Logs and Chips of Eighteen Eucalypt Species from Australia
United States Department of Agriculture Pest Risk Assessment Forest Service of the Importation Into Forest Products Laboratory the United States of General Technical Report Unprocessed Logs and FPL−GTR−137 Chips of Eighteen Eucalypt Species From Australia P. (=Tryphocaria) solida, P. tricuspis; Scolecobrotus westwoodi; Abstract Tessaromma undatum; Zygocera canosa], ghost moths and carpen- The unmitigated pest risk potential for the importation of unproc- terworms [Abantiades latipennis; Aenetus eximius, A. ligniveren, essed logs and chips of 18 species of eucalypts (Eucalyptus amyg- A. paradiseus; Zelotypia stacyi; Endoxyla cinereus (=Xyleutes dalina, E. cloeziana, E. delegatensis, E. diversicolor, E. dunnii, boisduvali), Endoxyla spp. (=Xyleutes spp.)], true powderpost E. globulus, E. grandis, E. nitens, E. obliqua, E. ovata, E. pilularis, beetles (Lyctus brunneus, L. costatus, L. discedens, L. parallelocol- E. regnans, E. saligna, E. sieberi, E. viminalis, Corymbia calo- lis; Minthea rugicollis), false powderpost or auger beetles (Bo- phylla, C. citriodora, and C. maculata) from Australia into the strychopsis jesuita; Mesoxylion collaris; Sinoxylon anale; Xylion United States was assessed by estimating the likelihood and conse- cylindricus; Xylobosca bispinosa; Xylodeleis obsipa, Xylopsocus quences of introduction of representative insects and pathogens of gibbicollis; Xylothrips religiosus; Xylotillus lindi), dampwood concern. Twenty-two individual pest risk assessments were pre- termite (Porotermes adamsoni), giant termite (Mastotermes dar- pared, fifteen dealing with insects and seven with pathogens. The winiensis), drywood termites (Neotermes insularis; Kalotermes selected organisms were representative examples of insects and rufinotum, K. banksiae; Ceratokalotermes spoliator; Glyptotermes pathogens found on foliage, on the bark, in the bark, and in the tuberculatus; Bifiditermes condonensis; Cryptotermes primus, wood of eucalypts. C.
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