as a Going Concern, carrying on and l argely extending the old-established and well-known business of Messrs. G. W.. Bacon & Co., 127 Strand, London , S Educational aud General Map Publishers ; and , with the increased capital, of adding thereto such Departments in | connection with Map Lithography as may be found desirable for ef?€cting economy in the cost of production. Copies of the Prospectus and Forms of Application can be had at the Office of the Company, at the Bankers', and at the Solicitors'.


-W x a? ec a? w o illusteatioi^s.


fDfOlOgUC : JMnt uusiastical and »Stimujlativ ju.

l . MatOiaiC KXKIU. - I8K 1. Scene : a Law n — Handling the Whi p. VII. How to cast a Dry Fl y. II. How to drive a Fly. VIM. How to cast up Stream , ill. How to use the Whi pcord. IX. How to cast across Stream. IV. Mind your Eye 1 X. To cast a Dry Fly down stream. Hor izontal Cast. V. Scene : a Tond— Taking aim. XI. The j VI. Nota Iiene : Self- delusion. XII. * I go a-Fishing, ' but not drivin g Tandem.

London : SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON, SEARLE & RIVINGTON, Limited, St. Dunstan 's House , BWex Lane , Fleet Street , E.G. oa __Jj BS^smssssmssmsTmn^T^aj. ^^m^ -i!_Lgggwwyy*^i < n . m . . i ¦ ...... 1 . . . i. " . , *¦¦¦¦—*————.» ^^ *wr?—* " " ' ' " ' ' " ' ' - t " .i " . > . ' ^ Mg I 412 The Publish ers' Circular April 1, 1890 THE N EWSPAPER EXTRACT j AND I Special J nfotmatto n Hgenc\\ 54 CHARING CROSS, TRAFALGAR SQUARE, S.W, The Agency supplies Newspaper Cuttin gs from the Press of the World. FIL ES SEARCHED (2,000 AVAILABLE). USEFUL to AUTHORS, PUBLISHERS, b o o :k s e u i* e it s , JOURNALISTS, For Pe rsonal Notices, Revieivs and Notices of Books, &c, and Special News ef every hind *

Translations, Shorthand, Copying, and Type-writing. London, Provincial, and Local Directories and Guides of all kinds for reference and copvinor. . T -, . . f 100 for £1 1 Reductions on larger orders Newspaper Extracts ... { 2g0 f£r £2 \ in proportlon. Foreign papers, searches, and special subjects by arrangement. Estimates free. Agents appoi nted in the la rger Cities and To?vns. Liberal Commission. a Prospectus, ice, showing vses of the Agency to everybody, on application. I T. BOWATER VERNON, Director . QUARTERLY, PRICE 3s. 6d. Bncjlteb Btcbings A MA GA ZINE DEVO TED TO ORIGINA L ETCHING. Edited by W. H. MAY, R.P-E . .__ _ I o««««##«o Each Part contains 3 Plates of varied and general interest, Descriptive Letterpress, Essays, Notes, News, &lc. Etchings after paintings, not being origi nal, are not admitted.

<>???????? —----- part lyyvu for tbe Current (Quarter. 1 The EXHIBITION of the ROYAL SOCIETY of PAINTER-ETCHERS. I Mr. LOUIS FAGAN on ' SOME TR EASURES in the BRITISH MUSEUM/ I NOTES, NEWS, and REVIEWS. LIMEHOUSE REACH Etched by PERCY THOMAS, R.P-E. ON THE BU.RE AT WROXHAM . W. H. URWICK, R.P-E. THE PAINTER-ETCHER A DIFFICULTl PASSAGE / » W* HOLMES MAY, R.P-E. * Certain it is that no such works as these, bo fresh, so good , and so truly artistic have ever boen issued at a sum so l ow, in fact, when we consider the beauty of the work, so merely nominal a price.' Nottingham Guardian. London : SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON , SEARLE & RIVINGTON , Limited, | Kt. Dnnstan's House, Fetter Lane, Fleet Street, E.G. is. - ' • • - ' , -m ' I April i , 1890 The Publisher s' Circular 4,3 PICTOR IAL AFRICA , With a New Chapteu on MR. MURRAY'S LIST. STANLEY' S DISCOV ERY.

AN ILLUSTRAT ED EDITIO N OF DARWIN 'S VuYAG E OF A N ATURALIST ROUND THE WORLD IN H.M S. BEAGLE. With Maps and 100 Views of Places V isited and Described. By R. T, Pritchett, Medium 8vo. 21s. THE RAILWAYS OF AMERICA : their Con- struction, Development, M anagement, and Appliances. With an Introduction by Thomas M. Oooley. With 200 Illustrations. Large 8vo. 31*. 6d.

l^ B 9 U ' fB ^^^^^^^o^. ¦w t ^ k/j nl ^ . WS^ k ^^ __^ ^ Bf J^ I ^ftfl j mHJR9e5§9^J&K ^& ^PB n #7 _ ^•» 1 ' »N^ ^ 1 \ THE RAILWAYS OF SCOTLAND : their Present Position, with a Glance at their Past, and a Forecast of their Future. By W. M. Acworth. With a Map. Crown 8vo. 5s. MARCIA : a New Novel. By W. E. Norris. *«* £e" M urray ' s Magazine. A SOUTHERN PLANTER. By Susan Dabney Smedes. Witu a Prefatory Note by Mr. NEW AND POPULA R VOLUME. Gladstone. Post 8vo. Is. Gd. PICTORIAL AFRICA: Its Heroes, Missionaries, and Martyrs : DRAMATIC OPINIONS . By Mrs. Kendal. Stirring Narratives of Perils, Adventures, and Post fcvo. la. Achievements. With a Full and Descriptive Account of the Peoples, COMEDY OF A COUNTRY HOUSE : a Novel. Deserts, Forests, Rivers, Lakes, and Mountains of the 4 L>nrk By Julian sSturgis. Popular Edition. Continent.' 113 welJ-executed Wood Engravings. 1 vol. cloth elegant, 400 pp. 10£ x 8, price 5*. Crown 8vo. 6s. JAMES SANGSTE R & CO., Paternoster Row, E.C. THE WITNESS OF THE PSALMS TO CHRLoT AND CHRISTIANITY. By W. ! Alexander, D.D., Lord Bishop of lierry. A NEW MANUAL OF BOOKKEEPING Third Edition, revised. Crown 8vo. 9s. ^ for WHOLESALE and RE TAIL TRADERS. By Philip CrEllin, Chartered Accountant. THE REIGN OF LAW. By the Duke op Price 3«. 6d. Argyll, l i^th Edition. Post 8vo. 5*. Geo. Bell & Sons, York Street, W.C., and the Author, 33 Chancery Lane, W.C. LUX MUNDI : a Series of Studies in the Religion of the Incarnation. By Various Writers. Edited by Charles Gore, M.A., Principal Just published. Catalogue No. 30. i of Pusey House, Oxford. Fourth Edition. 8vo. QHAKESPEARIANA. - Editions , 14*. ^ Pamphlets, Commentaries, Biographies, form- ADVENTURE S I N THE GREAT FOREST ing the collection of the late Professor J. B. OF EQUATORIAL AFRICA, AND THE Hoeqel, of Vienna. 300 works priced , sent free COUNTRY OF THE DWARFS. By PAUL on application. du Chaillu. An Abridged and Popular UlLHOFER & RANSCHBUKG , Antiquarians, Edition. With 70 Illustrations. Post »vo. I. Bognergasse 2, Vienna (Austria). THE EXPRE SSION OF THE EMOTI ONS IN i MAN AN D ANiMALS. By CHARLES Darwin. Just published, crown tfvo. 2J8 pp., 6*. I New and Revised Edition, ity Francis OONNETS AND POEMS. By William Darwin. With Plates. Crown 8vo. 12*. *J Garden, Author of 4 Meg's Wedding ' &e. In i handsome cloth binding. MI SS BLAKE OF M O N KSHALT ON : a New Gall & Ing lib, 20 Bernard Terrace, Edinburgh. I Novel. •0* »V ¦ . ¦ • ¦-$ jp $ 414 The Publishers' Circular April 1, ig^

IF YOU WANT- APPL Y TO- GOl/Pn EYRE & SPO TTISWOOI ) E , ^ *Cn mAJti +* East Harding Street, ^^ S ' "tHI T />#. LONDON , E.C. I Hi!hi m Deposit a/c's opened. * # f) C//f / i A ^ Standing Orders received. vAI I if) Ml Lists on .Application. <^^ ^ imJ\ Any Information given. " v

Now ready, crown 8vo., brown buckram, gilt top, 7s. 6d. ROBERT BROWNING : Essays and Thoughts. By J OHN T. NETTLESH IP. Also Edition de Luxe, limited to 75 copies, Whatman L P., numbered and signed, price 21s. net.

Eeady in April, fi nely printed by Clarks of Edinburgh, on hand-made paper, in an edition of 350 copies, fcap. 8vo., at 6s. net, and 50 copies, crown 4to. (for sale), numbered and signed, at 15s. net. ' CORN AND POPPIES. By COSMO MONKHOUSE. The L.P. copies will contain as Frontispiece proofs of an Etching by Mr. William Strang. ¦

London : ELKIN MATHEWS, Vigo Street, W.

Now ready. Cloth boards, red edges, price 2s. New Book for the religious world, specially saleable among members of the Baptist Denomination. STRANGELY L E I> : THE PERSONAL HISTOR Y AND EXPERIENCES OF ARNOLD ED WARDS. By Rev. H. E. STONE , 7 Author of ' David, the Man of God,7 ' Friendly Words,' ' Christ Our Example, 'To whom dost thou listen ? 7 With Portrait of the Hon. and Rev. BAPTIST W. NOEL, M.A. London : K. MARLBOROUGH & CO., 51 Old Bailey. Method Gaspey-Otto-Sauer. RUSSIAN CONVERSATION GRAMMAR FOR GENERAL USE, By I^IETIIO MOTTI. : With an Appendix for Tra desmen, Travellers, Army and Navy Office rs. Crown 8vo. boards, &8. KEY, crown 8vo. boards, 28m London : SAMPSON LOW, ^ABSTON, SBARLE & RIVINGTON, Limited, St. Dunstan's House, Fetter Lane, Fleet Street, E.C. DULAU & CO., 37 Soho Square, W.C. DAVJ D NtJT T, 270 Strand , W.O. I . . Heidelber g : JULIUS GROOS. ¦ ¦ ¦ 7 • ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦• - ¦ " " "" """' "' ' '¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ • ,. * .. * ' ' • . •.- • . / ¦ ¦• • • " '¦- ¦' " • ' . : . . . . . , ; | P r *" v . ^ ' Aprii I f 1890 The Publishers Circular 4IS

^ SWi^ cBtess r ^^^^^^ ^ ^jJIBmm ^^^^^^^ B^^^^^^^^ I ——^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ss ^ 3«3Bi ^c^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^p ^^^^^ 53BBjpi ^^^ ™^*J^^^^ B^^^^^^^^ B^^ B^^ PB^ B^ M^^ fcs * ELECT^OTYpE^ of EW^AVl FOR SALE. ^

ssSi\v^^ SSJ??y8MBBC '' '^ II? ^ ^ 2S! '^ [ ~wr ir Ti w attention of Prin ters, Publishers, and Pro - ^ ^ ¦MH B ^^ of te Pu is te to iHH |^^ E^H prietors Illustra d blications direc d the rcre and varied ¦^ fl ^ H la collection of Engravings in the SHB|^^^S possession of CASSELL & CO., Limited, front

* 1 : J / t —/ ^WE^ ^ ^^^ Ciiiiu 111 ' ¦MBMM ^'' i'" ^ B^ Ir^ " jfci' f j ^^^^ B^ B^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ MH^ r^ T^sff ^^ ^ ^^

nffl^HH ^MJ i^^ K^^^^^^ K^' ' : ^^ ^^ ^fl^^ H^^^ H^M HHBDm^^^^^^^^ L-u';-v 'J^ i^ Hto^ iHlH^^ iP§B^^ ffii fl^HHSHIHI ^BvHI ^^ B '^^^^ BwHI^H^tf

^^^ B^^^ V t v^ , \V* v ^rHll Q^^^^^^^ r^ Tl ^^^ w ^^^^^^^^^^^ l^ L ^ ' ^^^^ H ^ ^ ^^ ^^ kll ^^^^ H ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ HunU ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ r ^^ ^B ^ w ^ M ^^^^^^^^ . 1

Gjissedd &, Company, Limited, LA BELLE SAUVAGE, ' LTJ ID <3- J±T ^3 ' HIL'L , LO3ST IDO^r. ¦ ¦ " ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' - ¦ ; •'^ ~ ¦ • ¦ • . *m 4i6 The Publish ers ' Circu lar April 1, 1890 No Discount asked for by Buyers ! j , I LLU STR ATIONS, F. G. Heath's 3d. MAGAZINE of Amusement, Art, Biography, Economy, Invention, Literature, and Science, The Bookseller can therefore make something on I ! ILLUSTRATI ONS, F. G. Heath's popular and ; ' beautifully-iftustrated Monthly, published at 3d. 25 p er cent, additional prof it is a eonsideration for selling i : ILL USTRATI ONS, F. G. Heath's finely printed ¦ ; and lavishly illustrated 3d. publication. The Discount line is drawn just above ILLU STRATIONS , F. G. Heath s 3d. Monthly Miscellany of Amusing, Artistic, Biographical, Economical, Inventive, Literary and Scientific matter. j If the Discount system is likely to make Bookselling a lost art . Tra de support . I ~"""""""""""" should be given to ¦\ ILLUSTRATIONS, F. G. Heath's high-class con- , tinually varied and always fresh and interesting 3d. periodical. \ Every Bookseller, Newsagent, an d Stationer should keeji il ILLUSTRATIONS, F. O. Heath's 3rf, Magazine, which monthly furnishes matter of interest to every class of readers. I A LEADING FEA TURE OF j j ILLUST R ATIONS , R G. Heath's popular finely- { illustrated and beautifully-printed 3d. Magazine, is that EACH NUMBER IS COMPLETE IN ITSELF ,

SO THAT ¦ The Buyer of a Single Number is not irritated by finding he has purchased a budget of broken chapters. Order the APRIL Number of the Publ ishers, SIMPK IN, MARSHALL, HAMILTON, KENT k CO. , Paternoster Row, Or send for A FREE SPECIMEN COPY to THE MANAGER OF ' I LLUSTRATIONS ,' . 1 St. Swithin' s Lane, London, E.C, ¦ -• ¦¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦- ¦ - - - •¦*• ¦; ¦ ,, - , f i. .n ) i nh-i. i . mi , * ' ¦?:: ' ' ' ' ' .;V^ .-v - . -¦: : . - ¦ . .¦• ¦ . ffl£ . , : . V;;/' : ' ^ C

April i, 1890 The Publi shers ' Circular 4,7 Has Been Matured ^ by which \>^ <£. ^


