Report to: Board of Directors (Public) Paper number: 1.7 Report for: Information Date: 28 January 2021 Report authors: Various Report of: Angela McNab, Chief Executive FoI status: Report can be made public

Strategic priority Early and effective intervention supported: Cultural pillar We are connected Supported:

Title: Chief Executive’s Report

Executive Summary This report provides updates on a number of key meetings with staff and external stakeholders and information on key national developments. In addition, this report provides news of internal events and media interest. Use of the Trust seal is also reported.

Recommendations to the Board The Board of Directors is requested to: • RECEIVE and ACCEPT the contents of this report for information; and • RATIFY the reported use of the Trust Seal.


GENERAL UPDATE Management of the Covid-19 Pandemic The Trust is actively managing a number of Covid-19 outbreaks on its wards. A review of our approach has been undertaken, including looking at practice in other trusts to ensure we are following best practice. We are seeing a recent slight increase in Covid-19 related staff absence and this is being managed appropriately according to policy and guidance. Covid- 19 LFT testing is in place for ‘patient facing’ staff. Oversight is maintained through ‘Gold Command’ meetings that take place three times each week (or more frequently if required). Our staff continue to provide psychological support for colleagues across the local health system as part of the health and wellbeing agenda and this is well received. Further details are provided within the Covid-19 Pandemic Wave Update later on this meeting’s agenda.

Having left the EU The United Kingdom has now left the European Union with a trade deal, and all staff have been provided with a letter through the all staff bulletin on 31 December 2020 updating them on the implications of this, and how to respond to any newly emerging risks arising from EU Exit. This “key messages” letter advises on: • how to respond to shortages of drugs, medical equipment and key clinical and non- clinical supplies and services; • the key workforce issues and how the NHS should respond to them; • how data flows to and from the EU will be managed; and • the management of vaccines, blood and transplant, research and clinical networks, reciprocal health care and cost recovery, and health security.

ORGANISATIONAL UPDATE Community Mental Health Transformation Programme NCL and Trust level programmes of work continue to expand and transform community mental health services in partnership with Primary Care Networks (PCNs), the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS), local authorities, physical health providers, service users, families, carers and communities, in line with The Community Mental Health Framework for Adults and Older Adults. New integrated models of care will provide flexible, proactive care and support for people with moderate to severe mental illnesses across a range of diagnoses and needs, focussing on prevention and population health management. This represents a radical change and full implementation of this new model across all areas by 2023/24 is a key deliverable in the NHS Long Term Plan, with ringfenced new investment. New roles are being developed and resources allocated to address historic inequalities and improve outcomes in community mental health, including: • Developing ‘core’ teams with multi-agency representation from NHS, social care and VCS, rooted in communities and wrapped around Primary Care Networks (PCNs). • Enhancing ‘intensive’ teams that deliver more specialist care with shorter waiting times to those with the most complex needs, with flexible stepping up and down as required. The recruitment of new staff has already begun, including Population Health Nurses, Peer Coaches and VCS roles within core teams, and a range of additional roles to strengthen our Early Intervention in Psychosis (EIP) Services. Following expected confirmation of NHSE Transformation Funding on the 8 February, further recruitment will commence to support the development of the new integrated model in four early implementer PCNs: Kentish Town Central and Kentish Town South PCNs in Camden and Central 1 and Central 2 PCNs in . New roles will include Mental Health Social Workers, Psychologists, Psychiatrists and a range of VCS roles including Recovery Workers, Community Development Workers and Welfare Benefits Advisors.

Dunkley Ward Fire Update On 1 December 2020 the Trust was issued with a fire safety enforcement notice by the Fire Brigade (LFB). This was withdrawn on 18 December 2020 following quality assurance work by the LFB. A new notice has now been received which requires the Trust to ensure that: • All fire exit routes, doors and escapes are checked at the start of every shift; • door closers are fitted, working and maintained; • ISS repairs all fire doors as part of its PPM process; • fire dampers are fitted in Dunkley; search training is delivered to reduce risk of access to ignition sources; and • this is all completed by 29 June 2021. The Trust has firm plans in place to achieve compliance by the stated date.

