The Journal of True Education for 1944

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The Journal of True Education for 1944 The JOURNAL of TRUE Education VOLUME 6 DECEMBER, 1944 NUMBER 4 The JOURNAL of Education W. HOMER TEESDALE, EDITOR HARVEY A. MORRISON Associates JOHN E. WEAVER CONTENTS "This One Thing I Do" By Raymond F. Cottrell page 4 Development of Good Study Habits By Paul Ford 6 Vocational Guidance in Secondary Schools By Clifford L. Witzel W. E. Howell—Scholar, Educator, Friend By Clifford A. Russell 11 The Emphasis Shifts By William A. Scharffenberg 12 The Housemother Plan By Willis L. King 14 Christmas in the Church School By James H. Rhoads 16 Mental Hygiene for Prospective Teachers By Olivia B. Dean 18 The School Band By J. Alfred Simonson 21 News from the Schools 22 The School Nurse By W. Leslie Avery 25 Books Are Gates By Louise Kae Unruh 26 Have You Read? 27 Index 29 ISSUED FIVE TIMES A YEAR-FEBRUARY. APRIL, JUNE, OCTOBER, AND DECEMBER-BY THE DEPART. MENT OF EDUCATION. GENERAL CONFERENCE OF r VF NTH-DAY ADVENTISTS, TAKOMA PARK, WASH- INGTON 12, D. C. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $1 A YEAR. ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AT THE POST OFFICE AT WASHINGTON, D. C., UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS OF MARCH 3, 1879. 2 THE JOURNAL OF TRUE EDUCATION INTO THE SECOND CENTURY-An Editorial THE past, studied in an attitude opening of Battle Creek College. There of detachment but with understanding the pattern of Christian education began charity, can reveal the origin of doctrine, to unfold. Its beauty and symmetry, its the cost of progress, the reward for sacri- value to the church, can hardly be over- fice, and the location of achievement. stated. The schools have been a treasure Human history is too crowded with mis- house wherein workers have been found deeds and misfortunes for anyone who for every activity of the church. Abroad reads it rightly to put much confidence they have supported the missions en- in man or in his best-laid plans, but deavor by fashioning the children and inspiration for greater deeds and hu- youth after a great pattern. There and mility for more devout lives can be found in the homeland students have found as students review bygone incidents. inspiration for gospel work, loyalty to The first century of the Christian essential doctrine, preparation for the church was a period of great faith and life activity of their choice, and devotion heroic deeds. Then life and doctrine to the highest principles of character. were pure, and conquests were spiritual The way ahead for the schools seems and glorious. From the great Teacher clear. An examination of the guiding men learned to exercise faith, to love principles may be made, but only to ac- their neighbors, and to perform works of quaint the youth more fully with them righteousness. Under His inspiration and to find great assurance in their cer- and instruction the foundations of the tainty and genuineness. Personal re- church were laid. The shape of things to sources and denominational facilities will come was determined. In later cen- be adjusted to the grand objectives of the turies when heresies in doctrine and cor- church. The youth will be taught to ruption of life appeared, men pointed keep their eyes on the pattern, not on the again to the apostolic church as the pat- past or on the bright prospects of the tern for all time. future. They will be trained to advance The Seventh-day Adventist Church into new territory, to conquer it and oc- has, with the passing of the anniversary cupy it for Christ, and to develop its of an incident of striking significance, spiritual resources for God. entered the second century of its devel- As they enter this second century the opment. Not centuries but a quick work schools accept anew the charge long ago lies ahead. The church must not lose given to them. They are determined to time straining out the gnats of petty place the emphasis rightly, to catch the differences of opinion, or waste energy stride of the founding pioneers, to set trying to assimilate the camels of undi- as their first objective the development of gestible nonessentials. Wise is the man genuine Christian character, to teach the who, like the pioneers, can discern an abiding, eternal principles, to evaluate important and great cause, attach him- rightly the times and the issues facing self to it, and spend his life energies in the youth of today, to lift the students' its building. eyes to the overripe harvest fields, and The schools of the church pass in this to prepare them for a quick work in month the seventieth anniversary of the finishing the gospel task. VOL. 6, NO. 4, DECEMBER, 