It is in contem plation ere long to turn the Ma gazine fro m a monthl y into a weekly, and ulti mately into a daily publication. In the last-name d event it is probable that whilst 'ILLUSTRATIONS ' could be produced in a style that would make it the most Highly finished Illustrated Pa per in the World , giving it, in this respect , a position ver y much ahead of what has recentl y been attem pted in the direct ion of illustrated daily journalism /it could be produced at a pri ce that would command for it the Lar gest Circulation of any existing Illustrated Paper in English-speakin g countries. ' ILLUSTRATIONS' FEANCIS GEOKGE HEATH'S MAGAZINE op

9 9 ' % 1TPl3ATi!l l8F &WT\ $i

1Jf PARTIC ULARS and *> * * ** 0° * * * . ' ^t & ADDRE83 j [THI MAKAG BE OF 'ILLUSTRATIO NS,' i il St. Swithin 's Lane , London , E.O. t>- - - - ' * , ' ,1f ' . 4i8 The Publishers Circular ^ pril t j -l8go

HL^ B^a^^^ BkvW ^ HI U wUffJ ^S^^^ / ^M^^^ l luii& ¦fsm\ ^^ r^^^^ BlSifl 0ki ^*^Jsfnl IN Ha L» L. IN \J ¦ ^Bl mk ^f ^^j Bfm ^ ''^m I li I vy EZ> V^ O I I I I K«K «^S^ l!" ^ ^ ^ BS

¦^ ^B^W^fc|S ^ F I aL^^ H ^^^' "^ *~^* ' ^• R^V^ B'QIlB ^ BB^ ^ fl

¦ ¦ ADU17P .^K> ¦ ¦ ^^^^^^m L wA ^L ^^ B^ l ^^VC /\Xl D ull ULi ^ ^/«/^ ¦ V^^-B|^ft A v *^ ' , 4 a^^ kv ^^^ H ^FV ^ | j M - M ^^^^ BM

^^ T^ Rr j!MMff ^ M*t'*^ '^^A ^ | ^ lAOfi Hj NF^ *^ M^yi f ^ ^ & ^ | ¦raV lVm Beacon Pheby's Selfish Natur. A Story. Annie Teum- Maj m O\M ¦gffMSS g Three Indian Campaigns. General Wesley Merritt, Kff ^ltt sfi

i^ ^ *flB p f ^^ T ^ ^ ^ I^^ M^^ I W" HIT % Pf ITV ^^^^ l^^^^ ^^^^^^ 5^*^^^ ^* ^^ h

pKfig|3 Sampson ILotu, J ilTatsto n, dearie &: Mtbtn gton , U&. M^Sfflj

I I ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ v^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ v^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^V^^^^^ VIVIVHIIIHI ^I^IV B(-B— i^b^***** !*****^^^*^"""^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^™ 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 ¦ wsr4fs ^ ^^ ^^ '"^"^"^'^"*^^'*'^^^^^^^^^ ^ "'^^ "^*^"^ ^" ""****** *" ^^ "*^^ ^"'"**"^^"""*"""**^^ , < ^B!Ti April i, 1896 The Publishers ' Circular p 9

Telegra phic Address , ' SPALDING ,' LONDON. ] [Telephone No. 2520.

I ¦ ¦ '¦ ¦¦ I I — '¦ ' ¦ — I —,. —¦ ' ¦¦¦ M N»III 1 . I f I SPALDIN G and HODGE, 145, 146, & 147 DBTJBY LANE, ?4 LONDON , W.C. +•* UJ lj oiesale fy atxonexs & Tllanuf act utevs.

Hold the Lar gest Stock in the World of every description of Papers.


&C. &G. &G.

^???? ^^^ ?^?????? ????? ?????*? ?•????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????? ???? ????? ^4 SPALDING & HODGE, Expo rt Stationers and Manuf actt&rers, 146, 146, & 147 DRTJBT LANE, LONDON , W.C.

¦ ^m^ m^ m^^*—* pi ^^^ — M*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^~ -—* -- * ^^____ i/finT i ^—————— ^**^^^*** ^***^^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^^^^^ B 42Q The Publishe rs' Circular Apj iu, *8go I R. T. TANN ER & Co. SALISBUR Y SQUARE, FLEET STREE T. WHOLESALE AND EXPORT STATIONERS.


SA MPLES AND PRICES ON APPLICA TION. JOHN DICKI NSON & CO. Ltd. IMI IXjILi S : CROXLEY, NASH , APSLEY, HOME PARK, BATCHWORTH. Fine Printin gs and . Super Calendered Pa pers for Newspapers , High-class Ma gazines and Books. Printin gs of all qualities and prices. Unstretchable Litho Pa pers. PLATE , Woodcut , Map, and Drawin g Pa pers . Hand-made Pri nt ings for [Repro du ction of Old Authors , for Editions de Lux e, &c. White and Tinted Writin gs, BLOTT INGS, and Cartri dge Pa pers. Brown and Pac king Pa pers . Enamel Pa pers, Cards and Car dboards , Envelo pes, Note Pa pers, &c.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^tf^to I ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^P^^^^J^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^k^^^^^^^^^^^^^k ^^^^^^^V^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^r^^^^^^r^^^^^Br^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^V^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 65 OLD BJRLIL EY, LONDON , E.C

W TO PROPRIETORS OF ILLUST RATED PERIODIC ALS, BOOKS , Ac. For Sale.—Electrotypes of upwards of 150,000 Wood Engravings. Specimen*and Terms upon application to CASSELL& COMPANY (Limited), I La Belle Sanyago Yard, Ludgato Hill, London, E.O. II If Ji.—Bxamlno thin Btook before brd6kin g new iubj oott. I :i April i, i%>. The .Publishe r ' Circular . « 4?I !=— — .. LADIES 5 CLUB NOTE. The THE GENTLEMAN'Sthe day NOTE. only Note Paper that Has "l>eeii " specially * " The |Tote ^aper ^f for " Private and mad e for Ladies, and will be foun ^fpeou - Professioiial . . ''ll - , ,iH ii. .,.!,(i. ,il!i, ,.,il!i,. ,illi,..,!li t ,.,iilli,..,iliu.,ii|,i.. .(i: i. , illi.. ,i.lli,,iiilii .il!li. .. 'lll(,., illli,. ,illii.,iillli..iilli...iilli,,j|l| l, ,illli...illli..,il!ii..,illii..illli....lllii...llli...iJlli. ..illli...illli..Jii...i(J)ii..iilli. -i/lli. . .i)lli..,illlii.iillii..illlii..iillfc.... :i...ii!;i. ¦ ¦&>. . ¦i.'ii. My. .il :;,. ,!,,' jil; JAMES SPICER «& SOMS' SPECIAL WATER-MARKED PAPERS : 4 ARIZON A MILL ,' ' BEST BRITISH VELL UM.' ' BLANKET BLOTTING.' ' COMMERCE. ' • COUNTY COUNCIL. ' ' FLORIDA MI LL. ' ' GOLDEN FLEECE. ' 'INDIANA MILL. ' ' JUDI CATURE FOOLSCAP. ' ' MINNESOTA MILL. ' * ftUneteentb Centur y' 'NEVADA MILL. ' %>¦ ww i ¦>»< ¦ •'« ¦•« ni «-- -i n« t |Mi | i | ri r 1 - i < - - Hiy ii' 1 irtr ^T-ntn' -'diir-Tiip -mr-'nr -in' 1 'Mi '' w w w v •¦!(»• • n 1 ' w w w ii" w%>- v v > "'nn' " *«n» < " "*nr ' "' t u»""'ni i|i nii'•• ii|i " iiii 'r•w 'Nii '^ir niii'^«i r-iff ^ r ' V'W^W' ^iii' 'H ^-'W' - -iui' 'lyi.• Large Stocks of all descriptions of Papers suitab le f or PUBLISHERS , STAT I ONE RS, ZFiR/Ht sTTIE IR/S , LITHOGRAP HERS , BOO K BINDERS , and MANUFACT URERS. JAME S SPICER & SONS, IKHbolesal e Stationers , ENVELOPE AND ACCOUNT BOOK MANUFACTURERS , 6O UPPE R THAME S STREET LONDON , E.G. i 92 LO2STG AOR E LOND ON, ^.O. 3STEW EDMUND STREET BIRMING HAM. MOUNT STREET :...... ' MAN0HBSTER. - 119 SWANSTON STREET MELBOURNE. Factory : CASTLE 8TMEET , SOUTH WARK , S.B. " • ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ iT ^ Wn- i .. . M ii " ¦ « ' - ¦ " " ' "" ' '' ^ B r ¦ • . --ft ; 422 The Publishe rs' Circular April i, 1890' 1? ^"^ ^ ~** ————^ ——. .^——,^__ _

1 . ¦ ¦ t


Fifty Choice Designs. Sample Set 5s. allowed off £5 order. OFFICE CALENDARS FOB STATIONERS, &c, ON SUPERFINE ENAMELL ED CARDBOARD. Sample Set 1*. 6d. post-free. EXAMDf ATIOU CERTIFICATES TOE SCHOOLS. Samples now ready.

ff ST Chromo Lithographers and Letterpress Printers to the Wholesale Trade.


\U^M^P WHOLESA LE BOOKBINDE RS, ^S 1- 76 Fleet Street , LONDON , 76 Fleet Street. ^^^^^^i862* Publishe rs Booksellersand Trade in town and country are herewith informed ^ , that this f irmexecute rapidly ^ punctually, and in f irst style, all orders for Plain, Elegant and Ornamental Binding; original designs by good artists. Additional steam powerand new machinery enable them to compete successfully with other f irms, in taste, speed, and price. Estimates and samples by return post when practicable.

i PSItCLJCD JP ^ vNT Mjorl cK (x liilvJIP ^i/^ rN , Bookbinders j ^ gf WW we^Kg, Cloister (£ourt & (£hurch Ghtry, Carter Lane, e.c. /f PPVY fOR BESISjy S /*NB ESTIMATES, ' ¦ $= ¦ ——m April i, 1890 The Publishers' Circular ^ EDWARD LLOYD, U? 2 to 14 CRO WN COURT , FLEET STREET , -He LONDON, E.C. #«-

,!¦¦, ,m, . .n. , ,, ,n., ,11,, ,.')., . ." .. , .n. it.. .." . ,..i)., , .M|,.. .,.«,,, .,m, ,nii, .mi . ,,1 1., ..n. ii,, .¦ i)i, 1 ^ , . .. .n tn .. ..m .,l inil ,, .i)h., , ,iBi,.,,iih,,,,it )|i.,,itii, ,,,ilK ..iiii ft. ^ .iihi.iaiM i NihAJh.1 ^ ¦*>,..fl MiUs- SIT TINGBOURNE , KENT ¦ 1 1 | 1 - 1 |1 l : ¦l| ;: ¦<•!•• " ' M '" !)»¦ ' i|||i" i||i'" ''i|||i"'l|| |' "" ¦•ni«"-»l|||i--H||»»- ¦¦•l|I > "' > ¦••||l «" ¦•I||I«" «IH1»- 1 l l 1 lr l #1 l |i 1 | J l l M ri l M||i' |l ''l||i ' ' 'i||i ' ' 'W ••IJ »" ''III' il' ' 'Hi 'mi' tl|l»" l||l N||M ' l||| i ' N||ti"'l|||i' ' l| ||i ' 'i||| i- w| |,-'^ IM' ' !!!!' ' 'l^' ' 1||l>'S|l >'''l||l ' 'l» 1' Hlf ||| i ' N||p' 'qp yH M(l' 'M(l'^ ||l r ^ |H' 'iHI ' NM ''i|lH' ^ |l l'' t| |l ' ' Mtr Wl IUll'''ltt ll'' WM

HR INTINGin PAPERSor OFto EVERYat DESCRIPTION }K§ls^a! &ePt Stock Made Order the earliest moment [yHKIII iyil) in Heels or Reams,

~ ¦ ¦ r m \ r\ r\ f\ /"vy> s\s\ /\/ \ s\ / < /\ / \ /" •> /\ r\ / \ / \ . - - / \ s\ r\ / \ t \ r v/vr^ / ~\ r\ /-\ / \ r* y r\ s\ r\ r\ s\ r\_ /\ /^./ ./\/\/ /> ' ././ • \-. /~ \ ¦ \ / \ / ¦ >\ / ~\ ' ' /\ r\_ \/^ '^ \/\. .' V'\/x/" * ' • '\'.-. ^ ,^-^ ,^ A/^/\/n \ / r* * >^ Super^dalenbeteb papers for ©r^ printing, ROLLED COLOURS AND P LATE -GLAZED TINTS. /¦ ¦ - y f\ /¦ y " /\ f\ /\ r\ / v . 7 /»/^ " /'v / v /^ «-V y \ f\ f\ /X /^. /X.j'X. /X /"X ^\ / V ^\ \ / X 'X/X ^X S k v /"X \ /X ^\ /\/X./s. /' \'' \ s \ s\ ' \ / \ /\/« / \ / * /\/^ . \ /\f\/\/'^ ^\,^ '\/\/>/>/\/X/ ^ ^v/\'s-' \ ' -'-/* ' /^/V/^/^/^ ''^ ' ^/»' '*'" '\ ^'> \-^ ©LAZED /cND UJMGLAZEE) 60L0URED fRINTIJMGS. /\ ~ r r A^/vA r /X ,^X /^ /X/\/^'\/^/Xv ' > ' •/•¦* \ . . , « A.,\/\y>'W\ /V/ \i-- i. <*/»/%/ v>A/" v» ^ , /\/V/^V/ Vy X/ X/N AA/\A/\^A'\AA/\'V/\/\'\'\ " '\''\ /v''\AAA/\/X/X . / X/*N ' V ^/\/A'/V^X. . /^ /^ ^ . / . Special Super-Glazed Thin Printings FOR CA TALOGUES ANI> PRICE LISTS. SUPERFINE HAND-MADE PAPERS—LEDGER, ACCOUNT BOOK,

V. /?. BANK and,,w.../ > PLATE PAPERS.ww-- ¦ . . . , s ^ S/S>. SPECIAL STEREO BLOTTINGS & STEREO TISSUES. -m TINTED OI ^ITINGS » IJST A VARIETY OF COLOUBS AND Q UALITIES. MACHINE MADE WRIT INGS , TUB AND ENG INE -SIZED . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ / . ,,.,. .,. . - . . . .. - . « . ,.,,..,:... , . . . ^ -- Browns ant) packin g papers ot even? £>e0ct1pt(on. GUMM ED PAPERS IN WHKTE & COLOURS. The Celebrated ' CROWN COURT ' Series NOTE PAPERS & ENVELOPES. The Celebrated ' CROWN COURT ' CAP PAPERS.

