Analysis by Page and Keyword Report Search Positions for

Report created Thursday, June 21, 2001 at 12:46 AM

Brought to you by US Net - URLocated

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AOL Web Sites

May 23rd, 2001: AOL no longer has separate sections for Web Sites and Web Pages. All results appear to be merged together now. Therefore, separate reporting for AOL Web Pages has been removed.


Note: Recently appears to be returning different search results depending on the hour of the day the search is being done. Therefore, your rankings may fluctuate often.

Analysis by Page and Keyword Report Keyword Position Page Last Position Change Page: cincinnati isp 2 1 NA NA AltaVista cincinnati solutions provider 53 6 NA NA AltaVista cincinnati dsl 9 1 NA NA AltaVista onenet 1 1 1 0 AltaVista cincinnati #1 isp 2 1 NA NA AltaVista

Page: cincinnati isp 3 1 NA NA AltaVista cincinnati #1 isp 3 1 NA NA AltaVista

Page: dedicated access cincinnati 8 1 NA NA AltaVista

Page: cincinnati dsl 10 1 NA NA AltaVista cincinnati isp 6 1 NA NA Fast/All The Web cincinnati internet solutions provider 3 1 NA NA Fast/All The Web cincinnati dsl 6 1 NA NA Fast/All The Web cincinnati dsl 15 2 NA NA Fast/All The Web onenet 3 1 4 +1 Fast/All The Web cincinnati #1 isp 3 1 NA NA Fast/All The Web dedicated access cincinnati 4 1 NA NA Fast/All The Web tri-state internet solutions provider 2 1 NA NA Fast/All The Web cincinnati web site hosting 9 1 NA NA Fast/All The Web cincinnati web site hosting 20 2 NA NA Fast/All The Web cincinnati isp 19 2 NA NA HotBot cincinnati internet solutions provider 9 1 NA NA HotBot onenet 3 1 3 0 HotBot cincinnati #1 isp 10 1 NA NA HotBot tri-state internet solutions provider 11 2 NA NA HotBot cincinnati web site hosting 11 2 NA NA HotBot cincinnati isp 12 2 NA NA Direct Hit cincinnati dsl 9 1 NA NA Direct Hit onenet 2 1 2 0 Direct Hit cincinnati #1 isp 6 1 NA NA Direct Hit cincinnati internet solutions provider 39 4 NA NA onenet 3 1 3 0 Google cincinnati #1 isp 1 1 NA NA Google tri-state internet solutions provider 15 2 NA NA Google cincinnati web site hosting 5 1 NA NA Google cincinnati isp 7 1 NA NA LookSmart cincinnati isp 53 6 NA NA LookSmart cincinnati dsl 1 1 NA NA LookSmart cincinnati dsl 59 6 NA NA LookSmart onenet 1 1 1 0 LookSmart onenet 11 2 NA NA LookSmart cincinnati #1 isp 17 2 NA NA LookSmart dedicated access cincinnati 49 5 NA NA LookSmart cincinnati isp 9 1 NA NA Lycos cincinnati internet solutions provider 6 1 NA NA Lycos cincinnati dsl 4 1 NA NA Lycos cincinnati dsl 10 1 NA NA Lycos onenet 2 1 2 0 Lycos onenet 7 1 8 +1 Lycos cincinnati #1 isp 6 1 NA NA Lycos dedicated access cincinnati 12 2 NA NA Lycos tri-state internet solutions provider 3 1 NA NA Lycos cincinnati web site hosting 13 2 NA NA Lycos cincinnati internet solutions provider 9 1 NA NA MSN onenet 2 1 2 0 MSN onenet 5 1 5 0 MSN tri-state internet solutions provider 9 1 NA NA MSN cincinnati web site hosting 2 1 NA NA MSN onenet 1 1 1 0 Yahoo Web Sites onenet 2 1 2 0 Yahoo Web Pages cincinnati #1 isp 1 1 NA NA Yahoo Web Pages tri-state internet solutions provider 9 1 NA NA Yahoo Web Pages cincinnati web site hosting 4 1 NA NA Yahoo Web Pages Location: 9944 Reading Road Cincinnati, onenet 63 7 NA NA Fast/All The Web onenet 47 5 NA NA LookSmart onenet 67 7 NA NA Lycos onenet 61 7 57 -4 Fast/All The Web onenet 29 3 NA NA LookSmart onenet 65 7 61 -4 Lycos onenet 46 5 NA NA LookSmart onenet 35 4 NA NA LookSmart onenet 64 7 60 -4 Fast/All The Web onenet 54 6 NA NA LookSmart cincinnati #1 isp 78 8 NA NA LookSmart onenet 68 7 64 -4 Lycos onenet 59 6 NA NA LookSmart onenet 14 2 19 +5 Fast/All The Web onenet 9 1 9 0 Direct Hit onenet 19 2 NA NA LookSmart onenet 18 2 23 +5 Lycos cincinnati internet solutions provider 27 3 NA NA Google onenet 58 6 NA NA LookSmart best isp cincinnati 79 8 NA NA LookSmart cincinnati internet solutions provider 20 1 NA NA Yahoo Web Pages best isp cincinnati 25 3 NA NA LookSmart onenet 62 7 59 -3 Fast/All The Web onenet 39 4 NA NA LookSmart onenet 66 7 