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1> Which carries an indestructible ?

a. The b. c. Captain Flag d. The

2> Which character is often romantically paired with ?

a. The b. Miss America c. d.

3> Which superhero started out as a petty criminal?

a. The b. Spiderman c. The Blue Knight d.

4> Which superhero's alter ego is Raymond Palmer?

a. The Atom b. c. The Green d. The Tornado

5> Which superhero is associated with the phrase, "With great power there must also come great responsibility"?

a. Spiderman b. Hell Boy c. Batman d. The Hulk

6> Which superhero is nicknamed the "Scarlett "?

a. The b. Speedball c. Stardust d. The Thing

7> Which superhero is dubbed the "Man without Fear"?

a. Daredevil b. c. Wolverine d. Green Lantern

8> Which superhero is the medical doctor for the X-men?

a. Storm b. Shadowcat c. Man d. The Beast

9> Who is 's father ()?

a. The Mayor b. The Governor c. Batman's Butler d. The Chief of

10> Which superhero gains his power from a ring?

a. The Green Lantern b. Storm c. Dazzler d. The Hulk

11> Which superhero can manipulate the weather?

a. The Tornado b. The Atom c. Strom d. The Thing

12> Which Island does call home?

a. Emerald Island b. Paradise Island c. Amazonia d. Eden Isle

13> Where does the operate?

a. b. c. Atlanta d.

14> Which superhero was given a special serum to help the war effort?

a. Spiderman b. Captain America c. The Hulk d. Wolfman

15> Which Superhero's tagline is "It's clobbering time"?

a. b. Plastic Man c. The Green Lantern d. The Thing

16> Which superhero is also known as Ronin and Goliath?

a. Cyclops b. Iron Man c. d. The Beast


1> Captain America - The shield can also be used as a weapon. 2> Catwoman - Catwoman was a carrying villainesses when she was first introduced. 3> Plastic Man - Plastic man was shot during a robbery while he and his gang were trying to escape. 4> The Atom - The Atom has the ability to become incredibly small. 5> Spiderman - The line is attributed to his Uncle Ben. 6> The Flash - Flash has super speed and super human reflexes. 7> Daredevil - Daredevil was blinded by radioactive materials, which fell off a truck. 8> The Beast - The beast has genius level intellect. 9> The Chief of Police - She is the daughter of police commissioner . 10> The Green Lantern - Different rings are created by the Guardians of the Universe. 11> Strom - Strom is one of the X-men. Her abilities also include resistance to the weather and flight. 12> Paradise Island - This island was renamed Themiscyra, in 1987. 13> Star City - The Green Arrow's alter ego is Oliver Queen. 14> Captain America - Steve Rogers was altered by the serum to help the United States win World War II. 15> The Thing - The Thing was a member of the . 16> Hawkeye - Debuting in 1964, Hawkeye's alter ego is Clint Barton.