SAMPLED 6ENT BY POST ON APPLICATION TO THE ABOVE ADDRESS. I ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦:¦ :tf « ,,, ,, 'I ,., , ,„, ,, , , ,,> .,¦ ! ., .. ¦¦ , • „ , „„ ,, i ,, . IW ,. ii ,, m ., ;m Miiii . .f in ¦: ¦. .. W b^ ...... | " ' ¦ ' '" " ¦ ) : - ¦ ¦ : ^ ? Wp ' | _ ^ J | 424 The Pub lishers' Circ ular April 1, 1890

(SffyWyW^ CULTER HILL S PAPER COMPA NY, limited, " " 'WT' § P^_!^r *BKFf\T^ O • \. Oj I^^ fl^ * Ww >^i*iy "* 09 • ^HB^r g OULTEE , near -AJBEHDEEN ", § &2 iiLlLlj JN O* Mm 7%


>—> 3^^~ ^f AA.V "%ff p^jcy L. * ^* "v a3L\yb %t yvy n jfiKy mm r m_ %i»s ^^ ? * & o j !>2 01 Tji a "D "D T*Mr< *nr\ at Q nnx>Tn Tn t* tt ' /^ ^< p3 OJL Jj -cxJtiJLiJLJN yj rU wiN io JL JttJD jJQj JL , Jjj «w« u^


L., S., & H. beg to intimate to PUBLISHERS, PRINTEKS, AUTHORS, &c, that they execute I in the best style and on the most reasonable terms every description of Wholesale Bookbinding, f either in Cloth or Leather. Their Stock of Engraved Brass Dies is most extensive and varied, and their powerful Machinery and Steam-power give them unrivalled advantages in the rapid execution of large orders. L., 8., & H. have a separate Department for Account-Bo ok Binding, and are prepared to under- : take every description of work, including the supply of Paper, Billing, Printing, Perforating and Pa gingof Books for Commercial purposes. Applications for Estimates will meet with prompt attention .


Messrs. SAM PSON LOW, MARSTON & CO., Limited, Have prepared a List of Works from which they are willing to supply selections of Electros. This list they will be happy to forward to any bond f idepurch aser. Address—St. Dunstan's House, Fetter Lane, Fleet Street, EX. • - ¦ - ¦ l ¦ ¦ '¦ -,¦ ¦ - : - ¦,,.- ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ . . ¦ . : -¦ :. -W- -.-/. -*r - S ¦ : '¦' <-y, . - -V^i .;¦. ¦.¦.» . . ¦«».;. •' , ., ,. ,w..- . ,- >K- ' -~ -»--^r-Vy^ '^| y v4.^V jft ^W , ^ ¦ ' ' ' ' '" : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ / ' ¦ ¦ ' "' - • •¦ - ¦ ^ : ' ' ' ¦ y -" : ' \ ;.: ¦: , ^ ¦¦ ' ^ ^ . v . vy :: ? ^— ; , ^ j || Apni i, 1890 The Publishers * Circular ' ^

Telegraphic Address, Jy ^W^ /& ^ ^ *' * ' ENERGY ,' LOHDON. $ Q * X? £j& : £ ^ AS ¥ J ^

#!/v ESTABUSHE D [ 4^ /^ ^yif j§^8 1868.


¦ ¦

# /

„ _ PERRY , GARDNER & CO.'S PERRY , GARDNER & CO. ff ^M ^Departm ent, For P roprietors of Illustra ted Magazines, Jtc. publishers ' printers , ^ywr ^v-T^wrw ^-TTw^-TTT ^ FOR SALE. PRINTERS TO ALL THE LEADING ELECTROTY P 'E S » ' • OF f 1- RELIGIO US SOCIETIES . TH0USA MDS 0F OR .B.NAL WOOD EH«RAm8S.

' ?<>? Specimens und terms on application to above, or to 115 'PAJt Rnrft DOH ROAD, lOITBOU . G. stoneman , 21 WARWICK lane, —*~— PATER NOSTEft ROW , E.C.

.!.. ¦¦. —- !— ——.11^ 1.—I.. I., - I — ¦¦¦ -I, ' 7 - - " "^ ESTABLISHED 1803. NRVER BEFORE BEEN OFFERED. I •- • ¦ ¦ .,; ¦ ¦ ¦ fl ^^^•¦¦¦(¦ •^• (¦(hm ^fc^ fc ^ rf% ( ^ tffc(KmH(m|mPW ^ B^ B(PWiPfc( " i«IB '' > *W * W ^^ W " ( ^ M^^^a^^^j^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^f ^ ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^JI^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^JI^^jajjj ^^^^^^^jj^^^^^jjJ ^^^^M^^^ ^^^^^^P ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ' ¦ " " " ' ¦ • ¦ -' - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ '" ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ : ¦ : . . • $;— . w flSfe: PttWis hets* Circular j, 4*6 April r > lg9(J * ^ ———- ^^^ BTTSIISn ESS OABDS j OF ! ^Printers, "gpu blteljers, i&oofcsellers, ers , PHOTO-ZINCO ETCHERS IN RELIEF, ST. DtmSTAlTS HOUSE , FETTER LANE, & 107 SH0E UME T E T S* *T1> *T ( » FLEET STREE » «C FLEET STRE ET , LONDON , LONDON^ 48 FETTER LANE, HOLBORN, E.C. ; 1 ' Undertake the Collection and Despatch of Indents n 8ISHOPSGATE AVENUE, CAMOMILE ST., E.C. ; o£ Books and Stat ionery of every descri ption. MANCHESTER- 6? & 62a greensate , salford ; CATALOGUES FOR WARDED. LIVERPOOL-35^THERT0N STREET. -Me FINE ART ELECTRO S. *^

-Mill 'Mllf 'IIP' l i |l ' ''Ifll ¦l| || l' '' l||l' ' l| l |l ' i 1 1 lil 1 1 1 ''ll |l ' il| 1 MOPSjg^^ | r»fl l'-H||P-l| |||i'' .|||l' 'l|||l"1|| l'" >l ||>" ' 'l|H" 'n |l'" ELECTROTYPE > l ^ klfl 'i||ir-'l|||i"i||||i N||M'' 1 l|||l"lfl|l'-1||l>"N|||i">l|||i"M||l' H||l'-' 'l||l l|||r-^|||P M|||l'-M||P"M|)l'"i|||l'-M|||l'-Mq|l'-i|^^^ A GENCYMil ' ' W ,'lD 19 LU DGATE HILL , LONDON , E.C. have at our disposal 2,000,000 (two millions) of Engravings suitable for illustrating News- WE papers , Books, Circulars , Magazines , Pamp hlets, Children 's Papers , &c, &c , and have comprehens ive Indexe s of Portraits and Views always ready for reference. We shall be glad to receive a call from anyone requirin g illustrations of any kind ; and if clients at a distance will kindly send us a list of subjects they req uire , together with size limit , a selection of suitable proofs will be at once despatched to them. Cuts found to illustrate MS. or text. One Tear ' s Copyright, or sole use, given with all tlleotros. Electros from 'TH E ILL0- LONDON NEWS,1 'GRAPHIC/ and the principal papers of the world. Telegrap hic Address : Denops, London. Telephone Number , 1880. Branches : PARIS , NEW YORK , MELBOURNE , ONTARI O, & BOMBAY. j E^ coMILL No, ~ 13, j ^orr rr :E: &> 9 H OLLINS MILL S, jDJk.K/ ^TEi isr , XiA.isrc ^ .sim ^ E. BOO K PAPERS, F I NE PRIN T IN GS, COLO U RED PRIN T IN GS, N EWS AND FINE NEWS IN SHEETS OR REELS, LONG ELEPHANTS, CAR T RID G ES, E. S. WRITINGS; ALSO CHROMO , ENA M EL, SURFAC E COLOURED AND GUMMED PAPER, Samp les and Pr ices on application. London Agent : W. V. B0WATER , 28 Queen Street, Clieapside, E.C. H, W. HARRIS & SONS, PAPER MERCHANTS, WHOLESALE AND EXPORT STATIONERS, 11 PANORAS LANE, LONDON, E.C. NEWS, FINE PRINTI NGS, WRITING PAPERS , LONG ELEPHANT S (for wall pap ers), &c.

Tenders given f or contracts f or Newspapers, Maga zines, &c. ¦ ¦ COL- • ' ' ' ¦ ' -f, 7X HBL .^^dmt^^ mm ^^f ^TS^S ^^^^ Ss ^^ JJL -i^i^i^^^^^^ ml ^li ^^ -- . -;¦; ,-v\£ ; >¦ .¦ ¦;;¦;- ;•;::: - ;•;:.- -r-^^rrr::;:-^-;^:" £?r :.•:;:;' r-—;r^:-^ :- - •- - ¦::,:;. -wxt*^^ <•;¦• • i-^^^-.M' -v-niv^.v^.- .w - -v;. ^-i,4 Y |WM P^ .^ r April i, 1890 • Tbje Publish ers' Cir cular ,42? 1 BUJ ^INEj SjS ? GA^Dj^ d© * Jf xtittet&i ' Sec. §H0 PRINTERS rp- S& PRINTERS GO* O y *r »— QOe* °7> " *"* Qo^* teatritig ®*hmet 3MoW«M | |Woo * **** * | WOQ <€ rpO Hew-street Square <* Qr\

*TD«p VTI? ^ I ^^^^^ B ^ aA/uJ uf ipMup ftlVP : ^ | ^3CW k^jk' y €pra d[>e. ] Telephonb^^^ No. ^ 6596 . GILBERT AND RIVINGTON, LIMITED , ^rten tai , Ciasstcai , anti General ^rtnt erg ST. JOHN 'S HOUSE , CLERKENWELL ROAD , LONDON. ^ SPECIAL FACILITIES FOR ORIENTAL LANGUAGES-

NEILL & COM (printer* anb <£fecfrofgj>e™* EDINBURGH , established 1749.<* Respectfully inform the London Publishers and others who may require Book or General Printing expeditiously and well executed, that ttl\t\t ut JBao/i 2;;r . Mr. )Ow & itits they have taken Offices at 78 Fleet Street, E.C , and have appointed £ r JOSEPH THOMPSON (late Messrs. Gilbert /f|^J§§L^j3jk their London of & Bivington), flOTW ^^^ HRSP Representative, who is practically qualified to advise and tak the irf S^olgasiBS S^-.** e instructions regarding Printing of any Works in preparation for &roif ;uib . for the Press. Messrs. NMZJLL & CO. have every facility for rap id and economic production of all Classes of Jioohworh y as well as Genera l Printing.

Messrs. S. W. PARTRIDGE & CO. ARE OFFERING FOR SALE EIjEC TROT"V PES of 40,000 Engraving8 of High- Class Merit.


Pro of Books can be seen at the Office , or Proof s sent on application stating subject* site, and purpose f or which reqtftreif* ALL COMM UNICATIONS SHOULD BH ADDRESSED TO 8. W. PARTRIDGE & CO. (Clich6 Department), 9 Paterno ster Bow, Londo n, BUT, , ¦ » i ¦ , ^r, • — . • • - ¦ -=m f ^ )j & - The Publishers' Circular A&irr.isJ Messrs. HOLME S & SON, Mr , A. M. BTXRQ-HB S, | Ualttje** $ %ttonnt knt B VALUER & ACCOUNTANT TO BOOKSELLERS,STATIONERS , PBIHTER8, NEWS- To Publishers, Booksellers, Stationers, Printers, f rc, > PAPBB PBOPBIBTOR8. fee. 33 FATE BNOSTEB , ROW la PATERNOSTER ROW, Is instructed to Sell the following Businesses: (Late 66a Paternoster Rbw)f 4 Are instructed to sell the following Businesses :- PRINTING and STATIONERY. i — BOOKSELLING, STATIONERY, and Central City Business. Very fine Printing Plant. A> PR I NTING BUSINESS.—In leading Cathedral Excellent premises. Rent £100. Returns £6,000 a city, Midland Counties. Established nearly a century. year at fair profits. About £2,500 required for aM. An Rent £50. Large Corner premises. Returns last year exceptional chance lor a practical printer. Business at ' over £1,200. Excellent connection. All at Valua- present under management. tion, about £700. Open to every investigation. "DOOKSE LLING, STATTONERYT&c.— PRINTING, BOOKSELLING, ami -*-* Old-established business in high-class County X STATIONERr BUSINESS.—In lovely town in Town. Splendid central premises. Rent only £115. Devonshire. In same lrands 9 years. Rent only £60 Keruins have been £4,000 a year. Business can be a year. Excellent premises. Returns £1,400 to £1,500 worked up by attention. At present under manage- a year at good profits ; long: lease. The total purchase ment. About £lt000 required. Worthy of attention would not exceed £1000. A thoroughly genuine concern. pEINTING and STATiONEBYT^Ti BOOKSELLING, STATIONERY, and -*- good City Business in main thoroughfare. Large PRINTI NG BUSINESS.—In ren owned town, office and good house. Rent £110. Long lease. Midland Counties. Exceptional premises. In same Returns £1,600 a year. Good profits. A bout £550 hands 11 years. Rent £58. Net profits fully £300 a required. A very safe business. Suitable for a vear. About £1,000 required (value of Stock and pushing man who understands the t rade. l*lant). A capital opening. JJ TAT IONEBYJPBIN TIN G, &c—Beauti - STATIONERY and FANCY BUSINESS. *J ful town on the banks of the Thames. Fine main ^ Main Road, West district. Splendid thorough- street premises. Rent onlv £30. Returns £1,200. fare. Returns last year £1,550. Good profits. Business Very steady and safe. Good profits! About £800 open to great development. Excellent premises. About required for large stock. Excellent printing plant and £750 required. Business will bear strictest investigation. handsome fi xtures. A desirable opening. PRINTING and STATIONERY BUSf- STATIONERY , BOOKSELLING; -*- NES "> , with Weekly Newspaper attached.— *J FANCY, &c. — Old-established Business fn Capital market town, about 70 miles fro m London. pleasant part of Essex. Fine shop, house, and garden. Leading Business in town. Net profits nearly £300 a Rent only £30. Twenty years' lease. Returns nearly year. Thoroughly genuine. Open to large development. £1,200 a year. Good connection. Princi pal shop in About £800 recmired. the neighbourhood. £5oO required. STATIONERY and FANCY BUSINESS: QTATIONEBYrFMCYn^TJDST&c^ *-) —In splendid suburb N.W. ; fashionable district. ^ Main road in high-class suburb. A g »od steady In same hands 16 years. Proprietor retiring from business capable of extension. Very fin e shop. Nine Business, having made sufficient money. Returns rooms and side entrance. Returns' over £600 a year. about £3.500 and increasing ; excellent profits. Rent About £350 required. Suitable for one or two ladies. only £70 (very low). About £1,700 required. Ill-health cause of sale. Thoroughly genuine and highlv recommended. STATIONERY , &c. — West-EndAn Main OOOKSELLTNG, STATION EBYT^nd Road ; very central busy locality. old-esta- -D FANCY BUSINESS in rising South-coast town blish^ ed and safe business. Net profits proved at over (Sussex). In same hands 18 years. The leading Busi- £450 a year. Can be carried on successful ly by ,ness in the town. Rent £60. " Large premises. Re- ordinary care and attention^ About £750 required. turns about £1,600, at splendid profits. About £800 Proprietor tubing abroad. to £900 required. A very well-known Business. Pro- UOOKSELLING retiring. , STATIONERY, &c- prietor -U First-class market town in Yorkshire. Central I ITHOGRAPHIC, CHROMO, and AL- premises in best position of main street. Ren t only XJ MANACK PRINTING BUSINESS ; one of the £75. Return s reach nearly £1,000 a year and are best-known Businesses in England ; in same hands 44 capable of extension. ' About £400 required. In years. The proprietor js retiring on a good fortune present hands over 20 years. made out of the Business ; when fully attended to, the ~ net profits exceeded £7,000 a year ; at the present time Station eryt l ibbab YTb oo k - *O SELLlNG,&c—Pleasant S.W. suburb. Fine house, the income is about £1,200 a year. All is open to the nine rooms. Attractive strictest investigation. The total purchase will be shop. Large garden. Rent of which can remain. A most ex- only £70. Long lenae. Returns at present £600 a about £3,»? 0C, part year. More can be ceptional opportunity. done. A very good stock and handsome iixtures. About £350 required. Offered UTATIONEBY and PRINTIN G BUSI- chea plv. O NESS, with;Weekly Newspaper ; West of England. family 60 years. The leading Business in OTATIONERY7FANCY7&^=W^FEiid' In same of London. Superior locality. Verv town. Net profits, after payment 'of all expenses, ^ ' * fine premises. retiring. About£l 000 Shop and eight large rooms. Returns £1, 00 a year. nearly £600 a year. Proprietor , On the increase. Good required in cash , rftfd balance by arrangement. profits. About £600 required v for all. A. very safe business. Suitable for one or two UOOKSELIING; "STATIONERY , and ladies. Part can be let. -D PRINTING BUSINESS.—In one of the finest land. Established nearly a century. The wation^^^ roaa, towns in Eng in Northern suburb. Shop and ten leading Business in town. Returns last year about ^ rooms. Eight Books balanced by Accountants, and open to let off for half the rent. Recently established. Very £8,000. ^satisfactory returns and profits the strictest investigation. Net promts last vear , still increasing. A 400. An exceptional opportunity. About very favourable opening for a young man. £150 will £1,300 to £1, be accep'.ed for all. Very cheap. £4,500 required. _> * Monthly Register*, of oner 160 Businesses fo r Di *- ' Monthly Register ' of Businesses fof Pibposalfor- sal forwar ded post-free on application' to 'Messrs. warded post-free on application to Mr. A. M. 6ui.gh«s ? S OLMB8 & Son, 88 (late 66a) Paternoster Row, E.C. 1a Pate rnoster Row, London, E,G. tg\ _ "' . ' ' ' . ' ' • ' • :, • • • ' ' • • • M The Publish ' Circular Aprii r .^sgo ers j ^ ST. DUNSTAN'S HOUSE , FETTE R LANE, FLEET STREET , E.C. FOREIGN BOOKS AND PERIODICALS.

