Tafila Region Wind Power Projects Cumulative Effects Assessment © International Finance Corporation 2017

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Tafila Region Wind Power Projects Cumulative Effects Assessment © International Finance Corporation 2017 Tafila Region Wind Power Projects Cumulative Effects Assessment © International Finance Corporation 2017. All rights reserved. 2121 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20433 Internet: www.ifc.org The material in this work is copyrighted. Copying and/or transmitting portions or all of this work without permission may be a violation of applicable law. IFC encourages dissemination of its work and will normally grant permission to reproduce portions of the work promptly, and when the reproduction is for educational and non-commercial purposes, without a fee, subject to such attributions and notices as we may reasonably require. IFC does not guarantee the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the content included in this work, or for the conclusions or judgments described herein, and accepts no responsibility or liability for any omissions or errors (including, without limitation, typographical errors and technical errors) in the content whatsoever or for reliance thereon. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgment on the part of The World Bank concerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this volume do not necessarily reflect the views of the Executive Directors of The World Bank or the governments they represent. The contents of this work are intended for general informational purposes only and are not intended to constitute legal, securities, or investment advice, an opinion regarding the appropriateness of any investment, or a solicitation of any type. IFC or its affiliates may have an investment in, provide other advice or services to, or otherwise have a financial interest in, certain of the companies and parties (including named herein. All other queries on rights and licenses, including subsidiary rights, should be addressed to IFC’s Corporate Relations Department, 2121 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20433. International Finance Corporation is an international organization established by Articles of Agreement among its member countries, and a member of the World Bank Group. All names, logos and trademarks are the property of IFC and you may not use any of such materials for any purpose without the express written consent of IFC. Additionally, “International Finance Corporation” and “IFC” are registered trademarks of IFC and are protected under international law. Design: Word Express, Inc. Photo Credits: Lori Anna Conzo, Alvaro Camiña Cardenal, Rafael Palomo and Chris Van Rooyen. Tafila Region Wind Power Projects Cumulative Effects Assessment Table of Contents Acronyms List iv Foreword vi Acknowledgements vii Executive Summary ix 1. CEA Overview 1 2. CEA Phases 11 3. CEA Framework – Birds 30 4. CEA Framework – Bats 78 5. CEA Framework – Habitats and Other Species 88 6. References 97 Annexes Annex A. Regional Environmental and Social Context 103 Annex B. Stakeholder Engagement 113 Annex C. CEA Regulatory, Policy, and Guidance Framework 127 Annex D. Database Development 137 Annex E. Trends Analysis – Migratory Soaring Birds 141 Annex F. Standardized Bird Survey 151 Annex G. CEA for Birds Results: Step 1 – Species Population List 155 Annex H. CEA For Birds Results: Step 2 – Species Sensitivity Results 161 Annex I. Calculating Likelihood of Effect for Migratory Soaring Birds and for Resident and Summer Breeding Raptors 171 Annex J. CEA for Birds Results: Step 3 – Likelihood of Effect and Final Risk Rating 175 Annex K. Threshold Setting: Determining Estimates of Fatalities from External Stressors and Defining Thresholds for Priority Bird Populations 179 Table of Contents | iii Acronyms List AC Advisory Committee Abour Abour Wind Energy Company AUM American University of Madaba BR (Dana) Biosphere Reserve CEA Cumulative Effects Assessment CIA Cumulative Impact Assessment CMS Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals CR Critically Endangered (IUCN) CRM Collision Risk Model CSR Corporate Social Responsibility E&S Environmental and Social EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development EHS Environment, Health and Safety EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EIB European Investment Bank EN Endangered (IUCN) EOO Extent of Occurrence ERP Expert Review Panel ESIA Environmental & Social Impact Assessment ESMMP E&S Mitigation and Monitoring Plan GIIP Good International Industry Practice IBA Important Bird and Biodiversity Area IFC International Finance Corporation IFI International Financing Institutions IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature JIC Jordan Investment Commission JWPC Jordan Wind Project Company KEPCO Korea Electric Power Corporation