Brenden Fletvher | 144 pages | 06 Dec 2016 | DC Comics | 9781401265274 | English | United States Black Canary (Character) - Comic Vine

Fearless street fighter and frequent partner to Green , Dinah Lance tackles injustice with her unmatched skills and her ear- piercing "Canary Cry. Sometimes the most beautiful things are also the most deadly. Such is the case with Dinah Lance, a. A highly-trained martial artist and master of disguise, Dinah's life hasn't always been easy. Before her career as a musician took off, she spent most of her time just trying to survive Black Canary the streets of . It was this rough upbringing Black Canary taught her the value of her strength and gave her the skills to fight—something that would later prove a huge asset as she put on a mask and became a Black Canary. Dinah spends her time working both solo and on various teams. Most notably, she helps with the alongside her best friend and fellow hero, . But when she's not fighting for the betterment of Gotham, chances are you can Black Canary her Black Canary Seattle alongside the on-again-off-again love of her life, . Well, it happened again. The DC Universe has always been filled with brilliant women. Art by Annie Wu. as Black Canary on Arrow. Character Facts Powers: ultrasonic ear-splitting vocal cryexceptional martial artist. Related Characters: Green Arrow. Birds of Prey. Justice Society of America. . First Black Canary. So where the hell is ? Hidden from Mobile. Tags black canarycanarydinah lancelaurel lancedinah laurel Black Canarybirds of preyBatmanGreen ArrowarrowDC Comics. Dinah Laurel Lance (New Earth) | DC Database | Fandom

Dinah Laurel Lance was born into a family of crime fighters. Her father Larry Lancewas a police officer, while her mother also named Dinah was the original Black Canary. The younger Dinah chose to become a crime-fighter at the age of Black Canary, despite her mother's wishes to the contrary. Following a rigorous training program under the watchful eye of a former colleague and life-long friend of the original Black Canary, Ted Grantalso known as Wildcat, Dinah took up her mother's identity and adopted her costume as her own. According to her origins during the Silver AgeDinah's 'Canary Cry' was the result of her being cursed by the during her childhood. This explanation has been retconned for the current continuity, however. These sonic powers are now the byproduct of her possession of the metagenemaking her a since birth. Dinah's metahumanity distinguishes her from her predecessor; in fact, no other member of her family is known to have possessed the metagene at all. It was Dinah who suggested the newly-formed name of the League, in deference to her mother's having been a member of the Justice Society of America. Black Canary's membership in the JLA lasted for many years. Her friendship with Oliver Queen developed during this time as their feelings for one another became romantic. When Oliver chose to quit the League in order to continue his efforts in on Black Canary own, Black Canary decided to join Black Canary there soon after. Whilst Green Arrow and went on a road trip to rediscover America, Dinah too was motorcycling near Mount Rainier, Washington when she was attacked and run down by a motorcycle gang. Left unconscious in the road, she was rescued by a man named Joshua. The stranger was really a white Black Canary cult leader who hypnotised her to his cause. Only when put in the position of executing her lover Ollie, Black Canary the hypnotic hold broken. Dinah rekindled her Black Canary with Ollie and joined the two on other exploits, including attending the trial and sentence of their Guardian companion, [5] Black Canary and his sisterBlack Canary stopping an evil man exploiting a metahuman child, [7] and helping Speedy through his withdrawal from drug addiction. After Green Arrow accidentally killed a man, he abandoned his heroic persona, along with his civilian life in Star Black Canary. Her investigation inadvertently led her to a secret hate gathering, organised by none other than Black Canary sister. She was discovered and outnumbered by the angry mob who threw her off the roof of the building, but was fortunately saved by Green Lantern. Badly injured and losing a lot of blood, Hal knew Ollie was one of the few people with her rare blood type that could save her. Hal had heard of the discovery of the Arrowplane wreckage, and from there, soon tracked him down Black Canary an isolated monastery. Despite his own shame and his contempt for society, it only took the mention Dinah's Black Canary to get Ollie to return home, where the transfusion was successful. Following Black Canary events of Legendsshe becomes a founding member of the Black Canary Justice League International established by . Under Batman 's leadership, they gained approval from the United Nations. Oliver and Dinah set up a Black Canary shop in Seattle —" Sherwood Florist "—as well as continuing to fight crime. Oliver was having something of a midlife , however, just as he was about to turn He wanted to marry Dinah and have a real family with real children of his own—he loved Royhis ward, and Roy's daughter Lianbut wanted his own biological children. Dinah turned down the idea, citing that their lives were too dangerous. During this Black Canary, Dinah was kidnapped by a drug dealer she was investigating. She was brutally tortured, causing her to lose her 'Canary Cry' and rendering her incapable of having a child. Ollie killed Black Canary man who tortured her, and that Black Canary lead to a turning point in the life of the Emerald Archer. When Dinah came out of the hospital, she was still emotionally traumatized by the incident. Oliver was with her as she entered Black Canary. She was initially hesitant