MESSRS. SAMPSON LOW , MARSTON & CO., Limited , beg to infor m the Trade in genera l that they supp ly all Foreign Works and Periodicals at the lowest price. ¦ A large Stock of Popular Foreign Educational, Historical, and Scientific Works always «n hand. Books not in Stock procured in- a few days. Fast train Consignments from the Continent twice a week. Catalogues sent gratis on application 1. ' HENRY STEVENS & SON, DOOKSELLING, STATIONERY, and Russell Street , *-> FANCY.—-Wanted by Ad vertiser (21), a 39 Great SITUATION as Assistant in the above. Six years' LONDON , W.C. ujret-class experience ; good salesman, window- Will answer (with an order if possible) any reports dresser, and stock-keeper. Could come at once. of Book s, Pam phlets, and Ma ps, prior to abou t Good references. — Apply; Hawkins, Addington 1825, relatin g to NORTH AMERICA . Library, Ramsgate. Including Voyages, Travels, Colonial Hiancry, War of Independence (American pzintetf)..Canadian History, &c. &c. CATALOGUES SOLICITED. BOOKSELLERS WANTIN8 ASSISTANTS. BOOKSELLERS ' ASSISTANTS WANTIN B SITUATIONS. THIRST ASSISTANT. — WANTED, to -*• Bookselling arid Stationery Department of a A YOUNG LADY of several years' good first-class business, a Young Man, not less than 28. •£*• experience in high-class Fancy Leather Thorough knowledge, good salesman and stock- Goods, Stationery, Books, .fee , with Library, is keeper ; good address ; unexceptionable character seeking a RE-ENGAGEMENT. Good references. necessary.—Send photo, age, length of experience, —E. L., 120 Finborough Road, S. Kensington, S.W. salary required (outdoor), to T. J. Hankinson, Victoria Library, Bournemouth. BOOKSELLING, STATIONERY , &c— •U The Advertiser, aged 21, requires a RE- ENGAGEMEN T as Assistant in the above. Over •CIRST ASSISTANT.—A Young Lacly five years' experience ; excellent references.— *- for Stationery and Fancy Department of a Address, X.Y.Z., 24 Nether Hall Road, Doncaster. first-class business ; thorough knowledge and un- exceptionable character necessary ; must have good "BOOK SELLERS and STATIONERS.— address and be good stock-keeper ; age not less -*-* SITUATION wanted as Junior Assistant by than 26.— Send photo, with full particulars on all young man, aged 22. Town or country ; accus- points, with salary required (indoor), to T. J. tomed to I library and Newspaper trade ; good Hankinson, Victoria Library, Bournemouth. references ; small salary to begin.—Address, A.G., 52 Shaftesbury Road, Ravenscourt Park. A DVERTISEMENT CLERK WANTED, <£*• with a knowledge of printing and book- WANTED by a Young Lady (21), with keeping ; good address and references.—Write, three years' ex perience, a situation in a stating age and experience, to Publisher *' Circular Bookseller's and Stat ioner's; indoor preferred ; Offi ce, Fetter Lane, E.G. good references ; can be well recommended.— H., c/o Messrs. Warren Brothers, Booksellers, &c., Reporter Offi ce, Royston, Herts. BOOKSELLERS and STATIONERS. ** Wanted, RE-ENGAGKMENT by Young Man. Five years' experience ; good window dresser and salesman.—W., c/o Mr. J ones, 2 Quiet (Street, Bath. TX7 ANTED, to represent a good house • " (' Educational ' preferred), by a Traveller with twelve .years' experien ce and a large con- nection. — Address, stat ing terms, 8., 11 Cases Street, Liverpool . BE-ENGAGEMENT required by Adver •*¦*' tiser. Over 20 years' experience in the Bookselling and Stationery Trades ; practical ctnct printer ; good salesman and window-dresser. — /6ocflii&eJ s Address, H. Truss, Lovvick, Thrapston , North- amptonshire. a$ou£ 60 f ane

xPANCY LEATHER STATIONERY GOODS.—Advertiser, BAGS desires, andRE- ENGAGKMEN r. Over nine jears' fi rst-class experience ; good references, &c.—Address, Alpha, Publishers' Circular Office, Fetter Lane, fl.C. —1 ¦ ' ; ' : ¦ - - ¥ ' " ^l The Publishers ' Circular ' ri ' *^js ^ Afri . iSgo BOOKS FOR SALE, % . v . . .. . Advertisements are inserted under this heading at Zd. per line, prepaid. Before sendin g: books or money, Subscribers should satisfy themselves as to the BQNA FIDES of Corres pondents.

Uaker, J.t A Son, Clifton Hemm, B. If., 18 Margaretta Terrace , Chelsea, S.W. Palgrave's Treasury of Sacred Song. I^rge paper Pen Drawing, by Joseph Pennell Vanity Fair Newspaper, 1888 and 1889, in numbers The Grey River, by Justin McCarthy Macmillaii's Magazine, 1884, 1885, 1886 , and 1887 , in parts Stecherti Q. E., 30 Wellington Street\ Strand % London W,C. Sporting and Dramatic News, Vols. 21 to 25, in numbers Fanner's Americanisms, 32s, ^ Pictorial World, Vols. 1 to 4, 7 and 8, in numbers


Catalogues Gratis and Post-fueb.

WILLIAM GLAISHER , Wholesale and Ex port Bookseller , 265 High Hoi born , London

BOOKS WANTED TO PURCHASE. Note.—It must be distinctly understood that lists cannot be inserted f or others than subscribers except at a charge of 6d. per line prepaid. Books in Print are not Advertised for, but must appear in the ordinary Column Advertisements, and at the same rate. &B" Every care is taken to prevent BOOKS IN PRINT getting into this list, but we cannot hold ourselves in any way responsible for occasional oversights. Subscribers are requested to make careful inquiry at the Publishers' before sending their lists for this column.

Acock A Co., 21 Broad Street, Oxford Arber , G., 1 The Lees, Malvern Stephen 's French Revolution. Vol. 1 Lilly white's Guide to Cricketers. 1843 to 186ff. Any Monks of the West, i n French Lawrence's Handbook of Cricket in Ireland. 3rd, 9th , 14th , , in English 15th Stepniak's Underground Russia | Deuison's Cricketer's Companion. 1843 to 1847. Any Mill's Metaphysics, by Courtney Lambert's Cricketer's O uide Unsettled Questions New Universal Magazine. 1751 and 1 752

Cunningha^^^ T 1^^ ^*^* ™ ™ #* ^ " ^F^fc &¦ *»^ m^L.^L^ ^ on^^ ^fc ^l Usury^ ^^ Vk^ff ^^^ ^ K ¦ Magazine Articles on Cricket. 1700 to 1800 Arnold's (Matthew) Sweetness and Light Whewell's History of Inductive Sciences Atkinson Free Library, Southport Philosophy of Discovery lilackwood's Magazine. Vols. 92-1)4 Inductive Sciences Angus (Craibe) & Son, 159 Queen Street U 1809 (Edinburgh) ^__:_ J803; Vtfs! l,2(0adeH) Barnicott & Son, Taunton tturns, Beauties of. 1819 (Falkirk) Bacon 's Essays. 1st edit. lbi) 7. Good price gi ven Beauties of. 1803 (Arbroath) Do Augmentis. 1623 — Orear's edit. 1802 (Kirkcaldy; Works. Any early edits, and not collected Poetry, Original and Selected, or ptS. 1803-4 (Brash & Kci4) Rosicrucian Literature. Any works Songster's Nest (Edinburgh) Burke's or any othor good Peerage of recent date Hiding of the Outer Marches of Aberdeen. 1861 Arnold's Culture and Anarchy Macgillivray's British Birds. Vols. , 2, 3, 4, 6 St. Paul and Protestantism Chap Books. N. D. (Sfcewarfc Bickers & Son 1 Leicester Square , London W.C. Annandale, f l. C, 9 Queen Street. Hull Ann ual Register.* 1857-69 ^ Hogg's Guide to.the Iron Trades Lysons' History of Derbyshire ¦% ^^ p ^p^ V.B ¦¦ VV ^j p.p ¦¦ Burke^H^^ r V^ f* pit ^^ 'srm ^ Historyim^ q p^ ~^^ ^ b h of^^ the^w ^V.* V^ Commoners.^.^V ^^ p. ^ ^ .^ .4 ^«F >* ^ Vol.T ^ r ¦ 4JV Engineer and Machinist's Drawing Book (Blackie) Wallace's Malay Archipelago. 1st Illustrated odit^ Eliot's (G.) Scenes of Clerical Life, 2 vols. post 8vo. Life of Faith. Vote. 1, 2, a ltomola, 3 vols. post 8vo. Athwprlh, J. JH. A A., 49 Land' s Lane, Leeds Burke's Vicissitudes of Families, 3 vols. jj i,i, UH Dundonald'd (Lord) Autobiography of a Seaman, 2 vols. Byron'Ps ,-WprkB»f y nw, l/^a.a» ; *,Vt°» t Vol.TV*" *•h, Spotlesstu puutwn . Wftiisoj. a Tour in Trance , Montholon'a Napoleon at St. Helena, 4 vols. or Vol. Boardman, Blslwp' $ Stortford . . ^ LeverAA7V OX 'BID CbnWU Cregan.Vl C() nU < 1stJ1OV OU1edit.V< - ' Chambers' Journal. 1845 and 1846 In parts or vols. •I Jack«on;'8 (Lady)*Old Paris, 2 vols. Ad ventures of a Gentleman in Search of the Church ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ " ¦ ,. i,,J. I 'v'i'ii 'ni' ¦¦ hihiiihi»hi» '|«»W'h I'i 'ww »¦'" ! ,. , i-' J I' , n , ,¦¦,, ft . . *; - — ' tf i: ¦"¦ ¦¦¦" - ' - - fa ^ ift j i "" i^' "" " '" " " ¦¦ - -" ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ " " ¦ " ' " : --v-- ^ —¦ ¦•- • ¦ ' • ¦¦ • : ¦ -1 ! $ — _ , The Pu blishers ' Circular April i 1890 ^ JBOOKS WANTED TO PURCHASE —contbmed.

