Program Undergraduate The Bachelor of


Section header WORLD FUTURE YOU 1 “Before coming here, I put limits on myself. I didn’t know what skills I had because I’d never had to put them into practice. Here, everything changed. We’re encouraged to dream big, step out of our comfort zone, and achieve our aspirations. With the help of this incredible global community, I’ve overcome every challenge—and become the best version of myself. I’ve discovered who I actually am, and I know now how much I’m capable of.”

Hajar Bouazzaoui Moroccan Class of 2022

Learn more about our cover student Hajar on page 68 Section header WORLD FUTURE YOU 2 on thefuture make your mark Study business to a reality. that doesn’t existyet—and usebusiness tomake it And there are thedreamers, aworld whoimagine who keep humanityatthe centerofitall. decisions.informed There are thepeople-people, reality.a The differently.done The There are thecreatives, whoseehow thingscanbe solutions totheworld’s mostpressing problems. together peoplewithdifferent passionstofind individuals andthesocietywe alllive in. Itbrings thaneverfaster before. Business shapesthelives of The world ismore interconnected andchanging number-lovers, whousedatatomake doers, whomake thevision Section header WORLD FUTURE YOU 4 skates hisdaily route to HultLondon. Edoardo Fontana, Classof 2021, found your idealschool. own trail—thenyou mighthave up your sleeves, andblaze your asks you toopenyour mind, roll ... ifyou want aneducationthat from abusiness ... degree need iswhatyou’re lookingfor and amindsetthatentrepreneurs But ifskillsthatemployers want isn’t placeforyou. theright and how tothink, Hultprobably If you like beingtoldwhattodo quo orchallengeit? follow thestatus Do you want to

Section header WORLD FUTURE YOU 5 Section header WORLD FUTURE YOU 6 for today’s reality. business educationthat’s designed Now, you want anew kindof way topredict thefuture. looking atthepastwas areliable for amore stable time—when traditional educationwas built You already recognize that than anything thathascomebefore. quo, andcreate something better Get ready tochallengethestatus while gainingreal experience. to puttheseskillsintopractice by employers. And theopportunity skillsneeded the entrepreneurial isdesignedtogive you approach to Our pioneering people forbusiness people. bybusiness schoolrun business Hult,Bertil we are anon-profit most successfulentrepreneurs, Founded by oneofEurope’s

Section header WORLD FUTURE YOU 7 8 education, Dr. Hodges leadsby example. mindset, andhispassion for practical international business,hisentrepreneurial . Withhisstrong background in through to Standard Chartered Bank in with McKinsey &Company inLondon right has taken himallover the world—starting A businessman for mostof hislife, hiscareer Dr. Stephen Hodges hasledHultsince2006. “Our entire educational experience “Our entire educationalexperience the future, andyourself.” is designedtotake you beyond business to learn abouttheworld,business tolearn throughout yourprogram. real-worldchallenge youproblems totackle with leadingcompaniesandentrepreneurs to truly master businessskills. That’s why we collaborate but itcanonly take you so far. You needpractice to Classroom is the foundation of alleducation, based learning Make animpact through real-world, challenge- demanded by employers. knowledge, leadershipskills,and technical expertise and designour programs to deliver the business data from millionsof jobdescriptions worldwide world’s mostrelevant businessskills.We analyze part of our commitment to provide students with the Every year we update andimprove our curriculumas Just as the world is constantly evolving, soare we. of students We constantly evolve to meet the needs world’s best businessschools. as ahallmarkof quality reserved for the alliance andisinternationally recognized world’s largest businesseducation Schools of Business (AACSB) is the The Associationto AdvanceCollegiate accrediting bodies. three mostprestigious recognized by theworld’s approach toeducationis Hult’s pioneering US triple-accredited first Welcome tothe programs globally. education andisearned only by the best achievement inpostgraduate business that represents the higheststandard of the international impartialauthority The Association of MBAs (AMBA) is Hult International Business School President British Dr. Stephen Hodges to instill the samegrowth mindset inour students. striving to update andimprove ourselves, and we aim ForbesFinancial, andothers. Times, We never stop ofincluding those among the mostreputable businessschoolrankings status, which iscomplemented by our strong position achieveStatesUnited to thistriple-crownin the school AACSB, three mostprestigious international accrediting bodies: the world to berecognized by businesseducation’s In 2018, Hultjoined the top 1%of businessschoolsin best among the Join anon-traditionalbusinessschoolranked EQUIS , and AMBA. We are the first andonly The Economist, Bloomberg Business, education worldwide. is to raise the standard of Development (EFMD), whose mission European Foundation for Management scheme granted andrun by the EQUIS isaglobalaccreditation

9 Section header WORLD FUTURE YOU 10 relevant throughout your career Constantly adaptandgrow tostay about You Learn sustainability isessential Technology changeand isdriving the Future Shape more interconnected thanever Globalization hasmadetheworld the World Experience make animpactfrom day one you skillsto withtheentrepreneurial Hult’s approach empowers pioneering of creativity powerHarness the 78 in yourself Believe 92 We are Hult 48 What’s Inside 112 110 108 106 104 application process All you need to know about fees and the Admissions 100 98 96 94 92 90 Be empowered to adapt andgrow u Yo 86 84 82 80 78 Understand how you canshape the future Future 72 70 68 Get aglimpseof life outside the classroom Life onCampus 64 62 60 57 54 52 50 48 Learn to work across cultures World 13 See how you’ll gobeyond business Academics

Costs &Scholarships Other Programs Hult San Francisco Global CampusNetwork Program Summary Events & Visits Hult Boston Global Opportunities Alumni Stories Hajar’s Story Gazi’s Story Adrià’s Story Hult London Employment Stats Global CampusRotation Howto Apply Learn by Doing Chyna’s Story Sustainability Diverse Teams Guide Dan’s Story Growth &Entrepreneurial Mindset Hult Prize Career Support Clubs &Societies Creative Thinking Student Life

11 Curriculum guide WORLD FUTURE YOU 12 Curriculum Your Beyond Business that adaptstoyour interests andgoals. as you by doingwithaflexible curriculum learn theworld,understand thefuture, andyourself— You’ll be challengedtogobeyond business—to 42 40 38 36 34 32 28 24 22 20 18 14


Program Overview Prof. Ghuman’s Profile Skills Gained Prof. Misiaszek’s Profile Prof. Rukare’s Profile Challenge Learning &Disruptive Challenge Learning Tech Core Program Lifelong Learning Further Study Further Prof. Neri’s Profile Capstone Project

Curriculum guide WORLD FUTURE YOU 13 Curriculum Your Beyond Business that adaptstoyour interests andgoals. as you by doingwithaflexible curriculum learn theworld,understand thefuture, andyourself— You’ll be challengedtogobeyond business—to Section head 42 40 38 36 34 32 28 24 22 20 18 14


Program Overview Prof. Ghuman’s Profile Skills Gained Prof. Misiaszek’s Profile Prof. Rukare’s Profile Challenge Learning &Disruptive Challenge Learning Tech Core Program Lifelong Learning Further Study Further Prof. Neri’s Profile Capstone Project

Curriculum Guide WORLD FUTURE YOU 13 View the 2020 course catalog at Curriculum Guide WORLD FUTURE YOU 14 business mold thatbreaksA degree the Program Overview with confidence. deep self-awareness neededtoleadeffectively and shapingourfuture,technologies anddevelop the every topicthrough agloballens, aboutthe learn about theworld, thefuture, andyourself. You’ll study isdesignedtoteachyou Administration curriculum Every elementofyour BachelorofBusiness reality, andothers. like artificialintelligence, blockchain, virtual business applications of new technologies creativelychallenge you tothink about the the future holds. These shortcourses You need to beready to adapt to whatever Nano coursesindisruptive technology forroleneed youwant.the can ensure you graduate with the skills you technical skillsinto your program. So, you ofprofessionalbuilt theteaching and these employers are looking for globally, we’ve Using big-data analysis to identify the skills Data-driven design Prepare for the future Section head check-in, anda final reflection. preparation work, amid-point capstone project consistingof pre- providing a three-credit elective or a We support you in that journey by than firsthand, on-the-job experience. There’s nobetter career preparation leading companies. solving socialissues,andconsulting for possible by applyingit to new startupideas, you’ve learnedinto practice ascreatively as In teams, you’ll put thetheory challenges. sharpen your skills with real-world business As anintegral partof your studies, you’ll Challenge-based learning Learn by doing communication, teamwork awareness, critical thinking, effective Focus onself-awareness, cultural for successinany professional environment Learn the essential skillsandcompetencies Develop your growth mindset Beyond Business practical application Focus on theoretical knowledge and Learn functional areas of business Develop your overall businessaptitude Business business environment. knowledge andskills to succeedinany The core program gives you the essential Build your core program Section head director of Ashridge Executive Education set by UBS with Tanja Levine, the managing Students share their solution to achallenge Psychology Design Computer Science Any of the above areas plus: Minors Management Business Analytics Majors pursuing after your graduation. edge in the field you are mostinterested in Your choiceof specialization gives you an Choose yourpath

Curriculum Guide WORLD FUTURE YOU 15 Curriculum Guide WORLD FUTURE YOU 16 adapts toyou A flexible that degree Program Overview you choose, atthespeedthatsuitsyou. your needsandgoals. So, you canstudythetopics degree, is built toadapt ourflexible curriculum high school, orhow quicklyyou your want toearn No matterwhere intheworld you’ve attended three years. and typically complete your degree in credits from your last year inhighschool (European system), you will bring30 four years. If you’re coming from Year 13 you will typically complete your degree in from Year 12inhighschool(US system), complete your degree. If you’re coming a yearly basis. You’ll need 120credits to designed onacredits basisrather than world, our undergraduate program is students coming from anywhere in the To ensure our curriculumcanadapt to complete yourdegree? it takeHowlong will you to Section head progressprogram. through the remains the samehowever you choose to credit rather than per year, so the cost little as two years. Tuition iscalculated per highly ambitiousstudents graduate inas credits over the summer, meaningsome All students cangraduate faster by earning Options to graduate faster Beyond Business Business / your core Build World Future You tech Disruptive learning Challenge Majors /Minors your path Choose Four options Capstone Elective for life Masters degree further Go

Curriculum Guide WORLD FUTURE YOU 17 Curriculum Guide WORLD FUTURE YOU 18 Build your core that form thecore ofyourthat form program. and agrowth mindsetthrough courses mandatory Build anessentialknowledge base, advanced skills, Section headCore Program their andmentor Students share their proposal with “From boutique firms toglobalplayers“From boutiquefirms like Google, Work to withthemrangesfrom in-class learning Virgin, companies are andFerrari—real-world actually consultingfortheseleadingcorporations.” & Analytics Statistics Socially Responsible Business Marketing Management Global Strategy Finance Entrepreneurship Business Law Sample topics them through practical, hands-on learning. key skills you want to focus on,anddevelop long-established disciplines,identify the the impact technology ishaving on these to your interests andabilities.Examine context and which onesare mostsuited functional areas fit together inaglobal to marketing. Learn to seehow these business—from management finance to Focus onessential areas of international Business Class of 2018 Mexican Diego Gonzalez placed atevery stepoftheHultstudent journey.

