Larry R. Cope Attorney
[email protected] May 2, 2011 VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL Julie Fitch Director, Energy Division California Pulic Utilities Commission 505 Van Ness Avenue San Francisco, CA 94102 Re: Southern California Edison Company's (U 338-E) Annual Progress Reports for Low Income Programs for the Period January - December 2010 Dear Ms. Fitch: Southern California Edison Company (SCE) hereby submits is Annual Progress Report for the Energy Savings Assistance (formerly the Low Income Energy Efficiency or LIEE) Program, its Annual Progress Report for the California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) Program, its Annual Progress Report for The Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA) Program, and its Annual Report for Temporary Energy Assistance for Families (TEAF) for the period January through December 2010. If you have any questions regarding these Reports, please contact SCE’s Low-Income Programs Manager, Jack F. Parkhill at (626) 302-0745. Very truly yours, /s/ Larry R. Cope Larry R. Cope cc: Administrative Law Judge Kimberly H. Kim, CPUC (via email only) Sarita Sarvate, CPUC (via email only) Sarvijit Randhawa, CPUC (via email only) Tory Francisco, CPUC (via email only) Ava Tran, CPUC (via email only) Syreeta Gibbs, CPUC (via email only) Megha Lakhchaura, CPUC (via email only) Camille Watts-Zagha, DRA (via email only) Rashid Rashid, DRA (via email only) #1720773 Enclosure(s) P.O. Box 800 2244 Walnut Grove Ave. Rosemead, California 91770 (626) 302-2570 Fax (626) 302-1910 Attachment A FERA Annual Report Attachment B LIEE/CARE Annual Report Appendix C LIEE/CARE Tables Appendix D Temporary Energy Assistance for Families (TEAF) Attachment A FERA Annual Report SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY’S (U-338 E) REPORT FOR THE FAMILY ELECTRIC RATE ASSISTANCE (FERA) PROGRAM FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY - DECEMBER 2010 May 2, 2011 SCE’s FERA Report January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY’S REPORT FOR THE FAMILY ELECTRIC RATE ASSISTANCE (FERA) PROGRAM January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010 I.