63 -3 Lycos onenet 57 6 53 -4 Fast/All The Web onenet 36 4 NA NA LookSmart onenet 52 6 57 +5 Lycos onenet 61 7 NA NA Lycos onenet 12 2 12 0 Google onenet 53 6 NA NA LookSmart onenet 69 7 NA NA LookSmart onenet 68 7 NA NA LookSmart onenet 67 7 NA NA LookSmart onenet 66 7 62 -4 Fast/All The Web onenet 34 4 NA NA LookSmart onenet 70 7 66 -4 Lycos cincinnati dsl 3 1 NA NA HotBot cincinnati dsl 6 1 NA NA LookSmart cincinnati dsl 3 1 NA NA MSN onenet 4 1 5 +1 Fast/All The Web cincinnati isp 25 2 NA NA AOL Web Sites cincinnati internet solutions provider 3 1 NA NA AOL Web Sites cincinnati dsl 7 1 NA NA AOL Web Sites onenet 1 1 5 +4 AOL Web Sites cincinnati #1 isp 21 2 NA NA AOL Web Sites dedicated access cincinnati 1 1 NA NA AOL Web Sites tri-state internet solutions provider 3 1 NA NA AOL Web Sites cincinnati web site hosting 3 1 NA NA AOL Web Sites cincinnati web site hosting 37 3 NA NA AOL Web Sites cincinnati isp 5 1 NA NA Direct Hit onenet 1 1 1 0 Direct Hit cincinnati #1 isp 10 1 NA NA Direct Hit onenet 1 1 1 0 Lycos onenet 8 1 9 +1 Lycos ohio dial-up 34 4 NA NA NBCi Top Sites onenet 1 1 1 0 NBCi Top Sites onenet 13 2 13 0 dedicated access cincinnati 3 1 NA NA Netscape cincinnati web site hosting 12 2 NA NA Netscape onenet 7 1 7 0 Open Directory dedicated access cincinnati 2 1 NA NA Open Directory cincinnati web site hosting 10 1 NA NA Open Directory onenet 28 3 NA NA LookSmart onenet 65 7 61 -4 Fast/All The Web onenet 41 5 NA NA LookSmart onenet 69 7 65 -4 Lycos onenet 49 5 46 -3 Fast/All The Web best isp cincinnati 16 2 NA NA HotBot best isp cincinnati 15 2 NA NA Google onenet 40 4 NA NA LookSmart best isp cincinnati 20 2 NA NA LookSmart onenet 45 5 50 +5 Lycos best isp cincinnati 10 1 NA NA Yahoo Web Pages onenet 24 3 NA NA LookSmart cincinnati isp 19 2 NA NA Google cincinnati isp 13 1 NA NA Yahoo Web Pages onenet 57 6 NA NA LookSmart onenet 37 4 NA NA LookSmart dedicated access cincinnati 39 4 NA NA LookSmart dedicated access cincinnati 77 8 NA NA LookSmart onenet 49 5 NA NA LookSmart best isp cincinnati 52 6 NA NA LookSmart onenet 71 8 NA NA LookSmart best isp cincinnati 54 6 NA NA LookSmart dedicated access cincinnati 22 3 NA NA Fast/All The Web dedicated access cincinnati 3 1 NA NA HotBot dedicated access cincinnati 8 1 NA NA Google best isp cincinnati 73 8 NA NA LookSmart dedicated access cincinnati 19 2 NA NA LookSmart dedicated access cincinnati 22 3 NA NA Lycos dedicated access cincinnati 5 1 NA NA MSN dedicated access cincinnati 7 1 NA NA Yahoo Web Pages onenet 16 2 21 +5 Fast/All The Web dedicated access cincinnati 65 7 NA NA LookSmart onenet 19 2 25 +6 Lycos onenet 67 7 64 -3 Fast/All The Web dedicated access cincinnati 76 8 NA NA Fast/All The Web onenet 43 5 NA NA LookSmart best isp cincinnati 64 7 NA NA LookSmart dedicated access cincinnati 29 3 NA NA LookSmart onenet 71 8 68 -3 Lycos dedicated access cincinnati 78 8 NA NA Lycos cincinnati dsl 12 2 NA NA Direct Hit cincinnati dsl 15 2 NA NA Google cincinnati dsl 10 1 NA NA Yahoo Web Pages cincinnati dsl 18 2 NA NA LookSmart cincinnati dsl 70 7 NA NA Google cincinnati isp 73 8 NA NA LookSmart cincinnati dsl 7 1 NA NA LookSmart onenet 33 4 NA NA LookSmart cincinnati #1 isp 66 7 NA NA LookSmart cincinnati dsl 11 2 NA NA LookSmart onenet 80 8 NA NA LookSmart onenet 76 8 NA NA Fast/All The Web onenet 56 6 NA NA LookSmart onenet 80 8 NA NA Lycos dedicated access cincinnati 13 2 NA NA Google cincinnati dsl 13 2 NA NA LookSmart onenet 70 7 NA NA LookSmart dedicated access cincinnati 23 3 NA NA LookSmart onenet 76 8 NA NA LookSmart best isp cincinnati 41 5 NA NA LookSmart onenet 30 3 NA NA LookSmart onenet 60 6 55 -5 Fast/All The Web onenet 54 6 59 +5 Lycos onenet 64 7 NA NA Lycos Not in first 80 means your Web site was not found in the top 80 positions. NA means Non-Applicable or no prior day's positions to report yet. NM means No Matches were found for that keyword search.

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Reports created Thursday, June 21, 2001. Brought to you by US Net - URLocated.