Psychology Presenting &Communicating Negotiation &Conflict Resolution International Politics Future Societies Ethics Emerging Technology Design Thinking Critical Thinking Creative Problem Solving Sample topics classroom to real-world challenges. shape itby applying what you learnin the holds andunderstandhow you canhelp job-ready skillset. Explore what the future base across a variety of disciplinesanda you graduate with apowerful knowledge creativity, andcritical thinking so that You’ll develop your self-awareness, by learningaboutabroad range of topics. business touches every aspectof our lives Gain adeepunderstandingof how Beyond Business

Curriculum Guide WORLD FUTURE YOU 19 Your curriculum guide WORLD FUTURE YOU 20 open discussions. environment to explore ideasandhave they can from me,so we share alearning students Icanlearnasmuch from them as thinking professionals. Ioften tell my from buddingentrepreneurs to forward- rewarding, asisseeingmy students grow can have. Being able to teach is very education is the strongest asset anyone For astart—it’s super fulfilling. Ibelieve Whydo youteach? the confidence to explore new boundaries. students to buildupacuriousmindand lectures are agreat way to encourage Simulations, casestudies,andguest down into more digestible information. of methods to break complex Entrepreneurship modulesIusea variety practical exercises andinsights. To teach classroom throughinto the world I think it’s important to bring the real the classroom? What teaching methods do you usein Professor of Entrepreneurship Ugandan Daniel Rukare FACULTY STORY

“You need explore new confidence to boundaries.”

Curriculum Guide WORLD FUTURE YOU 21 Curriculum Guide WORLD FUTURE YOU 22 for thefuture by doing&prepareLearn and society. new present technologies toglobalbusiness andopportunity scenarios. therisk Understand strengths andweaknesses inreal-world business intopracticeanddiscoverPut theory your true real companies. classes andapply it to the real world and Use the theory you’ve learnedin your major Specialization Challenge modeled on the HultPrize. social issueaffecting millions of people, as Think onaglobalscale to solve apressing Social ImpactChallenge target audience. a product or service to aspecific Design, develop, pitch,andpromote Startup Challenge of your core curriculum. three competitive team challengesaspart and clubexperiences, you’ll take partin In addition to your hands-on classprojects Core challenges interpersonal andpractical skills. theory into practice while developing your and socialchallengesallows you to put Working in teams onreal-world business Challenge-based learning Challenge Learning &Disruptive Tech them grow their startupplatform set by Amazon Launchpad to help challenge respondStudents tothe Robotics Energy of the Future Cybersecurity Blockchain Autonomous Vehicles Augmented & Virtual Reality Artificial Intelligence full potential to berealized. obstacles that need to beovercome for its the likely development timeline, and the key the major players driving the technology, technology works, itspotential applications, experts. Learn the basicsof how the partnership withworld-renownedindustry elective courses, which have been builtin You’ll complete at least three of these Choose three or more nanocourses business applications of new technologies. creativelychallenge you tothink about the the future holds. These short“nano” courses You need to be ready to adapt to whatever disruptivein technology Nano courses of technology exploreapplication future the From blockchain to robotics,

Curriculum Guide WORLD FUTURE YOU 23 Curriculum Guide WORLD FUTURE YOU 24 * authorization in the US for one year of OPT (Optional Practical Training), regardless of your major. an international student and your final year of study is at one of Hult’s UScampuses, you’ll have thebenefit of work the potential for anadditional two years (three total) of work authorization in the US for international students. If you’re The Business Analytics major qualifiesasaSTEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) degree, whichprovides Choose your path in pursuing afteryourin pursuing graduation. you anedgeinthefields you are mostinterested environment, your choiceofspecializationgives knowledge andskillstosucceedinany business While thecore program gives you theessential Specializations Marketing Management Finance Entrepreneurship Business Analytics of concentration Choose from five areas Major * Psychology Design Computer Science based on your interests andgoals Add another area of specialization Minor considers her path through Hult Sophia Fries, Classof 2018, take electives from any discipline. declare amajor or minor andinstead No problem, you canchoosenot to Don’tspecialize? wantto Business Analytics).in major inManagement withaminor be taken asminors(i.e., you could require 12credits. Majors canalso of the businesscore, whileminors coursework inaddition to completion Majors require 24credits of business. and future jumpstart your boldidea for anapp minor inComputer Science to help major inEntrepreneurship with a Or perhaps you want to combinea Marketing with aminor inPsychology. makes them tick—you couldmajor in understanding consumersand what Maybe you want to digdeeper into

Curriculum Guide WORLD FUTURE YOU 25 Curriculum Guide WORLD FUTURE YOU 26 area ofbusiness withamajor Concentrate inyour chosen Strategic DecisionMaking Operations Management Project Management Employee Motivation Change Management Sample topics leadership roles within any industry. practices necessary for successin and knowledge of effective management negotiation andinfluencing techniques, Equip yourself with the peopleskills, Major inManagement in Boston get to know eachother Students at the 2018Welcome Week Section headSpecializations recognized professional marketing certification. gain independent validation through aninternationally of Marketing (CIM) qualifications, makingiteasier to Our Major inMarketing counts toward Chartered Institute Segmentation, Targeting &Positioning Market Research &Consumer Behavior Digital &SocialMedia Marketing Competitive Analysis Brand Identity &Equity Sample topics relationship and get ready to be creative. customer/brandabout the latest thinking to shape brand perceptions. Embrace the how to connect with market needs,andhow Learn to understand consumer behavior, Major inMarketing * work authorization in the US for international students. the potential for anadditional two years (three total) of Technology, Engineering, Math) degree, which provides The Business Analytics major qualifies asaSTEM (Science, Majors Section head Python, R&SQL Optimization Machine Learning Forecast Modeling Data Visualization Sample topics decisions inany industry. the direction of significant strategic opportunities, and“tellastory” to influence and statistics to see trends, find hidden Learn to harness the power of bigdata Major inBusiness Analytics Portfolio Management Financial Markets &Institutions FlowCash Analysis Asset Valuation Sample topics to prepare for the CFA exams. investment banking.We alsohelpstudents follow acareer incorporate finance or This major equips you with the skillset to play in the successof globalbusinesses. powerful roles that risk, return, and value Finance majors come to understand the Major inFinance accounting certification. toward aninternationally recognized professional toward an ACCA qualification, giving you aheadstart Successful completion of our Major inFinance counts * Entrepreneurial Finance Networking &Business Development Family Business Disruptive Innovation Building Social Enterprises Sample topics business environment. so you’ll thrive in today’s demandingglobal your adaptive thinking andinnovation skills value to any employer, this major sharpens ambitions of your own or are looking to add Whether you have entrepreneurial Major inEntrepreneurship

Curriculum Guide WORLD FUTURE YOU 27 Curriculum Guide WORLD FUTURE YOU 28 “Those who CAN do— teach atHult.” learning experience—Hult is the opposite. and that negatively impacted the student focus was onresearch andnot teaching, I’ve taught at other colleges where the experience, andpassioninto the classroom. backgrounds andbring their skills, of teachers come from entrepreneurial who CAN do—teach at Hult.” The majority cannot do, teach.” Here at Hult,it’s “Those You know the saying that goes“Those who schools you’veat? taught What makes Hultdifferent from other context of their company. in the professionalsdiscuss topics to interactive team projects, andbringingin case-based teaching, is through do this to business setting. And I think the best way to what actually occursinacorporate/ to connect what’s taught in the classroom through experiential teaching. It’s important to focus onin the classroom—especially Practical application of theory is what Ilike What’s yourstyle? teaching Professor of International Marketing American Tessa Misiaszek FACULTY STORY

Your curriculum guide WORLD FUTURE YOU 29 Curriculum Guide WORLD FUTURE YOU 30 Specialize further withaminor Specialize further Specializations Management Psychology Consumer Behavior Intrinsic &ExtrinsicMotivation Sample topics understanding of individualdifferences. develop better self-awareness and others, connect with consumers,and effectivelyneeded to work skills with Equip yourself with the knowledge and Minor inPsychology Section head Python, Java &SQL Innovative Technology & App Development Design Engineering Sample topics are brought to life. your understandingof how digitalproducts create tomorrow’s technology,deepen and software usedby today’s developers to Gain insight into the thinking, language,and Minor inComputer Science Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign&Premiere Interaction Design&Usability Design Visualization &Prototyping Sample topics the consumer experience. in communication, businessstrategy, and understand the vital role visual design plays Connect with your right brain and Minor inDesign “I studybusiness but it’s thecreative side Minors Section head Class of 2018 Dominican Leslie Mercedes the process behind designdecisions.” that interests me. Iwant tounderstand helps to solve complex problems topic andprove that collaboration Students delve deepinto their

Curriculum Guide WORLD FUTURE YOU 31 Curriculum Guide WORLD FUTURE YOU 32 Capstone Project Put your skillstothetest and your finalcapstoneproject. maximize your employability withinternships Apply your knowledge, your sharpen skills, and Founders Lab. help of our in-houseincubator, Hult challenge, or develop astartup with the , areal-world corporate or social Choose between aninternship, a written learned throughout your Hultjourney. project brings together all that you have At the end of your degree, a final capstone Capstone networks at aHultLondon event Hiro Koichi, Classof 2018, “I didmycapstonethesiswitha undergraduate company outsideofschool, andthey were really a real-life workplace gave mealotofconfidence Class of 2015 Egyptian Youssef Youssef that Hult had me on the right track.”that Hulthadmeontheright impressed withmy contribution. Proving myself in their thoughts andmake headway onprojects take aquiet moment outof their day to gather Breakout rooms oncampusallow students to