Bopvenu, Vve. J., 22 Rue de la Banque, Paris Cornish, J.t A Sons, Booksellers, 297 High Etolborn% London Grose's Military;Antiquities Lucian. An old translation ¦ ¦ ¦- ¦¦— Ancient Armours Don Quixote, 4 vols. (Paterson) Journal of Physiology. Vol. 9, Part 1 County Histories of North Wale3, Any British Naval Achievements Lewis Ranthorpe. 1847 Whitehead's Richard Savage Branson, Mr. H. J., 61 Hanover Street \ Sheffield Gubbins' Mutinies in Oudh DefoeDeioe's Worksw orKS, cloth.ciotn. Talboys' edit. 1840-41. VolsVola. 7.11, 11 Swan's Lakes of Scotland. Pages 157 to 160 Strickland's Queens of Scotland, cloth. Vol. 7. \ ¦ Cornish, J. E., 33 Piccadilly.Manchester . Couch'coucn s Britishuritisn FishesFisnes, Lang's Oxford. Large paper cloth. 1st edit. Vols. 3.3, 4 Hunting Songs Sowerby's Mineral Conchology of Great Britain. Vols. 5, 6 Warburton's Bewick's British Birds Pewtner's Comprenhensive Specifier, edited by Ycung , imp. 8vo. 1797-1804 Picturesque Europe, 5 vols. Popular edit. Brear, T., & Co. (Limited), Bradf ord Bertrand's Differential Calculus Bayne— »7 's (Peter)X — X Messages- —Mw i»p w fromm. *. vi^A myill I MastersiUUO UVlO Paxton's Dictionary Square, Manchester Cornish, J. 16 A nn's m _^ E., — St. - Mmt of Botanical . _ « _ Names (Bradbury & A.) « « ^m M Wilks' (Washington) Half-Century^^ ^ . 185^ ^ 3 Bright, F. J., & Son, The Arcade, Bournemouth Waverley Novels. 48-vol. edit. Sowerby's Botany. 1st edit. Any odd vols. Fielding's Work?, 12 vols. 12mo. 1775. Vols. 1, 2 Macaulay's England, 8vo. Vol. 5 EdinburghX-JVA11.1 KJ U*X &1I Review.i.| VT i BostonJJLf O W Ull edit.vv** v* Vol.* »J»# 51—- -. Wilson's Larvse of the British Lepidoptera Rollin, Histoire ancienne. 17R*. VoJ. 11, Part 1 (Paris) Goethe's Werke. 1828-53. Vols. 11, 12 (Stuttgart) Brotherlon, O., 36 Hart Street, Burnley Shakspeare, 4 vols. Bickers ' edit. , , 3 Victoria Buildings, Burnley Mmmm W., Bookseller ~ ^J ^ Conlston "" W ^ W **** ^^^ V *«^ -*^^ m^m.^ Li vy,^ JJ 4. vols. Bohn^ ^ '^^ ^ ^ ^f ^ ^^ _ s edit.— D«*" ^ obV ell'* « A ^^N^ Mm ^ Dore Gallery. Part 50. 2*. Clean 8 Diet and Regimen England Cassell's Family Physician. Sub. copy. Chambers' Divine Worship in Pts. or bd. Calvin's Institutes Brown, W., 26 Prince s , Latham's Sanitary Engineering Street Edinburgh Seddon's Building Construction — — — — — —— — — — V — — Prf v - r w W&VS 4* Wf Pococke's Tour (Scottish^ History«--JLAU UWA, V Society)^J I l\;l * I Cunningham's Diary (ditto) ' Philip's Grameid (ditto) Co.v, F. A., London Institution , Finsbury Circus , London, E.C. St. Andrews' Register (ditto) Hunt's (F. K.) The Rhine, 4to. 1845 (A. Hall> Theatre. 1877-80.877-80, aandnd 1883-851883-fifi Ordeal of Richard Feverel, cloth. 1st edit, uncut Curtis, T. A., Oxford University Press Warehouse , Amen Corner, Babington's Records of the Fife Foxhounds London , E.C. WhartonTT 11CLA. \t\JM.M. 'sO LawJLJOt YW Dictionary.A/l\^Vl"lll*i T» 1st4uw edit.v,<»»v» a¦» Bumpusaumpus, T.t. Ba., 2 Georgeveorge Yard. Lombard Street. London. E.G. English Catalogue of Books. 1881 to 1883 (Sampson Low) Drake's Voyage round the World (Hakhiyt Society) Deakin's Florigraphi Britannica, 4 vols. 1857 Bunsen's Egypt's Place in History. Vol.' 5 Sowerby's British Wild Flowers Jefferies' Amateur Poacher, illustrated Montagu's (Lady Mary Wortley) Work?, 3 vols. 8vo. Davies, J., Bath Stuart's (Villiers) Nile Sketches and C leanings James' School Ideals (Rivington) Household of Sir Thomas More Cadman, M., Bookseller, 13 Holly Street. Sheffield Old Chelsea Bun House Library of Entertaining Knowledge : Menageries ; Monkeys. Mazzaroth, or the Constellations ¦ Vol.¦ V'BS 2*0 ,— or-Kf M. afV setKJ \_/ \J Kirby and Spence's Entomology. Any edit. Vol . 3 to end Davis, A., 34 Mayton Street, Holloicay.N.

m Herschel'^k> i*- ^J #- *^ ^^ ™ ™ ^^ ™ s~** Telescope."^ mm ^^ ** ^^^^ ^-^ ^ fc* B^^ ^^ W Phil.*9^ m * *-^ mm* ^ mj Trans^^— ^ ^^ ^ ~~ .m* 1795— — Carson Brothers, 7 Graf ton Street, Dublin McCormac on Stammering. 1828 Planche's Cyclopaedia of Costume Allen's (Grant) Flowers and their Pedigrees Thiers' Consulate. Latter part

mm ^L J A ^L M ~J m^kmt ^L W 1 m*. ^ , f J|k 4ft ^ *^ I^K T r V V ^^ ^B m^^j ^^'I ^¦^' ^^ .* ^^^ ^^ ^ — ~ ~ ^ Chapman , J. C, 36 Coney Street, York Clifford'^ , m\* ^k^ ^m. VA sW* Tunbridge Wells Guide. 1829 Off or's Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, 6 vols. 1862 (B'ackie) Sandby's View of Ludlow Milner's Lily of Lumley (Macmillan) Modern Works on Chili Field . Later vols. Collins, W. P., 157 Great Port land Street. London. W. Humboldt's Kingdom of New Spain , 4 vols. 1811-12 Deakin . II., 42 Green Gate Street, Stafford Humphreys and Westwood's British Moths. Original e^it. Barnabys in America, cloth. Vol. 1 lit, »»». »*¦-» .» ~- w J- — w V.«. ^..» v> ^.i««uv«a. i*l*UU %^J J-il FJ / rankX €M M.M M\. FairlegliJL V* • JL * V, f*) »«•. Parts¦»- 13 to 15 Jardine's^ Naturalist's LibKJ raryK 1*1J . Orig.V/*i^. edit.\J\ Vol.V \Fi » 4Tt-, FishingX AOlllJLIC ^ 1T .andsb_ _ 1 « orough'1 • 8 Zooprm h* ytes. Ainsworth's St. Jamea'. Vol. 1, uncut McCulloch's Western Isles of Scotland Paul Periwinkle. Part 20 m\ Am ¦¦ Smyth's Teneriffe MaxwellsJ p g^ VW> Vb « * ^ i m ¦ r Rebellion.V X^ "^ J ^y AA^^'BA* Parts^L- «JV M. «# "-r 12^^ to— — 15^^ — Thackeray's Vanity Fair, Odd parts Combridge & Co., 18 Grafto n Strict, Dublin Comic England . 19, 20 Roberts' Old Ballads. Complete Fern's (Fanny) Works. Any Deighton, Bell & Co., Cambridge Power's (Tyrone) Works. Any Mitchell's (Sir A.) Papers, 2 vols. Illustrated London News Almanack . 18Q0 Uulloh's Elizabetlui n Lyrics. L. P. Vol. 1 Bourrienne's Life of Napoleon Bigaudet's Life or Legend of (lautnmu %MW ¦ m^^ £ f| * 4 ^*~ ^^ jBh mf ^J 14 m*. «T ^ m^ ^mm^ T* P ^. m* ^ m^ *m ^Vr -K- v- - Mulhall's South America Chaucer, edited byJ U rry,J folio or Catlin's Nort h American Indiana \ Combridge, C, 6 New Street, Birmingham Castren s Finnische Mythology Supplement to Craig's Dictionary, edited »>.v Nuttall r i Dugdale's Warwickshire Den t, W., 34 Southampton Road, Kentish Town, London, A.W. Mill's England Goodman's ( M.) English Sisterhoods i Pulpit Commentary. New Tcstumcnt volfl. Gurnoy'a Shorthand. 1st, 2nd , and 3rd edits. Biixla of Argentine Republic HallanYs Middle Ages, 8vo. Vol. 2 Land and Water. Noa. in 1882-86 Cornish Brothers, Bir mingham Shakspeare's King John , abridged by Kcmblu. 18H(j C Loud. ) Dodgson, /., 35 Pa rk Ilotc, Leeds abridged by Led«lmm. 1886(Manclj.) Gruphie. A set Songs, with Mualc. 188« (Ca89ell) Fun.**m. w m m m A^* *—• set— ^" "— Judy. A set J Shakspeare Souvenir. 1886 (Ma rcus Wurd ) Introdnot. to Study of Shakspeare and Milton. 1884 ( Lond.) Le Keux'a Oxford , Cambridge, and Public Schools a, i_,. i Morristi^t - — * »».t' (J./ T W.)nr \ Keyt^ * -i.- - Notes"\.t ^. ,-v. -. toj . «. SlnikHpearet^ i... w^..»*« «an '*s*¦¦ Plajtjin »- a*-» , Henryi_.r.-»sk kb w V.,Try Sancta Sophia , &c. 1885 (Bath ) Raleigh Wrote Shakspeare. 1888 (Glasgow) Dodtiworth, F. d' W., Booksellers, Netctastle-on-Tyne Girl'a Own Paper. Nov. and Deo. 1885 Grote's History of Greece. Best Library edit. Bound 1736 J Gibbon's Roman Empire. Ditto Bourne's History of Newcastle-up'on-Tyne, folio. SohUrer'a History of the Jewish People (T. So T.'Clark) y Oox's Manual of Mythology Downing, W., Chaucer i Head Library, Birmingham > Sanders' History of Shenstone, 4to. 1704 1 King's Italh&n Valleys. 1858 (Murray) s Algebra ] Mazzini's life and W-ritinga, 6 vols. (Smith, Blder & Co.) De Morgnn'H Trigonometry and Double t*m^ ¦ | If y ^j | mm ++ ^^Jfc ,mwr ^B.^*mW^mr a^i*jw^-v »^^»^-»*^——— ^r — —-— — - - - — - s Misoellany)j Memoirsn M^^ of D©^^ la Itoohej^ aqtueleln- (Constable^ ' ^ I Morley's Struggle for National Education v : ¦ II Berricfoe'fl (John) Christian World Unmaiked Early English Text Society. A sot - t 432 The Publis hers' Circular April », ^ BOOKS WANTED TO PURCHASE—continued.

DouglasA Foulis, 9 Castle Street, Edinburgh Grant , J Bookseller, Edinbur gh Adams' Naturalist in the Nile Valley Cornhiil^ Magazine. New Series. All or any Erskine '8 (of Linlathen ) Letters , 3 vols. Chemical News. Deo. 29. 1865, being No. 317 v¥u» aww Foresta vavqv Sketcheswavwwuw^, 8vo, 1865 (Edinbur^XAUUvlU^U/ gh) — Jan. «, 1866, being No. 318 Gilfillan 's Histor v of a Man Nichol's Puritan Divines : Ribbes, Vol. 4 ; Charn ocfc Gordons Family' of Gordon. 172«. Vol. 2 Gilpin 's Demonolo gy ; Harris* M *mm.*. wo* Voyages» v ^ ngc^,i S« vols.» vio. folioiuiiu , orvi Vol.V lit. 24» North British Review. Part 37 Lecky's Leaders of Public Opini on in Ireland Tales from Black wood, cloth. 1st Series. Vols. 1, 12 Masson's British Novelists Britton 's Architectural Anti quities. Vol. 5. Good price MaxwelTs Hillside and Border Skeches, 2 vols. or Vol. 1 Wellington Despatches. Vols. 11 ,12 Motley 's United Netherlands , 8vo. Vols. 3, 4 3rd Series, 6 vols. 1815 to 1834 Palmer 's Kidnapping in South Seas Smollett' s Works , 8vo. 1817. Vol. 2 (Edinburgh) Skelton 's kssays on Poet ry and Romance Derby 's Iliad of Homer , 8vo. 1861. Vol. 1 Veitch 's Poetry of the Scottish Bonier Forbes ' (Ed ward ) Li fe, by Geikie ( WhymperWnvmr jer s Ascent of the Matterhorn Dampier 's Voyages. 1699. Vol. 1 (London) | 1769. Vol. 2 (Iiverpool > .} Drapton , S., A Sons, 201 High"Street, Exeter i LathanVs Sanitary Engineering Green, W. % A Sons, Edinbur gh Wilson's Bryolotria Britannica Bannatyne Club Publications. All before 1841 Berkeley's Handbook of British Mosses Burke 's Peerage. 1888 or 1889 | Picart 's Religious Ceremonies St. James ' Magazine. Vols. 84, 36-39 Clark 's Practical Jurisprudence Educational Depository, 4 Kildarc J'f acc , Dublin Life of Bishop Dupanl onp Grose, W,, 37 Leicester Square , London , W.C. j Maguire '8 life of Father Mathew Ryley's (S. W.) Itinerant , or Memoirs of an Actor * Canot 's Miseries of War Cibler and Sheridan , or Dublin Miscellany. 1743 i ! Memoirs of Margravine of Anspach , Portraits , 2 vols. U2G ji Edwards, F., 83 High Street, Marulebon r. London, W. Kincaid' s Random Shots from a Rifleman \ Wilson's (H. H., the Orientalist ) Works , cloth. VoR 3, 4, 5 Grose's Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue. 1st edit. Freer 's Married Life of Anne of Austria , 2 vols. cloth British Mnseum Catalogue of Chiroptera. 1878 Grosvenor Gallery Library, 137 New Bond Street, London, W. Thorpe 's Ancient Law3, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. 1840 Born to Luck ' ! Jefferies ' Red Deer, cloth Francillon'8 (R. E.) Pearl and Emerald ! Trollope's (Frances E.) Anne Furoess J Edwards, J. W% P., 133 Bought on . Cheste r Lemony '•s_ (iir Mark)i_\ Leyton~r l.__ HallfT- ii ji Boswell's Johnson. 1832. Vol. 10 Macaulay 's England , 8vo. Vol. 5 Hachette A Co., 18 iTtn^ ITt/Ztam 5/?^^, Charing Cross, W.C. Old Price's Remains. Part 5 Delepierre 's Historical Difficulties and Contested Events Cheshire Architectural Society's Journal. Parts 2, 3, 4 I hi * HemingwayTTorrtir» aii vr '*sa ChesterPhuctor , 2O vols.vrkle Hardin g, G., 6 Hyde Street, New Oxf ord Street, London , W. C. \ Ford' s Handbook of Spain. 1 869. Vol. 1 !» Elliot, A., Edinbur gh* Hackett 's Epitaphs , 12mo. 1767. Vol. 1 preferre d, uncnt

