Scott State Fishing Lake Plant List
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Stat tt e L o a c k S e P l an st t Checkli Lake Scott State Park, with its large natural springs and protected basin, has long been recognized for the unique characteristics of its flora. Because of the variety of habi- tats present within the park, the diversity of plant species is said to be greater than any other area in the western half of Kansas. This checklist is meant to aid in the enjoyment and appreciation of plants that might be found while visiting Scott State Lake. This checklist does not replace a field guide or other identification reference. There are many good wildflower guides available, with pho- tographs or drawings and plant descriptions. In order to learn to recognize the plants and to learn more about them, it is advisable to purchase a guide for your individual level of interest and experience. Included in this list are native flora and introduced species that have naturalized. Non- native plants are designated by an asterisk (*). This brochure contains a wide diversi- ty of plants. However, this is by no means a complete list of the plants at Scott State Lake. The symbols used are: OCCURRENCE: C = common U = uncommon R = rare OCCURRENCE, particularly of annuals and in relation to the flowering of perennials, can vary greatly from year to year depending on fluctuations in rainfall, temperature, and stress factors that influence growth. HABITAT: M = moist ground or in standing water W = woodland or shady, sheltered areas P = prairie, open with full sun D = disturbed areas, such as roadsides U = bryophyte (mosses and liverworts) and lichen habitats R = found growing on rocks S = grows on soil B = grows on tree bark Some plants are found in more than one habitat, but they are listed by only the habitat in which they are most likely to be found. SEASON = the range of flowering dates, by months, that a particular plant may be found blooming. If you have information to add to this list, please report it to the park office. Do not disturb any of the plants in the park. They are protected for everyone to enjoy. Scott State Park 520 W Scott Lake Dr., Scott City, KS 67871-1075 (620) 872-2061 Wildflowers (flowering forbs) COMMON NAME Scientific name OCCURRENCE HABITAT SEASON ___ YARROW . Achillea millefolium . U P 05-06 ___ SLENDER GERARDIA . Agalinis tenuifolia . R M 08-10 ___ DRUMMOND WILD ONION . Allium drummondii . C P 04-06 ___ TUMBLEWEED . Amaranthus albus . C D 06-10 ___ SANDHILL PIGWEED . Amaranthus arenicola . C D 07-10 ___ PROSTRATE PIGWEED . Amaranthus graecizans . C D 07-10 ___ ROUGH PIGWEED* . Amaranthus retroflexus . C D 07-10 ___ WATERHEMP . Amaranthus rudis . C D 06-10 ___ BUR RAGWEED . Ambrosia grayi . C M 08-10 ___ WESTERN RAGWEED . Ambrosia psilostachya . C P 07-10 ___ GIANT RAGWEED . Ambrosia trifida . C D 08-10 ___ ROBUST AMMANNIA . Ammannia robusta . U M 07-10 ___ INDIAN HEMP DOGBANE . Apocynum cannabinum . C M 05-09 ___ ROCK SANDWORT . Arenaria stricta . U P 05-06 ___ PRICKLY POPPY . Argemone polyanthemos . C P 05-08 ___ HEDGEHOG PRICKLY POPPY . Argemone squarrosa . C P 06-07 ___ COMMON SAGEWORT . Artemisia carruthii . C P 07-08 ___ SILKY WORMWOOD . Artemisia dracunculus . C P 08-09 ___ SAND SAGEBRUSH . Artemisia filifolia . C P 06-09 ___ WHITE SAGE . Artemisia ludoviciana . C P 08-10 ___ ENGLEMANN'S MILKWEED . Asclepias englemanniana . C P 06-08 ___ SWAMP MILKWEED . Ascelpias incarnata . C M 06-09 ___ BROADLEAF MILKWEED . Asclepias latifolia . U P 07-08 ___ PLAINS MILKWEED . Asclepias pumila . C P 07-09 ___ SHOWY MILKWEED . Asclepias speciosa . C M 05-08 ___ POISON MILKWEED . Asclepias