to fight crime during the first few weeks after leaving the hospital but it was when she stepped up to Black Canary some muggers on a bus taking a few hits in the process Black Canary felt back to her old self, knowing that her biggest fear was that she Black Canary not be able to fight back anymore, and that fear was gone. She and Ollie were closer Black Canary ever. She continued to fight crime off and on, eventually breaking up with Oliver, feeling Black Canary would never commit to her completely Black Canary catching him kissing their young assistant Marianne. Dinah was shocked when Black Canary HawkeOliver's son and the new Green Arrow, told her Oliver had died over Metropolis while fighting some eco-terrorists. Dinah was contacted by Oracle Barbara Gordon to work in Gotham Citywhich she accepted, and the pair formed a partnership as the Birds of Prey. Dinah took this role with great satisfaction. And with Black Canary came the feeling that she needed a few changes required in this fresh new chapter of her life, deciding to abandon her traditional blond wig and bleach her hair blond whilst growing it longer instead. During her time operating with Oracle, Dinah operated using an electronic form of her Canary Cry: a weapon that would do the 'crying' on Canary's behalf, called Canary Cry Bombs. Doing so healed her injuries and restored her Canary Cry as well as her ability to have a child. Following that, Oracle shows Canary the retail space that later houses Black Canary reopened Sherwood Florist. Dinah helps found a new incarnation of her mother's old team, the Justice Society of Americafollowing the death of JSA founding member Wesley Dodds. She travels to Star Citywhere the two Black Canary lovers are happily reunited. Their renewed relationship is short-lived however, as Dinah feared that Oliver might try to take advantage of his young female ward, Mia Dearden. Following the " " jump, Dinah trades life experiences with in hopes of softening the warrior, undertaking a harsh training regimen in an unidentified Vietnamese bidonville, or shantytown. The regimen replicates Shiva's early life and training; Shiva, meanwhile, assumes Dinah's role in Oracle's group and Black Canary that her associates call her the "Jade Canary". When Dinah realizes following Lady Shiva's path will require her to fundamentally change who she is as a person, she ends the training and returns to the United States. She brings with her a little girl, Sinwho also had begun the harsh grooming process to be Lady Shiva's successor [19] and Oliver Queen uses his connections to allow Sin to immigrate into the country. Dinah informs Oracle that she is quitting the team, having decided to devote Black Canary to raising Sin. Morrow and Solomon Grundy. The assembled heroes re-form the Justice League of America ; Dinah is made the Chairwoman, due to her strong abilities and strategic mind. During the course of their mission, Dinah rekindled her relationship with Oliver yet again, feeling that he had truly changed and that all the parts of him that she hated seemed to be gone. Oliver admitted to Dinah that many of Black Canary changes he made over the last year were Black Canary in most part for her, because he wanted to be a better Black Canary. As the battle concluded, Oliver at last proposed to Dinah. Dinah however, did not give him an answer right away. To save her life, Ollie was forced to fake the young girl's death, Black Canary the knowledge of the plan between himself and Mia, even at the risk of losing Dinah forever. After Sin was placed into safekeeping, Ollie told Dinah what he had done. Recognizing that he was willing to sacrifice his own happiness to Black Canary a life, Dinah finally agreed to marry him. After a great deal of compromise and strife, Dinah and Ollie agreed to get married inside the Secret Sanctuarythe original cave headquarters of the Justice League of America. Wedding guests included nearly everyone within the community who were asked to attend Black Canary ceremony in-costume. The wedding was interrupted by a phalanx of supervillains, who attempted to take out as many heroes as possible Black Canary one fell swoop. Nearly all of the villains were apprehended except for Deathstrokewho managed Black Canary escape. Despite the interruption, the ceremony concluded and Dinah Lance and Oliver Queen were married. Following Dinah's marriage to Ollie, the duo fought crime alongside one another, facing new challenges such as the villains Cupida mentally ill with an obsession for the Green Arrow; and Discorda man deafened by Canary's scream during the first fight with Dregz. Shortly after, Black Canary attacked Earth and took control of it. Dinah planned an Black Canary on from the Justice League Watchtower but her plan was thwarted by a mind-controlled Green Arrow and she was forced to fight the one she loved. After Darkseid was defeated, Dinah was summoned to Gotham City along with other heroes to Black Canary the Networka group dedicated to maintain order after Batman's death. Canary had soon resigned from her position as chairwoman of the Justice League, and later and Ollie start their own Justice League. Discovering this, Dinah confronts Ollie in anger when he returns to the Watchtower to warn her and the other former League members of an impending attack on the world's superheroes, after which Prometheus arrives out of nowhere and attacks the team, severing Red Arrow's arm and defeating Dinah Black Canary maneuvering her into the path of an energy bolt fired by Starman Mikaal Tomas. The now defeated Prometheus then destroys Star City via a teleportation device. While searching for survivors, Dinah and Oliver find the body of a dead, bloodied Lian, the daughter of . Dinah is then seen at Roy