». WW VT A. i -u-¦ • «• Murray 's (Dr.) Life of Samuel Ruth riord AntiquitiesiLUVi\|IUVIVO of*^ theVUV AbbevXJL T of WestminsterV f VOVUAtUtJVViA ,^\^TV« 8vo. 1722.*. •—»••• VoJ. 2 ¦% Robertson 's Medical Jurisprudence in Singapore Brady¦Wfc 1 '• s TreatiseWm-t ¦ • of*• CitiesS-m ¦ • • and"» Burghs-«-v » , 8vo.*-v 2ndj-v 1 edit.3* A_ 177^ ^*7W McDonald' s (Geo. ) Within and Witho ut. Old bdg. Goodge's Curse of Paper Money and Banking, 12mo. 183? Lady Flavia. L«6S (Bentley) Jamiesoa's Scotti sh D'ctiouary. Supplementary vol. Harvey, F., 4 St James ' s Street, London, S. W. Archffiolo gia. Vol. 48, Part 2; ditto . Index to Vols. 1 to 50 Fatcn ^, y., A Son, Queen' s Road, Bristol An Attempt to Sho w the Folly and Danger of Methodism , Wiltslii re Archaeological Ma gazine. Vols. 17 to 8vo. 1809 Encyclopaedic Dictionary. Vols. Literary Pocket Book for 1819 and 1820 Chr istianism. 1 832 Friend, D. B 77 Western Road, Brighton Ultra Cre pidari us. 1823 Cameron's ^(Lovett) Lodge by the Sea Sir Ral pli Eshe r, 3 vols. 8vo. 1830 or 1832 Giberne's Aimee McGowan 's Death , a Vision. Two-copies Hawkins, T., Bookseller, Newburp Don Quixote. Duffleld 's translatio n Bucklan Sportin g Magazine. A set or long series Buxtorf 'o Tiberias Daniell 's Rural Sports , 4 vols. roy. 8vo. or Vol. 2, Part 2 Juds on'fl (th e second Mrs.) Memoir Gilbert A Rivington (Ltd.), St. John ' s Home, Clcrkenwell ,E.C. Blunt' s Plain Sermons , 2 vols. 1868. Vol. 1 Pfleiderer 's (0.) Philosop hy of It eligion , 2 vote. 1887. Vol . l Burke *** Royal Descent s Dods Peerage. 1843, 18<5, 1847 C Bedford 's Blazon of the Episcopacy /f ipwel l, D., Esq., 34 MyddeltonSquare, Clerkenwell, London , JK. Nichols' Bibliothec a Topogr. Britannica . 1786. Vol. 4, l't. 2i> Gfll % F., 42 Oxford Street, Wtston-Kuptr-blare OldOld and New L/tndon.London. VVols.ols. 5., 0.(i , and Titled to all vols. Hodges , F iggis A Co., 104 Graft on Street , Dublin Unbound preferred V oron 's JEsthetica Ca«eell'8 Don Quixote . Libra ry edi t. JO * to end. and Title Parker 's Nature of the Fine A rts Dod well's Cla scal Tour in Greece, 4to. bds. 1819. Vol. 2 Harris * History of Co. Down Famil y library - No. 2, 4 Napoleon,' Vol. 2 Sibor ne's War in Franc e and Belgium in ltilfr Dublin Examination Papers . Any it inee 1876- Gladding, J., 28a Paternoster Square, London, E.C. Bourri enne's Napo leon, 4 vols. 8vo. Frommel 's Works Engineer. Jan. 20, Feb. 9, March D, Aug. 24 r uml Och. ;> f Johnson 's Handbook for Educationists 1883 :; Jan. 11.11, 1884 Holtma nn a nd Woerma n's History of Paintin g. Vol. 2 Goose, A. /A, Rampant Horse Ktreet, Norwich Ma guire 's Platonic Idea Man ners* (M.) Martivab (A. 8pottUwoo Stubbs' De Inventione B^nctu- Crucis. 18ftl (Oxford > Harrods ' Castles and Con veuta of Norfol k ' of ' Reuau s Li fe Chrlat , Hvo. Any ports of Bye s Norfol k Antiquarian MiBcellany Barbour 'a Theory of BimetalUsin Auy Histories of Norfol k Vanity Fai r Album. 18H9 Grant, R^A Son, 107 Pr inces Street, Edinburgh Conlthsrt8 * Equation Interest Tables, 6£ to 8 per Cent. Hogg, S., 32 Charing Cross, London , S. W. -—¦ ¦ww WMJB^I* »' ^»»-- IB|PV (Mb »« ^^ «^ h ^ V«r |/»Vf »/«r* Colerid ge's I^dy Betty Morocco ,j its Places and People* , 4to.• cB«Pt*s Chsnts for TFipmVoices. Single and Doable Hard wlcke's Science Gossip. 1888 M«lJn g'« Iiidoor Plants Pennell 's Pen Drawing , 4to. . jfJi 1 " -^ - *= . 1 JLUe Publishers Apr il i, 189* Circul ar £3 BOOKS WANTE D TO PURCHASE—continued.

, Hitcoke & Son, Richmond Surrey Langley, Miss, Lovejoy and Souther n Counties Library, Reading Waverley Novels. Abbotsford edit. Howitt'a Art Student at Munich Mercer's Notes from the . Field of Waterloo Tourm round^ Reading^&. * • Wilson's ( Professor) Works* brown cloth, 1853. Vol. 4, 11 Fane's (Violet) From Dawn till Noon La guerre pragmatique de 1745 Southall's Recent Origin of Man (Philadelphia) Tnur oy LeUjhton, J. & J., 40 Brewer Street, Golden Square, London. TT. j /i/c hman, J., 51 Cherry Street, Birmingham Yorkshire Literary Annnal. 1832 ¦— H«fc f^-^n- t-? FW* acciolaJll jlj 1 \J m %J9 tV i'» s*^ Lati^>^ r^^ w » n™» Lexicon— —- —w— ^ -- -~^ ,y 2m— vols.* ^^ ^^* ^ 1828 Audubon's Birds of America Prinsep's Iudiau Antiquities, 2 vols. In Memoriam. 1st edit. Cheap copy Jesse's Richard III. Welte' Joseph and his Brethren. 1876 Fielding's Works, 10 vols. 1871 Examiner. March 24, Ih49 ; Jan. to June 1852 N-ewton and Pullan's Discov. at Halicarnassus, 2 v. roy. 8vo. Levine, R., 29 Prince s Street, Norwich ffovcell, E., Church Street, Liverpool Burton's Arabian Nights. Vols. 1, 6-9 Browning's Bells and Pomegranates Supplementary Vols, 3-6 Copland's Dictionary of Medicine, 4 vols. Chadwick's Index to Blomefield 's Norfolk Hunt, W., 7 Briggs Street', Market Place, Norwich Carthew's Launditch, 3 vols. Oxford Spectator. About 18*66 (Rivington) Rye's Norfolk Antiquarian Miscellanj', 3 vols, Byron's Life, Writing3, Opinions, &c, 3 vols. 1825. Vol. 2 Lewis, W., Bookseller, 22 Duke Street,. Cardiff *« V* ift liUCI O Highlandill^UIMl*** Rambles*«WLUVIVW«, ¥ \Sm.KT9 A«JU», V i.» A. LauderP 's 2 vols. 1837. Vol. 1 Key to Waverley Novels Coleridge's Table Talk, 2 vols. boards. 1835. Vol. 1 Walker's (T. A.) Severn Tunnel, its Construction (Bentley) 10 Clement' s Inninn Passagerassage , HvittHutt, F. H., 10 , Strandstrand London, Wvv.C..u. Lippineotl (J. B.) Company, 10 Henrietta Street , Covent Garden , Sergeant Bell. 1839. Page 447 and Frontispiece. Or complete London, W.C. Journal of the Alps. 1864 St. John's Life of Rajah Brooke O'Neill's Irish Crosses. 1859 •a ¦- mi _ _ 1_ Aun —. It IT mm "\7 *A inn avk j-1 llv A /^f —. —*•! — I— /"* 1 1 ..V. 1 OF A Segur's Memoirs and Recollections, 3 vols. Mr. Thackeray, Mr. Yates. and the Garrick Club. 1859 Stanhope's (Lady Hpster) Memoirs, 3 vols. Payne^s Song of Life and Death, cloth. 1st edit. Life of Isabella of Spai n Internatio nal News Company, Bream' s Buildings, Chancery Schbmann's Antiquities of Greece Lane, London, E.C. Z^ Mechanics^.^^^^ft ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^* ^* ^^ ^^ Jarv is, J. W.,

A«J» .___-_- r^J VflR^vy«. M KJ *- -^m. ¦ »— ¦ »" — ' — ), Wft , X^ffc 'a History of the Popes j j V J Ranke 3 vols. 8vo. (Murray ) Spiegelberg's Midwifery, 2 vols. (Now Sydenham Socioty^ U ray'8 Anatomy. 10th and 11th edits. Journal of the Chemical Society. 1858 to 1867 Kind's Antique Gems and Rings, 2 vola. 1872 Kin (f ('., Torquay Mill's (J. Stuart) Dissertations and Discussiona, 4 vola. 8vo. Wurren on Book Plates 2nd edit. Hicliardson'a Pamela, 1 2mo. calf. 1741 -4 2. Vola. I, 2 EiUf lneerlng. Paris Exhibition No. Any Old small 4to. Sermons by American Divines. I60U- 1700 Richards' Flora of Abyssinia Vols. of Old Pamphlets. 1600-1700 Alpine Journal . Voln. 3, 4, 1) , 10, 11, 12; and Farts 21 , 64 ,

A* ^^ M m fmw W m Klnq, If. S., & Co., 65 Cornhill, London , E.C. 66, 72,^ 77,% 78* ^* .9 79* ^^ ' Companions of my Solitude, cloth. 18A 7 .Mulhall'B < M. G.) Fifty Years of National Prog re.™ Holi>s v** ~-m , . \ 1111(41 CO ^ A\J -3 *** ¦ *««\J ^?» 4thm Liv.• • • 1888— " — — Essays during Intervals of Business cloth. 18AH Annale8 de3 Minoi. 1 Aimw) > Proceedings anwper '8 Pooin8. Vols. 2, 3 Permanent Way. 1866 Thomson's Poetical Works, 2 voIh . Wittich'a lexicon to Iliad and OdyHsey. 1866 (Williums & Hull's Reiaaue of the Poets, with Notes and (Hoafurlo * Norgato) Kramers, II. A.,& Son, Booksellers, Rotterdam Ekl n'a Naval Battles, 1744-1814 KushoH'h Indian Mutiny Diary. 3*. (ki. edit. Electrician. No. 608 Uiggett's Bills of Ladi ng Clavla Vorgllvana, or a Vocabulary of all the Words in Virgil 'B Bucolics, G eorglca , and JKneid , 8vo. 1742 ( Lon- Lnchlan, F. C, 13 Canonbury Terrace , London, N. don, Th. Astloy ) lever's One of Them. Noa. 7, 9 to uiul Bird's (B,. M.) Cortes, or the Fall of Mexico, a Romance, < omlc England. No. 18 3 vola. 1836 Dark Blue. Nos. 1, 4 ; also n aot, Nos. 1 to 12 Petor Pilgrim, a Talo, 2 vola. 1839 iingliahman's Magazine. 1831. Any Nos. Westminster Rovlovv. New Berlea. Yol. 1, 2. 1369 Bentley. Nob. 68, 61-66, 80, 06, 97-102 Starkweather's Law of Sex Ainaworth. Noa. 85, 92, 94, 96 Oolltna' (Gharloa Alston ) The Eye Witness. ' (Low & 06.) Latnley Jb Co., 1 A 3 Exh ibition Road, South Kensington , S.W. Braaaey's Naval ADnual. 1886-1889 Heokford'a Italy Biroh'a Inaoriptiona In the Hieiratio or Demotio Chttractor. 1808. (Britlsu Museum Fublloatlon) I Life of John Eldof ; m ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' - *' ¦- ' ' ¦ i A Jf '- -- . . WM 414 The Publish ers' Circu lar April i; ig^ I BOOKS WANTED TOt FURGHA SE—continued

(7ay Low, Marston* Searle «»xrr iiwrif« f pSj/wc ^-vvrt- ^ .*-# »v« Maturin^^ .^^^^.^ ^F ^P^^^ ^V^V^B 's^» Bertram.^^^^^ ^^^^ ^F^K ¦ ¦ ^^^^^ w Cheap-*.r ^ ^ ^^- —"^ H.p IhuutanBB Howe London Vbk^ ^^ B.B >t - ^^ —«. ^^ ^B^^iV ^ - ^i hA Fetttr*_ B^k E.C. ^BBBk BB.* BBk - ^ Lane * .^ta- - BBPPB^ Bh m B> Gower's Diseases of* the Nervous System.* ' Vol. 1 only European Magazine. 1782. Yol. 1 Francisqne Michel, Tristan. 1835 and 1839 Martins of Cro' Martin. Nos. 13, 17

bbp ^ ^p^bpp ^^ bb pa ^bp Mbp bbbpbbb> ¦ pb1 bb» ¦ ¦ bb^bp^bp ^p ^p^ ^p ^ Philosophical^bP ^bp " Transactions. ^^^ b*^ ^^ ^^^ B ^^ Bf 1883b^b> ^ ^ ^P ' ^"^ to 1886^™ ^^ ^^ Badminton Library : Shooting. L. P. Builder. 1889 Indian or Persian MSS., Paintings, &c. Any early ones ¦ ¦ Netecher 's Democracy India : Any Views of Calcutta, Lucknow,

-pj ^p ^bp ^ b ^ -b^b ^b» ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ MT^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^™^^ p^ bp ^p^p ^p^p^^ — ¦- ¦ ^ ^r ¦ — ^^ ^ — ^~ ^ ¦¦¦ — °"™~ ^ w ¦ -^— *¦» t i °"p- — p Coleridgeb" ^^ ^^ ^T ^t 's Speeches in Saurin t - Starr. 1869 (Low

B^^ P^ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ~^~ » « Pearson^^ B^ ^^^^ V^V^^fc B*B* ^^» ^^^^* (J.^ft ^B^ ^F B.)™ ^ F Conspectus^B^ ^^ ^P^»^^P ^ SpP ^* ^P ^ P ^^^ " Auctorum^^"^^^ ~"~ ^ r *^— ¦ h ^v^^^^ quorum^h ^ B ^ ^P -mr" BB> ^ p^p BB^BJ-^Bi Xomina^» *" *^p .Pi ^S-^P B» ^ ^^ p Highlands of Scotland, the Clans &c. Any books indicibus Patrologire a Migne edit® continentur. 1882 Thoughts on Death of Moses. 1851 (Binns & Goodwin, Bath) (Cantabrigiae) Rules, Orders, Regulations, &c. of * The United Brothers,' StokesMkvikuo * Irishxi iou Ornamentviuaui ^uv small 8vo. 1817 Wheaton's Elements of International Law. Supplement Morris' British Birds. Original edit. A set and Yols. 5, 6 Kennedy's (Shaw) Notes on Waterloo. 1865 (London ) India : Any Books, Views, Native Paintings, MSS., &c.