Staff Covid Vaccinations / Covid-19 Vaccine Update In December 2020, we had the first Covid-19 vaccination approved for use in the UK. NHS and NHS Improvement (NHSE/I) sent a letter to all NHS organisations stressing the immediate requirement to vaccinate frontline health and social care staff. Working with North Central London (NCL) Partners, Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust (C&I) has established access to vaccinations for all front-line staff. To date, we have managed to offer slots to our staff who have booked with our local partners and received their first dose of the vaccine. In the last week of December 2020, the second Covid-19 vaccination was approved making it possible to access more vaccinations for our staff. On Thursday, 7 January 2021, the Trust received NHSE/I guidance stating that by mid-January, all NHS Provider Trusts will be established as “hospital hubs” and the default providers of Covid-19 vaccinations for all healthcare and social care workers. In response to the Covid-19 vaccination guidance, we have been working to stand up our vaccination hub. We are happy to report that the plans have progressed well at pace and have identified Camden Mews as the site for our vaccination hub. This offers us an opportunity to provide vaccinations for all our clinical frontline staff and non-clinical frontline staff. We have weekly staff engagement webinars led by our Trust Chair and CEO in place and these have been well received. The webinars offer all staff an opportunity to ask any questions about accessing the vaccination and the vaccination itself. We are pleased to announce, all being well, that our vaccination hub will go live on the 21 January 2021, subject to NHSEI approval.

Changes to M1 Performance Reporting 2021/22 The national team are undertaking a comprehensive review on how the new Oversight Framework for 2021 will look based on NHS Long Term Plan. This will take some months to complete which means some arrangements will be put in place to maintain pace and focus on the performance management agenda at the Trust from Month 1, 2021/22. To support this, the KPIs for the Board will be reduced to a more manageable and focused level whilst adding some key themes such as quality improvement (QI) initiatives, innovative practices in development of staff (People Plan), apprenticeship program, etc. The remaining indicators will be monitored and reviewed by the relevant sub committees. These arrangements will provide robust assurance across the Trust and will enable the Board to focus on areas of greatest concern. The reduced KPIs will be based on a number of agreed principles. a. Will retain sufficient KPIs to maintain the integrity of the individual domain. b. The reduced KPIs will continue be monitored and reported with the same level of rigour as those reported to the Board to provide the assurance required. c. Some key KPIs such as DTOCs, long stayers, etc., will be brought twice yearly to the Board, and wherever possible, presented with benchmarking the Trust against national performance. d. Any KPIs that require further monitoring by the Board will be reassigned back into the Trust Board report. The KPIs will be finalised once the new national performance oversight framework is published, which was expected in January 2021 but due to Covid pressures, this has been delayed. Discussions are on-going at both national and local level to finalise this, which will align to the NHS Long Term Plan and Integrated Care Programme.

Council of Governors During January the Trust Chair hosted a virtual Governors’ Open meeting and the Council of Governors’ Steering Committee met. The Governors’ St Pancras Transformation Programme, Finance & Business Planning and Membership working groups all had meetings scheduled during the latter half of that month. The next meeting of the Council of Governors is scheduled for Tuesday 9 February 2021.

MEDIA PROFILE Local Press Coverage There was coverage in the Camden New Journal of the Team of the Year Award presented by the Royal College of Psychiatrists to our Camden Learning Disability Service which is run jointly by the Trust, Camden Council and Whittington NHS Trust. In a letter to the Editor, Councillor Pat Callaghan, Cabinet Member for a Healthy and Caring Camden and Councillor Angela Mason, Cabinet Member for Best Start for Children and Families said “This is an amazing achievement, so congratulations to the whole team and a huge thank-you for your work which is positively shaping the lives of many Camden residents”.

TRUST EVENTS Annual Members Meeting There was strong attendance at our Annual Members’ Meeting which you can watch back here. It was the first ever to be held online and we were delighted to welcome as our guest speaker, Claire Murdoch, NHS England and Improvement’s National Mental Health Director. Claire, who is also Chief Executive of Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust, spoke of the challenges we face as a result of coronavirus and the wider challenges of ensuring that we meet the long-term mental and physical health needs of our population. She ended by praising C&I for its performance and resilience during the pandemic. There was a lot of engagement with the audience at this year’s AGM, with attendees posting their questions online. These included questions around our estates development, the digital delivery of care versus face-to-face appointments and our financial performance. Star of the Year Staff, service users and volunteers were commended at the annual Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust (C&I) Star of the Year Awards – which, due to Covid-19, were held virtually on Thursday 19 November. The awards were a chance to recognise the amazing work carried out by everyone over the past 12 months – particularly during the pandemic. You can watch the ceremony back here.