Curriculum Guide WORLD FUTURE YOU 33 Curriculum Guide WORLD FUTURE YOU 34 Mindsets graduate onthemarketgraduate Be themostdesirable industries andfunctions,industries globally. has identifiedasbeingthemostindemandacross all with theskillsetandmindsetthatbig-dataanalytics hire andevery entrepreneur wants tobe. You’ll graduate make you thatevery thegraduate employer wants to Hult’s program hasbeendesignedto undergraduate Skills Gained Growth Global Entrepreneurial Self-Aware Ethical Core skills Critical Thinking Life Skills Creative Thinking * Learning to LearnLearning to of jobpostingsby our partner Burning Glass Technologies. employers across the globe,basedon the data analysis of millions These skillshave beenidentified as thosemostindemand by Communication Collaboration Professional skills Social Media Customer Service Problem Solving Procurement Salesforce simulations, andbusinesschallenges. in class through practical projects, applypush youwhat you’ve to learned programwill them. Thispracticing You canonly truly master skillsby Research Data Techniques Prospecting Learn by doing Sales Analyzing Data * Employee Training &Mentoring Basic Programming Billing &Invoicing Budgeting

Financial Reporting Accounting Financial Acumen CRM

Curriculum Guide WORLD FUTURE YOU 35 Curriculum Guide WORLD FUTURE YOU 36 “My classroom office.” is like areal graduates who lackuseful businessskills. projects. This will set them apart from other add to their resume under experience and mid-term and a final that eachstudent can multiple choice finals. My goalis to createa projects or individualassignments over I prefer to give my students team-based How do you grade your students? lives, from internships to jobinterviews. students can take directly into their future practical valueadd thatprojects that I only set truly beneficial homework— your students? What type of homework do you give treated asadults. into areal office, where students are professional. My classroom islike stepping Energetic, dynamic,active, free yet in yourclassroom? How would you describe the atmosphere all Hultstudents have incommon. in another country. It’s aspecialquality that leave your homecountry andattend college Daring. It takes acertain type of DNA to Hult student? How would describe thetypical you Professor of Neuromarketing American Prince Ghuman FACULTY STORY

Your curriculum guide WORLD FUTURE YOU 37 Curriculum Guide WORLD FUTURE YOU 38 * regardless of your mastersdegree. US campuses, you’ll have the benefit of work authorization in theUS for one year OPT (Optional Practical Training), in the US for international students. If you’re aninternational student and your final year of study is at one of Hult’s Engineering, Math) degrees, which provides the potential for anadditional two years (three total) of work authorization Hult’s Masters inBusiness Analytics andMasters inFinance degrees qualify asSTEM(Science, Technology, Further Study masters degree masters and Combined bachelors students taketogetjusttheirbachelors. degreeandamasters degreeinlesstimethansome bachelors studiesatHult.and masters Soyou couldgraduate witha an acceleratedpacewhenyou combineyour bachelors You your more degree affordably canearn masters andat Section head an undergraduate. Start earning your mastersdegree while you’re still Hult’s CombinedDegree program Marketing Management Finance Entrepreneurship Business Analytics* 2–4 years Administration degree Masters inBusiness Analytics* Masters inFinance* Masters inInternational Marketing 9 months Masters degree in Management Ranking, 2019 overall, The Economist, Masters #17 Management Ranking, 2019 Financial Times,Masters in for International Students, #5 Management Ranking, 2019 The Economist, Masters in for Geographical Diversity, #1 toyourdegree Hultbachelors Add aspecializedmasters Section head impact ininternational organizations. and financial skillsneeded tomake an world as you build the tactical leadership real inthe Learncorporatefinance totackle Masters inFinance digital environment. marketing career inaconstantly shifting edge knowledge to launchaglobal creative executional ability, andcutting- Grow the international strategic skills, Marketing Masters inInternational contributions to any business. so that you can make meaningful,impactful statistical analysis andbusinessknowledge Harness the power of bigdata through Masters inBusiness Analytics session at HultSan Francisco Prof. CariGuittard leadsanideation

Curriculum Guide WORLD FUTURE YOU 39 Curriculum Guide WORLD FUTURE YOU 40 *Courses are subject to availability and a $100USDregistration fee. Elective forlife Most popular electives in2020 suits you. that campus, any year, to take any elective promise is that you cancomeback to any ten, fifty years from now. What we can comes to what skills you’ll needin five, Your guess isasgoodours when it Lifelong Learning uooos Vehicles Autonomous Cybersecurity

ManagingTeams Virtual Augmented & Virtual Reality Scenario Planning * of drones on the future of business at our Boston campusdiscussing the implications Nick Iverson, founder of CanadianDrone Academy, new perspective. my day-to-day work and gaining a work life. Finally, by getting out of which I can apply the next day in my Secondly, by expanding my knowledge, relationships with my fellow alumni. developing and strengthening Very much so! First and foremost by your professional life? Have these electives helped you in during the elective courses. on expanding my knowledge base students. Of course,I’m also focused develop relationships with current and my fellow alumni,as well as school staywantI with the in touch to Why do you keep comingback? since Igraduated in2016. I’ve taken electives at Hultevery year Do you ever comeback to Hult? Class of 2016 Polish Ciasnocha Mateusz STUDENT STORY

Section head technologies canbeused to their full potential virtual reality headset to consider how disruptive Mignonne Karugu, Classof 2018, tries outa

Curriculum Guide WORLD FUTURE YOU 41 Your curriculum guide WORLD FUTURE YOU 42 when they’re relevant to student learning. examples. Irarely use textbooks—only styles, behaviors, andbest worst case specific topicsandcompanies, leadership experiencesinto wheredeep-dive we My classesaren’t lectures—they’re skills that canbeusedacross any industry. different way, sothey develop transferable facing. Ichallengemy students to think ina and future challengesbusinessesare I keep my coursesrelevant to the current What are your classeslike? for the lastseven years it’s beenDubai. anywhere canbemy “homecountry”— appreciate diversity. Ilike to think any cultural context asI’ve learned to I am today, andI feel comfortable in different culture. This hasmademe who the US—every time experiencing a very countries—including Italy, England, and I’ve lived, studied,and worked insomany shaped you? How has your international experience Professor of Management Italian Selina Neri FACULTY STORY “I rarely use textbooks.”

Curriculum Guide WORLD FUTURE YOU 43 View the 2020 course catalog at Curriculum Guide WORLD FUTURE YOU 44 with lifelong learning opportunities with lifelonglearning fortherest ofyourBe supported career entrepreneurs need Develop theskillsemployers want and world experience real- from professorsLearn withinspiring for practicallearning Join aglobalcommunity withapassion doing it business by Learn up for achallenge Welcome Week sign Students at HultBoston’s Section header WORLD FUTURE YOU 46 64 62 60 57 54 52 50 48

Global CampusNetwork Adrià’s Story Global Opportunities Diverse Teams Global CampusRotation Hult SanFrancisco Hult London Hult Boston skills are critical of employers say intercultural 96% How important is the ability to work across cultures? you’ll do. as much aspossible. At Hult, that’s exactly what live andwork withthemonadailybasis, andtravel how othercultures thinkandbehave, you needto qualifications.much asformal understand To truly Many employers now value intercultural skillsas the World Experience people with differing viewswith people problem solvingin teams of students shouldexperience of employers say that 91% international customers of smallbusinesseshave 58%

SectionDiversity header WORLD FUTURE YOU 47 Diverse Teams WORLD FUTURE YOU 48 day-to-day reality here at Hult. perspectives—but onecommongoal. That’s your different nationalities, different languages,different has a team that’s handpicked for maximumdiversity— throughout your degree. Every project you’ll work on problem. That’s exactly what you’ll practice doing from anywhere to devise the bestsolution to any Employers needpeople who can work with anyone their program. an average of 30different nationalities during The average Hultstudent works directly with We mixitup, you figure itout out toemployers. ofyourpart timehere. And it’s whatwillmake you stand out willbethemostdifficult, andthemost rewarding, two but five, that completelydifferent cultures? Figuring How doyou resolve conflictbetween peopleof, notjust your hardest challenge Your biggeststrength & their classmates from every corner of the globe Students in their first week at Hult Boston meet your classmates has the answer. national holiday inIran? You canbet oneof you have abigorder to fulfill? Or navigate a you handle a factory strike in when You may think you know best,buthow do Learn the value of collaboration firsthand. Collaboration side before the 11other teams. Go! 25 water bottles. You need to get to the other and Brazil. You have 15meters of stringand You have teammates from ,Germany, You’re inBoston. You’re on the CharlesRiver. one. Imagine you’re in your first week at Hult. complex real-world scenariosstarts from day Communicating across cultures to solve Communication SKILLS SPOTLIGHT Ecuador Netherlands Turkey Morocco Portugal Egypt Poland Belgium Peru Austria Philippines Indonesia Switzerland Colombia Dominican Republic Russia Mexico Spain China Brazil India France Germany Italy United States nationalities 137 Hult’s globally diverse student body 0.9% 0.9% 0.9% 0.9% 4.9% 0.8% 3.0% 5.0% 6.3% 3.9% 3.6% 2.3% 0.7% 0.7% 0.7% 7.8% 1.0% 1.4% 7.7% 1.8% 1.6% 1.6% 1.5% 1.5% 1.2% 8.1% 3.1% 1.1% Bulgaria Chile Jordan Panama Cambodia Rwanda Ukraine Kosovo Tunisia Ethiopia Japan Taiwan Lithuania Argentina Kenya Mongolia El Salvador Kazakhstan Albania Honduras Venezuela Guatemala Vietnam languages spoken 108 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 0.6% 0.6% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.7% 0.7% 0.7% 0.7% 0.7% 0.7% 0.7% Congo Palestine Afghanistan Nicaragua Dominica Slovakia Georgia Emirates United Arab Cameroon Slovenia Kyrgyzstan Uzbekistan Latvia Thailand Senegal Serbia Ireland Hungary Ghana Bolivia Korea (South) Greece Lebanon Paraguay Algeria significant impacton the world. companies that are multinational have the most interested ininternational businessbecause lives of peoplearound the world. Iamparticularly international business that helpsandimproves the achieving my ultimate goal—to create my own I hope to oneday have animpacton the world by What is your ultimate goal? in business. is exactly the mindset I want to apply to my future biggest strength isitsopenness to the world, and this be applied to my future career. To me, the school’s me the skills to work inadiverse environment that can me to see things from another perspective. It’s given Working with people from different cultures helps How doesstudent diversity impact your learning? together to make oneclose-knitcommunity. kinds of backgrounds andcultures who come but inasingleclassroom. There are people from all Studying at Hultislike studyingallaround the world What’s itlike in the Hultclassroom? Class of 2022 Canadian Thomas Morin is what a Hultclassroom looks like . . . makes up more than 8.1% of our student body. This come from all over the world and noone nationality At Hult, there’s nosuch thing asaminority. Students STUDENT STORY Chat with current Hultstudents at 0.4% 0.3% 0.3% 0.3% 0.3% 0.3% 0.3% 0.3% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% Uganda Iceland Luxembourg Singapore Macedonia Liechtenstein Puerto Rico Saudi Arabia Cyprus of Congo Democratic Republic Croatia Israel Czech Republic Bahrain Iraq Azerbaijan Romania Iran Montenegro Gambia Haiti Madagascar Angola Mozambique 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% Trinidadand Tobago Territory British IndianOcean Niger Belarus Tajikistan Burundi Antigua andBarbuda Syria Estonia Botswana Chad Oman Qatar Mali China Hong Kong SAR, Djibouti Saint KittsandNevis Jamaica Libya Bahamas Mauritius Côte d’Ivoire 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1%