Dnp^^^ P ^b^B Chaillu^^^ P^k^H^^ B^^^ B- * ¦ W^ 's*** Wildp P ^b>^ *pb» Life^^^1* Bh PpP underBp^»m«» «bv ^p ~^bj the^p —^ —' Equator.^^^— — pj — v v m ^ ~—- ^^ ^ 1868^^ ^^" -^ -^v (Low)m ^^^^ ^*p ^ -* * > Irish Lace Exhibition [London, 1883-85 ?]. Catalogue Todd's Parliamentary Government. 2nd edit. Yol. 1. Two copies Millard Miss * Teddington Middlesex Rabbi Jeshua, by author of ' Paul of Tarsus ' New Sporting* Magazine.* Yols. 4, 5, 6 Muller's History of Ancient Sanskrit Literature. 2nd edit. Stewart's Highlanders, 2 vols. 1822 1860 iEsop's Fables, edited by Steers Kendall's Mexico under Maximilian. 1871 Any Books printed at Hull Lupton Bros Booksellers Burnley * Lime Anglo-Norman Poem on Conquest of Ireland. 1837 Eastlake's ^History of Oil* Painting, 2 vols. Scott's Napoleon. Suppressed edit. Gill's Commentary, 6 or 9 vols. Cheap Phallic Worship, Payne Knight Clarke's Commentary, 6 vols. Cheap Books on Grasses Henry's (Matthew) Commentary, 3, 6, or 9 vols. Cheap Ford and Massinger's Dramatic Works, 1 vof. roy. 8vo. Lever's Horace Templeton. 1st edit. Or any Spectator. Tonson's edit. Yol. 3 More's (Hannah) Complete Works Johnson and Steevens' Shakspenre. 1793. Vols. 2, 5, 9 Heckethorn's Secret Societies Lvu&tUr* A. L.y 10 Silver Street* Bloomsbury, London * W.C. Mansers Gnostic Heresies Bronte's Jane Eyre. 1st edit. Thomson's (Mrs.) Literary Characters

—^" [ Married Life of Anne of Austria, 2 vols. Comic-^^ ^P ^^•^^•^^h'^^ ^^ England.P^h^^ ^^^^™ ^ p.« ^P"^""^ ^^^^ ^P^V ^ p 1st«.> ^BT edit.^.p ^tf^h ^P ^p ^f Yol. . ^^ "— w 1 ¦ i Gronow's Reminiscences. 2nd Series Great Expectations. 1861. Any vol. Jackson's French Court and Society, 2 vols. Old St. Paul's. 1847. Imperfect Miller's (Joaquin) Works Erdie's History of Greece. Yols. 9, 12 MacLeJiose & Sons, 61 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow Any odd parts of Lever's Works Waverley Anecdotes, 2 vols. fcp. 8vo. boards Macaulay's History. Library edit. Yols. 3, 5 Eliot'8 (George) Brother and Sister, by Marian Lewes. I860 Bloomfteld's Norfolk. Any vol. Autographs of John Keble, Cardinal Newman, Garibaldi, I Agatha, demy 8vo. 1869 Bentley's Standard Novels General Gordon, Rizet, Incledon, Glinka, Tschaikowski, Hannay's (James) Eustace Conyers Dr. Callcott, Dr. Boyce, Cimarosa, R. Lindley, R. Spof- Claret Cup forth, Elizabeth B. Browning, Chas. Waterton, W. Yarre)!, .K^ b*^^^ ¦ V ¦ Pf r* pfe^B p » » ^^ ^ P1 ^ p*^ ~ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^ p*^ pr .^ ^^ p *^r p p ^b^p^ P. ^^ p* S ^V ^B ^^^ V ^ ^ u'* V ' V ^* ^ ' ^^ * w ^* *^^ VA ^^^ P' K. W. Swainson, Rev. J. G. Wood,^ Thomas Edward, J. j Macmill an & Bowes* Cambridge Harting, R. Bowdler Sharpe, Fred. W. Robertson ¦ ¦ Coleridge's Biographia Literaria, 3 vols. 1847 Petrie'8 Inductive Metrology. 1877 Milligan * T.* Park Lane* Leeds *V P- | Chisholm's Weighing and Measuring. 1877 (Nature Series) Hook'P*^ - <^ ^ %f ^^ p ^. P^ s^J LivesPPP^PV ¦. * P ^p^f of^^T pp^ the^ P Pk-#4 Vp* ArcpbJP. K ^PV hI. PH bishops.'P^ P I ^4 ^p ' H^ P ^^ ^ Index^^ ~ ^ *™ fc- ^ ^P' ^ ^^ vol.v ^h ^ p^ Gray 's (P.) Tables for Computation of Li fe Conti n gencies Yicar of Wakefleld , 2 vols. 1766, or Vol. I Anderson's Works of British Poets, 14 vols. Grote's History of Greece, 8vo. cloth. Vol. 12 Robinson Crusoe. Old edit. I Macmillan A Co.* 29 & 30 Bedford Street, Covent Garden * W.C , Brody's Tennyson's Queen Mary Sir Ralph Esher. Vol. 1 Gatty's Poetical Cliaracter of Tennyson Irying'8 (W.) Essays on Tennyson. 1873 (Edinburgh) Milne , A. A R. * Aberdeen p» — ¦ McNicoll s Essays on Tennyson. 1861 ( Pickering) Ca^ m^ ^^ mpbell'¦bp WA W" ^^^ ^^ ** "* s' (Principal)% 4 PPt ^B ^ p* ^- ^ *^ PJ. r V>^ p* W Works* V ^^ (K Bk^^a, 6^p ' vols.V ^^ * PV Home's New Spirit of the Age, 2 vols. Bisset's Memoirs of Sir A. Mitchell, 2 vols. Burgon's Servants of Scripture addington MaggSy TT.y 159 Church Street * P * London * W. Keltie.—¦ ^p« '•p" p* ^r-^* ^t^ 'sw*^ H^^r^^ ig^pi ¦ I hlands.-"^^ p. p ^—^" *^ » ¦- ^ V» ol.^^" p* m 2P^p Taylor's (Thos.) Translations from the Classics. Any Hume and Smollett's England. Part 9 (Virtue) Notes and Queries. 3rd Series, with Index Adams' Lost Rifle Singer's Playing Cards, 4to. 1816 Archseologia. Yols. 9, 11, 24 ; 33, Part 2 Myers, A. /., ^ p pi pp p p W^p1 fP ^ p 11 ™ ~~* — —** — ^-r — , 2 vols. P^ * ¦ \ ^ pp ^b^ bb ^ -^^ — i i ^^ -^^ s Dresses and Decor. ^^ W V * ^^r W .^ ^* ^^ ^V >^ ^i^ - IMk ^^^ PP'*^ V ^*^ ^^ ' Shaw' , tSweet's British Flower Garden.*V^ 1st Series,y except Vol.-> J Denham's Poems to 3 ; 2nd Series, except Vols. 1 to 4 inclusive Mathetos E. * Vigo Street Londo n, W. Botanical Register. Vol. 12 Jt Vn^ ^ Pl p p% p>^ PBr p. H Vm T1 * *p >^ p« T ^^ r ¦ i Pf ".P r ^*" '"' — Stevenson* 's Prince Otto.* 1st edit. Cur^ ^ p tis' Botanical^^ pfV- ^^ *^ Magazine.^ ^^ p* fPh P^Ppf p^p i M ' p. Wt 2ndp Series.^^ ^p < P* ^PV~ Vola. 64 to 70 Waller's (Edm.)J?oems. Original edit. Bentley's Miscellany. Nov. 1837 ; Feb. 1842 Ainsworth's Magazine. July and Dec. 1843 ; Jan., -M<»y , Denham's (Sir J.) Poems. 1668 Jim., Banck's (John) Poems, 2 vols. 1729 July, and Aug. 1847 ; Oct., Nov., and Dec. 1848 ; Philips' (A.) Three Tragedies. 1725 Feb., March, Sept., and Dec. 1849 ; March and May 18M> Drummond's (W.) Poems. 1833 Mndie' s Select Library {Limited), New Oxford Street, London May * Q. H 9 Royal Arcade, Old Bond Street * London , IK. Piesse'a Art of Perfumery. Enlarged edit. Real Life^ in London. Yol. 2

Pk P*» » -r ~T p PF P> PP ^W piP p> PJ ^PK^PI |p P. P"^P" ^PT ^»^ p ^^ P P" ^"^ ^ ' ~~ W * —r ^ P ^"^ ^^ P^ The Card. 1766. Vol. 2 ^" " fc ^ L^ Nichols, L. E., 29 Orcha rd Street ,^ Sheffield Queens of England, 8vo. blue cloth. .Vols. 5-8 Moliere's Works, 14 vols. Maurice Tiernay. 1st edit. Oldfl eld's Wainfleot Smirke's Illustrations to Arabian Nights Pepya' Diary, edited by Mynora Bright

-.- pp**PBTp>*i^apj#wpi ^ p " p*p» ¦* ^ pj -^pi—p, —. -^ — -.- , or r^^ ^a f M. ^ ^p# * w "fcp * *' *^ W* ^** ¦* • *»- p" • ™^ ^ 1867 , Master Humphrey's Clock. Original parts Standard Newspaper. Evening edit, of Feb. 6,^ Sibson's UluatratLona to ditto , „ Morning edit, of Feb. 6. £6 offered for it Midland Educational Co. (Limited), 7 Market Street, Leicester Sale of a Round Loaf, illustrated Perowne on the Psalms, cloth. 3rd edit. Yol. 1 pm ^p- VM vp P"^. P""^ — Msbetp ¦ "- ^ -~* ^p ^ ^ ^ * J.""¦ * A^^^ f Co.*^p^ ^PP ^ P 21 Berners^p~ o p ^"^ ^~ p .^» Streett *»p — p ^ — ,» London,W W. Promptorium Parviilorum, cloth. Volai 2, 3 ' • Lawson's Lectures on St. Luke ., " ' '' "' * Patterson Commentary on Thessaloniana, Jamoa and Johi» Milts, T 13 Sunbrjdge Rood* Bradford . . ,¦ \ i t i>. 's . Dal^onTknlrnm^' a Treatise'Pvsaa ^ '.lauk onrtn HunlanITiimQn PhyalologyT>hm 'al/\lsinnr , . , ' . ,. Clark'rt JIarmony of the Gospela McOrie on ,, .; Esther Bt - ¦ pi pm B Farquliar *PBi ^P. p ^ B_ P1 B> # 's OonatAnt Cofipl^ , | , k . ^ .^-. — * Tobin*s Honeymoon , , ,,.^,,/m^ ^i.^v .' .. ;¦ ¦- •» ifry'B Horipture Header b Guide. »ix copies

'~" '~" ¦ ' ¦ " ' - ^* >r y ' " . i ¦-» ! ¦ - ¦ ¦ '' * "' H ¦ ¦ ¦ _^ . . .; ¦ - . .. . . ll ' ] Apr il i, 1890 The, Publish ers Circ ular 43s BOOKS WANTED TO PURCHASE— coriiw ^i.

Kutt D., 270 Strand, London, W.C. . 5^/tf , A., 30 Lime Street, London, E.C. MB. W~^ ¦ *^^ a ^^ ¦ ¦ ^ | I I fc^^ B»^iBB»^BBW BB»B^ ^B* ™ ^" ^^^^^^^ m- ^^^^^j ^p~ -«*' ^^^^ ^ ^b . ^b* ^M BBJ ^B"BB* BB" W Wl^TB^BB ^BB1 *B14BB.V ^Br BB^ ^pF ^VrfBi ^b* ^B*m^Bh ^^ 's Mathematical^U^ '*^^^' ¦¦ ^ ^^ ^"^ Analysis to Electricity^ and Magnetism Hart's Geology and Physical Geography of Brazil Green "^ B__l • #" ~~ j^ bL* ^^ ^%aaft^%B*a4 ^^ M * ¦ a¥ ¦¦¦» Playford'¦¦¦» ^^^ mf ^^ ™* " ^^^^ ^r —<¦ F ¦V>^^ »^««^W ^^" b^V^ ^bT«« fj^T V^f A s DivisionBl Heresies Bl ttf Violin. Gnostic ¦ B _ _ 1685 or later Hansel's ^tart . ^ ^^^ landolt's Handbook of the Polariscope Latham's Sanitary Engineering Aldhelm Opera, ed. Giles Old Latin Biblical Texts. Parts 2, 3 Fellowes' Visit to the Monastery of La Trappe. 1817 Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 1883 to < page, E. T., Bookseller, Bridgwater Simmons, 71. The Booke-Lovers' Relreate, Leamington —' ~™ [-^ Ll^vii' ** *~~~ — — Fjelds— «J — — — — — J —— —- Bib'1^/1,rns on's Life on and Fjords Burke's Landed Gentry Rossetti's Poems. 188 1 (Ellis & White) Trial of John Donellan for Murder of Sir T. Boughton Anson on Contracts. 2nd, 3rd, or 4th edit. Trial of Abraham Thornton for Murder of Mary .Vshton »*»¦¦•» *b»«bbi "~ ~~~ »- w- -» -¦- ' ¦¦ ¦¦ Bunbury s Coombe Abbey m^M If M m M. ^\ § % f%r « ™ ^^ ^» ^ ^ 73— — 75w — y ~ w ¦ — ^^ -^ r-w — ~ - *^ -*^ » b^ -.^ ~ w *-#¦ iu «- Pa lmer & Howe, ,^ , & 77 Princess Street, Manchester Oates' (Geo.) Interest Tables at 5 per Cent. 1851 Hamerton's Etching and Etchers. Last edit. Simms, S. W., 12 George Street, Bath Lux Mundi. Two copies Pa lmer*, C. S., 100 Southampton Row. London, W.C, Jennings' Rosicrucians .

¦ ¦ » t » ¦ »r ¦** b.^ » ^^' ¦¦ ^^ Babbagem f^ 1 F wl¥v-VtaBh ^» * 's"^ Ninth^" " • ^™ ^^^ ^ ^^^ Bridgwater^^^^ ^™ 4t ^¥ -^ Treatise«* ^-^t *^ -»^ Croly's (Dr.) Salathiel Tanner's Notitia. 1744 Englisli Illustrated Magazine. Aug. 1888

^ »r ^»r ^^ ¦ —I ¦ B -^B* Carte's Life of Ormonde, 3 vols. folio SecretP -* ^^ ^ ^^* ^ of Success.^^ '^^ -*«^ i* 9 SixB^H^ Bk A VM copies^^^ ^ m ^ ^ ^^^^ Life of William Smith Whitman's Leaves of Grass. Complete Pa rker & Co., 6 Southampton Street, Strand , London, W.C. Baring-Gould's Life of- R. S. Hawker Skeffington