1944 "This One Thing I Do" Raymond F. Cottrell INSTRUCTOR IN BIBLE, PACIFIC UNION COLLEGE PREPARATORY SCHOOL YOUTH is the age of great deci- of sanctification are vitally necessary to sions, the time of character crystalliza- the accomplishment of this objective. tion. It is a time when life is real and Since no spiritual interest can accrue earnest, and apathetic indeed must be where there has been no soul investment, the teacher who is oblivious to his privi- the Bible teacher who would succeed lege of making conquests for Christ. must willingly devote his whole being Satan has no more effective spiritual to the interests and problems of youth. saboteur than the academy Bible teacher He is not his own; he has been bought who is not positively, dynamically the with a price by the Master Teacher. God comrade and leader of his students. has called him to a task, and he must per- A Bible teacher may be defined as one mit no other voice to call him from it. who instructs classes for a living—and he Devotion will lead him to do "this one must do it effectively—but whose busi- thing" profoundly well, rather than to ness is to live with and for youth. Six dabble in several other good, but less factors are essential to his success in this vital, pursuits. Let him feel that he is business: a vision of the Master. devotion doing God's work, that God is working to the task, affection for and confidence through him, and he will have power for in youth, companionship, and leadership. winning souls. The divinely appointed Bible teacher The teacher's "own heart should be is as surely called to his work as is the richly imbued with love for his pupils, gospel evangelist, and having once heard which will be seen in his looks, words, the call he can never afford to be disobe- and acts." 1 In the annals of heaven it dient to the heavenly vision. He must should be recorded that he has personally magnify his office and fill it with noble adopted his group of youth into the great determination: Woe is me if I teach not household of faith as his own younger the gospel! "The salvation of our pupils brothers and sisters. Such a teacher will is the highest interest entrusted to the permit no task of his own—even profes- God-fearing teacher," states the inspired sional duties of undeniable importance messenger; and again, "Eternal interest —to take precedence over his students' should be the great theme of teachers claims upon him as elder brother. and students." 1 The transcendent ob- Sincere affection bears interest in the jective, then, is to awaken in youthful form of confidence; which, nevertheless, hearts a desire to reach God's ideal. must be mutual. Assume that every Though the Bible teacher will always youth in the school-community wants in find some students waiting to be led to his inmost heart to do right, and wants Christ, others must first be given a vision to get to heaven. Apparent indifference of Him and what He can be to them. is almost always a psychological compen- Then all need to be taught by precept sation for not knowing how to make a and example how to grow up into men success of the Christian life. "Let the and women in Christ. An experimental teacher gain the confidence of the knowledge of righteousness by faith and tempted one, and by recognizing and 4 THE JOURNAL OF TRUE EDUCATION developing the good in his character, he follow to the point of perfection: He can, in many cases, correct the evil with- must cultivate the ability to see opportu- out calling attention to it." 3 The Bible nities, and then habitually seize them, teacher's business thus becomes primarily remembering that he will be required to that of assisting the youth to achieve the give an account someday. Someone's desire of his own heart. He is not on eternal destiny may hang precariously on one side of the gospel fence trying to a fleeting moment when the stage is set persuade the student to come over where for action. The true leader, therefore, he is. Both are on the same side and is always accessible—he always has time headed in the same direction. for one who needs him. "The best way to understand human Every personal contact should mean nature is to be friendly toward people," advancement for the student. Impress said Henry Ford. Indeed, the hours and the fact that all life's problems may be minutes invested in youth will prove to solved when they are brought to God, have worth beyond calculation. "The and that the darkest lives are those which true teacher can impart to his pupils few have no window opening toward heaven. gifts so valuable as the gift of his own But let the teacher remember that while companionship.
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