STAFF APPOINTMENTS AND CHANGES Appointments Daljit Bhana has joined the Trust in December 2020 as Head of Service Delivery within the Trust Digital Department. Daljit joins from Public Health England where he held a similar role managing IT Service Desk and Engineers. Michelle Johnston has joined C&I’s Board as Chief Nurse, a role she also holds at Whittington Health NHS Trust. Peter Mitchell has also joined the Trust’s Board as Interim Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development. Dr Ed Beveridge started on 11 January 2021 at North Camden Recovery and Rehabilitation Team as Consultant Psychiatrist. We have successfully appointed Consultants’ Drs Stephanie Charters and Rachel Berg to start on 20 and 22 February 2021 respectively in a job share role on Emerald Ward.

Changes to Medical Trainee Rotation As a result of the current COVID surge, HEE London (Health Education) has taken the decision to pause the rotation of all Medical Trainees which were due to rotate in February 2021 for a period of 4 weeks to support the delivery of patient care. The new starters to the Training Programme will go ahead and join the Trust on 3 February 2021.

On-boarding of Medical Students We have created a swift on-boarding of Medical students to work on the wards. There are currently 6 students in total working on the wards.

SERVICE VISITS Transition and Young People’s Service

CEO STAKEHOLDER MEETINGS • London Anchors Workshop • NCL COVID Systems meetings • NHSE London Region COVID meetings • Mental Health Transformation Board • Local Care Forum • Cavendish Square Chief Executive meetings • UCL Partners • London Psychological Resilience health and social care leadership • UEC Restoration and Recovery meeting • London Mental Health Chief Executive meeting • NCL Mental Health Chief Executive • NHSE London Leadership workshop • NHSE Regional Roadshow

USE OF TRUST SEAL 137 30 March 2020 Land registry - deed for 85-87 Fordwych Road NW2 3TL to FRNB LPP of 21 Bedford Square WC1B 3HH. Registered title at the Land Registry NGL936018. 138 17 April 2020 Grant of lease to CNWL for part of the 1st floor Bloomsbury Building, St Pancras Hospital (Capsticks Solicitors LLP). 139 21 April 2020 Renewal licence for CNWL to occupy part of the lower ground floor, Estates and Facilities Department. 140 21 April 2020 Agreed renewal lease and deed of variation of the sale agreement for the land at the Whittington Hospital. 141 5 June 2020 Engrossment lease for the property ‘The Lodge’ Surbiton Health Centre, Ewell Road, Surbiton, Surrey, KTE 6EZ. 142 19 June 2020 Engrossment lease for Dr Pezhman Fard and Dr George Henin relating to part ground floor, 3-5 Daleham Gardens, NW3 5BY. 143 30 June 2020 The Mayor and Burgesses of the London Borough of Islington and Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust planning obligation by deed under section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 in respect of Whittington Hospital, Magdala Avenue, London N19 5NF. 144 31 July 2020 The contract between Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust and Aspire Development Management Limited in relation to development management service for the regeneration of St Pancras Hospital of St Pancras Way, London NW1 0PE. 145 17 August 2020 Deed of variation relating to part of Whittington Hospital between Whittington Health Trust and Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust. Lease relating to part of the Whittington Hospital between Whittington Health NHS Trust and Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust. 146 25 November 2020 Engrossment lease for Forest Road Health Centre, Edmonton between Community Health Partnerships Limited and Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust. Barnet, Enfield and Haringey to underlease for part of Forest Road, N9 7HD. 147 20 January 2021 Deed of variation relating to part of Whittington Hospital between Whittington Health NHS Trust and Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust. 148 20 January 2021 Whittington Hospital NHS Trust and Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust lease in relating to Whittington Health NHS Trust.