Diverse Teams WORLD FUTURE YOU 49 #HultAlumni Global Opportunities WORLD FUTURE YOU 50 Tesla have allrecently employed fresh Hultgraduates. alma mater. Alumni working at Amazon, Google, and they often comeback to Hult to hire talent from their When alumniare looking to strengthen their team, Your network, your choice opportunities. the stronger the network you build, the greater the speakers, live client challenges,andpanelevents— From our annualCareer ConnectionsForum to guest multinational companiesandexciting localstartups. Be ready to meet andnetwork with leading Where do you want to go? resourcefor you,wherever yourcareer takes you. the globeand your classmates will beanongoing the world. You’ll graduate with connectionsallover nationalities, your friendship circle stretches across When you study alongsidestudents of more than 130 Your friendsare your future Mauritius.” Businesshasnoborders here. “This alum’s abusiness in momhasjuststarted “My oldclassmateatGoogle needsaproject manager.” Overheard atHult: ishiring.”“My Lebanesefriend went global Your just opportunities 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Some of our top globalemployers  Aldi Google Uber AT&T Amazon Samsung Wish Deloitte Airbnb more stories Check out“HultHires Hult”onLinkedIn for

Bloomberg and foundersspeak. 100+ students come to listen to three CEOs named, “Everything About Being aCEO,” where Women+ inBusiness recently hostedapanel vice program director at HultFounders Lab. co-president of Women+ inBusiness and the lower the gender disparity inSTEM).I’m the (an NGO teaching young girls to 3Dprint to of MakerGirl’s Harvard andMIT Academy If you get out there, sure! Ibecame the director of Hult? Do you get to meet influential peopleoutside professor, Tessa Misiaszek, aboutdyslexia. and Persuasion class the year before with my “TED Talk” I had written for my Storytelling TEDx Punta CanaWomen andgave the same I was invited to the DominicanRepublic for How is what you learninclass useful? Francisco, andnow close friend. a mastersstudent at HultBoston andSan Discomfort Club with Rui (Iris) Zhao who is I’ve alsoco-boarded the Comfort Via which I was referred to by my then-mentor. with Sonosasacorporate accounting intern, Accion East. I’ve accepted anoffer inCalifornia as riskanalyticsandloanoperations intern at them creating aninternship position for me then invited me for aninterview. That led to Fathia Ainane, asenior loanconsultant who Lab, which ledme to meet my future boss, as amarket research intern with HultFounders My internship was first in action? of the Hult network Give usanexample Class of 2021 German/Spanish Jessica Lozano STUDENT STORY “Students from Hulthave astrong international development andontheteam’s cohesion.” and thinkoutsidethebox. We really appreciate the strong impactthey have onourcompany’s mindset—they are able toeasilytake initiative Early Metrics Talent Manager Marie-Agnès Deharveng country of origin countrydifferent thantheir of graduates are working ina 56% The Classof 2019 CAREER IMPACT 37 112 Job offers at countries companies in team’s solution to McLaren’s challenge Students at HultLondon pitch their 5. Italy 4. 3. Germany 2. 1. work in: Top five countries graduates United Arab Emirates United Arab United Kingdom United States

Global Opportunities WORLD FUTURE YOU 51 Adrià’s Story WORLD FUTURE YOU 52 “Being part of “Being part discover myself.” this community has helpedme The Courage—a student-run magazine. Chocolate Society, andheadof events for rugbyClub, the Consulting team,the and end there! I’m amember of the HultManagement leader for the London Regional event. It doesn’t Prizefor Hult in the three years—this yearI’m the LGBTQIA+ community. I’ve alsobeeninvolved our campusandsupports the membersof the Society, aclub that aims to show the diversity in Yes, loads!I’m president and founder of the Pride Are you partof any clubsor societies? ofglobe. the see how different thecultures are in every corner I’m planning to go to Boston becauseI want to culture that’s sodifferent from mine. This year, as many opportunitiesasIcould to learn from a I madelots of new friends andgot involved in Asia, soI was abitnervous butalsoexcited. experience I’ve ever had!It was my first trip to Going to Shanghai lastsummer was the best the world? What’s itlike rotating to campusesaround Class of 2020 Barcelona Adrià Serrarols Soldevila STUDENT STORY

Adrià’s Story WORLD FUTURE YOU 53 Global Campus Network WORLD FUTURE YOU 54 business hubsfirsthand. someoftheworld’sall asyou experience mostinfluential and Shanghai. Make onecityyour homeorexplore them San Francisco, withoptionalSummerPrograms inDubai of ourstunningcampusesincentralBoston, London, or Each year ofyour degree, you canchoosetostudyatany five uniquecampuses One globaldegree, collaborate, andinnovate. ambitious people from allover the world come to exchange ideas, innovation hotspot. Study businessinastimulating city where This historicpioneer in the field of education hasemerged asan Bright mindsand bigambitions Hult Boston international students of UScities with the most is Boston’s ranking in the list #4 Massachusetts biotech firms are basedin 550 25 USstartuphubs is Boston’s ranking in the top #1 in this city builtonnetworking andentrepreneurial ambition. and prioritizes sustainability. Disruption is the nameof the game Study in this forward-thinking city that emphasizes innovation Creativity + technology make dreams areality as aglobal trendsetter. startup cluster on the continent, andalong-standingreputation international companies than any other European city, the biggest Here, you’ll study businessinacity with more headquartersof So many opportunities to choosefrom Hult SanFrancisco Hult London were bornoverseas of San Francisco residents 39% Bay Area based in the San Francisco Fortune 500companiesare 51 in any other UScity invested inSan Francisco than More venture capitalis #1 are spoken in the city overseas, and300languages of London residents were born 37% companies are basedinLondon of the European HQsof global 40% London in2016 startups were registered in 200k Dubai andShanghai. something completely new at Hult’s campusesin Boston, London, andSan Francisco, or experience with optional Summer Programs. You cando this in Earn credits over the summer as you travel the world Summer Programs Explore more with Rotation campus campus Academic yearhome KEY from the beach,andashort taxi ride from Dubai Marina. The campusis walking distance from the Metro, minutes some of the companies with offices in thisdistrict. Internet City. Google,Samsung, andFacebook are just The campusislocated in the buzzingcenter of Dubai Hult Dubai and businesspractices. will give you invaluable insight into Chineseculture ideas. Our campus,located right onPeople’s Square, is the birthplaceof new trends andgroundbreaking The commercial center of Asian business,Shanghai Hult Shanghai Hult is the right fit is the forHult you. students and faculty, explore the city—and seeif Hult experience. Soakup the atmosphere, meet any time, or come to anOpen House for the full London, San Francisco, Dubai, or Shanghai—at for yourself. Visit any of our campuses—Boston, The best way to decide where to study is to see it

Visit usoncampus

Global Campus Network WORLD FUTURE YOU 56 Section header WORLD FUTURE YOU 57 San Francisco Hult Boston Hult London Hult Dubai Hult Shanghai Hult new skills, andexpandyour globalnetwork. you won’t forgetasyou explore different cultures, master Hult’s GlobalCampusRotation. This isoneadventure influential cities anddynamiccampuseswith Experience Do both Love business andtravel? Academic year Optional summer terms Academic year Optional summer terms Academic year Optional summer terms Academic year “Hult’s GlobalCampusRotation experience itfirsthand.”experience different regions experience of international business and of international a globalcompany andthishelped around theworld. Iwant toopen Class of 2018 Indian Pranav Chheda me understand differentme understand aspects is very unique. Iwasn’t withinthe same campusandtheculture for fouryears. Icouldtravel and Optional summer terms

#HultRotation Global Campus Rotation WORLD FUTURE YOU 59 60 to life in the city learning socentral passion forthe campus encapsulates River,Boston the banks of the Charles Locatedon the 1 city iswithineasyreach. hub Kendall Square, linksmeanthewhole andtransport walking distanceofBoston’s BeaconHillandstartup ofthecity’sheart innovation hotspot. You’ll bewithin onthebanksofCharlesRiverStudy right inthe Boston Hult meeting areas indoor andoutdoor space with modern offers aprofessional, known for, our campus architecture Boston is the contemporary keepingIn with 2 between classes perfect forrelaxing of Northpoint Park, open green space on tothe backs café, LittleLingo, The on-campus 3 features oncampus winning architectural some of the award- lecture hallsare just and state-of-the-art Sun-drenched atriums 4 USA Cambridge, MA 02141 1 Education Street #HultBoston for collaboration the campusisbuilt an open-planstyle, team rooms, and breakout spaces, With plenty of 5 1  Check outhousingoptions at 2 3 “The bestthingabout The city is student-friendly The cityisstudent-friendly coming toBostonisthat and you get to meet a lot of Class of 2022 Filipino Bam Manglicmot the opportunity tonetwork,the opportunity the world. Here, you have people, onandoffcampus, meaningful connections.” it’s thehubforstudents. learn alot,learn andmake from everywhere around 4 5

Hult Boston WORLD FUTURE YOU 61 4


“I really enjoy the fun and positive vibes of the London campus. The international nature of both the city of London and the Hult campus makes the transition of adopting to a new culture much smoother. Hult London is a microcosm of the global generation. It allows you to explore and #HultLondon learn about new cultures, make good 35 Commercial Road London, E1 1LD friends from everywhere, and finally— UK it gives you the chance to find yourself.” Hult 1 Andrea Velarde Seminario Peruvian London Class of 2019 You’ll be in the heart of London’s East End and minutes from Europe’s fastest-growing startup hub, Tech City. The campus is an inspiring, modern space located just a 3 five-minute walk from the Zone 1 Tube station Aldgate East, and transport links take you to all parts of the city.

