B^SBMfflBfliMPIBEMMMIivT'Ty'Tj gBI HSBnBBnBHnBB IIlM E ^^ iB^lZIZli ya^rn rnffffwmHw ^^ SSfl mj ^^na ' - — B m ii —. — —.—¦ — ,— -— -. —. ""^ ¦ ** m ¦¦—¦¦—¦.—_—-—.- p — — 7 ^.^^ ^^^ In H. JMOff flff *-ff M M K-*i- TT ^^ T ^^^^ T ^ ^^^^ ^TO ^^ ^ ^^^^^^^ ^^ T ^^^^^ T ^ ^M H Ifi -ff*- i TnHI liiiiVf if M> . *TC3M ^ MMBn ^^ C^ ¦ l|f PR I C E T H R E E P E N C E f*Mp 1 X^ms^y i B ^a^^mi^ • l ) | |S c - THE >^ra /S\ ? ^K " ^ - T 1 GENERA L RECORD ¦ C ^^^^ Ai BRITISH and FOREIGN LITERAT UR E ¦ ! I> Issued on the 1st and 15th of each Month \ I^Hj j LONDON ; 1 flH ' - . ' - ii f - . i¦ ! O^ QAMP«nNT TOW MARSTON SRART.R «r R TVTNflTOTSL T .TMiTirnitkd ! l\ SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON, SEARLE & RIVINGTO N, ^i m 1 «M^ 1 M ) ST. DUNSTAN'S HOUSE, FETTER LANE, FLEET STREET, E.C. \Y ^H l ' ' ' 1: ' ' ' ' ¦ ¦ iifl ^ jj t -ji tii :l!l' •' ' i. ¦ • ~v/\rv ^/\ • fc tl^^^ BI% ^ ¦, , - , , ¦ , , , ~*^^ ^>ynH{ ^^ |K9Qr &t' f¦ ¦" ^"*' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦;" ' . - - . • ' ISti .yi ' y ¦ . ¦/ . ,. .. - ' ' " ¦ I ' ^^ WWI ^^^ M , B>I>\; . a , . .I, .....u«j ^^ ..i. ,i ^ j. jj.__i_x-n,m. Mii- _ «. _ .ii _ _i_ j- -L Li ¦ i ^ r. JJI^ Iyjgi Jgggy ^gjp ^^ Jj ^J^JJI ^^^ g^^^ Jgj ^J^^ l^^^ j ^j lj ^^ l^j lj ^ lJJ p^^ j ^j ¦¦ p^ llj ^j l^^ J^^ J^^^^^^^^^ J^^ JJ ^ II^^^^ y i^^^^^^^^^ J^^^^^^^^^^^ J^^^^^ J^^^^^ J^^^^^^^9> HV ^^^^^ mM S ¦" IV m vP 9 9 9 9 ™ 9 99 9 9 9^ 9 9 ™ 9 9 9 9 ^ ^ ^* ^ W H W v w M W 9 9 9 9* 9 9 w W 9 9 ^^^^ W ™ ^ ^^^ ^ ^ w w w ^ ^ w • • V V 9 ^ w w ¦ ^w w w » ^p !9 if W ™ wA wt^f^ff *W S^f] ^ l Jp Jp A w V ^ ™ 9 W^ w ^ ^ ^ ^ j^ ^ ~ ^ ^ ™ • ^I^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H^lT^^^B^ i i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^\ ^. ^> ^^ W^ ^ ^ ^^ 1 ^^ lr ^^ ^ '" tf^' w^P W 'f^ ^^^ ^r ^^^ E ^^ I v ^^^^^^^^^^ I^I^H ^*. ... ....:.....T»w» ^ !^ m H m mmmm m m mmm mmmma l ^^ KjBl' ^ * ^ ^ ^ ? * ^ **'I ^ WPn ^P'' '* t&'f ^4 *W!f '*!Fm1^^ ( | riii- The Publishers ' Circular Apr il I f l890 THE LEEDS MERCURY DAILY. ESTABLISH ED 1718. THE LEADING JOURNAL IN YORKSHIR E CIRCULATING ' ALSO EXTENSIVELY THROUGHOUT THE NOR TH: OF ENGLAND. ITS CIRC ULATION IS AMONG THE HIGHES T of PRO VINCIAL NEWSPAPERS, and includes Subscribers in all par ts of the world. SPECIAL ATTENTION is iriven to BE VIEWS . OF BOOKS AND MUSIC, as well as to general LITERARY INTELLIGENC E. PUBLISHERS' COLUMNS are inserted every week, and the announcements under this head appear on the same page as Reviews and Notices of Books, thus giving to Publishers' Advertisements exceptional prominence. Books &c. for review may be sent to the London Office. THE WEE KLY SUPPLEMENT , 64 Columns , Sat., Id., is a POPULAR HIGH-CLASS FAMILY JOURNAL, and contains a Week's Home and Foreign News, with many original features, both Literary and Antiquarian, including First-class Serial and Complete Stories. Published bv EDWARD BAINES & SONS. Leeds. London Office, 65 Fleet Street, E.C. THE PALL MALL BUDGET. PRICE FOURPE NCE . EVERY THURSDAY. Is * the most readable paper in England/ It contains from forty to fifty Illustrations in each lssue# It should be in every H ome and Household . _. It offers constant variety to the Satiated It contains the Freshest and Strongest Dis- Reader. cussions of Current