subverticillata . C P 06-08 ___ GREEN MILKWEED . Asclepias viridiflora . U P 06-08 ___ ASPARAGUS* . Asparagus officinalis . U M 05-09 ___ WHITE ASTER . Aster ericoides . C P 09-10 ___ PLAINS ASTER . Aster falcatus . U D 08-10 ___ FENDLER'S ASTER . Aster fendleri . C D 07-10 ___ PANICLED ASTER . Aster simplex . U M 08-10 ___ GROUND-PLUM . Astragalus crassicarpus . C P 03-06 ___ SLENDER MILK-VETCH . Astragalus gracilis . C P 05-10 ___ LOTUS MILK-VETCH . Astragalus lotiflorus . C P 03-06 ___ MISSOURI MILK-VETCH . Astragalus missouriensis. C P 03-07 ___ TINE-LEAVED MILK-VETCH . Astragalus pectinatus . U P 05-06 ___ ALKALI MILK-VETCH . Astragalus racemosus . U P 03-07 ___ SILVER-SCALE SALTBUSH . Atriplex argentea . U P 07-09 ___ WATER PARSNIP . Berula erecta . C M 05-10 ___ SPANISH NEEDLES . Bidens bipinnata . U M 08-10 ___ NODDLING BEGGAR-TICKS . Bidens cernua . U M 08-10 ___ BEGGAR-TICKS . Bidens frondosa . C M 08-10 ___ BRICKALLIA . Brickellia grandiflora . U P 08-10 ___ JAMES RUSH-PEA . Caesalpinia jamesii . U P 05-09 ___ PURPLE POPPY MALLOW . Callirhoe involucrata . C P 03-07 ___ LAVENDER LEAF PRIMROSE . Calylophus lavandulifolius . U P 05-08 ___ PLAINS YELLOW PRIMROSE . Calylophus serrulatus . C P 05-09 ___ HEDGE BINDWEED . Calystegia sepium . C P 06-08 ___ SMALL-SEEDED FALSE FLAX* . Camelina microcarpa . U D 04-08 1 Wildflowers (flowering forbs) COMMON NAME Scientific name OCCURRENCE HABITAT SEASON ___ CREEPING BELLFLOWER* . Campanula rapunculoides . R D 06-08 ___ SHEPHERD'S PURSE* . Capsella bursa-pastoris . C D 03-11 ___ SHOWY PARTRIDGE PEA . Cassia chamaecrista . U P 06-10 ___ PRAIRIE PAINTBRUSH . Castilleja purpurea . C P 04-05 ___ DOWNY PAINTBRUSH . Castilleja sessiliflora . U P 04-06 ___ HORNWORT . Ceratophyllum demersum . U M 05-09 ___ CHAMAESARACHA . Chamaesaracha conioides . C P 05-09 ___ PITSEED GOOSEFOOT . Chenopodium berlandieri . C D 07-09 ___ NARROWLEAVED GOOSEFOOT . Chenopodium desiccatum . C D 07 09 ___ MAPLELEAF GOOSEFOOT . Chenopodium gigantospermum . U D 07 09 ___ HOARY GOOSEFOOT . Chenopodium incanum . C D 07-08 ___ PALE GOOSEFOOT . Chenopodium pratericola . C D 07-09 ___ BLUE MUSTARD* . Chorispora tenella . U D 05-07 ___ HAIRY GOLDEN ASTER . Chrysopsis villosa . U P 07-09 ___ YELLOWSPINE THISTLE . Cirsium ochrocentrum . U P 07-08 ___ WAVY-LEAF THISTLE . Cirsium undulatum . C D 06-07 ___ BASTARD TOADFLAX . Comandra umbellata . C W 04-07 ___ POISON HEMLOCK* . Conium maculatum . U M 05-07 ___ FIELD BINDWEED . Convolvulus arvensis . C D 06-08 ___ CLASPING BINDWEED . Convolvulus equitans . R P 04-09 ___ HORSE-WEED . Conyza canadensis . C D 06-09 ___ SPREADING FLEABANE . Conyza ramosissima . U D 06-09 ___ PINCUSHION CACTUS . Coryphantha vivipara . U P 05-08 ___ TEXAS CROTON . Croton texensis . U P 06-10 ___ LEAST CRYPTANTHA . Cryptantha minima . C P 05-07 ___ BUFFALO-GOURD . Cucurbita foetidissima . C P 06-08 ___ CYCLANTHERA . Cyclanthera dissecta . C W 05-10 ___ STEMLESS CYMOPTERUS. Cymopterus acaulis . C P 04-06 ___ GOLDEN PRAIRIE CLOVER . Dalea aurea . U P 06-09 ___ WHITE PRAIRIE CLOVER . Dalea candida . C P 05-09 ___ NINE-ANTHER PRAIRIE CLOVER . Dalea enneandra . U P 06-09 ___ PURPLE PRAIRIE CLOVER . Dalea purpurea . C P 05-08 ___ PRAIRIE LARKSPUR . Delphinium virescens . U P 05-06 ___ TANSY MUSTARD . Descurainia pinnata . C D 03-08 ___ FLIXWEED* . Descurainia sophia . C D 05-07 ___ ILLINOIS BUNDLEFLOWER . Desmanthus illinoensis . C P 06-08 ___ FETID MARIGOLD . Dyssodia papposa . C D 07-09 ___ PURPLE CONEFLOWER . Echinacea angustifolia . C P 06-07 ___ HEDGEHOG CACTUS . Echioncereus viridiflorus . U P 05-06 ___ WATERPOD . Ellisia nyctelea . C P 05-07 ___ ENGELMANN'S DAISY . Engelmannia.