5 1 2 3 4 5 Soak up the vibrant Stunning interiors Take part in highly Find cozy corners Take a break at energy at this urban and quirky features interactive classes like this all over Benugo, the campus campus in the create a unique in state-of-the-art campus, perfect coffeehouse, or Check out housing options at heart of the area and inspirational learning spaces for team meetings fuel the mind with known as London’s environment or solo study lunch from The creative center Warehouse Café 64 San Francisco Hult city’sstartup vibe encapsulates the San Francisco campus headquarters, Hult’s A formerdotcom 1 innovative edge. thatgiveof techcompaniesandstartups thecity its downtown. Here, you’ll by be surrounded thehundreds and Fisherman’s Wharf atthecenterof city’s vibrant You’ll beminutes from theSanFranciscoBay waterfront spacious socialareas classmates inlight and and with friends Unwind andrelax 2 on group projects togetherand working is ideal for studying The open-planstyle 3 learning environment bright anduplifting windows create a Floor-to-ceiling 4 USA San Francisco, CA 94111 1355 Sansome Street #HultSanFran exchanging ideas designed forspaces collaborative Classrooms are 5 1 2 3 “You canwalk intoany coffee or aventure capitalistwho with you—it’s really like that wants tohave aconversation all around theworld.” Class of 2018 Swedish Viktor Roth to network withpeoplefrom the cityitselfare perfectplaces meet aCEOofbigcompany shop inSanFranciscoand here. Around campusandin 5  Check outhousingoptions at 4

Hult San Francisco WORLD FUTURE YOU 65 68 Hajar’s Story 70 Clubs & Societies Life 72 Student Life on Campus

Most learning happens outside the classroom. Pursuing your passions, trying new things, surrounded by friends—that’s what college is all about. At Hult, you’ll have every opportunity to do the things you love. And discover new ones. Hajar’s Story WORLD FUTURE YOU 68 there’s always something goingon for everyone. fashion, music, theater, business, photography, films, or sports, architecture andEnglish lifestyle. Whether you’re interested in I London! It’s beenlife changing. Ilove the mixof European Hajar’s eyes Hult through like forHajar. here’s whatlifeatHultlooks is studyingatHultLondon— 22. She’s from Morocco and Bouazzaoui, from theClassof Meet ourcover star, Hajar version of myself. so beingaround them hasnaturally mademeinto abetter inspired me.My friends are really outgoing andopen-minded, CEOs, planningevents, and talking soconfidently that it really When I first joinedHult,Isaw my classmates networking with we’ve even been to Portugal. I organize amazingevents at A-list venues; successful oncampus! As travel director, friend in2018—it’s now oneof the most I founded the Extravaganza Club with a nice to be treated like agraduated professional already. solutions to solve problems that they were facing. It was so real-world businessowners asked us to comeup with creative My favorite project was inPrinciples of Entrepreneurship— fry-up. #foodforthought I’ve hadeverything from Japanese, to Colombian, to anEnglish friends always cook traditional dishes from their homecountry. one another’s cultures. We never feel homesickbecausemy from France. It’s amazingbecause we’ve learnedsomuchabout I’m currently living with two girls—one from Lebanon, the other organize events with my cohort,like crazy golf or barbecues. score, the higher the chance we have of winning the final prize! Ialso competes inclubchallenges,so the more points we collectively of Gryffindor! My jobis to motivate everyone that plays asportor I’m soproud of beingcaptain of Dalston cohort,it’s like beingcaptain complete it. you need eachpiece to bedifferent to that embraces difference. It’s like apuzzle— boring! Instead,everyone’s partof a community No one fits in at Hult,because fittinginis

Hajar’s Story WORLD FUTURE YOU 69 Clubs & Societies WORLD FUTURE YOU 70 1 2 beneficial for peopleand theenvironment. Sharing our communalpassion for doingsomething What’s the best part of being in this society? enterprise focused onrural development. recyclable material. Also Local Alike, asocial provides residents with daily food inexchange for foundation in Thailand; andZero-Baht Shop, which restaurant; SOSFoundation, the only food rescue So many! Broccoli Revolution, asustainable vegan What other social enterprises did you visit? to helpsupport the localcommunity. sourced materials andemploys indigenouspeople entrepreneur, Sanon, built the hostel from locally Luk Hostel inChinatown, Bangkok. A social Where did you guys stay? the localculture. discover socialenterprises firsthand whileliving a carbon-neutral way. We were onamission to together to explore andexperience Thailand in 25 travelers from 18different countries came Any standout moments? the world. with companies to make ameaningfulimpactin Anyone interested increating astartupor working Who’s the society for? Class of 2022 Social Entrepreneurship Society American Zachary Benetatos SOCIETY STORY


Women+ inBusiness Club Video &Media Club UNICEF at Hult Tech for SocialImpact Social Entrepreneurship Society Psychology Club Photography Club Net ImpactClub Music & Jamming Club Model United Nations (MUN) Management ConsultingClub Law Society Hult Marketing Club Hult Event Management Club Gaming Society Fine Arts Finance Club Deep Space London Business of Fashion Club Art &Culture Club African Society Student clubs&societies Which clubwillyou join? 4 3 2 1 The HultLondon Rugby Clubstops for ahuddle to discussstrategy The San Francisco UNICEF Club visits aschoolinCambodia Photo credit: HultMusic & Jamming Club Hult’s Got Talent isoneof the mostpopular events of the year. Oxford International MUN Hult’s Model United Nations Society representing the schoolat the 4 Yoga &Wellness Club Volleyball Club Tennis Club Skiing &Snowboarding Rugby—Men &Women Racing Club Latin Dance Club Hult Running Crew Health &Fitness Club Golf Club Football/Soccer—Men &Women Foosball Club Dance SessionClub Country Sports Club Climbing Club Cheerleading Club Basketball—Men &Women Sports clubs& teams

Clubs & Societies WORLD FUTURE YOU 71 Student Life WORLD FUTURE YOU 72 5 4 3 2 1 competition at Halloween inLondon Getting creative for the pumpkin-carving outdoors inBoston duringReading Week Jessica Lozano and friends explore the London campus to welcome incomingstudents at the London student ambassadorsget ready Golden Gate Bridge Gabriel Passarelli standsin front of the iconic African prints Jo Ngarambe poses with her best friends in 1 “For me, beingastudentisallabout getting involved andgettingmy getting outofyour zoneand comfort voice heard. So, IjoinedtheMusic& Jamming Club, the Society,African the trying new challenges.”trying Class of 2020 Rwandan/American Jo BlisseNgarambe Debate Club, theMakeup Society— just tomentionafew! It’s allabout

2 3 4 5

73 1

Student Life WORLD FUTURE YOU 74 Music & Jamming Club few of the starsof the Francisco, meet a on campusinSan Rocking beat tothe 1 for his final exams Marc Berges prepares 2 and Arts Festivaland Arts Coachella ValleyMusic atenjoying time Leila Iranmanesh 3 2 Wall of China friends on the Great his walking with Colin Ringelstetter 4 3 “Spent anamazingweekend with Germany, andIranatthebiggestmusic Hult classmatesfrom Dubai, Ukraine, Class of 2017 Swiss Leila Iranmanesh festival intheUS—COACHELLA!” rotationDubai to during theirsummer ride in the desert Students enjoy a camel 5 Village event at the annualGlobal Ethiopianflag with the Students proudly pose 6 4 “My timeinHult’s Shanghaicampuswas Aside from all the personal experiences I Aside from experiences allthepersonal everything Ihopeditwould beandmore. of it was the friendships Imadewithpeople of itwas thefriendships got, oneofthebestthingsthatcameout with your bestfriends!” Class of 2023 American Colin Ringelstetter and walking ontheGreat Wall ofChina much better than riding thebullet train much betterthanriding from allover theworld. Lifedoesn’t get

5 6

75 78 Creative Thinking 80 Dan’s Story Shape 82 Hult Prize

84 Sustainability

86 Alumni Stories the Future

If we want to create something that doesn’t exist, we must first imagine it. How can we use technology to solve business problems? How can we use business to solve society’s problems? These are the questions you’ll be tackling at Hult.

What really matters to this generation? 94% 64% 40% of Gen Z think companies of CEOs say Corporate of US jobs are estimated to should address critical Social Responsibility is be automated by 2030 social issues central to their business strategies Creative Thinking WORLD FUTURE YOU 78 in an AI-driven future. thinkingare whatwillmakeand critical you indispensable exciting timewhere onething’s forsure—your creative workplace atanunprecedented rate. It’s anincredibly Technology therole ofhumansinthe istransforming asset greatest Your humanityisyour workplace ofworkplace future the important skillin the creativity will be the most of GenZbelieve that 74% vital when itcomes to innovation Critically assessingriskandopportunity is automated by 2030 become estimated to of jobsin the USare 40% your greatest asset. technology isapowerful tool, but your humanity is that will set you apartinabusinesslandscape where through this hands-on approach, you’ll develop skills and critically reflect on real-world scenarios. And challenged to creatively solve businesschallenges and innovation are the norm. You’ll becontinually At Hult, you’ll inhabitanenvironment where disruption Disruption and innovation are a way of life here to the emerging technologyofto the today? challenges? How can we apply these learnings What were the new businessopportunitiesand the invention andexpansion of the railroad. Take the societal changesbrought onby these new developments offer tosociety. risk—thatopportunity—and the assess the that disrupts industry. It’s the ability to critically It’s not just the creativity to invent new things Critical Thinking will you create inlight of this? estate market? What new product or service opportunity will blockchain bring to the real the answers to yet. What disruption and facing businesses today that noone’s found Apply your creativity to the bigquestions Creative Thinking SKILLS SPOTLIGHT problem-solving skills Students inBoston flex their creative survival strategy! learning ismore than aslogan—itis showed arenewed appreciation that lifelong opportunities to buildon these. Students to reflect on theseskilllevels and value replaced by AI. They advised younger students human andare therefore lesslikely to be entrepreneurship asareas that are exclusively intuition, emotional intelligence, grit,and as complex decisionmaking, critical thinking, Students perceived qualitiesand abilitiessuch What strategies are students employing? and communication. jobs, andof AI increasing information sharing also excited by the prospect of new kindsof Students were concernedaboutjoblossesbut the increased role of AI in the workplace. anxiety (90%)andenthusiasm (96%)about Overwhelmingly, students expressed both What’s the current feeling amongstudents? workplace.changing preparednavigate the to Almost two-thirds of students felt inadequately implications of automation for the workforce. which isonly justbeginning to wake up to the lives—yet they’ve beeneducated inasystem having adefinite impacton their working They’re see AI generation whowill first the the future? Why askstudents about their visions of a tech-dominatedworkplace. entering to identify their concernsandstrategies for students across Hult’s USandUK campuses conducted research with undergraduate  “hopes & fears” at Read the research in full by searching Carina andher team Education. In2019, ExecutiveHult Ashridge is aresearch fellow at Carina Paine Schofield Automation of the Agein Hopes &Fears FACULTY INSIGHT communities—this is what inspires me. technology changinglives andempowering people andcountries that needitmost. To see Technology is the great equalizer; itempowers What inspires you about tech? of technology. Philippines they’re leapfrogging whole generations in Africa and Asia. Inmy homecountry of the tremendous growth indeveloping countries— actually, what hasstruckme the mostis the both world-leading startupand tech hubs.But, I studiedat HultSan Francisco andHultLondon, What surprised you the mostduring your degree? the freedom to gointo any field. natural bedfellows, andskillsinboth areas give me for the future. Entrepreneurship andcomputingare me with the most transferable skillsand flexibility I majored inentrepreneurship—I think itprovided Whatwas your major? beforeHult. transferring to in the Philippines for three months from there. IstudiedComputer Scienceat a asking my parents to pay for it!My curiosity grew how to fix andupgrade my computer without was bornoutof my own need,inmy caselearning My story startshow every sciencestory starts—it Have you always beeninto tech? Class of 2018 Accenture Cybersecurity Analyst Filipino Dan Evans Ngo STUDENT STORY “Technology empowers equalizer; it people.” is the great is thegreat