Topics by competent | . ,, ... liSJl , ItT. is a storehouse of- valuable and interesting: Writers. rcaomrAaHin o- « nma+tor»«er - It contains a Weekly Cartoon upon the Ques- _. tion of the H our. Once purchased is not likely to be given up. It summarises and Interprets each week the It is the most widely-circulated Paper in thr News of the World. World. i Offices : 2 NORTHUMB ERLAND STREET , STRAND, LONDON , W.C. JAME S CLAEKE ^ CO/S PUBLICATI ONS. Prico *• «• NOVEL S BY EMMA JANE WORBOISE , A NEW AND CHEA P EDITION OF NEW AND CHEAP EDITION. ! "D XXX T T-T HP These F/^V T LJ T?J—I TD (^*V-4 Novels, hitherto published at Five Shillings each , ^ -*-^ X V X X X X • are now pgjng jgsued at A GERMAN ROMANCE, Three Shillings and Sixpence each. By KARL EMIL FRANZOS. The volumes of this New Edition appear at intervals of a f ortnight, viz., on the 1st and 16th of each month. Given in English by JULIE SUTTER. The f ollowlllg f tre aow reftdy .- With a Prepack by DR. GEORG E MACDONALD. Thornycroft Hall. | Father Fabian. * Mr. Gladstone, in a lengthy and appreciative review in Millicent Kcndrick. Oliver West wood, the Nineteenth Century, says:—'It is with some conn* - St. Beetha 's. Lady Clarissa, dence that I commend to the notice of \ our readers a work Violet Vaughan. The Grey _ House at of Carl Bmil Franzos, entitled " For the Right."... .It is like MargaretMartraret TornTorrin ngton.ton Endlestone.moi cb a plcture fuU of atmosphere and light, and affords a welcome ™? * ' Ti Kobert Wretord s relief from the hackneyed conventionalities, which form the £ Fortunes of Cyril ata ple of so much French, and, I fear it must be added , much Uenham. uaugnter. Canonbury Holt, The Brudenells of Brude . English romance.' ¦¦ — Singlehurst Manor. The Heirs of Errington. ¦tinifFI C DV AIMCI II C DADD Overdale. Joan Carisbrooke. NUVtL5 dl AHI ILLIA |t. DMn n. Gre> and Old. A Woman's Patience. 4 In descriptive writing, in simplicity and gracefulnessof Mr. Mqntmorency'8 The Story of Penelope, style, and in perfect mastery over her characters, Mrs. Barr Money. Sissie. can hold her own with any living novelist.' Nobly Born. The Abbey Mill. Glasgow Herald. Chrystabel. Warleigh 's Trust. Jn q, variety of handsome cloth bindings, or bound Husbands and Wives. 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N° 1261.—Vol. LIII. ^^ v Tf "D r v« ( *#«***» i AND General JSecott of Sfcttt tff) an* foreign Xiteratute CONTAINING A OOMPL BTB ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL NEW WORKS PUBLISHED IN GREAT BRITAI N AKD EVERY WORK OF INTEREST PUBLISHED ABROAD {Uwed on the 1st and 18th of each Month] PaicE Sd. April i , 1890 Sf. SS w« X 2ST3D 22X TO ¦A.ZDVIHJ IfcTISlE I&S . Adams & Franc iB iii Glaisher (W.) 430 ! Partri dge (S. W.) & Co 427 Allen (W. H.) & Co 408 Globe (The) iv Penny Library of Fiction iv 411 Groos (J .) Heidelberg 414 Perry , Bacon (G. W.) & Co w—««a Gardner & Co 425 \>|1 » » j» M-m-~m. u wa. -s-f ^ >^ .w ^^ a w a •»¦• ¦••« - .«. r w V^S <w A^M I || I BalneaOUJ,fi\Ja (E.)¦ J.jf ¦? m &W SonsK*>« /J« «_7 (1 Leeds)*~f\j\s\ »*hJ* •¦»••¦•• it Harper's Magazine • • * • • • • 418.a « w j Potter^ * <fe Co.^_f V^» (» Darwen) ••••••*•••••426» w V* Bell (G.) & Sons 413 Harris (H. 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