r— ¦ — — ¦x — — - j -w v ^»-v ww r^fV^jy^^XM. Stuart's (Robt.) Anecdotes •** m. A-J llglijV^O • \J & •/• Bath of Steam Engines.*> 1829. Vol.1T Vf * • I- Pickering, G. A F., Bullen's Elizabethan Poets, 2 vols. Original edit. Smith's (Thomas) Extracts from the Diary of a Huntsman Grote's Greece. Cheap edit. Incidents id the Life of another Tom Smith Vol. 7 Sporting _«_*_ BBB> ^P ^V. ¦ Baker¦ —B>^ ~^ W~ 's^^ Bulgaria^^ v —*p) , 2 vols.T ^^ ^"^ f m ^BMI 41 A ^B^ ^ ¦ V J I I A BBL j j m » ^^ pr ^p ^i«^H Brown^ ^ ^ ^^^ p^ 's Forester.^^» ^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^^ 2nd^^^ ^^^^ ^*^ b edit.^^ ^« ^r v 1851^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^b Sule's Etymology (Clarendon Press) Spanish Ballads. 1812. Vol. 1 Durandus on Symbols Pickering dc Chatto, 66 Haymarket , London, S.W. Quesnel's Reflections, in English, translated by Russell I Tom Cringle's Log, cloth. 1st edit. Gatty's Sundial f Hecknoe's Epigrams. lt7J. Imperfect Legends cloth. - 3rd Series. Sotheran , H., ^ «f IIAtll / bV. Vlll \» ' Vanity^^ * Fair^^ * AlbumB^^ h* , cloth.\^ ^^ 1889^ / ^ nf C/ B\ Simple, 1833 ; Jacob Faithful, 1835 ; Japhet in Search of ^B> 9 * /" W « *.* * _«_._ __ a FatherFather., 1836 ;: ChildrChildrenen of New Forest Lyell's Geology, cloth. 12th edit. Vol . ], or 2 vols. 8vo. Scott's Waver.ley, 3 vols. 1814. 1st edit. Rawlinson's Herodotus, 4 vols. 8vo. ¦ ¦ W m .—^— - I ¦ Guy Mannering, 3 vols. 1815. 1st edit. Mongredien^ * ^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^™~ ^ ^ 's Tree^ ^^ ^^^^ s andB^Bl BfeBB^^BBh ShrubsW*^ ¦! K & & BJ ( ^^ fc_# Antiquary. 1816 Helmsley's Trees and Shrubs Rob Roy. 1818. 1st edit. Froude's English in Ireland, 3 vols. 8vr>. ————-« mw b^bI ¦/ ^_ ¦ ^_ H ^., ^, fc^» Talleyrand'*^ —"» ^^ -—^ — ^ ^ ^ j p^ ^^ m ^j m ^ ^ B^ J^ U Tales of my Landlord, bds. 1st Series. 1st ed i t. s (Prince) Memoirs, 4 vols.^ 3rd Series. 1st edit. Bourgoin, Les Arts Arabes Auy of Scott's Novels, 1st edits, in boards Elements 1821^*^ ^1^ ^*™ ^^* Burton's Anatomy. 1621 Ranke's England, (J vols. hvo. Freer's Marguerite d'Angouleme., cloth Pope3PODC3., 3 vols.VOlS. 8vo.8VO. Last Decade, cloth Reformation, 3 vols. 8vo. r Jeanne d'Albret, cloth Prussia, 3 vols. 8vo. Keats' Endymion. 1st edit. Cut copy Napier's (Gen.) Life. Vols. 3, 4 GibbOn's Rome, 8 vols. 8vo. Oxford Classic ¦ edit. Any sets of Portraits, Landscapes, or Engravings to illus- "** *Vi 4 ^TT* A ^ «^ * «" « -b. trate Sir Walter Scott's Novels Siborne's Waterloo, 2 vols. Hvo. and AtJaa Foss' Judges, 9 vols. 8vo. cloth Pink, J. TF., Bookseller, 20 Piltville Street, Cheltenham Motley's United Netherlands. Vols. 1, 2 ¦¦ ¦> b.^ ¦-^ »»>J Vj» ¦ »nmi».r»^ » -.*- a> ^b^ »-—»-— ates' Amazon, Dasliw• • * ood'^^ x^ s>* Chi*^ ploquorga»J n B 2 vol.s. Moore's (G.) Lost Tribes and the Saxona of the Mast nxu l West Selous' Hunter's Wanderings in Africa, 8vo. Waller 's Peter Brown. 1880 Numismatic Chronicle. 1st Series. Vols. 1, 5, 12 1 Boner 's Chamois Hunting in Bavaria Ingoldsby Legends, 3 vols. 1st edit. Tennyson's Poems. Any 1st edits. QuiHsr , F. J., 20 Lydford Road, Maida Hill, London, W. Archaiologieal Association Journal. Vols. 22 3:i M) 4(»

(J. ¦* B^BK »f BvK B» B| f m ' with Preface by 1852 - Bl BB^^ X^ ,^ ^Bf ^ f Uncle Tom s Cabin, Institute. Vol.^ ^ 22 Read & Barrett, 8 Queen Street, Ipswich Gibbon's Miscellaneous Works, 5 voIh. Multon '8 Perspective. 17— Manstein *8 Memoirs of Kussia I-and or'a Imaginary Conversations, 2 vola. 182U> Memorials of J. MeLeod Campbell. !) . !> . JM7 -' , Eastern Counties Colleotanea I •Smith's Diet, of Greek and Roman Mythology. Ptw . 18, 19 Sothera n, H., A Co., 136 Strand , London, W.C. Cicaar, 2 vols. Aldine. 1576 Richer, (.'., Perspective de Nevsky 14, St. Petersburg Lucani La Pharsalio. Elzevir. 1(558 Hooker's Flora Boreal is Americana. Complete Horatii Opera , Bentleii. 1711 (Cantab.) Tacitus, 7 vols. 1799 Rison ^ ^v ^T " *^ ^ W Bf «^ n- . ¦— ^^ ^ ^— .Bl ^B* f T ^ ^ *« V V Fuller's Church History^ . 3rd edit. 1842 . Vol. 3 -^r v «JW««ft V« W mm w Jerr»»^'»»»old' s*** ShillingM 1JMI * ""A Magazine.a«A*l*WM »* Vol. 7 Chambers' Book of Days, cloth. 1864. VoL 1 Byntax in Search of a Wife. Uncut Lever's Charles O'Malloy, green cloth. 1841 | History of Margaret Oatchpole, 2 vola. 2nd edit. 1845 Vol. 2 ¦¦ >¦ * ¦¦ -T" tr ^« _ - «b> ^ ^^ A ¦ Tf a a Sandell & Smith, 186 City Road, London, B.C. Spencer \ J. ibv ^d \ 8 Ourioaitiea of Literature, ^H ^ V 1 4 ^ J ^ , Oray'a Btrurla. Part 2 (R.) PQems, 6-vol. edit. Vol. 5 |: Ireland's Kent. ' Vola. 2, 4 English Classical Reyiow. Vole. 1. 8; Parts or bound ¦¦•"»»««.» LL. l anElVfaintingD Jt lMUMU U inAll Italy,JLVI»«j r , 8vo.OVU. 1828.1U« U. Vol.T \/A. *2 Boy's Own Paper. 1887. Part 105 436 The Publishe rs' Circu lar April i,,^ ! BOOKS WANTE D TO PURCHASE—continued.

Stevens, B. F.. 4 Trafalgar Square, London, W.C. Welter, H., Rue Bonaparte 59, Pari *

~ Kemble 's Names, Snrnames , &c. of the Anglo-Saxons. 1846 Herrick'_ f _ * * 1 B\ BV^^ BL^ s*^ Poetical^k ^T ^^ ^ B^^ pf ^J BjBfc Work^V f ^'K K^ ' Bryce's American Commonwealth. 1st edit. Hazlitt's Shakspeare Library Thackeray 's Advent ures of Phili p, 2 vote, frreen cloth. 1869 Shak?peare Jest Book Corres pondence of Talleyrand and Louis XVTIf. , 2 vols. Old Shakspeare Society's Publication". A set V^BB ^^ » "JF -~ *T w — flBBT » *¦ BB-V BT «T ¦WV^B'B ^r V ^JJ • ¦¦»» n ^n»ld ~bT T 1 g ^ , ^'^* BJ ^ — « ^» B^ b&^ » KaWs Travels in North America. 1771. Vol. 3 Royal^^ Academy^ ^ Pictures. 1889, 2 parts (Cassell) Wilde's Closing Years in Dean Swift's Life Hearn's Aryan Honsehold Stronach, G , 7 Warrender Park Crescent, Edinbur gh Ticknor's H istory of Spanish Literature Newcomes. Part 12 Wesley, TT. A Son. 28 Essex Street, Strand . London. W.C College Rhymes. , 13 % . , BB> Vols. 9 ^p ¦ ¦ ¦ 14 aVB^^ B* ^B> —^ . • » » - — - — - —" — » — ^Br ^ ^ V « VfBB ^Bt Bh^^B ^*B» "^^ —^ • ^^' -^ ^^ V>F» f 1 Lankester^^ *^.' "^^^B » 's** Wild• » ^ ^ Flowers worth Notice,^ col. plates, 12moJ ^ ^^ Y^ - ¦ » ^ ¦¦ ! ¦ BH ^ BBBfe T I •» Lh ¦. ^M B^^WB. . Portfolio. Parts for 1888-89 Kerner's Flowers^TAI .^ Bl and^ JS theibL L^ **2 r Unbidden^M GuestsbTT»Bj ^feJ^^L JH , p.B> 8voB^ . _ . 1878^ _ _ Sackling V th^V ei^H ^ « r^ Forms^B - - H B. ^^B> &c™ ".^ TB, 4to.^ W ^* Bi Lockhart's Scott, 7 vols. cal f Sowerby's English Botany. 3rd edit. Parta 40 to , Any James* Names of Places, in Welsh MoncriefTa Irrigation of Southern Europe, 8vo. Annals of Sporting. 1823 Williams• ^ Bh ¦ ^ Bk V^ *^>A^' ' Orchid"^^ ^ ^fc^ » ^ ^ - *^^ Album,^Bi ^^ " T^ ^^BP ^ ^ B*^ folio.B» ~*^ ^"^ ^ Vols." "" 1-8—" -™ Thiers, Consulat et 1'Empire Sands' (F.) Reichenbachia, folio. Vol. 1 (Sotheran

XaV SundayVtB# ^ » ** \J ^%M9 W atfaJW Home.VlAAVf 1884B» *^ V^ -» Chemical News. Vols. 5, 14 Leisure Hour, 1883 National Review. Jan. 1863, or vol. containing Cassell's Magazine. 1886 Humphreys and Westwood's British Moths, 2 vols. 4ton coloured plates (Smith) B^^BP ^F^ » w ^r « ^h ^^^^ V -^ '^ — — — ^B> "W BB» ^^ " ^ ^ "^ — ~ — » " r — V ' Sutton, Albert,^ 130 Portland Street, Manchester Nature. Vol. 6 I! Williams SteareV ' ^rv V K ^B* 's^ ^ AttributesA ^B. ^B «*- B^ ^ .T *JBb ^T ^*^* of^f^ Bb God^^^* ^ • 'SJBb Thatcher , T., 44 College Green, Bristol Todd's Parliamentary Government in the British Colonies Morton's Encyclopaedia of Agriculture. Latest edit. Voyage of St. Brendau. Latin text Thin, J., Edinburgh Williams A Norgate, 14 Henrietta Street , Covent Garden , vwv ¦> ^BBJB r ^B* BBP^^ ^^B^^BI ^fc ^» ^ W ^^^» ^BP ^ ^ ^B" BBB1 ^t^^W^^ ^» «B^^^* ¦ — ' ^^ I ~" ^^ ^^ ^ m-^*r • v (r« w \s « \ De Burgh^^ on the Psalma,^ 2 vols. 8vo. London. W.* C. i Brunton's Discipline, a Novel Bird's Infidel, or the Fall of Mexico (old novel). 1835 ¦¦' Emmeline Lee's (S.) Peter Pilgrim, or a Life's Reminiscences. 1835 ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦ *fc Bfc ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦BfcB^BwWA~^pT ^^ ¦ ^t^ B^^ B' VB> V' ¦ M ^^T _T ^ "f ^'^ ***" > ^B ^ ^* ^^ ^B" Bi ^^ '^^ ^^ ~ ^ w' ^^ ~~ \j tu vr cnici u Malcolm's Buccaneer^^" ^ , and other Poems. 1824 Cuneiform'iiciitiriu Inscrilusuiiuui'msptions of Western Asia.-rvsif *. Volsv uto.. 1i , *4 i Campbell's Philosophy of Rhetoric, 8vo. o'Cnrry's MSS. Materials for Irish History ! Keim's Jesus, 6 vois. Wright's Homilies of Aphraatesr, I Cla rk's Game of Golf, 4 to. Mozley's Reminiscences of Oriel College i' Coloured Print of Landing of George IV. at Leith . 1824 I Maitland's History of Edinburgh, folio Wills, IT.. 4 Market Place, Loucf hboroucrh G ardenine. Nos. for March 1 to Oct. 16. 1886 : Dee. 18 Strpp t . Thisllewood . A.. Bookseller, 302 Broad * Birmingh am 1886 : Jan. 8. 1887 ; May 14, 21, 1837 ; J une 25, 1887, to ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ Ai^^ nr ^Bb^B i n^»^» sworth'^^ - ™ w ^» ^m ^b* ™ ^ s Tower^^^n —\\— » ^ ^i# r ^BT of^*^ ^^ London.«^™^^^ ™ ^^-^— ^^ ^^ ^^ ^ Old^^ —^^ edit.— — - - — end of Feb. 1888 Belzoni's Travels Manning's New Zealand Wilson, A.. 18 Gracechurch Stree t, London, E.C. Untcin, T. F., 11 Paternoster Buildings, Paternoster Square • , Bowles' Keramic Art of Japan London , E.C. Signs and Seals on Japanese Pottery %^V ¦ b « bl ^ ¦ De Latude's Memoirs, by Himself, edited by Thierry. AlariJl fc. ¦ %J "> A M cV^ atV Rome.^h. W r 9 «¦ * ^ ^ 1d* 840* ^ ^ \* (Rugbv)¦ 4b W L4hBBk fj Translated. 1834 (Dublin). Or other edits, in English Newman's (F. W.) Homeric Translation. 1861 ««#J\

A»^ m A W <^b1*4B># A ##|« W^^U»« IS/>^ \ Numismatic Chronicle. 1859 to 1870, 1874 to 1888 VBT K r ~ *- . . ^b ^-^ ¦ V^V IB. Morris' Grettir the Strong AT Dough^ "* f^K ^ ^ ty ¦* ¦ 's^^ Arabi^B« Bfa ^ ^ a Petraea^b^ ** BV ¦V ^ to' ^B^, 2 vols¦ ^ W ¦ m " .fl *v * Life of Howell Harris / »B0 \ Journal of the Victoria Institute. Vols. 16, 17, 19 4 T ira»Moarnr , 7?., 18 Paternoster Row, Londo n , E.C. ^ . .i j Taiylor 'a Limitations of Life ^ • Contrary Winds Edith Sydney W ^y Iza' a Story Nf l/S^/ X^Ul< lCb WANTED : FIRST EDITIONS, clean and '' uncut, of Lever, Thackeray, Ainaworth, Marryat, George PARLIAMENTARY RE PORT S : an Meredith, Kinsley, Shelley, Keats, Lamb, Browning. Je*«c. Also Works Illustrated by Rowlandaon, Leech, Doyle,

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The Illustrations are drawn and •¦ engraved by the best procurable Artists , and the Fiction , Essays , and other literary contributions are from the pens of wri ters of ackno wledged ability in Great Bri tain and the Colonies. LONDON OFFICE : 8 GEORGE YARD, LOMBARD STREET, Where Files may be seen , Newspapers are on sale , and Advertisem ents received. NOTICE TO PUBLISHERS. AJDJLIrfOB <&c ZFTDE ^ L.IfcT GIS, Hfcverttsement Hoents, Insert Advertisements in all the London , Countr y, Colonial , and Forei gn Newspapers, Ma gazines , and Periodicals , and char ge the same (giving the full reduction for a series) to the Advertiser as if they went direct to the various Pa pers. By Special Contract for < All the Year Round ' (Monthl y Part), conducted by Charles Dickens ; Spring Number , published in March ; Summer Number , published in June ; Almanack published in September ; Christmas Number , published in November ; ' The Royal Horti cultural Society's Journal and Schedule of Prizes ' ; &c. &c. Established 1862. ' DAILY CHRONICLE' SPECIAL PUBLISHERS' COLUMN. ADAMS & FRANCIS , 59 FLEET STREET, LONDON , E.C. BEST MEDI UM in THE WESTERN COUN TIES FOR PUBLISHERS' LISTS. Western Daily Press BRISTOL. First Established Daily Paper in the City or District. CO LON IES AND I THE ESTABLI SHED OVER THIRTY YEARS NIDI A. Read by all interested in the Colonies and India, the Best Markets in the World f or British Manufactures. 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