Harper's bedside at the hospital with Donna Troy, preparing to deliver the tragic news of Black Canary daughter's death when he awakens from his coma. reveals he has the power to control all the heroes who have died and been resurrected, one of which, is the Green Arrow. With the aid of Mia Dearden and Connor Hawke, Dinah fights her husband who has been transformed into a Black Lantern Black Canary he tells her that he has been secretly in love with since she raped him and that she is a fool for thinking he has changed, all out of his control. In the short time he is able to regain self-control, Ollie deliberately misses a shot he had aimed at Dinah, instead Black Canary a hose containing liquid nitrogen. Connor, under Dinah's instructions, reluctantly uses the hose on Ollie, freezing him solid. The three then join the other heroes in battle. After Ollie returns Black Canary normal, it is discovered that he had secretly murdered Prometheus and had left his body to rot in the villain's own headquarters. Dinah joins Hal and Barry in Black Canary the ruins of Star City for him, and eventually finds the archer scouring the city for one of the men who had worked for Prometheus. He easily defeats all three of them, leaving Dinah trapped in a specialized fluid designed to restrain her. Following this chain of events is Dinah's realization that all Ollie wants is to be left alone and so she tells him during her visitation at his jail cell after he turns himself in. With that said, she decides their Black Canary is over, leaving her wedding ring with him. This section of the history takes place during Flashpointa massive crossover event set in an alternate timeline to the mainstream DCU. History was completely changed when Professor Zoom finally found a way to erase his nemesis the without harming his own legacy. Incomplete There's something missing here. This section of the Black Canary is incomplete, and contains information, but requires more before it can be considered complete. You can help DC Database by editing this page, providing additional information to bring this article to a higher Black Canary of quality. drastically altered the Timestream in an attempt to stop his nemesis Professor Zoom from killing his mother resulting in . Copy Edit Needed This article suffers from a lack of quality writing. You can help the DC Database by improving this article's grammar and sentence structure to bring it up to a higher standard of quality. Black Canary Perry's gonna have a heart attack if you don't! This character is or was a member of the Green Arrow family of vigilante super-heroes, who fight crime using archery and martial arts. They Black Canary a loose connection brought together through family bonds and shared Black Canary. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category " Team Arrow members. This template will categorize articles that include it into the " Justice League of America members " category. Justice Society of America member This character is or was a primary member of the Justice Society of America in any of its various incarnations. Black Canary (disambiguation) | DC Database | Fandom

Black Canary is a major character in Black Canary Injustice Black Canary series, serving as a member of Batman's Insurgency. Black Canary is a playable character in . Dinah Lance nearly sacrificed everything in her fight against the Regime but was forced to flee before the fight was done. Though she plays no real role in the story, a picture of Dinah can be seen in Green Arrow's tool kit as he sharpens arrow heads. Master Martial Artist: Black Canary's skill Black Canary is Black Canary to Batman's, allowing her to easily take on an entire gang of attackers and emerge victorious. Peak Human Condition: Her physical training has put her at peak human condition, giving her considerable stamina and agility which she uses to great effect in battle. Canary Cry: - Her signature power, born with a metahuman Power, her canary cry is so strong that it can shatter glass and push enemies back through sound waves. The origin of her canary cry is unknown. Soaring Knee- Black Canary leaps at her opponent with one knee and then hits them with the other. High Parry- If Black Canary connects, Black Canary Black Canary grab her opponent by the arm, flips them over and breaks their arm. Soaring Knee - Black Canary leaps forward with both of her knees, hitting her opponent one at a time with each of Black Canary. The Black Canary version does more and allows for a follow up attack. I'd have loved to kick back and savor kicking 's ass, but Black Canary had to rush home. I didn't know if Connor had made it out of the invasion okay. Turns out, I Black Canary need to worry. The crazy stress of Brainiac's attack activated my son's meta-gene. And if there's one thing you don't wanna mess with, it's a scared, pissed-off three year-old with superpowers. Sure, I love that Connor takes after me. But raising him suddenly got a lot more complicated. I'm just glad to have Black Canary around that can help me and Ollie figure this whole thing out Black Canary is seen wearing leather boots and leather pants over her fishnets; the pants are cut on each side to reveal the fishnets underneath. She wears black gloves and a bomber jacket, as well as a black Black Canary leather top underneath. She also wears a studded choker. To the right is the base skin for Black Canary, Canary's Cry. She is wearing her default gear. The remainder of her costumes can be found on her gallery page. Sign In Don't have an account? Start a Wiki. Do you like this video? I'm damn sure finishing Black Canary one. Contents [ show ]. Categories :. Black Canary couldn't be there to finish the first fight against . Injustice: Gods Among Us. Injustice 2.