Dan’s Story WORLD FUTURE YOU 81 The Hult Prize WORLD FUTURE YOU 82 the prize Eyes on It’s an educational experience of a lifetime. winning $1M USD to launch their enterprise. to impressive audiences at each round in the hope of brainstorm ideas, start a business, run pilots, and pitch Students have less than a year to build a team, maintaining a focus on putting theory into practice. business and social impact go hand in hand, while while earning his MBA at Hult. Our students learn that alum Ahmad Ashkar to found the Hult Prize in 2009, is a core value of our programs—and one that inspired School. Doing social good while doing good business Behind the Hult Prize is Hult International Business  Go to @Hult_Prize to find out more

and founderand AhmadAshkar at the United Nations with former President Bill Clinton Members of the winning HultPrize team celebrating revelation ledme to set up the HultPrize. initiatives that actually make profit?! This a profit. An “aha” moment hitme—social laptops to children inpoverty, while making education challengesby providing affordable Laptop per Child) talk aboutsolvingglobal listening to CharlesKane (President of One So, I was sittinginmy marketing classand How and why did you startHultPrize? career options. education, andI wanted to explore new its roll-up-your-sleeves approach to business Hult was recommended to mebecauseof in 2008, I felt kindof lostanddisillusioned. years, but when the global financial crisis hit I’d been working ininvestment banking for at Hult? What made you want to study anMBA Class of 2010 Hult Prize Founder &CEO of Palestinian/American Ahmad Ashkar ALUMNI STORY regional finals in2019 in the entrepreneurspart took 1,500 The world’s biggestinternational student competition platform to cultivate our idea. for bringingus together andproviding the opportunity this competition hascreated and You justhave to go for it.I’m sograteful for the thinking of competing in the HultPrize? What advice would you give to anyone said: Yes! This is the competition for me! make impactandprofit. It was then whenI business andsocietal needsandhow you could the HultPrize, I was excited by the joiningof vast poverty every day. When Idiscovered I’m originally from Ethiopia andgrew upseeing Hult Prize? motivatedWhat youin the to takepart motivation andoffers some words of advice: Hanny Semere from team Enpov describesher agriculture market. rural isolation andincrease access to the The idea: Ahybrid tricycle solutiontotackle studying for their . and traveledwhile all Ethiopia,model twiceto tirelessly to build their million-dollar business AcceleratorFinals. To get there, they worked Prize Hult makeit tothe undergraduate teamto world, team Enpov madehistory as the first Connected by amutualpassion to change the Doing business to dogood TEAM STORY Hear more from team Enpov at social enterprises every year students participate to create 250,000+

Early childhoodeducation 2015 Crowded urbanspaces 2016 The refugee crisis 2017 Harnessing sustainableenergy 2018 unemploymentSolving youth 2019 within the next decade? impact on the environment for 1Mconsumers What startup would you create to have apositive Building startupsfor abetter planet 2020 Current andpastHultPrize challenges the 2020HultPrize applications inallrounds of 100,000

Hult Prize WORLD FUTURE YOU 83 Sustainability WORLD FUTURE YOU 84 the world. students to make alasting,positive difference in impact at the center of allprograms andempowers bringing guestspeakers to campus,Hultputssocial the UN, World Health Organization, andUNICEF to From partnering with globalorganizations suchas future.on the difference anddevelop skills tomake a real impact and who are passionate aboutmakinga teach. Meaning, you’ll joinacommunity of students factors are at the heartof everything we doand corporate socialresponsibility and environmental As the world around usischanging faster than ever, and people. challenges you’ll beencouragedtoconsiderprofit, planet, social impactcomponent. Through classes, assignments, and hand, whichiswhy every atHulthasanethicsor course We believe thatbusiness andsustainability go handin #sustainabilitymatters to compete in that year’s HultPrize competition. Planet, andPeople. You’ll alsohave the opportunity a company utilizingNet Impact’s 3P’s of Profit, a team, you’ll present anIntegrated Reporting for value chain,society, and the environment. Next, in stakeholders—from investors andemployees to the you’ll need to understand the needsof allrelevant Once abusinessreaches commercial viability, Study how to dosustainablebusiness reduce theirenvironmental footprint of CEOs think it’s important to measure and try to 80% San Francisco campus founder andCEO of UniversalGiving, to the Welcomed guestspeaker Pamela Hawley, ofEnd Year Awards Voted “Most Active Club” in the campus. is keeping extremely busy on the San Francisco to sharingbestpractices, the Net ImpactClub From meeting influential socialentrepreneurs want to have apositive impactonsociety. the HultNet ImpactClubis for those who Run by anall-undergraduate leadershipboard,

Net ImpactClub to the homeless. to the such asbeachcleanupsandclothing donations We’ve alsoorganized volunteering events, startup, Newday Financial Technologies. solutions to aBay Area impactinvestment challenge, where participants had to provide We’ve organized abusinessconsulting experiences andendeavors in the field. leaders, andadvocates to speakabout their We’ve invited socialentrepreneurs, business What has the clubdonerecently? will bedoomed. our planet’s wellbeing over profits, humankind change the way we dobusiness,and fail to put and sustainablebusinessmodels.If we fail to business leaders to buildsocially responsible We want to inspire the next generation of Why does the Net ImpactClubexist? Class of 2019 Impact Club President of the Net Italian/Spanish Bruno Bolla next generation Inspiring the STUDENT STORY San Francisco Net Impact Club, onabeach cleanupin This isBoromey Mong, who founded the

Sustainability WORLD FUTURE YOU 85 Alumni Stories WORLD FUTURE YOU 86 “I’ll be changing theworld“I’ll bechanging and makinglives better.” inspiring alumni—could thisbeyou oneday?inspiring you upforasuccessfulfuture. Here are justafew ofour it’s thatwillset experience aboutgainingalife-changing aboutbusiness,more orlearning thanjustgettingadegree program ismuch oftheHultundergraduate Being part Class of 2017 Vertex Ecosystem Co-Founder South African Marc Watum Class of 2018 PwC Consultant German Caroline Voigt yourself in front of the world’s leaders of business. participating inclubsand the wider community, you endupputting By simply attending class, taking the networking opportunities,and businesses, andgaininga true understanding of the future of business. shoulders with real-world corporations, delivering solutions to real It’s real. We were able to harnesseverything as we wanted to—rubbing Why was Hult the right businessschoolfor you? possible without the network Igrew duringmy studies. I was able to create Vertex, which isanecosystem that wouldn’t have been Knowing that I’llbechanging the world andmakinglives better. After Hult, What excites you the mostabout your future inbusiness? social enterprise, andprofessional career development. stakeholders from early-stage businessdisciplinesin fintech, retail-tech, Marc co-created anentrepreneurial empowerment ecosystem connecting The entrepreneur discover.amazing thingto an and thatwas I thought, professionally. It was where Irealized that I was capableof more things than The environment at Hultmadeitpossible for me to grow personally and How did you get closer to your goals? you, which madeitagreat place to network. there was always someone you knew andnobody was too busy to talk to can achieve together. It just felt really personalat Hult—wherever you went, Going to Hultreally changedmy perspective on what like-minded people Did your perspective change while studying? consulting firms. at Hult,Caroline haslanded her ideal role at oneof the “Big Four” It was always Caroline’s dream to have acareer inconsulting. After studying The consultant ALUMNI STORY ALUMNI STORY connect with worldwidealumni to 25,000 Your alumninetwork CAREER IMPACT really prepared me for setting upmy own business. motivating my classmates. All of these elements ability to lead,andrealized I was pretty goodat campus, Ibuiltupastrong network, developed an through interactive classesat Hult’s San Francisco inspiring guestspeakers that taught mealot. Also, Face teach meentrepreneurship. Iremember meeting real-world entrepreneurs like the CEO of The North Silicon Valley, to networking with startups, to having I think it was amixture of things—from studying in your own business? How has your time at Hultprepared you for running client, Amazon. international solution to areal-world problem for amajor such asBluesmart, to working on finding abusiness such asIBM, to meeting the CEO of new startups meeting top executives of major globalcorporations great connections. The experiences ranged from and Dubai. There were many opportunities to make a network onboth the UScoasts, inLondon, Shanghai, Through globalrotation Ihad the chance to generate How did you build your network while studying? digital andautomation company. with Apple Inc.He’s now goneon to create hisown opportunities andsecured his first job after graduation this industry. At Hult,hemade the mostof his age, Tobias hasalways beendriven to succeedin With astrong interest in technology from a young specialist The tech Class of 2017 Founder &CEO at done. Norwegian Tobias Mikalsen ALUMNI STORY cie alumni active 70 chapters globally advises the school advises the Committee that Hult Alumni 1

Alumni Stories WORLD FUTURE YOU 87 90 Growth & Entrepreneurial Mindset 92 Chyna’s Story Learn 94 Learn by Doing

96 Gazi’s Story

98 Career Support about You

100 Employment Stats

When you believe that you can get better at anything with practice, and you have the confidence to fail— you’ll thrive in any working environment. At Hult, you’ll develop the adaptability and resilience that most people only get from years of work experience.

