AUGUST 2004 IPCS Research Papers SSuuiicciiddee TTeerrrroorriissmm iinn SSrrii LLaannkkaa R Ramasubramanian Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies New Delhi, INDIA © 2004, Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies (IPCS) The Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies is not responsible for the facts, views or opinion expressed by the author. The Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies (IPCS), established in August 1996, is an independent think tank devoted to research on peace and security from a South Asian perspective. Its aim is to develop a comprehensive and alternative framework for peace and security in the region catering to the changing demands of national, regional and global security. Address: B 7/3 Lower Ground Floor Safdarjung Enclave New Delhi 110029 INDIA Tel: 91-11-5100 1900, 5165 2556, 5165 2557, 5165 2558, 5165 2559 Fax: (91-11) 5165 2560 Email:
[email protected] Web: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT My sincere thanks and deep sense of gratitude to Prof. P.R. Chari, for his valuable comments and Dr.Suba Chandran for his guidance and support rendered throughout the program. I thank all my colleagues and the staff at IPCS for their kind encouragement. I am obliged to my senior friends, Ms. Rajeshwari, IPCS and Mr. Hari Shankar, SARDI for their help in myriad ways. I owe a debt of gratitude to my Mother Smt.R. Meenakshi Ammal, my family members and the Almighty for their blessing at every stage of my career. R Ramasubramanian Suicide Terrorism in Sri Lanka It would elicit little debate that since the non- abandon West Bank and Gaza, and by Al violence protest movements of Mahatma Gandhi, Qaeda to pressurize the United States to Martin Luther King J., and Nelson Mandela, the withdraw from the Saudi Arabian acts of suicide bombings, more than any other single Peninsula.4 Before the early 1980s, suicide form of political protest, have left their greatest terrorism was rare but not unknown.