KOSPO Korea Southern Power Corporation Ltd. LAMSA LAMSA Investments LLC LC Least Concern (IUCN) LoE Likelihood of Effect MAB UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Reserve MEMR Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources MMP Mitigation and Monitoring Plan MoENV Ministry of Environment MoTA Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities iv | Tafila Region Wind Power Projects CEA MSB Migratory Soaring Bird NBSAP National Biodiversity Strategy & Action Plan NNL No Net Loss (of biodiversity) NRP Natural Research Projects Ltd NT Near Threatened (IUCN) PBR Potential Biological Removal PS IFC Performance Standard PVA Population Viability Analysis RSCN Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment SNH Scottish Natural Heritage SVI Species Vulnerability Index TRWPPs Tafila Region Wind Power Projects UoA Unit of Analysis VECs Valued Environmental and Social Components VP Vantage Points VU Vulnerable (IUCN) WPP Wind Power Project Acronyms List | v Foreword The historic Paris agreement to combat climate change—signed by over 190 countries, including Jordan—came into force in November 2016. To make good on their commitments in Paris, countries around the globe will— more than ever before—be looking to renewable forms of energy as the world pivots toward a decarbonized energy supply. To catalyze this shift, IFC has become one of the largest renewable energy investors in the world. We have supported nearly 7 GW of hydropower, nearly 4 GW of wind power, and nearly 2 GW of solar power in emerging markets. The Government of Jordan considers diversifying its energy sources a priority and was one of the first in the Middle East and North Africa region to initiate fundamental reforms in its power sector. The Government set an ambitious 10 percent target for renewable energy as part of the total energy mix by 2020 with a particular focus on the development of wind (600–1000 MW) and solar (300–600 MW) power plants. New legislation has paved the way for private sector investments making Jordan an attractive market in the region, with a conducive regulatory environment for renewable energy projects, strong government support, and competitive financing opportunities. Jordan sits on the Rift Valley/Red Sea flyway, the second largest flyway for migratory birds in the world, and is home to highly charismatic raptor species that are susceptible to collision with wind turbines. Recognizing the potential impacts that an increasing number of wind power projects may have on the flora and fauna of the Rift Valley/Red Sea flyway, IFC sought to bring together developers, conservation organizations, and government representatives to produce this Cumulative Effects Assessment (CEA)—the first of its kind in the Eastern Europe, Middle East and North Africa region. We conducted this CEA through our Enhanced Client Support Program, which seeks to convene multiple stakeholders to address collective environmental and social challenges that are beyond the ability of any one company to solve alone. We hope this CEA will facilitate more sustainable investments in the wind energy sector in Jordan not only by improved understanding of the highest environmental and social risks but also through aligned mitigation, monitoring, and management measures undertaken by developers and other stakeholders to manage those risks. We also hope that the six-step CEA Framework detailed herein, which considers migratory and resident bird populations, bats, and habitats can be applied more widely to the renewables sector across the Middle East and North Africa region where multiple projects may be sited in close proximity and in landscapes or seascapes with high biodiversity values. Morgan J. Landy Dr. Yaseen M. Khayyat Director Minister of Environment Environment, Social and Governance Department Kingdom of Jordan International Finance Corporation vi | Tafila Region Wind Power Projects CEA Acknowledgements A number of parties helped make the Tafila Region Wind Power Projects Cumulative Effects Assessment (CEA) possible. IFC managed the technical direction of the CEA and developed the CEA Framework. The IFC technical team, led by Lori Anna Conzo, included Alvaro Camiña Cardenal and Marjanne Sevenant. We are grateful to John Graham for his technical review and Susan Holleran and Fiorella Facello for their editorial review and compilation of this document. We wish to acknowledge our IFC colleagues John Mantzavinatos, Jai Asnani, Elizabeth White, Robin Sandenburgh and Ahmed Attiga for their ongoing support throughout this process. We also recognize IFC’s Environment, Social and Governance Department, its Infrastructure Department and its Middle East and North Africa Regional Department for their financial support. IFC contracted multidisciplinary international and national experts and advisors to develop
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