Will soft skills really help me get a job? 95% 93% 81% of employers prioritize hiring of employers say the ability of employers think colleges graduates who can to demonstrate soft skills is should place more emphasis contribute to innovation more important than a major on complex problem solving Growth & Entrepreneurial Mindset WORLD FUTURE YOU 90 understand yourstrengths. more self-aware, learn from your mistakes, and stepping outof your comfort zone, you’ll become challenges, overcoming problems asa team, and a hugeimpactonour career andlives. By facing determine our ability to learn from failure andhave at anything. Ultimately the mindset we choose will not fixed and that, withpractice, you canget better Growth mindset is the belief that our skillsets are Every failure isalessonlearned graduates. mindsetwill. The right are goodtogetbut they won’t setyou from apart other contacts? Work experience? is,The truth allthosethings with? thingtograduate Useful important A topgrade? When you cometocollege, whatdoyou thinkisthemost Mind your business Hult Founders Lab. creativity andinitiative, which is why we’ve set up the from industry careers. We encourage you to use your entrepreneurs with corporate experience or come by businesspeople, while many of our professors are entrepreneurs, Bertil Hult,our businessschoolisrun Founded by oneof Europe’s mostsuccessful Make ithappen with anentrepreneurial mindset project at the Boston campus and Boromey Mong discuss their José Mauricio Marenco, SophiaFries, pitch to investors.pitch to and compete againstother teams in your final project, you’ll develop your idea within HFL the entrepreneurial track for your capstone idea right through to launch.If you choose from expert faculty andmentors to take your 30+ student ventures in2018. Get support incubator, HultFounders Lab, helpedlaunch Got anidea for astartup? Hult’s in-house

Hult Founders Lab finals of their capstone challenge solution to the panelof judgesat the Nathalie Sintes presents her team’s and yourself. place to learnaboutbusiness,people, A very important stepinmy life. It’s aunique To me,Hultis... new technologies. and communication skills to your knowledge of succeed inbusiness, from your interpersonal on every singleaspectof what you need to problems. Hultisdifferent becauseit focuses in the business world. We’re solvingreal At Hult,it’s like we’ve already putourselves How will this help you in your future career? an individualpitch. confidence, both ina teampresentation and a large audience. Today, Ihave muchmore out of my comfort zone andspeakin front of speaking. During the program, I’ve had to step I was very shy andreally afraid of public Before Icame to Hult, at Hult? havedeveloped you What new skills Class of 2019 Chinese Handong Fu STUDENT STORY

91 Chyna’s Story WORLD FUTURE YOU 92 “Hult has dream big.” to thinkand taught me business environment. communicate cross-culturally inaninternational all while teaching melifelong skillsinbeingable to think outside the box to becomeanentrepreneur, Hult has taught me to think anddream bigand How are you getting closer to your goals? future career. I’ve learned to seekout what I want inmy teaching us to network locally and internationally. mentors andeducators, butalsoCEOs who are coming to Hult.Our professors are not only the night Iknew Imade the right decision in development internship at hiscompany. This was summer—and Irecently applied for abusiness him if hehadany internships available for the the Bay Clubacross the street from Hult.Iasked One evening Imet aCEO of astartupcompany at How are you sourcing internships? their field. ideas, andreceive feedback from these experts in with CEOs of neighboringcompanies,share my Silicon Valley area. Hulthasenabledme to interact advantage of the businessenvironment in the Located in the heartof San Francisco, we can take Are you interacting with the localbusinesses? Class of 2020 American Chyna Probert STUDENT STORY Learn by Doing WORLD FUTURE YOU 94 “We by doing. learn Notonlyisthe events, workshops, andeven theclubs of theclassroom—the different business graduate with apracticalskillsetsuitedtoany career.graduate world business problems ascreatively aspossible, and Throughout your program, you’ll compete tosolve real- as you andlive take ininternships clientchallenges. part intopracticeandgainhands-onexperience Put theory best teacher isthe Experience are anextensionoftheteaching, which Class of 2020 Spanish Christina Connell everyday classroom experience. face real-world business challengesaspartof your We believe you learnbestby doing. That’s why you’ll Challenge learning teaching methoddifferent toother makes itreally enjoyable.” schools, but we alotoutside also learn 2 Airbnb Amazon recentlypartnered with Companies students have Ferrari L’Oréal 1 Yelp Virgin McLaren Spotify 4 3 2 1 headquarters of Jack WillsinCovent Garden Hult London students are set alive client challengeat the directors aspartof the 2018capstonechallenge Students visit McLaren’s headquarters to pitch to the executive in Europe presenting their solution onhow to grow eBay’s GenZmarket Finn Gneiser and Taylor Zdruli at eBay’s London headquarters student entrepreneurial platform LifeStart A finalist competes in thechallengeset by Virgin tolaunchits 3 what you do.what you resume isnot asimportant asbeingsatisfied with responsibilities. The company nameon your Look out for the right fit—the right position, tasks, Any tips for future students? to represent myself professionally. He gave mesomeof the necessary tools Ineeded was also very helpful, motivating, andsupportive. challenges anddoingbusiness.My career advisor gave mea very special way of confronting heavy textbooks isover. Hult’s practical approach The time of memorizingdefinitions from old, How did your time at Hultprepare you? requires flexibility andendurance. responsibilities differ onadaily basis,so this tasks asIkeep asking for them. My tasks and day one,andhow Ikeep getting more challenging I love the amount of responsibility I was given from What’s the experience beenlike sofar? the role! and after a few conversations I was offered interested. My resume was passed to the boss, position becameavailable, heasked if I’d be Tesla. When he was promoted andaninternship alum whoworkedHult for a in touch with I was How did you get your internship at Tesla? 4 Class of 2017 Tesla Sales &Marketing Intern German Mehjahr Khayyati introduction A life-changing INTERNSHIP STORY

Learn by Doing WORLD FUTURE YOU 95 Gazi’s Story WORLD FUTURE YOU 96 that’s where you get the bestexperience. have been.Failures andmistakes will happen,but back at your time at Hultand wonder what could Show courage andjustdoit. You don’t want to look What’s your advice to future students? my mentor. which led to mehaving the founder of Shazam as He helpedme to join the HultFounders Lab, a great supportandhasgiven meamazingadvice. is a whole other thing. Professor Daniel Rukare was Having ideasisone thing, having the right support What supportdid you get at Hult? holds. futurewhatsee the asset management, andconsulting—I’m excited to services ina variety of fields includinginvestment, startups, HNWI, andprivate people.We offer consulting and financial services tocompanies, My new business, Von Hohenstaufen Holding, offers ever-changing challengesof the business world. and investors. When itended,I felt prepared for the as I was communicating with large retail companies years working on the businessmodel.Ilearnedalot this throughout Europe andspent more than two model smartphonesusingQi Technology. We sold wireless charger that was compatible with new our market-ready product was the first portable of electronics. While this was anR&Dproduct, new technology that wirelessly charged any kind My first venture, TEC Avenue, aimed todevelopa Tell usaboutlife after graduation Class of 2016 Founder, TECAvenue German Gazi Korkmaz STUDENT STORY

“Failures will happen, the best experience.” but that’s where you get

Gazi’s Story WORLD FUTURE YOU 97 Career Support WORLD FUTURE YOU 98 “There isnoone-size-fits-allapproach goals can gain the strategy and support goals cangainthestrategyandsupport yourself from every angle, withthe Head of Careers Dawn GalltWatson Hult careers teamasyour guide, your to career development. Bydeveloping needed toleadyour success.” support yousupport every stepoftheway. you onyour pathtodoingwhatyou love. And we’ll day after, everything you’ll doatHultwillbedirecting inseparable andintertwined. From day one, andevery Your isyour career two journey Hultjourney—the are on your journey personal We’ll guideyou values,and vision for the future. and faculty to identify your strengths, Collaborate with career advisors Pinpoint yourpassion out from the competition. fromout the negotiation, andstrategic plans—and help you stand branding, apersuasive resume, interview skills,offer Career advisors will coach you through your personal Perfect yourprofile all the way.all the can beright there with you, drive yourdestiny—butwe of achieving. Only you can Because waiting is the enemy From day one—andevery day

“Before Hult, Iwasn’t sure whatIwanted country. Through acombinationoftheclasses finance industry.” at Hult, Idiscovered my passionforthe the careers events, andreceiving coaching that ispracticallynon-existentinmy home to do. Hultintroduced metoanindustry I took, joiningtheFinanceSociety, attending Class of 2017 Analyst, Barclays Burundian Jolly Ndikumana like mindedpeople. and internships—all lead to societies, networking events, on andoff campus.Clubs, equal opportunity—both Events andintroductions Make the city your campus already in the job. youranswersfrom those find community—socan you our 25K+international alumni you with professionals and connect relationswill teams Hult’s corporate andalumni expertsAsk the

way in the classroom. come your will thatopportunities the mostof the many networking connected businesspeople.Make Hult professors are successfuland Learn it while you live it maximize yournetwork. you define your strategy and posted online.We’re here to help of jobopportunities are never 80% Up to

Career Support WORLD FUTURE YOU 99 100

Achieve your employment goals WORLD FUTURE YOU FUTURE WORLD A degree from Hult could take you to many places and on many different career paths. These career outcomes showcase the impressive success of our Class of 2019 graduates, just six months post-graduation. Employment Stats Employment

Students at Hult Boston reflect The Class of 2019 accepted job offers at 112 companies in 37 countries on their career opportunities

“Our global team of career advisors supports students to win jobs—not just near their home 99% 56% campus, but across the world.” Katharine Boshkoff of graduates are employed or have of graduates are now working in a Global Vice President, Career Advancement and attended within different country Alumni Relations, Hult International Business School six months of graduation*

Undergraduate employment by type Top five industries Hult graduates are Top five countries Hult graduates are working in working in 8% 4% are working in the have started their 1. Financial services 1. United States family business own business 2. Consumer goods 2. United Kingdom 3. Media & entertainment 3. Germany 14% 4. Technology 4. United Arab Emirates are at a post- 5. Hospitality 5. Italy graduation internship 74% are employed Leading employers of Hult undergraduates full-time Airbnb AT&T Qualcomm Glencore Deloitte Uber BoConcept Novartis Wish Google Telenor Sverige Estée Lauder Samsung Aldi Commerzbank KPMG Amazon Bloomberg Uniqlo BlackRock

*Of the 99% who are employed or , 30% are pursuing an advanced degree. 104 Events & Visits 106 Costs & Scholarships Apply 108 How to Apply

110 Other Programs

112 Program Summary to Hult

Ready to add your perspective to a diverse group of talented students from all over the world? If you think you’ve got the passion, drive, and creativity to thrive in Hult’s action-oriented environment—then we want to hear from you. Events & Visits WORLD FUTURE YOU 104 See yourself atHult Hult withworld-class webinars. at and teaching business trends also gaininsights into the latest at our GoLive event. You can students from across the globe and hangout with accepted your region at onlineget togethers 1-2-1s. Connect with candidates in answeredquestions with virtual personal goalsandget your of virtual events. Discuss your Join usonline for a wide range us virtually Meet There’s nobetterway topicture yourself atHult. city, events orourmany virtual throughout theyear. campuses around theworld, atourevents inyour nearest like asastudentatHult. You’re welcome atany ofour oronlinetogetafeelforwhatyourperson lifecouldbe The community, theatmosphere, theclasses—visitusin join us for a virtual tour online. can’t make it to campus, you can if Hultis the right fit for you. If you faculty, explore the city—and see atmosphere, meet students and full Hultexperience. Soakup the or come to anOpen House for the Dubai, or Shanghai—at any time, Boston, London, San Francisco, Visit any of our campuses— to study is to seeit for yourself. Agreat way decide where to Meet usoncampus Dinners, so you and your family canjoinusinacity close to home. life asaHultstudent. We alsohostexclusive Accepted Students San Francisco. This weekend of excitement marks the startof your unforgettable Accepted Students Weekend inBoston, London, or Accepted students and their families are invited to an Accepted student events

to arrange asession. that suits you—simply get in touch available for virtual 1-2-1s at a time and financial support. We’re also on our programs, campuses, and goalsas well as information consultation on your preferences we’re in your city for a personal our enrollment advisors whenever Or, arrange a 1-2-1 meeting with the world, sodrop by and say hello. We attend university fairs all over Meet usin your city

Connect withus online

Global Village eventGlobal Village her culture with friends at the annual Bongi Keller, Classof 2018, celebrates

@HultBusinessSchool HultBusinessSchool HultUG

Hult_Business Hult Meet our GlobalStudent Ambassadors:

Events & Visits WORLD FUTURE YOU 105 Costs & Scholarships WORLD FUTURE YOU 106 Costs &scholarships application process to find the best suitedto you. best processfind the to application light. Our enrollment team will support you in your submissions—so you canshow yourself in the best Scholarship submissionscanbeessays or video could beascholarship for you at Hult. or have demonstrated anaptitude to lead—there an academichighachiever, abuddingentrepreneur, inside andoutside the classroom. So whether you’re that reward your achievements andpotential both You canapply for arange of merit-basedscholarships Scholarships &awards Cost of Attendance for 2021-2022 the optionsavailable toyou tofinance your degree. process, we willwork closelywithyou tohelpyou understand investments you willever make. Throughout theapplication Your educationisundoubtedlyoneofthemostimportant 4 3 2 1 fees, andaccommodation at any time without notice. The mostrecent Terms &Conditionsare available at Hult International Business Schoolreserves the right to make changes in the coursesoffered, requirements for graduation, locations, program, *** Estimated costsof aroom inashared apartment inLondon. based onroom type. Pleaserefer to for more information onrooms andhow to book. a standard shared room for the fall andspring terms andisbasedonlast year’s pricing;exact costs will bereleased inearly spring2021and vary ** Accommodation inHultHouse ismandatory for all first-year students at the Boston campus.2021-2022 pricing reflects estimated costs for room type. Go to to register for various room types, subject to availability. * We offer non-mandatory accommodation in San Francisco. Should you opt for our accommodation, exact costsare dependent onlocation and   Housing: We offer accommodation in Boston and San Francisco. No accommodation is offered by Hult International BusinessSchoolin London.  in someclubsandsocieties may incur additionalstudent fees. Estimated costsof attendance are basedon the standard two-semester academic year, not including Summer Programs. Optional participation on apro-rata basis. Estimated program fees subject to adjustment for inflation. Program fees are basedon30credits per year. Any additionalcredits willbecharged insurance only. Insurance estimations are subject to changedependingon final quotations from insurance providers. This insurance covers medical Housing Estimated other costs Total tuition andfees Newstudent fee Total estimated other costs Personal expenses Books andstudy materials Food Insurance coverage Tuition Tuition &fees Find outmore aboutscholarshipsandawards at 2 (2021-2022) 4 (starting from) 3

1 $22,600 $2,100 $1,000 $4,000 $15,500* $52,700 $850 $2,750 $49,100 San Francisco USD to helpand will advise you every stepof the way. everything inorder. Our enrollment advisorsare here as possible to allow you and your family time to get can be time-consuming, sobesure to apply asearly We understand that financial planning for college eligible for in your homecountry. help you understandany loansor grants you may be will help you apply. We will also work with you to to determine if you are eligible for aHultgrant, and help. can Youradvisorenrollment willwork with you scholarships, we have alimitednumber of grants that If you have a financial need that extends beyond $21,300 $2,100 $1,000 $4,000 $14,200** $52,700 $850 $2,750 $49,100 Boston USD £15,500 £1,800 £700 £2,900 £10,100*** £34,050 £550 £1,000 £32,500 London GBP

Talk to anenrollment advisor today at a time andplaceconvenient to you. touch to arrange a1-2-1 phonecallor meet-up Our teams are basedallover the world. Get in

at Hultasitis to the real business world Working in teams isascentral to studying

WORLD FUTURE YOU 107 How to Apply WORLD FUTURE YOU 108 sports player. aspiring entrepreneur, ananalytics whiz, or anational your unique value andskillset—whether you’re an academic achievements. That’s why we get to know Your drive and mindset are asimportant to us as your chances are, you’re made for Hult. application andgrit.If you’re made to do,thenthe disrupting, andupskilling.But mostof all,itisabout Business isabout creating, collaborating, learning, Who shouldapply? will benoexception. through beyond. graduation—and Your applicationprocess thedayThis starts you getintouchwithusand continues Your toyou. isuniqueandwillbepersonalized Hultjourney program undergraduate Applying toHult’s stress-free aspossible. preparation for collegeisassmooth and education specialistsishere to ensure your arrival to campus.Our team of international work closely with you to ensure your safe study. You’ll alsohave a visa coordinator who’ll scholarships, campuslocations, and what to meet your parents, andadvise you on , guide youthroughprocess, your application You’ll have adedicated enrollment advisor to Personalized support even arrived. entire journey to Hult,I felt at homebefore I’d of questions—and supportme through my everything, chat to my parents—they hadlots Having someonereal to helpmeprepare Accepted Students Dinner andshe was lovely! to housingoptions. Ieven met her at an each stage, from application to visa process like ahelpful friend that guidedme through advisor was with me from stepone.She was was the super personal touch. My enrollment the mostaboutHult that stoodout to me but thething schools I applied to sixother Class of 2020 Egyptian Nour Abdelaziz STUDENT STORY the chance to askquestionsat any time that you are guided through the process andhave 1-2-1 supportduring your application will ensure of completing your application. You’llreceive yourdecision within two weeks Admissions decision your fit for Hult. understand what motivates you, and assess team. This is where we really get know you, interview with amember of our enrollment All candidates are required to attend anonline Personal assessment interview – SAT/ACT (optional) –  – Personal statement –  – Highschool transcripts Submit your documents &application fee Create yourprofile Howapply to   (unless you qualify for anEnglish waiver) Evidence of English proficiency Contact details for oneacademicreference or CommonApp Go to scholarship processes details onapplication deadlinesand Visit for full,,

Other Programs WORLD FUTURE YOU 110 in oneintense year. study at multipleglobalcampuses Earn anaward-winning MBA and Global One-Year MBA you launch your globalcareer. Earn amastersdesigned to help One-Year Masters Degrees Hult’s LimitlessOption ishere to connect your ambition with your success. and dedicated, butif you’re determined to make your dream happen— Business Administration within the same timeline. You’ll need to bedriven Graduate from a triple-accredited USbusiness school with aBachelor of Same world-class USdegree of asolely campus-based bachelorsdegree. demands alternativeformeetfinancial the struggle to wouldwho those you’ll make by staying at home,our LimitlessOption isanaffordable With reduced tuition for the virtual portionof your degree and the savings Save money your international career. campus (for one to two years) to solidify your globaleducation andlaunch our onlinelearningexperience that puts theory into action. Then come to You’ll study the first half of your degree (one to two years) from home via Stay homeat first a reality. Option couldbejustwhatyou needtomake your dream need amore affordable, flexible alternative, ourLimitless but financesor relocation are holding you back?If you Want experience ofouruniqueundergraduate tobeapart Limitless Option is possible withour Your Hultdream Other Hult programs  Find outmore at world-class USMBA from home. Study part-time andearna Virtual MBA senior professionals. Global One-Year MBA for mid-to A part-time alternative to our Global Executive MBA

aroundworld. the professionalsalongside from Develop your management skills Executive Education  visit For a full listof Hult programs

Other Programs WORLD FUTURE YOU 111 Program Summary WORLD FUTURE YOU 112 summer, meaning some highly ambitious students graduate in as little as two years. Graduate faster. All students can graduate faster by earning credits over the (European system), you will typically complete it in three years. you will typically complete your degree in four years. If you’re coming from Year 13 fourThreeto years. If you’re coming from Year 12 in high school (US system), How longistheprogram? Science, Design,Psychology. Marketing, Management, Finance, Computer Specialize in:Business Analytics, Entrepreneurship, A Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA). with? graduate willI degree What business school US triple-accredited Hult isthefirst answered Your questions, – Interview – – on the strength of your: application individually, based you that way. We assess your You’re unique—at Hult we treat requirements Admissions Academic achievement Personal profile campuses if you choose. each year and take Summer Programs at other Decide which home campus you want to study at Dubai and Shanghai campuses. San Francisco. Optional Summer Programs at our Study at our campuses in Boston, London, and canIstudy? Where

world by: best inthe among the are ranked programs Hult’s

at locations, program, fees, andaccommodation at any time without notice. The mostrecent Terms &Conditionsare available Hult International BusinessSchoolreserves the right to make changes in the coursesoffered, requirements for graduation, accreditation information please visit Massachusetts, accredited by the New England Commissionof (NECHE) to award USdegrees. For additional Hult International Business Schoolisa501(c)(3) non-profit registered in theCommonwealth of sustainable growth, helpingleaders to integrate commercial successandsocietal wellbeing. practices. Insodoing, we hope to be the businessschoolof choice for existing andaspiringleaders.We will contribute to and on the cuttingedge,our aimis to have apositive impactonindividualsandorganizations by transforming their management We strive to be the mostrelevant businessschoolin the world. By usingour globalreach andalways beingcreative, entrepreneurial, Mission Statement circumstances. Arrange a time convenient to you at answer your questions,anddiscuss your personal Our globalenrollment team isalways available to talk, Let’s talk San Francisco Boston London Dubai Shanghai a difference together we canmake Recyclebrochure; this